I'll! AND MARIN)-.` x to rommoreln trs~ co! and Nntionnl Excur- 1 A. UUNN & Cl). call at lslnkpn. onpplyw JAMES BWH-'1`. :. ll (.`o.i IDAIII 5IT"=!*i`i!'@I?47*itf."e!!.!| 1'V7IIU ii IZUIUZ CU? slillll {rum Una-pool nor; TIIUIIDAT and from Quebec may IATUIDAY. vnnu omznua, Bsulhlnn... Polynuln. . Iionnntinl. . . Wu I L.-A < }'L|nlMfn.|!0( U `l`.B. in- . tmlllu. Lhn Iurlllmo I 1 Pun" zlxvrn. . . . . Id ..........;............... " TUB Pomvha ......... ... . . . . . . ` . . . . . .. 05|. The Bmunu-I of the Hnhfu I ill loan Ho- lifu hr 8!. John), H II. and Liverpool in lollovu 2 Non Bootinn. . . . . . .90th Auk. lollovu: 8ootinn.. ... Aug. Bil-orIui.|n..........3r4opt.. J llonoothn. . . . . .. . l7l.lI Iopt. Cuolu-.... ........29h on. Ncvslluwlun .... ...l2th lav. Hlhonlnn..........`I6thNuv. Batu of Phuago fmn Kllpun: Cnhin-KlugIIon to Liverpool or hondondarry .79 ad 9. Int:-unedmu to Lnverpool, Londondany or Ulugow, Q16. uaaraze to Liv ooLLOnd0ndeI'f1.Gll|[0', Que-enutown, elfnat or (Tamil , 33!. RETUKN TICKETS. (`nhin-Kingst.-m to Liverpool or Londnndorry um! Return` `M8 50 nndtl 50. Livorpoolor Lou 111113163 Illterlxoaliann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Hu-onto v in Bulifu .............. . . llama of Panama: between llullfu - xryunu - --pv wuuuuuuuuuu Pononn vmmng to usual for their tnandnen ohtnin Puougecerxioam a1.lowI3otr|lAI.T|Ia Hutch no good for one year and the unwunt ll refunded Ian I mull doductmn. if not used. run infornumnn an to roturn tickets and I" lion if used. full information $l.torn of plunge will be given to tho A to na to neoeuar ' aenicutea to bo o tuned or der to beanm. ed to H118 bouua. For chats and an furtherinmrmatlon n _ nlv m H. u()Ul(l.lfR. Gmmrll Agent. :r Nurtllern Trait l}0mpany s DAILY LINE OF |S'1_`1 Thin well-known nml popular Lina WI rm this season on the People`: Fu- vmlrilo Roulu between `Phi {mo in Firit- cnlnpm- uf the unU1~.p-rl`ul>in Htealun-rs.nu| com- manded by tho followinv experioncnl I-Mowing icen: Cxtyol New York, (Inpt. \V. H. Wi liauu, City 0! Concord, Ohunplain Gnwogulchie, Nashua, Maine, (lrauue Sun, City of Tuledv-, Lowell, Lawrencu, Mllwaukm-, Ht. Albnns, Harden (July, (`low-land, H. Brown, l). H. Davin. W. S. Shay, " Duddbuon. " in Bishop. " I . W. Uonlnn, A. W. Chapman, J. H. Boron, .-\` W. bpraguo, L. W. Bailey. " J. J. Knnpp, Alvuh Shaver. Chan. Edy. in }r..uaId.......... 2.30 3:. un pm iimttnrstaa and 5uu|mry- madnyl. ulnvn nnl Frulnyn. Clone II. 3:30 p.ln ; Arrlvo D! II `H at In. mum-m Island and Hr.ollI-'I`luIdly,'l'\II'I- mm mm! Hntunlay. Clone M. 7 pm ; nrrin M. I rm. llnrrnry Hnums-~'l'nm|dny|.Thur|I.| I atd u uulun. Ulmto at 11:13`. nrnve M. H` 3.3. mu m}. Mmln w|H In cloned nu lhllovu: Vm Ne-Iv York , ovary "l"uMdny at 1 p.nI. Poo ugn in prr I `J ounce. |`u~r('.mmhnn Lim~.ever_y I-`ridny st 8 pm. I`n-Muir fro per I `J uunre. ILA-1(lnI~l'I\d lmllc-l'nnh0ul(H)e mnilod hnl! III nu hour prnviuun to the time of cloning the M.ulu .\lum-yrdurn gnnuul on nll Ioneyotdol lltlhmn in tfunulu, the Uniwd Kingdom, Pruco I-lulwur-1 lalnnd and Navlonnulnnd and the [711 um} Hlnlc-A. In mama ruovsivod unalor the regulation! ol nm on mac. nvlnu Bunk bonnet: tho huurs ul 9 I m. and 4p.m. Inuuhlnl PIZTAHI. ` THE OLD RELIABLE LINE! I KINGSTON AND cmcAc.o,| 0swego,Cleveland,Toledo,Detro1t, Port Huron, Oheboygan. Mil- waukee and Interme- dmte Ports. Hun of llm ulmve Slnmuarl W! IOIIVB King- Nnu EVERY |`lVF.NlNO for Onwegn, Claw- lnud. 'l`olelo and Detroit at l0o'alo0k. and nvnry MU.` Wl Ind FRL DAY EVENlNl-`S ul I00`;-lock for Chicago, Milwaukee Ind Delrnil. Mllwnuloe Iuu uenrun. Through Route and No Change: ..a,_:__ ._ .n._ u|-....._- u....|...-- n..