J.mi`v-.41, Jinn` as; iii] 11:, nuwever, ll nu which oppose: it. I'uI unl uluu _\,.u xnluu St. Petenburg, Mnrch 24.--The Juur- nal dc SI. Pderaburq nyl Englnnd Inunt yiold her wishes to England, and cane olutructing a definite conclunion of peace ur the Congreu must let without Eng- lnnd,elu Rania must set nlono. u-aux.-u-uuwu. London, March 24.--A dupntch from Volu an the Turks no blocknding tho inlurgem village: of Mt. Palion b Inna] md 10:. (lreoco threaten: to undvlhipn to rescue the starving inlnbiunu, if the Pniurl do not intervene. Greek inter- IO TCICUO [H8 IIOTVHIE IIIIIIIIIIYILI, H [HG Power: Intorpou. Greek inter- foronce would moat oortainly emu I III. TREATY RICIIVID. London. Much 25.-ln the Common: thin nhnrnoun Nonhoou nnnounood that Ruuin Ind oomlnnnitatod to Engnnd Ila. QAr-\A nl lhn Tun-II nl hnnnn nnn nuuu um oommnuu-and to an mm: the urn: ol the Trent ol poses. up of the diltricta il word being pro mud. Ho nluou td nmvor any men- or mo umncu nuocwu turn nomg pro- pnrod. Ho nnlvor any quo- tiona on tho Iub'oeI. II the comrnunicr lion: bouveon unis and Enghnd on nnucn ol (root importance ION not yet cloud. Jun nu;-n vv llvnlI\- A Vionnn oorroopondont ulognphn that the cont:-onny botwoon Englnd and Rcuin in Ippnuhilg that danpmnn [sun IBOPO the point ol honour more ` and non onpga Mtdlion. ,' I0nI,Inrahi.'I. l'|our-uoduhl$bbh; Illiot Ihlill unrnln-not-In ptlyvttltb until Chicago; nnlcnl ',olo|annnn.'a.55Io!.; -non uh:-`-5. ouuo-ohdouulngusn onsuuxdqyosargunnds. Gulmpuvh Mint! 3.1!) uumiauuuuquvzzg mum M 9C: onnn and Ithcl Incl-Igd. ` ~T+o.___ Mr. Mount 1: quuo mg cnuup. I\II -.., pluc in t.l_w Fodernl Guverlnnonl, but Hm. ho gins such general and complclo ntulu.-lion lu the country in his present united petition that nniltcr hu party nor the paopla gonarally would Iullmgly no him re-lmquinh it. ._-. Ci 11:3?-. Corn4l|~2nzll.'>-8.clJI Min-4n 4233;! III-`. n4l.'>3;JunvInll07II 7 luv rkdnl|sI9l7l2. In Ihincitnon 8nturdn_y.tIo3rd int, tho wife of Ir. N. ll Auelnunmofn sol. av a.-vuu vs vvu) N IXCILLENT TERRACE BOURI. ton rooms. good nablmlw. Ion: 1335. If sold puruhuer an annko nnnul pay-nun in nlnce uf rant. lfnold puruhuor plncc ON H13 I H'l'|i|l.`.'I owned by In-.Clmntio. Aha-1-101! sum-:. That lfonunfortable and Pies-l ..--.DI-v H:-1-.3.` l\..l_-.. lllulr I.vIIIII!l vcoulv DIIII III.7- saully situated Cottsge. ON B181! 8TR|E'I`. opposite the Park, owned "Hula. Plinth; and Cu llulng. eonunncu In an, -,--., .. 7...... mo, nuohluu ouldho pun-o onouhuod British bout U radon his to power. _-_4_ .L... -....|J .._.__a A- BOOK-STORE 1] Four Dozen lllerature PHHIBIS, Beiny Extruvta from Book iv,w|th Historical and Critical Notes. and Examination 1 :- Four Dozen Literature for Ill Class Teachers, Angus Bible Hand-book, Amot.t's Anchor of the Soul, do Parables, do Law: from Heaven, Gi1let.t's 226 Pens, ne points. U funrtoan day: or plrtk-,lpnt.od In one our III`, in the War of Hill. is ouI.it.|od DOI Ponsiol of 38 par munth from date of npprovnl of Act. Widows of soldiers .5 have dlod nfur similar nervica. no matter what, Wu tha dnto of nur- riage to the soldier. are antitlod Do the lune P:-union Being NotouCritiulnurl Ex lnnatoryon Book: IV and V. for the \1r:v-: 01 uird-Cuua Cun- mduu-... Buv H r: ml IL and it will i812 enions. No other parties are entitled. All I8|`2 Penalunerndroppod horn tho loll: bovnuso of Alleged dialnynlty ITO rollarod by this` Act. The Rev. Principal Jardlne, .....-n. n . I 1Vll`F`I'A mini lilondpublio tidal: lould ho nqudodutbo-|'HuI pudblo dip. nitiouolhilnu. Andyotyoor oopd~ toynlCnd'nn'l'aI-yluloodolclni-Inga -.4.-nngln nl IIn'I& 13:34:: in Intact nl SO THAT NOW [8 THE TIME TO HAVE Vf|l'll shomnd Heavy` HArdwu'o}unu, um, Glut. &c. Inna Appllclion MUST be executed before nn olocr ufu court of reoord. Bk-ml to us for may iulorxunion or blank: nnded. Wull deliver A LF.C'l`Ulll ON TUESDAY EVENING.-NEX'I`, in Queen : College Convo vatiou HAILM 8 o'uloc'(,on cnnnmezszj And we will Guarantee More and Better Work lor the sauna money than any Shop In the Olly. run ------n -. w-- The only I7Iru-(`I-nu (`An-Inge Iulldal-I In nn nay. I ?RKEii'6Lb"s3 Important Notice to Bnlldoru, Farmers and Olhers. OUT nuyllvu-U-:1 nun; u--v-v-----I1u uoaopolyd llrilhlopiniouinluon ol puy ndclqootiugtithl pub dggtinbohullhchiclhinandnll uh 'Q|,I-I X1 `mjij 11.4.1 A. cm. I.. oh.- -5.... UNDER THIS ACT. any person whourvod funrtoan day: or pnrtlclpntod In but the to .|,._ .r,..,_.._ I -1 1-. `The Results of Missions in India. .Iu"6. III on Saturday Next n- I`) u'cuocx. Q` All Goods reduced in price to suit the times. uur - u . [T (`Inn uud I-Zlaclm Plating I npcwinlt nml Vehicles fur hire. a lot 0| u-can Andhpnyunlhnaoivonlnduuhr I Auhnmnlnn '25 cents. Tlokata nuy be had It Lbn Ihnokatuws. IIE UNDERSIGNIH) having remind I lnrge comignmc-ul of snow `HAS Boil?! Ijlv`-cl I-Upptvuxpsuuu, unhuitlch lumvloitbul uutohonnlhlolbyhhlpnllo opiufocuqduult hrthiri cl n...-nnL In nndndnnnn ti-..I l{ECI')I\'EI) 'l`0-lMY. d Critical Nolan. nud Exnuniuotion I pore fur Cnndndukse entering the High Fuhooll A good llttlo work bv an Moomplinhed J. W. BROWN & 00., 15-1. Iflp-I ,l`I -1- l`-rvlnnn Inlldnn ...,,...... ' IRIIIIII ll rucl - PI!!- nmu. on-an Ihnluun 4 Dr. -pared to onr than AT THE VERY UWEIT PRICES. Mm: complete nnonmnt of 71%} 1z&}ToTseu, IY(`Il.l ICNT TKIIIIAPI I S. WOODS. lhgu Fuhooll A good MINI by Moomplinhed Scholar and mm than -en. uuv runl at. and it 1 ) you guod. Vurbum lap. OI Hui Iuull. uuulvul uuuuu unu-.