.. .__J. - l`ho ()dH"oIlnwn nl` Wnterluwn no bunily ongngml III nnkmg preparation: for the wait uf the Kingston ludgtu on the 12th inn. 3-Thno bank: hunt in 1 week. Such I cl-uh ol unucinl institution: In novor ..'rh. Nu [ark .S!;!.o F.-ir will be hold at Ulica, September 8th, 9th`, Mill), Hill and 12th. -.lCdInrd Bun of Ununuoquo, hu boon nude manor of the -mm yncm ` '77.1.T.} .."... .h;.r.i --lh ll. the phnln,:|'A};h8I', hu lnr [AID photngnphn ul Bishop U`Brion in vni. nu. -In-n (buruujn-t-uv`. -Th Kuhn; Ruper- .. .....H-u nlnhn nnnnnnnnnt nl lhn -.-`l'ho hold: u::_ll pdtoniud. Tn- nl go at a. high. '-+_`l'ho`0nuu took I lugralqbot lo --Abou| up luin nd and my Biat- v_ilIiAnI visited the city yntordny. -'l`ho 8:. Rngin Indian any play I much ollncronu lunou the 12th. -111. Atliloliu." at xanguzn, pll] Silo Nnpnnoo lacrosse Club on Friday. ,. _, _ I_I__J nL:_l :- .._- y-v DVW _-...... -._- -, ,,,,, - The DUI ouunu Inland Ohio! in one ol the Iundnomut and oouu hunt: on .$Ij.-tfiirlrliltv 1...: ....A.._..6II-_ .hI.-0. nag VAIIIZIIJIDVI.-D-8vTlD0lVLI.lo0'l I OVODHIK. u.,,.. .. ........ Tho gontlo-on proton: Ippondcd their and to 0 nub-W-I wt. 0-0 nan- pu IIOIIII hung out N00. `ho Oct at! Oonlmu loin ghost poo non, ndth ptoupooh lot uncaring not on _.._-uul UIIUI, IIIUIIIII vuunuy, u nu--u Rom, w. 0. lemon. 'l`. B. Ray, C. H. Carbon, - Frau, W. L` Martin, F. A. Folgor, T. Runny, J. C. Melodic, W. Davis, H Buulon, Dr. Mnophonon, W. Little, Col. Onmpboll, Col. Wouley, Cnpt. Paton, Cnpl. Wilton, Dr. Mullen- no. Colonel Hnnoo. W. A. Mingaye, G. A. Klrllpnlick, M.P., Uol Hewitt, ('npL Wilmot, Ooloncl Stnubomlo. J C Clnrk, A. Uunn, M P., J. 0. Juan, 8 W. Folgor, Ihjor Wnlhr, J. B. Curtuthon, Jonu Jonas, Ounnnoquo -, T. DIIIUIL Walla lnlnnd; W. Manon, Lyn; J. Hur- ley, M.P.P., South Frodoriokubnrg; P Anny, Nnponu; J Allen. Piown, A. Dunbar, linrroumith ; William D. Ilsa. Sydonhnr, John Allan. Nnpanoo. Goorgo Sponeo, Bydcnhun; John Urilth, n..L-.... nr A nmu. lltlncnn 1'}.- uourgu uywuuw, -.,uuu-u-u. um... u. nu-, Puhm; Dr. A. Booth, (Man. The nombon ol the Oonlninu huo point to [dd to their nnnbor. A Collecting Oonamu Ill than up pointed, vim, F. A. Folgor, Cupl. Paton, Iqjor 801300, 0. H. Corbou, John Canon, II. Conroy, Ospt. Wnlnon, W. G. Illiou, J. 0. Julian, Onl Ounpbgll __J `D Illa..-- Ilu I. IUIIUI . On motion ol Mr. H. Bordon the Col- looting Oonultuo III roquuuod to re port tho ulount 9! unit Nboripdona II a mating ol tho Gourd Oonllituon lanai: . ' A nub- onnmoo no moot-md vlnwwi --uuuulywvwi IlU|I| "II I ailiuna 0.H.Ootho,F. A. Folgu, Juhn Canon, I. Oouroy, W. G. llliou, Ind Owl. Wilson. A nnnlIA-An nnnnnnl Ann`-nd-.I ILA- Ilvuuu uuuq-nut. - A-U IVW qdnvdunl-um Och-Hnylnl I IInlL|.- An`... `-1.. IL. L.A.I .L.J puunvwu --u-- vu -u-u; :1: -n. 3. Illbloy dun IMO! 0|! Idol dd ndlhlhhbocuqnltnt which bonus bio Ilobocoolordinu. A ht uh- uhndunudo Ionnddlhot noun hnd Irina may in Mt bug. Chu- nngfhoanduuuvnpub chum -annn.ndnhn- lhnnlljkgnnn `CI. Uxvjivwjtuid thndightllllntlolyunplnlno. Aptingvlldlo that at It. lthy julllmllbhnlnnlulllolllnugh lhliludclhhly. ---no.__-. ' `ha rim In-. nah 'lud'-- Oiq-o-IuII Onnp Gunt--ud Jdnna, oonvonmu nouuu. To start with it In: proposed to form I Turl Association, which Iugguilr wu rnthor luvounbly rocoivod, but it In: urgod that tho rum should be lint unurod, and thnt thou huing them In charge Ihould ropl-cunt the hush of I Club. With thin undo: Iunding the oloclion ol oloon via an- tered upon : Proaidont-Mr. Mnyor (lildonloon. Vioo~Pruidont-Mtjor Holman, "A" Batury. Sooroury-Trouuror-Mr. '1`. 03 W1!- Inn I0". It Ill movod that All the gentlemen prouln, and I numbor ol outsiders, be I Gonorsl (Jommittoo Ueutlomen above nnmod, and John Cnnon, Williun Waggoner, Miohul Conroy, William n-a,a w n mlinu 1` H luv, 0 Inning: oppoinud to collect nhntipuou (mm lho ..'u-...-. n [I ...I..n I A I7|..I._- I L- It 'IvZ j -I 0% Ii I2 Iuwvui nnovcrluhu. Lbodlhnhollq hllludcullgulnnuou Inn! to -I-LL AL.-AL.-nng I-A-no-A41.-J l'IcII, llIl\.I Iu uu: Uvlluunn u-.-........ The Mum wu moved into the chair, i and Mr. '1`. C. Wilson wgn olootod Soc:-or 4 If]. Tho fooling of thou present wu docid odly in favour of I uric: 0! non: at I convenient louuu. '-I "A _:u. z; _-- .....-......