Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Sep 1887, p. 2

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h "manna xmxn-" tor van 03%;: .Ooc:&.whlchlt1mmod:st.o.lyro- 1 non an rthAI'xuus.Onn, :--1:... " ..'.".:'.u... Ibr m'=*'.'.'-.,.....* .....;.....c.,.. 9 nu: - .n':*-:-- " W .2: .::::*::.r~:..~:.~- -' o ever V I, ~ \- lmznodhto rol W0 onlllldor It I tom-1: hold poooutty. Fall Stock us now almost complete in every depart- ment, and prices are away down. N. B.- Hole .` F. X. GDUSINEAU & GU. `No lady should buy until they have seen our stock and heard our astonishing low prices. Superb Mantle Plushes, all new trimmings to match. Black Ottoman and Matalasse Cloakings. Imitation Persian Lamb C loakings, grey. brown; black. Scotch Ulster Cloths. beautiful patterns, 75. 900. $1. Heavy Double-fold Meltons from 500. He has on hand n large And well sorted stock of Ladies`. Gentlemen`: and B01` Boots of all varieties : also 'h'unks. Yalises. c. I intend making Custom Work a smminlnr Ulster Cloths from 50c. MANTLEMMATERIALSI C- ROBINSON. .- Agent for Knight of Labor Emblems. THE ORIGINAL AND-6NLY GENUINE. Of "Universal Fashion Monthly" at McMahon's. In order to make room for -Fall Purchases. 1 from. Leave vour order in season and u an -.-xu.-ur. . I , .~A.-.- A -;-nlu Sr C;u: .uda(`Ilnlg I.Il'I- I niled .'.n`o~-wool On - ._ pm -_ 0. Feuclucl Avcuucanodc. U` Ilgluti Wellington St. 1 door from Princess St. :l.me of D. 1-`. Armstmngb. begs to into his friends that he has opened R Boot an hoe Store on ` P_`R|NCESS STREET, To H; MP 4 :3! Ft--v~_|u-oylo. (intern. '- | -E rhenfrt I ' A._-..--4-__-n -_:.n' - -A - mast nan o~wcsf nu ruvou ms src K run soups. ` l'l'il'_' I`.:I:I.|- 9 nnun-n '17l5s'Esn"s'~ -3- 110 PRIHGBS8 STREET. ' P" Jdbi? Murray & Taylor's, A ue line of D1-eves Trimmi nae comprising Moire Plum-es, Check- ed Plushes, Plaid Velveta. Button Inspection invited at We Will Also Show Two Doors Below Poison ; THOMAS CUNNINGHAM, 0 ress Goods, Underwear, JAB. H. (II Wholesale 1 hnvn un F 'i)n`-ecu; opposite Pu-khill's Old Stand. Hardware, Paints, Oils, Murray & Taylofsl 176 PR1 NOESS STREET. /`MP/?0 I/EME/V 7! This Povdu non: nu-la. A panel at rn . straw!) and I 3:-'mo .u:m: mm ac` um. And .-33'. not no noldln coupotmouw ll use nulllmdo at low td that wokht. mngm rnvdan. .oI.no.u.v as can. so P(m'DI:n (31).. m um: u-nnl, x..- J I l.\'U I Yo:-k. urine this week we will obr some special drives in Z,-I\J \Jl\JJ All the very best and cheapest. r"!'dI. KUYAL RAK- 0 POWDER 00.. IO Wall Blunt. New York. 335 AND 337 KING AKIN Pavmin _-Absolutely Pure: `WEEK AT Hosiery, I1 ' 0/oa/ts, 6`/oues, &c, "0/oak ings, I-MIEL, Alli-Iclllllllllll man 1}`: = I w have Itrong roaaona for locating the spot at `Powhatan. Just below the city; then. again. we think It ought to ho farther -down the river. [any relic hunters have chipped '1 r piaeea from A big rock at `Powhatan, hallw- , tag that thay won Iecurlng fragments of the stone upon which Smith`: head was laced to noeive blow: from tho club of the Indiana,` -ChicIo Nam ---m:.u'.|~:ns |.\'--- Universal Stoves and Ranges, Reliable Brands. -C.-\ NADIAN & AM ERICAN COAL OIL Delivered to any part of the ci__ly. `umpw ux "aue martyr rresu|ent:" Mr. Lincoln : eereworn face I recall to- day as vividly as then. At one of his levees, in pacing him I remarked that it would be showing a greater consideration if I were to refuse his pmtfered hand, on he must be weary enough or hand shaking. To this he replied, in never to be forgotten tones: `Ah, it this were all that I was called upon to do, how willingly would it be done for all time; but to say "no" to the poor unfortunatee who come to me in the belie! that I up all ,,wer- tul toprouounce that little word of onl three letters, and who do not and will not under- stand that I cannot act always as I wish. but have other: to consult-thil keepe me alwaye unhappy.