-|..... Oarln to the Pleasure Boekern, liualuou Ian and `nuuilion comforts and cnuveuienou oqlnllod by no other route Iur loan money than my other mm on the Continent. Royal Mm`! uml Exp:-can Line of S'Ieum-rs. I an nu; vlu -. uuv my-..,......... Bound Tn'p and Excursion Tickets At :1] timer It grt-utly REDUCED RATES to Mnhuulu-1-. (fhimuo null Lalo Erie Ports good until .\'uv(-mber HI 0! this your. All rsl ulna nclreu imslnvla mail and hnrtlun. the Wat. Nnrtlxwmu or 54 prucurecl on Applivalion to JAMES S Tlne nrllc-|mrI;n_n;e from Inntou (`nnmmm-nu: Turn-l.n' -mu Juli: Al 8.80 1 UAIILTUN. (`.1 and Bow mnn r SIIQZCI lI`IAI-I M 1003 Ll. on TL'F.8DAYs.1'BUI.lDAYl and IUIDAYI for C!-n vol. Wow lalsd Alcnndrlany. llm-lnl nd P1-noon. You to Walls` mud or Moun- dmaay umjum-n, 31.` Al IKVKN Inn fur lhrannnulhgrldln l3P_'3!.99's..| Richelieu and Ibntarlo Naviga- tlon Company. LI lJ.UU 5.111. Fur (lnnumqun. Brl)clvi|l(I_ PnnootI,Carn- vsllnd MnInrvnl.dml . Mao-'ln_n uaoplod. nu-my through lhodot lmul nu-Lory oflho Thonulll lnlnndn and II the Rapid! of Ch 8! lnrnnt-1' bynlqylbghnavunocuvg at lou- ureal with the BM:-an fnrQuebN, lam Boy. Innate du Lonp. Cuouns. Tulouoc thohrfuned lmnsuuouqy. Man with the (MI! Peru (Menuhin Comnur for all Pom A GUILT IIDUCTIOI II IIAII AID JAPAIIID thdhr tuned lxviruuuoaqy. Eholulfp Company II the Inlltinr Provinces. izb CAGES: H.-_...u .-.. .. At 8.00 can. Fur flnnnnnnlln llnmvl vi 31 W KICEUTX; '5' Al IIVLV pm for ()urogoudCiArkuo. For Pu-on Twl--u and any Inbonui-o gm: 5: the Inn ud lint Bun-ind I _ DA. lnwnnro Inf fnnl -l Johnna- anmsn-4 AMnToAN HOTEL . uvul : uunurn Iln`l|lL In -an Iiltul. Jul! CID. OII. Iorthl. Thl"0uzhtivkI-In to II ilnportlnl point: in he won. Nnrnvmu Sontlnvent can rucured SWIFT, Aunt, St. Lawrence Wharf, Kingston, Ont. Juno 8, 1871*. Pro paid rungs Cerillectu ._,__ _..._.. 44 .. ..--.| 4-..- n.-;- 1.... 8`l`IAIlImwlAllNI'l' lth A ll __ 1'l'I`ilf\A'E vllunhnn BIRD CAGES '1: tan [Ale lint Man-hub ., M. What, fun cl Juliana I. hats and Iurtber nnmrmatmn HUURLI IR, Agent. [I-`OLGER Ir. HANLEY, Apnea. om.-e, loot. of lime Street IR) H on Km; `Unto. , Ill. \-ll. Val u -(noun: over] an: I FROI QUEBEC : I878. / as `1 !-lwE'm.DAll;V mum ;=a\\*1n mm. l'|UKII'IIlI'l' Il`0Ill Illll ma-mg Tu:-nal.x_\'. Pith July: . __ ... r _ onnnn-an .--. - u.--.,. D p. for 'I`0Il0l1`O and v.-nhnu at fubonn. Pun Mono > p..-nu. for Tounno and mllm (knbonrg, Hope 'illn. uily. londnn oxroplod, ruining v BIRD CAGES. mml the following I Htemu.-rs.2u| ..Aug94|h Elli It Til Qln HIIB IAULB 15- Magus: all rental: Idling \Inuiuannwuax&} dllh o and uunnid. '*`.'::m`.::.':':'..:v...,.....-'----' "._,,_.;"1...`"'.'.':..'.'.::.`IL: ;r;n'."dL.. .xsmm3% les: . has In: `luau SIDN- 2- "1"",-, `.':'_ `.'.'!%: #0:` n"" J": nun-.. I A AI: "na'v'a|oou'-'7--c" " 3-nu . 2.01:1. rorgum .::' mama Anuhnl Howl.) C. I1l!An,J.A. Jul beeng saw P. Wu. J. L John-o. ca . old. llolmund h be CXQJIHI In &gbI,B. colu;i,Cl\AI'| Lhilpunl. . c ll. `ml. VK"'a gnu! W E Ihlllhn. Albina ll ` `) .!.0lI0l|. W.L BxIoI'.l.J. 5, kn Na luql.John Bu.-`gal. In. '.,D. ` ,IAIl'|l' KILL l'I|enn'Il.:'ll an u::1no lth X. ah-ylr.C Mobonld U. BIIUOD" on Oldbll can b I Radian gl . I ptollptly nthlldul to. _____-v-,- V _, ., mt. WI. ars SPIICIHC uzmcmn. men] In capo eiali recom- men ed in In unfallrg ours l"$x;a8emi| :s.a| new p Befan Th ermotorrlnoa, [nu Lng nlldneuoo thnt fonovu I Iequonco oi Hal! Abuno. u bouof Iamorymniverul Latitude. Pain in the Back, Dlmuou of Vinion, pron: tum old ngo, and nun] othor dinoueo that loud to Knunlly or oonuunption and n prompturo sun. :11 of which an mic no first csugod by i<;-{I1inn|t}6r oo wuiptlon .1 sum. ,"*=*:.:*,: 3'2?` I In Au: 1' Ind Specic Medjohm n max`:- ::.:::..-.::.::~:.z.+.: ':w"" ~'..-I: n 3 menu. um - :1 ft`-]aoDh!lu_ tilodidno ll II I rptc B 9, ti s on fat` .or who E-Ere la ;11fil1?I:nu`ser`tof t omol . retlv LLIAII G Y usEx3'in`1?'"