Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jan 1878, p. 2

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and 1676 no npprononau. | -3enstur Sprnguo only n: u I'.),000,~ 000. Nu Info once pud 82,500 nyud (or drain material. _ ,"l`l... nlpl -n-Ikur in-r Ihn IAII sum. mg: to lurthtr Inn GIN] urn Dom; nun. -A 89. (`guru-.nn1uhor, not uringw for lm daughter`: nnrnqo, proeoodod Io lm non-in-law : rundoneo with some lory_ fnonda, nndlorouhly Abdncud tho ounq conga; the Iulbcml uh: out I abcag mrptu nit. -Tnlnnnnd Houcb, | Itooognphur, corpgu Int. -T'otdnnnn-I -tonognyhcr, Ind 22. diohurunul boouuu 50 could not obtain ponnan-It unployuunt. eon- niuad Mind; in How York yqugdny. flololt I letter gym; `-`than in M9! cnoop on. unh Inhout Inlnllhautuag onlot bandits." - OIO'0I'| mu. -'l`ho n.t.onti:.I has been callod lonionnl by Dr. __'Y`hn Untnriu [or (iron muorm. -'I`he old wnther nor, who Int lum- mer predicted I pours winter, in now pmng up for A hot summor. --Wo cannot. conceive n! An Engluh to!` not Engluh ntntesmnn gmnz than Euglnnd receiving hnu, rxnuu, conic, truunen, uni old cloth- ing gouonlly. -Thn Dtupln of Yhnl, Mioh,, hue mu gouotuly. poupla lhllldoned iunurnnx oumpnnien, sad in- sure their prupcrty in innurnn lodgu lurmad by thonuelnu. "Tho Anhubuln Hauler out tho Iurmad by thumelvol. "Tho dinucor Luke Share and Michignn Southern rul- road i`49.'!,U()U, and In: I boon paid out of the curront ruvonuo for the you. _ A N... Ynrk nhmounr amnion at tho curronl tor um you. -A New York ahmolgor employs men lo mi. with tho y in lnkcu nur Mnntreni, and Int unun two in than | ucurud 1,500 pound! of rod trout. in I lurtnjghl. Thu lhn Vninn hu Abandonod thu mam; Lrnne nuuna lluinau, ...... -.._. righleuun KI'8 nnule to nuur {mm the ra- pocily of the wicked. ll. 1: tin: zupcct of the can lhnt cunnfuru u-wwty," We beg respectfully, but ulnumuctly, tn dnnunt from the prupumu:-n. Wr have ourm.-Ive: occmniunally nutl':n--I in In (hr czulse tbovu npecnfml, but vn- nB\`ul` felt In the loan dr-gnu: culnfnrtud under the nperr lurlmghl. That tho Vatican abandouod lulu n! oaubluhiu` tho hierarchy in Scotland bu given great auiafacuon to I Protestant leader: in (Jnat Britain. _r'L.a...... um}- urn inunt nnal lunch- " Protestant louder: In urut umun. -Chlcqo mobs an intuit u n lynch- ing tho mutdoren uf Moconvi 10, whose wnlo dial yonlorduy Iron tho that of I the Ihock. _1~....-n- -unolmntn thrnn-haul On- the lhock. -CounI.ry Iurchnnu throughout On- urvo an ruling up to tho uneasily of ldophn the cur: Iyltcln," and moot; mg: furthtr thin and Ar being hold. 89. Cathay-.nn fuhar, NEWS 0|" THE DAY. an of the Huuu of Lord: to a book on the Con- . Puny. u nurplua on lb: 1:0. 01 Ited to 84.752798. All in 'POlc trident British larch up and] -- 1 (3! GEM 7'0-40!-) A Inndu,Ju. 26.-`l`|n Turki I~ otpunoool conditooulns pndundnlull in the oxciuuont. The only chm: ` imlhloun tobo ended to Rubia; ` Dardsnollco question to be left to the P-won to nun: up. All in not quick in London. And itil bcllovod that pout in It bud. .lArI .nPAPlAl'I l I-nni-nnlinn I111 Hj IS Ill. lnrl Cu-|urvon n Iuignntion bu bun ` aomplod, sud will In uuaoodcd by tho Duke of Bnokinghn. Lord Derby : ro- nignsuon is lull in nulpunu. London, Jun. `.'.'6.-A dupntoh from Cnnntsntiuopo up that in oonuqucnon of not receiving oouutomundiug onion in tuna the Enulilh Heal from or rocolnng oouuumunamg onion in tune. the English ags uilod from Built: Bnv anp puud tlnbugla the Dan`- dnnolln. The share buuoriu nlutod the British dz: :4 the vouch `The deck hu prueoeded to Conntnntinople. Tho Ihnvo dilgutch has around I docided Ionutiun in uioulcirclu in thi city. viannn Jun `If; --A Jnnntah IIVI Ionuuun nu umolucu-cnu Ill nu ouy. Vienna, Jnu. 26.-A Jolpatoh uyl Gummy Again inform: Runil tlnt the must nubmit hor term: 0! peace fun; it ounaidcrzmon of the gran poworl. l...ml..n .l.n 26 -A ntnamont will be |Z`rh'izn.3IY \'nx'r;; J/1i.2oI' ounaxdnrzmon of the gran Land-nu, Jun. `.36.-A ntnemont inued to-day showing the lerviou to winch the 6,000,000 will probably in npphcabla. 3,000,000 sro npportionod to the nrmy, 5,000,000 tu tho navy, And on milliun to cuutmgenciu. Lninlnn Jun. `2.-Tho Earl of DOI bV milln-n to cuuungenclu. London, Jun. 26.-Tho Earl Derby in: not boen at the foreign ofico for two days, as his health in repurtod not good. He in transacting the buainau of his do- partmant At his printo rolidonca. It in bllievod hm resignation hn been with- drawn. Trnnhvurthy advice: indicate thnt Austria has ukuu Itepa to obtain at inn. 3 formaldiplumaticplodgofrom Rul- ni: that the interests of tho monarchy should suffer nu dutrimont. Communi- catinnn exchanged is said to line I more urnest desire un the part of Ruuin to nuinuin A g.1ndIIll It in bo- linvod that the present oxchnngo of view: will lead Lu 3 ustiafaclory insuo. Th. rnnurlml Russian demand for th- will lead Iatlalaclory Issue. The ropnrteul Russian demand retroceuiuu of Bauarbin may hue inu uncod thu A1`ennm:u:tim1. H............. in Hun ,\nah-inn }.Jvnrn- uncod tho (jennua :u:t.L0n. Unenmau in the Austrian Gunm- mous in furtinor mrreaaed by the compli- cntinnn in the Hume policy. n,.n.....n 2:50 1) m -The Lzunl nu` Clhnnl III the Hume pnncy. Gallup->|i, 350 p :n.