Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1878, p. 3

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uuuuv III :1 non on uuulor a bun. tho angina bonus, and he nude boldln-vitwu the but mid I-m in Loo: mr Income. Md. Woods did not pmpou swooping uduoliotu, but iuvu for tho Fnmnoe Com- miuoowny if such an ocor nu noon- nry. Thoylud 5 City Commiuionor who cannot Ind worked And he did notuo why In could not uhnd hie duty in tho dilution of the nnrht. All. GIIhI-Kr. Smith in Harbour Inter too. AM. \\v oodo--`Pinon an no harbour doc to oolhot and than in nothingto upon upon. Than spin ho noticed that Italian in an item ol ldofor loan, u an-inn human. and In muln nun. uu cognac pond, no no nuu bohnyhvu (In pnid him in thoeity. Ald. Iolloooio --`l'hon no hr? tuna. Ald. lcCunuon- Three bonus and nun: Uommuuo gun nu you. Ald. Gukin acid In Auondod the nur- ht,nd an that than III regulation, aux. Ilnong the fnrncn. He performed I number of duties. Au n;u...:...- _ u;. |....:....- :- ... IIIIIIXI 0| IIUIIQ. Ald. Gildonloon -Hi: business in to look for income. All wand: ALI nnl n-,-rung --Agni...- noou we Inwrell. looonut, amen Vial De- ` ooining more and more heavy year After your. It hld inoreued nurly 01,000 in one you-. Thin ll'0lO from the foot that the tnee were not oolleoted at the proper time. He Inggeotod the Adoption of the plan lrllowed in Toronto, of having the tun paid quarterly, by which mean- they would nlwnyl hue money on liuid ond not require to borrow no much. Than ufoin they should adopt wine Ayn- teni o expending the muney-thnt in- Iteod of allowing tho Finnnoe Committee to Ipend nwuy from beginning to the end ol the you without knowing where the (nude were coming from, no appropria- tion Ihunld be undo to each Committee. and that Ooinmitloo should be held re- uponuhlo {or its outlay. Thu: they would know at the and of the year whe- thor the were going behind or not. He oriti ' rather severely the item: undoi- the heading of IncideutAln," which uirountod to oovernl hundred dollnu, uid which he did not think neceuory. Then he noticed a llllll of $500 for the Clark of tho Market. Ho would like to know who the Clerk of the Market). He was not nwore that the city had Inch on oioer. The Mnyor- Mr. Aleundor Smith. Ald. Wooda-What on his duties! The Meynr-'l'ho Chairman of the Merkot Committee on tell Anonded the unr- ol Ine nnner now `I Ald. Woods-The by-lsw is not in existence st the present time. Mr. Woods suggested, ss snother means of in- cressing the revenue, the licensing of ee- coud hsnd stores, which were springing up on every hsnd, and which were s means of propsgstiug juvenile deprsvity. If these junk shops were properly li- censed and plsced under police restric- tions it would certainly be e tinencisl benet to the city snd prevent property being misspplied. Coming s little nearer hone snd s little nearer his own business he went for s tsx upon the _book sgents, who snuuelly took about 810,000 out of the city, snd contributed nuthilm to it in suywsy. At the present time there were men csuvessing the city for four dilferent works. Aid. Meteelfe--More thsu that. Ald. Woods-There were four st sny rate, end the books cost from 85 up to 0160 esch. These agents should be msde to DIV 3 III end bw thst means nontri- pnuv noun. Lulu ugunu would no mum pay by mum contri- bnlo to the inoomo of the '.`:y. He no- tiood the interest account, which win he- nmnina mnn nu! Innln `nnnno u... .69..- Ala. WOOGI IIIII ll IPDOIPGII Illa UODII` ` cil could have got over wine of its pre- sent diioully if lh- Flll&ll00:O0mll1lll00 bed not pushed Accounts through so readily. He then went into I eriiicinm of the budget. He remarked that in rent: in 1876 they Ind I revenuejof 86,- 000; thnt in 1877 thin item amounted to $5,290,013, and in 1878 to $4,5`37,B5. Now All knew that this decrease had arinen from the ehill-Ilully manner in which the Council hnd dealt with the butcher by law thin yen-. It Inn a llama that property should be lying idle, And the! it Ihould not be a lOll.`t.`0 of revenue because of their neglect. He lelt entirely (me from blame in thin mat- ter. llelaboured to have we butchers licensed, the income from whom would 3 have ben agree: hol . The OlIlinn|n-\rV at. in Hm nneitinn iS}2'b..."' "."g}'3T.'.: '.'"" W" M" The Ohlifllllll--\V&til the ponition of thn nutter 1 AM. W....A.._'m.. I..._I... :. ....: A IIlnfIIll`I*.-Wo dnw Attention O0 tho oonluniuthn ol Ir. W. Robin- Iu, I.PP.. in uothor column, which pt I clincher upon I uuuont simulat- d&Il (ECO). III I. Ihl 50 ill- hnkn HI: An-nLgn Lana: nan: lnunun. ....... III ...-ug-nun, -vunn no--v uuv sn;n~ tion lully 28 mills on the dollar. Ald. Wooda moved that the taper: be referred back to tho Committee on Fi- nnnnn -Sol. 6...;-..