Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Dec 1878, p. 3

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Tabla Book of Art, Kodilnrnnun lllultnlod. |l Lu! IIKIILLIIIIKI un-u --u vuuuuwuu mar, the eartbquskdn upheaval and volcano`: re. H uni dld not take the bible to be his interpreter he might study for you: in -run nnnv nu IIATIVII lvlllwnn (or deliverence. but they eppeeled in vein. Philoeophere propounded eyetem efter eyetem, which they proleeud to be juet whet men needed, but eeoli in no- eeellon provede feilure. The imeainen tive reered en elter end wrote upon it, To the unknown God," but ee ite wor- nhlppere were gathered nrou nd the un- hellowed shrine their hearts uroened with dieeppuintment. There were the e'ecta of sin end suffering, end these were problem: which in the peat the hnnun mind could not eolve, hence the eonoern for the golden era. when her- inony wee to bo reetored between the ` Gode end men, but when end how they V wee promleed. were utterly ignorent. Men went so let es to lilt hie puny helld to pluck the crown from Jeheveh, but lell It the loot of Jehoveh'e throne. Yet e deliverer llero wee reveeled not only the ein but the method , of ite cure. God I) loved the world thel. He gave hie only begotten eon thet whe- never believed on Him ehould no. perleh but heve everleeting lilo," end - Chriet cuneto the world to eeve nin- nere." The reveletlon we: given thet men might underetend hle reletion to God, underetend the wretchedneee of tin end the oondaenenelon end love of the Fether. Judged by this book innltitudee heve lonnd perdon end hollineee end heeven. but notwithetending lte revele~ tione there were nteny likethe rich men. If they reelly knew thet there wee enotliev world, '1! they hed evidence el the future, if they could lee lame vleltor fret: en- other world who could tatify to lte reeli- tiel, then they would believe. This euriodty eeneot he gretiled. God hed given ell the inlorcnetion thet wee neeee~ eery {or time end for eternity. Whet more eonld eny Ineuenger tell the. then .L,e:u_._u u.-...i 'l~|.- _..'t-.. IL it SUI`! Illilu buy Il sou --u- nu... tho bible told them! Tho wriun ol it claims-I to be inspired ol God, nnd uni; writing onhblilhod (loll chili. Did any -..- ... oh... -shun -an Jnnnivndl Illullj -IIlnIIuUu BIUII want. us: Du ono any that Irriun won doooivotl! They might have boon, but than Ill tho oviduct? Did any one my city in- poovlupoutho Ilnnonothingto nah u martian pnduothclhinghpnnbtobulno. Bundiquponlhooihdolol ovidouuia lnvwrdlhbblbcllhl Iuluhtct eonklnnhbokltodaly tho attach cl hIdo|1sy.ubdhortIoyunoh'ouPdno .. v.u.A_. .. 1.... .|..a .. -11.1 in on. FT-' '5'! ""'--I uninjtn Ihobiblv. It bu lupin- ubloalulonfolhnnn. Bcpjgo viiintonau-olronlholoncooll bgivonaoinpn-ivoovidoundth inanhn and using J (lull 01]`. ljjafvui \lv-- hnunanullhqnqnnnhnphdtb oxaolinginlulnnndini Uniqu- qu'udlnno`udnnn'qdIM'n- Iuuolnu0ubl.vhumay-ovi- lnouahovullhcoi lat a nanny! Ihht I 5- and _-L_pI..-Innnhn-3-H4.` -Q ImIv'-ZiI W_II'|"Ifi tVolh|n,orlron Ihlnnulloiliatho . 1-- un.n...;.A. " I..n.L-4 lJC0l"l!IlI1 Kuglhh Pictures drawn with pen It pencil nu-yuan vn A-wv. nun. unu--nvu. -A well Attended ton-meeting wu hold st Roblin for the bonot.o1Rev_ Kr. 8hlb!oy, of the 0. M. Church. nv-n_:_._ _..L-|... -...._-- 5.. L. up... -I`nIno Ip you: naolvu to-mou-ow owning. Don l hide than under I bush- ol in your dinry! W`-ig.I nclrnn nnplu n-sign nlnnuhnutn CI Ill JUIII IIIIIJI -Friod oskou, curly cnho. doughnutl, 0| whatever they no called, are ripe enough now to be pickod. 7Thi- nnnn L. nnnnrl Oh. raanlvina Ulluugu IIIIII DU vu plunuu. -Thin may be culled the resolving weak, to be followed by lha week of ponitonoo and prayer. m. .. . a .- u:, -The Intent Inn 3 pop corn festival in the H. E. Church, Odenu, under the supine: of Rev. Mr. St:-anon. A _-nl .n-...I.J o-.......nonn urn: -I. uluuavy, VI nu: v. Au. vnuu vu- -W|lking nntohoa nppou to be the up In Alneriun citlu. After several huo wnlkod thomulvu to death the Insnln will cone. n u ,_. 1 n,.__L__, _ _-__ unuuun In nun `am . --Mr. John Thompson, of I ha removed to Nowburg, And gin no bent to the erection . pnpor mill than. _m...... .........I... ma 5.1: -uu-nun, v-I VII- ZIIZQIIZ not I-an--U ovnultunud nlnancut will noun- thly. Godonlyomromonthuin-this and Godonly can ll tho bout`: nah- Hin cluing upped In: very --n vv--nu-. I-VI uunvu--,` -- cpcnd I general more in Lewis Allen : n|Ann Ad...` ,....~, -.-..