Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Sep 1878, p. 3

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..." -.4...-u-.,, -v ---..-,--._.... ..v ..- . -Mr. J. A. Allen may now be comic]- Irod ono of the uta of our oontemponry, and It in welcome to his political e'ulionI4 TL- D-l..-n--. an. arm D.-4......-n. IIIU II us. \ -Tho politicians Ind quite I time of it at Stall: Point yesterday. The Ipooohou nun of the tuna] Tory quality, but Mr. Cartwright will have A Innjorily III the ---The News in Angry with the Adding- ton Reporter. Why? It up Sir John swore, jun u if that in anything new. , ll . D.u._.... M D Q.-mu. 11..-; u... .. .. ....w.... w .... y.......... .:...........4 -Tho Reformer: no not bnggina much; but they will get their work in on tho 17th. ` ML- _-I:.:_:-_- L-.I ....:L- - A1..- -1 :1 :.v ow-. Givo ur the nuns; and the prices- We know I little of the corruption of the Tories, And if our contemporary desire: it we can give the evidence of Mr. J Amer Shannon. AA ,, , , In 1 n in, nu -At noon on Wednoudny Mr. Wm. Ayluvorlhi honon, Bnth, nu Away with the nail sud throw out the occupants of the wagon, breaking his daughter Jnndlleg nnd injuring old Mn. Wright, badly. Mr. A. In hurt. no u to have been unoonnoioul unto Wednesday night. |u.auuqu.-u:- mun... ul ---l&: in mm PA-I-- , -Time and ngnin have mamben of Mr. Osrruthel-3' ,CommittoeI acknowledged the price, in oak, they pnid for votes.- News. --The News nay: : The Mwkenzie- Ito: of Montreal In very much `mixed and muddled.` " Are they? Well, they could not be more mixed and muddlod than the Tory party from the Ghieltain down. .11 Z -1 nufvjl ljuynolnvvlallgl OI-pHq noun power! at P110570- ICI.u$loIlov|u nxhuthcunhtbr OIOIdvdvIllnIov:-- ll-Inna--,AnnL Inn --Fu'meru hning barley to sell thi. you no lnughing I" over their (seen. But they Iunt. the threshing machines to run double time, for four the price nil; come down before the grain is got to nnrkot. nu , Ir, ,, "W, mu, II I , Inlllu ul In. -J|mea Comntock, gu-dner for Chu- loa Hayden, st Alexnndrin Bay, sloped with Hnyden'| nurse girl, on Saturdny night. They have ed to Onnsdn. Oom- Itock left I wife sud four children be- hind. ---Human`: winol, lntoly ndvortiled to I oonlidenhlo extent by Henry Olmpmm I Co., of Montrosl, in the Wmo, were ndurtind in it an only an 1866 by the ulna firm. 1.____ n_-._A__|_ ___J_-_ 1.. nl_,_ ..... ...., ...... -PloumI romuk by Banner Blaine : "Kr. Oonkling bu M much chnnco 0! I Pnuidontial nominntion u a pig of going to heaven in I wheel barrow on the hunk of | hnniamo. I1____v_ _:___ I.A_I_ _.1_,.4:,,_I L- -`i"nin in the time when uhrowd mor- ehunh begin to plmt ndverlinemonta for 01.. ll cud- Ami .. oh-.. ..l-..o .1. vu-uw Ilusul av ya-nu -uvuusuuuuuvnuu IV: the full undo. And ll they plant 50' -5" 0|... Innn tut Ivy- --'l'ho Burma W310 Inn by two hun- dred copies the Input cironlstioq our attained by I dnify paper in Kinguon. In stunt nlo IIOIIO in on third of its city -AI-Iv II uu IIIUIIIJWI ul Uuulgw `IU- ecq places in Klnpton. Roddcu emer- od tho lint long ago and in rotting up to ill. Inn Illlll `nun;-u-u-, nun. U -u -v-uu-u-, than onrythiog in as good or lntur, sod is chap. _ I"|u-A in nu}; mnnnumlu nl nludn. nu. Aqua; 4 1-uo.un'o:o'x'p .- I _ 00 In` 1-n'3c'voso' ":73. L'u'- ."s .5: . ununnu uuu- ucavuuwuun nvv plllucunullohoapprnnlnu it ginuthou `WI . _n..'o nn.- 'nl|'aw running: at nnuunllntl -`!hlnui|ont. Aooldnvo mu o Ct|ol|Idtoday,cnnudbyIhoptoo- pcIino|ootionolBrodut'I`onWhiuin Cudvcllt ` -l'-uuhou panda. ol luv Vnlancin f niulorou dollar utkaddani. No _,,.-___|-__ :; _:__-_ n___. . *nuun.n%wn V , unlit! kn ptiauodtho Wulqnn Gnu-Al Oodnuoo lotclnpIiniII0onuitu- an, . Zljvj j lIj - -j-3 hIIppdout." --I1-.Jnuph Bulnloudlqland btnoughioluvuqnndtinp-1.1!. IuHona1itloIutIo&.InIrnna Jnuuunouskayeouu-uci-got` n Oikyooudl on Hands} owning. 1-... ...