unv- H. D. Y. \V late for 1'. O. Rudd. N.` Wbioh we havo Nd out for W. GABBl'l"l'. KABTIR. An ND-Q A10 TITl`J%\IJ I. III ruuuu only | QUIIIIIII llll IIICIIKICI. JAB. swxrr. Aunt, St. uurrence Wharf. Kingston. Bargains Greater Than Eur I . New Dress Trimmings. MOIRE PLUSHESg THQMAS CUNNINGHAM, K-`VA Lane and Well Selected ` ckjust to hand at I Murray & Taylor's. Two Door; Below Polson`s. luv Q JUBILEE CLOTH, JUBILEE CLOTH, 176 """.... .':.='I..-..;,' ":3:-` was not nu -?uu.`3:` %ouI.un Wm (XL. `All Iuou. .\`uI CIIVI @191 All the very best and cheapest. T.:.*::*.:$::':;*:r.:T..M.,,.-'#.%':.";.**:5..:.-.2: on the human. lluvlwuro. Puinu. Ollant v-:......-.,.--..... ma 2:.:;..'.'*::z 05" pvnn Iuanuhotund. lciliunulluuytjtu. u-1 rune: V uouua..uiuu DC nmuuugonu ` _'A-A_ba.o|ute|y P-ur-e-. NEW BUSINESS_._ PRINCESS STREET. -.\.\'n- ._._\'[`_- . VIRTUE. I` . Dirmfly oppoux. Puumrs and Stand. Helms on hand In large and well anon-ted clock of lAIdleo`.Gentlemen'n and Bogfooln of all varieties : also 'l`nu|kl. Values. 1:. I intend making Custom Work I special! having Iocund the norvicuof the but wot men. l'lIIC IIITIICW ] Juno Cnwfotd. ... nu. -no -uvv vuuu Iv nv l:e"u;ru;::i`i inc for Info and iuvlgon W the Iyuht: that he ll ov:I-tutu. B.B.B. in lhn anon! nu-ntnn rnanlntnp mu uyuwm mu Inc an warn _ in the gun l_\'IIOII| regulator. _ r. l_'. manner. or meaning. Una, say: no ha not ohly found B.B.li. 3 sure can for ~ Dynpopcia. but he also found It to be the 1...: {H r ms ndiu ca tn.-:11: ML .. .:5.'m..T"{'n'n' l\llI`Iu7||l. Cyprus, C KlngIeo:x. Cvnrun. 0| nuns ss\I 1 sv.\v ssvlu. Several citizens were together at the rear of the store of H. W. Phinney. in Bertram. pitching quoits. Among these were .\l. B. .\'inclsir. (`ucn Stnnfunl and A. ll. Marcus. Inside the store Mr. Phinuey was behind the counter wrsppm v up some coffee for Dr. Halygotxl. and the tnctor was seated in s chsir about the middle of the store. A light cloud csme u , but nothing to indicate even s rein-storm. but from this sppsrently henn- lese cloud come s terric shock of lightning. On the outside M. B. Sinclsir wee almost instantly killed and (`uen Sanford knocked senseless. Inside the house Mr. Phinney wss struck, and fell hsckvrsrd in s sitting posture between tvro barrels. Dr. Hsygood, who wee sitting in the chair, was knocked to the floor and stunned for s moment, but msnsged to get out of the house on his hsnds snd knees. Recovering somewhst, he rush- ed beck into the store snd fnund .\lr. Phin- ney unconscious sml his clothes on fire. The doctor d I him out of the store and put out the re on his clothing, but new he was s deed men. Sinclsir breathed for s few minutes, but. like Mr. Phinney. wss unconscious till desth ensued. Young Sen- ford remslned unconscious for fteen or twentv minutes. sfter which he revived sud recovered consciousness. but suffered guest sgon All night. Then: was hsrdly whet coul he called s cloud shove the town. and in fteen minutes after the stroke it was Elrfsetly clesr. No rein st sll fell. The t np _ to have struck those outside the house first. then I in st the door. snd out.thronl1 the well snd ceding. Not even s sh` e was disturbed on the roof. but the oesl wss s lit for two or three feetsethongh one wit en st. sud ssmsll hole like that from s pistol-bsll Ins in the north well. At last sceounts Mr. Ssnford was much better end Dr. Hsygood sllnost entirely recovered from the shock. .;6.f_]'&"'`"' "' ""' '""' "/ "'` xmpaon. l2.