1'puu Ilu. r., LP. Knuut. I.-J Inn F`|jZm""' poidlqdntdo-If ppu. X at tho Un- IONIII ollkllof lulu pips oopndb ll `I'M pty Ht M Dunn 'fun::lopI.D.- lo r In! nip :4 b nu, IIIOI out nut Ind "|'\IiMd|o-Iliioiliulclo ' Tlooohooor vu'th3 `Nod, ol 869, loan] dug: 9-udoatfd It: Quoboo. nun Ion . ogonquo I Pullgbdo. The IMO d Woduohy onnlIz,:|'iTo"lIp pl: Na Imho hoomrboenoo ouuqcv n:_.~II|od rhh -Alan nn.I.nn-nal III IOI`I|.I-IO ICIIOIIIIIP DOQCOI uh, IIH nu use and olpoudl: Tinlodhoun llhonnuth Incl. We devuto cumiduubla spawn tn-day to the sauna which tnuk place yenterdny It tho Adjnllfhid Ilwoliug In! the nhnrnu huldunut the Conn-lldnled lhnls. 'I'ho muting Ill molt dua-nlurly M. mum, and tho exposure of lrfegullrillul uuly Ioudod to emu increued irrnutiun. Tho Diruclnn Ion dolentad in tlwir Ltleuzpt to buy up the stock, and they have been unnyurinuly nondoumod for the lune: which tho bunk hu uulnined In conne- qucnoo 0! loan nnnugeuaont. Tho Gu- utnnunl. but been uhd tn nuke an ax- uninadou of the bank`: thin, and to criminally prosecute tho Diroolorn uul oiniuln if than be ground {or it. and non I1--not hl.-Un|'Ol`l|l-I Nu-bntnnllv Clrlun (Jrrgnry, of the shop `Air ' mu, :0. Hm poll yu0orduy+ ago that whale lying at aumlmt in lho ruoroo. bo- tuoon the uni six o'clock on the num- iq u! the lth inn . he an I ochoonot bottom up with no men clinging to it. 30 300 50 boat out to go to their untol- unoo b lbolou Nubia. than may one and. hyubosthol an-bu. v.. pin` and put on bi-old of tho `Aj|uoI" In an uhuoud o--udmol, bully brnuod ud out by I-noting upon I! Tlcnloonor -.. uh. 'Nn1l.'nl no.1... I KKK; 3'---'c'sn';'.p..."'"'.'.(T"5."..5.o.." ""7 Thooloonor III the long A` nilh uundnmul lam unk`. TL- 5-.. w a-:--`-cor --.g 1...-1-..n-.v.;a..}....." qonn A. nuoqonud, mo nu lnglun ngric-nllunl daleylln, SiI'A T `III! Ind u H--nor l.t.-Uuurnt-r R:-bntullv Unnlgun llrmuu-u ..l uh. .I.... OAL. we run uul. Ina number 0! Mn ch LII ll tho Mun-r Sominnry II this your 524 There um .`l'_'!0 ulru nu-Q I95: boar-Ian Then Il`t| (H) Senmurnln ll. l`.lI.....I-. . l.....l._.. -. _._.I D0.`Al`IIlVl l Then (LU Sennlurlnln Dr. (hllemdnr, A London surge-m, 5 doocoudnut ol (hm Jam-c Walk, I the ally. Jnhnl}uAl|uAn II I IIHI Hun N. me any. Juhu ()..gugnn_ M I , um] llon. Hoctur Lnngovin Inll Iran: by upocul nun on. Sunday for (hung, in company with 8.1- John A. Maodonnld, tho lino English uric-nlInr.:| dalounln. Sir A 1` `uh. Tha Rouont J the Quebec Hruul Sean navy cunuuonoon tu day, Ihu ul Hm Mum-r Somiunry cwnnmoncen nu \\'odnoI- dc) the 21th uut. The number of uu uh: I: [I [ha Mmur Snmiuunru In nu. u..- WI`. Inlurlllllln. A roqunniuon to the Director: of tho Bank of Munlnul in being rapidly signed by British ahuohuldon, ukmg the di rvolorl to summon Mr King tn 4 oomul` ullon _, ...- ---. Boorcoly I woe-L [runes hut In-uh cum puma no nude reaper.-ting the nnnngu munt of tho lmorooloninl Rnilwny by S1- Uhulu Tupper. The dinnmul of nicinlu lull boon on-nod lo such an extant. thn. both tho Minister n! Public Works and the Fluulu Miuimur no charged with Inning bruhu promise iithcnnt number, um] Illh having pncticod the opposite of that they punched. U! mun tho Inter- ooluninl R-Iilwny employee: mnu rameuu~ but HIM than no not oluctiun tllyl, And that U305! opinion Ind blllou wdl unt be mnuuod (or wmaliulu lune ul' And ` tlun Bur Ohulu hu quite as number 0! I ululnu to utllo in office yuu know. I -. coo .. ,_....,._. Sound uu ry ln-!raaln- l'rr.oo u uI- Po- litical Fug]: I - sh dpwreck. Ilrly one In unions: the Iubjecl. Considerable Inherent ha been Around by Lord Beacuuuioldi rafutonco lut night lo Canadian agricultural pronpocl-. Sir John A. Mucdunnld in genornlly cun- Ihdored to be Iho huh authority the Proctor uueuzwmd who Iuppliod hun with inlormumn. mu 0.. al.. l|.-__-p..-- ..t `L- A pgnu. non with ma nrnmu rv-Ink. It laun- dontood that tl.. \'u|' -- nu n kmponty poolponomont ol ...-nu. In the mnttar, and the Director: paomiud to cull I Ipooiul Inooling ml the uhnohnldou at an only duo in dincnu the Iubjacl been Arnulnd A uar.r.AL rum-mt-1. Lord llnrhnut-nu, at Newcastle. do- olnrod there in not the ulnghtant aign of mu impending dn-solution of Parliament. Referring lu Hus Ualml hunter ha said he Inuld nth:-r I-.4 exclmlod furover from oico than that this dinner Ihuuld hrso natured. Mu pruphlliml great trouble: In Afglnnioun. Huh: I Ill zugnnnllun. ` (tllolm ) \ Landon, Sept. 19 -r\ duputulinn x-I` Gran Western shun.-hulden Ind Au in- LQLVICI with the Bouil of DIf!C!()fI yon ordqy, Ind urged tho deunbimy ol lu- lion Illh the Hrnml 'l'v-Ink. It inun- `[11.-nlqy, um urged the nu `h Tl`! .l...hu-.0 9}... 0| _...I. IUI nnnnn an Ill-l . A deapnlch ti--duy ruiii-nines: an ')ul~ brink at Uornl. [hr kiissinii lay lI- Af- ghanistan, of ii ievi-It nliich is plainly to be: mad as is pretext for Ruuinn oo- cupiilinii ii! that City. Th0 (IllH)h1Ik In In-ll plnnnail. A desperate rooinunco an iiiii-la, biii Hm row:-H win an fur suc cenaful that bath the Civil uorornor and the Miiinry Chief were killed, nnd um: ohy now ravniln. The news excite: the moat livery miiiiiiuunii hare. Iona] -.`RurrIod Allu- Uoveruu-'n I rmnop-no nu.1.1|nn nnuuun 12.1 The new: [rum .-\fghaInalan tluu morn- ing in uf u must. ulnrmng Ind gloomy chsncto-r. Nu rauuunblo dunln csn longer be entertained that the hmd of Ruuin has been buoy In fuunonting all the recon`. occurrence-a,w|uch have canned tin. nungnrlih.