`I I3` I nwnnnm-I I Ill! tisuuu-ua --..-_ -, , meme eommiuiou are S`KI).IXl). The pru- I tell! agpropriation I'll $l(l),(II|. In ken` York, Dun Lyon. the leader of the \\'hyo" wu menu.-need to be hung fame murdet o the athlete Quinn. r.....n.. hem: I'll] build thou] W H II,U ` -... ..-.----_,,, , _ for I e munier-:>-fthe I Cnnndinn Pncie will three nteenere. with an nven speed of fteen knote. The one: will pm_ hly be over hell n million sterling. _ ` The Figure aye Frnnce Anal Germany hnve opened diecnuion n1'th the object oi improv- inmmntier reletione. nn. lawyer. New York. denies that he received OHOJII) from defnnlling hnnker Scott. The Mnnhnttnn hank he: not much hoyee of recovering the money. nub on theonler of Judge Rnger. 3 he: had not er stay of jud Inent. Until. | perhnpe. the court of nfpenle e pascal up- 1 on the cue Sharp wi I not be sent to Sing ` Sing. . Lord llnerin has advised the government thnt the (licrence between the revenue from . intoxicnting liquor: in India. which in IBIT ' was SI l.5ll),iIl). until now. when it etnnule nt $?l.%.(XXl. is not the result of exceneive drinking. He nya it result: from the cup preseion of illicit distillation and smuggling. The nowski cup has been won this year \ presnion of ilncn (`llluunuuu mu .......5....,,. ; The gzowski cup this our ! by the Ottawa hottaery. followed by Dur am . for an: plnce. the antennae in time he-in i only one-fth of I second. while the Huni - a ton battery, which takes third gin, was E on! eight and n quarter seconds him! the l `An Al` lender.` V Sir John Pope Henneuy has mjchnscd ! Rmtillnn castle, county Cork, Ire ml, puc- snmably with the intention of oumpying it as A permanent residence when he shall tinvdl return to the united kingdom. He - has, oweger, consented to resume his hr 3 tiesns govornorof the Mauritius tenipnmrily. ` pending the selection of his successor. `\ l " W , ,__. -_,-_ E .ClRCLE OF THE CHURCHES ` 'l`lIe \\`n_v the Pulpit! Will be Filled To- morroII'-0llu-t Paragraphs. Rev. R. \\`hitin preaches migic-nary services on Amherst shad I0-lll0l`l\{`\\'. Rev. J. Hay. of Canqgexellfonl. is con- ducting special services in llcville Presby- rm-ign uh urch. 1 v 1 1 x 1 1 1 i lucung specuu \ terinn church. 'l`I.- Indian terinn ::hnrch. The ladies of Queen Street Methodist church have I aocnl on Monday night. They nrrm the ulfnir for eocinl purposes. Rev. G. ._ White, of Stalls, nchee in the morning. and Rev. G. S. I in the evening at the Queen Street Methodist church to-mor\r-low. Min Alice . . Britten will sing "0 Rent in the Lord." from Mendelssohn`: Eliinh. it theeveningeervice in Queen etreet Methodist AI: n Innll MI. Il\0l I'0". tneeveumg-u w nu. .. church to-Inorrow. D--c A-Imp Jnr toiiiorrow. _ Rev. Arthur Jnrvil. of Curlelon Place. has had to retire for three month: to give his throat I rent. Rev. J. Fonythe, Pem- broke. sup&l'iec his Rev. J. . Spu-lung. hl.A., will oicinu At both urvicen in the Sydeuhun street hlothoiict church to-Morrow. Subject for the evening. "The'l'rnnalnt.ion of Elujnh." The lllllllll harvest thanksgiving nervice will he held in St. link : church, Bunio- liold. tomorrow at ll o`clock. The uerlnon will liq preached by the Rev. A. Cookeof George`: enthodrnl. A `ue subject of Inching the Inlninry more lutinernnt, c....u.. ,..