.\llllll'003 MRI. 1. uruuunuuu. Fsnoy knitting on cotton. con-ae--C. Merrymun. Lnhnor: Sidney Wood`, Sydexr hum. UUII HllI. Picnic lnums llk` per ll. lpclognn sausage. l0c. fresh \.'mnln'i1lgo sausage, cabbage. po- tatoes, table nn-l cooking apples. James (frzswlunl. The contract between the electric light com y and the city basin: thin ovonin . \ Thom will not be lit urlng the periotf of moonl glut. Th: 1-ilv nnnnnur Inn; lnmln A manor-A` ml HIV. \'|.'I. Jrll. Miss Mary (i. llunlettc, Ii: ' hlmxurnul "Bub" Burclctte, is win eul uuccu-as as It rcliginus lectur rt The serimu question. how In meet. soul:-I by huying ham Hendry & Thulnpsmfa. The citizen: here Imve tubs;-nil the .\'.-wlmrgln aulfervra. Win! 1 council intend (u do in the nuns: l For the best uality uf Scum cual. also lnr Lnglish (.\'ewca4 smiths coal at lowest rntes go to coal yzml. LI._ I_,_.. ln\,__.. I9 I I, .,, VIII VI IIn'Iu'uU About II'nty-re miles of \\ ire luu been med by the eleclrlc light company in their city circuit. 1 he maize: will not open until Mon-lay, Uct. l0. Man ' tlwuglnz l.l1cy began on Mun- day. Oct. 3rJ. III._ \I...... 1' II._..l.,.., ,:_.,,, I .| TICK I ulucc. Brock & Booth`: is the chem` pine Mocks, huuclmoml, luml out or un-cut. ALA; ....-_L.. `E-IAV ...:l... f\` . I llli. WI" I"- Dr. S` on, of this 1 l-`mun no. and is ml. rick : 0 cc. l)._--|. L h.__..I,v,: muu; L. H. H rcnnnsu. landscape iuoil t`. I . Wruuhall. Min Fovlol. wlnrlue View In oil-I and 9. 0. IL`. Wrong I . lldhn Ink _dc-swing--J. L Palmer. C. E. Wnlnhll. M l`I........ __________ .. |u._ 11..---. n Nun: Pnrugraphn Plated l'p by our Ito- poruru In Tholr Inmhln. 1 Evening sinus open at the bunlnou c'ol- ` logouclny. 7 p. m. 1' duo uy Huur in giving grout util- fuction. ondry at Thom 1:. Lu! night of ale at rol or rink of Japan- uo Art goods by J. 1-}. Hutchooon. Hon Wadn In: a specimen in his mm- lor "T 0 hind n! I oquuh I am." Where hue yuu boon! Down to (`run - ` !ord'I gutting one of his fine picnic hum at 100. per "L ll- u..-I..- ..f -I,:_ ..in.. l._._ ..,.,.,.., I A .u-rruu. mnrmu BINII. unlnl. t'u"1lclIlI. m 2. D. . SOIL (flllltollli. Animal - I and `I. It. Mm M nqul. Chroma. uIoa:ma:--~3llu Munroe. PM Uhlho. 1 Pnlutlng on chin--I And 2. Min R. Nt- zulqhun. ' Painting on glun Jlnlnl ('nroy. TIM) Malena. Pdntlng on lulu Tluoy Xlchnn. Nil! 1.. ulna. Pundit uu sill. ~Muhol Cnroy. Mlu Joule Shaw. Pnlniag on plnua--mu Jonah Slum. Min Powor. Any Illbjoot. wuler mlnrn, , fur Eapllool the rt IchouI.I iol pr by J. W|lhm- luhnnlc 2. Nhnv. nd. Iubjoftllu oil. o;-lgllrlnl. Ilnr Rluhool u spoon in ny . L '1 om-- t I-2.-\Nnnohnll!)r - -IIno--Illa Power. A. D". Newlondn. Mabel Ctny. P. Uhlko. L-.- DIIIVTIUIJ IT` TU! old : s`yUUlI"ClII; R11.` l'0\VOl'. Emhroidor on ailk-Mn. K. G. Baker. Uananoque ; . Cooke, OM41-gqui. Embroidarv on cotton or mnn!in--Miu ' 'F3rl}.|;. W roullnll. Portrait I -I.I . l` I.` Marina How. water cloh --I Am] \\'rcuhnll. V _SIll| mo. wuor color! -| and I. _..--.. rant. rulxrlw. as Ponmamhlp. |pocinnn-A. l'|prr hangingwl. `L Mucl ULTPII II, IIIIYHMV INCIDENTS 0:778: om. "In ou-s. 1.. K. Wrouhsll. n` In ..II I` V II |IUI VII.` `V [ICU (TI UIIC manor '. q`\mIil_\' Scluntonn stave (.\'ewca.at|el black lowest gas works l In B. Iuhoclibod 869 fol ..~.. \\'|.-b .1|..-- o|.. ncily, ha reumvml to -unuected with Dr. Mob ` ilul M.-2.: .1; son. IIVIICI IU"`l W What duel .....LL.... 0 Hair work any other sort-J. Cramer, Ulenvale ; .\I. Spatford, .\`ps'o.'dton. Bead work, on c\nvM-J. M. Cook, C8- turaqui : Mn. Baker. Unmnoqne. Ram] wnrlr. LIIV nllmr not-t_J. M. Cnnlx. Asoalntim. Bloom-` ~ _.\llu Poimr. C. eapeut place for rd or loft woo-I. aiuer of the winning Hunk- I"I"'o `. I". Novlumln. nchlutuu & Co. 4| 9. an. ` make `I NNI , (Tutu- mruqlu 3 .`ul'I. INIKUI] \JI|IIll0ql|U. Bond work, an other uort-J. M. (look, Catarnqui; Mrs. Jttle. Hamlin wnnl wnrlr, raiyuul-_.Mr: Lif.t.IA3 ` Elly IJIIB [10 WII I105 slllllill. Ald. Hsrtyrexp ned that tender`: for fuel would be asked for by letter and not by advertisement. v Ald. Thom n-Will the tenders secured in thismy submitted to the council for `Imam I _ Aid. Hen:y-If the council directs it to be done] ' Ald. Thom on thought that as there would be In ed to supply the works e [ergo quantity of oosl there should be ,1: much com t on es pouible. He suggest- ed` that" e fuel be tendered for and the: the ediireemente for Qhe purpose be drswn R. up at one . He Iroulgl oppose the clause ln DFIIUT l'lFlU's _ The mayor claimed tliat Ald. Downing wu out of order. He was not speaking to the report. AM. Dnwnlna mt. dawn. `It in naadlana tn nlu. BWIlC"*I 'Ill IIDUIIlU|lly UUJXII: U) (Ill! report if the 4:031 in not updated for. At this Yoint Ald. Downing observed that coal wu 8 daror per ton here than in some other citiol. 