Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1879, p. 2

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1**? mno n.u"._vau.. Iuullcpaur mu learn a louonulion tho Mammal Oink: nd {maul `cl ying to him down and `stain: any tin Onhdo `Rotor: vio- toty. undldly ulnlrtbclul that in nu... ma. hu bun oomnhtoli un- med. `rue Ineeuugu In lenion during the week. n-:::-CCO$-` rent. Tr`'0Ity; `Int, Juno 12.--Bur;l|rn cliunbhd info the window of Wu. San- ton | bodruom, on West Rutharford an-oat, on Tuenl--y night, obloroformod Mr. And Mn. Stantnn, and stole 0326 in bank notes from 1- deal: in the room. They wrote on the h:.il door with I pen- cil. All we want. in muuoy; uloop on." N... Ym-Ix. Jun: 12. -- l`ho Harald nvn: All want. ll uloop on. " New York, June 12. nyu: Gonenl J00 Jonnntun want gnlhndy to the reams of tho Army vutordny and uvod it than the diuoourngomont thunk- enorl by the causation of promationu. It in planning to nd nn ox-Confodcruo in Uungreu who not only hu not 3 Innk- ing hntred Inr the army, but hold: it in tbs: regnrd which nooldier, 1 gonllblnan and 3 pnuiut. in bound to do. New York. Juno l2.--8on|tor Wade Crime and Sc-:z;daI.-Cool Hur- glarau Defending the Army, l"eam,-at amt lI_ol-ldau--Shock of Ear (Ia quuIw-- lfmtrd of Appra- (wry. puriol in bound to do. New York, Hem ton, of South Caroline, aid yeeter- dey t M. the South In eminently Con- urume, end elweyn he: been no. It nnu to he quiet, em! duel not nut. to be the victim nor the mover in lnythlng the: will oreete trouble or mielrnn. A: to the lure pernniuing the preeenoe o! troopl et. the poll! they were wer mee- euree, end ell wieh them repealed. The South ought be be credited with having nnvnnbd In in 1876. South ougnl. IO 00 on-tu lprovontod (In 055 Ban.) Kama, Juno I9.-A girl and hole lulu unovly map! a haul- hlodauh. Ihlalpbllonlounll (burnt hunt: laqlnlud Una 0! yulaoralyu uuup-wan ....... Nowcutlo on-Tyno ntatoci that `The pa-. Mutism of Engknd had been nroulod`, and the ponplo an slmuut playing {or the dohat ol tho vititor. Hunlnn in 0! count the `miter in question. It ocean to II that English patriotism used not be .__;..a. --..u..| 1.. . mung: between two The small. Po-.2: Bugaboo-A Gal- lant suitor--Quack me. (Per Dominion Linc.) Ouuvn.J uno l2.-0omidonblo unnu- lnont ha been onuud by nnunnbor of dolounfu to the Uumnl Assembly of the Presbyterian Church who remained my homo from four of null-pox. Theresa very for can In the city- A nilor nunod John Finnoy jumped omuunq mo uuunnn In sun gun-u ----. P luau. ';;o notation! that tho Prnnu Lenin Dragoon (laud intood visiting Brooklyn. N.Y., on the III: ol July nut, In Incur- not. When tn balloting on tho .I.O.& 0. mn u puma wuuu:u" up 22".. 5.2. cc :3 LL-suhudntulnlunllnthuoboun I Whllolrod he will In -.!.'iL... " -' Inocmus. Anrnuhnoauiolucupulo cola. iithin 3 took. Bit Lo-mud Tilloy Inn: for England on ch 21;: hat. on not boton Sir John an an cumin Tuppu: -M. ung:-nnmnt hnvo numhued 3 lane In the city- A uilor Finnoy jumped into lbs and Ian. ni In and nuod SM lilo of A man girl. NJ: the oooond .....n.. L. In: rnnnod lmn tlrowninl John sud Bit Uhll'lII'l'uppua Tho Government Mn unlined lu-yo quality of vaccine. to and In no- oinutlnq the Indiana In tho Nodh Wont Punting: _ Iitllin took. Bin Lnnngnrl '1 I0 [Ill IIIIIIOI porn. nnguumnuu --um... be proud of I colony which can and back (o the centre of the lupin III on-man when on into their own home champion tmubfo for his lumln. IIDIJ SIWIIEI. A an-nu I Pu-than Boa. little girl. nu`-u we uoonu ho bu rucuod Iron drowning n -.-L mangle? _____.'.__,_ nvn_nI_cm. 011117.` (Pu A;-Jo. Linc.) Q..|;..,J 11-m.:u.u.-q maid gun db:-u-:1-nib duh. ' Oliuht ab." M tktslulng l:i_uk lut owning Bil Ruollooey. H.R.Il. um put; attended tlu pol-fornuwo of the unnd uncut; ut nlaono. compound in humor of the V10- pvotnuwo of use urum cnnuu ul nloono. compound ngnl party I) -Mr, C. lmwlloo, of this `oil ,sn:l to red lortho n! than in pa la on. thin 0 ion; Tho potlurmon nuuhond one I , and oconp-od can in an intimate unl.. n ,- net at tho lurtlggz and o! the_B:a.:. All on; tho from ltupl of thin gullury wqn nngod ton of handsome flour: and uoliu plants. A little to the (tom, Ind at the left of the Iago . tha.Vnoe-regal ho: had bfeu uncl tad uni covered with rod cloth. Vlonnn. Juno 1l,-'l`ho Tagblau up I Moduc Vuondi ha been umngod bo- twoon Ruuuand Ibo Vulcan. The Pops will nppoint biuhopo from oooloninv tia duizunod by the Car. The Outho- Thu` travelling -o'o;pnnion ol General ` ' Grant and: on void that nothing would ' uutpdlo the ox-Puaidont more than 0 uomhmion to lo Whitn unn for I third torn. Nothing ho up in more `onion: lo the Gonunfu thought than the potdbllity of not 3 thing. This any _gl do In In it goon, hi it A winnouo`lii'uit.h (Bani a1in`mlIhm but up: tho last Pmddong am for -.....x...u.... In 1 third mi. thou region of the (lanelle. New York, June l2.-'l'he Herald`.