|....|m.. ...n.. ........- .. Ijiljgiijajjilul Ahelbclulio Faiths. v-A ndtldl-yguuduclutinnon _-n-I-III. In -h-l- `.1 -_n-` --lh.Juvi|hnn|i-4lhnunlvB J Iulibilullhnn. .-unovluopnq lo;-` In}: Iva-ydnlhq banality. _AA...a.....|.-.:..|._..n_.-.1.` - WI -Thon in nb monopoly of choice gm. not nlannn in Yhuunbnn D-(IA: awn-.. INC -Dou't pay luicy prices at so-ullod lung annnulinn Inn tn` In Dgaltlaun Jrnqnru; .1 V I I.lIInu: ~ , We hula boon telling you ' C the put 0 Man mouths. ud . ' plenum In duh; that In onryouo. Iiglbla-. nk! - b0o\vou.:., DI-Oahu, Hichnu, Ky. It has [Inn grul undu- ELECTION GOSSIP. .. ....._...,, ......., ind Atlas, which have ..&...Ll. ._.I I-__.l_ .u....4I_ .--an an-u-u'u- -it IIIIO poo uuuod P. I. Ilnnuquuon in htulhov, nnldnlpu Iduiduloo, wlololldndlddlcuuvlvd. Joh'Ip|IIdQbh luolovlho Ins, nial, and to dqu-Ind vii nayu`Od|luyou anIoIn-Id` n P. I.-IoqI Io0nI-no W-. C Ciclvunb dun-,5.-n snip. 5...,` L_._.lI----n-llL.A_l. '-r unann-u-dump. On Wednesday Int John Moriarty, who has frionde living in Kinglton, op- . peered At the Belleville Police Court, I charged with drnnhena. John I'll up the day before on the same charge but III Allowed togo on pmnlaing to sun for Kinpton. A: John, in 5 bonele- nnn, the `byn dohinod him to Ihov then 5 `hit of thick. Koderty obliged Ihe `Mel and Iotiokled thou that they lnetodhintooftoelpendin this new be node lab Iny beck Apia Ind (:11 Into" -tholuodnotthopoliouopl. Onhiu |eooudnppoenneeintheConrthetold ihinutoryeeehoutodu I . II., and he beinguoI|ovhtleotedulonI,Jol|nnGoeoe pt-ooeededto nty his lllncheinlo boookunu. Suppiogdonoolollhe boxhoruplued ooafootontlhebnk o' h'nneehnndIhatheotb,IndpI'oyelled hinaellbyhiehutbnudtothonuuo .uetoHbeCnI. fhinlonupploueet. ed` vilhux-|hgIblagIulIed until alike urn, udeonrelothct wide, vhid bed the dutolnhniqe Imtdlbopod Xlllltdp. -. Ilinnnann-n-E-LL. There were two exhibitiona of W. W. Cole : Circus end Menagerie yeeterday afternoon end evening, and the endi- enoee on both occaeiona were lerge and remunerative. The menagerie-wee good, I oonteining the tune] collection of nnimele occupying eome thlrty-ve eegee The nnueum wee elao attractive with its curioeitiee end monatroeitiee. On enter- ing the meiu tent the tint to attract et- tentiun were Mr. Betee end hie wife, who are eight feet high end who are advertiaed ea the greet cord of the combi- netion. Theyare certeinly a very re~ merkeble pair, end ere gezed at with more or leea wonderment. 'Mra. Betel ' appears to have been very ill, and looked an it ehe would enjoy e reet in wine ee- cluded epot rether then be obliged to ' ait for home and be gaped et by the iuquieitive multitude. The Ceptain ` end hia,wife heve eppeered before Her Majesty, from whom the male giant re- , oeivetl a gold watch valued at $1,000, The ring performance wee very ehort: laating but little more then an hour. ` The molt pleeeing feetllree were the eomeraeulting over horeea, by e company of young men, chief of whom wee Mr, Bachelor, who made a double eomereeult over thirteen horeea-the greeteat feat of the hind we heve ever aeen; the trepeze evolution: by A young women of good gure; the double horizontal ber exer- eiaea; the ethletio notion of three brother-e; and the belaneing of e couple of well trained pouiee. The cireua went ewey laet night, making the ekip to Otte- we. It trevela by nil end haa no lere than three hundred horeee end eome two hundred men connected with it. -1'hol.l.uuuInh:IiIhht nrkj 1 L-$-h:__.n. u-5 uuu -vuu -un-5 vn cu.-nu, . an vvuvvl nll along the line. It comes first from Maine, the old Banner State of Tempe- nnoe, Hold the Furt, for I am coming. Then the western boy: catch up the ntnin, and the sweet song ring: out the answer, Jean: signals ntill; end then the Old Dominion of Canada, rum-ouned u the is, steeped to the neck in diuipe- tion though she is. will noon Weive the answer back to Heaven, And from ncrou where the wide Atlmtic rollI- -when the white clih of Old Englnnd are ever kin- ing the Iea-will come back the cheating words like a fresh gleam ncrou the wnven "By Thy grace Ire will. I-I. ITIVINS. l':uon,'lus. A-I Lg n n! IIIH A. nn n_.