VIZ"' idoouulqlod nuhhgbythuin ILAA x:gd H` `Al. lkn -nan 5.1.: v: wuv nu-on-uvu, u nuv yoyu-' uuu tobopurohued in tho United States, loci: come if iii: unimportod article. (Eur, hut.) Ho touched up which had been nviv by I lawyer in this city, mad he du I. especially upon the incinuntinn. that t brother of Mr. Iukulio had undo unomy out of the Innnodon. Honotonto sun that ho was well ncquinud with I number of AL- lu-n nlnaunnn In!--no. L I`. aL.A WZ ivll -JIlIuuuUIA wlul D IIIIIIIIKI III the III ol0oopcr, hinnnn & Co, elm ballad boon college-chum and loonlnto -1 AL}- _.4-. -1-` lL-A L- L-) L..- no ooeuion lot the piping no in u Kinpton Ill concerned Glut it Sir John Ind rounlnocl in power tho Military College would not hue been in Klnpion at nll-(loud cheers)-that with that building hero, giving employ- ment to so many of our man, with tho benet: which it aonlorrod, and tho pru- tigo of Rho institution, ii the piping Ind Qn ha nnvudnnnnd in Hun lI..ii..l u-lg a--e. -. an. s--uavn laid that the time for speaking had nurly poet, and that the time for action had nearly arrived, and that on the marrow they would by their line on the ballot Ipeak more eeotively than he or Mr_ Jury could expect to do. (Applause.) He believed from thd sight before him that such a purpoee the majority of the electors contemplated, and that they would achieve succeee. (Loud applause.) He should not deal so far an be was con- cerned with personal mattera-he was not going to discuss whether he or any other peraon had given a liberal subecription 10 the Kiugeton Collegiate Inatitute -(langhter)--nor should he deal with criticism of an unfriendly nature on what he had said at a recent ward meeting, although prepared to subetautiate all he had brought egainet the late Government. (Hear, hear.) _lrI,e would for a moment, however, deal with the charge which had been circulated in Tory y sheets, that the Government had purchaeed a quantity of piping from the Ame- rican manufacturers. He wee in u a poeition to say that the Government had not purchased a foot of piping from the Americana". (Applause) But some- body might say, suppose the Govern- ment hacl bought it from some Derson who did buy it from the Americans. , Such an argument was unrcnaonable, ae ` the Government could not be im. plicated uuleu before hand it agreed to play into the hands ofa third and Intereeted person, which in this one was not the caee. The facta were theee: that the Government den , sired to purchase \ small quvnlity of the article, and invited tenders for it. He_wes informed that they aehed fora tender from a local rm, but that tho latter declined the offer, and nally a firm in Montreal, Meaers. C.E. Terrence -9: Co. were award` ad the contract, and accepted it. (Ap- plauee.) The contractor purchased the piping where he pleased, and neither the Government, the architect nor any others connected with the College work, knew anything about thecaae. He ven- tured the opinioa that had Sir John been in power there would have been -... A4..-..._ I... n.. n: ..l.... ..u Tlu chair Ill occupied by Mr. E. J- B. Penn, Pruidont ol the Libdnl Olub, Ibo thud the auspices under which ` the meeting an culled, and that it would live boon hold earlier but tint they could not locum the attendance of Mr. Jury until the preunt--that the Young Libonl Club Ind taken an Active put in tho election so fuynnd it duirod to ban its opinion: put upon record A: roll uthat oi the older Auoointion. (Eur, hour.) Ho naked for til the speak- on 5 good hearing. Inn - u an.--.... -UuIuUIu In any uuu-an: vuna uulnlno with nunyol than who Inn lot Inn] yonulnun idautiod with the Bohr: man in Kingston. Upon the wnlluol thoroon won urn!-nlnlipl In... In; the following motto : Inn of King- uton,now or nounvoh for Sandy Gunn." which was not only expensive, but truth- In! --.1-0:0` j UIIIH1 udljll will: In: quot cl Kr. Jury", one of thonout Inset and oloqvuut Ipcnhn when It Inc out land. Not only In the body at tho lull crovdd on to clouding mall, but (In plslfonn In covered with tho Icahn oi tho Libcnl Club .