~J?Z."ifE6BitnBs;` llllllll`? 0' II`. II|*IOA`l'IIDIM.u _ .__ .-- - --v, . . . . V. -1: hu bun ouuutod Ilnt the uchuo| children be given half 1 holiday io vinit the Mullnnd Fair. They Ibo uld [(0 in I body and be mush-llod by the teschon. -Tho R. W. Elliott," built II the Kmgulon Engine Wurlu, wu tho loon- motive which ounod the Governor Gon- onlovpt the Credit Vnlloy R. R. l-L,,L . ,,_, ,,,,,. 7-... _._._-.. -'I`ho excursion unmet `F:|gnta_' which ha been running out 0! Toronto, onllod hon yeawrdny on route for Mun- ttanl. She urriel 1,700 people. In..- nu III nu: ...u . --. -The Ikitf in which Mr. Tully an being towed to Kingston when he anal. his death by drowning arrived hero yen- tordny by Royal Mail numar. an `- - ~BI'uliIun; of Unnunuqua, chnrgod with an nunutod uuulz on one Guy on the 2nd Sept. Int, was lenloncod to one you In the Uoutrnl Prinon. _..-., `_r.`..., _, ..... .....r.-, V. u-uu---. --Tho London `Tina: -hinh the Ida of puuing I metro `in the Council Chun- bor to manure the gun uutod by the Alderman an oxoollont idea. .. A - --'l'ho Quoboo yacht `Guinean. -ant wont to-day. Sh: in evidently gm 5 Int ` uilor, judging by her duffiy of unnu` ""L.. I .....a ... -1|.-, , ..1~_u, .. , 1 '|IIv II. 1'. Q \J- l\I|n WIII loll ticket: to Kinguon during the Mud- lnd Contnl Fnir At reduced nun. -Tho Childunh Pinion Company look put in the ucoption of tho Vice- Regal party at Bollovillo. I IIIL, n up An nu I` ,,,- .. ...- .__,-._....... ~-Tho Onpa Vulcan! Eagle ha hoinlod tho Douaootuio lag. Thu`: bnd-i! tho Republican: N ! sustained. an n.-.. --. . ,. l?8A!hfnetory nhlurao (Inn. -- In this the limo Iuthor prrduclud by Vunnur I W0 B090 .0, if only I--r tho. uh ol his rapuutinn. W 'I|L_n__ In, .1: n. ` --The Wouloysn TlIo010l`" C"0l hu boon oponod with an nddiuuo of eight my ihulonu. ' --Ilr. Henry Wood Beach! lacuna at Toronto on ops. I9. -Col. lr-in will iupooa an Londod Field Battery on Woduday. -Mr. Chris Gunkln, at Pmoqu, in lling the unity tho Inland Rovoauo Dnn Lana Wnhl-loin 9-not-row. `I'M ynhu `Inna ad `lying Inn urinal st Iiollovillo. ' -Jolunou O<>u;;. Id: till ops: It "v... r...., _- _-..-....v. --The R. W. I 0. RB. Company will in liekntn tn Kinanlnn Angina oh- Mn], --.-. If VAIIDOI QUICK '@ blll later: In lonox. lulu!) lam. . THE nkmsn wine.` MONIJAY`. lsEPT].MBERV:`:2.,% 18779,. \ invited tn cull and Ian, whether they buy 'lt3onaing lb lay Aggy... . an-snatch Anodunlhuldql uago. `W V` " `*0 0!!` R4-In `ho |u|INq|.Icohnuu,I-.|p|,....,.. 'u""PP"'N'ulndual nb.d.n-nInhL.a|._. n___; nu unsung- "Tu Inn. on Iunn.n."-`l'hh no- nl In boon no-ind Iron I. 8. Polar- Iul I Brothon. oi Phulolphiu. '10 um- uinubopod lotion In-opkul Ihoolbor day in Iran nguding it Thoopg. tn canal in in the 8-Mulch Cum on "gap at In ubuuton. good dourip um, coll Iuthod iohtnt, and con- unulllhoolonuuuol 0 uccudul no nl. "Ca-nn Scmol. Jouuun. " -- Tho oploub, !!!!!9t of this uoollunt odn. ntioool journal in tho proceedings of tho Iota Inouhg of the Ontario Tud|on' Lloduion In hllg IND Ill)! road by Prildptl Ieury. ol the Oobouvg Ooh I Iqish lnuiluto, and III. 0'n|n, ol cu. Bolbvlllo iqnnh School; mum... } cuuiuuon papers, and and son -30- l M man... I "1'-n I;-1 an II.-....._ in Int- Tho hiunutuuo mooning ol limp : ur toono in aluaya approciatod. Tholaot nuuhor oi thin Iittio wookly has a pic- torial akoioh ul tho roturn to Canada ul tho Domlniun Iiniataro. An thov outer a town young Canoda (a ouy hairod youth) runa toward: thou, which coaooo Hon. Goorgo Brown, in tho gal-h oi an oldorly nau-nu, to ioinork, Hoot, lad- dio I yo noodna run to woioomo tham. Thoy vo brought yo uaolhmg ' Thou miuion III a failuro." Hir Samuol, Sir Inonard, Sir Alox. and Sir John all look foorlully hurt. Sir John ban a foo- lhor in hia hat- tho diatmctiun conlorrod upon him by hoing undo o nonhor o! tho Privy Council. `Hunting tho Quo~ hoocoon ioa onmioal pictnro, tho ooon having a hood lilio Hun. Mr. July, at which a Logiolativo Oounoillot In about to Laho a `hot. Tho oxchanao ol oour toaioo by Hon. Moooro. Bloho and lvartu, aalan and Ouunnoy, aa advortiainu Iaodiuno, Iho captnlo ol tho Zulu, tho land policy, tho patont on hotchcr, ou- aro anuoiog pioturoo. 