-o:..... on natlnnn ah- Inln In!) a mo nuago: u lunlmuoa. no ohugod t it Kingston In perhaps the lnglu-t and city in the Dominion- tint although Toronto run and 20 mill: on thp dollar that nu induded the Inter tu, which, if Iddod in the one of Kinzntm, would nuke tho tun- tion lullv % mi": nn u: alnllnr, IVIUITUII DIUK 50 mo UOIDIIIIIIOC OI! I'l~ name, with instruction: to reduce the expenditure ID that the nte of Iuntion would not bomoru than 17 mm: on the dolllr. VoioeI-Makeit 16 nulls. Ald. Woods uid it npocnrod the Oman- not over name ma- uonou naopua I pouoy or Innuen- mout in the boginuing ol the you they could have kept the tun: down to nix- tun will: on the dollar, but u it in he could not no that they could do better thnn ado t. the budget as submitted. Ho charged 1!. Kingston In narhann (ha or party would run lncrouou wow,- RIIXLIIXI at may run. But no- in[ Hut Inch wu not the an thonhnd no nlhrnuivo but to bring in tho pron It upon. Bytholnyof lamilh ouch: dollar Iouid have I dolicuonoy; by 18} mill: would have I null nur- hu. Ho ton! on to lay thnt Ind the snail ndonhd I mlim of raunch- gnauncnun or bnuumg use nnuuon `o;u'oporty should luvs incrouod HM,- $00,000 in- club .....L ..... nni nu gang u...n...I one or Iunznwn, would make mo AM Wand. nu.-.4! u: Hm um ".A`|d.GuI;nnialil hdloisuugluhd `l$Il`IlHO--III: lllnruool inn should boil- canal. Outhi utucklninul its tots! ululion tlueity halo-lyinaucod 9,(Ii|' any nouuu. Oortainly the cannon llndnottlonothuir duty or: grandc- p:;:iou mm huts existed. It : q Ippsunk to ovary mom ohocouncil tint an runlcoltho gnuinennu of bnildm; un valuation ol nronnrtv nhonln Int: incmnnd ED.- Sohruh unann- T -C_ ljj tlrjl Vt unfav- pubooouaud. H0 in ohullnngod nu llvdnlioa, uduuuuio be rad] to ltduyncnnzion Ihahnsy be and. -n-I-A Ll.- llcitltl. M..- I-1- Llououldhohouarutillndvithn :1 1| an-A-nl tkn-nu`-A doll:-n III VOIII [0 C [BIZ BIC IIIO ndopud I policy of rOtl'Il|ch- boainnina tho nu thaw worm nan hung at $1.01!). up natontouythnn vullovago lordiopouingviththnuoolpnntil but linen coca. Mnynto the lnnpliglitvunohudthunohdnloou \ouritoa.n:nI=uuiL (lanztou) cumin; at pan out llooullholulod. giant nuuponnounlouunau at on-an unllbodnovlchu ouvhgdnatht an Thhtnc bu-In-Aanlal A-uu. uuuul nut is IIIUIIOIOII. In aid in nnonhotod when use nlary ol the Trauma: no but or HD- in lactincnuu bad but made during the hard linen. Ila loan! ll?! tho oi- anolthoorporuioa out 10,450 sn- nully. Inducing I53 10 pct out. would olbctn nvingol sum 1!: rnloalnnvlhnaln unnldnn-pa mu uly 'JIeI'I and UIIIIIIOHIIII won good oun. In thought it ndviublo to nduoo their uluiou until prucpority ruturnod when Sir John got into portr- (lnnghur)--until tho PIVIIIIM In at but onovlourth mom than it in at uuunt. Tho Ilnvonu-Win. dilnnnan will nu: T Z! III! IIII lIoIv--on Ir: -v-.- In nppuntly thought but lt;lo umu wnwn were I0 wuow m mo Inn of the new Government. The dioronoo between 16 and 18 mill: on tho dollar would ho about 8l0,000, and Adding 82,700 more ol I dolioinnoy, ovon with 18 mill! on the dollar, would loan our Il2.(XI) to In nrovidnd for. Ho lmmd mm: no aouu, would Ian 012,000 be provided for. Ho found than during the bud than the uhrin 01 th oily ocinln in other plants had boon mad: And nlthounh In ulnhhd that ln -we-uuunv. Ald. Gukin uid Ald. Wood: had charged the_ Finance Committee with peeeing account: without epproprielione having been mnde. He chellenged thin etetement. end eeid that ee I member of that Committee he had objecled to the puuge of my bill which bed not been endoned by reeolutiun of the Council. He expfnined the menner in which the hnnee of the Fire Depertment were em- ployed, end he held the: the incidentell were to pey for any little expense which ehauld eriee by reeeon of Accident or otherwise. He stated that at the lee: meeting of the Committee be Ind (Avon:-~ e-J the levv of 181 mill: nn lhn llllollng u llll uommnuo no Ina (nour- ed lovy of 18} mill: on the dnllu, but since than he hsd olungod his mind. [-10 ha! come to the conclunion thnt thc more Inonoy they had the man they would lpond. If they had an Income of 25 mill: on the doll they could expand it All. Hon. Mr. Curt- wright, in his lut budget opeoch 180M`:- wn. stated Nut Countv Council: warn wrrgnt, In ml rut Duugol epeecn Multa- we, County Council: were economical, but cities were extrem- gsnt because 0! men being sent. to the Councils who should not be there. The leee money they hsd the harder they would :3 to psy their debte, in his opi- nion. or the! reseon they should keep the tune down to 16 mills on the dollar. The question srose, how were they going to meet their debt] He oounselled econo- mw in awn:-1 new in win- nl` eh- R4-- Lu Incas ululr 1190!! [10 OOIIIIIQUOG ooono- my in every way, in View of the better timu which were to follow in the Iuko 115 (ha nan (Inca:-nunnnt 'I"'|:. Ail`.