`.I -I__ _.nL A,__ ,1 AL.-. AL, 1, , IAII ovding tho Oity Ehlfwnllod $0 onrloling with In dine: which urn.-J n... .5...` a.I:.M -:.|. 0!.- Bread 1; ?|wm1 or n-um mom x| `rams mo noun:-:s Eon ms euorona [4 101110 1'03? nuns! I I Mr. Jury! IEETIIE or Iomumtul ; with tho jjviiljwrw U IIU Johludaudlcul Iodulgnlnr hp. oubondlhubauphlniur dlloulidub-kin by gm-um-an hlnurponboalco uh (Ba,hc.) Iunbnu-3`! IhvuI|l|o&b_I&l" Hnnrlndluuiyudllb `:jg`- w yo jjlwuj illoioklhl AL-_._.-.J.l_.;_._A _.__....I I... 32. . llhhln, Ky. III Iu-o In! tocnnl-. wf?ll- Isl. CHI TV: uyponou should go nnyurilh lb lodnthuho nnhlkilg nun . llopvoadulhcuvhnlolhhd _ an AL. .lIa..I nut. I.-Li-4 II--`I. U.IC'VUfIC-I oIlhoWdhItlIa3!adho0|nIh, (ally no-with at the noun outta: l.L.. ._.|.._.a _.... n_..x.... -3- "(.;,:;., ... autiudloupohc the Proiatiu uHuI thud bps Unt luau -.--A-nb-lgg.-..J_..I.I..l... nnoh good: In-gi-n rlvulvli Inhom- lull: `IRKII lulu IIIU UVIIIIII 1 ill. lonign lnbonr would not be shut out, and that the vockinglun would thonloh be without i-protocol. But when my phat! taxation on furniture -...I :.........I .0- ....a I... .1 oh. gmhh WIIUII Dun yi-will Caution uu unnu--Iuv undiucuuodmoont, lcuohho uddo -....I4l L. ......_-`.4! `-4 8! DL-. Iuuluutixvun-vi.-U, 33$-Inc -u-I would be consumed. sad if than vonlnon able: and tlnnwauldbo nonnonto uunnlnouno than, that ounihhouollurpc-on fol-than tho wqndobbmlwwolldhko Ibo IOifilVOIlHI|oIbIlU|Idb]oVC- eoupition. He did otddln that any In-anon nLnnI.I an nnnu -MI| {L4 vuuv an no uauunuvuun an -nu uuru who odvooohd it. It lnd been Illoa that the Notional Policy would giro the wurkingman oonuant work and good wages, but In proooodod to show that Inch wu not the cam, on d that those who clamourod for Probation wore not Iinooro in their tactics, but that on the oontury they won open And nvowod Froo Tudors, ond tlut their doctrine wu u {ulna u thou who proiuulgottd it. (Grout Appluuuc.) He pointed out that by inotouing the Protection to mumhotuh on the workingmon would not be unint- od, that the only thing they had to all us their lnbour. and that tho Notional Policy would not it. He dioconod tho luanituro qnutioo, nd domooutntod In . ..:...A- glut QL...u.|. ah. cupid -uv uu -uuuu up-u--uvu, -uu uw---on-u to uniootyllut tboughtho` -.i..|.| nu-nhikh IL. in-nnntgnn I0 I unt, Iuuu U-vU.u any I-uu night prohibit tho inpoion of ....|. ......a. :..o.-. AL- '......s- on. of Toronto, who wu welcomed in I much more cordial mmaer than Sir John nu llltl he appeared under similar circum- Itnnoec, and nppenled to them for unloc- tion. He tlnukod them for bin nonp- tion, nnd then proceeded to dilonu the 'NIlioml Policy, contending M. the out- set that the policy III an inn- ..... A. ah.-..o-. .. 5|... ...-.. (Hour, hour.) He briey gun his opin- ion of the Nnlionnl Policy which timed at incrouod taxation, It placing I tax upon our, und ult, And coal. nnd iron, and other things. He ukod if there van on nun in thst nut nudlanco who {1- vouroul iucronod taxation. nnd not I mun spoke, which {not he Accepted an evidence that the nudionco hnd no faith in the Nntioml Policy, which result In: loudly and cnthuliuticnlly cheered. Mr. Rnbimon then introduced --. llvunavnruav -.-.1 ., addreaaing the audience as follow workmen, reminded the audience ' of a ciroumatanoo which occurred ` live yearn, when Sir John A. Mac- donald had brought Mr. D. 0'Donogue from Ottawa to speak in favour of Sir John Macdonald. On that occasion he had introduced the member for Ottawa in the Local Houae, and at the aame predicted that before long he would nd Mr. 0'Douoghue on the aame aide with hinuelf; that meaaurea affecting the me- chanica were entruatad to Mr. 0 Dono- ghue; that he and the Reform party gen- rally anpported the legialation advo- cated by Mr. 0'Donoghue; that the Oppoaition had not favoured him to any extent, and that, anbaequently, the repre- sentative of Ottawa had been even a stronger aupporter of the Ontario Govern- ment than he was himself. (Hear, hear.) He remembered, too, that live years ago [the platform contained for the man pan, `Government oflicinla, while new the apeakera were ' power, --_. l...