% %smnKL1Na ALE, _. __.-_.-_.- * lIvAlDIc|il.E8.I.E`Ili - I I Cvuwvu. H flu lamina Donn-nlgwlll 50 chance! II. A . IAIIAUI 'I`IIOVllIIo Ann! `I . I375 1 nmiu mu. mo One half u amount of {Isl will all In re- nnlml In mnlo. Ifm-__|_o|o_n_I out. pply 3; OIIIIO or II. I Jpn! 20. f3u"."." ROOM _I_=AP:R. illlrltiiallisil-nlvrun 0AIDQLIDIEWIIjl Heath Gaaa HA|R__fELT. warn: wml TUIIID. In `run I I\IIIUIIlIIu- -u-_. IN CENTRAL CANADA __A'I nun.- - ---- ..v_..._ _, ` FOR _z3_A_LE. ' "` `W. numusox a. son 3 between Prinocu and Quinn nu. II All Ales tum - In w. nus If-ll nu fl! nuur. ` I BAJIIS. - - _4_.....~...un L. E06NOMY. a... mm at Iunc mu. Pm r ulo Mn sronk, II In tlm above H Prop:-Intor. klnalton. Ont. ..--....___.a~ will Ind onoon has Inn Gun-m Property," King Street We. Thou Lou have the e Adun at fmntlui on la Lake 0 on, In 5 good ( uplh of water tor ro- vino odvl Iupvliol Ind alnnplng Good b Boon. Tho goon ho pnrohuod on vary. fuyvonblo g... I close 1 1: to II: ho . . owl :1: 0ord'4,)?:I$ Hymns 39:80:: |.:.|`::;`. be 01 dulnblo g... __.,?_.._.... . _......_.. Is1>IiINGIsHERE| BIRD GAGES In nut variety, Bird Oqo Spring: und Hooh, Blvd Bath: and Noah. Jnpuanod Toilette Wm, Bun Window Oorniou, `And lot: of eunvonions Artlclu lot homo; kuponuujuauohudnt -I-jj oounmonnlook mdrnnoeul - P338083 neuron: m pnuunux - also nu nfnotorv nooondto none In the city, nd `ho urrn Property." Kin: Logs hgvo_ gum a53__SEY' 8- |J- 3'-B:9?_ 3_E s~| I IUILIDIBO WILL DO WILD TO CALL III `I'll l..`uuJuld It I llpu-ta f ch oi . a union qnioak v:I'l{ul`.".Vo,ooh`:uppl.il?I '5' non nuom lo ntu. I Shop apposite lnlhlvoy In. Btrolrusson Depot .__,,- _....__.._.,..,_.. A RARE CHANCE for Manufctmers, Mechanics - n-- AIIIAJEEC In tho BROOK STREET BUTCHEBR - - - I -I I IIITC P338088 dulronn of procuring 1 alto for tlhotorv -mud {ho [qua ~{;.m_n l lj3porty.`_` |NE~x:E$....$,2cK =1 -----.-. `I'll! PUBLIC WILL ALWAYS IINI) good choice nn :1) klmln cl I V22: . V VAIIIIO. W LLOOIIIIIG. PLLBTIIIUG. PLTOIIIG, . PAINTING. R! AUII Bl Buhoorlhon have pm-ehuod the Fron- tonu B:-owor.:`ud-lmvo remodelled and Inodlt vlthlugo rlgomlqn And Ill new nrpumtul. Tho; luvs secured the urvloon o nuxuymghly oompount Bavumg Drawer and Into ndoptad the Bnvuinn proouu o HI-owing 1- Bear. Iulkin in npoolumy qnly I. no noal. Bay of ulnto Hull and` - min hm ops. Lager now touly. Orders wh- olfod. GEORGE MORTON It KONH. linnwn. Mny |9Lh. `L579. ou\ j:-----__- ' ` nun wlll he hold .3 . uriun so Ioolnuleu ; at Milan wlnhlugw ooennnoh EDIE. No lonoy will be roqulml down or than or `Water Lou." Apply in } mvmsox. noun u co. I I---um Ilnnmlrv. W E18. mu` oqa.nhd|`II'9- , _.. an n|___ AL- II.` Fron- lnndlt vlthluxo 594! ,-.___ Quinte Laggr Brewery, I |uNcs1'_9_u. om-. lsu-imam uh | - 1 Biw mformvtho c'Iti|oni|'f Kin:-min than I munnl carrying on can fornnerlv nu-upiod by H. l!nniru- . an H Iuao-3 MI-mt Ncuvn hum tn order. El Vurnlnhiu down on 'Rnp&irI|u. Plinliug an uentlnxcmur win in; Int 5 numnbln Mun.-I. Boot Home mil plmum nmoly manly. no then Inonly u I lbw vawuut - H. II. TUll|.]N8()N. new biawmniniou Boat Building Establishment i In In, 1879. Inna nurbm suson NEW BOOK HSTORE April 2:.