Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1878, p. 3

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; HEW Bantams] unvu v- .--..n._' y'. A aorta-pandem to uur equlompon- ry aim him", Not An Axe grinder." T3 Is not his fault. Ho Ind A big rough no on hand, but he fdlod In nding I Iuihblo grinder. Rel-tho. no u fulfil talcum uomotimu. ,,J|... mlmm.v-vl "nun. .kmn hm. - nnu nun-{n- Wluv'uu :4)" cot-tarpon print: abom two cola-n- of critical]: on Mr. Cutuight'l w balm the new Youn [.1an Chi. II mld Inn bogu ban to Ian pin lb. 0min small. But M I. thank! um bu. had tho duply ' uni-g m. Ind ml: urn-m, too ! Don, dun It. Cuvright Ind Mr, noun-on, and tho nu ol tho Grin Ill 1d Milk bod. The week of player lot 1879 will com- mence on Janunry 6th, 3nd will be ob- Iervad by most Plots-hut denominl- tiom. The subject: agreed upon by the Enngelictl Alliance are: For Sunduy, JunuAry 5th, for the pulpit- Chriltiln Union. Mend-y, 6th - Think-giving (or the bluningn of the you put, and pnyor fur thair continuance. Tuesday- Prayer {ox ho Church 0! Chill; ill ministers, in growth In arm 3nd in on- lurgement. WednesdayChriltlnn Edu cation ; the (my; the youmz ; collagen, laminnriu of learning ; Sunday and oth- or schools; Christian Association of Young Man Ind Young Women. Thun- dnyFur nation rulen And people; for pence sud religious liberty in the a"... Ag-AJI'I- ....... l.. . u-.. Iul yum-z Dull IVIIIVUU uva! l- but: W. mum prone: [or I blen- nn An nuhl(.|..... AN.- ...1 nun... . "wIl, in m "vac-v- ugv MW 0 a. Pen- '0' WLJQIMJIMa-cdw Ion 'ulu'udoqolmdolluq I... III- v, w. v uu.- .unv lvuiulhhnul Okla-lulu- -.n-_) _.L_ ..._ L... .A .L- -..,. On both eidee oi the Atlantic the t Con-rd Gummy h-d been thought to be , compentively blow in progrne, end tn- ditiundly metal of their etepe; but After ell their wee-urea} peee had, under Pro- videnee, neared for then eueoeee. It we: much eeeier to nuke uni-take- then to very reedin ovoid them. Hie rm hed not inetently edopted Inppoeed modern improvement: in nevel Architec tnre. Thu, however. let not beau-e u! my diebelief in progreu, but become they Led reenlved to have the utility u! everything proved before they adopted it, (or the peremount duty to secure safety for life end property, in lo far on hum-n mun- would secure it With e profound belief of ehigher power then that of men, he uid then my unsure of eecnrtty et uiued by the Cunard Company wu due, not to good luck or cheuca, but, rltly, to e moet careful equipment and Iurveil- lence of their ship- And machinery in couree of eonltruction; nnd eecundly, to e rigid diecipline emoug their ofcers end erewe, I. well u e con-tent eupervi- lion 0! their Ihipe when engaged in active Iervloe. (Appleuee.)" u..- II In. Aw- 'ml' IIH- hn boon bum for hi- rn, who out hu Iggy-[sud our INJXD tool 0 than Ihippin, propelled by 50,0, ham pour. None oculd exceed in any point thth addition. Not an. pI-ongu "anyoluuuboaulud "urban lo, and It. Batu in Sin Ipuuh uphined thy: un- Ln. 4)... .1 AL- L.I__n- ALA A .Ivu. V II I in! W v. and trehiuctnro. Hu- nodal '0. A gold would at the Pain Exposition. It. In)... 11...... s- mu... c... an n... rur mlorunuon MIINPDID nun ' Pm ND YANG LANDS In (ERITRAL lll'ulnAl I..- -I 5.- 0L- "In-I. "w- tutu-U w IIIl w pounm The and no _;...| IL- a. - L...4:n..| -.. .5 1". I,- u v- '-M- hind. Shin-Milde nnunl AuL;OIMn-- II-- nnndI-I -n- Um yuan-u, :- Iyuu' u m Irv- puny a - lunches. M01801. Gnllh' Ill tho 165Ih ate-nil- Illicl Ia.- an LnilA I..- L:- I-.. nlun... I... mum-nu- 11,000. A mus-ha! M: n- P'" not In sh. III-ch, ad a "in! slider! ol m up huufully, the W 0! Ail- auu-hg' hr. 11:. mm (in-inundant Old; 504: u (not; dcpdl, tuna-.5310; ugh. no, and. cot-PI. M mi... pinto- . so into; hour M... m n- -MI _.. _..n..z u-u uluu- II "II I III. :2an -I- lJohn Burns, h: npakiughtthoCo-c v..-- .n - l--.|..... .onJ on.& an- Almn Buc- or Couvym.Thon .1 -4 .Ll. __L Ah AL-.II l.- Jn-uw Tic-pt, who Incl hall 1. nan- In. QL- Flu-n..- III MD m A DAY tn Age-u mun-II; for u..