-1 Berlin special uys I profound nenutim. wu onuned by the culd, not tn my nlightimg, reception given to Princa Uilmtck b Empress Auguntn yrnt.e|'- day. The {Emperor had greeted him with the greatest lmuknen, but the Empreu, un the nthor hand. seemed AI if Ihe wiuho.l to show her dislike fur the Prince by nut. unly answering hil obeiunce in a very slighting huhiou, but scarcely daignod to notice him. It ll known tht the Empren hu lung enter- tninod I bitter dislike for the Chancellor. V, __._ _, ... __._ ,_ A Pnolrlcssxou Tun l A\'s.-The Dru maa News says that the prot: of J. H. Hlvolly for the aeuon of 1878-79 were 8130.000; Mnry Anderson, $35,000; A. M. Pnlmer, $32,000; Fanny Daren ort, $30,000; D`on Boucicault, 365,000: ur- rigan sud glut, 840,000; John Mc0u|=- longh, 825.000; Mudjenln, $20,000; H. J. Surgent. 830,000; . K. Eumnat, $23,. 000; Culonel Mnplemn, $30,000; Law_ nnoe Barron. $8,000; W. J. Florence $18,000, md John T. Raymond, $2,000` 90` 90 Hi! Once the Duke of Argyle beam the diutinctlon of being the but dobaur in the Home of Lordl. He in I nrong Liberal. and Itoully oppooe: the Ilnpcriuliat Ides which in being ohbontod by the prouent. Government. In England. H: In hitlvbonid on bollnlinlol by the prouout. Hovernnlenl. mngnna. 8: any hirlylnnd livin Soomhmcn. Ho hu written much on o uroh mutton, and in his younger days III nlmnnt. u Ipiritad 1 pnmphletoer at Mr. (llndltnno. His Ina: ape-ech in the Home 0! Lord: wan I bitter indictment of Lord Banconsliulu and hi: Jingo po- licy. Drnlnuuun Rounnns`-Merriokvillo, June ll.-The City Hotel here In bur- *luriud at In early hour thin morning. he thiovu carried olfa good sized cheat, in which it was well known the pl-oprio~ tor kept money and other vulunblu. Al- ter hiring the cheat about 1 quuur of a mil. from the on-mines It wn broken ago. tBO.VIoe-reg!-I Do: use :od sud cloth`? v`m_m_sI. , | Condemned for 0; Irina Read- 9"`. Pops will appoint. bunopo uom oououun tin d mod I lic Syn oi Bi. ounburg will be dis- Iolnd and the biahopc will hue the right at lroely communicating with the Vatian and publishing bull: and unenli- otll After they lnvo received tho Cur : plsoot. Exiled prolnwn no to be Mn- uulod. Nan Vnlllr Jnnn 1`1,-'I`I|n Hdull nestled. New York, June l2.-'l he Herald": oablonpocinl u a the Khedive of Egypt huureouived I eapatch from Capt. Goui, indicating that the slave tnda, at its chief centre, ha: been cruehed and the rich tel-ritmies' of the London are noon likely to be opened to civilization. Cnp~ bin Geui {might -even bnttlemwilh the nine tnderu 0'1) the Gazelle river. All the li|VOl rations were destroyed and the eetsblinhment. of civilized rule II" prevent any further raid: from the region of the (lanolin. New York. ._-`ooo A Fouwnnz Cuuuz-r.-'l`he Muwat Government ha: been funnnau-. lfit live: out its present term, it will be one of the longon-lived lmuwn in political hintory. During the cuniury them have been only two longer mica ~- l :l.. a sevens toen yearn` Ministry, which died in 1801; and Lord Liverpmvh, which existed from 1812 M11827. The sliortest lived Ill Enu- lnnd was Canuiug's, which only live I I2! days, and in (lanadu, the grand old Ru- former'I, which pnssul peacefully away After an existence of thiioa days.-Telec gram. -- m n rm , n _ DOW C|II' HUI |-I I -uuouw-.3 -. nonslutiontoathirdbrm. u- ...-...I -...:.-.3 In nu mum taking the cheat nbout quuwr 0! mile from the premises upon. Tho booty re-cured umuunlod to only tweutyovo dollars nml um valua- hlo gold rings. The thievel new n few dn 5 Inc for 3 good haul. A lntof v n~ Able documents were recovered with he chm. WHAT I1` MIAkR.-Th0 mutter: of van- ulu in the Chicago and Lake Ontario trade. Ind :he owneu ol tlimu velull, are wondering what the prmeculium ui Super- intendent Budwull, of the Wellnnd Cunnl, mum, nll M-suiying in the (not. that than WM DIVIIA man in (hut. ponitinn belon- him who did hall on well as Mr. llodwoll did. Well, '0 will tulllhom. Mr. Bod- woll wu Ippoinud by the lat Ailminlu tntion, sud the puny at pruent in power want some excuse to remove Mr. Bod- voll.--Ch-'mgu Inlet -Uvwm. . _. .. ... ,.-._.__ Inn` up to am! 0.70 `to 6.70autlI II 4.50: hot! 3 to ,8&qdI&um 4,10 In 4.15 - IIIIII. : slnolfah U I.lIx polio I, In l.D: no no .'.'."'s .. km? * m.-.a.-r.:'.":::.* Daub- 9.15:-Nth: ._., .,-...,_-.__ A Nuw Bu-roI.--Tho Crown I`:-inco of Sudan in boliovod to bus gone to Enu- Imd with mntrimoninl duignl n the Princou Bntrioo. Us in tall A duh, with good fnlnruo, though uennrul Ippunnco is marred by h` having to Ian nnoohclol. The In) r-co of Ibo 3;t `Ilyyii hitter Ibo \ mu.` um-null; orox I cnnootvtlisgnhlul @333. .. _...nI.- I--gang 2:00:16 '26:. gnwu? In Ionlly lnnnht. X0: nomination to 3 mm mm. his second qxpind In the ounhininl yur. Ho may be so reluctant and In- dllunut u Ir; Child: roprcuuu him in .___...| .... n.