-The gum nu ring A heavy salute at lha lhrdannelle-I. The Em,;luh tluet Ia coming. LaLer.- Adxnilahlu H-xrnhy tuck tho nal. up to the mouth of th Durdnnollu, where, nt tho ulugraph utauiun he received the cuumormand. Us did not therefor: proeml tn the furu, but returned to Basilu Buy. To the Ifrlilur of the Brilisli Whig. Silt, - l erinit uiu, very brielly--on general priuciplaii-to take axceptiul to me pusiiiwii advanced in your iuue 0! lut evening, in an article Iiezuloil Out. of Plncu." I think thu uriouii quentiom to us all, in Cll.lzIl1I.Uf ll Chrintian coun- try, are involved in your pe|ition--np- plied unyiiu apply it-thaL religion and pulling Blllllllll be kept sepnrnte and dis- v.inct." Much of the corruption which hu disgrauml our country has nriun from the iiiifortiiriatsly tou frequent di- vorce betwouii rcligion siiil polilicl, sud the ubliviull if the truth, that I mun : rc- ligiuii ~i.e , Iux .~'m.ie u] M: duty tu God- in to guide his cauuliict an I politicin u well in in 1.-vary uther relation of life. But I `fail to iwein what respect the in- ciduntiu queaiiun was an iiiterlorance with politi.-1. Does It man, becnuse he is a minister, cause [U be acliriatiui iritiunl `And has nut in clirinlinn citizou the right: in pl'HlC(:t-\Vl|Cl'6 ever he can l.il.I.ing~ lv do au-a.nd where more lii- | In prnlect,--where ever He can LIl.I.lll| ly l- ungly than M K relrqiuua meeting, agnmat any act` on the [mrt of I reprosem tnuve (iuverument which he mum bo- lleve to he an mfrzwtion of the law of Hudl 1 am quite sure that than LPG few (Hnuunns in Una CILV. whnt.evc1' lhl Hod! I quite mm. more we um (,`h-uuuns in Llns cuy, their puliucnl [ll'\)c1l\ ltlClll)ight bu, who would not hive .slnn'u:J the regret exprouod by Mr. Wnlmu. had the ulatonmons on which he grounded m. remark bean ourroot. If he wan xumnfurnwd. an to I matter of fact, it was hll incorrect authority which wan to be hlunod. n... ...|..|.~. I .1 ma 1-nnnillnr Hut this Afur routine yeuerdny Iho ft-onior Ill pn-puring to more for the , ppoime mom of I Select Commiuoo to upon up- on the question 0! exemption frol llluniclpll useumonn, but II tho roqnon of Mr. Lauder the uncut vu nllouod to nund, in, order lhnt Oh: leader of the Oppooilibn might be in his place when `ho subject wuducuuod. I ----co-9 A _._____.oo._.__-._ FALLII Tluorul.--Tbo n`: cl 3 pun chsruur brought npiubt 3 roll known Hound nudist. latnctly cl Patton, in hunt through, unnu- hild, i tbouocplninut bu i-I but av-Md tor trial on I days at Funce u nlen In for terrm-rial nggrnn dilounent. Her latest eurv. m the direc- tien in en 1 much mnra modest. Icale than the! In which Ruuu in onpgod. The Inner pow-.r, nutwithetuxdtng the most diunlereetud pntonalmm at the xn|ugu~ ration uf the present war, in oertninly bent on turrmmnl cnnquuwt, and H11 hnrdly retire from the cur Inlhum. A guud alien from bnlh the Eurupean and Auauc Iidee of Turkny. Frnnco ll much more nnpretantiunu. She ll umply nagotininq for the nnneulinn by purchase from Sweden of the Inland of St. Bartholomew. The vote upon this quoetiun pueed the French Chnmbor Wllh only seven din unlient. vuncu. When the French do- ` -4 ._- `L... ..-l.-"ml hu lhn nnmv I m... . ..v. -. was a question of pollllc rm|;_;hIy agree vsilh the f` taken frum an inference i '|I....IAI.: 0.. n r. n! anus .1lnu!nl_vI III :1 r\'L'..'ll[ Ipeecu IHIILII uy Luv Rev. Prnicipal 1,-`rant in 'l'0mnto:- As a rule, clergyman rofrn from giv- ing coun.sc-l In man in the mm or of their duty to thuir uunutry. They oxcuu Lhomuivel UH the ground that they `have do husiuau w.tb pulitiza, it being assumed that politic: and sanctity are not cons15t.ei;t. with Inch other. [Lit there II no reason why cler- gyman ahuuld but. be interuhd in puhtics, ni(h4)II\(h from party politic: they had better keopnloof. A moment : cnmidcratinn will than that our duty to the state should ba 1: much iunhject oi llnporllncu in our morn! Kuiduu ny othorul the duties of sucinl beings, nnd that minister: ufthe gospel Iluuld not honitntt tn imtil right_ principle: of citi- tizwunhip int: the mind: of thou whom they Ire able to inuence." (`,mnmer..hu-v than aeutimontl to Your - -..., ......-, -.-., Jun. 24, M78. (fxvm. [Wu do not duputo that A mini-tor ip I oituzon. That in not the quontinn undor dlncuumn. huwovor` Tho re.`-nronco to polmou and ma Uovgrnruont in tho can of Rev. Mr. Wxlnnn run very indilcroot. Tho alluzi m was made at tho ond 0! a moeting when finhbnth Rafurvnotiun III not under lucuuiun ; honco tho rumour of the (iovarnmenh Sabbuh hruking hunld have been writiod befuro boing rotnilud um. no a hot. It Inuy bo the right, in the opinion uf Civi|" or some- body elm, thu mmintorl Ihnuld bo polit- cinnu, and that thoy nhnuld tench poli tics, but It vnll not be found very plou- nnt or protable employmont. Politic: hove ponotntod ucioty, ond own tho Church, to tho! ouont, that tho nlightoot remnrk of a pony nature as calculated to crolto A ficllg that may do the cnulo undor Id- vococy much injury. The minister who proooheo pulmca will soon din-our A divuiuu In his v-k.] -En. Wum. _.