Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1879, p. 4

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I75, or 5 per com. on mu lluun, YIVV wuuld return @900 or 9 pr cent. during the mumh, and no on, hooording to the Iuukuc. The Inn! c_:iIculnr oouuim `two --unurriug ruluu fur mucosa` and full ln~ IurInutiun,ou um nnybno can operate with profit. Stock: And bonds Iuntod. Deposit: received. Government bond: supplied. Apply to Lawrence It 0u., Bankers, B7 Exolnngu Plpoe, n.Y. City. Wolfe In-Iuuu. on '|'uuu|,y, Vvuuuuan Satunlay. knlurulng lenve A. Guunh Co`: \ hum. II. TIl()Ill'lU1V,unununqvm. Or the Mum: on llunnl. Juno 3:11. A '79. swegn & Barauulnte '79 srn. KINgARnINE.] '1`|lE8TB.KlNCARDlNE. BLANCHARU. later. will run ra ulgrly xlunng lie Manon of l879bor.ween Ba eville and Uawegu. lmmlnug at inlmnmlinta porn on Buy of Quinta. lmviuxz Kingston for` (In I!|'[0 at I I In. over Tuutlny and Woclnovdny; I-turn. mg will save (hm-go for Kllxntou every Woduemluy null Saturday at 0 o'olocl. For I-`mght ur Puugo I my to JA M5 SWIFT. Rt Lnwnmoe Wharf. |T0 cAMm_:_mo orugnsil rglunu 'n'l0u.m. Leave Klngswn. Sunday, 9?!) |.|n.. lI.30 mm. |nI'|.I.`: p m. I ' ' __ rl'\lllh l'lA|lI`.|l PRINCESS LOUISE will lune Iuuol Helen Io pnrtlen vluhlu mum to (huunu-mo uul the Cnmpjllfonn . lllh LOUISE mu them to (Iunnuqno Cunp GI-on when open. at the Iowan nu-A Axlmo II. C. ROTH L. Inter on Bond. K|nntun. May 7,1117`) ___.A_ n5XiIiTING. GLAZING. LN D PLPI8 HAIIGIIIG. um, made $747.30 on nu mvenu~u I n. 8100. Mnuy other! no doing an well or butter. C-pm! in any Amount from 010 to 100,000 om be used with oqusl pru~ pomumuu auocul by thin Uombimtion or Cu-npontivo Method. $15 would nuke cent. the nook; 81(1) -uuld return cqpt. IIBADY FUR THE-:PIlN(I W,()IK - AVV CLASS 05` -. . f- I` n `.A_ Plain o:;;;(:W ainlingl Iloruud mm;-lly with the B331` HATER- IALII A l) AT Till LOWIST LIVING PIIOII. C 83011-38 an Street. next 4...... tn Ir . I. Wilkinson : %ARMEVNIA Hy-. .B.R..1!!_1*3 | 1 m. " i-`ur l-`reixhl. and Puutuu ly to A GUNN & .. Kingston. II. 'NlUllP0N,(hnnuoque. `I. um Ilmxmr nu lluanl. . to Kingston. Juno 5th. I8`. Juno 3n! -._-.-_. `Tun largest lqnumy for the least mono , In wall In Iho$ut quality, III oomomed in one 501110 of Annie: und Oil Linimont. Th: hauling proportion 0! the Linimont vnll u - once be recognised and approved by every Phynician and Surgeon u nlfol-ding the quickest. and sum: mun: of curing Woundl. Spninl, Simian, n.-..i..-. Burn: sud Ulcers of every kind, Hu1:~rm.L:a. Inch 190:. ISPLENDID A I U Pl Eli CABIN 8'l`lAMElH I. .5. I n. 1V1;.--:._- Oablnog Maker an and am Iur yuurnml. lI`INh\l KINGSTON T0 I--rnl All CUBA} J R. -J. EILBECK. Agent, Dom Tel Umre. :7 7 INT`) PIOIIIIL. KID F. 0. MILO. ST)! `1` S(P11nr?l x?vE":;`|I |I:$l:.I| . In cum `~ v CW" cu., `.\'ruIKun, N. v. .....)r. 90 .4 sun . . _, ,_ 3 90 " "' cmuu Cl 5 '0 4 '0 5 11111-ls,':r`."()wl:zla|1(`)1; In cuss. `.'n cuss. IIUSTEI). Nam-nu. N Y. ....$I4 {-0 $; .__i I,-_. .. 4-I _ u nmulh unul e-xpa 'ni0 5:] 7WA;(~uI-_. U`-llit Ir: Brcurin 7` Wmindn. Spninn, an-uuu, Bruiueu, nu-nu Ulcers including Iltin diieuu generally. Price, 26 And 50 coma. Iouq I!-MIIIAIJ. J. ROTHWILL. DIES SWIFT. aunoncc frat bAu,y nn1`r1Sixn'u1c JUNE 12. A1879` 4U ml Through [WHIGWORK| In Ilmpmolthuunm. In humans in doing rock of nlll ndluunou unpblo. I` bneoollu Inqpeunuz` lu-pot Plain and And all Hm]: of Ion! Typo "Including both man ma rm Blvlu. nmmen who coin lbolr . `ms on cmcuuns 1| THI Nntionnlflllunro I porloet enth- Irtic, and I remedy that works on the bowel: and Ioctetin urgum with the moat utoninhing And houuliuinl ruultn, and than renown ull imputitm. They do not leave tho bowel: coctiva slur thoir use; no not attended with nuuou: or piping pnino. but mild and wuchin . Molnlso nun-coated. For ulo by I clnn -tn. BILL HEADS 01' AI.