The Sugar Ring l'.latt.ened Out ! Sugar Down! Down! own! .l.' lII'I|\' Icuam l'\In vnu: any other holua in tha city. LAliATT'B Pm nlwnya on hand. Astoltion `u requested to myxurilnuon for A- cuing a perfect M m either a tanx RIGNEY S -_--.----ni- Important Information for All. Ferguson 1 Block. Dan ! 1377. -u-_._ Kocoxvod In: Now York I tiuo uaorunnt of AKIBIOLN BOP ! FELT EATS II ALL TII l.A`l Il'|` IIIAPE. Oi'F`l(?E AND iESlDEN()E. Princes: Rt , between Ionlroalnml Sydanhun Hlrmtn. Clraful nlwntlon paid to the oorrec-Ling of it re nlurhhsa of the Locsth. an ID, I871 WI-II: van nrnnau ____ With the an or the Purim Confonnunur." $'All Good selling at the Ioweu cull I rntan. 7 (i'i'i'I%PubIisheu. {LIFE OF BRIGHAM YOUNG, -`l'llI- ounx wnmn's.' IIIII lvl-IIIII-an vu -----, (nr Al xx-nouon nun.) URHONISII, 1-`RUM ITS INCIPIENCY to who prulont. era. fullv ax maul. con- nevod with which in B'l`AR'l'Ll U BEVE LATIONB. hltlm-no uupubllahed How thn gust Ameriuu lm-ubua prnsecutad bu poly- guniam Thu llutory in onlyuo be obtained h-om the puhllnhero. which will be sent on re- ceint ofona dollar - - - . .-,n_._:_. Hfweaihel Indicator` IIPORTED DIXUCT PER Iflllnm BAH-IATIAK. A LARGE BT00! 0!` HA1`! oh]. 3. u w. cm; 4. Co.. Lona.-. CHRI8'.l.'Y S Is the Name of a New Ilat! A COMPLETE AESORTMENT 01" WHICH CAN BE FOUND ONLY ';I`_Vf{N'A;;T STORE HLE GUIDE, but M[| NawStylesatthaewatsture , -s-....A H aaaa Q- jig? (`orner Princess & Bagot streets Kingnton, lurch `20, I878` SILK OR BTIFF FELT EATS -_t.......o.m- |srATI9N.I:'."m TIEIIS IS T. McAULEY S SPACE! I Buxea Rnininn at 51-exam per lb. 3 lb Cuties-hpuu Tea at (1 each. lb Gnu.-n Ynun H son Tea SI one lb Cuttiua Imps :1 ea at OI each and '0 lb (,`au.'|ea at very |ow pncen. .51 3 3 5: UWXVG T0 TIIE DULL TIIES. THAT HE HAS NOT Till IIIAKT T0 AD- VKRTIBI THEI. sun the public will has volnowa. for In Inland! to keep the shop plug lively, lurch '."J.|878. 500 Imperial Tea [I cum: 5110 very pncen. I00 blrlu No. 1 Labrndur Herrhxgu LAHATT8 Prize Iledtl ALE and PORTER nlwnva `Things are Put Down so Eheap.1 KING smo:BT. xmesw on} tun. rn lI'nl Parson: Q Soon-ah WILL II-CV3! THE BEE. HIVE .l`l" Lvlullul. luv:-v-u It hum! nu |NF`ALLlHl.E M[| WEATHER PRUPIIET its beam Veunor. 3` (Kill nnd -ea it, unl all %Boot_u_n`d Store QVRANK RIGNEY will sell dl.l|'l|.'|g the Ho- Ildnt ncuon I-`ON. CASH. Cheaper Hun .. ..n.-u human in lhn cilv. hl _ ,I__ cum Mimanu mans, luv AI xx-unlnlol ILDIIJ Patonca of Invonuon FRANK RIGNEY- ,._._ - _-n. . Dulnnnu BE-OPENING! MOVEMENT. CLARK WRIGHT. -pII|ll1OI Rlfccl KINGSTON. v MET Vet: I ` mhnr I V! III\lI- - , Weill-gun an-cu. PER s'ruIsxnP mu. 1 U03, 1. (NIB, 1. vuuuo We luvs I brie Stock of JAPAN. GREEK Ind BLACK 'l` A-S in 34 and 5 lb Caddies, which 70 will nil very low for 0351:. N DEFTIST. rlllnato of the Now York ('uHP](I~ of lloultty. Ol"l"|Cl-L-Wu-llnngtmn street. between Prin ecu uncl Brock nzmeu. Particular utteutk n pm] In the urnusrvntinn nf nutunl loath. `n` p on;nun n'I'I Q"'II\ C-- Oppulla lie loynl (`allege 1 mad Hum:-uu. 200 Boxes New Bonelcu Oodnlh. Bhh lo. 1 Luz-ado: Earrings. 3:1! 31:13 Salmon Trout, Ea)! Bbu White Fish. 200 New Sugar Outed Hams, Sugar Ourod Brukfut Bacon, 100 Side: Bonolou Bacon. The above Good: Inn all been purchued for (huh sud win he sold 1!. lower prices Linn |n_v other bouu In the oily. I'.`l.acJL:&1.. Buy your Flour before it ndvancm in ring. We hnvcaluxestook of No I Fslnily lung XXX Pantry I-`Iour. Buckwheat Flour. on- meal. Corn Ian and Cracked Wheat. You will nnl ev rythiu CHEAP in the (Jrooery Line ut the V10 URLA WAREHOUSE. J. Y. PABIUIILL, Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant 1.2.. It. nnn mucinou & uucmaw New Flourstore Family Flou r. l u~1try Flour. Buckwheat Flour. Gmhanl Flo ur Glover Seed Timothy Seed and mi. cum, , ,__.. ..u ..s ALA IAWFTRT Hewton & Hughes,` ouunn, uvunn. We ma selling Grunuhmd. Yellow sud Dark Hungary It axtnmelv law pncuu. U11: Unnn, of the lineal. t unlity And all It the LOWEST PRICES IN I`HI CITY. Q` Give mu 3 call And not vonr goods at 1-`nu-n` COST. VV11lAl\Iu1u Lu VV1\l11\1_u SOLICITORS, NOTARIES. u-.. Clara at. Km ton, urvnuu P...c-onloe. Mom-.y nu vnmm on no .urit_vof Raul u .nuum-- nnrvlmu-Ll :E{AI:t.