`.:..`.".'I...a.`i'..7'%.""2`s,..;"l yennuudnottorqtun to the sum plnpo within nine c|.n.vlllhooon|'idurotlnt the `coming An icuuynodlnthineity. V ` ___._....__.. , 2a., I I 1 , 1 THE Pain or THE hzws. NICO `III IUIBIIII-jay. ` ` Kultunzoo colony. fresh C-unbrldgo uu- ' ages, nun huldiul. Loch Pym horringn, vholc oxloIgIQ.1',9hd). Spnish . new V'Il0hl:iI`l|Ili3_.' r-I I_ ' I ,_ .1 _:.|. IA Undkyntxhoopbhhouno-D385 nu-at N'3"|"~V- . , --u-... 1...; nunhrm: LIVINGSTON & BRO., Parents having an eye to busi- ness and desirous of . getting the worth of their money will find it to their interest to make their [purchases at our Store. 1 `Notwithstanding the strungelanguage `used some of the `little fellows," and their noisy by effort to attract attention, heads of families will find that they CAN SAVE MONEY Ill Ulllllwuuss ! _. I I... I\..- --n By making thnir Pnmhuu It {In Old Reliable. 1'. u("l`. I. NOTE THE ADDRESS .- :70"!/7? rZi%E7>}f/0 TO T0/90/V r0/ --_.. gnA\ \AlI'\ Do you want. to rineto an occupnion AKDSOII RALAIY POI YOISI W015? NOW I` `fill; TIII TN wunulw \`0l` cu V stun E .\`u\\`. while the chum in or no you : sow ; while our inducements ue fresh regsined. Every shy`: delay is no mnny dollar: ` from the pres; Time loit cu: ne'er . Then is so 1-nu us: run rnnnsr, an-l deltyl an mooften dnnger ___ ---.. n....n.;upnl'I.lLl`0I'RSE AT Do you wnnl to learn I Trude or Profusinn? IIALIZI A ll ' ` uI.I2| llAKD?0Il nun V .~'1 llIiI. .' '. ' onnmyou: sow; u ' ` ' `-- -5- ---n Tame neer ` And pnpsre younell for An active Business or Proleuioul lilw in lilo nhould hue I Trade or Prohuion, on wl: , woman Iurtia V throu h life. on All hundreds of young Inca And women, I I K.\'0VA l.lD(3l ploy st uudl uhries. vhonu if they pounced mu. srslsma. they coul ' ' Lidia, Sewing Girls, Sc uluy liuely eujcienl to uugsly their every dav went, who 1 in; this College Cnd pre n I be olmiined from n mwld are for my lent Inf of active. cnorgc our-rut in from ox:-1-nu F MEMBER THIS 3 Buinculurn-or .IlC" tie and indnutl-ions . ID to on-n.u.r In ! Tho0uly'l'horonghShonhnd Come incunda. lVl:aIvv\/vu -_.__> I lsuunifnu-It by lmrnuvs o. spiriuu. irreeolu (ion. dc-qnonllq. gloomy thoughts. lauixuc mun ol nnlnuon.cunluu`un. umiuious. sound by melt-abuse or Iulhcreuon.) You hue can and certain one In V Prof.:f.`0.|_ _auk sGreat|lervousRemedy. ` ,_ ;-..|- All n-tlnl-Q mg] [n ` gnu: u....... -_ ` I-I.\An.uI|'s : -ShonInnd. l'ypeI'riting. Pen- i nunship.(,`ompotitlon. Business Lemar Wu`:- ) ing. Couunercnl and'l.egtl Forms and LII K Lectures, Etc. I-In nluclzs :~(.`o come` Au. Inn mxu S'r1`nI:.