`PAnmn'Sumca Axn Lotmoul of every den ` crgmou made to order. muuuym nnnnntlv nltnndul In Chnlll. VUITIIIIB Ill IIW. And while they were gone Bill ninhetl teaching them how to chew tolmcco Anal hul Tommy the ohleut une, nhoot two hem be- longing tn A lnrn-es. And he also gnve the been me ur two emay leunnn in swearing. \'hen they carnu hack .\lrI. Urban Wu greatly agitated Illll gave them I severe talking tn, but uftrr I little while she got interested visiting with l'ncle Ezekiel`: wife ` nml llill winlu-cl an the hays through the wimlnw anal they went out Anal he leal the way and they nll l-ent over anal Ikulketl slung ln-ltiml the fence and went clown half A mile wheres lnig vrnwnl of lmvl were mink- rinuv nut n lunlunr All]. wl:iln Ohnv In-nrn .. . .... ..... ,. weak car we tn! the clcmonlim -Sabbath-break viii! but uncle 1;. she told an that It w an summon I.-I II:-nu stun I I`IIII.!II`I.II'"IIII 'Ul| . I`! III` CHUIIU 0"" `0 w n lives on u {Arm In Duko. l'rlu\n It would let the boy: see was to in Sunday and that summer Ilia mm! and them out nml * let than say all Ihrou la voculon. T hey arrived at l.'uc l'Zulkl'I on Knur- Illlf, "Ah," Ihmmht Mm Urban. In.|nnr. nuyuu I` I. *5. way End. 1. ohlu-V04 In the any bu lift a both he more than anything 1 cl. 8 my: I! In ucuudalotu. Rn: stunt cu shut gnu put won-in bar. A when also ban 0! 5 but-lull guns or concert in Ma-ly uu luv wild. - Mn. Urban says It In All -llcu-In In the country. she bu ahnyo ulmmoul Ihn Ibo mm .-I away lmm the country when she vu uinuuvnuutlu ulnl. but than aha luatnu right ulna` that the lam" how it In just the Inn. This summer lhe uhl the was going to pmvo it; also I'll going to give her lhno buy: I wuk 0! run! compllclw, away from domotulizinu etfocu of the Iiulul and Hcbholhbrakin -city. Nu uh: came out-to \ -..- ...|..o In ..._. an In-nu hh.-.l-.. .....I aI.-n The Syndicate Gem 3 Bonus. .__.. (v__.;_ A 1'I._ I 37.6 a..'.i"'.: um I: u no p: ` r my In . In in: II ll ltxporlouon In tho ('aunnv-Tluy mu Mn 5, man u 1-rum lhuol. tum. mu. II A , , .,,,_ |-n,.., I n .n u MR8. URBAN! QUIET DUNDAY. Mn. L'r_b.u| mover laollovoal In the moral: I 5 city. Nho llvcl In and and and al- myu llu. but the hu luulntonl duh! any 14,: M" . fun It `gulp -o 0 ngupchllnlren . (J. ll. soon, nuswlm. Will leave Swift : What EVERY WID- NIISDAY at 8 n.m.. for Montreal and way pol-tn, and for Toronto and St. Catharine: IVIBY SUNDAY at 5 mm. - For freight and usage ply to Jam S In 19. , F P. P` _ -_..:i-:. -Just theThing for a Nice Present. St. Cotharines, Toronto, and Montre;1l, A;nd` \- ln Montreal early Tuesday evening. Returning. leaves Montreal Thursdays at 12 o'clock noon. for Klngaton. nrrlving Friday night. lcnvlng Kingston for Trenton and Bay of Quinta ports on Saturday mornings at (:3 o'clock 3 mro. Pnmuun mr accommodation unsurnnnod. Ro- P son cor accommodation unsurpnsaod. Ro- tn ed tickets at reduced rates. Freight rates as low as the lowest. . For tickots and other Information amzl))bo > A. GUNN & (CAPT. surm. MASTER.) \\ )ll leave Gunn's wharf avery Monday omn- lng at 7 o'clock. for Montreal. calling at Gan- nnoquc. Brockvllle. Prescott. O enebnrg, Mor- rlsburg. otc.. running all mpl s. nnd Arriving Montreal early Tuesday ovenlng. ` Ratumimr. leaves Thursdays M12 MOIVIREAL ANDAW/1 Y PORTS Fast. Cornmodious. Upper Csbln Steamer will have KI-ompt attention. For furt or particulars apply to the proprio- tors. Noonnn & Bajns ; Capt. A. Foator.Smilh 3 Full: ; or James Swift. Kingston. e. 6:30 o clock p.m. All dnly trip. giving op rtunitv of socinfz the ` n spit-ndit scenery of the i idenu and other kos both ways. Passengers will have nearly two hours at the ictureaquo Jonee'lnlis. one of the most romant c spots on the continent. Even nttontion mid to the comfort of Dar romantic the continent. Everynttqntlon id comfort pour ` nengcrs. Feight named with care and des- palch. Through freight consigned 60 our cam) will have attention. mrticulars apply proprio- Falls at 1`: o'clock p.m. ltctnrnin . will leave .