Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Nov 1887, p. 7

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J. .5. ..\.J .:LJ 1:. y .1. 44, Locxaurrn. Saw-I-`u,nn um Gunmu. Jon Inn. K?! lined and looks repaired. Thou and: of moron: kind: of key: to choose from New and second-Mud ugodn bought and all u P:-been Boron. not lay. IDOK HIINIOCK DIOIJ which turedjhim. r unit`: In; nu;-an-n .\lr. Ssmuel Allan, of Lisle, Ontp, unto: l that he tried all the (loctom in his localit ` qrhile subring for years with liver and klt 1 hey trouble; nothin henotterl im until he molt Burdock Blom Bitmwfour bottlei of ...l.:..|. .xu....J`|.I-u. The usual treatment of catari-h is very unsatisfactory. as thousands of despairing patients can testify. On this point I trust- worthy medical writer says 9` Proper local treatment is itively necessary to success, but many, i nut must of.t.he remedies in general use by physicians. afford but tem- rnry benet. A cure certainl cannot be expected, from anui, powders, ouchea and washes." Ely`: Cream Balm is a remedy which combines the important requisites of quick notion, specic curative power with perfect safety and pleuantneas to the pa- tient. ' '* Dlphthorlll. Last January." Orwell, ()nt., there uppeurecl cliplnhvriu in ciur neighlxmrhood. Ihwtnra run night and clay, hut I kept right to Hng_vnrd`u Yellow Oil and hrou vht my children through it all right." Yel ow Oil cures ull painful cum- plainta and injuries. says J. N. Tveplo. nl. A (`ure for Drunlu-uncut. () inm. morphine. chloral, mbacco. and kin: red hubita. The mediciuv maybe given in tea or colfee without the knuwlcdgu of the person taking it if so desired. Send 04: In stamps, for hook and testimonials` from those who have heen cured. Address .\l.V'. Lulmn. 46 Wellingtam St. East. 'l`nrm.w. Ont. Cut this out for future ruferuncc. Whv.-u writiu,-.1 mcntinn this paper ' ' llIII'Il`U I`. AIIWIIIWIHO Mae. \\'inslmr`a Soothing Syrup should always be nsecl when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sulferer at once; it pmuluces natural. quiet sleep luy relieving the child from in. anal the little cherub uwakee as brig t as a button." It is very pleasant to the mate. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allnys all pain, relieves wind. regulates the lx wels, and is the best known remedy for dixsrrlm-a. whether arising from teethinv or other causes. Twenty-live cent: 1 bott 9. Be sure llltl ask for Mrs. \\'inalow`s Roothing.\`y2-up, aml take no other kinll. Try And Be Cured. Lame hawk and nervous (lehility, associat- ed with rheumatiun, is sometimes met with in every day life, but as I rule we nal not more than two of these complaints in the same party. Be this as it may. The only cure and pi-rfoct cure in electricity and the best form of ulministering it is by l\'orman's electric In-lts and insoles. W. J. Wilson is sgt-nt. nml from him you um procure testimonials ninl circnlnru relating to any of your mmplnints. Holloway`: Olnhnent and Pills. Those to whom sessona of changeable tem` I pernture an-. pmtrnctn:-I periods oftrial should seek the earliest opportunity of removing nll obstacles to good health. This cooling ointment. preaervingly rnhhed upon the skin. is the moat relin Jlo remedy for over- coming all diseases of the throat and chest. Quinsey, relaxed tonsils, sore