CID"!-|o u; ll0II.b.w.Au.An.runu-u Allele:-annutsol lnn-nnlnd\'ocnl Ihlctxhi. = me:-u`-anon-e~e-i'-.44!-;1?s29..!&'~...."* 'oa11uuuu-n. ROW. IIIOIIIIIITII , I. tel. \\`nhlngmu. `in I purclluor. ` _ um um! snyau-[am -pun their eo'n- T` nection wigh tho Olncinlnli. Hun` hon nd Duyton A. S. \\'inIlow,' of anti, to his auditors. p"3..r:1 .'.c':'-nu. owner of the (human: howl. Ahnudrlu E1, in union to It'll. -{ml \h- Rlgnlnm A fa:-mar nvnlu-Inna J IX. I'IUl' I'lI'II .vu-1-` unwav- ````"The new steamer Thou`: will any hot Arut excggion of the nation from Ki ton "ii"z'T't'Yi?'"<":1\|c holiday. She Iowa Po 1": \\h:u`f at 1:3) p.m., returning home I nil. 120 and have a pleasant nail and he or mllont on the new channel rough n-Iuinln :55 C I-nu. `XI : :1 I ll) IUNI III` noon ,\\'l|ich the 1 I81!!! I `Iv! uucl lulu um-u UIIIZ uuv wluvu uc now presents. ` ` An between the uheriand St. John. the ` former in inniul the more cul e of the ~:.~v 5.,....:::: `;`:`.; .1 ..,.' *=: m__,w runes `i : won] bunch more decant if hi`: one were refund to the grand jury as well utlntof Dr. St. John. This attempt to Ihiftth `hil'tyfrom wh `t I ' "' *"*".,x bolonga, throw mud in the oyqa (ha nnnnln_ nnnht not In norlnitmnl` in sun. Delonga, Il1(l.l0 tnmw muu in we eye: 01 gzipooplo, ought not be pcrmittoxf to sue- n'I`n tnl` IQ` III-I Q0 lllll (QC I0` [mm CCTV` ensues: and good nnture. His m oti\'eI are eu creditable then/thoee of St. John. Hui he been able to _ end that he leg him uu account of friem ip the excuse woulu have been n worthier one thnn the one K which he _...m DQZQQJL-`ha `He nlolneu`. RI`l\lIy CIKIZUII U] L! ` "I". Aclniittinxz all ihnt may be cllsrgei in `us: 8:. Joliu ho \ru_no' this one 9115! _used the prisoner. \\ hoeveii perniitteil him to escape in the ` nsponnblo party, and _no ainonntof howling nfumt St. John, bringing gruiil juries into p ny, will blind sensible people of this fu:- If St. John ssnistcil him 1 to get away. lie d it from friendship : the that let hi loouo did the not from com- I...-....- .-..I nniul nnhulo Win un nlh-g- -an lvlrlgle Y Illll [IO HIKE llllll Dy l0I1.V .' I'll! he monk him out of the gml 3 Bill he do ~ anything to release the bonds which the law had placed on him 2 He found .\lc(2uiglo at liberty on tho atmot. He wax: in sense at thnt moment I prisoner. He was as free, in the moment. amnny citizen of Chi` no. Agllnittimg n_ny clinrgeq against mu coL`ausA.\'m`ou)s.-am alioule gt 1h:NuM3.\`u (`oruu Rxwg. he ling; use um - no 1: co ompoaod Wild Che: '.)Honound.u`-Zlecnun 0 And other vauunbe ingredients. Plounn to take. I_Inl)na:l::l_es. tie. and 50c.. at w.u)n`.'s DRUG all I mu nu Hus clamor Is utlug llllll` I `gaunt St. John! Suppose that All the chm against the doctor no tnie ;_suppoae, fort e purpose otthe case, that he dial secure :\,.berth on the Blnke for the fugitive ex- wnnleu, that he drove him to the landing and put him on the bout. then. naturally, comes the 1 neation, when did he get Mo- Garigle 3 )id he take him by force? Dial rm nnmk him out of the incl 3 Dial he do \ IIICll"l lullvisu There is an enormous prejudice against SI. ` John. who is a physician of the very highest standing. for his alleged anistanee in the escape of Mcarigle. On the other hand, concorning__the man who allowod him to es~ cape, and who is wholly responsible for the nsult, there is nothing said. or. if said, is in the nature of. extaenuation. In it for the purpose of diverting attention from the real on] `t that all this clamor is being made `against Suppose uuuuuwn (`hicagn Times. 'I`L..._. 1- -... A... llI('l' 8 lIlllt`l`lI. The two in which ulweuenl In-longed hul ; n taOl'I`ibl)' nnl than 0! it. luving Inst their 1 pnovidons and other sup ion by run up mixing of the scanner Do That hoop was um. making in way from Ucldcn. |{.