~fEI:i:ivca-1 Is rmcmmm 41* ALI. TIMES T0 ax; cunc uBD1:us I-`uu House Painting inallits Branch ea T Gmining. Glaxiqg, Rurn WICTORIAWAREHOUSEE .l BpOI' nangmg. &o., &c., &c.. IN THE VERY BEST RTYLE. Ila mu nun dently point. boovery pkece of work done by bun for A yum: put an I gunrsntoe of his abi- litioa Noun BUT nut cuss nnrnuu mu) RESIDENCE AN!) BHOP-Hlud ofQI_1o_en lmoa emu of noon Shoat Lt-den Ian :0 [Loan Bron. State, rin- oeu dtroomwill be promply snendecl tn. lurch I6, 1878. F. C. MILO. )vv- DU;.\T1\T, Stove: and Tinvvarog Ilnvlng ltlllrual Ila Pruulnu, IS NOW BETTER PREPARED THAN ever tn furnish inn friundn And the go: narul public with Chum I00 Priu.l.LB. Tlnnlnu. Plumbing and Gaul I-mlng. ` On the lowest tormn And with promptitude and dupntch. __ nnununnuz N-[ID on Ann DIIl\'_| Clubs 31 Dupula. I10 THAT NOW 13 THE TIME TO HAVE VIHYII iuu uucy-I.\.u . REIEXBILB THE PLACE PRINA gE248i5l`l{El, opposite the rooldenre uf Dr. . nnu 5. iC.A.IR;RaI.A G-ES nnui nrll <`n.lruI.l.v The Only y`-clan cum-hgolllldan In no Gly- 1 Clean nd Eloclm Plating I npocblz -ml Vahlrlco for him. 1 lot of open - And we will Guarantee lore and Better Work [or the some money than any shop In the City. March 14. I878. I-v sang- Plntlng yud Vohu-loo for . Innd wort vary -buy. ' IIIIIIHIU I lls VI , ABRIHTER. AT'I`()R.Vh.YA LAW, 80- L|CH'0Ii.&.u-. ()I"i`l(}E-Pr'Im-nu Street Mu DI. IIIl'lIwr'n Drug Bram. I u[d>\'ohu-loo for : Iund Vg ; llffh C. It `,{a12 Penisaonl ( Txnn nm MT. may rum. who -mu I00 I bnnuudnynorzyu` inonel-M. no, In Ibo Wu ol IOI Joan {led lo: Panic: of pennant: bud Mun. unnkhun aphuu X IDII ACT. my reason duper .,h '::.m'*.. who unrud in one but * _P'.'".*_' ti 0 dual . w.2. ;`2.'.T.'u.....'.u... 4""".n.. ".3..`. uorvieo. to mute: the rut dab ic- In tho ood1_cr. ujuoumlod to noon: Pelnion _ _ ..+__. CANADA`. TUESDAY EVENING. APML 2. I878. And is prepared to receive I order: for Inch 1, l87ii. Teas, Teas, Teas. is Inna Inna . 7.. V--... . four In Gramlc Exposition d PARIS. um 'i~mc `cmr. gr am Ind got your goods 1 ON PRINCESS STREET, IS THE PLAf`.E TO GET YOUR SNOW HAS COME I F. C. MILO. .1. w. `snows e. co., -_.._ -._4 an ._ n.-In-n lnlldol suunnfsucan. nallina :1 I'IaC)'U'E.. I.~|..... Iunflsnn it mlvum-an 3 Bi Painting. gnPn.nar Hunt I')'.5iIiix;Au u.o.. . .".`4 GEORGE E. IioT:iY,' E. 5.14.`, ever Lhlng Iuanu 0 MN. Also rn raantlxg. _ P r angina`. we &m.. &c.. not! co. nun _.-l.lnn Din r Iunnufacmred from H'i`l'llI wm, DUNN. | NEW~GLO+Til_I_lLl}`IIII3l.` [vKRKH'sT1IIETKrTnI 1 1 Important Notice to Builders, Farmers and 01 hers. GT3?` which we II" hell by the ylrd or Innnulmuuo to order in the very lama: n_vlo9-- unrema- lug A mean-:c1' m or no ball. 0 will no hsppy tn nhow our Good: to my uno who my lover In mm l H whethv-r mkndinx to nurohuo or not. Each Keg of Nmln In gmurunlead entirely free lrom dual. scale. sliu m,ur headless nulls. Nmh nail bring selected by Disk muud Auwmutiu Piukar," wlncb gin.-sat. leun 3 Hm more of perfect nail to the keg. Shelf Agxmiaavy Hardware. IHLV pnwraa IE]. ROSE ] Consisting of Enghnh Scotch. French um! Cuudinn 1\veed| of tho but mnnnfwtulw AI-no Wurstad Coating: of dim-Ion: panama, ylrd Innnufmlun s:ylo9--g_:_Inrag0o- FRALICK & BOYD, 2' ll 00! 'l'AllA`.)-I:l.)