Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1878, p. 3

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41". halal-able maul dhtm nd sin-u which one: 15"". tho that h I13 - luumiyw rid-0hr Lon-n Inmwrvouuunuu. Hold not. -Tho Con-truth:- of lint Elgin in" chm" Mr. Nunuel DA, ulhoir undidua for tho ()nllnn Legislature. Cnn it b. that thin nnddqn "uh nl Nona FIOITINAC tornoxsrSome Imnll lot- 0! excellent petetou have been brought to town by the Kinglton l Pem- broke Reilwey. The undy loun of the reer townships of Frontenec ll not only An excellent soil for the poteto, but ltl virgin cherecter n'orde I protection ugliest tho rot. lt require. only I ute- lul enmimtion of the new towmhipe to utilfy euy one thet there in more Agri cnltunl lend euilnble than a supercial enquiry revull. To [hue who Ire Imit- ten with the desire to roll out end gn welt." we commend the culture of pote- toeelor Kinpton end other merkete st even twenty ve cont. e bunhel, u pre- lereble togmwing corn on the prliriee at ten cente e lulhel. But let our north country lemon be careful not to sell of! whet will be counted for need no" Last night, at the clone of the leuion of the City Council, Mr. Mayor Maln- tyre invited the Aldermen present, the member: of the preu, and a low citizens, to join him in a anpper at Thorntonl. The invitntion was accepted, and the event which followed was exceedingly enjoyable. The spread Ina an exceed- ingly good one, and we never saw greater sociability prevail. The atfair being in formal and nomewht private no extend- ed notice of it in desirable; but it is worthy of record an being one of those coca-ion! when men think kindlieat of each other, and Ill are jolly good fel. Iowa." it was an early hour this morn ing when the company separated, there being little di-poaition tn check the feast of reach and overow of soul. It in co- incident that last evening also the War- den of the County entertained a few friend: at the Albion Hotel. Here, too, the utmout plemntneu we: observed. Reminieeencu Inch as theee are laid to be landmark. in the cueer of public I! mn A meeting of the member: of the non; mutton of St. leui'e Church III hold in the echml room lat evening. Mr. R.- M. Honey nu celled to the chair, end Mr. Summerby Ill eppointed Secretery. Rev. Mr. Cuey, being called on, Iteted that the object of the meeting In to form n wclety einbrwing the verioun organize- tium at preeent in connection with the Churche nociety something like the Church Anocintion in connection with St. Stephene end other churches in Mon- treel. Archdeacon Pernoll and Rev. Mr. Wileen nddreued the meeting. They highly approved of the {ormntion of Inch e nociety u the one propoeed, which would enlist the eympethiee of the whole congregation in the native work of the Church. An interacting diecuuinn on the Iill end objects of Inch I society then took piece, Archdeacon Pnrnelh Rave. Mews. One, and Wileon, the Chairman and Meurl. Berker, Kemp, Ardell, Rose, Wood, Grenvee end Wright telling part in it. The atteudnnce being email it In euggeetod thnt it would be unndviuble to proceed to the election of ofcers; accordingly it was moved hy Mr. Kemp. leconded by Mr. Berker end cer- ried, Thet to resolve uureelvee into I Church Anocintion in connection with St. Peul'a Church, end that in committee, ooneieting oi Rev. Mr. Cerey, lieu". Honey, Berker, Kemp, Summerby, the Churohwnrdem, Mrs. Rowen, end Mism Merlin, Grigor, end Bnmley be ap- pointed to dreft I cmetitution end by- lnwe to be submitted It In Adjourned meeting." The Adjourned meeting in to beheld in the IChOOl room on Monday evening next, 25th inl, et 7:30, the committee to meet at Rev. Mr. Carey's on Friday evening at 7:30. Tho propolln 3t. Alb-III, of tho N. '1. Line, no alum It Fox Point Roof, Nd" mil.- north of Mil-who, on tho 11th. in I don. fog. Mr. Gm. Eyvol, of Toronto, And It. my 00mm, of the London Ad- . have bought out the Sunnis)- nncr now-papa, . roll Inovn Iva-torn In). --l'-Vo V'- " mil to- hylnnploolbukypo'n on bad lip: ploughed atom my nil-ho- Whmpog. It'unryno. A Toronto-Ilium. of union- mul 8pm all. thaoditotuuu, and tho mm (tho dim) ny- tho nub 0c:th should be looked after. DL- _____IIA_ a; AIL n A .I (holds-Inna. pun-cum. 1w ~450th Mu, will not hibJohanatOlud, Edi-villa, tho MIT-ah, at January, 1379, It 7' n- 7; p... In_n Wit I-d-ndu v m'ml 'l'blnuhl .4 Wm- Entertaining Friends. (TI-rel Association. POLITICAL n.qu I. Md. ne...