'I`|... ....-...... ..I-......l 611-5 ALI 1'14.-_..l.... noory. Ald. Swift-1 will decidedly object. to the ` not At this: mint Aid. Dawning ohnervad that EH9 TOPOIT. > Ald. Downing sat down, It is needless to any that he wan not leased. _ AM, Hm-I-.v rlAIII`A nut! that tnnalnrh fnr [ WHICH WU|lI(l DUCIIXPUT IFIIL ; Ald. Thompson-II it proponed to to ten- der b sdvlrtilcnnnt for the fuel needed 2 Al . Uild,eraIoeve--I don't think that is -. \VI5II IUKIIWI DU LII IIIIHISUTU BUICK . Ill! hed been receiving $2.250 per year, QD5 out of this eum he paid on uuistont, who acted in the cepecity of a clerk, 8250, he receiving an additional allowance of $2 from the com- pony. It we: recommended that the man- s r receive the en] en heretofore. pro- vuled he paid the who e of the clerk`: ea- lary. The e alter then referred to the con- eum :ion of uel at the works. ixty tone of ova Scotie lump coel we used per month at preeent. Cool acme inge from Nova Scolie were cheaper. and It would be well to]try them in the furnace ; probably it would be well to try herd coal ecreennigs, which would be eheeper still. ` Ald. 'l`hnmnnnn_ln it nmnmod to bo ten. VVIHET IFS IIIOFU Ill [H0 Cliay Ald. Gilderaloeve uid botzween 900 and l,- k 000. He did not think that that informa- tion wu r uired in discussing the report. ` With reg to the munagers uh he hm! hum mt-nivina S`2,`250 nar Imnr. ADI nut ` 50 (I0 Dllllllll 01! III DWI] IOCUIIIIE. Ald. Thompson--H'ow many consumers of water no there in the city 2 ALI, Hilalnrnlnnva mid hahreen 9(X)nml l_. !\l.l|. lAll.l3f.l"~-`I.I.l.\ P. ` l..\ l'I..\.\.\ I lH\\. .-\l-I. llildersleeve stnted that the report mus merelv s recommendation {JP the be- lance of the year. The council. in taking hold of this new enterprise without experi- ence, would be et considerable lose if it did not here the benefit of the edvice which the present cm loyees of the works were able to give. here were two important matters in connection with the owning of the works'u-hich should be csrefully hand- led. The first wee th wster rstes to he- charged to consumers. `he amount intend~ ed to be deducted from the present rstee was about 33 r cent! The committee. however. wee ed to believe thet if it commenced to mnlte the reduction, during the ensuing quarter it could not tell the exact reduction to make, and it thought it better to delny sction until sui- cient information hnd been received to ensble It to determine whet reduction should be msde. The works, being in the hands of e compsny, the rstee were `guided by expediency end there wee nothing to pre- vent it from chsrging es hi h rstes as it pleased. The committee di not wish to do this. In order to eeteblish rates it would be obliged to first secure s basis. when this is gained the rating can be curried out isirly. The resson the committee desired the existing rates to be csrried out for the ensuing quarter was thet time be hsd for the prepsrstion of s scsle of rates which would be submitted to the counciifor considerstion. Another important mstter was the extension of the works. The scheme to be bron ht before the council wee to this eect : '1' at there should be en iron tower erected at the reservoir, and new msins lsced between it and the um ing ststion. his scheme would be consi ere carefully by the committee end sll the informstion regarding it, which Mr. Wilson msneger of the works would be sble to give. tsken edvsntsge of. It was therefore considered that the city should ` have the benefit of the advice of the present em lo ees of the works before it undertook to ( o usiness on its own soconnt. All 'I`L......-....._ `J... ......u ...u.-...-us..- l\` uananoque ; 1'4. uooxe. uauroqut. Embroidery on cotton or mainlin-.\Iisa Power ; Min C. Bro la, Gunnoqno. Embmidarv an won an-M~rn_ J. L John. i IIGITII U.) UIIU CI`! `(ll ` That the watcr\ thurizml to order on to Jan. ls! ; also tn` 5.- .. ........ .... 0|. H.175.`- Thut the oicoru herein mcnlinneul, he oontinuoal, with the lutien anal uhnriea :- formorly. nnmelv: James Wihum. manager, $562.50 for IAN qllM`\l`r. tn cover any II- ninunco re<`uire-I fur the ordinary work of the Odin`: fhuluzn Hewitt, plumber. 82.25 per wurkiu,; clay; \\'. Vince, ongineer. $50 per month with huuoe, fire and light ; Felix Lennon. aushunl to engineer -uul tin-tmu, $7 per week and house at reservoir. Tlmt the numuvpr rnuairn mnniaa :1! the I `l [Dir WWO` I'll `HIIINT -I IUICI VUII. That the manager receive monies at the othce at the works on Unttrio Itrret And depoait. them daily in the bank of Britinh Nurth Aunerioa to thc rredit of the cit)`. Iunl give IOClll'iI_V in $5.1!!! and tvro sumtien. Hon. (Sen. A. Kirkpatrick and .