-.1 ..f ..x -.....|s kI.\...l -n.l nmu un I uumuy mnrnmg. I Uteenville, Mm., Supt, 20. - The con- dition 0! the cilizuus uf Onllounlil in pIl:- ful. They Are; |w in by I ah.l~gun qunnulmo, Wllll money nu-I nurse: Ionrce, The mlmum are lighting.` the fewer. A reliaf nu-elinulwru yeawrdny lent $600. Nlvuul .'.. lnvrul.-I u.~.. Keene; bee felt it neoeeury Ln male en expleuuion euent hie roporbd thto|t_ cu burn Gum. in elllgj on the Arrival at me ex-Preeidenz At San Frenciuu, wlirru urn pl-epentione have been nude lur hu reception. Kearney nyehu he been en edulut of (lenerel (lnnif and the: he only said the eiu elmuld be burned :1 the returning hem became lhu tool ol Iheivel and kuevee-In uunlher of which petty Ir. Kearney belongs` Purhepe Dou- uie Ihendonud hie original echama In-ciuee some one threatened to lung him, no! i'lI eigy but in reelnyh. .1 ng -. _, . __-, we raueuv. occurrencn the olpendilure of mono-y I-y England. .un-nu.-.u . Ina Ivmunlvu u no puaonl. New York. Sept. `..'U.Francin Pur coll, whu murdered Mlchnol liulondulj nu the olrm-I. un July `..'4th for refusing in` give him ulnplnymeul, WLI neulmm-cl tn imprilomnsm. lnr Info yesterday. The luuornl of Daniel Draw will lm unprlluulnom. Inr mo yealeruny. Daniel Draw will hold Tnwaday Uteenville. Mun. Soul. 20,- The no , unlndo ' ! up lo iltaund uunru-uvu Inn ':r.|u. Yulbrdny the Cznr rode in an open oarrogo zhrungh Linda, Icculupamied by I Imall escort uf mounted tron , umd crowds which hned Um Ilrnll. it run Ihatpluod for populnr onthuolum, but report; unto thu them: deluunntutupm o mmnullclured lo order, and our: ordimry procumm. 1. \v` '-'~'|I taken In make this Appnrom \ , .i..-. l mm; ulrwu on the put. of H18 l."/..tr -lulu zufh. Lines of police Ageutu um] (her Huvernmenz --Icinln in pluu cl:-than extended nu ` hulh side: of the Itroeu through which the Emperor pnuod, Ind it an oven ru- mured thatcum had been ulien to poll (lornrument ngmuu in every room ovar- loolung the ruutu, an an to prev nt my nllompl luahnmt lhv Emperor t rough tho wind->rvu hr puaenl. York. Sent. `..'U.-~Frnncin Pur nun Ilnnulr. -.00! -u--nv n u Doapatcnan from S1 Pelanuurg an nouuoo politivdly ll-4:, n-uwuluI.uu!Im( the rumors whiz-H u.~ .- nil -at u to re spouting his prnp n-.o nulnruumnt, Princc U-)0`!-Ochliul do 3 not Imam] lurviign hi! 000, Indthnl. Ilm nmhdencco rope-no-I in in by the Czar null rennin: un|h|k- LII uuuqn, u.--rno uuuq or nds. uh. -`'I Inn audio-`I the ICC! Ito! sou-mug Hntioh Ions will ulutqoollly oacabol to his nlid, ." Tloolnwer rupoodn:-"I hue already tuition in lay that lur that put "ugh! dun I have pruorrod myull nnd (nail, by the good allies. of th.-ulrionJ- ly to no, Jud also putly by brihu, partly by Hocciving tho ruboin. Certain pol-oou of high punmuu In thou Pr..- IIDQOI I570 her--um ruhollioul. I Am Inching otevy A. unor uulully. 1 mm in ,_God Lu u . uppurtuuity of shot- iug my uaooro hioudohip tor the British Uonmmont, Antl ucuriug my good man bcloro the w0rld.'\' ' A I..|n..._ .u...._.4... .l.... A..I..-__..I. cl.-. . ouoro Inc worm. 7 A Lahore oornnpulidout tulegnph (Int the Afloodia hue sigma-I I lruh Ign-o` mom. to omuro the uloly uf lhu mods thtuugh Khyber, Klmlm nu-I Michua Pnua. hnldn, 19.--The \'i_auoy ol -nzw val nuvua [ulh Islam -"I Iuuiotl I News from Aaron um dc.-can. cu: Th culling ol Iotilo/['07] prinlo About tho humus in the Donipiun nnmu in 5 little puncture and unlimoly. Tho It-Hill! {or August in nluya higher Hun it in lo! July. Now, then Iumld halo how u chant lo: n ma. oougut.ula`nion an tho nation In! August at this you` uuod than 0! July 1878, but Inch in not the sun. The eumpuioon III um. Ir vuublo to tho N.P.. thin lnudolout na- tuu ol Iliich in being u muro expand the Bongo! it I9 in opontlon. tii_o_I1o. 0U`E_EC. ' uhi_c_uIs} wan MM.) -780 Nlnpn tool. `a nun: In mm In El, W mcn IIIVO CIIIIDU no much blood and M lannlovunu Il ha. by th- Ioo.l.IoIua I vocab: bgnunul-Q51 umlnuo. 3.. .5. G . Italy 9' 3; 0 MCI . In ;oo '14 hi 1 our vmur 0.1!: u. p_3; ..||. 0,36 00.00` double nun C I ..I.. too sky. mm ; LII) @ nu! Illln dun -I I m can In bus. when lulu; nlu-- moo rd and um. am a no to 1.12. can If-; waun u us; we -630` All nu. ..m.a- mu. .1 fut A. II 'U01I II'-; WXCI II `mm Q C W. Unto not; new a :0 in SI 10"` IL 9.W)wd' Undo L475. o..o.'..u. um. 15%! unbl- I nlvwnrilur IVIITIIUIIQI, Iml Aonnlin ubhon. They also ship wool _ rm: Auunlia onolniv Iv. luilun II cuuod by who lung do- pngu-n ul Inniuou in Auotnln, and the onus-[soot inability Io nnluo on onuuqunonta. lioaulouloohr hnuu wall mice, but the Inllllatl llllldl un Landon Ivan. I. 'lI1'nIl, Sum 20. -Buvonoon I Sum, than lulun III announced yonlonhy, Ill ouooltho oldot Ind but nuwu fmm tn the Aurnlinn Iudo. Thoy won middleman, IIOIIIOI the larg- ot Muwhnlor wuohonou, Ind an-Nun. They do shin- London, Sept. 20. - The Slumluv d`; lhrlln eannpnndonl report: Ihu Count Indochouulin, Atohbinlnr-pol Faun. Ina been oundcnmod by the Pnuhntril uul ta 0 [mo ul 'l,(XJO muh, or scum dnyn' unpl-lament, for u-aumnnunic-um;-, nu Inwlully, catholic print lhu uboyod tho Mu laws. But on the Anhbulmp II n-.t Iitluu Pruuuu jurindidinn tho untonoo lgllllll him most tnonly ho reourdcd unhl the Emperor pardons him. . - u.. pg.-uu-uqnu. A correspondent At St. Polonburg uu darnundn Ihnl Pnuou Uurluzhtl-11 M` be chuucollor all his Mn, but um: I.. I.