--.--nu. Tho won! symptom of the movement |n Cundn," up the Tina, in at Sir John Mucdonnld bu pluod hilnull nt in L,-..I BI- .l.. -unO nnnlwun` Inn. -un_ BIIITII. n....a-- on ur smeu,'u.w, Wuhlngwn, D.C. "own wtanx o:nn:.1r. F. X. GOUSIIIEMJ & G0. [mi Plllf VIIIL rtusz" ii GQEAT GIFT SALE! AT n'InEours| IFnITeacheIs&Sc|{tH! IA.lt.u-stnro VP:-imors for Admission to High schools. 204:. llosssontho l'onn.hR.osdsr(0unp- bsll s ldmon.) 20:; Literature Primers for Third Class Oorticstes. 25. $5 I-I-"To'J.T..'.L' Hendersows Bookstore. lroun BOOKS m oma| Mark Twain : Idle Excursion, Farm Lezendu, by do John Henderson Pououlon of the Bonn. Stublol, Lnwu. Gnrdr-,n_ he , can be given on tho first 0! I31 next, of the real. 0! the lnud on the rnt. of Junury non. mu-nun nu u.u u. u llnuhnl __: ___L- ... --.....__, .. - TEEI8 01-` SALE. LIBERAL. and mu ha known on application to Dr. Hendorn-In. Q C II M: omm, (flnroncc Htruel. Kingnlun, anti the Auctioneer. Much 2|. why Wife and I Quarrellod--by Oarleton. hum Ballads, by Carleton. THE --mics" on THE cmsmm. Three Iemwns-b_y Dr. Fultun, Canon lI`u'rar, Beecher. u: I Parkman : Frontouw and New France. From Klllnrnoy to the Golden llorn-n good Book of Travel. Desirable Ununtry Resulencaj IMIB HAI In` THAT PROPERTY KNOWN AS NEW- C()Ult'I"." H18 ruoidonoe of the Info William W003. E84; .wi|l bis unit! by Wlllhun Murray, Auctioneer, It his Auulion Room. on Market. Square, Kmauton, on uA4____.n___ nn:n;|_ ..a' A_._II |.:_-.A. .., ..... ., Saturday, 24$uTinWfVr'V.X';$:?|| Next, A1` lnn. within I short diunuuu of tho } nruunouth ler minus of the Street. Railway, nmi fronting to~ wnrdl Lake Ontario. The House mntninn Inge Drawing, Dining And Brctkfut Ronni, {nur ll:-drouuno, 'inlo-r And Humlnor Kitciusns, wilh ."!vrvnnl.n` Apnrt menu and Bnumy (`ellnn Altwlml are um Bumlnor Kllclusns, wnlh .`urvnnl.n Baum Furl Your A1-ran u F.xccVl-uc Lnn-I, on whirl: Arc EKG Stnb1u,(?o|ch Hanna and Earn, an (hr don with n lnrgo Urvhl rd Ml):-ininu. desired the prngu-rt will In: oonsd in Twu Parcels. Pnrm-I n. l--tha I(4-nidtem-cs, Sublu-I, hc., nnxl 'l'm-uty lwn Avreu of Land. Parcel No. 2 -the Twonty-two Acres adjoin- ing on the Fan. n ,,,_,. .- .. u n. u , u I Kingston Limeworks ` swan. `"3 0| llc A. In! . Cm (`outcry-IrguluIn:`u:'zl p-. hooky`: Humry of England in lth Century. |hy'a Democracy lu Europe. PEIIAM numons 1| lHORSEY Sl Edward Bet-vlwr on the Sonplnrnl I of Retribution. $125. FULL: CUPPLIIC lo. 8. Golden Lion Block. Inch 23. Im. ----~-v-_ i____. . IOITIIAL ROAD. ' Onion may be loll with unuuu nu IMPORTANT BOOKS. 1U-lIA_I. Lncrvn byhotludhoul p.-. In 3 roast has the Nail unpopcr doohud that "Mr. Morn in not big uough In the phoo." alluding to the rumours! tnulotol IhoPnniord0q- twin to Ibo Dominion Cabinlt. How it will ho rcnonbaud that the Hon. unth- nna ubon heliuhl llod with the al.- noot audit no bind! and beam to` tho ooanu-y the position of Panama: Gu- onl in a Bohr: Gannon! in Old n, _ , 1- I- .|.- _.n.. I gnu:-hung and AT HENl]EH30N'S. LIMron 8ALE% A N103 ABSOBTMINT B00ISl"`.IAI.I-III. For 20 Cents. ..-J -... -"Pal; SALE. [resh llsh Dally.- W. W. IIDIOUT. JOHN DUFF. fhnldan Lian Illa BBKINDHB8. IUHN DUFF. Golden [Jon Black. WILL CDNTINUI I03 1 Replv to {NOVEL-rxms OBTRIOH PLl`Il8-h|-go nnnodvo Scoot VIILIIIOS-In All the ICU Colon. BOAR!` Kl'l'l3-o lugs usorunont. IlIBONB-ln all the now lhodllgn. KID Gla0Vl8~-nn uunrpuoocl Bloch. Puiin-out um yuunn-snip Qotlortho ``dupIahd|cd'h -] Ilo7thulFobtuuy. (`ting mu as-` -ounuc-a..u.a.mo_hcoqhauby gs- n_....n:-- 1.. .l..o.._.-l-. --. PAIABOLI AND UIBlIl.LA8--In lnoll`|. Alpuvn and Silk. lllk Fringed `flu. Iunlln Inbruldorko And Ouluuo lnuluu. MBA.`-.B.MEAlIOI8, I-nunlll-1 Inoratnrv. PAIABOIJ AKD hulk. `uosnnnr-|:u;n.u, I-`naoln and Oonnnn nnku. Linn Collars. Cali. lnnlinn and lace Tho. Also, I Inga uuunont of \:-v -v------, Hl ITONI IIOUIII OI BAIIII I1`. puma an Pu-Ix. luol oooupud by tho Inmof. J.Chr1I1|o. Apaiy Il.GIr1a.IuI doonor In. I. J. (.1:rb ,AInhont Inland. The shows 1 will In all AT AUC- TIUN :3 lbs lo llnonn oflholuboonllonn mudson nun. am. am... 01 west. rmam1gmaam'm F0! BALI-Us Aonlollaul In cho'l'ovI- oblpofl hi: npunoftbolcthn v nrluluz `to 1`.n|:'n.uo.ucn- can l as was bun Iuolhoohyuol llbnt n IIHI from I Cor- pa-uinlhuita. `Dono|lo!tbahrnInuoI- cuo.ndtIo_dunuuuondb|o|obrnlul- '|lI Ital. l$-II II IOU lxu -Iauur out. nd Itoluauuundluonlurl lul- ""' """ ozone: nwulm. IueIl3,ll7I. (bosom. IX UPFSIIIOII IE W #- puu M noun of nlcl d (if d- Iol ill Uallnrd and tho "1, lb Qillolu, huboon putty roll eon- ilnod without [acting at tho rial bui- ncuduhonadonlo uyuh-L Not thunk. Op-pocitiou h\uualI improved {II fortunes or btigltaad it: clunouo by the discussion that have no In occupied the uttntion othovonu. In the un- ,__-,.:_. L._..I._ 5|... 1...; Dunn V _- 7`. -___ 7 LIE WEST HALF HF` LOT NO. 14, In the BovonllJCom-4 union 0! (Kin toll fnrmnrlvl not Hwrriunv-In. wall voud Ind A-or-v:ollAnd II lho'|'ovI- chip of lnuigollu upon or no lunar nun In-. , In the locus! Cn- , ,,_ WITH A LARGE AND COIPLETI A8- SORTIIN1` U!` The Newest Dress Materials. u an: uru_I-. THAT C()'l'l'AGE on Enrl Ntreot, It proumt occupied by Mr. L. J. Erly. 