-T. BIZII, am: or ms | FOR HOTELS AND BEBTAUEANTS. Will [Ind bofe the Iugul Ind Hull! 1 UH)I`ll.IOIII- CARDS, CIRCULARS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES I-Ito, on-.4-Iltml nanny and pmrptly and Al Iumvn II. the L(1ysf 4|:iviI1gF Rates. New Adve1'_tsen1_e|its. .1.E!!.El':'I III!-'_U Propnrtionql 1 Options of P30 . JP50. To 1-`.0. nfivn 06 yuruiuna, S E Mum. fur Imnt Agency Business in the World. Expensive Outt free. 3 _I`ran1-_v Cards. Chroma. Suownhe. Ito . no 2 uliku with name, I0 oonta. J. Mink lar AL (34).. Nmumu. N.Y. <-1n)r--- ihnx. OATARRII, (no matter nf how long ntandin .) 3 cold in tho Head or Throat, Di cull Breathing, Diuinn, Huduhc. Dulncu. Wntory Aond sud PM-ulom Diuohugu {rum tho ood mg! Throu, Buitapinc, Cloning, Fullnou, m....i.m nr ouinn Nolan in the Bad, V c,\k1m, L'IIr.;..of(..i.| u:raer.1;. 101-13, or `:0 Lave Cm-dc. 10 cm. J. B. IIUSTEIJ. A YEAR and oxponnea to 4 Ontlit Fm. Address P. 0. WHY Allulhlhl. Mnilm. "THE ` anmsn m- arm: $71umuulh -xpalur zuurammed to Agoulc-. lruu. SHAW N. 00., Augusta. Maine enunm VICK- EKY. Allgllnhs, AHVBPEISBIIIBIII; 3$.;;'".T. .3.?)7..'."J."p".`" porn for $10. send I00 for I00 up umphlat G. P. KUWEL 61. 0.. N.Y. mama , univorlll lualtudo. pain In the bmhd mnou of vision. premstun old up, and mtny other dineum thn. loud tohuuity or couanmpuou und 3 premature nave. Full pu-tloulu-n in our pamphlet, which we desire lo send me by mnil hoover-yous o Specic Iodloine In sohi by nll dru ilk 53 `I nor pwlume. or n_lx [MOIIFOAI for or will be ,. .., _..._-.. 1.- Advertisemant 2 "An. for ll), Rand l0n flu- GR.AY`S SPECIFIC MEDIOINEI -....-us uAnl_ Tllllt R|CA'l"rnrAnl' uunr. .. .. --.....-u-A 1 iiiig, Fnllneee, Running nr Heed, egreeeble Hemminplieehing and Spit- ting. Oonoive Breath, end Nuel Teeug. lluetotee the lento ofuell. Strengthen- the Bgee end Voice, Claeneing end He- gulehng the OI-gene of the whole Heed end 'l`hroel.. 1: given hnnediete Reliel, end e lew bultloe will cure the Iron! aeece. All we uh in e fear lriel to con- vince the moat. ehpticel. DI. Ivoev.-l)mr Mr. I em to dev truly thenlful shed you heve brought In II) eouoe eur vel elusple end eloeeluu `'1 lemon! -ten-I ileuedy." For neey xeenl beve eefeqed iron: the Ceeerrh-the leeeee bole; height en Iv e we pertinent dun Ie eleg- 'leg. I bed lehl nyeelI'oe theehelf." heving received ee heeell hen the verlone neeeeoue rnelllecwhlohllsed Med. A lewtrleleol yoer re-ed; relieved my heed es onoe.eed eewehereehreeIou8hI' me! I eeuehle Io eleg vlthealeereeeeeedeenlleedellghted eeeeeleelehedne lwhiyonfreeuueoeee ucuuo -v um... .... Iedloingllwlold din 31 per pwknmor nix push on usnl. true by man on Noe pr. or the money by uldroulug THE GRAY IEDIUINI C0`, Torouw. Ont. Clnuln. Sold in Kings!-aw hy All l)mgghta and nvorvwlmra in (Yum-.ln and the United Staten by n I wholuule sud ru-I:-il dealon. r our bugneu hlvo 1` Vsnnwllnkn. 5'7. Br '.1J_ `l`runn|-noreul. ` (`urds with mum, |UNu. L. JUNE8&. (tn. Nnalnll. llluslrawd by Wood Cuts, all whole-ule nnu rrnm u N.B.-Th- Ionmnda --v 01 xmmuhnted our rrmn \ ing which place plane ndnirum ;n nluationn. T OIL Men an Stock`: Extra Oil. It is an IMITATION ln appousnco. but!MOS'1` INFERIOR in quality. When GENUINE. bear: the Ib0VO' Trade Muk. GE()l{(IE ll. STOCK. u mum-.h St... Toronto. Ont. I 8T00|('8 EXTRA XX & XXX, Jmganmn .n...u. In which no lomslo mun- hmnu In Iuhjoct. It mndcntu All ones: And remove! I ohnknoono. And I _apoody can any bu mind on. T0 MARRIED L_4I_)IE8_. dun MARRIED LADIES. ltlapotullnrl nlhd. Itwlllln dad that hung on agollypchd win ' 3 In Allonuucfnorvound AI maul: um but uad limbo. Mkuo cu duh! unlnlllnv In tho cure: of All than punlnl and -lmgamun hmdo nil _l| mnglantcn cusp B3! whiyonfrinuuooun II to nooimol ll whatnot `u I 1:: ln'A|louncfncrvound?