%m'IIl u 4. nauon t 0 ,0. 3. H . hart Ind :11 [uponniile ?l.rugginun::erywher:. 5. Nov 2!. I8: a... Ol I?I(`I--VH-lllngun Mme-I. nppoallel he In. George : lull. Klunlon. | __ I Subscribed Oapital. $250,000.00 kl Ian -1 p.ua. nuuv-can -u \l\l ._ ...,,.._..-. LOAN DEPAR'I`ME`N'l'--Moue ndvnnood on the teuurlty of Firm or they roporty. tn Amount: to om: the vnuu of Box-rowan. Ro~ nymentn my be mule either by noriodlonl Inntalmenua or in one sum at the end of a torn: ol yous. Inwresz moderntu. For further in formation apply to JAMES McAR'I`HUR, M... on IR /`R M.nuer_ bring on the monthly periQd with reguhrity. Inlnll cam: cf nervonn and awinll uectium painain the buck sud llmbn, atigueon alight cxertlon, pmlpllatlnn of the heart, hysteria: And whiteu,l:hene Pills will effect I can when nlluthorlneun have failed, And Altho h a powerful romody du not contain iron, oxnel Intimuny or Anyclxing hurtful to the constitu- tlon. Fu directions in the mplllet Around awh Jrnckngv, which should u can-fullypre IGTVL` . JOB MOSES, New York,Bole Proprimnr. ll 00 And 12 1 2 cent: fur lxntake. enclnsed *- ONTARIO Building andvings Society. Wm. Ford, Pnuideni. 1:1. Donn, Vice Pram ! Solicitor-B. M. Bnltou QC. jg THIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS unfailing intlw cures u! all chase painful and d mgeroua dillle to which the female constl tution in subject. It modvsrnlen all excauuea and removes all obstructions. mud I afx-cdy cure may be relied on. an MAIHURD LADIES. % EH00 OD. T0 MARRIED LADIES. It In peculiarly mined. It will.in a than time the monthly periqd with recrulsrity. Inlnll apinnl uectiupa Lhllvrl . . . . . . . . uuuual Uvdm. Nnwnpoporu .. Ihmln. kn . . . Cl 00 and 1? cents postage. to Nort.?rop AL Lypn, Toronto, Unhgenenl agent. or the Dominion. will name a bottle cuntnning over 50 pills, by rvturn mail. Sold ll ull dnlgglufu. Sol in Kingston by E. H. Parker. J. G Cxllllrllulg `)VQ'I" III IIIIIII, U lI'Llll ll lllnlnt Kingston by G Kine, Hesthch Gnnn, H.'SI:inner, G. S..IHn hart, J. Mc('mnmnn N.C. Poison, Hy Wule and all medicine doalcm. I8 PREPARED AT ALL TIMES T0 EXE- CUTE ORDERS I-`UR The Grout I-`emulc Remedy. PAINTING- House Painllnqirmllus Brmuvlnes IN THE VERY BEST STYLE. He cant-on: dontly point to an-ry place: 0! work done hf him for; ya: put an a guarantee of hi: ab - msu. Non Ill`! nun cuss nnuuu mun: RIMDENCE AND 8()P-Hud of green Btmot (Aden hall at Rau Bron. Burro, rim: can Otretmwl be prmnply ntonded to. um nu. um I C. llLO_ GgA;_z_p1AN Assnranw Company, OI` IDND TIN EIYIILANI) ---V----- ---.-V vv---r---' , 0' LONDON, ENGLAND. (IOIINIIICI IHIJ InberLhodC Ital ........... ...JUN.@ I Toullnvoo luudnnpwu~d|o!9..`Ibl. Luullnoono ............ .. . 43 fund: Invmoa In cum. coho. (nut-nan halls: Inn In Hm Iacnlod lnveuod in (land: .... .. QIOQ. stupid at tho Iovcuourruntruumd nnuoulod ink on rofonueo to the Bond in London. IOBEIT Bill! E Co. . GEOIGII DIIHOLI. (in. nuforcunln VAN DIWAT R In BIITB. Luau for Ilgshl, Imnln lush 7,103. On-In dud H or E>L__CIlJ`|`DE anrusu mum last. I! Hntlnrtn .1 prollptly ntwlulul no. G. A. Illllllald. linpton, Jply I6, 73. uxumg. 8ignPPa.intiI. ' 5991' 3381385 &c., &o., &c.. BEST He dnntlv noinl. an-rv nine: work by All I`bIJOH'X)"II'I.CAIKI'l'I.IIOUDI ts. opt uhd. :1 ll nobody. culhnial hunks`. t. nufnuu IOIIADAUIHIDHIJLIIIUHPII nun I-rxnoouu -u-.01. KIHGSTOI nnuoH'X)If|ll.CAQl`l`I,ll00DI not actually an 534. | -._........._-.. ., -.._...._. ...-u___; _ Pnncuqn ot kvcuuou ' I -LEI..I.lJIJJ1J` N7 I:-than luro. Princess semi -._...:.. ....____ n....n;.m.... coonupasu Rrgmlrutlun Fee. a n n - - I0 nu \\'.--I ludinlu1nmhI.v1|Hn . ulna Inc: M run many. Propqnmnl by nun In Allan-. I|IVII"\ thing new Tn lludd SAVINGS BANK 0 on dull from I0 mm. to!) p.m. lnwree nllowa on deponiu. an as security ropor1._v._ luv Q0. I873. Anon: for Kllglhl. [nabs Olh if. AIl-clI:.r ' AT M HILLAN -_J-.