--Klnlstonl. no: Pnk Nine. 1. I K I J1.--'l`ruo'BlneI. l Young Brits d m l3.-ClI` Worn. ll ; Victoria Foun- Tlnmon.u;- Good .ia:omo.n.u. Known. I2.-l&))?;:ne 1l:aonI. I5: Pnlnten. Bcllovllloa l5.-Bello\'llloI.0; Park Nine. 5. ' V Kinguton. m-KIn-mu-. I19 Uxdensburx; C. ; n4|:I.'nn|al4 utllulll.-\ Oldounbu .n.-o.u... 14- In L gnu II flfllu / nu I-.:o`.._ IO I?l_-n-_- In. ILA. \u-_ n - A Vnlunhlrnhoovcry. . I-`. I . Tanner. of Nothing. Ont. he III nbt olilv found Rllll n Inn mun lnr AA HARDWARE,.S'I'0Vm mu rmwm A BIBBYGLVIRTUE. ] {rum rock: by my uhrimpo picked aw life to Iuyulf ~n< Iol men, nor 10 Anal In no `one but llinl you ever Ill (hr party ?" "I won`! an` ll -`mu not .n m ".\Iou of them 01 lacs] Sporting Interest. The Bellovillo regatta winners were : lat Juan. \\'I|ItAIinoL\ "Amiltnn - fhuvghl run]: ` Iinrncl {Text Hero. -u,__,,, I -.v nve mun Immtl Mblne In the IDOI`, anal Frodc-rick: to leave the body when it fall. Tho I-lnquimau vutlruwnoul and his body urept arty. I lid not help tn bury any bodies After the filth ur seventh died, to of the rut I know nothing. Man`! you think it hsnl for me to nniat this tempu- tlon and then not get cndit In! it? That`: junt my `tiou. The opportunity present- ed itu-I : the terrible craving I'll there And I resisted." How about the others '3" I have nothing to any about the others. I only lml my own montla to look after." * Sqnroral Pol-(lea Knocked lnuennlble While Playing Quoltn. lhn-nm .'l"..ux ll... -`IA. ~ "mm al but mm-cu lulicn um mum; ` what hocuno of the mining six ?" I don`! know. ' Rina died nbout twenty tire miles {I-unit`: Sabine In the wow, \ Int` _f'rod_5rickn pen ul |IIlll: men so Gaul. ` When at ee to the eluted deulle ol the any In end e.|-out (`ape Se when the dentin needy oocunenl. end when cennlhnliem In laid to here been practiced. he Ill : " poeltlvely derllee to enter an ( nee- tk-ue about en land but myeell. us know the e I we lived eince I cs-le back. end nobody will know till I Include the! In the etory 0! my experleeu la the upodllionloln lnldlnlnn Apmprl} con- etituted boon] 0! Inquiry. Thu me is horrible. end the gm-etnmenl in am or obli- llinln In In In nlnnv lien neural`-u --.I ..._.- l|I-II3lI IICNICCITIOP` n. inn. ad. a no u ` u.......` '.".....",.:. u...a.'..nf. 1.7;. him on on having also the fuller um: um! maybe also that to dank. Al to ILA Ahvinnlnn 1|-IAl| A, ___. --___._ _ ,..... ....-. _. .....,.......... And would I: 500110 olthor wqy about u uuolod cud . flu III ulster I nut- dOl'OI'h0fhcAIlIl.UlIdOoIlyh0|)0dUMI, Ibo gotorauout would laothuh an luau Ellen `In that the bonnie -nth: t -A removal. An nubn and cumin Inn 2:: In.`-.1 -.-......A..l II- __..I.l ..