'I`ItloIn:Iia- putnblo. Poueulon when required. Apply on Hm )mn1|u~n. Mauro 19,1878. New Spring Print}. R. & J. GARDINEB. I AKING.C()NlI`EC I'l()NIClYuml LUNCH bulinnnn for sale l`erue| umnloruw. For put-uoulnrn a<`dreu Box 398, Kingston Mural: 2!, I378. I \/VI -\IJH L()T--|n ali ihle building site, altunted At the hand 0 Day Sweet. Terms renun- nble. Apply II this ommi: Klngnwu. Fob 2.5, I878. L unnnm lumen, wan, Mu Union u-eon, will he mm an L to sun pumlnuern. Apply to JUHN IIIVO Deon Ilgluuy elsu lII1lvIs`su, ww\au-V . ed. Psrticnlsrly was this true, end no- 1 tieeshly so, inthe dehete which eruee 1 en the All things to ell men" stand- uent 0! Sir John Heedoneld on his over- 1 ridden hobby of protection. Not only 4 hsvs ministers given new proofs 0! their eehnewledged shility not merely to pro- 4 pound but te delend their policy, i but span from members of the 4 Government sltogether, there he. < proved to be on the privste benches oi the Ministerisl side fer more then euilip 4 eient shility end informsiion to essily evermswh the Opposition forees-ex- a government end sll included. In feet, on the sversl occssione on which the psrtiee in perlisment hsvejeined hettle, the Government he come out not only without loss of prestige snd strength, but with the very decided (at ef victory- l'nder these circurnstences, the only ob- ject the [action psrty can hsve in view in reviving purely psrty encounters is the obstruction of the public business. As though tired of teetios which recoiled upon themselves, the Opposition hes lstely been grsciously permitting the public business to mske some progress. The Ministry hes been resdy with pro- mised msssnreh, depertmentsl reports, ` etc, long before the House wes reedy to ` receive then, end new thst there is s ' pertisl cessstiorr ef psrty hostilities, the proper work of psrlisment is beginning to ' "show eneoursging symptoms of progress. Alresdy the promised Permissive Bill has been introduced, ss well as the bill fur- ther to secure the lILl0P0lIJ0llCO of per- - lisnieiit. Un both these meesuree we hsvs in previous nrticles taken the liberty '- of expressing en opinion which we believe ' to be the public sentiment respecting them. Both are measures for which there wes s strong public necessity end demisnd, end the Uoversment will be duly credited by the electors st large for thus complying with the populsr desire. Then, too, other Government rnsesures ' hsve been quite recently introduced, es, - for exsmple, is bill to amend the Post Ut- tice Act of 1875, the principal object of which is to prevent the trans- ! mission of lottery circulars through Usnedisn msiln, end thus to check * the treneplenting hither of the \ peculiar species of trend of which our neighbours eorose the line ere thoroughly , sickened and of which there is therefore the grester diinger of being infested here- : The Preyuiere l riiice Edward Island Rsilwsy Act, Hon. Mr. Leurier's Bill- Stsmp Act and Hon. Mr. Mills' Bill to i estsblish municipal government in the i new Province of Keewnten are examples I of what may perhsps be regarded se legislation of secoudlry importsnce but which ettest, none the less, to the sssidu- . ous stteution of Ministers to the dutiee of their respective departments end their devotion to the interests ef the people in every pert of the Dominion. ll u..- M-;...i..'. lnrr-I ilnnnnilinn -ill I1 near All Buluui Uhurc-h one and 3 hnlf Htoriamuunuilniug III roolmunml hnvlux nod uulbullmngl and xurulun ntuohed. u we! sud other sppurtonulmol nltaclmd Apply to JOHN llUl'Hl)N, Ilungh H178, On llm uromlnu as --v----..-... -.-.. ----..--, CARRIAGE IIOUSE. ,8TAllLls`.8. GARDEN lm.. unomlu Dr. Htunzan Humor]. Union CARRIAGE llnuslc. ,uTAuI.Is:u. uuunsn lm., up nlu Htvuvnpsn Hurgary. mrnot. Ill bo |o|d runonnlms nmlon an usrnn 0! yuan: lfnut sold. tho Home VJ] be re: . Apply at the Wino ()rncl.or to J. H. POWLEY. u....|. 9-; mm ` /L 7 H115 WIS!-J'I' HALr`Hr'1.Ul nu. M, fm-marl ; Hwrrinnon, vuum. nlunud ton nnlu {mm llnguon. Fur terms, be ,npply to J Ii IIIYTCIIILION. ` I OUSE Number (hm. Vaughn Toxrrwe, . I theeeu Btruol. ; niuo mumn, (mm). Ap- pl u-oh Wmu ()l`l- M`|l. . `arch I, I378. `HAT C()MlI`()H.TAl|I.l'.' NEW KISSI- l)|(N()E, Will] the 1.00.0! qnurlar of an Acrmun the camera! Pntrh-.k sud John Streeu, nnw ovnod and oooupnod by Patrick Val cm. Thorn are an menu in than hudlng, which In A Bountiful New Cottage, nu-an nnunu nu nnlnnuu v IIII llnl, ANEAT RESIDENCE. no-.nrl_v oppoabo Queen Street ohool ; nix moms; well of vuur on the promlua. Apply to wn Luu I AKIC and oooupnod by Patrick Val well drnlnad. For tarnul Iml further Il H('II- Inn: 1: pplv to MIL (3. V. I'|Ll(,`l'., liar tor or 1.. P, A'l.l.lN. on tho urmnlnu. MIL (7. V. l'I1.lCr., I to P. A'l.l.l`.`N, prumluu. Jun l'J. I378. BIO ll-IUIIIIUII 0l'IlI_nuu-. In u-u--v- nl Irgumonutiu bltllu that have been _..J..J LL . 1.... ...-o. in Pulin-an! I VI walvg _ THE LIGHT PLUME." on Prim-on Street Wllllnmvlllo. Kingston` For pnrtu-ulnrniu qums at Ibo lhurlun Wuw Urncx. Klnguou. Mu-oh ll, '73. `Q-gjtuuuu-an `y"9`y'.g|.|5p-.-`ho UOGICQH Icahn. I. IAIN) . u..uu,wv. on-. Infamy. All ofwhloh in are uvlling at low prion Ono price only. Salon Itriolly euh` PRINCESS STREET. Inch 23. um _.,._____ , I ll \II_\ii7 1`HAT HOUSE AND PREMISES on I dosnlulu Strut, Wuat. lmtwmnn Earl as Inmn Htnmtn. mm can block. ur in I COMI-`()H.TAl|LlC NEW RESI- l)l4.N(2E_ uuurlar WV HHICU. W0 GOOD COAT MAKERS. ouoo lo LARGE ICE BOX. Imod will: liuv. Ap- L plv at lbeddcni China Ton Bums. Inn-h Kl. |'Il Irlllllillluuvc uuuuu In-u nu..