`.l Lut evening then In 1 lnrgo muting of gentleman, luuunblo to hnving Full rlcol, hold in the Council Uhunbor. nu , Il____ __- ....._-A Ann. oh- alanin- UVUI. The eeconil lire tool: plum bet teen 2. and 3 o'clock in the while frame lmueu owned end occupied by Mr. Sunuel Mar ehell, Divinion St. The outbroek of the fire we: very sudden. end Mr. Manhnll end rm family were hurriedly routed out without the opportunity to nave but e portion of their clothing and houeehold effects. Enquiry lemle us to helievetlnt the tire wee coined by an eecident or cereleuoeu in the use of metchee or lumps in the bedroom of Mr. Mureha.ll'e none, their bedding and other fnrniehingn being on tire and the home full of smoke when the other inmate: of the premises were ewekened end obliged to leave as epeedily u pouible in cnneequence of the Iuboeting emulto. The house in bul putielly deetroyed. The roof is gone, and the upper storey gutted. while the lower u in in I more or lose ruined con- dition. Mr. Mlhlll in ineured for 8950; but this amount will not rebuild the house end repleoe the furniture, eto., the lone of which he he: suffered by the IIT3. The remen were in nttoudnnoo punc- tunliy at both tiru, And rendarod signal service. Had the supply of water on Division In-out not been good there would hue been nothing leftnf Mr. Mu-Ihnl|'n home. Flour, Flour, Flour. For I Barrel of Good family. Putty or Patent Purilldd Flour Oo to the ' ........., .TVjC ._..., And in I total Ion. _ua-Joqhntdoco nonunion. [Au night X0. Hljil H I-I NIH- tioy eonuooly follow ugh odur in 1-holpoll of good Iortuno, with UTETB city In hvourod, III brolpn, Ind tiu burnings hnpponod within I Ion hour: _Tho Int than Ill given About 10:30 o'olook,_ and the point of III-tlctiuvu nu tho donblo blionoul, rod coloured build-. ing, nitunod on Riduu nttoot, nearly op-V pouito Ihqcnuuqui School. some Jay: Ago nu occupied by Mr. Li!- tle, proptiotor uf the uhory long eon- dnctenlby the Mann. R--nrk, as whole estate the bumod huuu bei--ngcod. The structure Ill vary old, Ind very dry, and human it became inuugnnblo fuel the consumption of which Ill vary 'rupid. During the tire ui uploum wu hoard, whih Itlrtlod the ludionco, and checked tho onthunium 0! song Ihu Imro cun- lpicuoiuij ompioyod in dancing shim doing onrything in aenornl nnd nothing in puticulnr. Whnt cauud the explo- Iion no one norm to know. An incon- dinryi lllwh Ill certainly applied. 'I`ho_ building `iii auapwlgt huansl 491.!) ,,,__.| L_;._ Apsrtol` the building for noun limo md until ` Finulnlo. I-h-c:\M`btIJI Olffill` boua,ianounllyooulnodoounl' cub. lchunuhd an Iill" `W n... ..__._n_ 1..n.. ...I. nthn inl Bonn ltuuno. -'l'Io Napnoo |n...I...J..-.A.. n. l.u.- LA I. rlln ouqu lint:-|..u':nu- nnlun ll j- GAL` man nnmsa_wmfcs. `1`nunsnAr; .g\uuz'1s1~ [ 7. .L8 7. THE RACE C0lJ ESE. TIOFIIII. Wu innurod. how: thuugln 1` due: nu. conuln mull noun, Being Hm mun! mmlcrn buildgng, Venn lguun vuul hygmnic xrrnnuomontn gone rally, may be Iuppulod to be the must purtocl. Cuntunly the polnnu got nu! ficiem Iplve fur frelh ur , and tho ur in tho Ilrxll ll parloolly {too from the III hlenl mm. `he Muoicul School ha a oopanto bunlmng of Its mun nu the same ground llud II mud IIHI ovcty cunumonco The hhurv ll eupocinlly Inrlhy of no- uou Nearly ull the principal uundud wurlu no kept in II, touothor with all the prlumpll medial and Icionuc period: uh. Sovonl mpiu ol tho Inlay: odi uum of such works, A: Uny. Qusin, Klrko, on , urn In 1 m ntocl In short, nutnilm a hall un on: vhonby 3 Into: for uunuw rudlnu I mndical and not nnullo htontun may be cultinlod in tho otudout. Smuotlung ol this kind in udly noodod in Kmgutun Ind I III anxious to bnnu a in-Joel on Ibo Inbgnl boloi-o the linen spun Society Inc yoonhui tho follow: nut, loohuhly. lot it lull through. PM HI. Thonu nnuoum in not well pmvidod Illh pnpuotiono and dinne- uono ul haclxhy Antony, but In ool~ Iccuun ui puholugioul npoounonoig ma lu bu tho Inga! und but In London. And puhnlogy km to be dug!) uudiod (or en. Royal Cullen! onninsuou. Thou $1 I npurou muuuln for Innis Nelle. nd Ghonmuy. Ihwll in well stocked` W. hnin All that nonltlv nodnd tom Immr upl'IlioII' dnntqn, Cu, and we got puouco is dancing urging] and In an Puudty doputnont list any. In tho wank II In Inployd iniro sing Iumudn, umnq Immoral, oh. II in good prnchoo, but nondinu It begin In (fol "mom-tonon` H Ink Twain nd Uhoumuy. amen u nu uoeuoa W0 hue all that neatly rocdvod gppuinunonu u Dnnon" Io ch AI- ninuul Suruoonl. Our any in to pot- dndqu, 010., um u not auction dancing union! pod no: unsound u my could nu being called up only. The mmeum at the Royal College of Surgeons In as ygry vnunblo ouo, mud, n In prulounonnl Alur, in aid to_be the tines! at It: kind Anywhere. 