I nun: pnuluro roman: tor the nbov_o dunno: I) in no thousand: ofouon ol tho wont had and of on standing have boon on . lndood. no mnu Iglth in nu enemy nut. will nd TWO 30 La rut-51:. comm dun . VALUA 1.: TREAT SE on `rail ineuo to any Illorer. Jlilgoxprnuo An P.0. Unknown. There is no remedy known to medical science that can cxel Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry u I cure for cholera morbua, dinrrhum, dysentery. or any form of uummer complaint ntllicting children or adults. A Sull`eror'n Letter. I have been bothered with catarrh for about twenty `ears. I have lost my game of smell entimly for the last fifteen years, and l haul alinqst lost mv hearing. .\I y eyes were getting so dim I had to et some one to thread my needle. Now I are my hearing as well as I ever had, nnul I can see to thread as tine A needle as ever I did. My sense of smell is partly restored : it seem: to be improving all the time. I think there is nothing like Ely`s Cream Balm for en- tarrh-Mrs. E. E. (lrimen, Rendril. Ohio. I$Ill H ulnuu. D0 Ill!` lull "K I0!` D111. ` Winslow`: Soothingsyrup. And talre no other kind. .\lrn. Winnlow`u Soothing Syrup should ; nlwnya be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once; it produces nntunl, quiet sleep by relieving the child from ' , and the little chem awoken as _brig t an I button." It in \' l pleasant to `the tube. It soothe: the chil , softens the gums, ullnyn Ill pain, relieves wind, regulate: the bowels, and in the best known remedy for dlll"l`l|(l`&, whether Lrining from teethinv or other causes. Twenty-ve I ; cents I bot e. Be sure And salt for Mn. ':n::IA\|A`n \`....|.:....Q . . _ . . n . ...l A- I... .... ..aL..- Hll uI5WIII()n. Wife (shocked-I shouldn't think you should care to play with such people." Huslmnd--()h, I most always win. put an my uur I unband (t.houghtfull_\')-\\'ell, A mun must be cool. calcvlnting, crafty, dew.-eiuul. ` * Ielsh. sly and have t touch of meanness in his dispoaition. " \"ifns tnhnokml_[ nhnnhlrft thin}: vnu A I-`rank Couhulon. \\`ife-\\'hut In some of the require ments necessary to make I sxu-cunful pol:-2 plsgrer. my dear ?" nnhnml lthnuohtfn|l\-\_``\\'nlI ; nun I II!'8t'l\\.' HIV: t'IlnIr~l lulcllllllll Ill llll lM`I`l4||I:i liable to gout, .~.`i.iti-a, ur nth:-r painful atlectinlnsuf the num-Iva, lM'r\'t's, or joints. 'l'|n.-Uintmcnt shuul-l he appliq-ul nftcr the Aectecl parts haw I-ecu pntieutly fumentoul with vnu1n water, when the Uintment should be diligently rubhecl upon the Id- lceut skin. unless the friction came: pain. ollovm_v`n Pill: should he nimultanconaly to diminish pain, reduce inaunmatiun. Incl purify the hlmxl. This treatment Abate: the violence, and lessen: the frequency of gout, rheumatism. and nll spumodic lin- euen which spring from hereditary predis- position. or from any Accidental walnut of conltitution. The Ointment checks the local Intlndy, while the Pill! restore vital power. To Avoid Buldueon or Grey Hair. -.. n. `n..