Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1887, p. 1

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. .-... _ ,, I-`OR (`OUGHS ANI)CULDS.-~Grna A Bottle of tho Duuoso Cuuuu lu:mcm'. no llnsl, dose frequently amps a con h. Composed of Wlld Clwrx". Ilorohound. `locum no and other va uabe lnzredlontn. Plounn to take. in bottles. 260. and 50c.. st WADERS DRUG WM received It noon Dy Lno umperur. Dru. Berzmann and Schmidt hold that lnryn- golomy is inevitable in the case of the Crown Prince. They would only resort to tracheotomy to Iovo the Prince`: life in cane suffocation wu threatened. They maintain that it would have been better to have periormed the operation months no and assert. that tho delay hen lessened the chance of success. Although they do not rqerd the Prince`: recovery on impou- ible. nnnoun Knv IA _hr Mnnknnzin lafl tn lble. SAN Rlzuo. Nov. N.-Dr. Mackenzie left to day for London. The swelling In the Crown Prince`: throat continues to diminish. n_...-.. M... IA_AfImo Ihn Fmnnrnr rn. VV. liq VIAIUBIUJDI CLIn1Im'r-Funuxn. Frnnca. 12 Nov., 181'. lb The World. New York: Tbtha Edltnr q/ The ||`qrld .- I .......a _..o 5.. 5.-.... . .......... GENERAL TICKET AGENCY. GLADSTONE _AND BOULANGER. AN OPERATION INEVITABLE. _ Wily : Tolophono Numb. Ill. W 0'BR|EN'8 `NEW SUIT. KlN(}S'l`( ).\'. 0.\l-2 0[~"l`lll-I l!l`..-VI` Bl?TCHEP.BlISlNr;Hr5~ Es in 'I`oronm, situated on the but cash busi- ncm street in the citf : woil established and doing A big irmlu : \\` ll sell or lease ood will and ovcrylliing uppertalnlng to the usiness cheap. lluuson for :sulllng-owner intends going In Fnlifornlu. Address all comluuuicmion.-i [u S. 'l`. ?\'m.s0.V. 2| Wood St.. Toronto. hot 0! Back S`truc Huvnmnzx. Nov. 12. (:[\N}{1,\ T1;::sr;A\'1;v1aN|x<:. NM . [Anni I{m'rs IN mxnon counruuog Jmlzuncnttilvon In the Red lzlvor Valley `Ballwny Injunction Cue. \\'|NN1PIsa, Nov. l5.-Judgb Killam de li\'v:'ed jutlgnneiif on Snturday in the injunc- tiuu case of the mininter of jultice against. Mr. R an and the Red River Vclley road. 1. : hol qthat the Red River Valley Railwny nut,` under which the mad wu built, does nut exist. as it hu been dinllowedmnd that the defendtntl have nori _hI whwevor to appropriate these lands or the nlhny unddr (In Public Work! Act. uublhhu the jurisdiction of our oouru to deal with such A can, and pm:-Inn that thq ml: 0! the Dpmjnion govenunlzt to the land: not :out `I. Dd. unmymon govenm is' porfoqtly good. A Sharp (`rltlt-lsm. l. Nov. 15. Tlm scenes in London on Sunday were the most dangerous wit~ ncssed since the chartist riots. From the police point of view, everything was ad- mirably managed, hut the opinion is that if the guards had not a peered at a few min- utes after 4 o'clock t e square would have been carried against the police. The crowd was not criminally disorderly. It is It monstrous libel on the part of the 'l'imu.- to declare that an attempt was made to place London at the mercy of a rutfianly crowd, with the intention to plunder. The meeting was solely to protest against the imprison- ment of Mr. O'Brien. Its political character was announced before Sir Charles Warren's proclamation. Nine~teuths of the radicals of London, as well as the Irish associations. `took part in it. The rowdies were at all times in the minority. Little more was done indeed than avigorous effort to test the time-honored right of meeting in Tra- falgar square, is common law ri ht modied by statute. As for the con uct of the police, their tactics were much more mili- tary itrclnraoter than we in England are accustomed to. From a military point of view their behavior was. beautiful. The result, however,is a marked reaction in favor _ of tl:e authors of the "demonstration and against the police. The police were howled at by the mob, while the guards were enthusiastically `cheered. The I view of the situation isdoubtful. Mr. atthews claims that Trafalgar belongs to the queen and that the people are pemiittedthere only on sufferanoe. This position will be bitterly` contested. An organizer tells me that a lnr meeting will he called next Sunday ant. every Sunday until the right of meeting is restored. I 7 - _. .__-._-_-._. ....-.- um disturbances. LONDO.\'. Nov. ll.