~mith's Falls every Monday. \\ cdnesdny and I-`riduy morning at 5:45 o'clock nnd Jonea'Locksm 6 o clock. calling at nil intermediate ports. arriving at Kingston o clock day trip. opportunitv seeing [An/8 & 5*mM`/v PROP. uh .\uu.VA.V. .VI.`IuIII.I1.I Will lenvc Kingston everi; Tuesday. Thursdn ' and Saturday M 11 o'cloc a.m.. calling at :1 intermediate arts. and will arrive at Smith` Fulls 12 o`(: ock llctnrnimc. every May 6&1. 7/?/05/11/I ? BETWl-EEVPJ`K|VN(-St3iiE Ems. and lowest rreignt mice given. Full information |{i\'i:n by applying to the (`a min on board. or to C. . HATC A. GUNN & CO. J. P. GILDE LEEVE. Fniuht A313. Pans. Anrems. ing leaves Kingston for Buy puma all 8 p.m. .h.gnicL-nt accommodation for passengers and lowest freight given. Riven by nnniyinz leaves Picton at 3:(lJn.m. On .\`nuu-dny. during July and August, this steamer nmkcs n special excursion In to 1.111) islands. leaving Kingston at 2 p m. nu return- ing leaves Kingston for Buy at 8 Jnmxiccnt naaaentmrs Returning leaves Beuevlue Mommy. wed- nosdu)` and I-`rider at 6:1!) mm. sharp: Deser- (mm 7:!!! :\.m.. nn Pinon 9:31) am. :len\'es Bel- lcvillc Tm-sduy and Thursday at mo n.m. : De- scrunlo 5:!) and Picton 7:11) a.m. On Saturday leaves Picton 3:(IJn.m. On Snnn-dnv, durinnr Julv and Alumni. this `C. II. NICHOIJIN. IAITIBL Will. unlll funhcr notice. have Oman`: \Vhnr1` :1! 3:3) p.m. tllnrpb for BnyotQu1nte ports. nrrn-mg M Plcton at 7:mf.m. and golngthrough In In-scrunto and Belle! no every nix t except Friday. when she stoma: Picton over night. In-Iurning leaves llerillo Monday. \Ved- ` n1'sdu\' nnd I-`ridnv M. 6:m mm. shnrn: Deser- OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. C.li.L AT DAILY LINE Td PiCTON. DIBERONTO l AND BELLEVILLI. BAY OF QIIINTE STELIBDAT ROUTE. Thnriauy at 1:45 `p.m Passengers den ring can be booked via R. & Ont. Nuv. ('0. Steamers. enjoying the scenery otlhc Lil!) Island: and the Rnpldsof the St. Lawrence. For Tickets and every Information apply to 'I`lIl`|`If A U [I I \'I I`l' mrio 5170038. GRAND TRUNK CITY PABSUER STATION ` gnaw.-.5--.1 --.-4:-44-4-. ; World`: Ticket Agent. Corner Johnson and On- ` umo Streets, nn ,A\'D 'rnl.'x'K (`.I'r\' PM-xR'nItR s'rA'rlnN 5t0l`l\`(`, R! \`(`I')' IOW rates - The Mmmuhlpn onho Allan Lino come direct to the Railway whnrveu. and paasenm-rs are forwarded on by special train: to Montreal and lho West. Thu but II-nln nnnnnr-rlnnr nt Onnhnn with Inc \\ eat. The last train connecting nt Quebec with the Mall St:-nnlcrs. nailing from than port on Thurudny. lcnws Kingston on Wednesday It 1:45 .m. N Th ; hut train oonnoctlmr with the Extra \ 1:45 pm. ` The conne-ctln ` Ru-amen sailing on Friday. eaves Ktnclwn on Thurudny 1245 .m lmsaenrora rim: & xtvvu III I C II, uuv nluu Dvjuvli . Prom Quebec to Londonderry and Liverpool : ` (`abin-l). 70. UK). l(elum-Oll0. (ll). IL50. lntermedhuo - III). Reluru~1. Slecnxo Roluxn 840. ton of P b the Extru Bteunorui (`nhm- 860. an 070. In-,tum~8). IIO nnd OIZI). lntermedlnlo-- 82!). Return Sxeerago at very low rates - The uvymuhipn pflho Allnnfldne come ' msr xm's7u/L sums. HHRVIA . . . . . . . . 4. Ngtunlny. Sept. l0Ih |'I'l'RURlA. . . . . . . . ntunlny, Hopt. I'M: AURANIA . . . . . . . . . atunlny. 8: t. lth * LYHBRIA . . . . . . . . . . . . Suurulay. {sea In NERVIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hotnnluy, (kt. ml: I-TFRURIA. . .. . . . . . . .Suur I311: ACRANIA. .... .....'4aturdny. Oct. Wad UMHRIA . . . . . . . . . . . . Notunloy. Oct. 29th WWI` Cl`II IE3 KIUIIV IEIICI IIUW- flll UIIFGGIII. IIIIV I Hangings lo select from. Always the best selected and most stylish stock in Eastern On mrio to choose from. :11... __ _ _,_n __.I I.