1 I I I I I run. nu uuu Iuuuuly. On Wodnudny ovoning In! the Now- burg Rolorm Anooiution hold a npooinl mnolinmlo hen the report of the deputa- tion which rooondy visited Enterprise. The upon ol the dulquion Ill vary gratifying. A dolqntion Ill appointed to visit. Controvillo to line A lriondly con- loronoo with their Holorm lriondo in Ihni villngo. Committee: were nppoinlod to provide nruding room fur the Auocin non, nud nlno to one wlont pnpon and lllI`lllll0l were noodod. nu... -uuul nu uuuuwu cum KIIIIE. Tho Torin in thin villa. and vicinity no troubled somewhat. About the many Reform Auoointiona which no busing lormod in the county. The Rapomr u doing uodlonl work for the Reform party in thin locality. nu W.rln4..l.u ....-..i.... l--o .|.- M-.. uunuwnn vi uuullvt Ili Ill`l!I' OIIII HIIIII. A Incrolu much In plnyed on Thun- du Altornuon between the Nnpanoo team And the Nouburg louu. The game Ill npiuhd, And much Interest In lnkon III it by the friend: of both clubu. The Now- bnrg boy: to: in three straight gunu. Time, About 26 minutes each Rune. Th: Tn!-inn in thin -u'lI..n_ -.ul -:..:..:A_ -_... The Luunox County Show, which ulun pluce on Tuudny, the 6th October, pro- miuu to be very lsngoly attended. Tho number of ontriu no larger than ununl. A Innnnnnn m.n..h _.. ..I......a .... rm.-- Menu I-`man; on tlw moat uoprond prlul uumn, uuuy -uunuu, U. uuumnrs, D. U - Hngun, And A. Kinulln. The bell laund- ed Ind Amid shaking mud `Uod IpoodI,' Juck dopartml. The boy: cheered him out ol night and hearing. - __.A.. , III: `II? Ilvdllll III IIII y'JIIIIg I\|"IlUlIII'l, he tho replied, end nlfen-cl eeenlum-nt. In on lmunt every member III nu hie ., feel. with glue in lund. Then Mr 3. Ilillenegeve Atlenu the gulp;-nty oi the Soulh,-l'ing may the proep--r nnd III] the Greenhornn ever re-mam the most open hearted And j -llnul of her eitiune.", For the time being tum: were the order 0! the ereniuy Mr. Cunlvuy proposal the "Limeecone Oily," which III reepnnded to by Mr. Lnrry Jenner, who pveln turn "The Sunny South." Mr. Mlllano then celled on the `Ron Bud Four` [or I song. Thin young but now fem-rue quntette prmnpb Iy ruponded and rendered "Moonlight on lhO\ eho," the voiced being Mr. J J. Beverly, lint. tenor, Sun Sutherland, Iecond tenor; Theodore Bennett, llln; Ind J. J Conuuy, Mun. Other Appro- priate song: were lung The Proeidanl. called the members to order and remind- ed them that It mu nonrtuin tiuw, end Asking each member In once more till hie glue and till it high. Mr. Milhne`e health In egnin drunk nnd the pony then Adjourned In the depot, where there were er. lent Ieventy five young men lo lee Jack o`. The crowd was handed by Mr. J. J. Conway. John Ryun, Pour Lnnan.Lnrn1.hm.u D |"...rIm...-.. R n u, an. a. u. uuuwuy..ronu nynn, ro` Lona, Lorry Jamoa, D. Cudmnro, B. I H....-.. -..A A n.':.. mL.L,n , v-u -vu, -uu UIVI Iuvulllut Ill ulu city Annual-ed to hit nuns. showing the pl-omplnou (at tho Club to do the hu honot (lor tho pruonl) to I deput- inu oomnda, und show then Apprecia- ' lion and lore by wishing him n(:`o-I speed on hi: journey. Thu Proaidonl. proposed tho health of the` young Kit-auoniun, lm I-anliml .n.l ..".......l - --.......-..o v-v IJICIl' CAI: I-Elli IJIICI lUUI,' -II\.I IIIUI meeting called to order, The Sec:-uury, Mr. J. J. Conway, in instructed wall Ch. roll, and out; wombat in the hit Illa nrnlnnlnnnn nl oh. l`I..|. 1.. .I.. H... 4 {hot at their room: No. 6, Wallt, Atlanta City, 0a., {or the purpose I utldodng` I hnuoll toono ul Iluir men | bonpcooioun to lain dopcnnn (or hit old I homo, Kinplou, Cuudn. Tho chair Inn odoupiod by the woman President 0! the club. Mr. Louiu Bneklwly, undlho. Mr J J nnunu -';. inn-nn..I 1.. ..II "M "' "W I - r.'I u.u. -_y: chlonluolq uuuh,Iop.'&d,| to-uni-ail the (incubus Olnb luol fll Ill` GIIIVI IYAII-/I-Il,lIIl--. K qonupoidnqo. Braid "3. 3., Lat.-Handgun:-hi-9.In:.8 Pnctorhl an-nun. no lunnuu. uxuuinuuu Iououn. Newburg Item. TM Ann Cm`, hon Tole-la, bau- riuliu port till I cargo d 1.1.123 cubic loot ol nlnu luohot : 15,00 og- Uo lou_ol pip alumni L877 Na III cl out Iunbor. 1,. `L: _ n,., . n. .. . - ,.._ yu nu -II-Iuvulllvu IIUIVIFII IIHUIIO Ila Preston. M Whitby. Pan Hope, Un- igug, Dollumo, llapum, amgmu. and Present! than can Ikoouu-Minn ol a horde! Ion ontbuimio clauriptior At [input Ibo utuulnnoo ol sputum use and! TIIJI Ixoollonoiu nubud (Run: 3! 