` Mr. Stanton frequently said to me: `Mr. Lincoln has the biggest heart of any man in the world: and for that reason we have to watch him, or the southern , women, with their winning ways, would get his permission to carry with them enough contraband goods to supply the southern army.` _--Raminiacencee of Hancock.` . u ----v vwuy-I v-a--- sun-nu nay: , when Capt. John Smith was to have been ltilllirl A Rh-Innnnll man: nnvnu Ilns-..M-ngn n uululuc Ill Lincoln. Mn. Hancock given us an interesting glimpao of The Martyr President" ` Mr. Lincoln`: pnrownrn fnnn I ......n 4.. unzu auu prompt ueuvery or the letter. If every one would use retum request en- velopes the business of the dead letter oflice and the inquiry division or postolces would be enormously reduced. and e public corre- spondingly better satised wit the mail ner- vice.--Obeerver" in Philadelphia Call. __1_._________._ kvrn1`I.IUu UI llll` nuuresx "Putting one's address on the corner of an envelope, says an exchange, not only show: who it is from. but also prevents the letter being opened and read in the dead letter omce. Anyone who is sensitive about hav- inghis correspondence expnsul would be safer as n mle by using `return request` envelopes than by using plain ones. Whenever his let- ter goes, unless it is delivered to another party of the same name as the one ndlrv.-sexi, or is actually stolen from the mails, it is sum to come back to him unopened. These return requests can begotten up In as dainty a style as the monogram: and addresses at the heads of fancy stationery and they need not even give the name of the sender if it does not seem desimble. The number of the postoiee box. with the name of the postoice, is sum- cient and it can be printed on the (lap of the en\'el(_)pe as well ns on the corner. It is ad- visable to write it on when it is not printed and there is any doubt about the correct ud- p dress and prompt delivery of the letter." even one would um um". ............. .... Ill? CIlIl lI(`IKl' U! [DO HIIIFIKC. I am surprised to know that what is known on the return requat" envelope system in not more largely used then it In Business houses have generally adopted lt. but ltu Importance doe: not teem to be fully appreciated by pri- vate correspondents. If the number of days lanot specied, letter: having merely an ad- dreea printed on them are held for thirty days, but the specication of ten. the or three days is pretty sure to result In their prompt return ln one they are misdirected or missent. Three days la the shortest interval permitted by the department, but where I letter is evi- dently !ni$lll`('( t9d it ls the rule in large post- olcea to return it at once to the sender (or correction of the nddresx n-D..n;.... n....v- ...I.I........ __ u , HI-IIIUVT. But do you know, after all, that the letter! which go astray are very small In proportion to the number of letter: handled.` I have not Itatlatia at hand about our own city. In thla respect. but euppuee that the letters luet In the Boeton poetnluo hear about the some relationship. and will, in fact, do for a gen- eral estimate of proportion In that city, during Nil, then were about 5.(l)0 imtancee of lost letterl, out of I3`. ,(ll),0u0 piecea hun- dled by the mrrirrr. You will agree with me that one letter out of every MAW It-tten In an exreeelingly Imall percentage, and that the pnstomve work is remarkably Clvlo.