(`.. to am Iiootonny country. "For the tint two d|yn."n{: the Inner above quoted. Io Ind an or nnhin; clue. `Um maul: cocaine: of 0. drink of Inter and 5 snmke. The settler: won Inyiug for our nrrhml. u the Indiana ha been making trouble. '9 hurt lnou won alive by mosquitoes, black iu. hull dogs, bull pups. ying mks. etcc, Inc. The counhry is very picturesque, but that in all you can any for It. Soil yr. and no food, but lots oi water nnd . The miiu-I are rich. but there is no capital to work them." ` The Outcry Now blade so an to Shin tho llunlon of Reupolulblllly. 1V|.:........ 'l`:_.... 1 h Iron tlsts ul `h"is(.lA.h`e's) Artie: ts evening I isst.. h:l`lt:s'tt out Ill!` 1:! tosthechs ss-l natt- Tlst evsslng is snssnl nary tast- v ' llshstl toutslspt for than Iljilltl ltscl estsl be than lays. in psss to go to huh! sstIsssstiestis.t.`muul was to lsstrs stsix o'don:l (TIL) At tss \ - Hat`. s hsd s ussll "A"tsstto himself. s thus yards is nstolthssergssstft `At shsst ll gun. he went into the so ts tsst. pr- tislly uclrsusd. chatted plssssntlx with thssi. ssal thss retttrssul to his own. but immediately cums ontsgsin. csllsul up See`: Siulnir. lad plscswl lain Itulsr crust sscl_sent hlmtothsgusnltsst Assist.-lslr haul not ssid or` dope snyttaittg the Lt u.-rgusu thou; t_ II very sun... the hospital sergssnt III sent is to sss that was the tnstter. Ile loutul Luis st the gusnl tout asking the curpunl ol the gtnnls what the prisoners I-en yslll tar. flu corporll Npllttl that the Ml not mule the slightest noise. Lake mutter- ul, Very ntnnge," and `liked luck to his mu: tent with the hospital sergssnt. The lsttsr fillltlltcsl with the sergesnt-m `or un- til l`2:l5. tlurin which time he III nssenl uni went to . cutting pteusntty sit the time. Nuthing further it` seen of him un~ til his l-stmsn. seeing thst he diul not turn up for morning stshles. went to his tent st 7 and fuunal him fully dressed. sitting ml the toot of hit I-ed. with I bullet hole, light through his haul fnvn one temple to the uther. His l-only haul ftllen over on his night siale. with his right arm uncleruesth. his n-mlver ln|tlc with one shellempty lying clone to hlsrixht hsml.his sheath knife under his heml I lllt his left hsn-l extencle-l t-wsnl it. 1 hem note no pqaers or writing uf my kind to show, hy hehselshuthitnself. ' .\ heavy thunder storm In raging from midnight tn -lnylxnmlx, and that. with the nnring of the Kit-hingune river. prevent- ml the sentry st tln- other and of the strip l from hearing the shot. in {set the only one I - tthn lid hear it mu S4-rut. Allen. Ilm was started out of his sleep It 4:30. `is: looked nut of his tent. hut all uqniet. an-l think I in he lmnl he-on tlreauning he turned in E ngnin. A mroner came clown from I - \ atultr. aunl thr \en.lict was "ll-nth le' ta-mpursrily instuve." \\'s hsve lpurie-I him l neer our camp. We hue xedn his grou- , as nicely as possible. ulnll given im s ml ` diet`: funeral." `PL. 5...... A_. ...Ll_.L _L.,.......l |...I.._......I I.-.) .\ ion Ignuor l'von__ tucuu nu _nuo-Icon Only on Icuvd on` raw ` Ital D'|rod- III": A IaHlo3'u runni- Ilonhhlpo II OI! In-Ha. Tho Unload (ham pnlihha th Uulbr. a in; nine! from I pa-inn Ioubr tqpnliuu ; IO lib`!!! Ill IAIQ, uf lhr , NorI|.\\'cu mm: [:08 Anal tor: ml) . of M : I5-on [In Inn of HI ll.A.IO'o| Arrival .\"l'.-3l.\.lUlR l..\ KB'.\` IPEATH. i TH! SAD CIIOUNSTANOII OF HIS END) IVIDINTLY INSANE. her run aqua; non. _.-_..___ m;'...L .._:n _- In home: STORE. A REAL CULPRIT. num mad. 7 __g;umoo. Ag. I0.-`l`|n uppelhtc com `illitiit It'll '8. oDould.InodIcr. lhtouucun not now! noclntl until tho0oIoboI-hlu. nunonndm the ouuumg nu up u condition 0 eomnlltoointcr ukhtue ` council to grunt than the use of the shun roller for: short time. It umkl make I` 8 imptovcmcnt on` the premil-cu. A :3 stone vnlk will be built 9! the ontnnco. Thorn cu-pout: working on the buildlngnrpnuiuta - - . - 4 `A meeting Eidthlen 21:1!