-Denlivl IS. 0 J. (l CLARK, ,.\!.D.. l'!.D.R.. l.D.S., C 1: In, on` .. w , W Prlnm-:\g.m.I Rn-ck Nru-1;: I':ur!h-ulur unen- tlon mu! In the xsmacrhnltw-In of llw muuml I430`. ll. \ ; `llll IIUIUI lIl"'IVDII~ Arrival: at the British .`Amerien.u l{ot.el--- . J. B. .\leKinnnu and wife, St. Cathuinea ; W. Moit, Montreal ; R. A. Livi ton and wife, W. S. Livinguttini And vi 0, R. Moray, Wstortown; A. F. Ward, Mndoc ; R. J. Ropn, Grafton. G. C. Moule, Toma- to; A.'l`. Clcghorn, R. C. Mon-in, R. A. Brooke. Kingston: W. J. Mills, Otum; Rev. Dr. Mschud and wife, Ming Charter, I .....l.... lfnnlnnrl 9 l_ Russia and narvnnt. HOV. Ur. nncuua uuu wuc, nun, uunrwu. ~ London, (1 ; L Ruuell and servant. Quebec ; \ '. McDougnll. Ottawu ; W. Cones, Brockville : A. McBride, Togoneo ; Capt. and Mrs. Wurtcle.R.!.C.. Kimnton: W.` G. Soper. Ottawa : J. 1). Hayden and wife. Cobourg; E. W. Wnrner and wife, Qu Appello. \ In-eallnx nmen the Colublno. J. A. klnthewsogl ~& Co., wholesale grocers of Montreal. receTi'etl oer S.S. \'nnc\m\'er,'~' 300 barrels of English granulated cane Iugnr, *7 which, after payment of hf-okoruge, freight. duty. insurance and chnruci. they are null- iug at 70. per pound; being fc. Ion than the vomhine ions . That the sugar is At leuz equal to etlpnthf the following will that: Robert lllackvqliif Co.. gin r` ale and .[0d urahtr mm mun. of Dhmo street. diuolrdd pound: of each uugnr in one gnlloir ofwnuer, And when umd with the net-harometor the Scotch augu- ahovrod n dcnity of 24 degrees n Against `I3 dagtfea shown by the Rodpuhhuu prov- ing thnt thcfonner had Io u:uch more Iyo'eot- ealug power than (He latter. [Ill Allu-rnuuu nnuvu ln Belleville, on Tuesday, as Mr. Vnncott. ` traveller for the J.` O. Ganlner & (To. biscuit ` factory. Kingston. was talking` `to"x friend in the Queen 3 hotel. his overcoat was stolen from the rock. _Ho lnul put it on the rack I moment before and, thinking tint it was a careless trick. turned to get it. when In: a found that it had vnnislml. Yesterday one Ferguson. of Dcaoronto, wu ureatgsl with the con: in hi: poneuion. , " `IIIO .-IIllI! ull auiuul-_I. ` The L'ncle- Tom` cnhin company in the best that has ever been on the mud. Geo. T. honey. as Uncle Tom, Genie l"urs~ , man an I-Iva," the Hy:-.r Sisters as the two | Topaeylr," nre very tine characters. The ] (logs and the donkey are immense. The ma- tinee on Saturday will be largely attended. II IIIV llru nut-Iv- Work has been resumed on the Brockrille and Weuport railway by the following con- tractors: Messrs. Mitchell & Robinson. Lewis 1 . Knowlton. Webster & \\'helnu, 3 Swartwout & Pallulino. The prospect ol , the iron horse visiting Westport before I888 In In 1-nu-n lulu ne IITKI HUI`! is favorable. II win: 3-; nvvvo ` In Montreal the quality of Scotch gunn- `Inc-I uugnr has been noted by the nature- meur nd proved to In uncut than the ` Cunda nnod. Selling I4 pounds for one 1 dollu at Header non`: grocery ntore. } IO!` III! III} Ir-Iy. \ Owing to the pasture of oee work at Toronto. during the exhibition, Dr. Wuh- ington can only visit Kingtton this month for on day, Tueudny 13th. Call upon him ` early at the Britinh Aluerican hotel. ; I l\.h--n lpvriuul I` urn l-`or ne nnterisl md the latest good: go ` to the New York Clothing Store when you ` will always find English serge: and worsted goods in the lotus designs. also English. 