__ _....._ _ -4 ------o-9 Stun Pllllllf.---Hugh Mdlni, who III dmrdorly and the uuulbd Douctlvo Hugony in the police Italian Int evening. wgylhil morning uvonly punished 16! hxnineondnct. _Hc rug unulcod by six months for drunhnuou, ad and 350 for the -null. wucv. snothuoin month: At tlwupilition ol the lint. nonlonco if the in in not paid, bUlIlIllUlI|l I ll 0naldI nllI-H, Is A unslslinc A uuzlm "l|'lIT.I_L_B ms.` The Ontario lcglnlnlu ro. [0 HIHUCHCC. 4 your r not consider thnt this polmcn at all, I thu- h following wnrda, yrunce in the Canadian nt npeech made by the mm umuenc Vulcul. Ivuuu mu . ......... -7 ` nnnionl no thul ulnrgud by the com pletion of thin purcbnn, France will be ublo u. umouncu that puts hnth nu! only her victories, but torntonnl cunquenta us nu. l -15.03 o..:.:..sIu. buuuko ft 50,000 he she Hotpu Al-ctil Ix- nnllun, pouuuo. --A|d. Suphu ha unigl-ed In and in I Ionluul Oil Council. _.In a nun: In -hunk A Jan in nIAinI.i._ in In lonluu UN Uouncu. -In I can In which a Jew in plnintil, Judge Turunoo, ol Ioutnohdoclinod to Adjourn our the Jewish Ssbbuln. -Hnn. Inlsnlou bu ontu-ad an lI`ljOII'n in Jonah suaun. Inlnplou action hr libol Itil the Herald Pub- lishing Ooupuy hr am; the miclo shout the Innnctidu ' II]. `Dann- gcl kid at 0841!). . , --In tho Unitod Stain diuatialuclizn ml at uI,uuu. with the report of the Cnnsdian Fiohoriol Otuuinion in no glut ud pun] that Oongnu will not oonlrln it Ihencur the Pnoilout upon: it. -A In in faith! rules in now 2000- rnoxlons upon: 1:. -A III` in ftoighl gono- nlly oxpoohd. It in uurted am on: rnlrood bu boon inning blun card: eon- uiuing 1 promise to man I ucrot cou- oouion of twelve par oout. on weight of uhipmonu our in line. _A do-nnlch from tha Unimd Staten nmpmonu in nu. -A doupnlch from thu United Via: Conul nt Shnnglni up: "An ap- palling famine is raging throughout four provinou of north China. Nine millions of pooplo no `npnrwd dentitute, nnd children are daily told in the inuhtn for food. `Tho Foreign Relic! Committee np~ puln to Aineiiaa and Englnnd for suin- nnoa. Thu nrnutlv roouut. vuu to PIIII IO IIIIICNJI I llnllllllu IUT IIIIII` woo. Thoy nrnutly roquut. you form In American Cummittu to collect nundl and iopooit them with the agent 0! tho Hong Kong Bunk." `!- Pnucon-0ut.a 77 ta`) u; Buckwhut per huh M1550 ; Butter in Nil: 16 to Dc; E El I9:o`.IJo; Hny 'Jto|l0: Boofperlbl l-`Ju: o- tntool DH` bunt: 30; Ion Pork par bbl I4 to .15 ; Hnnl Wood $1.25; Soft do. ,2 ) to Cl .50 ; Barley 45 to 30v: Hops per lb 7 to N. } llTlI-l*'luur per bhl 3.50 t.o$'I.b0.()u1Im-anl DH` bbl $4.50 to $5. Wh.Il-Ipriug, par bush $1 to l,|0; Full do I,lS; Pens 50 :0 5-K`; Burlzw 400`. <)nmr.'m; Rye as to 500 , Pork, Men: who 00; Beef per I00 llu. |0.00toQ| 50 ; Lard In) In 120: Butwr H to Ibo: Choose 1; to Ilia; Eggs He. when 10c;Cl\ooaa9 to loo ; Potatoes 15:: came; per lnuh; Iluttun 5 to 60 par lb. ; Beef 34 to $12 per 100; Turkevl 50 to `|, Chicken: 2.`: to 2.905 (Jurdwood-$3,00 for but; Butter Hi to 20 per lb. Hny `I0 lo 12 . 0I'I'AwA-No I Flour $5,752; extra $6.25: oond oppouuou nu luv -.............._, -*1io/non Iho Lib:-rd "opposition would nlnin Iron supporting my bnnoonbo tuulnion, ubmluug rnlfnr III the ur uodnclalqyntbnlor the good ul tbcuuntn. to it In the action only cnnuudodtbtynpolhy ad mpporl ul ,._.:_L. n....z._ I. |,.'.; n Bran per ton M10818 ; mu 3310113;-;|!nrI\ 50 to 550: Out: 30 to 3210; Pan 4-0 to rllu; Full when I345 Ioj|,;M); Putntael 501'; Buuur lc [0 `J00 ; Lard per lb lug to lilo ; Eggs Illa; Pork 35 to 33,50; Beef-1,50 t 85:; May 31'. to 31.3, Ap Mu per M11 33 to 34,50; Wool '25 to '. 7ru; Mitch Cown, newly unlvnd, 30 to $10 ; -utuluuu Miluh Cow: IS to '20; Sheep 3 50 to $1; good hardwood 9,75 1,0 I lb. Hny `I0 I'.'. bbl our: 6.75 : Buckwheat nur m unz'1$5,00: 1610318; )3 to `J30 ; llnrln 330; Bank oH'oInmer`e- 11. : :5 4, 11.1. Unbarin [Sank `JG. 93 I! 4 Consolidatal Bllnk~-l10_ 138. hum. Tele vrnph -79 3 4, 79. Montreal el.(.`o`y 120 12,1201-4. 10031. 12 1 `.3 H.iuielieu~63 11,62 1 '1, 50 M. 6. 1\1nnU`f`:lL Bnnk of M:-nt.rra.l- 159 3 4 ; 1561:! MarnlnnuI'Bauk (`-6. 6:'\. Bank aH`oInmer(`e- 11. 25 4. 115. \uy 1 wiry: up. . u-..u_q., Munbroal, Jan. 26. Fl0ur- reuevta 6600 N113; no sales: Iuurkol. qmet and inuutive. prion nominally um-hang ml ;gz-mu. proviliuus and uh: unnhuuged. Pnrrotb. 0| in non. AI. Piotou, on Jun. IEHI. the wixoof M. Bulb. ofndaughter. -Au:nnunr. N At Dexter, N.Y`, Janunry 22. Mr` h'.lwnrl Hunter, of Kingston. Hnuria, and Miss Katie J. Hz-oat, of D?ltH'. Al. Mnrvvn, Jun. `2`.':l, Jnlm-u hfr\l<'.wo-n nf Katie J. (Iron, of Dexter. At Mnrvvn, Jan. 22%|, Mrliwc-I nf Petorbur0', to Mary Jun Wmexmun of Hum burgh. At Nspanec, on the 7th inut. Hr. Dannia ()'(.'nnnur, of South Frmloricknhurgb, to M in; Eliza I\lcHenry, of Richmond. AL Suphluburgh, on the 23nd inst . Mr Rockwell Dunning to in Alvorotta Barrage. /\t Piaf. u. on the '24: inht,., Mr. Robert Pugh to in Emnn Splord. L \Vsu I, on the l.'rl.h in|t., Mr. Cbntar Smrms to in (3nro|ino Harrison. At. Milford, on the 13th inIt., Mr. Wm. Hiuemnn tn Minn Halon Hunusrnl. unnu- In Kingslomou Jun. `Z5111. Sarah, r tho line Mr. John Haley. aged 65 yuzun Thu fnnurnl will O.n|m nlnnn nu N mmmu; u u=u u ulvcl, nun: .. uuuu Iur St. Ma.r_v`uCnLI1edral. Friennlu and nrqu tnncu are rupeuifully lnvitml to um-vul. ..u,, -,m.n ... III olrujll nu-y----. .