-unn- w give lnmrlnnnon on me subject. Aid. Gukm said it luaked as if the budget bud not been Iiell studied, but he preuumed the election excitement had taken all their utontiou. He referred to the suggestion of Ald. Wood: tht the broker: Ihould bonpooiully uuuud, and decluod that he had the opinion of the City Salicitcr to the etfact thut if thou junk-Itores were liconlod tho inoomo from them would have to no to the (lov- ernlnent. mu. Anon laid the property In the city linblo for tantion wu fully one-third more thnn I your 130. Why, in Riduu Word I little city hnd grown u , And Catanqui Wu-d hui inoruud in] y one- third. The Princeu street property In much more vniunblo thnn before the tire. Al for any reduction in the nine of u- neunblo property, the Court of Revision ahould throw oomo light upon the mut- tor. ernlnanz. N Tho Ghiirmnu--It is pox-hotly im- practicable. Ala r1-.:.z.. ..:.| Al.) ny_-_1. L4) vmon nm no power. Ah). Allan laid they were the putilc to give information the subject. luakad n if the Ulllwolu. -.-'l'o-non-ow dvomug . Ndlikl wl|l'bo undo by fld. End at tln Alhlotlo Granada, and It Illl III olo which will delight all who 3 It. The Ptol. luvinq bun paid I lllullptlol Illl nah 5 llbcnl exhibi- II.-_nn4 nl HI. nal n...I... Hun AIAlI- Denam to the city. The Chnirmnn--Ate than only IOTIIO $5,000,000 of property in the city It the present timej Md. Allen laid the property in the city _for mg greater one And Icrixcluy. . I Ald. Allen made I vrgogouu npgoch It; defoheo of Grove Itroot t o oponlng 0 which, be alleged. nu oiulorlod by about 1 of th: olootorgdof` CIt_ll`I3lll.lt?;l:Id; nl[i.B. Ill no re r nruu he Ind Eraser reason for no doing than he then hul. Not having thoLUlorgI Bj- Fd,lhM ii can un. 3f'Ihe .172 of oil, z5'.'L.`i?} to nu M upon, they hand now to come Ito tfhe nho c f f ' I ' o o rt 0 31:2 {.icu"5.{,`Z'.'37.3'."` 3 ".a..'c.e..a the opening up of Bagot street through the Pnrk, at such 5 thing would be of benaiit to the city. ' than onlv nome i'ho Chairman nid the Court of Re- vinion had AM. Allan mid thaw warn Hm nu-tin umtoe. Ald. Wood: mudo noun oummonla on the manner in which the Finnnoo Com.- mitteo ntould pan the noeounu, caution- ing greater And ncrutiuy. made I vinoroln noaoch in UOIIIIIIIXOC. Ald. Motcnlfo would be willing that the motion be ohnngod to make the tax- ntion 17 mill: on the dullnr without Inv- in the report referred back to the (Jam- mlttoe. LIA |AI.....l- ...-J- -..__ -........-_A- .... uolnoulo pppou 1:. Ald. Mownlfo uooudod Ald. Woods Illotloll, which ombodiod the sentiment: of many in the ConnciL Ho do- fndod tho uponiug of Glove Stunt and uni the money III wall Ipont upon it. `Tho Ghninnnn-Tho ruolutiou uh that the report be referred buck to the Committoo. lhl "-54.-If. -....I.I K. _III-un sh-` IlIO'K0|lfIlI I30!` II. I` I .' M The Mayor-Win dilcnneo will {has Iain! one IIO man or no nuns. Ald. Anglin- An than no othou I Ald. Wood: aid the Ghsnbdrlnin And Clark nu good lunch and they should be well pgid. If n nduotion of ton cont won proposed in Muir cues Ibo`! ould it. Mnhnlfa umndnd Ald. Wm:nh' -C W I|IVI`lII uuu nu-an an Ihphl to: none duo. but since his club! he will have nonunion to think has I! M In HR In did. Dales! Altar bo- ll; the dtfn upnunlulvo for 34 yum _vuaun-(blotting. llI'|-l Ald. Woods--I h I-0 on! on ouoollou---Ibo Old: 0! the `III `nnIin_ Ln. Ogng lln ndngnn lIIIIIO'%y$IN wlxjl "Hutu ' nnandoiotit. Md. oodl attacked tho inidnllhll in Club Doputuunt. Thy unonnhtl to IMO, and the upukor euabndodtlutlho Olllrylhonld not In nude uoipl in GO- ull. Ho thin napitpluod his argument of tho tuning. and lots in Iuucuiou ignite of tho Council for conden- II, Ala. lava:-on ulnndodtlo Unan- `eil thtnuhononn not puralunul but vnnndoiolit. `&&tnn|--luni:pooonupocinlu.~l ouutbhuptolthia-um-1 olnnr-0i-nn! wunuqunuuyguu. AM. Uo0annnn-Ko ! No! Al:l.Woodo-D ' anultrylado for ad uetinnn oxpcmouill ' hoIour|vIl.).I run uninsnwuxe; WEDNESDAY, snrrnunnn as. 1310. -any olncuu In osnor puma and been laud; ulthou II he admitted that a City Clerk Ohnuborluin Id onn. In thonuhl. it ndvinnhln fillr will want I uuvnun vnu-vr |a-oIo ol Illa bat. During tho oun- In-ALA-. pill Alan 5- u-nah. -nu! Alana. EIOII. Qkl. Anglia--Explain youncll onu- nnou I zlruunnu scum: sun oxpcnno nu ho uuIyu,ooo.| . AM. I005:-on uunndodtln Coun- H1 (kit ngnhnnnunn nn nan-Ln-n Inn} u-no nu-up:-nu. -nuuunqnr Iocvnbaruiing uhpto noonr nu-oubdmt-Ion. lnlda-.-_I-..-............:.l.... fu`;'mu_a..:"' uncut. ,.... n lhuninulull q.." Inc-1nnd hi n-an. Taumo nun Iolld noun quality, not it only follow- in 6 or 5 yuan. \ 1 `IK -l]C --II I 3 IC lttuo. I hnunlour. 