!G DIPARTIENT which in udar the nuugornons of II. In- Donuld. I pnothul Cutter of an: `I! years on- porfonoo In the Input cities In both (land: nd the Uniwd Bibles. We Inn A Very lmrge and Well Assert. ed stock of Tweeds, U ENJOY A Vl8lT T i`llAN(,'E Ionr Iumh by joining mm of Prof. Hohortaun Ynanhcluul. Tuninu In Io8l& Grum- nnhhu. AdJreu the Rncooro! the llughto Institute. IKmpwn,Nov `0. I377. INC 31133 ll Intad hoping I ._n-- -.|._. it Lane .AuoI'tIeat or lead!- ` Ind: Clothlu and cents i Purnlshlll Goods." Which they will our ct exhomoly low prices. on Friday, the 5th 01 April. rr ll n'm.n(`K. A.|l.. For the County of l"r0l)t.cnau will be held at the Judge's Chambers, Cuurt. House. in the City of Kingston. I-`or tlm purnou of Auditing Accouma and Demand: preferred nguinu the uh: County. Bv order. ___ ______ Demand: 1 By "FM 1" 9.! a'4 (Hi TO LEA SE. WILL HE SOLD UN REASONABLE tenm-,or will be let, that well known sud popular Hotel, known as the I 1%," ovvI.n;`-0-how IQ Inuit:---. -..-`_ 7 _ Eligihly anuwed on Ontario Street; And the THREE '1 EN EMENTS mljuiuing. Apply to G. W. I-`En\Vl\IK. Nelnon Street. .~ _._. n........:. will In: mlmh III oxrhnmm. Erivilcx cnsqumo uouss. .. -..;,. .u.-..o- ant` [ha N:I=_:'vv gB00t and Shoe Store. `Tl-IE IYNDERHIGNED BIOS T0 [NI-`HRH! the (fitimnn of Kingston and vminmy that thry brave opened out ` ALarge Stuck ufBnnts & Shoes OF ALL DEBCHH"H03\'y i Al` may |.uw-rmcns, In I. Dolnn`s Block, above the Albion Ilou-I. .1. E. Dillon & co} !PnAM numons :\ vuunn. wuu an.-vvw-J -.._... AT VERY LOW PRICES. Q` A call awaitaxl. \HoRsEv si The Best Quallly of Firewood - M U SIOIAN 8 ! lapeclnlly Conconln Pluyers. Punaoqrnu . I dl ooionnn.yon' 03577: c. 5.: "Fa wnl A rluncnntnanunzn II I. nviutrluuvvu u FANCY IIUIK u I have I Iujon in- ppruddinsoo. Colludnpcunu _ Nelnon Blre |".:rm Pmperty will be taken III exchlnuo. Kingnmn. Murvh 9,1578. |Lkm5_patriax'nrucy stun.` III11 ITIIIH. Lhrnh 4. I878 )UHLlq? NOTICE we hereby given that the um-oting of tho lo. 8. Golden MOI Iloclt. Iuvh 5. I378. I twat` '05 I`. |UI. J.` .i..I.-n--u MI -I. $2.75 per Keg of 100 lbs. CHEAPEST MARKET PRICE FOR SALE HY A N103 LSSORTKINT PRINCESS STREET. BOARD 0!` AUDIT bun Ielow Ila Allah: Incl. and app.-Ila Funk llguern. 14 mm AT u. xmnnmrs .-my null: nlhnvc n unohul 1o_ rA_a_ME 's'.` k an wnelnar pnrohuo ALEX. S KIRKPATRICK. I Clerk of the Pnaoo. `IR ha ham. lIIllIfIBIlll'I Having nude Arrange-menu: to may Ind roll for Cub only. [nun than A-nubln-I In --irotnln at pmu away below um mu-h out than who do bminno on the old iniquitous mums :- voun` I therefore reupe-vtfully ask iuu-ml 1 purchuern to inspect my bu-ck. having very condem-a that the prmen nu-I quulilvoho Goods WI :1 omw oonrlurn nvqryune mu! Where I will offer for sale the Ohoiout. best Selected and Ohup out 8\'.ock of Boots and shoes not exhibited in this any. The ONLY place to Buy CHEAP BOOTS snd SHOES is at {Manors cnsn swan. IOLLOY S ansa DB|`Al'{'l`\IENT or Muu.\'1:A.w FI.~IH|'R'lH' I BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO MY )`l.ll!NlI ` and the puhlio am. on Suunhy. luck 30th.! will Lonmn-mm huunru IN TIM`. STORE. .No. 24 Princess Street.l VVHITTEN U["l"ERS wi'l Inn rum-ivo-I in Int MB hell. fol tlIoSAl.M1)N ANULINQ PRI- VI KGES of Hm l'ol|nwing river'- mronuuiauuuuucmtur} lioingtnmmnvamyllyaworks Tn 1'mc WATEHT IDGE, Rent. per nunum cu `m nluLc`1. paqmlc in Mlvunce. bones to run for from one to ve yearn. Leueol to employ guardian: at private coat By order. W. F. WHITOHER. Commluioner of Pueorhm -g Dayhght I.oute-t; Ploton. Belle- ville and Trenton. Steamer Armenia nnbf nu Knlnln Muller. \ Arn. an-. -n.u....-.., ._.....