- ....-, _ wall ll il othofnuu-mm} dun, the spin: cl Brithl junction may be Idol} loll to nnucihnlf. Thnuo phony ol u.. At Nnpnnee, on Jun. `lint. Wm. Boberuou Chulub rluiu, aged 36 _ve:xrn. AL Rinhmund, Ont ,ou Jun 1|:-at. Elizabeth Rivhmoud, born in Richmond. England, ngod 7!" urn. 1 T0-M0_l39[(_NlGHT 1`.rIuuu||uInu.uu|:.lIun -ununnsrun. Srlcul. Nanci --Nntvnhlanding tho ax - in oxpcnn nuuho-I to thin (Ton: may I hnvn onncludod to pluo the prion ruin: the Imm- ol all ' A Large Auortnont of Choice}: T110?! and Othcr Boon for ch:-mm Workdn [ i Oxford Teachers Bibles. The Y.M.U.A. Gospel Meeting will be: bold In Hm CITY HALL, inn-1| the Ron go|in.,n T I .IlII!,llI nuluuuu, wnl uuunuu um: naming. W Meeting commence: gt. l.l.'a. ('ulJe(-tion todofrny expenses 8. RANTHN. In an Mira clnanga of nrogrnvnmn. My pm:-nl damn Mr. Burg. Ill nppour in In: uriuml cnatiun c!Nl(,'()DIs'IUH JUIINBTUN. I.-m . . |l....n- Il..s-.o|..a_..4I5o.- oh- .- Admit-ion 214, Bunrvo-I Santa nu extr- obnrgc il scoured beforr thy nfonwrluinnu-uv uliu not obulmnn Link:-La tn -alum-o II rlnuod full pr-ico-."4Ic. lb-served buu at Kenning: Booiuoro. Jun 2:. I ` Willatdhactllepnsitmyr MISVl-u-uu-wuup---, outt Thyvilldoiugh thun- ulliiillit i quit: undo! lhntloohn Iluthydoidrr 'u.L;.l__ Qnjljft A IIAICH 07 Till ABUVI DIPO.`ol~ TORY HA8 BI!!! OPEHED AT THE STORE 07 RETURN (W THE IAVO[T|&|l'ES- FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. cool Burgess,} .-- I AIMIIYIII UIULKI. II`. ILWLYU U. I'D. No In HO IIIU XI". JUHII IIIIUJ. HKCU `Id: The fmmrul will take place ` mm-ninu A! can n'nlnn|r (nun l.'H W. L. RICHARDSON. cnnun coMam'A'nom Tm-Mlny Evenlnx, Jan. -zmn. "I0-|IY S_f_E_l.E6Ills.M on. Ayd $6 euro, M Picton. on m `lln, Elln, wife of Clphnn en Uulhm. hand 39 your-. aninldinluircni 5f""`|"' _---.._... ghgon Pxcion, on Jun Illh. Marin Il.,w|la 0! or Dingnnu, ngod . O yours. \ Nnrth Mlrynburgh, relic! 0! Hnolnte Wm npd 86 Cnpunn or-1'%i\irA\I.. PIINOII] QTREST. brrv nnn. (By T:/(graph Tosdu 3/ llnnh-aul (By Telegraph To-day.) llnnvm-ml 14 '(ifz35{z,>' nuuuin. .1 v I ` 1inTuT DIED. I-.. -mu. llrrnmn. Sonprd. \J on non m-nu wu cnownln In-I-I cmnouu nun ADVAITAII ` or . G-I%IE"I' 3.A_LZE'.' L8 `I'll!!!-All CONYXXICKD TIA!` OIII PIICII All Inll TBA! All 11} hthcoluy.npurIl'c-tbvnInbIoPIuuuIhqncoivo. '0 the Public will itlktlo that VI locuon o Pnunu in Is: Good: II nilin men: as norm .A_S Si:-MBLY [ HE momlvon of tho (ll Mill [rink Nntlalr nl Sorietiu have plea in nnnounolng lhntxhey int-ud holding 5 Grand Auonbly in (In: CITY HALL. on llondny Evening, Feb. II. Ex. COUSINEAU&CO. The proceed: of which will be devoted to the purpose ofbuyln fuolfor the poor of the oily. rho societies pl go their utmou cnduvoln to plane all who mu honor than with their presence. Refreuhmonu furnished in tho hall min |_- l."I`L` r..\ _-...- |()NE NIC}IIT ONLY-I _s}.y. m} w J .. -lhAVAA"' .-nu nlteledtouo, r. l=::i-no nu - I mNuUu@bdu kn-id nigovheiun up yvydo-u` bills. II in by jg- I--I--I`,-I |,-9*-9-!_*lI*.2'.'_'_'_; [:"'.0on(ribuliou| u! Roirenhnenu from my vivimn vnll he kimny rm-aivfd ty the (on- Luilwo or the: undersigned. II IlnOUAlD. iuinnmn M|NSTH[LS.\ 1.5` A ccumplishcd Performers, 0' Great Com:-diaou, 4 Boos End Mon, Champion Song and [Mann Artilu! Iplondid Hnlwsr (`urml Hzuci! An em(\innl0rchutrn um] I Iupmmr Vornl (Iurpa! All on- panama of ru|lued Illnntgilq. [T PUl Ul.Al{ l'Rl(}ES--50 And !.'1 In; Santa in-mnrml in .s.dvmu.o IX. McAuln_y`a. Jan `Jli. I378. Dum1n1nnTelegjaph company I}.-r,`I-*2: , uual wnll be pnyublo on And after r`lil|)A Y.lhoSt|.1 F`abrnar_v next. 1!. the Gontr nl ()l1'm: at Torunln, luul at 11: other Omen of mu (.`u|n|mu\'. [:"`.0on(ribuliouun! Rolrenhnelufhm ivimn kindly rmwnvpd Parsons & S001-ah WILL RE-(}l EN Hunt and Shoe State IN A FEW DAYS! Nearly Opposize their Old Stand. on mznrlsss STREET. AS RE.\l()[)lCI.El), ENLARGED AND lMl`lU\'l'.'l). and EIBIACIS .- co-. <, 7 ;|.IT7|GS AND PREAOL4 INC- DKIIIHHF. Jl7\'I`.'NlI.I". MIS.`Hl)NARY IEETING IN Snlo-uh:m| Straw! (Ihurrh. on WEDNEI||)AY imh, at 7.31! n.m. ('hnIr|u|n. I)r. Lnvnll. Ad 1 "A T%EAih* HOTEL {to must: on to: sum. ' .0 LEASE VUI A TIII 0' YCAII ` or for -014! lb Hold-I itovl M lhrfll I lull" mx,..n ch lvu-mud unhtul. `and Round as tho Vvonpuu Ina, muggy b-Ivan Kintcl and W It I J nrmlndod hv Dyan Phosphate Ihu, undo :ghvl|II_::d nulolzlg. gm Boy-. dun Tho llsul huvodwrbollifszhz .4419: nd Inn a lull nun yin lug. loch-an-. Drivo llaunmlubhn ning Want It Apyh Rll.EY`S POPULAR QUADBILLI BAND will be iu utumdnuou. IMETHUDISIMWNSI I ... ... .. Y. Q` ('oHou`l|on nt ouch Borvioc in and of tho Kiluxunnry S04-I-Ly ` WM. McB()I8ll, }BnAn AND MEAT, For mm roar {rum FI5. Ill. I878. 