>|nl cl |l.::h|lIh;lbIci Illdgllgln, Mklllrd 34- ,uuu'nn- -mam {mum- allothclunnl have (mild. and I m-nhl numlv. do Iotounhh ltd. flie urea! Iemnle Remedy I08 :3!!! nzruonrou. nus. 1`llI.'4lNVALUAlSLE MEDICINE I!` In of All than painful and .l.mmrmn candl- have failed. and auto: I nnody lv.oI mummy. tl uylng hunlnl In g can urvul J01! not: Now Yoohlolo Pnpdaor L! can hr could bmt M I!!! such lath mlllnnnshul lnnaudn B1-an mu] slj -An . P. HAHTY S nmxnugg srocxs. IAlcA|I8_l_ mums 20. aiuso. * |'o'n'1;u v.n Rt . N Y. }E0l{Ul H. sruun. 14 Church SL, Toronto, Ont. HY. SKLNNER J: 2nd. Agnt, Kingston nus mt mount: OR JOBS OI` ANY KIND pruu on litldaya iuvoaunolofsl --_0ilIviul Report: free.-- Lional mturuu aver-y `Vveok on Stock :0! mo, . moo. . I-nu. Addroaa, 'l`Elt Wl(HI l` 61. 00.. Bankers. 8.`) WOOD LITTI3. LE ! `FER ll EADFNGB, emmtorruen , I m po Ion oy , . And Ml diner `king 501- that follow Bofon ace 9! Bell Abuse. A: I loan of give:-ml In the man prrmM:u_Io qld q_z_o. '7` Tnduundfox Barrel: of OIL havoboen palm- ed on by UN- SOBUPULOUS 1 bunmeu mr on Toronto. w |H cKelvey & `Buchl RAVI l0:N 0!! HAND, IA.maandWgll Salactad btnnk (Booking, s-rovns T -- ~- l -- 1'03. \\lM:lJ AND COAL, Whlah they cm at LOW RIKICHS. 'l`l|e'y Guarantee Ever y V Rzove they sell to aim nntlslactlon. Cull and no their Stock sad price: before nnmhulnz. _ pumhulng. rpoohlntnnon nivon 4 llumuxol Dwallin And Puhllo Ihn|||uu(n with steam. at Hot lr. Wa mnha a upooiully ul (Inn busi- nnu. lumbar the place- ` A A . udhdurn. uhdlot I grant to mph 180 n toad Iondlmlro . I:lupoll o Oman, 2rd nad uh oon.-I1$ *puud.toho sonh nusutolobw. ` ' `tum. that the Call and u ll Spook /Canadian Stove Depotj No. 2| Brock street. 0ct..8th.1878. * V" |s'rovEs._s-1-ovEs. | Call and see t.hoCrmvn Jewel Ravel-tibia Flue HALL AND PABLO]! HAZATING STOVE, chemout -uoooutul move sold. 3' Every Bwvo gunnntnod. Also the Crowning Glory wood Cook Stove, ,_ n._`.. panv v I1 Wltph lar e portnhle plnnluhorl copper Bauer vol ;nom inon Iunro uu qr!-mt Ivaturoa than nvother Roman-uir Coo ing Snow. nn-I In ma only low nrtnhlu Rt-am-vnir Uoukillx Stove in the worl with warming on-,u under the Hm. Zify Uoukillx Hwvo tn Exnluina my Stoves be-for 'VV'2MZ- EBUNN, BMNOESS STREET. `The UENTRAL Disuensary` A Full Stock 0|` llrllus, (`In-uni-` pnls, l nl.(-nl M4-.cll<'lm-.-, ` l'erlum4-ry at l~`:uu'y &E'ia': c :4. l r(=m-nptmns uml Family I prepared . Iw.D. GORDON& co..] {GEO} P. :a.ovv1::1:.1:. For Ten Cents : Ono hundred page pam- phlet with Line of Newspaper: and Ad- vertising Rattan. [Newspaper Adlising Buteaul For Ton l)ulIara : -.___.__ P U R Wines and Liquors, |......n.zl l)u-an-I, Iran: Franco ol II tho W5-T",':3:59n&%,CQ Wllu. Irnndln. an. J4-.. Alan I! and 111. Penn II and Ill. Irrurln Inn! folourtl . I vary \mLeruvr article. I uIopa(nc- (`Ian _ gm- illhina llullph ll-oaklgut. Black Tea Clnolw Maple syrup. |65:z;_91!9:*Y! liin Worn. Imam anus. Z An. IIUITI Iopun sburuuuu AT J RIIIPR. Agents furrlm llnlumu Hay? rul. spacer: s'r., u-y-._. . ...~ . but I)! the but our intmdnnotl n thin Muriel. ~ --- .-- 0. an T?QI$: - - V - -.__- , lloluulo no llocall. ._`fc- J . REID S . onom: alumna " LIIUD u .l.l:.\1uuv. Iv` Inponod l)n-ct dillomnt llraudu of JAMES BEDDEN, OPENED- _,-....__,_ sToi=3L week in Three I ------T, Parlour Princess Street ` Ilfflll AID II QIAIYITI 1.1: In-u-nu nu Nearly 4-ppm-ilo (lily Howl. Ian Fnur linen inserted one `hree Hundred and Fifty Newspapers. `I0-DAY. D `AW anl Hall fore buying elsewhere; House.