-., Leaves Evin : Whnrt. Kmzal.on.dnil ,[Sun day's exoe oudlnt 7 o'clock n.m.. lrr vlng ln Piown at l |.m . when she eonneou Ilnllv at 1 pm wllh Bu-um Film [or Bellevillo Ind Prentun. givmgjpuunuen throe hour: for bu Illness or pleuuren Plemn. RETURNING- lne Armrnia loaves Pimon for Klngnwu It 2:30 p.m.I\f1erI.ho urrivnl of Summer film from Trenton and Bellevllle. Tho Av-rmmlu ll new and the Fastest Hteamor ou the Bay of Qumtu. Parties of mu M0) to Piulon and return for nun (are. Close oounoctloua made with the Folger Bron. Bunnie! for Cape Vincent. WI- Lurwwn and Nut York. Alno by (lanu-Iill Nnvlgnuou Steamer! from llnnnlwu and Hon- trenl. 2' Liberal cllargoua Lo ummonslnl tru- volleru. Sunday School Ind National Excur- niom gt. low rater. ITntBm1s&R[llturBr9akfast BEES Bans. WILL HAVE Broad. Rona Q Eun- FRESII EVERY IIIIIKNING. Cmnmt-nclng an Ilondnv morning. `prll In. Will deliver In time for Br:-nkfnst i order- lho night. looforn. lurch Y7. sALMon WANGLINB. Kingston Limeworks . (((((((((((( AD NMA-clu um Kagmsh ll \Vnhccoot.n Kagmshku \ Mingun Manituu Nnmnilm Wham I wnl In u Iunlllar nml chntv Komnlnu ('1 rrlleille Agwanus Unhunut I,\'-rrth Shultl. Kmmsh Ilu Mlllvlin lm-ul` I`: rm-1 Little }'Abnu. lu Nnl1vt:lle(o|~pmqil.u 1). : M dnlen (south Sin... Jup ter (Anti:-unli Iuh Salmon (I4: ' HA1` KOUII AID Plllllll on doubt lint, Wat, haunt: .95` U ' W 5` JO 3... lob 1.".'3'S$'3... Apyu ' JOHI IIIAHOI Inch 3. II`! II I B001` ARI] SHOE STURE. T_\If`I `A ?r\&& !lAlI'IuuIl'.uu-g.-o Alhul Ian: ` 1' All hints` Cluck. no 34 5 ` ".`."'% 1' Onion my be left I Ilh If\lI\Y I Fob II. IBVI. LIME FOR SALE _:. T`) RENT HR LEASE. utvo mm; Burl lmilcling. mm width of tho Im. II roar u! my IIWOIHH1. II will make 1 o6pilQ|'WoOII|Ip ot lhorohuuw. Fur Iuruu enquiro of (hr un` I:-nipwd un llno premium. IIOUIE AND TIN ACIK3 OI` LIFD shod! In nul fmm Manon. Ap- r to OPENING OF FOR SALE. FOR SALE uruI'I..n:n' .5..- _ An... i8_'Z8. ,-any-.- --._- . IUNTBKAL ROAD. To nan`, WI. DAVID. "Inter. P:-been GO-. Kllpoo wuuwuu - - ----` I`. II. Il0Ll.0I . 1.31:: M uwu, I878. IN ORDER TU (SET I ['I{F. WATER uul plenty uf it I an C. II LAVILIJ. I.U., -.u.r u., aw. (kt: (broth Dy: lar Inrmary.) 0001181` 3:! AUII . Ou uthcDI'I; Ital, ll Prlnonu Strut, Klnpton, Ontario. JOHN DUFF. Golda Lion Baool . llvh nil gentle ' April; to Incl l cumin Iowlotopuubgplhgu. y vary V min (pukojur foo! 5! flbhd nu. no pnnul uinu. Do vnll na haunt 5: dead of night So nonnru ol nynb-upon tlna no Lroo - ' In to 3 K! tingld hows. wt; dfnlm gltyng (bald nlkhed Winn: bl! mum `And hing me hock Jami howl. `E-3DflIl'l dolox lin 4 not I|N'||- .._.........._.__.2 4A,__.._.........___..... V-mnsnnr xv-no, APRIL 2. mal ..,_._. . .;._,.. II A;!IOIlX)I ll Qllli IJ-XI JOUIIAL. its: in -_|\In|uu ih."""'.cc..T"".'u-4a.oduovu-." . dunk nhthou: hfhtuln nun Ol 0 ltl: I IrhhOl&I elonr- Mhhn pnalaiu Shocgduh nur- t Spring, bright Spring. I00! Ilorlngi w'l u|MIIo toolhcu It an E. Tb Inn ht !-Iu prune lqnnol 111.`. IN: no "gentle ' spring moi llumniu mum: ulna l ban. But. all too Intel now bovuil Thu full of the Wmbot Ilghu: For lhtl l in the oouuu. full The irl in whom mv oqul doilghh. Would mt, with I oonmlnpmou air, A Bludut. `pIuoI.0Il' L-oonppl bur. The vessel which peeled Eunnlun on 'l`hu_radny evenin during the Itorn, y- ing 1 Iigual of Ifiwtreu, end for which thecwpuin of the life-umzg eutim It Evuutuu telegraphed here for e m; to 30 her uullvlnce, pwvee to have been the schooner Mary (white). Oepmn E. Stretch, which left Chicugu, `light, bound for M-unkegou. Bhe got the full fury -oi the gale an Wedueeduy night, and when between 'MMe.kegou and Grand Haven. AS about 7 o'clock on the morning of Thun- dey,nhe sprung ebedlnk. Uumpollul by the wind end see. the captain at ` about, And no [or this shore ngein. he crew nude every eiforu. it the pawl, but ` the weter gained on them no repidly bu- werd evening on Thuredny that it wn lured uhe would he lost. 0!! Dhieego it . was hoped I lug would come be her, but none went out, And the oepuln was con ` pellodto rink