- I'IBL'JIDN VISITOR Tonn- um] oath rm. All-IMP. U VlCKKRLAIpuu, lulu. THE WEEK 0|" PM YER. AM?! WIND WAH'S. WAX. HIAVIN OI "II-ILL IELL. Soon it will be one or the other. He pointed to whet we. written in the fth verle : He thet heth wrought us for the lelf-Iame in God." Innite love of our Helvenly Fether! He made no men for perdition. He wrought us for the sell-lune thing," for the unending bleee- edneu of the Heavenly home. There wee another elm thought, that in the lth verse there ll written: He thet hath wrought III for the sell-nun thing ll God, who IllO heth given unto u- the eerneet of the spirit." He took this to men thet Christienl have, in thin life, I foretute of their [more deltiny. They know thet between thin life end thnt be- yond there ll but I little brook, I nnrruw etreem of deeth. Sometime: u they walk on its banks they cen see the bean - tiee beyond it. Sometime u they let down in the quiet hourl of life they have helrd the voices of thou who hezl gone before, end the melodic: they lung on the dietent ehore, end their mule :0 vi' breted with the name joyl which thrilled through the goals a! the redeemed onel, (bet they ecuwa knew on which ride the river they hed been. During the Int two yeerl he nnderetood, n he never underltood baton. the manning ol thnt L-mn -viM-vn h. Walg l u_.. n..-vv-- ~l "vnq Come I". u oin our liienull above, Who haveo lair-ed the prin." Ho cuunwlied hi. hearen not to gravel unoug the thing: of Me, but to liv u becoming men who hrs-lining a. higher condition, I0 Gut whln the cum-l morn- ing dawned, Ind Hi- Ipirit killed the body into wnking, they any heu- Him ny, "Come blouod of My Futhor in- herit the kingdoml have prepaid for you from the beginning of' the wnrld." The reverend gentlom-n Ihen rend l abort obitunry nolioo of tho In. Mr. W. dey. ll'., which he bud pnpmd (or the Chn'ouan Guardian, Iettipg torch u pmim ho Ind him: in inn-ind, church, 9nd temperate. mutton, And the Inn-uh: which he who mpoctod by I lap circle of friend; ._...___ Lu! "onan Rov. Mr. Jolhe, in Queen Strut Gulch, punched mother 0! his ark- o! Imam on the Seven Church. of hit. ll- 0...- In---..'_ n,||--A n-_:_:._ vu-Quau In In... Mr. Ron (Queen's College Divinin student) punched yesterday In the RID- tut Church. A all by boon given to Mr. c. Coot, o: My. Incl-ad, which m Inn- Man mud-(I ladlhuboonwphd: D.- Il- D I... II-Um" Ru. lb. Io, (gnawed with tho nhnvoh Minion) My preached in St. Jnmu' Chunk, And in St. John'n, Portland. H. h Ion. h'u uxml our, Ind um lilac-l ml!- h King non. M nah. be 'iI dds-nu I. h 81.. Jm Ichaolbouu, and ll Inn- [Ml- M.- L- Y I "ml-D mun. Be hed no biblieel mthontyinreny Analytics, but thet, According to the neture of the certth record, the cool. deperted for thoee plecee which they ere to occupy in the great eternity. He epoke of the future permnent etete of belieure. The Apatle hed referred to two chengee one of life to deeth end the other of e ohenge from In inferior to e higher life. But there wee e greeter change Itill, nuner the reeurrection of the body and it- reunion with the lpirit from which it bee been leper-ted. This doctrine wu peculier to chrietlenity. He centre-ted opinion: in mpeot to the puriation of the cool end body, end commuted upon the contention of come that the coal cannot be pure whilo e tenement of the body, compon of nutter which in evil. Perfect men, he eeid, wee mede up of a meterinl bodyende rationed soul, co-exiet- ingin the nine. JeeucChriet in Heeven we: the moat perfect specimen 0! glori- odzhumenity. Thet wu the mture Ho willelweye weer throughout the coming yeerl, end it wee the nature which the redeemed .onoe are to coneider u most perfect. A Iignicent feeturc was his treatment of tint phreee in the text. mortelity will be ewellowed up in life." He aid they need not Ask him whet this meant, he could u .t tell them. Eternity" acid he, Will have to reread it to thin poor, camped, in- tellect of mine." Though he could not explein it thin he knew, thet it would helivic for God, end to God, end with God. Of the leuone to be leerned by e etudy of the them, he mentioned, ret, the intimteme'etion between life end deet'n, between thi- world and the next. Whet men me here they will be forever. Our daily conduct is tting unfor the nublime, the ewful doetiniee of eternity. Which wee it to m_ MullUl-mu vvlvlu' u-u mun" hymn written by Walley urn..- 1-; -- (Ah- ..-- l.:.._.l. ' i Tn hmq cum1h Prince- Menu is inclined to In! Ila-Md A; .0. .1 M. n-u_-_- .LA. .LL'M "" I T3133... 77m mtnu Lib-rd Chth that. wanted to undue. :6.th A-n-JA- n.- u...__._._ __ Vim-VI". w ytqu- II-llll hunch-led. 0n cut-my ny- "uhtqkyhuncu-pcw mugs-pug.- Ito-limin- wdou'ud'q Ipde Id-ibi- luau-l haunt-Iqu M 1-m- ~~*huap- punk-mud. up ll. can-vain A.- b I In. hw-dhwb-uw Mulr- ' W"u -I-uum U the unto-out cl In L. '_-- 'lhI f_l. m, can. IIIU nu.- nunu- \M- :11- OI. Upponnou in [tin churn- Iouunn hind-mm- to the body and cum- Iona. um all through an. m. the format In A oontimul clog to did MW, and that u (loath only In the IOIII min-ed Mid Allowed to lpood on to it (Ination. into lo pretence of God. He held that there III no inurmedito ruling plus for I'll DMD! mu. cunt-I- .