___., .-V .._ return e Insjority of men who would eeppnrtthe pruentoveenment. (Ap- plenss.) Uofsreslnptoswssoonon-In v--_-, - - ed, he hoped the by down on Wednes- ' day morning the city would be redeemed. (Cheers ) He eontrested the position of Government eeme into sdding that its people. were more prosperous, end contented, sud hnppy now than in Sir John's time so Premier, tho` herd times did exist. What under the sun hsd he done thnt they should continue to` give their old friend," so Sir John said he was, their support end continue him their r-eproven- tntivei (Lsnghter snd applause.) He wee open to conviction, but he fsiled to nd e single srgument sdvsneed in favor of the idea. Nor did he believe they would continue to have him or their member. (No, no.) If they were united snd went ferth on the marrow, snd voted for Mr. Gunn st the close of the dny,they would be found to hsve gained I victory. (Loud eppleuee.) present ' the city now with that it wee when the V an o- -1-`nu Ulnrv `(IIhONl&lIl?oI'D]).IhIHilIIl `In no obnnxiou Ihotitllndtoborr novdmndthatvha it In sholinhod thoauauootvuundo use that In zhoboginingolthouuonlolnll tun- tiao. (Hur,lfur.) Hohopodhlohn < Iupilhhn in his palsy, that tho? pooplovouldnotbobognilodhyhionpo-: Alina: nlngtlina A-J II. Annular -nnltl cu-uuw:kI1I%uuv1'1uu udnou-Iiinglounolhotp-|no-hc it nous anything and onrytlinghy tuna. (A'ppl.|IIn.) It. lduou draw uunlianlothuinovhunlidoml Afuvrox rum: 1AL-_-L, -u,., _un-9 \ .u . .19, A... -I--1 any Ijvuu It was cl----n Pdiq,IIlhlioItnkIiilIlIl- ludpuhophiun nttbibgnl In 1:01 all ttnhohdinulth thing Iunulbcnoctha-pupa: tin an $1 llnlnn-n\ Tnwnlinnnl ran nmgn wma. TUESDAY! snrrnmmn 1 ). nm. had been Oluhnnn, the I.ho'l'1-alas Oongnuhulnodo onl[r|ioI,IldIpiu och: ` which nlooudtln wotkilgnu, tlr. Jury-wok the wind out qnho Y 'l'ary'Innih|'ryIoplying that mpg: tolnuuiholuono Indian Ir_Rl|.ulnnnn_ llA)ndI.nllII&.\ Ill a":y'."o3';.".'s'u".'-f"7.':".7n.'sZ" eomuuuoonuono Manon nun; lr.BI-udspup. (boudlnuhtu. Ho likofuo thatch otioa nnd|nl:.BnndinnoInvaoIl.nlid.- An Ituvvulo B2? J`: n;hhin[ light olutlto Young Liberal Oonurntivo Auodntlon having hnnn nnlnn mn Hr. Jnnbnl tho mural uonaurvauva Aaaoaauoa nun. bun putnp toaak Ir. Juryahout the Canadian labour Union. Ha annulled Ibo uruung ulo. (mu Illlf.) Indy wuul not pouibly unnu mun Iollo good: they imporhd nndor any cimnnnhnou; nnd u [or _t.luir condition he oonddoud the 4,000,000 of Gundiuuu wall hip cull clothed and an toll hound as any 4.(l'XHIX) in tin `warm. (Chit) [coll OIOIIIOC Ind `Oil IIOIIQC 4,000,000 in up `world. (Chan) upon me unnoa autos, and 01. Inc Im- pouibility of keeping the M0,000.0(l) ol good: (imported nnnunlly) and tho 0,- 000,000 too, tho nituuion nninding him of the bov who bouuht tho hnhinu uh. wu,-Juu too, mo uuuuon nuunouu mm of the boy who bought the In-thing aka, And cried boeauu he could not hop the Inching Also. (Lou Mar.) Thy could nouiblv mod: n-auvvne sun ensure, that he wae going to edmit the good: free which they could not menufeeture end reiee the teritf on thoee they could menfecture. If euch were to be the cue where wee the revenue coming from 1 (Heer, hear.) If the Oppoeitlon carried out the policy which they pi-eeohed. they ehould not hen e cent of revenue with which to pey the expeueee of revenue, end the Tory eould not do thet; the legitlnele revenue of 187`) not being eullieieut, end en ep- peel hev' been mede to Sir Hugh Allen l'orl60,000. (Loud hhr end eppleuee.) He