everything and nil in. The ` crew were worn uut, and the vessel hid ` then four feet of wuterin her hold, end oould not rennin niloet. An hour longer. being even then in dnuger of oapeuing. The nnempt. wu eocorlingly nude. and, he; pily, ruulted euooeeefully. A lreeh crew (um of the Charlotte Rub) on then engaged, who worked at the pulnpe until daylight. yeeterdey morning, when elm wu towed to Miller Brothers dry- dook iur repnin. The eeeepe of veeeel ml crew was 5 narrow one. aivuld bluil-an bunny mu-. "m|{lu1gl\I.mJ," ma clngp nun. `Old Bring: In luul"--would ho bud Mod Where 1 hul pivot` hoard hi: name! Than Ind my ta nu (mnlspyoi In uhgbg cl hh anowu tum) l)h[|ngulnhod_ me In Collop ohu. I saw.` > '. ianm an air Eln- orew Then hu bun ounudnrublu oonhuion u to duutcn M. Konouhn. _ It nally turns out, near prompt. oorrupondonl. lint Innounoed, Hut the mag nail wrecked there in tho sohounor ortrodo Bagh, IIIII craft in the wood undo. nndhndnd with wood. Sh: mo`. hol- A Rome oon-eupundonl. lalegrlphl that the Pope : allocutlon delivered at the conliuory nu Thumln givee the Iullnl genenl eetielecliun. he illmion to the chnrch e oeptivity le very mild. Hie huliueu exproeled no intention to Itrug- - gle for the recuvery of of hi: tempt-rr lltice. The main etn-u of the ellooulion in leid nn the releliune which it in intend- ed should exist between the pope and 0ndinsl'e eecred college. He typiee the Connollof 70 called by Moeee to be hie eeeieuuu and edvinern in the Govern- ment of the people of Iereel. Ho wiebol the Oerdinela to be his byuendete end fellow-Iebounn. end leet it Ihould be thought that merely unmesning worde fell lrom in lip: he expteeeee ell the re- lience he put: on theirwiu Conleel trusting end beggln it they never tell him It III the gnu-en wink of we Blgh, IIIIIH onn. In the noon "IMO, nndlosdod hp: Iruublu I weak Ago-lut Snturdny. -j: trusting Ind boggm n. Iovlr all his). 10 Ill tho 3:-at Conndl of Trout that tho ndminiutnol ` ol the univorul church should rat on the Council of Cnrdinall thin, uyl tho can-uupondont, in n clan him. or n rum`! so than uld conuitufwn of the ohnroh and I roloulco to the Council of Trout. It sumo phinly inlondod u I ropul of the not of the Vntictn Cnuncil, winch by dr olulng Fina IX. inhltiblo, omitted Mm .. .u........ -mu thn ndtim ol omac oluinq Fina Ix. InI |ll1blo,Onnnou mm to dispense with tho odsioo College or Ouunsrl. To the Vuiosn ` Synod itssI!,to tho proclsmstionoldu nu , of inlsllibillty, or of thsl. of tho ln- 1 msculsts Conosption, snd to all th son I of Pms l)(., at I of tho reconstitution I of tho Scottish iotsrch , no ollmion , whusvstooours in ths location. Tbs i Acts of tbs dscosu-d Popo have boa: ssuotlonod by tho Church snd must stand but Papa boo sssuns to think tho ~ ol tho yosugsst And dscidodly on of the Oudinsls, u Cs Pops conrm: tho hops by man which uses uinsto bin and oh Bo noirlu Una ` ;*{%'..}`:`..`3'.?-"7 -`3;.'."L?1 r"`f.`.'; `,`.?.'.. hnuol um um bring. spy: 'qdel ljwltll l|l'||. Nor Izkuinh rhor mu at or: given Muilishn gnwa. "mhhulhl. ml," and clan-roan In no MAM mud Illtjlluvonnu. n ' udtuindyn-and light. It 1 R. mouwaounmr} I no lull RAXLIOML-' `I Undo: t prunes management the Bar, tout lino Railroad ioboonningnlh-, n his hvoriu. `rug in on of the Judldoidy n-cpl nil- -.-: In in hi H lI|Iuod'nphy`h Ian bqilu. l , d , ..:'.2"{.. .2. " .u' ""a.~..,. pa h "cu .!.'&}'.&.K&`m.. " nrthncbuhotblholulotlnnh rlnuodonhoroouofxon: mums 1u'n:1.l.u.iI:Tucu. I'M Pope`! Allocation. be tum) dyad d my chance: run to pan. ll? W IIIWT DIE I'UIlll'll my In hows. `Q del L'wo om-n, um: on Idnilinhn In nun. N0. -Ill. ulllsnrlmu um nut to all tin Ion y m an who um ohusrfnllyuo :0 - I. or hpuvemc )u,mll ;c- `Tim .` VIIeII`I&I Henrik! nlluu - Itl. O la-nod ,in:;`T:pun3::`l:: 0\'I "' """""' -u 7" ."""'T."'