- ...... II, M3 Tory party in Pnrlianol have boon Iigmlly and thoroughly wont- -n n-..:....n-.I- -.. chi. om. nnd nu- A nooninnucz. F6ifsA LE, l'I"lIIIf Inll! Ill IIAHIN TrsALE;,; um:-um vunlu um I {I T`6RSi\LTE,> DDIT 'I-I UVIII Icuhpucholu-3. FOR SALE. '(!()T1`Al'!R nn Furl Iln-man no FOR 3AE.'T3.:,. uilvulr A I1 I\ III) j{If Fo bee Centre wee veceted by the ecceptenee of the oice rf Governor of Menitobe by Hon. M. Cenchen, and M. Meleuin wee elected to eucceed him u an independent member, the a Tory prcee ecored the chenge u e Ion to the Liberal party in the Home. Furthermore. when Mr. Heddow, eleo en independent cendidele, wee elected to eucceed Mr. Moett, the Tory member for Raetigotiohe, who hed reeigned during the reoeee becenee ul heving violated the Independence of Pet- liement Act, the Coneervetive etrength wee cleinied not to have eutfered in the leeet by the chenge. N01, on ecenning the divieien liet on Sir John Meeduneld'e clap trep emendment. our Tory friende will nd the nemee of both theee gentle- lnetl recorded egeinet it, Mr. Hedduw nehing en ellective epeech on the octe- eion in femur ul the Muiieteriel policy end declering thet, ee en independent member of the Home, he could not con- ecieetio iely do otherwise then eupport e pellcy which did eubetentul jnetioe to ell eleeeee 0! the people. The lect we heve noted hee e double eignitlcenee. In the uitpleee it ie A refutation of the impu- dent Tory preteeeion diet the aoddeee of politicel tot-tune in running en institution yclept the 'Coeeervetii`e reeation' hee [inn all the recent by-electione to the Opyoeition--- the ehove two eene leohing, ee they do, in en entirely oppoeite direc- tion-thet el Ir. Heddew being I deed lea ol hie cooetitneecy to the Tong. In edditiou to the (net, that men, who wce elected without pelitieel biee (. the eheve gentlwnen preenebly were,) end` I It will be rememhtired thet when Que who, hon ehie eiraunelenoe, would he likely to tehe en nepeejedimd view ol the politics] eitulien ie punt, end at thie tnle qeeetioe in pertieeler-the tut, we eey. thet end: can eheeld tehe the eerlieet oppertelity at eeppeeuu .L- ee:..;-a._`.I ..A ....4l--.-- en. ti. Am-donocr. `lim- `2`I. IKII. FORTJSTLE," '--In alhzible lmildhuz all I- or_a`lTe.` IGHT PLUME." l`rinx ron sm, E wil V'i}i" iii: `|}n'r, lH1`.1lll)lINl`|C nu...-I 'I`0 BIG LE I , Nuxlnr H... \'......| Wanted. >0!) FUIIIIIII. Apply Ill WILLIAM LAKE. 87A8t the Brick House. uljulumg` 5. cheap. on Albert. Btrooh ' (Hum-h and hnlf III $11! Vrp-`Iv----1 VI Iilyyvuuuq the Iiniuu-id nu! undead.` tho Op- pnition policy, any be ulcly aka: a 5 ptcolthu in In-nag that Ian! policy tho Oonruouo. bu oouulud `Ibo giubd pad 0! lb uid ionic. CHAS. IIIIILLAI. Anathnnl IIIYTCIHEION. u . Nlrmt, Kingston. Appli It jU&U-TUUUCIUjI'lIIZ anally. fbovobiutholounocnim choalllfluiond pity,'ulinh- _....lnL. i-1.-5-! .._a..oa._ ..:.a_- an gang gxum aunt; of the Dominion. If Her Mujentyh loynl Opposition will only be patriotic uiough to give tho Min- intry hnlf 3 chance to expedite the public busineu tho lutter will be trnnncled with I promptitudo and denpuch ontiraly nu- kuown in times of Tory ucendency. Honest criticism in one thing Ind inctioua nppouition quite Another thing. Let the Tory lenders but try to dischnrge the proper function: of their present party poaition Ind the buuineu of the House will be ndvunced with all the Ipoed con- Iiutont with the public interest. tw-----~O-1.3--w TIIE INDEPENDENT MElllER8- 'l'bIoul'nh Judas 1-In--u zhilwh Ihdr In.-.A. an-an-.1 dulmhnhlinlau` ZWUIIZ jfvu-I- -I-`- I53 uuund thlmloli'I1`' and. Thou-nunlinlidunhopoor I nun- __:.._..._-._ -.......a.4l onahi- nil- 11 X1? lnunwu -II --v yvvn Iitllo nnlonupuh cntruod tothin vil- lain : can nu auciont nl thuuolvu __,_, I_;_ .L_ _-__ -3--. -a-_._ .1 g llllll care III ! lllllcxuut ul enuunuevuu ` to prove him the very vileet Itunp el 3 eeenrd, and the {net thnthe In nonmal- lent to nll then he in expound on hie toy to preliminary trinl to the execu- liunl el the enrnged end outraged peo- ple. einnid to hove -nnileeted the most ibjot lent, and well he might, for the tendency vl the droid nu decidedly in the lynching direction, and he tee in genuine danger of a short nhrift, to judge by the hnlter" naggeetione with which the popnlnr inprecetionr were interluvlc ed. Although such A thin` in not to be tolereted in the land of luv nnd jnetioe, yet no thoroughly inexcnuble III the crime in thin cue. perpetrated upon on nnroeisting end perfectly delcneeleel child, that the conduct of the croid nu quite netunl, il not defensible. Hap- pily such I crime in entirely without bre- oedent in thin country, And can Icucely be nooounted for exeopt on the double ground of innnity and depnvity. on! In liiltfl uovwunun ul --- Cuudn. In the manor olnporluwo and ndniniunlivo ability, lhonfon, tho Hon. Mr. Moist bu promo hiioqluhty, to any the loan. with the luuon-born uuunn tho an no oucdy that tho -1 rlv ,_- |_-__a Ilggilnn -A (AK: it hnlu 0rn Bill nupoctingl Ihoolc cl Iuuinrcou-II At- Ialoy-OOOCII ol Oauda, ' pu-mud, novid-. Ch! 150 lift filnnan (nu uu m;J.;7 av em Whig.) Du: Sou:-Shuro, botune the narrow In lhroublo oi vo go rid nu wifo, Biddy, AI Terry Quinn Inoopin' st (yo!