Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1878, p. 1

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Cutlery. I'Iatml Wnre. Sleigh liq-Ila. (ut Nails, Iron and Steel. VOL. XLVl. .I. Gaul 0' D DRY. Oct 17d). IGOALI HIC SUBSCRIBER RESPEUIFUIILY BE that. Inn has mqu uxtemivo purchma m Tus N MJXO. m PABKHILLS. Prim not. Clot um olOIwb and John A-gh Am Ilml. .mmmovulh 134 5Qi 31.; u..- A. 300T AND SHOE lINE Notice. Emu. mum c. Li'aggitm. I 3- J. P. GI In. (h". llm'I. W. Ago-t. do C. L. IQLLOY, rmyn du pagng Children's paggml do new"! 148018! (In pegged Minn-5' do do lowed lxryn' do (In muunl 'UMEN'S AND CHILDREN 5 of which nro upotinlly made to nulid Lanlhar Counlnrn, and Hm 701-313 IIIDIAII m Fine Knitting Yarns .. ....n lJnur -lnul. I (TAN HELL I'll! Tho-o blving SECOND HAND CLOTHING md othnr Goods to dinpmwof will leave (hmr ordou vilh WI. DAVID. Hm Chi-up Hroknr op iln Burpu'llancyUooduStora, when he I! I stand with thocuh. WM DAVII) [Sweetcidemr Sale.| BY THE QUART, GALLON, or BARREAL n! uChup mm. Apply to m" l nu "AV!" Compendluu) of School Law. Guizot'u History of Representnti veHn- vernmeut. Grant'l 000m to Ocean. Lucxanwmu leawruuy, urua, an Forever. New Glove and Handkerchief Bums, now Albums. new Desks, naw Work Bu, new Victoria Work Bux and Der cumbined, Fans. nnly the beat and must axpennive Itylea, Vases, Picture Framcu, &c. a" Prices to suit the tun To All the GEEK13 of Kingston. l U OIL, WATER CULUR. INDIA INK no I! V FIVINH' I VII VlhI 0001) BUS" FAR. cont-min Mum! I one hundred 3nd twenty urea her i; I net Puma Dvollu g moon. For Korma npply u tho owner. WM. DAVID. Rates of Pauaga I B Summer: carrying swarms, 950. and 8100 go, cording to noonmmodntion o Susanne. I] Steamers not wryhxg steemge. $80.3l00 and "51). gqld. Iooordmg to nocommmlatinn. Tickets iuued m a special rate or 8&0 gold. during the Fall and Wimer sons'm.) chat. to Pnriu $15.00, Gold, additional. Return Tickets on favorable terms. Stovago at very low rates. mange Tickets from Liverpool and Quoeunwwn and s other pnrtl 0! Europe It lowest rams. pnrtl Barn Through Euro! lsding given tor Belfut.Glugow, Hane.Anlwarp and other ports on who Cundnent; and for Mediterranean pom. For Freight and nge,npply m, Conupnny'l Oice. No. 4. Bowhnz Green. New York CHAR G FRANCKLYN. Agent Mn. Bra-myl Voyage ot Yacht Sunbeam Life and Lottorsnf Macaulay. Mmaulny's England, 5 vnls. roelcal WUI'KI OX ll'UCV liar, Tennyson, &c. McLeodl Styling. 'I '1, Nntho Sandi-ed m 0! Lot 14 in (h W a. To'mhip 0! King on. high. 50 Am: 0! [and cultiuh d land. Mll m $n Dvelllng Hum, (oc- cupied) {our WI". I van, sad 4 Acre. of m Orchud. Ln nod condition. with fruit. There I: on. new In. Incl Mind 40:45, the L... : n. Tun-min, i: vnluxllr Pfo-vrl' Hodginn Lecture: on School Law. Liddelhi' Scott's Greek Lexicon, un- abridged. DAMAGEDWHEAT For Sale. u m rocr rnmczss mum. Poetical Works of [rnctor, Saxiu, Whit- Din. Innnwnnn .Em McLeod'l 01d Lieutenant. McLeod'a Gold Thread. Hebrew Bibles, Grumman and Lexicuna. .. . m n .nuv-u" "Iv-v. u...........__ _. _ , Bickanteth'a Yeuerduy, TU~D4y and Fun-nun! in litunto-l m u m... r.-. (rum King-tun. 111.. In", ad hv 1; our third 4m t'u-ulm M In mun at all. ABYSSINIA . BOTHNIA ... ALGERIA urn", \"M. DAYH) . (pa. Inlet. IrI-u-u Mrru. bus-In. lL-A-G'E-B B-E-E-n| l pnis a Client lenoutlu M Dyelnlw Mill-Inch! In llanton chasm-u 3.... 