.. Tho hpuolmo And ruplu-u lu ndnheuu to (st undo by he: lhcullency Lord home have been nlugulnrly Nlucotuun Ind remind the Onundun publiu of the hnppy - mood in which nll lulld I)ntfrIu'u public utlomnou wore conceived And dollvorod. Notably the npoooh in response In the (uni of his health by I.|| Mnnquln at the ruooul Torouh) club alnmcr wu in the happiest poumblo vain, and bars A -tnln iug similarity to what. It I! may in mm gin: hit dinlnguinhod lull e-l qua-nt pra- doocuor would luv -and ululur nimilur oimunnuucoc Thu cuillciclolncu is not (In mull of I Iludiml inuilnuun, but uh Iimihr mental tompornnom. aml 0r|l.urj- cal nddreu. Lord Lotno may llnl. he Iho equal of Eur! Dutfuriu in [mint out all round nlnluy, but he in mmllgh Mm lnm iu Ihlu rupecl tn Imdm worthy uudoouor, And It In qunlu pa-ouble thn this hot Ind A gm-I dull In do III la `ionuinu his ulootiuu fur the impurum. puulion ha ha alrudy given pmmuco of filling no well. him no un -. -_., _ Chnrlutun, Sept `.23. - Tim Director: 0! the I :-Jnlenusry yelu-rnhy Iliuouuod the ternhlu rule of mnrtnlily nmong tho cnnvncln lured nut under the oontrnct uynu-In During the put your, 0! 200 men hired Iu lho Uroenwuod and Augunln |(aIIrmul_ I00 have died. Q... I... .. 1`_I Hm`: -M 'l`L.. unu namou yeueruay <- Sln Francisco, l.`nl., Sept. '.!3_(leu. Grant is having nlllle-`tit lime of it at the! Pnlucea llntul lwday. Tonight ho WI Anani lhu thuatre, n-9r which lw will be serenaded hy the smoml Brigade band. Mn-um-Ina. 'l`unn.. Sam. '.. 3.---'l'h total um rvlllluna lmlweau pluntrrn and Iluvm. 'l`ha exports uf hrundslnnfu fr--m lhll purl hut wool. were the greater than the weak before, when they were abuul lou- ble whn. they were In lhlrd week in Au- gust. Among the oxpnru were l()9,('6T barreln of flour; '."4`.:0,u::'.e bushel: I when, 977,846 buahehs of earn; 70 {ill} bunhaluul rye, and 4,4H'.!,2t'l round: ul uil cue. Jersey City, N..l.. Sept. `.3.--Abrauu Hl'nwc|', mrponter, l'usmc Guy, intoxi- cured on Saturday night, qunrrellod with II friend, Juhu (hrard, hntchnr, wha- wmhed tu aunt him hum-` He throw us lhrvu pound Blulltl at (limrd. ll. ntruck Juhu Kinu. aged lwunty, in the temple \. and harliml yeatenlay - Sln Frnlmunmn (`Al Sam '13 - Han, Anluo To-Du.--Now Yovy (lauds, nu-nhnu nl nal Ilnio `gin HI:-ugh '13.- I nunlgruldon of sl.-dim Laborer lirpor In of l!road0l1l'l'- Manslaughter -- Grant : lt'rcepNon-I"ewr BO- man, (I`rr Ilnn.uulnI uni-D \\'uhingu in, Sept. `.".3.-Tho Unihtl Hutu count] it lhollul, lrolnnd, in I dupatrh to the Dcpnrlniont. ul Sula, conrm: Hm rep.-ru "I author o--mulu -1! Nu alarming deciency 0' amp; iu the l'mtouI Kingdom. When Ihe grunt fl- lnilll oocurrvd in I545, the crap: 0! lng~ Isnd sud b`ou-tlund new (air Vary Jil- lurenl. in the cue umv. Diunlrunn re- ru mine from the moat celebrnlod of E ugIAnd'n ngucullunl cuulliu. In the first week ol Boplaunbat, when the tickle, tho Icylhu And the renpor are munlly in active Jpdfllinll, grain is badly oulorod. Not only the palm! crop in daciont, but the Alumni equally iuiporunt rook, tur- ' nipq, otc., are lhll your A luluro. Hullun, Supt. `..".!. --ThO trial of Dr. Daniel F. Kimball and Cnrulino C. Uod ouch, prillclplel In tho Jennie P. (Burke Iborlion mm. more funilnrly known at the Lynn Trunk 'l`rngody," wu begun in the Superior Criminnl Court. in thin oiiy. A number of Ivitnenlu toltiod to lindinq I8 body, the non hning boon cm utf and tho bgdy deublad up, while other: touutied in identifying .it. The meal innportnnt witness: In Him Fur- nyth, tho nurse who nnendod Jannio in her In! illneu. It In to the ouct. thnt, nhe kept a houue lurpcuntinemont of am men; tint on Feb. l'. h n womnn cams tn her home and. died on Febnunry 25th. that one did nut lnmw M. the time that an uporuiun had been performed on her until Mn. Huderich Admitted lhnl Dr. llutfllnll. New Yurk, Supt. '.. 3.-Jl'||u 'I'rIbuna say: two or threo Inumnhcluren, awning lnrgn nilk and Inca mills, Inlenddu bring to this cumlllry three: hundred Swiu war vars, uklllnd workmen 1:: line lace Ind delicate fabrics, who du wt-rk In their own huunan. N..." V... u_.... -m L`... n... um mnvnmom. m uumn lllxlfn, or wmcn I large Amount has been purchued In the In! two week: The importer: nt- lribnta the prennnt alcilmnen! In Out: I v tho relations between plnultrrn and Haven.- oxnnrta uperuiun nnu Deon poriormoa nor Kiuihnll came and inquired hmy thin girl in: and and, `If the dull. aha iniinl be buried quickly," that the girl died in her pruaosiicunnil ilmt. Ibo ntrniuhtenod out. her liinlmnml that Dr. Kimball puoliod the body in A trunk mid took it Mvny, and mid that he mulilziletl the body to praveulrecogiiiuun The iiurle denied that uliehnd uiylhiiig to ilu with than llutflliill. NA-t \ ..-l: |.`....i -V! 'I`|... I'..I.un. nuunan. New York, Sept. `JIL- tiluo in two years there i movement in Cuban an; ...n n... s... |KV`$I!ItiIIIIIUIIUIvIIIlIIIq. :- out lotion! Policy. vital. in It ro- nunhud, no bunny 3-uuuood u. `A- ...._.n. L- __.A.__ .`_.....J.-l- IIIE |I>_['__v`iL-I. ' AI_I3[_t:Au. ooo T ouescc. '.!.