__;-.- Ill IIIU IJIIII 3- III III? \-ICIICIIICII PUU` plo, and 3 glorious triumph will soon be gained over the lat Ittonghold of 3 terrible foe. Hull! Thoy are zing- ing theloud nongof victory! It ochoeal .II .I..... 0).- H..- It 4......` Ana` 5.... Vjl-.Ci4l1I XWCI-K Gui! II I eeneeofdnly, nndnlehnnningtoenlnll theueelvee up: the idle of right. 0% itwillhee llepoydnylor llle honuin this Dominion what the gelling chnine olrnn no longer degude hc 'people. Oh hnppy, Itehnll helhe goldenoneinnlllhe denim ottine. Thu Illllll (or drink eennotelweye exiet. Bun will not forever rne renpnnt one the land, lhepeoplevillnotloelongbow down before the idol oi Beeehen, end be- come wrecked upon the boeoln oi inten- pernnee. I on perhqaeoooeidered r-ether hopeful for Canada : future, bot huing _ Iruelled quite exteneively over your . Dominion I can with ulety predict e brilliant future lor the Provinoe of Out- rio. Gnu ewe] out toward the eeeurn horizon jnet nt break of day And you will perceive e hint glean: ol light lluhing ell Along the euunnit. Soon the brightneu become: more vivid; the Inn rining higher and higher bum: forth o'er land And see in All in regal splendor, diepelling gloom Ind dnrkneu with its gledeonxe preeenoe, end ooding the enrth with n halo of glory. So in it with the cause of temper- nnce reform. It hen peued on it: grend crnude through New England and the West. In holy inuence in being felt in the homee of California, the lend of gold, end in now inking root :n `log L-nu-6- Al N.` I1.-.q:Ii.n non- VVUI'_II'I-$KIj1-Ifuo Butuotuolo-dny. Thoyoungpooplooi Onudnuylut bouncing around to: -..._- -1 J_A_ __.I -__ L__1__:_,,._ .__,u -$u'IvvuU uni, C ljlijtj thouhudhnnggdt, nirwuhtluituhhhyhtlcubluilnndl jaiagaphdlkouvho Ioukludur .nn- 0.. .-.31 . ...lI...... ...LL 5].... `VIII nuu II uuw uunuus the burn of the Onnndinn an nnmaa wane. samnnn sn:prnnBn,7_. At mi II Qulu I Character.` um? i?if:in niii rniiuiii Cole : show. .-npqtw D , Vanni : mg -L.I..-I .o, wash--5-u;u.u.,au-g-, 30,0105...-us; new-.w-I-.6.au |-vhcd.,$bd;@nj,'l'o- fIuo,o,unu-nu. oh`Iu-I I"""""`.._"'_'2.'.'.!&E` I :1`: '1'. 0o.-AnivIlI: Idlldqin lw Inn.-A Ion fat -v yvvvvu -|. $UWl']- -2- II nuao-nodudlvynpnllonnvho viobodtonutthoblourhuynyio lihdnnlfornyunho chomp. And bow-uddo yoInhiukHr.HJoI7'I lrhulnddlnlarntnpf lockout. ovunvquld `uoputnpa tulip -hino-lholluI, ' blunt rnnlint having oval dodind to Yesterday: nppodorof Ir. Kokoly urivodinthooitmnndnpaatspnn of hintino`blun`t.lncidunI|ryourng ` tob0U5(I) upon tho olootion,Ig|hIV1 Hnshibloy. A Prlnoouotndpooc 4 tookhin host an nocoolo, u.1 ntnhaonlnulunlurnniivdtllo odds` nhonnhlod. Murtldutrumution it nndndpuuyqniot nllho unplug, u whoIIhtIIrI|odnp|nhohl,Ildo&'-: In mm II Annual: Ann`: L. 4 wu uv -unuvv Lllulnili, I rognrd men an cidunn only." ..._j_-. w-w .--uv- vu nu-van- IVIIIC 3|! \-FISH`. III in his hat, eolnllnnu : If 1: ma ! catch Hut vote widout his help, we nay talk shout (nun an woman an` epitaph: ugin." On the fence Iona tho follow- ing placsrdn : W0 demand npnunt tion :1 Cntholla," So we do an Hotho- dim," "So we do u Swodonbotgiam," "So we do uiroo Thinkers, J an Inn u-mammal -unn an 451-..- .._I_ '9 Dnulsfs Report. I.I.IlIvIux 11.--Wn Invlnn h-an nnlliuu Such is the title of Grip`: lut cartoon, It represent; Mr. J. O DonoghIe in par` suit of the R. 0. vote, which take: the Ihlpe of a pig. In tho ohue Mr. O'Do- noghne cetohee the animal by the tall, but tumble: in the not. Sir John, In tho ` dintenco, end with a rope over hie em, call: out, "Hold it for me, John, and I'll reward you." But John reupondl; Begorr-5, eir, We grenud. In the beak ground nppeu-I Kr. Boyle, of the Irish Canadian, and Mr. Busty, of the Leader, the latter of. whom, with an orange lily in bi: Int. mmnum..