1 Scotch and Cnnndian tweedn. Look in the | window for A fine display of English ] tronserings. [ (`huh-at Gulen of Pastry and Family Flow llI lI)'! on hand : Grnkun Flour Rolled 0:11. I llollul Wheat. (`l'n(`kt~d Wheat. (Germ \\'hMl. l Ununoul and (`ornmeal : Seed! in season. W. J. MCNIILL. - BBOCK STREET I `When It Elli. Nine-tenths of the disease denmuinlled Cnurrh in the result of pmu-acted or of!- n.- ted cold: in the bud. Nun] Balm I` lgive immediate relief and permanently w1iBB'6'r'L i'E&Y.wFi'u`tss s1. %f3ri6NTo FiLOURWSTORE* ' non. |..`&..%k..`&.?:'.#.:?a`.. ...-.'-o_.,, Hood . I (`!o\'or And Tlnolhy ood Bed Family Flour Proud Ilu Qlroox Baton` lour I specially. nnnunnlkn IIl\?l'I -I ll lllr QT APTIVI Ot `ht (l`t'A'l'`.`ll! n lie: to ton to (in: to lllhollprkoli IIIO` and Imnbun. ; onlun 70- ` IulIclI- ~ ls nmnih-sled by Iowm-as of spirits. irresolu lion. deapondinz. gloom)` thoughts. fatigue want olruoolulion. confusion, emissions. caused by seltahuoe or lndhcruliona You have a sale i and certain cure In ; - n \\ nun JOSEPH ale. _ _ (`orn- qlllel : lmr demand. (:orn :90. Pan --Juli. Pork -Ttnd. l.anl-& M. . ` Bacon. &C.-|h 0-L; LL. in ad. Tnl|ow-& Id. (`home 57: 0:1. \\'In\Al_uI|ia-I : lnlr dumnnd; offer io'iv~;m nu: rb `srtcumt. Coax - Poni- Lau>- hi I -3- vv- --u---.- l.Ivnrum.. e -I. & -llm nan. Sprir V\'h@l'& Ild lab I. Rod \ Inler- M Id In 5 Id. No. I (`u|. -& `M tub 3d. f`1u>I|AAn `Id Nervousemedy. GI II! AID PIOVIIIOS I IIKE I` .In____ 5 Ti-Lb l\- I IOITIIAI. ITOCI IA II I1 . Iol1 IlAl.. opl. I--Inn. lIlI`Il. 4II'lI 07" The Matinee on Sutunlly. [EVIL ClonIE nu .' .' vlouuu M IAIQI . IAUII Uul. - `ml. Iowa! .. Indna I.I \'IllI`00I. IAIKI21`. -__.__....... _-_._. u an The llotol AITIVQII. . . .L, D._r.:-L `A_-...-- T. .4. HA TFiEI.D, - General Merchant, \\`nun~ ls: l\'li_ ()x1'__ 1 LOCAL BREVITIES. An A ndnelouu `I Met. 'l`---- I 7. ,,_ \I._ for 0-0 Day (Duly. ,-,._, _l -1- nan ruwvu-Iva uunuuu. Ilhflh I WIUN ha Cnuuoo. Ill. ew. I-tn pm 6:1 Nm` DUI 1 an n n It Maw Get There. I .L, It Who By `Int. I -K 7 .._I:g._ _f g`... Important Pact. _.__:_I -_.l .L.. I-.. '; lnlr demand: olh-rings uuulcr FRANKLIN, lunld by all Wholesale and Renal llruuxhtu throughout the Dominion. --1 II! II In 03! - .II Jill LE -M in u \ ; (C TUII Ul lllt 1 sticking pins 1' Some of the I leameal, and it I prosecuted. "N ' CCDKII crrong. (:n:.\'Tu;u:.\'. -I again Have to not you to send us some more ol your excellent Emulsion 0! (`ml Uvet Oll. It has proved such: valuable rennuly in all mum of Pulmonary (`omplnint and for building up the Constitution of our u.~..|- -_.. ...-.... -0 .. Dunn naslnnnn In in In A \'or\' No Home is comrleto withotit on of tglmo colaumdwutcr or emomde not-._ at endry 8: p_unnpson`s. ` r ' - I K a nation of (Iv Ipcpucu. I But Green`: August Flower hudone` 3 wonderful work in reforming this sad busi- ness and making the America; poo lo so healthy that they can enjoy their men 3 And ` be happy. munmnber : No hanniueu without health. III WU fcqllltl: ul for this dogma. I llrctid or the worms clasp. Anu pour 1 mm pIu'- ` ( on I. pun me for all sins. as I forgive Those hating me. so they cast no shard on The snows of my love. -nd their homage give To the ower of thy beauty. shnduwml and ixhtcned. at Iompteth none save the gods to touch. I With ago foam pure. and with sun-lire bright un . in existence. It is euily put out or outer. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bud cookery, mental worry, late hours. irregulu habits, and many other thing: which ought -not to be. have made the Amerlctn peopla nation of (ly upcptica. F Rm. nu-um`. Aumnt ' Remember : No lnplgiueu But Uneeu`a August lower brings health and happiness` to tho dye; eptic. Ask your druggiat for-in bottle. Seveuty~\'o emu. r K nun Work." ` Bro. C. W. G gory will give instruction` ` in the third degree to night at Kingnton lodge. No, 59.` All are requested to attend, ` we require at least twenty-four member: : t__ ski- plgnnan \\ llh Ssh Iomn emu wun uuu-urn: um gm- en . The world`: wild gfnrdcn ne'er boeoigod such. This to Thee. my ore. Though my row grows Dearth sursl. not raise in mine heart his chair. ` For Thine is the kingdom. the power And the nvlnrv. ` glory. I-omrer and ever. there. IC. G. Col. In l'|l`lel lllll II) IIIU I uuu. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disonlereql liver in misery. Indigestion is a foe tu good un- tun. TL- L.....-.. .I:.....o:.-.. nnnnl-Allin in mm of PUTTNER'S EMULSION The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated md wonderful thi_ngs in It is euily put out of order. 12...... l.....l mun}. fnml. nlnnnv food. 0 than w ho ulwollesl within the heaven Of ltine own pure soul. hallowed be thy mum: Thy kingdom hath t`_uIlII:. you ill)` will doll: lenven J | In)` lunuotn mun t`,UllIl.', )0 nu um uuul lenvan The spirit that mm-eth this earthly fmme. Give me this day the bread which urcsorveth V My life from the grave. and my soul from hell. ` ` The kiss of thy mouth. nnd the chap lhut ` nu-.r\1=.lh \ N The kiss or my mouln. uuu um n-map uuu serrelh 1 To aunt-Ii `dreams oflhc shroud: to nail ` lIre:;d of I c \\'onu`s clasp. And pour 1 hou pm`- I nn sEPTg- t non. Two evnmgt-listic lnulies held a meetin in the town hall at Westport on Thuru 3y evening lost. It was disturbed b a num- her of young fellows who occupie: sentiin ; the rear (if the hall nncl engaged themselves ; into those in mm of them. clisturlreraf names have been is probable that they will be up-nnnnnlnal unun. Iuoy denied in. (`harlot ('unpion gnu his testimony. He lilal met .\IcQu|de in Elmer : uloon pre` V vimuly And they haul some mnvernlion. Then they met mluide and, sccordiug to Punpiun. After ho'ntru:k him he stood hack. Then .\lcQuude mule I It Howdy and Howdy struck him. aei-(`non did utrile him but did not kick him." .-Uterumnls. when .\lcQuule wu shout to lake Action. he was oered, ncmruling to ('|mpi0n'| Q\'l(lCll(`O, $1 each by Howdy and himself. Not because we were guilty." uid Cunpion, bu! bocnnne we did not want to up ll` :1 the lice court." .\lcQunde want;-c $3 from \\'u ker likewise. The one wu adjourned. .