-Inrd Salisbury. alter An Interview with Home Secretary Matthew: to- day. sent Sir Charles Warren tho unnk: of the Government for Ma admirable plan: to IUD` press a disturbance In 1`I-nfnlznr-nature yutu-~ day. In response to numerous other: Mr. Matthews proposos to enroll householders as special mnstnblcs to Alum the polioo ngninnt the mob If riming Iathrentonod next Sundny. I (\\vIu\\` \`..v ll _llr Ih-mHnInlh_ 3.1).. llll 3 the mob" rmung Ia ulrentonnn IIBXI uunuuu. i Loximx`, Nov. H.--Mr. llrndlauxh. M.P.. has l ; wrillvn .~i lvllvr prouoling against the prohi- bition ur moo! Inga in 'l`mtnl|znr~squnro. Ho de- nounces what he culls the brutal conduct of thl Government. but appeals to workmen to leave the right ul` holding public meetings to the law courts and tho vlndlmtlon of Parliament. His advice. combined with that of Ur. Gladstone. wlll be pulcnt with the nl\(1l(`.'|I(`l|lb& Already Iho fccllnq mnnng lhc-so (-lulu is that onongh "--H `man lnnv Io lust llm qmxilinn. .. |KlW'L'l". I III quasi lull Iw 5. . ... .......... .- iv) lho lnlmbllunln of l.mu|nn. particularly to (huge who nrn ni nn-mu unemployed nmi invirx-ulnelzmcmn nl llll!U`I"Hs. it will be gent-rniiy fa-Illlull Iho slum of lhninw in re- gard mil ought in be promptly losled end nscurlninuci. lmii in decision can he hnd it ie _ lhc duty of every ciilzrn lo rolreln from nil !()1l'4l.|ni`u tn llm declelon of the lixoculim Um crnuu-ul. which in clearly uniiiimi to mlminialcr lino lnws ncrording to uhnl it may be mlvistxl in their true con- siruclion. Such nhuinonco ls. I think. due nlikeiotho high 1-lmructor London for the mninlcnnnco of public order (I to the nlpect weowe to the law and the mode In which II. in usually applied through the medium of the admirable police of the metropolis. But I must add that an appeal to Parliament and the nation on the grave and solemn leeuoe new ruined by the proceedings of the Government in Ireland would sulfur dieutroue prejudice were it to no nuoclntod in Any manner. by those who make the appeal. with tho metropoli- tan cllslurbnnocs. v-.. u ,_I..-I nllnhnrr, nnnr us I Am I\o\\v I-`l.\'E (`l'l`\' HOME. The undersigned otters , for sale thnt 1)}-JSIRABLE HOUSE ANDL()'l` \ now occup1od.by him on Earl Street. The | whole is otfured in one block. having nbnut one hundred and twenty tout. fronmge on Earl Street. and the U6 1' hot runs through to West Street. The B LDINGS on tho pmperty are almost new and the garden is lnntcd with the choicest truku. For terms up to THUS. I on bail. Ixmnox, Nov. II.--.\lr. (llndunne. replying lathe secretary of tho lnndon llui|cnlClub. wrblo no follows today I think you will ox- pecl mo to moot your request by an explicit answer expressing the best Judmmnt. which. while absent from the upol. _l mu able to form on the dopiornble disturlmnrca of yesterday. As] understand the mutlcrlho ilnnuuhlocrolnry ainiod on Snlurdiy for tho information of the public that he inlenriod to prevent you lt'nin_\"n moolingin 'l rnfnl;:v\r~sqm\ro. and be- llovod that its prmromlnn was within his local power. The question lnmwnf uronl moment. lha Inhnbltontsnf l:nIuInn.|u\rlh`ularly those vrvoonl inc'ir('IIInatnncos , ._l 1|... I.....l-n mg, l Cbuuonu out: from on Ibo Ikluianu -In Iouu In-In lotuluy-two I Ibo Ionian IonnOol-lr. Ilsoln (`annals Pullout. Mums. Nov. N.-3ovonu-u man who 1 snrouruud totuklu part In dlulurhllcl Ion ncurdu vmro urnlsuul In tho nmv | uuoot Polloo Court this morning and charged with rlotlnc. Many worn am and thou VIN scammed to from 6 to I mouths IInpr|ooI- luau at bud labor. 1...... N. IL- `rho Momlnn Pod. eon- IIIQI. IIIII ICNP. bolnou. Nor. N. The Morning cola- muting on the riot. uyult hope: lhlu will I! II: Ian IIMMM to room that upon the allot ol Ilvcn and property of cl` I nulnly dopondl. In. II-II: N.-n mu: Wu uu cyan. mainly ponds The Inn: New unyn: "Wu any counta- mo ourulvcn that the trouble ended In nothing worn than broken Mull. This not avail volume; for the mutual lorluuuoo ol the uolleo and the crowd. The nu-ooouunp on huoom nothing but the political Interests 0! ll! Torlu. If they could make the country hollow that tho ubornb worn lhu ulna ot luvlouuu and disorder tho: would be noun In olloo 104! point for nether uuornuon.