- an on n-I| I I < would can put, us: for U200. Upon motion of Ald. Marlin, seconded by Aid. Mohnoou, the privilogo and leave of absence ukod for were granted without diuonot from any member of the Committee prenent. I0! or vomnteerl It I me to help. The Chief aid the principle campe- tition, And that in which our brigndo would take put, for $200. Uoon motion of Aid. Mn-tin ..mnA..I pace: I AM. ` thing. AIA ` g. Ald. Meroor- Oh, no, not at all. It would cost nothing. Then the tiny: I lot of volunteer: at tire to help. nrincinln calnnn. ho Ohie!- f thus should be: nu-ioun ro it would. However. tonliovo the city of raponlibility in Inch OIIO, they applied to the innunnoo eompouiu. and this in the result. He then nnd lute- Inenta signed by most ol the u innar- moe oompnniu in thin oi? oxpnuing their willingnau that the mnon should no. u: we ueonp wan o. Ald. Mercer said he would rely upon the judgment. of the Ohio! in the mutter. Ifwe Allow those men to go stay I would instruct the Chief to get their plncel Iu plied. Ald. Arl.in-'I"lmt -nnhl no-l .4-n.._ OI H10 l'll'8 UOMEIFNO. . Ald. Melmoon explained that tho shit at Kingston In 5 competition bottom re brigndu, and thut if the Montreal remen won it, it would be an honor to the cit . 'l"|.- --A- _a......_-:_... _ 2-. A W ! 1 UIO 0|` The :10: -8npponing I in Ihould occur during their nbunoomould not tho b ' do be orip lad! uric Ru; 0 unnl.-I D .... .. A. __|:-__ .L o H. I The Kfnyox--Who in `the President ! The Ohief-Ald. Rinrd, the Clnirlnnu of the Fire Oommittoo. Aid. Mnlnnmn nu-nl.i...a ch.` 55.. _A-.:- H3 V III I I Ila ad. I : "" nu .'.`.....`:'1'..`u'3 2. .P :...Im.a. - I II II In I [yd nodlolno. can I-II). Pun Rnnuncx. mo umer-1eI. ur. The Ma or-How many? The 0hIef-Four. Tho Mayor-From whom did they got leave to go? The 0hief-FroIn the Puuident and from mnalf. ap u-awn um um none in good order. he llnyor--NoIm.ln_y| than we too mnny ucuniom. Everybody wants to have an oxounion. We have already Ind two American excursion: here to enter- nin thin seuon. (To the Chief). You had some of your man st Ottawa the other dny, didn't you? The Chief-YeI. sir. Th: M.-n-_l=l..- -s---'1 rue umet-M their own, sod they will be renpomible for returning I" the up uatnu Ind the horn in good order. gho llnyog--Nouvuluya .. . . u . . . . ........- nu_._.L, . . . one UnIe!-`l'velve. The Mnyon--At whone expense do thoy Innt to go! Th- l.i..t 4; LL_:_ ___ ..J A nuueeureeuveu tut IODOOIKHOIII-` ` men _ehould he allowed to Attend I pie-nio hm prince oered. They have uhd per: ` etK1:e{on,on the Intel the pneentf mont . Thehiel amid the remen Iiehedtof go about the 26:11. to be eheent (outdo fherewu tobee trial of than to engine: at Kinptau, end they feel A lit- tle interest in it uni I desire to compete. Therein one Ilhort timelgoin 0hl~ oago, end this in Kingston given them III 0 portnuity of exhibiting ouch II the eetern remm had at Oluonqo. Thou miuion to go from Montreal for this pm-- 3 pose. taking with them one nteeer. no ` no unuruun stand that I petition lndboonnooivod Llut Iouoolthou-` should hon|lonl|onn..a...a....:.. "U-Wiivd i- '-Ieolplooluuduuuhdnrlnlh tin `i_#!h-nun-f-ttiouo-uiu uln- oounoJuicndthWntctouu luoen. 'vhowillbcuonoupniolhu by that ill pooplohi nodlluqoilon` 'iIIlI8.|nhul.liiunuIInnthMb 0oIog oBu-lpdo hnicdcduodlojulnin` tlutounsnootudoddihquohmhich : hIxpoctodio|Ioulugo|.bttnoug... onlnveboon ongqodb oondutu;_l tolhadly. } Inmvrnnnu luau--nn._\_ In-uuon I0 go mun uontrool for this Eooo. taking start, no 0110:, and shout live hnndnd foot of hose. -54- -Nu-r -aunt.-sq dulindtonah snmhgnpccduuj uhihitin. . 