.4 mm: c....."&I.7-c.. 3...... one a/me Ducluo~An Intonat- lra (June. ' =24- .-I llmry Ilall s-t:rm-Lropa- De- an-nyed An Ottawa Racer Winn, TIM.` l"0.\S0l.ll).l'l`I'LlD BANK. mu nonpnpor la-rnly doloriboo II`l`l|'lInll an n wumnn of urn! nu chnrwoer, and wvoml chal- r NEWS III` THE IMY. (I'rr l)unnmuu Laue.) u, Aug 1; ~A gentleman from or H.uumnu any: that crop: in uiky n! no Lieveru have boon I...:.-.......l Ln .. Imnuu Iunil nhu-rn urr_iu_n. On-and 0000"-d O0-hon u nudq. run-ouaugp-u. uomol than II Inn mon rvuwu .. loo! good out it than Mr. Igidlnw, Ibo iadohllgshlo pr-Iidont of Ibo company. .?_..._.. .. .. .............. ......., QIIIIOO. Ana 6 ~~ Luci Uonrnnr KONIIIIH Qllidllo Ibo ulcon M II: lunch lrignu at an at Imus Haul ma non. The Incubus ol the -00-. Hand tho Front in no to-day. 'l\oouuIhu by the man lOIoI iluInue|uHboN.. Ronny gllunoclo Inlatdq. -..- -g.-- -. j . `V . (1 Lou NW5" "' W r mo Inuou "III" Jnmu HIOIIIL 0' "II "Halli, Vloo-Proudonl and J. W Slavomnn 0! HM 8-noioty ql Art: And Iunhoturn tn! the Pmvim-0, Inna gum to Totolln I-u moot Illa Ihlibilnun Com- nitlo than A railroad from Puml Uluro In noun '0! bemoan Hnulu nu Rooullot and oohlln, an the Occidental Rulny. to ICICO` to qu inhnat M the Weston ouzlo undo. in Joint. uuuriouo lo the SW0. 0000! in getting the (min: cl -ng locum! dosh. .4- 0uboruabHd_;`oau r- Inn!-rn Ihdlulflnf la Itenvauon. roe:-run 0| "nun. A Ipemal Isouunu oi the shun -nlclern ol lho Oonoulldllml Hunk has been culled fur Hoplombrl` Ilh, 1` ll`Ck`l\'0 nlmlunnmll nl nun, and dolorunuo um |-on -Iopa to be taken In thn Inter.-an ul Iho shun- huldon and craduun Mt Romy, Into Hangar, :1 um`-nring from nervous pnvl tntiou Il...o. I...... hum-"4 ..I II.. M..nl.l Lalilu secure I mmlus rwemla. The Vionnn Vatnland has published some Inrlliug revelnion: relative In the unluvonnblo unitary condition of the army in Boouin caused by lhv bud and imuilioiont Inpplu-I. II. in I "ullicinl rv pom nhmv that in Den.-cmgor, um: third 0! the umy of oocupnuon was Ill the hoapihl Du-nth.-i frum typhus fan-r, dyuontry And . Lust complaints, uvurugul 4} per cont. 0! line inure Iurcu." Theaa novolntionu hnvo cnuwd nu much din flaunts that the number of the |'u!.r. and cunuluung lb:-In was aeinml and sin ntroyod. ---coo ~ UITUII TICQ I` IHCCIIIIIH U" a`Il|IfUI_V II. II nlnled llml the hull nmmml --I Ihn Ilnlnhuanul .1 It ll--ym .\ Cu. lnury good: donlaro, Nun-v Dune nrou, c:u|Im| be lmmd om, twin to their having gw on wcommmhtum pupar In Anchor & On. (or dlnouuut m the II:-nnulndnlul Bani, and may dud not nlnnys keep roe--rd: ol lunu A ..._....-I -._..n..... ..I ah. -I.-..|...l.|..n. `um - M-vnlrul, Ann. I} A vrew from bar will, ll nu upocled, cumg-Me Ill 3 unreal ruco at l.u~ln..u un .\'nlunln_v .. .. nu-u ......, , In .. .n-n-.I M. nl... l..H ..... Uounerveuve .-isenciuioii. A Puma deapululi Anya Ih.il M. Vonpnl De Slinbniinu, the originator of the pro ject. for bridging the Eiigliah Channel, prolrieee I0 commence --[wrxmuna willi- oul delay. Ho oaliiiiulae it will require seven munllin fur i-xpurum-nl, and a mil lion franc: will pay the preliminary ex- peneee. Tn raise funds he has llkl the reject before the French and Belgian heuiben of CHIIIIHBFCE` Eighty fnur ul than here already vxprouexl themselves in luuur of the project. He will vim England shortly to lay the matter before tie English (luvernmem. To Ipen tl.e deep wnter he will lire reconne to the tubulnr eyelem. Kiuingen, Aug. 5.~lt. is denied on ood authority that any II`l`I_I'l[0lll0nI has on concluded for the aeltlc-mem. of the religion: question hutween (lermnny and the Vuicun. Prince Binmnrclt will not ield' iy euentiul point. In the Fall: life mudus riiwuli. The nubliahed by hil Iofrowing poop . _ urinllbuo bun,cominglo(l the niuoon ngnu Ind condolence: oi the Pro- mm o! llphn. The good liinhop `ubo-noumtd ngudlou cloud by all I -_-_. La... nl not nonondly know- ngropnnlion lor Uvputy m.u.-anulu com- po him to uupend, to is large extent, a ration: against the violninrn of the odonlluv. The oondora roam about tho State with incrouing boldnon, and iha illicit. Inic in tho mountains has in- numod Inge prnpc-runny. New York. Aug. '6.-lndicatiou| uuw int. lo the failure of-the peach .crop of orriaCounI. , New Janey. Old grow- .on ny that I Inter County, New Yurk. is the coming peach rugmn, our four mil- lion trees hnving been not out there with in two years. _.__, .o. , _._. Four Ournl l. m`r--A rmmnumluo Hon r-.Iuulu ug lm.~1 ne.u.u --`liar Munugrr 0/ the (`annulu- (Iulrd Maul` Ill--('uIfIr I`rntlr. no In I pnanuun cunuumn. Salt Luke. .\ I~.- ti Mxltou Muuer, an ID" known M--rm -u .-hl- r, mu ooulndud utordny by [Ir limo-. Ila!-le mother In ion-President of the Anu-Pulyguny Su- cioly. lulu! had published ID ulYn-n- Iivo article concerning Mn. Bum-. Nun \ nr|:. Ann. li.---Tha lIrmI1'.1 0! III! llllrullul-rung. New York, Am. (3 `\ .I-spam-I. frnun Biunurck up am In; Hull mll lo ulll of butYz||0Imul. Pu.-1 nunlh. and Nu-ru ls mun galk gflmt gu_Iu`g:I1h-rltg. F.-r unlea Around In-ugnun um u,--1-xnanqvilm cb|i||:`i)7 mu no... of kooplng mo 5uB'a|o wulh. 1:.....-:Il- R I` Am. 9; _lY .k` M... `Pom `-n3 l`lIlHI1|II \l`|\'|`l'IHIN5IIl. Lord Derby mlnunls-.