-Ill. In KI)!` rue of the Boston poetolce the percent- age ix still further reduced from the fact that of the .'$,1II0inquiri-a a number weredupli- I (`ate inquiriwl. and that I0 per cent. of the let- : tors werv .-ulmequeutly fuunnl and properly ' tlt-liven-`I. The nust fnquent lune: uronf ' letters x--utniuing In-vney. In utter dish-gnnl of the vnn\enio-nu-s provitled by the govern- mm! for so-u-ling lnnney in regi.~t4-rul letter] or in thv form of money onlvrs, people will pen~ist in senalingz hank [villi and min in or- dinnr_v la-It--rs. A clerk with a pr`up1'llsif_V to steal sue-n mum to know by the scum u{ [go]. , in; what Ir-It-rs contain nionoy. anal l---u't hesitate to appropriate them. THE INQUIRY DIVISION. f When the loan of a mm is dismverecl It . nhould be pmlnptly reported to the postal ser- vice, with all the particular: that it is possible to state. The matter la then referred to the inquiry diviion in large poetolcea, and a thorough aenrch ia instituted. When a pack- age of merchandiae I: lost it is often dis- covered by giving a description of the articles. ' 'I`he latter often become separated from their wrnppers. During the holidays the large olllcea have a rut pile of articles of this kind. The on of letters In the most com- mon came of their-loo, and educated people make nearly as many blunder: an the unedu- cated. although there may be a dilference In the character of the mietnka. I nun an-ndgul tn 5.... a... __x_. 1. n,,, \\`horo Capt. John smith nay. ...' Y'.!__.'.'_l-__"` Thanwaaaunawhou Inn-Ho lnraunr `puck-lnuyoommanbalxoauhorauuuuv hnrol Man that at-mumlakclln tho dead laundopanmonl. Ian:-bula-I lttolbo unluncnd the governmantolllcialo aad Ila Igmrranfvvandotugyldltyol Ibo vrrmn ` No akmlnlalupnt nun! naauaoduvould mhllnct a hear. I ban dlonut views about an matbr umnowingto an apt!- ooob at my own. It continual me that I could ha llokl. mo. and that my mum- nu-waanot uknnaa Ifanolodluoha. I laa-Iomaaluutoarodalumctoacertaln numhvr on Iartn aunt, Wilmington, Ihl. Rm:-lvlngno nply. I made lnqulry and dis- oovond that Cuba latter had not burn rut-elnd. It wan`: owing to any fault of mine. of courar! The puagnn waatoblama; It was the maul! of tumln cloth and putting Inlnox; ooea-aad all that A rlgtd at-amhwal InIItubtI..|nd I tounduaauholmarlaaclnon-cached Indu- unauoo hemmo I had written Marin not, Philadelphia, lnstcad o! Ilarkot aunt. Wil- mlnon. I had done It mtchankallyz It unto no natural; In-let mm. Phllldolphla, waaaopaztnraymludtlaat Iaoul-I not get Itouol It. In ht-Hand though you may laugh at me). I mu! ha candld enough to say that a month later I din-noun! annum letter totha umo friend In the aaxuouxoughtlaaa ` manner. fbolauulol Tamarac, THE PEROINTAGE OF LOST LET- TERS |3_ EXCEEDINGLV SMALL. II! Lou ol a latte! Ihould In Prrplly Iopofbd In the Dllol Ionic:-. with All Anlloblo I onlc-nbn-lIoIIra lio- quul" lznnlopoo. A Glimpse of Lincoln. Li1Ar\n`- ..:..... .... A. ABOUT rosromcr-.3. THE BRl'l`lh'H \\'Hl(.` 'l`l7ESl)A-\...~`EI"l`.J3. IIVIIZQJIIK IIIU IIEIIO llllllu Thou who have battled successfully Qvith the terrible carpet bug or buffalo moth. say thatthey use bomx unspzringly under cur- peu, Ir. women of, room: and In \-`urdrobo elmaen. ` ` nu nun I 1-`cu: Innu- _ Lmtx@hNs&w ' water that is nlreadyboillng last and bring WP` *1!!.`_..T .!e...b9i_!L"z.'1t*.'sL1;I_-, teninz...1n T "EoEWater ore boiling injumn the avor and taste and toughen : vegwtnblec. ~ ' I A Source of Injury to the Plano. .