\`1-n should send at onm for Application form and Cimulun. Etc. Discounts :-lmlics. I0 per cent. 06'. (`lub Discount; : (`lulu of two, I0 per cent, on : three, I5 per cent. o ; four. 1) per cent. otf; live or more, 25 per com. on`. xi * * W * ADDRESS- Wcnlso pm Students _ :. mush. c its. u-uw Toronto Busnness College. `n|a'lio.s.JEt\(-.. for the era (`1\|Ib<-rncv-nmll mu-r- CORNER OF YONG: AND SBUTER STREETS. sily Mntriculmiuu l~2xnn\inu- lions. Etc. Toronto, Cmmda. mm; In In-|e.t and to the Pull-I. Dyspepsia is ulremlful. Disorder:-ll `.i\ er - is misery. Indigestion is n foe to good mi l The human digestive nppu-atus is one of I the most complicated and wonderful things 9 in existence. It is ensily put out of onler. ' , Greasy food. tough food. sloppy foo-l, l-ad l ' cookery. mental worry. lste hours. irregulu l habit, uni muiy `other things which ought norto be, have made the American pt.-eple | a nntiou of dyqieptlcs. But Gwen : `August Flower has done `an -----I--c..I _...-I: in taforllllllk this and bust- llluou un uy-:1-.r..~.. Green`: done as wonderful wor in reforming this busi- ness ond Incl: g the American poo e so henlthy that t y can enjoy their meals md he `happy. ` ` ` ` _ ` member: ho hop men without hedth. B t t`-non`: August Iglowor brings health and happiness to the dyq optic. Ash you. dtuggist fot-q bottle. Soventyve emu. ~ ._____.._._.`-- I | Good muumuwuuu... -..--__ Z. Provc. at the New York rlothiug store, has every facility for msnufmturing ordered work. Having undo additions to his rid of workmen he in pnpu-od to manu- facture I suit on ten lloun` notice. I Va: and gum in nix hours, well undo. and 3 ___ . . _..-........| n. i. now nhowing an 1 when unto. (KI .. '1-also pl-egg: Students \ nudes. I-2u:.. for 1`onch~ ` en` (`ivil S1-rvicv-nml l`ni\`c-r ail) I-Zxunlilnr lavnmon. Oct. 1. - ands.-$8-II;0_ rlcu:.5l. table K|ndun."-xmum r I! I(`umI II. In: wold. focus."- rostorer ol tho \-ltd Arnnbro:-ht`: (`on Wine. vhnn Iron 0! Maine. never so Mu-dk-A Nevievrs. IJV`l'IlI- VIII. \Vhou-5.-In to 5 id. inlu-O No.1 Oal.-hldmhtl. GI-n-hIl. IIhnn-hII. Pill`!-TIIII. lanl - Bun. 1-LC.-~M-s OIL: LC. I hlhw-Q8. ' 1.12.: R.\ .1 Shorthand Course YOUNG MAN, LIVERPOOL HABII1`. `A- '\-| |_II- NERVOUS-`DEBILI'I'Yl r~~---- no -..iph. irn-nnln ` s: PAL TIME FOUR I0.\'I'Il.\`. (SCI tutu. Iv _. ,, N SHORTIIA ND OR ('O.IMER('I.-l L ('0l'RSl-.' . THE COLLEGE OF COLLEGES, Cuunnerciul C onne. : Iu well man. no | - Mood. He in now nhowing 1 ' I _.LI- -no.4`. ; with our Diploma Anal nuisance, 1 Complete Commercial Course u -r,__ --..-.:.: I. Ll..II.. |'nm~u\ S..\.. St. `l`vl:\r`_\`. 5.. Pnvsidc-nl. . LL11. Prinz.-nal. .~` L Socn~l:Ir,\'. . Oct. L-1133.13. u'..... . _, use. and Shorthunl and Typewriting. (Cs GLwt.u'I:-S|x .\lus1-us). R E A L E STAT E, Steam and Sailinn` Vessels, Wrecking. Diving and Rafting Plant, TIMBER- ETC- :-__ IRMOUI rljlig O Iuwuu u :~ll.\Ll' In: that than ut any < u Profession! lih. Ever young mu: 4 or l`mh_uion, which to n y. to nab! K! 7 ~_. -:.L... ml. np . Double Entry). Phnnunhip. Lompounon. Spelling. Arithmetic. Bunineu Letter Writ- ing, Commercial and Legs] Forms And `at Lectnm. Etc. PKNIARSHIP SHXDND 10 NONE IN CANADA. _... ....... unvv-us Tollogu. We but a l'l:(`lAL nustu for each vidully.-30 cunts 70 mp. Qur Student: I v'nhtoonur.andoa Itolont excel- enon, System of Teaching, I-Itc.. thoy In other lnsutution.-n- YOUNG WOMAN. x-IE.Ii-3J]3]?Il1}I[.\'l'- ` Koopn evs-oryulahqbin the Grocery Line (`heap I"relInnllGood. HIM TBA 1101183. PRIIOISS 8!. l 'I"nn:1-Ax oouuocwns ornca fat the Iodndhxpwm ho upon dull: from 0:!) n.lI.tol2:D|I.h. ' ` Illlhlov-I uu-\u-.._...