- -..Q Duahhntlnl nnntut. lulu Icunnuy uuuuqw; III III- on! ulnugod. Ounces]- Su; nngolb I730. Tool 14: nhaolm II shun: Id In I1 nillilnl. won I tnclu. my nu Born Mn is: modern 1 9, nut. is in on. ol tho moat rupocublrln Eurupo, pad in lihly to hold in plnoo sud Inn u long an my oi the niuumg hnuuo ol tho dny. ll marred by numg to lihly to hold in Plano ma llll long an my ni umg dug. The Prinouu uico might oully Uouon AID L`0l.nl.-At um uunu when can In on so pnulont, no shot- tuul y, and on ouily obtained, in Pun Dun Vnnnnu `Pm:-Kn.- un. II to no new uorun, nmlod by unknown canto. but Mo and the hot ol out lusty you-; and than who no thnnldn. inhrnnlla oroxtornlll. Ill . ,Iamnl.J|u|I floilonbln 1,4!) bib. uh K iihutnpt-ht can 1:66.70. Kuhn and Ibo Imcv. Questions at: Oouou co1.nu.--M this -L.-n much: As. an nnnvn|nnL an Il(vrrvu- vuuu-I Vlet-V uouuy. }oiI_e_i_c; X dllbnut If.` umuu npruuuu um. ... raped in the nut Pruidontlnl count, but tho ination: an the otha ny- Gboonl anouuuo ulondod rm .1 was (tom the country no to gin Ibo corrupt sud` unpolmllr ugooiuiona eon- Iuud wnlhhnuc ulna: Occupat- 010. . And In lilo lining hlnoturnulq nwnu thy old Republican nr fooling if: his (our and In Inna: hhnul! to -L- _-.A- I- -nnnnnnn h mg ` 5-ca-mun` v and o-.._lA.. -Ounpuluolx. ...LA Elna A4.- J. P. cltnznsuzml .l u'k rmIho................ Pork uqunrun pctlb......... Iuttonporrb.................. v mun. rn...... . V:|,uull. P." ......."".. lkmn u on u .1 . Hu:u-No. I-lnspootod lo. llhae blallblk PoUl:'rIY-'l`urkoy|,oceh 0oou,uch..... .... .... rlrmdgo. r pair. . . . .. (h:uI:uAl.~-' oauwnperbug . llopmper lb................. u ..r::::::::: you V "`- ~""%K= 1.... low UII1IIII IIIIF. IIUZII Outuonl. In Conleo,pU0uI... .. Guuulluloy pt hnnhhlo-I ' M In! -nuns:-Q U'I'!c.\.-Ulioe, N.Y.-7,300 boxes 0! cheese told II. from (So to Ole, which Inn in the lending price:-1,700 boxes oom- miuioned; avenge rice, 650. Ll'll'Ll Fu.1.a.-'Fha ohoeu market in X A ILIUI KAI . At Ottawa. on 10th iIvat.. by Rev. Prvfeuor Mount. of Kingston, Ernest Heurv `hylor, Bank of Nova ootm. Halu. to Chm: Mur- garet, aewud dun ntor ol Andrew Drummond, nnnnor Bank ol lontrenl, (ntuwu. - CHI 1 III Ulllluwuuvu wlvuu -..- ontlidunn. In ulditon to this lto ntnmwithdltho ulannd glory! `inn: hull-upon Jun. A-nu info:-cal npnunmiu ol Ibo union In ~ buhualudcnwiuull the lwnonwhiola . ......n.. n.. ....um.. uni um ]acaa.7s;emsmn1gg;F,.| DOMINION STEAMSHIJ LINE. 1 INDIAN STEAIIBHIP LINE, l ailing hum "A- Vn-L l`onox'ro-Barloy 400 to 60: Ipring when 90 to 960; red Ivintutllo to97`c; Tresdwell 90 to 08; Daihl 90 to Q1; out 370 to 39:`; pan 00 to .630; hogs O6 to 5.50; uur. sun 83 66; spring o n 0395; eun lfnnupeziur S4 36; b tt.or7 no 100 mlulonoa; ?-loo, u Ll'll'Ll Fu.I.a.- he dull; 17 Ion, aggregating 7,084 ) boxes, were sold; lVel`lg9. 60 to He; the unju- rity Iuld At. (Me to Gio. . 0lv`l-`lCls.--4! Cluonoo Inset. In! American lluul. KIIgIhn.0nlIrlo. June. 1879. | NATIONAL STILISEIP LINE n_n;.... l..._ u-.. v-_|. ICHEAP EXCURS|ONS.| `[0 CAP! VINCENT, LEAVING FERRY WIIARIF A l'9:l5 P.I.. IITUBNING A1` 8 P.I. `O Guunoqu. having Pony Wharf :0. 3.45 pm. Ilotnrn have Gounoqno ofur performance ol Cool oiuou `n Burluquo Troupe. JIUIQDAY IVISIIU. MIX! 12. | Saturday, June 14th| Franc Hons 5 mono. Wood liar! and sum, aoou w.'n, on nu ma, north dds oi Pnnuu nuns A|IoLoI5i.qIu-to:-ofnn Aumutluboel mono Double Dwelling Ian. 71 and 79, Guru In-cot, 4 loonund illolu hash. rnzncllouuou Alton Iron, I I-0 Monti. contain 5 loony. [haul and Onhuu. Fine Oudu. Good Well. Would In nnhtl for lb nu Inlh. Ian rinzbucmu. anon "ia.al E...c..,. .- lhv lnln. HI" I43 (City) US. canard la-dial nu Ba [Stand Inn out, btlnl fun. lo M, Onuo Inns, music In utnuor Iohl. Bulldnlglalld and II - IIIQIIHI Onl- bonoubtnu. haven Iyduhn at Olug o~__.= ..-.._=_.: Bmoxs son uu.a; Gaps Vincent and Hanannqnal tCnIli'IIclIuI-uunuuuun-r d Pcbunlmu. bvuulnhdnluiucnrntlah `g-" u`-upunu--qua-an POW tn. (I ICIIIAL---'I .. llopmpotIb........1......... llmul. P0! 4 lb Iavuf. Tnrmpn par bu,-,:..... Cnrrou,pox bag. .. Cnnlmovon ...... .. Beau per bunh. Cabbage: (each), . . lIunar.l.ub, perlln. . . do print fresh Eggs. per dozen. fresh. I1 . . . . ... (-'boane.fnwmry,. Onion: per bag... lln_y,per t.ou.... Bt.`\w......... IIICII WIN! III uu nuuuu mu-u. tbo royally. the nobility, and tho poopbol nu-Ly ovuy nation under tho unoould Imp upon lain, and his party In ad slow to at am Mvold populuicy and Mutual path. would tqtbor Dahlia button and in tho caning count. Thucbnucaougpartyinhvoi at Ila, and we funny 50 could. whhom anal ulo.,bo puuilol ape; In unopt thllopoblhn noniudnu, ii In: frhnda cullulvollnny uuanblogungho dvhtnqlu llutl-nub. D k .each..... 1- a r r.. Wild r Fouls, r r.. Pu-tr uuur m Ht.`\w............ Wood, hu'd,. Coal nor ton. .... Iiloh `owl. . . . Timuthv Hand. In I'IlohCovu. ...... .. Timothy Hood, per bIuhol.. Clmjnr dgb .. .. TllI10f.IlV Hood, Clnvnr dd Apple: par III].-u Cnbln and Stool-no Pumps at rntu. 0i`lv`lCls.