throat, swollen glands, ordinsry cutarrh and bronchitis, usually prevailing at this seuon, may he arrested as soon ss dismwerod, and every symptom banished by Holloway : simple and elfective trmtment. This ointment sud pills sre highly commended for the facility with which the successfully con uer in- fluenza; they lay in an incredibly nhort time the diatrening fever sud tossing cough. The u-lnumn ms wc offer are so numc-mus, the power In mytr-rimxs and wondcrful. that NO \\'()N lll'.l{ it" has created such A wonderful inlprmuuinn on the minds 0! the Public This is no Humbug; or I`:-idling Mlair, and WE \\'A;\"I' U.\'I.\' TH().\'l'I who nre smlnitiou: in life, those who are smart, energetic and industrious. as they Alone nre sure of success. A small cs ital, as short time to prt-p:m~_ tllhl satisfactory references nre only required I-(Adm ress_ by return mail. THE TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE, (`.nr Vnnon &. Rhntnr t: 'T`nu-nnfn (`kn-u.u-In To m-pare for the [Hull and WI-ILL PA \'l.\'(} .\`ITUATIONS offered by the Direc- tor: of t in ('oH(*m`. We trust our rnuleru Ara those for whom weslth has 8 chum, those who desire to I-EARN .\!0Nl'Z\'. and who are not afraid to work for it. In thut cue we N will ntfer them a chance to _ -- .. A n .p on P on n :1 Whun cold. dreary days prevents outside nnmapmcnts no decorated wals will have a cheerful c-eet. . n n_:_.n- -1 I\1,.n.._.... nun AXE...-Ann nnllnl-nu |r"wANTED, AT ONCE, "L000 YOUNG MEN AND LADIES. `.;I"<')"r`e."l?apI'd/y, More Easily, and as /-/onorab/y as at Any Other Occupation. _nninesa Men will find it advantageous to buy Ready-Made Boots, as they can get a Good Fitting Boot, a. Good Wearing Boot, and a. Cheaper Boot in the and than Custom Made Goods. Inspectourstock. HAINES &. LOCKETT. I Our stock of Men's Fine Calf and Oorduvan Boots is Very complete. ' an III a, J 14 , J, A A I CI; I an I Having sacured the stock at 50c on the Dollar you should call and secure a Bargain in a Fall Suit and Overcoat. Remember the Place. 79 BROOK STREET. --Ti||inghast s Old Stand, 79 Brook St.-~ I It being larger and more commodious premises, work will be executed on shorten notice. The Largest and Best Auortod Stock of Raw Material to choou from. `UNEQUALLED- FOR LOW PRICES! R. SPENCER BUSINESS MEN'S BOOTS. l'lll`t'l'llIl |'lICC|. All klnds of Pk-turos. 2(1) different patterns nf Mouldings and at great mnny other dovorn ` (ions to be had cheap at I A Good Treatnnem. n. . . ,._,, Cn;od by 11.3.3. _I All... ..I Y:.I.. . R- SPENCER. III I \l\IIIvn-\J\J \l\.lI-|-I-\Jl- Cor. \Y"on.;e & Shuter Sta. Toronto, Can a.da.. Has removed to ` `""' , on. -r. 4. shown. L Bnuh Ohio. 37 Ymgo Street. Toronto. Tuns IN TROPICAL sEAs. cluuul: l'.\'l.E8l-I WE uM1`Al.\' v-.\'rIr..\'1'.' We refer. hero. to Iha.-_ I'm-.`Inmslcr. the Sn of Money Order llhx. and In uicinla of'll|e - S. Pnlum mm-e. I-`ur cir:-ulur. ndvicc. tum: and l'Cf(`l`('Il('I`B H) nctunl clients in your own ` Stale or county. write to -C. A. SNOW'& O0 Opr, Patons Ulce. \Vn.shLngton _D.(`, I4-nl Hlllco unuulctl to In!` Mnhl-ZRATE Flinn. (bur (lm('01S (zmmsilo the l . H. Patent Oloe. and we mm omuin Patents In less time than (how rcnmlufrnm W.u-mmu'mN. Spml Mmwl. nu lnuwwn \.\'.-...h-inn ... on TH1 sT1ME` H1030 l`0lI|0lUI'l'()I|l VVAHHINUTUN. .~.