- I lt`l-`rice 82 par home. All sun to I \ T. A. HATFIELD, - Gcncgal lerchant, \\'m_r: lguxn. 31., [ optume NOTIcE l , an easily cl-lain employment at hund- ADVERTISE DETAILS ? lion, which rely. to Ann: mun . who no either idle. or en- K.\'owLux:: or suoI.1'Iu.\'b or misun- on. `fun: Au Tuoruxus 11 you; Who no eh` out an uiuunco on I mu, who con J honor their nnncinl `I: themselves for such uundy n naw edge 0! the Courses We oer. Commercial Course EVERY BDOY K3033 THAT L. TIME POFR Il0.\"l'Il.\`. young man um . to unis: than nithnr idle. nu: mu ocmmcli. um. fut 1 purcluue of any one or more of the following `an!-ls ol the N Estate Maid D. 1). Calvin. The 2: `men do w not bind themselves to accept the highest or any lender. Further purl iculaus can be obuLin~ ed on auplicalion to the I'2xu~\|l-bra. Harden ls~ ` hgnd. ol|"_l`o'KJRKl`.-\TRICK & Rut`-l-IRS. Soli- nucun g nn ; ,L'st.u. Tum 1'0 land. or to Linn cilors. Kingston Pure! No. l-( nnrnxt llll 0" l-Gnrden Island. containing 65 acres. more less. with all the whnrws. piers and other impnwcmo.-nts. including the ma- chinery in saw mill. show. cntstan houses and other huildi boomx boom chains and all other tools a Articles on and about the Island I I which now belong to said Estate. and which are not Ipodolly mentioned in tho other par cels nnniul below. _ Parcel .\'o.!--uoodsin gonorol store. uvcr '|n\'ulttor)'. Parcel No. 8-Stock oi iron in blncksmith's shop and boiler shop. its per inventory. Parcel .\'o. Fmda in all loft and other Pan-cl . o. 5-IndI. ks. pun-luau hlochs. . blocking er plant noon! in ship- yard. as V inventory. > Parcel '0. G-0nk and pine timber at Garden nu-..` .. nnr nnoclllcotlon. `_ _ N runs the Sunni all Dov:-it Io Int-tune dlr . men IQ MIT! Own an: Ann I! In (Iva MEDICAL. A Sluggish Liver Panel So. I `.'i'.`. `<-"`i"; Q "*s..."* wl ts. Inna. etc.. In per inventory. Panel .\`o. I!-inch Rotary steam pump ntl holler eouplgglo, - _ J H ` ` Sell punks lndehtedlo lhp Kllllc are 5 auumnu. 1 lafxn nuke vuymcu to II ftlthll to for the hoculon. and all noulod to I i All. I. SLEEPIJ; 0'8/1/E 88. oullllb. E`: ` Twenty-In ' 1:5 mm Iapkl liwr. uhlrh V nnndho II!-:4-than h; ` mu An-r`nI Inn lbs! I I lune um":-I wlul Iku. Thy N-|'\tlnIo Ibo lgwuku-bl 6` Aalwwnn llw amn- utr. nun -an an my mu um-uriuo - Pu] l`hun~Ml|. OM11. Man. TEN DERS I` ll! be received D. D. Calvin. of M the I-In-eulou harden lslgnd. up to .\`001\ 0.\`_ ~ ru. . "M23319 Ina. Puvd \'o. ll-Ion bones. Pu-oel 310. 12 lot I). D. Calvin. Parcel Sex I e Vhoel Tu Steamer Mel Kai lniled .\'o. ll-Side Wheel `hm Simmer 11-A- vdlor. ' _ Pucd .\`o.`l`5L~Sido `\\'ho-:1 Tu; Steamer - 1 _ i-I._ J.` Ill--\I.ll\I. 1 (`uudcu Inland. Sept. lls. 1887. :NTEi\7s SALE (KARMBRECI-1T'S) voune MANI an-nutiu-In and luvhonue Ibr 1I|ll\'O' gcrulonu mandnumzl Ill ml...-|.1n. hr: H Jr Ayer's Pills, Ohio. .....-nn|..._. ....-up lglnilr Inlsdldl ` INQIGORATED. rrlcur, uvnwur ........-..-` \\'0l.l'I 087.. Sale Agent for Canaan. lohtolluu. ILLC LVIN. ~ J.;nxnu\'. ""`- `A--I -`--n :3). IR? tun gal nvhnlnle kilo Ive -.