--. -Thln in 1 very unultlod winter. No wonder that it In: myuliliod Vennor und Lynn Lyon. Fronch Iuunun -nu vvu-v. -Dr. Houtipn of Potorboro, I mom- bor of the grqdunting clan of 1877 from the Roynl College, in It proton! vilitlng Ii: friend: in this clty. ll- I-l... '1`! ..... .... l\' III-u--hn. PCWL IIIIIA Ill-lUu -Elovon churches nnd hnlf A dozon uociocieu rooeivod kindly gntuiloul notice in the Wine of Saturday. How many are thankful for it? , ._,_ L,-, ___ .__ DIV uuuunnu iv: u u -'[`hd famine in oyster! here In re- lieved by the receipt of uxpreu good: on Snturdny oveuing. after ve day: block nda of tnlnu in N. Y. State. ibuniy. Allhodtb ycnrh|nynlIonub~panu|oIbyI ' an ya|,numtuun-IuIun*Iu- tlnyocb-adod&Iono `li`l0UhA`. n nlnlul halt! the ion at hop Igiinqtllnnonl. IucunonnIinn- null,inI|hoonndaIIo inn trial it hnfouditlo bonhiluo. 31: mums-huuadnhonuaudhu uidq, hnvinghlloibnoovl tith- nhinotutilythoqilitulnnuro. The oouulnnu-nqhnquiuadforutinqbut IhcoIlIpntlodIln|iloIhu,likotho unnyhogoodnuplongit Iillrbond otingthofool Ihlcuiodt: tnnplooul iulih. Knnnayboodnutd togho Lighdlorundlhngthllodndnny ho uonvl with lilo:-duo, nudist and nodan, but llllnlldingiat tho lnlito --n-n nah.-an --4| -.`n.-.-5 mill an. an. --Somo very recltlou driving in being indulged in At present on Princau street. Driven should remember lint pedes- trians huo right. of any to orouingn. Ti... ....|- . 5 L...o..i.......' .|...mhIn. calm. WIIIII IIIVI l'IKlIl In III] Iv uxu-us`-. -The sale of butchers shambles tnlml plus to-mon-ow ut one o`cloclr. To be, or not to be, on the buwheriqtneuiou, , will soon be decided. run A ?\,:____,,_9- n.__-_ 1 vuu uuuu uv uuvluuu. --Tl1e American Dairymen I Conven-`J lion in Utica, the 14th. 15th and 16th of Jnmnry. It will be Attended by the bent dairymen in the country, -'l`lIe weekly nervioe st St. James Church will be held on Tueadny evening imtud of Wedueldey evening, and will be appropriate tn the cloning year. I ..p .......z.... .9 Q; 1......` H... D-- vv nyrluyll-iv u-v nu: vlu-nu Juul . -Lut evening 3: St. Junu` the Rev. F. W. Kirkpntrick preached a bountiful urmon on the dying yur from tho text, So Much In to number our day: thlt In my npply our hurt: unto wisdom. _vm... n-|....... um... uh..." I... .-.. Iuuy -ypny uun uvuuuu un-u Iv:--avian -Tho Doloun House, Albnny, hu ro- duood In pricu. Joyful now: to tnve1- Ion, though they will be forced to return hone now without. much of 5 tale to talk up About hotel extortion. Albany could hithorto beat the world. nu an ,,,,., n,L,_I m-___n_- _-_.:_-, llllulrlv UUGI. IIIB WUIIII -Tho Toronto School TruILoc.nominI- tiom nru held under I npocinl Act, and that in why the New: cnnnot nuke them 13:00 with the City Solicitor`: opinion as to tho ulelouneu of nomiunionl in Kingnton. As the Act bu been in open- tionl [or yarn our contomponry should have boon better pound. American T Yesterday afternoon at three o'clock 3 special children : eorvioe was held in St- George'e Oatliednl, M. which the children of the Cethednl Sunday Schools, with their teeohere end lrienda, ettended. The union oomnenoed with the choir elnging in good time tho prooeaaional hymn, Onwerd, Christian Soldlorl." The evening peallna lor the day were then cheated, and the Dean reed the prayer: end 3 leeeon. when the Von. Archdeacon Parnell addreeeod the chil- dren. It no with pleeeurehe eddreeeod the young of St. Geoq(e'I8uudey Behool, an it was the one he had attended and held several poeltiona in. He impreeeed upon them two thinge -Iheir duty to God end their duty to lellov men. A greet many people epoke of God in a way which use very repellln[--ae a Judge who no very severe, elwaye veuuhlng to eee the! he eoeld catch at in little chil- dren to pnnieh. They talk of God`: eeverily, but never ol hie love for little children. In heptiam they were node children 0! God, and when God puniehed them lot their niedeeda it in aleeye an e hindand loving parent. They ehould eerve end tryto pleaee thoir Father in Heaven iron the ague motive then. they would 3?! In pluee en earthly paant, m, heeauee they fell Lhele loved them. He then refer!!! lollielr duty to their lelloe nee. which in Int to their pereele. They qeeeblove, Ionouranl -L.-'.L than Immune If that QIHIAJ And W t, XXV CVQVIII 3-3 chuinh an-. be-an It they chow and mduttldn or Iwlhu. when .L,_ 1-; _.._ xi`. ...u nL.- I... nan Ij lqj Co Iuvuv -- nlnoI.hdtdol.yIo&hiIuubn,v|onn- IiIolI:nuIdnllott|.on:tbo|auI quudotulodovlldltcytook uhu-cdhllolcou. lhpobul ,#. -__.._I _1__. 1-51.. -ml kl.` nag, I071 it snow 31:31:: lthoyiduu.i-iioouthoy 1-noon, -|..._ ah-Lad naI.noan_ Th-u in $IIIC'-oI-I-u u-'u--.