0'0. lunacnouuunl I count: Inn! A" IAIUIAC- mun ll Tl! mules. CUNARJOJ I. INE _o_____ I'l me new at dminuhinz the dunno. o! oollinionJho mum" of thin Lino take a unied mm (or .11 won. of the year. ' On the Outward W from mmwvn to New York or Bordon, crooning Horidinn o! 50 at U l . or nothing to the North 0 . On its Homeward Pmmerouing the lorld'nn of 50 u 42 kt, nothing to the North 0145 The Cunard Steamship Company,(Limited) New York and CALLING AT I'm. dint-III nun-n One Prlce Asked and No Less Taken. ABIIBTEB. ATTURNKY-A LAW. SU- LIUI PUB Ate. UFYlCEPrincou Shoot 0 I Dr. Skinner: Um; Stun. I0 mm. 178. ._._.,m_____,....__. R. E. SPIBIS. 0.0.8.. L.D.S Dunn. . _ "If Goon an avid do" much below their otldud out. All In at of she public In to come Ind see our Stock And the prim and than indga for themselves A GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE m m. .lmm monmmod Good: n mice- Lhnt. never h-ve been noon in Klnnton. ll uwna wnn mu cum. WM. DAV"), The Cheap "rotor, Prim-nan 8t . Kingston Nov. m, 1378. Aug 22nd, 1878. upl] The Cheap Broker. Pmceu St . Kingston Ivan-p I-Iu- nyyu .v WILLIAM DAVID. The Che-p Broker. lr'invou St, . Kiugnon mm, In mum-Inn. wnu nun. .uue no no' . Miltdu 4014?, in tho Township lran'rly nihmlal mu u- l'rnh null, hw- lml-I New Books Received. VI Inl I-I thI \I g" u vv I v. u 01 the shove mcnoned Good- prim Kingston. Damagad Whaat nytha Bag T=3ACE A ___ ,...-4... A. I no - . WOODS. FOR gums, In nnun I'A WOHC ET FROMNEW YQRK. 'lv . ny . McNAbGHTON a; co. KINGSTON. CANADA, THURSDAY 1"!!! L 11-11. (luv... 4- ,.Wedneadly, Oct. 30th *RUSSIA. .. .. Wa . ,Weduesdny, Nov. 6. SUY'I'HIA . . . . . Wm ..Wednesdhy, Nov 13. And every touowmg Wednuday Mm New York. v I I n l l' U AND b Lnrypricea Great Reduction to alum out preoent stock of 1:00 New and Second hand ltutruments ofrst (-lmu makermlully warranted. and at pricua thatDEFYCUWPE'IITIUNJMnah (ll-install manta. AGEN [5 WANTED tor WATER-S" SUPERIOR BELL ()BGANS and HANDS. Illustrated Cntalngum mailml. HORACE VATERSL SL)NS,.\lmulhu-tur3rn and Dealers 40 Emu 11th ALI-Mt. N-Y. Also Genera) Agonla lm- SUONINGERS celebrated UBGANS. ovemc TO LIVE. WM. L.WEBBE1{and Commisaicnr EAST HAGINAW, MIC. J UDGE FOR By sending 350. with age, ' heiyht. (color of (-yes and \OURh E L"- hair. you will receive by (he n-turu mail a unrrcntphntngrnph 0! your Munro husband or wil'n.wilh nnma mud dutAnl' nmr 2 Stylvaol (Du-d. mm or 20 Hero] utmwilh nuum, post paid. J I Nummu, N Y PRINCESS aihikmu m. English, Scotch and ammmn Tweedz, Worsted Coatings. Moscow Beavers and Diagonal Over- v'.-_. All of which will be mule up to order on the nhormt notion, And 5: prion thug will not tail to uml'v the clout bayou. Our (lunar lumln A l in but roles-ion nd gunmen A PEB- IIILCT VI in I no. W. h. on hand I [aw Rudy Ida 070mb, which will b0 In u - mull .duueo on cont. In this Vnrnhhlnx Good- Demnment we PINE AND FARMING LANDS s -A DAY to Agnnbn canvassing for the FIRES/Ill} VISITOR. Tarlun and mum l'rt-u. Addrnsl P. 0 VlCKERY,Augustn, Maine. u) r rfxiIAri;iN1~;7fr)xfo5.nkiii. Hannma. I0 cu. J K HARDER, Mal-Ion BridgoJN. Y. 0H .33 nlhblo ulahlulmul. INN in Undololoohapalu-mku ha. IOCBOZOI nll IImlooIUm-h mum 6) f FANPY (ARDS,wiIh name. We. Plain Haor gold. Aganta outt ")0. 