'l`lu|rsduy Evening. Jan. 3|, 'l'lIE URIGINAL ' (luvprm-II. uul In bu do-linroul dull` quantum: an may lmrnqulnd. If l u_vmnntn mud: monthly. Kmg-ton Holpllal. J1: 2.1, IT'S.` ._ , _ .- --7-- THE HOME RUL|E. Lhu (.`oIn|)-at By uldmw Klingotoml TEN::3jf:RSf Subhatll, Jun. 27lh, I878. l`iII Noun, zmh January, U |`l(`l-I in hL-roln_v givon thnt I Dlvidond at llm run or banal her cent. per nnnmn in W3 T0 IHVURI NY `ID rudnmr-rl mm! the mlhllc nuorullv N108 I WISH VIIIIDI LID public generally nll In on 1`-I -Inn rnulm-. lnuinuu nu tho THE BEE HIVE 4*6IfYTI ALL. ILII1 uu \. nus Hulk: lhrl | - ,,.AI' _ I u-` Bread nnd Most In be of the buqunlt ml III!-Joel In line I Ipruvnl Y the lil prm-u. rlinrod duly, In nu: ahhu Innv Imrnulnl. %iiE-reman: O.A._2l.I). nn'||u;;n_{ N0. I3. per per in up an the pm | u (lnpiul of tho Cola- Lha hnlfyx-Ar cm in tho Klu Deoour null bu mu In And nftnr xfrw clay: mime huinun tho I. nhrru I In burned out yulavduy. ml lm rho pumunu I have rorelvul u and hope I uhdl rohceivo the nut m,:|NI1l on my uwlmpuon of III- R El -WI. |leQUAlD. (ion. secretary. GIUIUHE. Soonury. TheEheap|eaIingSa|e uulreul Stir, in tho 1* - u,__ ,1 p, Tsblo Napkins, Table Linens, Towolhnu, ` Lace and Muslin Curtains, Shooting: of all Makes. Pillow Linens and Cotton. 8 mAku_ White Oottons, English and Ann- rimm Rn. Mnlnu vvluw vuywua. blllllll 8110. Am.` rican Soft Makes, Mu-seine and Lace Toilet Oovorl, Tickings, Plangol. Blankets and Maruillo n t: l.'llbl.lLlIlB, DIIIIKBBI and IIIBIIOIIIO Quilts, Clouds. Breakfast Shawl: tnd Oardigan Jackets, ii!" We have nnulv Ilenvy Ile- ductlous In all of the above partments. On I our Silk Stock, On Ihullo and Trimminy Velveln, of all ('o|urs. On lrimmilngl of avnry duusripliun. On Bluk ind (`ulurod l*`nem\h Merino: sud Caahluema. 3' Every phmn of Uooda in our More ha been roduood in price. o and | um HE undorniglod return their ninocro think (I the A`Zl.1n| mud W~al4-I n lmllnnon Cun- pnlon for their prompt uml liuarul aatllononl. (through their Agenls. Mom-rs. Jumu 811 `mi Fnlgor and Hnuleyj of um claims Arillng out of who Into re. B. HIUWN Ix. SONS. Jun 2'. 1818. Ronmmber those Reductions hold good only during the Cheap Sole which ends the tilst Inst. R. at J. GARDINER 1HTrYCHATPMAN&EU. \IIIFIIVII lI\lI&n IVIIV' Into tho United State! in 1877 Aooovdllc to Indore`: Wun wd Liquor oulu ofluz. ll, I877. an Ann IVAIII L It-odlrd . ....` 'H.mu.eku`o..... Gw.(}ou|at H C0... (fin. Hdddoch...` lulu Mama I. |Hncx AND IEEELLI: mm nonuni- muau MuutfaiE'w'aIsn, `, ..- - t extant K upoct. :1. (mt hbon, sr 1!. Id. 11. But man! 11) No :1 othor dun no un. nnuue M the coveted city. mm. but nut llxwglllvml-wr um lo uielnanl curumly exlue Ermrcnun, M be olmuxed, 1: Eurupoau 'l'x plnceal, hnwuv lhl Iudelnnn Avn|nCo. . ..... BI-not-laibdtvo Ayn|nl(`An. ...... Iaudll. Bolngch ll.lnoy.......... Vnr|uI:HrIudI.. Tho llbutibora hum; Ir-wu nppolntod lob Aunt: In the Domlniun fun the ugly of this Oolnbnud Wlnu,oo: them to the Trade Ip- ol Ubonl lnnm. 1 978 . IMPORTATIONS lf C. Cu . . . . . . . . . . Pounory E (into Nnooloofn cuumll c. H. Mliim 2. 00., c.H_AMPA9N% A,W.|.NIEQIS! Strictly ONE PRICE. P. I. Illll. FMIIFOIT-0.-I. IOVIHW. *1 duwn-tro.lden ('hruHnn prunncu, .u:tIng lhur muupendonco It will an nurpnu that in choonlng lhor l|.e Iunlement. of the E con- work 'uu:- -luull--n Ihuuld but more I owlly on Auunan or 1 `" mtyruln, Rustin ohould chance the ["' nlurunuvo, parucularly uuuong I d|n~ . 1 _| .,x.... ._ ._._ ..I ....-M . nun `unmpncus wines" MONTREAL, PRINCESS STREET. nun cmmux 5 ca: Iainnu. TcAnbTqr_ rnnims; HENRY CHAPIAN 109',` . I-htga-utonhopcuhang RE[_.\I~3 :1: u. ;lEllRY CHAPIAN In (:0. Aosrll. Oluofiho but ptupu bu hon knoolod I In. nndnrtho ohsoluc ziaion, I515 ill this country of populu nu rt} and aqui- ity than is my eunncunn nL|bvo': bo- uoou Church sad `iuto. by the judg. nun! neatly rendered by Vice Chunk lat Ptuudlool in the mug.` Dunno n. Fern '. Tho lm `v l__.....'I'_.-A .l'l"N'-o .";_n.`.`-I. Inlhuinr to Inoddmouloaxn mfmnely tu Em I-rafvr AITAIH they nhuuld uulun It can he ulm: _ __ , .l. subject. to uelf Jefem which In n Within furlyanght hours the public mind of the Wurlll ha: been trump med from wlmc appeared to he the certainty of Ln Anglu-Rnnsmn War to the strung prubabilmes nf a Turk: Russian pence. Before the Kuuunn Ierml of seuleuuul were umuunca-1, the cloud charged with the elbctncnty uf wnr seemed randy to burst out agznu Wlth unsxamploi fury an) mvulvo liugland in the Larnblo storm. The rmnrexnuut of Earls Darby Ind L.'aernar\~-u It In the lmpnrisl Cabihel, III the lnvhhb uf L`n..r km-wu opposition to - - ` ..o ..f Ilm Fm-t ,_ free country` vuxuununu nun. .. ...... .. Huvernluunt lu ask in: I ._ ll. bnrupe, I3lllII'l.`;u`I u.-2 9.....- npprolunsionn an to the impound` lng crml. Altlmngh the dunaur, ur rather the puallnhty uf much A war hat by nu mun: pzumed away, yet the prunpoctu of peace have cunIu|erAb|_y ongbtonod. 'l'heRuIamntor1m have man, not only announced, hm, 1t n; and, accepted at well. Hard an tlmy urn on prultratu Turkoy, ihey urn hul so sweeping as many {cured they would prove to be. It nu nut cl-.