\Ioisturo in the greatest injury thg plmo khowv, and it cannot be guarded against boo carefully. ~With the at` and slightest hp- poamnco of mold or dampness in the room where mpinnola kept, both room and piano ` slzq_uld be aired and, ll` need be, nllttlono ' started. Aauvullulpvll 1 ulnuxutu. Fresh toms/ton are very nice when G calloped. Put a layer of tomatoes. sliced ...`t h'lii;"'i'i1"fia buttered dish; season with salt. pepper, and blunt butter dotted here and there; then put in a layer of bredd crumhg: llthe dish with alternate lnyem, finishing with crnmbsdocted with butter. Bake one hour. ' Mn. Cleveland`: Brown Broad. Th9 recipe which Mrs. Cleveland, wife of the president, good natunedly wrote `for 5 church fair in Washington is as follows: Ono bowl Indian meal, one how] rye our, one how] sour xniik, one large cup molasses, one tablospoonfui soda, one tablespoonful all Steam two and one-halt hours, and lake from twenty minutes to one-hall hour. depending upon helm of oven. ` _.___.-I BI_BBY &_VIRTUE, u-I _) uiipnrnaulu. vvuen CUM. As good authority as Catherine Owen nillrms that there is a better and easier way to make it, viz: Four hours before you require the tea for use (or over night it you choose), put four teasponnfuls of tea into a pitcher, pour on it a quart of cold water, cover and set it in the ice box. It does not sound as if good tea could be mtuie with cold water, but this is the perfection of cold tea, fragrant without the least bitterness and of a beautiful umber cienrness. Sn-eeten like any other tea. A little lemon juice and a slice of lemon in each gins. makec this the Russian tea." nuw av: IIJIJSIIIIJ Ill \4lIlIl ICC! The fashionable Rus teais one of the most grateful and comforting of hot weather hon-rages: This cold water tea. or Russian van, is usually made by steeping tea in boiling wnuer in the usual way and setting it in Ice. This gives tlx- astringency that isplensnnt when hot with cream, but to many tango wry unpleasmn when cold. _ As: mrmd nnmrinv nu r~..n.....a.... nu... DRAPERY, TIME 0!` HRS? IIPIRE. This unique unmigcxixent, which is a re- vh-nl from the first empire, needs no descrip- tion, the drawing here given being sufciently suggestive 1 main my furul tlnurl mug (1 anti; trwnl guueu the col uvuud In a re uuothe may 06 Ilmllar r ruucu urupvryo We reproduce (or the benet of lady readers, who will soon he interestnd, in set- ting the "house beautiful" in order for the autumn and winter seasons. I drapery denigu from The Decorator and I-`nrnhher. Elli-ctlwe Wall (`ul-ulna. The new all curtains for use behind pianos, upri;:,ht or rquun-. aolu, eta, arc of some rich material as zumn. pongoe velour: or the like, urnuniented with embroidered or V plush hands. They may be hung on bran poles. Quite good etfectl are obtained by using a curtain of this kind for the back of a \ mantel shell. -~r- Quilt? CIIC \.|IIl- XI . U .--ml (Hun in imparted In count and cumin st:-am lnundriec by passing tbom between two hot nsvolriug -ylunlen under heavy pru- nure. Where thin um-nine is not and min blu polishing irons am] the cxpendilnn of pliysiml um-ngtix in In-uring down upon and \'iguruu.xl_v nibmng um linen. prolnbly n(`- 1 count in the main {or the polish. Whatever 1 pn-partition may he u.-I in ntarcb,IIgo0d I "poli.~'hing" with n slnmth iron It needed to hung out the gloss. .-\ laundry gloi-I said to impart n gm-I pnii~li tn shirt hmoms. collar! anal cuife. H lnnilv as I--lluws: Melt alnwly to- getin-r two ounces n! .-1--rnmre-ti and one I nun-u.-....l..l..'>....._- II`|. ._...i|-1n _ _. BCKIICI I "" UUIIVVB Ul P|I`l IlH I"\'lI In One ounce of white wax. Win-n (`old Add I pierc- the size of I pen to ouivient lurch, made In the usual v-ny. for a tlnlvu bowms. Bornxjanr the Bulhlo Moth. ..