__.._._-__n_ 11---; n-..____ 11 -DR[HODDERS UOUQHANDLUWGOURE llollowuyn I'll]: and 1 These purif_\`in;.; hltnl mm` 1'st`r\`c the earn:-.~l attention j. Not A: Low As He Hljhl Be. xe of Honce (}raalav`n neculinrilinn . II. Lam-nn`oo'n spec-tools. 4 ' u -n-a. -31- 1.. ....J'...s ....:_.. _. SMALL FOOD . I'I U SMALL 5 ' macs. A resume buif ' run sucx uemcuz. SMALL PILL. FOR `Gra'y WSyrup Red Spruce Gum A 0. L. Potter, manufacturer of Wooden Ware. McIntosh : M1110. aura: NASAL BALM Completely cured mo of a case of cltlrrh from which I had suffered for over ten years. It cannot be too highly recom- mended, and should be used by anyone troubled rttr oatarrh. wvu-vvtan--1 --n"-1- I burn: pnsltivo remedy for the above dunno: I: in ho nundlnl lndood. Itmnn In rm` QUGHS, SQ U) S.-M MIIVVHNF. % 598, OXFOR _ |u\n~;;\_` zwL,\;. nu s-r..2 Aduco to Mother. W. C LARK S ` Illllt Illllllll _Montrea1 L A1}pou;1pje_ments. am` we,` umtining ..: ..II Ming nu-u.-nu rem edic nf null poersona `V03. Iliocl the surly ........ AL- -.I English Announcements Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price. 75 cents per bottle. DI. P. D. GILIII1 . On. at Phys. 0! Pmv. Om-he. Ilyl :- "I have n o hesitation n lulu- hu II vastly superior to any pn- pa.-axio-I n! men I h.|\`(` hilhero Apunrogobt hIN'0S| In: 3! All Dncuuu. In any ucma} uuam. Engines ln1l.B0ilnl-`l-fI:t I lfllll. {mm 1 to lwhorge power. mdfu ygnannugxl. Shun Rock Drill and Minn; constantly onlnml. (Sheena Funwry Bonlon and I-fittingzl. Aye 3 munbnr of New and Second-Hhnd I.` nnnn .. .. A !|..&I-- Ali I IIIIIIIIKT OI 1` I-Ingihen nod Boilers. COCKLFS ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. Machine. nngina_'3_{_na Boiler Warts. A u \ anus u r4\IILI n.r., HIGHLY C-0N(`ENTKATKD.I'LRASANT. lI`.I'l"l*2('Tl' A I- --ASK l"0P.- DR. IIODDEWS COMPO UNI). D. McEw`ENEoN. l at - Telephezie coimectien. otnee and Residence i R. REID, :M.e_N`AGER- 254, and 2,56 Street. OPEN 5 DAY; A_ND__- _N'IGH`T. 5 3| ; oT1>I3?:nss mm, Vv -%--vj `we as T:_-%?__? ,7, Are oerinz Extra Value in Dress Goods, Silks. Velvets. Plushes. Shawls. Msntles, Flsnnels. Blankets, Jacket and Ulster Cloths. Ho- siery und Gloves .. . ...........m (urn-unrrn nnnnanm: mtm mmnonn nnmm |VISITORS TO THE FAIR B0`7V%3S_ & _Bs9_rT_@T?E Paris. New York And English Millinery. German, Engli-h and Cuuulhn Mantle Great. Ba sins in Dreu Good: and .\lantle Cloths. HA1 good: shown with pleasure at nnnnvnil ; nnvnrr Inna inn .._.:I in: n.:.......... (llama! Why do you poison your blood And injure nur sxumachs by the uuo! strong drugs, which seldom cure nnd nlwnys do mom or iv-zs harm. You can be cured without I p-v.~'sihilit_)' of injury by the no 0 A. NOR- .\I.~\.\".\` I-Ilectro-Cuntive Bola. Inbolcl and `1`n1s.