-n I053 '-(manna 1:4 J on:;;s z.'s* Porloclj cal P111`. JAMES REID. ululn-O, Inf. ninlutnrnv mi ' "113! 113113113`: F. C. MILO, .'.`.'.`}"" `WEE -:-:---4-O-o-------- Tur. Wu l'.'n [Jo!l:.--Tito "Chisltnin" nnysln hi: liuulemntn.-Tapper, yon "hvmllwillk your fellow counlrymon in "N nu Scout; Tllloy, you no onwdutho .\.,-w Brumwioluh; Pops, you Ham- "hu~/In thus Inlnndorl; Morris. you drlt .1 ......I .......-Hm awn: oltho Killi- TH E 0 [BLT ll.`--dish Ra THE GREAT E"||iIh K0 ll MPG ch! mnn All 1: in l 11 U xx, Mnnsaen ._--.._._..... .._.._..... .._._.....__..._._. 10 `D :n?:VD___ :I;. :I:~x'~"n cmra Lstaamsiiif` (ntmttau 7!TT" " Between New York and Liverpool, OAIJJIO L`! OOII BASIC). nnnunrllr Irlnnr Inll IIDD van- jjlutt 1- IROUNIW I985. JBYHSINIA .. Wodloldly. Aug. 2I|f. BOTHNIA . . Wodnaothy, Aug. 28th. JLGBRIIA; . . .Wodneoda.y, Sept. 4th. `BUEIA. .. .. .WodneI-hy Sept. 11. KOYTIHA. . . . .Wodnou|ny, Sept. IR. Rules of Paiugs I Bitounanqgnylng Shanna, 810. um! $l\)J gohl. noeonliux to oaoomuwlulou. * o`Bw'orIu'O- 0;! [Qu:: And 8131, go!-I, amor-lung u nu-oommodntloa. lnlmdon; llorru. out "me m...l mu-rlhe eye: of tho "lnhnnl; and u for myuoif. I um try my A---m......... nnnarl of lnumbuninu [ho By. smoamonnnt n .o . . Iuu And 11:11, gum, nmonlmg xwootnmodltloa. agbhtolhrlo OI .5-Innate:-Y. Intln `Hahn on fnvonblo anus uoongouvqty low mm, montage Tlohu mm Liverpool uld Qunccutovn uni ul new In It lowest run. ` 1-53.`: `J `(van lo`rBt:{uI,(llngov. Huro.Amu~ a. nu! uhr porn on tho . . . u-at roan . . fa apply u?(,'onpny'u01Ioo Na 4 Bowl 6 I I ems. 0 rnncxntx. Ann! __..__..-..--:---jv -- 2 1..., i'lano - Forte Manufacturers. KING STON ON '1`A RIO, Have Been Aivm-ded by the Intornatlomzhlury at the Wortdh Fm :-, `"7 Dlnlltltlllnllill nu lhnir pinnna - And ovary Iollowhg Wujueuby I`-om Not Yet! . .-._..- FIR.ST_ PRIZE. AND SILVER MEDAL, THE MEDAL OFZHONOR. AND DIPLOMA on MERI1` MEBSRE WEBER 5:. C0._ in nnnqnuoing their suoueu at Hm World's Fair would an the ltI(|l!Mol.I of the Canadm_n nbllo to the font that a`nm- the moat oagrchin axumingtlon b Gentlemen amiuencfor chexr union! talent their { |9m hnvn {men nwurgad mg gbovg dun. Those luatruxnenta were not, made for the }'Ixh.|ntmn, hm tatkwl from 3' (wk. being I hlr ronrueutatxon of their Pmuog. Thlq a_lxoulz] ho n pron!` Lu (iuumliuua tlmt Cnmulu can pro~ Prlun. made for the }'Ixh`.hiLinu, In. hlr roprueutatxon their This should (Yum duoe as good Pianos as the bent Imported lualnunontu` JP ICE LIST on npplizutlou. Oct I0.l877. Pnrtlu dulroun oi Imun qnclaalgnod. Ooc, Gav-once Street. i Offer For Sale, foot of Queen Street, Kin ton. ALI. Dl80RIP- TIONS O" LUMBER and MANBFAOT RED MATERIAL nun: IHIIIHIJ` IIIHLDINIS A I` I.()WRRT R.\'l`FR , AGENTS: Lnhnnl; myself, I will try my wn|||(m)wn pmveru humbugjina "manulnculrurl of Unuro sud Quebec. `H.-.v. in Hm vmy Sir John A Hncdonnld 1:4 nmluctllig Ilw ole-cmrnl cunpnign. Keep: uonntnntly on luuml ularge nnd varied unortmentot lI`ur-mtura. ` Umlm-akin: nttnnded min All In bmm-hi-:4. I Assets - - - -W-_s25,ooo.ooo. FIRE and LIFE. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF ENGLAND. UNDERTAKERJ QIVIIIIJLI W11. Vvvwanvvw ofeve den-ri Lion mm the but Hvurumn tin Domin on. Funerals alt:-udml to in oil] and oonntrv on the most. reasonable terms. Dominfon. 3` an:-uclc-I in oi country most. H Y. HRAM K. unortinentot Furhntura. Umlartnklu attended its Keep: an Inn I large mmortnmnl. oi .. ._ - 4. n n .u.m,... nu ......u l Gofns-;1'1`<'i"".(;,';Tl`:ets, ..r..1..-...a......;.nim. munhn In-at Hunrw m I ifru 9iAouInanAniTa.3Fs STEAM _u*`jf ;_; '_Bt_:__"_-R_AME,] J. .A. IIAIH AND DOOR FAOTORYI rmnnm manor. ~.....u. uuuu been ulmuud mo thoov-7 n. ml In-ml Union. tluoro In u-nu-napnonc ..n I`..