9 pl. , is ...._ yuuuuvun no IIIU rvnr In MIC Cl IINI DODGE! to than Ibo had unnblod to pay him ouqp. Hr. Spica, ongol 0010. T. ll. Inpodnlondonu. In on the train. shrine table of which indicated that an mango Ipocd n! 30 Ililu In hour in to be mninumod Dd-I00! Toronto nd D._...n AI whlsa D... l.l-_4 :- Tho special trnin, boning Ibo (invunut General And Prineou from Toronto to Onuu, puud Kingston un Nnlurdny Af- krnnon about I o'c!neli, there bung I out fur the win, tho Directors` cm , and` moon occupied by Thoir Rxoollonoion. The uprou duo nu nmnd at the do- pot in zinc, Ind Ill nitchod on 3 ud- iug, lo Moi! of the puugo of the Gut- ormtorul puiy Tho Ipocinl Lnin undo Inky -1 but I for minutu, during which the Princess uppurod at the car A window: and took ohurutiou, u! what ya pugung at tho station Mgjnr dg Wink-an In nlooaiublu. A low mum ] vinitod tho party. As the train tank in departure the Muquil appeared on the plutlorm at tho rut ol the at "and bond In oh... -I... Lu! ...._u.; .__ _ _ .1 There in rather an odd atate of (hinge in Newcaailo-. A young woman was imprudent eimiigh to become a muilier belore a wile. After trying in vainto gel the repute-l father to recognize hie claima upon him the left the child at the home ul his father, with whom the young man resided. The grandmother repudiated the burden thrown on her, and had the mother arreated and brought before the auihoriiiea lor child deeeriion, and the aiithoritiee, after the regular ax- eiiiinai.ion,qooinmitied the vnolied perunt to the Coboiirg gaol for the crime. llui. the baby still remained, and the grand mother, conceiving the lleeve of the municipality to be uicially the loaier parent ol auch unwelcome waife, carried it to the domicile of Hie Worehip and there depoeited it. The Reeve, in turn, grew angry on receiving anch a gift, and had the grandmother arreeled for child deeertion, and commuted her with the iiiieerable mother for trial. But thereia the child yet -ooo----- mzenaeu cemetery. One mine had He Ihn. down I35 feet And the iudiuntiom of Iuccen were good. Sumo cepiulietu ropoeed to pumhna an interest in it, An A half of the mine wee oercd Hnem lor $10,000, if lnken before the o'clock. Al hnlf-put four, rich silver ore was struck, and when M. lnltput the the terdy men of money cune leisure- ly up and eiuuied their content Lojthe bu-gain, the nmnxxor pointed M the clock, end qumly remarked - The once of n he]! interns! in mi. Golden Lion Grocery W. E. Main! & O0. ouocx, um qumly remarked : price In]! interest in thin mine now, gentlemen, is Iilty thuuund dolhu." ~ A-ooo ~- Mr. Ernest lnmsrnoll: who nu been in- vestigating iho "Up: And Down: in Land- rille" in the interest ol "Scribner," oun- Lributu the result in! his lsbon In the October number of that inngaziiie. Among the ii nnieruun anecdote: which his records in tho following (the mine referred to in lhv lint being the Dead Mum Ulniin) It was winter. Soouy hsd died. and the boys. wniitiiig to give him I right Imnrl of is burial, hired I min for twenty dollars to dig It grave ihrouuh tan (eel. uf The cunlidnm-s men did not return. ' BuL nbmn 7 Ncluck in the evening 3 Pnrul-m-n M urmuua nml Martin nrrunted I mun amwr-rlnu tlmduscrlptnuu given of the: cundtmco up:-mu-r. When bruuyht tn the U:-nzral Police station the prinoner gnu Inn unmu us Juulcs Crawford, Ind clnimud L: be I lrltglph oporltor. At the nluig-n Im Ill ulna `confronted by McLn-.mlud a\|uL`lullan, bath of whnu: I idonmieal him wnhmn hsunalmn. Ac~ J cur..I:n~,gly (`ruwfunl mu huld on A vhnrgo I of Jbuxunng mom-y under false protoucea. 1 -l)olroi! ("me I n~.-, 1 mcpoun, nv mung, oompliou, and in I few uxinul-n I;: mniger returned with n SL000 bond in MI. ind, which he unl, the In-ohouuomon could not break, Ind , inked McLonn to lend him noun uiunoy. The unsmspecuiig Munitubnn handed our $108, And a fellow iruvellar nninaa Juhu McClellan. produced 8'20, both of which numn lha condence nun took xnd utnrted olf AgnIn,uyuig he would rulurn in tan minutes. venonnio Dill mu mccuufnl lroighl-bill ' oclloino and ii Iill hour` I oircuuuununl ' relation. Soon Alter lbaviug Manual no . Mcbenu in mounted by I Itrumcr Ii! , foot tall, ul nlo -dot luure, light lninlung I; dun Iliuuu boo And light clutliu. III- cluding overcoat. Us mlorinod Mclann that in In I Dom-it importer of funny 3 goods, but uid nothing About Ibo dblailt . of his bunincu uoopt nuch thing: an id the Mwilobsu to bolieu llin ho bud found I milliunniro ncqnsinunoe. He, in liberal in the dmribuuun of goud churn, I pcid for meal: with an air ul royal ind!!!