`L-l"ur the tiru are in n Ipeculnuve I of which nilmnant In Culm I ol paint: on only Ira, cal an-bluhbln Itulllluumwholh Dyna Just. now. in tho dluuuoo nlnhn n nuutobouodontr-can out uo`o'IavuInIudo lunar Dim I lhh lava and can lie] _ pout nnluouuouuuupugp. JI|:-O.|"9- In mumps mu nuoa mo Pop. lot prov! Innruouum, which 80 Pupo In-union In [in The thnuonoul nluul .4 llu ucnnoma Ian Nibop to tho alon-outcry gchoul unch- CI. who roam their pool: nndu an new nyoumlu an hr lad to Ibo rougnauon ol only Ill) out o! a Inn! at anon thousand In hundred. w-II ulnuuul I rnvrvuuu-I. A not-nnpoodnu at Bath: think: llu npnuhm and ruin Ihmsu unpqnn ghoul the oogupuion ol Bank And lludgonio hon oontrilwbd In 1 h` h pen to bring about an M... ..l :5. l_sg_4. .1 IL. -|..I. u an -Iunu an -v-uuvr-I. Brunch, 80 0. I3. - It in out-d um. tho liolgiun hrnnulcrul Furugu Aun hu gone lo Roam, Iucugnilu, I. vim mo Vntioln roupocluug the Belgian olorny Uudlnl Nina, Papal Hoorotuy ullkalo, lndlnuto modotuion, but up Jaun- nn pull union to an nu-um. `I'M Hallini ilhmn luv: mind lhn London, Supt. '.5I|.- The Intact nor from 3!. Potonburq ll-AIOI lint the Oour phyuounl ban urpmly rommmnndnd the lnpnu to stump! to rocruil has health III Sudan. II` jluwu In-In aqua:-u. Jun: 95 not, In any at. [man Canada luu_ _L..-.,.,,lK` gains Ih nihn._IhAnnnn- I no menu; um-ng mo nngmn lroopl II strongly Against tho grunting ul cummin- Ilonu of NI] kind which ny probably bu domnudod hy the Amour. lulu -an-nu . I-Iualulv. L4-m.h-n, Sept. 23.--A daapatch from Slmla ataloa that a apaual uuaaaun [rum lha Amour ll now on ila way to tha In- dia Ir.-nuar, to uni an nnlaruaw Inch Viceroy Lytlun Thu ubjbcl ol lhu maatmg ll behaved to he to mduca tha [altar tn abandon (ha advanca nn Ca but. In MOI ul lha duulna eulorlalnod u! the nluuefa Iuyally tn the Hnuah, lhia min:-mu Ia viewod with dnlrual, and tho upllllull npunly ulprcllod by the cum Innudora ul (ha Enuluh lurcna can only In unplanned upon the theory lhal Ya- lmob Khan in In Ioclnt. laaguo with Run- ala. and la lhua necking In gain time. Thu Iniaan--u haa already arnvod at Ali Khayl, an mule to tho taunt haadquartara M tha Vnoaroy. N halaaling tha Englilh troopa alrnnulv auainat lha urnnlinu nl cmnmia. Inn n-n-nun. I\ul|ll` I. lmlhlull, Sept. '.!li`.-A delpnluh [rum VIOIIIII nay: the conference between Humu-cl and Amlruay hu ruultml in on Igrocmonl that lhe Herunn Ind Aun- lrinn mtarenu m I pending Eurnpun question Ara Idonucnl, and the couduiuu ol Europe II won :1 II lane no doubt dull the two Empnru II no nblo tn :1 sort lholr union-an III peace. CIIIIIUTHIICU Ul dmuy nu null question ml is I IDC8 II ULII quanuon nl wru.u~u nr nnwnuen am- nnca uuumtonal, became the cunierouce rually rnulla-d m the anal ing ul preceding Imguunlmlm. An agreement hu hes-n nmdv that Hornuny, Aunlriu llld llungnry Ahlll rmly nu]. pm! each ulhvr Ill a-very Maul. Alnlruny wu nulhurnu-cl by the Emperur Lu dc.- clnrnuhu begnunlng oi the cunferonce the Iullmgnan ut um Eunpurur L) cnncludo I defensive alliance. limnurcln, Ill nu interns: vnlh Hm Emperor, Mnled that Emperor WIIII-un hml uulhnrl/ml him In make A similar uleclnrnuun. mmur-nu, map: :3 New Yurk, has haul: Mlnnuuruf the uni Iuccoed Mr. Angus. ._4r _ Acw (fomleu-u=1l for `(he ' lmnduu, Sept. `.311 It Vienna nyn ll Ls u c-onloreuce betw..~| I .I-u...-u .. ....n.. v . IIGUTI. rlllllll` |||)IlII|>|I III HIFUHK flgllll the Auumr fur pram-ting the lives uf thomambers uf Ilm |'Iu:|maay Ha ham fnrfeutud lurevar than-spec! uf Inn nnh jcln `I V! l "'I'IlnIu-U nun. ., Bonn Supt. `..".. . Tho Bay ol Quinta Y I Club : reglua cum 0! to day at B1; B0}, Mun-up Paint. The following were ll;-9 u-um: in ma second clul Gracie, Knlhloen, Sylvii and Knlio Guy ol llellanlle, Judge Jullell. of Piotun; Surpriu, uf Trauma. Emunfund Um, of Kingston. 'l'lu- run In cloud Ilu-ouglllxut. belwueu llm Klllu (lrny. Kathleen, Surprum nml I'Iuun|. Thu Kathleen Inn llral In--ue\`. slut), and tho IIIYCP cup, prasu-nlrul by tho Colllllloduru of mo tin-1, nud the clumown u: of the Bay of Qumlo. the limits tiny look Ioound mnnuy, $70, the Emun, of Kinnllou, third mum-y, 840, the Snrprno fourth. 820. In dun Ilunl L`lann- tlm lnlluwum Iuchla _.: Tho Toronto 'l`clo.pam Iulutlnl us that the hull ol buninou mgnny ruoumlu lhmughuul tho l`:-Haul Sula ' ' ` only thy Add. to nu: rocunl wf tho sign: ol iupmvomont I'm|uJIlp|u| In Illlp In; nnginoon, Inochuma and union hon England, ah. , lo. " Thu pnrlgruph wot 00000 Inundod to char up the oilt ng spirits ul tho Cnnndum who un- Iondodng why ugm" pr-duly nimnlnr to the above, dbthnedy prmmud n you ._ A_._...._-I_ -....._. in (`.....l. .m- A Cnlculln denpatulu says the l.'uveru- mum. In not mvmied regnrdmg LhoAmvor'n nnmlIIcl.. The Amee-r hnu caused Hm :1- vuuun of tho 1`:-NIIIHIII IN` uf the mull I'uhlu*-rpluinn In nlrung .'|gnlm-It fnrfnntud lurevnr Hmresnmnt Inn nnh The .\'ou' Jluuum'r of I 4:] /Ilunln-ul. unrloa \\l(l6_.`\I'II|nr', mu-us, nuu um Anuatlc, of t'9;'lr, [Mlle 1-`hunt, -I Sumo MINI, um-J .