~, Ill c-um-guencu uf the chungu of his rn-lull-nus WIUI um Oonnorvuliws. he null runun the |'re.~n~ dency nf tho luverpunl \\"or|ungmnu's Comorvntivo .~\sQtciItir>I). A u....... .1. ...n. ...... .3... M \'.......I I '1 ,3!) to ULIXXJ ulna. Janey Oity, N. J , Aug. 6.--Tm-on young child:-on of I el.cr lirnmgnu were ' cshnhy by dnnking 070 water. Om chill il (lying, and the other! Ara in I nnanriuun cundmun. nu uuclo oonoormug In ra. nun-. New York, Aug. Union Spring: upectal say: that (`uurtuuy will not upruu lmnwll cullcerning a race with Hnnlnn untnl :| prupullllun II nmlo. Then in little doubt Ihmt he V nuhl accept I rouounblo Chlnullq` I I NA: Vnl-It Ann H. Thu lII'I All|ll.I Hm rouomole clum-n._vu I New York, Aug. 6: The IIuulxl'.u Hm nnrck lpoonl II_\.': "A ('.u'nlry nlhcvr ft:-In Milu' oumu-.u J -L_al.-I that tho uicuu nil Ulldulnl-Ital they were there to light, and when lln-3 nu-uok the Indium on July 1911: they Iuught. them vigoroua Iy. Biilmu Bull wul be out 0! bnliu men thin uuuuh. `ml (heroin some mu; 0! hi! Iulruudt-ring _"' Na: Vnu-L An. I} \ xlI`l!|).1`lI fl-nun `IBM IIUPU Ul IUUVIII` IIJU uuunlu IUIIUII. Groouvillo, S. C`, Aug. 6. -l .S. Mar- Ihnll Wnlhwo says that thv nlluro ul the mgr-ropntion for Dnputy M nnhnlln com- uo uupend. large umtuuon. - London, Aug. 5.~ lu N.-rth .5`lalfurl- Ihire 3,400 p-nh:)l`!! have nlrendy struck ugninnt. the prnpolud mductmn of wages, which affect: 17,000 persons. On Mnndnv next a member uf thu whlon moon l{,UUU On Mondny next Home uf Couunonu will Mk \\|naHu'r thn Government. has any Iufurumunn n~ Ipoating the runmmod eatnblnalnnenv. of nuns! nation at .`4-bush-lml hy Hm I nu ad Stun (internment under 11 commmon from the Ruulzm (;`I\'(`l'Il|IN3IIl`. l....,| 11...)... ...n.....n.u. In .~......-..mm.-n all Inows, Illl no pom up up cuy on Auguu 2'! any 211. with pnuuol from 01.1 to 31.6) ulna. I Jntnnv Oitv. . J\uu:- Um unuu II (lying, um I > in pnouiuun cundmun. Luke. London, Aug. ('>.-'l'ho Board 0! Di- rootora of the Grand Trunk and Great Western Rnilwaya of Canada have turned upon :1 basin uf joint pnrne ar- nugomont. Details are to be nomad by Irbitrution. I...n.lnn Ann I". ...In \'.:rIh .\'lnIf.-Pal- Aunaulpr eyaua ~ Jc`id-ual(Iy al'oC,nos0d-A Harmon Cowhid- ol-Iudd ku-uuana. | V`, :1 uvmv-v-vw lrvvvw-`_ Dank, I., Aug. I.-A Quin, open hall unsung, null behold In in my Annual '1! and `11. Iilh nriunol (rum Clappings fromv7!I-orm ng l'upera, (PC I) nnulou UM.) ._ A .__ A I ;-_.n (1 f ,(r.r'uo.'.'a:oa bu." 1 `. In A... l_.A magi .,..-.......,.Y,._..v . i=F6"fo_gRAPH. Mll. ' oiilnd. O00 oupgc. "euniun. ` }un_Iuu. 'I\U II5|uIIII"lIII Um n r \ netvouu rnvun wlinn in van: hind mu Io-tho I . ll,0|o, ` (`Ian (.'on0IonI:ot Putt IIIIH. , AD Ulll VOITII. In-vuIu"D I.I lo. II. ullno. _An-utatl _ w `H `V .7- Tha mun! Illnl Put. ._.A... ..-4 SI 'I.IUt.'l`A\'l PIAlU.iy W060! 500.. t ulouinu Pan. 3 Inn 0! Iouldlopp gpgfl now. and In Inn Man sudden. `I . It KULD CIIIAP In-I1 I! Ch DJ liltiu-In I -u. .u nu`: - ----I-y Ilnlnl `Ills Q. would be non 0| 1 man -wan... .... ant viotggyliggaovor. In any :';.i.Ti;. `seam. i.'a;a1a*oiisi a' .io- . go-o~oo 7- V WILL luau! ml Iuunll lm august (18. Illl. ....-. out on or lrolhk lo Do taunt. The up uuhoruhd OIQNAI cl tho Con may and In up-Hy uvllnholulng nano- nlonh n no-vlul uuuhn Io POM: Ilollnn [mint guuuhl Po I I I'll! Ill. Ann. lnnoon. mun rgn sA1`E.] L! var pool. I :1 `Ian cl. NNl'I(N('I`LH IIINIC III Ifh III I!- arrlpllona at pupil; at nodonu run. Truunfarn ul pu klu undo to I50 QQOI VIII- trouble I50 sound. Th urn lulu:-nlnl OIDNAI lCot*".a.ge cum jhlfo Island lijuasn Insuranbe 8ompany.l ]4|N HALE UM Tl) l..l'I' far 3 turn oi war: `II? Vwi Cottage,` on Walls In|un:l_ Inumu I; uullbl oppulu ling IlolI.'\nI|hnu lino alumna` `all In the Von] lusdmg. Inlh tlm armlof Orchard Ind (Ju- Iill` I m kn-I unicr. II (IOIIH lqyoa, Iuwuu u. ...-.. -..,, , will have morn Id: :-J-l.u.-Ll: nrmidonl 01 Puru White, wilhoul din nu-able mull ur :unuIu~,pnnu~u|urly adapt: for aummnr us. Hulur pncu .19 unlinuy oll. soul. to any party In tho` ully. Try \L For hula Ivy |!'II"I(I`ISll|N(l. INVIGUIIATINU, ind nlmwv all. u HEALTHY UUMIKR lH'.`\'llM(ll'2 A good Imitation of Clum- pagu-` wilhlhu ll-.n'our nnd healthful ropar uuulllummrnt Limeululoo. FREE `DOM Al.(`()l|UI. In Ennlnml. and whenvor Introdutocl. II. in In Englnml. Inmxlucocl, ulnuu thv plum nfnll effurvanoing boverura N.|!.--A luv Isouh-n Iopt on we uump M. In 1; `-Somethig iNew.| l Insolvent Act of 1875 nmu-mluauca ol lhelutuonung nmunuu nu the frontier, will not be repruoonlud At the fmthcnrnillg domonntntion in honor in! 'l'hiorI. M... 0...... H .....o....oi......I. nun. ulna Ill)H(!I' III lnlbrl. ' News from Uanutnntinoplo sum that the unlllnry xliumntom recently among gurnvnl on (lraok frontier hu aprud to the tmnpn in Constantinople. Flour unchluge-I. ulnte and red mule unchanged; W:-nwrll (ma lower; nuxsd at -0 `hi Rn:-h-u:__nn ul.m. n|rloy--uu ll'IllIlCl.l()nI. uurn n_nenl --lmllud, 19,50; unbnlted 18,50 per u.i'{1` Tiiiii Md -`i`hrpi 14; 'iui'ii" 13,00. - middling`: us to 17 per um. Sm.--o'om- mon, ne L00; ordimry course 1,06 per bbl. \\ ater Lune study 1!. 