-ml mu-no up lullol 6a';xLj_grsd+ A` James Swift. S l`.LAWRENCE WHARF, KINGSTON mIn`Ann`A -ml Rntpil nnnlu In Bl.IJAYVlLl'4LV\.xn VI unnm ,unnv-anvu Wholaulo nnd Rani) Dealer In All llooorlpuono of coal, For Home Funnoo, Bhohmitl: nud nun boot In. The but dooctipon ofouno Coal hop! on land under cover: ueroenod sud dollv cod Ioetdnr at tho Iowan -nnos mac. 1 Country ol-don will noo`vo&:&zn}gI at annual J. I - Tl PUBLIC WILL ALWAYS FIND good choice In all had: of It the BIOCK 8`!'iRl'l' IIUTCHIILRS. In A A I rIIIn'l"l 3111.3-ton. Onion-1 co . Undnldn in: in II tnof tho v.y.und ndon qulgll ed. .\'::m nllpplit-cc; pt tho moot nuon lo nun. __ I ' I AOIICY `gunman ll CAIADA `H. Hg {Id lbbllitgiof nlllbulhoi bibs. and 14?]! lacuna uh. lolanu vacant III. . A. KIIKPATIICI. LIVERV-STFATBLES ' :, CITY 1' . m3it\['I._ _ ll5H4I.enix_ Fire lnsrancl (Raj! `lo DI. JA:vII.I PIYIICILI, SUEHJN, he Ola ICC Commercial Union Assurance Company m.` ENGLAND T?` V-"- V --V: `-*"" "'- "?' ' V 'j"":g OF ENGLAND Parties dulroun at Insuring can depond uyou low rates and Mr doalmx 5! "`|| Vi! the mulnrdnod. STRANGE I BTIII BE WEBER 00., D Jun` 51 _. X1IC`ClAIIKLj3 April 4, 1877. Corner Princess A Iydonhnn rlu-II. No. 65, lIlI[NIOI.0IlI- most roiaonnlo 3' Shop opponiualulolvoy & Illrelrowvv lloliiuo nuiot 8 . UJU7. AJIIS. Iingucc. IRISH HEAT IN SEASON L. .l.. 0 [J _I_w;_L.u;_n_ Cabinet Maker ;PIaning Mills be BIOCK 8'l'ulI: Kl` nu run nun. W. G. & J. ELLIOTT. .:...~__..._-_._ HUM EgP_A'1`u y. ;,..a'.'.":%-;::.7-.7::z.'* . Il Company, at London. III-nt.-In II n. CENTENNIAL AWARDS. `Am P'::" Gulf. Povtu uoio Colonic: in nu A lrH'I anal ()munlon,KI`r1u|d.d wuha c.........-. In AIrlM.()MIn|co um 3-ah. q-nfo-pl (`ulna and Port Rho` gun. .~, mrnln ul Rnvugpff. Pnnnnog And ldX@- l.4m..rn.............. .... I mnup.` 0. . .. .... :...g. .,g u....:... _ _' 4`;::r';:" ontarlo Street. Onnol up K in nu: Lumber ./llmmfaclurors, 0| mill Point, 0nt., I-lII"I0 BITCCI, Oppoulc Khnplaovu Icumin ` IJUIILDIBR auu 1155151 U: nvnvunu Au FUR HUUSIC BUILDING AT LOWEST R;\ l`F8. R. CRAWFORD & CO. N'o-I-120 E1 rucu lly IIIG Auu'!l'IO$6v.IuIuno II at y uo Phdladelpma, on their Pianos: f1?I"si:I RA N c E. 1T ---2----_{$II-u---q _ . , .` ninubuud nlIin.I|cnnnuIclI&I.hI`&QQ """n.......""""'- Ioiiuk nu.--.-ugnuun-aunt` h- h C , 3,".-cu-gm-nun-cqnouuua..c-and-guouruundclt K -nu-n-zg II II II if.- curv HOTEL- `-'.'."."2.`..".`.'.'.t:1'.`.;..'.:"..`.2.` anti!!!) , IRON NEW YORK. PARTHIA Thnrulnj Sopl. 19- i .uu'.~L~:rn'1,4....w.du..a.},s.po. 85. uaruxm .... ..w.d...u.y. Out. 2. AL(lI:`IH.I ... \\'odnaday, Oat. `RI-'8b'l.l .. .. . Woulnoodnv. Oct. 10- .. wodnodiy, 0. . Wednesday, Oct. 16. l The Imrgosl , Clleapesl and Best | Selection 0| Gl]'_Y__PAI_NT nqP, I 7 And Room Paper Depot, HAGUT STREFYF. ICFFPWEEN PRINCESS AND QUEEN STREETS I7` HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. Quin ing, (Hazing. Paper lhngin Ind GIL Mnuiniug. 61.4: . done in L 0 but u yin and on the shortest nouuo. `April 10, mm, haunaa fiA.c1n'rHs, Double and Binglo TULIP8, OROOUS SNOW DROP; ' INVENTIUNB THAT HAVE HIKE REJ ECTE 23'm.,`.? f...",`!t`.'.u'. in moat runomha pnu-nu-I Ivy uu. Being oppouiu the Pain: (Mien, we can wash clout couch: sad nu-um Puenu more pronpdnuivub broader chum, than mono who no M-ate fun Wnlulon. IN VEN TORS::.`..'.: nhm-h of nut device: In unknounhauou LL` 7 LBJ.` 1 Llllaldnodol ct niou-h your device; ailar o] eAat-ynlnnd advice 3.: Hilly. %I"T-I DI HI%lCl.Vu |oI. ...a"3o cmuuz mu.lu 1% .--.; mu.vn riqzx uurnr {ROOM PAPER,` WiM,7KROBINSON } LILY` &c., &c- I. [1 1. JUL` 1 Ljlm-aldavvoon. ul or other romronndu. mllomdlbl llal Inch-umukn. and labels. CIVOIVI. Al B IIICUBID. We later In ochll `I I5! PIICI I0 0Ilf(`|`:!.lIInll av dool ti . In sud v Gag: ,..."s.n".3a'I...... .u5'.'