- uov uIPUO-I-'I" VII "nun, dull, and the nd hound God'- In- J-AA n-- n--.__-_L : Li- AL--__-, ----1 -I VIII. mu, swung Bambi all. Thu. do In. pro mhd in nu scripturalmm. on earth, Anal null alu- nd b...-.. I M'. A Mid-uh cl cl-hm. W.'ludy,u. Ir. Jud-o- pt. {ro- u, Corin ,NIII.V.,&\- Q. In to O'Bth an. indun'u. Bod-chum:- "a 0! WWW. 3h. and-and gum-Mel: infant:- ed to linen-now uni-n. The u'm d III. and u whim] o! duth Ii" I'd-ell hon, bunk. writing-o! Ibo Anubhdpdnhdul Ibo-chum uqoua at which man dummy out. but u pilgrim .poiihkll' MRI not an! akin-hr- i... 1 M mun-pa... nul- Mm.m.n.wunumm un-Ibmcd cm math-cc.- Mull-II-hmnym hmnn unk .Inl-hgbl. In BRITIBB'WHIG. MONDAY. DECEMBER 16. [878. --Q.O_ I LEUBCHIS. *0 ,htbvalr. Wll} a." nu I-QMF-Wm ulluuuullu' I] uttered {01' than alga not. in I mid- dle mu, Ind the inapind III!" a. hub. In: "an, M H. h . rick-on. Mhtumyh the do an the, w h. rel-nod Iron Mtlhs. Thi- lut I.- known wJ-u Christ, Ind did in w. thin nun not in don-F No; on the contra", {boy found .u-aou in tho luv Tutu-cot, Mir-nary ol the mica. But In and! that tho M a um .- "9: ch. Wanda... {No} w. M, bud Imam. hm..."- -,mdhln-1h-Alhhm woro lyuonymoua. They did not puy for tho-e in Hall, for pa, for the Ion could not Ivnll- They did not pny for male in Haven, for than in Heaven did not require them. So when they pnyed tor tho dead it III only on tho supposi- uoq HIM tho soul. of tho dopnrhd won in Put-gum}. [1. pointed out that tho pumice of pnying {or the dead wu uni veml in nll the Churches of God undo! the Jewish luv Ind by tho Chriuinn Churchu under the now dilpeuulion. Paying lor the dud In tho pnctloo in the Jewuh Church long before the coming of Chrint. Ho alerted, more- our, Hut it In the pacic. M the present tuna, md bud it boon In ml innitution, lnllodaood by tho Plano... Ionld not our (living Lord have lad it uido Ind add no, ya Ilnll ml min. M I'l- nan 0.. n.- yum I. II' "III" W u. grd in the Ln. hgp 0! lI. limb... in which mention in nude 0! the nod- ou (Int Ion olmd (or those who won: Ilnin in butde undoubhd- l- nrml In, IL... nL- _-_ I- . _.:J_ w. .0 w IF. U.- _ "- midndlnobndbgchlo- nun-Nil. "um-Wain! (Judi: .4. -5 I. . LLIA-I 1.... -L nurorui. Poursuusnrl Yes he did; and Purgatory Ives the co- rollsry of that. doctrine. He quoted ex smples. Adsm, when he sinned in the garden of Paradise, was forgiven, but por- furumd lung yours of pensnce siterwsrd. Moses and Aaron, for being guilty of lame slight distrust, were pardoned, but were deprived of seeing the promised lend. David committed two great sins; he repented, but s temporsry punishment wss exscted. The lsrselites sinned ngslnst God. He was about to snnlhilste them, but Moses asked their forgiveness, end although it wss arsnted the punish- ment followed in 22,000 of them being slsin in one day. These were examples of where murtsl sin was forgiven, Lmt where God reserved to Himself s certain sheru of temporary punishment. No mortal sin is forgiven in the world to come. Every men Irho dies guilty of s serious sin can find no repentance in the world to come. Hence the test so often quoted (slid the strongest urged ageinst Purgatory) thro the tree fslls there it lies, (Eco. XL) wu dif- cult to understand. It seemed to refer to the performance of good works in this world, sud had not much reference to Purgatory. It was true, though, that where msn fell there he layif towards Hell there he re- msined, end if towsrd Purgstory or liuven the results were the seine, since sll the souls that enter Purgstory in the course of time go to Hesven. He went on to uplsin thst Purgatory snd --.- "nuWm I! rank-nuidean Why uni-pugs." thymus-pun. W, d a that Md Ik- F...v, WQMM-thtnufumb 5 an. up. it u! M. A. ww u ____. .L, u-y gnaw-(Imus! lhnncutqb-w i1 condemned to Hell's torment. forever. according to the doctrine- of the Church. Another dies free of Iin and goes to hen- ven at once. But another die: guilty 0! e mailer Iin. Now, eon he be clnuied with the men whose hlndl Ire Itnined with blood 1 Certainly not. In the earthly court.