- | oronoo in their mat, and nude himull gnnonlly quotable. Thvy nrrivad in Detroit rmui l.l()_0'clnc|\ yisllonhy nf-' iornoun u id went. directly to the Hotel ~ Henri, unoro the-y Ind 'dinm:r. They Allrrhnil came dawn and entered the Guy Hall. The importer will Mclnann lhnl Hoe building In I handed Unre- huulu and roquoctod him to unit. on the tint dc-or umil he could go upnuin Mid y thu Julie: on All invoice of uuodi. CLQIII, ni oompliui, and in I|:i- nuumor retnrnod with r Aiing the lnnny pouou who ukod ` undioueouf Pnhoo supcrinhudont Roger: yauonhy nu Wm; .|Iclau:,. of Enni- toln. liquid in Ind only an-ind fl-um Ilonlrul, on his way homo, Ind Iubd ` M hon a nun unulod Iholud Ivindlod him out ol `MB. The method employed 1 by uh: Ivindbr diorod alight! from the | venonblo but nil! unccaafnl rniuhl-lull : `V-di-;l-;d_l-la-1"? `E but unccuufn] roi whom: uni it -ill n.....- . ...... .. IYII OLD %I7lDIlcI OAII AOAII PLAYID. ,....,__j_ Vlro new Tlrp. lulu. Fopt. Idllv, I079. j-+o-oj_--. Lcuuvlll. lncldentu. - A Baby Care. -;I}|uLkn in on:r|;;{t. MIPPULBU U) I rhich, ha-gun u nrmnnnn m uqgnu Iron um ulna] f roi;hl-bull I _om:uu.ustununl nu Llnnn-....I um: I; In Pounds All 01 0! rid: lulu on tho I00! -0- douu nun. laud nomad pnupuy ud Imam. KINGSTON ooamnow. Aoaouuv. Yul! may raly nuklrylhung also boiug The button: of the Canyon; no annual suallylolbuds no -an -a. W`: an. ghovlb `. Tho lolloving an tho onion 0! I for of the linpmu Ihrvloldan goo.-sauna. hooligan. II-no-. I-to '0 5.1:-'.' Tuu` " [ROYAL CANADIAN,` 7 INSURANCE co. 1 1|-an Iiehnl-on. I lulu, I. Inn. And keep your PPBIIIHII nn (hnntla by Inlur Your Property Aulnsl I ar.-, (Ila-41C|onuooIUIu`\.'. Supt. DID. II". nwnuhod III. I vial: you rcuuuomu Ind nhnll not full so noommou It vhu-our I non I need oflu us. It ctllll min. | P30!` . ll. Txfhu nu`: Illh 3 olou-non nd can that dellgbtnl I an Stone: and "at Mr Furnaces ulplnodod Iulnm-d lmru the (`nurrh--lhn dluw-cc ban _v hmnghton nvn Lou pornluont nurt In vain . `mg llmd lnld Iuyosll "on lho nhoH',' bun g rooulvod no benet {nun Ibo vuriona nnnnoomu nmodlos IMO!) I had tried. A for trial: .1 your remedy nliovod my head so once. nu.| now naarn thus month!` {HM I :5: Qhlo up uh: with olou-non nd ellgbtnl A ngm_n_nahod_ II}; you Iuooug lludu-.... . . . . ..IonIr.I Pruulcm. . . . An-int Iohoruoo, Bu; Innnn... H . . . .Ju Dawson. luq. lulu u now uruuu will cure the wont cues. All we not in I luir trial to mm- nnca the moat niopucnl. Du. Ivan ~I3rar Mr I nu to dnv Irn'v thankful that Von h.-an brought tn my nun. .- F-ur VII mm is and o-brunt "l)|nmov- uurrh om v. ' For many can] In" .- uulfnn-d lrnru the (`nurrh-thn Iuua 1 _;l!`Nnu|. Cnumu, (nu mauur Al how long alandmg.) a cold in tho "U111 or Throat, Diicnlt llreathmg, Dizmnea, Handarhe, Deafm-u, Watery Acrul ml Purnlunl Duchargea frnrn tha Ham! and Thrmn, Htoppu)g_ Clogging, FuHm.sn_ lhngimz nr Roaring Nninoa in the ll-a.l_ Cnnatant Dropping Into the Throat, du- agroeahlo Hamrnnnmllanking and Spxl ling, Oanuvo Breath, and Nasal Twang. Restore: the some ofsmoll. Strengthen- the Eye: and Vuioo, Cleansing and lb- uulating the Organ: of the whole Ham! and Throat. It gnu Irnmodnato Rahal, and a low bnulaa will the mm! vaaan All can ml. in . I... n...I . \ ... . W. TIYIAH Wlllnnghby Avo.. Brooklyn. So I. III_ II Itororonnu in Kingston on sppl mu. Sole Agonu, for Iuunaou, N. U. PULGON I; W: until me last or August 1! had numd In most cuuunuoully for three mnntlu. Hnd the fur In-athar nnbeeqmantly ex- poriemvud lastud for two or three wwkn longer, It would still hnvo been pm-ul.|r to gather shun! 71') per cant. n! n nu lga crap. lint mu rum which not In In! weal: hum made it certain thin year : huveat ml] fgll nhun ll. least 40 per cent. of thnt of arduury uuom, and chm en- tail I lnu an the farmer: (It the aunt Inoun sum nl . 