` 1-1.. mu: Tolunnh an: The humor) oltlc not her gonornuou. The Daily Tolqnpln an: at tho motropolla praonu low udluplctua than lhni exhibited yutonlny. It In album! hull of Ike right oi muting Md upon! bola] nuilod. It uvor huboou tor n iuuulin loonnrdy. Tho power of million ud noun must be summarily chochd or the tableau ulion of Anarchy will In Inn to spread.` Tho Daily Chronicle thinks the police acted with lorbou-nnoo. "We cannot.` it adds. "jnnlily the action of the pcndorl. but the chic! blame root: with the authorities {at pro- voking A conflict by the invasion ot A lolr olxeriuhod public right." In nnu Nnv Il,.-lI. `I LIN! lhl` Hf.` . olaorluhod pubuo r||lIL" ` Lo box. Nov. IL-1: is stated Annie Haunt. who wn run one ot the |oo- ` uonn desiring to enter Trnfdcn--nqunn notch duy.mudg An earnest reqlou lohou-rutod ` with Dunn and Urnluun. . u .....u... M... u _n:-uhnm and Burns ` with Burn: and unnnm. Loxoon. Nov. H.-Graham and Burns were rolnnndod forlrlni. They were rolouod ball. u.......... u_-\I.- Hlnrlnlnnn, rnnlvhll GEVINY-FIVE OF THE ROOTING AI RAIGNED AND PUNIBHID. oommion GOVERNMENT wms. Inuuna 1 . , Q \illa) E. Collins, the nwindlilixz `agent 047 um `ow York Morcnntil `Protective Aurmuit 1 liun, wlm ylctiunizul \Vinuipe Inerclmuu in \ au'luuI numnntau, wu to-dnv sentenced to one ya-.-u`~ imp|'iuuIml'1It A: land labor. 1 "Pin: Incal Gov:-lrnnmenutlou um roceix-nlhny lln -y,; lo.-lium-`fnlln Hull. as yet. in n-gurd tt` .Ilu- ll;-cl River contract. Much sngpa-ma is I-x|-no-:-Hal -at tlm non:-Manila: of any intelli- wuuunun. . Auun. In-nuoot `bu ollnur Tobac- nu (`tub In council (rumba ll 'l:D p.n. A n-n-1-Inn -All Al N. K. &_x)'| [t of No Word from Mr. Ion--A schema of Ice- luullc Iunnlurnllun. Wnmu-no, Nov. 14.-Captain Jonas Berg- mnn of West Selkirk Inna scheme to brim; out the 75,000 Icelanders utill remaining in Iceland. It in to clmrter I anemia! or atoIun- ` on. and not only bring the Ioolamlc-rs, but ` nlm their Itocl: ,of cattle. hgtnes, am. The cattle-. lie thinks, would prosper well in thin country. ' , .1 A nu .5 - un- ll uuru In; In; unv uuuvuuu vvuuu um gun vs ..- mom. his not Improbable thnt tlmllue will beestnbllsha.-L A doles-ntlon from St. John. N.B..olso Wl|i`I'll on the members oftllo gov- ernment in l`t'fI'I`('n(`0 to subsldlzlnx a last freight llno between St. John and Liverpool. Sir John mndo no p:~nnlso. but stated the vlows of tho dupulnlluu would be seriously consldorcd. -. -q -. . n A _ u:n`_,,l_,_L-_ L-_ I I \;UumuvlL`u. Mr. John F. Baln of the Wfnnlpog but has been nppolnlcd judge of the Manitoba (`ourt of Queen): Hench. runderod meant by tho donlh of I the late Chief Justice \Vnlbrld[o. i -. n n,,,, .. u n ._ ru,_____._ ...._n...x ulu Iuu: LlllU| uuuuuu u -nun lv.v- Mr. P. Purcell. MJ . for Gloncarry. waited on the Mlnialeruf Jusuco today and expressed A desire Um: clemency should be exercised in the case of Mr.SllIlwell' of The Glengarrlnn. sentenoed to a month's imprisonment by the late Judge O'Connor for llbelllng Mr. Purcell. .\`o action has as yet been taken In the matter _. .. . .... ,n 1| _ ____.. 1-\-...n._n__ v_~_ unu nupun I . Mr. Cunningham Stewart. chief of the money orclcr branch of the voatolco. wholl now on his way homo mar lnveatlgntlnc tlu poetolco systems of England nnd othel European countries. was invited by the Im- porlnl nulhorltloa to aponda week longer than in order topmuko thorn more fully Acquainted wlth tho postal methods of Canada. Mr. Stewart was informed that Canada`: money order system In the boat in tho postal union. 1:. n I\ 13..-..- --__... .....I..- In 41.. IV-ullnal Ul1lUI' UJILUIII II I-Ill) UUCU Ill I-IIU [luvs-ul \llllVll| Mr. R. D. Evans. commander in the United States navy and naval secretary. writes to the Department of Marine wlth rstorenco to the nocosslty of oroctlng light-houses on` Palos Island. Washington Territory. The matte: - was consider-od by the board at its session hold on Nov. 8. when the decision was an-lvod at that a first-class unbblt Trumpet should be established at the point In question nsa fog` signal. but that a light at this point is not con- nhlm-ul ` nnnmnn rv. All C '0'!!! ..IkIO In TOIII W. ll l` llllbmt, NM. N.-:\ [Luau jllllnl um weak nln-nu um VHO` occupy llw olwu--luau at I . an Io-day u may law In IIOMIM `III I'mowu Um ualnlw uuunm. ugl, |-I-rhnp-. thv um- quuon. In 030- lint st in - `hh U30 u0`|mu1'-Iuun|-- ln Oonuuuy the I" 1..