-. WI" probably In an only A puuumolu ul I vice chancellor. _,_ . \ GUI. HIV`. - 1 Tan. Clydaodnlo nullionn wen nhippod fur Annrmnun board the steamer `.'~ipun hr bnadmg putpaalu, And tho uuuur 'I:nunnio' took thus blood Intro: and um fool! for New Yorl. I.Il ll-I IIIFLUIIK I The 1mm Purim doapolch up Prince lhumnrcli wiuhod to no Prmoo Huh:-1 luho bofuro tuning Io Vionnu, for tho_ purpose ol uuudmg him ralatlvo to the man of France. sun 0; Boom] ..........y ..... run. Lurillutd'v boy u.-`la `Uuou' and `Dunn: of MAgenu' were lhlppod [rum Liver;-(ml fur New Ymk to day. n Ir-ru n nu:-nu...u nun n.vu - nununnun. l.uuduu,SpC. 20. -- A Nawcutle gonllu mm lute: that he in nulhurizod In mulch (fuurtneyIgAiuIt Elliott, or any mun II) England, us run un the Tyne ur Thmnn-, or III American vnmrn, London, Sept. 20. -N tho Egvpunn cunun crop good. A Inigo ywld M u ample: In far are guod. KllWIN(l l`HAl.I.l nu-. nnnvLL`Il l'|.AII.. | Lumlun, Sept. `.30.--Ten Brooks "Fu _ lu-a" mm the Uomclork Plate yeuerdny by half 1 length Ten hurooa alnrlud I ma uunnuuy In only lelllpnrlfy. New York, Sept. 20. --Tho .~'uu'.I Bun tun npeciulanyo the lam: ndvicu from Mliu uh:-w the Solute :0 clone Ihu an uicul count must determine the relull. I ( wnuleuoml fur the ' _ll h g` 'l`o-day. Nuhvv York, .\'ap'.. `J0. 'l'|m HeI`ul Auburn uluspauch I"t.'})UrlI that Courtney in Iuerlng lrom ngue, and that his In-It hand is badly blimered Ho believe: Ina dnnhilnly only tempurlry. York. Sent. `.20. --'I`hn Nun`: Hun Sun Frnncllcu. l.`nI., Sept. `.30. Mmy ounnu-y people have gl-III! h--mo not I- pecling the reception uf Hum to ulna place beluro Sunday or Mnmhy. Meanrr Truoll, Nowhcdl Mud Taylor, lute of (inl enu, Gram : homo. will want upon hnn soon as he nrnven nu] request hum tn Ap- point A tiny when he will receive hu -1- lellow townunon. It in eltimntud that them Are nearly I humlrod Hnluumna III the city. 'nnl|inulun I) 0 Run! `)1! TI... mo clly. Wnhinglon, U.C._ Sept. `.31! The Secralury uf Wu-'5 nunum [ur the ncnl year In the lnwent ankod In twelva yum. Nun York Smut `)1! Thu IIrrnI4lK cnonuu. New York, Sept. '.!0.-AIn the bulliud much In! mglu, 600 points, for the gnld handed cams, belwuen Hanan llld H;-hnof Zcor, the lunar won by 44 points. .\`chnof- fer lay: he ll" accept Sloumfn Phill- |`Il|{6. Hun I1`:--n.uu~.\ I`nI N..u.I "ml _, II "In Ion many asi:tsuT=ei"u`fr, ` f.`....-_...-:.:_:-,._........_........._ -.___.... ..- the ml. kuw York, Supt. `.. U.-Fur lwu mwlm (ho chs5.In_mu|set been excite I. I'r|cen luv-9 ndvnuoed reuurlubly. On Aug '..".|Il1liuucheenofor export lnld at Mr 1: pound, and now it in qunusd nt Mu I.- l0}c. A Inga dealer up the pmduc- mm In: been increuing for u numiar of yuuu, and last year bacnum ul dull tunes Iheru wu n lnrgo over lupply. The price nan! luwu luwur than fur 1 can juvy balnru. Iiecumly the dumuld from nlmml has bu-an very heavy. One ran- non for the mull nluch thin you in that fanuvrn hnva been uuking butter, lind ing thorn wn muru prot in it than III chonuu. N..... \'...1. u...` -m l.. .|._ L.II IH'K. New York, Sept. `.. 0.~` Mnlllar, meuongc-r eunp'-nypd by Hugo 'l`-mi, I ib`Mm wunuar, wu robbed youerduy mormnguf 8la n,0lI0 by two cundaune uporntuu he met ll Lung [slam] rnilvuy delml. IIIIIOI . . M:-Iuplynn, Supt. l9.-'l`hovtoln| yellow la-n-rah-nlh list to due in (In: cily, Inlnurlu and camps, nznounh lu -um_ um] tlm tr-ml can in nbout. l,li0l|. v Thor-n urn 2.088 ponom ih cmnp and um - smgln nirk pol.-um." Among 435:! gal In and fnuniliu more are but I3 Im`L. N..... \'..-|. sh... on `u..|.; |A_..u-- Oiicagn, Hl., Sept. I9.--`Tha nl advancn In pruuaiuua the daya Ilaa eauao-I she auapooaiou tn-day nf Juaoph Jams: AI S-nu, nun ul the uldaal nnauu `Change, and of Uanupbull .\ Johnaun. They won chiey inunaaod In Ian] and ahurl riba, and an dacroaamgb aluch nl thou proviadoua have alarnu--I the ahnrla, than In a anon.` preunns to buy dumng the grub! portion ol the day, and a ounaoquont aharp adyanpu-. The grain: uukoujaava aha been atrong, and although outside pricaa were not maintained to tho aloag, riaiblc -eakneaa among tho holdon and that cumparauvo amallnoaa of receipt: .l gram ha: a londncy In atill further oululmo valuoa. An active buainru in cunlidaully upocud dating (Inc {all and winter. . ' M--....lu. Q-..) In _,'l`|.-.o..n.l ....lI..... put that ` {hora wu nu ` Adm new of Precision... ..1-`ever Blalluu-1- Robbery-(."buc Jlu rkrIn- Grvlu (83 Men'- lion, VERY _l._I]EST. (Pg-r lion. iugbu Linc.) \'I IUI` \ Ur . New: concerning I coulzuuao very ! expected. Tim I "XX; . `:=......-.---- _ s[w'ioujxvn 1ua.sxr1:;L= =:~< t ' ' "5' W}: nnzlnziiku. 1:1- : cxannxu. AH VA IIIN4 hvnpuluudulllnucl II in at-4"`yLI&:'u' =..a'. suit-0': Chianti dill.` .1 mnhd`.IfAlnnl-.-hllnn-cairn-g dGEEi7s:6Luc;I DUI. "All IIH, hull]: VOHIC M-on. I-an I I tndodu. caudal Imus (I:n:ud A rough D . la , hglol. Us-no Dado. .614 Wow`. Oh. Dina-don Tin`-the . 80 hr "5? Ia-brv onion 0! all h in pnupuy lnrnhng nunlulund Inn is has at MIA. Med Int. by urmw ' An`... largo lieu-I mu sully on hold Utah; WIInaro|ua.' (' .- Ilv-crib], I. An): la-on`, llru-bu. triing-, Iduc. Ind Ian. Paula. I-noun nl tndodnmonndnh hula. In-rp Ihlun I` In. nu-anon unnu nu), KINGS TON. '. BEINDS, I-II_]IIEEIlo. "nouns. my. van. ion. Imam. In-pl an, urn. -e --~- -o FIFTY CENTS KID GLOVI8.; !R.