1! con um: ulxuvvnum of 'evory port of the body, executed in the must. Inarvelloun manner and preserved in spirit. All the lexuaea of the uympuholic no boluu ully dnuocI.c~d|ou,u:d some of the unnll or uum~.lu_ wucely perceptible in ordi nary Inhyecu, an Ibonn A: plain u dny light Up|=ormnmen [or the Itudy ul Compu-ntxve Anatomy, ulna, no unuur paswd B:-antllul model: 0! duo din cue: in wu facnliuw the study nl Der mntolngy. In fut the study 0! Anna my and ulumat everything clue. in then: rendered, u.-1 only any, but highly ph. ..m nml ant.-mnlmu um And Int-ruolmg, SI 'l`h-nun Hospital in utuntecl nthor pleualzlly on the hunk of the Thllnu. unmcmlmu-Iy appoint: the Houoon 0! Par liunent. ll II 2: very tina moon of arch: h-Ctuw, .md mverl mom ground, I be- l|ovu,1hnu any ulher hoopnlnl in Luudun, nm.mI. I` dun um. conllln Innnl bgdu, could say We have boon having inoanul nin Alcott our mam Io hauled, but the vuthor in plonutly cool: quit: I ma- trut to IBM it until] I in Condo It IMO lo ol no you w. 5... Loan .. bun an in M00 the ol no W0 Ion icon on busy uocyotlnddIo|nou||onIr.-ubo lint about In mln tall I II, it, You: an . Wuuuu . Unuvn. gm-non-(nInnv. ) I. Dauuib the IuI'I=r d an non:uo II M Win would ICVCUTIK DI" Wivvuuu to Ilooiul admin cub arm o-uurul.udduhnh|huolthdr anus! wurnu than unelnu. About `ZUI nude,-nla went up for Ihoir primary with nu, uf whom about 72 got plucked. (Due in every three in About the mun] percuntngo. The oral: luud till tho ITtla mat, about 24 men being examined daily. We were furluunlo iu being called only. The Rays] College out undo! 3. WK 5 lb Minn d ~ bl!` cluaely n-mnnued. ln llixn.-vlugy you are roquirod lu luult through a mlcruuoupe and once what alruclure yuuloa. and in Ihll. part of the body 1!. in to be louud, o.g., If I our man of nerve Hunt) in shown you, you lnuvu Iu auto whether it mine: from the; cerehrum cerebellum. spinal cord nr lrom une uf the uutlyzng gnnulin--nml so with other names. Yuu an than quel- cnoned closely on nlmmt everything m cunneotinn Wllh it. I tind they have not A grant nuxmy mu: tlamrm, The mlelcrip mm ml the dc-1-uanlinn of the lil-ran in that ophc clninann gl\`0lI by Gray and Huth in mm ulrl. My hrathor vu nked tn Llelcrlbe II in ma oral, and did 50 mar lrny_ only In um tnld when he had got lhrnugh that that was ubwleu-. 'l`h-Ay .'u'\~ very particular about the minute smmluro of the body, and for that. reaauu Quun it the untomy mout uudmd hare. tiny`: Minute Anatomy in ......... H... unnlnnn mlnllla Il['\H3||I[U U] 5 I than unelnu. um... -ml .m.I.-nu ` uvuqltl nnplnlnn. wlu nuuvuua Iurvuuoouuunol um WIIIIOOH n..n..l.ndd|vH-noubutnn and ask yarn, " N nu nu mum re umvad " My brother Ind Henderson wens bull) zukml to choono out from I lot of carpal and Inns] bones the internll cunmform . to -me what fuut 1t belong~ ed tn. wlnu vans in ntuchnuenlu. lip menloun null uthervnlo, eto., and I0 on wnth um us calcis and utngnlun. lu {Act there :3 nu purl of the humln Inntomy, oxoc-pl. perhaps, the deep muaclol of N10 back, in which ynn are not Iinble to be closely t`lnll)lll0d. In Hintnlmw will required ulblell Inr IU uumm~| olcn` In .: uuwu Im II vumnnod In Anatomy, uni at the third in |'l|y.~m)lngy and Hiatulol; Ind it In surprising the uununt of work which they cnn tr..n-l aver in 10 minutes. In Axmlmuy I un.-4 taken over the mnlnr and ucupnul bum-a, perinovm, pharynx, hum`, lnmrk mud [M9, diaphragm liver, fu- M cnrculutum, nml oovorul ulhor U|:Ir_r:1 which I forget. A flvourito ........:.... .. on nhnw Inn: an Instant lul nllllafllun and sunk ym mnvnd M Golden Lion Grocery W. B. Iclll Q03 :lU, Palace, New Road, lmunheth. Londnn 3!`... 22nd July, 1879. Dun Dl)L'l`()l. -l nlmuld certainly have written ya-u earlier, but that we have hul [it work vary hard in preparing luromr ebmludllultl -nmro `ally aa we had to up n groatdoal of practical micrononpical Iorlr. However, that in over now, and we: have a abort uaaon of cmuparatiru leisure. We went up for our Iritton onruinar Ii-ma on the 7th inat., and fur the Viva Fa";-ii mi me fliiiihi dty. Yeti will be glad to learn fur the uh of old Queen`: that wr irur mu! plucked. Tllogpaper. of which I --iiulone you 3 copy, In an muier mu llmn maul. It Inna iiavorllu-loan rntlmr Ium; 1. be! done justice to in ll lioura. 