.'a`.i"?.."'" M. nee afghan HWEVO Uliyia Inll aonlcl I :.-..-sa -'*"2-'3?-?`~`-"-==`'- D&nat. Klnnwn. 0 no u~_ Into Morf.`5nga-nplnrohnu-Ll Oct :1. I87 I. Iiluuu union on In , Nlqllby when at viulutinn of 95000 Iiltlhtlolll villbo held liable to -1- A an bu boon trying to walk hiumolf to dash, st Roahouor. Bio lune in innit. his though!-Ila In on pot-`urm 3 gins but lo M`; iecidgi nrw bonu- ` with con out. he Juiau ny- mu : 32 A113 wornol tcnuuoui ton and luontod Md gun up hi: lltomplod pedes- p (006. having Illkod 304 uulon and 8 `I pg. The at trgck hid cripplvd him I'- on At the am, but he kept his puou V amlaully call: and bndo his phyaioum `thing about his run] cunditiun. 1 fat are bad,` In nix], `but I vull be than in Ilut but of lilumenl punk,` Ind tight the thing out. But In Ilbuloulnlod both Ilia own audnranuo Qld tho povnr 01 not Ihocl and Itoclungu Our tho toughen of hot. llil fool. grow hon nnd more nu And painful mm his nlk boouno uotioubly uitf. After mush- in; his three hundredth mile he tuuk qmtn long not And than returned to the tract. thin tank In: now hopeleu. He drug- [qd himull Ionrily nlong, tried changes of thou, and won our-9 feet, nnd nally, in ltxfntl nllnvn, warn nn Anal rnlirml, of mu ` _ At lt Mr. John Ennu yxoldod In room, no III uunonug nu;-nlu lI'Ulu ml It! And uvollon foot and lunbs. Tho poor (allow uulforod u nnu-tyrdmn. H u tolunnblo to mppou zhn undvr Invar- :5`. cirvnrnltbnool he can porh-rm thus an. fut. _)|IUlO ml people ngnnm: nun, nu ulgotlun by In out-whining mujnr'uy nu;-I, nbukod llillrtduoorl, who wught In immuh his bminou im.enrih'. No Iucllluiiyniu man now umugn or an lot 5 Jind. Padtlli-I shaman And hnvy ' at " V -` -do .1 :;:.....~ v':.-2:.-: i::.".s..'..::.:.:;: Alhnmh inlidiu dunno on tho otulhhh bl cup: ul D1 noun u uuuunn 0: I590` Q19d9'|Awi|l_bo uulty'ol'hv`f0l` Vllhll And uuluvful bun. - -(}no.\V. Ilooun. 01 non, nu uvon our-3 um, um: nmmv, bl Itatod above, gnu up and retired. Whonlnt wo at him in hi: drusmg room, he uulforiug nu;-niu from hm nu And nunllon last. and lnnbs. _jooo----- A Clnpnln Blunder. Whoa Dr. R. V.Pi0I`oo In A (`zmdnlo for Sun Somtur, hll pulitioul opp;-m-nln uhlilhod in pretendod nualynm of him Eopnlqr medicinal, hoping Lhorehy to pro- judioo tho people Agnimc him, [in `alnnnn bv ovorwlolmint muinrnv nut]; nuuna mumluoou, who wugm to impOAh integrity. none. would Inn boon taken of thaw cunpligh llol were it not thnt some of his `Giulia -(lid u-y Iuoooulnl bnlinou !lI hi hi: lull quot: of OIIVLVIH rivnh) gm rnnublilhimz than bmml nnslvmu. 5 I thsaulhuhiu pnuinmhut ndwhopuinthtnlldhohhoeuusl ' jiinhnnnnn. v canon- .. 3 " tli. `C-3 CIT'l*IOII ; IXICUCV N III!` tho an! in town two or more nmnd jun In an Iunlu. _ `TD uunjpnulin of running to-. nlqp phi: on rink, and liabul-ty 2:; m:@ to both hslling I II` "II "III qll OK CIIVIJHI IIVIIII} R0 ripilblilhing those bnguu nmlynu. Nmndrous Ind must absurd fnrmuln into but publilhod, purporting to come `frolrlngl Authority; sad it in u again? um fun that no two have luau at. nll gl1ko-oonolunivoly proving the dinhonuty 01 Choir Inlhou. Gila Lunlnont Jodldo of Ammonia Om-an Iounlgu, fan who. rhoum--mm. (mt, lnnhdlut, ch|lb|\iHI, sore throat. unmnolu.bru1uI. And wound of very gm, Ihillomlool. cnuolunl, tnronx. oryp1polu,brunu. very unturcin nun or nmmnl. The ramarI.