'nnn....'nQn Loan In- nu neeny u1.uuu revenue Int yen: elaid they would not Ileve thin year. while the expenditure in un- dlninlebed. Mat epuking um ne- oeeeity ol eeoeouy-vMd bed out been preoueed-he dleletl to the pneeet eye- Iendeeeeunentuniuuennd e but- Innnnn. Ila nnunnvndnllknnu-edge-lnl. I `l'osouro.-lat owning : HQ! lllotlod II: um 83: John Mac. Ilihd HI for Tacoma. Sir John -_ ___._._Al_ Al. ___LA L..A IXLAI_ ._I Iua. luIuIvo-|-not Inch! The Inyor- 01.155, and in Addition they had marl] 011.000 Int vnr Ihid thnv could an Inn uni. ropun mule Io unuu, ow. Ald. Woods cnllod attention to tho ,000 of romiuinnn nude by the Court ul vision. The Ihyor reminded the Council thst than was I romiuion of $00 in the can of Cnnndinn Engine and lhchincry Wot-in uvory you. Tho Chairman rolnuhd thu many in tho city ended taxation altogether. Ald. Wood: dnw Attention to tha ` uu any cvulou uxnuoll Ilwpulcr. summon to tho null mount of personal propcrty thnt. Ina uuaod. Cimunaunou Jumiodtho appointment oloom ollioor to char nvuy thuo inoqnalidu. The Mayor stated that they Inn not froviding lorfuturo indobtodnoqbut. for iohilitiululnndyiuund. Huh being thoouochoudion III how Ionlhnv IIIIIIIUT III` the out the q: -ninnln Inna! vmn. Mr. Flnnngnn asked permiuinn to nuke Ill explanation respecting the Vol.erI' Lintn, the muting one of which wu made incumbont upon him by the Ontario U0- vornment. At one time he was liioled 8100 for it, but the Inc had boeu unend- od, mad he was now umntod but 83 per day while the Court Inn in union. He would willing] gin 8100 out of his salary to not rid of t o liltl. `Id (}nnIrin_.'| that in:-|( run! in 01!). e. Ald. Wood: had been Imking compari- IOIII, and while he found that in 1376 sud 1877 the proprintionu for the City [ml Ind been ut uoo, in 1878 wool Ivnm nntnrnd. lllll IIMI DOGII were entered. mm. 55...... were onwreu. The Mnyor--Thst include: the gonoral ropnin mule to dninn, etc. Ald. sttention to tho to not no 0| mo mu. Ald.GuHn-In that work not in cm-` neation with the City Clark : 0134:: I ` Mr. Fhnuun - It in imnund unnn GIL) . ALI. McCe .nmcn-No. Ho preuumed the numnnz wu given in the budget-- 0l,800. {lo we: aware there were uzher dutiel imposed upon him by the Govern- ment, for which he wn pnid, but these were outaido of the dutiee in connection with the city. He was Regintrer of birth, mu'ril;e| end death, but he bud to perform e largo amount of labour for the pay he received in connection there- with. M . I1"I.n.n.n ..Iyul -u.nm:...'.... i,` ....I... Ill lilimiuxo UVIIlIll' nu; vv-uwu hi 5 big dobou out the budget, ro- Illtllq In tho njoation of the mucinl llpolt, an d tho placing of the tantion QUI at 10 milk as tho dollu, although (Minions I (laid! olunnl lbouuud Collin. Thing no In a terrible plight 3.. n..Ha|.- ....n. I AM. McCnmmon-(utill on his feet)- I um not awn-0. Ald. Gukin-Aro you unto of the n nu-Int rocoivod by the City Ulork of thiu ciu .1 m popuuuon. A Ald. lIcCammon-Tho expense of the Onnn Department iubout three times greater thnn it is in Kingnton. Voioo-So it ought to be. The Chairmnn-'l'ho expense in regu lntad we--rding to the populntion. Ald. Mcnmmon contended tint tlmrn uuaa we--runng so we popuuuon. Mcnmmon contended that thero had been n oomidnrablo ilI0l`9IlO in the total n he of property, and he advocated the appointment of more judicious uses- noro next yenr. Ald. Gukin -W}nt. lf um nlnriu nl non next Ald. Gukin -Whnt. uro the ulnrioc ol tho Trauma: and tho City Clerk ol Quo- boo I monuron: IIIII uuan. Ald. Dupui:-'I horo in no oompariuon in populnuon. Ald. IIuCn.mmnn_ l`hn nlnnnnn nf lhn Ala. Fu--Wlnt no mo nurse. in Toronto ? Tho Mayor-'l'bo Trouunr get: $3,- 000 nnd has two or throo nuintnntu. Am M..n..........._ A. ........a. on. In... wu anu nu uvo I-IIIOO auuuma. AM. Mo0ammon-Aa regards the Fire Dapartmont than in no comparison be- tween that of Kingston and those of Montreal and Ottawa. na `n..mn'._'m..... :. ..,. .............:...... mull ll eaueenie es me preeent. ume to inoreeee the texee. He could not underetend how it wee that though the velne of property wee increas- ed the ereeeexnent did not inereeee pro mte. Ae ithed been remerked, rmell oitier hed been built in in Rideau, Vic- torieend Cetereqni erde, end when the ueeeetnent only ehowed en edvence ol$22,000, he thought there Inuet be emnething wrong. He pronounced the conduct of eorne men ee eeendeloue, they being only eueeeed for 01,000. when they were worth $40,000 end $60,000. He favoured the grounding ol politics for the beuetit of the oit,_ end the form- ing of e union whereby the bet user- eore could be Iecnred-men who under- stood their bueineee. But in View of the herd time: the Finenee Committee et the preeent lime ebould reconeider end the budget brought down elittle more have eeeepleble to the oiliunu. Al