150 ntylsn. lllle. & (to. Hudson. N Y. Etipmiumnyf fashinnll .. n; won) :0 (Il at [ha above ! THE LARGE STOCK ()I I mold mm" .dunea In the 111mm:an Depunment imp nut Stud well mortal in nll lhn Novel- tn-a of the season W Remember lhn plm. wmr Pnnoeu 3nd Wellington Min-cu. 1N VIEW OF '1'! cm, WEATHER being at h-ndJIw pullllc Ila rordiully in- (Il [ha chow P1300 nnd examine THE l ll 1EAygi MICHIGAN LANDS For information cunceruum llw lW. Y. BOYD, l ' '..;.;ua.;nJn3,r PALAEE wAL VASES Sniuhhfor Drawing Boom, mam-y 1nd Dining loom. BEST-ciao. at ml. emu-h h M CLSANID AND DYE" I" I. I). bu Ilyb ad on tho abound Idhlvllllphuo uh no. at I I. O CH "JIM lb. til]. an. 1'!- not on It. [at an: con I170? Nannn m sump} m 1.31} The, An End Iith u: inside Muir, thichun I. wand and replaced at ulna-n. Odin-dumb. HORSEYS, ' n 929)]. 0' MI. I rn (.ENIKAI. MICHIGAN. fur min by (In Fiintuud Pure Mam-mm- llmlwuyCump 3'. Alllllnd N VIEW OF THE 1 henna at hunthe null MOHAUUDIUD OI: UU.. Conn KING um Pumcm Smn'r. _-_ i ChromoCnnls. Cuplds. lotto, Flown-n, 6w. ho twoulike. with name. |00. Nassau U m" om! II MH'IILY SCROLL CARDS. with name in {0111 nluljut, 101'. No Yankee trash. 0 m AL (:0, North Ch-thnl. NY. I'M-{II and ornamental. MIXED CARI)s.:ftE '...'...'.T 10 cents. Agnllu null [00 L. JONES N. (3. In]. N-Y. clan a mum npuau plea-In. LdlI-duoth-u 7. LOO-pill- MoNAUG HTON & 00.. .n II-un .un Dnlwn-n Ri- Advertisements. FROM NEW YORK. nu \V , Howlmz Green. New York Agent _ W " umnsnsbi's @ Ii!81F!9$P19*9@P.1$ have. lurnlshlnga I Liverpool 1'11 '7 l Ulil. .. Wadneulay Nov 20. Wednesday, Nuv 27. CORK H ARBOR. oating; STOVES. STOVES. lBast Base Burning Goal Stave First-Class ilnll, 'arlourauul Cook Slows, 'l'hnm 1n wzn udvahluge lo (-1 BU-ado Inhoh equal lune-v u: u loci". I M AND >UYI_LI I]! Clil and are thelmwn .h-wrl m HALL AND PARLUR lerA'l Um moat. aurcennll Sluvr MM. Crowning Glory Wood Cook Slave, 1 ...... UM... BUNN,} Where you will get {In ('hnpli! amt hm! in tho rltv All the ock oHTUAL um WUUD STOVES to be sold at low: than mat. 3 Inch CUT NAlllsnnly $2.70 I l00llm Something 00' in STOVE PIPE 'ARNIRH. nut! [878. . CLEARING OUT SALE s-rovnsz} ICORBETT & coo's.,i a1 VI...- Qo-nn 1A CARI): On our own Make of carriages! mu I LUV til'lllvl) VYIIIHITIIII . nigger-Swift. OIWBAIUJIIOBTOI nob-Io uni Ian nau- u I STOVES, STOVES We Received lore l'rllcs at the { Central lnlr All work. mule rm the premisel. We have mule gm: reduction. in priccn to make room [or Innuer nd. I Imz Illthllliul imlme-menla nml minut: over nnvavll lnmicr now in uso. 3" (July and see in lmloru you puruhlwa any ullmr. mm (flAllal Piltcsons I.ng Preterm", lambs Wool do Io m lhnoln Jackets, (ha-oh IMF! aim, Incl-lb Bulb-choice variety of mixed colors. JITS'I' IICIIVID mm &t_cungu's.l GEO. cg_|_=fs,} I HANDSOME, In M \u THE SPLENDID! IIIU ll-leuuw _"- -_~ In | "no" 01 (hluurnmlnrh I CAN IHY LOW. (3mm Illll vim-mo yuur lnrn, nnn I ' \ No. 2| Brock Street. (m 8th, 1878. Ehhns the Best anvH r _. ____ 3' Special attenlinu L-ivtsn [0 Heating of 1 Dwellings and Public Buildings will: Steum. or 1100 Air. Wa umke n specialty of [hm busi~ non. Bomber the place Oct 7th. VV.JV-L_ Hug- PRINCESS STREET. Oct. 8rd. STOVES, nun uvnnn Av nnAl, FUR WOOD AND COAL, Which they o'er at LOW BRICKS. They Guarantee Every Stove they sell to give sauslactlon. Call and see their S purchasing. .._ 9744 A- {Canadian Stove Depot. EVENING, NOVEMBER '7. 