- n-imkd Alli. Alien mm m Mia mind... for (I. 90". o' In. All. QM. nnl- .nA par [00L . Md. McClnmon ukod um the com- nuniaon should be u I r.- portlro- the tin, Wuu- tau Com. ninn. , It"... Md. Alla aid if the coat of the hon Ind h.- altimde AM. McCu-onl think no. Aid. Allen did nut-nonhu- it. an l Manna-nil tho m n, .n- L...;._.-- (,nnnlnlng of Clark Hholvua. Book Shaina, 'lmval Bach. Sllppr Cmn. rm per Bull. WIII Iwkau. Htoronm-oplc View olclarnmno, two And thnm Hlmlf (forum Ind Sidt WIN Bunion-mung! nud plum unveil. all line. And nub- AJI the nlmvo Goodn an to be sold at About lull what llm In vurlh. CALL Ind {ll-IE HEM AT Ala. Allen and nun-nonhu- lt. and herd tho m o! In, burincu Ih' lnd not boo-mud upon in the rug-In Ald. Illa-Inn mind-4| All! A"-.. no put- or Ian. Mm ova-ideall- dohu and cm.- lriq, Md. Ito-anon mod bio no- n. nil-yin lh m-nnmu'n- ... nu _--_ v -a- 4.-- mu com-u nrmn m rnun w the par. shut 0! now how. Ho rocommendod the moan o! the our ol the Good- yur Coupon , Montml, who hose III 3mm! 10 lflIId I pro-lure of 500 lbs. to lhcoquuo inch, and told for 02c. loot Ah]. common um u mm- A communication In rend from Mr. A. W. Mooro,m|ling lppliation {or the job of illuninuing In Andrea to the QanmorGononl Ind the Prince Lau- Am H 'II rota Imln Mr. Ed. Hor- ny, 033.: o! the Fire Brigulc, giving tho particulars of negotiations he hnd uith nvonl rms in rnud to the "commend-d 0mm: .1. mo puouc upensa. Ald. Allan know nolhlng about 1 meeting. And be In: A stockholder. J thought ho lhould have received a nut from the Scerotuy. He did nnv, Ii than hole nnd col-nor meetings. Tho motion than paced. we. Aid. Welkemcould not. lee whet gnnd wee to be effected by it, when the city lied no inleth in the nutter. He went. on, however, to tell Aid. Allen that the Cemetery Oompeny bed been recenliy reorganized, end thet I new card of Di- rectore bed been eppulnted. This wa- dune at a public meeting held recently. The Council hed nothing to do nth the queetiou It. ell. bm the ehereholdere hed everything to do withit. The communi. celion might be referred to the Finance Committee, line it. affected the Coll of buriele et the public Aid. Allen knew nmhmu ehnnt Hm like. Ald. Allen promiled them a lively re- port if they did. He went on to cherge the Cemetery director. with ewind'ing the shareholder. out of a euux of money which he llleKetl uhuuld he to the gum], but of which no account had been given. He looked upon the matter In interesting to Ill, and he thought they Ihould attend the next meeting of the Cemetery Cum- peny Ind make enquiry into the canditiun of Ilfllll. He Itaied that the Company Iliould bequite rich now, that the origin- el debt had been paid at! and that he could not underetend why such a uotic: should be lent to the Council. He ms- Iured them thlt if they referred the mat- ter to him he would not be afriud to in veetigete the case. He repeatedly ln- linueted thet the bmineu 0f the Com- puny-wee not in utill'aetorily conducted u it Ihnuld be. LIA W.ll,-.... H-. H..- ..:A.. -.... hi. "I. I! InOUlu De. Ald. WilkemUu tho city sny stuck in the Company? The MlyorNo. Ald. Mchmmon movod that the mat- ler be fen-ed to tho meca Commut- 1A- Fancy Good- .toro. I HAIIIII'I IIIAMK Illlm Ifllll, \ rlu-ll an - unAnu In- A communicntion from Mr. F. J. George IJled that. ho had been instruct- ed by the directors of the Camraqui Cemetery to notify the Council thata clungo Ind been made in the tnrilf for the bull! of pluperl and prisoners in the common grounds, the foo now being 84 for adulu and $2 for children, which plid for tho ground occupied and the cult of digging sud lling in the graves. Ald. Allan\tht'l tn ha dune with proton, And [011 mu Ir. no rolunueu. Communications were Ill road from Mr. A. Mchhon, Mr. J. J. Whitehead Ind Mn. M.J. Con-neon, nll relating to tun, and with the letter of Mr. Taylor, they were referred to the Court of Revi- non. All]. thnt? lkn mam The MayorRefer it to you If you like. ' AIA All-.. nnnn m:nnrl 11.-.... . I.'