-n Int (II onus npouliuou._ MV {'L\t'I'iuun. Aug. I7. Cnptdu Nur- Inui my I tloo uuvlvmn ol the (Brody punylu unto! the ocnuuouol the cl: . A N In lulcrvtuo-I Mulu ` I. on the uurvhmnu! the (incl utnlt Non. atria bhcotvu hero. r. `on- ncll In all about his can won!-ll: olthornynhnn the -..nn..l m--lLll._ fl- _-. _.hL.. . _..- , -~--- - - ; t f .F.Armstmngi.hegsloif he}: I he has opianed i Bmtnaiggms Storeon PRINCESS STREET, 1):.-hr mmmn. p....u.n`|-. ma g....'a colt tool}. In You in the Cebu-u-lhaoll E: (`ourun-. A . lIl.~-(.'ophh Nouns. loo- Inutu ol the has Ibo (Brody nlhl OI|I0 living hon. but 5 ropnnu In-In ung: Iludu cl n on that Illlnonl updllhu. Ho Union! that uulhnlbu In not the want that Ill douqucluh-I. who! because! llr. hwy 9 How au Llul. Khllqilrty dis 9 \\'h was Privno Houuzuhoc? oubo boa continual to up I500! IN and Ibuthtr unpiclou quiet. but ho is his own opia- `lunulothocharnhrol lhoclolapun the In! In uhlu GI[)0I"0I|.' DIV: K NPIIII, |"'.., onuu-3 IXPIDITION uonnqns OUT uccunv uvwto. 1 A (`Hugo la ltduu 1 luau Viki E.\'l'l.\'G nuu.\` i`i.rxu. A FREAK OF LlGg;NlNG III; Iautlu (`Inuit hit `*3: I`:- BASI-BALL lA'IClll& ._ . l\ g rind. 169 75. per M THE BRITISH WHH.` FRIDAY. 4 KIWI Tl I E lulit` journuibm about V ` " thirty-two yeah Joan swunox. 1-ggo. Bo` am gun. trlbubd brilliantly to New York mgq .uidthoubwnmoiia Hngiueditor. Later he telegraphed leading editorials to The Cin- cinnati Commercial, and mu later joined tin edjtoriil utnolflo Nvw York Ball. With. this puprr he continual till tin beginning of 1 his on journalistic ventun, which has ended uodiuutruu-iy. Ho nnco_rau'.aoh the Labor A Jicht fnr muynf of New Turk. but :0! Yr! vovu. lie is Mi`! lur-tn-ful. , NEW BOOTAND SHOE STORE. Joli: svlneon. \ John Swinlaolfs Paper has opped publica- `Iim.|ndJohn Bwintou Haul! Inland b admit that thoworldotjnborlng maudou L `in n I nvvnnnohlgg Gyply Women at Dinner. Both were sun bronaed, and both won coral 1 earrings. and their sunbonneta were back side in from. One was seated in aharrow; the other was squatted on n wisp of hay band.-, by the side of u recumbent donkey, whoeo foulf legs hedgwd her in. She had utilised the anks or the docile creatun to serve as a din- nertable. Bnead and hutterwu apreadon it, and about a quarter of a peek of turnip radishes. There was a hald. shiny patch on the donkey's hip, set round with hair, and thiswas made U0 contain alt. Every time his mistnessdipped a radish into this exam poriledsalt cellar, and proceeded to "scrunch" it. then was an expression in the animal`: halt closed eyes that betrayed his conscious- neu of her enjoyment, and the satisfaction it aolded him.-0nr GEQ. Iillts The foundry master cautiously advanced thmugh the blinding, sulfomting upon and peered into the pit. Then he nbul nglad about of mu: men." The casting wucuc- cesful. Half an hour afterwnrd the founder and his friends gathered in nneighboring cafe and drunk to the succ$ of the work. Speeclws were made and all uppouwd in mennly happy. an-anua ua quavuy ulnllf CD9 BIIIHI. At last the signal was givemagmup of hloused workmen, w ith their hands enveloped in huge woolen uiulllere. approached