'l'ho WPIUOII uaininntiuu dnaa not count for In much an Ilia oral, it seems, fur no ullt) in permitted to eg- capu withuut this ordeal. It luta lor hall an lluul , the student going to 5% tables I --r I0 minutvl each. At `.5 table: 1-xauunod .i_.--4 ;.. ni..._. ... -...l l.1;.o..I.....` ....l in murcu use gonoru rower. :5 won an {urninh a hint cu 0 .h0l uudauu that in- tend to Bnuh lhunul-no 0! in London. of the nunnu in` which nodicul unt- an an unuuged in the upaul u! the Empire. It in ptoot that nudcnu Iho ucquitthomoalvu wall in our modiul ' school in Kmuuton need not bognvciy tarried It the union! of an English 0:- nuninntion, nuumuoh II A properly quli- oal grndunta Is! our oehool -sands about no 3 par with than from my other Brmnh school. - \'....p. In: In DII.-- llw l0lID!|I IOIIOU IO DC DE WI. 7. Cluvor, .. l.D.,l.R.C.8.K , &c., on olour In In tit! gnduud ~ In! lurinu. axnhiu ihnll. ll. in-our CC., OK Ollf RUIZ IIII IIIQIIIUII spring, axphiu knoll. onr an lueidly dqaiotilg, Uni. I! my inunu the gonad radar. u IO" M {nrninh 1 him In u'.ho|' nludonu To the 543:, 0] on-7755,. Bu.--'[ hu (alloying hunt to in {min . . ` , . . - my 1'.` 3';.l:'.`:.'.I 5:L.'.'. `2..'.'..E.`.i.... lltnltfu. xxmuurms, CHDOI. aura truly, LN), lllu UUVUTII UIIIUI In ahuw you I beau! ol some ultricua part, "What In: been re .,I ... ..I..\..... ma I.-um . lnl T. R. Dl7|`l'l.\ |'3*`3~i-*.!VL*"`**"`J| Bpiod Balmon \n Two " Lobster: in 0aTPound `Han. Lohitern in Two " Alto Lou of othor A1-tiolu too Numorou to Imuon Suitable for Ixouuionl. Pic-nigs, and Gunning Out, to be land :8 GM. city l'ish Market, 0`! I304`! ITIIIT. ..,_ VOIMLIOIIO lift! 0 Inn at nun ' VbvCdugo.'oIUdh Inland. dtdappoholllt mqmuhlvo chum` vuluto vary nay vlollvuunldtrqchudndu. `la 91! Glut. I 00lIu. was hand. Ann: Mk. II HI`. lI1`lAMIR HHANNON wII|_ uml funhu noun, pl no I-allow: lane Kingston on Ioudnyn, `duo-in u and F: n shy: at |0o'o|oa-I Ln. for WIBT WT ll- Ing :1. In} porn Nolurnin; will luvo W}:-I shy: Ln. WIB`l'PUI'l` rall- Ing In porn Illlluvo 0-I pan on ucodnyo. Thundnyl and lhtII'd.I\'I u 6 un.. calling at any pofll. For lnu H or punts apply to tho Cnptnluon baud, Ihu bopol, with propor can and mama. lo `other with ronnonnhk nun. In her I lutr Ihln f ublh-pal 1 ta. 0 P Nut. W JOHNSON. __., ...... .__ HI`<~xI.:N'~ r\KNlw`A S.u.v|.- The beat Salve Jn the world for Uuu. Bruin-u, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tutlor, Chap- Ilnndn, Chilblnnn, Conn, and all ind: at Skin Ernptium. This Snlvoin gnu-unload to give perfect utiulnction in every cue or muney nvlundonl. Price 25 cent: per but. For sale by J.1l. King, ouoceumr tn E. H. Pu-ker. When we cunaidor that Fallon Cum- punud Syrup nf llypophn-philu supplier the deciency to unhealthy blood. ro- Itun-I the nan-um element, And produce: healthy action In tho nrioul organ: and force: at Ilia mi nooruuy lo ounnd uund, wo wonder nl. lhe unbocilny ovary- whero nppnront. - 090 - - - 'l`u Mmu;uI will boy lie I100! oi U0 Friday trips. The 'MAud` may nut to nuilnblo for tho route satin during the `Kingston a.g_d_ Westvort I xalvou-pool. Dogluhcml GOLDEN Lion GRO0ERY.' cc... , # Tin: I An nun liit.-r.- Agralid through e-xcursinn in nunmuiced from .Hlla\'illo to the 'l`lmuuml Inland Purl: and St Lawn-mo Conlrnl Unlup (lr--uml on St- I-rclav, 23rd of August. They will re- nnin on. Sunday at both places. This will be the lgm excursion. I: lb 8. S. Parliament. and Camp Meeting clung nu the full:-wing Muudny. The lnrmon on llm roulo cannot do lmllar than nuil lhalnnoln-nuf thin dc-llszhllul tri`, Tho ll8l|lIIbI' Il`l _)Illg llwln will be the fl voritu `Mnnd" and it will cull ll Mul Pmnl, Shun-ts, Ad`-l[)llIllhIIll, and all the ports in far up an Kingston. The excur- aiun II under the Inuiuguineul uf Ron. D. Hrill nuul F H Slrlllnll. IRIDEAU CANAL. n`::;n..m-e..`? - A-I-1 :::x1.:./-uzr.-arzm ma puculmr vanity. -- A quarter of: Il.I|Ni0l.l free bllhr, not Including tbune tnlmn Iurropmiuunly (rum tho ends c-I men, were indulged III In! mu-L In N.-w Yurl.-. The headulu-a, drunkmuu-In and lighting them have pr\':~utol_ pays the Ilvruhl, Clllllnl he utatml in lignrc-9; hut. uever1holeu_ nuvh hu baun the ether us! the nppunumly I-- be 1-lean. -- .405. non under me Inumgun Brill and F. li. Slrnuun. properly. ~ King Thee lhw, of Burunh, dug:-sl ed wnh the scarcity and mu ul hquur at Muulalny, hu nut to liangnun to on qmru the coat of II Itill, and think: of lnvingu distillery in his palace. Gm In hlll puculmr vanity. --.