-._I. ......_ ...._ ,......I. \'_ I-I n----nu u (`In-ualan .. Sat-dlnlan . Polynelhsn. Pnrininn Rates of Puanso ;y_I.ho Mall Steamers: I\-o\-u ll--nuuu in I 1.-.1In-nvln-up -nnl I 8-v.--.AAI - m '- snomsf-"su - mam. AVERAGE TIME 8 DAYS. STR.1 V IHISLVUKV '1. DU|V L` C LIL... Or to J. P. Gllderuloove, Agent, (9Clu- cnoo Strut. uu uuv Iavllvucuvlli cu--n nu uuvuuvvunz-U1: HI. or freight Ind puugo apply 3! Com- rnru Oior. No. 4, Bowling Grow, New 0: . \'I.'D\'[\\' ll DDl\ll'\Y L (`II 1 ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamships. WIIIIIIIIIIUII. IHIUTVHOIIIIFU `W Sue:-ago at Very Low Ram. gtoolip Picket: to And from London and Queen `town and all other part: 0! Europe 58 low- utrnus. -rL.......L mu- -1 I -.n......z..__':-_ n-u..4 CI Iii. Through Bill: 0! Lullng gl\'on.for Ballast, G! V. Hnvro. Antwe and other point! on I. c Continent and or Llodlhrnnou ....._A- CuNn- W), Oil) nudil), uoconliagto Io- oommoulntlon. Inturmulhto pung--O85. Huorun at Van law Raul. tounn lflll IU |.'lII.I.EIJ II'Illllo Give III a call and look over our stock. No trouble to show good: at From Pier No. 40g.`-} l.R..Now York. - tuungmn.) NEW 703/! AND LIVERPOOL, 01//V/1 RD l//VE. Ulbuiishll Pass. Agents. TRI-WEEKLY TRIPS nuns on7AasAom : .'I(`Al.l.I.\'u' . VI-ZRN()N H. BROWN I C0., -5] [3 llil.l-.--I..\-. Am-no A0l'1 lulu nnu 1:! cl ) uuul Iuuuuu llvpl I TIIOMA S IIA NLEY, :_L-. A-__n n..._-- l-|._.-_ __). THE STEAMER Done. Do not wait (or the Spring rush. The work can be done better now. An elegant line I l.I.....-l-n- in nnlnnl I-..-urn AI-nu-n IRA R-I TRAVELLING. iALEXANDR|A, u- sun 5 RBI l5(h Sept '.'|al Sept Nth Sept 5th Oct. -Ann Hem - ml: Oct. [I10 l0\\'$l- rrtormntlon Almnm. .\T CORK .Ull!0R.I' .--&. i PERSIA. .8ELLE, Axels. 9,, V` . EHERO. ROBINSON'S WALL PAPER DEPOT % unnoeoaunntboaabynroaoooprn ed tth curve 1: teanndolalms Iottled giglrout rommgcorto the Board at London, Subscribed CnultAl.. 'I`ntAI lnvnntntl Fund: Subscribed Caultnl . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom) Invested Funds upwards of .... ..aa.nm,ooo Totnl Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 768.!!!) Ineunnoeoadnnt Loss by Fire scoop?- tgmt mmmns-.r:1Er=.. It-nu-A no u)sseuvpa.1dInlii_\'earn.... ...... .. us. . . Tho lendinii Fifi: lusumuco Com on the Continuum.` rs .-\nnInd rremhun ptl In Canada and me Unite-I States are latter than . I.Ima:uf.mu` nlhm Cummns; smur- blemishod rccnrul of m tours. August II. JA.\usS\VIl"l`,'Akont. Wm "91l Fi'% --v on-nouns g---an-mg.-w- v-1.---no. IXAIKTFORD OONIN. Cash Capital .................... .. 8 4.uno.ooo.oo Tom] Ale!-S` Jnnmu'y lat. 1&2. . .. $333,273.90 bouseorpnid nmyearm... . . . . . . N.lm.I`ll).l) lendimi Firm Gommnran the `mm mm msmmm comm. I A )'l`I.`nl)I \ nnvcx. Nearly all the litigation and restated settle- ments in Life Asaurnnco arise from clauses .A conditions in the policies. They often "indisputable after two years from any cause whMe\'or." provided nnlv." that the conditions are kept int/act. Tho "SL`2\"' is absolute]? UN- CONDITIONAL. und Ihurctoro absolutely ndis- . putablo After two yours. We have no "provid ed only." Surplus over all liabilities`. .. ..$, 94,452.97 Total surplus to policy holders 5lM.l52.07 Assots...'............. . . . . . .. 1.57.0.i0 New Life business for I886 .. 3:11 ((83.40 ` LIFI Axn Acclmcxr. For mtos. Hpply to E. C. HILL. .. 304 Gnnnnx S'rmur-r ,'-ul L u-Au\JL'auu ua. sun... 2 Cor. Sydonhsm. St:-not '.; Telephone obmmunlontlon. LIFE ACC E. C. HILL. W1N.L11i3.4$WE com!- their Insurance in II Uo'y so perfectly soonre. The Company still maintains its claim to doing mu largest Fire Business in the world. The Comun.n_\' has actually mid since its in- doing rhu largest Fire Buslneu in the world. Com v actually paid 1:: tommuon e fullowing summ- ]-`ur Fire Losses. . . . . .. 