--4! Inset. Ion Brit An_1er|onp_l[ulaal. lleduotlon for Return l`|oht'-I. ` Ftvupo. ` Fun (or eilllor Kgogrg 39, June I2 7 n s'm.... Woodlladsld Iumamml. nos. and J-o_ ll. rupuouhn nl Ihohuut-007:1 ioclntdktuuulnuonouulo the llpirhldodlloll (I hit in Iriulounlydohnpvlnudtbboct Iinlllididlolnbutlir John, lit lhadlmulhnbuouo Ihlglhlllrhutll. Thooddo vlllonluhlylouplulllnliolocvboi hull-liumlltlhld Ilonnudllo Illlnlllnudunlonoouly ......J----AALI-nnlnnnnn (ION till ulokltioll llll 50 bold. :: the cnuqmuuqol tho Pnnjifo "5 .|mcolluguuh'Ii"IlIug_ol lllluill nopInoooouldhonoquppIovt|lI05!!"'~ od,`upuhI|y in View of the Inuudoll ' -...x...m... ..u..I un In thuridlu ill WOIIAITIO who Inn Indwuol uporlouo h A ullo W J.I J'.u "' `ma, Pmpaia rarkm nrr'vn:.m:`;u on... debt LE. .3 In `in canmmu. out-Int cl llldilli ll` 309010. to lIV__I_'I'III: I0 W `I III: III In: uuluuvvn `lib In--u the boy: would any--'lou nudouou.' Tlouinno N: play Bailing from New York. Bailing n-om New York. `vvA__15'rEn. Bolling Irom Quebec. AGENT FOR A nihinifif" n. Ilhlu Aunt Ln L9_8T. Illhblhif. I13` lift 13:6. IIII-tutu; lnnonhlnlh to wild In nonpa- IIld.la0ftinwIitt\iit-uoluchouo ..... ...a ...u cocoa ..--. ........... 0 000 I LID-I lo.IV 1 0 0:20 0.00 0.0-0 GO ... END 0. .... 0380 one ... I M0151!) .a.. OJOO 0.Il - .... 0,NI 0.C I onsgo. _IovIuv||b. DAILY. ` `H-0 0| leurgn; n-on luau: Comnu gin; TIJIQDAY, mu Jun-:_ Mk .11.. for 1030310 ud lltlllr 10!. cal in Al Cobonvi. P-In liq nod oldul uapud Another pornltun )- . .At 500 am. #2 Gnuxxgue. %vl1Io. Pnneatt. Conwull fad Months`! Dhg. dmuu'n'.o'. 'ot:'n.?1'1'.fAnd 1.1.nd.'.na All Build: the EL lnwnmoo by dnyliglnt. 'Q:.'.`I:..3"1un`.'y"'1.`l W111`: I2" 8 .1 '7' W , . v ro u .01: (`noounm Tldouuc ngd the fnhfunal Rivgr ouuomy. also with the Gulf Port: Meunnlulb Sltgjllly for All Porn In the Maritime-! ,m~ 1 [The Summer Ihane.-I will oommanoo hot re fill! trip: to Ouvego fwd Clan-lortte on Julv F"orPnu1o `nial: And IIV lnlnrlnllon ` Ta: mu: ls c'7pusxo or 111: _ Xlowing lnnhuddmwhol nu II on OOIIICAI. Con: "to. captain Illuldr. Inna -~- Bulky. oouurmhl. do , ~ I`u-MIL nurorr, do - Irvine. ;mumx. do . 1` `lumen. IAGII1`. do -- Cuuwn. liar huqoialu my inlnrnauon apply at the to and Blur Steamboat Umoo Btr Lawrence Whnrf, foot. of Johnson bunt (If; H. !lA11`C .t n . Kingston. June 7th, I87U.uun`" ` s.T...[.%..iuu. .%g[ Miiii |Monlsenat limella Bhampagne 1 BK!-`BEBHING. INVIG ORATING, Md shove All I HKAL l`\' BUNKER EKVIHAGIC. :{ good lmllntluu ..r Chum- puno, with the avour nnd Iaulvlnful ||rluIl\l'~ an of Ionuornt. LlmoJulo_ 1-`nun. I-`B0 ALCOIIOL. ALCOHOL. In En lllld, and wheres`-or lntrodumd. It trking egilvnoo ofnll rurvoaolng bovonuon. For sale 0. 8. IIOBAR1`. [r; X. coUs1Nnw&co.,\ [250 LADIES wuma SKIRTS [ And will oflbr them at price: much below re [ular ulna. The ladies are Invited to cull nndnoo thue Good: as they are In genuine -18 Q: n POPULAR DRAWING OF THE Comnonwenltln Ibmt.ilnu.l.m I`.n- Bargain. If.X._lIllUS|NEAU &cu.| Ilchouonu on... lnvkr 7 Luci t'onpuy3'. ` loyal Inn and lxprcu MID otsteaneu. In the City or Inlunulo, nu Th`ursday,JuIy 3lst.l879. ` nn which oooumn It GRAND UUNUl.Ii'l` vyl Illul QUIIJIJIIIJ Ulusgvv u v v In which w HI be van. holtlnu on A Makes ur put. of A ticket on! tlod I ulmluiou froo. Thu 1)nwLnznIl| be nnporvlnod by guqu_or entlod tomllnluiou The l)nw;ugnIlI men or undoubted ohnissr sud nuullng. and ticks: holder-I, Agent: and ulubn no roapsotfully ro~ queued sound on representative: with pro- per ondntlall to examine Into the Drawing, A New In In the Illnory ot batteries. Enry ticket.-laoldor can be hip own . II|..Ol`V|l0l'. `I'M Innogomunl Mll nltonllon to the [land opportuumy pruenlnd or ohuming lur only 09.31:: or THE FOLLOWING PIIIZE3. I PI-In .... .. .30.!!!) III) Pt-i|'nQ|00- I0,GN I Prlu .... .. NL000 200 do., I~`I0nch|0,w0 `I Pu .... .. 5.GlJ (I10 dn., llewhlml) I0 do...l,GI3a|oh|J,(llI ll.I)0do.. I0 osolalllml) :..::~w .::~'::v Ill 080 .5 I nth P` JG! ........ aoo...., '"'"r."" '= '.r'"?...,, BONDED sALE.| I Prison Roach. 9Pri|u lmuch. new rruu. .. ..,.-... Whole Tloioh. Q3. lhlf Ticlu-Ia. l. I7T|okou. I50. 35 Ticlnln, mo Vault by Paul (M! on Money Ordnr. |nlar~ ad bunt, bank lull or uproot. Pull in of dl'I'|I[ ublhbul In Ipnlovmo ()ourh-r.lour- nolnnd av York Banal sud mung-I mull Hahn Ioldqn. For tlohou And Information Adina UUIIUIWIALTH Dl8l`lll|IU- `Hull C0.,or 1` J. UUIIIBRUOIID. Bao y, Condor Joann! Building. Loulnvlllo. In . a r to I. H. P0l1lI E. 00., Och`! ltularu Anna. l2!7 Broadway. New York. AIILLI [noon In snolll Iiqhulln puplululnd-1:0 up Jul; `(VI H 0* hQpIbtI jh haul uh: III lnlin Iollhtlllulh }lo9W Print. Iilml. 'I`|.. l Apulg. Broadway. Hm; I I. ll. I 0I'llI C 00 |i;;;.a;;;i `u-....;g| Illhlna Tea Sets. &c.| ` -4 ` nlaoauloyrn Those: 0. ` In the City of tnnlivlllo, on ""' I I I , \I_L1"n |vei.`uaJpaq.1maa xm.| '3 I870. I NIEUIUHL HELL: N.B.-A few bowel Impl. on ice A: umplu. Try ii. Anthoud by the Uommonwulth of Ky. Gal!