7 v=9!'r.IN= Th'o hhyor-How many men have you in the brigade? The Chief-Sixty-uion I told. The Mnyox-- How mnny man rum to go away? She 0hief-'lvelvo. Thu `M'nwu-_A| -Inna .p....... .1. AI... A_ "aura-n mum. Wul Ho Capture IH a!-AI. their sod they onlible returning :1] the n.--Thnt would colt tomo- `at-'.."'."3`-`n"J-.""` _":Eu"ui'T. In C air. I. nan. | I Iollovo to be I Good lodlclno. nah, 0.. limb, I877. Ir. lawns: l% *,=-='-`-'="-`-'-`-'-*==4=*l |LAc1I1N1TcANAL2| 'V':E1G:i7I'I NE poruuwul orauiodItII:xtlud'-"- nnoyofl Irrnndtoury you chad:-'-rt oontln Inc will In band :' lunltulnblo bolct. in 1b halo And nnhin mun-ug- nnoyon ms; nndwury cblldow lb bouot, halo and nut:-mnvaropenhn an lytho blood with uungtla (I [nutcr- lo {or has and much Ittutnn. III! than fnrninh the fotuulntuu [or any and Iuuluty constitutions. It in plant! tub mu. Pu byul. ll. Phrnuu amen! Chan ,l. John, 1.3.3311! 830 M dmuiatn nun! dnlnllu Prim nu-'I not gnnlyoollnlnod In one 331?: um: omopuou appeal-anon has I , Ronald? nlmrhblo poster in at-noting tlu oonynn lllppl glhqwuh ooutumygo tag onhtluuoo nnnlaudtdou oftho lyn- um mooted byuol: dunno: an porvertmd impnlr nutrition, vitinh the blood, and up the M141 funny. 1!. In Mghl rooannudt--I for cmaunuplion, Chronic mnclm. Ouughn, Sum/Ila, Uapfuloua and W814 l`lclrn, .l\uIwr:,Diuono MBooun ouutausull Npiua, Guuml Dablgs, macipauomund all In puri- tlu o/llu BI . It Iopartlcularlyada .!ad to Delicau Vanda lnslooow nuuof on :- 31: thumulhotlzanulvuhnita at menu pooullu that! lax. and and (mm It: uluhlnhgnll I: dug pm- wul o nuvod ad n-no - nnoyofln - Indtourv mun cbudw-u ta the moat enhomod romadla In tho analogue of the "Knuth I0diu."-baoto-PMaplAu of Lima, which enters no In-ply Into the f0l'In Lion of bone nntarhl And other Important th- ing: of the body.-Phoaphorut. thy (not bnln sud none tonlo sud unvl rotor. Ill afomund oomlrinatlon Ilootdedrn to obtain In fallen olfoou. totothsr with can oumbla mnodkl combination moot dedrnlilo together apollll, not the lent of 1 oh I: Iron, thofrnt blood pm] I` element. Thus an Al Inl- mutolyoou had In demnloont uid of homopuou appearance and dnllouo hm. ztnna we per home. to U 0. King and Heath & Gunn. Ion ' Pboaplulloll Inun mu I.Ivcr:.l:=vI`Il luau-PI of I.l.ne I: prepared vlth tholnut Idur 0ll,-ono of the ashamed ramodla tjio "lnxgqrin Iodiu."-baoto- Phaaplmu of For our ntook we know of no Linimont thst equal: Gags Lnmnxrr Iomm or Anuonm. It in whsthorumon hue lob; vhntod. Something rolinbla. It never din pointl. Son throat sud lnmonuo put ulu-ly. Youru, Ponn: A Domu.u_ A S1-suzmn Pl.0l'HlCY.-A New Or. lean: deepetoh up the {ever recall: 5 onrioue prophecy of e negro voudoo sor- cerer, Int New You, then lqlu would come upon the city eq`. 1 fetal to whine and blacks, end increase until the number of deetlze equlled degree: of the thermometer. yhen it would decline. The eolncidenoe of the death run end the thermometer hue exiued the gut three due. The negmee we rejoicing, believing the climax he been reached. uooa mt uu-not woluloy. and clone to him was gilt throne. Some pnyan hsving been offend and palm: lung, tho ag WI! inoeuud and bland. Afar tho bloating, the u; cu homo! Aloft between the tower: of the church by: young print. :.-v_-__4 `__ lo 0! Vertigo. Cairo, lll.,Ju: N, I878. 4.-EEC-on-._ uoulcl.A'l'mII.-'1`no Brltbh ll` nu oouoeoratad in Cyprus: on August 134. The oonlnony took IIGA. l.,lu the Gnak oonvunt of Viriin, shout I milo onuido tho Inlhof Ni OIII. The t girl: 0! the inland luring bright- y colored pottioonu And uockin n. and having their head: Idol-nod with oven, had uuomblodto wituun tho upocholo. In tho Con vent church I Johan man In chanted bylchoir of oouluiutia and ` monkn, who won long blnok robes. In nprooouion which III formed at tho and of the mu: :1 golden ctudx and nun! other emblems wot-shot-no aloft. On: ` oupoud I in front of the building ntood Sir (gsrnot Wolulov. and close In ZM" i.'