1,10. Plu- trr 7.3 per hhl. Cnnnl freighla-\\'hoat and pen, Bf. rye and com, 34; barluy, :55 to New York. Lumber 1.60 to Al- bany, '..`,H) In New York; 71') to Syracuse .7 .- r----- Pll-I0 `II I p.lII. l'ni-In liank-l` uvlmc Hunk l<.xv|mh;;:- Haul- M--ntrc-al 'l'rI_ I l`i!{' I';|.-w~u,,u-r l(:|i`w;Ly- H`! Riv Irlio-II 51 Ulntario Nav Cu- Rnynl (`xuuuliun lmcnrnm-e ( Monlsenal lia Bhampagne - anon On Valium blutll. lawns: mum-nu. Alunth Igy.l _-I--- Punt. Any. li,-'l'|i0 ocinl utnuvlhat gum Ill b`oul_h Fnned Ialbttl luru-ntml m an udollont condition. Fruu: Nunth and Wag: good uuuootopl an npgcled. ` H in uudamnod (hut the (Harman Gar npgcleu. :-mun-ut nu u-[feted lm nmpo-linulu lo the inhnbiun.u of Men. _Iho Itihod lo aueml umhtou at Nancy. on tho oc~ culnn nl thus unvqlling of Thain ulluo. I...mInn Amy I} ~-1`hA Hrilinh Caitlin]- nl ma nnvqumg or Their: name. Lundnn, Aug 0.~-'l`ho Hritiah Cumul- Hun. It '/uumbu wriu.-Illut KeIthJuhn- Ann, loauler u! Ihu expedition to explore- Ihu hemlof Lnio Myuu, died on the '. Hth uf June at Bonboru. one hundred and lhirty mule: inland Iron Duuunluan. The expedition II" bo ooutinuod by Thnmu-n lm Scientic uainunl. 'I`| L. l:._....-.u-n..: 0.. nvnhl Alli. Inmuum, nu scnonuno uouunl. This French (iuvernuleut, to avoid any nmu-mluauca 0! the [mounting ngillliuu [ho fruuher. not reuruonlud Mumrenl, Aug. 6. Fl--ur-roceipt.a 1,1250 bblu ; Inurket quivt mad nnchangedy; nlu-- 100 exit: nuporfmu at I ,0'.'5; 200 very choice lpring u-{Ira at .':, BIN) Ouurin bag: 1:2,-10. To-day": qunmunnu are; II|p('l'l0l` extra 5,`... 0 to :'n,`J.`-; axlrh superne 5,10; fnncy 4,1975 In In 011; uprmg extra new nrmlml, 4,575 to >|,'.|.3; nuperline, 4,60 to -1,70; strung hnlu-rs fr,|() tn ','. 5; line -1.10 lu 4,`..`I|; u1IdlI|nga2i,k'n Ln .'i,.'n0; poHar:i|2,`.|0 to SJ"; Untnriu bug: '.. .37 to 2,443; city lmua duliverod `.. _2a n'). Peal ubutn. 80. (lma-:{3 tu SM. Rye nominulx Uutmuul _()n|nrio bagn 4.7; ). Common! '.,:')() Curn---roceipln 35,87`: bush; nhoul -1: : ... an \v|.....o -......i..o. I'll! HID`) hush vnv_LnIsf.. Comlcnsetl /or the `ll h('w'}'K;d- up-A Hon. Ilr.` Joly not with I miug 1- mm in guano: personal to himul! And the Iuduot Moo Opposition. AI this in- volve: no quoolioly ol policy; N is win to I'oIulI_ili Minioulinl resignation, is indouluiul u Tory iniury mu!-I *~-l- in Angus: mglnnn I` C 4--`P Aagnu S. IIJH. '1;oac1ier_ Wanted. Ku-xnlon, Augu lh, |`J, -u-- ut- Angus! Mb. |379~ Cyrus Richmond Ashley. III Illa (`iii nf llnunlnu llmn.-pr JIIIFD 01 um (`Hy uf Klnuou. Hrowr 1.. I. vnuuvunu IIIJIQII J SUMMER OIL. I\I<|llll'I`l|. -vf hlI'l|'.I`l*Lll 137. I115). :un.~4 I`-amk 7.`: |~|. 711 `J uf ('u|m|u-Irv I07 |~'2_ HI`). .. Hunk 'I'I-J. I13 MEDICAL indoubllul Ila `nary nun-sq Inna!" boglu to noun rs-clootion at the polls. II, on Illa other hind, I diuolntion uni gouonl olooliou uhnulcl onuuo, Mr. Joly would be '0! I more snooping und - = uh--. -x..n.... ah... aver. All! Unwego, Aug. 5. r When noady-old and L0! to I,l0. Corn Igod; hold at 43 0 43` mar; auto held at 31; white B|rloy--uu trnuuctionn. Corn Imllud. .I9.50: 13.50 Del` Apu. Muutrul. A u; 2' III). I. I1. Ionmu won annual |'~2m+:w*! `N000 \uaIn..-no-uoy..nuuu I W iuooanldbwllbit. lap . pl Montana lot hnlupunblhnodlnan PM-ll. Luna 8 00., ----L.A-n-.1 lib: ltulloloqtoohnbn. Choral [nouns wnrrlnrl I at 0 Iltlrlh VHIIQVO WOO! ).0'f`0I `Kc-"39. `l'hnduy`c and bath`- sll Il.. mm 5 M II port. In or palace App y In an Luptnllcn .1 Iopu, with pnor an and Annual. Io stint Iul nuonb-o ulna. in unit I kl! '" H "W """"1'w mnuou The Ilruanu oonnngnuuu. ... ......... Ion, swooping uuy u it but done some ol the final building`: in tho_ city, my Juno 3 somowhnt dampening clout. upon the forthcoming roouption nl the U01- , n_.._--l -...a oh. llrinann Louigo ' `IU- Cl $5-13 lUIIHl`\Il' VIII` UUIII nunhor uuum, pl u Iulluvu have llupton on Imulnyo, `m nd Prh sky: 4! NM: oh-`I tn. for WIN DDT ed!- lng u v ports Ioturuhg will Icon W00! DOTIOI Ijl. urdnyc Bhllun Ilineston an_g Wostportl RIQEAU CANAL} Furs Iur llm ru (`Imp Hrouml` '. . Aug Jll I-III. INN L rhnrlt-n-4| in Hm I ulna NvIugI`InIIo ol the MA |"l'I.`3'l' I'lIl'Hl'H [ur nu l"u'\Irnm. ll) Hm THOUSAND ISLAND PARK 1 ITIIIQ H',l`R.. (1 PIN l`}\' A Clu-lisp ls`.x-urslon In (human- qne and Camp (Around and In-turn. $2" um um, the (`nnup (lmum| and down the lror on rldny Ilm lly, |I_\' Ilm manner Maud. the Gonou WIN make In-r o-1:-nrolon nu Thumlny Hm 7lh. and nut '0 on |v`rh|n_y. Tha Gelmvn w ll lmn-n Ihn Furry Whnrf on TIIUKHDAY. Al7(ll7.\T Hh. M. 9: m`, for Gnuanoquo and thn (`amp Hmnnd, Returning will leave um (`num Hrnnnui M J p. In , UIIDI Iingllilhod vmum. Inc: an ... ............ bug mulling oolloual propusliom to give the Run! party I princely ruoeption. Akhough tho lire will be u uvoro ul- bnck to all the Iuoron by it, yo! no fool euro Mr. Sanford in not the ntunp ul mm to permit it tu hinder the duolnrge ot km Intended Ilnre of the hocpiuiilin :4 Hamilton to his illunmoun guuu. _--._. - .._._.