-nu. M 1 "U0 ":lM|II`tNO Mill Hw (`Inn 1 1' I: IV I.I)IiI`)'. Th! Iv-Ml ul ` Old tho Crown Prim-.u- uml Iwl ' Ill Ill! and -WIIIIM In on g 0 German umuy. u it vmuhl |I-.|u- n 3 rallying laws in tho (Wont. ul u Huh 0! the ullw. and with in..- Ho-rmnm` wall haw mu tn (.-..` "*"u|"I\ wv-It UuIv- mu... ... ., . .. NM-hllblouonmhl tum"! vlmnly In in known of the cliplumuiu un:l.n'Il_V ul 'Ive|vo month: Hun (hr clmmru w` `IN!!! NAG In DC rulntiou ul null: uf ontolinut llriuin. Eu-ry pmm-r 1 appeal Alllinul to be con u--ad uvrllu u had. No one wlm in ucqunmlo-I 1 way: on dipluuucv wall |p'lm\-e n clnugaol lronton the pun u-I um | uccndentslur um is In um rmulc 1 mould rogud. The oxplumuun II n _ AL- -5.5; nl llninuvu II. In The labor l`cunuluIon-0rmn Menu-hlp Pnjecll Dlnclnecl With llnlnlen. OTTAWA. .\'o\'. l4.-A line of atonnu-,rI bq- lwoen Halifax and Jnmnlcn In In conlom|\h\- 11011. and Mr. J nmcs Woods of the former place in hcrolnytng the schema before the govern- I. x_ _.,.. I....._\|...|.I- o|...o bl... H...` uulll .\u 1-u.uuu uu-3 uu _yuu vvhu wu-on uu IIIW ...-.u... / The first sitting of tho new Domtnton Ex chequor (`mm was held this morning In the Supreme Court room. Jndzo Burbldtlo Droatd tng. The case of Clru-kc & Barbour. paper manufacturers. ngnlnst the Queen for 875.0tI breach of contract. was referred to Menu. Cassols. the supremo Court registrar. and Mr. Ctmnubcrtnin. Quocn'a prtntcr. for investigation and ropnrt. 11.. n..-..x.._|.-... 1:p.....-..o ..I.t..l 1.! tin Club In Donnell uumwr u my p.... Aumox ML: 00 N. I. Gro- oorhl. cm. by I. ll. Martin. M to ma. 'I'IIl'KM'. ""` "---- -I ---A Innnnn Aqpggggn `M IIKIIIII. gllll. I.llllIa I| Ill nldorod nocaunry. uccmencuur lulu II II um mu. m .-.-.... M -um;-la M the auto 0! tlsiuma It reveals in oigniont. The power: have Iuoon nu-m ' Iuriuc out a\noumt'n nI.rv~ngHI wuh A new to possible lronl|mu_ The group: Into which they {all no on m-arly luuhmced that both side: lunk Ifllll lur an nthhliunnl weight in their own ILMA`. Anal it has In-cumo evident to both that Engluui, in upm u! the weak point: in her mihury nraanimtmu, in able tn nuke the beam pumt. III wluulum-r direction the may also. All um pawn-rs: u! oouno profess vo be Anxious nbnw u|| things for pence. But wlwtlmr they wull I... wnllmp to avoid courts: that must inevitably It-ml to I bunch of the peace. dopnldl Lu rumua extent upon their opinion of what the |-ulu-y ul Gren Briuin wi I ha}. W_ __ ._n.-.. I ....I n...I... .-.i.l II E: ANOTHER JUDGE APPOINTE9. COUNTING AL`BiON5 MANITOBA AFFAIRS. LIIII win. tn`-n. ... .. - -- 7 . N INN Us `val . `I (`Io-xuly In-nu `Hut Iomnliu ncliruy ul Ilw ls-I n wln--In Ion -lutiou Inuit ol the puw . just umv he 5-mdu-tau with Evan- ry noqmumnl willr Hun 7 WI" that this Juo put (In |u-mu in it In ul u-mi ooxphuumuu an it ` *3. ; when Lord :I\.L .I5, 1887,` he-rby laid Ql.'l.Vi.\. At Houi."l;i:ITl.iInpt.on. c dny. Nov. Nth. Mlu Nnry Quin: Tho remain: will be conveyed to \` lnudun Wodnuda momma at h 4-..-.. ..`..lnnI:, rhndl And In lurnlngpl 3 Chat Deal 0! Very and on the Poor, Bnoonvx. Ndv. I5.--A fire last night destroyed the utntiou of the Culver: Proa- poct park And Coney Inltnd nil t sublet of the Vanderbilt svcnuo bone 1' line. a large qusntity of food, rollin Itock. nnrl I57 hnnnn: loll IHNHXI). DI V in- IIIUI1 Ul but I uuuun uuu -nu.-av nu.-u. an. 1' 0. 511:! 1:57 horses: [on $200,000, partially Iurod. The two and three Itory building: on tho opponih tide of 9th awcnun were glue J.-A-4--4| --ul -nnnv nnnr ` nnnnln lint all tho oppoun line 01 um I_\'Bll|lI| -W01 ! pun datmyod and may poor pooplo let: all they had. The origin of the re in not` In main. A Servant In a llzummuu ll In-I I`envl-Iul ol Stealing a lnuI'~ Wnlrh. "AIll|.'I`().\'. .\'o\'. H.--.\ ynunx woman named Idl\lu(`lil'|lR mu :n::r:~;; the prisnno.'r.~x in the l`ulivo (`hurt duck ins mmniu;:. Sim was clmrgusl by lira, (.`nIhhcrl Connor \\'il h,lhe lnrvuny of u gnlvl which uni 2| -. chain. ` Mrs. (`uopcr c.unn Lu Lhis city a few d.iy.