&.J.<;,u French Kid c.Iovea[ made up In unlm by an I-`Ira! ("nu Putter. F"glIlll'H||ll`t-1|IIVUO null` I'r-rm: (`um and no an-m-ml prim Sapv Mill. IF?` FHENIIH Kll] EHIVES. JCLOTHINQ The Bankrupt Saiel nm on mlnmu H In And nu uumim for I Dubilny nr L-hrumc t pnlnmnuy minimum a um-:|I nu weight nu nosnn lI\"u, j.~4i:{P7r.V _ ..... Wumu In '.\'nuur IN Hum \\'!u-n we hear anybody uy lhnt such Mud auch I thing is worth its weight in gold we think they aruiInlu|,;lI|1 in hyperbu1o,|nd pans Hm II|:TTTrW'-\\illI n smile. but num- ber: uf invnlnla hm lnnyu uI|C0 pu-token of 54`: hi |`ImuIn|.:n uf I'Iu' Cm] Liv:-I Uul in uuuabnnuumn mm the Hypopbm- phitcn ul Lilun nu-I Sod: any they would Ilul bu Mllhr-ul il fur uny cm:-Mention. III all cue.-4 on (ianeml (`.m;.~hI-_ In Inc , any mulphunt mu] 1-uusumpnun it weight 1-nl.|. ICDAI ill! Anpnnou at Opals llouo-I ya. r IXT UWIWVI ll ICU-Uuuwu In Ilolaqtlnlbuodlluuc as am Quad: Ivanhoe: sultan J qpnnlbhhlulau staunch &O1l|IIda-tlh nun. An-Aj-13" Innnlnll In I Greatly Reduced Prloon. Nap! Gentleman's Furnishings, mm or Quum aunt. ---- P. I-I.A.E ./I`Y'. guuwu l|IllI`l n-nu I Tllgrllllllll`. MISS MARY ANDERSON. |'|ma4- l'x'l||}|rIJ|'Iln lm.l4|nun- lrmmnhn m A. OPERA Hf)fJE.- m n..- llom uf Wm-I n lulldlug lnuul an Inn: puns I an Inuu-no-, In \\ I-n. Pals "ooh lforu and AIM Imlnun nld UNI Uhulu ll` wear - IOITIIAI. : I'JllI IAIHII. 1; ---- _ co-coc -. m an covzuunif UM.` N Iu.I-I-"l` uNL\', SVASI-I, HI hp. hi: all! rhaud Ill Purga- 1n-nu Sum-1, um! nu hmuq nf war Hi all unlnm, Supt. lath, M IIHTKICY. llullnw-n Mnungnl. `."ml. Tm T` ` umxuouumm. ' v 10 0. In-cu, Iu..nun. In v Wilding Janis union-no pt.-ax. '-o-v-3...-u... -;-_a.rs-r-o-I-u--.--,- --~-u~*_..=:. .-~-.._ .1 Iijuvnxj I."` nal III In, --.`. A_nL.....A._ Lud1II'Con.tu.ndUlM`I. IQ`?! uldfhcy 1.4-,no.`:n. ,';,5.,,* 5 Wellington Itreot, 0. W. ANDREWS. vur mu...{u:n|. nun-u uwul. A Mr I nn|nMncohuuouuha.o ~.-3.-.-.:*....- -. -.-e IIW In-Sci Ilene ul Inn on lhlndl, on tboouutot lock and Ah: I new uu.l and ulftvouron llu ynulao. (loud ulna In I II. Apply to JAIN! hIlIT A CIFIIDITLILI ITUNI DWELLING, - '7'-' ""-*:.."`.:'5:.'l%'r'?.'-'" Wu! It nu. _-._.___._..-.. ._....- _ .... .. .-< IIICI HOUSE an uncut ononphd hy -- 3. Apply to JMIN I III! mu Dwnllmp on Ibo nllh undo ul , UIIIIIIOO .`hr.-oi. nhmo Hylk-uhlll puma. TIIIVI atoms. Im-JIMIIDK Kcheu on mm. 1! mu nu vpy. I-uiind liollu. Well Ind I! rm, I'll` \--I-" -- P1-nlenluv I ('0 can Lu... Ann, so IuM:OnMIr_y to qunulv alum no men. I win the public Also I) know Hun I have assured that urvm-col u gouunmnn llmrollpln oounpohul Ia huh (nos monsly w wrm-_ but to noon) the French and (lorlnun lmnguuuu la! ll be d|-um-my uu-Iarnvmul nut then the French M only a boot I-500 pa: Quuvor ohurgrd for ul hm sun charger I .U.-An two-mug clue (vn uonllalnan now ul cut olnu-gen`. Pl.-An gonllaman nlomlmuo hn boon o,mmd Inr llm bonallt n-f young man Ilnhiny lo qunlsfy vhgunglvu [or I Cnmmoroinl Lita. Home fee A: shove. JOHN IIIl.l.S_ SI Kingston. Sept 8 b_ H4790, AITI In dnnlrou of ohluoulng luv, `Jud or flu! (lino Conllutu ufq nlicntion ll Puhhn 8ohon| I`. what: will plume mo norms that I um pmpuod to huh nil tho lnrnunlnrq than uuhho um luv. .19!` ICU. IUSI. COMMERCIAL ACADEMY. up: M, an -`...-j.__ Carur IE: H:-p0. llth, Ilpl. lib. II79 Aunt VIC h llon-I Oman . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ionvranl Pr;-old:-III . . . . Andrew Holmrunu, Hnq. Ilnnnaur. . . . .. . . . .Ju. Iluwwn. E:-1 Thn qqllowlu no the nnmma I I few of mg Kings um Eh olden. cummnnliifon nwnnnna, II I 1 dlanun. an Inn nun; Your Property Anlust Pure. _ . And hop your Prunnum In (tunml. by Inulru ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE CO. I`-rnmr King I: Brook Slrmnln. Ilurkl \'quun~. sow. 9th, I87?! Kn_uGs'r'oN V EVIILL Poulnfu_b|o_ hounu ut modanu 5 mm. nhntod an Barn: Ind Eur! Hm WiIbor'u do o. Rnluiunoni 111: do. Nnnhro & l.ymnu a do do A ,1-1 `.1 mh-Inca. |`|wn`'I do. 3130 :_:.n-1-.- Inc In II. Apply Honor guano: nd Oonlm llvnou. .4. and uh. I l E|wlno Ah-11': ham Hallo. l `n.`al wall`: D; npomnn Kt-nu-d_x suul'urd'n Caurrh llamoly. Puller`: Pnuiet lnhnlar. ' Vonltluloanl (`ninth Buuedv lmhu holuogm. Swill`: Uod Lhor (Ml Emululnn Wi|bor'u do n. I`|wn`.`n llo. In-nvgy 3 do. A | In m-- I`) Chsrouoo Strut?` >. `.4. `.~mh. u-I79. lenlr It-rum Loam nulllnul prumpllv uml llluernlly . 463 .A.L]5J_ NI Pllmou, two Dog (`uh-, two Hlouhq and Ruhan Apply In J 1' JAII.-K )AI'l`I ll! ._ 31 ufq +6 at: par: 0. F. OILDERSLEEVE. / . |(:__,_. WADIPS IDI I !-' l`0llIJ. Ions: I0 I.Ii-I fpnoftcff fa in LII`. -Iii murnn-.3 1,?/Tm` / fuwi. Wlllohououuu-ed. w;:.'.-'. lug In lho l4:lA||4IN, Wollmguu mm: vauuuun I GO; / Aguul. K_ -Igllm) `Ma-,. , Bun lueot,Il A. D. Il.n.|ur- ijVI-Iy-Ituv:II-I II` htlilotb an blhlhnlu an n--J-LgI.I4.n.JI.-.-.n-l.