."t:o'i"J? "uifiil; srnot Woluloy. close nil! throne. Sumo onvnn I P huh) condition of the Iinnndstonnuh. Sample bottla to try, 10 unit. Positively ION in all towns on the Weston continent Three don: will pt-on that it in just that ` you nut. Roguluniu 76 cont. Go to your druggnn, Hath It Own, and Hoary Wm. And sold by nu an-mum. pnruwunrny. lourl, Ponnl & DOUOLAI. North Howard St, Baltimore, Md. 26md 50 bonla. For sale b, J. 3. Kim: Gunn. 11.1.? T?` I CouIcn'rnI.-'l`ho British he ouooomhd Oynrul Amnnt IL Notice to lhfhb ml: Lnnssnmowarsl [HARDWARE] ,__, ..- ,..,__ . .._.---can--vuuunuzuuj Tiiun nnlnna. mu olonndou up-an an. 3 dhtfmulopayul, ahcalnlvutlnu-1 dogj. :.':!-f.".-.*.':*::-....-:':.-.:*.1:-,.:,*.':.t**- I " ..-:-:'.,-:.'.---""7-------*- LLIXLNDIB B0398, Prinoou ` Aug um. any Horn. (3 CAUTION; H Y- M- 0- A- n. auml leosPm.1i:mnx vhuxdhdlxg Iupaluuutu-uopa . LIT]. I.lIlAl`l'l. I VEGETINE Inlllgltlllllithlhl mvnm PURCHASED umvxmv ion room for now ltopi we run` 10 nu c3:EI:E_A_:E> s_A.L:E: |l_I.|__ .4n| _.._;__ n_.n____,-., . , .. . . . . , H, ..- . -`:_.~ ___o,_.__ I HAVE JU81` RECEIVED A NEW AND IPDIIDID K 0 Iootoll In hla||IlC|.nudlMIGoodl,IIlbb|0hl`IhlI'IIl IIBI bod A1` -rm: vzin wlsr mucus. We an onolod to no no. no Ihukuweuhuul romlnsto vethooavluwlllfovoruwhlo tho It. ottndougivuto hoonlor 0nr0ooIaIIav|lihotIvollIdQ.V|IlU0 bb :-"2..~::.z..-.:: -z- . :4-,.-.-.'.':.=.-.-.4. .3 [KG 8 ,(cyI. Gent : Furnishing Goodl. labia` cash 17- `u oood. uully ound In our ..z.n.nma.:. 9- our: unit. to W5 A -.j.-x:.--- ' FOB `PEI FAIL ` non fornoviconkwowllleonthnnnn Order clothing. WiLLLTnI1i"E. "1'iaEayTiaaeu1utnmg, NEW Goons nrmw `YORK o|.o1'Hmo 3-rang, max S 1'R.'ll'1`,!'our Dom mum mm Iqun. I1T`R RAVI! lIrl'l| nvnlnvlrn ; uum Ann .-..-...... ...-.._ -_ New Black CasIuneres--n|l Wool, 50, co, io. 75 and see. New Colored Cashmeres-all Wool, 50, 60, 70. 75 and 90, New Black Gros Grain silks--$1.00. L25, L50. L18 and 3.00. New Colored Silks---Beautlrul Shades, New (`olored Satlns, all Cut on Blu tor Trimming. J Bayou, make our selection: at nncou than FASHIONABLE A D IN GREAT DEMAND. P. EARTY, - - - - - - Ferguson : Block. Son! 4. I878. Lustre: and fancy Dren Goods will be Bold this Wash A!` A GREAT SAOBIIIOI. INFORMATION 1-`on -run wins I! II III UIIIIIIIFI III uf WI. | IN" IN IION OI BRASS undo on the aborted notion and at thalovoot that ho KIIIUIII Ioumu. STEAK ENGINES AND BOILERS of 311 kind: undo It til & Foundry. A number ofnoond hand Kuhn and Batman Bollon for IIIAVIIY 0 at tho Ila ton Foundry. STEAIBOAT, SAW AND G HILL IIPLIII kllll done In dupntoh us the Kingston Foundry. who-9 wonmuunuoond to non. I in Innvn-. War In]: Ih fnl!n-ln- Ilnnngln --A -Aug-OI-Q n . In-ulu wuu uulplwll II we xunguwn rounary, when vol-Ilntnlooold Iollolo. We have For sale the roowlng Vault and PI-oponlol 'l'|Io8unm lr.g WR1v.`)Y; she In the but of her also In tho Douuillu. `lie Itullhlgo iglg. l<:c::'I,:i1:;:lv::`;:a;\;ltyofwa.)l3(:,0b|:.t.l::a:.hr. Tho Dunn Hugo HAROLD. I A number of VALUABLE BUI DING LOTS IN THI CITY. on the lot nova I II! be well suited to tho wum 0! or votkllgnn. INBIDFOBD-Four Hundred Aurel of the but Wooded had In In Oautyof humm- Aux 28, ms. :___-_.-----1iuC - tjii cu. uucmyluiunm that must soul) scuw no Ln want. on ma COITIIIDPI`. We fnqualy I-oollvo Inch tullouhll at III -`- KIHIS. DAVIDSON, DOBAN E 00.: 0 ,-`na Wbool from for tho Inuit. In odnnd IIa=:.u:I: run .o:'>`:':nnloo u ::u:ftutu-. wan worn` - ' I Tuhgir lnnnnnoo lnpootor, Jonoph Taylor, Il|q- Gonnnout Stunted lnlputul Inll. Incl Tnnnporioti-`u Conimny, lean. tin _ lean Cnlvlnh Brad. out: A Gun E. 00., learn lolgu-BIu.. Hahn Blanks! I own:-I. _, Aug 93, 1673. IMPORTANT T0 STEAMBOAT LOMIEBB. makers TASHIONABLE A FOR TWO WEEKS LIOHCIR U1 T 1 flij And 3 ]....'.'..'::::..'-.;':.'*.'