~cs. Write for Circulsn giving` full pnrticuhu-s Coumlhtlon Free and private. 1 Quecn Street Rut, Toronto. sPniui%"E1iIfii.'n"i`ia}" LL} Hm Tii LZJ Ti? & T j Will hold their FALL OPENING on Wednesday, 5th of October, and Following Days. A 7 Y A nu rxvtrrmmn Inn Afr|fl'\`l:IxY`h __ A nrms. Our long exporionce in the business and other fscilitiea we possess enable us to supp!) our customers with the very but goods st the lowest possible prices. . Our business (as below) will be conducted strictly on the One Price System. A goal \ dollar`: worth given for every dollar received. u;(.`sII an inspect the goods and the store. `C'f"' `I TTf`Ij' Do 1% ? SPENCSE 3: CRUMLEY 117:]! LA!) `I. ..'.. EVA T Y f\'DI\\7T\Tl3. an Showing I large stock of Book. Shoes. Trunks. Vulines. `Ba uni Sintcheltrn of er;ry de- scription from the best houses in the Dominion, includin t e Superior Mnnufnctuno uf J. D. King & ($0., J. & T. llell, Cooper R Smith, H. 1'}. aka & ('o.. and other ti.-Iial-le I-`i rmn, BAOAK To :IT_= >%J;%-fe;;_:LT_Tc3,Es_.s'. STREET. J. I). I` Firlm. l\... g PILLS AND OINTMENT. ; 2: THE PILLS Mural-linn In lhn .\"I`Il\I \l"H nu L) TH E 0' N1-M ENT um. all mm Wound cuu. Bruinaund spmm and is I ct-mun cure for {A I) LEGS. BORIS. l'l.- (`l-.'R.~` nml OLD \\'Ul.`.\'lIS. ll has no equal for the cure of Rronvhltis. Sore Thmnl. I Foughs. Colds. llhcunmllam. Uoul. Glandular Swelling: and all Skin llineuco. A. ooxznwmm - 8oloManu1lc`r. rouoxfo. CA ADA. W. J: DICK & SON ) Ilnnumctund only by Thomas Holloway. 78 New Oxlbrd St... late 58 _ Ox ford St.. London. 'Pu:-chosen ahouldlooktotho Label on tho Boxes and Pom. It the - oddrou In not 688 OXFORD STREET. LONDON. they on opurloul. ' E .\ro at all sensmu of Ihe year A reliable n-muly fur oorrmli - an ` Ibisunh-r of me I live organs. and for nsto-`in; I II - . thy action to (ho STO.\l.\ `pl gull IOUWI-2l.S. `hey at! onlhe Llrcr and Kidm-_\1 with , n_u|r\'elluua effort. and bf gn um: aln`n3l!I and lone to those im amt Q In create a nrcuhuiou of pun: and mum, bloud. I-euuut-0 u! all an-0 n these P11 invaluable. I :It1... Have opened their NEW STORE (at the Old Stand), The? Leading Undertaker and Embalmer, Will find it'to their interest to call at the CHEAPSIDE. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING! 7 AilE IiVfVITED TO AT'I`END.-- A. Durcnwcnd iuhe It Hair Goods in Canada. uonomaus, DOMN I Cn ` recent in (`g9l _lniI'|>( Ill'e for ` _\D SJRI!-. L'l.- uuv unv \. -'VV-.J'- DICK 85 soN- I (Ring to_tho rush ot Business on account of }4.ho lugo number 0! stoves and Run: which we and oollllur. we llnd ll lmptmiblo to exhibit at uni: (`mu-a`x Fair. but_\\'c snail ho planed lo iIio-"Tt0`38Kl0l`O the huge INC)` cl GL'R.\'E\ :`. I RAXGES and S1`0Vl8:t our Wucrooms. S0 , nu muxcnss S'l'REl'.`l`. % X [offs ll.JonlcI. 