` ""'w'oouh- nu tuee'rn` t e ` on [an M minuol khecentrel eohool-. hue of ` the well: on which to locate black clothes rail: and wooden cornice: for pic- tune. were determined. Slated walk: will be contracted from S enhpm ltteet to the `luck doote. The It its `will! be six fee; wide and tinder will be hid hptveen _tlp 1.3;! `lldrildinn iniinin I mull outbuildings am! we Icuool. _1llI pumuu N surround` um building Inoi in`: I. i ooudit_i_op 0 ggnflthfinum akin: e I . .._- _R AL- -A-s.-. Run on Rowing `Ii-It-ycloo. (`on-.u-.3 CITY. Must. Aug. l0.-Arrango~ menu! have boon denitely mule for I nee, 8&1) I side, between Ross. Houner and Mc- Kay, to be round on rowing tricycleo, at tho Cuino on Wedneulay, Au at ljth. Bulxu. the English buiamun, wi probably take-put. - \ SCHOOL PROPERTY COMMITTEE 0:-do-tn for lupnvouoltn About the New n._A...| n_L..I_m.nh In Bananas`. lsc. Ilnkogs. |oolbs.aoo. pcrlb: mungs. 810. : prime new English sheep onai ha l !0 largo bundles. SN: smaller qunn Lion ` per bundle. Rowux & 0).. Hamilton. ne. rllllnlng lXI"Q0n ROW IOTK Illll Bllgllllll tort: now take extreme northern phage. Villa the exec tionof the storm on July 2'm., during it ich the Umbria mot hm big ` xvn-ck. the weather has been particularly ll The Thlxnlle .\'o Yet Spoken. Xr.\\' Yomz, Aug. l0.-Althongh it is six- : teen days to~dn_\' since the Thistle sailed from Grcenrock for this port. and she in now `probnbly not more thin 6(1) miles away. no steamship has yet reported seeing her. Thiaia easily accounted for. if she took a souther ' All the sauna: mnning `tween `ow York and Eligland nnrfn non uh: extrema not-tlnrn manna. hut Vuunny, Wncn (ne lll\'BI'Il'{l unys wen: 'n victorious b llruns. alt oufh they god in A decidm disadvnntnge. . Shep- ; herd. of lnvenry. umpind the gums and fullled his arduous duties to the satisfac- tion of all. The Invenry club Imuld like to hear from some of the other muutty clubs. lnvornrg rs. Sydonhnu. On Saturday, July 30th, the Inverary and Syuleuhnlu buebull clubs met at Inveruy for the first time this season, when the home team mm by 8 mm and an innings. The return match was plnyed at Sydenhann hut Sntuniny, when the Inn * hays were .1:-vain rintm-inn; Iw ll runs. all much their A Pointer to fnplroo. l:'l'lt`.\. N.\'.. Aug. 9.-ll.lit.or Sporting Lg /E): The question of allowing double play: on a p" y. in tho diunoul. dropped been In to In)` attention. It is extremely diicu t to jn whether the hall in at noolthn nmlfesl. and lot the not of All concenou the following is the rocognind rule in All priucipnl leagues and associations, viz : "In all can when the inducement so grant to mull the ball. to enable I don e play to be mule. the umpire: an instructed to call the butter out on a fly in one the ball come: in contact with a plnyerh hand: before ` touching the grounal." Very respectfully. u 1'. D. \\`hiu-. swrotuy. uoco no nu ll'0I| ones. The Park Nine but-hall club has ucun-I ulaslhrylnlho Unlhnl Slum. The now me: until to luv. splendid nconin. 8 is tutored tint their combined nluicn w * amount to NW per month. including upen- vallulrnruuuuuuuuu. olhpwnhuhdnb you to 0;- deuhu; banner in the man yacht Ju|hhu7o`o|noh. Then I: uveuuodo no. for thirty-In. Tin nlnvnn nl Ihn Innlnnnlnn Lnmlnll ""1'r':.1".'.a.""' ""13. mm... a.....n club I OlI :I'd Oluoh |ny|r:dhoohu hoouaonlx Ioohngolhoy ulna] lagoon the Bold ulna. Forks. thq co!on:l was-I human. was hand. \\' .I Anglo] IADI IHAI lha nnnlIp-An -In IIVVU K Ii'I XI, I0 I'D T. II? SKI (0 lint. Hhluncinnot Bo-o.nor don ohnillroullitlcu. 'l"I._ lt_.I. k':.... L... L." ..IuI. L... -.4.--p__I !~`0L'.\'D .\'l` LAST-A re warranted to cure hard and non (`nnm Run 3. Cullousea .\'c. Hanson`: .\lngic (`om Salvo. in boxes. 150 at Wade`: Drug Store. no. It nu Agra: . I.-Inn` man of the limestone city nino ul II`0l II to but. They Ind hlusklin And .\lcKinle_\'. two good ` player: from the lnterntiond lane, and ` they played ball. The) playod l for all it wu I'onh.-- Bcllevillo Ontario. ` V, 1. .n ..|-..-- L-..:_.. |.:. - |..II 4.