- onuonnlnhu dudqnl Incu- dndnlbydoviqthnlhlilnovthoy uuhduluphtho vuylhyshoulql .9, when they Iubolhqwoulinqt input has it `l'ho.0hi:ndo1- Iinuutillihnln lb and. Thy __. -An:_A-g Pxuu.--I:. In Inulblo uonolhuljnl. lhhlnnhbot auiyduuhpdullvnlbpdn in-buds` Int lbngddhnd I74-nu-In; V -lon snow last night.` -'I'ho churches were vell sthndod you- ...1.. Children '1 service. WIND WAUTS. Kingston, . his enur- llnliul lo.I:-Oollvihh Inn day-loucnulihhg W` notbcloogtothocicy. !'h|IuiolIx- -__:_--. L--4 -I....--. 5. ..-._A3;_ AL- I ITIIlQjjZ? llnn lmyd thonypInnInvunnnu- lul. Tlunnnuoglnnhtbuintol \ n tux -vwu 1. nun-., -Snuw nhovoloru qro getting 50 out: An hour and no quutlonn ukod. I -Snmv bank: ftun foot llilh no I nnnr and queuionn Anna. -Snaw high not uncommon in the city. They as thick. '!`h..-. an. mun: nnnnln In Wnlnru thick. -'I`bero no mnny pooplo in Water- town who lnvo not. boon out of door: in . uuugln I went. -Every mow-uke IOIIIII to be Innk- od Wst.onown,"nnd they :1! loom to got. here Inthoul. delay. -A nentlomn. on route from INC! here without. dolly. -A geutlomnn, :lhI York to Gnnnnoquo to stand the lunar- ul of his mother, Ill snowed in hard. --!-`(ix lmnnmtinn and n lung numbor 1.1.... n..7...'.I.'.'. .".T.2.'.Z; nnnfnalnnu n-alt: Innjni An `mg &-n- ml at hll mother, lnolod In non. --8ix looomotivu and 1 lnrgo number of man were enpgod :11 by. At nine o'clock lut night tho train urrivod Al the Junction. II. In: two hours getting from the dugluy jut out at the poorhouu tho J ummon. - _I1`u-ml Hay: nab: nannl and III) mo J ummon. -Frod Horth, nun sgonl, lml two othen, parted with the Cape Vincent tnin at Brovnvillo, ubout dnyligh Wod- nnndAv mnrnina. And Itnrhd for IRON Land of the Phuonhl. trill) It Iirovnvllio, Iooul alyugn null- .neodAy mornin , llld started town afoot. &`hoy rouhod this city at four p.In., lining uoolnplinhod the four milon in ten houn, and with empty ulomnchn. Bicknen prevail: ovoryvluu, Ind everybody oomphinn of Iona dhouo dur- ing their life. When lick, the objoot In to get well; now to uy phinl that no non in this world thnl in Ill orinu with ylpepait, Liver Complnlnl. sud its Hoots. such an Indhootion, Oostlvonou, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Hurt Burn, pulpiutian oltho llurI,DopraIu| Spiriu, Biliouanou. 010., an uh Gll.lI1l'I Aualn-r Fwwn without gottinq relief And cure. I! ou doubt this, go to Heath I Gunn, or . Wsdo, and got I Snmple Bottle (or 10 com: md (47 It. Regulu aim 75 oonla. Two docs will relieve you. 1 In In upnu running an Iuuulvo properties of non : Pkoapkordud land- nm of 001! um ou nut Luca-Ptmgngu 0/ R4oMvuon'n Pkoopkordul lunch Lac-P A111 Linn no such so would Indiana in an atom] to "nuauin tho body tn the porformuoo of In vnrioua functions," with the dd of but linlo wild food. Hence in superior remodhl worth in the Wading Diuvua of 0Mldhood-Iho WuuI'ngAImy. In than ol Oouumpllu [Ill- dmcy~m Oonnunpuou itoolu Ioll M II 04-rural 1)..uuy,nnd Alluun of Hour-altos and lmaclalion. |>....-....1..n-|-|..- I n n..-......- In--g. K4oMvuon'n P of0od 0 4 Ind` notional dnnnpuutol In-go organ. 5: Nu IwInAch.l|ver,IIIl1. be .will Iuduo nlupku noon. and h ntundod with many urban rou- pltmtlon; and while It Iny ll may luluou be but I Iympton. Among otlurl. in Irritable nnd uh untod uuou Iynuun it not uduod And nutrmou luomuod, it my new the orerunner olicorbu chnngoa la the ball 01' Ipllll wl. IIICI ITHGICIIUOVI. Pmpnred solely by J. B. Iounou. Pharma- neutioul ChomII.B|. Join, N.l.; {of ash 3 I):-uatiuannd Golan] Doubt: Prion ll. rrepnmx solely in .1. u. Iounou. rur-an 5 Dru giuannd Gounl Dealer: 01 pct Eomur nlx botdu lIO5.00. I'll0dlI`0Z0NE, jndiolouly and, will slhy the porturhuion of the narvu, unt than In turn] out-rub. ad Inpnvo their Inlltlou, lhu Insuring tho gounuon olulohlt Ia- vou {one for tho ulqnnhn of llfo. .. nl:I|1I-nQn u-a ___ L. 1-1 A_-_ .,,.A, Songs 0! Sluhpenro, ...._ ........ . ._. --`v_.... _. "I H08IOKlNl"anbladw'ou cry Chassis! and Drugiu throughout Ital- ....~_1... D..a..m ...l.uJ..- 4.1.-ix UIIIIIUC SID LITWII Irv-rvvuv Inc l V' lminlm. Prka parlohar dz/O6 Wilishftkl WI HAVE JUST IIICIIVID A IAIOI and carefully aloud that of 11 ll __ J nuI__._ $-44.