1878. Cooking: 1L nouraounyl Dem 137.1% I LargaandWell Seected Stuck 1 Oct. 4th, 1878. 0c! l7uh. 27:? 7 IMEKEEYEEW I JAT A GREAT SACRIFICE. I" In H. AND SAVECGOMFORT THISIWINTER. A UN v" u nu-v v. vun--.~a THAN ANY lil'llER EXHIBITOR. In large portnlph ,('0lubinl- mnr PRINCESS STREET, In Mum of cool. I... m,mm u DRUGG ISTS. Efe-sf. ac... BROOK STREET. UH-.- w vv 8'! King Street. I own: In, ECONOMICAL, .ul .I. W. IROWI L 00. C L()\\' (MST. Pail-ion: FOR THE r Stack and [mt-ea before 'mu Hentiugof 1: Buildings anb Hall unu, A N 1) RELIABLE. law any ulum . GEO. CLIFF. Slnle Pencils. Bibles and School Books, Juvenile Book a, lrwln. Picture and Plctma meaa,Vu a, Mlcrut'ulmn, 5c up, lnkntnndl, Phul )- urapl: nnd Autugraph Albums. ToyRool I, Tnyn, (nrll bnund Manual, Fancy Hamil in grmt variety, 1 males, l l 1 Almanacs for 1879 at Henderson '9 l Illustrated London Almanac. 1 And Rimmells Perfumed Almanac J ust Arrived at ; AT HENDERSONS [AT HENDERSONS } Hendersons Bookstore.i C1 Nuts Papers, I Euvolnllus, Slates, m. SHAKE EPO? i CHEAP SALE iAshley's Shir! Factory, IAUMUIIIAII- ! )0 Drum White Drona Shirk, Unfurd Dm- Shirll, Cunbn'c Dre-I Shirk, Regs: Dh- Shim, ARI) OTHEII. A SPECIALTY I! UNDEICLOTIIKO . at min: to clafv nonhuman .1. lb. Innva ( TEN GENT MUSIC] l'rincnu 3L, HM 2-11}. i NOTICE." I __ ' Young Ladies' Academy I t A unun n__.._.__ _._.. Sunday at Home for November. London Journal Children's Sunday School Papers, Van-hum lyhul. u- Mn.v.....l.._ . w ~uuuul vu Vnriuus kixuln for November. 11 EN 1) E [{St') N 5' laun- comet nu mum lnu mum. mm... I! u Lot on Alfrwl all-val. I4 Anna. u but I08! I! I Card": for two yum S. C. McGILL, Run. Innl Aunt. ("kl-rum m not. oppulilo I've: mum (ht Mill, A SPECIALTY I! UIDEICUTI'IHIU at prion defy mmpotmon at. tho rum]. IT Tho Stun will be is qu- ench OVOI Illl tn givrinu-nding purcbuon I shun. u rpun:in Good- HE WISTIR TERI GOIIIIUII 0' Tl'tSIMY. Non-hr lab. 1". h dunes. For urnimnhyb III. I. 0 mt Nov Ind. 0.- m |mumggaysM| Every Month ' I 330. no In W u-mvvalbw hon-blob Aha. I you A Pb d Till BAZAAR. you all pt I). VI. 3. _~ _~ Bow Bells nrvuv-.-_- lgs genes] Mum Young Ladys Journal for Decb'r. .lQlQ'E-ESw D.rvrl (mm the (blurring, for sale Chonp Whuk-anln und Retail. [ENGLISH MAEAZINES.i 15U Dam of School Slates. fHendemnn'annkstore. Nation is hereby givnn that the TAXES for thYaar 1878, ARE NOW DUE. and in order to save expenses MUST BE j PAID AT ONCE at the 001190: 3 turs Ulca, city Hall. ' Nov 6th. TAXES!" Au. kluus or GOODS! Klugdnn. Nov. 2, 1873. RECEIVED- U E. BOSE, Pncnmul. Skiigmb. PRINCESS STREET. N OTIE. RECEIVED, V. In. -uuu I r , oppacito thallbion Hotel. rm- rueon'nd. Cataloguu. G. E. ASBLIY. W. l. MINNES, Collector. inn '7. IRTR do __.,__.._.v__.P.__..._v a u. Lulu. nut, an, nu. " (m manual-m.) 0001!!! .24 mm. "mufn-aloud Omar 0-00 nth-Dug .m. do [(II'BVOI'. l w'uh' tho prooohor honoon pmuod, thot thoro might in polioo mid, looting o lung tino, to .0 down into tho hunk of sin Ami curry thou won 0!, followed by twonty roportoro to toko tho oiunon nl-oo. Ind put em in full pini- in next doy'o pnpor, Ind Id liko to no slung. it in not much tho non nod to be looked olurit'l their lothoro Ind mothoro. But 1 hovo was to the oonoiu-ion thot then In Ooptnluo of Poliooiu Now York who no in complicity with orimo, who got 0.000 A you {or not tolling, Ind who rocotvoo pot oontogo of our, bottle of wlno tint ll nid in tho hnuuto oi Iin on tho'u pro. cinct. lln th. '10. D.