0I|.0(ll ),000. The Rteu mlellignnco from (iron Hu- tuu ll of a very unfnnnbls chnrncter. u lnr II regnrdn crnpu. A urriblo ruin ntnrm hut dellruyed the faint hope impure-A in tho I-rent of the Bnlnsh lnruu-.r by Hm nuusluno of the first rock of .`\'c'|I!6llIh0l'. The hnrvut, nu Enlnuul at lanai, Is n-rmrmvably ruuwd. Until lha last uf August ll hm! reumd A} most cunummunlv for th-an mnmlu The Mont.-znma (chm) Weakly tell: of I hurnblernurde-.r oumnmteal III the Iowa: part at` Macon county, In that Stat?-. The murderer was I nu-gm buy about fteen yaara nhl, Illd the vnctnn Acuh-rod gtrlnbnut thirteen`. It seems that the boy hid been buaum; In 0:, and lhv murdered girl lhranlelned in tell (all him He told her that If she dad he wuul-I whip he-r. she carried out her threat. and shortly afterward was met. by the boy may from the house, when be pro ceecieal to give her the promised whippmg. Fr-~m the mnlu nu her bcdy it. Ippnnls llmt he gave hnr I must unmernful Imul 1nu.nndthen bent. her head. to pl(``! Wllh In {sum nul. The body 0! the lll was not dincoverml uI.tIl Monday I])UT||- mg. The murdarer has not heun Irrati- ml PnoTEcT wmm lmy szu. SUGARB so VERY LOW mmauon 0! mo city. _ Wnlm-sdny-ll n.m., formnl npaninu by the Governor-lionornl Ind H. R H. the Prmcou l.<>uiu=.- Their Exnallenclen will qjtorwartlu ho oacorlod lhrvllgh the _grnunxln~Ichuu|chi!-Iran to be pr:-nut And sing 3 Jonq 0| wulcnme; nmm.|-Aupnpe cumputmnu; '2 p n , mnlnlury Iuwd unm- puuuun, 7 p.m., unnnl mu-mung nf Agrur ollllllrul a nd Art Aamcrutnou in ('11) Hall. Alcnndornlu ILnq.. I P, Dan. I 1 Donn. In]. I. (I Minn mg purpulvl; I p.m., uunusur hmd content; 7 p :11, annual rue-~un,; M Fruit (iruwunf and Mcchnnic_j l_|m.IlIHn Ans:-gull.-n in Onynll; 8 p.uI., In Sounlo lfhunber the dillributmn of prize: won 1!. the Dominion Rlo Mulch; illn Initiation of tho city. W'rIlM'IdlV-~ll n.m,. fnrmnl mu-nim. 'l`h-3 prugnrunna 'nI' Um tool, in known, in nubunntinlly A: full: Monday. nhnhumn npemnx, 'l'u.e-sduy, cl:-and till 4 p.In. fm mg purpmeo; I p.m`. uunum content: n m. nnnnnl n.n..n mu: nvor mm Unnnan, Sn pun null; qmnnmnded the ran ` light ~.urn:-ro, uwurmg [ho u lpll mu lnimlrll the hunt In rr`-n - 0.0 - V V -- - am: A uruw warrior. vmol uocunul Al- I tor the light on tho M of June bottom: I 21!) lodges ol the Haunt, lhn tan south v of the border that bulnlo, and no com 1 `pumps of Uuitod Shut naldun, `sud I50 Chuyenlio And Urmu. Sitting Bull It oopud the chnllongo and owned the line, than result bung that he that the Crow, nnlplnx lum anal ukinn pouuuion ul hi: hone. In (ha nuns act-on the Milk river into Cnnndn, Sitting ull ronr -,:unnl of light ~.urrr-rs. rlwurmc M... u...\. x-~.u.n -.'- - . I Winni , IIML, Spot. W. -The Mu - queuc cruuv pnblinhu an inlannin ace-mot ol I dud button Bimng liul And I Grow Warrior. which uocornd Al- lcr the uht nn dun lth nl .lu..4 but-.... m-mm I.uu. menu _A c'nu.uon x xuu ms nu. -A -r- coo (`ropn In Gnu BrlIalu_ 90> V V 7 _ _ ._ A `!Vi>orrlbl-2 Murder. .\o nor. Uuul (Ia. Smoke. or Du! from In` In (In A As iuniAl ngl. I I0 I`&IlllIIII'NI H VIOPOVI I Txglxnu, ro.. Brooklyn. Sam. I: luv. Ilolulnlon txhI|nlIou.' `WIIWD. PULGON 4, Jul l`I'|~, I. .lr0MoI. J. IIOIICCIII N (`n lalolnyl Imh J. I lulu I III. Icons. 1:: Irownh (To. lhdn l`~. I. Dona, I. 0 rdlnov, III. Inna, savanna; 1 5,: B`! O Cl |II$&$. III lo. Nlun us. I . I Inn Ilonoon. mu III) unhrecedent d I I R"3a:Y s, H - Mk -1 ..._.4....._ New Iluh all Wool (Juliana M `-5- 50. 55. '0 nil fty Non Ilul Ulbl (b-lava at $5. It -'5. Q III` $09!: Nu Ital (venous. Inuuhl Ooh! at 8. II. bond on Cu. Inn (`hoop mun: c|m.ut-\_io.:.\.-00..-4.100 ul Vain In Nut :1 00 lo and 0 us. 3 Push: couuvu Iuvy,nI ,5. in, uldnfru. All Wool Ihnl It .037 , Inn; Pmu low I hit: hi: to 04.3 '00 yard. Hum` bought all then Good: direct hon ob. mufufq I Cheaper than not. Q ELI Qgi mun- _. . can-at Iurrblgo;--Nrw lbro Goods. 1w 9 Insured Pieces New Illu-In Dream Goods. Inn lilnp. at -T-T Q ITTT--Jjj-_- m? HbUsEKFET?] [Ir JUUH mr Inn (1 poo:-(14:11: nul umvkv-I v I`! A, LUV\:;l l',\!