~| um and rmriulurml at. line Si:m~ou llnu.w.l(im:- I(l'0t`l. oust. Un S.ul11.winy 5110 nus lI'I| weil amnl ordcrod imr dinner In be when It) hc1`1'aum. Ida Riclmrds. a servant nl. lhuhulul. \\`|ill- Itructod lo \\'ni[._II|mn Mrs. (Ioomr. and while giving her order Mn. Coupor Ihon;:ln she new the girl inking eo:myihln.: from her buronu. She told the girl to stand her lilllo eon up to her. and thilernuaed the suspicious ot the uervami. who. thinking that Mrs. Cooper had seen what she had taken. throw the much nml clnin into n oloeet. Mn. Cooper informed the prop:-iotur 0. ; the hotel of her suspicion: and her loss. and = Detective: Campbell and Reid wore notied. They arrested Ida lllcluu-ls. who. after saying thet she knew nothing of the watch. in Int ed- mltted that tho had taken it and told whore Ihe out it. The girl pleaded guilty of the charge thin morning and was son! to the Mercer Re- tormntory for nix Inoulhs. The giricnmo her: i from Jackson. MIch., some months no.|nd. II is believed. purpoeed going hut there-again. (llililllilwu. All!` lvlluu In! (H Luv uluur. wlllcl have all been reproduced hgri through the medium nf the Auoclatod Press, haw u-no-1| to stimulate inquiry into the merits o the cmunm-.nay, and as I consequence liter: um: upmn the Iulujoet, togotlu-r with oopieu 0 Clunnl-rlnin`s speeches, have been lnl-gel) auuxlu `luring the past. week. One of the New Yurl: in-uspaper nymlicntes has instructed in (?nrl'Q-slnlllrlo-ll! lo pro-pare an article upon tin ll|u'n.l|n_'IIlI It.-ihmmm. and It'\el'l of thc Hi .l mrmngxmde-nu are cullactimz dau \\I~r.:. .\.ll lm utilizud upon his nrrivnl it :\~lm1_."- II. ll . Clmluherlain will UGWOI lI`\'ul|'Il lll \\'u~4hilIuIA)II, but he will ll`! Chi .. ,...).._| ...,.I..,...... 3.... I.;... _...___ .|., been taalte-nee ..dI'OIO.'-'7. theater tetra`! tppotntueut e tte Pei! Advnee laleeeeo on the Week 0' IOIIIOOOII. .tu|tlIu`l\\!. Nov. lt.-1~tie aaoeyuioiii ltltiirsww with I NU! Illtthhtl Heeatur. Illlll Van [mun-I a low ilaya n. liar attracted 0 great deal at coeiueiit ia New York ea wrl ae thie city. The Sew York Evenly hi oi laat Taceday Ueatd the lutervbw edlh-tall) and eiiegmted that the Uletordou aetretee the aeetinieote ol the nejerity J the ati when he can that no treaty which II! he ae Qotlatnl will be ratileil. The Waalilqtcn Poet lullnwe the raise line ol argument ae that advanced by the New York paper. II: while it adraite that the Proteetloeleti in the aeiiate will probably do al` in their power to oripeee the lrirthcouilla treaty. it claiioa that the President did not ex coed hle authority in e dichtnt when hi aahed Maura. Bayard. Putnam and Arigell tr inert the Britiali Ouirniaaioriere. Theee corn uienta on the original interiiew have attrectet` eoiae attention to the rubji-ct to-day. ant among the few Senatore now in.the city then liaaboecwioretelhtban usual upoothe pro hahle treaty. No Senator could be loud wlit wee willing to expreu a ballet that the tior oltheecatecae belorecaat atthe t' P: or the contrary the improaeion aeeioato be genera that the outcome of the negotiationa will hi reepeotliilly ooneidercd in the Senate without retercnce to the fact that Oongreee diaap proud tho idoa 0! a oouimiaaion. Several cl _ preeeed the belie! that the I-Ingliah have the heat of the arrangelnrnt tliiia tar. The reaaov for thie bidint in that the gentleman who in to accompany Mr. Ciiainboi-lain an a eort ol ad vieer ie the must ahrrwd trcaty manipulator in the Britieh diplomatic aervico. Whatever thi rerult ol the negotiation: may be, therelore. thc convention when auhuiitted to the Scnato will be liandicxipped to e [teeter or lees degree ny the tact that a great many Sonatore will be prejudiced acainei anything that may be oered for ratification. It may be eat down aa a certainty alao that the l'rut.rctionist element will be oppoeed tt Anything that hinta toward Free Trade. It ii the bugbear which had a good deal to do with the unfavorable iote upon the propoei tion tn aubmit the dim-rcnoee between the United States and Canada to aoolnniiaaior last year. The coniniiuiiuiierii are expected here on Weduceday or Thnradoy. 'l"|... ....i;-.. ..r .L.. u....-......-m ..l in. llmtar new \V eunelaly or llllll'llllI_v. The pulicy of the Governmo-ut of the Umtec sum toward: I" foreign countries in met that the peoplo at lane also very liuln into: at in nnin which rein; to other countries even when that thin are directly connocurl with their own. Cni: explains to some as the apparent dienvnce oi the press of the United Staten to the Iorthoomiun meeting at the oommiuion Aside from tho non whc compose the Commitu-eon Foreign Alain I... ah. Hung and Ifnnninn Rnlgkinm IIIU \a0IllIllI5w.1' (III l'|II`|'lI n.