`cml Mount. on llnuwmn. We .uI\'ise no to pnlcnmblmy {run at -lmruo : and we make N0 WI-I v-.\'r|r.M-.' -n_ ----n--u---nu--l-l-V ad-i nhlninnd and II ulhur business in the U.S. Pn- Hlco ullcudctl fur .\lnur:uAn: Fuss. um:-c 1.-I nnmsilo l'. H. Patent. Om:-4-, [P ENTS hlninnd null ull nlhnr hnulnnnn In Han I. Q Du, I uaucugvul Iaulnvun lluul can v|LllUl' Pm. Fonwoon 8: Co.. Axu..`2I sum s:.. S. Y. Tnoa. Coon & Son. Tourist Agencies. 1 . nunnmn H-law. Inn ` cl I) I1 Mn .\ .1 mm Tm-. .\'(|VIf. n NOVEL AN!) UNSURPASSED QCENERY. my climate obtainable. Trina em braclmz from Huh Wu c-nplmal. Y. (`mun ._01i3UMII9N_- -noun ---ngdul Trusaea. Write for Circulars giving fuli particulars Conaultgtion Free and prints. 4 Queen Street Fast, Toronto. Why do you poison your blood and injure your stomach: by the use of strong drugs, which seldom` cure and always do more or less harm. You can be cured without a. N possibility of injury by the use 0 A. NOR- ` MAN `S Electra-Curative Belts, Insoles and vv u--u \ nu. P- 0 H L K E S, 115 BROOK s'r.. KINGSTON. ' 4717:: anon. `anon: vuu IUIIIII wuuuuv 3p.m., at British Ameri- | can Hotel. Coll Emu . (`ONSULTATION Fnuz. Dlsnsnzs 1`Iu'.A1'I:n-(`au.rrh of the Head and Throat. (`-amrrlnl Deafness. Chronic Bronchi- Jn. Asthma and Consumption. Also loan of Voice. Sore Throat. Enlarged Tonails. Polypus of the Now removed. Had O|ce-2l5 Yonge Street. Toronto. Write for nnrticulars. A LAD/E8 and GE/VfME/V LADIES II. WASHIIGTON. I.D.. L.U.P.S.0. Eminent Throat and Lung Surgeon. Will an`! Nm`tKu'ng.olon Thursday Nor. 24th, and on 250:, mm ! 9-` Ann 4-` I)-4 l`L J_._-...' W. J. WILSON. Sole Agent. Kingoton Head Umce`2l5 Yonm nun HI ll-VI l'l|-ll. "T"D'i5{v"3, JR., HAMILTON. I0 AUDI! rs naming llfllf Donn. Donut wall for lhu Spring rush. The { work 0.-m bu dune b(`Hl'f now. An ck-yum! line I Hangings to select from. Always the boot wloclul and moon stylish stock in Plnulcru On arm to choow from. Give us A null nml look over our stock. No trouble to show Road: at 'I'| L4lll)l\ III` I IBIS Pictures and Frames I ROBINSON S W_AI.L PAPER DEPOT :1 lab LIIUDK, l\lI 1 AU.` -1. \..xuu .n. BR`AME S IN THE o__uLL SEASON PAPERIIHHKNGING :?AAo' DAVID, |.m.mun-u mw-I-`n.nm um mnmmu. Jon J. H (LARK. .\l.l)., l).ll.S., l..I)..\`.. I)IN`l'lI!'l'. Urwduuo of New York (`ullecv of Dentistry. ()lcor- Wolll ton Slrwl. be-uuvcl Princess and Brock Street . |'nrI|('ular amon- llonhpnld to the preservation of lhe nnlurnl Ioel . R. E. SPARl\'.`-I, l).l)..\. l.lI..\`., D:.~'r1a1'. 0m ro-mun at. between Mon n-on and 8 denhnm Simon. Residence .\u. `.'I (`hnrloo treat. Olllw hours. Reun. lo6.zn.. und on thtunhy evening: 7 lo l0o`clouk. Iv- phone 1% Slflil. (`MM nlumdnd to DON T }_WAITf , _ I, , _ OF` ALL DESCRIITIONS. CA LL AT j-g-`D303 nuuusurauxl. (1. I. um-Ia. I.D.. Iuocc-or to Dr. Jnrvll. l'hyslvlnn. Hm-goon. to. Oman and Residence nmrl o pnulle the Poll Ollloo. Wellington 3-mu: . lullnln me on: or oounuv promptly nl lmulud -1-uwvvs nu... .. .. -. ...- ......._ mm`-r"fais zmumsifrn. ` Bol.IvI`rmUI. l2lc.. I9! Ontario Hlrmt. V I. H. z4Inr_ruI.l.|.l). l'llAl.V'lQ.':IA!':'4lfl'Il RUM-IR'l` H}lA\\'. BAnma1-nu. :-tm.u-mm. (`-ouvunm-nu. tun (mice-Corner Khan and Bmok mrouu over Wade : Drug Store DR. rzuzilrru .~m1TH.snum'1', (`.Il.. M.C.l'. 15.0.. Imoof llnmllwul. 0 West Street. Dlnouu Wasmnn And Children. Feb. 5 Ancnn-nor. corner at Brock and King Street. over Wade`: l)m`v!