` fully Jr:}h1a.l-x 1:sui:a;ceCo y., I nlr HAIe'l`|-`(ml)_ CONN. [1nsura'ncg_company| BOARD 0!` DIRECTORS uoo.l'uc1nl Btdout. Eaq.,uo~u-not Pour Pua-non, .. I):-any (lonrur. . . , .,- on W. (351101 In ' l'hoa.D.Bu'r|l TI The Hon.Goo.W.A1hn.1'hloI.Olroot.~..Blr Ju Luiu llobhuou. Bart.,uId Goo. Boyd Iaqo. lunar Murine Deuaruuont, Win. hvud The In-ituh American Aunnneo can] Inuumuil uul noun Vouela, chelrlhlgll cnnmen. hy the trap. month. noun or .3 unhnu loan or damage by )`u'o or tho dbl Inborrwn . . . - rohol ChuohIInu.0uI-nuoloou-II; 30:: Idunl. duuulge danger! 0 Sun uuon.uI the uwulromnnu-uuvu-aha Tina Zolunulv continue to lawn building: oTNnvn anon. ul theluwoil romnnu-nuvu-who fompuuy building: and an ollu-r ducrtgtlunn of Pmporl ugnhut boa url)un|Igo by {non the mm! 57015510 tarxnl Ind n the Mun ntuehu-god byny a . `W amp, JAB.SWlli"l'.AgoI 8t.l.nInado u Ila! LVI5 Aluqtclll II All. run nuouu. auxin nnuvun Ann UIIJJAQ 1-nnnm:n- . ' l'lllw 1.11:): uuvv vv J U or u.un'm1m, CONN. Capital and - nrplml` 06,062,048 Laura pnld huh: I ran QIWOOOJO. 5.000; pulcl for Ilnr G 5'1:-u';~"nIu1 Into: loan H I . THIS l'n:vn'1u\ I mu D|`l1l.I uuurg nu-unm- In (Jumulu Inn .5! years and bin om-unui the public 1-mvdmwzs by prompt and lIh<\r_uhwt ll:-|hen'. ol`m'o:ry_)mt claim. (`unulmu pu|I- lnuldnru uro uunurud bvh~|-unit an $50,000 wll um overnnmut um tn-wn. K?` P0hl'il`!l um wrillvu at lhun Agency" and hcyverlnuneut Otlaiu. Q | uhl'ik`N Agency` run} on terms An favourable u my other llnol. ulnul Cmupnuy. {Ix Summ-i1dl,`np1taI...... ...... . .15`) 000.000 Hm 'l`u1.alluv:aa1ol l-`uuda upvmrdl on 1;-2.aeu.ooo1-m l`uu| lnuolucn................ . . 4li. ;.(m08l{ Pumls llnwauxl in ()anulu...... O|00:000. lusurnnoon uguiual loan by lI`Iro oo'4Ip_tnd I_t Cumulu. . . . . . Ol00:000. lusurnmma against soeeptod st u; Iowan ourmnt. I-than untl ulnhul Iettlad with out reference to the Board In London. R()lIl~1R I` SIIIS &. C0. GEORGE DENIIOLM. Gun.A entufol-Cnnndn VANDEWAT AK AL l!K'l'l`8. Aunts for Kingston, 1: ......o.n I-`nh `0111. I879. Untnrio utroot I"lliIS AND IalI'l'a Assurance Company, 01:` l.()HI){)N . ENGLAND. { {6Ln An|i__nEL{Ai3L. Liverpool & London& Globe Insurance 0. llungar Dc 3 Eu .,1` .BireInl.l. unguu blnotor. 'I`m In-imh Amoriou Ann!-moo Call Total Assets...........,..$27,470,000 Invested in Canada... 900.000 I.n:u\I*II H II. Juhnfn. l,I._._I!Il .lI_I_e._ I_M1. The aaum prompt Mttlamenu were mule at the gran` Fires in Uhlrngu sud Boston bt-chino giving 5 largo nun of Inonay 1.0 the nu emu. Rum-A ur lnumumo an low ll ()'.(-o. Tlnn (.`mupuuy In wound to no ln|nr- Aumy Ohwt in tho world. _ _Applicm*rnun n-1-ivml It the 0309 of `I'l}_0b }_3El9.A(.O`lI-I. Ph tenix Fire Insurance Company, 01 London. '--\ UENCY ESTAi!;.4[8EED IN CANADA 1511. Unlimit.llinbI|i\`.v of nlltho Shook holders. and Large Reserve `uudn. Moderate nu-A of remlum, OK .A llRKP_'[`Rl(_,`K, THIS (`UMPANY bu been doing hunimm lnttnmulalm . tours 1|-In-u uv-wv---.---' - This Innilulinn In reguhrly lncorponhd I: the l.vghIM.uro nl u Sun {at Iduulinn n. uni cnmum. purpmu In 13. lor the mm m rwnvrnn nun. In which uncut tho Invlnl-hhlollh ofthohoulo plnlpl with n caplhl olIl.000.ll|. to wild like ino- uldnl A ruervo lurid ol ITS HRAND HINULE NUMBIII D IBU- TIUN will take plane monthly. 1: nuor -calcnor pnnpoln. Look at the TIUN Illl [Clo pilot lnunuuy. II pnolponq I I--lluvinu dlutributltnnz GRAND PROIIIADI COICIII. during winch will ah plus the IOOII GRAN. -0l'I'II.Y AI` III APPIDXIIATI Pllllls no Apunluuhn Pllan cl . -ms!-:9.-.-;.~.