- -l .._l manna. \\'. J. Arnhlnaynthutho tlennwbo will ulnpln the gun on II` n Clunnol gmvo in know: only In two men. Ihono that M1311] Kiln. "in Ann: hint BL. nor ll IVI IIIC Illlf. Tho Iuoulclen III the Vldodc foul-Iry h.a\'0 1.-Iulloug-ul tho cmployou ol the cat- : sch tn play has-lull. .\lc-liluloy-`u plat nvunlhlo nation In his lawn cunn In ndnlnd. but II: on than-In new Iuotv plI[.-'&IOu'O. \\'nrm-r. at the \\'i|hubu'n|. In lino-I bullion Sunday and oupnglo-I (adultho- l_v for lnnlnnlhulou. and 0'lIthu Iluni Om lot tlnnhonun 'I'\.l|_..a...L...L.II..I-L -non In `K. CI.II C `UNI II` ' Aland-lull nut . i-rail ullon and L ul-on. III In |n\',c1I\'unu.|'|o clay. Each of the l|el!c-vllluhll plum nu ` Rana):-i with I V after the gun with the 2% Tomnhn mill play an uhilnltian am with the Klugsu-non Aug. am. lullloolntv. `PL- .......I.I.... in AL. I'l..A...l. l...._.I-n 9 no nuomun uculp - inning at an Leagues-ouonl Iota. * lllfllclh Ill drain! by th Inn- uuslon at lk-II-\-lib. llumlt in on pay nu thou:-In nun. lcuht cl than an `born. A lmjnll ha-In mlrni lnllnnn Ann. in than .-ms. I0: \`m limorol. I0; Mo.-trouoh Al Bl. I1)I|lt.lI:Clo\'ol|nh. 3. Al Louk\'|e~ l.auh\-mes 5 ;(`|ncln|ul. L In uronxIyn-umou nu. Alnu-ua.a. d IIUIU ll)!` ll-|llVVI$U-la In-Ir-u saw `u Goltnl School-Wort In A .1- _-L__I __...-_L.. .... l l'llIabur-l'msbu SI: limxonal. ltumlr {$1.-lml-I)`t-|:roll:I ; " pgnhadlii J: l ludhnapul|s~l1 poms; .'ew York. AIlll"A.\' Al`l.\Tl0.\'. : Bronk_lyn-Blookl Alhk-lk's..'L llcl - umonu.|o;Muo|~oh Ll0:x!mrd nan .: - 'l`0`PORK PA(`Kl-IRS-Highest Cash Price raid (or pork bl bones. tank and ferti- izing unterials olirerod a_t our war Hamil- ton. Rowus & (`o.. 1-`ominous. Run ton. l.\'1`KN.\` \no.v:.u. u; uzru. l _"Imi|t`).`:` Ilnmilmnn. S): Scruuon. 3. I .\vn\rk-.\em\rk, 7 ' Jerau` Cilyms. t Qinsghnmlou - llm\umuns. 0 ; cubes- L \ .. SATIONAI. LR.\Gl`I. I l`ilIsburg-l'hlsbn S: limtolIs.3. L l`Mcnno-(`hlmnn. : I h|lM|D||In. lo`. . S. , .. \\`ilkccb!u1~e-\\'iIkosl:uro-.1. 8: Blllhlos. 8%RTlNG INTILLIOCNOC. ltuwlnll liunn Ieuenlny. ..--.-...~ .-....- . n - . .n--- `Fay nu. Exwm ....A .... ...4......._.I.n_ J-.. 41 I.uIlv.`|IvIIuI'II1.vvuIIur Iv -uqv-an I. The I of the wall runn|ns`beu\1een (`him and tutu .11: hulghlh and thickncu. and it China built I all. . 1'l'lm prlcootchououtortho pukolov-on 513.1` -* - O In Chhuo .....`?.`1 `:`c?Z.'. .."`......a...` " `E. ..m uonqplntthoruhibd Ittvulu thanmnthnnhnnnl-Id ()nlm.c.xIIIl unrn uevounu unn. uno upuua Ina ailor and I small boy remained on thcpbob tom of tho vane] for eight days. Inltaiuing life by patching turtles! .thn_t would come nut. and unchng the blood. They wanna- eued in a moot pnipblo condition. GO TO W. RIC!-2\'P2S. King Sl.. In buy our Tics. He hasanduxens to chomc lrom. hood Tim. `3 for 5 cents. The hl(.r:0II0lIOI' sin a demand than. The coptsinhne ailor I the ... -1 AL _ _. _---I l.,.. ..:,.LA .I,..._ ..n-A_I..u-A themselves by cumogng on we oouom oz the sloop. On July 311: two of the uilon Iuoeune and aid the they wen going nnlunn Anal -n-nrllnlnlv ninnd nrnrhnnl u.e...."` "'3'" ".u?1".is5':17`.3,'CrTo'e"Fu'7g37I'-ii ;=:- -d I -|.-l- .|-..........I .L.... `l1... ....s.:..'...... ` o\-orbonnl. had no ooonor nu-uekugvrnht dun A TERRIBLE TA'l:E. `x .{u'l`ul Sulbrlnge of n Camulu and (`I-cw-Ian: of Them l'erlnh_ x\'m:.|I.E*, Aria... Au . 9.-Th0 aloe Sa- ra. left .\lnlejo, July th, loaded wi tun but. The veseel had on bouxl she captain. his wife and children and niece, end Super- intendent Helle, of the Baltimore coppet mill at Saint: Ron, and I cregv of live men. While between San Pedro end Mertinex, CIL. the vessel was struck by as heavy surf and pained. Ml on boanl pexiahal exgept I the cepuin and four enilon. who awed tlaemeelx-ea by climbing the bottom of the nlnun lln Julv Ell: tho of tlnnilon the ITTIVCI OI \\. l. MITKIIII, I "OIlUIy cotfeo merchant from Mexico. Senor \'ic~ toriu, a mining apt-cnlntor. and Senor lied ruo. an utentvo Ihip owner of Tunpico. met At 5 ball given by one of the chin! ladies of Spanish society. The