\|y-nary, pf Kuug sum. The men was v-ly a~lclUll| and close. Thb Myq_t_,9ry, -1 Kingston, wnn lint ha, 360 and u Nhvl cup. the Wnla Al 0, ol lhsllorIl'.- n-mud, $20. Thu Victor and "Il|I'\l~` urn) IIIII ill [hi an--4... .. `I! .u....- .., A ulngpnlch [rum Alluhnhml any: the Mungulu wnylnid n n-lurmng Hrnuuh con vuy, fmr miles asst:-f Nhutnrgnrdnn, and run on Mllh fully-!e\'uII mule: after lull- inx the guard: and alxteon Inuletoen. munn. nu. ln the Ihurd Chum the l--llm slnrtod .ld6_.`\IlII|u-', Mn! A....-n. .3 n..n .. r... ILUII. Int! 5 Pnml. n.- nun. The Icmui-,6r Kfquvoa, 115}:-a In He:-and Clam ute--Jlynlory, Mn! In um: aaq llace. Inn. u-.--. uvvsvlunn u.-L... -. Lnlnlnn, Sap! `.."_` ~'l'ho lhronturu nf the Urea! Western Nulwuy uf Uaundn hqvuuuad n npocul rupurt nll lhe pr. ponl for fuliun wllh thus Urinal Trunk Rniluuy, which will Lu r~:.`~'wH.-4| at Hm mootmg ufllus aha: I` 1.1.: : -_Hm `Jud ..f Uowbur The rnpm. .n m. 3 u. .1 [ha p--Ir oy of the Grant \\'mlo-rn Ian Alwuyl been poncalul, Ind Hm! of the Hralld 'l'nmk aggranlia. Thu nu!-ihty uf ha (Iron Wuuern Cumpully [.0 pay an ldeualn In at trihutod In H1 pmmi.-m.-ut cumpumiuu of they Urnuul 'l'rnuk rum]. The Director: M the (heat \\'oIlr|| Uuuupuly illlll on the divmon of all colupetiliw trnliic, and maintain that Sn` Hunry Tylc-ti unmlgr mnliun nrulmanln are Illmml. an no much ununuun (mu mr nunry um: I amalga- muiun proposals Illugnl, nrruugeluonl wuuld bu hi:--lung wllhuul Hus uncuun1-lIhu(`rum-lmn Imgmlnturu. The Grant \\'eaIern Company In vnllmg tn enter um any urrnngemunl which will put nneud tn the cunlpvtlllun, but not on Um (emu prnpnled by Sir Henry Tyler ' \ l'(ll l'tl |`AN|.~. run: anu ms nu xlinglun has culnp lnrencol hr-lwull w v--u j----a.-v`p w-an----v-J OIOAIIIT 0' II . IAI\ UCATIIIDIAI. Ila Union! In LIOIIOIS ll IEOIIC :4 5b DIIUOCI. Wllolallvll STIIIT. up ptuho lab! lulu-I.` Tuna Inouun. Full pudnuhn-as hgngvn at up- pll-Ilol b J. L nnlhuculnm. The Mnrqum of 1 `urn nml hm Imnr -u-_ Newu from A (`runs the Uretm. _...__._.-_...___ L \ IEl.EV|,LE_ IIEGITTI. SPECIAL QESPITCH. VERY _LnsI. ..L__ (p.`. Ibnniuiou 11....) .:II- 9-..; 041 `PL. union tn mo nu-Ono. Tn inhupn Dun aid the uncln mnlmouunm which uBL_e_iaAms. "[lV[\|UW I'll plvt.-ly llnprllm | Huszlnuld nml I '3s'nl|nbury'u \'ll lVf\|uW HI: M Al the coming race It Clmutnuqrtn ir Ior I put and nut lur ulnlmn uuthinp will he forieitod by oilhor it the conler luau nhould he fnil In In Ill lnonlth to come to time. Neither is It likely tluu than ull be nuy_`lnl|s over` the course In unit: to claim tho money by one ul tho onnmou in the nbuuco u! the other. Tho "llup Bitun Mnnulwlunug Cm? puny," which olon tho purne, would hard I] pl C5,!!!) worth of ulvorliuug out an their Ipoculnlinn |.I|l0II bull] man were on hind ind an exciting mcu nsnlly an _._..I It I- _-5..-lI.. ....-.....-l AI...-u -ROI. Mr. mmlnsrn, -1 | ummnnlo-I Uanarnl K 1-f Montreal, ha` H'In`q` 'l`o-In 1/. .\lr. Sunlhsrn, < .. In.` `:-an-r \ curreapunuem lnenwtnml lhnt the mm-k and An ...~.Im`l.ol`]. The unwritten n|li- In] n-rreapundeut (mud lhll the ` the lhmlu } mg ynchla B | \'llIl In M \\'n-|- ml the duf- u.'.. . In CM! ghoodu. pd Israel the . . NI hnlhhuvna h:!Iouuv\lhvuoIIn|Io`llp0on- E` 'a& nuladamau hr pupal Coolqo ol omn Un. Undo: no Ilroouou at tho lav. when 011. uu IIIIDII III in unuuug uuuu am... `In IIOd. It in virtually upumul than with either onnlnon whothor tu gu tn Chan tauqun or to luvo it Alone. HI cuur;o. both being wall the pun: in muunlicuul onouuh to onunro the race, but we doubt whqthnr [hnlun would ml: hirmt ro- putatlon in I contact upon which the actual hio health would tend: It un- Iuu for him to outer Courtney, tun, la, npott uya, far from being well, and would gladly, no doubt, welcome I pool ponoaunt ol the ountut. It in gotlinu Into in tho uuon nut, and all ounoornod ouuld cuily onduro the tominn of sun punt Involved until tho la-gunning ul nut anon loam! both men In bsttor lorn, and tho hm: gonurnlly mun: prm puiuu lur tho otrunlo. _....co9 -. 4- _... Toronto Flour Store. `at. uounusos. Strum: of Gold croulng the F lnnuo to buy 3LLc of OTTAWA OTTAWA. L shun : London Ale and Hloul. f%l+`L()URl ]JAs. c1uwro1u>,| 'l.`I+]A S, TEA S. FOB FINE TEAS. WITH GREAT STRENGTH and PIN! I'LL- VOUR, OBOP 1879, 00 1'0 ATHLETICS 9?. KINGSTON. FOR THE IIHANPIUNHHII l`U| . UN Hl.lPPlCK.*l `I'M Ilnderwlll bu am wlnlod on In-nnnnz lhom ll 3-11 A Mann ur the Bumul Wum (mi-xo Supt. `.'.lrd_ I87. Tho curry plight 5n whioh u" Francis inch no: funds huuool! and tho cqunlly 1 non] plight Into which In sum: to haul 1 brought the nllnin ol the Consolidated 1 Buck, Dust [in llwu Tories 'pA uu' Ibo can out ready to non by lum u I 1 haven born Iinuaoior. and u. theroforu, luouupsnhly nuporior u Fmnuco Minin- lu U.-Hit Riclurd Cntwllgl The In- loroneo 0! an uuwplniuuontonl publnc null in {Int A Dun uhu cnnnul. pr--pally mango the olun ul A uuglo Hunk nu ulully unt to Inunpulnto the far mun uulooul and wtrlcug tiguucikl nnirs ol tho wuntq. Sir itiahurd Uuulwrnght In Ieoluod of all um I nudncuy And vumy for pnnutuing to deny the super ority ol Sat Frnmm Huuckn, hut. r.