-:.':.. ulna" TI |hdr`l'|ahbohIv|u.uhh mun Inuulnlnmnluu attract-u txtnordluory Ital-Maul Drawing, At New Orlunn. Tacky. JIM lh. I879 Inllortho pononl supervision and snap any cl __ __ . _.. . . __._,___ lluuuuhvnhobohhdlll H -::u1In()In-onbthnonlvh ` Wilt htdnnlnnor D . u.':'fn'.'H.u,_ . Feb17Ih, 1879. "`i-iiasf we Alw K Inznton. I-`eh `.20lh. GUAR|)_!__A-ll |,muu~- JoIn'n. l.I III! lune. Ian. uu.'I.|5I. null:-I In all In-lint:-Iy after the Flu, wllhonl nine-all cl` Discount. Clnralmo an . L Kin Jun I37`? I.ou!nIann8tau_I4_otto1'yOomPI7- ' """"n'('ZFt2.Z'x'>"" "E'v'v}.`s'.E Elual. Birchnll. y American Can] n-nil lllll nmnm Vouoela. Oheltflilll - 'N PK ECE DIINTID A'l"l'llAC'I'l0N. } (Hut Hall a Illhou Dhlhulod. ad un July 9th. .54 -.-._ raid 8:! uoh.--Uu-nou. djt-urn I.A In P.0.%$.% ounuoaIlo.I9hvuy.InI I 9lll CIIIIIU \I\II.I.ltIII 0! LONDON, licmioun (mice of `H106 HKl0G.AgIIII. St Oppodtoth Polt-OM00 nun: . Jun ..emL..'na rrwuu . - . - .. -vs----... nnxlnhu X0 I"lllI$ ANII LIFE _ - l`I-........ (lilllbllnllul IBIIJ En-numnn uu I7l2. lrgu nun: vu r um... 14-4: . A KIRKPATRICK, Agent. Klnnm n G ompanyu T-v _--.--'.....' ....... . _ - V`, rou or.nq~aIi;i. Tununr my In tho Dcpocy uatnnang Ooou tor the township 04 each lot the mag! polling boolhl (or Has. 1, 2, 3. 6, nd 5,\glIIlIg Nb-divhloon. Hand in Mr, Robinson. at A B YBS1 NIA liOTIlNlA... GALLlA...... ALGERIA . . . -9CY.I'l1lA.... VV apdlnlunrulutullnoiguonlli-I Oaoonvn Yutunasumuuuu Ia-tdhn 0! no o`_-."u._,,"`"_,,` 9,... .,.....u. Iluidhi us: 49 L.L.u man. so the nonnum ..___...._----_.. Gnn'ard 8tea{mship Gompany,(Limited)_ ' IIIIUU Ill r-nun-v I `IN gold. u-mrvslipg tn uwnnn-odntlon. > ` okohm Pu-In $15.00. 0o|d,ndd|t|onAl. Rnurn Ticket: on fnvoral-le (cum: unrqa at vary low nun. uuensxo Ttokou Ix-om hverpool and qua-nuuvu um) all pnluot Lam av. mum: nlu. ' 'l'hmu3h B of Id npz gum in: Belfumlugow, I1u'n,Annu-r_p Ind mzm [mum ( continue; at for urruwnu porn. For Pnlzht. and Puune.-prly It (.`uInpuay'oOoe. No. 4. Ruwllnz rm-n. Nov \'urk_ 13- J. IILBECK. Klnziuvn. Agmnt. CHAS. h`liAN(`KI.Y.\. New York and CALLING AT nu Vttovwvci` dnnhnulusl upodlolouurnohrdlclupl Ono: VVIAQCALLAA. vacuum 1--: ~-- . 0|!` ENGLAND Plr`.|oI- doalronl oi Insuring can dopend upon low rum: I undnnlgnod. Office, am-eucc Strut. . - Assets - - - - - 3:;-35.000000. FIRE and 1.1.`. I-"]'_:. `ROYAL QOMP/4.i`~`{ FWEBEF 85. 00- _ ._--`gun; uuonrnincr MESSR8 WEBER 51 CO. In annnnnrinpz than unnu- llumthm of mu Unnmlinn mb|ic In Hm fawt that 1 lyantleman mum-1:: for umir kin:-hul [ah-nl 1!---yr I rims. '|'I|M Imntrulnolnta wares um. Iumln for lIu- Hxh fnir npnonntatinn of their Pmnm. Thin nlmnld ha I: pm dune u I Piano: as the hunt. unportod Instrument. r-'P HIE LIST on npplinatlull. _ FIRST PRIZE. AND SILVER MEDAL. THE MEDAI. OF HHNUR A\Yl\ I\lI)l1\\-{L |||` Watch and Clock TO THE QUEEN AND ROYAL IBJLH. the Prince of Wales. Ii.I.M. the Emperor of Rlissimthc ` Mahsnish of Burdwan, and to Bovaral Indian Princes. PRIzf."'S1m,\Ls--1.uNnoN m:m.|.\' .\Nl) l ,\l{ls gxxgon-g BENBUNS I BEN8ON'B I WATCHES. ol nvarv D|Ot`.l`1p- an, ulublo for nll cllmuum, Mun 91021!) guinea. Chro- nognp|uI,Chmnolnetaru. Key Ian Luau, Presentation, Hu- ....a--. Dull-nu nnunln, Nul Ian haven, rreoauuu--u. ur- pulan, llnllvsy nmmln, rlo| d|on'nnd Workman 'nWM-In-u of nthg utrcugth. )H|I9fI n of n I-..|.... "}i`AiIii` "i"i5. III! El`. III . ..........r...... , ....... ,, mmnl, but a selection can In mule from tho lug:-at stock In tho world. Ubrl nlwlld he Ion: dim:-4 In "I0 Innufnn-lurg lailvlgnto lllll. "BEN5UN'8 PAMPHLETS on TUIU ET CLOCKS, VVATU PLATE uni JIWILLIRY In! Post. Fno. Wslohu nut nfu pan: ol tho world. STEAM FACTORY AND CITY SHUW ROOMS _--..