\lcQuade uid he could prune the assault nnd Wnlker said he could clear himoell of mv participation in in Tim ...... - ill In honnl tn.mn|-I-nu , The be pinned In the cnurcni ulna. , J. I". Gibson, of Glenvdo, oers his fnrln ` of .150 Acres to rent. This farm. worth 810.- I (III, he has paid for u the result of eight 1 your: of industry. And he not occupiu I resislenw on Union ntrect. Kingston. uni with a View of entering in lighter occupa- tiou. 'I`..... ............l:.o:.. I..I3n. |\.I.I n mnotina hi [ll `II II'Y`l\'IlIK- Oflicor Timmermnn made the luu-moat that Iv.-Qunle. when he saw him. in quite ahlo to know what he was doing. He had been drinking. The oicu was with him when he charged the panic: with l I uuult. They denied It. ` I Want-Ion l`;uI|ninn warn hil tnntinnnnm "Q coma clear mmoeu 0| mv plrucup-uon In it. The (`use will he heard t.0~m0I l'0I'. The chief of police is the mmplninnnt in the ! BROWN BROTHERS & CO. In mac -9. I run away. um: I rnllw non: for my 3. anal loam-.| it kicked In pieces. Walker na after mo and hit me an 150 back. (Rowdy ulna:-B mo in the eye. and Cam attack me an tho Iicle oi the mom R. J: 4'io\v.|oy uinl he dial in! no )lcQuulo until to use! one Wlamu a cached (`um ion. Walker anal himu I. Quads uul \ "henna were very drunk. )lcQuulo aid to Fuupiou. "II in no no lot you to bring \\'ulket up to lick Wall- or In lull light, weanling :4 mo Vitus. Anal tlnv. (`unploa and (lowly. won Isl. . in M1: homo. hlcuuulo Ill anxious to I C. II: struck AI Cunpiou. And an In nun; uouncl node a clip II the vlunu. Then I struck him in the eye." odd (Iow- ` 4"! Fnnllnnlnn In IALI. \\'A.Ilnl' did N "lnen I Ill'|I(`I mm III III! eye, IIIII unw- Mly. (hntlnulng he add. "Walter did nothing. Cnmplon ulna unset 5lcQuulo. 1 llmplon and I I-an pcrfoctl labor." In the emu nnminnion cuundo. Alter < l Illplon um I won punucu Inuur. In the cross examination cQundo. I I nun-meat made In Howdy, said How * can you sums! up Ans. talk Ilka that S" The uugulrnla intorhtv-I anal uinl tint such ulk vu irrelevant. ` um... 'I`:.............. ....-.l- oh. .on.....no l'I-keel [19 by our Own Reporter on [III 'l`ru~olu Through the Tow Iohlpo. the urnmn hotel It runnm. - The Vemnu and Oak Flats tum: plnved uguueo! hull at Piccadilly on Salurdny. The former team won. J. Haskell, of Newborn, ha urchued the property And store of Ed. `ally, of Weuport. 'lhe mat: is I vnlunblc one. The Redford MI` nun hue clad- ` lenged the Shnrbot Lnh nine to play: V match at the Znneuville miners pic-nic on Satunlny next. 11.. .......i..-n of an Methodint church n Mtunlny next. The members of the Methodist Pnrhum held a pic-nic on Fridav Rut. In! which the sum of 90 wan claim}. It will be plhmd in the church`: fund. .1, I-`, Hihsnn. of Glennie. Wm. Flinn. law of Kiuglton, in `running the uritlit hotel st Parham. `TL- \'-......- -...I (LI: Igou Onnnnn nlgx-A.` I `[150 lllcenuu M I lllupauo am Monday ` lllod ht llnviug I lion: luau. UOIIIO III In rur l'l'IlIlI For Bartlett pan at 00c. peyiok ; ne grapes, )6. pei""lb., or in buketu, 81:. `per 9. umkiun nnnlas And lemons. -J|IlloI apes, 19. poi-` ` ;_cookiug apples Ind -guvfnnl , "'lb..o,I-' in bnleu,8c. ` \ POLICE count-fnunsoav. In Brief` and to the Point. 1 , 1p,_I h: ...__I...... ousncr GLEANINGS. Lo}: to u{ris~'i-rant. . . .| .- ,,_,,_ `AM. _-_=a-A.