- L---`I WI IIIVU olgliulluoliqol nnonol sauna 00 50 Ihdluublvantiltlul-boy -xxklfn-n-:ioII-ILA`! &'C-fXCOIII|llUuJ. II IL: Hnlng add this, and vary much mom to tho Ilunolool, ho juollllu Ma din- muion oltho subject an I niniocor M Ohriol, uodnnuul NI baron llut In oolyhtroduu polihou Sun the pulpit u I salute! publlo nonln, nlth vlulch all have ltd! nlpolllllilitlu. Said /In - "We ruin out vulnn upland lime in oltloontl othn that It at Uudooc of (Ion:-uncut; an than In malt by atomic lhoucn. What the Hunt- and doallbu la Oh: nun:-llhon ha. and auto mm. Ipo-all oc- . an uuuuo now. Ipwnlul C1- nuhul -mutton. We no (autoc- mum. and co honour puma-I And In th and-n no man \ uuuauunuuurj uuu uuuu Cw "run -nu u\Ilu' nnmity which 1 public olwy of this kind Inna! Moclnrily mince, than in tho noqloct 0! bone lag utlun, tho yrouu don ol Ind: Mid ooumorco. and tho mn- gulugntinonuo at puvurly And All in nlundnnt ovn our tho land, The nvonuo in uuorl imuicienl to cu-ry out tho pollcypl I Unvommonl; in the oouno ol thug non the Imlllnultlod dohm have arisen to oil uniom 0| ponndo llulillq-thno million: 0! that nun hull; hon uirod Ior Ihll hu boon nppcntly duct d M `Our bnuh with tho Zulon.' " 3 I IIIIIIIII IIIIIIU, XIIDIIIHOU llnGI'OIII fureed lsbour, reetreiued the liberty nl the prese, end pueed In order worthy of the worst despotism the! ever culled the worltI--en owinence which eln were the governor end council, wlt out say trisl, to inict the of bsntstnnent. Amt whst shell we sey ol thet eeme Government, in its lust at eanqueet, pending an ermy egsiust en unolendin power, deeoletlng its country, slenahtenng its inhebitmu, dethrnntng its sovereign, end wt-eating lrom It of Its territory? And All for when or the eeke of e scientic {run- tier. Never `wee there s more wsnton or wicked uee ol power mule by any Government. Unhsppily for the world end the interest of netiuns, thst Govern uent can move its srniee to end he up on the earth, end hes in military stations In end neer, end were thee: used an wstoh-towers oi obeervetion to oversee oppreeson end to promote the oonetitu- tinml liberties ol netione it would lorm some juetitlntion [or their ion; u eo hr Iron thet being so. thst (tourn- ment hes ot leze yeers euumed s personel eed lueporlel sepeot. end, true to the in- stincts ol sll Governments ol lint type, it only preys upon the wee|t,sad invents new loI'Is o! I renny. le theres eevege ml thst sten in the wey of its emhitiun I Thet tribe tenet be crushed. end it re- slstenoeie uered, no gusrter given. In the most recent ounliet between s clviliz ed end e bsrberous population. the lormer have exceeded the cruelty of their eevege opponents. And how do lheee eureeeive were, those loreign cnnqueele end oornpliuseione, stem the home cnun try I Hot to speek ol the deletenous end demorslieiug iuluenee upon the mm unmet eomeril! nee. the lsvevvvvs -uuvuuu-, vu run,-u-uvu vu - lsrge scale st the inspirslion of one men or A council of men. in the maze ol e nstian and too frequently Among men it is not. only eon- doued but seoouuud glory. But in the righteous jmluinentol hesven it. is whole- sale murder. And when s strung power, on the slenderesl. protest or pruvocstion, uiskee wet on one wesker than itself, and sends lurlh srmies to the slsuuhter ol thonsends, be ensured Ihsl. the Judge of sll the eerth will not hold the sggressnr guiltleu. `Oppreesion sud Violence.` So runs the prophefe indictment. And is there no oppression end violence in compelling by force 0! srms en iinwilling people to surrender their nslursl snd nstiunsl righls, end to submit themselves to s lorelgn yoke 1' He continues : nun . rs , , _ _ ,, ,, us , .. . _. _ .-.-.-.. ,~_~ . -- --~~-...__. Win! Government." recently nrlful mum took pmuuiun, dictum inland, established the: fuuuul lnhour. rnntrninnd Hun Iihnrtv '3' W "T WI` 31! uunllbolnt. Aoluow tboyhuo l_4I-..A 4 --l.._lA_ .1 AL- .---.`I.4nn `-I no... ....... . ......... II ...... ....... ..... be Ihod ;' but let th nlmcl-Hm; -I hlunbd honour innocent, be parpetrnled on I ox `Urgent vueweuuu-eeuee-, -uu new Ietnvlu netlooh end inpwhehle reeulte o! the AI. ehel end Zulu eenpeigne ere creating an inpveuiee ehieh the Jiogu petty cannot heeetoeeeetaeet. Greethee been the expenditure ct money and bleoctjn iheee ven. The Victoria are 0! e donbtlul end unprodteble eherecter, and the en- penieion and government at enything beyond the preeent dolllininne -Ivele I leek enggeetive ul dieeppointnient end herreneeee. Beeeoneeld'e Om5en.- neat he been indicted by the Liber- el petty `lo : ite unlortunete edminir tretion ul nin; end the voice ol the people, eeeme to be nieed egeinet the exteneion of the preeent clieheertening end `depieeeing Action of the WI! DQu'tInent, In the Orkney emu at A recent dltee nd thet even in the pulpit the English Government in indicted tor the loee oflife and uniforms end Inieerywhich tine been experienced by the ettempted oonqueet 0! hr dietent end heethenieh lende. lter. Devid Webster, I do rgymen oi eome eminence and much eeund eenee, in the U. P." Church, Kirk- Iell. cmupene Beeoone6eld e cabinet tn the Jewieh (luvetnnient egeinet Ihich Jelniih propheeiod. Be than in etructed, O Jerueeiem, let my mini de- part from thee. lent I melxe thee deeoiete. e lend not inhehited." Covetoueneee may meniteet iteelf on the pert of e Guyernment in the ennention oi terri- tur; either by the erve oi diplumecy --r the llll 0! the netion." `The shedding of innocent blood in deemed in privete . lite e crime which nothing no name for ( but the blood at the bioadeheder, end thie righteoue retelietion he: received the eenction 0! (led himeell. `Whoeo ched- deth |nen'e blood by men ehall hie Mood i...i..,a .' i...o I-) ii..." .Im.l.li.... ..r |.