.::.. , I Z CUIC|I [III II IIIIIIIIQ "III dlurlouoi the uonthand . v wall Vopano no at name than mint. Iloyvuld not he tnuhhd with tho D-lulo"tooommcuooatt.huold8touonln;uI|sy.AuuI81i. _Anl0uuIIOudlIhowroBbahuoeInnloII. Ouuhnn-i-ldun-nn. One Price Asked Lou futon.` ENAUOHTOI O 00- ;..g9., A13-:3, Vumomamo or mun. anutoa UIUII ldopmut nnmllllihclltulvuv ounl Q uhntlhquo A GRAND CLEARING ouT SALE Sept. 4, 1373. [emu caaucsrgcamm THE PROPRIETORS 0! THE zxnwas-1-on rouznuur :I878. ` Attentlon to the large Stock of Dress Goods -- =.,-.i ' ~ aac'sliyn_s 1dZcJ'.A.`U'G-E'I'O1Sl' as oo. ` I IOIiIbloVopho wow tloyvould the Ohuldgvt (nun slut Iuolol .und Huh I used old :50. Banpoctlully .1 Clothing I SPEGIAL BARIIIIIIS I mm mcmmnu or clstluic A mndn nu than nhnu-tn-I nnlrhg uni gt 0.. IA-.4 --L4 {ll))u]l'NIO:_:([:{t`i:,I`l{)fn&!iOAIIl{ Good: uolollinj tut, they lull; R. WALDRON. Wilson sBuildinvs. - ----u:u' Ilocl I1Illf._l;lDnOI Oo'aInIIIn IS SOLICITED. -_- - -.-..' ----v-' -.---on hl.0 wuonuoo.,n....u. M. Davidson. Doran &. Go. T IS OFFERING A_IR'I`Y"S "z'.' 'iv""i"\i3'i-`i`-Z" . I`oI1-Dunlh-hang-nmn. nhllowou. AQAQn- . rungs ' lllt,-Iolr Vugollno nu boon doln `- whit. l.hI&.Inon havi gullla m Iunuol n w , I IO ldbl.nn.I: hon: rm uu gnu, :u., Jun. 21,1513. :.&'&.I.l.InvI-:- _ lip-Your Vogulno bu been doing but lhu baa Chlauu " .uunud In tho an-n an hmnh the Blood VEGET|NEl Vqnllu in duo for -a. I hive been amet- Iv:I I and um um; tluoo um |C II! V VII onunly rollavod. I B IIIIICII health much Improved. ?s.Iummnum's 4. atnw 7 Vylo, itglvlng no llanodhto 013. 3 . m n -mug .3`.-whmop |Il"ot.har' Iiyodlalne; I9.ud lllod my system with noi- Inn. ' I J. I. lnvnu.. ` Aot luau-non : Leona. lo. lamb. lo. N lil; than ll 'oGFar niodlalnei glad ad :nya - :1: nulnlodtus Humo- In nnodumouot Ibo Ionthnd N"6j_1_OI-i E,"-'1 van 1. mm. you what our Ihllnobrnm lhnvoboouu let- ulonnlnh nnlu umo hot CIIUIIC. iI'E'%..... "'""""`-4-".... -v~ I GnloIIIIvn.AnI,lUB. -l but and nuts! bottle: of Iuontlnlycnud no of Vertigo. land It Iorlldnoyoonplulnt. It holloino far llnlnereom lalnt. I jjd It In A In nu:-Mar, ::,;,;:.-".~z:"=-"3"! Pupnnd by Main D.-1 and Give: strength. not In no nun of an south, 3 no nun! until u the use II, itglvlu In late nlm. y anus. punfyinl -1 blood. DI Qloh. 111.. Jun. QLIUC. nwou purlnnl H. Yocun. tinvulpz-Q, tilnvuaf `lhwaunwdypu bl-Ila llndihchu Igjb` QIuhI.1h33un`uQ& \ nbudbhjn Hui` -vv VIC jlu vi, VII VVI :3: pin no "ptoluIIun"--noI In or abpou-Lcnnhoptolhultlopu-lovu-' an-Iunhrvluh pronouns in. E0 uxllndlhcu-Ideal-niacin, oth- 1I@tIocnuuunIyhocuployod.h nnunicnuiuintochunnnin III Ihlipny 3, 5, .."""|| Punuvlinnuma. -0rpn pinion nu ' oidodly public nuinnoul, uultbnp when-thhdru-utcupool play. iqlnlooo tunoinlho nntqtolnol Iuhvoovcuu. Kw, OI! Oooldl ---A -1-. _. u..A..n..." ..A In: .. ........-:v:.".... ..:'".....t.., ..::, tlrikilunninlutin tlnondln. Bbovill. in I then duo, neon: from tho club .1 AL. .._- A On: Aomnu-r.-1'ho Pictonwnuue up: Or. Ssturduy morning list, no It. Wu. Gordon In in the cc! of putting tho covering our hip gun, the lunar wu caught in such I In; no to onus 5 u..L-... .3 n.- ....- n ....ax.. -1 FAunna' Mlrrmo .--A muting of the fauna of thin dutriot nu hold at tho Albion Hotel At 2 p.m. to-day. A lugs number were pr-scout, Mr. Robert Gib- son ,0hnirman, Mr. Chu. Forrin,Soot-otnry, to inquire into the reason why higher prices an paid for grain in the neighbor. lug town: than in Kingston. Tho Soco- tuy in to correspond with buyon. Tho muting wu uljournod until nut Sutur- J.- -->~~---OOO A D|n|uIxwI.-A Lnnndown unhol- writon to the Reconlaf, the at the lute nnminution for third-clnu eertitieatu the minimum in fixed by Mr. Big It 688;by Dr. Kenny st 676; 1nd by the Fibntonnc lnnpoctor at 650, by which man: 12 candidates pound in Fmulono who would but hihd in Loads. A" oxplamtion I: requested. .?.?....._.:_ Nlw Busmua 0Pzunva.