/ll moind Terry, Minher Pinto) bocuo Roynu eon~ urtod me from the tube of nhpiritowunh lickon, (|n be me Iockenu oi ve not had I point I dny since I jiuod,) mo countri- tuuhou 1| fairly used up. ()i ve bin luike I hnne betuua 2 bunthlu IV hay iver Iinco, wid lbim I botherin' me to take no bitben. `No, no: oi, `Oi wnu't. In tint : nut. 17.`: 3 mm co-at oi'vo got some oi nhtoppad the (lhrink, an none IV yer old Young Min`: Chrinhun Ano- ciuhun close In, am thin) ggudgin it At thnt, an Iuntin me no turn Prndinlint wid their Ihracu. `Hadef dalighlu till .... IE.-n..u my '1`-u-ru `Snra A dhrnn In In! nullvr U} in: nvnun n :u-_:. Hiii.-l iintioe in the Gu.~.tu that the "Ring" Lelliiilenl lu in my lut-l>e1iidee Uliuerrer," whneo nnicle ll full of sound and fury, signifying nntliin -hm nuw nnuther apologist dubbing himself A Hi lilaiid Hui." This correq-nmleiit on euurn to make the tarp: or: believe that the Wiiterlon road. Irhic the `llinf gave away, I'll nnl indebted in tho County on the 6111 of Jnnunry, l8 i'l. If he turn to the minutes of the Council.fni- Jgnuu-y, 18712. on page 39, he will Kind 0 MIlll)nI by their County mditon, Kenn. in; And Kennedy, altar hav- ing given the ninttcr I thorough im'eetl- `llloll, proving the road indelnod to the County ul Frontenac 38,629.12. Adding interest on thin sum to in Jui., 1878, at 6 percent, it would IIOUDI to |l2,!V.'4.A Eli. (hm corresponding with my turner I nAmn\anL I suwmcnt. Not. when Highland Man" can make hunlolf believe` that the will ul our Houu can worth only |l0.i)-- 0 bnildxng thu out the County Cl(l),(lX) -u in males wasting your valuable tint`: nu. us oo-an mu goo ye,Curney, I01. Terry. `Sure a dhrop If the orathnr in moro'n all the coat: in the Inn-Id. `Thruo for yez, Terry, aez Richly,` loxghtin her dhudeun wid u conl. 'Thrue lor yez; in these hare times it : mate, close an rint. An` then nez Tor- ry: Althar blackenin yer gob luike I nsger an` vothm no bunldly agin Willum Dunkin, `Lia sorry ni am to use 397. ro- thrnct yer principles. `Ti: aura noon thiu'll be In uuld Tipperary whin it `it! home. An Oornoy, sax he, do 1192 know thnt Rnymfu urreuthod In Sthrat- ford for an ondnont null on a young colleen there, an that he : hin brain` the nivinlh oommnndmml l` `Shun, aez oi, `fwhst cummandmintn that?` `Allow, cuughod Terry. `Fnix the Mini: is prmint. An polnltneu nfnre lndieaf Wid that lliddy Icon she taint wanted, an, an the nod, wint out tu luck nfther the childro; but |he'd no Imnner gut furninat the doom than, seam; `Torry, flvhat doe: L. .L-&..' Hun nivinnh mnnnmnndlnillt mnnel' the doom man, '1orry,nvuav.uou I-v ikin' the sivinlh cummsndxnint mnnel' `Uit out, yo mnndhnun; don't ya: know know {what yer boible sex? You ahnll not cover. yer nnber' ox, or horse, ei- mnid-urvinl; an` hit that : fwlnt they lay Rnyun dlll ivid his {rind Hurnht. An there : Another part where the rich man that had all the lhape covatod the u only lam' the poor man had, nu` then the poor man winv. fur him." Fnix, Carney, oi m nfeard its all up shtump wicl yer tlmperunce folks. `0chonc! 0chonef' siz oi; `an in that the aivinth coxnnund- mum Shure oi nllnn thought it wasn't. to aht.nlo"-- `Yo cabbage-head, Iez he; `(what's the differ; the two commInd- mint: in Iinnnnnyinnn. Bednd that big wurd tluwd me ao a oi oudn'l I thing back, un 1-i've bin an the ahpro ivur since, an` feel like brnkin the -ivinth an` nighth comunndminta. You rilpictfully u I In sobar. CORVA\'l.Il.' M'CLUsHKin'. \l..-.J. 07` Ill? Say: a. oorrupondent: Shell 1 write itl 1 never would ill were the only one who knew it--the dreadful [Act that twelve l'niled Sennton were drunk in one night, and that, too, while the Senate we: in union. In the name of decency, heve not tneee men eelrenpect enough to keep auber at lent while the law: that are to govern the country ere becoming such? Ur, if they have nut, the people at. large ought to have better unne than to elect such men to the ponition of Ynited Stulee Congressmen. Think of it. Twelve drunken, silly, rnnudling, vomiting Sc-nature! Are they nnt hunor- ablel lan't the night impreeaivel A drunken Senator make: u greet an an of himself an I drunken IOWI'~lll`O|' does, and grenter. New Englnnd and New \ork, congratulate yourselves! Not one of than twelve came from you. Vin [lime in not degraded. The South and West can Iympnthize with each other. A matter of much interest to the whole West sympathize Illn eacn omor. A matter country ll now pending in the Alexan- dvie Court: and bid: fair to he decided egeimt the Onvernment. It is generelly known III the Arlinpt m eetete,ArIing- Ion Heighle," wee contieceted in war time And in really the property of the Government. _But such in not the cue. Mu. ll. E. Lee owned the property,end, leaving it when the Iver broke out, nhe retired within the Confederate linee. l,'n- ' inn lruope took poeeeesion of the eetele, nnil thel. in. m (eat the only cleim the Government lme ever hand. And new Curtis Lee, (in-uerel Lee`: enn, in wing !or bi: property he hie mother : hair. 16,- (I)()wlcliere are buried there but their lust. in not their own. Tu M: Edntar uj Wing. I Hi} ...\..'_... ... .3... l1..--u. cl. uouwun March 25, 1878. `summon wno nu - -.-..., ..... -_- Mail : on: hurt. Besides In uh it thu to ho Pnnior ol tho pro-ht Pro vinoo ol the Dollinion in to fill fully A. honuunblo And ruponaiblo I position an that of the head of my dcpnrunont in tho Dominion Gonnmom. 