` er. there. . E. G. Coumnoom: HAn\1~:\'. O. L 8 1.1)..` 0. 3` Dr. Jarvis. mm! "at 1% Aljndl In. ` to 3 otgulhlntho oltyor country promptly Oqr. _Prjncess & Montre'dI Sts. VHENDRY & THOMPSON,` Crockery, China, Glassware, Lamp Goods, mma ware, Ill`. UIIIIRIIICWVI. l'l'lI.N hi lllu out . The Union IodicinoCo.. Pronrf-m." ronmnt ` .a.``:` .` lndud..1.`, will hand I. ABLI TREA . ve onuuo a voauouo: n nu hnd and 1:! You; `"83 on Id P.0. {"5 _ I 7 8 Pnncess8t. l(ingston i .'v.An- l\/ - ..--..- lh A l Ul\ra rnunn It contains neither Alum. limo. nor ammonia and may be used by the must delicate conslitu~ lion: with perfect utloly. II: t success from its bei inslrlnsi )' THE BEST Arid V'Al.n5E IN THE . RKET. as well as tho: ouxhly adapted to the wants otlhe kitchen. ha: cxcitod envious imitations 0! its name And my mu-moo. Bevan of inch. x<: i'f'tl nfioun imimuonnol its and peutnoe. No addition 3:0 or variation from the ample name: ` .......-.n 1-nut-lln In nrulnut IIIIU Blllljullv Linn; coo/rs FRIEND I8 Etna//vi. Trmle Mark on every-psokzgo. Robertson Brothers ,` ___ `W Rcnlod expressly fur L\'.\l.\.V. SONS at (`U \ M0.VTlIE.\L RI!-`or sale by Grocers and Drugxisls in Pints` and Qnuru (Imperial measureb. COOK'S FRIEND . Food at Queen Street. 33. ~(lNIuI lull .uT. Oroocry scan 0! Ju. Oruwfoui. Prhuu Etna. will unlvo [stony smnuon. Chbhuo annunhuha Yud No. Lulado Street. " ' l-(`hnnoo Elna! Wharf. " 3~8l. lawnnoo mm. area an huhn but um um In. '6... E._sa. umm '\ nu-1. Bnnch0oo-Conu' K |ndClucnoo BL. nnm-|nIIrnhhAmarlmn Bn.nch0uoo-(`oruu- K and cunnoo 31.. lnhctory v n u , " .:.`.`.'...".f*..`..'. .'.""""` ...u .. ..... (`ml All under coat and well comatose ll"I'doplIono Communlauoa. uAn-can. out-vvilu Illll IUl' UIIIIIIIIII up uu: \.\lII0\l1In\u\ru- .. .._. mile mes. many at hum coin to in in I very wtrtk and debilitated state. \\ 1- have come to think that we cannot do Withmit A supply of -u--as--\-nu-u I.`\ll'I ul1L\` K... nun I...-un \\'n It can tho . (`Input and lint N Inphauui llead Oonlwonll. . High Anganuuuhaouiwod luv or 3 I1 . um wutlhdllu W .(m|.uMon (Vat, ul(`onl. Nu. I God. C at Blad- Ivul. III: 3`. CRAWFORD 8:. 00.. AI.O. DRY MILL WOOD AND SLABS THE BEST DRY HARDWOOD E. WILLIAMS YARD` a Don/N/0,4` LIAEFRUIT ./u/bi. A PURE. wHoLEsoM E . 1; REF-'RE_HING. FRUITY COA`LAN`WO'()i)L ` Pordnd(`anu Wont Lino. V Whlu um. and Alt. all ol 5.; -I `Y. I` VV } Ina, : - Cor. Ontario at Barrack am. (XML YARD - Bunch St... next Dr. T. k N. l"uuI|ok'n. Aug. 9 IIIIIII llllll VIV Vllllllln uu v l L`TT.\'l-SR3 I-lML'l.SlU.\' ` L--. . -._ .__..LI.. 1.. ....nl...- 0 COAL WHOLESALE& RETAIL Foot of Clarence and Barrack Streets, Is A PURE FRUII` ACID POWDI-IR _:.|_-_ .1... Ian... uni nmmnniA W ALSEZ S, 1-... ll-nlnnln .I! anuck Sn. 7 AlIl.I. O.Lcu|1'Il:.oM(E0PA ` `I Dr .1. ~ I. .. to . Phyglcun. am uuIl__,B__i_i9Ao! - rL_- nnu _- Iu'lt'(!utdvId`Jl.l.r`It_qrI! II 'VAIlI| :\.-_l1.n.-14.;-allln-lllrmll. IIIIXS1. YAmL~Lhnor (lunch and Wu ltnou. - thud Immu- ruum u"'an"' "` lmm at . um ; .44.; Iuul. nun. e ` I !C1R`K. Blunt. hutch . suntan Ia. --=- " mu HARD Ami srloon. I'\. I I.\nI\U &II\.l4\`|\r.I 1 have no lrouble in getting 1 i!. in .':u-I they often ask: Uce Upstairs ave:-.1-llbock A: Ilurnyi. I-`our feet long. SOP!