ehowed how fooieh wee ` the telk 0! Sir John for the Oenedlene, of the ebeurdut of telklng of retelieting ` the Uni Stetea, end 01. the im- ` noeeibilitv keenimr M0.000.0(l) < UOHIIGDYIDIO IUD WI. [DICE 0| UH? JOIN] end hie `free breakfast teble. Mr. Jury uking how such e thing could be free when n tn we: placed upon the coal, the frying pen, the sugar end deity rodnoe! He described how the unrkev. nine glutty And unptotnble, but for the cure of ouch he could not preeeribe `Netionnl Policy, believing, II he did, thet it would elter the reletionl of Gov- ernment end society, cripple the renoun- ee of the country end injure the condi- tion of the lebouring olueee. The work- ingnen wented the privilege of buying in the cheepeet end eellin in the deereet. glen, hear.) He held t et in England rotection prevented the introduction of new induntriee into the country, jult II it prevented the introduction of new in- dnetriee into the United Btetee. (Ap- pleule.) Sir J ohn hed eteted the: he won going to plnonl or we umeaun exporu end imports; elluding to the con- tanlion of the Oppoeition, tht the exporter paid the duty, from which he deduced the inference tht the more good: the Oeuediene im rted the more duty the foreigners woul hnve topay, epoeition which he utillied ell preeent we: both unstable and nbeurd. Oonnidenble lun nude oi Sir John coal. frying Den. sun: deirv ouenou m we aouruouon or proporcy. Ho told of many onus whore Gunn- diu good: were plnood in the mukot llld motioned o' u Am orican goods to afford ; Ulll run lulu l l|Jl'IUllUl3lB nudutthe same time bring in I little ready ouh; from this he made oom- pnnonu of the Onmdinn export: imports: nlludinn oreuea-- (near, neer)- met It beet Protection wee e Ipurioue eoheme, end thet for proof of what he noted he lied but to refer to the heeviut importer: of fun-uiture,moet of whom were Netiunel Policy edvocetee; that the condi- tion of the United Stetee Ivu Iuch that the people looked to the Government for relief, end thet in their dieeppointment they bed committed in some one: eerioue oenoee in the deetruotion of property. many 0111 AIDIOD. U0 p0llIl% Ollf "III IIIIIO `_ in England the depnuion prevailed, but three indnatriea were auditing-ooel. ootton and iron`-while in the United State: every industry Iaa paralyaeul..all except the eherilfa oioera. (Laughter and applauae.) He drew attention to the fact that when the maeone' etrike ooourred in London, England, the labour market of the United Staten fnrniahed men in abundance to replace thoee who had atrnok: that in Toronto, when the brinklayera reaiatod the eInploy~ ern any number ol men could be obtained in the United Staten, not at 02 per day the current rate of ray, but 81.50; that ` peuperiam in Engand had decleued while in the United Staten it had in- ` oreaeed-- (hear, hear)- that at beat ` In: a anurinua anhnmn. nnrl ` - WAGE WHICH CIIIAIII VOULD EIYFII. (Ap on.) He uhoud, moat conclu- oivo . that the ruin: of my nation (In- pon ed upon thotmonnt of nooulnriu of life which tint union oonlumod; the its prosperity wu judged by its panha- ing 19;. illlutntion of which no [In in" lmhnd Ind the United Shun . --'-.- -, . I.I. ITIVINS. lulu, Ian. I. c rouou u_ 430., nnuuu, lug I0_l', umunuon ol wmon no in nglnnd United Statu the oontrut boing largely in {favour of old Albion. He pointed out that whilo Ennlnnd dam-onion manila]. but vujt VG! IIIVZ X X A: Man; that Danni: Kunoy, tho t Fnndnoobhnux-rubber 5 :i.ttol`Ill Riva-,lus.. 0-|Iuh Itu in` contra) Ind doolnnd n turk- Inen Inn nnwnnul :1 eomnaninl dopu-ion in the United` SIQMI; that u't'n|nIintluirhdi.noay` *3? all` (Jilly than inilliouol ` Pllh Illlhb Unlhdslm-cannula!` T 3% Inn was than tho condition cl ch napkin.-_ .1 u.:. .. ..- ..n... an an (any clue Inllliouol in tho Unluclshhnwuoontol and um ' as. m......:... uIIu,u.. IINI, law. In. lhvnu] Dllf,--I with to Inform yum win our WHCQO [or no I have boon Inl- OI Ilolnljh. All mm using that bol- Elector: or Kingnton do 'yon want honutGovu-nlnonc for the next In you-at van FOB sax!