-cunt donlupulonu go In show :5 n tinancmr, BI: l|'|-moi: III In short ul what hit 1`--cy udum-urn ulcmnol him to ha, and balm all M uvot 8:: Richard Cu-uvrighl` will In pmvuu Lu ho iufuululy his lupiot in capacity fur tiuunce. .._.-__- .-{.9 , _ Lncnossg MATcH.! WEIDN IENIMY, SII"I"ll 23rd. Mnnlnd,'SepL '.'.|. Flour-I'coipu 3,81!) bill; in ocu- quouco rf Mlnnsl [mm the veil t mu - ht in ucmod Ind vnlunl have ndunood from I0 I0 lb per hbl All rnund; nlu-'1l) Iupvrn-r_ ulrn M 5,5"; Ill! do At 5,50; [GI upnmg (`INA at .'n,.'$7. I00 choice do at 5,60. 1300 Unt.'u|u l-Ago 2.435; the qIo~ htimu (or (Inn dny no u follows: Sn;-rrmr run (mu) _m 5,60; sun nu- porhue 5,40 In 0,00. fnncy, uunn in mu Incl; sprung cur: IIII ground. 5,37} In M. 5,50; superne. .':,|0 to 5.25; Itrung b:|u9rI' 5,50 to 5.7;"); ne 4.45 to 4.60," Inhldlmgn 3.75 cu ;5,`J0, pollnrdl 3.13.": 4.; 3.40, Uutarm lungs 13,1`-Um '.!,tk'b; cny bug: dolivgr0d~2.7'8` to 0,0. UtlI:oA|-0ntI- riu 4.0510450. Rye 62. . ()ntI-I-oceipu 0.000 bush`; now At. 31 to 3`) to unite. Pnu-rocn-ipln 2,300; cargoes 7. ) to 71': m nluru 7:}. Corn meal 'l.c'I(). Corn l'o&I-recn-Ipll 2.60.); 1:) lo nu; III -tn-no 71!. 2.50. racoipu U(),0l\0 bush, 48 to -(`J in bond. Uaumdn Ihsl-~rece|pl1 lH4i,7l lmlhv-Ir. uprmg about L00 01.03; ted winter l,l`.` in l.l`. . Muller -Western At II In I4. Iir.-dfvllle Ind Murrinburg Ill I0 I11`. Eutornl Tuwmlupu If: to 18; crouuurwn :90 1.. '3'. Ghana H 14191.net`. I-1 uulu-` UJKK} A`I| I `UH `V Inull I No `J \\'nlwnnkee sprung ` whueatnle at LIT (`urn I400 We-alaru at :30, high Hutu higher, nun II. 113 lay Mendy; Inlet onlinnr H0 Unrmmnl, bnllud. I ..| In mx ...... ...... M.|I 6. I nrk , an un fr:-xghte Flm York `.35; In lflgllla I'lmIr Lu nunlull, .30, In nu \'-rlt `._ ."` tn AHmuy_ '.. Ib_ (lruin In It. hm ".30, to New Yuri If; to Alliuny I`. per IOU Ihn, Mu|| load In New Yuri II Albany I0 per ltlolba. --A coo - --- (}( ) L I). um1~i i$' A(:EN'l` I-`(DR 871.2 irtiitg 9iirltiIi1iaw: `0rlwrnlI'ri|1('oIu\ and We-Hm {on I. (in pain of new IINWUK MI) The nder WI bu amtnhlv ro j IIWnId Iomll II|ldOaIId all 5 nuwuooo hnunh and told _ AT CIIEAI JACKI nununry In quill"! than on man I Innh nu puhllr Aha ulna! lhl Inn am-and um on-rxmunl I gouunnnn t .........u-m In mu-In mn I-only In trill, I dl mo our: -harp: P )1 -Au owning ohnlln gs-than nu guuulmu he holououd for tho km 0! young man vhblu In -uullfy tho-o-Inn lot a l?onnoI'v'oIl Into, Nana burn shun. Jull HILLS. RI. I....n.- Innl In In lI7!|, )AllTlIi.N uh-mum .1` umumng luv, `In-I nr TINI (flan vmm. IQ: nfqjpltlcalllm u Puhlw rhoul 'I'- u-hon II" pk-no loll lotion Ilml I qua pr-rg-Ar:-41 in tact all thobrnbu I puhllr lhqtl hp ulna-we I 5 omn;-an-M ruck |4.n:.|dn-(:51; In In! it Ike `rv-vw arson Lunac- In! `N ha almmally nmlliood g [hug unruly 0 haul pun pot QIUIOI had for .11 um 1-homo: KINGSTON comnncm. Aoaozuv. (gum: David, BRO_IEJRo. city Fish Market, vuaunuv. Luau-n luau m Chnptonomp Cup on Cnoht l`IoId-.J p.-. Oysters: `Oysters Golden Lion Grocery} w n M(-RAE&00. . not lying` A`! I In-:t'l2l\I 'IHlr.\\ A (`H1 HI" :~'I'l4`I-JI) >\l..\1H vvinu mngupn Anus an IIVI. Golden Lion Grocery W B McRAE a 00. ISPICED SALMON. Goiden Lion Grocery W. R. MCRAE & 00. sum cum MEATS/. We Offer for Sale the Following Standard Wines, Dixect Importa- Lions ' )~sIArHJA'Iau wTMs."J ilinlnn cfufnl.` Mini: lnlrlcs lecelved um landli- tie tub September. House and Loni Jul: Input. lop! N! h. '37" [AUCTION SALE] 1 .VIO\Il.|\ . '.'!HlI h`El'l`Ii\IItEIl. U " ' ' RV llu- Quart or Cu. Fr:-Ab n ma ulunnbl and tom .-_-- n....-..- |.-ulI -on-Q 1 I. Iull~-1-ml--I ' xu-||_\` In I'. Ml7'l'I III-t) '. Am-hum `MCI, lup-u. CHILI` JACK nun -Imlv f A IIA l`|"l|l.ll, `_..:._-.__.`)_ --.. _ __. wusoav 3 `Iixi1i(}, "s"|cn'~rf -Az:{' ` mm) Kfbuub. DICE l.UT x 'F'|`-:c.`lmIL - I an. n. w [lunacy an. no`-1"...` E U-O-tn- `IIJAIIII IALI of axon Apph `rm. - uonnp not was 1': OIL`-0 pr l(I.o; and CIa'uu.+nu Q7 Mwm ohm. mcon.._ Ladies Coats and Ulsters. WIIGUIQ ll pvt; nu--I I: unit In: In Ilul mm! Il"`I||Q It-wnr soul at V9" nadruln yum-u, low. I'M , II ! {. ._,, . ovarthfovorena. IRES}! DAILY. AT 'IH|C IMZAAM. onawroioiucun. \'IEI(\' FINE, AT THIC HA7.\Al( Hos In-IA] nodnd from |4mlon_ Eng , mg ' 11 l'Ul'l'l ` wnn nun pululr ..... Ihnrl Innvnru In (`no nnnm -u `No-p on. hnnglng lhn um! In Mnur Wnllnn I4 ('uI|o~`l`_ will In H-Iu.~cIN| Ho-In nd ll`), LADIES 1 Wellington Street, !c. w. ANDREWS. tunwu, '.`nv l`ov.;ntu.-Iou!u unsung at I p n. nolonc noun ol lingual luh lot nodal built ll z pm. at Alo Amul- Dun lnlurnntbnro um lnluuln an be lo ! :1 Van In: llnn-nu \\'| 1-; ."|Kl`F` mnl . Io mu, I -___ `-._ *9" ". 10!. Mason and TI I-1!~`IM\'. 1-ml-"r. -um: and zuuh. log-| nu, II n. OATARA QUI DRIVING PARK fknucsrou nncss. I`.'\4-uvlhingm ha line MM:-r||| for In!` an-HBUN LUMBER YARD. KINGSTON. : `APPLE may I _.._j..... 999 - . Allll nmmou rniiafito. l.U'l` 2-. -0 Puma Uniun Re-rgnn In all lhn fulhlonulnle ohldal II. Iii Couls per \'au`d. gull Iurlh :n(`onII . Au Iulpoa-Imu II Htrmlly nun prin- I LUI (`.u|urm| Kululmnmwu1'-Inuunm M. '2. (Tannin per Ynnl no Kraut llugun ANNUAL EXHIBITION Muiuuu csunm ma DO0R._ l Isl, 33ml and 3rd 0l`.l'0lIl*}ll. y DRESSXVGO-O03 I.l| I-r ,-u-- I: luv! Hun. `.'lml_ Ia.'I v- III: u-v uu--u -vII Inuuu-I hand and uoolmna an %R.