-- IMO cunt thin remedy ha onctod cnmu has one club um important llld uln- nlio nnudhmovor diloouml for the an and Kylie! olpnin. Rev. Mr. Allnger, ol_JuMioA, L.I., Iuarod for you: with n inn lhrant. which oleruvu-an Ind ol_JuI`AIoA, 14.1., Iuuarou lor your: um I -inn lhront, which oleruyu-on Ipouhrl no aubjoot to. Ho obui-ml unnudiuu relief from ()u.wo' Lmnnnrr Iooxu or Auxonu. OF... mo Ilnhnflln, Aunnhu` Heath IJENTIST. ()I`V`lCl and Ionulonm--HIxoI Conn Brook and Prmmau Strwl ---oOo------ Colwllllllil your the prnuunenL buninuo houul, All plnoea of publh: illorqlt and runrt, mud in the vory lmart of u but ruidont pnrtmn J lhu cny, for good liriljg good tI'QulInunI,nml quiet comfort, III Colonnade Hula}, nu Ohuluom. Strut. Philndalphin,-mu be con- Ieiontiouuly rooomondud. TO All who bro suffering {mm Hue rn 1): Ind lndhorctlom of youth, Ilurvuul wank nun. oulydcca .IlllIl of mmhood. -lLn.. I wnl nndareocinl wlcure you, I*`Rl4.'E 0| BI Wll:-'l`oo often I Id or plight. nnugh In oonndoud A varvordloury. trimu uthur. III-ROI I U loll W [0 M It, anuu-, null luau:-4~ Itolnlt (idly uoglootwi hull I nlmpln our 3 In nloaoiunh ovavctod law as horwun pul V dluqo. 11: d I, < x:3.`s 6ongI:"'ur o1a.a'."o'{.'s'a '.i.". ,.,'."'c.. 3.33 -Id... manual: nu Inn : I ul-nook-. Wider looxu or AUIOIM. 350., 50c.. I1 I botllo. Agonu. l Guam and E. H. Pnrkor. (rluutul at! b nn 1`, Inmu HUI wrolhdj Uh/V`! hnvounlnln 0. Ir npuullou .-_... .__-.. _. -., UH 7 IVI'I'I u|~nunk-h\}'8!or If U Thy nu nlvnyu -msynm... in nun. V . | I - . ... ryxglglum. :(l|lcl`|`:)"&l| iolhho Quinn as `tho par who on: bone: to p thnm m nhnulllnr and use hu prm-rd that l owdorundAruI.Iun llam- mdlt ulocmmu and Inn hm-n Wh ohoorfully uonrnu V hn,mIla Iml Viki` Ilhl e VIII olm II IQXW I Illkd I! I 1 It on | nod ,in:;`l: punaunm h|no.l_ nljrwon Ibo our-uu and Iafunn M Mac I ' lg 1} '( 1::`lH7:?1::'l uwhvnul no tnuumu 5. n... . that d III E ' ll 'a':'o:Iu" p'.'su..'..`. `Ill .3. . `. Innmn. '1 York UIIV i W Hyidtl Inleuncl nu ll nlnuuruurh, , Ifyonla worth an un- .H` 3 CI Q0 Inquumlv ' I ' v! luIuwvnvl::.pc-rum - lK- ITI ll W1 I! 33;...-`E1..3E..,~........ ....`3.... .. bchununu-II uncut-Mo. omdo... z':m|:"a:. '`*"""- yhlhvotl Iueuml dljijuidlib any ruurh. .-._. PICIAL l01'l(`l-LADll8' DIJIIII on In Dyed or l.".osud this Iota; gin Inplocno. lllun nub Claud Mob. ll`.-n 0Q-o-'I\Do Junta PIIIMUI. |;` ruuvrln, t - - "co'u'C'"s'a'I".3".."..?. .`..`.'.`.Z hnnhcl=dlhG.lNu uudlu. the ma y 0! law to! vunn nnu Iuuuvn `bun. -Gno.\V. lloannv. oancu-y at War. .:...-.... 7 U`. M Ur uh }'-'-'$,_.__;'E`:.r~'? :4' `..'*'-'. ":.-.::~.i:.-: -um I. lnhd lot-nwnuso. sax. . `lhpallhonjllh bu innondum Iulinnoin out In. I Th ` - j v .:'-.......,`*` *'-"'-'.`-'='`---... W . L-1'.'~3 hhrvnldtonlynbonfon nmhnnlorhiddon: ' It. It tn ' Io Ir 1:. um nun nIa|i.nI-"-|j"___I`_-g "" '_`+='"s'?"Jo'6.Ti.3.T..'.{ii;: "- "'+:.*.m':.':::; E "dud ll 0ll,I Inna -I I |ul Cur; Hm-m.- In to uu-; pf ull not them in nhnultll Iunl Iound ooodlshun prove _ that --w - --.'7--- Arronnn; wubrrbhs. ho.. Kn. uomonodto 80 Pnlu. iwuno Wuauuu I Joann] Wuxn g-.-.3--_-.;`. cunt run mm. K on 5:`, sad I ` to resulting =tnut not but through Eliot Iiu tow thmugh it Iincl. .-.-....-.-. A Walllnt. . Heath _ _% ,, sum um-nun m-s Sch 9.): } Planing -Hills Lnd in Ilia pramrvntiz n_r_ Iu:tuf:I train. __ II. E. SPIBKS, 0.0.8., l.II.S., DBN'I I'I'. lnuitule. Knnpwnov `J lxpodluonly and Pnpuly hound II CAIADA . UNITED STATII AND IIJIOPI ll (err u lurch I I. IK7 IITYBI t Dlclll. AIIIITIII all A`I'I'0IIIYlA'I'-LAW llocl In lohthl Philh- mm uuouuu hind `lbbu-nyt C. II DAV L. 8.1)., l.0.PIA, ho. lI_t. n.....a.o. In and Bar Inrmary.) izmovso TO BROOK sf, um Bu of Ouuto Noun. v?'H1TEL1ME;""--?`~.-Tm ..AI.Il ovary umguuny.-auuumuuyu. __._'___________._ ~~~ +iGu 'rho'J-o- 09. lllununhclauc rnvu. Urn 0heo-'l\IIn Pv nun umu. Dorullvuoanuudlhnu Dy: Worn.` 5y I` udllqu luau `_|`O|ol. _.u-,--._. JAMES CAMPBELL, JVIUVBU IU Dnuun in I opp-in lhu Buy QIHJI6 an nu-v IIII A $1`! [O I . "umlniin SIHW. ..u..-mo A1-'rnu\H< Y A LAV 3' Psunu gunrlgdf 0| noohugo. Sold for printed xpsncthu. Annoy In oponuu I pp. "1 EEIBY 0lls1`,(muvn On, Ioohalool Engineer. lb`-otlor (or In Dnuhunnu L5-vn.-u......