-.....-A AL--- -..- Iol _4_ Call u our Drug Store Ind not I kill butt]. of Du. Knma I! Duoouu, [m 0/ char . if you In Iulorin Iilh' I Cough, 090.111, Auk, Brooch , Bl] Fl'll. Con-mammal. Inn-n! vain. ak. c I101. In the 39th Pnomct than no 12! don. o! dnlh. Night mu night, r to: you, they no nntouohod. at long 0 I muquondo III hold in which t omen and Ian. who froquont thou plIOOI took and tho police dnnood nt the bnl , ad prenatal the prison. Thou In A chance for a American to got into tho-unup And any, Mon! follow, I mu tho Ilull In on. night "up noundtkr: all tho chick of theuplnou o! ini uily, puma; Ma po- llslul upintionn, t on M align pro- pcrty, of life, in no. 133.. & nun be Mayor of New Yorkho would b. m to be President." were more so mun. moo noun. 1 lift, cried Mr. Tnlmap, nppuriua to uni: tho notion to the wordI on-Inll of the burden of Inlodlotlon from tho unpilied held of unoonding Woman. I gin it. to you n my opinion that the ourunlpudition of sllllnnon willb. I huvol oompnrod $0 the punilhmont of thnt mm who, turning hi: book on no womnn he bu worn to cherub, [on forth (0 look ction-l allianoo oluvhon. For Iuoh o nun the portion I111 b0 lilo, hall, tampon, woo, duknou, blood, nnguinh .ud dupdr, femur, foruor, forever. Il _:.L' IL. -.---L.. L..-...-l_ _____-.I nun:vo mm wrocx. 'I profu- thathenthoni-m which val-K lunin lth to thut which covers up its putrofnction undor cumol-hnir Ihl'll And pointsInca, riding in 83,000 curing". : livoriod driver ahead and n mooth unk, behind. Ill tell you vhnt we want. We nnt fty Anthony Com-took- lo '0 nbout Ind dilelou the Idomint tiom ol {uhiomblo life. For eight or ten you'- thore had stood on tho I. of the moat. luhinnnblo drin a Holooh to-plr. nbrownnono hall on oath, which neithor Mayor nor Judgu nor pulm: dlrod tuuoh, when Anthony Cowlimk wnlked intu the pal-co on Flhh Annue, and in the name of the Etornnl God put on and to it, the prieatcu prodding u the orgiu rotmnng by Iuicldo into the lowed wurld, her binding onronu found in her own bath-tub. Nonnholeu, for the existence of tho lnunu of Iin man to blnmo thnn I lift nriml M.- Tlm..- .nn--.:.... n uougn, vow, MHIDO, DMOMIII, nay Four, Oomumpaa, lot-of voioo. dob ling in the thrut, o: my nlutlon ol tho Throat or Lungl. hi-tho gun ro- mody at in canning I0 and: "allow! by it. mm wonderful cum. coring unude o hopoloa at. 0101' on. million bottles of DI. Kila'l I" Dil- oouu In" been out! villain NM lad you, Ind Inn ninth on Mutton in every human. 0 no ho-{MM- l nag am an. but than], an cm a: rounding than ond - "1113 km... $3"); "'""" pt 5 . at I m [um-Euler LN. loll Ill d", m Iunxounou: '[ notloo um tho mum.- of vloo won oupportod by men of noono, by not; who come down from tho ovonuoo of Now Yolk, ond cron- ovor from tho nal mon- oiou of Brooklyn. I can coll tho home- of prominonb men in tho clutter of throo ' oitiu, who potronllo thorn, Ind may coll many human bolero I got through. Jud- goo, diotinguilhod lowyo, pulpit onion. otond on Ropohlioon, Domocrotio Illd Uroonbock pluforml. talking About God ond good mar-lo until you might ouppooo 0m to be ovongolilta olpocting !,000 cou- vorto in 5 night. Coll tho roll in tho Home of Inquiry ond tho onuror will bo: } Stockbrokers from Broodwoy, luryon and march-nu from all obout. I toy I 1 could coll nomon, And 1 moy coll nomu, I ovon if tho whole fohrio of oooioty Ihould , tumblointo wrock. I 'l nu-I. oh... L..H.