0! course the moor bu teloronoo to the Incoeoeoln amp ol Bun. Mr. Blgh u Pnnidont ol the Conncil,n position tho Tvry jour- huo reputedly pnmnuncod to be 3 _. -...l --0 Mun cm-noun! II` WASIIINGTOX N0'l`ES. BIN E'8 CASE. (`onnly Alfaln. .1878. rm: BRITISH ~wme.VMo1vuu: MARCH as 1878. Training Ship- '43-; U ! "7"? ""'!-I London, lad: I5. -'l'hI tubing #59 In:-ydiu" ' in I hln-day of mm. at igh, without an on hand` [in can niehnlnn In 3 mdn menu or vugu, IIIIOOC all head. [in Ion: piekalup by punk; Mamet, being in tho water us hour, but have I" did uoopt two. It is not pro- bablo that my othon won and, no I cum; ebb tulowu running. Ibo III undo: lull nil when overuko: by 3 now morn, a-nuponind by` Iuuy oqnlla Immediately shaved: nothing VII vinibn nxamtn for boxcu Ioaliu (IOII IO ODIIIXI; II OIIICII '0!` od down by the ship no the Ink. LA'rn.-Tho Alninl oomnn oqnm lnnoanmv nruruu-In nounng vinibno exempt: for Inning down the channel; an other: Ion Inuk- .a .a..-.. 1.. oh. .u.. .. .5. ...|. lllll have ropooualy prvuuuuu-u w V. .. Iinocnre. md yo! tho coupount ruponuiblo Hood of tho Ontario Cabinet in nllogod to be not equal lotho discharge of tho duties of npouition whichln do- cluod so hno no duties ntuchel to it. By the in], too, the Hon. Mr. Blah. whnu shoot Hon. Mr. Mount. in pro- nounced to be unworthy to unloon, Ill Mr. Mount`: imnodinu prodocouor u Ununo Premionvhilo Hun. Mr. Mne- lunzie lloul under him the Iubordimto puitmn cl l mvinc'nI Treuurer, md yet. the Inter llil proved to be `big enough to become the Prowler of the Dounmun. (bur Tory lnondl mny rut ulurod thnt Mr. Mount in quite `big enough for In) - ;, AI... I.`-A...l llnnnnunnnl. LA1'n.-1`no Alum: oomnnmu Pammouth ulegn the Eu: diooeur nixed ol Dunnou and A: In! -put four o'clock this durnoon In I Iuddcn squall. Ono boy and I unnnn Ian and. Uthor alvlcu indicsto botwoon 31!) And 400 line lost. The Admin.|,on ncoiving lln now: 0! tbs dinner, ilnmdiucly du- potchel I uumor to the noun ol the wreck. u Eurydioo Ill 5 {ruining lhip for ordinary nouun, undo: tho command 0! Captain Murcun Hue. Sho In of the sixth net, 92] tom burden, sud carried four guns. Lnn S1-u.1..-'l`ho dinoaition of hot xour Lnn S1`u.1..-'I`ho ditpouition gnu, noun, or other dud weight, any hvo gun leveugo to the force of Ihn wind. The Eurydloo hsd been on I puc- tico amino to the Wu: ludiu, whence Ibo Ind been oxpoctod at Porn- mouth. She Ind I Imurt crew, of from 0-.. 9.. A... n-A In.-ul-.4 nnlv n. IIIOUIII. DI]. Illa I IHIIYI UPON, OI HTUUI two to over two hundred. Only live pereene, including Lieut. Teylor, were reecned. After they bed been an hour in the water three of these were deed, ee the only eurvivore are Benj. Cuddeferd, en eble eeelnen, end S. Fletcher, let cleee boy. Oiiddeford : Over three hundred were eboerd, ell cl whom, ex- cept inyeelf and Fletcher, were, I be- lieve, ion. 1 wee one of the lest on the ehip. Captain Here wee near me when ehe went down, and ehe carried with her elergeuuiaber clinging to her, or drewn down in the vortex. A men near me eew e veeeel wee close by when the eqnell came on, end therefore we were eure to bepicked up. Beinge ret rete ewinI- iner, very many of my comredee cried to me for help. I tried to aeeiet two or three, but at leet. there were four clinging to me, and l wee obliged to kick them off." Steeinere heve been eeiit to eeapch in the vicinity at the accident, but no further report is received. Tin: Lniis'i'.~lt in now believed the Eurydice hinl about 320 ofllcere and eeemen, of which W0 were young men in training, beeidee about 20 othoere end men taken on at Bermuda an iuvnlide. A berk wee eeen bearing townrde Dun- noee juet before the squall. There in some hope entertained that she may have reeoued others. All hende were niiieto.r- ing on deck for prayer: et the time of the dieaeter. But for tho penning of the iichuoner nothing would have been known of the dimeter in coneequence of the blinding enovv storm, and it would lieve been thought the ebip had gone on to Spithend. The eepleiieile wiie crowded with vieitore edin ring the Eurydice,' which was carrying every available etiich -if ceuvul. She eeiled eo oloee to ehore that the corduge of her rigging was vieible, Suddenly elect decend~ ed. When the eturni lifted, only the schooner lowering her bonte could be seen. Fletcher stetee that he wee below, and heard the iioiee on deck. Rnehing up he found the veeeelen her eide, linking. He seized a life buoy and jumped overboard. He had been in the wet: r eoereely a minute when the veeeel lurcl-ed forward and eenk, drawing him down such a dietnuce that he gave him- eef up for lost, but the life buoy drew him to the aurfece again. The veeeel lie: with her mute vieible. w i Il,v.ae v.- ..,u.u, [am no nun: lulu-I I-run we wish .'|I Fi rill Aceopt can, And in us. nply, viii in nnovhd Ian. huh punch : '5owolthI'nI|u -muud chides-Govoaontiutho `s'-'..a."'.'........."""' K.-1"` s"3c`'-3'-T-7-`G NOIB 0! lb Ba-R:-Govotpnant in the -4`. 11.. Pa-at : mud: nv In I-Olhdlllnl uovotuiusllun -um. Tho Pllati Iuyh holiovul-ho txwnlq b with M3, and PhWo?e nnquqiuluuch-go London, March 'J5.-lt is stated there in no doubt but the Eurydioe was carry- ing too much nil. It in feared that with the mm amt urkad at Bermuda, and pro- bnbly from Admiral Kayne squadron, the Eurydico had nearly four hundred on board. 