-`all PRICE` 7 "W" Mr whmnml, who no not on in nu homu fun the L huh and uh]... undo I! bin -pecm oh]-I In buy up obs . nu ma luau Stmuh 1;....4.r..u. -u mu In have rury oonlidrnnt In buying that Iuvvv, weal. buully u. . u .1. .. M`. uhlomubowul arnrboucrnnm-cud uh-eh.nl\nclIhn:b.in|u..: wiu-3.5.... sad the pnchln n 0:: an-\ our-dciuun. ' Ho-luv no cnumonta I luv ul (bu laulhu Imn us: .1! nuguu. no.1 to fur RIOI-ILA[ON_1_D_ :g_ EOYDEN. (XAYTIII-I WIUKGIIG. CUITIIIS HOIHIS. HI LIA Y`! OFITAIN IITRIIUI HUI PMJTI BOARDS. BILVII ITAK GOAL OIL MEIOKIL runs up llama] um. mm, 1379. .._._.._.._ ._....._..._.. \\ 0 4.,.......1 .. Goods and I Good Selection. lmllllfl ' `"- Wo lnur alum .4 r;-lemlul I-nnvlmout of KIEADY MADE ('LUTIN. Hmuo l`qn|n` 3 Von, Year. or run ul Pun; II and min aqua] In nnuy rnopocu wordor won, and g vary Inrgn gun-I tuna rvl l r0ln--A I` VERY DUN PKIUEH. ' A ohnu an an-urllm-nl of Gr-uh` Fummlnn 1 (loud: nlnn nu. uni r....- -51.; _... g- , ,.. mp: loch. mo 3090 um, um COLORED LUSTRES `FOR oness GOODS. AT ac. PER YARD 1379. 1vAL_L_Q0_[Jns%187;9;_. GEORGE .LAmc, 106 PnIRcss'sfE7: HICKEY & ILI Ila()(3.'"K`VV I-Z.` LI. BROS . SUG-AR-I Sept, `Ind, I87`). NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! l'n.ll Stock wm soon`, In Oomplute. Wait for it to: Ohup P311 Saul:-Inber Mb, IHTSO I ll lnok nul lur [ha mun Ilml mull lhroo I cut Hh IN 'I"V\7'CD SPEOI AL LINES, % I-ICLZLAI` i;;i:*:?333R .1.`=1:u5_ % --_; no.1 . 7 Endorsement (Extraordinary ! (Mind: and prim` rm-|-~l!ulIy -nliciu-I I1\T ERINTS Hdnnt I Nnp I l..lh Ind l"ln1'Y_CInn.IingI. Golden Lion Grocery ARE MH:t.`lNG Norm! li---In .1 lhr vuou. Ind will ho sold at Hm lures! px ml-In pme. Au i {:xrnA6`iiBiiR'n`"ELa..us GIVE ZHIIZME _A_ CALL. . , ., " In N_-Iv Iris Hm->l.<. Plan and Fury W [nu \ 3 Mnawln Ind Muslin. Also liuvul. Pn- FALL cIncu[LAI.L on n nl;U lhu Ihr bullv "I run Autumn lmpnrutinu An ant to 1; .H 0W_EST (`ASH PRICE` 1 mu thr bull: Aulun a OWEST PRIFEQ 0 his Iuv hum tho I A. BOSS -uwrunvv 111 HI\IUo Opposxte Albion Hotel, Princess Street. Kingston. . NW S an} 3:}: bonus. 30.000 II mm ... - V-.v-r-v 1-W ' ES. Iobulmurm to -an sou Ibo: i-nmcnss s_1'1unn. ARE on-`I-`ER. I. WALIION. `When : Illlihll. At. 6c.. Worth 100. IS 1 UVDAY OFFERING ROCKWELL Enos. kiln: finial D-OI-wanna- 03...; IP:_._.. - `|`H E UTH ER u-,.r min uf Nuw Goods. whinh am guinx It | AMAZINGLY Inn. mun` I00 I10. II`. l9?.&.'.`.'_'_in.a.' 'J'"-."..`.2...'."." 5131.3` HIOXEY at 11.3` '1`. Prinoou Street. L, !E_-:,"`-, H, V mcmaoun & hoiuud. um. . nlno [Inn And (`apt which VIII In sold wnvqjrt I M Cl.l)'l'HS_TW||LliD8_ BIA\'K.'4_ rl hon) S(.`l'l`('ll TWEKDEL wlnwln ` rnzI`.Insou`s DPATENT BOil_ER. `TV H` 1 EXTRAORDINARY o McEWEN 3. so, av-lune, |`Zm:Ino |Iul;Hu||e`r HARN- I..|.,m,'I. - l. PREVOST. ml, al the New York (`nothing ` rvsqumn] I Ilrnl alas: [I7 9 mil gunrunlon Ibmn un- -vacuum u I/`In, Sole Agents fur Kluntun u THE FI|{'l` OF THE BIABON,` Gdlden Lion Grocery Finnan Haddfas. Finnan Haddies. ANNUAL EXHIBITION miiuun cemu rm Association Cheap a;n`nl\ 00011 . , puns uh yluuuuua. Iihulual-ullandnalncduna any cvedtothcvulmddehtualpbnl Ino- u4u-nkcbktuin. rich-I Ila Mood. uldun maul Ih.uudavC ndlllnlucduu uhhjalzv `.9Cn;1Iuln. J ndIll&`I-Ila: u 41- an: (inn rlrhlny. 5-- lnnuullutquqlil. iwnhbytr llt I" W"- l$PlCX II. linkl. %scois ..mLt.I.o.M iiii fTIZIU Dun coo uvu on. ilnmmmluzuum -_jdha%& ha Every Honsokoopcr ' rolpootlnlly PRICES No. 66 llrook strut. KI: nun. yy._>3j.Ag1:un & oc_:._ THE N. u.~1u:u., LOW ---Ivvv-- vwuu winning". Id and lyuhpu tau. Ilbdly, cuullnuunoutloololiy van lllupddbvhalululolauly. 'h.IiiA1nIIn-g I..._.n_ I-I IDCIIIUU u-5' -um ""\!'I' lit pdotnnucltlo Iuuql-u htlu it}: up. w Inlloqlud halo: nrygcolhpnl. Illj Indiana has by Chi pulunuuuoubollcouahuul lul- Ihnlu mvua-uuuhgasu. 1-sol Int:-an -.-nlnul ..|..n_.. n..... v-y--vuuu-Zj'i f"W' nuluuouuvnth no-uggug.-5.. I-maul L-uh-.. L..J 1. .u..:... In Iv vuu-III I uuuu I'\Cll'D, llu XI` Iitl \u Owns Lola, in uldition tolho Ponblu Bench. and to Into It. Whilr ` had, 0! Soothe: II, Into ponunhtplor , lb purpou. ` ._..__. sunlnn PI.uIn.-Jupitu to tho ` outing ohrdurlqlbo punt! mouth N culls way bttllhnl, rening Inpnno ` I-OI` Ohoglitbrllg bout that die ` Ibo sly Iuunlou Ii! Iwighluu. u- I using 5 up! air that holutbo mythic ` lultol gdnnd Incl. 30 shots` Iilbonly Idem nun o'aIoeI In I II: onllogupuuu. Van in an` onuhguur. mow-n; and Ian.