-Icon. lcnuuaoo on King slnotgggxt the ma oloo. (successor to late Du. locnnnom. PIIYIIUIAN. summon. u once- Montreal street. botwoon Princess A Brock slruou. ._ ._.j._.._.__..j_.__-o V. ----c--. -vuay-us-up nun u-u MARION LIVINGSTON]-2. M.D..(.`.N. ovum an lluuuumxcc-2|! Into! Sunset 01 Igunftlnnaoo and Johnson H13. uf omen and children I opacwly. nnun nzunnun 1. n in n 19 u Tnnu Gvur ANIlEB.SN S. n. M. -1.! Al. I! Mom.-:1-on. Cnxvuusacrh kc. rad`. . Break street. Kingston. out :o Ian Ill`. llhlhfa UIl`llII-oh! V ISA I . Dhouoa ol Women and Children I Ipocmu Olloo-in Pnmcnu Mann. :1 Dr. spun okl -um. `Telephone No. II unnunn nInnunu;u.nvu an n 1: ll VVI4I\l'i`l C IV l|IAl\l'ol, Afro ans. noueu k.e.. Klnguun. _ In Ego Put Ullou. 0` on IOIAID wnaul. I JOIIPII II. vuull. u. as. uununuu. u.A.. n.u.. L.u.. Pumcwnsvuanou. to. one. um Dr. ` Xo(3unm__n__n_|. Ng.`B_IoI3rgal sq-93:. R _.__.j `BED sets, COMPLETE, `urinal:-I Ian am uhono communication n..nnnv avian. A UUIIN WI I'\l\l`|ll'4. Iolau IL, QIJOWOQ. ` ulloo ~(,'I)\ H0900! pouuuu Pan! 7351:. ucIs.Ymu u.:A&: OW` Olffll Hull. u. 1:. MUMSELL. B.A.. mu. .311; C Pnvn|n|Ln_nunnnu, Ln. nm l'4ln :0/1/mo V8/(Y& /womsom ..|..|..a;1;.va. ca--...._._, Leading Undertaker and mbolmer. E-251 PRINCESS S'IREE'l`.-; Isl... n...|-_I...... G6-nan. __._`__ BEDROOM SUITES. PARLOR SUITES. ' ' AND SIDEBOARDS. nu __ -...._ |...l.\-n In II`; nlv at d|:o0.lbL'.-.`B|:c Poll Olloo. - In. to I _ Wgtu Blunt. mama In Klnulnn. " ....""` .? .i`"- on... i XVI A .*......"f..:::..... "....:.-. A - not -nnnng-am. I .5HENRY BRAME, ___A_ 1--.. .._.\ ;-ul I A-nnv...,.., ..- ..__._._ _ C/O1`. Sydenham Street Telephone communication. arc.u.1. Axn sm: TIIEM. .._-.....-.__....;.-_.1 -4... .. .. .. .. . yll. W. U. ANULIN. N.R.(I..*|.. I-2911).. 0rnoI.-l lnl smu. nu Km `rue nlulm alnmnnluntinn mic or lllmllwul. w Wumon and Children. EL` 1.! ulaarnaqavaga Than over before in the city at . uuinuvul tn IITIIIII1 o..'..__....._._. -...- - ~-__......._.._ ll. UAIIK. _AIwmnor. orncn -llutrulltnoc. 'AR1liUR. ' Acuouvrr . :7'IoI.&o..U&| Clnnaoo F. 0. MARSHAL UPHO{.STEI?E-R & OABINE T MAKER. - _- , n_.__._ n. I puiun-a nl nvnu-I1 (Inn _PR.OFE88IONAL cums. ZEJIL ALICI-I Mt1}ll.l.lV'RA\'. Inna: nl wnlnnn Ann! l`InlI1Innn n an: '"ii"iL"k'E.iTTa \\'ALk13:u, nnnanvn nllnllm-n Lu, Klmnh T FURNITURE, &c. `77 lmqot Street. ---ARE Sl-Il.l.L\'(}-- FROM C10 00 lil . `36Ii'{(RIi:Ii. n.. -Inn, kn, um... -.l`Inrnmu III- \ TO LOOK AFTER n F "Ed'"i6I1.(rixT nu-In II II nnnnnxno in EETTER 3ARCFAIN4 =.;`;*'.*;r5;a+;: ; IIIm.u-I11 nu. ( fnvvxv .... -.-.-q~.-... L CLl".HKN'l`-`5. Ilvnnllv nnnnnlln Ihn Ilnve mur . wwni III: [III] uh 58BB""K I mono _"'`F L see nothing but in wide expanse of spark- ling `blue \\;nter. Dhserving. however. that the long ilhzhts of aquatic birds kept flying from our left. we concluded that they were advancing from their feeding-grounds on shore to pass the dig)` in the lake, and ac- cordingly headed the bout toward the q1uu- ter whence they came. and began to pad- dle. Before long. however, 5 stlmsh hreene V sprung up. blowing directly in the direc- tion we wanted, so we improvised I sell withabluuket and the P030. which took us along merrily. This done. we proceed- ` ed to d vour-the remnants of our `batons, wuhetrdown with the sweet. into water, ` end then lit our plpel llld united whet- aver Inlcht turn an. - I It became rvldcnf that the on-upanu of tho Kndmuvlnu boat had nuldc us on I _u. . . .u.,,, ,.,,,.L art V -.