-{WEN % .u- -'--1 wnu vv vvu -nruutntw '5i1lt,Ind Ihoiuliuouan lnvoulo tolhoucnrnol pub; muaomopoopluc n-pm. ha,` in have Inn mind by lirldfl "tidings:-ihu,"InI Iobopclodn. In:-"Innnln-nun-no-A-J an- ZI$vIiI' T-Uwju Ocvuwillvato lot 3 not name! no Ilovibaacltlhplouhph-odfr wu ussvu -sgusssvuw, 3|. UUIIIZII, \:.V., moving lhet the delendsnte should he committed for trial, am, the: it had been proven that the delsotlents helm.- ed to so Hegel Order, es shown by chop- ter 10 ol the Consolidated Intake of Oseeds, as amended by 29th Victor-is, 00.46; intheeeoond plus he shined, under theootnnon lengths! the doles. dsnhhednotightto Iudnispaoeeaion in the sheets in s IIlII|C' nleulshd to [invoke s In-eeeh ol the public peeee_ Ir. Donne's deletes see lengthy. l funds. f;;1'1dyw(v3.1;x;'nv Tu Ouxu Ou:_a.- l'ho lhgiatnto has taken the Onngo out: into dollhou- tion. On Saturday tho Oounul phant- od their Argument, Hr. Barnard, Q.0., mnvinn mg: on. :l.l....I...o. .|.....I.| 5. Runono Tun IY 8An..--The Ichrnon- or Hyderabad bu jun. made tho puugo from Kingntoia to Chicago in night dnyo and one hour. And thst Onptnin Gormly feel: proud our hi; whiovomont in not at All nut-priming. The [Met Ocaan bu nude inquiriu an to when the van! loll below, and think, it an ho truthfully add tht the Hyderabad in: made the quickest time, botwoou Koupton and Chicago, thnt in on uoord. vmeziz:-1NE Iruulsfn Report. I.I. : 0 .-Wo in! but oollln your 1' 5' I50 puilajhloon IGII .ud IO plugohnutlunnhonquu. Cmlnmo VoI0:.-A letter but been roooivod from Dr. Dupuil, who in now tnulling through Non South, and he writes tint the goncnl opinion down there in that the Mockonzio Gonrnnont. will ho nlhinod, tho they may lou l for non. That Inn, to any odd, lolly expected. But those who lntioipnh the return of Sir John to power will be woo- fully mistaken. We [in tho latter ollowhoro. Gnwzs Pn'rY.-Ountributnr| of re- frelhmenta to the Garden Petty will pleue send their contribution: to the Y.M.C.A. room: by 10 o olock on Thun- dey morning, 19th imt. TOO. Anmmm cargo of apple: hu u-rind It the foot of Johnson It:-oot~will bo sold in qunntiliol to suit. purchuorl. OOLLIIB & Hows. . Pno|s.-F'ruh to brink nouthorly to muthwutorly Ivlndu, increasing cloudi- nau to-night, And pouibly rain IPOII to- lnnvv-n- HAIVIST HouI.-1`ho Hal-not Homo, ol Sh:-int Church, Cam-vgui, will be hold at McMiolnel'I Grove on the 25th. It will be undo interesting. 00 Mr. Gunn s election on Tues- day is certain. Every citizen in Kingston who desires to keep down taxation, to lite and let live, should Vote /or Mr-.Gunn, the Kingston Candidate. ?.-...Qo----.... Vote for 8IndyGunntho _-....l..4____ nun none or mm. The meotipg dispel-nod with check: fol Mr. J my, the Mu-quit of Lorne,Prinoeu Louiu, and Her Majesty the Queen. mr. a.v.nAmy. M thin Ituro of tho proooodinga Ir. J. A. Allen undo an Attempt to explain hi: via" to the nudionoo, but they would Inn of him. Th: Innnnn (H-ngu-AA -hL plug... `on- Tho agony our Contact 21-LO n-A IL. I-Jhn-. --. I.-......Ll- 1:-A *-vl nus. unnuunn, who, in n plunnt little npoooh, moved I voleol thank: to Mr. Jury, seconded by Mr. J.0.Hudy. Itum of Elm nmmndimn Mr. J. uuvll, III III! DIS 0! UMO, I [Hi 01 12,000 in which he did not no on no being hid on mocha. Ho nlno concluded by advising all to rob got llr. Gunn. Ho III thou followed I IOI HI; JLBVII, Vvhovuaphglndtohovitll then. M the lat ulooou tho Torin Ind ndullld Iluygntinbytholkin dthdruotl. but this tins. In Impod, the would Iuntho akin torn clan oil. 0 Ida'- ud to his haul: in the Unihdhhu, 1 during which he visited the city of Hallo 4 iltou, in the Stat of Ohio, place of 1 HI) DIIIOIII. which In (lid nut no (room mm G? at 3 o'clock I00} T01}. No I IOIIUVOIO be I Ooodlodlelne. lab. 0.. Inch, um. mnun-rl DI. JAIVB, - ..I.J 5. L4 _n In Iltlrolycurod lo of Vertigo. ms. Chin, lll.,Juu 2!, 5125:-.._ ._.n.4 |u:w__gI_I_1 sm.