\li-hurl Duran for 88.01!) each. the I-onul tn be pre- pared by the city sulicitnr. water work: In:m.\ger be nu- tlnn-irml In nnlnr mml nnfilrnnlual In nnnnI\- CUIIIIIIIIUH. That the {on be given to c ` quarter. Thu! dm 1 P|ll'|.`lllI II`-IIII INC WOW! WUTII Ullllwlly and their management. and to emlule the umninoo to report thusroon -luring the c -muiug qusrwr commencing Uctobor In n. I ouding December Zllut next, the water run hereloforv u.-hnrgoul nml lhcouuu he cuntinuecl. 'I`L-A AL. I.,..... ..l ._ . ......_n.. I......o . . . _ . . . _ ..,I IIIU CUIHWIICWU UII WICUT WWWII II IUIIUWI 3 That in onlor to enables the commiuno to obtain tho uoounry information an to the but courts to pumao In regnnl to L" mutton connecto-l with the works recently purchuoul {roan the water work: omnpony nun. lhnir Innnnoamnont, an-I tn o-nnhln [lu- TIII WATII WUIII |lIl"UI(T. Alcl. Glldonloovo pruouud the ruport at the committee on water mark: an lullon : 'l'L-a 1.. A_.I-- Q- .....|.I.. ah- ..........iAn.... W|ll|l`I II! I'l|' I`! II," lllr "WU ln wall In uleu-I the cnllu without the petuutagc. llu In would In a mpor limit. A mntlnn In I. lnncl nu -I3 UVHIIII HUI "I'll I". TUXIVUL AM. Thumpuoa u sinoul that the In NH: lwl not how All 1 htrllsuloul, nwhm to ` the illness: 0! collector Midallotuu `uul Ihu Isle ruin-I at which the rate wan puml. n I LI n .1 Nnnu` ark-n I.` Hun `manual: 333' .h".':' "I would hm ` (UH. Feather owers, coloured - W. (Bates, \\'esthrook : Moses Spabrd, Spuordtou. Seed wreath--Robert Perry, Morven. Hair work, lmir drosaon-Miu '1`. Rich- ardson. I.l..:.. ...-..l. ...... -51...- ......A I l`.__.__.. W A` Warm lloiuwo In No;-snl tn Ilnr (`ml 4-! Ilnungouysl-Ilr. J. \\'llnuu wm lun- Mo the Wcrhufor Twit Ilontlnulua VOOIOIO on lotion: that wm Inc Iloul VIII oust lnonul. A Ipoclsl muting ol the ally council nu lwlol Int ovonlu . Thorn were present tho may:-,_ Ahla. I nan. Downing. milder- claw. Hurty. Hhoooi. Muchlatou. Hwm. lloddou. Ron. 1'. Rolalnuu. W. Robinson. Shannon. Hnomlon. Thulnpnon ml Wlloou. The nutter ul nlumnq the that for the collation u! tun. Ion puconup. can first dlocuuod. AM. Ulldcroluvo favoured lino uumlon. Mlsl hatimatoul that Ihu member: of we thmwu oommimn worn mi ma um: oplnlnu. ALI. I`. Rnhlunnn nah] llnni lhn tn: r.-nah . 0'Hl|I"|lu AM. I`. Robhuon ulul that tho In mech- qr nlwulnl remain In Mu Mice hangar idly man at present. Tlw npukor _hm-nu won! pvoplo who hul culled to pgy their Inn and cuulul not nal the receiver. ALI 'I'|........-.... _....I_l._...I aL,.n nl... A-.. cmr TAKES POSSESSION or we wnsn worms svsrm. i II Wlllllu IX D IVFT IIIIIII. A mntlon to I I the: was: carried. -nu. u.-.._ _..`..u.. ...u_..-.- mu: um'+:I:.\'.\u:.\"I'. N ha u H. I IUI VVIIUVWII IIII|I`|` .1 nu nu know when all clulivurocl. DI-I In: 1 AM: In uy lot but ` to colloc- I... ..._..,.....A..._- ll.. lurmul hceolllltl herotunnnexecl ` consumer: in the uni-I ensuing I corn l V: I .I 6.... 5|... .._.l..-.n- .......|. .-J IKIIIVILIII. :r cual entilnutc-cl to supply In put Ill any sL'l`\'ICc pipes the line M` the present THE PRIZE LIST. We begin to-day the publication of the prize list. - We have given the addresses of all those who secured the honors, excepting tlmse from Kingston, their names alone up ])8l\l' I `VAX tlowers--A. Wilder. Wax work, not fruit or owers-.\liss T. Richardson; Mrs. T. R. llrough. Gammo- ue. I F8t|tll(!l' owers. nnlnurml_\inauin Rn. rr lung ii I cu||N'l.iuu on n .1. _u_ :muu-uuu o "I! [hung ..Ia :5. III W2: 1 llw awwuntu I kunw this he wnulvl me i.... ..r In \ ... IIIWJU ll lll0llUll C0 Kalli` CHUCK. The you and ms as were taken thus: Yeas, the lllltynnl`. Ale 3. Dram:-nu, Downing`. -Gildezsleeve, !Inrt_v. Hiscuck. M noklostou, swan, Reddeu. Race, 1;. Robinson, w. M Robinlon, Shannon, Tholppum. Nays. Ald. Snoidolr. Thy pannoil adj ohrndd 3,: 10:30. 9111.30; rune: unnon. `6.6$'l; James Reed. 35 ; John Hondenon & Co., 1 86.02 : Anthony Shelton. $86.16`; A. 8. Oliver, $5. -Adopted. umuvr 1'0 nu: snuurrs ooumnnz. Ald. Thompuonntntod that then hud been txpendod b tlne1Itrootn' oolnmittee exclu- qiv of u.l'nrieI $19,809. The uluries amounted to 83,000. The; committee neod- ecl more money to nish the construction of 1lrAinu,nnd if 3 sum was not granted the work would have to be stopped next week. The ` committee nqulyod about $3,000. The coun- cil could grunt this money `and deduct it from the appropriation to `the streets oom- mithuo you-`. ~. - - (- Ald. Fla!-t\-. nmsnmlml luv .\l.l 'l`hmu.-........ UNI-I85 IlCS5 F: Ald. Hurt) , aecomledl AM. Thompson, `mule ll motion to that effect. Thu nu... ....J ........ ......._. ...|._.. 