&.J.(}A,Rl)lNl4]R New `."JnIL Umnlusr H! mm M [ho (`n Kmgaton. He-pt ilrd, Hi?" (`heap Line: In Black 4 menu - ' Prinoou Strut. |\'|n,muu,~ biapt. `..". nd, 3710. 'l"".Y UIl0'N RVTN|F'.\'IiR U130 I llI |'\' Illh tun nulnln lnll rut van POSTPONEMENTJ. M I`. I uIII|I'Il 0| ll` lulu punlpt-til-ul ulnv, nib Uoh Hm!` nl-` QUEIEN .NI'lH',F.T ...`.! ?.`."" -"i':""" . kl.-'.'u;.ryn Ithuln. Tj $8,000 IN PRIZES wiujtisf Association STRAYED. I|--`II Pm-M Ru;-h `l|| M'I1`WI!`l|l ull w Ilmdroulll 1! (mun. well warm 2.: .oIPAnrM;u'r. Lo'I'- Iulluiuhg (.`nloM.uurI Haw Ilyloo for `Vhh pulnln I Any ha um: In Hnmr R M. nout lingual Hluh 3 pl. Anglo '"s'AsH, OI lI'l.Il any `has. ' II Lvnnohn ute-, BEES II08., TA I L011, us `I'M:-I. un than Mun Im moon. lfnunaul. 0| I Cohnqnl. 0-I Iuauun. Inn on no pun anlluldoul cl no pnuipl Hun-nhunnnotdown. n abundant. in pontoon I" Ah. 0 upootuud lo! Iupduuo db-in .50! than Iuuodotpcul tn-In an an Ian on! uninnd du- Ti, It I-our-U] `I-II-I-vvu I tin iundub pnupmy. phill bu- duau-hl such; has United sung, an pwub that d Quit. III inovkablo up old tlluulllllyloupxodu ducti- layout!-Oonhhthsanuum L..JA|annJ"h-(LI nnlnnanhl inns in (Inc) about. -T50 In who Omlouourocl In lurce Ib way into 050 gudounl` llm pulmo ol 0.0 8.30` TOPIC , uh Wonhwully. and nodal umo oolthorp, III unha- quouy sholby the Niulu. Has an n Rounuhn. Adonand lot um am under 0! the -In : hnthor bu boon to l.....l L. ln IL.n-A-Inn nnnnnnnnlnlin voodoo ol Ila nun mount an new land by tho lhmnuhn Iopn-onutivv. -lkuu In would In usblod tb- I---4-gl-' ILA nulthbh Anal -iJIn|uI In-ago-uuug. but sun :- tnnlu at up Ian: at 037:;- uuuuyun Iv-U. `--- ---, lion ol ooni to live In Cnuulu -(hnrd on!" guy: that uul you 100.000, ll not non, nwrou vull Inu- nu (run the South to the North and col. H0 in npplleulinn fut Iabonrotl Iron `ll Wcua-a Rum, and ouuld nd Iona: lur I).(ll). ` -'l'h olohl oorcnuv 0! Daniel Dru`: inch rand through sh Bureau ol Vunl But an on Hulmhy, Tho annual dtllh III olnbnl upupluy. The use (ton the that stuck tn the fatal (Imp uhnlu. _.'l`La man that nmlnvouucl lnrnou M Ito IHIIUI III`-I -mlnnu couch: to tonal Ildrgniu. than no uoullal; ulna man My in some A-4... In -ha-but And mun... an copper 0:: -A dupuoh lrmn Path an tho --oroln qynqoguo uh S:-olnuk, nou- Iunomn, unto way an Saturday, oamu touuraondmg. Enghlun uumou worn Inllod and night um:-mly unjurod --lt inntalod lhnl M Say, a wullhy Ftopch ullunu, sud lunar ul lhc Frinoh Inlotor ol Finance, In about to "wing the Douglas pr--party, nu than upon local. Quoho-, -uh Iho mun coming ._l]--.n.l _nn-nu an ill IIIII VIII fflllllll Inhol. The rupo n um won. --'l`ho rooonl old dnouveriu Iu Q-nun`: County, N. ., have hul tn uu-ch lot on in Ill put: ul that county, mun in` in th duooury of both irun And 0|`. dumloh ' I But how here the lmpired expectations of the country been reelizmll What think the people now of the wizard em] hie wend that were, by e beck, tn n-st-yre not only general but inuneulieta prueperi ty I 'l'here can be no reuuunblu doubt for one moment that were the mention nuw reeubtnitted to the polle the ohenoen would be eagerly embreoed to vote the whole thing e bereferoed deception and e euere. For eimply thin it he proved to he; no more, no leu. From the west end the out the feet: combine tn pronounce it eneh. AI might beexpecteil the Mari ti-ue Prounoee, whoee lent full. with the common some eweption ul New Brunewiok, went in its levur uow everywhere cry out egeinet it Inil denounce thoee who eeduced them into eupporting it for obtain- ing power under the most diehuueet uf lelee pretenoee Their eteple imluetry down by the ue--hip building--hu melted end wnted down next to nothing under the bliuhtiug inuence ol the Netlnuel Policy; preoieely in bed been ell too veTnly luretold by the Lll)0l'Il preee Aged perty (ruin one end of the oountry to the other. What boot: it it eouperetive pmeperity ehunld even yet greduelly return l It would do no in eym pethy with in revivel In other nations, and in abealieuce to the opuretiun of tha- lewe of trule. Enough, however, hee elreedy trenepired to letelly the empty pmmieee end tb refute the innncere pm dictiuiuol the Tory leedere, whn it in mm more evlalent then ever plied thie pleu- eible but utterly hollow huinbng to (ur- ther their own perennel ende end to mm- paee the reohleee purpueee ul their petty embition. vnte O plenum. -Uuilod Empire Club builds In the amount of .500 now I-Hand for ulo by luctlull at Ibo and on Saturday, and told to Mr. P. U. UIOOO II 200. on the dolln. --A Rouo dupalch up it in repurlrd lhnl nogouuliunn IINI Ucnmny luv nb ruplly terminated. Tho Fnlk luu will rt-main inuot. The Pupo In nut well. Tn- _..n| m.hl dnnuvarinn In Iljj IIIIIJ 3' but wI-I- oliotuqthndpvw-ltbonljohhg nib-" Wohvonnoudtnnlydhd n... . -..._n-Ai_... ..l on. l..L-`. .._.. I.