` WOOD. KL\'DLI.\`0 WOOD and SAWED WOOD cheap at mum` GROCER& now run 'rn4'r GANDL: I Best and Cheapest in the city. I Impoqn nu \!|olus`le Delta. in BESOERIES, uquons. 858'!` IN THE MARKET. EEcn< 3. Boom," JJJ-I `Icy:-c-c -:--V - -_.._ v_. 0! Me Stomach. Lh-ct. Ravi): and Blood. Cures Honda-he. Constipation. Fomslo (`om- phlnln. And bunch up the Iyuueln. Rrml Mofollou-Jug .- "For yearn put I has n||fh~rNI from dnnumin and I mu r-omInend- Atlantic Dock. loo! 0! Princes St. THE CELEBRATED WOOD AND GOAL 3A31!`9__ POWDER In ordorinapecify DOMI- .\'l(`.\. and on`! be put on- with any imitation. i . COOLING. A R>`0LUTEL\' I-`RI-IE FROM ALCOHOL. M. MALLEN. Just the drink for warm wouthcr. and rich in avor: Mvfolloona "Fir put I have n-utft-red from dnrph ed to try Dr. Hod crn(`om und. ldldnonnd found it A perfect curo."- J. l`l`R`I I-`K Toron- to. 0m. I0. Sold In q~ry\\'hom. Price 750. lm. Ilunumrn (`I)l`(3I| AND Lrxu (`I (nil-. Guaranteed. Price 25 and 50:`. 3: r - n , , - . SHOULD READ THIS Iv ndhuuuduklnz: on- "3`1." .2.".?"" I I tsunami- " V. II mun. ooh ,.'::..........u -- lnruh y.l (Ll Imam; I CAI` ll:-uu&n% U . . A.`|`. (`Io Old all A` II II`? V. A nan-nnvunn _ Wlll In (onus! lnmlunlah folw Mluncl In ':.(`|C`l'|Ol'I.|50`:I old! I.hlII'Il.ln\ I a gram 53:. ~ vhon than no the It will I ml 00 .\'0`|' coullucn DI. pupa omoo.` sT7' ?oZ:"3ox, Toronto. \l\lAIIuI\aAv.-_ -_'_.. lluvon puluvon-odyforthoubovbdinouo: unthonludsqlouu ol hp_ggp_s_ _. .4..-- |l.'-|D- as-tutu. m - Ilnnufurr. (`ANA A ` A In._._.......A I-.L- |_-.n__ _.-_..a..-.......l I\VIIV III. I...Vl|I-IA .I walk lad ! cl nrghcuml lnguunu accura- I `H "T\U. To' ; Aug. 4. t.?Ptico 82 per home. All orders sent to Halifax. .\' 8.. Doc. NERVOU-S~lZ3JEB|LlTY ._ _ ._...m_. .._..|. Imam nhnio inno: Hill lkl 1 cUi2EF1}Ts1_ IBVOPI. 0|` I IITIX (0 ll!!! llutulnnun ulna. n IIISBIIIKIIIO taoochors a I No to war. Music. conversant ' dhttnctly. We rotor head ustnnnan.-~43;-Lf_o_ri.1|.|I'21'|)'5! j u TH 1'.` (181).! T REG ULA I01: MEDICAL.` j on. D()_l1E7NWEN[)*'_6 Pxunu|:m|u. H.u.m\x. XS. WWBTHERS VFIELII, ' Uvuurut nvcruuuuc \\`oLI-`x Isl..\.\`n. t).\'1*.. sole Agent for Canaan. nvuuuo tuoolanora um oom- *. conversation. even lhttnetly. to those f'll|?lI iookotprod $lDOO . Bundwu.N.1 .\ln.~`. I- 1'. .~'.\'u\\'. .\lalrun lnfnnlt Home. u\,_ am.) noon! lot lllllonnou. Constipation. 18 cool: the Bind; It [Inc It:lllDIIO|ppo- ti Illhlhcdo Input Aululuuhlutlnhcuo IIIII. For Blot llondaolo. inch. colnlnltl urn . -.,, ._. . _.. _, for I Iunouud tho: but then nturn again. I n I radical euro. 1 have undo the discus of FITS. PIL- EPSYM FALLING SICKNESS I lib-long study. I max my round; to can the worst cues. Iloouno other: but laihd I no nuou lot not now receiving A cure. Send 1: one; for : tn-ggliao uni _n_!"I-no Bottle 9! LL 11\01IV urthoubovbdinun: It: I wont on; lndnnlI...l|.lnnl..b_!! WIIIIUIII N Fll|||lI Ul u` in our home. We I the children to [Ale ` k und umm-times cry I I i I I i I iii) Cm 4.86 to M0 for strong bakers. _ 82 .1; - siwintct 8| to 82: while 81 to :3 r n u . g":: to 60. 