` Ionuyjud Unuo. honing aka E u `llolopcoclatuooololln oath sou huh-A v-uo___ TII Pnllun Buncu.--8ono of the portunot Joupla Uppor J Uo., contus- lon, Iilh running power: out the Pan- ` bins Beach, on It Ouawn. it in aid, lur tho purpose of proonnng from also ` Government alluded po-on for :n- . nlu Iniln our Ibo Thunder Bay Brush 1 ol Ibo Oundo Puilc Rd]-my from 801- , Iiri In ung [ALA in n.lnlin'.... 1. AL. -~-- .19 Run Ihrouu. --On Fridny the shoot- ing (at the |lcDomull challenge cup took place II the Duuiniuu rnngoa. The 471]: can did not do so well n uuutl, but individual uombon of it. did on-odihbly. Prince Bullio, undo 40 poinil; 0|p_ Byrno, 36 puiuh, Corpl.Bu'llio. 29 pointy 1 Sorgt. Ilnllnr, 29 pumu. In the Pro- 1 vinoinl hutch Capt. Bcnchul nd with , (M Ontario lOIll,llllHlI` 53 points, 5| 1 an lid m yndn. ' -- o-:___ In! _--.4o Tun Plum-ma Tho Londun, (I-Eng.) Truth 0! Sept. 4th, uyn There non! no say ronl ground for the uniduoully oirculuod report thnl the Princou Louiu would rotum to Englnnd this you, but the will probnbly pny n viuil. to this coun- try nut spring. Lord Lorna will not accompany hot. Ho liku hi: pout vary ` much. but find: the work for hnrdor than he had lnticipatod." 7- `I'll lam-1 Ian 45 lacuna Innu -on .1 AL. ...A.._._.. .1 .L- ._ O`*O _ Ruuuv Enumln --Tho liru auction ol tho Hnlifnx and Cape Breton Railway and Goal Oompany, from New Glugmv to Anligonilh, I dnunco of 40 milor, nu oponod on Ftiduy. Tho locomotive: |r- riding on tho rorl Inn bunlt at tho Oundinn Engine and Machinery Works of this city, and their uni-h and gonunl nppunuoo Ire utivlnctury. ---.-.4 AnsIus.- l'ho Full Auizu comnonoo onThundny. The aim run will be nulnermu enough, but the crnninnl onion` an ounlainu the qmtry uf bnl. two ones, a tape can and I cue `uf perjury, the hour olahioh Itule ml. of the furmor. Mr. Thomn Holden, of Bellavllle. will spin not an crown pruucutur. '-~-- .4}o-~ 7% Roul. Mun. Lmn.--'I`ho Ruynl Mnil Iteunon hon discontinued Chair call: I! Clnytnn And Alexandria Buy. The Altar- od Arrangement: mu] he I000 in the ad- vortilmnont. Thu `Mngnef is now unk- inz lri-weakly trip: to Olwagn um! Chu- lotto, leaving hero on Sundnyu And Thursdays M 6 p.m. 4000 --- Rmuwn Arvin:-:.~1`. -Lut night as Min Mary Putter and Mr. David (ironi- nn, of Piuaburg, wore driving along the Middle road the nhan lnroluv, the horns run away and throw Iham both Against nfonoe, nniuhing tho vehialo and very Iorinunly injuring both pnrtiu. __..-`;%,? Tu: RLIYIIII.-- By to-mm-row evening the curing fur the horse mu-u must be All in nccurdinu tn nrrsngolnonll. The pruapecln Ire thnl there will ba two good days racing. 0! comic everything do~ pond: upon the weather. __ .>- . .. Auomuc Cur..-Dr. Stewart in qgn tnking action ngninul Mr. Britton, hnv. ing oonunouood fresh proceedings in con- nection with than woont. election unit. The one will be opened II the [alien court probsbly lo-marrow. --- At . 7 .._. D_ou"r Fonan the sale of booth at tho Ory-ul Pnlnco ground: to-morrow (Tuondny) nornonn nz fuur u'c!onk. The louver put. ol the Mechanics Hall in to be let for refreshment: during the Con- tul Fair. ----- acorn ~_ -->+jo----- Turn. -A gummy at-hulugun nuugo was nolen lrom J. Y. Pulibill`|'dor on Saturday night. Tho parlien tulring it worn loan by 1 person who would not in- I` !or'u the police of his name. .`9".'_?- `P'- PIoI1.--Molanto._ to {rub partly cloudy, Ln cl(I|<'ywuthor. IIXI III! IIIIQ I-C unlouncenonln npop uh nu. ARTIEH oing Wool abound all on R. J l'2ll.lIE .K. :1 tlm Dominion Telegraph (mm. Unurln stunt. baton plmhdu their Tbahn eluawbero. no ha` in Agent for tho 2:;-;`W_ukzn llnnuy. nu can can nub 3 In other main to nnltolu and I `point: on. I mu MONDAY Ev:-22mm, sxZ;P'i'."'2:i.T grry oTEL-lo. an, m an no; Pnnnu uent. Ibo |'|ou1onInl- Hotel In 09 cu . bu rnooooluululou forluiinnd -pwlou plo Icons for (Ir Inlnouhl `hm nuu. Onnlbu and o Wnggonlo all Train. A [Jury blo . sluhd. -.l.J0llll Provrbuovw nuuuil-! -I'll VIII IUIIII II ICCDIU UIII QR I043!-I iuupnvousoau, ooublnll the Ir no eouuumuluu lo ruowu lnlho nvtnoo. `Porn: uodoruc. nalhn Avondn All 3:- oouuumnl no in Ibo Pnvlnoo. umndn nll II- `rau Pnunnpr Tums. Wlluon 4'. Dub In: (,'luul.inry In eonnocuou with lloul. WI. 1'4 VII, Propriolor. Imonol. our. Tlonly It-I elnu hour! In thong uni s Cr Iulwlo Interns Aueibm ham. tip.