-- PUB `rill l0hlDlYI.vIdvowIcollu Ibo loves pnlblo play. W at plea-uni:-ho luck. to- nl Qnhohyjvu [sum fn"dfEns,| ldllnnhnnt. wunnn rout-non, Juan A. Gugot` John om". ' Juan A. ungot, Oonlny, Lizzie Rothvoll, David P. Auulatino, Alfnd B. Hobortp John Rowlmdn, Alfnd H. Dugdnb, Zolim Rothwoll, Annio McDonnell, Henry N. Wilton, Edward Hons, William H. Shunt. Goorgc Joluphon, Janie Fonwick. uoorgn aouquon`, Hnrhnpl Haunt, Guido uni Llu, bylho M sr-pain u! I. -rne JOIIIB ranmca, Horbat Horny, W.H. Johnston, Edward lanhall, Janus Alualdor. William Brokonalxiro, George H. Gordon, Fnncia (Jrigor, Katie Hora, Fannie Mclaood, William Downing, Georgina Shibloy, William G. Fralick, William A. Cunningham. Millio Hobart, William Rubinaon. JXID EVIIIGII, Kantian J. Run. .,!'IoIn|loQojd, John Olil. '1`@I-IJ|0_Ur John OH`. Willhn Icnlam Ahlnnlnr Bjorn. Hunt. uoy, Hoary Dawson, Li:-Ii; R. Whit. Hume noun, Willinm Bubimon, Snrth Kennedy, Frederick Kilpatriok, June: Gown], Henry Daniels, Jnmol 8. Dick, Wxllinm Skinner, Alborl. Snwyur, George 0'Reilly. 4.; -UI"I.u Junk Rotunda, KAI:-inn J. RI:-. vvuunn U00!`- Willinn Bullo- Willhn Ooy. Ruin Dawson. iriuirsiclnus kuhw nun T Atlhtuuuudlnlluuluublu - ah. ..n..:.n. I-3-g AL... --g TI LET II F HIE, LVIIY OOIIOITAIIJ I-Q DWI: Hltlv a-1 bu jun Guns of American Scenery, In your life worth 10 Conn! PHOSFOZONE! run u an wuuv I Iuuuuvj I Kl OHIO`. ' l.I.-Wain and 00: 19] Av IIIAVY BLAST. (Watsrtouu Timu.) --|.....-|-.._ av-A nguln I-C 1.! Phil and hue) OLOOKI! The Hamilton Bankrupt Stock BUY` YOUR Treads, FANOR DRESS GOODS from 10. Fsnoy Winoo from So, Indies ool Squnru. :1! colors, at ooat. Indian` Wool Clouds-cheap, Lsdiaf Wool Gnitorn. Ladies Wool nnd Cashmere Hosiery, Indian` Hill: Hnndkurohiofl Mid Tiu, LAdiu' Kid (Howl, all nuke: sud budiliu, from 26. `I -.u..- I-..|.-o. .n.I Rh.-.I. nu: ha huuulut mmnrknhlv nhanu. In and Snood-hand by the but uahn-F'ULLY ouAnnitux$-wsn so and st upnotdouhdly 2.19% PIIIOIC. III Oi Vi`! Iltburnl OIiO- L I_.__1x_- _..._|.-.... -1...` 4-H .0 Ana` .0 In. lruurl Yacht Vo!l- LIGIOI l\I(l KIIOVPI, ll IIIIIK India` Jnokou and Shawl: 08!} be bought renurkubly chelp. TIITIITIIYI THE STOCK TO BE CLEARED OFF IF LOW PRICES WILL [)0 IT. THE .....o..o n...I.moinn. mmln rm all Hands. M I LLINERY tn be u )ld IL 40 our cant. thnu TEE STOCK TO BE ULISAIUSU Ur 1' ll` uuw rluunm Wlhh um I I. Inr. 3|-Intent Reduction: made on all (lands. LLINERY per our uunnl low ntael. On MANTLES A reduction of 25 per ounl. uunrnuload. DRESS GOODS at half price. Cloths, 'l`Iu-eds, Flnnuelu, Blankutu, Shnwlyclunkinun, Huh VIII, Cnlhmoreo, Silkl, Velvet: And our complete uwrtmem. of Haberdashery uni Flue Good: to bo Iuld AT COST. .&* 1'. sell the Stock and close tho buninus in the o joct of this GRAND CLEARING SALE, and those who at once tnkosdunugo ol it waive the biuut bonot ever obrml to Dry Uoodl buyer: in Kingston. D UADMV PIANO - I'D`-BT33 AND oRcarA1srs1 Ashley : Shirt, Collar and Gulf Factory, onnonlce" Alhlon lluel. Prlnceu nu-eel. llnnun. Selling just no Uhosp I1 any hnuu in the tmdv, nl:.hu' he d about it. Partiou desiring to buy PIANOS REbUcEo PRICE Llgrfoa nus MONTH Oxford Shirts, Collsr nttnchod. 81 335 Oxford Shiru, two Collnrl, 813335 Rognu Shiru, Collar nthchodl .30 . Ragtth Shirts, two Cnlisrn 81.30 . Bantu Shirts, one Collar We . White Dual Shirt: 1.13.3 Whit: Dru: Shim I 4 White Drou Shiru |.`. [r White Drool Shirt: ` `.00 . Whit: Drnl Shirts, with Uollnr 1.25 . Whiu Dnu hiru, do 1.65 -:-: I.dn;c Hour and other Volumes lu-nltl Calod-min lllunrnod, WOULD CALL THE A'l"I`EN'I`ION HF` THF PUIXLIU TO HIS STOCK OF ALEXANDER ROS3 8, Princess Street, HPPOHITE (`.l'!`V H() l`|4`.l. G-OOD CHEAP GOODS, New Fancy l:`n(ii)ds%ft%)i'%%HT(}jIAid3f_ys .A.'I' 'VV'A.L2DR.ON"S. I\I'\ T1? I IIIICQC ju 2:31. -1 3 Brock Strut. Pour. Dam from Hark): lqnm; -Qfj? 00-and on THURSDAY, Doc. I2Lh. und (0 ho ooulin-Ind until the onliro St ml: ol Willa! Iothing in diopoud ol. '3` Euuuino ouralully the hand hill thy. to no dhhi\Iti.7 in ovary homo in the it}. and you till b0 u vnvino-94 elm In in du- bfulnod loo of tho ublic BARGA NH NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF. OUR ORDER 01.&I'HlN(}.-Wd ml] mskn Inga Reduction: in tho prioo nl Old:-Olotg, Mun: ui|l,~Lu Stock at Good: on Innd for Fall and Winter can wd to wish to iopooo 0! him: Block-akin`. J Cull bolon pureluaing obovhon and Inn nonoy. Rmumlor the place; - <-z:q1--snIt annex lIlIll. 4 sun In. nunu n...- " GREAT CLEA/'\_R|N`G SALE Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods, N:w__1_g_I3K CLOTHING STORE. I--- ft..." 5'..- `ll--1- `O H--.-. ' CXWXII Illll 17' Hull". IUII-Univ-I Inu in-UV ; 3. rnxvon-r. sum incur. a boon mu larlu I...- out lot the Sign that Iudd threo diflonnt up. hot |LEAjl_E`YDUH ugfngms FQR WING . _ 1--on u mucus an un- WEIR` YOU LII SUB` 0 0tl'l`Il0 Till NIWIST AND I(H1' FASH- IOIAILI 00018 :4 pins as law as any och? Iuwuin Ibo day, 1' A patient YQ [trained or uoulo. `Q ` `A '1 N..uonA1 Molodiut, In an nt'E'n__e_'i'yrua Ian? Q Doo11.1878. llllllnery, Mantle and Dry Goods Stock Must be sold. Lsdlu Wool Squnru-~now colon, at 25c, 40c, 50c, 00c And 75a. 0 Funny Tlol Ladiol Hills lhudksrohiofl, Nu m Qniltod Lam. Skim .e 31.75, 02.00 and ma aw. Pu-nor`: lhtin Qunltod Skim at It 150. 