-lnnlhnu TUE IE1 IIIIIEG EX-PIESIIIEIT. lumi- 'l`0R.0NTO l"L0l;l`% STOl{|!2 TORONTO FLOUR STORE TORONTO FLOUR. STORE Tnn.0`\`1'u I-`LMJR STORE TORONIU FLOUR HTORE TORONTO FLOUR STORE BROOK STREET KIN08 TON BROOK STREET KINOBTON BROOK STRICT K] N 081' ON cnulcn nanny noun pun? ounr cunr M. M0ttRISON.. J-n Ih IIIIEITIII I H08. Which (hay ntely purchuul M. I A OIOIOI I`.E'l`l0l (N u. 5. mm MEDICAL "ALL. -A law Imnln. Inn! nu inn n . ARE NOW U.-`FERING IX 11 I. Ollllllllll. nTimun `T 'g_i_'_mumuL ' II` OIXIIIII IIOII. 0. I.lAI | QTIIIII ln. & J. aunxiinh NEWDRESS Goons which thoyuv oinring at |uII||' price than out below huufn. _ Glut Llutno in :11 nhulea at loo, I25- uld lamps: ad. . Muhimo L:m.nu In :11 nhuiu at (`Am um Muuug. 153-cm In .11 .1...a... n ma, Ibo Ind 80 90! ynnl. Ali wool Bhgk Franck (ironulilwl at low ptipeu. Every durripliun 0! Dry Honda is now` bung cold at utromely luw prior.-I. HAMS, ]JusT nscnvan. 1 '~ BACON, GRAHAM FLOUR, Family Floun, % Pastry Flour, Teas, Coffees, Su gar, % JAMES ORAWFORD, VWU Ulluuncb '-can Inuhcq uuvnuulb. Instant:-rumqu'u.:&:i.;,. mi: 1'!!! h Torchon do. Vdonciennos do. ---Buck Silk do. nquhlnuulno .....a4. 54.1.1. [g_1_I;un1nmI} nInIt.Il,I | NEW NECK WFRILLING A: the shown Inn inlpnrlrd dim-1 Iruvn H..- Engluh nnunufwtnmru. nu-_y wall In .w:.14 . oeullngly champ by RICHHOND & BOYDEN. was 3. nuumnv. IOWIOIIO OI AI` PIIIOHI Si)`rIi1?g_| %s; Tiss and SIJI I'1_I1_lI'I'}I{H. 0. \V. Kowhllni trmmnonl in 1n-nplirul r\ tionnl ind at-unomlonl. ll: nhlc-1-I in mm..- dialo ulbl um! eventual cum. It no lmml upon uelonlie prlnolnlu and PIIII|_vI|mmIII nnwdco tho omnprr emlun of on-r_v iuh-||i- gontpoluomtliutn trunwillmut me.-I Hprllupt OIUDIII IIIIICIINQI. having hula-d luzumal and Ulblllloal an well an \'.u-1.v....|.-, ..g n... IIIVQIOOII l0Ipool|vrl_v at IL : in 10': grunt. llllllltl I I I and the lam! manna! nll mm; `fun-. Truuu fora!-ildrrn an wo-II mum ullu. Tunic. Truuu fora!-Ildrrn wall In mm! (3. W. HoIA\lIhn'II Punt Ulllw mhlu-M In 1 Mon. Orleans County. N Y. 00 only the lm. day ll`luI`\\ Hm (-rm ------ yesterday : donpntchu Iron `..n..'I`vnn ltninti MI DIP. Y. only slay rrmnl not: In. In Illn. : W0 now "can: In 'tlliuvnn'Hh-, nrxt I 1300- I.Uhnmh. Amvly In W H. M)(ll'IIl.H Albert Mtw-L Wlllmnu-voila-. Ilnntomlny `Mk II? Til IUIKBIIII lulu: to that Im Mo-Io and Ibo nub our an Mhorll np:ndt.v=_IoIh|uInhhnh-n vlmun an anti: nu-|nnn.A ht-um up Dllllnzdpmvlmu Jul!-I00`: hegno wk! sum`. mucus tubal` hhntln tndmngl to dnodnuhuhnpnnl prunllin at "'l1'..3'_`S'.`..".'.:".`.:' an to and hunt. -WE, WE, WE. ilo hkvu -7 M Mauls not ulhll In-anus In thin nun an humo- kl or II OTICI II ha-relay glvnn lhnl. pa-rt-nnu In In wnr for nod: wutu Iounulun. Inn how for window valuing. nprmgllng nlrn-tn. Inwnl, [run pluu. Incl ynrdum-.wUI |u- clung- otl according: In tum run, a ('u|i\' I v-luvln any In ol-mund ul um (inmpuu_\'n umm. J. WIIANIN. ammo 311.3. R. as J. GARDINEI3 I Qhoop Blink and Colored Silh. bhup Blsck And Uulonuladnu. Jums I0. AZ`. All I0tI|`DO Bagel at 00c, uni 30 ' not yard. ` An inspection no inviged. Klnnwu. Juno IOIDI. JIII ll . An ImmenseAssu1*t1nc n. V NnpAnoo-(.`umpb-1| H4-um-, Jnnn I`: mnl I Klngtlanll -Clly Hotel, Juno H. In xwul I6. l]rookvHlo-8t. Lawrenm Hull. .lum- I7 um! I Water Woth Ulcr. t-cl: Jm 1-. I!l".|. Arc showing a splundld Stock of ' W. HUTCHKXN VIN Vllit III!` lollunit o plneouz * Pk1ton--Couluopolium llutv-.1, June I0 nl lililol --j.---&-- HARD ROCK PRICES ml`;II;IA~l.l an no 7l.li7l',A Water Works N once. IIIIT-CIAI1 lhw-Ilia`, with Iuualurn . hpwvcnulqu Q-mm us. A I 00 W J. II. CAIIUTIIKHI. Anni for I.|lulI'n lomlon All`. `iiijm a; % -Brotuuz.1eFLace:. I -WII any Iunun an: un- Huh Ill ontluuiullo unpport lo: 5 Ionic: cl Parliament of the very IIIIIMQ E0 M4! lotnorly produood lothn to you `nail to tonoh n pnblio oohoolnuunn shoot to than who Md npolld ooatlnlod oondonoa in the wonky l|1IRIIIn'IpI'op|'inty and connin- onoy. Pmpotly undontood, however, thlnjotlon turn: out to In only no ap- ` poms lohongo of trout. u oonuintoncy, so he lton being unlrolud, hu actually boon humilliod by hi: notion in the has "cooled. Tho resolution to get quit. of the all too Iponlvo (allot hu, doubt- I-- Lg... an gunnnrnllnl datarminltion -Laco Scarf: in Black and White, &'i &C. : "1`b 11.1131`. "1 Cum. shill Oh nun. (hobs &n.QOIuIItnI. dull J0 J. nu Iohl inhuman` |E:".::"L."`.':2 w::`-"~"* opuddlor. Kotallouo pub-` no ;.:...a nu. ma, porlupu, um IO It III lullolodir. ,HohIllo'| |bi~ Syd: Ilulityuntuhhot, but bouuu ` it Nlyllllllloutlol oiruin spor- tin ptdclivitlol pad ouckgltting puc- tiou which vontotolly It urine: with ' HI own onupptlou mo Chg modol .4! morality which envy tnqohor ought to be to tbnpnptln ontnuud to lgin care. But ` B0! to: Chev oxpluuuon of, the non roam notlun ' of thin high- I ...._`| .x... no}... At nk. IIO Ill loo Iporuvo wuzuu nu, uu.....- lea, been An our-pnunl detcrmimtion with the gentleman whose conduct we no psllining. Having hilod whun on the School" Bond to wootnpliuh this purpose invtho oedinsry way our far-lacing nnd win pnlllnu Hand In: quick to use that tho connunnnuion I'6 `dovoutly to bo wished oouldbo accomplished by pending him wlfIrIialnont!