....l.. .. I ulna ll A communication was read from Mr. Joneph lelur, (luvornmont Inspector nf Btu-whence, to lhe following elfect: That It having bun dooidod tint the salaries uf oieon of tho Civil Sol-Vic. of the Domi- nion Gonrnment were not. liable I >mxa- lion he hid declined to ply thw sumo. At [out be bid plid it. thin year under proton, And ukod that it be refunded. ' Communication] wore-1m Al - unv-lAvni) xv nun v -iuu... Mum. Andrew Rue and J. Bennett. I'OIIIIOd their applicntlona for the post. of murkot scavenger, rendered vacant by the resignation of the lute incumbent. Iunnun nu \4 now In me. Ald. Wood- pointod out that. the of~ 600 pa built cording to Government plum, And Lhnt it In: luppulad to be in every way protected from re, and ya: the only Itovoln the place Wu located in the upgnmont where the deeds, em, wen deposited, the other rooms being wherwile used. mm. In"..- .......-.1.-.a a... . a... 1m] omennle used. The Mlyur reuurked that a r. had been noceuuy, even in the summer months, or the paper: would hue bocuma malty. Refund to the Committee on Cltv many. Referred tothe Clty Properly. . nnl 1"."qu Inn muvuun-n I-w nvom A n rt rod from Mr. Ed. lorq .- , in of (ha I'ir. Erin-1|. Md... H. &H'W3 J .VQlfothers, .lIl-l-l v: [lub- A communication III presented from Mr. A. LoRichoux, Deputy City Ragil - Int, dnwing attention tu the fact thnt if tho Council did not. pmpoae to hunt the Milky oice with steam a new Icon would huva to lubltituw the one M. a.. .... l vvll In I 1 nuns A lotto:- wu and from Mr. John Kidd, noting print. Mercury to Lord Duu'in, conveying ll! oxprouiou of His Exalloncy'l thunk! for the illuminated Iddl'm founded to him In. his reqnut. nun I..Il' n-mn I- a ulglug sua numgm me grave Ald. Allan\Vhlt'l to be dul hn mnnmuon no alum lo we wuomng Com-inc. : Ald. deem, McRouie, OIMI, Allan, Hart], Dmumn wd Mcr 0mm, A141. Walkeln (a be Chaimun. Unrrind. III- . Wu'u. "II- 015' Ill Ill' and important question. of the dny, and he noted that the circuit: lhOIIld ho dared to I ulna! commit. of nonhu- Iho wen "ll pooted in muni- cipd mutual. Md. Wuhan, uoondod by Ald. Mc- Rouio, loud am It. Gillmon'l cun- mnn'unu'on b0 fund to the following (IMEtta. - All! Wknm Mnlhlie, A con-um no and from Mr. 0. Gill-or, Cl-k (tho Inns-hive A.- la- Hy, Mo. on the Solon Cummitl ho to which I Inland the cousian- m o! municipal nation 5nd caption When! an ViOII of Ike uro- nl W of III. Province upon the ohm. abject, ud .ncloaing A numbu of ("nation that: the Council In to- ound to must. Aid. Allin thought ship on. of the And in mmhd um . human-u Mining bwmlo 0h, Council u- bah; MI: layou- Ill-Imm- Alba; limb- ; Dunn. than. an. m min: wme. mm.- NOVEMBER 19. 1878. ulna Iain-0'14?! nun-c. A- 3 Sulmnm IUKIOO like i the Ho pin- mu purpose. Ald. Allan uid he Ind not. He had been unable to get I meeting of his com- mittee while the election campaign: lut- ed, and lines then the weather hld been Itormy. Ha foaredit was too late this this year. HTII' Inn llnnnuhn. Md. Unkm naked ifAld. Allen had obtained A mtp of the harbour, 8190 hav- inx been voted him in the summer for that purpose. Ald. Allah mid he hm] not "a hm] Ame, w,wu,m. AM. Allen called to mind an nccmnt of some $45, put. in by Oldrieve & Horn, for painting and rigging the u elnllm Cataraqui Ward, wluoh he desired to see added lo the report. .There wan I good dell of debate on the subject, but. linnlly I settlement was cll'ected by Ald. Pen-o moving. Iecoml- ed by Ald. Car-on, that the account be referred to the Finance Committee to re- port at the nut meeting. Thll satised All]. Allen And the reports were eduptml. Ald. Allan's anxiety I for Mr. Noble, 'ho, when a member of the Council, had ordered the work and plirl for it, looking to the Council to be recouped. 1-- .. glut.ann _ The second report recommended the payment of $54 to the nritrstura in re Juhn Du' va city; $190 to John Duff, award for lnud, opening of Grove ster; $8825 to H. S. Smith and Savage, naming streets, MM 3 numhar of small Home. Tues of 1877 cullectd fur the furtnight ending 18th Nov., 3572,60; dn, 1378, 33.8%,18. ALI An... "um: on ...;...1 .... MM... repnns, :13 louowa : The rst recommended the payment of Electric [lardwnra Manufacturing 00., $390;U. S. Hobart, Fue Dapnrtmont. $10; Isaac Noble, rewood, Fire De- partment, 337,50; 0. H. Hatch, plnper passages, $19; lame Noble, wood, City Bulhliugs, 3187,50; B. McGuire. agent fur (:uuld rut, trees for park, 325; Guy Hegilhul, rogistering.etc., $ll,20; Clank-m & Oliver. crusoinga, $37.83. luxea, IHT7, [nmd Chamberlain hy Cul- let-tur for t l'lniqht. 