- there war a graduated scale of punishment, And no, site, the courts ulHenven. the great Anita before which all men mult stand, hue n gradu- nted scale of punishment. Nothing de- led can enter Hanan. To utend in the bright celeltinl light, in the company of the pure Ind holy, cherubiml Ind len- phinie, npostlel, euintl nnd mnrtyrs, one muut be utninleu and npotleu. But ho WM asked. who Ire these that go to Purgatory i There Are two Gleasonthose who die of n vend Iin, who are afterwards puried Ind go to Heaven. and those who commit mortal nine in this life, for which pardon ha been obtained, but who still owe I debt of justice to Almighty God. He was mka. in that Catholic doctrine? It in. Did he mean to y (it might be further I remarked) that God forgiven ein, Ind yet retnlul some degree of j __........ . . ..........-......_ l l nunun no - -Auuu- mug-n, whore souls um detained whilo being puried and propuod for Haven, nud I thou who no in Purgnory uonurd go to Beau-m. Ono mm diu guilty of n uriouu crime, murder lorinlunoe. Ha I, n.u|u. .- u coptiblo sacrices 3:. the that. Purp- tory wu a phony ol purlcuion. but the Church did not dene the nature of the purication or the penalties of puui-h- meat. When a pd wu More men, and God war that goal, it In a puninh- ment to be demiuod from ranching it or Him He did not know where Purgi- tory wu, but he knew that there wu I middle Itnto; tint tho Cntholie Church taught tint than who as oi n mortal sin "a deprived of the viliou of God for I Linn. whiia thou who die fm of lin Ind atciu immedintely mu Aloft Ind buk In the bright light of Jean: Christ through- out eternity. Boaido these two plloea I the Catholic Church teach" the luv-nun, Dun WWI, 0, Mia "I "-1": m III'1: - ul' Ix' of tho uh. tailing than that he be- hovod Purgatory to be. It In de- ned by the Council 0 Tut Th'l Council Moon thuvthen is I Pursue], Ind that uul- than dutiod m nib!- Id by the sum-.3 (the pnye'n) of tho ftithlul, And upocially by Me most 3:- I-jnhln mm. . H. A... Dunn. 5m. L; To. H.232? hum notch. Hammond b! I5-1"! Id phi-1!. in IN- III-ems. n! u Mun-l. Onllinn oh-m -L-Q In. 'm- rwI mW .- . lln'. now. my mhwum 8Q.th doPuanhnvhidm M isth- hndduuvu minim sod mmw Rpm-Irde Nut-bid- Mahmud-W hourly-ll the doctrine-o! them Chum-h a. In I)... no. Illioh In! humbjwwnobquthnm 1 domino! Pam. My, mid , mmrwmmond- numehIlllluprimiplmo!I n-HA- n... In all- nnhlgp in_ A I .. . "Amman-1mm , w-mom. ~ ..~i.:.:w \-v--.. '5." *Amhqmdbddhk w'mummu to: II... (hum-hm JAJIWGIIIIX I. _. A? Nahum. JJ'J \wr-L' 1-0-1 Ami-madman- If Dull" wait to the lat moment to Dole your purchuu. Nay in the but limo tn we the (Bond- to Adv-nuke. "I -'Il'- vvuuu ml lllullll In. Itll-i" ol .5 Into Court. CO Inc cunwms CI {400 EUCHJIIL CllH'LlllS, I 200,000,000 Catholics and 80,000,000 uf the Greek Church. On cunqxding his exposition of Purgatory ho again spoke of tho nut-pica: under which he lectured, and made an exceedingly palhelic and touching appeal for the. charitable assu- cintiuu. The collection was HIM) Lulu-n up and liberal tenulu Wuld realmud. The cnngrogntion dispersed after In short wr vice, Fuhor Corbett uiciuling. The choir In. in full attendance, and Hum: mu Iomo excellent singing. k if mr Enlqu BaumAL sweating of tho Emmett. Branch of the l.C.li.U. Nu. 22. of Portsmouth, held in their hull l).c. 12th, the following ofcer: warn elected for the ensuing your. Mr. J. Oonnorl. Prolident. Mr. A. BinounelteJat Vlco-PrPDitlele Mr. P. Beanpre, 2nd \llculreuidont. Mr. P. J. Fun", Sucretury. Mr. RT. FitzgeraldJnanclnl SucruLaI y Mr. W. J. Kennedy, Treasurer, Mr. 1. Campbell, Sergeant at Arms. Mr. Wm. Arundell, Marshall. Finluce Committee, Mann. J. F. /. gibbon, P. Finn nndJ. Connors. Vlliling Committee, Messrs. l. Arna- dalll IA Savnmur And \V, Knnnmlv Thll Society in in a -HHlBhiH on: dition,|nd likely tu cnntmuo on. It their intention to huld an Assembly I .n nnl :- u HUI-"T IIIYIICIAH of Ds on tho Ina-ale Pal-our, Com- Mounlpodnluy.ua M "M h mud in lung cl (he than we Mug-i1) um um undid-o u dun-v. Ian-m yet In 150-: Ian- onrn bill-mg, and h It. In. chm-k. um no, and auth Manhunt-u. tune but u unu- nun mi in nah i. UM.UWILMM. "numb W I at. man .lUlI'I' K. I'IIHI Illud. l/UHHOTI. Arum dell, I. Saynmur And W. Kennudy. Investigatlnu Conumtten, Moran. I Seymour, H. Hamgan and J. Fitzgd bon. unn- nun-unnu- '1! u l the 22nd of Jlnulry, nor Fund. Eucnou or Orru~xm.l\t the n m. lll' monthly maeling of the Garden ls- lnnd True Blues, L.0.L. Nu. mm, the following oicvru were only elected for the ensuing year: Bro. Ruben. Lowers, W. M. ru-ulecl '(l. June. Kennedy, 1) M. stid Kennedy, Sec. " Robort Curr-n, 'lreu. Wm. Boggy, Chnplnin. Committee, Wm. Kennedy, (-uv rgu byd, John Slalom, John Dunnolly. u LQL. No. 291.At u unnuml mud.