-o- -_y n. V .v. Jim, then. however, the others woko np and hegnntnn-juice oxcuedingly nt tind- ing that we wt-re out of that dreadful .-.'\-or t and once more lmlwath the blue sky. Then follows-da halmi of talk and suggestions as to what we were to do next; the upshot of all or which was, that. as wn were ex- cessi\`ol_v Imngr_v. nnd had nothimz what.- sm-vur '0 meat. except. a few scraps of hilton-.: (ulriotl gnxnenesh). having aban- doned nil that renmineil of our provisions to tlmsv hnnribie fresh-water crabs, we (teterxnin-ca`. to make for the shun`; But lmwnnow dimc-nlty nrose. We did not know \\'hert=.the shore was. nnd. with the exception ut tho clitfs through which the Ii`.l1IN`t`l`-`\!i(`.'lu riwr made its entrv. could _._.___ t`|I|||'\FC IUCIIJIVU IIII1 IIIll'lIIlIUlIll UI-"\\ II`">lI du_\ `ll suppose! None other than 0llI'puul' srr\ mt who had been sntked down um ` days before in the watem of the subter- 1 ram-an river. It gave me quite in turn. I thought that we had left him behind for- ever; and behold! borne by the current. he had made the awful journey with us, and with us hlul reM`ho the end. Ilia t|ppl'i\!`- am-e l|l~`o was very dreadful. He had been a black man, now he was a livid white; for the lboilitlg \\'i|iq'r had `l(`l|ll`\l olf nearly all his outer skin. .-\l.\`n he bore traces of liuvim; lUll(`lI(`1l the pillar of flre-one nrm la-inn (`1|III||lt`N`l_V shriveled up and all his hair la-inn burned otf. The features were. as l haye said. sunken. and yet they pre- &`l'V(`(l upon them that awful look of de- spair that l had seen upon his living face as the poor fellow WI: sucked down. Really tho eight quite unnerved me. weary and shaken as I felt with all that we had gone through. and l was heartily glad when suddenly. and without any warning. the body began to sink just as though it had had amtssion. which having accom- pllshod. it retired; the real rea.~'on. no doubt. being that turning it on its back allowed a free passage to the gas. Down it went in- to the transparent depths-fathom after fathom we could trace its counie. tillat last olong line of bright air-bubbles, swiftly chasing each other to the surface. alone remained where it had pmmetl. At length these. too, were gone. and that was an end of our poor servant. Umslopogaas thought- fully wntched the body vanish. What did he follow us for? he Mked. `Tia an ill omen for thee and me. .\lactuu~ azahn. And he laughed. I turned on him angrily. for I dislike those unplem-taut suggustiuins. If people have such ideas. they ought in common leceiwy to keep them to thexn.-tolves. ide- test individuals who make one the subject of their disagreeable presentiments, or who, when they dreamed that they saw one hanged as a common felon, or some such horror, will insist upon tolllngone all about it at hreakfmxt, even if they have to get up early to do it. 1..,.s AL... I. ...... ...- OLA .\IL..-. ..-..I-.. .._ Ur"ULUlLllLIl -ID vnuau-us nun..-"- Pmuon Burma AND Lodxols of eve:-y___leu ripuon made to order. ' lucmluma px-ognyptly attended to. Chain eso utod , N Mrrraaesna reambd or made to older. 