4Lh.Nov. 1878 $7M) . [\lll. Llelnanu D repnrls, follows The rst racnmn punt-HI m uuver. crossings, \dhbd. f rlnight 4th,Nov. 1878, $750,- 9"). were remrrou (.0 mo Uoun or Non-ion. Aid. MetallicThe petition of Maura. Unlisglier Anti Killeen, in regnrd to drain- age.Referrod to the Committee on Streets. Aid. MotcalfeThe petition of Arthur: and Sargent, and twenty other, asking: that thu name of Hamilton'l Lane be chunng to Vine rashReferred to the Committee on Streets. Aid. MocuifeThe petition of P. Huuuay, asking the Council to purchase frum huu in quantity uf broken street man mi lisfurrml to the Finance Committei. TIIB CHEAPEST LOT EVER BROUGHT Into the any in to ho mu at x n. u: .una. Ald. DronnnnThe petitionol George Brown, Inning that he mu about to start a livery, and uking to be refunded a portion of the license fee, for that part. of the year which had expired.~ke{erred (u the Liceme Committee. Ald. BrennanThe petition of 0. IL Ashley, asking fur the same thing under similar circumatmcea. be having obtained a Ihup license.R,uforred to the License Committee. Dnohinn. hum. 4,. on. kahuna! uommuwe. Patitiom rel-ting to tnxu (presented by Alds. McCammou, Woods and Pens) referred to the Court of Ravi-ion. Am M.m.l:._'nm mum. n: M... A petition was read from Mr. Thoma- Buyla, Asking for the gum of n gratuity, he huing to resign the mvongenhip on Account of failing hum), he having been In the city's service for forty yearns-Kw fered to the Market Committee to re port. Plllrlnl u; votes, A mummy 0t tnoue present. On motion of Ald. Guhn it was or- dered that when the scavenger had nuthr in Lodo on tho Inllkel. he should be under the direction of the City Engineer tu do what nu required of him. A llnAI-l-Iu' unnun'ulu run ICAVSIO In. More All the mum of thou who had applied to be appointed mute: mvongor wero rend and the balloting ensued. lho Ippllcnll were: Henry Croce, J. Ben-4 no". A. Rae, J. Connolly And another. 0:) the nt bdlotno one an elected, Rm netting 4 votes, Bennett 8, Connully 6, and one other 1. 0n the second ballot lionnett was chosen, be having secured 10 votes, mniority of tho-e present. Guhn in mm or. mum lo the Bollcunr lu report. The Mayor Alto inliunbd tint the Home of Industry had About 70 tom of broken atone, which the Snporinlandout duind the Council to purchm.Rofer red to the Commitm on Finlnoo. nu anyot road A "solution which had been atrial II I looking oltho Dincton 0! Qt. Hons. of Industry neatly. to the aoat that it who expodiom am utop- Ihonld ho taken to i that in- stitution, he being liked to link. the air- cumulnoo known to the Council. Hi. War-hip uphinod thn inoorpontion would mint in tho m out of tha Hon, u it would enable them to wlloot logd debt: In the dupe of {an owing by thou hnlng friends inmates there. Rofornd to the Solicitnr Mum Alla imim-hrl um n... AH. pnyor m w. ; mile the nova A..- .5- n..- KIIKPATIHBKS FANCY STORE. IIUUII 0' IIDCU'I'IY. The Knot road ruolution which had I I! 1 tin. nth- IND-nin . nun r. Alnl unna- ,Iomanta handed in two nnnco -.u (nun-u. - 16! led [HS llll'lUnlpre wreak-d llm son} triumphed tor and Ins ls-all: B( the 51ml If nmn trudncllun of cm Hm Church at F rufurrud In. l mu characteriin nl tinI. .. VICFHIUI'B wer sure them of t perfection nf n-miml them I"! was the new! outed Church. "5" nished wark. h told by the bal re we types and I na- Goon Indian 3! the limit All (hi "nib; Funu an Mus-mum Provide youmlvu will; I bottle a! Pauliqu It this Ion-on n! the you, than III-mar oomplninu nra no prenan it in a pmmpc, Ill. and mu can. It any at. 01: hp nl ram, And you will nd it u Ion nllublc than gold. Bo Inn on buy the genuine Parry DIV'I' Fin Kill tad uh no other uiuuu. ll :80 ion! d Clllfll, 'kh mule-It m hauling. Ibo lath-f- law-rt In! lath I h In oh I!!! reward-4n: tuner wu overhung wmn honoring cloud: of wnth pun-lending thn atom which uhnuld bum upon tho wicked sud devour the ulvomtiu of God and goodneu. Men profouirmu were uulm. unlcu lhey could nd the test of Illa divine Icruliny. Ho Appullod to all u. yield w the per-union- uf the gmpel lo nuke their immedilte pom with God, Md On rent not till they W the u- mrnnco 0! that pom And tho "mod of the heavenly inheritance. KingsthmBakox-y. nounw mo and or mu. l mu they were pointed forward in the glorious futuro. Their crown. was In be lmhlll'ltlutl with All the gown, 'uml wrenthcil With all the lnurcll which c: uhl go to make up the lulicily of heater). They were not to be hurt of the no" ~ml denth, thorturunl (loath of the noul. lch