|IuIII in the Home and Foreign Relation in the Senete. there are very few rnenihen ol Conxteee who cen give en intelligent idea of the point: tn! the controversy between this country and Cnneds For this reuon it in dilllcult to get emelnher to expresr hie view: upon the pmbeble outcome 0! the meetince to be held. There in no trouble however, ehout view: upon the connection 0` Chunberlein with the opmmmion. No met ter how slight may be the knowledge 0! tho individual Congressman upon the niente ol the controversy itself. he will quickly tell you. that he think: that Chamberlain`: appoint lnent will be exceedingly detrimental to u eniiceble eettlerneut of the troubles. Every one liureed of the speecliee of the commie Iioner and his utterance lll\`0 been extensively discussed. The remarks of The Globe, wliicl L_..- _n | . _ _ _ _ . . . . ...I......I 1.-- . n......-. u.. Tlll-I +`|.xnr:I:IkU17+:s'I'|4>x HOW THE UNIYED ITATII SENATI MAY REGARD TH! OOHHISOION. JIIIBII V\l III uounn Room: at `(:03 Ma. COMMITTED TO THE MERCER. A I-'IREV IN NEW YOK- nu nu-vuugum, uuu nu vuu nu: IIII .... 9.-nlml m-Icnluo for him among th- : the lkuml Stat-vs cnngn-gated here N (). .367. [Am-I'r1'.~-At Damruuto, ilrcl No\'.. wife 0! .\lfI"od Lu 1!, of I sol. \\'u.l.unu.- t. llhoruntu. :|n| Nov., wile M lioujuuiu Williulu. M I laughter. In nowrmeu. mu;-wu. u.. ....... Quinn. Walk In- hml on half-put eleven o'clock. dead: end acquaint mean no nlly Invited to Attend. (M.n'r.u.-A emllnnge, Nov ml, Am Uliver, i M yeue. ()'lhu.nt.~ n nd ()c.. at T endinege. Mary U`Hen-, widow of the no Jame: 0'" Are. RIPE--AI. her mu e ruidum-e. No. N Wlver I-- III. IhmIInnll:l`. .\'.\'.. Nov. Nth. \ |~`L'musms`.I)T:ooMs 'ro.1.1-:'r'."XppIy Ii 1 N Gore Street. ` A HOUSE containing five rooms. Apply to A l lI'lu`.l!. Wade`: Lane. on the premises. 1 l-`()L'l{ ll U.`1l)Rl l)0LI.Al{S secures n Light Manufacturing Business and Tools; lI`nc- j Iory in ood running order ; no onpositinn ; a monopo _\'. (`nil M. or nddress, 93 York Street . A l"l.\'E ll0ME8'l`l1`.Al) FAR`\rl in the Town- ahip of Kingston. ve miles from the city. con- taining 8.) acres : atone residence and excellent buildings am! orchard. This property will be sold clma{a. ml the owner is going west. Qgmly Al 3 loll. M. UWAT. Solicitor. Brocx St.. ing- ston. Mu ' 27. valuable m In bottles. I STOIHIJ. A '1`!-I.\(?H|2l( WA.\"l'|-II) for n School in [ho :4. No. 03. holding wcond Village of Hnlloruon. S. vlmu certicate 0! unllvauon. A ly to JOHN TIIORIII. aody. |`ruILou Board. nor- an-1|. ` 'I`HC)SlC TWO I-`l.\'l~2 CUT STONE HOUSES on l)ivisinn SL. just completed : 8 rooms each. hard and soft wnor. tine lawn : rent. 11) per nnnum. Apply to Jun: Cluwronn. rocor. __2_______._:________ . . TWO .\'l-ZW BRICK DWELLINGS. nix rooms each. fronting on Princess Street. I5 minutes` walk from the Markov. Square : hard and soft mu.-r. and all the nxodgr[g_ lmpl:(_).\'L`l1[l.'nl8 \' .\(`A.\'(`I|-Ii fur I-`our Boarders : from ruoms. `.531 Queen Hlrm-1. .7\*|'Iuu.s~|~:.\u1|. Agplj lu .\Iu.~4. L :-ruin. King t. A ul`.Nl-2`RAlV.V 1cIc\'.(.L-'1'; onn ales-p at home. Apply at `bi? Gordon Z_ I-isulsu aims at onunl l'm-qunllod ulvnnuuua. Nurwrymen. lluuhauwr, .\'. DIN`! l u Sq unto. l"l\ B.` In. .VIll\r.u ....` |HIrI`hm4o my AlI.H`r1'AI`|l.|il .\u1"rIum4. Ilw h(`Hl in tho! NIHUN. Sole Manufm-lurcr.1 _________________ lake lmll CI to 83] sent by AUIJII I'D W an L mu. \\'.\NTl'2I)--LAl)lESfor our Fall and (`hrial- A nuns _'l`mdo. to take light. lcunnt wurk ntw their own, homes. 01 to per day cun be guietly madgoowork mm by mail any d|numcu._ nrtlculan Nn' ranvusin . Addroal at once. Cnuczuf Am Co.. N7 Ml Sn. Boston. limit . BC! 5170. ` . ('I'-runlu mul liumlulk pupnn plnur vopy.) ` of thin city. I-`unurul from In-r uuuiu-lAw'I reoinleuce, ` 47.`) Prinveu street. mxnorrms` mt four fclock. Frio.-ndn anal acqunintsuu-I Are \ respectfully illvilml to atteml. ire. Ru`: --At her mui ly Place. Ruclnouu-I . .\'.\'.. ..\lIioent Sarah Rico. wife of the Inc (`hm-lea Pnlmor, lormorl 0! this city uul Toronto. And mother of In. John Pnteon, residence. . |....|. I-`.-i.-ml. Anal acmuintuncc-I tho Markul water. and '|`1-rm: cxmy. T. CART} ._..__._:.__. .\ S l`l{0.