- An Atfractive Excursion. Wharf M. lizlll A m. ' Tlukaln fur Ilm runml two lays Ti; kn! nu Inmnlwrn of llm lnulgu. August 1 , I87`! |mss MAGG|EMBAflI,` of Hamilton. TANDY Bll()'l`llER8, of thin 0i!y.iiu1 llii ,lrnmiinmm1 Chnir uf III! hrs liunenl. will pnrlimputu Arnmmmonln luvs been nuuln by which ___. ,,_, Thu lhmt will Wharf II Tiukaln fur Hm VII! I-Ila plum in Hm wflur of Kmlrrnl u-la-1 ,N-t At 7 p: OPENING (?()N(`|B'l' I uhlvh lininenl. Arnngemonln all holuensof livlmla Iur llm t~l(`|l|'ll0ll who ; may wish in um-Iul llm up:-ulna Huualny of the Parlliuuevt nl Hm Park WIN lm taken} doy4_n ' Palmuem Pun-k'wnll make down -Maids} cw!-Mir`. =* In Hm (JeuM"n on Saturday evening no If-ll: llmlual. lu I`l'l|ITll vplp llm o-u-uralon party on `llildl Bv x" Then And In I: Muuuluy nfusrumm n 'l'iuh*ln~-Iu1-lnldln .._._._, .V ,V_ The uulortunno trip 0! inspection out the Cmdit Valley Bnilvny, in which the me Mr. Juno: Goodorhun Ill arunhod -u it sfm-Iurdn proved-io danih, And which mu In nearly lnul to unnl other promiuaut citizen: ui Toronto, hu not doterrod quite I In-go puny oi dine- tun md other ltionda of the mud Iron inking n similar trip our sin lino. _--- .. u.. Mouuluy M l;`.1. . 'l'iuh\ln ~-nn-luding (lo`nl\rl-_. -0 1-Lu. Tao Colnmluee will pun-lmso gllu llalutn into! - | .nrk nu-I ||illrIl)'llt` ll-In (iHA'l`U| l`(|UHlA' In 1: wlm nllo-ml llnn olmllniolp `Masonic Excursionl cnnununsuou HATE mo um, 'I`I'I*}Hl)A Y. Al'(). in. luau -no. um. Excursion`: of the Ssdsoni TIIII IJ.|IIlI'"AII| S0(`IE'I'\' Queen M. Church union. u l.l`Llf|l'lH`Z Iota Hm wflm mtnrrnl u-la-fwnt |hl N I! -'l'|m (lo-Imvxn u nll Frhlny tn the Camp llruu Augunt .`lh, I871 7 an`: (`lIAlH'lilll)_' 'i'm-2 mvvuu nu. numb I-jun AN r.xruu- _, sum TU `rink -mu-nnuunnyn. -4: Alvin Ilnlbll Al 1!". I-I'r.:Il\I. In 1IIl\ Sunday School Parliament- 0n llomlny. Auxilul llll. . na1\rn , , .u ,_ , ,1 .n._ _,_ .:.__.._.. _____ < Bil ll` Ii} I III`. *'ruo|7sA1un |_-mun maul OPPOSITION. :5 lIll1`lAMI'.lI MIANNOI null, null mum, nlv |()WN 'l`llE IHVHI '|'1| llI|l'll UAII (l|{()U!\'l)S ANII (h\NANUQl F. UN l"rl1la_\'. Allgml MII, L ....` )N A(?(.`(IUN'I`nr l.hc~ llirmn l.oc|gomn||n( n |n|lch-- ax: urnmn fruln hvm I0 Gull Mrs. Celeste Ke|tie,' ION Iunuy ulhor n L on-Ion. l.El7|l'l| 'l`m*sdu_v, August. l.`lI|. `nu |;~.'}\ u I-`ulgor la l|nuh~_v`n Ir!` III. ' In All :75 man J, I. Iuunhvuhku UM iimly tmitsn -ii-114.: \`v'iBiBAv :`:T3.:566si'o. __:=._._.:..._...._._-...._____=_., nmn Hrunnd It 3 [mm ,rm\1'hIng Kingston I am 0! King:-nun In-ulgu Nn. i"w. Jollllll. Cuphls I`. and IIISUUBBIUN lurnotm on I cum:-I. pnu nharpu(IIANl) will be given. In imp: nuuIoAlmu,; coin` "'iuliIn at. In .cnnQuu............Iuoweq "V1.0 :. .'. ~ nu -Annular. olrnlo VI -0 Wm-I flit`: vvu-`jun (U ILUILYO . OIIAIIO. IO lonnoomwu fllipuun ul um u... crnor Hononl nnd tho Princess Louise in tho Ambitious city. 0! mono thoxl Eloulloucier will visit the min: with I muluusholy interest, but thin ooruiuly wnll not add to the plenum of their thy. In thin connection it is worthy ol re- unrk tho: one ol the sufferer: by tho lito, Mr. Sanford, Pruidont of the R0- furm Auuoinlion, and I very inuontinl cinuu, hm! volunlnnly pltood tho hm- piulity of his momion at. tho dinpnnl ol tho city for the oooommoduiou of tho din- Iinguinhod vimou, And but all summer rm... ....|.ina oolloual pupa-niom tlif ha ha- KWIIIII 3 BEE I`lUSPEOTUSo hr I I um [mm um comet. hot. '0! full pqnklluu. and fur prompting. Addrvu (.`u||0[0 nl Oucvn. r 1'41 v It-art]. Within] and Io.-III] Haul and B0d|I| and Doctor`: I'M. per term nlfhnionlhn . . . . . . . . ......... AID Fun in III!!! In (`onuuetu (`nun-. per um I ll" IntI|....... . . . . .. . .. II (bula! COIIQ pit law: oi Fun IuI`.|l . o o s . . . . . . . . . . ` . . . . ` . . . . .. In 1 h-II Iuglpurtng. pet Inn: at Vin .IIIICh..-...- . . . . . . . . . .. . BIUCK (?U'l'l`AGI. wit): lhrm um. of IIIAITG of Land, A Fruum l.|lI|r\. | Summer Kilohou and Wooulnlml, an eumalhml` Well and Clnlnru. The (lanh-n In Wall nnp~ plied with tho but vnriolnm ul Applou War and Plum Truth. (lrupo \'umn IIIII nu-r small ||`rull.n. All In good hvllrllul. Thu wlmleia benutlfullv cltnutul. uml In mph-Io with even comfort 'l`armn mar. Annlv Ln NEW Novurlns. Blunt sud Colored (Nona In Main, Indium and Uni Khndol. ` cmu or,nmm: and human In Juo.1l..h.-.., -.~ 4 IEOLLEGE oromwi, I O'I"I`_____`VVA. and |`orhuu Luce llundlera-Iuolk. --,-__ Under the Direction of the J hthorl 0 I I. INK BRICK DRILLING Il(l$E nu ' Illilcllilk. -.I.m"_` deacon (.`hovn..Eaq . not the Cu Purl Apply to IIAWDIGN & IACHAB. Ho tenors. The Toronto Flour Store. M. MOIlllISON. (.`(5I)`()ITABI.E STONE. l)'ElJ.|h'U. in I `good nltnnlkun. on Wu! MIMI nut ling shoot. Eight Room: In- JOSEPH (TI. ' . . Wnl Street. Annual. lu. I879. UT 'I'h|rl,V-Elglu. 66 I III`), wall. aulo M (Ion strut. ht-twaen sharia` Ii`cr[uon'n Ruble: and the Follvwk llunnn, Tarmn cu). IIAWDICN & IACIIAB. IJ l!ngwu!d' ' CHAR. , KIngIIon,July `Nth, I379? THIC PRlMlhK$ on Illa Mal min of King 31.: at. Iulel oorupivd by J. Uuumron. ulnon keeper. Ill lbs Blmel llulway Conn-Iuy. HAWIIEN J: MACIIAR. foklilldf. '4 Guru`: Thur to the Cup Grand. Punm scooo Ions--IogI|u Inll II mun. ., TIIIC umlornlgnocl luvs |00_00L` l\lI:`||Inn Pram: a Red Hrwh for union. Prim lo uuuho limo. l|unf|nlory.l)iv`u\;un Rlrmi Jonco of E Chovn. .Bnq the Cu Purl BRICKS FOR SALE. boirifsn eons." 11 MM]. with cutting! huge nltwlusl. nu Amid unol. will In told or |uL A -I to VAHDIWATIB h BK 8. (\Ioo"-`0nInrh8uuoI For saI3T__ZfTo Let. '01` xwuan nun. Ion uda oy om. 