\ uunrler bllhr. Iur llquld ro.-Ireanmom. -Previous to his doinrluro [rum I'icl.mI. the RM. Alex. Iuu, who hu reraivvd u call {ruin the Proabyteruu church It \\'oudaluc|(, Unt`, Ill promul- od Illll u beautiful silver to: norvlho, gold natcln and chuu and other thinp --Hmne caplulinu of St Cntlmrumm together with an Aumncan and I gentl- unu from nunthor city in Unlanw. are cu-rying on negutunuonn which If!` I-ks-ly cu and in the furmaliun of A company (or the erocuou ul 4: large lrmr brewery in St. Kiln , ,MII.. H.un..n..In (rum ulnnn (luri- HI. lulu -Ml|r-. Rnymundn, from whmu Gui- lmldn in nnuuun fur a divoroo, live: at U-nun In I nploudul vulln belonging I o her faunly. Her non hu never taken the mum of Garibaldi, And mom: to hno no idea of claunlng I Ihare uf Garibaldi; Knnz haw. Burunh. dugznal hung at. II:s_ Iuecouor ll vol. lmngo, or gnome. -A mam prnphowu, with l'.. npoallu. hu nriwn in Iiuuln She punches nunterily M lilo, the Avoidance of arms, men! llld nmrringo. Illd nothing but has fut liquid rt.-frenhmont. domrluro Perfect Pain Paciator. A ugu-I `.'ml. |li7`0. Youoaojotood Una! Iuhnudgyonhn Elliot! but, the Uolonel zsnn ~--Mr. Ellwnrd Dryer Ti:-ny. Home Rule mnmbernf tho Common: fur Tap- penry. has written A leltor"whI'ch in con Iidonsd 3 repudillioll of Home ltulo. -01: dnl thnt Sir Solhv Smvlh Iill nmomu ropuauuon 0! name Itulo. thnt Selby Smylh Ihorlly resign hi: position and return to Llnixhunl, an 1.1:. in mg: 9! C4_lggLn! I93; The porlon gonordlly rofornd to n his in Col. Slrnngo, of Quebec. -A man nrnnhamu. nnoallu. Aqul &. IUD. ....---...... mam. --The impurutinu of Amoricux lather uxlo Europa hu incrouod 100 per oent. nines I873. ` --A tutimouigl. M.-companiul by I rnh gift of $40,000. to u-l.ioutoIunt ' lovornor Lotellior in Ipokun of. --Mr_ A. E. Plummar. of tho Fodonl uovornor hozemor II npolsen 01` --Mr. A. E. Plummet, Bank. London. [In puruhuod Hnnlnni Elliuu but, the Colonel Shut An. 'Ir;I.-...l 13...... '1 -- I Tim Nev York police no muting gnu: effort: 1 u u break up the `pool with lulnnouh In that city. --Sennl.ur I-`Abra in In bu sent on a mu lumuouu that city. Fnbre Iiou D France by the Dominion Uuvern mam. Tongue in Two " um um` .uuuvI:u nun iuumauc. FISIEI I mombnnel _ Mr - 6. Duo:-iho the cardiac and p`ylotin,oriA ea of tho donut, (Io accid vulva. and tho nu. lxphin lb muscular nod oorvou unochwiun by which they no nupootinly ngulntod. N01-I:~ln uuutionn 2 and I3 tho nui- raupoounly ngumoa. Nonolu question: mm mruotura. do. u can under tho Iuicmocope, In to In dulotibod. unncnu 0! me Im among. 15. mm d" on in Ilnd to u- uooo tho and-ad Jnrfunool obcunlot lnnnln In-Ina I uooo Inc all mombnnel n n.....-as 3. UCUIDO uo,IIIIcIInu1 soanam. the join it up to can 3 the ligunonu uhida count 050-. What uuoeloo Ari Attached to it! 4. 0110 the count, ad bnnchu ol the lin Alba. 5 Hugh `Ii...-Ann in manning] In an. DON'T YOU YOIGIT I1`. :4. Dock. lho,Ih\rur`l minding jcin H lot` L. |:__......- _L:.|. ..-...n AL... Win n|.0. I (`mun T. A IIATNILD PIG-_IE08! . E_very Article, FRESH. HNIIUN. (`opium ud oqunl In And DINO! lhn tloovor nuc- nludud. udor tho new law `he but n the input into on ma! ` uhvo `III In until Mao I I1: nuorununv. of Iuwol. l`riunnmll. llm-\r\c" (`I rum our ml MW` N h?|:o:`nou{ulnnonmonl of Englinh Twomlu P ""`|"' """";"'A "" `" ` " '.-un, |'u| mu making and Irimmlng In nl nlunotl oclleoiiwh Tuned nnui, we in mg tn Ordered Clothing Wa gunrnuloon III. in 0 lbs but noulblo duonpnnu Ron our prion. nd` Pn..' 8`r.t, nn`n_ Clothing we gun but poutblc description S|lVE SHH HIHIIIE [20 A. sum] 3. co. Al IUOI FID I40? 0: 33-. In." w?JA| L"'u.'}"-'.."I.-'3l'.'n'i=' 3' 2:. c 1 *1 v M` for I (loot! Ponndolfos low Orop. 1879, Just landed ox `Aiuka, co to the ' ' Great Roductlomooooo Shootings, _V (cached Oottcnl. all: and Oolorod silk. 2 av Show-int-. suck sud Oclored culunm, all - nloolx and colored Iorino. o.*.n "1m'- Buck and Colored Luutors. Gr 1? T""- Buck ond Oolorod Oordu. 0: 3! him!` glnck and hncy Prints, '1'st.,,,__ ,,,,,.M_ W W `no, . "II 'l`\voc-la. l,`um-hull 1 I Ca?!-o-_:_oT'l'o_ ..