010.286 For Life Losses . . . . . . .. 15.8).225 :___..II7 Ill! sin business in Canada. lnsumncea etfccted at as low rates as any other good Com nv. . . Inn,-sled Fun 836.I).T . Net income for the past year was 33,354,390. This ,enormous mium Inco ou ht to convinqo assured of o deslmbllit of some their Insurance in `y perfect y Comnany claim to Livbai mi Lonadi And 910 I.\'SURA.\'CE C0'Y. .-uvv ...-..-an. \4\.r - - } . ` Ox: otthc best and Safest companies doing business in Canada. lmmranrna nffn-Jed at as low min: an an: ungo. At 5 A.l\l. for Montreal and Quebec. calling at (`lt\yton. Alexandria Bay. Brockville. Pree- vott. (`ornwall and Coteau. pa ing through the beautiful Mld romantic seen Kan! the lake of the Thousatnd Islands and the pidsof the St. l.u\\'rcnce by daylight. I For Tickets and um` other infm-Imnlnn nnnlv l.n\\'rence by daylight. Tickets any other infonnntion npply to the undersigned. U.`<`e- Foot of Julmson Sm-or. :1 ll 1: Amount ._., . days exec wdl. At 5 l'..\ . for Toronto. calling at Cobourg. Port Hope and Bowmnnvillc. (weather permit- lin L A`! 5A.M. for Momma] nnd Olmhm` onllinn I! you want a Nice Fancy JEWELRY CASE all at my place and leave your order. or $1.11!. Meals and Bertha extra. Exhibitors. on presentation of Certicate signed by Mr. II. J. Hill. full (are up and Re- turn Free. Deck pnsscngcra_ 88(1). The steamers wnll leave Kingston dni1y(Mon- days Ledl. Toronto. vnllinn m (`nhnnnr This (`ompnngowill Issue First-(`Xnss Return Tickets for $6. . Meals and Bertha Included; 84_%. Meals and Bertha extra. 'l`i(-Int: for $6.50. Meals and Berth 84.%. Meals and Bertha Exhibitors. on nrmenmtinn nf Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Go. at l0:l5 In. No. 7 xproas leave: Kl ton at ll:5 m.. eonnocung with C.P.R. N In Exprou `K-an nt Sim:-bot Luke for all pain I out and went. J. H. Tuwn. F. Cozuuv. B. W. I-`own. Ant. Supt Ans. Gen. Pun. Am. Supt. GIIL No. Sltxgreun leave! Kingston at 4:15 p.m.; at harbot Lake In 4:10 p.m. ; Ronrnw at 2 Y\`n. `I nu-om lmvm Kimnlnn At ll-LS nm._ EXHIBITION, ToRopo_ In I) hours. No. 1 Mixed loaves Klngnton7:mA.m. znrrlveu ll Shnrbot [Aka I011!) a.m.. And Rcntrew 2:5 nm_. nnnnusllmr Irl1h(`..P_lL ltxm-an fnr nnlnu ll"rnv l'l' oxen nu) vov WILLTAIE xo ollu Elegant Drawing Room (`an APO run on :11 Eoxplrku Tnlmo between Klnuiwn andshnr I e. Kn 3 II`.I'nnnnn Ingram Iflncntnn at l9`llIn Ill, Shnrbot lake I01!) And Rontrew ` p.m.. connecting with (`..} .R. Expreu for polnu ` PAPER AHANGING{ F.Fo. -MARSHA~LL,~ UPHOLSTERER & CABINET M#I(EI?; mm. mm ANDTHEAPESI noun: Between Kingston. Pousrboro. Toronto St. 'l'ho~ mu. London. Mtawlt. Montreal. Quebec. And all points out and west. "TRY Elvnnnt Drnwinn llmsm (`am An: n.n nn all not hue. No. 3 Express leaves Kin tan at 12:40 p. Arrives foromo 8:!) p.m. ; (tum. 5:25 pm. Montreal 8:15 p.m. ;Renfrew. 5:10 pm. Panel!- on lenvlng by this trnln will reach Winnipeg n C) hours. Kn, I Mlxnd It-Aral Klnnntnn 7-HI: ll| -AI-rivnn KINGSTON&PEMBROKE 0/won /=A?}7Z' RA/LROADS. Nlllllo w. xi. oonwnwn u Kinsman." nh.Il. -` Bntglumwnm on-no New. Dlrocl. Shortest. uickat. (`henpeoz And Best I-` nipped All Route lo Mu-llobn. the .'on.h West. And Rrllluh Colum- bk polnll. J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, To J and Exhlblwfl. Blnglo Fun hm` In to 5th I. on nuuon ol ocnlcnlu signal by . J. uu . Socroury. If All 'l`|ckou good to return until Wlh Bepumbor. 1`nInnlea\'e Kingston 12:60 pan. 11:45 p.m. ` Train: Arrive Toronto 8:!) p.m.. :18 mm. W411 boon ado by IM nndollhtmdufollownz From Sept. 6th to 18th. ct `tw- ~ And on Epoch! Excursion Days. -..c on. ._.I Incl. -4 no xx P.S.-(`he:1p Show (`uses 11 Special! 