Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1887, p. 6

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_ H Lonv MILL wooo AND sums SM ALL 908?. P0 R QQ\)Q\\\s\ QQ\.` E` 3 . Graj wSyrup Bed Sgruce Gum O; L. Potter. manufnc: NASA]. BALM complofofy : had-suffered for over -1 mended. and should be -. \ ' m ~ 5: \ ll. lacunae`: Spot-tuck-0. .-I.. -.._. -:.I- A- ...._l...-g ..:-:-- EXTRA!!! of WILD DIARR:H(EA. W. LARK'S AI !!! nunuu AND Montreal % j&13_nour1cen1ents, English Announcements A|ul;'I!hHl`M"`5`C\| "1 line In a heck.-man 1 - ' 1 ---~vu lou u an. lun- IN! 1" (IOU!!! HUG COCKi.E S ANTIBlLIOUS' PILLS. nn. 7. D. (must. I:_`'I. 1! Tu\'. Oucbec. It]! t- t.). ;....: ngyuvu -.-~ _ 7 P- 'W' A I. S ZEI S , Ina nntnrio (C Barrack S98. E ELL[MAlI`S ~ I 'CKT' [OTEISOIIKUITIIIIIII constantly on hand. (`Shoe-a Fu:tory!;s;: md Fitngg. Alan A nnunhm-'nf Nau- and .%nnn(LHnnd `MAI: 3 nuluhu-'of New Md Sooond~Hu:d Enginunnd Boilon. : `laohini; Engina_and Boiler Works. ; '*E.';`5. _ TV rTeleph?ne Connection. once and nesiduoa ' _ _ _ 254 and 256 Princess Street. R- REID, _ZM`_A.ZN'.A.G-ZEIR- S6N. (Ar:on`x~ing Ext}; Valu; in Dress G6o;is, ilks. Volvots. Pluahes. Shawls. Mantlee, Flannols, Blankets, Jacket and Ulster Cloths. Ho- -.;.-- A-`A 1'33--a. Portland Cement, `Want Liine, K. 8'. P. White Lime. and Hair, all of the best qua] but :0 Iurljvvlbq dlalluvj I awry and Gloves. n An. vxnonvnivun jinx OPEN -_%D'AY_; AmND__- NIGHT. BOWES & _BISC2N!*3TEE'E 4 ---- v--v-v-~ E Pamcms mm, % fLART)`JK*1: 1-\fIA`C5HIfNE OIL * ? srxiitii:"EcniJiI.nY*s[T Paris, New \'ork and English Millinery. Genmn, English and Cuniliau blanlles ' Great Bargains in Dram Good: and Mantle Cloths. Call only before the rush. Show Room: open at 8:1!) um. `11.01: - nnuvupouucan 4-; u 4-. on c an. Wednesday, 5th of October, and Following Days. --ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND.-- . - VV .3. .I._l IS -l--l- Isa Cdr. Ontario d9 Ban-pd: LOAL YARD--Bunch SL, next Dr. T. M. Fonwieki. ` ' Aug. 9 aj. _ aunndoilenfornll urpooel, from tnl horse power, and y Shun Rook Drill uni Mini Rnmin ITIIIL 7 Our long experience in the business and other facilities we poueen enable In to supply dnr customer: with the very best good: at the lowest poesilnle prices. ` Our buaineu (en before) will he conducted strictly on the One Price System. . A good doll tr`: worth '\-en for every dollar received. u,(`nll am inspect the goods and the store. `If? T` `l%'I'f'I`' _ `f\fT' |.-I.'I LL _:._ In A I I f\I'l`I5I\YY\Yl'l ._ ` 6i.'.,I.T.i.J. a.'" L :--_._.._.- _?__._,._._ _ ___._ ,,_._,_ i_.__..__:.__4_:::; BACEE TO PJi:LfcEss STREET- I'm In: Inna) Still I1-Ad in .\lA('Hl.\'l-I OILS. Our Oilnl have Itoonl the but for _\'enn. nnul um D0!` used by all Leading Mnnnfncturen in the llominion. GOLD AND .\`lL\'I'IR MEDALS` lune been awnnled our Oil: wherever uhibiml. Mnnufnctun-n and Smeunlnont owner: I`il 1-2 Sx"oZ.}'i}{T..a.I,;T...}' "iii}i s7fiii?`-Fiir '5-?Efb1':E LIE; .};.T1T.T:I.."Z:I' Xi. l'\.`I_ _..