| |TheBheapeslryEonds| Iefnrlnetsl Attention II AI hopoolol Invited. Ir Isluior out. Strictly on print. B. & J. GLRDINEB. lion Vote and lnlnouco bl AooI.AI|`l'lOl I you amino nu: Oolored Silk Volnu In Nnout hulou, Ifillinory Ornunonu, Gilt Dun Holden, New Satin Bultonu. [FRENCH KID GLOVES] Golond Plush Velvet: in Noun hdll, I Newest Daignn in Bill: Frinau, Al-I. Dunno or an BI.oon.-l! Vnor vopnh; luau pus-Ilz,"u:do will , an nth nouorlu the pa: II and dllo . uni -n;..:| n.Ph({. New Noveltios:I xounnovrn I horlud Mnulafou of cod Bur Oil -auh Lac .Phoq2Im of Lime In pngnlnd Iolol h J.H. Roblnoon, Planni- on lcolchm G. t. John, N.B.; for sale % Dnugml llld Gone:-ul Dealers. P:-loo I1. doun botthl. am: taking which`! led lar- ulh null 91%: again. 1 wolgitovlllch Inn] .39.: an I up my mun :`t:ulud`:f I pzanniu, lacing what it has done for us. loan`aoh1`mda;uly noovnlmnld H to our: ak! 0 R MW- Yonnvcry day, mined.) Jooluu Hnfpor, of tho n Lawn-hon." B';l'.h m P h`lull)`;o-D3`1'|Lo;: I?l`I.:`lEQd :I`l`llV h! J: H.M';h|nnnn Phnuinn. Don llr:-Eu-ly in Ot her last! took I uvueoold which nttlod m my lnnga. Ana having I had cough {or about six wash, 1 bud a nun attack of binding the Imago. whllo on :10 nvom Que In In Dover. [Ind dnlly Ipol of blooding (or none don unul I Ion about two gallons 0! blood, on win no track an to be nouoo able to Itand. I put book to Quunaiowmw I noolvod such nodhal uamnuoo u enable no to n: I but Quunuowmwhcro medical 10: house. I now an ndvartlunont ot your horlud 0041 Mar Oil lmuldon in I P M`: I Immediately tom. and got I lull S; bqytlu. kiln; which Hod lar- rrwapnor-an ova Mur uu lmuhlon r. 5:5: bottlu. taking v_U uggg My weight which in: NoTToronto m;a.n for King- ston. Vote for Sandy Gunn. jot: join Q-it um-um non Caplun Jun: lanai. nu ma: nun lot we country, 1: any land Inch I Minister in power tin. Ho and hi: oollugnu no Inch min-an ol the Unitod Stab: thnt they donblleu unit that Caundn Ill not oonamnd I0! . uuorlu the pullout to trying dllonu ph -an I-audio and alarm; r hlluooouluuvo ml, lfyou no 5 , euholntl WIny|uhhnodI- pormhglloh gnu nun ltvorh ihaalb olnihlh Inld. new nuuoo no um um " :'...`2."" ..... "'."`.I.'.' II! It udloho that does not not 1 an Inn parity and rononn. Im mo unxua nun: mu may aounueu hunt oonquond In 1812, no u to bu put of them now. nun: no country worm nun; now. It would he 3 line indnooment to our volnntun to gin up their time and risk thoir live: for the country, it they note: nnin. Ha IIINOIII ITBIII . um 14. In nuoouy woula [now Inuon soon: too mum, Mr. Till-y hm boon counting tho Governmont for uponding uo,ooo in nliooing tho old vohnna tho and am. In 1812. Perhaps Inn does not think tho country worth nng ne to om- III Hf Ga-any to I can: an .' onryonotlutuoit. `lino Ill nlion any out. it. Boldby. HpuhtGum_npnd H. uh. ttoduoodin 05' I GI'IA`n.v. and in mg: L Iodluu and Dark IIMIII . '0nr will In found lu-pd coup II ll 1! Ia, Good ` .'n .`.'.`.a".'s". ..`.'.u .4. ' nneo on non. 8nokv_ll;: N.n., lob 18, I877. .1. ll. lonnon, lInq., st. John, EB. Du: Bu-:-lu-ly in Ot my Inn. um Y_E_G_*_ET_1_1FE B. & J. GAIIDINEII Tn Punomm.--Any down in 8:. Ion, New Brunswick, when In thought nobody would know much shout tho nnthr- Kr. Tillnw Inn has: annua-inn lnuornnarou-qwoqltvu Vl. l uunt ol `II.l.l.Invuo- Ln-__IIm` nu. llave Opened 0ut|'l`o-Day. ' any 36333" nnd Oomploto Stock of Now Dru: ntarinll lot ntroot, house or onning nu. Also an nnonunllod unort- '\Tc3?E"i-'37:" I ind Oomploto Block of Dun and mdo Trinmingn, u. u. uwwu-uu, runrur ?:i"u"lcC't.. in tn P:-loo O1.& 01! ! bottle: for 05.00. ihluphlllfnifd hung I, In not up to my ulunl BIOIIIIIIDIUIHJA Id , 1""-"'-5-.. -.-.'?-2... sonnonlw 1| I300! Eff. '- Ol AID AMI! IATUIDAY I131 . VEGETINE in mud OIIIJV loot. mu.