.":v:."a..u.a . Advln-n. (Y A. [HOW & 00. (mp Faun: on...wun-gee. DO |1aI2 Pon'"'- %'| U IDIIR THIS A(.'I . my Vbrvd In-runs`:-or blushe- |lo,iI IhoWnt III `I:. Daft-in alounoutluc Qwddl`. !MEnIcAL HALL! Incl:-Imnkn. and labels. CIVOIVI. A I manta, l..lorfennr-M. Apptlhl. Dlllla u Il- mn (~un:IntA,Iud nll cum lllil Iludor tlu P4 ENT LAWII, prmn ll Ittellded lo. mvl-;N1'I(ms 'r| ; RAVI Bill "'1 IN I INl\fI`INnI.- 01.- D.a.._A 0] . Xf'n'..n1'.`I.'.7..:"'....`2'.mu".",'..'E low, and I0 I SECURE-D. Wu A. 1-lhuy` -so hm` f,:.,,..;.,...a3. wui no you. . nu- `_- ....I nah; Ighonrinl 5 0 3.303131. P A TENT S:!:`: ?.:`i3f":.`;':.f 1-.I nr nnu-r rnvnnnnnda nllundlhl dam-n. ('1 I I mm. T2F6TTEp-aF," Roo_n11_l_ aper. Anal Ilouso Culture. mu SALE-AT THE ('4-nl rnl Canada, sl b trontin smuc: :3 sum as AQINTI inc ul ran an uwlwa. OILIOII E 00.. I'!'&.I.' Unncn do do ."f..c. uii-`hlrin. Ann L urnulpadluh `n..nu->3-And`. gull .._. ..... .......V.- 7,. ,, , A depositor in any of the Savlngo Bani P000 Oicu ml: continue his deposit: 5! my 000! of such oioou, without. nutioour hum; of Fun Book lull can wnrhdrnw money II that hw- inp hunk Oco which us most ounvonlonl to him. |..4......u .0 aha mm nfl mar mmt. nu! nnnmn srssmn nssmenirwonl Post (3fceSaVi?1gs Bank I 30 P051` 0!-`l-`ICE SAVINGS BANKS in Ununo and Quebec no open daily fol the reeeipuml repayment of In in ulunng the ordinury lmurl of Pod Moe busimou. .., ,D .l- n,_:_;-_- .1... Uululluuu. Tha direct security of the Dominion: given by the Staluto for all deposit: undo. ... n n,,._. n__|. n..4 nun. Interest In the mm of! per cent. par uumn is allowed on dcspoaiu. nu the micro lind- dod to the principal on the 30th June in each V8111`. .Vl`v|H'. Pomuumrn nu-e forbidden by luv to ll|lt\|0I0 the Iunnen of any alopouilnrmr the uuount. of unyanm ulaponimd or wuhdrnwn. ._u....- x. ....|., linlmd In the "I unIu| Game." I It any Pout. (mice in Cnmuln. Dill uupuwg Pout Olllna Doputnnunl, Ottawa. Ihy. I818. I S"P{EC71`ACfES Han jut. I-conned dkreot {mu I-`nut. noon Into unurtmont. oi the Plant Couvu sud `onoavo (lluumnltnble for ull uncalib- _ gram of night. AI... Itnnnt I :-nnnh Lsvandor And 7 I 7 Also, Iinut French Lavender Ind Cologne Waten, `Iu\'xIn1n. ulern,pr( With [.ub|n'I E Conrlnyn PERFUUII. OM Atklnnmfa Eu liah Perfume. Also In thonun mm. HILK &l.AS'l`l(,` STOCK] GI _A_KD THE HR)! 0!` 0. ll. LAVELL t 00.. ha been dnnolvod thh du in mun! col- nent. Alnlebu duo the Into rm unut. be um n OIUI in onto? to clone npun__l_uqoh. All d}|u lni [Inn b4 um In Iptho boob. Tin Dru: buinan of the shot; wlll_ho_oar um A1 -"omi Iii Iptho book. The Drutbminuu shove will be our- flui on by `. H LAVKLL. who ianthorlood toroooivo All account: And puyoll lhbllllhl ol the law firm. (J. H. LAVELL Ir. C0 Klutlmn. Juno '2. I811 ' - ...._......... I 1'50 lull: IIIIIII Wilt- : no W-any Irma win. I no Chou`: Chilton Journal. 0 itohlbdoh Jinn Ion. : Iiu Inna Words. [.ub|n n E connn_y'n rI.Iu`uu-mun: English bout, l.AS'l'l(,` AND Ku..a(:m.n. Bevuled Minors, French Horn bout, El.AS'l`l(,` STOCKINGS AID Knee Unpn, [)1-aunt; (/`o|nba.&a. Iodiolnenobuinm nnytlmeuluriuq thenlghl. by xiuging tho hell. rissolutinn nf_ Partnership. `Geo.Tho-;1r;on & Col British Whig Office Itoulucluuu-u 5 11 Io-e Wort. ,u-ir.mun I-`no ` ` . . . .. a oenu r Advil, Argunllun Confulornkn. Brill], 1.-`ml. (|u|nu|.Co_ylon. Greoulnd, French All -nuua vs vvu - .._... From the Finest Culling Cull to the Iorgut Pout gov. up m the [Atom Styles of Ihs Art. `In: Jonnuvo Dnnlrmurr or run Wine in under the mnnngemont of u Hm-Olau Wurtmamwhooo Ability for turning out good work in second to none In the Dolllulon. HR untlanlmml no repaid In J Ivor T (Inc! of the but r,nlity.3L'RE HID AND lmv, " PURE Wines and Liquors, I_...mJlInnoth;- Iunnnnnlnllthn FIRST PRIZE POI FAIRY PIIITIIO ThaBrih#Y{]1igJobRooms |C5AL| Dlncnr nun Input-sol an `a "'1"s.'