gentleman. while heated with wine. quurrelled in the presence of the lady whom lroth nd~ mind. Victoria chulle Podrnzo. The latter accepted the c engo nnd stipu- luted that the duel mutt take pluce in 3 duk room. As he had the choice of weupons he demanded thut 'itoriu should meet him in the room in which then should he placed one hundnd Tarantula of the moat poisonous kind- According to the I went they were to devote their ener- gies to killing the Tu-untnlu instead of ghting ouch other. nnd neither was to leave the main until all the poisonous spiders wens killed. Theduel was fon ht without seconds. When the dooniwere roken both men were found on the Boot, dead. uirround ed by dead and living apidn. A Queer Way of Satisfying n Personal Alrontncontoul W18) spiders. 'I`ounu. Aug. I0.--l`urticuIus of a strange duo] have been not-i\'ed have through the arrival of W. C. Martina, I wealthy .~4-JUL. nmnohnnt fnnrn "aria; Sonar \`i.\. put are you. The Paris &u'r report; that Buon .\lo~ hnhheim the Rlniln llllnldor In France, has Iufomml II. Iounnn thallium. Boulu: r wrote a letmenuking a visit from .\lolInn oiln and expnuing pluun` at having Mohnuheirn u a neighbor. men `III III! Iuouwr uruc. Southern Maniwln wu white! by a ter- ric hail storm .\lnn-la)`. uluing gm! lam age in the ops. Some hnilstones meunncl two inches In circulnlenheo. The Injury to when has boon very n'Qn3.. 11.. -Inna} no In rncnivanl Al llinnnnnnlln be when to fur received at Minneapolis from the thruhen jnsuties All pnriom pre- di.-tiom u in s crop. and it look: now on though the Nor ~\\'ont would have mon- whont to all thin year than uhml for lhc put the _ Th. Pu-ianr moon: that Bnon Mo- WIIQK DUI IKII \'l')' XVVII`. nl animus. l'I|m.I_\ I\`IIIIn. Presicleut Harris. of the .\IinerI' nu-oocin liar in PIIlll_\'I\`lniI. believes that if the coke operator: do not live up to their agree mt-M. rrlutiva to a sliding sale uf Inga, them till I IIOIIIQT strike. L`....sL-__. \I.-dual.` -~na 1-InIl-I In: A Qgr, Tn. cumm. nu>..`"n.n.s.`-. Iensag n-u-nu-, nnulnnnnl Raw Eu-k Collano llllllfltllu (`CL IN-mul. the ('hrisliAn hrntlu-r. who n cemly stole $81!) {mm the Quebec brother hm-I. cunfened his guilt. uul I'll untencc-l I9 my mouth`: impnsounncnt to-41?`. TL`: AI:-`gin n` Iiloi Rllillhll 0' Ail I` I!) nut IIIUIIUI I ||l_|Pl'IIO[IlIW-`IN IU`|l '. 1 The nicialn of the Knights of Y4!-or at i Pituburgh are to hringsuil to ten the Io mli ` t_\- n! the eviction of the salt-works mi on .\'.nronn. |'ouu.~yl\~unin. n._,_,,: 5-... --....- ..I ah; \lin-_` ...umi.. CI`. A contract but liven c land with the ( I I . R. company to delix-or at \'anc-uvor. ILLI. lot Sun Frnncitm market. L!!!) tom 0! Run! unhrncilo nu]. 'l._...` .|... l'L-l-uX,._ I....nI.-_ ...l.. _. - -vw-` --v -nu.-v 1-1 V---~. ._ V. dor to :0 work for non union. The la in Krnulil Jnmnrtcleon the politics! situation i `nmpo. up the uloliou huwun Rustin and Germany have `Italy In rod. \\'illanI Yondru. nnddonl. ol tho twain- gully In wu. Willard Voodrll. pnddontol the waln- npmtlec u! the Mormon church. in inuo-I `uh umnu In which he umma chug! ot the Motion chuck. A- _..n: -a..'I._ n.-..-I.:_..-..._`- .._-...K--03.... Ala rlIu\'u- An unlimtrih working-urea`: organization ha l-can canal in Chioagn. Its mocnluer nhip includeo I-olh employees and employ an` I. '\\'m. for (manna. udllou-hour cour tkulonholo-lonlclocdon will In I-nod Ilnnodhtlly. Captain Wulhnn. ol New York. In I the civil `T160 oriunllnuon and pronoun! ID oiu Iallulon-Inhnnu` ulna. `Rm. hunt-duuldhluodnolbo II; carpenters. not HI) nltqothor. II in a-nun-Q-I I ll: Tulnnln III rnto HIUI` W W "WT: It ta expu-bu! I tho Tannin In run this you will 50 |C| mills on Clio dollar. I quarter ul I ulll Ian than lul ynr. Sir l'hAI-Inn Tumor. rt-{lint n I nnhinnl quarter II I am 1 uni nu: ynr. Sir (`hula Tu r. writing to a cabinet minister, In that to would return to (`ands about the mi-Idle of October In or `FL. I. R- l'-.._. ".51--.. X- -- -.o&..I- 4... l`: lIu-an and July than van RN dulhq luau ycllov vcrucllll lnnunall I. pu\\'rhn Inn (`n-laugh nndllnn-Hahn mun. I-`l.