\'(l A(`1`l\'l-I BUY In mu-n um! do m-In-ml work nrmuul n-luru ; I` ubluboy nod wauzus will he paid. once In ilmucv lucosg. Brock SL. uunnv-an nunu. J llctlwud ltotonn Auovhsllon In uulunn ln-._`-- .5 Hall - -n 0.\ I`) OFTH E BUTCH I34 in 'l`nI-nnlo. [hi Inrn-w` M`u.I man at oyonl evening. rum` , _`i.\"17:'cx'r\'TioM14:. unaenngned olf; For sale um Igpqsgg Azsju 1_.q'g l"l\'E Ill?! mrrhmtu my um--. nu-.. .`.uu-I: I):-nun! uh mrnnnxno Apxfnxrmsmns should Ad- d (3 . P. _ 108 s?'e:.9ow 59.! tLy.."r8m'.Iecc E5. of mm Newsnapon. Will bosom IREIC. on up- _______________ .\ T\V0-STURY S'l`().\'E .uu:l L01`. with conch )_1_4 \'HI. IA ! T_1=`C_)'. SALE 7C.).W'I`O-LE`LT.W_ THE DAILY WHIG. Grant Reduction: in I" kind: oi ----:;-U-Iggy` AGENTS WANTED. mun-n 1 A nine I... run` wall and .lL. .n...I:a.|.a..L.a 4. , (`om Momnun & Pmncncas S79. __________.______..____ nmumnmza. .:~z|}nii: |`{ ll0V('SVl?I(~I-2|-2Pl`.R.~.l :3 y AllJ\'rTAI".K KAI! NLIHI BPNINH Ilm tho nmrlmt. 1`. .\'.l.uAu~ ll:-n nnlnrnr 9.`! \'ul'k Street. ti76eE"'}7ov'r Y6rE UIfy.`Tor Hlect us: or 1.000 Newspapers. be non! pllual ion. . . ` Fii75$LE-; WANTED. l.I;a'5<-!-i_o-II't"aL' Ploslnnt take. ` . at Square: ham husuu II modern ilnprovclqcnls `. CARTER. Wlllhunsvillu. BOARD. BORN. DIED. DVERTISIIBS un I A an. losnruoo _ Agply bet ween 7 and 8 p.m. II so To \v.1u:n:v|cs. Kln sm.. to` biggaa; Tics. Ho haaawdozens to c 0030 from. ood Ties. `Z for 5 cents. ~ .-::-.__{?_____. E STONE nlnnlmud : Ian. I hone weapon and ________:__. 0. Suhry from mm. lheuwx Hnonumu. \' \' u Imtrlml. 1:. .\.u '. 93 York l: i Nov.. wile o! _i ??_?___._. CHEP.HlISINESS- um heat mah s"I`; who can E Street. H()l'SE AND nuun Mable and _____?____ attend a horguo nl-u - ln )1 null- `, on Mon THHISBIVIM Tl] NEW YEAR'S. *x'i::' ll nun- E :1) ll urkoi rolled mu. rolled wneu. lrean I fut beacon. -Jnmu (`nvvfo'rd. A CIIl-I-Iulllyll I Murderer: - I llt;.\'\'1:u, Nov. l.'ii`-Chnrlen E. Henry, of V London, 0nt.,.ahot and killed Eto Moore. vu song and la 0 irl. The woman who had "ulnemlya hug ( haul promiaqd to marry H Henry. Whbu he learned that she was at nmrried woton he called her into 'a private box and shot her ve times. I I I` III but-I-I n Cambridge uungol, Kingntoh sausages}; rolled oats. rolled what. fresh eggs. b_real fut. Mayan. _Tnmu (`.rnwfo'I-rl. u--vu an. an yuuu. nu -nun. u... [ l`lANl.A'l'IOK.] Cnxuom-I-`uluxn. Nov. 12. 1881. Much nun-red hy your rod`!!! for my opinion, I hold am. an guilty of In nth-nee nuulnnt. mmumn lay. the L lento Annrchlunl nwrllml nu-H-re punlnhmem. llul. refcroncn to the wnnwnca whlch Inn beanpru. nonm-ed I nlmuld. taking lulu cuunldu-ration the pulm- ul eoncommmla onhm-use. lmrr joined my frh-nda at Porn in pomlonlrgg for the uounuunumn of the pond!) of death. (hm. Hul'l..\N0lK. u...` 7 KIINGSTON. ONT. __.........__-,.__._-_..._.._.._.-,-,, THE THOUSAND xsuuw noun: :5? luau. Wucnown & Oldunnlmrl lm. `ILJIANLIY. It Inc Hllll, new (VII. 1 _ Bulu Ire: name do volre demnnde M van: en romemie ieulmo qua, coupnhlos do dem. do drolt commun, In Anarchism do Chlcnm) mm-Iulem. 'uno ropreulon uvere. Mala quanta In coudummllon prononcoo. Jo ' mo nerd: Julm a mu umln do Paris. tenant compu do cow pomlquo dr I'on'vnsI-,' pour demnnder nno commu- Iulon de la pelne dc mun. GIN. DOULANGII. r..- . ..-. . _..... I For cheap tickets to all plan. and lnlor ` nuuou porululnc to all but-I. new I0 - . rnnnl-In n__--_I?!-L-A l.'___A ` -L-In T jg & u-y - New Scenery. Flm-(`Inn work. Prompt du- Iivery. Como only-and nvohl vultlng. Give us :1 call at once. , WM. :K:E3=LI.f!', mm Mnu'I'nlAL & ?.'}f"rB'L'3E'I'{". 7oo?e}II'1"a.k?:' Xglm. 1 To }\'|:ba"tu;,"li'e:v_c)`r`|V:Z.iPiiladera. `' Wuhlnltoualtluuo and all l`olauln' North 1 on New York. vla 0.1'.R. and N.Y.C. Rn. THE RATHBUN COMPANY V ""' 7" Time line: no worth more (Min we hold them :1. w uenou ulo poucu H) IIMIIII an Iulnuull. DUBLIN. Nov. i4.-l)elo(`tlvu tracked Mr. (`ox. .\i.i'.. to hip hiding place at Kildynrt and ` pursuct him. ilo escaped in A unnii boat. however. and took refuge on an island. i)rmI.\'. Nov. ii.