0.uu'Irrs'clenned and hid. n;s nnrnvn-mac: nrn`nI:|1:|fl| ngnuIu- um u um! um}. But aayet It In lnm nothing can the beautiful blue at; abuvr; for over the wat- arwaaa thick layer or miat. enctiy an though the whole anrfacu had been om-4-red With lllllnwttuf fullun Wtml. lly tIt`5{l't`O0|. however. the nu: nut-led up the mists. and then I anw that we won atloat upon ag|ur- iouu uhevt of blue water of which I ronhl not make out the shore. Some eight 0!` ton milea behind us. however. than stretch:-d. as far an the rye mulcl n-arh. a range of plw-lpitmu hills that formed a mtninimz wail. of the lake: and I haw no doubt that it was lhn-u sh sumo entrance in tlmwbills that the nubterranaan river funnel its way into thuopen water. Indeed. I afterward usvertalm-d this to he the fact; and It will be sonic indication of the ex- traordinary stn-mzth and din-ctnesu of the turn-nt of the fll)'Ilt'l`lI)utI rhrer. that the cannot. even nt this distance, wan still an- Ivrorinu to it. Presently. too. I. or rather Umalopogaaa. who woke up just then. dis- cnwn-cl another indication. and a very un pleasant mm it mum l'V:rci-ivina some wlnitishobjt-rt upon tha water l.'mslopo- gaaa mllod my attention to it. and with a low stnbkvs of the paddle bruugh! the (`II- nue tn the spot; whereupon we ulls4-overt-cl that the object was the body of it man oating late downward. This was bad ` enough; but imagine my horror when. Fmslopogaas having turned him on his ivirk with the paddle. we rt-vnguized in tho .~unkoI features the lim-nnwnts of-whou1 .I.. . .. -...._,..-a \'....- ...L_._ a\.__ .__.__. _ _'-AL_LAN QUATERMAIN ;V run In unnu --I nun: I luv Iv-nun` `L. nu giupumu iuu lug nmmwhile mum to sleep alum, iillai Io-tu.:ih the Mn lunml gray, gun! Iaiuni lulniy phiipmi moved over unsur- hm ufllw unit-r Liw uimun oi lung-lug. uuiioncinwn-. 'l`u-y WI`?! the uuuu rio- inm (mm liwir wax.-ry hl hum-vi the sun, Tium the 1. my Inrm-I In prnmmuo. and the prim!-nun Ilrvu` In ml. .\'o-xi. niurimu burn as! light ~|Ira:|1 up M'|"II\l the ouu.-ru Iky. and Mir.-.u.-in Ii: -11: mo rwliuul museum-n at the damn Ptlllli` npov-Iiu.: upon their at row} way. >c:nIu-riu,: the gimnlly upon and muting the mountain: with I kl.-u. as they new lmm run to runnuami inun- lituclo in Iungltudv. Another Inunu-muud thounldon nun were oprn and the nun hinm-if cuuo furlh II n hridemuun (tum hin chum!-er, with pump and glory and 1 M ushing an oi ten million spun. and em- bnoonl the night and can-mi her with briahtuu and it mu day. nu! an :40 I . In I.-.... nullnlnnn nan. Ihn Amhot "vi" ""`n"~-"` cu,- ;?:.:'.:. .:.`.;.'...'.""-.`3""" '.':'..'"'...'"`.' ` noon-nu-. oopm.uJ'."' ' ' A FROWNING CITY. BY ll. RIDIR HAOOAIID. .1 llmlr in no |.'.rA_V v urvw 3 uprunx up ncru-u --nun l|I7'llI the rm ms in u-Mm- up:-eel! ny. acam-ring II LA_ ._ .L_ _, -_-A. xl - A nmvnmm art. at man I at walling (Um nu ` ..:th Nor .- vr In-cl uuzru-at u. -4.-...... 1|... -....o..-. -5- THE BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY. NOV. 11. 31 Prince.-as Street, cor. Sydenlmm Street, Kingston. W. Gooalhody. Gllllnuqlle, un Mondny '|tte`ndo.