'l:ll[WlI"I10*."AW'DK-N 4: IA-' cm . ~ FIIIIII II An vans (Elana will in land at 8: rd Iowan- I Jab II, II". Guiltablenuse HIITSQH -.--_...---- co-zoqrwv ~ The drudful oonugruion in Hindi , ___x_- -_-.. -- it has nnl IDEI RE-OPENS N ELIGIBLY smmncn um` nu KING srnnrr wxzrr Ibo nu. ofllm ~-councv Donn Inn." nuvnlk a noun: R. 6:. J. GARDINER [Ill [A09 Tifl. In Wvlnlunlul "lurk. n In! Tnrchun [A00 Tr inmod Ihndku.-Ingolo. Tun` `Hunt, Four uml Eu Bullul Htru-I ly ono prion July `Dun. I575! with comfort Terms may. Applv at A1 \'or_y Handsome Iuntumu Brmu-Ir, (iluny Voxy Bcndoouo Cheap Lam nu nn WMM. Two mud I-`our Button Tnliolhn Snli Hlovu. August Iuflmn. Hay Utll. 2-`on July am. I879. YIRICOIFOITAIILI IIRIPIC I|\\'Il.~ L LING. with cuttings Mtwlsnl. an Md Am-Iv BRICK (KYITAGE. wit]: lhrwn nm. . rns1'-cLAu.n'v'vlt.LII. not no A .- don juvnnneuu. on once: It.- IIV. A I` IIILI L. LIo.D.. I'l'l8`l'-(`LAN DWIBLIICI. - jupnnmuu. on Qnu It.- 1 _ P, '0 J. I. CABIUTII llll. In 91th ` Flour is Down. run Al.E. (PIBIYTIIIAID. 10 II 1,31`. I I|.`l`IlpI'Il ll d.kIlllI'\.III, DIIIKII {lbs (Bum;-nu; Folnciwra. (luhlou Lion lllocl. |87`.3. -4llC. T0 l4Il`l`. - um: I N 1; mix. 1'0 I.I'2'I`. a VV ATE! )N. Pmpritaloru Row. 0-! on guru `J00 Ilouhud ,-.A In L. g-jhn "GTUTIIT. :Uu-v. uuor.l.cIIInn- h. and unusual-uulnlodu-u A- A_n_ ' M U -Us ll, I-qpy--u-' ---u. ' out than baron up .h...o, largo '-lob. IovugImQ2.:;o.yc. ' Ouhuhololuunuu-pt-uo"ohn 'ou"uu&uunuiypluung pul--J ' no-npuunuu nun. M... 'd0ln$Id&1&`|uonnln|o|Io uudnltuullt-not N oltbo` hlpthoc. Apolhnu jXiII$&bl||.. Inudlgdonllhouuuhd --A----.-nnr-nilinnnnonn I cut "IofII&I|t." I L,.AA_Q-_.-L`-s$..g`Ing ung 3| "yrs, In an uv un- y In IpoI-.l or I0 days. P. Iuqor. nliu `Pal. Onnpboll. . M Q pulndou. loft muo- urulnquauuvlno. -4 rt "5--v on" Mad! his now. pad in N M In In `Oil h OIIIIHOI Ind on M by I and I hood; ,.-pun I0. W-1'0 H--i-a -Ir-M ugh M-In In anal] u Ah-uh Inn- W|mIuan.-'l`Ion In A full dochal, III the ght-Natl Ion nmluroul. The In! hid: in the Itroigninq of an WI. '50 INC ought It 1&3) |).u|., nu Salli]. bathing. Thy Inn bumping ntf Jenn (look, all loll inking oonnidon No dhtuhloo by linking and cumog P. 0. Nuhmpt tho nun ot night of thou. In` ll an-end to tho uuuunom lhh Pnli Mqintnto. u thoyhnll bun culionod any time: lnlomlud than out II and cocuor mine in pol I'M: vilhuh them. and all ache boys In \h0 um I bum in; on Indus, s huou mu they will out 10 CHI noun at Inn. A '-n- j Innndl alruni [All Dtjljjiutuvuqu. 0340 Penna Indian, nu sh. jgydnliay, and when ho noon ` II Ch `Cid lib boning ho thought at opal kbo. til, lilo Kooloy in bi: song, "couldn't up hash. in mm rm. .0." Who #0! ll ho was guilty in ..__..; _.... u_... 3.: Ln" ll. -.. ` 7- Iwujl III IJIII I?` "u i W in. Ha ndmitto-I 5. M. ad g -ubtpd lo lhl lune 0! Cl all HIM 0! I0 duo. t`-lag Dunn: An Iuulinn In All.) ` consult the noun vs nu. jfw, evens!-use uuese sssv House" when the people ol Quehrc , tendered Ilse hsnquetsnd su sddreee conveying the Issureuee ol the public leolieg in his lsvor end not long there- eller rsieed him over the heads at his Ileliglen lo the Prelniership ul liie province. Eon. Mr. Lehllier is passing through e slniiler esperieucenvilh the dil lenloe. psrhsps,o! nu iutoneer popular leellng in his lsvor. He mm the tori pienl 0! s `rend nvelinn nu Seturdsy Issl st the melee! cspitsl. At the lnonetur meeting held in his honor sn sdilreu popnler Iysipsthy in his lsvor, sin] or the public detestsgionrorlr h:_To_r! tyne ny aLi.is`i...iai3p`i.o.a' i.a n`. mm; is; hlgh oee (or the Iolitsry olfenoe of `use presented to him, elpreeslve ol the ; 4 proving hinrell to he the genuine lrioud ` ol the people. The ringing cheore which greeted lhespeeoh ol the u~Llenl.ennnl Governor told nnnilslekeebly how cor~ reotly he hsd interpreted public sunli- msnt when he dismiued e clique of palm ioel umpires from power sud gsve the ` people eohenoe to ssy whetlyer they ` would hsve these men beck sgiiu to re same i eir career of corruption, or in their s s Ministry Ihioh would people'e intereele, and govern them honestly, economical- inslly sud well. Hon. Mr. Letollier, in the ooureo of hie reply to the sddroes, triunphsntly dispoeod of the silly cun~ tention the! his conduct hsd been srhiv.-. ` sry end sesuoh injurious to the internals ol the people. So In lrom trenching on the righle ol the people. everything he did use in the direct behsll of tlie people thsineelvee. The Hon. gentlemen put the wholeosse in s nnlehell when he said. "It. use not the people he lesred, end it uh. nandnl I-4! Lg.