`.'"Wu.,,.,,, J. Economy of [shot is one of we quutlonu o,t,t.hg`dsy` 5", wuh. u it has agroat deal to do with the pry [an Why then not use MATOBLIBS SOAP. r` in. if you use oooordinz todiroctions. _ : III Pu-ins. L'j:'R`5r\ THE MATCHLESS SOAP. J. L. EIGLEIIMIT & 00. Wofuo Again In and Illlqpply Ih anus 341.: of summnn. goons An;l pnrlmn Iunluug n I-`uhonnblo Muslin Drona non hnvo It for 5 Cum 5 Yud. pod Gn- Goidln Lion Grocery, usdluou Ior I0 COULD. and other ood: tn proportion G UABANTII then and II Toul. (`nln Grulty. Burma; quality. lull vdqtl F. x. COUSINEAU & oojs. Greatlearing Sale of Snminef Goods, COMMENCING munsmv; AUG. `ITI-`I. July `.'t':lh, I tile UIIIA D3 0001)! II!!!` II can to nth loan tor mp Arr: urlnlud todhpou I our Intro I ` 1! Quality of an my Ind: Do at overlook this ` um I ztuad undo:-tholot 0 Iupoouon our 4.3:: n..Io`..`.= can nl-mp llannlnn lnrnnilu. unto uxuumlpoouonozuuuu vines dl that we no Giving Genuine I K1013! non't% rm-go: the Grand Oleqring 3.13:6 t A HICKEY &. ILETT S. Augunl .':l.h. I87" Annual .'Ilh, I89). PETROLEUM. Th nliofvlbl I lmnhllllk $7M _Augu|l Tth, I87 . (`all and non fur yuurnolvu, Luhol. if you want PHICAP UOUDH. " an rumucss snuun. orrosnn cu`! HUPItl.. -uh Inhll l. PREVOST.-~ stand. UHF KUIIIIUIIIUII U I IIIIIIUIIIIIQ vpuuv We Mn bouatnl having n nuorunont. lhnl the moat fastidious m Plano givo um I --all hofom puwhxuing olu-wlmrn` -WI l`llI Il'l` lJ()l'u'l`- Ourkeady-Made Daparuueut is the Best. Assorted in Pattern .u. um |r..~n- IN Plum: or ANY IN Tm: ('l`l'Y. iiegvynlwooncmamn Twed 1>.nz at $2.75 or 2}L1rrJriiis Am ulim: so well tlml W0 are annulled Iur having introduced them. Wbokulo Ital an not lhnppon. Pouolh, 0|Iu|o.Coudn Fur full ponkculu-o no hndhlllu not being diacribuuud through tho oily. WK l|\\'0~? IU run v\r.|u\' Anotherspleudid Lmeof Lhoae Neat and Nobby Scotch Tweed: cur run -1::-Lu mmx. 11: Iqtlohol. ll. umu. liar Am: in anmmnr nvooun as n Iuuun White SK ru,Colond Nkirla. Eur: Chou Thaiflmnpux Prnu Eur Olend. all at I ~ hwy Cououn Al Ioutrul Wholnulo Prices Whnlu liuttoun at Iona-onl Wholesale Prism. Wlm Shooliuun ul Iontnsal Wlmlnula Prmuu in II A I IIIIAIIJ .._....._..,. AU Summer Dru: Good: Reduced All` Rllk Umbrella um! Pu-uoln Ru Reduced Ruclmwl. wlulo Luvnu ma Iunlinn at Rodunod Pnou. Light Hmnumr sllh Excmuoly Chap. (hunt. liar nlnl in Bnmmnr Twoodn at '|l1Iron'I Tlmlllnunux Prlnu Nylll Woolblluuunau 1. vvvvu K Dunn nu war II: an an r-u -- Aru tsling '0 ~|IA\'INu HI'Al\IoU nu nuns --n -mu nun --- our Gentlemen : Furnishing Depnrtmontil . . . ,._x..... .. .......n...-u. um: um moat mu nalw`. tram. Opposite Albion 1 "Au u {..g...} am` an n;a.;o.`ai;r:.:r T? ___....___.. w--~Ir" " " ................... .-new. mu GLOTIIINI stuns, Four boon fun Ila lulu square. I8 CARRYING UN NOW BIS USUAL _ ____-___'_ M` Zuuw uuu._ I1x'vuIIom`bb an ov nrsuloon In In on! 5 K woo. `I3-imuuugn. "0I`|l" ntreul W lmlnulo rrmu ll. WAl.l|l!0N. \\'lln0n'n Ilulldlngn, ,m`_aaoneu uvwuu-. I Ooztou. _w.on llunol. 1n Towlincs. Mftilll` r`t`pn_R||>'.;on._l,am(?1|ru|I.n_l'x I7 `I 1'wooaln.B1 IIOIIIIIOIIIX um. . A IIOKIY Il.l'l.l'. Prtnoou lu-oot. Vary luhunochq laouhilb. Ind:-Contact NIW NOVILTII8. lnod`hva5plaolIcII Kllgntol. July `Qt, IU9. 700, 1IIIo.hIIn.l II UH olovua-I4m,lda-db ha! I will unhullningly 3.. Id F lake BMW nu BEST SMOKING A up A ws`1llIC R. 4 4. alnouugn, CIXFI. TIUhII1XDOm`CHX and-u-nuunuuagnwunna Iu|laoo`IK.|uW|MonI1H. Ial`l'uoboIlau`lVZnlID& Vary Ilu uu:quAu._u_ rim mu. ruuputoa m.I.mn. nuuc nun: nap-uuinvuu. \"11 Zuuj , Kingston. .'i 1`wooaln.l|lu~L 5 in Pces. I`. X. COIIHINIMII & (J0. 4 u '-...'"`l-11.111, I I , plan : wh . EI=TAr:it ounmo 1. am. ' man 33! ' CH& 3 ;:..~.':.;--..-......-' mg: :2 Hum mums` and (haul . II!- II. 0 In-dmiayuajh. Iiuluby an ... |...u unt `u:-u-ivv- -__ _-_.__- A vuunu u-rucnnox nu nun. nuc u-nu-tuna. n-nuns. noun. Iwluulupe. lo. l`II?LIU| AID IND A? III (rl.l'|`IAl. DIIPIIIAIY. IN PIIIOIII ITIIIT. KIIOIYOI. Bamin Two Tongue In one Pound `flu. Salmon in one Pound `rim. _0orn Boo! ln_-0:10 Ponnd9'l'in|. Ram in one I Oorn Bee! in Two July um. ..._ _-.- 1.A.3.$'IOOA.. Oountox--It-I-stunt. Iiiitlll pnvuw uqpuu It! 6"- 'II its h.ud nduinthoor ulna`. touch 1 grunt ndont toll- Ilhic. luh|"!l.P."V It to, uh I pinto! Nathan! Policy which Audu- oncnt unynouppovo ohthoughtbo unnvv. unu-u --van. nu an-nu vu our uu-r bot liuiu 0! Mann. lhthbnn I Son. No min loll (hon yuurdny. A Ido- gnu Imm Intorpriu upon: but Ina raging lhno -u north ol thou, and making you instruction among Iinbor linih. Enuuivo bush `rum raging in the vicinity ol Konptvillo. Unlul nil lnllo um. I luv dun. u in land nu- J..a.....A:_- -0 ........