32.75 Ind 13,00. Gout`: Lined Kid Mitts, Fur Tup, at O1 00, 8l.2. . and II 50, India Lined Kid Mina, At b0c.. 000. 75c. and $1.00. IAdia' Lind Kid Nina, Fur Tup. I1 II, I|.25 nnd 01,50. 300 Wool Shawls, Eur: Chonp. all roxluoud. Clasp Nnp Cloth for Jwkotu, M. 900.. II, And [L25 Clan Bonvor Cloth fur Jnokou. M. 81, $1.25 and 81,60. 100 icon of New Dress Goodl, sll New Colon, lac , 20,), gm] 2;,` 100 Pioocl New Black Lmtru ll. 1.53., `[00. and 2x';c:.. urn cheap. GOTO WAl.l)l{()N'H FOR THE UEHJT llAll,UAl.\'~l IN DRY GOODS. -u IIIAI In-h1LQV nun. n In an an SIDE? G-(30138! 1! {ho Emprlum of Fashion, READ Tni} LADIES aj Will nd it to their ndvnntazo to call and too them. AT HENDERSONS oppulto lingual. 5.551;`:-; n;v Iv nvynavv Liverpool Home," 1005 Princeu Street. 3 doors |b0VO Wellington St. A; BOSS R. J. BOWES & C0., . . . . HMANAGEECS. EENEY IJOFNEIC. Y. BOY .0: tr VI cutout.-as-jaw nu, G0|IOI'.I-IOI Block. Wolluuu uent. Kingston Flannel: and "i Iowhcbt Dnriu hanntylu, nhnnudnoadullnuw Onudrsnlutnudthunc. OPPOSITE CITY H()'I`E L ooslluonoou ".;:".'v".".;;.;;;'.`s;';o;.;.;;..7.;'i.;;a:.:;;... '1. z s. l0BllIIlIlER'8._ llgglp jglllnn-n-n ngn inn.` 1 W5/w land I-hzqpxhdnl. nthlloo. '- 1mnmIAg.I_- ... .._..._, .. HENIH" LOWNDES, 10! "VI ` don't nuke hull the talk 5..., ohrlstnu lubcro! the Illustra- od London IOWI. Grilhu lumbar of the Gnphio. n2P@EI'8 and Organs I l\I|l`II|Ill. "P7. H*;TL `.Ulllll price 8 Usual pruoo .Ulll price `.Uuunl prloo ..Uuu| prioo ..UnuAl price ..U|unl price . .Ununl price ..Uounl prioo ..Um|l price .Uuunl prioo Wood : Nniunl llintory, Pooh In Cloth. Morocco I: Call. Hilton, Shah arc, Cowper, Homsnl, Oolcridgo, Go] smith, Burns, lyron,Cn- and 01 Golan, Huuu-mun Puomn, Knu, |.-II. 'l'-nnu..n \.\ .ml--nrth. Know. E: 5.250`:-||"n.,`i-l`;n'u-1-1; -r:;u;I'-i"s')o>u;I , k'dm, lull}, Tenn Ion, Wurduvorth, Hume, Puoo. Boon. homurm. Inmxfc-l!nI,Hood. Shelly, Tenn Wurdnwonn, Ioore, Pupo, Soon. homurm, Inngfel!nI,H0od. Golden L-*1\'vs, DonAh`l'I Billniu 0! hi: kuunre, Bouol Sluluponro in 6 volt, vary :1 en la, &o., TI10fl' FIIIIOII novomuou mu LUIIIHIIVU III` lupin. Johnna : Complete Worh, (ldlor. &a.) History 0! Protonunticun. Libnry of English Lizornmro. Tnuuy ol Britiah Elaquenco. kc. AT I-Ilflgfihrs Beautiful fumed Pictures at lou than Inqtion prices. ems: HendeI:un'sBnoksIoIe.[ AT HENDERSONS Hob of Soon, Thwkcrny, Ainuvorlh, Din:-malt, K imnImr_ Em. loll or soon, I nucurny, nu Diunoll, Kiagnley, &c. Hal! [loan with but Authorl. Usually : Englnnd. Shaky`: Afn'ua- two nditium. Doloo`I Woch. IIn'nn'n do Blane : do Tilers Fnnoh Revolution And Cuunulnto nml Km uirn, Boys` and Girls` Books by the llest Authors. but Books ot C0 Md otlut Authnn in humans: vnn'MV. Too numomun Bnlhnlyno. Kinptnn, Wnluroll, Annie Hotmun, A. K Hopo, Mn. Prontiu, I. P. Ron and Ill :50 populu Irihn. Arcu-. World lllunlntod, uuuluuvuu. Ifuvdhl ndlon Ioxu. hotqnphl of tholuqlh and Duncan- opu Inna and luroonoovu I SPECIAL Lines 5 John 39'39:'" llIIll!I.n'umn uuvuwon-un which I hue rocoivod further npphu Aiul [looks at nun ma our nusnnn in innonu nrioiy. to nuke 1 list of them. Plum nAl.l. A1` IINCI, New Year's Cards : m\um_n_ wonxs. Lilo: und Girls. Min nu ol mom. I ! CALL AT ONCE. [mun maqueucc cs AT I-lENDE'R8u`ON 8 Bpnnish Onxau. Ansxuxuu. - Tic Govern- Ilont in dealing out sppoinimonta quite , libonlly. The In: issue of tho Canada Gazelle oontniuod nnnouneomont of sunn- bor of non uiignou. Give us Inything but In auto to give |omuLhing" in the munn of lbu Tory pnrty. ._ 7 oqo>._._. "Tu: tic-hula are being npidly bought up for the Sydauhmu SIroetChoir Concert on Thursday evening, but u then in I limited mnubel iuued, there will be uni- cionv. accommodation {or I. The choir Are making rapid and ntinlncory prograu in preparation, nu] the programme nil` be well worrn hearing. [III I uI.r||n.-nuuu:nu- IJ|.aIn\oAv- - pulpit I31 uocupied by tho R.ov.I(r. Nicholaon, II.A., who delivered sn 0:- eollnnt sermon. In the owning Ru. Mr. Brown, at Wilton, punched in th Queen Suoot (LII. Church. ,_ .40.- Tus (,'A.'lAlrl.\`4 Mmn'm.v.-Tho Janu- nry number of the Cnnndian Monthly (Role Uelfurd) in very prouming, and given reason for the belief chm. the pub- Iinhurn WI make it better than over. Tho part before us in brimful of interacting matter. It ha: not unly thu but circulr l" `n avmlablu, but Llna heat cuutnbutionlu nnd that is nvxng much in in favor. __ ....