the undl furnace in the corner. A glow Eng red crucible was drawn out by tackle and placed In a ring, (mm which extended two long iron handles. These handle: were grasps! by two stalwart workmen, who bone the hining pot to the edge 01 the pit. Quickly the crucible was emptied into the cut iron trough. the metal hlulng with strange and beautiful colon. Thrce time: was this repeated, and the metal, somewhat cooler but still molten. glowed and writhed like a living thing in its iron cradle. Then came the crucial point. Two gigantic men prodded with long iron rods the tire clay tamping above the tongue like trough which kept the metal in the tur- nace. Au entrance has at last eected. and with a gasp and gurgle the ery streem rushed out. It rapidly lled the trough below with metal and the foundry with clouds o_t suocab ingsmoke. When it had ceased toruu a hat was posed through rings in the ironrplgotu which were now surmuudul by metal. They were pulled out by main force like refractory teeth and in ten seconds the liquid metal had run through the spigot holes and lled the space between the core and the mold. Through the vent holes. carefully left. came great pun`: of steam. superheated air and metallic gaaea These were lighted by one of the workmen with a large torch and blaaed like huge witch candles. l'L. l.._._..|.._. __,_n._ ,7--A!r I- I ll |crru.o's nun. mumlal bytho vn--|-n using referral to. )1. Fan-_\' and his mnstmnt. I-I. \'uu`r. had Iupennta-ndal II tlu<. Incl mxinudy awaited the outmme 0! I this can and labor. Mon particularly were they anxious, u this cut- iug was tlw largest ever made in "one piece in the Unit;-cl States. Sn: thousand pounds 01 mph] buhluk-cl in tho lurmoe and cruel!-In, and should the least pnvautiuu have been omitted the whole of this amount 0! metal might In tlmmu hlalng tlzmogh the foundry Indudnl qalouy nfn matrix. `I Inc? Ilsa don-I nan nloann - -...\n.. .0 IUUIU IIIJIIU Inna: lllI- III \\'-hbndhunuuoodod in ehpvpnm uuuollhe null n Ibo orlgiuluodnl Iuwvadorcwsthulhhhyadhuuh cndhcnndwuoh was Iuupd down III uulhrd. Unnhinwupuun-llwoot lnchuolplanu-rauulllnnpaeoo bypnm nsuuwununond Tbonuvutbcnmgtly drhlndlhohuvlnnh ol Iviau much and awfully around n can tornado!` than hunch -ad, and tho wholo uh` X. , & WVTUV CI. - ITTIIVUQ UV` nbutogulanpuuuuulurhsntnlud ms-an wurknulhlgn \'bIIouto Ibo Inti- nhapluun-I thou:-lvuiunhlglu to-in! bulld- Iuuhnutlnyrn-tuqun. 0uo_udoIuu emaalbyngnuorywulmlucoeuwu gnlnnll-ynlulubtkouldrnn-lcaooold wuoa-upadhyntururo trun Ibo dddlo at which |l'otl'\IdUd, llhnulnnur touch ht" low um:-)Itu'uud by tho ghrlu Inga nu-hluuugh. Tluomuugodorupith` thoIoor.tIwQau-hwulaunuu-nolwcnlon mi-nuunovhh-Iobuuy urn to In turned tbnnulnowuncuag In up lurnwe. An tutu-ncunn-npuungoulol thou- wuulvhu-hwontvrolnupuplgouullnn than bola bung lulolho uoM.ow~ nnuu-lunhaudiuuotrix. luonomnnt Insane! uldthry {Inna ounhhhg lino Inn erudhhn Ihlrh hull I-Inn: than about l.ll)punuhot aural. w&hlhAd M nlrnnnnlgl In Cm. ;..5-'-'.E;.u` Now?-ddly: '|\ocuungvIucqrln-I--Inch leu- dryol Khvy. uyauglnuebunuwbq tn-hlnnuthocna-nod!