-o.. -l|I L. .mp- WIWC If 9-IICVIIIU IRICIIII I poucnyu no van a bit as! N.P.," AL-..-L -- llbnlnnn In L` against it nnr W II I W` WI-I I HIV III A1.|., Ihnugl no prohu to be nggiutil. Ont oouhnponry in urimuly in met. A drydool bu hon puny InI0hII'o;5 Iuponontol prince capital in but g..- *1. Running g-4| -ml`-innlhnnn. vs-co1-0 ---__. SIl'l`l2.`llI.~~ Yutu-day morning (loo. Reagan and Thoma Riley Inn brought bolon Judp Prico tor the lu-oony M I nod: from Mr. Hun, Front Road. 30- ing convicted the lurmor III Ionhnood tothroo yuniu the Ponilootiu-y.uul Riley to 23 Indutln in ch: County Gaol. The varnished bunt, which they had in their pououion than unohd n Plu- oou. boluugod lo Moan Shun I Imo- uidou. Nnpnnon. luring boon inhntiul II Inch. -- .3- .7 __ Bvsn l"nus.- A telegram ll-om Tun- Ionh npana hnuy huh lira: raging Ioeu mile: north 0! Tunworth on Arden. Ono! havoc in undo on tho tin- n-.LL__ I. n__ ....n3o.__ Not tn: N P. Baotou we advocslo thonlchliohooutusdopulonol 30- lodhn dry duck, the Bollovillo lnlollh gguganngun nu- haul - hit 45' N P " IIII IIIII IIIIIIII I UUIV IlI U. u u nuzvu tho dontnulion ol property ill! to via L.._- 8Iu_uov-r Lao` -l.;p-_uubon an Oolulgoilgoul toll quill II- Intlhnbopupuoool Iolhgoudhv-, hgnd. 'l\uo|IoytlnvolIbocun- nuhulluoluuldymd p blot plane. The VHO-an an pt-Indplly In Yutluaoho Mn blind In; Inn. 13 `l'|oInhon|hoK.IP.II. _..l-_ ...A ...A._J... -l..._.._ ... ..._.I lhuoauv In-unulun. --'l`n-morrou tho Walla luhnd (llitun) lodgo ol Inna: will hue their nnnunl excursion to the amp gmund, and hit weather in only dcnind to onluro nuecnu. The `Mun! III been onuqod, and lhiu Il'HIO|]l|0O- -out in n oulioiom guunutoo of oonlort Ind phone!` The utrooliunl II tho 'l`houIu.d lilac! Park an an drnwi|[" now up they have ur vill'ho this uuon. -0010 501'!- -0- Kuwu hluumm. -'l`ho Wntu-town mu may not be Chouorluldinn, but it Ioavu no one in doubt uf in real nati- Inonln. or uno it up. He in 3 bigger liu than ought to he nllmud to until: an Mp nf the earth. He should be caught and dumpod mlu tho St. Law- rcnoo, and the `l`uringlon' nhuuld bo on- glaod to run him down and link him in eighty foot 0! water." -- - 03: __ ..... ..- Tun Excuas-an lhsx.--'l`hIu fallen inutitntiun haul u upiul of um million, And Ihuugh mmidarod 3 mull nnir had qancien At Aylmer, Hedford, Btunoll, Enter, llumlum. Pnrkhill, Vulloyold Md Yuunnuth. 'I`lm bond oice no II Montreal, and in diroctc-rate include: mgn ofg rut bllninms uneven! and repu- lnlion. _._.._.-o&.__..._ 8<:IooL -TlM`IlIlt.'|.~~ThI Nowburg School Trnnloou ndyerciud [or two unch- en, Ind received as many I: nixty-eight application: for the vacnuciu which ox- Itod. Tho twu nuccouful upplieanu worn Kr. Fmloy MeNnb`.. ol Wobdvillo, and Min Juno Dunlap. of Iiiupton. --~---o o . I!crnsIoN.s roum .\nn.--The Intent announced extended ucuuinna to tho lulu no From Niagnn Fnlln, August Nth. to any live `days, and no to Mont:-oul by Boyd mAil_ntounor, Fruu: Bidglumton and other ponnu. Augunt llth. tu any ten dayn. ' . -....___ Cuumu. --Tho yacht Ella, of ltnogo, in having 3 now spur put in, with three {out non of hoist. A new unit ol cun- uu ionhn being undo for the yacht. The change: an cnloulutod to Inch the yacht nil much (um. --o}o -.~-_ "Du-l.|rn.I" Own.--`l`ho member: 0! {pin Club loft yuurduy for 3 couple of wash` outing at Prospect Point, Walk` L :1!!! Iain nu g!!.>!9__ `psnphormlia tor "touting" out. ' __ gin, ._._ Ercunslux.---The l'ri'mitivo Metho- dinu hue urvanm-d for An ucunion to tho Cunp Ground oh Ilondny Aug. 25th, tho hot day ul Sundny School Pulir heat. A good programme. Pu-tiouluru in I luv dsyn. ---o3o--- IIDIIIG, UIIIIIII l'I.II ngvcu -uluuv nod Holicilor Winn ol Ibo Bola Walgr- mgg Q , Ogsiggqbgqyg B. R. wen i`: tho city In-day, on I plouuro trip. ' - I Pnon.-F'nnII to brink rind: gradual- ly nhihinj to Ian und north, pdrtly dandy. cooler Ioglhu, um: um load uhowon ---- 41%.: IVIIHIJHII-. -` DIIFIIIIKIIU-III 1-0! Home. (lononl Fuiglu Agent loan ....a u,.n..;n... win. ..I an Inn. Wnlnr. ' -.._-- -a3c-~~---- _()wuu lI`ouuuo.-l)u ol the punt: piciod lupin toln In I-unclaimed by Mr. Abbott, luau ol thq Ilucmhf Til `Inn [o:_-Chill IIIQ uni to both .-up KMF5 "'1 UOInIIoqno. -- ---~-Q-...__-: HI'.I.lHDIUIlhlvvII|uu.