4; ,, IIIIWIUU UII TU. "IFUl' Ill Hall`- Ald. Shennun--Tho petition of A number of taxpayers, requesting the conetructiop of e drain on Stuart etreet.--Referrod to `the streets committee. mm? mu: O0uut'.\'xCA'rlos. From R. S. Rowe, principal of Central school. asking` for the municipal rent of 850 to the Teachers` ueocietion.-- eferred to the nence committee. rxmxcn-: comm-1-r:x's nxmwr. Ald. Muckleetou preeented the re rt. of the nance committee. It reoouunen ed the peyment of the following eooounte: R. Crewford. 3l7l.35; Bernard Keeaen, 8l3. 3%!) :1 gy list. $916.44: Cherlee Biddle, (` . ' ; Patrick Lennon, $42.32; Jemes Rand, SK 9 Jnhn Hnnnrnnn .\ (`.41 SI no . "K1.w `,\e'.n"'R(c::|)nln'l:::c:1`z`:e i`he petition of Mr. Umplnnn, wanting to light a coal oil lamp situated near his store, corner of Division and Queen an-oets.-Reterred to the com } mitten on fe. water and` light. AM. `ahLnnun--'I`hn natltinn nf I nnmlmr NF-CP.I'I'l0.V OF THE l'I5`l'lTIO.\'. Ald. Harty--The petition of Capt. James l)ix,Ivho desires to lease Uh: u icket eld, on which to locate a slanting rink and tobognn slide during the winter. Referred to the cit ro rt committee. XIX. Ff yRnLinnnn_'l`|-m nntitinn nf Mr t3llUW'(|CH. I IIUlllP5UlI( . It was moved and carried that the water works committee re rt all accounts for payment to the counci except salaries, and that the ymenta be made out of monies at the cre it of the water works department RECEl"I'l0`l Di` 'l"III-I l'It`I`l'l'll)\'. Juneau-. cruuauxl un: plum. Ill ull IOCOIIU Hnrrntt ml Solnere run home on eolne wild tl1I`u\\iu' lu-twevn hoses znnd Ueterhoutecoretl on n nulfiecl lly. .\lillun got home on '1'. Little": eufc hit and Little followed on C. F. ('a\llihun'a l-auiv. Then for the Kingston: things rcnminex in fan: qua until the first half of the eighth innings. when Fisher l`(:&t`lIc'Il the plate on a line smuh to right- tielal ml at Inuffecl fly. in the third of tho Purl: Nine: Jannee Little got a base on hell: and ecorecl on .\lillan'u hit. Millan renchul the plate on is wild pitch h Young. In the fourth J. Little. C. I". Ca - lilmn, .\lcHale uml Knox acored. the three former on safe hitting uni peeeed belle and Knox by it tine smash over the fence. The club was hlnnkoql in the fifth, and W. Calll-. him on it wild `throw by Young to Jamieeon unal in safe hit of James Little scored in the sixth. .\lcHule scored in the seventh by bed throwing of Morrison to (Jarrett. Then after the Kingetons haul their eighth innin the ruin came clown and the game wee calles lntck at the eeventh inning with the score I3 to.")in favor of the Park Nine. There was fair pitching by both Young}: and Mc- Hale. Many of the batters, isher (9). Dolnn, Young, Garrett, Walker (3), T. Cal- lihuu ('2). W. Callihnn and T. Little were struck out. There were e number of good cntchel. and Morrison gathered in a number of fine foul tipe. But altogether the match wae nothing more than a nice exercise game. Iili'X1'I.VU 1`, THE. VUTE. The rcporg was submitted for up roval and the you Amfnays called fur: 'eLs. Mayor Canon. Aldo. Urehuw. Gildoraleeve. Harty. .\luckleaton,- Swift. Reddon. Shan- non, \\'ilson-9. Nap, Aldo. Downing. Hiscock, Rees, L`. Robinson, W. Robiniou. Snowmen. Thompson-7. It wan nmvml and r-Arric-J Hun`. tho wntnr UICUIIUII. Ald. Swift was in favor of the report if the fuel needed for the works were tendered for. He thought the colnmitteo had ncted wiaely in recommendinu that the present management M retained. l:L"l'l'I\'ll 'I'l\ TH L` \'llTI` nxurmu to ma. Jnompoou qxeecn as an election card, and contended thnt it was 1.00 early for him to nppul to the people. If , he continued making 9 ha for the peo ple he would run out 0 matter before the election. Au u...:r. ...-- 1.. t..._._ .:.L. ._-___. :.- \-v---V vvvlllii ll_I'.a IIIIWII VIIIPCI III VVIZIUUI I ing I report on -rmnnent I intuients. But. it should be repiiiembered I lflollle coun- cil I'll dealing with what the committee i thought would he ulvinble fol three months i only. The nouon the{`presented such a report III that no menu rof the committee hul made a reoml ilupectionof the inter works. If e hul deeired to inspect the work: the company could have pnvented him until the cit took them over. He refermd to Ald. lhompoon speech election curd. nml nnnhanrlmi tlnt it u-u inn ".I'x'iTl'. Hmy thought um the .1a.men who spoke in opposition to the N rt were ; laboring under n nnisapprehcnugljl. The debate would hue been proper in consider` inn I renort on Inermnnant. Anhnintnnnntg I .\ \/|lilll'\ HI U|'l.\I|`.\. Ald. Rees Agreed with molt of AM. 'l'hoinpson'I re.