` 4-. . r-:11 TTTT T T l\`Y TEAM FLUIURI ARI.) VII! a nu nuumn {LUDAT_E HII:L," LQN J1)<-)N. _.__4 ..._p-. -..-u T'3... .. ..:.".:'.:1t.`.%..";'.. AID DIV. Ilaliljlliljlll the Commercial Union Assurance Gon11J`~I1IY nu IIIHILAHII owwly In` nlwnnl. r nun ;,.p.-n. -um-.un~. Iqnhj` |5I.i'-;-.-r- uh I \\ hovunln uynru um nun-4-Inlly lnvmnl hel--Ir Iybo umnufnrunrv Mu lllulntnlml (`Mal--gm-n olnnwhom. huh. hum (fhgtm, Jowsarilver nu! ltltu-lm Pine whk~h an amt maul I'n-a,u on Inna Ion ha stock In the Vfld` mcbnoluld Innomdlmoua InmIfIulu' burl m ...nnnsumn~mPaLI:1's on run pocxs, wu In. o yau$}o'T a. co. |on,AL__QEPoT% lCO.A.L| il`acV\e L`! as hunt nnpm m ICE npplinatlml. not I0.l877. ---..?.__ Lively Stock Operations. CENTENNIAL AwAR1i'sT. 7 T: T _.., W Piano - Forte Manufacturers K11_\I(aS'1`0N ()N'1.`AR1(). ' 9 BoonAImzrdeI by Mr lnh-rnauonal Jury] :1! Mr Wm-l1l u l"cn'r PMImlI_uIe in. on their Pianos : 25 01:5" `n"'c:'_:i_i_ii'""s"-i -nxszr-r.-1-. T N;F 'iZ_"--' ' not man No. 40, u.n,, new you. \\'.uIna-mlnv \ insuagncm. ,1 `-la `Nu. 1-V, sV~n~~,o -1.. vv vnvnn-I. _ _ _ _ _ _ ` _ _ _ __`_____`_,...........\\ elnudny, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Wodm.~oday,I ..Wudno:day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wmluuudhy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......Wodneuluy,. And ovary louowng Wodnouhy Pun hlBu_ You. - Rate: of Passage: mnrodnon . VIII` IND Il`l'ABLlllllIl'l'- II In l\T'I I And by Special Appointment: In ISTABLIEIIID I749. : lullrll. \)I' lnrnlru AND I)ll l.(_).\`l.~\ HI" .\i|'II{ll' OF ENGLAND. luau uounbrmnl ulnar-r Inna ll!-0 fnnhu oonuuu-nut-val ` uh! Inna: no hot MILIIIC IlD|$4aB'au4T-nnyttonu unumnut | Adv-uuuouhnn thnrglnlnt the funuvhg Otlnt Advnucnou one I hauled can yulhulwth II- uvhil uni ca::rlho anoint: hut-Ibo-.n who , cum ovcotvhuacitvuuubpd QM mu-H ',vu| iueuuru-2-:auu-':pu1nn.au. '. I'i'f.g..' " ' u. u. rbuoll as oo- "IO WOO! Illih Whl In Plbhhol ovary Thlrulay Inning. " II III IILMI All A IMF A VIII to pause is I.u-r.-:'n:':.}v.' .- Onnndn nnI'r1s""_"wn1G at run II nvnunocwvtri WIV- ._1--o-.- I And lmr dt-uhng h_\ In-..7 RTIIIIEE R: S"? nth uu` -IAII.I IIIC. .____. \] In-.7.x;; v. stuns: & smnucz LIKE.` I.` Mk er FAMILY, Liverpool CORK IIARHOR. , May 1-s-1 .Mny '. |- 1 r, Mny `..`t'~T , Julm -l-- I , June ll--f l`0HIs .H 4 Nu by I - .5 p.1 --Tli '|I.: - .1 Im ` `by 0: ol Pr Irud; bear on tbolt to-sauna ll Iv tr . Ida I01 ullow I lodloinea lo he sold In any pan of an Ignited Hum. I have no Lgollll ION. I Iodlnmu us only mule r old Btroot. bond:-n. - In kg at dg_oouon_mxe:l tn the 1-an . want; or lot)!!! was _ A, I Ihoflllnpcrl llqllood. tuna.-I unam- ordnn ol the vu.Iuuut.lIdnc nut 08. All In I|nI:|Ile In nl (`on- ' - 0 5 OII nllnlla Irnedy ` torn and I'Ic-on . for Ir-nu-.Iuui. `lltlionn-lion II In It equal. 4` .` [land 0!: Iaholl foul MI1l'r_u_u`|_n_Now _Yu_rk. V ~IuI,m----- `it have In all the at I totho fmt, that V Yo! no l|l`l|d||l[ to htlrullocl lI|_TA`l`I0hR t. Thole Irnndu hear ,1: 1.. Eigllnn Hand `by Mr, tluttha Run Ind Oooodllur Hnyooot V rizodtn can. go o! `tho brid)pon Iidn lino Inhnn ion and 23 in tho 4.1!: oou., Tormmp ol V Kingston, nu: Ir. Thou. Ri|br|:`g'ot'I. A pttilion Iron Jomthu: Kn 'h1` and oth-rn. Mind in: I gun! in npdr the run! running It-mu Buck's lull to Forth road, botwun 3rd and {uh oun.