-I... I._...- I._AA.I_I , A V. -- ..J ...... -... nan.-A nu u-ru (Ln I us polls-|nIng"vvith n sun bnngnut and ix I-vl .......... ..l ...|..'. . ...__ wax" Rc3T3INsc5N,-'[ uuupnlluvv usury. nnouxu I lldyi 611$ cutvhllrelet the want II once lie down; rolling may exttnguinh the n. but I! not. Anything, wunlleu pn-(erred, wrapped tightly round will effect was duind purpose. IINI uuuu vuu IIIIIU uruauuug |l$lblG Ill H10 midnt of much smoke, sad I bhuku wound and wrapped around the body will enable I pennn tupuo through a sheet of ame In comparntlvo nlety. Should a lady`: drum (`IINI llrelet. lhoa no-nnr ll nnna Ii. :ln-n- u---u -nu vuuuuvlu nu Iuruwn 0|!!! IE9 Ill!- at tho wiucl uni the draught will in- stantly own the: name: to Lncnuo with ex- irmniinary rnpiuiuy. It mm: lu'\`` ho tor- that tho must procioul moment: an at connnoncouwnl or n are. and not I uuglo or time Ilmuki he inst. in tackling ii. lnaroomaiabic-clothmnbo I0 and u to another a slant of nmo. and I cushion curve to I it out; a coat or anything similar army be and with an equally unoccu- ful malt Aiwnyn endeavor to attack the bed of I lire; it you cannot 0: I are nut the window. and he um lhlll tin door when making good your nu-at. 1 van. um: Im..||......|.a..o Mal ..... n.. -... `y uvvl -uuu unsung good your nu-cu. `.1 Vol um; hnndhen-hie-I lied our the an: uul nun WI nuke hruntblng puulblo tn tho mldnt Bl munh lnunlus and A Id-nlrnt 3-Ila. If the lull!-wing an-uulhou advla by It. A. W. L`. Nlwuu. on tlw Iuhjuct 0! but to Act II can u! are. I-_c-ru nlvuyu tullound. dlnuttoun noun-guonmn would aluubucu In he-mud: Fm nquh-II air; than-ton. on In upwa- gcm c-very man should ho made to exclude F urhy chum; nlldunruud wludovn. By this 1 mmunnnnuulnouununltoa lemon for u mmviem p('l1ud to enablo I the In- nutuwbonmunrd and 001190; but If tho anal window no thrown opt: the tug- ` mun wlml mm Hm dnnpm -m 1..- llow Collnp and (`um An Polished. HI... i. |.............a . . ....n-.. ....| ....n_ 4. um um uuuunuvr. A uovuluilly [IDIUIQ Iilh ntiou Inchlrhuhutnhrtwonll II the no- hvlnuont of out 0! that orllllllllh 0 Old: otuvnany u! the owing lop nil, when It Find: In cm-uh: form Bend WWI In \ ban to aha In-Ina mad !or unldlngs In Mb!- ` not |uzu~|n. A llovlul :1 Unique bunch: and on ue I"||lIN|lfG In old um; furnuuw n hrnrm drumenlb uon coullud of null rut-d I311-II on I Inc dund bun. curl: u tunnel. lieu` beak. ow. Mu: gum out o! ration. man an ngnm wturmug. Ax,-mrdi to Thu Ibvorm tur uni Fwul-bu. u dwidal y plain appli- In chair bank. ..I dun -ml 1. IL` ..,- The Perfection of Cold 4-..-I_:-.._I.|, n,,, . Ten. Encallopod Tomatoes. fisnnnlinon 4... _.._.- ._.-_ . ICE CREAM SODA WATER. . FRUITS, and CON FECTIONERY and CIGARS,` All the van but and nhnnnnnt llollcd veg-ecabm. nmnfghha 9|... -.... on I... ALL AROUND THE GU31. II (`no at You In the lions. M... l..II._..L..__ u. -4... .. A_ an french Drapery. Jlunn In. cl... LA..-` -....- . , _......-. .mm._ new on ucpucnuon. , -.' Ask for the COMPAkj!`S Extract. and see . tint 2'. harms Baron Liebtgfs Signature ` in `Blue In): across the Lahal. , ' 3-nil: _-._v.., Ir. u-ow Auuclll. ms Excellency the Viceroy`: Chemists. ' CAUTI05 -Vice Chancellor Sir Page Wood stated that Dr. J. Oolll.-In Blgoygmvrne imdoubt-' edly the inventor of CKLORODYNI` that the story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately nu- truo. which. he regretted to my. had been sworn to.-See 'l`imee." July 13. I84. None is genuine without the wards "DR. Sold in bottles at 1:. l}d.. 2s.9d.. le.6d. and lla. each. J. (`onus Bnowwrs Cltmnonvxn" on the Government Staunp. Overwhelming medical teat: mony accompanies each bottle. ` cAL"rIo.