- in; 0114.014. No. [201, hold on Frill] evening the ISM: inn, the following ui- can were olocvml fur tho ensuing yen. Bro. Bamqu Thornton, W.M. Juno. Morr'u, UM. " Goo. Pidgeon, Trcunru. " G.W. 142.210, Secroury. M. Chnrlezon, Chnplun. 8. Robinson. 1). u! U. . UHDIIODOD , Unlpllln. B. Robinson, 1). of U. Henry Dunbu'. Trulloo, Commune, Bron. (iny,Truvurl,Mnrch: Benjimln md Banister. mm. 1.4... ......- .u- n.5,: an. 1-- -1 A can" Brink FOR. "A- -- - wuII-l-I- mu v-ul-vul . Thi- Lodgo mun tho mound thy 0! our, mouth It 7:30 pm. nun. - "Haul-u. u... naum u. U. ml soul. This wn Catholic dnctrinu HOD yearn ugn. Mention was Ms made uf the request nude by the mother uf St. Align-tine thtt she should be prayed fur whenever he ltuod beforu the llhu of God. St. Cyril Wu 3120 quoted, and that portion of the liturgy in which the deuth of bishops ind priests in common)? rated, tho sacrice bqing the more aigni~ cant whilo tho trumeuduus victim (Jesus Christ) llus upun the altar. 'lhu Bishop enncluded by adverting In Um great number of persona who now prnc~ tied the cuntums of tho auciuut chm-chug, omnnn (m Pun-41h. and m mm mm ..r A a.me a u Anybody-ahth th.Kh-,M. Wwmlm WM], (an I ll lll \AlALUMD3 U. IUII- there were opiuphn nnd inscriptions written 1800 yenra ago. There, in bold relief, on tho wpulahrol of the saints, they could rea'J the lllllol'y of the doc- trine of the Cnlholic Church practiced for nineteen oenturiv. There they could rend Mn, yo_ repose in peace" (prayer: [or the dead) nnd lrny lur un (prayer: {or the Mint- in Heaven ) Quoting Lu- bnck he noted that 'lortulliuu told a widow thll she almuld pny fur the soul of her deputed hulband, that ahu slmuld tunic oblatiun on the nnnivtrnmioa of lll: duth, otherwin Ihe should be consider, ed as divorced from him. This was I600 yearn ago, and the duclllliu taught by Tertulliou mu the sauna an lhat tlught w-dny. St, Ephraim, one of [hu bright light.- of the Urucinu Church, I hil ayina mumonumiahed his attendants to nuke ablation on the 30th day (the month'l iniudor the relief of his (lnpurl- mi .....l TIM". mu. -.l~..l;.. Annul... I um .uu vml- u, u."- unknoo led him to believe that. then.) won lin- to be lorgiun in the vnrld to come, sud St. Augustine laid this 'Iorld' mull be Purgntnry. Supponing a per-on duirod to be ClpliOlllJlld would not Admit Hut the proofs in the turn were very peremptory, ho tank them on Another grounda ground which unuot be gninuyod union Chm- tinnitybs doniod. If pnyimz fur the dam! veto not lawful then Juana Chrilt u! the world wrong. These prayt'l'. were uid in All unions and cliuies, and in I churchu 3nd languages, and where did they originate I With the teachings of Jelul Chrilt to the spoules. yum--u-b '- ru- AVA-nh.'\\-n- l Al mm PBYIICIAN c! has m ho nah Pal-our, Conn-pa l-lw-I- "luv-II m {Klan-us, wag-11:109. E-I-a 9: do u MY. BumSonia. hym And In! My. Vudi lor plum-s, I m nnI-nion n. .1. mu In.)- (Hmn AID FORT SMITH -.nw.v "vu- \ ---.-v-, w Um [III u- divino Im tad Aim The Jaipur. h nain on tho Authority Hlmt. Chit wadxyoonin Hanna (on On rst [cup-l m It- Ion, uni so you! in Hana baton tho but In Itithl, on lm oogld b6 to I Book of Hambu- on the ground of impintion. Us pn- ud on In: the Joii-h Church to u: ' Christiuu Church, and in m. St. Mn. (in In found albums undo to two kind: of duoum Ig-imt the Sun. nud the other ngumt the Holy Hun-at, the sin Igliull tha farmer being such n till he lorgivon, but the tin Igdnat the other will mtbofunivouin thhwotld or in the world to come. The concluding part 0? this _A.._ _.__ | , 1 ~ ud ROIUIO! 7. On! at al.~Exeeuin ligand Ind uh. Verdm. {or phiutnff. m .v-- a. m u- m I ply-inlan W: ner Haydon, lo thick In an Bi- Ai-in- _..|..:....- gnu! Ai-.. 'PL- . w wu -- vn Whit-Norm Oudvholudqtssyun oa uni nudyotbdld nib-climatic l-- M- h. I]- A_LILL.J - Numb-IMJ mud-mu dbln Ind mum-I Maya-VJ. lt- hhmuaoh'ndu a... do; moans. Ind-uh grids-.- I... L-h. 0L4 I... 4.5 ~;-_:_ k77 000* Annual leeungs. W] Court. it??? {a I uncr n In In: "bur-v- lid-II..."th _hllnd-on-I- - nu noun-nu n aid of the l u nv. ombly oh.) H y r0 um cove on k ltion. "w u ! 