-, ' -lBy Ivuu, GU "V1-lav]-v oil, and for auto tioo tboroahot. IQ! hind in in proiao. Vorlly tho ooooo in changod. A_ your ago, by dint of opoclolll argluoiit and audaatoua miaroprooontr tiou, tlioloadorl of tho Tory pa.'ty hail continued a Inojodty of` tho poop`-o 0' Canada that thou might ho aomothiug in it, and that. at any nth, aa trodo and in- diutry woroin ouch oorry plight, it might ho woll to gin tha noatnun a trial. There to not aolladow u! a doubt that thousand: of olootoro ol Liboral hiaa-o"r noiitral tint, voted for it M an upci inimt which migl-t pooaibly, and in aonio unloroooon and totally inupliooblo Iiannor, work out a way of aocapo for tho otraitonod peopl-9 from that ahoro ul tho gonoral d.pf0OIltIlI which had lallon to tho lot at Canada. Sir Itioliard Cartwright domomtratod to thjpouplo ol Woatorn Ontario ahortly alter tho gnnoral olootion that to the awinginu our to tho Tory aida ii! a cuinparativuly auall minority of praviuualy Liberal ur noutral voton tho victory of tho Nauun al Policy party waa entirnly due. Sn proud llun Mr. Blake in St. LlWIl'eII(`u Hall, Toronto, durinq tho lncal caiupaigu tor tho Luoal Louialatnro. It in small wondar, than, that tho vitally nncenury low thouaauda of olaotora in Canada for thio purpoao could ho inn-ighod (by cow ahlly and nntruthful charges againut tho ininiatry in! the day, and by dialiunoul and lllllrullllilti proiniaea an to wluil ahould ouruly come to pan were lihellen only raoturod to power) into liipea ul the policy which waa patoutod to make every body rich at ovurybody elau'a oxpiinao And au tho hugo fraud, Ill mrh, I|lcCl!k9tl- odovoii far and beyond it: wily prulllnl on` rm-at aanguiiio aiitioipatinna. A: ll fraud with which to daludo this elector: ll. curtainly wurkod like a charm, and lean nothing to bo diioirod by than who pull- od tho protootiouiat wire for party pur- -....- s . The Allan Hills, Oungo, N.Y., unu- od by John Dunn, wan bun-nod on Sal- unlly; Ion l0_0(X). .,.'l`Im umrlu lor tho Nun Scott: or Did spun pa-nu '0 oouhl quota col- unu ol prool that the nut vnntod Nnuonglrouq In mu.-gcuiq unor- non quantity ol dinonnuut III dingul. non upon; -any who, I` itIuIl|o|5@- -4| .-ul Inn .4..- al_. Ixnni jl urdly; Ion wu_uuu. -~'l'lw entries [or hibllion closed ou suunhy About 3,011! Artlolu no oulorml fur cumpeu nun Non. ~The Colonial (lovorumonl ul South Africa have couuntod to loop Uoteuuyu 5 Sula prisoner pending the Queen : plenum. -Um'hd Eumire inns aim muons mum NEWS 0}` THE BAY IIO Wll Illlll 550 an anchor: and -idlum . K.-.-I ILA: `nah: (In. an jn WU IIVU -Iuuuuuuuquq -nuuu IIII I Qhlnlhu cal 88: Julia am: lol- _..x. aha: [noun nl Eh Anlhnll-n IuI'u.-A In-up au- lddl tho hula Bria gl--Lhn-an.`-gang I00, DUI X53 X70 I11`! III|II' mm: aloobnno Iuunuquu gnhauuluhunuthnpluulc u.-dung:-Ihntlllt. -- ~ 4} -4 Wont. Dunn-Adrian tron Baotou um Ibo haul nah! In any nun fur lunatic Ital. 5 till has has 1.4444] an-nnl I11`-nu. h m-n IIIU Vuuv -$lUI S III Zuvv huhovon Dunno doouodupuuuuunq. nunnun-o lpI'I|MiVO oaquiry. putlulnrly lot Ill coo-lg. but take have but Al-ml autu- .1-In Ln Annangmhn Kain nmnn Nov York, lorhon gun Ion In pum- ly u the wild, the non] ol, I low swol- |on lb low` Hun Ila umnl u, Ihtch up real and raw, and Iron which on: manly ooul ablinod nnorouon. Ono nah`: Ippnllon ol Ila Untnut I...ii.h A-nah unit! the hldiou non nppnnuoa ol llIlC' unmet: ludido A-only vutonl the Mdiou uunbot to conduct. Gun` Pm; null . loldbyllldtof 2:.".'.'.'."1"3` ' .'..`."':':.'.;'.? KC I`-I\IuUu In A-I u-cu--nun Isu- `mp, uIu.|uouo Ilia all-oluunu thdu@&IhhhuIunl (knu- gugh dllon Iuhth `chub- I|u'.clooopcpnluhn Ihuolnlutd .;._'.u.--chum And-nth nu Irom nnmwoo. J--hn Jonson, I Bwodo, Ill killod At the Duin section 0! the Lu-hino Onnnl by a blur [mm the box ol Ado:-riot Inioh be In lling. .__..,_-age. - _....__ 'I`|u Ynu ov 'I`lnIIu Touuu. - Hmnnll Hulou, ollautlad mod, lorhn n. .. nhaouuld. non! of 1..-on. Ilr. Tlolnl WI!` ad from Mnnltobo. I..I.. duel nut olcood V1.01. The truuooo M the Fruor lnllituu publish thin morning I statement ul tho anus lur dolny in cu`:-ying out tho with u ol the loumlor ol tho lnumutiou. Thoy no put dawn to lltipclnn and domain- mm In the noon, and {mm In AppO||'~ won: them in ma. ground lot the ouu-ry qaimt them. Them In oonnidorublo ou- niuuty to liml out the auto lur the so lion ol llou. L. HIIdvLiI thin nutter. u. n........ mam. I! L... .4...-... ca unuran. Thu wenkuou in the Bank ul Mon trul ntook ll attributed in 3 mouuro In the ruugur thnl wmo diiculty has nrlnn betwun the l)u`oc\on u! the Bunk ul Muntroul, an-I Illa London ndvllor ul tho Board, of which E. H. King in Pruni dam. It In curroully reported lbs: lho gentleman composing that oouunittu huvu taken uoopliun lo tho oouru prn~ wood by the Director: hon In new-1| to the future muuuomont 0! lb: bunk. Sovonmiuhtu ml the capital I: hold in the Dumillluu, the mud nnmbor of slun- hold by investors In the British lolu does not exceed $7,500. Tn. nun... ..l nu Ii`.-gnu l...|in.n. \r I! lrulnlulvu un-2., M--nlrul, Sept 23.