-019 unwind on motion gr! Mr. Hnyoos-M _ cl Road M. Culmnn, u Road Muut _L_)ivi}Im No. 29. no Lutlporiud tonne `S37! -. M 553. oiiaa I :5 book: uuouou -mm the opinion mate I: sountlon. vunnug um publiv ngufnu lmln deooivad by oolllllrfnlts. Do not be min! by this uudwiuua trick. an (In-9 arc` Mlwuloltrflul Mm pralmd lo tlrmnmrr Thane mnnusrfol are punyhu-ed by un- nnoimoal Vcmdon one half the pram of my Illlnld Ointment. and In cold to you u my nnnlno Indiana. Pills ud Ointment. and com I yuu I-5 Iu_y gonnlna I not? Iunutly 3|) II to that wnne of jun- Moo. Vhlfh I feel nun lnly venture upon Ml- ln {ran all hope rub! porlonn, to unis! nu-. nu Ilsa nnhllou at ll may Me In tbelr power. Vlllfh I feel I veulum \I|Iuu unn- lnafmu rublu an tho pnbllopl may In dnnonmh hula: Ihnrmemgl lnnd. M Inc Q6 I o the auuina odu5win_eI I dnotflsohx thin Ilnmahil 1 Incl: P00 0641 lo: onho (lauuina Mod mine: but! tho Bridal Ooorrnmml Stamp, with lhu ` wordn_"Houovn`n Pu.u um ()mnu:nr." Shanon. On the lubel In the uldrt-.u.51Kl,()x~ Ion] nrut. hondon,,whero alone they no `Mnnuflmulul. Z Hollownvh Pillu.ud Umlnmm nemmg 1 an other nddl-an no oountorloiln. ' In Tilda Huh of these Hedi:-imvn are roghtorod In Ottawa. Hence. um (um lhrullulh out Ila Brlthh luumvho muv |m(~p the Aluorioln ooruu srfolu for sale, w|ll be prone- cntod. Slnod. ` Aluorlo "ma. an ad` ` ' T W '" THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxtorvl Dunn. Loud-)u. Jan. I. I879. IAILI. 1 I mu-n.por(l.'l'..I. In- ulndlng the Imumo Pruvlnoea........... . Wotarn.porG.'l`.ll... lord Lol Mum!` tum]. mu-n.por(l.'l'..I. In- l.l0 p.In, Pruvlnoem... ... 9:00p.n:. Wootarmpor. . .. 3:l0p.m. 9:00 pm. sum, VIA Capo .... l:30 p.m. PIoton........... 7:Q0a.m. 3:I0p.m. 9- p.m. .00 Prince Edvard Shae 7:00: m. Newburg and Odeuu. 8:30 p.m. u'lowunmlIhl4)u'fh- bore 5 K.hP. .. `.}:Il1p.|n. Wolfnin `J:.`0p.m. nndan " .-`l'ha,II9'--urlotl Oourtol BO` , ' .u.~,.Ia.a. was ol the Township no pro! h o- on. who | KINGSTON POST OFFICE GUIDE I 'lllIlI'f:I;.rI . I rm M IUIQFONHI (II III lone] uruer Ooou I Canada, nlud Kingdom, Prince lklvud Inland and Novtonndlunl and the Unltul Shun. Doooulh Iuolvod Indol-_u:g rggnlntlonq _of tonne! ro|'no:. Canaan lnvinq been uimlttml into tho Ga- nornl Postal Union. there In Are Arrangement of Poets! run a tollowl For Lulu-IA. Belgium, Denmuk, loolnml, lgpo. Fnnoo, Algeria, Gormnny,(hbrnlur. Gun Britain And lmlu:d.Gru-m. Italy. Luxembourg. lulu, luntouegro, Nether lnldl. Ronny. Punk. Purtugul. Axorou. Iounuh. Innis. 8: Warm an-l Miuualquo Horvo. llpo|n.'I`I|o Canny lnlmd. Swodon. Ivlllurllnd ud Turloy, and vs: Unlldl !||hI-Borlnud|.I5ah|Iuoa. Cuba. Ikiiisfol L-_r_c_likokt n. n}| OOIIG IXTII. OUIIIII lluiln. `homo lsl.lgo.I `bun I|||Nn 1'. hgnwm... II.` bhul pi.. Mlonm Ohlulo .... IN :.ll`II1n|-I1". . 012!) A an 8.85 pm h 40 nu llu-ronnlsh M59: Ibubot Lalo 7.00 5.111 Slnwonh... 43835.: U|dou.. .. 7:11... .. Illipan Puhm. . 7.40:-In 1.05 [on lllleilnhr c 8 on sun 506;: Iodrou-d..... I`2.'u|n pm Vuons . . . . .. l'.4. u.m pm Illllolu-n..` :9 on mm ltgnonhn 1I.05n.u 'J_l5 n m . 9.40 |.|u VII Unlhd DIIIII Cololhl of In Thmmu. M John. M Cred: -lnnlioo.-llpn and Porto mm- IlAtM|I.................. 5 cent: per Ln: New ... umrul on I'n...... unoua llmuuu gu u... .._, ----, , 0! uivininu suthoriud In clue the toad to he opened to in lull width. A petition from ll. Ouhmnn and oth- ou, (or I punt tobrusk Qvo tohtol none, 012, Iummlud on motion ollt. .nhilI)l.l. ru nu-us. lAlllI|vII,,vvuunv ......`. ...-, ..._l Io Mum! olIov|v'I Pilluud Ointment hauling my nddrqu oV0u>ntorlol_n. _` . usurp non: zuiuu 2' Iounofluhnh ml Dunn he-n Kin dun IDIIUIL U_oyn_trr_:|"'l.|I 0. . . LI. ....4. '0 LI. .. 9.3. .... 2 pm. ._. Op ; ....l.Npn. ` (.l'l'l' FIRE ALARM. |.I.-2'-.-2:; ulmd ugmndd Indol- mo 1 Olloo norm! 1 Innnul 9c.In.lId 4 D-llh human: I. Conn of lul um Burma 9, auto : Collage (Inn. Pl, lI['I Bnwery. King I! on human. [in luau murals or sunburn. oovxm. Collage (Ink. Kin Sheet. " ""`__"_2""'._._"'. __ T_ ofhdvuh ml Duper: mm Ibo Ibhtl. 