___._A_-_I NIEEBII Bros. & Co., Toro_nto. Showing I largc.Iwck of Boob. Shots, Trunks, \;nli|e|. ` and ol evgry de- ecri tion from the but homes in the Dominion. inclndin t 0 Superior llumfactuns of J. . King & Co.. J. & '1'. Bell, Cooper & Smith. II. E. `larke 8 Co.. And other relkhle Firm; ind in the city. . Foot of Clarence am! Barrack 8t{eg_t: W. J. DICK & SON Have opened their NEW STORE (at the Old Stand). The Leading Undertaker and Embalmer, Will nd it to their interest to call at th CHEAPSIDE. GRANFD MILLINERY OPENING! McCo|l Bros. & Co., Toronto, -. -.'_ . \ a dock!- ' Wooden Ware, loIntonh'o M1113. aayg; 2 of a case of catarrh from which I rs. It cannot be too h:|hly recon- anyono troubled rttr caturrh. I Tl \J ' ju-I-9 {J Will hold their FALL OPENING on PLATE Russ.) .'cmcs~aas. oowm I co ILAVOIIIIC IXTIMCTI sue -ruvu \.. .`W'. J - DICK as son- ioTi.`s ; GIOCEIS A SUIDRIES. _ __._ _. _--.-u-- vu cu-navuun In the largo number of States and Runes which we u-o_ solllmt. we nod it Imvolllhleto oxhlbit nltheconunl Fair. but In Ihnllbo plouod to nhow to vhiwn the lune uni of GL'I1\`I\ S. RANGE and S`l'0VEu ouwuuoonl. X0 nu pmxcxss ` In up nun`-'ng-.` - - IMPOSSIBE a V7 Chic-c-----., _ ma-uepoek.tomon-meeusx. - Oloe Upwdn over-E`.-ilhock & )Iurny`s. . ) l l\lA`\.4lhOD Ull\&'l- R. M HORSEY &. co. 132 and 134 Princess Stljoo/t. A RAMSAY 8:. SON. Pulp! Mnnuhoamm ROOFING Iiocubnnlnnlnlyludltbt LIyu:`c"iiLi1n ._ ._ ...__. 10$ U? Mnunlaocaoo. no-now. at _. \\'hnx-ngerx Vase! um and \\'holenlou:d Retail Cnul and \\' era. Coal: ot the 3 very best description. nude om-er. well screen- etland promptly delivered. Bunclnrood us! Hard and son Cordwood at am quality on hand. Inspection solicited and utinhcuu guaranteed. YARD-Corucr Onurlolubd Wes! Stnotn. nI'0IIlne-ClAmnoe And Ontario Street!- Tnausawa Sqlayalnnlau Q ll'Ullloe-l.`uuenoo nnu unuuno enven- Foot of (`lu-once Sn-col. IVORDI-IRS loan: the otonuofllr. Juno: ~ddcn.P|-lnoess Stroemnnd Menus. Mclielvey i (`Alla-4| l'lLl'|..2 .\.\'TlS(`ll0l'Hl'l..2." Thvsv 'l`\\'o .\Ivdic|m~n have no slulld the 11-51 M Ill) _\':--um` lrinl. hm'ingln-1-llilllnnitlm-I to the puhlir in lhv lulu-r pan 0! the lusl century. Tlu-_\ um_\` ho oblninul from (`ht-mists. or of the pm;-rix-tors. Bl'Z.\(`ll & ll.\R.\'l(`O'l'l'. __..__._._.___._?_ THE BEST DRY HARDWOOD l Four foot long. S013` WOOD, KI.\'DLl.\`G WOODu:dSA\\'ED WOOD cheap at E. WILLIAMS'_ YAR/D ALTeR_AT'"i\`7E PILLS, the lN|l)\ .ln Nod sou Pucnu. which an um-n rnbhcd ol. (urn win. or in lhodlsnhuwu of a thin. wan-r` fluid of an \'1-!')' diaurrounbo mnunn In All I oar cum Ihc lnwunwnl must be twotulnl. An Ointment It required to K`- liou- In-hing.and Mvdicinc must be taken In rIn\ng\- tho mm: of Ibo Blood.nnd render it 3-un~._ Both than nonlrcmonts an tuppliui by nn nnnrn?-n Al ! Phhlffn Ill'I\Il\lMI' aatnaaE.gi*csa'x'fEmmi 32` """"i"s.','t ...a...'.{ '`2'e`.i.'..`1 .3`#,' I um I wounds. IIUIOARIPI . andlho ind the llLlI)WS. an inlhn Ra}:- nu-nol the sun. which vary painful when vruhed. In the HASIB. by the anchor Hnuna. which. I! healed for a few {I. Ipol~ ilyo I(lllI.0l`b)' horny-luokl pn `hm. In the .I'IllN by hand. Shiny and In I Swell- inun. nth wounds Iuon on-luau deep. And on the BOD '. in Red Salt Patches. which man. or I) wound: or luau deep. And the H0!) '. Sol] Patches. ol. lornunin. in thodlmhanro I III` \ll.\ I 5'. I5.