-cl his father`: funeral at Mallory- town. Deoouetl was born at Montmelli. He was married in 1329. but hit partner in life wu called uny pun Ago, nines which he has lived on the bank of old St. Lswnneo quick XI. C`-mllu 3-,; Ar; nnnu-n nu DO l|II_ lIVI\l (III `II. UIIIIK OI 010 HI. Ad with hi: lunlly with an grown up. 3 guy nnvuuu \rl1I'*I uuulo ;. I` he mode of opornting of Burdock Blooc llittersiia that it act: at once and the same time upon the ntomach. liver. bowels. kid- neys And the blood. to cleanse, regulate and utrengtlxen. Hence in nlmogt pni\'cnsl ` value in chronic unnprlaints. To Avoid Ihlldneuu or (any llnlr. Use Dr. llorenwcndb Great German Hair Magic. It keeps the scalp clear and free from damlru, and-promotes the growth of the hair. It prerenci-.prenmture greyneaa amlszopn all falling out of _thelmir. On bald heulc, where the roots have not perished. it will invigorate them and force ; new growth of hair. Ask for Hair Magic It is the only reliable. For sale by J. G. King, A. l . Chown. and all dmusgiats. * such complaints. (I AV-I luw --vuyr. l eople who are exposed to the audglen. changes of our northern climate have little chance of escaping colds. coughs,-lore throat andlun troubles, The best safe-guard is I to keep uni`: Pectornl Bnlnm at lmml. It is I qnic relief and reliable cure for i N. (`. Poison & Co. Kingston 'lth Int-reused I( nowI--due. Of the laws governing health end the' treatment of diseases. resort to the physic- ians is less often mule tlun formerly. Suc- cessful trsstment can be made in such minor ailments as headache, biliousness, consti- tion, uttering at the heart when syn mu- thetic, foul breath, &c.. all the various 4 is- orders resulting from deranged action of the liver and stomach, by the use of Hmnilton`s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. These pills being entirely com ed of vegetable extracts they form sn an Inimhle substitute for the numerous tonic hitters in the insrkpt. Hannilton`s pills are mild in sction. certain in results, snfe in ell kinda of weather, and form the best family medicine extant. Sold by all dealers in medecine, and by X`UV. I. \\ or! (III III!` I). B V` . I I|l'II| I ` luring pnelml vigorously to An end. - W. H. ` I-`reuleuhurg hes luonght as lerge quentity ol .\lAnitohA when! in Kingston.-l`he boiler and engine. bought ot the \\'AetrouA Engine Works oonipeny. Ilrentlonl. Are in poeition, And should the water rower {Ail by And lvy no stop will occur. .\ r. Beers, A practical millwr' ht And engineer, is doing the job in It tint C An numner. lk-welt Anal l`olIuer, who bought the steam thresher. hnl A lnir season : work. -George L hickler has ren- eered his house. it is now A cosy looking re si-lence.-.\lr. .\lcl|0n2\l1l. A student from Queen`: college. [Well lied very Acmptkhly totlne Preeluyterinne on Sunday. -- A wmlaling will occur this week. ~\\'i|-I ducks are scarce this {All And the boys who bought new gum look eul.- -(.`onlev and Wing Are sinking a well to sup ly wnter for their boiler. bought of Mr. HA1 etou, who is soon to become one of our citizens. ~-The str Kiiertoum unloAcl- esl A quentity of timber for the reilwny ent- tle nude on Seturdey night. --'l`he etr. Olive took AVA severe] tone of llour and A lerge number chosen on Sntunlny. -(Iu- per Speegle wen merried on Slondey to Miss Sereh Jane Bennett of Lorth Burgess by l-`ether U`L`onner. of Perth. ~--Jlllel Mulvi- hill. jr.. is running the temperance hotel, formerly run by A. J. Hurt: he in well t~ ronined by the lArlnere.-PAtriek Kle- Cenn hen peintod A grant mAn_v buildings in the villnge: he gives good Aetisfection.