--on-lrinothrho dIunocuI1\ohuI.nv0t|InI|nNou\'urtIvo crdxyooungo cal Ian banana.` out Hi In) lllh A nu-nlgllnu In! Lani Ann. I50 B0000 Coding cl I and lluk Ilood hr 150 TIMI IMOIIO Idlnod. Tho I-lggut ll-nun sung our nema- nlnbnl In Ana-rk~n nu Inlvl III:-In ta Row kart It ran [run I an at nbullhi hnulu-hfmuod-ml`: lay I Kuu-gI.Jr.. M will In out Ihnuodonl fllfi-II `d Union mutual I-who haunts uu-nu-u an-J \.uIC'Il llllllll nut tram. w- w_M._ Rg3T3I[4soN, must in AMIIIICA. .300 Piocqe Neiv%Dflass Goods ha.ve'9.n_-ived', six new colors Value Unsuxpused. Will be shown with pleasure: -' , o 1 . . New Corsets-for 65c. worth $1.09. - See them. ? ` R- A .'U' L- ' Have added to their large stock of Carpet: severe! New Puttern: of BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY AN D '00L. V ' There in no more carefully selected etook of Carpet: in Canada. , Also :11 kinda of corresponding Home Furnishing Goods. ltl-`ive per .cent.'uken oi` all cull punolneee and thirty day accounts by Tailogfng and Gonturnishings, -' - Wellington St.1 door from Princess SC Some of the Clmicest Goods still left to select from. Leave your order in season and "cure A Bargain . C`. ROBINSON, C. ROBIN SONS I Sweeping Reductions in Balanceofspring & Summer Stock The most comfortable foot wear for this ho weather. D. F. ARMSTRONG ' N.B._- sple `|Ag`cnt for Knight of Labor Emblems. ICE CREAM SODA WATER. FRUITS. and CONFEOTIONERY and CIGARS, I All Hun vol-v haul and nhgnn-9 UV. LIAEISCTI. -AB'l`5 .\lnkes Regular \\'cekly Excursion `Print from [lKGs1'0.'4l lo MONTREAL. than returning by tho Dunn and Ride-nu mule. runnlninll the Rnpidn. and through the nnichleu scenery o! the Ridean Lake: and LII!) Islands 5' dnyl ht. The will remain over Sunday on the Lilli Island Park. calling an Alexandria mcl: Monday lnotninz. This in the only Pu- nt-ngv.-r Steamer making llne round trip. At this a one of the most popular route: on (`nnndinn I'I\lo:l'l accommodation will be at a premium. and those wlshl A cosy comfortable mp will do well to go my. Only on tor the Round up ; Meals and mu lncnuaea. Mart JAB nnnu-r A... e. u....._._-_ I1-n-4 ---V ,7. WIGWAM SHOES -__.-:-_. v-.-- on 1: AA! G003: at Your Own I-':1'co. Thou Goods are right in do way at our incoming Largo Full Stock sud must be cleared out. F. X. GUUSINEAU & BU. NEW PATTERNS OF CNRPETSIX N EW DRESS Goons? {A BRAND FINALE SAGRIFIGE1 Amw we have not` mada any prot: on our Largo Balaa we have the Iatlahctlornf knowing that our Stock La Wanda:-fully oduoad and that our Ouatomora have appreciated tho lxtraordluary Baacaina we ban than them. We have aull romalninca Large Quantity of Daalrabla SUM M E R GOODS For Ladies, Gents, Bogs, Misses and 0/Ii/dren. N EWTKNTD. AUG. l!o_ PHENOMENAL SUCCESS I? `oz//2 am 7 M/oszim/2 3/:15 Rnmomhdr this is the Lot Grout Chsnco of tho season to oocure ._.I_ .g !7_.-._ t\__ I\,' Prices lower Man Ever! THE IRON PALACE PASSENGER STEAMER Whlchhu boonincotlvo pronoun forthoputlhuo has proud 5 In order to make room for Fall Purchases. HEADQUARTER SHOE STORE. 14! PRINCESS STREET. RICHMOND, ORR 8:: co. Murray & Tay|or s,