009 [0 ["3 TOCIIGIIUH II WI6I on LP? HYDE. AA fer 5- known up to Saturday night the North of England iron worker: lud rejooted the oomprumin jointly urged by the master: and their own delegates. The dfigiul donnud of mutern Inn for 10 to 1'. per cent. reduction. The question will now be submitted to nrbitrnnon. For some months past the Mail uni its ntellites have been lulmunng hard to convince the people of Csnsds. that s [rest revulsion hsd tsken piece in British public sentiment on the question of Pro- tection. Free trade might possibly hsve been sll very well (or s time when Elg- lsnd wes mistress of the innrliete of the world, and when ssyet, other netions hsd not entered into extensive end successful competition with lier insnulsotnres. But latterly this etste of thing! had en- tirely changed. English Inenulscturers were being outalons and outsolil by their loreign rivsls, and could no longer hope to enjoy the monopoly which hsd beenl the only apology for her sdoptien of the Free Trsde lsllsoies of Cobden end his oontemporsries. All this from e Cem- disn Couservstive point of view. 0! course we hsven t the reniotest idee thst the Tories of Censde would listen for s moment to the Londen Times es en en- thority. even on lmperiel mstters, in preference to the Toronto Hail. Still we take it thst with the iscilitiee end ebilities st its dispoesl, the Thunderer msy on this question he eonceded to be werthy of some sttention end credence iron: sll except the petty-med Tories who ere quite prepsrecl to ewesr by their To- mnto orgsn ngsinst sll oomers. And the Times. thesll-Englsnd orgen of pub- lic opinIon,"is of the decided opinion thst the present outcry in Csnede for en oleve- tiun ofthe tsri isnet in the interestolthe Empire in genersl, or of this Dominion in psrtioulsr. Furtlserinere, the Times believes that Sir John Msodonsld is of ,,:,;__ i_..s s|.-s L. ;. n-...o:. (By Telegmph To-day.) London, March 22. -A great meeting of cotton operatives was held in the Ex- change at Blackburn to-uuy. There were two thousand preeent, beaidea delogatea l from the manufacturing towna and vilv lngoa of North-Eu! Lnnculiire. Four reaulutiuna were carried uuanimoualy, the rat regretting the action of the employ- era in propoaing a 10 per cent. reduction, the aeoondpledguig the workmen to ac- cept a rate of wagea equal to that in town where 3 reduction was recently ac- cepted, the third declare: if the employ- ers persist the workmen will reaiat to the utrnoat any reduction. except with a cor- responding reduction in wurlnng hours, and the fourth adjourned the meeting to Apiil 13th. ln the meantime deputa- tlunl will urge the masters to resort to abort time in preference to a reduction of wean. Paria. March Ll.'l_-Tha nriuterf ltrilm ll expaunoa IU urmnnme no-any. Full River, Mum, 23.-The nperativea on Monday evening take Action rolativo to the reduction of Inge: on April first. A: uu Snturdav ninbt (B4; TtlI_I)rapI| Today.) New Orlaona, Maul] `24.-The docioion of the Supreme Cut!!! in Anderson} cue couood universal utoniohmont then. The Stole supremo Court, without 1 din- oontmg vnue, hoo juot virtually docidod tho Rotunnnn Bunnl hnd no right to of- liciolly prucloun the result of the oloction in-In ducomonto that won eutlroly un- oflicnol, lhot they ore not rooponoiblo for tho forgorioo llnoy oonunittod, bocoulo tho-o [M r! bod nu legal beating on tho noun o the oleuuun. By the highest mbnnol in tho 8toto, It in thuo docidod tho voto of Louioiooo for Prooidonthl olocton in 1876 hu novor boon ouioy counted or ptom-zlgotod, snd thot tho Commioovnnofo return, which [no Tnldon oight thouoond majority, Ion tho only docnlnonto on which tho ooid voto could hovo boon lootully promulgotod. l 1'59 Ddalur-037:! -e-r m Payment I to Canada, (By Tclqnph To-day.) Nu York, Ihrch 25.-Tho Build an in tho nooutly published carnival- dnoo two mponuat Man an onmcd, 0&0 U0! Thorlton to Fish Anna! 1921!, ...a run`. my August me. In no Int tho Brithi Ill-uh: the n _:.|- chat M gill nun-1 In-an nu! The Cotton ()pc:a!-ires` Iileetingm Printers Sh-ike-Fall River Operati vet. Pm-in, Much '.'3,-The pl-intern" Itriko is expected to Eliminate to-dny. Riur. Mum. nbemlirea The Loqlccl R_e.:ul! of the Sn- preme Cour! I)er-inlon. pa own by use sup n an an. commanding st hrumouth ulatnnhn Emvdioo nr nu: unuA_x man. uncut uni. our vuuu u--vuv...... .. III the nmo opinion, but that he in proIti~ tuling the Protection quutiou, And im- ploying the hollow cry About our strug- gling induntrioo, for tho nmplo purpose of winning 1 uiicic-ii! nuinbor 0! dupes to hi: urn duponlo cnuoo, in ordor to `I10 him some hint chance i f ruturuion to point. In this eonnoction the coin plimonu '.-I the [rut Englinh iuurnnl to the prince ol Canadian conuptioninu no ol tho most. dubious nnturo imqimblo. .-nu ,, ,_. __._.._A__. -1 nL- -.\--pg--I LABOUR UIQUBLES. mugzg am. uonlununopu, lulu `J6. - 00,!!!) Thrh no not onounpod in tho phin of Buyukdeto, Illd than an my buhllonl an the lino dglontlilg Constantinople. inn! tun Irllnrv llnnnnna w-.-I Ann n-can: -u London, Kath 2(.-'l`lu Tina M10: The Treaty promo: tho caution of I IIOI Ship in IL: Inn jinnsh uhinln auto Ill no nuun pennants. IIIOII would would dwuf ll tho ochon, and which, nupponod by ouuido inluonu, would inevitably oulnglo All other insu- uh. Nu Bulprin would ulqnd con- siderably beyond tho limit: within which the Slave populuion in pnpondonnl The gonurrl ruult in that u_ now Princi- puizy would ooonfy Iho whole ooutnl min of the peniuu 5, (oring I Btsto in oompnrinon with which Bani: uid Mon` nonogro would he insignicant, nnd ro- dncing Lhw romuiuing po-ouiou of Tur- key to All absurdity. Europe cannot lV0l(l grne doubt: whothor much an II - nngement would he eithorjuu oronmpt from dngor of great future disturbances. nun-u nu n. u l:~w .