1 y mt i lg we ALEXANDER ROSSS, Princess Street- )l'ILIl'Ii ll'lV HIVFII'I Selling just 111 Uhunp as any hrfun in t?! \ "Ale. dchu ho don't nukehdl the I Gk shout It. Puma desiring to buy NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE. D'AAF Qtunn Faun an mm uid. a... -4NI Cmnmanciug un THURSDAY, Dec. 12th. 3nd to he) continued until the entire Htmk nf Wmtur Clothing in (ii-posed of. p Enmino urnlully the hnnd bill that vu- urn imtrit utinq in every home in the city, and you will be urnn'incad that. IV are [lu- (crmmud to nlfer the public BAHUAIN8 NEVER BEFORE HEARD (IF. Hl'll UNDER. CLOTHINGWe will make Inlgn Reductinnn In the price of Order Clothing, hulng still I lugs Stock of (loud. on hand [or F. and Winter mm- which we wilh tu dilpooe of before Shock-taking. ,M (Bull lnfure purchnmg vlmwhere and save money. Remember Hm plmv I, nmn-m llull II-DD'I' . ____ ._-__ .. Clothing and Gent'o Furnishing Goods, 0U wilon II-u. mu 4, llullof gong... 1h. m. M. be .Onnh, no... 10-... Cult I0: VIII t Co .loh Chm-J Y .L A 7\ull (MIDI will I... l0 nob. VA-Jun I a I I We will duh; the HOLIDAYS diapooo of 100 PIANO! and ORGAN! n our-ordian Low prm ht uh. autumn wants 2 a amour-1h 0115. a not. 1m: nb Bun Ind Coupler W. '2 son 0, I not .I0, I om. $19. 7 00h" nu Rosewood PIANOB CHI). 7 I 3.410 GHEAPIIHTEB CLOTHING 0. Livingston, 2| Brock Street, I VTIJ'DUINIPH 'ld1 DUI! I) 1 n ' Ill bull . unlau 0.0. d l I! ha a. ume ' Incl II "'- f' '" un- GOOD OI-IZEJAJ? GOODS, _ *77'777 IS] DETERMINED 1'0 BELL READY-MADE CLOTHING AT LOWER. price. And in more ulna In my other on In the my. a ha manufu-tum- all hln Goods, lad you have tho alumnae or buying than: M. IANUF ACTUHIBB PRICEH. 1'? n II nr :1 . I :- nu. . _. I U-IID r .- Yuu Can Save 25 rv'liint. by Uaifiig at Livingstons Pan unh- nnoa that hll Stock of READYIADK CLOTH!!!" I. h... D--u......|.uu .-_ - ~77 7 7* r 'Vv- ~a "'"--a "' 4 notion ADYIIADK CLOTHING {I now. well mule. And oqnl manure-pea h nuyCL"Ol WQIIK Mal 13' ID!" COMPETITION II PRICE! AND WOBKMAHHIP. ()BIIBVI THE LOW Ml(:lx,_ UISIIIVI THE l Overcoat; from ......................... .. .\ Mens Good Working PM! Mm. nnd Gnuullnn Tutu! In; nil I \VUI'LI) CALL THE A'llEN'lION UP THE PUBLIC m ms 5'an vuuwuunu nuu uuvu "Iv-Iv. .w a... "w In" Z. Pmo-T. IIOCI llllltli'l'. 4 loan "0- lulu nun-r 10 Loni out for the Sign thnt nod: three different ways. Toys and Articles of Jewellary and Fancy B snow in immense uriety. w urn". rill 111$ B uouu u m . . . . . . . . . . Good Oundlm Tweed In). I. Wool Fine Pants ......... .............. .. Tweed Von. .... .. white shim .......... .. shirt; nd raw-M THE PEOPLES 01.01111an iii-ism 21 Brook Strut, (next to [chivon Buck's.) - CHARLES LIVINGSTON. Oct 150th. . lmum, ergu. Cords. RC . Brilliulincl. Silk Wu-p, Pun-nu, (Juhmoru Imam, (20500,, A Wool Dvhinu. two] Dra- Gnodu, [ll-ck Huh, I Colored Dilkt, M Volvo. Cohmd Vdvm, All WM Phils, who rI-dcoorvdu.1'ho(}oodo at a: hmm-hanln,m-:- h. Consisting of Queen City laundry, Champlon, Brown Family, Msgnum Toilet and Tmspmnt Glycol-ins. Also 25 boxes of Champion Washing crystal. 1Lm, I I Ch. ROBERT GARCSON, u nunuvrnn am I III'DW'II... "- \ nu.- mun: PLANIEL smiu oonmil'yonHL-mihxiEm: (:u t , LARGE In. It Don't Inn to rumba Oh plus. to mate I'D-rm." mm -._._-_ __ -7, u [mdiel Black,( tiful aswrtmenl. Mp Ladiel Silk Tie: md Hmdktl'ohidl. lmliu Silk Hm 3.1mm, Lulial' Fancy Bilk Velvet Punu, Lndies' Kid Min.- md Ulovu lined, Lulla' Cloth Glovu, Ladlu' and Childron'l Wool Hoaiory. L-diu' .lowphine Kid Gloves, t" Ill-doc, Black, Colored Md Lightsludeu It. 500. Indian Uullul sud Cumalumn- usmrlmanl. Nnvelties 'f'btrtholiday Season at the -II- -'-__ AA-- 4... - uv II' 'I--" v- v I-' "W- --.I-I'- I" HW'UI'I STYLISH PLEASITIK BLKIGHS. EQUAL 10 AIYJN "ll! PROVINCE. l-UBTY HEW [ADE CUTHIS 0F HIST STYLE AND QUALITY. [7' Lowest Ilrlng rum. All work kayaking in .11 [In bracket '.. 0- Wu ROBINSON. Dec 13th. 1868. John Henderson PRINCESS STREET. THE [ARREST STOGK 0F CUTTER! All! ILEIIIII II "00811)! Dec I I , 1878. In. Dac. 11th. 4 thlA-m alum: _ m for; *1 '5' annual: mumm' m H -l wr Drum Wbouhollooncs, " Rpamson'srbmm WORKS. e]: HORSES ,l .QUREmeEE OF 008']? j L 'n! G mm, mm: _ -. ..___._ . _.____ Tainan-ms, VIII (aluminum or: M15251. .'oSo."_m...,E;. f mu m AV-IL. U .. GUREDmREE OF 0081 glut mu! room: Axiom 3pm... uni-Ink M M n Inn-All- A BARGAIN FOR EVERY BUYER. DRY GOODS! LIVERng 'HOUSE- GREAT CLEARING SALE snow]! m. 31%; m Will nd it to their Idvanugo to call and we thom. '7VA DAY Age-u crouvmh-g nail: fun. Aller- P. U \'M2KKR[A-.mm -. VII v-VI Ill-I 9 Brock Street. Pour Doors from Markat Square. .___.m-.. Grant Clearing Sale 0! Dress Goods. 321 A- ROSS llblll I LII n lulli Liverpool Houw,"106 Prinoeu Street. 3 door. Above Wellington Sr. . ol can or In. The Good- In. an-uuvl' III rllll. ll"! ICEL _ v U O " I P ' | In "auto-pen Null}: III-5:13;?! "I. 1-...3. .u _-.___ ___, 7-, Imnwu. . I. OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL. A-"'.1;_v., - -__,-_,.V _ all)! (MIMJHh It. Wu. P a A p and!!! 150 It, cut Cu. II on. N Y n1\-l_~l a--_|_ u.