to the city oleielr he thought they were not use well peid for the work they perform- e . Ilonullootaynll. Th Chit-u-Dotho ute -naninihnnnnnhl-ntalAnn-nan! j"'VIU UI II- 01:. llluuvl luv vvvur lqtltouill also he-unto nndduu<>- I... tor man and no Iona. Inuqnur.) Aid. Ic0nnnonuIu dun: (Inc the incidontaln would never ho and {or shut par . Ho spoke of the grant lorries ran and by the Baboook oxtinguinhon, and jcutiliod the payment of the two En- ginoon, Mr. Devlin hnvin rondunod good union in the put. fie did not think it ndvinblo at tho prount. time tuna. could II aurtnua. HOIIIII Aid. AIIOII if the incidental: Ind not boon included in the utinntu {or you: I AM. Albn-Yu, but you an supposed to stop thou, Illa they were at down {or dumb and no larch. (Luu tor.) ...:z:;,`.:.'.:7.:.':. ':'..`.;":.`.'.* 1:51: and no L.ug1':m.; K001311011 um ti VUUI Md. Mclul0o-Bov much! 45.. u....._ :1 mt ...n a- llohoonhudi. ` Aid. A --`no has mount to 5 Ian than the inn. Id. UIIOOII ulndil it would pay to appoint a Polio: rtdhrk nndnouivo the full . The Ifayor thought not; the lean ' amounted Ioonly Aboutmoro pot ` uumn. ' ' ' ` Ald. Iloconmon nut into I uinuh explanation I! the Pin Doputuonl. ' lholillg am it us run II ohuply u pouiblo with I viov to its ollluionoy. Bo did not think the :gp:orI'uliolI could Ln n|IrAiIA(I I-I. nab AI'An H t|.- lemon wan mo uny work ounce I Mr. Fhnnqnn It in impoud upon no. Ithnondtiiloia an-1 l$.KC-X"'l`I$H3 T11 ndnnoinntcuo. l'unnoutiIu- `mnllo as In an ovcnnbbu-of jl. nuns: u-noun; u-vuuuvu. u-nu vvnu. lhoquation wuhovnnthny gm and it! They Ihould that they had A dolcil from In: lad is thotitlo at: new photo! un- do (Irving's coda) uuind st Hondur- an : Tluuntinolh nay hon mu. ollolnnlon. butllloytill notbo long `IL- _-.. .4.-- ._.l -Iu..... --A all IIA IIILI-I.--`l'|o Ouuo &a dlduln qyn:--"'l`ho alhoonor rtugdrhmunu ardutlbovolmu Gun uh dunouawin u land 0! %,HlholIhpnnIb madcap nil` inn-nuhlnnyundtorunin nppouu-uuwlnuuuonl I-1: nnulxyoohvo unjust. / Dill`- iohhooyauulob :"r"'.. :::..:g nn innlndnal in u- I IN fummlfnnbhlnavy Vogolllo for 850 you CHICO! Itlli. III wobbplouuulnauunqluhchnotyaou, to our howlndge, in nu gin: non unlu- IOI. You: truly. Incl E Cuwolu. Dnubb, kknu. Ky. UIIWTIJI. VIIIIIU Iul IIUIIJU IMH- Io. The main, song and choral, an nll -`.1 .-J -L..nI.I .n----ul g nnnnl-r - ._'_.-. v, I. ll. STIVINS. Icahn, Ian. I. c L-ouon t 00., Druuuu, Ihlho. ulna -da."IqInn Iylhd 3* P_HOSFOZONE!_ ,;g._.__ __.._ _..-._ __, -l'. SIIIVBIII 3 Des! 8ir,--I vinh to inform you who! your Vogotlne he done for Inc I have boon Mlle!- ad Illh Neunlgln, um nor Inning um-u bot- tle: oi lbs Vognno Wu entirely rolhv--d. I ulna found my ganonl Inoltl Inch Ipmved. I believe I: to be e bod modhho. Your: truly. I Believe to be a Good loll:-Inc. Xenia, 0., Inch, H77. Ir. Smrnnn 2 llns Iinurelycurod lie of War! '30. H VEGEEEINE lbrugginvs Report. ` In. H. R. Sunn- Au. Dmnnn or `fill BLoon.-~If Vl0I- rum viil relieve pnin; olounuo, purl! , and euro such dmeuu, restoring the pot out to perfect. health after trying dlorcnc ph . uolnus, mauy remedies sud inating yxr yours, In It not oonolnnvo roof, I! you Are I uuerer, oucanboourod Whyla thinned!- oino pargnning Inch gran ouro I: work: in the blood. in the oh-ouhtln uid. Iv. can truly be onllod the (hwu laod Partner. Pmmnt muroe of dlaouo originate: In the .| ; and no medicine tint does not not -I. :1. ll. ElII.Illl- Dear Sir.-1 hno med Iovonl bottiua Jouotlna; It In onrely cured no of Vmn lbavo IIIO mod It for Kldneyoomplnlnv. 'n.ho but medicine for kidno oom lal r. IOIIM rot-ommond It II I g b puwl lo Ii till, lull. ulu val-nun, any -u pd, Id {hould connand 1 populu mln, Ill. 1:. u.. DIISVINII ;- Dear all-,-Yom-Vogotino hu bun dolu wmulors for me. Have been luvin Chill: an Favor, counrnoted in the uuun u o the mum, . nothing giving me relics! uutii begun the use of your Vngnnlno, itglvlng mnimlnedlua rellol, zoning up my nyatem. purifying my blood, giving strength; whereas nil other mndiuluen wenkenml me,and lled vnynyutoln with ol- non; amll am autlxtied that iffuniliaa t at live in the n no diam-lets ol the much and wont would tn 0 Vngoliuu two or thren time: I nook, they would not lie troubled with the chilla or tho) malignant favor: that prevnil At certain tiuma of the year, saw: doctors bllln, and lives to as good old age. ileapuollully yous. J. E. Ixrcnnu, Agent Iloudorlou I Loolna, 8:. Loull, Io. run run. of dunno orlglnntaou the llrutmy nimn it to purl! and renovate. bu my just o Aim upon pub to attention. J;V_E uu gm. Ila. H. B. Srnvnmn :- l\....- -1- VEGETINE Purlos the Blood Sicknoau provuilf everywhere. and everybody complain: of name diloue dur- ing ttgeirle. When sick, the object in to get. well; now to asy plninly Glut no anon in this world tint in nutfering with ylpepuinr Liver Complaint and its effects. Inch u Indigestion, Cuativonou. Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, pnlpitation of the Hen-t,Dopreued Spirits, Bilinunneu, otc., can take Gultlnfn AuaUs1' Fnownn without getting Iolief and euro. If you doubt this, go to Hemth & Gunu, or H. Wade, and not I ` Szuuple B-ttlo for 10 cent: and try it. Regular size 75 oentlr Two down will relieve you. -----Wbo---- u J->u Fruliclfs. WEGETINEI I believe It be truly, ----9-39-?- Ilnlorr LAxI.-A plnuuat company -0! ptlouou Int out on an OIGIl'Ii0lI to nunn [Aha In.Jgo_n `nmnnlimnnlnrvl on me tououung dnuuon: You-Mnyor Molntyne: Aldn. Allen, Anglin, Auolahno. Canon. Olclnonu, Dupuil. Fen, Gukin, Mooorl, .Mc0Am- lnon, \V||kaIn-12. Nuu-._AIJ- liihl--.I---- Il-p..|l.. man, 11 ulaln-- 12. Nnyn--Aldn. Gildoruleevo, Motcnlh, McRnuio-3. Tho '!t\Inln:IlAA no... .-.I _......A...l lll.U.0II`.0-5. The Committee rose and rportod.- Adapted. Council adjourned st 11 o'clock. mnuer at mooln. __ on being submitted to: rota the report in njootod. Ald. Melodie`: motion III hut. Ald. Gukin'I unondmont Ill cutiod the following divinion: You-Mnvor Mnlntuv: Aldn. Allan. `um uuurnnn upon or In unequal and moomplclo aunt:-in thick the pot- sonnl property was united. Won this nutter properly stand the Caution would not be more Nun 13 or 14 mills on the donut. Ho nbukod tho prohuionnl men for doooivi-ug the Autumn in the matter of income. (hi hninn .nIn.iuul"n.. ant: Ola. -cuspb luuu nu! llouuhllllu could no 08' udwunh rodudiouvheu unlin- iliniuhnd hoeninolrudua Ind who `me: He uooondod Mu. Iiotall no- tiun, asking an nsoemunt 17 Hill: on tbs dullur. Ald. Woods uithdnv hi: resolution. Al-I. Gulin had - bio lotion dland, making the nu [6 pill: on tho dallu, without. relating the report buck to tho Oonuniue. AM n......_-M... _:n 1..-- . .a-a:..:- uonlmue. Ald. CanoI-'l`||nt will Inn |doIioi~ may of about 16 mill: on the dullu. The Chirnnn Ipoh 0! ch: unequal mooumlclo noc- um amnion on no lunar. AU. Iuclo non! club It nu inex- podbnc londunou tho tunic: 000 milk on the dollar; that the an be I? silk lur the cumin; you-. Akl. (iildonhurn ounld not nuhr. nu ma cnuung Akl. `ocul unlu- lhud ho! :aCuunIttu could he or llaahul In nun}. nmlnntinnn hn oh. liq- vounloo nuunuuuulnq two gill: more on the dolls. AH, akin: -nDnJ QLQL II Bu IonII.-ldnrd Fituiunnonu Dal lo! holon Judp Pl-loo yoohrdny lulullhg uquutlty ol_ tool: fromthe loudvyot Ir. J. G. Tandy. Ho wu pun gully, uul Inbneod to six sooth` Imprisonment in th Central pri- in wbidndappnpinlbluuinndo adnpant. an-Iunoadtlouuiu -tutu IINIII IIIDDJ .9351 : W 1:-nn&nou,vhB`w.Il Iitdly um. 11 as-pp-and thund- which-ha-.....:.n.........a. --4-- o-$5`. yuu Imnt a cheap suit go to J. W. I;..|x. . In our Idle worth 10 Cent: 1 VEGETINE and Gives slreugth. Du Quoin. Ill , Jan. `ll , I878`. Tit 'l1IIlI' I to um. um. Cn|ro, Ill.,Jnn 23, I875. u:-at-.h-l lino of an H50. in. It I13!-1! -J WW-I ulna unis Ihnhyudui ludhpr-hlluniy. Autoallu-o-onryIh-I. jbibli I?` Pm Iullhn j j if : fl I 81508 10 ANNOUNCE THAT [118 NEW FALL 000$ LII AIIIVIIG av day. Ho in now showing out ol the aunt, eholaat. nooo, ad 31; gunon Stoc I ol Dqooda in the oi}y.oomplou ip ovary dopctnuut. (lands thhnuou so low in lpfl beyond nu chm; our soon in Kingston, to that puuhugggg `ya. out dutho guruuwichw,r:oloorink08o:I. Updllflbdllidtllo --A-9 You; lalhdknl. IoIII.nI dggrlhluil -um nun vourua Iil, Which an uncut for choupuu. Spock! lilo In Black ndcolnvol lilh. `uswckolo Iuryudsmullwuainnwolud vollmothd. I1 and U10" Department in never so (all. OI TUBIIIIIIO DIPAI - KENT in m-ha and hlblnlublo. 3` [Holding pirdlul VII K UIOIIIE 7-1 urn: to pay in only vinil. to the Liverpool Eons. tJ 1.7`\1"l31r 1' nxvcrmovnunngu LID IIAD `PHI ]lngazine_a_1__`gr0ctobor HENRY Lowiins, Liverpool House, C WI rust v-U Inn uni unnuuuvu uv lnllott his lo-Iay-| `oomplinonlarr D .9. J. L. Ionhun bdon luving the city lot Toronto. That all will an- `Ac llnnnpalnan nu- In--A -my Hun Innnl CALL AT THE INEW YORK CLOTHING STORE. [FOR nnnmsu: 01.0-rams onu, math to order and Hula. All mu own mnkn Uun uruun is 15:1 |'uu.u;' n ma, wnuu aIIiuIU'l`lD AND BOUGHT for Cu}: in the ban. mukotl. no that In con olortio IDIIOGOIIIIO rlultlvlll convince dun lb we can aoll at Iowa riots than my other an In tho . Our luck oonnlau of Rand Ind: Clothing. 0 "Mn tandem ordor. HAM Ind GIUTI IUIUIIR. G0`(l)D3. h nlu 3:: VnlIuo.nAnl o(.D|llllIIII:|Ofo!0f 5011 Ind IIIC VI. 1 Don`. too: uwo ave: ttoruno mo canon! I :0. Ilrtooklnlgug Bu-`sins. ll sum ov THE nwucrlvx anon. , "` "' """" z. PREVOST, I-OI!