-Inurlu-_ lout did not think it wnulclbe mlvisalnle to remove the office of tho- works. As fur an the Innuugcment was concerned it vmuld be pufectly absurd int the council to pay inch high Illaries as the c0'npAn_\' paid. The manager : sultry was neurly equal to N) per cent. of the receipts. With the uuistum.-e of the city engineer the works could be mum ecu nouuiuully managed thnn at present. Ald. .\'hnnnon sup nrted the report. Ald. .\l ucklesmu a eoirod to have the pn- sent oic-on of the vsorh retained. Altl. L`. Rnbinuon thought the works should be looked after by the civic ochla. Alcl. Drenuun thought tint Mr. Hewitt could till the position of manager utiafuu . ` torily. Ahl. . . - ...L- .._..I.. ._ -...____..___ 4, AL, ,,- , , ! ` UIIUlI|I\ . has had I ~ ' lot ul- _ cnuu 0! no Idhun the cowl pmuaho-I IIIIJICIII I-IITIPU I.` I'll` .\|-I. Tluun u then s gomsrnlh. o puiuu-I laluuool, Ibo I`! uni-liaNnL as I04 gnu.-- ..l ......_.. I the re u-C mining to haul 1! not: tool to Ilw uuululltu ` ' Ald. {lasagna thought cuulnl ho ukoul fur their |A tor and Ihmugh the prom. can-rn'u nz uni rd m0rocoqu.l;ot work in Ahnnnlunll . Mr: I. ` '.".:'...".:.'.'.*.'"..'.:' at |uh'u- a nutter Iran \ doll with. . mu! doubt: I: hulk My /I ll! 3 U. 1\lUI'l'llXlIIl, IJIKUHOF. Gen emu`: shirt, handmade-l and 2, Jr; L. .Nalnnn_ Karl-innhl. I `lllllllllll. ur mu l| luu. Milly wlu) mu I10! umlcrstounl the uircmnstnncca nctoclindoccnb ly il)\\'t|i'|i3 the young man hy shouting and hissing at him. In the lint inuiugtwo rum wcl`4.- nnule by Allen nu! Yuung. Then the l .k .\'im- evened up wheut`. l".L`.\llihAn and : lliQ9t`l`l|08l3\i the plate. In the uocoud Hnrrnl! mui .\'mnnrn run iinmo nn nnmn wild Mn. W. uuauon. Fancy knlttln in dottou, fine --. Mi . Munroe; Mn. . Dhlmmond. ' i Dgmm Lnltnlv nn nnttnn, nnnrnn_f`. J ,.-..,..-. ......., .. ........ ...... ....... ......, ....- up ed. he: lrectore. tAkln the ehow AA A whole. were well utletiecl vi the reeulte ol it. 'l`hey eeial it wee the equol 0! Any held, out- uide the provlneiel, on the grolnde. lhe mceipte muet hAve been in thenelghborhood uf 32.000 or l2.l'lX`. There vru plenty 0! money to pAy the prison And lay A nice neut- (" awn) . `he pmfeeeioiul hue-bA|l conteet wee A liumsl fAilure. No one VIA: eotleeul with the wey it in: cAri-led on. There were rneny who went to no it And returned to the city ulieguetesl. There VA: no riulry, no on thueium such Ae IVA: ex `tad. And the [en- c-rnl feeling was than 0' hA~l never been more euily ourne-l. (`hArlee Jerome. 0! L`Apo Vincent, lt`lO1l AA umpire And whAt he knew of hue bAll mu Appereutly very little. llecnllt`-l strike: hnlle Aucl rm rerpa And gave clccieiuul Ao improperly thAt many of the Bpt'CtIlA)l`I guyoxl him. The gAmo o n- ml at 2:30 o'clock with the Kingetone At t. This tmun was A very poor one. They cAme to the Iiul-l with eight men and to Aecure A proper number hml to induce Fiulier, A King stuuinn. tn dun l\ Auit. Many who lid not the inning two Ark `inn urn-In-ll un\A'lmnl ' It` Fnllihnn And luv. Feather owers, colourud-.\hggie Bea- (In. The show he over earl with he cl-nee come A relroehing ehower. The lrietor ol the (`county of lroownw Agrioultu eoclety he ended end eo lose the one 0! the t grounde. end no one will regret it. Wi um. show eleu ende e |`)'IlIli which will. we hope. never be revives . lu future e etirrie board 0! director: will control the hit` out upermenent eocretery will prohehly homn it elong. Yeetenle one as dreery day at the gmuude. in t e morning there were few epeutetore. Thuee preeent Iuove-l lint- ieeely ehout. l'he ground wee covered uith iooee paper And the palace looked dirty end unkempt alter the york 0! Thuredey. The exhihiture even not in good humor. nnny u! then being eoxiuoe to t away. But they were compelled to ho d their piu-ee until one o'clock. When the announcement to clear out come they epeedily eet to work. Then there wee greet eunoyuwe, oeueed h the non-eppeeruwe ol the oniere on we-hie the prize money wee to he pgiul. The tree- eurer tiently eveited inetructione. while the ex ihitore ehelbd under the deley. The announcement wee mode thet the hooke would he in ehepe by one o'clock. hut they were not litiiehed then. Nor were they reed at two. three. four or even live o'clock. At 1: o'clock the eeeieteote turned up with the ordere, but too lete to do eerviee to the people. any oi vhotn hed gone ewey die- I . P her irectore. taking the ehow n A whale. uoocl-byo In u 01-! umuldn-The rum- LAST DAY FULL Q? DREARINESS AND DISAPPOINTMENT. Eh work in cotton, oparso--Mrs. L. M. Ban-ineld ; Mina C. Brough, Uan~ ll. H I R (`l.