lerancn was mmle in thin "lentil," to tho church of the devil designated in tho text the Symungno of Saturn. \uy church dove-Led of the power and re! un ing only the form of godlinou becnmn such. It! ulilvacterin' in were enumuat- ed n being falla drvctrine, liluphtzuy, falsehood nnd cruul:y, such hm] loan the church of the Jew- at the time of llll' institution of christianity. ltefervnca Inn Ignin made to the trials which Illn church Smyrna In: called upon to ell-lure 1nd to the heroic death of POlyllrp, its bilhup. ln Conclusion the rev. gvmln- mm mural llll honor- thM. they all belonged to one or other of tho churvhu be but ducrlbed. Either to the Church 0! God or to tho Synagogue of Sntln. ()nu was bright with promiu of future roundAha other overhung with ltmnrinn clmnll nf Inth nan-landing thn HI! \JIIUI'CH l nlnyrllu \Hro llpprnvillszly 1 knnw thy Wurls. ll l characteristic of sinners to sknlk inLu l coliguIiinI darkness, but tine Christiana weru Willing llmt (ind should know and prove thni. Theirs had been a living pii-ly, otherwise its lire: would have been extingniihml by l'ne Honda of trial. ll hail been am with the ancient Israelites. Then, too, {lud hml said "1 have seen. I have seen the utlliotiun of my peopla." The early Christians had been anhjcclud in the bloodiest uf persecnlinn. Many mil- hung in lhn lint threw centuriea hwl smil- 0d their faith with their blood and hurl minded to the possessiun uf n muriyr'a crown. lint even (how my trinls ware divinely manipulated fur their good nu munyvnnuther evil had been ni'ur-rnlnl for the benefit of mankind, Reference was nlw made to like puverly If the church at. Smyrna. Tlmy were cunnnon (fill fur bring poor. 'lheir poverty was doubtless Line to the fact that they hml acnrnarl every resort to (lishnnuly and bull disbursed their "let"!!! in ilemla of charity. yet they wuro rich. Eirtlily \vns not tn bnc-inilizirwi Lu heavenly wealth. Tliuirn xvi-Willi" trim rivlinn fur llinv unrn Lu Hm llumlll|)llhln lllllklllumr. IIINI followed the manning nf huun- lriuln. Uml did not decoy recruits into his nrmy by ex'ulling Hm glories and cuneenling the hardships nf the Christian warfarv. The Huvinurs mm prummulinn was, In the wvrlxl ye shall have tribulntiun," nl thnllull Hm nhnln wnulnl Inllll hp Inn! In uuuneu warn". um neat" mm ocuu lum- bards and prophets, and by u. symbols of the bygone dun peusutinu as we as by Himself, and H:- nuw made the emphatic dacldalinu that His ull-wmprehonding nacrilica had scvplre from Dustin and hm] mer all. The Me of Jews death secured ovcry benmlwtmn of required. After an in- onnmwndutlon the wm-ks .f Smyrna wore nppruvilmly \... L... um I... were wunu wnlcn Wvlllu n the Uivinily, etermly : their Iscendcd Lvrd, that. thu ever hung l never failing friend of his pl-I The text referred tn His death had been I} tvnen and umhuh of the hvumm v unucn, Ind, lecondly, 8.: lo what. he thought of the Church of the Devil. The unminglrd cmumuudmiom to the Church at Smyrna must haw. burnt upun them like :5 ream of :mnfort and putca from tha parting heavuns. l mu he that liv- uth and was dead, ani bohuld l llva for erennoru" were wunll which Wvuld rear nun: Hmm 5 Nu: llin-iniuv "Lu-nun. nml V i E Di me warm, um um [or was unnum ed A foreman: rank for it: commerce. wanllh and u ilenduur. l: hud boon spl- ly Ilylul the laril of the Levant, nut lou becain of in civic bounty ihnn became of the gusty of it- pnpullce. In it: ou- liar history it by] been dutmyeil, nnd for four centurion hid lain in the drool tion of ruin until re-built by Alex- nnder the Great. It hnd now I popula tion of two hundred thouuuilo and was the only city of the uvon retaining its former til-pollution. The momgu ad dressed tn the Church n. Smer was re- lllallilllu for it: brevity and for the fuel it was wholly free from robuki. The text invited consideration. rst, u to wliu tho Saviour thought of his awn true Church, Ind, lecundly, to what he thought. the Church of tha Devil, 'llm no wvrm shall nave trummuun, M Waugh the storm would soon be past. In his case the exact nature of their persw min" was specied; they were to be imv rinvnuul, Tnmnfamrmn warn frnm H/ntnn um mm: 0| mu .1- ol Ipocnl ur- mum; on the II o to the Ans-tic Clmruheu, In ' Sundny "anqu in the ubuvo church by tho R". W. Gal- bnnh, 8.0.1.. The RV. gentleman u- Ieeted n his tut Ru. u8, the mango to the Church It Smym being lho theme of thc diner"... Th. uohlium consisted of In intake-ting duct-i tiou f the city. :- to its pouitiun md intory. Situated mils noh of Bphunn,in Ali: Minor. it In one of the oldest cniu of the world, And Ind for unintuiti {ammo-t rank for it: mmmnn-a, 1 - "mu. uuox m as com mm c. .. .. .._-_ OOOOANUT CREAM and OOOOANU'I' CAKES. MTV- ml.