- ,_ Arron-unu.-ll:. H. S.Ilu:donald, ul Brockville, bu boon appointed to the Judgcuhip of Load: and Granville, vioo R F. stale, deeouod. Kr. lhodolnld ha been juuiol Judge for none (inc. 4 .....- Wnru Hluwu-I -Tu-marrow night the usual wntch meeting wiil be held in tho Sydunhzun Street (`hurch, commenc- ing at 10 -`clock, when the death of tho old year and the hnrth of the now you will be upponnrled by apprnprinm service The theme of [he aeruum on thnt oocuion will be The past nrocovernble, the fu- ture unknown. -- - .ns-`_. -4}. New Yuma Eu ~'l`lnore will be a to: meeting in Vlla '/.mn C. M. Church. l ill'.lhurg_ nu xhe evening of the 313:. Addruawl, racihmons, singing, odiblol, cm, are included In the progummo. Maura. Heath And Duly, of the GI Club, wxll be preuml. Whoever want: I jolly lloigh ndo (ml eight rnilea) on I good road, and rlelightf ll mounhght night, lot him ntteml llzln tru meeting. -- .co>o __. Sun till borounodlot hdiuut Cutonulo Io-nigh. J.l. Hudson. -...-3....- Towilnlr or KllI'l.ol.-ll. Chub: W. Puma, ol the From. Road, in I cauli- duoIorCoundllorol Iholovlup ol Kinpton. Ho is m onocgotic and popu- lnr young goutlenun. ._. . _.....___. An l |u.z.'~ | .\H.r.:.-'l`ho Committee un Flu, Water and (En should provido mow runner: fur the steam angina st unco. That there in nocenity for thin becomes apparent. by the miuhap of last night, when, un the way to I lira, the engine becnnus blacked in the mo! thruugh which the wheels could not. carry .. . .:..n-.. at n.;. 1,;...I ;.. um nvnni n! Treasury of Literntura and Art, IHTUUKII WHIUII DIIU IIIHUIH Luulu ll\li Lulu it. A dolny of this kind, in the event of A big tire, vruulvl be a nerhuu thing. * - `hsau-ignu-at ot piuunnlcrpu In mind. Katie: oq .1. -in npput to polar. J. B. lluuhuoo, one. .c>o Hun Dunn . --Th1s murninn the and an- nnunceumnt :5 given L-f the dent}: of Miss Milnnlhno, dnughter of the lute Mr. Alex. Ruse. liar illness hn bean Inn: And ug-vnizing to herself and Ra?- mily nnd friends, but the fatal ending bring: the deeper aurrow. The lou hn to be daplnrml uf an amiable And good young woman, whose luvablo Christian qualities weru boat shown in her niclmeu. by her pallunl, hnpelul waiting for the .....l 'l`n-uur|.~m.-(>uu of the lending st.- tnclmna fur New Ye-..ra' Dny will be the tu-muting, in `he Tnwn Hull, Cnunqnl. Tho prncomlu urn in lid of tho orgnn fund of the Mothmliut Church, Iml tho indicni-nu nro in (rm: .1 A large and Iueooulul gnlhunngg. A number will duublleu go nut from the city, And WI thus enjny I n<>o entertainment um! an oxoollem nlmgh tlrlvu. There should be u largo Iltondnnco Free oonvoysncen Iull leave the Guy Hotel At. 13.30 p.In. day are worn I.-vlal that undo doatitul.i<>n ended in Helleville. We can the more unduly believe it. since ve plupon 0! tbs: city In-ru shipped to Wnlertown, N. Y., whence lmy have been promptly rot uhippod Ly the fin! lnin going out A_ through the snow. The lively city south oi un I-ml Ir-I relmh municipal proton- uuom of llm ugnnv. kind. [I innriA- bly -rulnrno Inch I ponr" oomplllionl, and prnbnhly the urmg back it dodlt Bolloullo ICGJDIIII ll-r tho Itudy ow ol .| _ .. _L L'._,__..... hue I buunnutn lhr--ugh Kingnum. -------OXO----_ Fun: Lu? NmHt.-AbouI one o'clock thin morning A liro occurred attic new Home -1 Indrulry. cunod by some {all- nng npuh ngmung I wooden n bond. The fin brigtdo Ill callod out. but the tuna ongmu stuck m the mo! on route. the wheel: having bocomo eloggod nod Almond. refund to lurn. But tho hose and Ian! on, md by tho not of no of tho Bdacocl oninguuhon tho damage In liuibcl to a very null snonnt. Pt- hnpn M0 II" nuke the masonry repairs. SCI" In the n nu, hoiovc, it pad. 3 contains among the inmates, upodnlly among the Olin purple. - vjo ,.--. --otu. A (huh sou-nu.--`r|'-i:lIvu|ry I I. Clutch Tu looting on-oo'IoI ` C|r'uauDq,udnninonqunou| ` suntan. Plntyofgondlhhpvcu` than In! tho into: an. The mooiclur aided by Ibo Frvulonu: Bun land (It. Indian, Quin). ooumbctd maul) torn ploocn ulth lory lnpudionot 'l`&h lotion. I5 llvitty obit do ---o3.--. Tu: l vu-I1-s.-Yeuterdny 8t.Androv`| ...... ..;...I L. AL. 11.. ll. n mu Cmu'L1\s.~n`a. --Thu ulher _._ : _ _ . . . _ _ -_ -1 Beautiful Women (Fuho Phutognphn) uuyuuuv, -Iu in --I-uvu. uju us u-rur nu, nppoond for tho dghocn. For noun mum: at oclnr Mr. wd Mn. Bonn were not in good uaudhc with tho clumsh clus, nnd at its meeting on the am 0! December, Rev. Mr. Yuung, who In conducting the Ionics, gnu the Bennl oonoo, and at lhu clooo ol the onrciua Mr. Bmu stepped up to where the rovereud gentleman In making up the clsu book: And ukod him if he (Ir. Young) dclirod them to go to Haven? Mr. Young, 0! ooune uuwend `yon; whereupon Mn. Benn dealsrod that hit punching was an abomination unto the Laud? Mu Vunnu nun: ha alhl nnl un- luv-cuuu. -v-I -u -an-nu-.