-at that the unhtnry occupation of Unnuuumnupis W1 bo Inniatod on uh]; -u_;h gins crowning triumph, In immmun uf l`Eurumn prucadont in Pnril, hu bcun Lhu nu-run ul the Uzzsr from the very Inceptmn oi the war, Ruumn;|ory mu] hununr may ho uusllud with the Mg- treaty mt" pouo Inthm tho The mclamnlty in I bony nno, nut larger than men people thwglntvxctnrywould pm:.apt. lhocunquer Iialnanll. /\l to territory, n mu ax}-eclnd that KnrI,lhtunm, Ind mth mlgaeent lrntury wnuld` [U My nothing of A portion of '-` 7 'I'.I._- 'I'1.- -L.--.. ..-...-A COHICIIHIIK `mu ru luv -uu-`cu.-uwnu vn llr. A-`Rm umr hm Much -of-the Indo- pondunco 61 Put I-uxent, nkbough IE can ol the ox-b',u'.cr bu boon courod u tupgnulty by the rnicmnry act, and Inn umnunuuunl ulYul.;o purged by tho pm:-cu ol ruunumn uul ro-olccuon. Nov, tho!-(Inn L 8. Llumu-gluu ha been hold up by his Tury -qpunu as `tho pononol 0-bodinoo! r-3 ororyhtng that an dnhooocr nu pmmm of A Cahjuu In-"nut. According In an show It`- buu. haunt, the Ian. 5015601 h poluially in chin and nmnun In not Ioboobloh Incl thonclcdnudlh gain. Th0 and caucus; cl `la; Ci I iotnyul in III Iudl 12. Turkey. Tho above nnmod llirWuVBr, nrounly to be held until the iiuleinniiy ll mi-l oval Ruin: bu nlno Vln-llcdlell - at lust. ostensibly-her prntutnlium -vf champiunuhip of the dawn-trmlden by ex- arena vhn Eutarn InJuI'l~ Briluh lum- lllII l|IllVI, as among the in- eidonul n-lnnu,,;u of such I couru tho Unrdnnullcn nllulll-I be upon to Russian amp: 0! war. Tn: and II not yet, lion'- 1-i n_, ,. A` ___....._..p L... .H `long doclnn--I _ ..-.__ ._ .L.- -mus nun...`-. ..- ....,.-......._..v.. ._ __ I vmco II the tun-l ultlemum of than quclunu, And the Hum hu It length ar- nvod I--rghn Vnlua {U be hosrd. It will now very Iuun trauapnra wholhor ur not Bntuh npluluu In | Hung to bo dupuod 1n the ulhxrn of I-Zuloru Europe. It in rumoured nf cuuru nu Tory ur- cloa-- thnt Mun. Mr Huntington II Kenn the t` bust nhuuid Iho (iuvornuont rvo Lu ruuulnuau Hr. Angluu for tho spakonhnp. 0! cmru '0 Are not told thy. Thounly Inference in csn dra- frun the Inluuauun II that Mr. Humming- nn 1: so unuutcly indepondont and no jllloul o! In: pcnunnl honour that he cannot c--nun: to bocnlnt nun I ulontlyv or-usenung `,m:ly Lo thy ruuntnununt. u! u_ A- I... ..a._. L... n..,.-|. ..!.nL.. Ind`. {gzol an`: C"u'i.a..'..'.:. :n. -'.u':'Z':{n.'--gu 1: bhd and 0 910911`! l"'.5`_` t`'`_"`.' T CIUIOI A 0 STA.- THE TERMS OF IIIJPIJEXII` ulnnullluvu uy-In ..... Much his prrmunl mean: u! mco are qune unequal--A cue nut at A likely to nruoiu this Iupualllg dnaabnl ..l....L. Lin nu fvrrud `. l dc-CHI. Hlnu L-J Anus: nnu mu olonoal ty- |A ...,.. .1... PEACE. 1| Illqnlrvn-, .- . that m nll mch I18 to interfure rymuuuu u.- uf the fuc` u to tho old municipality. hot suing Ibraounty Corina`! and ` the city and to-uhiy Manda ol the not Wilden, It. 0. N. Bpooncr, unoublrd u~o1ud_ hi: boapilnblo board at the On- nuou Haul. A vary plenum and um uulnl ontucruinnon it In, winter vioiod in the light of I bountooni upon! or I ! I non dentin; but 0! rcuon And law of moi. iionptnsontation 0! sh" ` iulchignnoo .1 I-`mum m creditable- 'lu._ KI-_.l-_ L_,l IL- Il--.- --..l Rhar. I0 IIIU Iuu -unna|.-nu . Tho Warden had the Knycr sud Shor- ilzt bin right-and loft ; II`. E. Joyner lled Iln vino chair; Hr. Odvin, M.l .P., pruidod at tho Idooid tabla, nnkcd by loan. H. Bu-nclnn And DJ . Wnlkor. ILIIILTI. Thu l0].ll tout: were given iron: tho chair: Tho Quun sud Boys! Family -N|tionAl Anthom; Tho Governor- Uoneml Mid Lioutunnt (lonrnm-"- uu u n 1 -,u.__,u Al'I'L- A...... ._.l UIDIHII `III I.lIUIIFIllI VJIIIIIIJIII T Jolly Good Follolug" Tho Army and Navy sud \'olu_nue|-5. 1%. AL. l-n..- {`l\' Wguunnnn nl than LVIV, IHII VU||l_lIKClI- To the latter Col. Forgunon, of the 3rd Frontonu Sodonory Botulion, I no pondcd, lullowod by Pnylnutor Strochnn, oi the 47th, who born wnneu tht the voiuntoon won in good condition, and Ihsd nblo `men among Lhom, n witnou Colonol Dennison. But. wht wu boat, wo Ind no need of their union. Oonodion volunloon, u mu-lu- mon, hsd dono woll. and Fruntonw held in own Luau; thou: (ho 48th, having lately curried oil" the but-oliun uid cum- pmy priuu Against tho Dnniniou. Ho was one of tho tum 0! good morluinon who did the work, but this wank he Ind done pour n`huul.ing. Ho, !-r 3 second Limo, uhot wide of the Wardennhip. (L~iughu:r.) rm.- ..... ...,.t n n..I l.':.1....n-;.-I. M I ., VIII IUUI-I. Capt. Joyner, though An eruicor, reyllod warmly. Tho voluntoau Into not open to the old nlurl, for with tho usintunce of Military Bchoolu, uicorl no all educated L-r their duty, and I) L, L_...`.|_.l ;.. . 6-..; `I-0 Ill BUUUILUQ LU lullll uunl, u-nu gru|." men could be haudlud in a few days after entering lax-vice. Tho Uounly C-Iuucil, ho fully believed, was amilitnry body. It hm}, nt lent, live Pnhu, And hu indulged in mnumeuble anking movements tint week. He gut mkcd. sud four others, too. H I t`r_A-.. ....._l:..l I... Hm. \lJ`IlIgHlUl'.[ The regret. of Lt.-Col. Kirkpatrick, M. I warn road. A: I AL.,. L __ __ _`:_,`_ gnu tour omen, wu. Uolmnoduro Sexton replied for the Navy u a hero of 181!