__u4.. n... HAS RECEIVED n nonm In. mums A. Mall. th- Otlnl lial man", In! of 1.4; Ingrid Ila-n 0 I m MN. 1 no. on gnu all 3 .mm m ,ron unzip}: TO LET. lo. I 7m" MCI Id h. hwy!- .IM- HENRY LOVINDES. Stmt. 3 Wellinutul TOTEM T. W W . J. M00311 .. 5.00:: (is. Us 2.00 "5" m "undue-lunar. n... an-IL -~Mmlruu; any Human-unnu- bh. MUpMcP'. New Luis Typo Bible: 3nd Payer Ron I. mutated Almanacs. 0111mm: Alumnus. AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GOODS, ("MMg -~. dwdummmn w d w In-u, Tho Lugut Stock of 3131.38. including 16 varieties of the Towhen Bibles from $1 to $6 I IAILW LY. No Motion of tho country all". partm imam-t In a (ab-n holr mldunrn Inch Mum. a. In In be lmed In [In bannulul VALL 'Y 0' 'I ll: ARKANHAS, lmiwmn Lith Rock nd Von Bunch. Wlnlo Illa SIth hu nuneml mum, u- Ilohne-Idurin Ila put uummer 'umhhumhu nova: men more hmlzhy landl bold on ruin Mum. l-ur mmphloln and Mn Inform-Hon I .plv tn W LSLACK IM Com-Human. Mule flock. Ari. The "Bmllelt. Bodable Bible. new neat and handsome. Pocket and 0am Diariel, a. full Stock on hand yet. HUI-n- vw. "www Ilnd C. I 8 n09on vs II 9 ()9.._Ilu-l-. 1 In _,, . Very hr 9 Assortment of 'Xmu sud ew Year Ola-d]. lho low Album for Christmas "nun.- Ohm and Stationery. Wridn Duh tron 75m to .1 ml. WORK sons. 'u low Brunswick Cabinet of .O-Mnn-ru m cumin GOODS! rnmiius KIWI TIIAT "OI-'0 nu .lil), .lw.'lfl'llllod It all nun. Agnntn wanted. [Haunted Casqu nu lam-d. Muuo It hnlf pm. IIUIACEVATl-lhs Aims. mum. 0m! Danica, 40 B. Nth 5L. NY. urfkkk Ilio uh- HOLIDAY G I F T S I BpokJand Fancy Stores HAPPY N" YEAR TO ALL j nun]: uSIJ Chum w h nuno, Mo. . Kiln-on, Maldo- u N Y # - . Illa nl launm Chums Mn. um: y '0'. want-I. (he. I. Iced l. Cu. m. l]. PHOSFOZON E ! _ ... , NEAT VISITING UARDI. Unique 'l'allml Cards. l nus! Iwullvrl blu Fo'r information moaning Ibo I nun IDIIYIA IAII .- vv .90. mu HUM 8T BAOINAW. MIC". L. gw- -uu I-mu nu. In CENTRAL MICHIGAN. lor uh by the llluud hm Inn was Bunny Camp ,5 A the. l'l'l'll. l'I'l '"ii'bnmnvs x 1 Inn- n.- unl nu vu mm... n' Inn in now run. or IW V-I-lll.l'W-v.l' I _._______.._ luv! I... mu. I'IOM 4: no; L :0: q cu, I, . SUITABLI FOR ILIIIM I ..._a...n._| Tu: Crnouu.~Mr. E. A_ Bonn-one, Collector of Cuumm at St. Armand, re- cent], viniled the King-Lou Custom Home, md now Ipoakl highly of the oourteniel received, a: well u the gran cluulineu of thin model lmtilulion. Tn Ipem! the honeymoon wu NM inundth own 0! hi: via to King-ton. -. v-0 vamnl Cnmn BLANl.A Pater- buro union: the judge "Jerrod to the Inudulem pupa", punmrng m be from the Divilinn Cnurt, which hlVO boon cir- culnlotl by motclmnu. The pnnilhmont fur this offence wu ho luminary uvm, Ind hand: my per-on using thou I'll] be puninhod. -___ Tun anumln the County Court It St Thoma the Judge named with tho Grand Jury {but it In unfortunlu Hut orimimln Ihnuld be nllowod to put their tuna in tho midu of lazineu while under going continemaul. lie Imde for loan- Intiun won, aince Purlinment hid been Appanlcd to In the mm". M Bu'nnuu Ix Cum! (hoe-nur [u looking through Ih. Ill-utmkd Lon dun New: we were lurprhod to loam "am the city of London (Cumin We) in shunted in th. Provinoo 0! Toronto And n hula more than 100 mil-u from the ,u. ,n .L ,A, , , , u an, D_,I:_L;.__ -L, lull I uqu qulu Ill-ll AW lun uvul us. it, o! hat mum." The Englilhun who _....;n.;. M... ... L. --n uni-M [- Amun- WX. LWRBBEB. Land Commissicn'r KART HAHINAW Mll'll ' I: u. puny nun-u. luv w.u-um wuv wrote-thin uppoun to be well "nod ll Candi-n goognphy. 9 r - .w a HALF MumThu ngl on tho City Hull were ying yuaterday at hnlfumul muking the demin of the Princes: Alice. Spocill pmyoru were u't rod in I" the churches yelmrddy for Her Mljuty and the Iwynl Fumin in this their be: renvomunt. ,, ..__ Tu: 'Punnc: Bonn invlte ull thei lriendl to help them tu calebnto the 13m 0! December by attending the entertain- ment on Wednesday evening in the Vic tori: Mulic Hall. A good prognmmo u prepnred. Sec ndvertioemont. Ticket: 15 can. Tul NH llaTIIUIIOl.Th0 111an "no" Eye And Eu Inrmry, ll onu- noetion with Town General Hospital, II he randy for occupation on tho m o! Jumuy. The number u! on And on: patina!- in tho hoopihl u prion! h seventeen. And DO! and as king intro- duoud ulna duly. A Kinpton lady i. can "commended 'ul the poo: of In- V", I, "I wont". w- h ch. iv. 0 hope the och-ino- m b. will hauls hhunv unbuc- A. A Goon COLLIJTION.n. 8t. Var on! do Pun! Sndoty In: evening. an: n. .m...l .J nub... II'I-i- nil-ha U'Iu III III anti." I... 