.%'".`.`l"x:" rwvql8nnIlll._ 1Etna1TJd.ooco'y.,| or nun-ronn. con. R. CrawfoAr_q_7_&. Co.i nhllilrn Ill Ann, ATr`.cu.()oonn|oI. and A115 . .. -~ u-pl. N. Plorrn null llquol Pen 1- I`:-rsum Gulf. IJOOO C0 OIIKC ll .. A In:-A anal ()('olnI0l.KI`|I|dId..DII|lh lu_y nu... -.u..v--.m. .. .. ...._...,, , A lull nutolnent of the lumulutionl ll pub- linlmd Guide." And mu be non nt unv Poul. At the Midland Ccntnl hlr nnlnut -1 strong opponmou. loud as In-tonrinvduu oils lube vi -xv-v u---- ---`-'__' lnponolnincnr uucfdllho duuunbd `out Dopnnnmn Omuu, Ihy, RNULAR` PU8L!CL'HORI All Inds of Job Prlntlu , ._. n_u:__ n_.a .4 `L. c. H. uvm &_co Ullll llluul jvvvv OI HARTFORD, OOII. `run-h l|umun.Co_ylon. French n| and `I15 . . .vu-um N. Ikllolall. Ptllh, '11 Ill uuu-u-. W. ll. Glill"i`lN, Daputy Ponuunur (louonl. um maul. ) ,.nmsqmwa.a V gun: no `W um i cumw J mar J. HALLIGMM co. IAVI JUII IHEIIVID acme: nnupurou 1, Q! as av?-Ii`o.JlL`llI'I|.:. I5? do-Qoltlounrtcl. aunt wonnruhI`t\m`l\n`n'h II. has -.1... do Ioltllr Wutor. Phin lob ............ J. Hllligtn & 00.. B1-ooh 8t.. BEAVER IIRODIERV '- x.m3oTuma "Enji @155. Imman- `I'M IIIIIO mmpl oemamon van much at (to (NA! |n Uhloqo Ill Balm. buidu [twin 5 lnrgo nun: of many to the nuaron. III Him Uhloqo sud beside [twin many 6 Batu of lnlunnoo as luv u nnyull 1:11? nous ..n.. and ranlodo [twin unnyufn 0 on. This Compau in second to no luna- nuoo Ooo In the war (1. Application reulvod It the Uvo of `EH08. BRIGG8.A[ont, Olnnnoo Ht , Oppocluth Pool.-DI. naps 6, 1871 1m~o1mvrwu, clam. ll GENTLEMEN `S the largest, Ion scynt-13:: Boat stock for an Pur- _L_,,,___ l_. ;n__ 314,, _ ..._................- ..--.... . PRINCESS STREET, (Nmiy Oppodu (Ad (My Haul, Itnguru) 1`!!! OBDII DIPAITIINT ooutalna In gumonno r-not-hall 0! Good: 9! no I .nI4nI ant] `gum Dnalnlnnnlnln Thh Company ooutlnno to huuro bnlldlapa u and Lllollu 1 Pro Al has or I "'`V"xuo-m nut 'r.'u'. hrm nd a ho ovootnuuhu-gocf by any [Md 0IDIU!- IIIIIIX l"'HIl"ZX' W WI. 9' IIU iltltal. and llolt hshlonubln Styles, Hnhnhln (hr dun lmnnnnt. lAAAnn -:3; Iva, Bu! blo hr um pruant uuon. IN IIA -MADE! tho mock In 01- unnlvqlni-ohu ll 0:110 and qul ty,uul at voxnod (ll '1` 8 [PD [N6 0001)! of nlldon ntsnonn and In put vu-hty, constantly on "" " ' 71'. .$'c:`;.`..:.,? Oldest 0ha'tl'ad-Ca-:adlan (hnpmy. HIAD OVFIUI - - - - - TOIONTO Chunk ltauhconor of Conn It. I%, T. W. llrlll, lnlfhf Dlnooor. o Bdtuh Aneriou: uunnoo Co 1 |nnrondbl'n`I'::I:'on Vou`oh1a,tIoIrlh I or non , anon 1 low on " by I'm 0| th:n".' nvinclouutl-I mnnuuruuu _ FIRE d5._l!|AF!lNE =Goo.W.All|n.'l I Jhoct; IIIJ L .:l'>{noon, Bumsud 6:. lloyd loqa `T 1'95!`-9!-A-:2'1e:-___-:1-'2:-;.2 ruuv u vino. Onvarnqui .'l.'unnry Knmnou. . . . . . Ovnlw. a1uInIsuI,",'I'41t.'1 . (IIIAIIIIADV vu ua-uu.u- \- VIII. IPOVIIQ Ilia) BEAVER GROCERY," In l5. I877. Non the In-loo u uncut; count In: 9` up-nu-an-w-lb:-c-on -v.-2!.-.-.-.4-_-.4.Ia..4.2t.'.:~. _ ` clllt Born 6.1371 WI: nub Inuit lonunnruuvo rtu Thu onpuxy continua huuu building: nd 8" other an-shins ol Pnpuy Iqnlnn. IALIUG. .. . .. ......4:M p... UUIKG IAIT. Arrlu. Iltuuuuurlw, , an--1. -- agar. "'"*-`i:..,*.:~.-.m humans! In anti? noun-In no `nut! lav --|-me:-1:2:..._.z.`3-.': .......""':. l$Iu.uIu-n - AIIIIIQIIARAI. ll. clue:-I In the city. rm 1 sousf xx--4:: ul .'.I'.`nxa 1 TIb%uI o.W.AllIn.'l IO.l n. Buwmsud Goo. JABJWIVT A I lt.!avr'oao.o. n TH08. IIALK. Frhuunn Itn 3.-u vvvuvvv . IlI Juno. I811. .i| I lnlrly Q cnl Al-|Vll--T50!) cat will Land Dy nu, ' '1 OH H -X :2)! ;a"e iuc:-oo;?I"'|u pried`? lvorycilnl --.