* This done and his ,,._.._.:.._ -- - a-.'.ly.m- mull. fnnnwi ` resignation in n teeohor mult follow wlflhment!` `rm: done anu~ nu! 3 st 3 reuonnbly early date. so doubtleu thought the leader of the old on-nude nninut Mr. Metcnlfe At. the School Band. For this reuon, uni not from paltry puty motives, Mr. Mcllouio worked with might end mnin for .Mr. Me `I election. `It in I long inue` thnt II no turning, and in tho intoreet 9. the public morality, upecinlly tint oi the thing generation, the ex-Truetoe hu potiently watched his opportunity and oolnpcued at lent his long-cherished ob- ject by eonverting the-to him--obnox- ion: teacher into A promising and eligible legielntor! Such diplomecy end conuirt-A enoy Are worthy of all oommendrtion. Mantra] Juno l1.--Some New[uund- had IIDI Join business here claim thnt th `N.P.' bu ltroyod the ex on trade from thin city to that inland. ' hey Inn not nhippod thin you A mingle barrel of nuur, nor an tho likely to Ihip any, vhllo daring pm 00! unonu the our buuioou to Nnloundlnnd up 5 oounidu onblo item. Dwyot. the no-called N ew York pruohor, bu written to Joe Beet thnt he _ nil! begin niuionu-y hbors bore in Oo- tobor next among the ulurf hborou. ' ' A nnhnmlitn [all on tho property of the want unororl. ~ A mohorolito 1011 property Alfred Parry, Longuc Pulnlo, Iut. night, during 5 nuts, Iluttulng throoold tree! and noting: hnio noiu. Tho India 0! 2|: Ollumh, Ru. Mr. Bn '0, |I_|vo.nad_o Ipplioution to the Que T Iagfntnri us Imnglglthromr u for 390,000. `.j__..._____ ._:. Sty! the Toronto lelegramz The Tories were never no euro of winning en election helore. The spoke in the most oooldeot nenner of t. e probable reeult, end their or-gene in the preee predicted the Iplendid vlctory the: wee to be won helore the urn set on polling dry. But the splendid uuory In the other my, end for the `rodeo there wu nothing but --n P:-uh-hlv u nod. dieaneted mem- tho Torin unto notmng nus woo. Probably the moat diuunud bpr at tho party In Senator Maopbonon. u Inn has! mm: to no and ol trouble in npanng I lungth Indictment ol hcu. randodon, O which mm: to jam mm but so bo blank cartridge. Whoa people any him uh up an end- pln in drfum ol tho Puttooon uppoint. nonuboybogntouupaonhn he ll! not so put anon-pu-tiun an he [re- rindod to ho, And to may fought thy ol `IE! I hip uluuol Ill nun cm-u cup!-vni II no Cull Iuvloo In Ouuu him an lb Int 4:! non month. |a'-'. h lo Junnkgydo. Onlluonr dz-nylon nnd got 3 win bottle ol Dr. King`: In Dinom-cry. (too change, I! an ouering with n oon,no|d,ut luooohido, hay four, oolpthn, lol 0! tom tickling in up throat, an other nliootiun I the - - c___. x. x- .5- .....o ......:h out thotIr:::,no'run oth IO` N VOW! Ilclllllu In or u! then or Inn in In who I d that h nIdl':IO -nah uuit`:|'n.en?l:.it I lungs. `run In no gnu remeuy that in and`: so ucimnent by in any wood 1:] sun, quring thuuundn ol llopcluuuu. Our om billion but- tlu ol DI. King`! New Discovery Inn boon Ind Iltlliu tho but your, and Inn NI polllit adulation Intvolfiullnuq. 0 an Inhultntingly an _ :1... this in `rally tho all: can out or throat and Inn nldlull. and an ohouinlly town-' 0|-ran. lln. than [H9 or l0I' IIIPOII um 1! , On]! and C 1 home free I Nu [or '1 (X). J. Dnnht. mccouor tn E. B. od.`uvuully In vlw or sun uuu-cu-u- '-ujorlct ylloil upln Ibunidinp bow! at Rotor. good Oovonmnt. A Illllllll Y|ct0|`! Dpadol Invitation. Iontrod Noun. Idll Cllllo o-nu? COILCIIIGI] IIIIIIIIIIII-n ..... ... .`l`oty party has bun oomphtolj quhhod in tbs lilo oouiut. "ning, no It an, lonhd found with oondum to Oh (Man of XI. own. or to Inch 3 , toductiuxiol lnlilqnjority u would cod` imply arippio. him, the Guam` deduct `Kt would in mud Alooutlon to ooncul' tho (net that the unit 0! the elections 'in Ontariohql boon both olurpriu And :- osnu of roan! to the Oonnrntin party. Hui `Club ruult been anything approach- in; I drum battle, I the Tory otgnua would Inn loudly olsimml 3 victory for "Choir party. Baingbully butch, hour- over, to the tuna 0! two to am, tho but the orgun cpn do is to {mime the Gm --In in rlnlu nninnilndllill I0 00"}. lot In nun duh lunch. In (High: . . uF.'.L)~. - `Ii Yuri, Jwluu-Tit 0! ol by Judson; than Idol In lwfllt chair at Ilhuul Oouwuluoo i I13 8%. Patrick`: Sodoty n or-unoou lath! of dedication. oipnuing unit that tho ontqrulnuont ol tho Boulon guest: and otlur sultan will puns! their uuptlugllu kind olcr. 