-Mr. W. Y. Boyd hu opened I clothing store on the owner of Prinoeu And Wollington Itftl, which bu been newly tted up for hi: hnninou. Ho intends to hoop on hand A lull auortmont of I" Kind: .0! gum` olothini, wd mule in the Inn: utylel. Give him A call. " -rldcucnry and Dupe unq`uunuI- Dial 0-rluu ---o-3-oj. Hnvv R.uxs.-Heavy ruin: fell in diluent parts of the country yutordny. whilo the utmoophoro wu quite clear in tho city. The lumen no oolnplotejy thrown out of reckoning by the chap- nblo wuthet, and some of them will Iou heavily by it. Nnuxu (us Wonx.s.-'l`ho Bauer 1 up that at the postponed tale of the N openoe Gu Worh on Thu:-Idoy lat` the entire concern was knocked down to J ndgo Day, of Montreal, {or the noon- ingly ennll Inn: of $5,300. At: Anlxeaxox.-To bring mature to I conolnaion no soon as poinible Mr. Doom bu Admitted that one of the defendant: in the Montrenl can in an Onngonnn. We Inny therefore ex to change in the proceedings, which no not become weuioome. __.__-a3>-_-. Pun-nr Hnvv.-Tho Lioonu Con. Inluiomn of Prince Edvard County Inn dulundod from the County Council 02,673.86, being two-third: of the amount ol expense: in working the Tonzponnoo Ant nay: Incl uuuuv-. nu yuvvuuu nu u-unv- IO] whether the Innrkot will adnnoo or dcclino. __.___.4>.___. ----4-co? 'l'1nGn4_Ix M.u1nvr.- Grout quanti- ti-I 0! gain Ah not coming in, And the nnkot in very livoly. Barley in rand 5:81 per bushel. AI pruant we cannot --- -|\-o|s-- oh- -an-Iygo -ill ml--nu. nu _?.. A0(.'IDll`l`.-A mun nnniod John D Ill caught by the tumbling rod of I thrashing mu!n'no,whilo making non, Marble Rock, on Monday, sud oonaidzb Ahly bruiud stout the body. NA_nnz Vo-run Lnn.-'l have no Mt]-n lppllll nation tin voters link of 78, 0! which forty six are in the 003- lorutin interact and nine in tho Rdonn DIIIIIIII VIDIUI vnvnuua `III-fir MI owning the Ru. W. Jackson will (D.V.)pnuh a special unmon toyonng an on "Chnnctn Building. Young an no ooldinlly invited to sand. -:--oj-j--- Rl1.IIr.-A dcpuatian fun louphh is not passing through Canada hooking -`lid Inn u. .-..-:-- -ndh '3. Anna. -: Pnolnuznu.--l'Inh to thinni- cguulytonocthauhrlyrindondpnrtly cloudy M cloudy ndhorvitl min to- unuln .....:3. no at night I ZVW M Uilliflll VT Til` 10150! (or the malaria; south. The dopa- tuiou hm nuclnd Toronto. W JnIIa--v- just- UVCI h.tio;'lth,|hanr|llonnllyollt. Gun : Modal: Iilul Wald. Int `ihlbllonpndnlly. UlIIIIl $WD2l wZ%II Illdl onoiiu 0| II night. `!'uouo abuk hodnlanovill ullIPcI&oIChon Hands; lath Onnp . --ojo:-- [mu gm; gmumtu] ..:.o3.___ Snunul Gnu-I 0nv|au.-`l'o-new ;|.. n-_ my l-_|._-._ __ IAIUIDAY I710, SIPI. `I, llll. Bread & Rolls Llfllllllll. C177 JUD 7101.177. woou my van `on a was my ? Inna 'A.ID.-0l lanky nu ma lglllh nu.-.-nl-.--ll-alli- nu.-a-uu I 1n..X1L-n1-H Ila` IV -I:c -'l'ln`KhIpon Tory lawyers have gone intopojiuunbcuinun They dllopotoboonhitlionodny 8ir'I`hom- as, Sir John and Sir Riohud, being k|igItodbylIoQIuon lotthoitguu Ionic to this nnlin country. ll, ...AI._._ 9 u-vcuu. uv----`um -0nr`oonlomponry has tried to auto ll appear Chg: we complimented Mr. Al- lou while no censured him. We hue hull deuironu cl dialing lightly with Mr. Allen`: naknmu, but he must excuse us II to III not tender with him my longer, nines In hu boon diqpooonl to any hitur thing ol than who have only been loo hint! to hip. 'L.Kh|-hum 'l'..- In-warn Inna: --Sir John : organ lays tint u the cloetion day npprouobu Grit [moo get longor and umr! We don't know my hon which bu longthonod out no per- ooptibly A: Glut of the editor of our con- tonponry, and none will look atter thn his on his mum from the Huronmilh muting to-night. _f\..-r`.u.nn--n-.4.-.- I.-. I-u'.A 0.. --Iy- -wvnu, JIIII as an aunt: on an] uuug uuw. -Mr. Putts:-non, M. P., South Bum, sddrouod I meeting in the into:-nl. of Mr. Bhibloy, it Hnrrowunith to-dny. ll- 1 A An___,_____ I__ .___:1 fl 3 Id nuptial Iudyuhovbdp M nuns noun cl Pllonu

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