|.....I Th Int ltld null idngrio an I bolgotvolnnuiuhu notion l'u_0'I- MWMIWW git ndhpaunblo all-eh) hnlo ol the daily uvopnpcr. luck in tea aid and trim: in cnodnnlbn oi the lon6gupolieyolt'-.olqaIdI0ovuI- numb! u Iuwultanllbutnnucn idnullbobnnhg quotient Ihich agi- No In huulpaf Ilsa people` of Grant Bdlnh. Wunndhuonhn booouo _-x_I.A.. -__.;.l...n....- -...l` u.- ..I.......- I llnju vviui-Quilt-I-vv vu'v-v wokiny oouidautlom, and` the glen-my ....n....n. . ..n x.......s..u. .....n. no... u IKTIII l_I_VIIll'l. uulcllhu us- .L -, KI-I-to-.0-J the-an-v blank:-pl n-n-Q-II In JIIIIIV Uni -Uvv inland nnqomyul Ihun`un`d gs- l..A.|_u.. n...... 1.. .4 .. ALA. up uuuju - ll ll "DU u-I-o`lu-aonotho. Woiolhvolhl uc.IIcc-r.-0 nu-I M-.5 -II huh UiIIcI'bh.bbo humudonllhclilhnutlorud ohuuulnclollotpllbhllllblllr ygdn. Ilohl-so cl It-alt In [1-._4._ ..J AL... -...... Ln..- n IIIUVII ul "In In uvu [IE1 IIKO, DUI Iona-1. Th pIU5I,|h Opts lions pupuuoa. nu Ann. and Ir. Imps; dih cuudonnd bingo! uoloitpo nu. Iotltlllllloiilhpuu IA hhhn In Lh -ad.-it-pl uh; umvuny wnuo nun; mum an the door at Ibo Open Home It Kinplon. We have known r. Ionlooof mono yuan sud IMI in 050 Inc tin : IO Inn Mud uythlnq npluu him. We have I-mod Mn uoooslngly courteous, not only tub nonbonol thopnubcn lbopunuol the char. `hon an coco queue lollou m Kauplnn.-Uuluvio. .' Ir. Iottfuu will unmly that the (luknlolut oonpollhgol I0 juouly out ooapldnt. Ir. Ionlna to uni ndvll In on or we wanna slow. but - nnnuln AL- f\.._._ 3.... lxcmlnv. -The Kinpton popu- charge Ilr. Ilurunor. Maison manqu- ul Inc Jun Murphy Oupblnuna, mu: incinlily I llo Idling Hahn BC the door n! [In Dunn Hmnn Ii Ki--ulna Wu The Vnctkogul party III to punhoro thin morn:-on on ruulolo lonlrul, -not n unit in than not men bu boon quite cvontlul Turonto hu boon {around by an Oovatnw-Gourd and hot H.ll.H. very much: And It cannot ho diamond that their puoonoo and nounonu no up gm-upjon 0! no ondl onhr, and an unporunt olonont ol Inputs: in connec- lion with tho lndutrinl IINN9-(on. uuu uv u-up;-u nun: yul -uupu ugnmu Ivnlun In In tho lnbit nl hung cfuidpd houses. " Speaking 0! the Vwo Hngnl raacptlon at Londun the Adwrldur up. Mnjat Dewmtun Ilood at tho door nl Hm Council Ohuubor nu] tool: the curd: of those to bo punnlod, Ind tlo oolamy with which hp nouhl grub puuboud and put the prountpul ponon lorvud, load: an 3 well grounded wlpioion thsl in only My ho landed 109; for some circus vhioh _.- ... nL- L-L;o .1 k__._,, ._ _I.I nu-uuuu vs uuyuuvnun IIIIIIII. tuxuui Liam.-Uul. Oliver taken the cummu-d ul the Military College pro tom. In the absence of Lint.-Uul. Horton, who in viumng England, he in the Ioniur olliocr. "l :-ulouur Pygmnliou Whnen" (nlin Mr. N. C` U--odrun_ jr_,) will conduct no ru it the Upall Home on Sunr- day atoning nut. He in grouly given It) "ubblll." Rev. W. H. Poole, LL. D , Ihu I an Inn bourod hr our thirty years: in vnmum (Said: in Unmdu in ynnoctiun with the Methmhu church, hu Aooopturl an invi- uliun from Bishop Himpaon church, Do- Inna} Mn. J. H Hsokou, roulor nngl Inge- dianno. in shout. to mm for New York and ullmr lending American citioa to (ill I number of important engnaonuutn. ljnno _l`..l l|hu.-- |-l-- him ~--------I .5-nu, nu null. -uvu W2 WUII llI`lI PUIIUC` lion. The at go work went on with clock hh precision. Nu bulk: or vniu wuro encountered. The unooth acting in all this more surprising Iiuoo iroqnont chnngel of cute In indulged in, the Ad- unrnl, Jouphiuo And Ralph being did -sr- out to than of the afternoon. The ohununen won no,nnd nvonl ol the ID- lon boner tinu the public Ind bun ac- cultmned to dxpect from junnilea. Tho good part: of the play were frequently upplnu-led, u uuoh nn uncnuuuunly good porlurnumoo well deserved to ho. I HI IU"f Of IJIIXI-I "II, CD - I4I$IU ohunou ol pmnonneod principul lhollld ho Ill ll lholr loyalty to Illa leader'- nbon thy nu ducted lonppon. Mr. lion unto sound public lilo at the solicitation cl 3 can the but do. mote Int lab country lllllll om nhurl you than othn Mu acouupliullod in I Inla- al-o. Io baboon oppoud (0 than who, to IIOIQM, won oouplriuii iiiiiul u khan] cl Clo pouplo. whoa lhoy unnat- end B In by the thaw," and the lutlo lulu! u! the Tory party. hi by HM. Ir. Ohaplnun, In humans! lb lndlgunllon. "lino ` thy." uh Ir. Ion, "nu ulnlr * Id IIII lilolilllbu nllho Illl M ` tho IIQIIVO Out the [dial ulbunuh ul tlocolllq In II lulollonhlo mIl- : IQIGIUU poplol Iluolhoy that 4 ed nohutcooulb cl ado oh: u phylum! line may upwind : Ann- .a 3; ,1 u-uuuu, u I . luv. Prinolpll (Jun: pruobu in the Fm! Uungrngniuunl Church to-mono: morning llld evening. u.- I u u.....-.. ..._.1..--...| ._,.,._ um. J. N. 1'.T,Tm ollngaton, in, mm pulor ul the Mothodiu Church at Madrid, N.\'. xllzsnu u......,, ...uuu nun UH-wuuu. ' Luv. evening the second perlnrmanro wu givnn before tn ludi0'lu! ul four hundred, and I good house consider- ing that ve entertainment: proooodod it this weak in that building. The axe- cntinn give dllboulldod ntilfnctjon. H was fur in Adnnoo of the ldllll perfor- uuuou we Inn Ind lune ol the tumour piecn, sud hu inouuod in populuity. lhlph and the Admin! were exceedingly hnndmmo hula player: ; Hobo sud Little |!uugI'cup were churning; Dick Dead- oyo won Iunply immenu in Iovornl paints, nml the Acting of the whole com- pany uf luny-ve III well nigh perfec- 'l`h.. .a..... nun _...l. .......p .... ..:n. Whan the idu of 1 children`: Pinsloro wu mu branchod in New Yutknt met with uppooiti-on from nuny. and particu- Inrly from tho ollonn at tho Society for the I :-ovoutmn nl Cruolty to Children. who M. length, howenr. [ranted pennin- niun for Anuporimonul arid. Tho chi!