'l`|Ir0olonol I oinunuou of willingnes- `tohunnhnputln the Dominion Day eolobntlou nu not that ol tho majority `oltlnnukuul Ill wlwnpnl the in~ ' lonlylng `window II Iquinhnl to Britain do|n`ru|tion_on thin qou ."Wo an`: notd u do it." uld ; pmrninont upuin. "It would be an in- ` ml: to tho memory 0! Coroonn, nnd ovary nun who nluuid to turn out to wal- oomo the Ptiuoo ul Wain M1360." Onptnlu Hogu: jokingly uid In would be walling to go {no one 0! the forty thou- sand man who want to any oighor in On- ` `Iudn orln Inland. He had spun nnuy pluuul day: in Manual, and would on- wy thq H16). , um: uoy strongly denounced gm PUT! \l- - -- --w-v--_._, 7 thqtri . Major lino; donouned tho trip, and aid not moioor or man In- vourod it. The nqilnont in not oxaluuivol Irish, and in financially nttong and coal `Buy in can qaxyenun, If uoouury, uul nut: and Onthnliou nlih outside o! it hue taken an intros`. In" using it go.bu1t. now the` hulohot having been dug up, it stud: on in dignity, md will refuse all invitations. Tho Oulonol, pnnonnlly, is sorry um. some ofhcen hue imputed u Ipirn nvnriug of two or untionul nui- mouity to gho dilouuion. ~ .,_.......... nu nvnun-v r0M:l~ Breen, tcndo him justice. in en honeeter men then thoee who would ask him end hie regiment to Oennde on Domiuio Dny. He openly prooleiml hie hoetililg to the Brituh ting; he telh about the impuneibility or teoeuting the rinci lee whiqh are the meineprin end liile it on- omenintiou. end he dec ere: that when- ever his reuimeut ehell etep within the coniinee J Enulnndi dominion: it will be with the high end holy purpoees of ten- ing down the emblem of tynnny and waving the green |l)0VB the red. All of which in very terrible no doubt, and, we preeume, not entirely et verience with the sentiment: of than who deeired them to come over, unleu they are animated with n more spirit of deviltr; uud are utterly ind_i'erent II to ooueequenoee. One thing in now certain, the 69th will rennin in New York at their 9:-n mere notion-`end no thnnke to those who ' wanted to bring them hereto oteete min- chief. It in n notieeble feet that inci- dente like this crop up whenever the Government in power for the time being neglect to minister to the greed of a cer- tein clue of petriou. If egitetore like nu... nlm wanted to bring a eemi-Fenian III NDIHU 0.1 mum in. The Ottewe Free Free: nyI:--`Capt. pntriou. ll ngluwrn mm those who wanted bring Regiment from New York to the com- mercial capital had received a good fat -contract Acouple of month: ngn it in quite likely that Dominion Day would hnd them Ilngimz `God Sue the Queen, and drinking confusion tn her onomiel everywhere. I t. in autufnotory to be told, however. that the person who Invited the It. in autunomry to no mm, however, 69th to Monlrenl. `In: no Itnnding either in the nectionl of the lrilh people or ln the society ol that city.' `sun anon L. New `In-It, June 11. --It Inn been poni- tivoly decided elm the Si.x_ty-ninth Regi- men: will not an to Onmdn on Dominion n... nnmmnndinn Colonel Cnunugh Unnme uonnnion Dey. Conunnnding never brought the invitation before hi: brother otlloere oicielly, end it only ceme up incidentally. at. A meeting on Monday night, held for mother pnrpoee. There in great divenily of opinion in the Regiment u to the propriety of outer- taining Incl: en lnviutlon, u in neoept um: wunld be en inlult to the memory well invitation, it: Icopi anoa would memory ul the late Colonel Oorooran, who .-oluaed to allow tha roglmant to honor tha Prinoo of Walea in 1800. The into:-viowa with ending Mnutrul lrlahmau pobliulnd in Monday'a Star cauud Iideapnad diurna- aim: here. The lriah N ationaliata nl thin city cannot understand why Iriah Cana- diaua ahould be loyal to Quoan Victoria. The fact in a puzzle to them. Captain John Kerr. K Company. publiahea a lat- ter. in which he aaya the Sixty-ninth have not the Iliuhteal nothn of going to Canada, nor do they intend to iuault the nlnaina ol gallant Oorooran by paying tribute to tho Britiuh ag in any part of u... 4:.-nan. Damimona unlua aa Ioldiura `0 Ill: I_I'lIlll pllnuuuuu uuvu .--. ..- unduly exalted in n oontut botwoon gqnotlo clumplonn, one ol whom 3 just a Brit): on tho otlm-. If Hualnngu 0'9 n Ironoh, Gmnan, or oven 1 Ynnku n all- |nIa,wo could undonlond I ll} Englinh po- ll-lolium should pity for Elliott`: Inoaeu. AI It in we no ouily no why Engllobmon Vohould Iympathlto with the Homo clum- plon, but no In ll tho notionnl honor {I ounce:-nod tlwro will ho just on much glut] lo! England in the acquutio Inpu- Iuoy 0! n Britlah column on than would `. in nnquialnng him with onlnglialmnn to tho monorbom. Englishman nhould L --A~- -1 - -..I....- -n.a.I. "1. null luck '0' TIIII '0 III TI A lllfilu but Ion! Illlll, Bmun mg In any pin. on the Britiah Dominion: uhould who lnvo I long standing debt to :1. The pron and military man no rmmortnlizing the President ol St. Put- rick'| Society of Moutnnl. They hue got. tired uf Ipuking 0! him u tho wenlthy contractor, n he in now known hon only an Uolonul MnNunoo. .....1- -nu `mu-' sum. `Ibis in I Bi-mun uoiony. in! plus who inhabit it poouu rupomiba U0- vurnmont. Civil And nligioul liberty are too well olbbliuhod our to be disturbed by the fuutioinni of I luv. Before the , hi all man an equal. 'I`[Iqro II no legal I fumtioilm of luv. below I Thoro ruttiotinn which you a (labor my mun from Aluinlng the hi; on position in tho suu. Projudiou Inuy nine, but pro- 'udiou OII1 be livod down. and no being ind down every day in the yen. As for Iibony, tho Air IO bnuho in no more (too thm are the man who inlulc it. The Irish Catholic: no I: well u-and horn, 1.1.. it. all in all. :1 they no in my jun-lab Ind Oh; that non, uuounou anon tho rut, who our lived. Inn hold that! land ol uhto should Inubovo the ooolloting pudona ol pony Iuim. wan In: no In vmn-I A-lth.