4 .snocIg. NILAVOIIII-G IXTIM31 Z}: b7f9z}?2d-0mrLMm TM PE>S STBIE '"sI1'vaom:s. ?'u'8'hsv & co. OPPOSITE THE EEDSOR HOTEL 132 and 134 P_r_incass Stroet. RUBBER ROOFING A. RAMSAY & SON. Pam! Mnnuhctunn 'lI:T"'" iiuc cotiia -.- -..-.-...-.-- :6`... C0N.SU_MP.T10N.- n., , Mun x: On. RAMBAWB Solslbynllbulun mm (Irr<~'|n . DU .\`U'l' 1-ILAY. If your hair in In a weak mndll inn gm nboulo u: once. For sale by _J. U. K1nx. A. I . (`hown and all nlrzxggisls. Ask for It. Po;k`s ;atoiz1tzInTprovo'ci'E};sh1:nodfhx-' D;11;ns PERFEOTLY RESTORE THE G. 90 nmucr whelhgn-`slgyneas is c1_1___` _hy colds. m7,-,, ...-_.. ._ n_a.._a. - __...__| `H ATR" M A GToq ICUARE ms: `run luau. Inoonllcld. 0nt.. (`am-rh. head udthr-out. (`oua (`on Pl. ldwud. 0nt.. Asthma. Jun: uuooy (I out. Cnuu-rh. Wu. 8%. 01. GAL. Causrrh. `Ia "=~'u`.` ?.':"6'.t."`........:"" "`-F"".. -. O C . .. OIII . 1 r. w . P.E? dorunna. om.. Cutarrh. um. Hour tl. Berlin. Ont. Asthma. - Mn. '. W or. non lion-lln. 0nl.. Caurrh. head a throat. Lav! Komhor. 8!. Jloobn. OIIL. Calnrrh. bond and throat. W. J. WILSON. Solo Agent. magma umrrn. new and tnmt. - In. udhoy Lotus. 8!. Jacobs. 0nt.. 'r;u.'3u'H.'n1oonnaa. 0nt.. Calnrrh. and throat. auu I A. uomhouru. (`enler\`llle. (`nun . hood throat. Jnmco llama Inter. Anton. (.`AInrrh.h an throat. udlhu [Ann 1-u. Ju-ob... nm I |Jl\lIA\ I U. bglllla A. Dorcnwund lathe lendi 3 manufacturer 0! lair Canada. . melnon . W. at . Acton. 0m.. glow numufnctumr. cc 0! only-rh of the throat um bola; V vcnu b noted Ipoolallou. .\1ru.'.`l:hn o elvg`. lunplon. 0nL. (`stun-h u . In I . :.~=~-:'.?.....-"~ I'..m-..2-s[- "'-...".".,..- . . c ` . It. do. Caurrh. bud )llnv'u:3. c`.r..):.htl)::(u'h-(`enler\`llIe. ()nl.. In-ru lh L will 111' re-\` hair Ulla: !~'.B.-A! oh! I `bola you ouveoulu|ly.t'nalod.b)` new method : \V. Hlll'QI_ Anlnn, lint nltn-A nunnnl....o.....- fox-table to wear. Music, conversation. even whispers hoard distinctly. '0 refer to Lhasa u-ring them. Send for lnsu-shod book of proofs free. Address F. HI800X.863Broadway.N.Y \ uni nnuua. Luann IJATIOI (Ill. Dunn: Tnunn (`mu-rhottho udnnd Thrust. W ital; .. WI VII . \ Hnniml Erin:-mu-I Tomlin. |`ul,y_'pIn n` J 33. 4|; Bane "twat: Toronto. rm for name . -_. I. WA8HIl_l}!'0I. l.D.. L. U.P.8.0. lhninanl `Quinn: and Lung Samoa. arm and Null Khwatuu ().` HIM. i `Hub am! part of illul. at llrlu Halo Amrrlmu llole-I. 1-...-_ \aI.-.... 1... onl DQQENQ/Ep;c:w .n- {mind iuvnlnuhlo lnrthv lmirnml scalp unwa Hm svalpnfull llnndrutf. invigorate: `-uwth of the-, hair. and In vanes of baldness HI:--re are the nlixlnlml signs of roots It-fl Iprmlm-a: good crops of lmir. ll restores lair In its original vulur. and {sun excel- r:'~'~'in|r. me. 1. A. s1.ootfu, I.. N! V-.. _- (in... A1 ' u--- -an ovyupuyuuu UVUK .nu:au-ckplaumosno Ioilgnonudjulpltn __ . `ho of both unau It c.l'n.ock':D.l:} Bmdaoha, 3?"_:..':`.;."'f"f '_" Ioulllldltgoqdtoregn! PEEFEUTLY RESTORE THE C. no whether doafneu can hy re.