\'I-2 (`ITY H0.\IlI2. The undersigned otlhrs Ior anlcthnt IDLISINABLI-2 Hots!-2 .\.\'D|.0T now occupied by him on I.-In-I Stu;-ct. The whole is olrod In one block. hnvuuz about one hundred and twenty feet lmntnxo on Eu-I .~`u`<`v:t. and the Utprer lot runnlhroughgowcst Slrm-3. The B l.I)l.\'GS on `the propane; are nlmnsx m-w. and the amrdo.-n is lnmui wit l`l'te'u.;ll1;:t`-.-at fruits. For terms up ` In THUS. 4 1, uultunul VI: onuI':Io E htlllauu at (`opchpn uounthr nor may object. In Ilgrnnn u-Inn Jnlv than can In] The tune `thing: that LOCI Guardians- nubu run Iuopoond What `Ito: I'u-IInd-Autuodlvornung Dun: uoodundloucnbond. The Bosch: uonurhl Ind um: anon!- O--l.'N.N8. `TL- l:.p-g- .--u--- -.I__. LA- .n..i..l I... U lW`.'IIl u "h(hruuaoI'I)lha u $u-that I`-._.. -.l..... l_._. IL- l!._. II.l._I.I.. DGDIIIZL FIIIOO nine: to law the Na llolu-Ido- uulil linnd onclnho lhnnnli Ill] an-Hung Iudlnin } rtLtnms man not EARTH ! roua ounruu owm. A l.`urrupouhnt.Wnulu Io Igor. 1'5... In--0). -.0 uh- urn -nnnl-no hair: AFP;_Ul:.\` or THE worm OUR QUEEN OOLUMN. non-mus A DUEL I he I:h1:lI'c M00}: I-;. C. I of the wall 5 M` . .';'_`EI`l..`l 3'-`at -* NO. 1.x`:., BL"l`ClIl.`RS AND SAUSAGIC nl.\Kl|:ltS-- rimo new small h casings: by erce. 5!!) lbs. Sc. rllnkugs. I lhmllo. pcrlb: Innings. Qlll : nrimo new Enclish sheen casings. kegs. xms. 1'.mx1':n mil Santa have 3 _""'5`" """" ':2."1.`3 E`: J luuuntat-thvpnpis-uldonooor. `Tm; smcx AND(l00{\_`iLLMlho0nnd Trunk Brewery Kim 8!. West. The business huboen eatuhflnhctl an years and In In good uh: . Hood renaonazloroolli . Thoprenlhu can \ lewd forum: number yours. Puucm aionsc . Isl. I`_or tuuhor pal-ticulurs Apply Io ll? kin; St. \\ cal. Till`. KIXGSTOS C033 BY,_A_T9B\' (9! "I9 Violin is now gpon to all w 0 want A Clnionl .__a._:_.- .... .3. . Imnv-umnm_ _ II0l'Bl.!~: ll0l'Sl?.` AND Two [078 on \ Beverly mm-I: garden well stocked with chain: fruit Irooa: on terms. For further pnruonlars up 3' to I). I Ius(oI.l. cur. Woulng~ Ionuuduora luau. -1 1 A I`l.\il\`. HOIISTEAD FARM In the 'l\)vm- uhlp of Kingston. ve miles from the city. mining muons: alone I-uklonoo and urea! on bulldlugu and orchard. `flab ropcny will be said chonn. as the owner 1: nag: west. Apply bud! dorchn I. This to n ulbo otlalld egg was oguer R. `zilxeoply to H. M. . 0\\'A'I`. Solicitor. Brocx S\ll.. . In 4. Illlll I-`UR SAIJS-.\ Good Hone. Hnrncu. Truck. Carl. omm oounph-ti. fut caning. at an reason- able Ilgun. Apply at the Wine ollloo. .1'Hl-I lll'Hl.\'l-I58 PRli.\II:u-:8 and Inn-llinx. south aixlu of | rim:mu SL. ndjuininu llml Iumwu us '1`nrkhIIl`s,' M pmauul occupied by Julio: Killonn. ||Iuq.. M n Grocery : voueaion In at Uctoin-r. Apply to A. Md omnnz. A .~`1`ODAltT PIANO. socondmnnd. Iodlono. ill be sold cheap. Just the ml or young In-ydum-rs. Apply lhrough this 0 ce. THE SHOP AND lI\\'ll.l.l.\`G now oocupiul by W. J. Did I Soft on \\'olN Ion Hlnol. Isl door from Prince: Stncl. A ylohlua.}\'u. .\I.I.t.V. on tho pmmious. J. H. CLAIIKIS. bl.D.. D.u.5. . LIL6-.` 11:31-In. Orulunoot New Work Oonquol Denum-y. &o-WoInnmn Street. bdwonn Prhomold hunk 3:080, Pudonlu-_ Aug. AND SAUSAGIC MAKERS- nrimn new small hm minus: by three. A \ orw uI;x`I"iiiI.{.~4"ns-dc}ii~JuIw SC mming l`r1wuo Board In um locally. Apply by lcil` to A. Wulu \ i~ni.\1' ui;:u6BE)csn\\'1|uxu. Nogl Villi In 61.. won: CHI` 33* : rvm amder-no : nndhloly. Ap- nh In ISA.-H` XII LL moaorouo pl) lo ISAAC NU LI. Tlllb) TWO S`l`0II\' BRICK ll0l`2~`l|2. * new. on Eur! Slum. above Barrio : sh: noon in mu-h. wan-r mu-kg extension kitchen. Ap- ply to II. lI,m.\'|:\'. D Prinu-so Stu-cl. or on ma un-unison. ` A l`0lI'lE'l'I:.\r NURSE In an America bunny. to luv. the onset: chill [MID nidzluuothnromolult of nfonnun. by lo\t_lrot ponomlly Io Sum: Cozmn. Onio- 0. . . . A nl.