'V'Illll'. unw- a. swan ol Btnhnvp tram, cowl myl- m (h. luninl n' .hinh m- ___._., lm:qu u ru COOIIIY.-YO- quid, umhmotwm tow-Aminoer mathemndthq-d- In only do o. ALIA DinarOn Snarduy "axing the Alma Mile: of Q-Ioon'l College 1nd I regal" meeting, when Prof. Duplil. the new President, gave hi- inaugunl Addreu. ()ur oulumm are no lled to- day thu we have hm to hold over ox- tondnl notice of the meeting. u" Ivyl VI uI-Iury \- IIIl. m uni, )0. m ucaipl at which can. "I" oppovmdy n tho pvt-out lilac, u the menu 0! providing Incl ud food for any uq Indy but indigent pawn l AL. A... I- hm nL. _L..-i-_. 4 I \k at 'l'alllnx Cll'dl. push and: Trick Cudl. All mm pout mid for We an": AM Jo lump. Adulmu unusrucu. (Non-er. North]! (10., Ont. llTlaMIDHTI.Thh Macon tho Intemodule enminuiou won oom- monood. Eighteen undid-bl [mauled them-elves. four of whom no roantly Appointed teacher: in tho public Ichooll, and the bal-naa are pupill from the Col- leginu Institute. A Fun BratTho Smith Broth-n, Inchnnken Ind jaw-Hon, In" uourod An excellent..ch lot the holiday. As they can furui-h JUNE of tho moot. dul- nble Chrinzmu presenu, we npprobood they will be libsrnlly puronized. _ v.0 COIRl.llINTABY.A number of aili- me, on bolulf o! the public, hue ten- dereJ Min BM. 3 complimentuy benet. Concert, whxch will uk. place on January 310:. It Ihuu boa (mt luc- Ennnmlur. Mlndon Lodge, xA. 1". And A M, ml! give thewnunl enur mnmont on Tnnnday evening non in their own Hull. The programs, now in onum of prepantiou, will be closed ingly line and entertaining. m Winn.- [umTo hoop ice from win dows, take 5 lponge or ordinary punt bru-h and rub ovu the gin: one. or nice with I little cold alcohol; 'hil noc only keep. the pun. {m of ice, but give- lho glut I ne polish. MagnumA lug- fall in tho price ol pbuaphlta hu occurred in England, owingtothe mount 0! impuriliu in- cluded in the mid. Ihlpped from Cun- dn. This Inuit n] In obviaud by no fun! sorting. I Muswlru. Cnndidu-loc the Coun- cil m inure-ting in number. AW good-Ilsa tom-lea to d that. will run Io: the C and], u I Wu 0 Mun WuJur W Run-4|-.- I." w- ulc v Im], - I m ol Mom WuJIr. W. Burden. sun's WANTED Var the hon .ml luau ullinx IwhrI-l Bonk-Md Ihhln. m red-nod I! p" cont. Addre- NAT. I'UD.(,". lhlh I- m ABmBm-hmth Inhvouunlpluuillud lot-lo. and uncom- eo-Umd auction lot Sand-1.11.0, llth. hilbuiy Im-tin- ul- Miami. sv'blu- PnoonL-lr. um, kn b-dq lat ---~--um III III-- violin, ale- cold nub:- m not li_*!;5'.jji'i9! 917! no woman Ito-m- un- ha a quanta; -o.-. .._.-._...,.. .. .. __ ___.- IOIDAY MED". I... Ml .__._._..______________ __ r ____ Building in checked by the rather of 104111. A new plank crnssmg ha been put down on the corner of Johnson Ind Clergy Into. It In bndly needed. All at. u."- -...|m-- in Hm out In IIIll- I VII VIII, uvvuvu. All the are windowl in the city In dooonhd with Chrinmu goodl. Some 0! them no bountiful. ml IV In 1 7 , ,_ ..A.__I11-L UI 5uUIu I wannuul. Tho New: cull: for uomo musllh md zelloui gentleman to mlmgo n muni- CA] Society. Sunley for imtnnoe. _I.'- .II n... -nl| hulkinn nhnnt mur- 139W ertiaeznsmtse w mlct. gnu-ou .V. nun-"w lt'l I at] well ulklng about mur- rying lot love, but cunlldel the onmple Iol by clergyman. Thuy Al'in mnrry {at money. ms. nu- x... ....;..I 1.. M. Rani. |' WI". - -Tho third phno rociul by Mr. Rich- ter takes plAco in Bellevillo on Tuudly evening. Mill WEI, 0! thin city, will contribuu loan of hot must bountiful nong- 181, young lady in not busy Innk- ing Chriptmu pres-nu. Somebody will to talk w with I pd; o! slippers, "can pooh 0" maa. of um ilk. _Thn Minn-m mnnol not lhu hnnl -. uuu'v~.u-: run". un - yuan-- ing on publishers, editors and authors; :he can of temperance and other social reform; SaturdayHome and foreign million. And the conversion of the world. On Sunday evening, Janunry 12th, pub- lic meeting- will be held for pnon And pnino. Council thin evening. 'Iho Queen in reported 3! being In- dinpnud. u u A I ,, W 4,, _._L A- ~rr --_. Buciwhut mkol no rips enough to be picked. n u. .n ,,.L,, 0ne mun yum-thy forgot it In Sands]. We hund him miling his knee. pm 1 ,, x l I _,A, :_ .L .J_ I'IIW- Tho Muquin of borne in the only mun who ever "ore allegiance to his mother-in-lnw. . n | LAU,__A WW V "Elm-Ill. III III-- Inn. Tho Chin-nun annot pt. tho hm; cl nono'of om- uqicu words. He wrote homo that (ho Ametioanl nll on door by- on hull-giving DA]. 7, A - _..AA_..A 5.. n- Mlm M... anal-or nun [NJ 1m: Sub Bun Ind .50, No '15, 6m, Ior Asp-nu and.

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