(_)SBl) FOIQEVI-Il{. blurs Full; Moro our the Non-Arrh val at the l`rIu oulorsn \ llunry Hue \ IMII (Yuan-Ila-] ho lloglnllng ol the Print Llu. < oottomyne - O. E. Nnlunn Rn:-rinnhl IIICII. I'll}. L` Ixlu Lundnca .. water Mlu Jena 0 Shiv: IIIIOQIIO UIIII U. nrougn, UQIISH U0. Crochet in wool, tino--Mrs. Ba er, Gm- nnoque; M. Honley. *, - emchuttn nut. with ruda-A. wilder; Aunio Dunlap. A _ , Crochet IIIIII--Ml`I._ Baker, Gnnanoquo ; Mn. W. Gliddou. `l.`-....u Ipnlbiinn `II nitnn Gnu __ XII`. 1 J"iI3?{GEa:E."E. Wrh.3{J1"';'f>'."Rax.. kin, flblngby. - S(_:,%.0vi::$:u:i<:.l9:!.-Min .Jenni9 _ Anim M u or o wate - Bertha nuh31.fl1.A1r,n.:. M19" Flowers, Inter c5101-I-1 and 2,` Min Jonnio Show. In... ...|..:..A .L.-a-- ....I..... n I.` In._..'. . ' tlllll DllIW- _ _; Figure oubjoot, wstpr colora-C. E. Wran- ahnll, Ell: Frau-. . Lnndumnn, wntnr nnInrn_..RlIA i`IAnnu-` .- `Y: ID V` ruululu. ` Cr: on or pencil Ell: liruer. D-..n3l .I-..u.:-... D monu, VUIT G U0 3 VVDITI G FOBCTI, U`i.rC' qui ; C. Merryman, ilnvonry ; Kingston hoaiery company. M n rm: A813, PENOILS, `cuvoxs, law. 1 Crayon, oolored-C. E. Wreuuhall. D. S. ` Thomson. 1 . _G d ' 1` I Cra on. min . E wan a, nve ; '6. E.yWre1}1,nhnIl. my XIr!'K'-"U. l. auU'Il'\lI. Lnvurnry; ICU- mond, 0rr'& Co. ; Ward & Paton, Cunn- uni : C. Mel-rvmnn. ilnvamrv 2 Kinminn JIUTVUII `II. 1.4- r. \JUI'\IIlllUl'. .m0I'V,u. Twines. assortment.a-J. Muckleaton & Co. ` l'`..n.l..- `I ll....l. l--A..-. L (V. LHBIIIICF ; AIIUIIIII Illll, OKCIII. Stockings. woolen, coarse--Mra. L. Nel- son, Barrieeld ; M rs. A. Knight. Catara- qui. ' Carnot. nnt futtnrv - J. A. G. llntrm, qllla Carpet, not factory J. A. G. Cnton, Morven ;J. L. P. Gordunier. Morven. 'I`nlinnn nnnnl-hnnnl,n_.l `Inn-|rIn-onn Ar lIUlIUfy CUllIplH"u I Socks, woolen, ne-J. M. Cooke, Cat- | arsqui ;Mn. A. Knight. Cata ui. Racks. wnnlan. can-na_.A. larrvmnn, oocxn, woolen, course-A. T Latimer ; 'lbomu Hill, Stella. Qfnnlnna urnnlnn nnn I-cn_M UIVCDCU Ills. COIl'E Mlll FOWOT; Mini}. Bronx Gunanoque. ' ` Crochet In woo`. cou-Ie-Mrs. Bokgr, Gan- anoqno ; Mill C. Brough, Gnnsn ue. Crochet in wool. ne---Mm. B1; or. Gan- muuu ;u. m. uuuxe, ulurut Drawer: and shirts, p hosiery company. l)nnrers and shirts. rihhml.-Kinmztnn IIUIIUTY CUIIIIJDUY. Drawer: and shirts. ribbed-Kingston hoaiery company. Rnclu. woolen. nn_.I_ ll. Cnnlm, (`AI-.. BUII Rag mat- 5! rs. W. (Hidden ;U. Edwards, lnverary. Gloves, woolen-Jonathan Knight, Catn- raqui ; E. Cooke. Catarnqui. Mits, coarse homespun yarn-Mrs. Mc- Adam ; Jonathan Knight. Cnmr ui. Plait for lust, C nndn\natrnw-\ . Gates, Woatbrooke ; B. '. Buck, Latimer. Drawers, knittqd, home m|de-Mrl. T. Drummond. ~ Shirt, knitted, hnndInado--Mrs. 1`. Drum- mond ;J. M. Cooke, Cataratiui. IIrAwnr- nut` -hi:-tn n nI'n_Kinn-Inn PBIICU; J. 14- I . IIUFIIHLIIUT. `4\l0l'\'Uuo Counberpsne, home mnde-J. L. P. (lor- danier, Murvon ; John Rennie, NA flee. Counterpane. factory mnde--U. ladwards, \.Il'By0I|. pllIlll-`| . E. Wrennhall. I`......... can an... (IITHUF, AUIITVOII ; don KVCIJHIC, .l`I H.315. Counterpane. factory Inverary ; John Johnston, Odessa. Run nnrnc-t._\l(mnn Qnnffnrnl Knnhrul llVUl'Il'y ; UUIIII IJUIIIIIIUII, llllllllo Rag carpet--.\losea Spaorcl, Spuonl ton D-.. ......A \I_- ll` lIl:.I.l.....1I I.`,I.....__I- RIUTVUII ; I]. I4. r. \VUnIIulCr, L\IUI"VEu. Cloth fulled-Mrs. A. Knight, Cataruqni: J. L. P. Gordanier, Motven. Canulinn tweed-J. A. G. Caton, Mar` ven : J. L. I . Gonlmier, Morven. Shawl, not. factory-Johu Rennie, Nu- panee: J. L. I Gonlauicr. Manon. ('nunh-rnnnp. lmme muin-J, L. P. (lnr. FBII III II IKBlI3II--U. D. IHOWIIOD. _Se?in dnw|ng-C. E. Wrenlhnll :D. Rau- '1 . fhlllnnbv. 1 AVIUTVEII ; 0. ll. U. pawn, LVJUTVUII. Blankets. not fAct.ory-J. A. U. Cnton, .\Iorven ; J. L. P. Uordanier, Morven. l`lt\Oh fu"naL_\'ru A KI|uvhf (`;hn-nnni- UTUCDOI WUFK Ill 00El'40lI,_`l'lll6 U. 15. \VrunIhdl; Mn. ho Nelson Burieeld. Crochet edging,` no- re. A. Knight. Cutanqni ; E. Cooke, Ca 11!. in Power; II..- I'\-L-.. (1.... I IJIII l'l'XUl'o Pencil drawing--R. IIBI`. ||8I'. Pen and ink Iketch--D. S. Tholon. u-..:. A......|...._r~ I.` \v......-:.-n Ln 1: \a`7'I'lVJ.` A3" (FILER UKJUUN. Yarn. white and d 'od, not fnctory-(L Edwards, Invernry ; Kira. tanqui. Woolen yarn. fnctaory-Kingston hosiery com uy ; J. A. (E. Union, Morven. F uunel, not fN.`t0l')'-J. L. 1 Gordanier, Morven ; J. A. G. Caton, Morven. lllnnlcntn nnf fgnhu-xv __l A ll l'nQnn A. Knight, Ca- LlICI'Wl|II. Pair slippers, braided or worked-J. M. Cooke. Cauraqui ; U. F.d\\'srds, Inverary. Braiding on |ilk---G. Edwards. Inn-rnry. Wool mat-MrI. T. R. Brough, Unnam- que ; Mrs. J. W. Mnnh. Wool tidy-Miu Maud Kecler : Mina Connor, Portlmouth. 'l`i:Iu I-In! -rnnI_\'|-Q .1 `V `In:-ah \Iia- o(.3ordage-J. M uukleaton & Co. Fun-1 nan}.- _I And `I Thnlnnn I LUIIIIUI] lvurlllolltuu Tidy, not wool-MrI. J. W. Marsh, Min .\lillie Sutherland. I.`..L...