` I'll". "I Lam to: L. --_L.4 n.._._- I; Not to Buy Ohosp (nothing. but the most Bolubh Clothing Ohup. 380.10 to commence at the old lion on Gsturduy. August 811:. And to continue until the two Stooh nrcoloamd out. Our Goods no -u-ha! do-n --A in cur uunv vv vvuuuvuvv Iv Uuv Iuu Ivvvlv VII III||1l. p QIIIIU "0 no nukes! don nut to low their orlglnal con. All we sat of bha public In to come III no OI! IUD! All in ptl and than iudgu tor tlnnnolno. Ono Prlce Asked Tand No Lou Taken. nun CLOSING up mum mmmu 8ToRI on PRINCESS smn on the Inc of the present m::t.'ll:.. .hlIl'1yil::.thdO.I.I.lo|Vol v::|nht.b'o.ltook din In Icons A GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE ruvvn xuu V ALnxANnE1i1zoss's,'i3}mcesa Street Qnnt '24 1275: npnnmmla nr-Mr nnmnl on `llmuloy use me. Had will and Illhhptodoudhphyu. The [Round ` V Iii VIII by Bourbon of our ygllalua. and no intoxicating Iiquon ID owed IO 50 told on the Alhldic _.._4I. [GRAND GHANCETQ CHEAP CLOTHING Bop to announce that In In cloth; (Inoo! the largest, lost Select and Cheapest Stock: Dry Goods nu nun: n-.- \ 301* low. "F AI_I3+" D"__ ' R Y` G 0' 0" D S` Sept. 21, ms. I o{0obb-A-. and would Adv Soot lth. . iullclobmodw ti "H hnrnnlpuaubnutdunoddr hhnouutlnvodul I-.':..:.'..-:.-.-.:.'-'.::, _""% Grand Display of Dress Goods .A.'I' `W A.I.DEaON"S. Aug 22nd, 1878. litany our lvlvlluu nun: -u -u. a..- joy thinks: we Inn not the Ian: Ann PUBLIC l0'l`!0I.-Ikycn `dlkhllvhh 1'UII B'Ii8III|'B'Q|$j&0O| I1 3 uunrcnaltud pct-tn:-.':I-uhI;uNh :_thg_, .ua: '.uoa lavish: mark 3 van uucuanuann vuvannaavu vaoaino, nuuilv III UK: T W Isdo. all our own nub. UR STOCK IS EN'l'IREL`.' NEW, WELL SELECTED AND BOUGHT nbllnaulaunhnnhuuln Sept 24, ms. Bundnono Nay Bruno, My:-(To and Dawn Bountiful 8::-3eI~-Now C I `." 18 16:. u and 56. Rich Em Gold:-lo, 15. NOJWI and So. lilqut ll Wool Illpnu Cloth-$0. IN. 430 and NI. _ 3" lftmd 1>nBMu';:?:"houum'37.:Id-s"oL, comes. on nuns "W3": IV}: mo 5: 5" V 9 Silk Velvet to match all Dnuu--Outon Bin. ` Velvokoun to Hutch All Dnuu-0uton Btu. Satin cojlstoh all Droun-0at on Blu. . Ohenpgot Blnok Silh in Ouud.|--500,600, 750, No, `LN, .1. and 01.50. * _T4{ -*_.'!- or the above manuoned good: at price: um um hvo boon not In Illptol. TO SAVE MONEY ! Ahlnnhun.-In cl-unnu- njnnn-nu: L Kg: 3 Q____ .,-:4 Made , Gent`-`tn rm-.:.u.,. ZNEc]Sl'.A.`EJ'G-ZE:"I'ON' a; co; Clothing .4 Annxnmni Ross ouim nu. ornrnm us. uno l'lIlI III IJIOOIOI Ilnck sad Colored laurel, chespucu. Bpocinl linu in Blul R. WALDRON. Wilson's Buildinas. 00:: -- Hanan. tun-nu-us-. I ndatly to Iouthuly winds Qldllly to rainy vutha. Outin- uynurnalgulnuoonlondtor all lah un- a. _----v---` llocl ll. lou Icon has he laid luau __v...- V. -y--: WOPPOSITE CITY HOTEL may nrmu is-nu. new ohnhululuo. luaamgunn-A 0II__II U- RE-...E..3..3 '* -' ';"':"'.V lBAIllAI|II HI9I.ITI II Fiiifbnnu I :r.'x.cnusImu.cn. All IIOWIIO ` lB!nB{I,$$|I5W8 uztuuuuubvuooqlqunu MoNAUGB'l`ON I O0. . Ooun Kulo an Pnuanu Erna. ; tjuctumu Fa.!.."3..."`7B99-'-- uranium. unju pinup -a -_n--n -o..__ -- A COI".I'p 0V&`&lfu'lhlnIIyotIothouu hlodtjatl. W. l'nal'n. ll: gnu; gm? mm] a---.....-.................. ......__.._........_.... .- .__._._ ~'?"-Vnw-up:-------.. ..__.._.a.-_.~......._.... . ` A! sum, 3I.u7a. .,., V J _z. '-'--'.:..'.'I.-':."~ -"1: ulnlvh Jim In _ Tn lun.-Lut evening the Uounoil I...I- I... .l.l..A- .,-.. oh- hn4I...o p.- III'0III.-s-To-MOROI waning II..l.....aA.._..I.. ...m'|.. .....|.. L- DTh|I0.'Aol 4:-hr-I-I mnuqu n..a...u Vtfliu-hlontllbvlovuvuh D gut An aanulntn jiulhxn-n-n-n.Jn.LA._ 1-- louo Uranium nu Bno w."-- `V our 41 rtotnrr. "| IQ Vat d Iliad IN] _ -u-Tu _ 13%| -wI]y Zn wluu wnanil Inc I- n_ In-oh: vary impro- .`..a n. 3... .s..n.......u .. nu-nun.-vu'r lhthnlcnoll H. L5. $._.|___|.| ----- ' 0oII'I.l'IIII't to A Ionuuun.-On flulayol thin root the Knights Tun- ph'| d 80. Joltubury, VA, gnu 5 non- DIO IOOIIIIE I. Brown, Esq , of Ion- buI,popthtorol thus an Otuu Uotcl` dike Indiana! lib bndut, Dr. B. E- lan: on the union oltlnir vinil to Inuullno Ioohlp, thohnplnn djnJnAILglMAn-n `nu. --as -nnL Pfljl I0 DJUFIII IIO DION ollvith that oltln p'- nat par; and honlooud ltlionuo in that you than III ndlllcr onnoadiuuy nnuu I|0f oxpoodiun Batman than two doounonu he found Int-inmost locuuoiuloi III! "I`- h I an llgll An I-jx nl COIIII, Dlll III naucnangoa I1|I IIIIIIQ. Tho Mayor said it any new onrioua that at the proton! timo any inoraau in tho taxation should ho propoaod. For two or than you: t the taxation had rolnainad at 16 In on the dollar, but it was now calculated to add saw mill: ad- ditional. Even thon,;ho pointed out, than would be a dalloiouoy of something liko 2,760. Tho quaazion would be aahd, way such an `mo:-nu! At the onus: he might atato that they haul not as much ravonuo to moot the ordinary expandi- tun an they had lat yaa:-hat although tlny had not the nun amount 0! revo- nno sho upondiluro remained the sauna. Thuy had. in the am place. no city mop- ony which they could sell, and which last you roalued Iomo .l0,975, and this um they had to provido thin you out an! the urdinary aourou ol uvanuo. In ad~ dilion to tho above nearly IIIJW tho] had to provida aouno $5,840, tho coat of opduing and oxtamling onkoabbivlaion and Grove Scrub. II. w....4._n.. I ....4I....l....a .,.... nun nu urovo nu-sou. Hr. Woodn--Do I undonhnd you that the Iilldl Inn bun pcldl Th Hnvor Aid rm: Ihnnnnv ht! uncut tutti I'll. nut lvyculu M IqdoMh0IhvI,nnd nnoouoch Lnnnluhhlhnmnnnnnhunglqgg than. I..