-vors.ori urics tothanaturaldrums. Always n position. ut invisible to other: and com- even whlsncrs diatlnctlv. '4; refer Inlhnsa our-Jan. nl IL- L.._4I__.l.. ' H}: _-.I IL__L remoue weak - nausea and G cllel`.-ll Debility. PL'nI:x.\' \ F:(lET'l.l-2, - An I can u--n.~u:.-...- . . =\ Powerful Nu-ootlcs. `Coleridge composed his poem Kubln Khan while` fast asleep. Its soporio powers, however, are not so great as some of the later day poem: which were composed when their authors were wide awake.-Norristown Hon nld. - Wife-Well. why don't they come and uh- ono from the staterooms!-Tid Bits. Wife (in the cabin, anxiously)--\.Vhnt. s the trouble on deck, Charlie? Ymht 0wner-The jib sheet isilost over- Ivan!-(I, A Natural Mistake. Woman (who has given him something to ent)-X a`pooe you find a tramp`: life a very hu-d one! Slzmnger--'l`rnmp, madam? I`m no tramp. Pm just getting home from A summer resort. --New York Sun. The Suppressed Sex. A contemporary asks: Dial it ever occur to anybody that if the women of this country Ihould march en mnsse co the polls to vote no power on earth could stop them 1 Turn a cow loose near those polls and the entran- ` chisod women would scatter en nnasao." No poweron earth could stop the panic.-llar- tho`: Vineyard Herald. any _)'uu: "I was one of the judges at n baby show, said the other; and then the orderly cam: and gave each of them a hypodermic injec- tion of morphine.-New York Sun. ~ When I may can [do not mean merely to stop than for I tunonad than hnvo thorn I-omrn again. I mean a ndlccl cure. I Inn undo the discus of FITS. EPIL- EPSY or FALLING SICKNESS. 1 lite-Iongutudy. I warrant myregnody to euro tho wont cues. Begun: others have Iuled |I no nuon for not now PQDOIVIIII I euro. Send on ones for I trontiso and I Free Bottle of m.)"in!allib: ouI;:mo;1y. (Ii`ivp|ExpI&cr|pl:l i oc`%0oo.A5t mun Inn is or: ru.n In ouroyou. - m.'n.+a. o.`noo'r. , Two Pltlfnl Cue. Two bruised and battered patients lay sido by side in n holpibal ward. Pm A hnga hull IImnimani.l nnn- `-nlun U uuu III II I.I\KPIldIl WEI. \ I`m a bus ball umpire, said one; who u are you?" "I urn: nun nl Hm inrlooc sf. 1: Imhv uhnu ' An Enormous Boom. Ye, said the man {mm Blggwville. we no huvlng an old fashioned boom. Four ~ nuwuy: heading our my, street on com- pany ornnllsd, new Itock yardn"- Now dock ynndnl" -`rum what I my." How large are they?" l Oh, they're small yet. I'm using `em (or I hog mu just now."--Lincoln Jourml. ; \IIlIllEII -I W-Jl BIT. Mn. Wobuh-Yo-es. Everything WII very nim, but there were only ninu kinda of pie. Mrs. Breezy explained thus the baker had dinppointod hor.-New York Sun. \ IHBII WTVI! Mn. \\'ahnsh-\'es. Calla-r-It was I um dinner: :1 vuy: are. III-n `K~'nhnnh_"n_4 A lortlfylng Hake. Caller (to Mrs. \\'nlpasb of Cblvug.