- mmdmw mentho- umamumm.m d unantic- owing to! 1871, m em 0 ant, that-ont- duo, maxim Qor not hvingtln-nmllmn-L tin-m: in nun-nun. r 5 AH. KM and thith- and abm(m In to Show (mumW Tho third of Oh. It'l- o! Ipocid nmr. llouno to Ans-tic NIB ASIATIC EIUICIBS. nu comm nu ---v--- [naiun of the ypurt cvcn [u W('I0 lt- lm HATIHFA ur wards ( wry should or nu J tlllty, :Llul mm. u .m CHIN] T llfL. '1 E van] to wnl In le gums, uh] I whicu 1.5 l1;.n~ ..n > I lun um" "umv -v- -_. IV--- ~., '~ _. in}: YORK ow'rumo 31763:. m 8" M3342 A Patents of Invention many-nuns: mumouu: ape-I no Mun thou-union. lobe-hr lulu-a. ad km .1 tho but: a4 and I :- uoiul to cum. a ' 7 YOU WAIT A 0000 SUIT, WOOL-3m at. .- .um run-ton Multan in... you I lull ll- ul- AID 00 run noon 0' _ ind-i. m-nnlnn'm- ML. mm. M.- 'Illlm Ila. haunt A." I! ul-llo-II Innu- ur manna WIMMI. WWW afvhi'hn'i-ohwwunm hmb 'nyuhn wamuuxuugtpmzcm cantata v73: ufwm'nwn mum Tl! HA3:- - . - --. .--__---IA-_.- l-I ulwul IIW- I-IIID Inns r" .- mm.m~.lmhwmo :n ThiIi-thopkumbyduwcm Thanh-hm in I uvercogu [rum .................................................... u, (Mun Good Working Puts Good Canadian Tweed Sum. 111 1 . lino Punt. ....................................................... 2 Twood Von. ..... ............................................. .. 100 White Shirt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.40: " Shirts and anerl... A I..." am at mum. mum m...ii,o:{'i-m lll'lA 13m (Imam ro- I.AKGI Int. 3" Dm- t mm romhor an phoo "mm THE PEOPLES CLOTHING HOUSE, 01 II... ..-A In--. On -n'A'-.-. Im'. \ Overcosu from 1 nn. an: m... ag 3 III!" COMPETITION III PRICE! I NOIIIA'SIIIP. HICHRRVM 1! ll. Illlll._ .u-w - -Iv-u. inn 03.11 save 25 f'ift'. by Ualh'ng at Hwy? [\I lllllulull I. -.- ,_. _,._ ,_.. _ w- r- ..J a - -_---__- Plum lulu; myth-n that Mu Sunk ol READY-IAIN! CWHING In new. VuiloudblyCut, well undo, nml oquul In every vapor! to InyCUBTOI WORK m In tho city. , , vi iririii .. of dlarent knbkll. but Mpmlny (how 0! BED. A. PRINCE hm, wbivh are willow Inland ru nmunv than bounr mulls". _.,n__. c. Livingston, 21 Brock Street, EVERYTHING 01 THE BEST, NHTIHNG NIGER. THAN REDDEN SELLS. (2% None of his earning: an tn keep up big Store! down town, and he mu all ".31 AT SMALLER PROFITS. Months ago he introduced the new MANIOOA. 8' MW TRUITB just arrived. RAISINB and CURRANTB of all grades. HA'I'IHFACTIUN GUARANTEED WITH EVERY SALE. CHI IE] HOUSE, Fergusons Block. Prlnoesa Street, Klugn'lon. G'HEA'P' "WINTER CLOTHING IS DETERMINED TO SELL READY-MADE CIDTHING Al LOWER hriw-I Anll uh. mun Inlua than luv mhnr Man In u Ah." .1 In. Inn-(mun- all M- A Cheap lircnklkut Table, A IIn-un w clumse lrnm. mg Marga GUHSEI'S, stylish out, at pr .Ku ln-r yard to 81.25. The in LADIES' SEA FOAMS. Great Succss with the Ten per Cent Discount Sale at the LIVERPOOL HOUSE." EU. A. I'KINCE & (20., whioh wlnow lulgad tummy [Inn SECOND HAND PIANO?! Illd ORGANH {at ulo Ind lur hire. TUVINU mul REPAIHINI} cnmfully M- landed tn, (mr lllit'nl being roman-bin llld tenn- mu-v wu mvnu- all inmmllnu pumlnmn toll" mu u call, MIlll'lll (In and huth acumen: Ind lhuruugll nulinlmtion to I alumna W0 will show THIS EVENING (ll-eat Hammin- in HOSIERY, nut Stock in the city (u choose frum. Big Bargains in KID GLOVES. genuine Kid from 250. Ladiu' prices to suit buwn. FIIILLINGS, FRILIJNHR 1.... _ 7", WHERE YOU ARE SURE ()F GETTING THE NEWEST AND MOST FASIF IONAHLE (MUS at prices a: low u my other houuin the city. for- A perfect Fit guaranteed or no sale. 1m )WUH ORDERS FURCLWW 3 NILOur Books beingclnwd plane do not uk for credit. All necnuulsdua to me muat be paid at once. P. H. A Bargain Guaranteed to Every Buyer. P. llAIlll. Bear in Mind that the Brent 8an come-cos o- llw l6: Instant, and will continue for Two Weeks. vvwvill.-y an "I!" 'm l'ucy Dru: Buck Silks. Colored Silks, Blk Velvet-,Oolor'd doJll Wool PM To BE SOLD REGARDLESS 0F COST 0R VALUE. The Good: must be hold and in ordcr to make nick In, the prim will be found an inducement to yon to 13 nuke I urge pun-ohm. Lustres, Sergei. cords, Rep manna-u. Ik Warns. Par-mutt. a.