- xneurance . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .. ouo w Police Department . . . . . . . . . 9,472 25 Public Schools. . . . .. 12,000 00 Lighting Bohoole. . .... . . .... 2,249 00 Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,165 18 Saleriee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,120 00 Streete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11,914 00 Public Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 478 60 Printing end Slalioncry..... .. 1,100 00 Election Expenaoe . . . . . ... . . {C0 00 Miacellaneoua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885 75 ` Intereet on Debenturea . . . . . . 27,180 00 Oonaolidated Debonturce. . . . . 9,300 00 Opening Montreal Street. . . . . 2,414 00 Opening Diviaion Street: .... .. 2,467 00 Opening Grove Street . . . . . . . . 619 00 Victoria Perk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 67 Contingoociee .... .. . _ . . . . . . . 10,291 07 TolAl.......... ------ $110,518 23 Ald. (lukin objected to the ehepe in which the report was brought in. He Ind in Committee advoceted 18 mllle on the dollar, but he hedcheuged hie Inlnd. The avor aaid it may again nnrinna DIIIOII. . .. Stationary. . ,. . .. . Debentures. Deb0hIIII'6I.. .. Strut. Opening Street. ., ,. ..` Ton]. . . . 3;: Invlu Deciency in Rovcnuo. . Interest Account. . . . . City Hall . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mukol. Squnro . . . . . . . . MnrkotNo.2...... . Inlunnoo Department. .. ... .. . . . . Snluiu Eulimntod Revenue ..... ..C-20,277 57 iglnun mill: on the dollar on O5,- l74.06 00 . . ..I93_l42 89 moonua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u,:ru uu Finn-Police Court . . . . l.(XX) (X) Clergy Ituorvo Fund . . . . . . . . Ill) 00 Tun-I-lnnd: ol non-rosidohu 3% N Kingntun and Phillipsvillerotd 90 68 Innhlmonu on lot. sold . . . . . . `L610 34 Frontage................... 20000 Dom. uov.,gu. lighting dome 375 00 Interest on taxu I875 . . . . . . . . 30 00 Intarut on Inc: 1870- . . . . . . . 150 00 Dog at 1878 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 00 Halo lot oonl.inuuI.'n Mont. Ht. 1,250 00 M. ` AU.1Ii-Id& b -nknhlnn-nnblm ,uuouIuuq Tue uommmao an no upon in no uizod to be nhod.b,y taxation this your to nut the expenditure out ch: ouinnlod ordinary unnuo in C90,- pnunt you 010!` hat you, that in 1877 ` tho ulo ol city pl-opony Ioclind Unnuni '0! $10,915, 3 loans of rovenuo to Ihicl: the city cannot look this you; and fur- ther, that the srnountn for the opening of Ilonlrul, Division and Gron attach lull duo sud mutt be paid the pronoun you, In ngud to the incnuo lor the ` amounting to I6,640, than in than two , itonu making the mm of 016,616 manta be provided in 1878 than in 1877. The Coumimso nootnmond tint. 3 tax of 18 spills on the dollar bdloviod on (hi: you`: nheuiuant. $5,174,005, which will Into . a.n..a...... ..l :9 747 77 uooumanl. 30,115,000. In I deciency of 32,747.77. n av-`Inn Rout: . `ling..- VIINUII. V -'l\noncIIbug.|w klointknuulhoonuudnn WT'i3-WwI WWI 1 IUVII Iilhlhnaqanglnn than by Iuvaodnllhqvcnoqalonono Qpthdtyhnuihuthoir appreciation ddtuuinu. IIIC IIIIIPGII TEE III! T printed in full blow it in uunuocuu-y now to upon: it but In vary btioorn. coma-nu`: nrorr. The Commmoo Inn to upon that the u-mun rnnnitnd *1: In nhndhv taxation IIOIUIIMIIIIVODQII I The Inc: aid yd; Ihomonoy hi nmxprmbd lath didnooho mt hnnn 'nni: nv.nr. Rn Ah: .... .,......- o......- into conddu-lb ` Wu 9 M.` `W: and Ald. Walton being called to tho 11. . nal-eial Itubunt mm... but * urinhd in full baton it in unnnnmnrv ~ yum: T31` Kuehqonplninu. -I1 Lou Sop. School: $2,150 00 Runinuono... . .. 3,000 00 11` 50p. EOIIOOII 6 ,l '4 3, l!....nlI...o.l.l. uu m nammuonm. . ` Uncolloolnbh. . the dollar '0,- 174.605 00 ._ 93,142 89 Entixn.-nod oxpoudituro. . Ducianoy . urn: Inn -mum nun. 00,000 uu _____.: 37,492 39 8_1irI:77o 46 .. 110,513 23 03.747 77 . :1,1s5 oe . 3.04900 2,201 11 AW. IUl{|C-IIIOI" II Ol'(`I IXUI. Ald. IlcCunuoa- and In In-an. - Au moan aid um mun. u-some push hild taublluncoouityol tho upon: oluotbc 876 in drawing tho cqhotolut. AH. Iolhnnnu hid` it luquutly Ihtlho hctuficnlunnho butch-Ihoulcnvuginund

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