72 to 730. \ Oats--I) ln Ilc. V Bnr1oy--:00 git . ;q_nqg-;.o6zo 4.50. onmonl-2.75 in m Hunk- l7..N In ISM). I Rina: &. Texas . . . . . . .. mo Mull .......... .. C. B. & ............. .. {Hohmon Tornlnln. Illinois Onnha ........... .. Iguinvillo 6: Noah .... .. north Wes_tBrot_...._... L.E.& St..Pnnl'.I.&ll .......... .. NowYorkuxdNowEn.... an ii .- nm as :25; *3: is: KONTBIAI. PRODUCE HARIIITS. .\Iox1-nun. Sept. 8. !'lnIu'- Rooolpmlm hhln : amearuponod none. lluu-ks! quiet at unchanged `rates. 0nnlMJonl:-- " V V UHCIICHKEKI TCIZ . lI0l|0.' IlRl`KOI' QUICK ll. QuolIuon|:-- Patents. 4.10 to (.65: superior extra. 8.!) to I I 1 1 ! I.I0:exlrn aupcrno.I.l) to 3.85; Ip ext:-A 3,50 to 3.55: superne.` 3.2. : to 3.1): strung era Lw to -L6) : Ilno. 8.0) to 3.10: mlddl 2.7510 gtg : I( :ti)lll|l!`lO. 2.:()(:2.;I);)(')nta:'io _ 1.2510 ~ :3` . o . or: roux on. who-u -- winto: 8llo to 1 on . -....x.... M 5.. no 1 Coriin'\'o'nl-`-!.7.Ho zw. " * - - - A ` Pu-k- 17.5 m lam. Lard-D to (Ho. ' 1 3 linen 10m 1!. - j\}\ Ih|lnI- H m I2. . i Choose.---10} to Hi. .BIttoI--Crmnery\!8 to 2|: Tovrnnhifn ID to 1 12 : llorrhbu I6 mu 9 I :14o\v< Hnuh-ullu-I . - . Kmnonnnloi ;lI |0\|-5. ` : \\'n:_rn no to l4minvilIo&huu....... I~onhWeatProt........ ton O Pembrokm. `W.8.Bnnda ........... .. !NonhornPnclIIc. Prat. u` . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - . . . u s - .. `la-|I'dI ;Iv0-M Fin} iioi onco u-lino A Free of ::.*..*:".:.::':'.:..'.:.".`3:.~ ': has RJLG. 00 . I: vunn ' Wabash: . . , . . . , . . .. North Western. . . .. IALkeShore...... 4! Mich` n (.`c.-nIml,. Union clc..... . (`antral l m:ic..... Missouri PMic.. .. N. \'.Cc-ntml . . . . . . . Western Uninn.. (`annda Southern ? tun nu.` A-an-nu;-nu.-. l.I\'x|u-001.. Sept. 8. - Cotton. easier; up- lands. 5 H6 : Orleans. 5 H6. Inc. In England prime Cnnndinn utcon were going It Ilcnggood to choice 3! I c., to medium at c., nnd inferior an bul I at 7c. to Inc. These quotations nre cnlculnlaed st 84.5) in the pound. Ilnnlnrn in tin! citv renort III Ilfill il at new III we pound. Dealer: in the city report that grain not coming in as fast as It did this time last year. The price paid for grain in: wheat 75. to 3I)c.: oau.32c. totiiuper bushel; , at 55c. and -I7 lh. barley calla for 60. lour :. ...Il:-.. at Ll ID-R and 3.! III nor l)l1l_ l lilrolzun Aiunnnunc. IX::I;RsULl., pt. 6.-The utferings of cheese to-day re 9,5) boxes, August ` make, of which hoxes were sohl at l`2.5c. ` The nmrket haul ut the same tone as lust week. dried meets. . The receipts of cattle at .\l-min-al during the vreek have been light nucl ehuw a lar e clecreaee com red Iixh l.ha.pre\'iouI wet.-E. The xlemam u ex rt. rock was slow. There Wu an easier I:-ling in the market. and values dropped 50. 1' lb.. with only a few amall lob changing anda at 85c. to I50. per 1!). live weight. Ocean freight: have ruled weaker, anal weret uoud lower at 350. to -I30. There was a gooxl demand for butch era` -uttle. A number of good aixe aalee were made at e. no Ilgc. per lb. live we ht. There was a pod enquiry for ahe_ep. ` :9 market has been active and eteedy.at Sc. to 3c. per lb. live weight. For lamhe aalea were made freely from O9 to 84 each an to the quuuy win be good. It Iiuuu can, u: quota prlcn by the bun]. Peaches are comi quite Abumluntly And An oeno-I n OI.