` Jmuuluun V I `Ii ifanlllso . -.Ja.d: Alnoalrulllrlvalotllror IA1gll.-- .1. npdIubOnIIn.IoIU Iandaulnnryoonnod ounllooulutlo In d vvnn0nh|i annhh-an Pawn. a son 1-lam mu. noun. [Jon inn. Farmand Markelgarden Thurnduy. -ope. 10:3. AT ux r.u.. [Notice to Contractors. WILL III I FOR THE IIVIBAI4 TIADII IIQUIIID ll `I'll Ereetien or e Residence. . OI Illd II`lIlI'. oilnuandqulluatbunqyhouuuour on. Tholowut uduwtum uonuunlybo uoqlod. A __,,, L lulu-1`: Voyopd dllnhun, ; nuumnunuu. I Dr. Finn` llluhry lunch lulu. I Adhnooruu Inner. ` lth`! PNIIIISIOI Gnnnu. :9 loan on low Paul`. H Iuulollbollu spa-nu; Punnd Imuluioux UOGINIOIIIOWI III, as Don: lnk-lhphu' uid and Oupylu. sdnsanluulnglthocnlynnbk-ukxnglnk '2 (Ion: Tylal-ell III and prison. III laden-Put ll-hd look, In! look And an Book. 5* All tho hon bo tohpodal I-aha And now.o`ond 3'51; Iona: puying rota. Ivory School Book unod in the city. S. WOODS. I.-. I -nu. ` m Iudou-hrt '"" ' 16:195. glean, Kllglhhsi II, I". , [THE IEWBUUK-STME gm HI mullahs OI does . 1 put}! unovuo. hu pI.b{o Ilunuon. W O. I ll0IAI'|'.. Pndicu. 8-puns. ` ...-------- Janna cum; 0,1 Ilnn;n-r ~ .. _ ..-__.. Ions mu A aaA:'JB" lllvhillltjo `III vmblnnbhlwhuu puuhllno Inll OIITI-O cub `I1 : o IWWMDI GAGE BROS. Thlndu, tlll ltl Ilitllt. cnouuosomuloomvtuu. T V JUST ARRIVED. land! that dtloaouth, "' -'nIbruunho.unI..u.e , II [MI] .0 Inlndhu rollol. [A cmsurv ncuvnb _snuun. `Y. M. O. A. TENDERS I=o:_ALL-:.' I IIOIIVID II Till UNDER- IIIIID Ulfllo THE BANE` 1. :. oaouaoo. A? GAO] BIOI. `I|u`u or an :4; . I CHI 0% ,,. Ir 1 s3 an hubundoi r-3.."llo::.h0Ilu -Chills ' ,coIu-utullnthn south, Dhnnivnancnlbtuul bolllllnoune nu} `thellood L & styongmna, T030 `I'D. \7E:E`fI'NEl DZllr.-l win Inform win: Vqltluiuduulor huvobcon Iii udalhr nduthnoloor hclio V 1:. olnlnlyoi tot|:vod..dl hinypunl in v . =1!-n ND is I pod lmllellu. "0 Icon tub, PIANO-FORTES. jlvidthh-a-nun flfrbtnncs or me on} magma-. % IV nun. 1` UV jww 0' 'l'0l0I). Iw 0|hlI.llQllkI.B Cub. ....,., J `lfl-IOSFOZON E 2 Inn. ' J. I. lncnu., Agni llnlonou I Loon. II. Lollin. lo. Iivjiuujf HuodIb_1unnn "9!!'!N3 .rownnggnsnnTr Qnuw "hue Iu.., ' I and (lives strength. Du Quin. 1n.,.u. 21,1373. bin: -_ Fun Ihuunol. II? N Yoouu. Sir John and Aaoonoqu yausirltlyhdllaulldranlo` _aap-oaiuaau alouldlu ....._1) I... ll. --4-... L` ._._a Curr I-I IIIZ ju U1 triqluulinlhoutnno nndiuplydir gunlul._`l'|oDI-.iuo boson-odd lune .iu-pan. spunk. 0| as.- covu-iagthuuoublovu in-but ho lulddupbinncnobudlod pupa: udboohnndlduho hall ale tho vigilntnvhtiou dth TIE nannnnnnnnn nun -hilt. Ii--n.-_ %&!~_k 7|."-*1M-h_*-i lnotnight Dr. Blowout onnounootl o nootingiotho Ontario Boll. Tho Dr_ iaoonluodocnnoorly Isouo-,lsuitno allot oigll o'clock holon any Iunbor noluoud:duoo.`TIooIvIdIuoou- pooodoloulyhoyl. who hot up not dioovdu-utopluoontoqoohoroltho ovoohqlvonoddrololug-his Hunnnin-an TLnIunhn-A`nnn v-u-n ru -...._. -.....- ... .. upon for a. snowy B';.:: inchdioy mum. anon nun. And now ho would inpono a duty on us tlntbu been found to work appra- tiuly, And which will upoobd u 5 lap in the right direction. Vote (or 0mm and I and I hit rovonno uri. V;-1: yvvwucu-cu V- 3 j. l- luoatiqvuoonpnrvhllhliquno-I Inl uunnnlinannlidlgcnunnnlng I These hands are clean." \'ote"for Sandy Gunn. ' 1cumgs,-sir.I_o Mncdonnld aid on the Hunting: on 'l'nudny Int thnt Ibo union the dntiol were taken of! our, 5543., before, wu lhnt the "Grit: took Id- vnntnp of his absence nt Wnnhington" and repulad ' thorn. Thnt. mom) in no truth in thin utuomont is plain from the loving statement by him noon nltor. In 1373 hi llld: Tho our tn hnd bun In u n usution ol tho indopon- noo ol the count." nninnt Inui- demo or we oonnuy ugunu Anon- con oxcluuivo lnginhtion. It had boon maintained in the View until it had been found to wotk oppnuivoly on cabin notion: of the community, nndao now it no npoulod u n mp in the right dim- liam .. ... ... .... w.......,. The present Government in oppoeod to nothing of the kind. Mr. Mukenzie Imllnrdly come into power belon he lncroucd the tariff from 15 to 17} per eont, and in every woy menileued I din- poollion toueiu the Inennfebtuun of the country. Mr. Munkenzie he: been 3 good friend of Kingutomond the work- lngmon of tho city during hi: regime how for the lint tlmo in thirty-(our yuan known who! it in to hove public in- provemenu made here. Thoulondn of dollnn hove been upon! in (Me city by thepreoeotorermnenl. for the benet ol nnnulaotnrers, boildeu and much. nice, and with In opponent of the Kinir try on our member. Elect Mr. Gnnn And Kingnon will be llvorod "more than Vote for Gunn the employer of home labour. Sun the New of Int evening : Tho pnunt Governmom in o to encouraging the manuhctnring indus- trio: of tho country." 'I`LA -u...-no (`la---.n..-..t 3. nvnruu-.4` in ---- ~----ooc._..__. Vote for Guun and good go- vernment. -encneeelul iune. ulnue ween -nasal`:-Ce view can here from Toronto to edvoeete the omee ol the labouring eleeeee. The re- ception which Mr. Jury wee eoeorded at the City Hell lent evening in eonvincing prnol thet the public have eeeeed to ewe!- low the virulent etntf which our contem- porary daily pnhliehee, end it in evidence too that the urge: oi Sir John Mention- -ua. cu-;v ` AM can iueult reepectehle men in e men- Ier which thie jonmelunnot epptoeeh. ` And why ehonld Mr. Jury be euhieet to ` nliuk I Simply beoeueo he came here to expoee the lrnudulent oherecter of the Netionel Policy, and thet my working- nun who enppoite it doee thet which cen- not help the country, while it injnree himeel! in A very greet degree. The eu~ dienee cheered him while he mule point Alter point, and cerriod hie argument to e Mr. J ury | eddreee will undoubtedly boer fruit in to-dey'e polling. v"" " "` "`V'--'- F -Alon pm. an uddnnb I girlIuuI8mn'l'orca`.c. Shin but Olin-tun yoga ol I30." his both ~ height. nigh: than hudud ponds, innlnnluntnnn nuul n Iii. ---L-pal Our ouomnponr-y-:31 owning undo I number ol Icon and potullut inch -nun. `II. L. on. -nplph.---_ -I-... Vote for Gugl your fellow- citizen. J Inc-r-.-di-in coed-an on.-uh.` ooo.__:. -cu.-u. -mu.-u nun: ucuuzuu yvuuun, hunlutoon and 3 lit; Illbotd C..._. __.I 1- :_ - -__J -._n- -1 L..n|_ lgllnnul duglueu; An-.. n_.,_ , . """I"'|""""1 -- I V--o -I, htilatiobollnlb-by. giiicy livnlyahntit. ' - Pnndlundhvohbl -L__A All I\_.__-..l. _____I. E- Ti CZ: IVUTD W: K. panic! gdudq upon IpuHI[-iIl unrnntllinan-nan; q W --Ti'lI#'I Cob outt nodal Ru.P:iudpilGuIud uinhidhh` Q5-Iiinlpn-no u-vy-unis on-uusugn. --A]thln,l Hhlolhh.Iut In-nnnt jmnmj indulg- Ind nuution ol {ho indopur moo country mum! noxclunin lnainlntion. h Ind boon IIIIII haunt as units pity I-3'33-gall vvu-trj. -Iu-hnhl lhoaln Pulyd DY.-.0.L.QTII#OI__ --0qt. .)a|uh&IIhycluinud' by hlunpolltqlclq. _l& l.a...l_ liq A-ac: `mint -""| (|IIIIlnap)bhIIniul` 30!`!!!-`sync! nacho city --vih:-Ivlbo nnlqduh r-.....nL.:.n - -ou-uc-lu;--JnuuuvuL A .-IA`! A1.- Author Hula. Another Flb. Anollner l.lo. Ir. Jury. -'- \JWj\Il nhxnnht tho dhulution was it at tho Ii-o itndully hotphgght Ir. lduonuubdthu nboycddounh Ihtnuhrup bubhuyunucouotuluunpcnpc htbdhiqvpdlhdlutiugndthn W Inc. Ioahndnidb nduliuulhhbdnhd-Hal has `-a- -an-qyuuuuuua um. h. (931) In n-hid Ibo nduoclnhddcllb Quad aL......ll|.._....u..-.__.x.. L._j i jj X OJ)-Xhhl UH $1 I-Lil-ids Anjglggn 1 F351;:-a. qubvc&o U j Ujli -$ UUIIT lihliou villhhihlot-out in 1874. nah I antacid Ihcontlnonqthq pl ALA. nnnnnnlndnm C-uILn -n-nnlnnhn-- VI IIIII -IIIg-I-In I-- luv nun interned byllil piIbInn(Oonnru~ Lin)thtIr.0Inr|aIA&andohudro- mind heath: Indus: at last eight nouthbdontholtptiniaulor tho nnoumnouul,udhnbowuuoi|- A_._A.I_ an n.-nLnI- Iig...I_ .- {-43 [I13] In lvcluug. Iuliwnq III Illlu rouly, holnlhl bytho Innuctiou which took plan In Juan, I875! Ir. lu- lu.--E. Lnal Jhnnlum Li. L-1-...