` rP1{i`"t}'{"ii1iinWABE{% lo Issuun an nun: o . s......... w. c. 3. J. EULLIOTT. VI AIL?-I K1-lvv A! D IIQUIII PIIOII. EDI. PRINCESS BTRIIT. .Aui;m<:)'T';-'I|:'i2"sI" tuba _ U INK Ell-u, -I 0- IIITIII. Atlanta` In llouol . In. ovr1ca1mue.a'u7:,'o'vu u..``. .'. . Dong lute. d"Iou-one: Inn on In! mm. I-gs---o-----.--.....,.--_....-....-.....-.. ll. 1. IAUIDIII, I.D., Mllllll Of 'l`HlI.l0AL Obhal at lsnnnoua. England. UPPIUII AID Illlbnbh-Wom ` Isms. hut in: DI`Q),W'n:&!WoNimu u . llmh. " ' -M u__r_.__!_nin' liar-gory. ... ` ..u an n n ll , [,,u_g__ IIIUUE 8Tl1l`!'. '0 A__s3 of WOODS. mt " ' ' II.'ruuI.;Ns4m. ill. UUIAII G bin Kingston laundry. KINGSTON. CANADA. muxsu Av .I`_U.Nl 12` 1879. | L `D i :E-:I:LoU:B. I Note.1;} lU`.'N DURHAM. Outs:-ad! I I{nmlln1_ . . . sTc`.ii`I?fII|-: l:I:I`|.34||L`A'li-SAW FASER&MOWAT'S sun at the old A Inge lunch of (Inn dot: and Field In jllno hnnd Rpocinl In~ duumnln |n Buildui Hudwuo. Solo Lollllfll I noxon nos. sunmnn nio- wsu an nnrnns, GBAIl:'Il)IRII.I.8. 184 Princess St. 'IaStaamhoat& Vassalllwnars : A N I) I-`RIlGI'l`IiI8o The Royal Canadian ` INSURANCE OOIPANY con: man mo oovnnn I nu nu nnnvu I AI lhll nrtlnla oonnine Im mlunlxtllros of Fnrinl. care must be taken not u- put mu lau-In nmnutitv Into the cup. Fnrinl, be taken I nu-[0 uqunumy iIULLs &OAR(iOESi yuhln. Small (hmlan to each haunt-. All-o the two utylinh llrluk lmuooa In lame Monk. nearly flnluhcd. They uuuuln 7 ruouw ouch. beside: looaM,pantriu.oellurn llld good yudn Illll Ihadn. Lou: N5 foot don. Further pnruuulnnon up nlloltluu to W . SNUWDEN. Johnson Szrool . %;T3n11ding 'z'1l'iiinus society, no` I nunnn...WlLhll0`l`0l l'lIl l`. WILL BE SOLD on rorununhla tnrnuu. Hm than Dwaillngu on (luniun atroet.lu~lwn-c-n Earl And Juhunon strootn. Nos. `:32, :. :H and `I33. Tim |h)lI|\(M.|tI`G ul ne upymsrnnumunuu rout: fur I120 per year, Illll hu uimi rooluu. hulqlu uluwu. pnnlry am! uallur. `Hm otlmtn usul. for {Mi enuh and have nix rounun, hmudos thonlowu. panties and nellnrc. Thom is a Clateru lu amblmum, and haul and call In- uar bump: in kitchen. (inodlnuln nud plunked wk 5. each house. utyllnh hnuooagu Three Rosltloucns and Lots mouuons F0? odi-uury mo. 5! tho BEST, but fur white Clullua uml \\-x QUEEN CITY LAUNDRY SOAP.` Name lCl\lI]`)t'd n Mary H ' ` ( U1). 1). |BR|0K8~ FOR SALE.` Iny Ith. MA RINE IN-S URANUE [luau-. mt Aptll. I 9. April am. " gi.".'it- or-pi Die 3. uoni"r?6"nnnY -team Dvor. lnolmr [ulna Insurance colnnv. Ihhou llnllnulnrpu khan lowest Ito; - * J. I. OILDIIILIIVI. I. `nu. `(III M Illgibn. April. Apri: 141:. g\;g___..- -._ _-` DURING IIAIOII OI` H79. A1` IDWIIT CUIIIKT IATI8. lb PRIPAIED T0 !iFl'lC`l' F_0l_i. SALE wiiitwxm 6. Batu-9 oi inferior mnlma. nnIm9~ time: substituted fur the nflw of larger prod Ia. ' %i53 You `NEED AN :2-.`aI.I`$AlIlI I_ OI OAIOOKB. 0 I. mwnauivn, Anon no Kluuui. noun a wnigl. CORN mwxm hvlwnnlluuo Ilmhcot DIISLIIVI, Run II Kluuui . l_d Second Hand Good-I U1 1-\' op 00 Hrs. lixtvguan.