\ -l)cwnre of Pimcy and I'mitnt.ion. Sole`.`\iagu1ucturer. .1. T. lJAVE.\'P0llT. xx Great Russell sum. etoohubury. niiiaon I-tng. HR. . ` ('Hi.UltUl)Y.\'E is the only palliative in .\'eurnigia. Rhemhatism. Gout. Cancer, Toothache Mcnngitis. &c. From Symneek (`o.. Pharmaceutical (`hcmists. Medical nail. Simia.-Jan.5. ll. To J. 'l`. Davenport. 33 Great Rumell Street. liloomabur '. London. Dear Sir.-We embrace this op- mrtumty of congratulating you upon the widespreat reputation this ustly esteemed medicine. )r.iJ. Collis Broeme`s Chlorod `no. has earned for itself. not on] in H dostan but all over the East. As a remedy o, genera utility we must question whet er a hetteris imported into the country. and we shall glad to hear of its nding a place in every Anglolndion home. The other brande. weare happy to sny.areno\gv rel t tot e natirehasaarsamd Judging from their sale. we fancy that their sojourn there will be ut evanescent. We could multiply instances ad innitum" of the extraordinary eicacy of Dr. (`oliis lirownes Chlorodyne in Diarrhmo and Dys- eutery. spasms. Cramps. lxeurali the Vomiting of Pregnancy. and as a oral sedative. that. have occurred under our persona zhservotion during many years. In Diarrhma. and even in the more terrible arms of Cholera itself. we have vntnemed its sur|?oi.nqly controlling power. We have never used any other form of this medicine than (`oliio Browneo. from n nrm conviction that it_,ls decidedly the best. and also from a sense ofduty we on? the profeuionand the public. as we are of thoopinion that the substitution of of any other t Collin Browne's is a nrgunnmrn BRIIAOH or nrrn 0N'l`lllt mar 01-` 111: c_uI:.Vns'r. `re I-anscmnlta AND rants? ALIKE. Vi e are. Sir. faithful yours. gimes 8; L`o.. Members of the Pharmacy Society 0! Great Britain. ` His Excellency the cot-oy's emista. _j CAU_'I'I0.\ Pane stated nun. Dr. J. noun nnnwwp-.. .~........... . LIEBIG GOMPANY S A . EXTRACT ` {' Mf:':)RT.. % ` -\.. uuuguvvnvu CHL0l{0D'\?(E'E `iii; Biz}? remodywk`-ri'own for Coughs. Consumption. Brpnchilis n_nd Aslh m'(`IIL0ll0I)\'.\'l-I acts like a charm in I)im1-hum. and is the only specic in Cholera and D9 sontvrv. g (`HLORODYNE eectually cuts short all u.um-ks of Epilepsy. Hysteria. Pnlpimtiou and . sms. (.`HLORODYl\'E is Rheumatism. l\Icl_n`r_zgitlg, - 4 -__ ___,___n_ n, -n .- - -- - - -- -- n if t_._ v-v--- .----v\r-a1u- A DVICE T0 L\'\'ALlDS-l! you wish to obtain quiet. refreshing sleep. free from he.\duche relief from gain nnd anguish to calm and muungc the weary Min` of protracted disease. in- vigorating t c nervous media. and rm mute the circulating systems 0 the body. you will rovidc `oursclf with that nmrvellous romn Y disom'or_cd by Dr. J. (`ollis Browne (into Army Jodie.-1| gtntfi to which he gave the namp of (`H Loltoln N112. and which is admitted by the profession to he the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever thscoverod CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known (`Oil t'\I`|t\I\`V\4I1 . ... - - - ~ nm. or all varieties also 'h'unks. kc. making Work special! having secured the services of the best war" men. ! lerchant Tailoring and Gents Furnishings. .\'ome nf the Choices! Goods still ltft `to select s.-cu re a Bargain. no .\mnw Aug. 9. Agency for Universal Fashion Co.'s Perfect Fitting Patterns. C. ROBINSONS LADIES, CALL FOR A COPY ` Sweeping Reductions in Balance of Spring & Summer Stock A. J. UGHAHUN. Ceokzw 500`-`s pout 11-20 on capitation. A-.-Ir fnu thn rnnnnuvus 5-...-. __.n NEW STAND.

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