` ` lo 3l.75 per basket. Pun are selling or CI to (`I per bushel And plum: as! Tim lo per huh-t. limpet are in endless \ luiely And quoted M Sc to live per lb. (`rub .54-lea are I glut on the Innrh-V. at 25c In .'-'- per bushel. The season for baunnu in .....; while the old nu-ck of ornlureu in lone. CM bulhel. I no N.'nl(|ll wr unnuuu u 1 ;-.\~; while the ol-I stock ornngen ` I I`. uill be A month or more before Any Are reuived. Lemon: III` plentiful at '25:: to Elk: per dozen. Water melon: no cheap It lllc to 25 each and nutmeg nu-Inna 20s to 400 each. :1... .......:II ..ol ..in.. .0 l9lr In I30 nor we encn. Hum are still uering at l9.c to l.'rc per lln. Anal boson at We to l`. 5c per ll-. \'c-ty little lrmle in. howewr. being done in the dried mt-a'ts. 'I'L- _...:..o. ..t Meal. at Montreal Jnrinu Ioll Irom in: lo u pct nag. \.Qu v- on tho not ulsunalnut. uul bring fnnnuan-to: to Cl par uluaeu. 'l'mnnu-en An sol-I Al. k lo 75 per l-uohv.-I. (Irma. been and lur- nipn command 50 per bushel with onion: at 81 per bushel. Psrunipo are worth 50 per bunch. A....I.. -... ...Hi.... .9 754- In II nor [unh- my iuhlliblo nnotu-. my rosin `ou noC.hiI(`fol' I tr: Iron R. H. . 001`. In , ,, ,1 nn-- nn bunch. ` Apple: an selling at 75c to OI per bnnh- ` el. ' he winter crap in nicl to be then but ; the quality will be good. It itloo early to 1 mmn m-icon luv nun. I" continue linu in prim at I2} to |.')c pot onu. Tiny Arc plentiful with good clemuul Yor upon. This, conu-qneutly. keeps the prices up. Punmu no Iomclr hut team They no keep: Inc pncu up. Puhtoeo no oouuow The no worth fromk-to SI per bag. Cub an Alan not Abundant. bring from 4 ` Luc.-avnlnuu. No. dtholuuullic I -........... Vdoll llodiy. I II mod lnlbdr ' lhonmvoru-r ulnolnudltuuo ovwno `o Iludwnn Inc. the hi an undue out locum. VIII alt-its `olnmk IJIIIII lIVI$IuIp 96.-up-go 8uI.I.~zo tun Now York .17 Hannah . Au- tlurludgju l`.A.l*olavtbu-ry Jun I5. 1 IT ICC IUCUZOT Ojbuucwuuu ! Rum cl I umouuur F on N`. on: WI an. ICU xi ' noon at nu ma '.`:...8".3.'!....a.",'.. 0 .11` .'uy...:' .... volcano. .. _.__.__.?. }._.__.,_._.__._ l.Il`;\dou ll Ito: W t -_ `. K35`:-qulog _;lI y as RI pm. . `ma? .\o.I.u wcdudamuopt. 1 l -_,_____~.- Peek`: 1>aJn:'Ixn-pxov"csnnu3k Dnuns P Y R3103` THE HEARING. no lnntl'ox-whether denmebss in mused by colds. (even. Intact to th&\.at&n)ruldrun1s..n a nu. on can. Music. co.\1m:uL'{.\ 1, MA l`TElL\.`. I 53c. And -la Ih.. ucrley cam wr out. I selling II. (4.25 ind $4.21) per bbl. nuuuo" 3.} non" 1;;-.1 Au-luau So. I. uthurulu. E on Monday. uopt. uh. ll 7:! II. foul. Io;`IU(`Irul|nn Auochuou. I..- Ilunlnlual Hanna 3 Iiudnnnnnnlnu-I In AMERICAN STOCK MA RKET. (Do:-an & Wruzht Co.) NEW YORK. Sept. 3-2: p.m. ~----- nun`. unn-'-r nun : `III IIIUITIDV I (I: (`thud Nnunhlp Coupon]- `...- g.._ \-..... \'...L -9... thun-In: (`ll liESl;`-1|I-._\_l{KETS. v 'I`|, , , J (`0'l"I'0N MARKET. o n.\.. ..... SOCIETIES. drotnbll. H. 0. I001`. Branch moo. 37 Yongo St., Toronto. Ion ` I..-...- X`. X JILL --ioynl Austin. . .. \lu--uun- AIILQI . =2; : 2.`; THE um nsu \VHl(g': jHrusDA\'. `I. u--.av _Low"r III} ` RS I31 261 an 73} ii When I any can I do not moan manly to stop than I _ ! My gado dinou_o__ol _l*`I'l'S:: PIL: -__ -,.. .. _ __,__