` npuuamhn In tho nlnlnof Ihhl WI will an II In tho. By our own cum, on daemon and Ioydty. II will hour to tho bout, lot the noun A4... .4 . - I.I.L nnanh an -Aka Ill UIII Uw` wuu v-.....-.V will! tho In: IIIIO of [Iii pcoph III make It: on luoduy vbonvvr than in Am: laid and nohvur. Whtdu do II Inc an... .. gnu obnlnl lotlsln. DN- ,."..-2` ,.- ..>._...._...._......*r * Aa.@;}%iM;:`.:`wfa:n::;:i%Lai%1i;.[ Ontholinl nu uuroo non, lilo it I in all, they ooont in the world. What, then in lhcir uty I In it not to Itnd by Ifxou who ulnnd by them, nod to turn from than outside tomptor who would uduoo them from their ullogionoo by njudinoul ho- nn nu Agoimt tho Britiah ag. What do I o Irhh Uutholico Int 1 Freedom `I Thu Inn H hon! Tho Government ol Ouulu in the porloodon o! a ruling pot- or, o gontnucnt under which In the nobility ol Iondlury IIIII, with the lnodutn at I Rapubhc. The greatest Ind tho that 0`0onna|| unonn the ll_ud_. you _|old WHAT `I'll Tull Illq `limit Britinh Colony. Tho People who iul-n_biio Go- .'I -_.I __I:..:..-.- HR.-on nun R111Hwn1G. TIJ1aSDAx'. 1 JUNE '11u'oon&cua'mmoau-- Bgchbolng any Work. ----p i "((ab""HJ..). Ev T :9 CilU O` ` phn I I id Ihlll 9:: .L-Qhu_I.ninthn:u,rn:n. vboolhd hoaanudobolunipo miluin In Elliott in ilno Iolng hard. , ` 1:1...-1 n......'..1 \ . and India; no can mom; I Iain; at two moon on chun- plou, hid ton to four on him, at which lfqno uvonl huvy muioziou look nu... Both man no in the van that Igqo uvonl buvy uuuuaou won p . Both men an in very condition, sad in spite of tho unaided- mn. uf um bauinu a. and not in unnot- '..';.."I`...`_T.`:"."'.`.:':"'-......""'.'."..: W 5 cl ' _ ` nun ' This morning tho III!!! In: nnu, out I tolerubly nil! broou blow, ruing the tutor and nnking i_I douldodl rough. lhuhn In on: but oonton hinull with doing I mile and I lull at on on} me. Elliott did urine tho distance in `tho nftcrnoon; the wind lnd gone down and the wnur us in good condition. Tho Oundinn tnvollod ally nluo milu, ` at than putting` in nngnillaons `work In the ndmirltlon oi tlaojooplo on hoorlily the ll")! bnnln, who npplnud on he bout to hi: airs. Elliott rowod ' fuur miles withoul I bruk Al. the tap ol hi: speed, highly planing his cup non. London, uno 12.---lu the Inlan- l:'lI;..u ....-nk on lull` nluu nn Mnndav. EIIIOII II III! IIQKEAIJ` uni-:_u (Hail Bpwiul.) . Nowdullo-on;Tyu, J not ll.--To-day Hmhn'a friend: lotuutnuol lath uni... nu! nal... In -on donor condition, sad in spin on mo onuuuu- nou of the betting put upta- od. Ellimh oonltdonoo in bi: own pov- er in not shaken in ulolout, And he has many staunch mend: who ptolou to believe he will come through All right. Thin morning the author in lint, but A lnlnrnblv um blow. railing next. Sundny. A alight shock of an euthquakg was felt in this city last night about 10 o - clock.` In muiy rue! building: were Ihakon, nnd [lulled Inhnbihuu rushed to their door: to ascertain the muse of the atrnugo diuturbanoo. The shock did not lat over I moment. It appeared to be felt in it: grenter. intensity in the neat- ern portiuh of the city. T:-legrlphio udvicu from St. Jolml, Q.. ropurt tint the Ihock was alto felt thcro to a slight extent. All through the night th at- mosphere wu aultty and opprouivel and the gloom was liuhted up at intexuln with flashes of lighxening. I \'n.|...nl;u1 nmrninu Um first 'u1eelin1 (Per Dom-'n?in Line.) Now York, 12.--A young man named Edward Aern an an-rented on complaint of Eva Gem. sixteen, who ohnrgu tint he shot her I you nan, iniotin nwound of which the it likely to die. or winery in inorouod by I {not tint tho in about to become I mother. She says he Ihot her became the lhrutbnod him with ur- -nut his speed, highly plenum; nu Iup non. Elliott match, to take plnoo on Monday, $90 touoon lhnlnu ll obrod, And 6 Lu `J n wanted. VUU to Mu on I to 2 ll wanted. (Per Dominion Line.) { Montreal, June l`l.-Tr>-de bein Uufpul Ohriniar it in A Bank holi I , I the ll-wok exchange in cloned. The 31' t annual religious pmceuion will come of Sundey. A slight earthquake '1'. nunea OI Il],{HlIHllg. Yesterday manning the first `meeting of the Dominion Apprnieuu was held in the Ountum Home. Ml-._Juhu|on, Com- miuioner of Custom: occupied the chair. The object of the meeting wu to oomnlt in regnrd to the l`u-iiY,e.nd arrive ll brain of interpretation, with a view to Govern- ment order on the subject. Vantnrdnv mm-ninn the member: were order the subject. Yesterday morning the member: engngod in the examination of samples of dry goods, for which valultion nu xed. The meeting: will continue in nnnlinn durina the `UC of'II I Ell III! II In unuwrv ul-v am in dulyluknowludging the -------no-oooo~--------

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