3'. Return Tickets Fromlingston to Toronto Ironomo EXHIBITION. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION. Oman Sept. 19th to 24th. yvv JCUII UV jjo llomrn 1'-1.1101: will In on lab froulwt. lit to an inclusive. :1 on Black Hm-(`ha ff-.rlound mp. [and to mum to tho Iw c u vo. nrvyvn vvu Dull Qllvlu ..r*-.:::m::.-.::.-.":.: : 3; mum In In Illh Inclusive. Fun for NI lruumlv AA wmsmnn mm, Lorfmon. Sept. 19th to Nth. Ilnlurn 'I`l4oh.l.n u-Ill hanlnnnlg Inna-E4-n IQ)- In UTIIIW III" I my only M. SPEC/AL x'Diis/o_r{_% 04 rs. `Picket Agent, 42 Clarence St. IN THE DULL SEASON K. &P. R. and C. t . R. 1unusrnguxx}nnn1ox,ronunru. numuun um Innismu ' TRAVELLING. GRAND TRUNK RA|L Y: -' -. _- ._ V. lulu ol f:I-o will In ndraI|:o-d';ur. \l|l U 11$-IXUII BC" "'sp:. em and 13th. at 33.55. Randi - ----3 THOMAS BRIGG 107331.510 S. Awenl. % Hopi {2{.'.33'f:L ' Tlnhnln -III I... I_-u.J _....I none. on: to min. Dn_L-._ u 3. -_ _ Dt.v'rIsrr. um Princes: St. bemoan Mon- lrm and Hydon In strooln. in-u'.I.-um .\o. 21 (`harlot Street. ()|N- hmra. ~ ` ., In P p -n.. and on Snluily 0\I' ` I'47ln|||uu II(':\. I`-' 1-- ~-- H-sun r: .x L". t`. H. llAT(`-H. Agent. 1'71!` mles 311111) [0 304 Golmox S'nu:-r [WT WAH`. a. n Luann, .u.u., u.u.a.. u.u.a., lIn:.\rrm1`. nrmrlmne of New York (`alias of Dc-nlinlry. (min.-~\\'elllngton Street. between Prinoeu and llrook Hlreeu. Punk-ulnr atten- lionhpnld lo the prvuervullon ol the nalurnl wot . _HENRY BRAMEQE Undertaker and banner. 25-251 PRINCESS s'mE1~:'r,_f -_.-_..u___._ na._...L UI"l(`I- rnnoou GU35. ll old unngl. Too_x3!Ione number II I'lUM|1'4Urlllll I . C. L. (`l'l'l lI. 11.0.. Iuotonnr to Dr. Jnrvll. Physician. surgeon. to. Oman and Rauldonoo I pod uh Pm Once. Womncmn `zrclh 1': Lho.clly country uvmpuy amended 59 wunnlu aruuv. Iuuulrll. llolacrmu. (`osvtvnncln tr. Ooo-Uou-an King and Block Buvuu owr wum Dru; more. UK. lLIZAB|'ZTH S.\IlTH-SHURTT. hue of n..f.'i. 5.;;. "`."x's'-'.'. "s`. .'.'..,1 Dinar Women and CM'|dron. ' Feb. ' AICIl'l'It'l'. corner at linen and Inn; mroot. nut Wales`: I man. Kaunas on Klan umoo. out on no mo (DIM. ~ ANDERSON. HMYTHE AND SMITH anucrvoau. no. I. onuu-to Il!r`t'. I. ll. unrrII.l.Lb. Cun. rnostnnu-24:31:! ROBE RT SHAW, lh-hm!-In, lint ml-I-on l'nv\'tIuIrln_ It-_ ` TE LEPHON E---38. ovum unusuuu, n.A-L. n. u.. L ..M., Inuonnnar In late Du. Icttuuom. l'IIuIcu.v. 8 `nouns. ac. ()-o-Monlnn| snout. bureau nouns and Brock llltovll. lo(`;nLmiu 1. N u. u-.. UNUl'.'l.la, lI.A., 1|.u., 1`..\|.. Plwalcmn. antenna. to. 0It'o~ law In. ' `1`_"'3." I"`.". '-,- .-_ _._ ,a VIlIl4l\l'n.Vl C \VI. Amm sou pulls m IICIIAID UALIII. I Jun: `ms +rmux. u.i.i:` 1 . ml --(?|un 81 n3:".'3.'. ne. "nu.\'u\ "7u u 37\'&'"}'u oval out-nu! nun; 7 . -_....-. ~...-~.-.-_. `I:;iT`sTJ:\*X1`. 0 l;:II.I'!'lI. urmlp. . tins Ivuu1a.$,'. un. II. 1:. nnillaln. J.-1. lilt. -.l\.| orncu-l lul Itnut. nu`: luau` `me about cannula ____.___._._..%.._..___..... __':__.. In .. .-....._.-. GLRNDVSKY 85 ANDERSON, w. u. Axuux. u.Ii(:..~c.. TI3l iT.". nrnm:.. lnll luau ...\. In._- 0.1. ` ,IF YOU WET THE 0/2eapest&BestFurm'ture% 1 llloouol or woman and Clularen I specially. urru-:~mPr!nonu Street. Dr. spun nld stand. Tolonhone "'1iL'7l`LiL'1-i'uZi:1Lu\'uA\. Dloeuoa of Women And Children Ipochlty. urru~:-) Prlnoau Street. snub "J. u cuuui, u.u., n.D..~1. LD.s.. In-v-rnrr HI-ntlunln nf \'nI York (`nllmn n -..--.. .-.......v----.---..-a-.r--rw.- WW. Nicw1..u.'us,.m. Ancllrrlcr. of Brush and King Street. nnr Dru: slurs [union on Kim: 137- C?HLK3.3- ?o?ai"`iE'n`Iii.'zS. ` T..:..;. Z-; lnnnnnnno In IA!` ll. Ilnluu-nun Than ever before in the city at ' BEDROOM sU13-ms, (`heap Furniture and U g_{w_~_l_.~Lterc:-3. -vv-_..`__ PARLOR. S-I;fTES. AND SIDEBOARDS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. "is7fEkE$T1 K:-xfonfisr ls . lllil. nllnllnl-n - "lint-:1 277 llagot Street. U7RE, &: B*T bong: In. It ll-I--In in-L ---.