- na". .AIII-n- i Uh I'IJCMINEU TU BELL KISAUl-MAUE UWTHINU AT UWH prim-I [in man value than lny other More In the on]. u ll. III-Ifloulnl 1|!th Goods, god you lmvn Hm ulnn o of buth the. It MANUFACTURER/3' RIC. Saturday, Novombor 10th: ()lt' TURUNTO. erhen m, (nu-um. Hamilton. 8 Clthl- rln mul Inn-Inn. A all I [HTK A m Glace m- m ladlal-Io-o lu- pin: to be given any. nn V menu... and Ihoituhtuwlftl". c . mnwmuouzonznlom no. at .l. Uummnmmmuutnydbwm' hid Dwain]. walnuts- IP. HARTYS "PEOPLE'S CLQIHING HOUSE." JAMES RIIDDIIN, LAME AND SICK nrmt mum A l Ural III-gum for the Non an: Day: It the At the Emporium of Fashion, tree, 1 War-pa. Parmnttu, or. lax-hos, Oobourga. All Wool Dohlnu. llmk sin" ilall Bracketi Great Clearing Sale of Dues Goods. HAS BEEN STOCKED FOR. THE SEASON. Lu CdME/KND'SEE THEMI -- - "-_ -"-1 21 Brock ma. (next to [cant M's.) ' cuuls "man-on. Liverpool Home, JMerchant Tailor. IIEIIIIUN I" Y'II'I' III- (HHIERVE THE LOW IIICISz nargmnu m mu uuuvmb. gonulna Kld {mm :, prices buyv. FIULLINGS, FRILLINGS. (mm Largest and boat Stock in the city Iron: 100 to .l.26 AMS. future] Stelnwuy, Chicken-lug, Iln nII hl: I "INC, A Cheap Dinner Table, 10 COIIIXCI usnn l LUIIIIUIO, )0 Prince Street, 3 doon thou Wellington St , ,_._.__~.- w- HENRY l0WNDE8, | Wellinuto IIIII. le, A Cheap 'lea Table. l H II 2.00 H. 6.00 Ipwuds. .'.' moo an 1 Branch of our Toronto Establishm'nt \l WL! l lkfl'll WILUI 'P'AN9:.EQ.ESI.S-l mm It WI BRO T0 INFORM THE PUBLIC 0" Kingston and u! nurroundill; country that we have "won " A.&S.N[]HDHEIMEH'S! 415. Math Flo-ml dhtm ud III? I ght. nhrl IL. nth-I h III-I.- MUSIC STORE Alllno Elation for It. [and M will his plan wltbln n In Inlth bog or. tho Elegan- ofnluCltyol lupu- M I will Inll lie-Candth for the MM [now hold, ud that I will eon-eno- I put- ml unu- oftlnoityl- slow days. l mu 4 lyehlm to the poollion on that l have ll' and, llama-ml Ilmu elected will follow on I. the nu ntrnlghlforwnrd mm I In"! I Il'lVl par-nod.~ Inning u: on single lo the pmporily o! the Provmco. llu Mlvnmomqpt old city, And Iwhlly w the wolf-u u! my i I.,||_' _.._L...-_ CIIII- "IDIIII n, or Ihkh '9 urn the on.) nnlhorlud Agony: for [he Dumiuiau o! Clnuln. "'c'SMETHING NEW In the Golden Lion Block, BITY 0F KINGSTON. M. (l. J. JUVIIY. IIIUIAIUI mm. as lane. m dillbe um ,All bill-a- our to N- I n In In It In!" print: n lilo, WyJu-nm m WILL an Illlm 00m Ill :1 WV. 5.. 1.x.owuu. twin-010'. mac. Wm Vaud- lu "in. mumpywhpld mu...- h-IIMu uncut-luau... ykld ml, an] my I. thum, Nov lb, M78. v 7:733:33: nun-ma 1.4.- om. Mu, lads. h. moo1m luv, Ammo-II:- . maul. . PHOSFOZONE ! -- I"" v-- pooh, than of the famou num- [nu-lure": writ-"29mm m M. KIRKPATRIGKS n "w and- .9- mu. hit count 1 UH!" If It Athn I In "m mwquI,Hl w rmxr'auum any M .4 Danni! MI." Ith I. H00! whether-ink. "ii's'fiiui HERE: I AUII HL'L w' vvv-uv WELL] M'th )N 81 "FEET. 1'0 'IIIB ILItTOIS HI "g, liunham and A ll EN RY CRISP, (Nun, Out. an Inn-- [- In... I w], noslusou. mm and "alum, a -r thud-ml A I"|n.u Inna-IDIth ul-u luvU In... will '- IIIIIII, lulJolm-y WudJlo vcll hon Ir vonlo Mamvbo bulbs- with. Mn, lat methy- Intlhl ht. Wishing liquor to I hurl-l but, but din-u In. Into-1. on "at Sun-L (we Jinn! h Ital. a pH 35p3'337m by m tub-quill, m OI MABAL D.- .._'._ w Mann-unto or Ioeiu I lupin-l humane-a. Age-q n W In yum. IIlIl' m VI mwcummrau l...- lube-frilly. mug-H an. umwmuw Ih An-ll PI'nLIsum.T}zo Intmualiml Review for November-December In. App-and. lu but Venture is thnt Wilkic Collin bu um n nary in w'lich ho dilphyo tho nagnioonteontrol u! the English hl' guns lot which he i.- diltinguinhod. Tho story ull unto this mambo: more tlnn usually mud-bl. sud Inactive. It In. long bun lho prnjoa ol the odilor to in- luu In "dinning 01mm into the R:- rine, mt] vmt it from tho .uid [fruity 0! LI. qmrlylype. In the depot!- ml 0! conga-pom, Hunt-n, until trim. livin It :5 may diomt lib- l nry mm. in no Uuild 80-h, Elf In. '71 anal {ZnAn- .in- nL-nl n-ru. l'lo'v "u my, 'I'. m and. pun. view ol the liunry nou- n... 9: ho.