-nu-. _--v .... Lord I Mr. Yunng up he did not un- deretnud her messing ; he knew of noth- ing thet he hml dune to occuion it, ex- cept to pen Mn Bonn in the clan meet- ing, which learned to be the very point, an nlterwerd eppenre:l in the statement of Mrs. Baun. Many witneuu were celled by the proeecution. all of whom heard the objectiounble remerlx, most of them considering it an ineult end I criticism euch in they had never henrsl of before under Iiinillr circumstances- The defence we: calculated to mitigeto the antler, end Mr. Benn in reported to have uuted his willingness to have set- tled the cue before it reached such I ntnte an the proceedings then indicated. At length the court took the evidence in hnnd, Ind vljourned for a couple of houre. When they renumed affairs had tnken u lrelh turu, evidence being taken in another prueecution ol the nine per- tiee by Mr. Neleon Storuu, clue-leader, for dinturbing public worship, which din turbenco appears to have been caused by Mrs. Bonn moving about from one seat to mother while the clue meeting was in progreu. Decision in Lllll one was aleo reserved until the megietrutee have time to Conlult. Our informant writes ue that there are two more cities to be preued ngniult Mr. and Mrs. Benn, which will be tried on Friday next. All arise out of church diicultiee. The unfortnnnte defendants seem to be in I see of trouble. The vontiletion of grievnncee in the men. ner in rather A unique procedure in this ~ nection, and no more unique than remerlr |l)l9. 1hpnuo;';d Indd;n.,_n|;'>':nl up; _.. -......-.4] 0... oh. .l._l.....-.. I`... -n-A Un.Bcn_n, button then udtlu tlcitinol lhichuuh not such chris- linllovoaneiuityutnnoaxht. We unnotuyuhndlthp Igoublois shout. and about his bu nuhdmu an and Lhlrinlol the ouo,v|idI In, Iluuuv a nun uvuun vs otnhnoonpooodol loam}... loy,L. Gnu. P. Vnnlunu and J. W. D." II. I!... 14L- bk- non-nu-ulna, Yeeterdey afternoon the annual Sebbeth Miniomry Meeting of the C. M. Sun- dey School wee held in the Sydenhnm Street Church. There wee A good ettenv dance of the echolere, their teeoherl, parent: Illli friends. There were the neunl exercinel, singing, prayer (led by Rev. Mr. Crozier) and eddreuel, the letter being delivered by Rev. Mr. Jack- eon of the city, and Rev. Mr. Brown, of Wilton. These were of e neture calculu- od to interest the children, enll they hsd the desired eect. The ninging wu hearty. It Wu led by Mr. W. Tandy (Miu Molntyre At the organ) and the little one: made the manic I chlracterietic ieetnre of the meeting. A liborel collea- tlon wu taken up. The week day meet~ ing will take place Iweek from to-mob ruw evening. The Rev. Dr. Mcbnnnld, of Japan, will be the principal epeeker_ IU,,na. uni. 5. v-uuIvu -urn u. H. Bell. Hr. Goo. Lnkgtho ptoueniut, Ill 0-in-ad by Mr. A. L. Mal-Jon, 0` I._._... ._J u- n-.u__ -1-.. .'.1 \r-.., .. AI'ZlKlEAIAlAlD'lfLf Cnunvn Dnconnxonu -A description of the Ohriltmu Attire of Trinity Epinco- pnl Church, Watertown, may be interest- ing And imtruotive as well, in Cnmds : u'rL- _...-.L- -...I l...g........ L- .... knnvi nun uuu nuuuuuuvv nu vvuu, In I4-Il-u- . Tho wreaths And featooul have been done awny with and the wall: are croued and rectouod with narrow Itripu covered with groom. On the altar behind tho ` chsnool rnil ntanda Ill illuminated crou, which with its nnny gu jet: nukes I inogt handnomo npposnnce. It in too foot high nnd the arm: no six feet scrou. Thin in I new dopnrturo had its novelty lddl much to it: chnnnl. On etch wnll to tho right and loft of the pulpit in I gilt crou, picturosqnoly; trimmed with 3 wreath of Autumn ower: and at the foot with u bukot of form And grunt. Bo- nenth one 0! than Rock of Age: Apponn thu word Wondorlul" in hunduolno Gor- mnn text latter: And bonoath the othor the word "counullor." The urgnu loft '1. mggmod with green, red And gilt." Photognplu of Suouiah Scenery, d Irish do Nttlozbl Purtrnit Gallery, Tropical Nature, Contemporary French Rnintern, Story Inhnul An End, Nuloml Album nf Song: and Beauty, in , lux. Ila. Slanxxo Down.