~_.__. ,_ .. _.. MUNDELL. Irlnu n-an-uu ` '1 . A 'Dl`l`0I. CAJHUIII ..... K8... 5-inwzu A.\'n".i7.\'T III-k anal Ilnlllnn Hun..- . --vy..v.... . -. 10317..-6ii":'Fu"'{? on: u n nnnn-can m BETTER BARGAINS` I. L|.r.anu1 I-V. `dined opponu Inrauolnn .unu.'u.w5u`au Kinda: lvvv an nu nun, canal nlldln Ilnrnyun. uee I luau. Iton. ` "E"lTi Ti::u`"x'T+T III-coll! nnnnnnn I Inn llnn: your 553 max 8'1`. u-I5, :-Imurullllroot. `AR ! HUB, HAL in (In (`I- LU: W` r-Jlo K|l"- 5] Princess Street, vcor.`Sydenham Streht, Kingston. 1 \ ,ThymthuwbawnrhI'ov}n spottadshlrtlj torttnnhonldnnn ulle}i8odotyIaop- lh J `I19 KITDIIIIIIGT UBO IKRJIIIJ 0!` I "1110 moro K0 I-each-. yowntshort. and gt require: about lthno-qunraenotouooondfor thehunto travel from you to the int bus man. you cannot noni to waste two seconds or more In preliminary movunqnh before throwing as. 1.11 Three Rule: for Baseball. Young baseball players, as a rule, throw the ball badly. W. J. Henderson tells Har- per's Young Peop;e that there are three rules in regard to this pant of the game which ought to be home in mind: Throw the mt ment you get the ball, without wasting time in preliminary movements. Never throw the least bit more swiftly than is absolutely neoesr nary. Learnto throw with more than one style of delivery. ll you follow the rst nile carefully you will soon learn not to break the second. The majority of young players, in the in eld especially, after stopping in grounder, go through two or three prelim- inarymotious, such as stretching the hand with the ball in it out in front before draw- ing it back, pointing at the base man with the other hand, or hiking in step or two for ward. All these things are unnecessary. If you have` to stoop to pick up a grounder, straighten up the moment you have it, draw- . ing back your arm as you do so, and send the ball to the base the very second you `have risen up. Remember that the distance from 1 home to tlrst hue is. just thirty yards, and that even a poor runner can do that in `four `1f;*lh3N{6I`i, i ti f thogrounderoneneoondor ru-mo more to _-n-nIL.jnn._AL .nInn.-And. 1).. annulus; `Ln-L, >4 THREE I.I'l"l'LE CCLPRITS. Tit. (At. toe! Three in a now! The heavy schoolroom clock strikes loud and slow. Now every little one May go and take his run. The gentle teacher cries, tor the school is done. Tit-. tat. me: All in a row! 1 Out through the open door the merry children go, Leaving only three, sad an and can be-l WI-etched lime culprits with their Spellerl. ll you see! v_-- _ v--_.-,---- "-1- ---vuu unv-ova An old onnlrymnn tolls ln Golden Days that I horse will never step on I man in- tentionally. It is a standing order with env- alry that should I Innn become dismounted he must lie down and be perfectly still. I! he does so the entire company will pan over him and he will not be injured. A hot-no no- tion where he is golng and is on the lookout for n rm foundation to put hi: foot on. It 5 an instinct with him, therefore, to step over n prom-ate man. The injuries caused by I runaway home are nearly always In- icted by the animal knocking down and not by his stepping on them. ll". ..'.i_\ . Ibo not uloulolu this twisted line unlvxa you have mine our to he-lp ynu. If you are alone it is better l-slur beginning to in `M at all to make a Iliinl imp in the middle of the doubled Curd. Plum` this lnldillo loop over the nail and In is! each half separately before letting the two mist upon each other. To keeptlie n! half from kinking while twist- ing the semml make it fast and taut. to some i xed point or wind it tightly around any- thing that will hold it. Each of the two halves should nacctlvo about the same number of turns to inmn,-ow.