` Iron selected were of rupoctnblo pumm- ago, luvinn good voice: and o! gncoful and nut Appeal-moo. Many were chil- dran of poor puonu, who won greatly bunetitled by the pay they roooivod, -nd the Inuonoel thrown uh--ut them were kept A: pure as pnuible. Al the clone 0! the New York Iouon of uovonly-ve por- lurmnncel, Mn. Huorly, with the con- um. of tho puronu, took the troupe to ` the [mug Inland Ion shore, md that I rest. of lawn! weak` a nip wu ouayod. Yesterday An Air y announced, it ruched Klngltou md met an onlhuunr tic reception in 'lho afternoon at the Opera Home, which in: crowded. I -.p ---..a.... Al... ....._.| ___n I uyvlvv. uwv uvi _`I|l1IIlI' Ulll [J uoaulupnuuuuo. Son bar can no breaking out in uriouo park of tho- Evupiro. An we tone ull this and not In it in Iho lokonl of God : planin- the juduuunu that inevitably lullou n mane ul dngonuuy and ui-cl I! no, It in only I nd oviduct Oh! but auto 0! mind in uinilnr {4} that of the Jovinh people vlun cluy refund to listen to the I.unl'n prophot; cloud Chair on: to (lib uwumonlo ol I holy Providence. ind brought. upon than utlonnl calamity Ind ruin." Strong lnulnago (ram two who speak: that ho lull And noun fully pruparod [or consequences. out III-Iotdnl {gin Ill Idling IAI- loixk It kid! that In mu- \_Iin thousand! doll follow citiuno. Booholr aunt aoat an ouutrippiug III in tho production 0! sricluol oun- ...-u- ...|..\- ..I......_... ....- .....-_-.;- dgudgnotlabu daily I990 ml. loolsuhponl dpdlauuud `I'-lth I100! pou- pulnud duo-|ook.Ittho mutual uhgoninud in hunt!--looIx u .... ..__.._.:_I .I__-,__1-__ -AA 1 u: nu nu mu yuu-u-yy-on In In-usual-I vuln- moron. Soohovjloumy our proopocu AnnALuannnnnnt M'-4 R`. L..- -A_ . Mielllouuly u ' no IIVOIIIG `Plnfore. lvuvw nu-. -I. vu-u-3--. --u nu. unnu- ly Ion honthobihcnl puny at ucr`u'u -L.- -... ..l u.-as-..-quad n-inning] -hnulol -4--9% Personal. mm nxms11__wH1c, sArw sl_:l 1'EMB-E_RV 20. 1879. "uunuo an no rmuy pnor In no In nub:-0 but the "lawn." an mum nu "(lIuov on but will trip but Ibo "lnch' n bula losing 5 Juan ul (our sun. and In can lit: vktutiu out that lau|" duqbutlho ovlofnl tho Glcbu' dduuuuhlout-any Ioulrthnu-, no Wynn" In pupal. lulu`: Inn (Io "0MrI[v i lot]. I Cuunjup Iunfa OI` Idltlliullil. D` DIG {hat dhtuuo In can by 5 Into. You N- no: nut hon lupus, at did not `:10 the Iulpvltlllu IO KID, `III I50 "0|1lr|uo" the Fmlly prior I0 I53 nnlu unub-an ha: [ha "Imam" nu an,-110 Ian on " ldvi yu" our 5 mile. gr. Idlhr, yuur aquatic nponur mm Mn 1 very "(W F. `F ``'`P""`- 0 I000 O50 bus 5 vcy dun: Inn; ull-nu or u lam have annual the show Jinan: with unt `I'M lad in tho who the '![.Mr|" III pining Inll`: bind IIO "0Mllb ill hing I Cunminn . -ust It um log.- n. lb: 31.4.: A. snug um. llngln Ran _ `l'.Ann L- An inqunry Into Ilm whplo nub -oi Iould reveal the fu"oI|n[( : (I) that bnivuoity Oullogo II dulng --My hull tho work 0! lhghur education m Unurio; (2) tin! it upuu be dnmg that hall very Iudiorv onlly iudood' amen lrpnrlnlly n cannon pnparo own uncvm oluq use Int in vncam pmfuouulupo; (3) that Quads, Vnoturin and 'I`rmny l munm'n do the nut ul tho work of highor secular odou- u'un Illhuul my mu whuonr lo the Prunuoo; (4) Non they could nail] and ojonoptly do u all; that Ibo:-dun tho 7 chuudowa-out ul [}u|'voui|y Oullql ` uhuuld bu urged qpnn Ibo Inglnlgu .3 u only I dun no pounblo. : Yullfl. `C. , III 5 very "om-mun pouoy Indood. rnmlly, Inn mo ouuvoonuon npooohon md uuimoaigla ut tho profunu_u Uniunily College are pun and undnlilod bombut. Thou wuuhl undoubuodly ho lair inlnronnen from the roman! of the Government to nppoml gndunlu of tho I"lO provlncul Ichoul of Ionrning up than uoanl. prnleuorlhipn. And if no, but I short tuna would a-lupus befuro the pea.- slo of Ontario mull] bolnovo, till! thl luv. Principal Nullel, D. ll, 0! Vlotonn Umvuruity, that lho lmy ul cndoning ope Cullego unly fur I o wholo Province In nu onohuu" policy indeed. inaulrv whulo Inbia-at Ionld on. D. A. Run, the Adjutant- Uouonl of shale], (luurnunnt, hu dlouad Ila loll lbout hi: purpool tn lullov Boa. It. Ohnuvnu in his untim- . . . , , .L 0;; _,n , . r IIIGIF IIIIIIII III" IO mougnl Illa Illldy of your, nro unlit. fur ponitioru Ihioh the were npparontly competent to fill at gruguntiun. Secondly, thnl. the Vioo~ Chancellor and II Minister ol Educa- tion, Imuwing thoroughly the wouhlgn chnriwter of the wurk done in Uulnniiy Oallugo, think it innitely bolts: to lo- uommonj the appointment. 0! Incl: from abroul Chm that 0! lint nlun honor, lriplo gold nodnliuu uni | riuoo'a prize- man of tho "(Jrml Nuhbnal Univnnnn ` ITIPII nulu lliullllu Ill! 3':-moo"; pum- Nuhbmll Univonny. Thirdly, that tho onnvoonuon npooohn lOI1iD(IniAll uf lhn nrafnn-nu ul umlmum, Ana Inlonlnuood 01 local. Van Ian aid of DI`. HeNoiIh, 4! III. Wuodn, nl Dr. Ellil and of MI . MN at grndunuunl In Ion aid of them in their t.