\\'D- .q`~igl3fxn ._4__ Iuoulologulnnloounvp`. _ H7 Analoul nu. nun land. so. 3. olfhuulny. UN. to. ll 1:` Xlndeulao. o.QIIIoodn:.04 til. u 728 n.I|. Iblldtiiju-o Lnruv loans`: can Illn- nu l&IclrIy.I`||Il0(ll|l new lady: oan.onru~rluutrnludPdumuUta. on-I stun-Mn`: Iludwan luau. lb 34 at` Mt Tncdaynul an-h mouth. Tun Rnn'LAu Slin- (`oust-ll. III`-Al Ammu 1 and INN uudnyu In D In an (`IKAIIRIAI i ..,w_ | In the (`luuqu CIICII nu-u-uuup y--'...,. Fuusc from New \'v-ck cner" .~zn:nnlr\ . \u- lhorlud Axum. D`. .\. Fuhrer Derry lluc . (vol 0! Brock 1.0.. Klnunlun. : ASSOCIAT |ON'S ANNUAL MEETING. Stanley Cnown. Then came the elm-tiun g-f -lirecton. .\loun. B. .\l. I`-riltuu. I-1. C. llill. L R. Montgomcrie. A. J. .\lc.\hhon uni fhomu Sung: won olccu-I for one you : Mann. I). F. Armnlonu. Hinm A. Calvin. Shon ----.. ....a u` Nolan Dvdo for two I .\`a\'ng3 elect:-I In: you ; .u-:-.-. Layne: And \\'. Hut-art Dydo \'ocn:ml Menu. \\`. IS. Anglia, (-. .\'. "-uvick, G. I-'.. Hume. U. .\|. Muulonncll -ul B. W. Robertson for three yous. I110 prognlnlno for next veek I'll u u- need ll fouotl: Tniuin class on \I-.n-hy ovonin st '.'::l); meeting to ur- -,-un-.e I will: unl -nnwuhoe club uu .\l--mlny eveni at 5:30: F.`ll\`|I clus. Tuesday and T urulny evenings at 7:31; bible and prayer muting at % un Satunhv. After the luuiueu meeting the nc\\'\y Ilectesl director: met and chooe lit. Anglia an den! for the coming year: .\Ir. (3. Hi la, n viu--pm-siclent; .\lr. H. B. Hague. an tnuun-rand Mr.` A. J. Mc.\hhun u I |`\_ _. L \I I5rnII dent lor Inc nvnung 3.- E tnuun-r; and In No! recording Iecreury. .\lr. I-`nnk I wu furmally Appointed gt-nernl I The first young men`: meeting o qunner will be led to-marrow I! 4:l5 by Mr. Thoma Hendry. R. T. IIKOIII. U.u.u., ufuun - u.-........ \ Capt. Amknon of the ttoumr Rotlnuy. ` an nnrriod in Sgcleuburg on Thururlay. Mina Ruclnel Mcllroy and Aggie I-Illiott left on Tlmndny for (Thin-Ago upon exteml- ` ed visits. The Bialxop of Ontario will hold conrma- in St. Mark`: church. Duorouto. on ti0I in 5'. Allfl I vluuxu, -n.-......-.,, __ Sundny Oct. l6th. Mr. W. J. Trilnhle. late of the Metrhnnu` hunk. Nnpsnee. ha been appointed teller in one of the Rochester lnnh. P. J. Bnrrie. with R. & J. Gnrdiner. for seven years. left for St. Pnul when he takes I in the eeublishment of Field & , hr. - cit'_\' : H. T. Frat)`, Uswegc : .1. \ . Dulscza, Carlton Phoe : R L. Meadovrs, Toronto ; W. H. Cole, (`ape Vincent :H. N. Ribbe. N Montreal : T. E. Ann, I . E. Decker Toron g to :J. M. .\lc(-uiggtn,' St. Iiul. Mi.nn.: | J. Johnston Moutmni; ll. Calsutt. Peter- i The noun Arrlvuuu. ` `Atrial: At the British American }{ot"el- W. R. Mandless, New York : J. .\l_\'lje, '10- ronto : Dr. E. Charles, Rome, Italy : Shula. Hamburg`. Gennnny :J. .\lurrn'y, N Belleville ;J. B. 'inc(-ut. \\'u.ertoI`n : A. 7 `Ann: nun` ]mI\'_ NIDIDOCI H. (L ;J. 1'. \ mceut. u nu.-run-u . n. R. Jones and lady. Nnpnnoe : Dr. Unison; Mr. H. Vole. .\liss H. I3"-rhnell. (`ape Vincent :1`. Cautley. New (....~gow, N'.S : T. R rs, wife. children and nurse. rary, Oswegc A. C. Burgess, nun... m... - `R L Meadovrs. l `O tn]. 1. .\lI.\.Iu|ggnu, l .\loutreni ; I...-4\ About the Politicians. Mr. Caron, tory .