-1.. !:U'p.u. ..ll .3 .... .. I ma. J. TIIIIAIAX, J0 PH RICIIDI, ' ' lush: lulu. Cu ! Innpv pk uni wllh nu mm Inpmnionu. CIAID rzuwl uuzrirl Idkidnnl-I'-DQuhlD$ lb; ~ "- '5-...*-an-.-.`:.-' '-- ,,__. _ _......y .....,..'..n. s:..`.?.'.'!'.`.'..!...E.`.'.';.'.`.:`;.. l'.'..'?i.1'.'.`.. 23 T1`w|n:1~ inlet. OITYJIVD F I('llVI'l'F` Arvin . . .'J:ll| LI. . cl n.m. . . ....0I Ll. . ....:|Op.n. ....C.lD pa. hy tonln or Hut Water. uindl, Anovunonlbonluotluuhoollutitl duhollulhupuhodonqnqult Inucoctldlh still!!! 0000!! Old Qgadchphaphlnnplnplun Ibo!- Ocunllcluhylqydhchldduo ounhhovbhvotionkcnhod. Inhuhivuhnnunuh a pod ullllopuw. --.__...---- I-IIIUUI-, -.n., Vjj T` G Iuuhcu. mun; lJut.Col. lupus- ua, Accountant, Dcpu-than cl Milk g-J Jan: -.u-V. IIIIIII W II? U] VITIIZ. `ho laud cl Vhiunnlot 050 Royal Iihn 0011100000863. Kinplol, lot thou:-nntyou. uillbuoupoadulol~ Ion, vh: Ool. Powell, Adjunct Oar ...n n...u..`;. Ln... .n..n....n m.L_, ZIn'.'n'-.'..'u.'.T; ny, 00910] Adjutant-Oooonl, Illihry District No. 1; I-but-Ool. Irvin. lnqw mu A-nu... I5-1..-.Il. 1.5. Wo churn that Xnjor Bury Iniil ha bun appointed LD.0., tn Hut.- Ocncnl Sir Idvnd Colby Bnytb. Major sum. in Iouoetlln Ihlnpuily tor Iona (inc. and In gluon ovory ultim- tion In the dhalnrgo ol tin duiu. The oppolntnul in In uontdauo with tho dim ol public opinion, it hit; bu!-I by upnnlinun an that not position no A.D.0. should to llbi by Onullun. `In. I.....I .1 V5.1... 1... .5- 9..-: ..-_.-.-. - ...-v--` -_-_ V. -.-.v _. Conn-uilln. Tho uubjoct ol fotnuu brunch Inoaiuiono at om: plans In mentioned, and it Inc and that this bluinell should in immediately nuonaod to, no that launches night In uuhliohod .5 --.1 ngll--_ uh... Lglnng --uh H-- N. mcNEIL( u-u-nun. u. r. nu-y'.- -nu Iv. vuuuy, bu-ought lo:-Ind tho subject ol 3 Riding Ant-dulon. which was well ucoivod, and it nu agreed to loan it to tho Now- burgh Anociotiuo to Appoint ch zinc for calling tho ddcphn tapthu. I: dun oqroodllut Ibo muting olonld to hold at n-_..._-:II_ 'I`L_ _..L.'--. -1 I ____ __ ........ ............. .. .... ...-......,. ......... dohrninod to spponl to the Jump nod hue that in right. The dclogudoa from Novbngh, which oouinod ol I. U. Lund; J. F. Poppa And W. Drury, h...n..Ll In--g-A IL- .n|u'..n Al . Dbl;-... 'u\ru on vwelu-Ie\.v. nu-. u uvl-u uymuyn-n ' the cheir. The Grel huelneee ul the meet- V in`; wee to exelnine Ihe woken` lie! end 3 mete preperetione to have it ourracted. I ee it eppeere there bu been ooueidereble irregolerity, which, if ellowed to reuein, ' will deprive a coneidereble number ul ' their voice. The Toriee here eeid lhel. ` the honoreble oouree penned by the lee! eeeeuore [eve IIr.Derool|e hie election, eo lt we! determined to have tbinge dllel- em thie yeer. end they have the eeeeee- mount bueineee done pretty much to wit Iheneelvee, thinkiegee in put yeen. Reloneen would let it peee. But they will be Iuluehn, ee there in e Relorm Club organized in the townehip whinb e deb.-gland In gnnagl In AL- l..A_. -...l The Rolonn Anociuion of Controvillc__ mat on Thnndny evening. Then III 1` 1000 Attendance. Mr. Wholnn occupiul u ..I..i- `Pk- n: h..-i..--- ..l AL- .....n -vvu. --The Rev. Mr. Ron, ol Eu! Wil> linmc, 0nt., hn forbidden the Free- muonl to nppronclu tho counnuuinn ublo m hi: church, on the gruund um at Muonin lunonll the IIIIIIO of Uhhnt in not mad in prayer. Poor follow ` -v-- vvuuy-uvu-any . --PrI'vata M. O. Baillie and Set-gt. F. H. Baillie Ion pliua in too Dominion of Canada match at Ottawa. The 47th Loam, though. in badly out of puotioo. Rie ahoong baa degenerated in King- non. Ina n I: n . -.1 . n--n -Tho Porth Courier, I nut, rudnblo, and reliable paper, nu onloud in 46th you. It in the name Ago up the WIIILY W310, and to ho] proud ol the unu- Iblo companionship. , D...'..-A- ll [1 n-;II:_ _._.| u..__n Ir ---Mr. Ryan, Broolnilla, bu declined his Plcic conlllol, nnd hence tho work full: to the nut. lowest tenderer, Mr_ Whitehead. Tho ditforenco in the two lander: in 050,000. ` --ll. Sugdou Eunl & Co., of Man- lrul, hue taken lint prize for parlan- ory, And ntn prize for Munucrrnt limo fruit preparations, II the Toronto oxhi- bition. ` T mS"T1 A IT} AT 1 N G