-......- 5|\.nluV|lVU I u.1IuI. Constantinople, March `24.--The Sani- tary Couuniuinn have In-wed at Erzar- oum from Tiil. Tiiey found 20,000 0Ul'plel buried two feet. under the ground frozen but not decomposed. The Cum- mission are deliberating whether to cro- mata the corpus or use quicklimo. -nu---n v-uvvulllvllio Vionm, March 24.-'I'ho Biitioh Cubi- not roquiroo o doolontion from Ruooio that the connnnicalion of tho Instrument of poooo to tho Poworo in oquiulont to its foruul prooeltuion to the Cougrou. The Ruuion Cabinet, however, oomidoru that by mtkilg tho nbovo mentionod communication it fullled tho interna- tlvllll duties, Illd in leu inclined to Agree to I opecinl preoontotion of tho Trnty to Congreso, iuoomuch so by nuking knuwn oll tho conditinno of pooco it aordod etch power an opportunity of mulling the separate provinima of the Treaty the Iuhject of Europenn dolibention. An underotanding upon thin point hu not yet been reached. Until it in decided tho fate of tho Congrou in uncertain. unnl nun nnrcn nnu. St. Peteruburg, Much 24.-The Galm! declares Lbnt the treaty of p0lO0 full: short of the nspirnlionu of the Ruulan people. This Harlin Nu.-H. I. uy..m. llnullp nu. . -nuvnV-I4: Constantinople, Much 24. ~- Ralru Puba, Osman Pasha and Gen. lgunlietf arrived thin evening. They will make I formal and cercmouioua entry into the city to~mo'row, and have an interview with the Sultan. It in not yet known in what capacity Gen. lgnntieff returns to Fonntmtinopla. urunn_-mvnuvnu u v u . |:1~F . ....v..--..., n. Connt. Zaichy, Austrian Ambaaaador, haa postponed his intended departure on furlough, because of the critical aspect of affairs. The Czar has not absolutely do- clinad to grant. the concuuiuna naked for by Rt-nu' Pasha, but haamada hia uaaont dependent upon a condition, which ll be- lieved to be the Russo Turkish alliance. It is asserted that Raoutf and Osman Puhaa favour well an alliance. There is, however, in strong pro~Engliah party ounoaaa UUBII -IDIXWVU-III ll? '10? llljwwll -U nu- hoad. Wu do not suppose, {or A no- mom, that ho will gin it Iuoocu, but in: conduct in much to bo regretted an (Ag Intern! of a rryutation that requiru vatlur narrfvl Mndlmy." The nforonooc to 1].. dlltrvllill cnnlounon" onncod 5, 5.; John than in power, A: to the mum ho ruotlod to in order to retain n, and to hn qnhll IIOSHROIIOO 0' I50 purity ol hi: uduininrslion." II`! homo thnuu n n anally corrupt ououmhbh, It in union, has )0 3 skin I90: 150 Brithh colonial nun, which In boon noithoc forgotten Iur forgiven in the Old 14nd. Mu: the oonuptiou ol which our Canadian Walpole In boon guilty, he could non: hop in Inglnnd to be continued in my cspdty in piblk lilo, ,_,L I... ....|J In- nn-|-- n-n-at-nngd -Ur. Iuppn, nu. nun an labia:-a nod: nciwalothr I.P.ol -.a- in Tasman Indadnc I can in Tunis ycdainy. [)O0pl. The Berlin Norm Ucrmun (}a;eu nya the truly duos rut affect. Geruum intel- eula. .n- nu:-. vr Inn!- London, March 25.-A St. Peterlburg coriespondentlesrns from good source that no formal representation will proba~ bly bomade for the present about the presence of the British fleet in the Sea of Marmon, but the Russian troops will not embark now as was intended. II- uential and moderate politicians remark that the fear of England s policy will force Russia to occupy Constantinople and drive the Sultan (rum Europe, and adds that the only hope of peace is in the speedy assembling of Congress; that hope, however, throughout Russia, is lust fading. Bellicose excitement is in- tense even in St. Petersburg. un.....u nun: u London, March 24. -The Yinies says Lord Derby continue: to insist. that the wholo of ma tronty shall be submitted to tho plenipotentinriaa, but to guard against. laying too much Itreuu on the forms] pnint. He bu asked whether the communication of the document to the tavern! Pattern in oquiuient to the sub` miuion of it M Cungreu. Russia. in undontond to have ropliod it ll. Thus the (iodine: only the condition on which our Government. will send 3 planipotenti- If) to Berlin. : nnunnl Ann. St. Pnternburg, March 24.--Tho Aqeme Russo says the statement that Russia re- quested England to withdraw her eet from the Sn of Mnrmom is prolnnurr. nu: un. uni ulAIuu)n\ unu- Athens. March 24.-lt in reported women and children were muaacred by Turks in the tacking of tho Theunlian villngeo Ulympun, R0lplllI, Colin and Litochori to the number of many thum- andl. Admiral Hui-nby, at the roquelt. of the British roprueutativo at Athens. doapntchod in usual to uoortnin the truth about these reports. nun uv`a nnl Inv nnnuv-u an nx as London, Inch 26.--hou All ulvioea nooind ban boliond in Government circlu not withsunding the clan: of Oct- nusy In bring about II Indulhudiq bottom the Penn ghou in link hops cl nnoobling. England will Fonz}: dam: to acguhu. Punbor IOIVCISUIL I. I-Cu-- 1 ll? pa-uohaouli-Ihulit Jcln. nib cuidintduplidlifhgbnluo pghnnoninl ahblhu uuninuuynhulovluunn lat.` puqpuu-p1ly"b [drill ah. uonohovib doull toast :1 jmlth-ton." Womtr btimdvhovillhtduor ..L.ad-rLlmn'nxIInIL..