--'I'ho Herald blunt: the Director: of the Comolidalod Bunk fur not having undo I Ilntouunt which appear: m the Canada omen of Snturdny, baton that tuna, 5: many poor people have uoruiood atoch u no coma uu tho dollu And Ihorubouu on reduc- od nhnran. T}... ....|...... an -1.. Run. ..l Mm. turn me manor IAI uocoaoa. Thurs II no truth in tho report that the Montreal Bunk hu an interest In I'ny|uI'| uluvntur, which III deatroya-I by lire here last night. ?. ..., mm: ulllulnarlly nr by I Jury. Tnrnntu, Sept. `.23. The case ngninat Emily ll. luwa, M. D., of Idu:inilter- ing drug: to Sunh Ann Lovell with in taut [.0 prucure nbortion, came up for hearing thin manning boforo Judge Mm` kenzne at the Seuiom of the Peace. The can urine: from In inquolt hold at Deer l'nrk on the body of Sarah Lovell at the time of her `loath, About nix weak: Ag--. Thu punt nu-rtuml examination held by Du. Plnlbrivk and Armstrong than nlmwud Lhnt. the: girl In: muenle, and Hunt. death hml been ouuled by medicine taken to procure abortion. Mr. Fnntnn lfnnnlv Om-n Anurnev. taken Lu enonion. Mr. Feutnii, (Yuunty Orown Alturney, appeared fur the proeecution end Meure. DI-Oll Mctlertey \nI.l W. Gordon Bi- luw, in liehelf of the priuuiier. The evi- tlencee gm-n iunlinv: that the girl received iiiediciiie fnmi Mu. Stowe, which she built as she prescribed. There iii I can that in to the propertiee of the prescrip- Lion, seine iii the medial men being if the npiniun that it In liernileee, while utheiii say: it could have been given for no other purpose than to produce Abortion. The Crown has hnd nunie litculty to pl'laV8 the pre Ioriptiuii given by Mn. Stowe. Coroner McConnell received the preecriptiuii lroui Mr. Mitchell, itruggiet, and line [out it. The Crown tfmiiieel contend: that he is privileged to take Iecundsry evidence In In the nlture end exinteiice of the pre- suriptiuii, but the defence object to this, end advance strong reemm in nuppurt. ul their nhjectiuii. The Court adjourned be~ lure the matter was decided. 'l`|...... .- .... A-..il. 6.. AL. -.......A nkgl I ( ouunlldalcd Bunk Slot-I. -- Weak- neu in Bank 0/ Montreal .s'Im'k- - Fraser lnnluulltm -- Perm ual. Inuv-uuguw-.-: mu y--,'-u-nu -u yd lhotlll cl Ililhd ullnn with dhldilljbdlm with patina: Ill tbwlgnllrtlolittlolhotolldoiug. ll 4... I.u.s.nl Hnluw, nll, in M an- lune latch P1-I-a_a-l"rucn!auon by the l rlucou-lJyu|u a` Corner Ulono-I'or- `nu ` " -'2'--I (Kilns, Supt. 23.-'l'Io ` n Ian at tho nnmul malu of the mini-m III- [In Ann-ciutmn, which closed yeglonlny, were diutrihutod At tho Hoouto Clumber I-y' Her K0ynI_Hi meu tho Pmwou Insane, yootordny tornoon, in the pro- unce o! a large uumhly, in which the uulnury Iunned the grgllof Iliun. HI! Emullency, tho (luvomor- ooornl, ac- cmupnulod Hot Ruyul Highnou. Tluoa o'clock in tho hour nppomwd int 150 caremouy, bu . it Ill surly lull an hour Inter bulun the Vioo~R.oan| party Arrived. The noun. (mm lhdonv Hull vu lormod .J 5|... |`nnm..- Inning ll-nuunn llnnnl prmclplour um mu no nun Innulu no plncod in danger twice fur the name uln func.-, the pnauuon having been nrrentod III Montreal on 13th September, 3nd hnd [mun hrnught. belnro the Polio: Munit- lrnlun an the seventeenth, when they wuru callml upon tn plead to thin chnrge. um] lln-y worn-naked if they vmuld be lnud summarily by jury. Tnruutn. .\`um_ `.23. The cue uuinat Tim ucnn mini muuv iuii wu iorinon uf this Pnncou Louise Drug-ton Uuud, under ouinriuud ul CnpL Stoiurt. The giiuld inf linnor conlintod M on! htllldfd inmi ol lhc Fm)`. (luimln, Uupt. Wegthen Ivy and Limit. Tuller in cmumgnd, uid the luiml The lnltur III Itntiunod nut- qidu u! the: lnllll entrnnoo. and tho gulp] Ill dnivn up in Ilia uuin hull, Iihilo the prize wiiiiiun ncciipiul 3 position in this Sonata Hull. Upun the our ot the B.-iintn (`hiirubor In I brillinnt Its!" of uicurn, aiimiiu whom Ion noticed Lt.~ (it'll. -\lI` Milwnrd Selby Smith, Lt.-Col. (M.-in-hi, |'u-nidoiito! tho Duminiun Rie A~u.riulimi_ Major Muphoruuii, Lt. Muc- Nniix|i!uu_l.t U-I. F|'lIUl',CI iv. Balfour, l.t.-(Jul Ali-Enuliaru, Capt. `i|toi., M.- uol. Beer,Li. CUIA Whiio,Lt -Col. Sium, Hurgauii Mnllucli, Capt. Diiiilavi, Capt. Lung, Mniur Wichtnd. A number of tho Untiinet Minister: won pruont. Mu Excallomy mule 3 brief Ipooch that (ha pron-iitiitiuii, III the oourw of which he rninnrlml than one of the tint public ncln perfuriiiad by`llar Rcwnl Highiiou In the pfllllllloll at imblednii uf this prizun mm by the Unnmliiui Mlrhnmii. The vi-rm-r at-um of this now Methodilt Toronto, Sept. `Z21 --In the ltidnnpping cue thn prim-norm cuunael moved In qunh llm Iudnctunnl. sgainnl. the Deal brullwrl. upon the ground that it in a principle uf Inn that nhould be nlnced in dnmmr twica fur the prize: ny um Unnnumn mnrunmn. Epnu-npnl Church will he laid by Bishop Unrnun on Thundny 'l)BXl. Sir John Mncdonahl, und Hi: Hun:-r lmmt H.-vernor Rubilnillu, will arrive (rum Quebec thin nlturnnmn on the North Shun: rum]. They come by apocinl Lnin, which ll duo ul 3.30 pm. on J. H Pom ruturnad to the cilv Hun J. in rape ruwrnoa to ma any Int night. A un-chug of the Council of Art: And Agriculture was held last night. A.lutor or two nah exhibniun for the future wan decided upon. `tho l\'a'dImpp| uq (`nae Abortion (fhurue A l'uI/cc ltummlr. ._....