-- II... II IVILIJ-.. \l... I l\' u0ruuge-u. BIIIUKIOIFOII G U0. Furs, entI -l and `I, Thoma Mills. Sheepo in mat.n--Richmond. Orr & Co. Ext:-u-_G. Edwards, Invorury ; Rich- * mond. Orr &. Co. : Ward & Peters. Cnmm. I HUI} Darnexl utockiuqsMrs. '1'. R. lirnugh, Uununoqlm Knitted ocking: A-Mia Flora Knight, Cnurului; Mrs. T. R. Bmu h, Uuuanoque. Knitted Inittem--.\lr|. '1'. . llrough, (ia- nnnoque ; Mn. J. W. Marsh. Pin cunhion--Mn. T. R. Brongh, (innum- quo ; G. Edwu-ds. Invornq. Hammad handkerchief. hue--Mn. T. R. qua ; u. nuwlrul. ulvo . hundkorchicf. Brough, Gnnonoquo; Min Flora Knight, ` Cataruqui. Pair ulinnarn, In-nialml nr wnrlrnal _.J M J] IIIIQ Dll IllUI'lI|la l~Ixtru--Mrs. W. Glidden, Mrs. J. \\'. .\larIh. Min Millie Suthorluud. , nu-Innnu A\'I\ nu-un nu A-au\l\..I All} I-I-'\lVOlI0l.l, Dlrrlnnuu. Uentlamnnh shirt, mu.-hine mado--C. A.` 'rmegen. caugaqux; Mrs. A. Knight, cm. ra.3$ _ tloImm`aoi1irt. annel, hand mada-t- \ M A Nelson, Barrioeld; C. Merrynmn, hfwlll 3 lI'I. ll. nlllg \.vIF6K'B( Ill. Soclu, woolen, courae-A. erryman, Qatimer : 'lbnmu Hill. Stelh. I. U. I! o JIHIVIII. Calico apron-Mrs. del`. JIIII Tl. RI IIII. Extra priuI-.\!m. Little ; .\lrI. lh`e!hcn, Shnrpton; Mia Montgomery, Wolfe luv laud: Min ('. rough, (hunnmlue; Min Maud Keller. Mn. A. J. Rees, Miss Frazer. Miss Hrophy. Min .\lcLlI`v:lI, Mrs. J. Ward. M. Henley. ins .\l. Benton, Miss I-`owler. ... _,.....' ....... .. IHILN (INK- Aprun, munlin lrimmeul--.\lrs. .\.J. .\In. J. W. Marsh. n'..I:,__. _...._.. \I.._ I II` II .._.I. \ lllll 3 L`lrI- IXIUT. UDIIIKIIXIUC. Arruone embroider -.\lrs. K. (J. lhker, Uunuzoque: Mn. 1. Vnrsl. Dnmiug on l.IOI-.-hllli llunlop ; Mm H. .\l. Baker, Cullinnby. Hui iu wor|:-C. Merrynmu. Lzuiluer; ` .\liu . Mgin. L`..A..- ..._.--_ \l._. I :nAI.. _ \l.,- I|....L ._ LTUWUI WUTI, [HUSH `J1. I')rp"y : Cnldwoll, Rydonhun. Mwrmne. or twin work, coarw--.\|iu Hubbdl; Jrn. T. R. Bron h. (Suunoqua. Crochet wine vor|:-J. 1. Cooke, (`na- rnqui ; Mrs. Biker. Gnnnnuque. Arrnmna ambroiaIerv-\Irn K H Ihln-r `I'll: CDJHUIIIIIIII 3 Crown] work in Uuuuuquo ; Mn. quo. _/ (Iran-al mm-In in Vllllig XIII?!) WWIIIUII `L. `I . I5]; RI. Sphurul, S tlbnlum. Quilt. uoth patchwork--J. M. Cooke, Colulqul ; Mrs. .\. Kn|M..Cnnrnqul. Quilt, Iou aolniu-J. L. I . Honlnulm`. Morvou ; B. 1.. Buck. Luughbom. But quilted quilt-Robert Perry, Mor- von 0. I-Idvsnln, lm-orur . It, crochet ~.\lrI. . Jeukim : 5|. llonlov. l\..lIn :.._-..__. ,._ ......... ......|. l` l`_I,I IIIIIVV. uilt, 'up|ue|e we I. Syn ouhuu ; (7:-oral unrh in `NIWU 9 IIUIIIIIIIII l\IIl`UII. \, IIDIICIIII. Braiding on cotton or |iucu~~J. 5|. Cooke, Csuruni ; U. E.lmr.l.. lnvonry. Mop ol unllllnorynponoe & Cnunlo . Point too work~-l mu! '1. Mn. 0. Johluon. Uuunoque. - Ilunilou lAoo~-Miu Puvwr; Mn. (3. L. Johmnu, Uuunoquo. Pdr nlippou, workocl -Min Muurog Mini C. Ilmu h. Gnnlloquc. Plain noou|o\vor|1-Mn. L. Nolwn, Bar- rleeld : J. Knight. Cnhru ul. ulll. silk put.-:hwork--)irI. Little: I . Uh ho. ` Quilt. ualico pstulmonk --L'. W. Day; .\|. ` Hllhunl. Hnnlfnnlum, \ -"i1}nuy machine n;a\i'ing~Mrn. A. Knight, Ca ui ; C. Merrimnn, Lntimor. Rant Amati`: nhirf hnnrlvnnrIn_l Ant` 9 r-ur uumuu nu: Iwou|[I--I ma I. nu. T. llrulluiold. Pull knitted stockings. cotton, pluln-I and 3. Mn. T. llrunmulul. Pair knitted otouklnp. comm. Inns.-y~ Min Huron: Mn. '1`. Drluunoml.` Pdr Iumo-I ntuokiugl. wmlon-)ln. '1`. Drumunuud 359:. A. Knight. (Baum ul. Pd: hunted mics. u W00l-~ rs. .\. Kui ht. Cauruqni;H. lslalninln. lnvurnry. ['57: initial mm. Hm. hm.-y wou|~-Mn. T. Drummoml : A. Wilclor. Ihnitling on um clan ~ Hrs. Ihkor. Huma- 1 uqno;Jount|u|u Kulglu. (iumgui. ; Brnldlnx cotton Iilwu ~ J. ` (.`u.u-Anni - I: If. lnuml. lnunonrv l\l|I'Ill~ J": wy knitting in swul. cuuror .\ln. \\'. lilialjcn ; Mrs. '1. R. liruu h. Unnw ue. , |"w_cy kulnlnqlin _IUk rt. J. L lcol. i (`ntnruqui ; Mn. `. Drlmnoml. Fnncy him In out will: hoodl-Tluoy 3lcl.nuu;|ln. . Drumood. Kumod chi! -In. '1 .DnmuoId 3 In. r. it `we ......`.I out . 39-: sad a. M... T. llrnnunond. IIII. _/ Cl`0I`0l wm-Is in Y ..-_.......- _loi:::I;nl . Iu--Ila` Four: S. ingot `ring, com-n-hllu N. `Main; Il'-..-.. |.-mu-_. 1.. ....._I A..- n \n__ A 3' IX JIVI Fwcy I Knight. Fnnwv (mix. plush _ Quulnnhnnu VI `TUI- r knitting In wool. Mo -9. Nu. A. portrait--M. Brophy, _ . H. Light, J. L. Pal- ~ or cru work T. (7nl|- J. M. `nuke, Cnnrnqul. silk -.\IrI. K. U. linker, . 13. L. Johnson, (immu- worsto I -.\IrI. Baker. uonyxemanu smrt, nanuu .\In. L.\Nolson, Burl-ineld. l`l|nntInI'hnn n -hh-I nun.-In. J. W. Marsln, A. Wil- Brophy THE Bl{l'l`lb'H \\'lll(? H.-\ l`URDAY. ()(?'l`. I. H II` ,.\luu TTTT --_ .._... ..-._. .,.......-... Evon}ngo1uaa open at tho business legs. Monday-. 7 p.n. ' 5 urcsluu to we glrll. Page VIII.