-mun-mnlal Now uuppmo that the (iuvurumom nhould I 1:! non [Hun Al-mod, that Are tho legitimate in- letouuu Ihioh the pa-nulo of Ontario Inn] draw from much In M! I Fnruly, thnl tho but Onncdnn gudunlao, that upriching than mind: with the thougnt and study your. unt. uonitinru lhilh ununn cnnaumuen ' `elnmonuy well quill- od" for than poniuuua. M. tho lul convoca-tum of the Uunvonily one 0! the profouon in credited with lining lbs! I contain Mr. C ~. In probsbly the moat. Junnguinlmd gr-Adana who hnd our loll , the U:-lloge. Tho ruiouor nddod that he numetimoo fell. as Ila beforo hi: elm thnt he nhould chulgo place: with thin ullllmulu, and Intannmtoad of tonal. V... Inn: nnill n` I]: Manginln ..I II- Wll Dlfly IIA. II H) llllf IIIHIB {mm (hsrmuny and Britain may-be had for Inch relnunornliuu, hm. Icarosiy the best talent." But zulppnle some reputed first clnu nun Irma Ahmad -"poor nnd needy" -~ahuul| apply, huw are his qunli iicntionn and than of .i lint cluu Una disc: to be umnpnred, and who in to de- oils which in the better man? Are the Semi. nml Unvernlnent to not as judges? Loading members of the former, in par- tioulnr the roieuun. hue aloolnrod Cn- uadinn can idniel "isininontly well quali- uoniuuua. mm. but I. I . [Ill c..||..a.p lumnto, 3.94. too. ----o-oo---- nu nu. uuuur u_y nu nuueu n rug. SIit.-Iu my pruviuul letter I pointed out lhlt. Toronto Uiitsrrlity II cleimed by its otlicere, gnduewe And friends to be the Great. Nstiounl Univernity" in the Province of Unturiu. It in said thnt Ila curriculum in inure uxteneive. tlut III rofeeeorl ere more euiim-III, and that its out honor gndueloe are more eohc-Inrly than than of any Unnedinn univereity. I have no Irish at prensnt Io Iiepute any of theee etnteuwntn, nor to underulue the great work which 'I`oruntn l'.uvoreIty hen dune Ior thin province in year: put. (In the contnr , I honor the prwteeeon of Univeriily ullege for the part. they have taken in uooomphehing that work, and I entertain the greeteet renpect tor mlny uf their able en-I distinguished et-ulunts. It in because I thin regnnl the College uni ite nlnmni tlut I venture to publttrly urgu their cleinu to the few pmleuortnl Ip- fr-intmentn in this gift of the Provincial mgielnture. It in Agreed on till ride: that we llllnuld hnve the but telant eveihhta, whothor Irom Cemdn or Zululand ;" but it in the sublimeet uuneeneo to talk of "rubbing [Europe of it: grentoet. men for cnllugoe in this country, when the nlnry otfered ll only 82,500 per ennum -the pay 0! A good bunk-keeper. Second clue men or inexperienced men --"beerdleee boy: with beuurlv II.A.'u to their nnnie"~ 6...... A mo aemze ununoor. Tho Manitoba exhibit: nrrivod yogur- dny morning mm] are beingqmloldod to- (by. M the Dominion Rie Mntohnvnlu. it Mntohuylluh day afternoon the Pmvincinl much Ill red At the 500yud tango, Quebec hm] scored I99; Onurio, I99; Now Bruno- wick. I58; Non Scutin. 188; Ptiuoo Ed- uard hlmd, 168; sud Manitoba, 163. The mulch was not lininhod lut awning, pm] the ring At. the second range Ill continued thin morning. -- - -- 000 r-,.%__ IIUUU run-III nun -u-`u-u u --uuwu. Tug wanted I I-an guaranteed {or tho` Imildingol Ibo 0.9., Leno the ight of imagination which ta fund reoclod by Lord Bouomold In hm oundontial talk `a the old country ngnculturiuu. an comuuuy nrriumz. Their Ercollonciu, who return to the oily Lu-inurrow morning, lonuully upon tho exhibition uu Wednesday and will Afterward: be escorted through tho groundl. On Thurndu than will now In nn. mung, nap}. zu.-'lI0 (N1 III i morning my: recent ulvia (I1 Elli! rupms nu oumurhing rovivd cl iltttd iutho pnpooo-I schema of direct con- nunicuiouo between that country sud Cumin. Mr. W. Bailey Bomloy, the ' Bruiliul Comul at San Fnncinoo. Ili'o ` in loan during Int uuiun of Fulln- ' men! advocating the puugo of tin hill to gun! a nuhidyllo I lino ol uumu-nun condition that the Bruiliun (lontuuoot you 1 oimilnt unonnl, in now in Brazil, urging upon the -V-vommout of that Country the import ol tho undutnlu hug. Hob condant that min- lionl will be brought to I I III in- am. I00. lhhibiu for the Dominion Exhibition constantly Thai: Enznllanciu. who nluru Ln um grounan_ Thundny the will pay In an. utficinl visit, Ind on `ridny ounlng Hu- Royd Higlmeu will present tho prize: In the Bennie Clulnbor. rm. u...h..|.. ..s.u.n. -....'....a ....... Tu Hoe mm... ..; c1.:;r.n'..I. Wkcg. Hun , In ..... ..o H... I.~.bb-- I .. Brazallago Trade Dominion Ex- Mull'ou-l'u'e-ltegal (hoop- Non-lho lambda Ottovu, sop}. 20.4150. Oiun Illa nun-in: an ulvi hm knit `nupeuanoou u|en~-"oenmlou boy: u beuprly male" 1 mch munuu-an runumd 00 1:. Vacant Proiusorulp. OUIUI. Tho 'IIigh authority ul which Lord Hea- cunaliald apoh at Ayleahury, mhia ruler- ouoaa to agrioultura in Canada and the United States, wultadoubtodty the man who looia like him ; and that other `high authority` in aithor `Sir Lennard Tillay or Sir Uhatlaa Tnppar. l'lnr Canadian hntgltta appear to hava given the Pnmior a glowing account of the manner in which that lanaan ol tba extrema Woatarn Btataa have baau ohaaiug each uthar into Ila `lilniialla and fartila Itldorneu," ul tho glut Iona land, there tn do farm- lnp ao oatanaiuly and au protably that Ila Anarioaaa hat` that they cannot outn- pata with Canada. Grant Britain in not a aoaraa ol the slightest anxiety tn tha Yankoaa. A `high authority givaa Lord Bououlold to nndaratand that tho mu. Kata ol tho United Btataa II" In diaturtr bod-t|a| the inpulaiva Anal-ioana will hop ruahiug into the Uanadiuu wilder- ncau, which will anon be occupnod by mil- lion. Hi: John and In oolluguaa hava boon "atung" than English Pramior. .I I..- ah- lI\___ _-_A-A - I-.. 1 I W a I 1 I