--oqe. Tun Ynu or Tnnllu 1'oIruu.- u_ 2...; u.-I.... nllun 911.1 .u..a cu nun: uuu -uu -u nu --y --4 i'.'.7."J Hon pus: Mr. Tlonu White, .I .. ha Mum- ul lmm Hnnllnhn. "J.Z. nnsnof-T:s,| 0l.IIAllt!' III II` unit '4 lufult nu duo u 3.10 p. m. Pope any /IIL (Par Ilunumou Lmc.) _,,I Ll._A II'I 'I`L- > (I'or`DoI-I`:oI` 14.100: ) _ u.` no, In. _.._ * monut. on_Ag "IoJ'_ifo7 THE `BRITISH WHIG, T_UES;DAX. SEl?1EMBl;`R 213., 14879. C.-IVII IIl`I-VL'."'K`U' IUIFKITI. cuublhq o! Own! Hair Non. Ulooh I`u us... an Bolton. Nichol noun, 1...- tlu Idle, and lnonbu, -18. Du-goal an: m... Now Yuck, II n. n.--`Rownll, I07 Illibl; (luyon I5-3, Hnul I43. Hut I37. nut. :21. Puma Isa, um-m m. Wolonl, Juhon IN. Kmbu I16, Iolotnoyor `I0, 1`: loc Indbnu Ihpu-0 . (now).--'l`Io can M the 5-odouou II, llnuoll I'll ullu; Uuyon I50; Haul, Ml; Hart, Ml; Ink, 123; mum, uv; Pnuhol. l3'.';Juhon, I3); Wanna, III; KI-oh III; Foulcruoyor, III; Tnylor. D. ul man. There DI wry muo Ion note. The uuubol-I oi the Local (luumuonl iuumd In hold mooungo in the division: 0! all tho lngulnuvo Ununcnllun who hnu tonhu tho supplant nu man I. obhin I Mr olpnuu-not nblno npmou. Mindy the pooplool Ibo vinluna nomad oy thou hue called upon I on Hnnrg Hum. D. In Brnvnrm. uni 0 III Iuuvv, uuuu-um, ,~u........ .. ,-. to inuomntoly appear in Cwuh. no not by thin Ulla nbuunding on aver, hum In the amntry , tho prnnmpuon And in Mode-I lnluonoo hung that [001] timu uncouublhhod in the Sula: any wall not long My bohnnd In Cumin We Iin oonly hope not, but i! tho] return in thin I II M will In ptool 0! our ountontiun elation u! ouch u roviul ul pnapuny II" ho hunt the Incu- ulolo null ul I pncrul daup- pouuoo at the doprnuuu, nud tint on unkind nuctionnry lull! huhcd uoihhguhuur made with It uoop! ponthlytoniudlbo rot-nu ol bottu nu. Tho Iulduu oltlno nbovou cupt Illl tonal Iitlouoo mourn, H not dumb] Sirloin Iudoukl. H. gcnlblho Iouuullot lnb-not IOI in Flilndulyliu lhnl tho Iona non cannot .n_-Jun IL` `4nAAAn| A-A -AnLnn|'- Ann nnuo oy moo nun onuou upon Hull. Ila-n. Hum, Do In Bmyon" uad Luiollouowr-sign Ihoir um ii any Ian any nupoot tor puhhc opinion or lot Illolnulur. ..__.. ..... . ,. T59 bmluhuoau, Howell, Lost- mg. (PW Ilmmmun Lint.) Quoboc. Supt. 23 - Snr John A. Mu- clunnld, mo-nt.~llnn-rnnr Ru!/Itnillo, Mn dnmu Kubmjlh-, Hun. J Bonrldy Rub- inoon, llun. ILU July and AJ . Cnrun. M,P., Inn. for Uuuu thin murolug by opocul trnm. (Jul. SIavonl'n.'n Field Bnllorv. nhloh Ipocm lrnlu. SIavnn'u.'n Field liquor], which Iflivcd hue by the Munhul but on Sunday, spent yuhrdny in big gun pmuc. upun the lnlund of Urloonn. Lana nmnban of nlavnduru And shin prwucu upun um Iuum ul Unouu. Large numbers of uavodoua and chip laborou urn Inning ovary day lur numb orn pa-ru, when, It in said, work In in much donnnd. A Iolognn wn rooouod born from Snnnnnh asking for {mu pugs ul There liulo Ion-I hon. Tho unnabon ul Lln Lnnnl (luvurnnnnl IulIruuu_ mu nave mm. Sun l"runcucn, CAL, Sepl. 21l.~The (.`nh!-rnun lhutre III lled tn nnruw mg lutovening at Ihe perform-ucoiu honor nl Gonornl Hunt. The boxes re- nervod !ur the General Ind party ION handsomely duped The play In mug- ulticontly put un Hm slugs-, I ad three full cumpnnivn ol the Nntiunll 1 hard: Addodtu the scenic aoat. When the party mm]: In Appunnoo the audience rou lu lhOIl' feencheering Ind applauding mn~ uuuuunly Mr. Gum. and party Iuro Iorenuled at the ht-ml by I bmd. A gmnl umubor u! the uicen of tho Nu- liunll Uunrd worn present. Hnunnlln S (` Rant `Ifl --Thirln. llull uuua present. (lrounllo, S (` , Sept. `23.-Thiry- Ihroo pm-morn has been untamed for Illncu Juulling and reuinunco to uvwuo uiaon 74" ..._ I.om-my /m (III4;u'r1 (luu Prat- uce -Slrretluren llqmrllna. any. Hroouvillo, N.L`., Sept. 23.--Adu'ceo In-an Uullcurdin are only Lu Suturdny night Up tu Lhn time more were seven mow umm, ve wlnte, two colored; and fuur donthn, thn-e white, one colored. Sumo the hat rapurl twelve hired nurse: and fuur voluntary are on duty. No more are need-I. The duo: to due gmuunt tn 21%, and the deaths to nine. New M-I'll, Sept. `.33 --'I`hb H(r_4M'u Uhlugn npecul any: tlw l roaIdenl.'I jnurnuy from Fremuul yesterday III not uccompuum-I lay any grllefl` anthmium Along the r--ute. Nu moiety organiza- mm 1! my lnml OIIIII to the honor ml the I'reIidarnt. I'hera wu nu lack of [cod Ml, but lhem mu n gnu! luck nl gum] , ununeru nnd A I-rilluunt dnplny ul l6mlh* I nan. uermmmm my line amount Imgnuu pnna. Me-In;-lus, 'l'm|p., Sept. 3.---'l'lw yellow fnver iulurmunla tn dnlu nmuunl tn ISBN The lut of sick continue: steadily Ln decruue, and the nick IN! more widely neutered. Doclnrn, except those mnpluy~ ed by lluvmnla or nurvmg an health in Ipecton, are nearly all idle. Thurs Are novernl now cuol not reported yoller dny. (lrmouvilla. N (' , Semi 2I.--Adu'cn III win, `In W --, uvuu v---- u-.._ vino-Jhnuut um pity--150 on! _.A AL-_._-A- .1 .L'nIl..I AnI|n`-- -hi.