-__,_'V, TU THE WATQ1 J. I. OLDIIAII. ruuhlnn nu Illhlll`, u..|.|rl.u. `DR. B. W. 1)]; IT - ( lh-n mu! ranuIrnNI.. ... `-._... .. 74 "f$iii}.ou.nx, I U A \'l\ lVIIf)Il'l\q II?` an not-on; Whxrf. foot Brocit St. |)(7 u-. ()I'l"l(,`IS---r ;r'a npar Iv Storm: AMI D031 a usual on Prtnoon Street. n to do my wnrk a uivhr. AMI Qallu .1 U. D: W. Ull o ENTIHT -()1cn and roalllcnce. Dr. "~unp~ ton`! ummmornvr of King nml William Strut.-.op mun Dr Yuma Jlniil H. w Iv more nlul Ontario Il-a:Ei-r`t.ihl9*`Uuuntry Basulancat FOR SALE. THAT PROPERTY KNOWN AS "NEW- COUKT.` lha mninlena-r uf (ha lnle William WLMII, Esq .w1ll ha min! by William Hurra_y_ Auzmoueor. at Ma Aux-nun H.ouvu,uu Market Square, Klmuatou on . . , .n.... .4 :....u u-.,o Saturday. 26th of April Next, ' AT N()().Vl It in mnatml in the TIvl'!Ill|l) or non Lon. within n nhori diuumw of the orumout ter- minus of the Street Ruilwny, nud fronting to- wnrdu Lake Untnrio. The Huune muuinn Inge Drawing, Dining And Brukful Ruumu. fuur BeIln>onu:_ \Vinhr Ind Summer Kiwhenl. with Servnnhf Ipurt menu and Rnomv ('el|AnL Attncbod arc- Pnrvy fnur Acres of l"n:o.|uut `And, on which an the 8tahIn,1`mu|n Hanna and Barn. 1 (hr den with D lnrgn Urclmrd ulyuining. U11:-niracl the `pr:-party will In nen-cl in Twu I .nn~cln. lnrx-el ho I -the Red-lance, h`t.nblu-ac, &r~_, anal '|':r-nty lwn Arr:-9 uf Lnml Pnrcel NI-. 2 ~thr- 'l`wen2vtwn Ar-nu nrlfnin im. ..n Hm l".;ml Ills ull In! sum. Poueuion of the Bonn-. Sublea, Lawn Gard:-u, &,~ , can lm given on the n! M In next. ofthn Iutnftlm land on the tint. of Jnnunry nut. TERMS ()1-` SALE LIBERAL. and may be known un applivulinn to Dr. Henderson. Q C . nu. hia olliuo. (flnrvnce Street. Kingston, and um Au~lIum~c-r. |Tiii?Ii'n1vT11EAL TEA HUUSE] II. J. nuNuuHuE&w.: 6 H) Um: I rulu rv-mun, -Irv v......, or $2 per dozen. Al:o,0snned Pu1npklns,P,eu,Oarn, and Tomatoes AID. A nuullnnnv 1.1, PHYSICIAN AND SUIl!.'()N. 0I'FlCE-- llvmth 0:. (Junui Drug Stow. VOL. XLVI. l2lbOuul'roohPuchu.osch15c;| 4. 11 an new tlnnnn, zl'U`llrTUUfUEH$l, V-vu nvv, or 31.50 per doun. 3 lb Ouu Fresh Paschal, 20: each; nu Q9 nnr dnrnn All I which will bu mill at prices to wrnr I pond nn-I IIffII'0ll at tho u-It ` junlny I IIIBB In nww-Va 0 UIIIGUSONT5 BLOCK PRINCESS STREET ! I Il_-..I. I ! lit?! ornxnn our AGAIN! ` In the Albion Hotel Blocli, PRINCESS STREET. our New Stock la am Cheap an lluw (flu-apes! W" have Sold Ih-fore. . ,\ .3 nu-u 'PricestoSuit the 1`imes.l WE INVITE ALL OF UUR OLD FRIENDS uml a hunt of uaw pnlronn :0 ml! upon us. `China '.'I'.' Hansel J. 1:. 61.13:, uifn., n.{i5.s., x}n.s' JAMES itmnrrs A man: srocx as" l Pleasure Buals&Shu0ting Skis NI".\\'l.\' MADE A ND I-`OR S/\l.|". U1` BOATS built in any at)! to order. Irom llm vuruinhrul and ornlumnlod (`mint [0 lbs ohupuc lluw Bust It Bun Houston and Shop In (Irv-a-n Buy. Bmrleohl. lo Iclter Work In to to Iron II lu-gue- `(Inn our. `(Ontario Agricpitural collage. I until April Nth. THE SUMMER Sl'SS8|0N 0 us on the `Mk A Lvl-on thorn will M-oommo nhnon .n I 9 Re-Auden:-e for Husnly Additional Studouu Hln now full. Ap Hunt-on good. and curriculum ooplum. got pnm-uln- an to term: nI'enIr|m~a. mnrm of nlmly. ha, and fur Cu-vulnr to the undoru nod. by whom uspliannouulnr adlnulan It be mocked wu. -)ouy_sr __:._______________ III. WI. CIIIAVS SPECIFIC IIDICINL A Lumr. Quatnn or CANNED GOODS ngvmnll of which up r_I|e Laue! Izormulhu-ul uunndo u-I. Di-non of Vision. punc- lnly dlnrdhnoan lhntball " """"""" f`..`3u1J'....a""_"'u.,' wA1.KEM & WA r.Ki;\`a nnl It'l'l`nR NUTARIES. (ilarnnc I Hm urn II NAME X11. I378. -?URE Wines and Licpgfl. I'i'x\'l"A';}}'iI -JOHNSTON, Pruldont. Guelph, larch Ilh. I878. ___ llual Building I".ula|>ll.uhm-nl. I.\IIuIrIu.n. JUIBS nunuu. nl 1|!` WIIIIJT WIIJ. II El`! A7 Ca PIOPISIOB 0|` I C.UcllkIIvn Street. V to: pi Jan 2. 1418