` I F-'|lll`l "THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND A III kInlI;IfItl:- when -1--u d 1w':|ch:r:uot|owtohconnId:~m huh? than wllelnnuuud by shad auto or the 'IbIt&lU:Kfnl`Io$ nonhuma- il ! V031. Hill 0! shown how! lath llIAD.I$ounoI lulho fun-In o!dAnd- nlvrllchnonnonntollruhl nndcom And Innomnu ulho form I03 Seal)` III the !\'l|.'(`K. hlidnalcanxrn; menu glands. .-Inn-uhnl. whict uneloa become :0?! HI I `WHY. lfyoct Mlrl` lu_uweuk I co.;Lt_I?-g niotllo It once. ` .l_ (I. King. A, P. (`horn and All ` lN_USE1OO YEARS. left at the atoms or Mr. Juno; 1ldcn.Prlnoeas Slroemnnd Mclielve R. `itch. Brock Suwaol. will be promptly Ill] . :. ~ I lenhono Communication. ` LA Y. I! roar hnlr In in I wank ~ 'L=-~;'.m.. --M A. Danni`!-II ht]: londlu muutnclun-r cl l'lHl`l-I>` 'HRT'"nT .To' llmh. Brock Suwaol. `nu no prompuy um lephono Agents Black Dinmond Line. L. W. BRECK. O In`. A, Ill'I)'I`H, A_(3`E'~O`|C`E~CL|FF. _. n-_1 Polnln Al BRECK &. Boom, DR. DOREN\`{END'8 Wobli AND com. I IIILIIQ Union Inn `ad Bench Cordvrood. Oak. Birch Ha Mnplt 1. unlock Cordwood Sawed or (In Ash. I-lm or Ila. sawed. `Undling Wood. 1 L or Stove Orifyouwnt. ~. I Coal. SoflC or Black Coal. .\ul Coal. Nu `E`$`_"2~f"A"Ws `ORD & 00-- : the Cheapest and Best I '1 AND SOFT WOOD. I`. (`boI'n' and I" s_l;{n_is1`.AsEs L`orucr ununo Ana \\ all atroom -Clueuoe numn Sunni. The 0l.\'T.\lE.\'T (nailed V\I\t\I\ In A `III! uni M. MALLEN. s. & I nv a-no.4` .\ml llw jnnn- -91; Street. l` 00! 0] VI` - 1:-qcery Store of JM. .\'.B.-UrdeI_s left at the \ nil receive pmmp (`1-awford. Princes Street. \ umunicntionr * 7;` __-. .. 9, DETAII Thnudbynpeptksovur kldumpbonntwlh 1 lononudgul IIDII Inhale. p You|'.l:lIndlloodtonI- 0 Thou ofboclunnu - AI JIM`. ,, TDO0 Ill II:-boon Tu. olbollulull `ngkcodonlc. nndthowoo You'll and ligand turqu- - Into ,, L. \V. BKECK. Is`. A. BOOTH. ` ll.\ R .\' l(`O'l"l'. llridpun. lura-l. . llu.. and &. each. llhnlnxe eurml din" lulbn lnulll Vlnh- LUU ,`er which the two yachts will`:-il on V 0,, 27th. Them-st race will be sailed ` over {he inside coutse, starting from Owl's }{,,.d_ The second race-Sept. 29-511] 1,, unpd either from Buoy 5, the sog1.ua lightsldp, or the Sandy ooh ugmsmp, geeoxdhg to the wind onthe rlnvnf than-nee. The third nce.it it is neessnry, will be sailed over a oouxse outgdde of Sandy Hook. I ll! WIIIL UII IIIU mm ,,"*:.`;.:`...,2:e.:'*" "=:;.....,..." nnnnan nnhxida Of Sandv Kftziif 31"!` eleuhone cot. ` a 1 GOAL WHOLESALE. & RETAIL` lion. Juno: D. At the cloaoot the war June: 1). Ports, of '1`ennesseo,who has just xulgnedtho position of ms: usistant secretary at Itat,wasaUnion tnemberdtho'l`en- neesce legislntnn. He is the author of the celebrated Porter resolutions, which weredeclnmtions 8.. Onunun nf {HA % I 1 `n'n`m. 18"0 ho was a men will -.. i E3;-gal. nnnrantlnn M N Sm ` `I|1870h0I`I8!lIQllIlll'0IuIUuJluuI.u-0 tlonnl convention ot the state. Ill lll'l' llRI\ll8. A gentleman. who is yachting editor of a prominent Scotch jonrnnl, writes to The New York \\'orld I lengthy letter in which he says that in his twenty years` yachting experience hehss never seen any vessel burst so much broken Inter nsthe Volun- teer did on the day of the trial race. He even goes