-u -an-in-s him h.; su was ssvw usu yvvy-v ssv uvu-vu, -nu u the Vstdiet had been sgsinst him he would hsvs descended from his position ss Lienteunt-Governor. The responsi- bility oi his set rested on the Government he had uiled in, end they were snstsined by sinsjority who relieved him from the! respunsibility which on the other head would have been his sione. but they (the people) detsuined sgsinst the pre sent government. Here they ssw 3 do- terminstion to crush the opinion oi the Province end to substitute {or it a puwer foreign to the Province." No wonder that thehon. gentleInsn's telling exposure end denunaistion of this tyrsnnicsl in- vssion slid spoiistion oi provinclli rights should extott loud cries of "shsmc!" from the indignant populsce. The fuel- ing oi the Quebec city meeting is the ieeling oi the whole Province end the doIiII|n_t sentiment ol the Dominion in regard to the Iiisenble Iulevolunoe which has hunted s pnhlio servsnt end I-epcessutstivs of the Clown ii-om his oa for you, dischsl-[ing in. my to his nousleh on the one head end to the people on the other. No one couid pouibly hs conceived in which the inter ests ol the people and the Ilsintensnce of the inset psesvogstive none exactly poin- eided than that let which the ex-Lleul. Ciuvernofhes been undo the victim. The people will gntsiully remember tin- oo 0! 300. Ur. lnteliier in their be- hsii, sad will yet snpiy vindiute inn: flol theetkle with which, by mssns cl 0 tynllisel lid Indalsrved iiismisssl, his politiul enemies hue sought in L....sI Ini- vh luau cnjlo-,.oI the viudialwd viulnndfuqtyniuy IO Mgnd `Ii pgoplpbypgogougplbolnovct thohculooltlou who had -0035! 10 mgp Idtlloilhll. `Hi! my/ r!` A... .1 ant` nnnnhn rindinlion Altar -nu Ivsdlib ldon HM bud repu- `IQCOC |Iy_|I'o Quint, at Qhn bidding ol A `lamb lad Infinity eouistod 0! pinion: ol the popahr nympmny tIinnnL udh In`! Mr. Jnll. Infu- @CFII"lU'Ii- list run -- ! u XFIT III 31 [pupil-I Illuyruu dlnot. Hardly in`! Mr. Joly, for u- unplu, Iron iho Bar of the Hang." nlun (Inn nnnnh nl Lhmlu-c brand MI. uh: 70- unuun. Pblloo um. ID found drunk Int g___n.; .-A u, ,1, :...A I. M vlhlbolu honnohnou luv. Imonuunb jnnthoubnl nylo on shut wolhloun nouotud no muilgbduhuhlhuuca. llll uullulul wuwti Ill nun u--.---.. Wooduool shunt:-I dollcu duty which bu great tool Md good ulnunil nun nbilimu rondu lain olunonlly _ nll ..u.ua.a to sun... Rev. Mr. D Canon`: In In touched the nsnqorl , ol the Thmuud Island Park. and ha ha ha: nun-I lot too ol tho loolunn in the "nodal Idouo" OINIIIO lhoro. Hi: that will In "toll-oonquuv sud tho Icahn on this hpochu ubjoot will ho dolinnd on Friday onulng, M the Put. lltdlltiou Iothilohtopnuiooho lolloulug Iuu boning In the pavil- |too.1'ho uuynm llhodophbo m. pouches 6| IN: any will to doliglld h HIOI NU IQIOIIUIC I3 I-0 Olljoy ` th obovo qndluu ol the! oloquuo 1.. _Ll.L L. L. L..._.n........ II-.. I] the Urange UCIIOI TIMI IIIIOII IIIIII as a football by the Coneervatiiu party. anvl thut in ooneequelicm of their Society`. priiu.-iplee and ol-jucia being auboruud In the interest of a political WI]. I large number of reapectable pew -- fl! ha! beerrdriun from isu-ash, and ' aioo turned upo ' from auchaeowardly aaaanlt, in public aympethy in a large measure will. drawn. The lodge adjourned for a ahun reoeaI,'and after the deleizalea had re turned, but before regular proceeding: were reccmmenoed, an informal discus- n the debate above refer- red to. Mr. John White, M.P. for East Hulingn, entered the room, and` leellg the ruvorend gentleman there wentnp where he waa atanding, and with up- raised fiat rtrucli him a revere blow Ill llielnce, alleging as an excuae for thin outragooua conduct that he believed the remark: in the morning by him (the elergyinan were intended to refer to himself. l`he matter waa brought before the lodge in aeeaion. and on lhreate be: ing made that it would be taken into [ho pulice court Mr. White apologized for his conduct. The name of the reverend gentleman, whoae peered profeuion and cloth ahdnld have been his protection with held out of oonaideration for l miwlf and the oovrouatinn over which he no war thily preaidee. o.o--._ Thet teleut will tell when vitellzed by one:-gy end epurred by e leudnble unbi- tion to noel he: been illuetreteel in the nuoneulnl minieteriel ceneu of the Rev. W. W. Cu-eon. lormerly of thus cuy. When etetioned here Mr. Uenun vru oomperetively e young beginner an M1 choeeu pmlreeion, but even Ih 11 I..~ ,,,..ve decided promieo of that In-x-ma Much he he: ever since oonunned mmluuve. Im- yuoduetely nltet leaving Kungetuu he look from rnnk ee en Qblp end eloquent punch er in the nut, lling eooneeeively impor- tmt poeltione in Toronto, llelmlton, uul Hnntlord. 80 [felt wee hie popu- lnrity an pento:-end pleeoher that lowerde the cmnpletnon ol hie three yearn term In Breutlunl he received urgent celle from Queen etreot, 'l`uc-onto, next In the metro pqllllll church the moat important Iethodnet charge in the Queen city, elu- lrom the Ieuior Ietlndnet congregation ol Bnnlfotd, end other pleoee in hie nln end other oonferena e. Thee heal all to he declined, however, owing to hie bung eeelgned In the leak of qnietnng the tnmblul relate in the lemon: nr 1 . ,L,__-g _ ,l-Ix..n . Ann- Ohicagn, Aug. 4.