-_i._ nLLJ. _-l Harmans-(Mu. an! M vu gland-it. ul nut-(idst -buzh III'm-flm Aim to... Janu. Ml Valli-hf... Ind h I, QIROI t w \ _-, uJ We give the following that from T-lmngeo second sermon on the. Siul of the City] If! his vilil. to thc don: o! winkodnul: 'l rm... nut oh- I.-....A.. -3 -1 _-_- So drive 0 cold can lull tho hiEL And all the vet slug) 1.; And let their lumping claw ll The bun with m din. And Ln. folk. lot though it in on Thu I. no non Ill mm. W. Itill will nd A cinch! mild Around tho n M. homo Iv For In in the odun duty ltd... Whom them III-vino rum. n. m. (and talk #3?th in IEm]. ohm-m n , . 0! on II. It nun-Pun whit tho In; For driuMI-ip. drip. (m- Iho hujnnch dp I ha- tho w. lutnh. Iaggtiesl uovtmn. ' """" .117!!! t DIME BAllumu ad AI'I'OBIKYl-AT-LAW - . m. In Cum. lush. Public .ulo m. sud-m Doubli- Toby-pi My) 0.. A___ menu! are. 301mm. DENS OF M!" YORK. . Spools] [mum TILu "l0 IIIQUm Tll. # __-r . r ,7 ,7- ['nnu. Knowumm. A hurrian tnvel- igth Imloo In hour, Ilomu nmvu thirty-.11, low river! ow (our, nilina vouch make- ton, Ito-mth run eigh~ Leon, A hone troll seven, 3 man walks throo, if he in not 1 victim to rheumatilm. orick in the buck. or other npind difcul- liot To eod A euro 0! thou. mo HI ynrd'u Yollnw 0|]. the but remedy in the unit. Pricu 25 can per bunks. Milburn, Bentluy & Penman. pruprietoru. Fnamln'l Worm Powder- Ar. noon.- mondcd by the medical {noun}. 7 *0-..- ~- n h tho aha-poo: modicum our made. Ono duo aura unno- mo than. (no Imulu h- and Irv-chub. rm, can worth Ina mud n all lundlu magi. [Ironing] our. mi, null. and crap. _ My com worth In outed snot In tho huhund "to um. mum] lm but oloIht yum and In. Him nwollod nook. canon, rhoumu mm. might outth oi um lmlol. um Jot-h, lplul Iilouluu uzd poln anal non-nu In any pun, no mum when it may u. I III M) nourw' In! uncut two mouth. thu I could hardly mpunk. 1 mod n num- ber of di'uron! .lullsr bottles withnub my good eoul. Ono (lny rudmg your Ilnuunc [noticed that Huyard'l Pec- tanl Bnnm was recommended. I maulvud lo tryit, And after uling three 26 will bottle- wu entirely well. Yours truly. CHAR. Conn, P. M. Nntionnl Pill: no one of tho must. of- foctunl remedial {or diuuo. Wail. Ten um it: lady in Goldth mm! day when it u and! _..... _._., Junol Kuoau'n [MATETho Inahuo oholy duth of Judge Knoxh In th mule of mout unseemly rejoicing It New Ruu, Irollnd. The mob, After curling tho Judge's momoryJonned a procession. headed by n ute and drum bmd, Ind :Ixuymg .pioco of groan o'uth. 'l'huy paraJud the foot! for nurly two hourl, touching put the Prom-um. church. when they booted and grounod. Huiug undo I rude efgy they burnod it. An theyindulgod hotly in drink they louu begun to qmrrel among themulvn, and dingracolul Ioeuel omnod. Trowbridgd, Much 2nd, 1878. Mum. Milbum, Bentley & Poor-on, Oontlomen,Abouc the rst of Novem- ber Int 1 contracted A very huvy cold, which settled on my lungs, and through ill Inn to holrw- fur About two month- lhnl I could hnnHu lllnAL l Ill-ll . ....... um John, lplul limoumu and you and sum-n, I, u! (n- v nun II, "no." uw-yu doo- ol . Two-u in ma worth In an camel chronic ad Nadya" In an 0-. m mm an: colic In Ifwon un had outlet chronic And My!" at, Iron-Ill Imus. I. III mayo-pool pllu um n hpoulblohuu. taunt-plankin- :i-qu. It "Halal-ayaqu pllu pout can. MI. u- vmubd tom-um. owmvlp aunt-ultra. rock-IIIle Hal om. nth-u up. than hum.qu Clad-ul- MIMI. ll cup-ch pin 0! omuuumlhl. Ola-What. WV.