-City evonta-CloIaLof the ` Midland Ccntnl fur-Somo of the prize- wi`nnors--Psrk Nine-Kingston bane ball match Water work: question. - I .`...... ._.. .`l_..-_ --__ ,. A`.- L,._;,__, ,,| on me an: mu ucona or me none: or noon. Page VII. -~l\lra. Ell: Wheeler Wilcox : letter on irting, with comment: upon her own observations. An epiatle specially ad-, dressed to the girls. A Pun VIII. -Cit\v mmnh-Clnu| nf the wemul, near new 1011:. Page IV. -Editorini comments on the questions of the hour. Page V.-Local and commercial news. Page YI.--Volunteer and Thistle, with A map: of he inside and outside courses, used`. on the {is t and second of the series of races. Pun. VT! _,\l... mu. nn.--I.... u:`:|......v- ma mauers wm not. goon target. . Page III. -WilI Carleton : wal 5, a pen- picturo of Garden City, the town founded with some of the late E. T. Suewnrfs wealth, non New York. Patna IV ..lo`Ah....I..I m-.mm.m+. nu cl... Index of Special Fentnl-en, . Page I. ---Bron.dbrim': letter. d truly de- scriptive of the spice of New Y k life. Page II.-Bob Burdettei hum ur. a reci- tal Ichool boy experience whic Bob and : his readers will not forget. ~ Paula III. -\VilI Cm-lntnn n um] i. A man. I'0VVl' ; LVIIII U: DI'0 II, ulnlnoq U0. Embroidery an woo en-MrI. J. L. John- ston, Ganauoque ; Min C. Brough. Gunm- oa ne. = I lFamilv machine um}-ino...M|-1:. A. Kniuht._ \ wnn wmcn no pay tor the message and post- a e. Yesterday Otcer McCullough Arrest- e him. intoxicated. In hie boat pocket was Mile Hill`: letter, and the envelope wu bro- ken open. Rernanded. \ 1' F388!` ll FITBF P1119. On \\'edIidafl\liss Annie W. Hill, an` exhibitor at the Midland Central fair, gave Cornelius Mchfnhon I letter to post con-' taining 81. a` tale mph message, and 35. with which to payor the and post- nne. Yaltardnv Ofnm- MnCI1linnnh Arrdnt. V|' HIV uuuhy Ull H15 ('8. The work of Miss Helen Fraser was of ` Iuch excellence and nish that the judges passed it, thinking it manufactured work and therefore not entitled to compete. Some- time after decisions were made they found out their error, and at once awarded Miss Fraser 1: first prize. On erlni'lav Min Armin '. Hill. nn IGIIIIUTU Ill sue Cliy. The express going west last evening was four hours late owing to in collision near Maitland between a ballast and a freight train. fhe smoke was no dense that the driver could `not see the semaphore. Many excursionists oing to Detroit and Chicago were delayed ere. `Phi: Ilrnrlr nf Klinu "alarm Frnunr n-an nf UI II: puluug [He pencil Ollc. Mary BanItone`a li ht went out on Thurs- day At 12 o'clock. S e died in goal while undergoing I sentence of six months for vegruncy. She was 70 years of age and was one of the oldest and moat persistent of- fenders iu the city. \ The ownrnnn aninn want but cu-nnina um: IIKIIK ucullrruu. John Stewart, Renfrew, had as lead pencil in his mouth when an follow threw I lnmlful of nccka at him and knocked the pencil down his throat. A doctor had a nice time of it pulling the pencil out. Marv Hnnltnnaf: Iiaht. want nut nn Thurs. Ill PU UIIC UIIIIIIIIIUII. Thin morning the trial of Thomas Malice. for assaulting one Richards, was adjourned ` until Monday Lo uecure the evidence of D. Fallon, proprietor of the hotel, in which the tight occurred. Jnhn Sfownrlt Rnn-am had in `curl nnnnil Lr I07, I00` OI Quee" 5`ree[. Ryan`: academy has been removed to the building lttoly occu iod on Barrie street (No. 2l'2). by Ming $1.0-, which has been newli furnished. Ryan : school stand: high } in pu lic eltimntion. ` 'I`|-i- nun-ulna 9|`. 0.-{ml Al 'I"L.-um... \l..l.'-.. LU ll. ` The case of T. Clark, charged with using abusive language. was adjourned until Mon- day. On the name day the magistrate will sentence Hogan, guilty of having committed larceny here and in the township of Simcoe. , Jame: Wilaou, manager of the water worla, havin been the purchaser of the Woraley resix ence on Centre street, in h w. imz it throughtly repaired and tted with heating apparatus preparatory to early oc- cupation. } Try) our dry edging: 82.50 per cord; (1 pine locks $3 per cord ; dry oak cordwooc . as ood as ordinary li.u-duood $3.50 per con , delivered throughout the city. R. Crawford, foot of Queen street. Rlrlhlil 1|!-nr'nn\|' H1: hnnn a-nnrunvnal in tin: OX Inoonugnr. The city uaeuur has made 1 general ml sauce in uwumem all along the line. [ Kingston is rapidly becoming an tn-ridden town. _ `Fl... _....... ,.t 'I` l'l--l. -I._..._- I ...:.L ...z._._ ktlllllflllll; ll`. I4lI}Wle- llenliu wool work. raised---.\Irs. Little"; A. B. Brown. Berlin wool work. lAin-.\lrs. K. G. Baker. Uannuoque ; M. enloy. Berlin wool work, picture-'l`. Caldwell. Syxleuhnm; Mlu Power. Rlnhrninlnrv nn nllIr_K[v-1 K (I Rnlrnr