--A aenastiun has been created at Government headquar- tera here by S. M. Patter-eon, non of ex- Senator Patteraun, South Carolina, who arrived eoine weeka ago on hie return from Calilurnia. He ut up in grand etyle at the Palmer mile, and intru- nlneed himaall at the Cuatom Home with lettere from John Sherman. Chaa Duvenu, S. S. Randal, D. M. Key. John R, Haw lay, and others, well lmown in Wuh- inglon. Theee introduction: placed him In the good gracee of Wm. H. Smith, Collector Herve . and all the Govern ment poo le. e waa taken by the hand, eluted upon, wined. dined, and touted. All went merry until one (lay he appeared at the Custom Home, and explainedto Wm. H. Smith that he lost 31,800 betting on the wrong hone, and via: dead broke. He expected is draft from Secretary Sherman, elau one From Pore Patteuon. In the meantime he wiehed a temporary loan on aome tamily diamond: which lnok'ily he had aith him. He left a handlul of dlamonde among the Government otlieiala, obtaining three to tour thoueand dollare of a loan on them. it next appeared that one Warren Knight, claiming to be adiamond broker, had given the diamond: to Patteraon to sell and return the money, which he did nutdu. He aecnred a warrant for Pat- terson`: arreat. The latter wanted the Jiarnonde back toaave himaell from die- grace. Knight inlaid to heounnected with a gang 0! thievee, and Patterson in am peoted 0! being in partnerahip with him in acontidonoe game to rob Government enipln yeee ---- coo Ottawa. Aug. 4.-AI Opodo hioh ocrurrod du ' lhoruuucunotingul Ibo Oran Gruzlodjo-Ioq Br.t'nt: Nqrth Angrica in this my, ud"`whi3h nlocu Imlo cndil aI.Jo|III Whib, I.P. for But liutiup. had jut pom to light. The fact: npposr to in then. After the Orange ptoocuion on use 23rd July Int. a low ouomporuy Ipuohu ICC dollar- od in-tho Shun; Rink. Mr. Grant, D. M. of Iiontnol, III out of the oromn. and during the oouru of hi: rurrnrh he nniundvorlod on 150 hat that the Orange Order bud non and u I puliucd mm chino by ruin Tory politicians to ud- nnoo their nun pononul inhreuta. As might be oxpocud, this In Bron M be- loro the notice of the Grand Igmdgn a short time dtorwndl, and during the debate Ihieh ensued numerous utnctunu on Mr. Grunt lor hifiudilrotion in pub- licly making such an nuortiou were in- dnluod in. A rev. onllomnn, 3 power nl A congr Ition boongiug to I lnrgo Protonunt onolninaliou in Ontario, row in big pluo II I dolugnu, and in sdditiuu to Imintnining tho truthfulncu I! Mr. (h-mt`: nuumonn aid `that in the Pmvinca of Qnhlio V ioulnr- ly the Orange Onior hnd n rind u . bv C0l|I0fV|I.Nu A uisdvlu mnwuu not um-run-' Jlo fl_A`l III out l g rouuut .npu;ss' :_..--...._.._-. ... in onset sun when. sRT1'i13.sz1 A CVHICAU0 SCAN [M L. .___. g... A ltlumg Ileputallon. in be-no uuuuuu ul cw... ., _. who know him, or, not ponondly in him, had loomed lo Mo olnnokr Ind Io noon-nu nd admits his an I pod china, I Icholntly nnd ohrmhn gontlonon, and I lrinnd And pulse at every pod work. Hi: church, tho city, uopuwuuavnrhon. i-Human PCt,':0 |II:JlIO-I no In 1: Int, n Iiouounotllxcllk huhki. Ilhthoblo. Aha tho pvhtuuoboptdruludnmullcl I-signaled Otphvu and Dnrhu. -Harman Pun. New-_ n. I. icon no Iuuulx I0 I30- nu : Drm, n Indra! nun dunno. uli Iloltln pound lbovluo-yln Onn has and lhnhu. no Iol-mvuw aux: no I4 aging. -A Hunt gl Ian 030 V 05- jool in hvlI*`.|.|Iouu in In an pod- ot uouoy. intend the dunno: to the Phllulolphn uluon hope who Iple ad houuo to though it clamp! to un- ":-K.'3'; :.':'.':7`uL':'I'a'.acu ol Uln- - Int nu ol Ibo huh In- dluuonnu to II! HOIIIW ry loop I Iotvou (M. I and In Inn II I jjli 'TIII'U| XIIUTKHCW Inllu Inuit: I rap--0-d`-M. Ir. Forhu, J M II-.. __ I . 1.... AL- L.uI.In'IJ In 1 III XII 77% If I `I Ir. 3 Nu: ., In from tho huloldl to -A-'- llnl . Ln-Jr.-I -iInn dial i rue |~ urnuy mu uu Inna naonlu -- Aumng tho Zulu, weanling to all queue. the mother in law cannot [IO the Inn In law, but must hido. or to IMO. when tho not him. A {lb ouunlryu the mini: in mutual. It In no non-|n.|nu doc I" the dc (hilt. O||\|lNI7l III. GIIIIOII II IIVQIT. ch non-Inyln on the dc dghg. _ oat Mood o la: which it nut inoporoblo It rill at no: nu ho onxsuliuly dioull ` to upon. With Ibo ooouing pronto ol hall o lilo lino of ouioouco on! uoolul ' no-yot bolon M-it ooonoouoogo an dootl should hon boon pc-imd to cut ol tho Ionoohd Ptolou in tho voq priuoothioooroor and boloro No op- poilhd oork no fully oooonpliohod. \Vlu'||o it in ID notlrol Io Iorvol ol tho iv uliubloltloohn tho long at tho bo- roovod to how to tho ioovitnblo, out In lool Iolilld Ihol for IOIO ollvioo put- pnoo to Iulluoulyoouooool to bio would. (Mono; doooooly In tho do- pondtnonoloolobo bopolthoiooor oonunnyhotoood wonhyal Mn tho Lytlonl nuns lrum mo Ion. A Fnuch pa r sdvim in radon who may Mppon 0 b0 annulus outln n norm In uh Ihollor undo: I booth no, u thin tron hu now! been known tn ho sun `I by liqhtnln -A nuru of {mu Ll! OLIAIA than III III II? `I Dy I|I|'||I'|"|f -A party of {mu m mun that nth :30 In much Winni 3 in a canon. Tho uh the do-vruian Ky, than [ob] Harm and Snpon-rt to 65 DIIIOI ronu. `Hm In tho uld fungi mail. The iv vnll uh limo mouth Aumnn lhn Zulu. nnnnrdinn to oli- UIVIII UUQIIHV I'M'I1l, II lI|lI.I'-IIPIIW. ~- Ur, (Mann, thu Dcmuontio osndr d-la for (iuvoruwr uf Cnlcfnrnia, uuuu tho lugou hrm m the I mwd Htnot. Ho oupluyl In or om hands ovary you to mllnvutu I0. `FL. I ..