` Mun PIIIIOOII Street. Kl|untuu.1'_i olhbfl. \VIH| tn In IIENDE-liSON Sg Bookstore. lluuiuvu-o--. N OHM`!!! KI). nuunorto Dr.JnI-via, douakuu. M on... In in Oil Pan Ola. 5.13 y.--`` 3' > `I! 3: II the cm or country NEW VOLUM': I Ronumls by Ihaln pit, odilud by Huv I Fergunun, 'I`l,us. Inn`, 8. "curd, Ur. dullnr. inn: NEW onuacs-a. Ed. ll. JM-qmrn_ I) I ' Eaulnmn, l)r. for Isle ml. W B.`:.'.`{ 6:11 pm: 7 mudd no. >~vv> ............- ........_..._- . an nnnnm {English Magazmks Received. [Hgndarson s.l Ill! mania and PrinBb88.' This Motluu This 1 I`hutugnphn 0| um mu Auhnut so m.xm....'. > |nIU -.' In cm on mmm. ` lop o In at Hoocnenk jaunt. HIGNDERSOH S Eviic f6 i."i Va. Eur Muulh. Bow Iolln. Bofn (Jun Pauper, (Hush and Npiry.) London Journal. . I` Hume. London Hooim . 0|IlIIhOl"I J0 null. Tonoounw Chmnich.-, .\c., u. 'l|IT|lMY CARDS. PIIIOIIB ITIIIT. ER mtly I-`uncy Honda morn L. Klngnt.uI1.i;?'UllE.\PJOHN [OI EAIJI. Hm. : OF SERMON: un-AAA on hs>_At_'E. .\lui:~`E M. E. Church am only the |. Purwnls wloumg so send for than` tnaudnan oh: mu I'.u4:m_'ul `erlithmtnn at luwr-at mun. The ti:-k:-tn are good for one ymr and the uuuunt ll r.-I um]:-1| but: It muullnloulucuc-n.l1nut used. |Very |mpl1_&.1 Know.` BOOTS & sHoEs,] I hog In hall the pun; l.w!.. uml Iri `China Tea Sets. &c.| nlmxrzufr sroox or Donovan. Williams & Shsnnon," "or .\'.|k~. (`mnfv hand-nnnln Rho:-A. Ont Tm: Soles, nnpeoinltf _ (J . NOLUJL ' ' IIM `Kai York Collqo at ucnu-n7. Vlollluwn lulu: hutweu Prhouo l"u-uoulu nmuuon lluuh Ilnscla. yr an A an M1 nyuuorllnent of Dunno! Sou. vary Mu designs. Rebed `To-day J. BAJUS &co.. Fancy ake a Biscuit Bakers I30.` I'ICTl0lIIl, DIALIH II FOREIGI AID |l_9_I_S'|'|C FRUITS. (him: lrml and Orualuun Inunu (Ink:-0 lunch to unlu- M AIIKET UQUARIE. - . . . . c IIl0a'|N -...n was [THE NEW BA'1'H8| TIII UNIDIIRIHNID AINOUUOII 1'0 ' ulbh uauunu Ch "' 'n'ucw um! msupn-an Undo: the Brltllh Llndolll Raul AWMID 10 II Illlll &. ` |.n. a. wuss, - rnprIeur.| I'I.u'. IlI\AIIr.rI 01 run. '. EEPO0L MAIL LINE .. er . I.:lu-rnunuMvAl'I.'l'1'NH1)A\' km :1 hpdntoulyunlhupubhnucin _ v.uum.'uIn-uuuvnunnulon uj AtFinKHILI.'s 17.I&5:It?3t Inveiuonl --:~ ` ' "~.'...-'i.~'_-J `I E I V. 3 : LE'vcr,*.u-.),I.c-nzioznd rrytt Glasgow ' . ` . I IIIIUI. II.-bub! lnnuIu._HnIIut to non, Io |MentIt_a_j mm. Irml and Oruloud Wold)-.4 lfuh-o lunch Ilnnlun u-4 apl I20. Au Mr. A. h'ulhur|nII.. mlvm-llnoa giving ID` Jon am. %"'_~ W M..'..- .. .... 2...--. ..- .,...., u > D."|ril.l.Al, l.D., u.u.c."v.}` " WU I|nI(I'o hu'oHIuIo Dol- hln of Puogian pal glisgtndo ROBERTSON & BROS. o ooooo-oats-no In noocoauoouoo-tccncnc-Q H01` A ND 0051) Dlfll June; It oooooo-0-Qcocuoococ-con-coo: V ..I.AN LINE _l n. .. .....o4un A ccnrdnlnu tn nccammodntiuu. rmmIiutu.................... A (`IIOICE BEl.I(.`Tll|N OI` EX 8. 5. ('IR(`AH3lAN. READY-MADE um xgn -m r 0\'r\l_V nu I l~'lm_\1 Qtrnmxu 9.4.. -.l_ .` N ILW CHOCKILBY N'l`()kE. ICPV j 3.9 lfinxs, B7113?` E.Bf&Tf : 'I`~-0oo and llodtlenu.-,l`nnoeau _ mama! ad mlwhn almot lhnlhl` Iuonthl mt oottuuu. on W `U E I'II" I E & I `B : |.:\w-rpum wen l`lPI'!H1)A\' (`*|| -he 1- v. A'|'l7Kl):\\'. L-Au ml 4\I'I.