-4',Lhough acarleu. Be In in tha nuy mnny you-a, coming out with Commodore Sandhnm, whom he in Iurvivnd. Indeed he was the only uilurleft. in Ontnrio of the Imporinl crown who fought for Cnnada in 1837. 11,... 0...`. -l... ....olu -.nI.J an did CFOIVI Will! Iuugnl. IUI \./IUDJLI nu Auul . Capt. Scott also nutly roplind, an did Mr. Calvin, Lhc Rut Admirnl of the Council. He did not know one nheot from mother, and Wu more of I driver thvui I. tailor. But. he was proud of his <;'a.rden Inland navy. ....... n.n|In|1u|l'l"u . 4: w.Tb7>swA"s Grocery, l'r4u_ooull.,IoUlb/ouudauldada or-daaud I` ..._ ........_.__. . . To this town. Mr. Calvin ralpondad at length. The Luul Legislature was do- ing the beat it could, ovun tn knocking down the $800 every time. (Laughter) He was bent on doing his nhnro wvurda usesaing property wherenr it. might be found. '1`wenv.y per cent. was he, And the farmer: and poor citizens paid lilu piper. Ho hnd been warned that his hubby of luing mortgngu and bank Itoclu In; I dnngorouu one to his popu- lnrity, but eiuctiun being ovar he would let out upon it,And he did at considerable lengui. Ha cnuao down then to tho mum ovil-mouey In too nay; the bunk: continue ta uprnd it sud farmers ,4,_ .;n u..... _--- ..o Ian Ll...lin- `nu: Inxnn'i'$l:1-"run. . Very aunt 1-1::-Public lnlun Illncnul. OIHKI Oouuuuu II -yu:-u u. -uu .-......... to burrow, till they were at lant bleeding lu death at 8 per cout., hon they made nnly 4 p.o. on thew flrnu. The country was overstocked all Around. ln bin 53 your: of bunlnou ho had found businen but when money In: lighten. When 1: : louse w9 build too nun] boats, and look mm: not 3 aolvonr. propeller in ()1.- umo! Ha hnd on in bi: p-neyud" winch coat 340,000, and was lately sold for $1,500. Hu hrm lut your bull! A Illlp at. 8T5_()U0,_cont Ind could not cell It for 840,000. The lute Monrl. Berry and Counter were accommodated by the l'p pertlanndn Uank lnLl'bullt. ship: at I lou ol830,004) each bout. Ho Wanted tho ruto of luxorut. lawn rod to 6 par cent. for the lnnh here new shaving Ind un- ` mg up the broken, who cm unly chnrgo `.30 per cent, whereas thoy formerly hnd 40 p.c. uL...-;a`I:`..-mu.n nr.M P P rnnnnn(l- Iuu. Mr` T. Dawwn In also called on, though only An upinnt, u In nearly every onoin tho room. And be In no! duno with omdndnturo, but it would unit till Mr. Calvin : anuru IAI tun. The Guvornm ut nut in porn` hnd pro- Iontod game all tho Iuut Ioginlntion our punod. If ..:..y tho (running to In-morn sum the no f [ho fuloiiu, lhlt would nuke Chem popultr It the polls. AI Prnntomc nu l|kOl spin to be repu- unlod by I Fouurutivo, might bone worn than Mf.CIlVl|1. AU Shuriff Forguun, u-M P.P., respond ad for 3 Puliuuont Lhnt. made good laws And all their belt. The bank: had no right tu P` par cont; he had, 5!. Quebec, voted ngumnt the repeal of tho money To 1 oordinl tout, Mayor Mclutyro and AM. P-gnu rupondod. Thu former Ipoko u! the gratication of receiving thl' tout from the County ropruonulivu, Ihn, lot mulllgonco, Ionh ud Ability, unto not onrpuud in the Province. H3 oongnwlnud Iha Wnrdin on his clou- lion, (or which ho Ill sdnjtbdly worthy. and In hoped that the youth of the Isyor nnd Warden of 1878 Iould not be incom- poublo with hard work or iuull:gun3 action, Bk-hrinp and knot!) question: ---- A--- .-A AI:-an --94 nn I!'l'U uvuv, uuu nu..- ..-.- _- quotient, but nthor hnrnony. botvnu the city and county. Tho quan- tion ul the Abolition of loll: he btought found prominently, and `u could, ha wu nun, be onoonulully inpplod with. [In upoho at length ol tho win-in` nu nporu ol the day. Ild hi: patriotic unti- nnu not rich fnquou npphuoo. This sentiment. from ME. Joynu, ya vutnly rouivoul. Ir. Jayne md to In, by any pan, the Wonk: alFnoInnu,nd In goth: ca. wiiboal -an.` it. ` II- I IL.-Lg! Lia I-.'..._l- nu: nnmsn wnw. sATtIinn, .uNU;AnY 2o.%1_s'78.` dda$,fothutst|uBou'diI18b2, _..z 1.. .......I -..._ I.o-. II. in . unit, Ivl 1 III as -uvnav-Iva an on-c-, and let noun! yous hut. H0, in 1 strong Ipocch, _sdvucMod lroo nah. Bod: should belong to people an and -_ IL.:. I.._. Ran... nan nail` -nn- IIICIK If-I` `XIII. IVE Pu jvlv road tax UIOl|_jII.`IOl'tl nx, udyot would lndonon IilIKI|n&on.buMoI'to|lL Six you: up the city nduneo more than .53]!-cu. olarina in and that and -Inltvly, olllllf In IIII Ind III unrkou. The but tonuhip -ombon ccndud against it.- why, lnoonld not any. Ha had done some undng, and found shut the inland tux for purahuo of MAI would only in 75 coins on coal: Cl .0110 o! nuns-uont. Pituburg had done Iobly in tho toll matter. and band it pay wall. Mann. Horn. of Bodford. and Wil- lloun. down, or lsoalora, Inn wu- lmu, uf Konnobac, replied. The Inc. Ipuko of dusdnntngu of rcching King- ston. and ho uhd for road grant: to ounhle than to rush tho K. -E. P. mn- uuy. Thu were now lorood wwnrdu Knpuoo when they Inuld prefer to trutlo hero. The Toronto And Otulm Railway Ill not killed o' in 'l`om|t.o; mm! the Director: propose to run it from Pater- boro I0 Otuwn, and Kcnnebco would yet fun 1 better roul Ihnu the G.'l'.R. run- ning through it. Hr. Jovnor Alla replied. though not I mug through IL Mr. Joyner replied, though vuung Inombor, having npant twelve you: u( the put uventoon in the Coun- uiL :10 Ipoko ol the conuulidnioln uf tho County debt, now upvurdl 0! $260,000- oomothing thut. the people felt. The County nu In very high. The scheme they prupoud In A tested one. Thu lny at half 3 mill would pay` a' Iomo debt ovary your, and clan :11 ct!" in thirty yum: No debenture has over bean paid 011' yot, only oxchnnged, sud the debt kept rolling. `la-up nun ununrnl " Inn ULU -nnnun-, proposed by the mayor, who reported tho Iucceu nf thv Cny conaohdntiuu nchomo. Mr .L It Ihwnnn. if Palmerston. 