- I am and conduct ovary .I not nu Io mu. loll by oll Idlmm dad-II- Prion 1-. Inna! t LIIAI. Toronto. ,, paprth for Oh Dani-Ion Im dulahlanll AMI mum "I. Ibo nu (I lath; "n CHLOE Inn-photon halal-ulna- 05hr. Mnullnu In" In" I alt-duly. In! m w uvuTI- Ilnul ts-u. cl hum-"dud- a Ital-In bin to " hm Mfu- nll a. I W you but. . woman-huh all. uncanny-l haulM In! M Ian- tho-cu- tho HALL 'rul SwninLEI..Wm. W. Hull hu for uni yam lived by ingeniuunly Ilindling New Enlnud rlilrmd coma pmiu. Hi. pin in to (o to the chief ofcer: with Into: of lining been in: juror! on their . Tho hurt in Ala-ya interim]. and hu prunith him (rum working, ouidu putting him to upon-a for declaring. Ho hikl plwlibly, pram um: forged afdavit: in Iupport of his chin, Ind ulusliy is referred to the cum , pnny'o buyer, who recommends the ply- meut of .300 to .600, nthor than dofend .\ innuit. Expomro 0mm of hi. caralen nu of nliuel lfhr ho hnd fooled at lent live companion. you" ago. He in not a large mun. only medium gin. and his long fut bu omncinod him Ion-fully. (and Inn body bogiul to omit I liokoniug odor, no Ilrung in hot u m be gluon. unbenmblo to thou who have not been wemtomod to being in his presence. He is blunted with a (eu- um thojlmm he owes shout town no in sou-ell of him And want to put. him in the onllhoou, Ind will lit by the window Ill day narrowly sunning Ill pawn-by. -7 .. .0. All-ll w W gnumnu-e nulisfm-ipn It, "Iv nw lo: nix wok: In hupol kid (Iqu in a bed. And bu lud nun-1y musty-(our hour! uleop ln ull thu'llmo. Ho sit- up in I clnir, ind oomiomlly, through shoor ulna-don, will all into Idolo, but In noun IkB! up. and in u immov- :hle in his put to nurvo him-ell lo dull: to our. vary mnuivnblo Innu- hu bwn used to induce him to take food, nip Islet, or take medicine, but all without .uil. Ho tunin- rm in hit rolnnl. nud pout-bin ying thu it i- luotho {no 0! ch hmlly to lune. 3nd thut the nut will follow him won enough. Than- I- In .vitnn. Ann-Ilium A. Oh: onougn. There in m ovidont softening of the bnin, yet he remembers and magnixu his lriandl wd occurrence. um hlppoled you" ago. H9 in not a [Aron mun, nnlv medium It t tho aha-put mallow! nub. I... mun, u- m mama nun. mm In: ondnvoudtooou Ilia In an "In. undid, but ho rmly Mono, and " lhl pro-0d upon thin point. or to drink or punk. (Mood, ho gm up an! bun tho room. uun mp0 MI put-u Donna an I: Dr. Wuhan whohm outdo-1%! Kupp'n, In. Soon mending him. mu nu. put an. ml no In. um mummy no foot-tun. And for tho I. twelve 3.13m drain! v.3 nu ma; In iqn' p0 puud button i KMM'L Int-An Illa-Hm him ginnl inonu Exoolulor 1 luau. "Pr-wr- M In. IlIIIII lan Ioleond and W. .._.._ -m .-V__. W was In Icon .10, III to 5mm. conned am hi. 'ON damned to (Baby amnion. Mun! oh no, thaw b it doth to tho hblo,honhud, I m that rank! notan to tho knily. mdhonllnt tincto this day h. In: (on nothing, group: during a. am not In wok nationally. For the "' u ENQUlRB ON THE WAIF lapt 210th. nun nosnm, up: Inn; u. am upph nationally. Fot tho pm than nah he has and uhoolnuly foul nun. And for th- Iul. India Mel tho-mun. Ibu- Ianulbo Inc has. In. but and luau {WWW " mud Wat's: " 1. until I!