so fur as to say that the Anchor line steamship in which he crossed the Atlnntic did not make such tl low even in a gale of wind. This seems to be putting the ease rather strongly in View of the fact that the clean wake of,the Volunteer has been expetiatml on ever since she has been launched. no declares furthermore that the Thistle is no American invention. but is the outcome of the latest revision of the British yacht racing rule 0! measurement. Mr. Wstson, the de- signer. has, he says, designed as new type of British yacht, and by fortunate guess- work hu hit 01! I that boat. The interest- ing fact remains, however. that the Thistle closely resembles American models (`ntn nnhlinlmnl in thin nr-Nola nhnw {ha CMSCII I1'Sl.'lllUIl'3 llll.lI.'l'l('l|Il lll(l.lCl.. Cuts published in this article show the course of the Volunteer in the trial race and the New York Yacht club course .._---------.-_ - . , \.U\ l\~`I'o "I \"I.\ n I| .I .n I.` I ltI.IL lllll r.& the will carry on the day 0! the great race, with the exception of her new nminsail, which is n tritle lighter and larger than her old one. It is safe to predict that she will not greatly exceed her perfunmmee of that day when she sails against the This- tle. The friends of the Thistle dnelitn-. in excnslng her work. thnt~ she was not in racing trim. Her bottom was not clean. she towed I dingy stern and she cttrrled two mure boats in her -l:x\*lt.-. In lddiliun to this, the Thistle carried a smaller jib than she usually dues in such weather. and it man who was on board of her at the time asserts that she was hin- dered very much by the boats that hung in her dnvita A ......I.....-_ ._I.- A. _..LA:__ ..llA._ -3 DWI: Ontheduot thotrlnl not-ache Volun- teer but the Thistle one minute and any- nluo seconds In a nun nulenca. on that thy the Volunteet Iran In racing trim and urrlod the aunt nil munnnnenk that ThenmwrhLahusuchahuwldh- clnalon over (In cotnpnratlvr nu-ma ul two yacht: as tho debates uow union on In New York and other yachting routers m-or tho uterlta ot the Thistle nndtho Volunteer. `rho performance ol tho Thistle tn the trial ram which took recently between the Volnntocr a_ tho Mayower. and which out-ctuauy decided the auperlortly of the Volunteer. has called lorth optntoua us! nor) shade. Then on he no qttuuon that \'oluntst atock hna gone up ounaklerably ulna the trial race. but the fact that onthat ocea- = ntou the Boston boat brat the Thlatlo should not tnrnlah any reasonable grounb tor an ac that the Voluntnr h the better I. but at the name that tho tact ` that the Volunteer did but the Thlauo. no matter what the clrcuuutancca were, mm to have greatly auzuulatal conn- denco In the [armor boat. To sum up the whole matter. thatactauooutohoutob Incas Ooupu-luau Baron tho lit tutu. ~ What 5 local Ydhuuu funk: About ` Ibo Inna-`Ito `little In lam Alla THE DISCUSSION WHICH THEY EX- CITE IN YACHNNO CIRCLES. ,Y.u'd .\:(I. l--0ntu'io Street. l-Clu-once Street Whnrl. \\'hAI-t COFRSIZ 0}` \'0L[`h"l EER l.\' TT{l.\I. RACES. .I.. _.)II --_._. ,,_ AL. ,I__ -n.L, __--_,-- V\'0Llf.\'TEI-IR AND TIIISTLE `cu saw roan facn-r cur) cot:nsn.' - _.L.'-I_ AL- 5..- ___L4_ .._nI __:I )I.'..?{;.L.f--.i;1.