- ...n L... mnund in win! III. PB. IIAIAI. Prluuo luau. -5|.|0p.m, 9:00 pm. 3:) p.|u. 9-00 p.lI. ` l::.. 0 p.l. 1:00 am. |_.no.r.z, In ad I03 .....o .._..o--l llama] In lhl `2 cvnu usual: 2 ooul.Iper1oI r a ocul- luau pulol looonln .. V pliant |0:00sn- I150 p.II. 10:00 pm 5:1!) n.n4 ` 7:lJD.lI 1:00 p.m. 7:3) pa. 53'3" "mu" will be Inc A ll - won I) be I ---. -..v| uu-nalilin XI 10:00 pm p.314 9 pm. 1 yiight mu: mm Rollo-I I 'm' 1 I11?!--=;-rgrsaesnia CAI . III. (DI-LIII, H.IllC'. laws um . um. Ktnguwmdnll .sm'. hr: uncut) at 8 o'clock um. vlng in UAI"l onus vs-um---, jw-. . .(8nn dnroo )u Plots At ln.m.whunheoouooudnilvnt1 III. with Itgqpor mic: {or Bollovilla and 10!. (Inn pane II: b I` b u-3. or plouanu Ra. g'z1r_t_`}_"n'13x'a-'1_ um no {my -I{--- craurd oonpoutwl 10 I ...x nnrnlnll. P13` '1 `ho to-.:Iv'ua' b r n ...':.........`mo "2. .u`}n &'ai "-n lfillllt Ian: on (or Kingston at - -J p.In.|flol the srrlvpl oi Sumner l/ea I Turn `l'no|oI_nud '|'bo__Ann_:nia Ulica 'l'no|oI and Dollulllo. The Antonia In novudcbbmnt Unt! on dun Bay of Quinn. 4 l chin > -' '0! hiijhl II` III`... Ijo} Plcton. Bellevllle and In torlnedhte Ports. "T". ""'v`.7"*` " "3 was Giant Co'|Whu'lfIdallv n4:!GNp.1n. I` `I m%% : I u,:l:n do hum Isl no $0 an. nu nn.n_ Illj-is Thu Steamer Lu rooolvodnn extensive out It and ill [)0 found, mplou with ovary com` fort nnuiconvouionoo n.......a 'I'*.1..Ir--.....I.... 'ra-L-o. 0.. Rnlhulln I ION IIIKOIIVOIHOIIOQ. Bound Trl Exounlou 'I"|okM.a to B4-lloville and Return, nclndlligg I-thin Stale roorua~ !|.00. The plouua on hip on the wnterpn C. H HATCH. 9 ' runlunllth Id 1 141111 I :fnc:|2kuurIin . luv: on:'roI:`l: gvorg g liq not forBAy| A TB I POI W3 Y I( RHINO It 7 Am. Eat.-rn Tlnkotn at reduce-I rltw ` 5.1-A-_$'1'-,`I-NGS, III) 012!) In I M; to [d Hung fin hOY0 b0 Anvil--Reuljusud, you uy! . .l.horv ma uuvuion. V rougtion ,, . 1'.x.uuu'm-- volr,ol ` uma nhem--of non of co , the I _ ndod. ololnwul n fa ca. 'l'Ll. o-._ Fur Montreal and Way Pnrts. ' non!` BA} 3"?-83% Itllllg III. Hanan Tiukou at reduce-I Annlvlo 1 Apply to }Gananoque_c Kingston MINE] if Itrftohnh bind. Nd-thazldho. 31.1` at l I. Id y I. Wim. onh{`m0dny `Ind Iolurnlii ill] have A. Gun It (`ol '9"-c . ~ ('2 . . bath lb : I, nu` ua.1orKln - mu cpm,0iBAY.1'UB8D Y. T!;Oll cal nj 81 n : .gIdof.? Innllnnnnd fhunlnr. and Al. Ih South lull` hIdod\iWdlI' hind. Returning will leave I who Coup Ground`-It 5 n ll. BIOCKVILLE. 0. 11]] lo. Bu-oggll Wharf, Or uuoqno, lroolvlllo st 6 I m. oturuingl CAPILII IIITI, ugvna `aunt : wnuur, S lvirf` Hon/Jay Ivonlng. |7"3 :;.5I6:a,| Anvil--neuuuIwu, ,- mhbery uul uuvnlion. .... _..o; nunrn` Qm (`oi Whulu Ilp.n..q|Hng wlmtvo nquirod THE CAIH, Dulljlho ` pthenlovoiri nwill her-x Ind. Return 1:; | CD!!! 1. Ib&'m`vW&& must. he was Wellington and King struts. Alllm ` than -Iruood whim will boot with prompt I Wellington and nag lunch. All hu-! to him prompt nd ouch! mansion. ldrd. Insurance Company. MID Illlwllallnpuo. Itlnn Inn-I. I. DIIPAID II. I. IOIIUCI. lnqoecor. Ann I m Inna! ooxnorlonnvi wurk. |.}|e0pOll'I l uuuuq. girder: and iron jacket, Idgu A lurunght Ago they got it Into up: n the glrduri lnd poised N00 0111:, that um. hm single nltongth Mr. John Dunn mule the spot daocrllh Ill U90` new-ml lIIL:|AOI. The pivot on Ihich the .u.mmu mun is balanced in 27 hot oi: n-clam {mm the |uI0f and ol the nonu- u.u.t A cslculntion made boforolhny In-gall In nut it plucod tho thoontiul s.~nm- uf gravuty gt tho height. 0! 74' fool o L. .... n m:hcA_ `Econ... i)0MIN10Nj Iaidtlov puaqo apply to JAMES I 'l.UU. I I! PIC.;llUU|I Iflv Ull HID Willi}! C. H. HATCH. Thht ' ant, M. Lnwronm WI: Klnptou. In I W78. lay an, new J . n.':'u:'a. ..J zmnnn-an `gov-taint;--Qua-I! chum t Cc Jr 04 J-dv I0. Ill. The Btounoh Upper Cabin Hteann-r Kmuswou 1;b sT Oincz Gum