- W M. u -- I ' " ' WI 'm {Kundbulmuopn um mu uhucruwliv. gnuI... WHEN HUN C1933 STREET. Oct 16th. ' Rolerlc 0H. llnn Oct Nth. mAssnsimrs Nov. 4th. Fa.- I ' W,M"'E m. 'uo n, mt mTfiAib'ii menu 9001!! In Altman. omen-W moan vumxa LM'I ClITAHIlI all Cup." chum! uhouhl and um- In I '- M what-amt. um! DB: 3.". "I" HUB000 Ind widens, 0v an DI'I ole-3.00m: 0! Km; and ) mm. opposite Dr. Yum. Willi-m MWKIRKPATRI'GK'S ron _S_A|.E. Misha} gm; nun-In: ATTORNEY-A DAV 13.. rulntn. on. d! Glau- AT "ANKIHHF PRICES. LADIES l Yul WAITING (fl CURTAIN! 3m hull!!! A mutual. um In a Amillml A QUANTITY 01? {n 3, Nnrn Shh of View". u truce-l uul ha I wall I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A EFLENIHIJ HTUUK Ull on \' low. SHOW r'lrll do no pegged acond do do aawml Furl; do Wiu' do A ..... .. I--. .l. ml Howl-o of All Nation. PRINCESS STREET. ( hlluln-n'u Wllllo Couy Jackets, lmllm Axum-Inn Sacquos, lmdim Mot-k Ermine Sncquos, LaIIIt-s Kld mm and Glow-s, Mens Kla Mills and Glows, Mens Buck and (nnwr do FUR 'IIHMMINGH IN ALL WIDTHS, ~A1-_ I ' 7' 7 C I V a ' i Shops. dun. In llu- (Ily ofllnnton For Sale and To Let. AV'LLuuK/ UVV-J- HA'ITERS AND FURRIERS. Corner 0 Prince uud Bag"! Stream. l Oct. 25th, 1878. 1" l6 SUBSCRIBER RESPEUll-ULLY BEGB um. nurchml ni MFN'S. WOMEN'S AND CHILDRENS | WARE nil of loon'mllv Get Your Knllllng Done on the Knltuug Incl-Ina. orxlrr. with Luthnr and Hm public an n-Iy on A good Hole In close gure. FOR CASH. Iltrl Prize Menl' Curk Solo rivet Boob, Fir-L do do pegged do Kacund do do Ill a u. 2 Building lab on mu of Kh Ind (lion stmu. __ -_ nu" KHUAL, New and 01d Ohoeso. 600 bags Extra Flour, Cheap, fresh and Salt Butter. J. Y. PARKIIIIIL. Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant Oct IE), 1873. ARRIVED} MARQUIS OF MINE and T0. {DSIIANTER v - WITH CARDINAL AND BLUE BANDS, AT nu: mew HAT sroma| Four Thousand Pairsl nul. Building L4 on Kb: not, next on Shad! Venn-nu- RI Hyena. Mauruwrd. A 2 mry DIM-l D'ollh: . than I nary BM Dwelling. And 5 nildinx Lotall on Waning- umL romr o! Willia- It. Savor-l dulnblc Handing [All on Vka an. appetite Invin' lope WillLXI: Arr. out. May Good- Store. I'GAIIHR'I WNW. IIHICIM "Ill", Lot lib: not, but to sum: rennin-'- RIHCIIOQ. [tailin Lot! on King and, owe-m It. (lug-b (admiral. Imry Dwelling. [nary prick NEW FRUIT. *3: mi. mum. Drama. on Honk do at Pad-an- umt. have Gym Md Clot" In qunmzu will oonuuh their own Interest by culling u A Large Stock to Select From] 'm IIIIDIAI'I WI: 15. "on... Build on the Inn mot don-thud J nu- ma. opp-m And. A OI m WIIll-I Ill 150mm Dwelli- a- PH. Ian. 15.?" In. v .73.. Bun-n and Clan-o. I... I: w M- In '- [mummies for the mmnl AughA-uhnllml. 11s....Mudeouhgo-Imhw uMuWom-mm "Madman PH..- mun-n , 1',va l8t9n anIngu To Lotl Ulb, WAILH blhlll\.. In... H... UK PLAIN FINISH 3 ll Prim an how u Th0] (nn be Mule. I Just the [hing fat the Season. I AHHJES who no In this hub of pur ehuing their nupply of .1; .5; ln I0 lb hole], in 5]!) banal, in 3 |b boxer w The public on judga {or thomnolvol. :DwallingsJuilding. idisj _ A'IlIn A- In chap unyomln the! Can-4|- 9211:,1."Eliga 17111.1. TRADE. IQNR R. Crawford a. 60., w perunnnl alwa a an Hour Buo- on um oor. H. HENDERSON.

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