\'KltlL Hill? \'`I': rolqnnou. App! lo us. Illlllnryvolkuo I-ands |'0|I0llTII COISEIWITIIIIY OF IIISIB In.-unnnnd hr Fnvujl II 2 IIIIIIII I U UIIIIIILIIIIII lnu v lncorpomod Gunmen rd W 5*E*"'! ." $"`~.! !:l-l`\"_:l())lIs `(A mid Info to I.` . GU - ` - I!u.uan.I. In-nu-Ange-n ush: "mm W BIIUI1 IIUIIKV (Ill 0. REILLY. I IIInn'sn\.- At l\ UNI llllll. 00 dlllll mu. Hus! ram. \ auunor at Jan. and Annie 'I'h-H . ngul 4 month: anal I5 days. P. ` Thu` luurol will take plan on 'l`lnIvulny. ` Aug. ||I.h.At ! gun. The {meal urvi-an ylll ho held In the houtuul the body will he [Mound In the BI but Conn- ury. Hthlnug. bula acquaint- ance: an rupoctfullv Invited to attend. NrKA.r&.-AI hh Inuthof-in-luv`: 1_ul~ Slluao. Porhuouah. an Aug. Och. Jam; .: qua. aged yarn. - The rouuinl vol! olllyod to Sunni Hill Cemetery till durum? I Chirmp papa-a plus: ropy. ) I uu.\'xnL1.uIIw 0'Il'!'I1!M. Annlr Io- U I. H mu 0! Furnll II::11I`Ich1`lI. ` vulgar]. Im-n Lu: luau at (`nunqul la-In. ; Txsuxun nodnl by W. .\'u.-wluqs. Jr.. uu ` Inn` J notice and M ruuonnulu onus. nppq `EILU , -, Music Instructor, I9 Pmrzcms Srnnn. Ktxosrox. _$ mu. l.\'l. ~ SPECIAL. H MENTION. "iustc.-LIT REKINDIRB. KIXGSTOS CD55 'iS\'.11'11Ji\ !9!' U!` open to Clnuion lraininxonthis lovely instrument. . Private tuition M nsidenoo it roquired. ' An eiciont Orchestra can be e on short notice and at reasonable cum. pply In an-an A u ll.....'. l_.\lpnnInn 1_?OR sA;.1-3. ..`..!`;"'9:::'.-. :.'`_':.':.-.-:::2:` 4 BOARD. QHSU. THE DAILY WHIG. and Inn (in 1. on! Hill` I'll ICC` IWDVU IIIU XITII DIl(lWIll' `Eginru`bto`jmnp:"With 3-`spring ht twang Inidnir. $ntnmwV uu lled and the during in (I gnoc- full and any. an I laldlphnh, Bu win Into (in buy than in. `nlnhlnfnnlnnml I-Inlhln nlnr-ht] Inn l'IlII"ln0, QEIWJIIUV lull Anguish Roux. Aug. 111-1` 1: receiver of reglnters at Adorno and his family have fllll vic- tims In their devotion to cholera pntients. Of thovholo family 6 llulo child survives. " . ono":w I":-hocald on Islam mncmugjd Puuonlu nun. tho Iamul moth Jnuiplnz From I lhlloon. Rocuwu Bucu, Aug. l0.-P'rofeoor Thonul S. Fmncioco, fauc- cusfu rope: ' at jun ' m uhnllooylninmldnirtohourthbgmanonnzal ofvhii rhntpunchuu, It in utinuud chats! and ponou vlhusod the- "'"XE}.n: LIN feet above the uni! Baldwin ltuuniurlslli-4|-Inn!-5\VitII 1--rinI~ Ins> -:wnno- Illv uplvuu Ill Iallvlwrnn Roux, Aug. 10.-I-`our new ouenof cholera and four deathaftom the dioeuo were report- ed in Nuplon onhloudny : nine new case: and four; dentin in Resin. and lovers] can: in 1 nl'I-mo, Messing, S Anal Augusta. Roux. Aug. 10. -1` rematers ' 60 day; An End of tho-Drought. .\lu.w.u'xn-:. Aug. l0.--Lu: nf ht n gulc swept over the city, the wind it owing at the me or I mile a minute. 'lho main building And gevenl m` or structures, on the state fnir ground at "old S ring: park. ' were completely tucked. ' he vnin in putty kenonl thro bout the state, putting an end to the droug t. tint ILA; lutod for Woman to Become Preachers. l`lRl`.~6E!s. Aqg. l0.-CardinAl Lnvi erie V states thlt I semiunry for women wil be established at Xloratricht whem they will be trained to prench the Catholic pol in the I-`rqnbh African pooseuions. lc`(l:e car- dinal is conyincod that women will be Able to civilizp and chxistiaulu t|)eAfn'oan ymth with in-greater nncceu thenmon. - Stale Aided Emigrants. L0.\`D_u,\`, Aug. 9.~--A blue book has been issued containing the correspondence in ne- lution to the admission into the United; States of destitute aliens and ante-aided emigrants. The correspondence iuc`.udes S'ecreury- Baynrd>`s letter of May 7th. I387. to Mr. West, the British minister at \\ mh innnnn nu.` up \\'AnO'a rnnlv I0 ll". \\ 035, ll? DTIIIIII lllllllll ington, And Mr. West's reply. TT._.._ 'l'oRo.\"m, Aug. l0.-.\lnyor H0'll\3\l has been bnclnxl up by the city council in an nppeal to the crrpenu-is and their employers to submit their dispute to nrbirrntinn. If an early settlement is not procured there will he I call out of all the building mules, so as to bring matters to a crisis. 