-~ Dnvid Blnck hAA rented his farm on the mountnin to Williem Scott llnl comes to the villnge to live in I). Foley 'A house, lled~ ford street. Wellington l`AlIner has also rented his term on the Monntnin And comes to the vill .-\\'helAn Aiul Webster will soon heve t air live mile contrnct on the reilwey tinished.--Nice weether, And the med: are gool.~-l-`nrmere are busy plough- ing.-J. H. Whelnn intends putting up |\\`n more hricl: houses this full lltll \vinter.4- Joseph Urevell, berber, late of Kingston. has aterted business in .\lirhael R.eape`s shop on Weter street. When Baby who lick. vegan botfhltllfl. wnuohew'u.cmd.uu.omarucmu1g When the Income Min. no clung to Cutuin. WbnuhlndCNMnn.|hopvolhomCutotu lIlll'-\|T\`lI U|I\'|'I'-`B Ul U\ll VVII All my lit: hul I lunnl rumurs. race that existed in lho Imzhhu lnu-rinr uf IM4 i-an-I maxim-m. m m put llu-In to line: pruuf; and n4 saw It with an -:\\'n ('_\'.\. and fuIlndI'N'1l. 'l`rnl)'. am .~`ir ll.-nry nhl ltumnn was ruzht when he \\` .-\fr.rn Seuun-r -uhqux-l nmi. la-ll me nu-:|n.< Ilnn tail! of .\fri(~: ... ... ... ....._ .. ... 05.5.. . II"! Kl If. We numd at each nth:-r in amusement, thluttnzthat we must be mistaken: but no. then wu no luuht about It. They wen not tour. but the two pmplo In tho but wen-1|:-c|c|odly nfn white as tllsttltr mthohod tnuntnlulru-I met. as white. fur ` lnntuwe. an plnlnnln ur Italians. It was A` npatent fart. So it mu true. um-r all; M And. myutorluualy It-I by n Pom-r In-yutul our town. we hml dis -nu-red thin womler fulpooplu. lhntl-I lune shunt:-d for juy when I thmuzht uf tlu- -_-lury and the man- dor of the thim.';uml us ll Wm. we all uhunk hands and oongrutuku. -I each u1.ht'l' ml the tum-.'(|Io(*led uucn-.-.- uf our wild at-arch. rumors of it while Mghlandu M the I||tprinl and lung:-I now here ,..___. In ...I-L .... . . _ .,I ..t.... .I..... IF E>U WANT THE 0/zeapest&Best/-'urniture ` n A I I nt:IurID1I7I`In\YQ (`Al T A1` -vv nuuln -uv war II In an uunuv I-run--'uIn rlmhb due om. lout hull! m- no ur [mob in the European hum.-u. with plzmku. un,l carrying a nlnnnlurh luruv mu fur In-r ulna. lint nur Mu-Inllnn mu mun1U\`c-Hal fmm the hall! in hrr rrvw. which cuunluled ` of A man and wunmu, ugurty m wmu: an onrndmn. . ,_.,__,n A --_s _.L__ l_ ___,___., ,_,. ' \7ur.sri-0:5." Work on the li. & \\'. nilvmy is u..I \-inn:-..n.Iv In An urn] _,\\' " The Moclun Oporandl. I- -1 ..-__.A:..- -1` I).._.I.. Nnrrow Eudnpe. L _. ...... `A. A_ an-u -uulrru fl IIIIIJ `I puiumi out that. 9 mint 0! the water. I unpmu-hing the nnnlhc-r mlnnta wt MI Ilumv. not unlike rn-In-4 the nmruhux vl'P wondering what .. llaunl ngmu-n..I -_, u\'II uv n II-|(', u In-\'i." which .\ friml thvw 1 Hug for an hour. uh button with nummal juyhnlly mlhulnal uni Ohm! I he ml.`- uu-nee. Buck & Booth`: is the cheapest lube; pines blockn, bunchwood, hurd pr won out or nu-mat, On Monday the horn on Charles Algnire'a ` farm. east of Fahxaemville. was discovered to be on re. II: `we: neeleu to/IEEIDI I") save the building}-eyith a large cow bxrn-ndjoinin . A quenty of groin, Itrew and hay en ,fenmng imleynentn were eonenmed. 'l'he.loee h ptrtlylcovered by inenrence. n.....|. L Ilnnlln 3: Oh; nlunnnnnf nlni fau- L'ARl`I'l`s clonnou nnn mm. 241 PRINCESS STREET.

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