\)- Were you at the dinner party given by Mm Breezy last. week! \I.. l\'..I..._l. \ _.. ZIITIIIII rlvlllxu IIIU. lb Breezy with gs-nu-cl indignation)- Chlcugo is Very much maligned, Mr. Waldo. The stories tuld that we punk-in but mus cul- ture and renement are simply gu!Y.-NeI 1 York Sun. A Inllgnod Clly. ' a Young Ir. Waldo "mung In Chimgo)-I 1 un very ngnenbly dtnppointed In Chicago. ` lb Breezy. I have always understand that your city was somewhat backward in the re- nlng inuence: which tend to exalt and Omhlllhh clvililed life. Ill- I'h.......u 1.-IOL an-0.4] l...I.'.-..-oinn|,; IWNI III. 1! UV "HUI" llllllll IIIII llllli`. In mm. As long A: you play with I regular ulm-. You my make up your mind that mm-. fununo I. nun. ilranch ot1oo'."I%Yungo so. Toronto. If 'lfVl&IIlulUl Ill!` llu H` II VIIBKIIFBI1 V!l - lull. Xlyouou Ntuthnv-bugger at will. And on each without mama; the spherical pill: Du: deal with llnpuully but Alla but-. ` And can way without wlnvluu hot ball: with your fllb- I -av Vulcan vi IIIUII I'll-lllvllo A maid who was quick with an ans. Wu asked if she was I good dms. By Q sickening dude A` ' . , In nnnanmrr quiu- rmi. % mgvlivd: \'.'h-:1 l`I:n with 1`. u-r.ns.. I --Z\u\\` York !I'.'L-uing Sill. -u-u -cu-u; vvuuyu I'D mutt and nlmplut highway to fame lnobouukpt Iutbeuuoul cu-no-. ll ptnlplt. In polllla. bmlm-II. In All `I10 profession: of II! Iho~n~`u chance that you` , lull. -uo I uunl ox you occunouauyr In N- pliod, with under n-preach. "Yon, Indeed I do. love. every umol no 3 white horse.`- Now Turk Bun. ' uu Nil nun Mu gum lu mu. `And dllll the bill) lmurn U "W *7 George, dear, the girl went on, `do though! of mo over mum: to you! Do you think of III! aeculoully wbuo lnuuoruul In the cares and nspondbumu 0! your buiy buahwu um" Do I unk 0! ooculoually! In I'D- nlind I-lth hndnr run:-nu-la "Van, lndl 1 `r'..I'..lI -31-`; CI XUYO lb was urokluz lwr Janlr toadly--Ibo MC h-uurul mr, which was not ova-loot-d Ilun hucrutobl provldenm In plllllllll thing! rid--nnd they won wry. very MP9!- The on talk: had to ma. And tlnrlnn lm I.nun.- lunn-1 11' lhh III The angler xed his gaudy ies; ` 3 Right gracefully he tossed `em; ' He hooked two trout of monstrous site. And then. by Jove. he lost `em! -Boslon Courier. Ullf CIOIJIICK Il|ll.lIUl,' UTKS [U3 I\.'I\'C To (`all our brief one-ullun To all the latest ut_vlc-s fur mu; To pane-rm lugs and poucnu mm]. 0! which he unkn hrlof mu-nnun no pun-run nu-gt um poucnu uuux 0! which he makes brief mention. Ho zuartntea A licffc-(`I t. And then concludes with. l`l\-:1-av rm -('|0!hh'I nn-I Fur Announcement card: we now rt-cc-In Our clolhler humbly begs the leave Tn vnll nur hrio-f Alt.-ntlun _C_UR.E "% Ze%D%EAF 5 Vnontlbnh Over. TH; sexton who for many months Did Idle `ctuno he must. Dona now repeat. his Idle ways. Begins to up and aunt. ' --W|nhlnvtnn (`Pr no uuk wmod Maiden. malt! ukn urn. nulnlp ..