-nnen in the final doubh. It in I good plan to stretch thollnt two lengths side by side after theynro twisted and lush the corrmponding end: together he- foto Allowing them to lake the final twist. What I Cnvslrymnn says About no A_ _I.| ___-I_____,, ._u, . n In -. The following nu-thud n-cently described and illustrated in St. .\'ichohu In I much caller wny of I(`\`0I!I|.)ll:-bill` the nine end. Take apiece of wood of a nine that can be conveniently held in the hand and bonin it I hole several times tho diuneu-r of the twine to he twisted. If the twine is not ton large, I mmnmu mu-aim xi-uol will do. Pro- cure nlw a small stick nxur eight inches long; I lend [Irnvil `\'lll nerve`. Double the ` string I-ytying the emls together. Make I loop in each and of the double line, slip um.- of than loop: over a nail, pan the nlher loop znrough the wool or rpm] and then tlnm-t 1: small stick through the luop. \\'h.-n the .1 - is pulled taut the stick will he in puolllon EU` as the In of wood mid can he turned r. , Hy and evenly around in the (ll!'t`ClIull tl...t will also twist the I-lrnlluls of string moru ti--Ltlv ! Among the and: o! you; a well an oil llolluqncuuuunumkuutol neural at lmo bigger owl umugvr than tuba atly ovoryunolmou bow to tub! and donhlu Ntol lwim-. by making one and has and` tqnnlng the nun-r bonus: the Inca law the whole In trim-I I0 Irully that It will `Hut. and than letting It dnuhk upuu Ital! oouto form ncorcl 0! Muntrudi. MD FATE OF LITTLE PI PL! WHO WON'T LEARN TO LL. cri tlon made order. Ifliul-RING pnmptiy Attended to. Chain. resented MA1TAlSII`lClIKod or made to order. ' Canrnru cleaned and hid. AA I II-L1-AI-xvrrliltitll hrllfiilmlll lnporluc lulu to to Ohund In lluohull-.|u lino; In at fauna; and Doulug 'l'Ilho IBM a lawn. Mrlug. YUl'.\'4} FUl.KS' COI.l'.\l.V. `I'll, Tat. Toe! A Tnlnnblo Discovery. F. P. Tanner, of Nenbing, Ont... says he has not only found B.B.B. l mu cure for Dyapdpuin, but in `so found it to be the best medicine fan -.. _ .;X.Lting and idvignrnting the system that he `has ever tnken. ` B.B.B. in the great oyntun regjalntor. ` D685 xorm 0! aamlmswrmg IE IS Dy .NOI'lIlDl} I '.E}.`tFfliHl nmhnmlen. ' W. 'J_. `Willi!!! ll Igentfnud from` him you can p we testimeaido and eiroulua+i=ela$ingrte y of your complaint. Try and be cured. Lame back and nervous debiiity, associat- ed with rheumatism. is sometimes met with in every day life, but an a rule we nd not ` more than two of these cdmplainta in the same party. Be this as it may. The `only sure and perfect cure in electricity gm] the best form of administering it is by N ornu\n s -- W. ~.!; `Wmnn Ir gnu n_yu-nun.-av uw.uu llilllllin Loxxnos, Sept. 9.-I`he government has ` as:-enbcd to the granting of asubsidy of 45,-' 000 to the Canadian Ppcici railivny for carrying thq mails to and from the east. BRITISII WHIH. :s`.\'l`l'Rl).\Y. SPIIVP. I0. um um clotnes uu torn uy a. uog. And the next day in the forenoon Mrs. Urban and the boys took the train for home, and Urban says he hasn t heard a word about those peaceful Arcadian Sabbaths in ` the country since they got back. They are made at my place in every style or ` design. 115 BROOK STREET, The Picture Frame Factory, uuwn me out: or ms necx. ` And after dark that night Bill took the boys down and they rnhbed `Smite Wind- snr's watermelon patch and 'ommy and Harry got bird-shot red into their legs when they got over the fence, and Bobby had his clothes all torn by A dog. Ami Han nnvf. dun: in thn fnrannnn Mr: Illlll "NIH IIHU P583041 L\VU ULlI(fl' llilllll. Anal after they got home Bill and the boys nml the hired nmn pitchml uluoits hack 0! the barn till dark while Ezekiel mowed the grass in the front yard and hurneda hornet's nest in an apple tree and used language worse than hornets when one of them got down the bck of his neck. A111] nffnr Jnrl: that nirvlmt ill tnnl: flan And on the way back a man tried to drive past them, but dear old Uncle Ezekiel stood u and leaned over the laslnhonrd and hoot- etl) at the sorrel colt, and let `em outand left. that man and passed two other teams. Aml nfhlr thav unt lmma Hill and the lmvs auemoon. And they honkeil up the colts and Mrs. Urban and the boys and Uncle Ezekiel and all of his famil got in : and Uncle Ezekiel drove three miles to a horse-race. and had Bill ride the roan colt and won 310 on the first heat and lost $15 on the second. And Mrs. Urlmn thought she'd faint; but she didn't. A...) .`.. 4|... ........ L...-.l. .. ....... o..t...l 5.. .l..:.... llllllll.` W'Ill'rl'I Ill l'rWlI I lK|'V'I wen: IlllUI' ing out an luulger. And while they were there Bill he: {I jnck-knife that Bobby, the youngest Urban lm_\', couldn't liclt a certain ' other boy, and after they haul fought and i rolled in the dirt Iiftccll mimitoaliolnlxy found i out that he cuu||n`t. I Then Bill took them back home and on i the way Iwnppeul knives and marble: lllll Other treasure: with them and cheated them out of all they had. Dinner wasn't suite remly nml Bill put Harry. the other 'rlm boy. through the window into his mother`: pantry and had him Iteal two pies. When Mn. Urban raw Bobby she came retty near crying. lut at dinner Uncle Izekiel said the had finished cuttin the wheat and that a ter he had dug enoug po- tatou for the rent of the week and fixed the ture fence and trimmed some trees and mended the harneu and straightened up the lightning rod on the barn that they would hook up and take a ride. Ant` nth"; lain fnlhnr Ilrnl nnnllinn tn that we}. --. 1. A . _`_ Then they wont Eu-lc and by that time Uncle Ezekiel was remly to hitch up and taken long, pleasant ride in the quiet, vacc- fnl country on this calm. pleasant Sa)ba.th aflemoon. A...I .L.... x.,..n....u .... .1... ....n.. .....n u... When Baby Inn not. we gun he: Cutout. When she won I Child. Ibo cried for Cub:-ls. When I110 became lu. the clung to Cuhrh. Winn had Chdun, do guvotholn .CutaI-A H00` [3 Illll LIKE I Yllllf. And while his father wul unending to these matters Bill took the boy: over across the eld to I ball game. And while they were there he told Tommy that he would give him two slate-pencils and I bean-shoob er if he would lick another boy. And After they had rolled on the round and pulled hair for twenty minutes 'l;'ommy discovered that he could never earn personal property thatwny. _ M, Then [how want. uu'l( and lw tlmt time III"-I WIIIIP IIIU WEI U|\ IlIU UTUIIIIII 0, (`III- dlmlight Uncle I-lzeltlel explelned that they had to cut wheat that day t! it use Sunday. `cause it In ettiug so powerful ripe. hire. l.'rbeu eighet end the boys went out door: where their cousin liill mode tun for them hecauee they didn't chew tobeccu and nally induced them to try I little. Then Bill explained thet he wasn't goin to work that in lhecluee he wee lick. on when .\lre. l'r :1`: boy: uked him if he wasn't going to church then hethrew I stone at e etrey cat and said not i! he knowed himeell. Then he gut the shotgun end be- fore Mrs. l'nnn knew it he end her boye hul gone otf huntin , though it lacked two week: 0! the time I on they could do I0 Ac- cording to low. l Ami whilst lluuv worn mmn ill ni-luul Inf ITTIVUQ II LIIUIU Bali.` I on -`lllll'- ` -lay. AlI."!houuln Mn. Urbnn. "lo-mob ` run the hay: can no the Salolmh olzurvoul with goo-I. olcl-lulsinnocl rural aim licity." Th ox! morning about the tuna tho mom In out root`. and when nothing but some 3' mug and over-onthuulullc rouourl had In nu on crow. Ibo launl door Uncle l-lukl aud on the stain Ivlth the boot- jnck Au: yell fur the hlr man to gut up. And while also wu ouinv bmklut by mn- ullmlluhl llnoln I-fuplllnl nlnhlnul (Inn! than H. BRAME S.