'IIllIfl>l.|":I.II!. OOLII WRIT Inintrnl COIIC 9-Ill pn; . 2;:-0p.m. . 10:1!) nu. .7:00 min. 1200 mm. sud Porto lum- par ] 0| 2 cont: aach SILN COUN- 7:3!) um. 2:30 D in. 4:1!) p.Iu. 7:30 am 0! Mr. Hnycnok. loved by Mr. Hnycock. uoonded ay Mr. Rnbiulun. um the Clark nnd M. . Gnu be nppoinusd to nudit the Icoountl ul tho con-mutud Rood Diviniunn, nnd report at the July meeting; Add um they ` ho`p:id 33 nah.-Unrriod. imnnml ll July 9). 7:30 1:00 p.m. 7:30 pm |0:00 um. 1:50 pm. I0:00 mm. ,` III `L05 l.lI h1|.|.'lAIII , `J10 mm IOI lnlnnu nun Iv-nu u--... uennboot out. tmtaud. Piorrepontk Geneva can Vguc. ` L G" 1.. .31. .34 olfo lllnld ` nu---LnnI. mu. ll 0! :50 Above Shanon will lenve ` Kinglton [or Capo Vincent lady ($un~ duo gnome!) st 6:!) mm. gt. inxeouoonogdgu &.l .1: onoptod) In -=30 and :1: |5 p:,nn.,mu- in; don connection with B.W. E 0 - Rail- vuy. Ionian E lyruuo Ball:-uu|- llnu Cuulonuui Wm Returning. will leave gr Vlnenut un uul of Tnln n l0:3'I A u:.. 5.05 p.m.. connecting um: Onnd `nun ' Railway. Royal In Line. In of Quinta sud Iltdunn Cuul Bteunou av. Klnpton. l Wt ! loan for Wolfe and _l_i_u\lan lnlnnu Mr. Gnu, that 060 be paid to 1 Knight :0 `Amount lur 1879.--Cl! A mtilion from Ro_qbon LN p In.. uni `.'.:l) p.l- Un Saturday; Anal `Tuudnyu will nah nu tutu trip from Wall: lalsnd at 8a.m..;ml reunu '5! 8301.111. Kingston. l I|<')'`nn-l.fn'a\7nl . WL'I Bu-den vlnllv At 6:30 I.m.. 2 p.m.. ud 3.45 p Ill. `Will have Wolfe lnlull dny It 9:l5nm.. Agggl ffugcdnyg will ll: Kingston. uununy, vau ..u.., ....,\. gm, p Will leave Wolfe Inland M W In . IL J0 p.m. and `.1 p.m. . .. Wnllluvo Klngmu for Gulmsoqno dull)` `Sunday a uoopusd) at 3.45 p.m.. culling nl love llllld. Will luvs Onnanoqun. Tuudnv, Wodnco dny Ihlindly nu! Priuny st 7 n.In..nndBu- turtisy at, .51!) n.n\. ' "ll; 6, I879. m..T;1;a` ogaenmn LINE OF STEAMER8. I 7 .1 IV. Tho (.'ln-u|wIt and Inner. Comfnrmbln Linn ul tmumsrn nuw ntlmn ; only 83 .50 Flrat - Chum from Klngzllnn wTornu(o. or $5 30 return, Neal: llllll liurllnl included. (')l\`.l( M` the nlmvo named Svtnlnern win I luuvu Kingston for Tmnntu direct. (.'\'Bl'_V TUESDAY and 'l'llUllSDA\' at 10]! In. Go in Hunt SUNDAY and WEDN:4. SllAY ll; 7 u m. This in line eheaput Route to Mur:IlMnI. (Tulilhrnin, Brilllh Columbia, or u-u- puinug North. South or Wen. of Tomato by Lou: one In (lm dnllrrn. Cmupnre um following few quolnliuun am] for yuursolf. r (YIIHIAGU. ILL, MIIAVAUK BE, WIS .. WINNIPPZG. MAN. L`..- A...nI..n- iufmm LONDON. ()NT,, l)ETI{(II'l`.MlCll.,. BUF`l"ALO_ N. Y.. I-`or Iurlhor 1 Ticlmui npply to I Clayton, Gananque& Kingsinn` I]-`HIS New Put. Summer bu commanxul he-r rugular trip: between the above nlaoon u fnllnwn:- Leave: Clayton for Kingston Ha Ounnnoqun every morning, xsunclay urn mad) at Q.|ll; Ganauoquo 7 mm : calling 3!. al mopping plum: on the north aide ofllowo Island, on Monday Thurldny and Friday on the south nido, and hnllhlnyi. Wolfe In-luud. Tuaodny, Wednuday and hlmunlnv. _V The current 0! recent event: hm given great imputnl tn buninou in Wnllptrool, and many Iuccenlul turn: are reported there iuunema prulo In undo in Ihurl purioda. The moat Iucceu_u|'ul wny that we have heard of yet [or oponungiu stuck: in by llu Uolubhmtinn Method of Mona. Lug:-enco in 00., Bunkers, New York. By this nyntom thuuunda ol mdon in Hui:-nu nun: are pooled into one nu capital nnd operand under the moat upenouood nnd nillhl manqu- lo ouch Ilnualnulder mom. that: securing superior advantage: and rolu, not pou- niblo in any olhcr way. rou no paid at the and 0130 day. A gontlomnn in I9-u-~ invelhrut vi $100,000 -. -......... 1.. thin Uombimtion

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