- md wand. uv-In-I "nu A!!! "II U.ll.II. [in-in- nu m M on will, I I. Jnhn-I Wan] lh I." Ln_- 1 Tn: FL m POLLThere wuquite e bit 0! Inn in the Council Chamber lent evening over the Ceturnqui Werd ea pole, eepecielly funny was the eecret let out by AM. (lukin. who told of the time that Md. Allen went to him end uidtlntu the election wee on, and Bl: John wee sure to be elected, they bed betterbe getting the pole in Ihepe en that the 1"nlon Jack could be hointed. Whetl laugh I then,my country- Goon ran K1mmrou.Thia IMIOII Mean. Holcomb & Stewart hid up I" their barges And nlhor uatiug ock It Kingston, no that our mechanics can hue the bandit of the Work which in uluully given on them in the Spring. Fnrmorly half the huge: were hid up It Monti-ell. Thin in one relult of hiring Mr.A.Gunn an Prvlident. of tho brind ing Company doing bulineu under the above name. Tm; Mzuivos.Tho nd budge mnnil, which I0 largaly provailod hut lea-ion, hu evidentlyzhllon Into dianpute. To provide for the bulge. uvonl of the membou of the Primnry Clul in the Royal College now wear Scotch cup. to diltinguinh thum from the other cluul ol the imtimtinn A mun becoming innit/Mn might hlvo bean selectod, but this new head gear will nnunr every purpow for which they were inteudtd. 70 EQI'AI.IZATIOl.The banning of the Equaliution cue was relumed to-duy. It comurnel Agra-t deal of time. There um live lawyers engaged in it, Maura. J. Agnew, J. McIntyre, and T. H. Mo (iuiro hr the appellants, and Menu. Brittun, Mlcdunuell and the top-yon genonlly, level-Al of whom Attended Court and hnd their say. w. Pox.n~z.Joaoph Hatch, J ohn Belay, and Edward Perry, wore charged with mnulting Joseph Linignr on Princes: Street on Satunlay evening. They were remanded until to-morrow. Thomu O'Brien, mgnnt, um diuniued, Ind Jamel Dignet, drunk, w ned 81 or 10 days. haw I am or It. untur- a hum-nudm: nth-numb... A--- __ EAsv Golm;.()ur ('in Council could lurn something from the County in the way 0! doing bulineu, Our country friends fairly rulh things; they begin punctually but they Jon't one About quitting, And would u lone Ikip 3 man! u not. Their indultry in Hunting. How kw Tun Cumu. ConantFor more thin tho value of the price of uimiulon loo thorlt cla-I progrumme o! the Queen Strooz Chuir Concert. in gnothor column. Such a musical tron. in seldom protonth to l King-tun Audience. .gm - +0. _ lul RINK-TRY CuntHa change mum. b. nude in the Item of the city Registry Ofce. we would "commend the (ouncil tn have swnm nppantua put in, like unto that in the adjoining ofce of the Cnunty. It. would be nfer Ind I saving in the long run. Ju ._...__. Iv WA up III 1 _ N- A_AAA n. , Fun SnuonuTo-monow oven- ing Rev. Father Staurd lectum her. under the Iunpieu of the St. Vincent do Pull Society. He will hue I good home, I great number 0! ticeu huing been ll rondy luld. .wu navy vvuu quI' luv nau- v- 5",- umber, on Howe Island. Yutordty Mr. Anthony McGuire, Jr., pick-d l qunu- l.in n he around Um Inland. III TomaMr. A. Hurling, 1.1.8., lupecw of High Schools and Colloginu lutifuu, "rived urdty, Ind him? in the Collegiate lmtitnu hon. -O-.._n Pol nu Pllll'll nunJohn Bork, lot Into-n], uriud hm this caning, manhood to than you: ind Poni- untipry. _..'C use 1', Mord up: Vanity l'lir In. no oquL" Mud high-G nurd, Pain, 1378. EBQWEQQFE; lip-Jutland, uni Primarith n CANADA , UNITICD STAT AND IUIOPI 731333;? in!" *dfiUvioTIfa. I I Paint Shop Banned. l -0.-.- Lu: nu SlantRAIqu In: good crap "on now, Ibo 19th of No- L n rum-mum nut-lulu Bu. tonight (or tho 0. Y. Brian'- "M 011'! AID 71011177. no noun: m. In mm by duh-n in county with: goldvolnld chain. win-end W: Oak-dunno ummnliviq lot-loll. (M. "It and Policy." We an union-'0 unit "thwart, lot the Mt, hunt a bum. IOQ. ILJolv Ind- m ||II3, \Illl. Iain-kt] In; iiii r. Roi-dun fur Pm. Ivy-rum... lawns and Mfglal epmssion m A m. II I. IN tint My. denun gull, u-IJ. lur Thm lKinn. In: only method A nominal up intent, and In. not o. in. mules Km 500'! III II. WM". DO! u Wham ham. mum u a hunk- IkllhlnyuuduIl-ht afic- I-ol InnInn. mm. :1 0L. nay ll cm a punt: Lu delay mo 1!. rl -B|- Im Munning in Ipohn of I the prob-bl. (oumulin undid. (- lm Toronto in phco o! the Hon. M. C Canton. l. ;- -.-.-4. n.-. u- A II I)..- UMD. -h in mud (hut Mr, A. ll Roe, o! antnn, Iillumna Mr. Dos-och, M P., m Addinon. will u Addin'ton. II I. Ind-a lo! 0 munching; &I. JJ. Bunting, Ibo snow 000.01] in tho Coomnlivo in! u u. ......n 4...... i... L... .4 annulus IDI' un unurm Legislature. Can b. u! this nndden rmhol tho now Fun-nee Mini-tor Alto: morn Ino- noy in col pnlnt Lu delay the N. P! -31- A'O. mining in union M n hhiufulingfaacylnicle:

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