'l1Ioy Jumped to Their hum-y. Coxnlmr. N. IL. Aug. I0.-A n hmke - out. in! night in a Inge f0IIr~sl.ure_\' wooden warehouse on Railroad street. It raged ercely until midniszht. I-light members of the Third regiment land were practising in the fourth storey. They jumped from the windows. A2! were injured. w--u-u-u-- u v-UIw-- 0'l'I .\\\'.\. Aug. 0.-The uuonnt paid in `on: by the government In: yur vru ITJB3. iucludin $1,813 on Account of the North:\\`eat rt.-be lion. The total sums dia- tributod to rewrnns of the war of 18!! "and the rebellion of I88? since confederation is npwanls of lulf I million dollaus. L`|.|\':I.\.\'n. Aug. l0.-'l`o the long pa.-. dad of warm Iathor has succeeded 3 upoll ol cool tompcruturo luunailod by the and- donneu ol the chnnge. This has united in producing diphtheril to such an ext!-nt that the health oicor pronounce: it: upreod nlcrming. ' .__.:_.__...'____:_-__. WADE? .\l.\.\'DRAKl\`. LIVER PILLS are unely vcgotable (`aunu-tic. bolngenliroly tree rom alomcl or any Metallic substance. In case of Liver Conlplninla Biliousn D_rspop~ sin. Headache. &c.. they re unlve utlnlae non. Thqm @. One in dose, In DRUG STORE. Bottles 251.`. ll u-v u cu-u-uv-I a `running- \\'.\:mm:'m.\', Ann. I0.~~l`reailcnt (`Inv- luul has mule up his mind that he will [ml '0 further wrest than Knnuu (`ity. nnul very iitllo if my further south than Atlnnm. Hg, on his coming trip. He does not desirv * to be absent from the capital more than twenty dnyn. -------j---- I (`at \\'or_ln Shut Down. l.A-xx-ox, Aug. 9. --The Onurin our work: mmpuny gave the men DOUG!` on .\'n!unl:\y that the shops would be uhul clown. Some of them feel nneuy [mm the fact that their wages are in arrears. and pro`):-no to array!` lhclust-Ives by attaching comp cu.-I ours. I Ln,~`Du.\, Aug. I0. -.\ action of the unionists. Budd by Mr. Chamberlain. in- niu that the government amend the [And hill htho houoooilonlano u In in county couru the power ol cnlnpuuuc ing, Arron. In urvuuu vv--I Iv lav. bn.\uu.\. Aug. |0.-A n-longed sitting of the cabinet uo|u.u;i| wu told ycolenlay to condulor whether or not to pncltim tho ` Irhh Nationcl league. Adjourned nulil ` 'I1nu'Idny. The majority of the mambo-rs 1 .Aro tgtinst pmclnilning thd league. -M... .......... ..... ......-. Mu.\"rnx.u.. Aug. 9. -('01. Uulmot hn Iv- klod to his puma: In th um. `lint. iuoou um plucod that corp: on a mum no footing. Judy! Dug will like. y nuconI him. Ferdinand In Danger. I4-xws. Aug, |0.--l rinco l"ot-liuuulh 1 delay in starting (or Bukuh I'll June In the discovery 0! u oouptncy to murder hips. "llrlllnh Whig`-" Ioloohonq In Imubor I'll l Nov mu lho run wallet tn cone om nu can nan MILL WOOD-It the lutlbu Cduardtor Il.I)pr cud. hhnlthuu-1 aduooonolnulclaruo. (hmduouy ill! dlhucltyiouu pm-rload. inn` or on}:-:1-:.\' .s:'1'mc'1-: 1'. inum.-sms. nu: ruouuxo Isuxu nou'nTn?{' v161; 1`. RA .\'Llt\'. }`.'.'7.`e`.`7.':`n'."i.'.'.'.."' "" VI... . Run. Watouon Cyfhdouhu hm. To lllict. Albaumlow York. Philadall. I` uckusouu u. Hul- ..-..;`:. ?'....`.".......'"..`."...m,..` P I Plf -_-__I'!_l,-A l_,_,. vouuvuu-CI rvuvuu v- -w --v-v-wg wfru; vv r. A; roLoi.'7 Gonml Ticket Agom, ..-._ I\'L-..l .....A .1 _....|. u...... [ wur!._ %'u|Iatn.lhlIl;ouud all l\-Illula .\'oI |h Linus? TELEGSEHIC nkiizs. T.J.`.":A?.`.{\7.}{ }iIii.17.}L Li Efi ix} OEIIEIML " TIOKE T AGENCY. Tlioviounla and must over remain the ~ Most lixaoinnslns Instrument. In ` the World. W .\ ppoal Io_t_ho Workln [DIGI- ... x. In . An Ia`-Itldounlr of Dlulthorln. .._-_ _ Il\ -|~ -L , I MILL: The Spread of Cholera, |..AA Ill $-..___... _____- The President`: Ihulng. . . _. A . .. _. __ In IL, 21,, Col. ouluot will looks. .._ n l0,.I .x__I.4,. ll Doubt What To Do. It's Ilulo or lull. ""I ""`-' ""`V' '-"-"1 `do ' ` KlNGSTON.0KT. KINGSTON. (`.\.\'.\|) . \\'E|);\'l-ZSD.-H E\'EXl.\'(:. .\l'H. HI, I587. ' , ' C.\'cuosx.uu\n|unAIn (`IDlla|.8D.DU liou.G.W.Au.uI.huinhu