-loh an 1.... aue unun1 nxo "guwuyn," And vowed she'd ne'er own A spouse through whom whisker The breezes bud blown. ll`-ah-pa 'l\.n. an-vuw nun nnvno She didn`t like gnlw|ya." And vowed she'll ne'er m Whlbthonm uchuly, lbw:--| Ilth. And I|un-ho\v I lunl~tor homo AMlnluoHlulnuch-- `Fuoul ol nldr All I nun that I Mun`! man-. _In:nnu-villa Ja Oh. mg:-nth coma quiche lun hlydek. And II polouncblunthou Alltht blllouy null. Auhomnmu. toll. nds moloutwdath almost. An I '7" N-I IIIIU Tl I III` [NEH I. I'll] `D {K 0651 Of IID. Oh. the Ann! (M ` hr:-ut n'c-Hlw Aml I II- The Trouble on Deck. - AI,_ __u__-.. _ ,7: , \ `iv Winter In Coming. `Twin won be here. The season dn-or 0! wow and bad tore throuu; wen then expect To nourrect Lust winter`: ow-rcoats. __(`InDhlnp and I\n- .. ._.......-..v.-. vu- ii; 6A{..'iIca.co.. - ToI.'onto,Ca.n.- Connolly Iouludod 0! ll. _-- -.....|.|..- 1.... |..x.. l..n.IIv..4In\ loao for nor. |_\. In._ u__|_.._ \- H II VI III!` IIFIVIIII ?'I And I rb` Ind nlnk Till I hill! think Ou Nu Prool [loll- LIGHT AND MRV. `flu Only Wnv. `I -I.....|..g |.|_L_.... 5. 0YFl'!.`0I(S- -Clohler and Purnlsher. -Washington Critic. - . .--u u---- n Incwnl blow n~ vrluuv yacht: [0 u h.-nvlhn 'luA! G UIOWIJ. -lIerchAnz Trm-1-ler. Sold everywhere. Price. 25c and 50-: per bot (lo. Proprietors and Manufacturers. nnvv- -51- A -n .- THE BRITISH wnu.'mun,n'. saw. ::u._ - Ufa. n. lnHIlI'DII`I7I'I apvvnncluo 1 he only mm Aids to act viaion. at J. 0. King : drug store. tgnone other. See every Fir is stamped " L." Imitation: lx3un' . 'l`_he frame may sometime: be close cu-try r II Iumpeu "nu." umanona abouni The frame I ly imitated. the lens never. . ` (J K ` lndlnpuunblo. "I have `used Dr. Fowler : Extract "of Wild Srawberry for. Imnmer comphints, and have given it to my friends. It gives imtfnt roliet when all other remedies fail. I would not be without in in my house. M rs. T. Boil, Woidman. Ont. nu 4-nvvlu nuluuuua Cl IIIWJ lIIll'o .. Uee Dr. Dorenwemlh Great (lermnn Hair Magic. It keeps the scalp elem and free from dendru, end `promotes the growth of the hair. It prevent: premature greynesa and stops all falling out of the hair. _0n bald hauls, where the roots have not perished. it will invigorate thorn and force 3 new growth (Sf heir. Ask for Hair Mngic. It in the only reliable. For sale by J. t... King. A. P. Charm. and all dlIl|`mint.n_ 1 1:. us we uuly rename. tor III!) Dy J ` king, P. Chovm, and all dluggiata. nox ox cpglri was no wn: nsmung round to a amnll company, whereupon Mr. Greeley said : I thank you, -I haven't got u low a thnt yet. I only drink snd swear." 4Vuu an :41!!! III llv l-I!IIl nu. \ v One Horace Greele peculinritina wu l his intense dislike of tozncco. The story is told that on one ooouion a gentleman, knowing this, intentionally pulsed -him in box of cigar: that he was hunding round to commnv. wharannon Mr. Hrnnlev IIIII I . Ag DI.aUUU-, Bnnoh Oman. 3? Yongo Shoot, Toronto.