\l.I .l'. for Muskinonge, Qne., has boon nusented. bemuso his agents bribod the electors to vote for-him. \I-.-.-.. \\`-ialn \I_P.. Ind Q nu-row at N the electors to vote lur-nlua. Alonzo Wright. M.P.. cape from being burned to denth by the bush res which ure raging up the Gnti~ - _, _V _ ' $3 "" -3- Am (`o.. Iawell. "`h""|l*'~ 01:: 1 Ian. _ Sir Richml Cartwright will address his constituents i South Oxford within the v i _-...L sun. `r.- L`JIIlIlIAIoII.o .. next two week: The; \\'en In 101: my -. The coat. of three nus` daelle and e pee in now bein eetimehd hycitinend. One paid &%, no or 81). Another H), several 810 eachendsgteet may 85 apiece. lhere wee gt-at sport vrhene pillnine church dropped hiunone . Beforethilhe had de~ nounoed the on the hit ground. but, when he new as nine thing and u 86 hill hgtfed to is, embraced the opportunity-- en loan. A hdryer w 810 go 1: Sat Creek. and then he cl the gun en ..._:-I-n- l Commencing aloud: uouurr ~ nnnuu ' will leave at 6:!) Lin. ngtourl of 7 Lin. u hon.-tofon,, and on Tuesday morning umuner will have at 5 nun. in order to connect with -|-- I!-- \'nrk amnion train,` and than | in order to connect run 1 than New York oxcuuion train, `I-illlnouhon bouts! 4:!)p_m. to connect. _.:.L n.. .n..-mm excursion tnln. ` i- -,Io`o87ncznn|lx,cnn..,~L|:!4l__9_uugn or com. and do I; at . use -TIDlI'N.` Eliiii`. '1: Itriku at 3` Ion! the lhvulrlc and given i in.-mung. uflif_. bouts: {:Jlp_n|.(u` ; with the afternoon excursion ` 7 ` III` I.l_!IIOI. Bell`: lotion : will mruvo .tun;:ftc~:kles.- nnuhnrngpim es lulu-telnet. cu: 'l`\1m_v Eu `till! -1 \ `uilozs hug sum-.. sunburn.` pun IRIIu:uu-. .1. gnu `ulazfs 0 II-.l'I'!| of the Young Ion`: (`hr-Inllnn ` Auuu-ln|ou-0II-or`: at (to Your. ` I I _. ..-nl.. . \ . 'IICI'BIl- __ ` _+A|;u_d nhorcold. _ #?nTagniLxii. ._ , .._._..-.-v-'-----w' (`guard hlocluhlp co-nu. _.... u... \'...|. .n all` snnmlm T: 1 \I'hone Movements. Saying: llolnu Attract Attention. PERSONAL MENVTION. Won all Too Soto. -. R AL..- ....oa -LA: Ann` Bots] Arrivals. -- n_:.:-L |......-i... s9Im=s- 'i aulIuItn-A I -_.... \V. K `OIL: ICIII an-an--u an Slim-was om st. lawman Amman. an hold on Ibo It-cl. : {." :....'-``. n. m...,..."$-~ j','7j-"j ' ' [1-sell!- I.-pllun. ..'_ ..-HI nnun,|\'n hi `Hula. Itounor Mnud" ..A_..I .1 I: _ .. _. [III ll. Inn: ` rnl secntary. `ng 0` the new ufternoon at `.\lInuu nu ` 3|. Pram \ -- -_.s-ou. BRITISH W HIG. SATURDAY. .j-:: The Spice ol the .\lm-nu; Pnpere nuul the 1 Very latent Telexrnun. The week] failures were I66, egnainst H5 I the preceding week. | .\lichAel lhvitt, the Irish Agitator. univ- ul in New York veeterdev. ` George J. Gould hubeen elevtedpreeialu-ut I of the Pacic mail compny. n The pwhibition amendment in defeated in I Tennessee by over mom Inejoritj. I Papers give currency tn a rumor that the queen intend: next yee\r1to visit Indie 1 In me me to the . ct: nretnrl |p- to @123 r \\'illiunp'Kcr clemency, I young Schneebele ha been libented. I The German government Agrees to in- I demnify the widow of the game keeper shot 1 on the frontier. The estimates naked by the interetete cour comnnju_iou The pre- A- -_-- um nnn