-Tlne benlren of Wstertovn have entered into an Agree- `ment under whlch. After the ret ol Jenner], they will receive Ounde bill: It only nhety-eight cent: on the dolllr. The pnrpoee le to exclude the notes of Cuwle benh Iron U. 8. currency eiron- letion, except at I dinoount large enough to cover the elpenee 0' sending them to Cmedn lur redemption in gold. Thiell n return ta the ulne plead npnl Cnede bent notes in N. Y. Blete prior to 1360, end the dieeonut impceed will be e nov- elty to Cuudluu, Ill - hue been no long eeauetollod to Iumlling l`. 8. bill: and nlver it e Iubluutnl dopnncietiun on face nine compared with Cennh name. We shell have to recnprocue the exclu- eiveoenl 0! our neighburu, end whet will become 0! the ljmon then? Wnalouuu III Bacon. FU:ln.-In none can it Iunboon foundinpoodblo, from nriouo coma, oxtnnoly on". on, for School Tnutqva to comply Inch A- 1-- -.; n....|.na.... .. Pnhlia IDIVJAIV IX ilnulltvu n-vuw Schools. Ilnuluithnocduinhln` otoxpodioogiolhooplnioool $0300- ounhlo ch Ihbur dlduudomb dopcin tho nthoolol in uhnoltho Sdoollrosd. `I'M Iininunlhcnlovo, nqulh IhoWllIHoonht|u|boci.r- nnutncuol dl udnnuahnold to n_I|... ..___4_J -_ |.1__ L. AL- I ft! Nlioduli-bythohqnuta-I ~--1 mulhlh -.-I..-.L|.A|n I`, W IJ-vI: U, I aouaru1,uotIuho pnyiounblvlln _...&Ja- `Lg: an] A. 3-. AL. uuujuuu "1;-v cnuilur\hn,ndto;ivuhonunI.u;` JL..4i-.l-._.L-._ `HI- ljvv Cu-Uwtuvvuy iJIlg&&pnl%b `.3-0 Ilnhnhn--Id: lhnn 1| 1-nnnuu-mt. nuns- nunvhl. 1'h-buuutilu-ovwy I.--u!-lath:-mnlxjnm |......1 Hubs ltrct;on'I. IlIIWethcre1l'I III! In. Pnutht low kooks of : ...Ll.I. I L--A onnniwn fvlrthlr anal gonna. Juvenile llllssnou.-I. IJAOIXOI `I'll lIVlI.A8;IUl And he uid unto hiIn,Il tho] Ion not Mule: And the pr:-phnu, neither will they be pa-uudod though on root from the dad." ' HA1; L- u-|._ LJLIA - and learn absolutely nothing of the mer- al character of God. If they turned lrom Nature to Providence they had an- other large volume in which God mani- fests Himself to man, but after one has conned its pages he will rise from its study satised that it is an enlgm l which he cannot understand. Nature and Providence, apart from the bible, are written in hieroglyphics, which man may admire, but which he cannot read. Hu- man nature was straining in the darkness to discover the Great Unknown, while heart and esh cried out fora living God. Men see the wisdom of the Creator in the constitution of their own beings, they behold the stupenduous power of the material creation, but what of His moral chsrscterl For evidence of that they must consult the sacred scrip- tures. These were equally full and ex- plicit considering the relstions ol man to God. Man may ignore the existence of a Supreme Being, of a personal deity but that same man feels instinctively thet he is under a law which has claims upon him, though as to the nature of it or its requirements he is utterly is the dark. Look at the history of those who have gone belure. The conscience strove to full the requirements of a law that the understanding did not apprehend. Men in the pest appealed to ran nnmsn wme. % MONDAY, nncnnnjn nan. ,| Ldovjw. W an-A `dlIdI'I3_&d$IZ&iIVI of Stlah. Ho II-uhdtht In I Iittlomullpatlllunouthlohdnot ihhdupou Ihhnoo-not Izru ,thricinn,hvhu|oohlditluuvo- rioududpnintyud Iuntonono or: `until: Inuyddoduu. Raid byno nun: ulnuhd the subject. build had why it nddolotntinoto cl-cl with non pun] lopia. Thy had leaked at lhoueonut hon lhnhulpoint ol nuatialhtic philosophy, in nhnuo to thoooudtulion 0! human Minn. TIC] hduou how strongly and dnpluthnlly it huh: that than in but on probation, that thnugh which man pain in Chi world. They had uou how nunory form: the principal retributive Ila-in; of viz.-kc-.! won in hnuu lilo. They now cum to ountomplnu thin account in it: touching: u rognrdn rcvolltion. Ho IO- loctod the lat Vans 01 the chspht for meditation : His discourse would be the bible s complete end nsl revelstlon ef God to msu." The lint thing which scripture tsn'ght Ives thst the bible wss ielly snd sdcqnste to sccemplish the purposes for which it use given. His book vvss given for s teo-fold purpose, to inform msn concen- ing the charscter of God, end his own re- lstiou to God sud His Government. Upon these two points the bible vvss lull sud explicit snd nsl in the informstion which it gives. In the bible slone could we losrn of the sttribulos of our Msker. We msy look sbrusd in Nsture, sud we msy nd some evidence of His existence, but whet do we nd of His moral cher- scterl If he were pointed to the sun- shine snd the sessons he reminded them of the norm cloud, thst in nsture there Is the lightuing's ssh ssd thunder s -..-. oh- -.-t|\nn.Ln'- unlnsmunl And FINE ART BOOKS :

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