-.l- .n.I l`nnunnn- Knu- cmlnvulc II. -'l`ha Lurch sud Unnnmonu hue puuod I was at lhnnlu to the Afghan- un cuupugnou, (Ina llnmo Halon In tho Cuaumunn bung lndly defeated on their pl-pond Mnonduuml to all Lord Lytmni from the voto. Fnunch moor hllephvrtl .\' Uu. 'l'h-my are n few more, whose fniluren are nnmim-nt, who have received A large, slice of the funds. 'l`henliractur| Are not accused of stealing, but of criminnl care- leuueu in leaving un.-rything to the ouhior. The largest nhnreholder Ill Allan lhllnuro, (he great Scotch lumber Inerclmut. whn uWl|u_tl {:00 Ihlrel, Sir llnuh Allen and hm brother owned 400 nhnroa. In the United State: there no uhu-ehnldarn raiding in New York, Boa- ton, Chlodgo. l)euva~r and San l"ru.oinoo, nuue, however. for large amounts. -.\'nr W. I! lhchuruln will have Eng- lor l'Mlt|d.| on !|n- '.3lst mu. --'l`he beet In-,'ur crop this upon in Frnnoo in 1 failure. ~ An lrl-h fmrnuula cunvenlion in to he hold on lhuqllunlmu ul um-icnllnnl -ann brand upnn which run: green nu: boon blnwn F-I:r uthorl are expected to die --Truth vlnunl 1-. halo hoard from Herman] tint lho Emporor Wnllllm in nubrmg lrmu oullinuull ol tho brun, um that Im mmnnry II ontiroly (MM. _ An .\mhmn- Munuruvn Hnvnrnnr pug; own ur |I.ru- Wec|(n,lI:\Ve taken noou: !1I,:.m>,o of thv bunk . funda. Anchor .9; L`u., Hamburger & Co.. Fur nine: 8: ('u., l`. J, (`lnxtnn & Uo.. H. Benny & (R-., l)n,nA'mn Ii:-on., and Filh, s-|....u....-.4 .\ 1`... uonius, J run u' dren -\\', H Baker, (Mun, hll uooivod fruln Iim (mvornnr-1 lonernl the chun- plun vurhng modal, of which he in the win.- llr. nor. -'l`hu lhulhup Uellerophon bu ul lo nu-A 'o|' um days` priu tiring uting [ha nummur cruise she will visit Quebec and Newport The cuntrncl for conveying 0,000 tum nl um-I rnilu from Montreal to the Nnrth went hu been uurdocl to the N. W. 'l'numporl.m:m (Vunpnny. Three an! an fnunlv nnmnd Moncuo, Pun \'nnn, Que ,huvo die] {rum outing brand ivhnch l'nru bu! boon M..." l`.u:r uthorl no uooctod mu IIII II on'.IrIIy (000. Mr Anthony Mungrnva, Honrnur, .lonn-n, wlllnrnvo III New York on tho l'.'lh inn , and he the aunt of Mr. David Dudlny l"ic-Id, hm father-in-luv. __lh- Hlmn. oh. llama:-rnlio mndi. tenth pm-I ur mu mun. Ine alrouorn are trying In cum all the blame of the estu- tropllu upon ex Manager Reno}. whom they nccnnu of deceiving them as to the nctunl unto ml atfmrn. All the lone! worn cunllned lo the hmul ulce here And the Tornuw lnnmch. The following rms, Wlll(`l| lmve lailml here within the put cw. ll.ru- weulu-,l:.we taken About l1I_:.m>.mm bunk-'ufunda. nus at \u., 1. .1. l)n,v|r" Shephurd .\' Cu. I I nllnll nf Hm fund: ' (Pol Dmmnieu Le.) ; I T rnntu, Aug. _6.-Co-ll Burgx, ilk wo-lI_ lmuwn negro Ilneilbl, eld Wee. Widgery, e Young St. lruiterer, Indulg- ed in 5 little revolver prectiee In! high, thelneelvee; being the tergele. Burgeee bee beau eeperelod from hll wife for the pm ten niuhthd, (wing in er: Alleged improper Inm(:]:ec\ `:|`lVll|g eaielgd db`:- tweeu her en i ery. n un y lent Co-il visited (he only gllll place of na-' eidenco mm being New 'urli) loeee hie mother, elm ie reported to be In e dying cnndiuun. Wialgery met Lin: et hie brullu-r'u,.luhn Bur;eu' nloou, Yonge St , about eleven o'clock lent night, where he invited him -to perteke 0! drink. This Cool refueed to -10, when Widgery ie enid to heve need inou die- ropiitebe lengnegu, whichea enrepd the minieirel that be drewdhle revolver egid lirad two eholl at the eetroyer 0! in heppineu, wounding him in the head end arm. Widgery procured e pietol from e cmuheninn named Blekelyo, end, preeemr ing |l., Iirod one shot It ool, who rc- treated from the scene end wee Aller- wnrde removed to the county, where he in now in hiding. Widgerfe waning: Are not ooneidered to be of e urioue o ene- mr. It in likely thel. the police will move in the inener, end the eeir will be in- ventigsted bilthe Police Megietrete. `llllw, .'\"L' \ UlIIrIUl'IIIl II'|)|l.I the upper tho vicmily lulnlly (lcllruyml by n henvy hail norm. In many plnmon they Will not be worth hnrveating. Tlmra was uenonl ntinflclion Int hnrveanng. There was genonl evening tnmng Omuu horsemen over the vict--ry uf the BI-mm in the 2.31 rice It Bulfulo yeulerdny. The Mnolo won in Itmight huuta-time 2.2-Q, 2.93, `Q25. A nmnlmr of nrmninmh cunlnntum Ara Ilrmgnt neuu-ume 1.01., z.'.:.), 2 A number of prominedt ounu-I in tho city Further duvelupments are coming on! ma tn lhu vlmructer of the putiu who ob- unnud Iurgu lawn from the bunk. Ono rvul opium upoculntor received about >_-'_'.n,0m an the uocu-ity of Iume unbur- b.uI lute that would scarcely bring n tenth pm-1 ..hh-gum. The diromors are In-mu In 4-nu nll the lnlnmn of the catn- m;:u..'wEBm;suA. Auutsr b`., 1579. oi tuu Iron M my ol the gontlamop who were on the used car who nuhod into by Illa 0|-and Trunk angina Iron: the Wilson Eoulo Switch" were again prount, md null huohcon vividly nmindod oi thoirioh mar peril :1 they puood tho hid spot. Thom III lea danger this limo nun mud lot this vary reason, honvor, onq pouibh prauntion hning boon lohn tn noun tho uhly of All. The prolnolouoi tho road (which IilI prove a very [rut oononionbo to many plug in Wumn Ontuio) an to be oongntnn laud on the undue, though lon|~dn- lqyod, uuccbu of their nmorpriu, and ~------u-Anntn