1! lnv Ully conaolmluuu lcuumo. Mr J. l{. Dawson. of Palmerston, Ipuka at County legillntiun, und raid the present Uuuncil war not extuugnul, clluugh the luas of the Court Hanna and the building of the Roginry office had made them spend 3 gnocl deal of money The debt wan no umluriucd nml increasing 5: it rolled, that tome uclunuo wu locu- nry in urdor to nay n. Mr Tamnnl. of Harris. mnde nu amu- ILTC IDA I . xl".JcUI.ArlAl lugs thhovonlu. Iunpo on non: College Alma Inter lulu} n 7 p.-. IDIDAI. Illlol lenlolu 55 CI. Chnnbu. Y.I.C.A. Ieobinv M. F:|5 p m.- CV, mu. lulu India; and Ituinl n P I Church. Iurtqno u! lha ul.VincnIn ch Pul Boston n 0.3 p.I`.. in II. lay`: Vuuy unuln I m uruor Lo nay u. Mr. Tnppmg. Barrie, sing speech, tar, as he and, ha in nothing If he 1: nut funny. There wore lot: of vuluntserl, he laid, thin time 40 nhoot M the Wnrdonahip, and nally they hit Ihruugh and struck I bettor mm. Ila nllustnted tho dilcotnfurt of turnpikel, And If he was put on the toll committee in wnnld hung the cull huunu into the nud II ho put um um oomnnuao he would bring city for play houIufux`0Id1nlidI' kitten, or for fuel for the Mnyur. This ourish In lapped 011' mm original vane on free tolli. Ll- \V.ul.rm- nf (`]nranrinn I'n hi! ra- I.0llI. Mr. Watkins, of (flnrundon, in hil ro- ply, had hopes Lhnt the Warden would gel. the tall buli-man xed. The city should lead M1" by Abulinhing umrkot (Ulla. M. Ronnhnn rnnommnmlad the nnuntv (ulla. Mr. Strnchnn rocommondad the ouunty to follow Pituburg In in rand mutton, and the city to cut uuy Lu mnrket dun, (or which farmer: were hounded u Aoul As they onwred the lining. They drove uuy bunluua. Ho commonded annuali- riation, and laid the onunty Alfairs were in mph and nhnne that the Wnrden cuuld near me pulp wun creuu. Messrl. Anqhn uf l"iu.sl;urg, Flynn uf Olden, and McConnell of huughboro, Alu replied. PIRHONAL. nation, and nu! ma onunty nnalrs were in Inch good shape that the cuuld steer the ship with credit. Mass:-1. Anuhn l iu.sl;urs(. Flynn The Sheri, one of tho that Frontenac Council of 1841, was enthusiastically touted. Mr. '1`. L Hxmok, in relpcnno to 1 similar cumplmum, laid the har- mony between the city and comnly had been llou by law and arbitration, and the county gut tho Ipulh of $'25.0UO. Ho Itated the county rl-_(`l`08.0h0(l on the city in the line of Cuurt Iluuse nnd jury ex pemon, nn.l declared that if the Registry uicl was dry lh-3 l{a;__isLrI.ra should be fnrcod ta nccupy It. He spoke of the in- creuing develnpumnt of minonl wnlth in the county. Thn Prasn" nu lmutod; 1110 Our non. Mr. J. R. Unwsun pmpnaed The La- dies." and Mr. Thus. Dawson replied, Mr. Uulvm Ils .; being called on u a. man of expurisnco. AL uvelvo o'clock the proceeding: and- ml wj'~I.IIlIl -Iliur nu-us, vs odd not publhl lo;ny, ludnvo midi. llwlhogioqoulahy, n-loo-h'.II-caucus-u in nu, tau- -uuo.a. In the The Proan" luauod; Visitors," repll-acl to by Councillor Robin- Inn IUIDL I . loW nu looting of Y.l.C A. (In! onIcIL-legulu at 8 p In. lmml looting In Sydanhnn bltcburolx. Allan. Ioaungofcnurnqui Bndgo Com- P`3!P|l_i ,_ ...__ ___ -.. . .. .. n 11/1: to llu __I'nn nunltrs reugnoa. -Juhn H. Murny, the cirpul man, In: failed for $47,731! til; uuu, $9,- INN] UUU. -'l`ho New Brumwick Logialnlurowil meat on tho 29Lh of Februnry. ._A H! (`mlharinan nnrnnntar hnl I`4I'IuIlI|'l IOHIHVG. The nlnry of Rev Dr James, nf Knox Church, Hamilton, hn bean in- around to 83,000 -CourLnoy (Lheonrunan) willchnllango nll Englnnd {or an amount. up to I10,- (I10. Tl`; nnntinn nf Hun Hnnu of Loni: Pool R.I1.|u.-1'h but J Bino- Iif"-Q nnbjolpooc Idid, IO ...|':1 .4 uum In-J17. I. roll. Mann. Eon. Bodford, .n.-- ..l' Rnnnnhun rnnlind Thl [Lilli --Culonol Eglowp, U. B. U. A., reuignod. -Jnhn H. Murnv. circus I H19.` UM ZULII (II rearulry. -A St. Catharine: cnrpontor hu fallen heir to $llJ,0UU lny tho duth of An Engligh relative. The nlnrv Rev James. lonlonm Dy ur. 1 uluy. --Tha Ontario 1 January, amounted $4,752,798. -Tha lnnarnl 4:! W. IL Uhulbc January, a.noum.ea to M,aoz,;wa. -The Uhulbcrlnin, Into Low: Clerk of Nnpano--, took place with Muomc huuouu. . ring In Hun Hnnnhn huh Illh Muomc nuuouu. -A luddou rise m the Dnnubo hn lnundntad Puslh, and dinner: Ilka I875 and 1876 npprohondod. _.QnnAI.nr Hnrnua ollv l'J.000. . I""I""r-_- _...__ WA TEE W0 It KS. --Caunumera who hare not paid tlaeh-A4-count: are remh (led that they may take advantage of the sliding oralo" and thereby sure the greatcr part of the dluounl.

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