* 3 \ <\ - _noz.unnn.ron1-In. _ -1 A1- _-.._Azg..' 9', % y L/ 9501 E} nu`. mmwsn \\`m;. :sA'l`URDAY. om. 1. Glx`rl.IxIx.-l again have to not you to send us some more ot your excellent Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It lnaproved euchenlnnble remedy in all was at Pulnonnry Compllnlit. end] for building up the Oonultudoneto :- little ones. nmnyotwhomeometnulne very W and debllltnted etnte. We have eolne to that we cannot do without n supply til PU`l"l'NIR'S EMULSION in our home. We have no tumble in getting the chlldren to into it. in me: they onon eat and eometlrneecry (ill. ' MR3. L C. SNOW . . 5 Nell-on Infants` Home. I:l-un__ \vn I\__ 43 II& lnoldbynllwholonh mg! noun manti- lhroughnut the Dominion. -l{_A-I-(L jnnwu BROTHERS & co. I? (III Wlll VIII` JIIQ l'l\lDG \lE UIAQIIV1 ] clilacrou nmouly wudboovond 1):: lab dun-y_hSo1|thA.n|cn.8udnso|MddrQod enyolupo lQ,thORlV.JClflT.IKIAx.8t1tioI `n Row van: cny. To agwm A70-_--In&-ln`frIn- I-50 anon and Indication of youth. ncronnwukneu. early docnmltnotmunhooll. &o..l wlllnndnrr cipe umwm bnnyon. l'RlI'0l' CHARGE. I\l--nag: an-nnnlv -5- nlhnnvnlvnll `IDA Inln. I MT/IEHERVS SHOULD READ THIS PUTTNER S EMULSION ALI. SUMMER COMPLAINTS.` 1 saw er ALI. DEALERS. | --CL' RES CHOLERA CHOLERA - INFANTUM, Wall Tootlled. I was nearly dad with chnlen morhuu. onobonlo of I-Ixtnct of Wild Str|I lverry ' cured me. and at mother time I win no bud with summer complaint that I thought I would never get over it. when two bottles \ cured mo." Mn. F. Ashen. Heel. Ont. _ | STRAWBERRY: (S. King`I'drug store. Buv nonerbrtht-'r.' overyjnir is utnmped ',`B.L" Imitation: _ab uIg . T_he may sometime: be close .s`.`a;;xwF '< Foot o] Qu. ifFFWEET?S \I: I` E Illlwl 71).]. IIIIITKIOIII nboun The fruno ly imiuhd, the lens never. ` nun llallfnx. NB. Doc. D1 183. an ---u--ww - cvpvxuuvuwvn lhe only Inn aid: to rfect vision, :3 J. ` r King`: drug v none other. See nverv nnir in nmmlmd "R L" lmimtiamn Indispensable. "1 bus gal Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild S`:-swlneny for summer complsints. ` sud have Wren it to my friends. It gives instsnt iet when sll other remedies fsil. lwould not be without. it in my house. Mn. '1'. Foil, Weidmsn, Ont. : A Sulfc-I-or`: better. I have been I-uthertal with catarrh fur llnoul twenty nuns. I have lost my acme -I smell entirely fur the last fifteen years. anal I hul Alumna ! lust llI\' hearing. My eyes wen getting so dim I had to t some nut: to thread my needle. Now I no my hearing as well as I over haul, anal I can see tn thread in line a needle as ever I lid. .\I_\' sense of smell is partly natural : it seems to he improvin All the time. I think there ` is nothing like Ily'I (`rum Balm for cn- ; tArrh--\Ir-L H, H, llrimog Ra-mlril Hhin 1 lrlli Ul II"!!! II Plfll" IISHIIIHI ; II ECU! urrh--.\lrs. B. E. Grimm, Rt-ndriI.0hio. Pnonun-mm, H`Al.ll_Alx. NJS. SMALL PILL SMALL PRICE. , _. .. .__ A POSITIVE cur: run SICK |:E:.I`..i.1/i; Q Gosling`! un 1"l`olepl-one Comm Aug. 9. 0llleo-Corner Kln British American and satisfactory dot cover and JAMES Ana Clarence olel. delivery A apedl well noroonod` uniention whrr.

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