-A reception was given to Mar. Pt-rnico. the Papal envoy to Ireland. Conlie (`oilego in thin-My to-day. An Address wu prowntod to him by the clergy And munic- ipnl nuillnrilics. The Lord Mayor and coun- cillors were present in their robes of oioo. There were 1100 persons in attendance. Mgr. Porsico In expressing his thanks. said that the . In a u :IAn\nnuDI-Allnn nf lninltv And by the Crown rrmce. The Emperor afterward received Count Van Stolberg and Dr.S('hmidt and naked that the Crown Prince return to Berlin at the soonest possible moment. The Crown Princess replied, ohiecting to her hushnnd's traveling in his pres- ent eondition. it is reported that the Crown Prince is new more willing to submit to an early operation. To-do` the lclmlmror. after an interview with Prince Viilizun. told an fnmil council which was nttended by Prince illinm and Ii! wife and Prince llenr nnd Princess Charlotte. In the Afternoon the unperer wns actively nl work. He heard reports on important matters resented by Gen. Aihedyll. Privytlounclllot ilmovski and Count Von Stoiberg. Parry Wharf. 31735340 3/.50 CEDAR SIII!l6'L8.' uluzu nun Lvuuuuun uv-I-nu...--,,. A committee wnh no member: 1! com- poood of hlghly lnnuonlhl clllxcm uboon formed In Dublin to rocolvo Lord llu-tlngtou and Mr. Ooochan on their lnuudod visit to the city. The Express prodlou nm the meeting than two nnllomon are to allondylll be the lrmtlmol gathering Dublin hu noon In I00!!- lury. In-Iunu \'nr II-` Innnllnn M [And ,CnI;scIN'r A 31353. . Box lury. l)v|u.|.v. Nov. H.-A moollng ol [And Lenguers was held yutordny in front of Us- tnrney (`utlu. \\'Morford. the residence of Mr. Pyno. mombor of Parliament. for whose Arrest in warmut has been tuuod. Mr. Pyno bu tukon rotugo In the castle. which he has fortied nnd entrenched. lln addressed the crowd through an aperture In the castle. Ha boutnd that the building was perfectly lortmod and he denod the police to make an nnnult. Dunn I\l Nat It -Ik-lnrtival tmnkod Mr. I'orsIn:o. Ill expressing IIIB lnlnll. Illu mu. tuu om-nsiuu w..a n dolnonstrnuon of loynlty and dt-lily lo the Holy See. Ih'nI |\' Nnv H 'l`lun (`low 1:! '.Ill|l'h`.k ha: llG('|Il)' I0 Ln!` I101) 300. l)L'uu.\'. Nov. H.~'l`ho City of Limerick has been proclnlmod under the Crimea Act. rrmco I Hlronl conunuua ll) unnuuau. Baum, Nov. l4.-Alter the Emncmr re- . ceived Dr. Schmidt yesterday A medical con. ference was ordered at the palace. There were present the physicians of the household. with Dre. Wegener. Bergmnnn, Gerhardt. Tnlbolt and Schmidt. Count Von Stnlbermthe minister of the household. presided. A paper we: unanimously signed declnrink that the throat nection of the Crown Prince in cancerous nnd that partial removal of the lnrynx is no longer ndvinable. Complete excision of theluynx is referred to as recommended by the physicians at San Remo. but in the menntime ohjected to by the Crown Prince. Th. Rmnm-nr nfinrwnrd received Count luuw uuuuv ((1 (III Iluv cu . lrcgret no! to have a cnmprv-ht-mlvo knowledge 0! the clrculnnuncmwltlnout which I {cu an opinion from me would be wholly nlnclmn. w. Ill. GLADQTOII. Au making I suouhlu at CHEM` MILL W00l)aad - - -_._ -A _- -.._.-.....u;un I-nu llll uao orumnry prlllu jun. Dr. Moorohond hu had an Inlorriow with Mr. (rnrlen. Ila Mn ha lound hlm orccly u- oltod and coughing tnq nenlly. _.4__;.._. ...:.|. nan _.-...L-_. --A .4.- What They llnve to may or the Eu-rullun 0! lie AIIIIN-hlull. NEW YORK. Nov. ll.-A telegram wna pent, by The World to two well-known Europeans- Wllllam E. Gladstone and Gen. lloulnngor- asking them for their views on the execution of the Chicago Anru-ehlsts. The following ro- aponaea were received: `IAWARIIPV Km`. 12. II In led the Walt" Prison Garb III I Mn Ilse lulu-rlnl. llrnnm. Nov. H.-`l'ho Freeman`: Journal My: the vlolhu ommsd In Mr. Wnrion In Talla- moro Jnll were made at Mounuoy Prluon and were of blue mnlorm. They were totully un- llto the ordinary pl-hon nu-h. n. um.-..I...:I Inn hm! An lnlnn-law -mg The Doctors Do Not Pnnounn Iluo (`nun Prince : Inovery Impossible. BIcm.IN. Nov. lI.-Tho Emporor Ilopt well hat night. Prlnca William. who hu jnut re turned from a visit to his father at San ltemo. received I! noon by the Emperor. n.. n-.........-... .-ul Q.-Iunlth hnld Hm! Inrvn. li()l'SE AND l..\|tGE LOT. house. stable wood shed. two spring wells and cistern ; storm sash furnll the windows. The house is situntcd immediately outside city limits. west end of Johnson Street. App I-`lust-:11. I-lsu.. King St.. Kingston. , ,__._________.__. ly to DONALD `

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