-` auu --an Inhoanollooomoo hithoduo, an. _- 1 _ .g_ .|.._ u--|._A.'- I.l-.L..- and In my plan. Hahn`: Harbor. 1-uunsm'v':ii>':u1I0. A00.'_I- ... _..........._..- _ ._,, '5 Ina-an onhnnn-Xj. V DI.GIouu'- lxcuumu.--`rho " ~-- I---- -|-;-A_. -- L-- AL. .I`|4 I&- 4}. Pnnoruu Suprintondnut Vii _..- n-..-..l U....LA A-and Anna on no rwilllii, A 0000 Bon.--8nid the Globe at you- tolq: The summer Punpott, Cnptnin [nine in command. uilod for Kingnton with puuongon and {night to-dny. in not much in that unnounoomont. but IIMI it in uonllod to mind tint the old Puuport hn boon sailing for thirty yuan put tho otahinont mum much The Punpoxt, nn iron b0AC,IIl propnrod, u in on tho niuorinl was concerned, on tho Clyde in 1847 or 1848, and VII brought out to Kingnton and put to- gotlur at tint port (or the Hon. John Hamilton With hot horizontal engine and uinglo umotutaok tho Pu-port in IQ" known 1: In an the on can roach. And uilon say the old boat in good for thirty you: non. barring Aooidontn. TII Ounon Cn.uu.-'l'ho lun- nh'ol Ibo victim: ol tho Clayton dinner won youching onnu. Thoy osllod lot nook ppNb Iuontion. > The bodies o` In. and Hm Bothlow worn pnpuod in walnut onion, and round oido by oido In the palm`. M the hood: of tho ou- hn won whito own pillown. in which won wothd `WEE Iowan the word: "Owl GHQ," and KitNo." llpon Mn. Iotillofo optot nn 5 wrath sad that ol Inns, and n our crown. OI Kmio`o cunt won a his-p old n can cl Iowan. Tho now (run In liud throughout mu ouqnoo Iprlgo. I _._._.- -...__...._ vyuru--nu. - . - . - "rum... .-ru-- pgupullngottbo noupuuntt-(tho "Iud,"IwI 0IpIh 0 Hlutloy, jn, allb lud,ioonooHIoIooluaon- adding captain onbolnh, Iadlb hulhnlludupudlurouuniou. The `QQQQJ, Ir. Iiunot. hvoq amiable. and npulonn who and do Mo ..-A lnohh njngn Thnunhnnn 3. njiunwiu Iuuv u-uwuu -u -||u and tau. pnnnlpn Thornton: gouty uuutvmlnd Iuundbcud dusk nlnhpnvidcdu-cups:-lulu lino hnhlnl Ippuy lnphohl-. Wonayunhlo Ihopnpchunolth lulu ,hviII-nun! ohnomcoul Altai-nnunlguuknu." wt uuuuunv-u nu --. nuuqgvuu Neutral, Hominy momlng. The Ru. FIIHU Lolloljal In Ibo Colobrml, an old and b0O0ll\fl'iOlId of tho dooouod, and one of then who nttondod the fun- onl yoatordny. --An Adlput. oldor, whoin punching in Item. 3!. Ogdenaburg, oisrn .100 for ovidcnco thu my Chriuinn over hpt Sunday oaths Subbuh until 300 yoan that UIII-Mt. Thin in in reply tothou Ibo an lighting the Sunday excursion Lnnlng-A -A requiem mun (or the rcpooo ol the Inn lunontod Pnlnlo,Binhop O'Brien, Ill oclnhntod in St. Bridget`: Church, nun -AIhor&C<- did not conne their "lilo ying" MTR. Boyce & Co., of Montreal. They linkodvn Kingston hucy goodumn in their airy (innncinl nour- Iionl, Ind he wrnt under I {ow month: holoro than . -Tho Iluua yacht `Cntherind nu on I shoal botwoon the Pu-It nnd the Bay. The panengorn were ukon off by thn `Maynu-d, Ihich returned and dug god oi` the `Cnhninu. ` :1 n In, ur-u:,., u___.'____. --Mr. Illd Mn. Williuu Suminen hue returned to Syrunae. They cuno hero upocinlly to nttond the funeral of the Into Binup O'Brien, 3 furmor school- mnto and life-long friend of Mn. Pum- .a 0014-." IL: an- --'l`ho nnuoen of the cnmpground. company are in 1 good condmmu. The total Aroooiph up no Augunt. 5 were 81,- 400 to Il,500ahend of what they won at tho ulna limo Int you. ---Uunlnn in invited to attend the Charlotte regatta, and the Roclu-star Mumiug Herald expect: him to be plen- ont and participate in m_eucul| rncmg. nu c, ,_ : .L, ,,,_A ___ ,,,_n -'I`lm word "Ablout" gut in imtud of "Ablolula" in two plmeu of our report 0! Bilhop U'BI-ion`: fuuornl proceedings In! evening. -A Inge amount of lumber llld lim- ber in boing bruugnt in by the K. & P` RR. It iitnnnhippod in huge: to dif hront parts. an . , ,, n,:,, , A_.._ 3,-'l`htoo Iluman are now -`inking 1w 1 trip: a shy nrouml Walla Inland--the Inluul Cluef, lhuJ. ll. l\'-Ily And the loluul Wanderer. -- Rev. W. \'\'. l`-arnnvu. of \\ oulmouk, vinilod tho cil.y- l.udny. He Inn: on route to the camp ground, where he Iocturu :H.-9-111"-'!',: According to IE0 `Te7}:; rii'rvn nboi hall the piominunl citizen: of Toronto m arm Old Urchin] Bomb. Tu! the `Maud' tomorrow for I river trip. Huth camp groundn, md, If time permits, Alonndrin Buy will be vignod. --All the nppuinuucsnta of lnnpeotun of Weight: And Mouuren have nuw been mule, and will probnhly be mule known to-day. m ..n u. n r m,.,... -_-