`||L`.v. mple that Hmnll`-IAILIM no I lm nhla to supply MI old m M privun not In-mowlure .....-c ..l Hm EIIIY Gilli`, (Inn... (1 qr nuuv. `.SMnnlny, Jun-I H'h ll ll " '. Hll| 1' July fvh 4!` I`! II `` " 19-.h -- " emu. I'.ucxug; ; I rlumucuua , I Nuwfulmdlu nu. .u-5,54 . ..87u ml 880 ullnlinln ' -Q 50.00 `ion apmen and mo nuu. --When Gen. Grant places hla foot on his native hurlth, hologram: vnll be aaho od to all the gcitioa iutho Union,_ and, simultaneously, artillery ulutal wlll ahako the homilphuru (rum .cuntro to CPHIL __L um. |uv.|-u ha: rnnanllw mmm inln -A new by-law hu recently come into foroein Winnipeg by which All putiel having three ur muru boarder: Ira omn- pellod to regiaiur and take out I Income. in: nbich in Ice ml 85 in chin-god. A ns II imposed in -Johuit. -AnntleInnI. will be nude to nmut unpusou In uomnt. -Annt.l9IIlpt Rqbt. Hell, mainly an the ground that Lhero were mfliuiem ponuuntiom of dud mou sud nbnmtoeo In nuke up his ml- jnrity ui 02. Mr. Ogden had `no Icru- tiuooru M some pulling plnou. -11`:-nah dincoverioc of rovolutionnrv -Two gentlemen 1:! Path. Um, Campbell nod linker, lnvo mule grunge- munll to `tune a new paper, Anon; 4-that `plant can 5 not press, uluod at 01,300. Lou night some unnndnl umulwui the cylmdu and uthotvilp uuooru II Iolno pulling pnou. -Fruh diocoverioo rovolutionnry pru uuduiu Ruuin conliuuo to has al- most nily made. One of the must um-uingil tlntuf the discovery 0! n umnborof tactic gunpowder nnnuho toriol st Towie, in Siberia. --An olfurtln being made to induce munioipnlitiol nut Toronto to punt- pono their annual civic holiday: until tiophmbenin unler um excuniuuinu nu juiu the fulivuion ol thu Vwo- Ihgnl nooptinn. --TIO nnllemon Path. 0m.| wnollotl It. -A lucid nonution hu bun onuod at Wutminutcr. |{d., by An onooulmr between lwu mituru fur than hnnd ol the duughtur nl l'n-f. Hmkm, ol the Walt- orn Murylnml Cull:-go. Um of the con- mutants, in uponlod nmlooot holloi churgu at nonmuhlo-,unl nurriod K llnckenltlm Iunodny. at wont. -An advottisomant for 500 eats up pears-A in a`J;oka-mvnl|o_ (Elm) paper. `l`hey were nuedoJ Lu feed the In-gut nfligntnr Ihnt lud hmm caught ounce I360. --I)u|-inn the four month: ninca the nnuunng you. --Now the winds that Iultly bromine. and the owers than garland: wienthu, A gentle hint of summer in the mind unplnnu; and no do tho boollu, and tho Ipiderl and the null. Lllces llnckelqum Iunouny. --Th mom Royal Ccnndinn ruimlnl. nu formed in thuoounlry in May, 1868. and thou o:-uni-tad of I 200 men, all Onnndhun, not number Mum min and um ollour, Lieutenant-Ookmol '1'. W . W. Smyth. who belong to (hands. The urns in no! national M Auditor. Pun- vuwrs II! we pull. -U1tuwn_cuuuny null shortly be in the courts nguin nu L`C-null. of non-pay mom uf the bunnn of $lL'v,l)0U to HIS North Shoru Ihulwny Um ---'I`he hrur. and an section B of the `}`21a..X.:srI>Y. VETLGI Or 1370. For Idiot! Impoun- _ _ _.n.--a- ' VIBI rumour. ...B. I. IIl.l1'f0N.`Q.C. ' almru Iuulwny Um ---'I`he Canada Pucitic lhcilwuy wu Lanmd on June 2nd. One hundred men are now work. A- ..a...-....'......_... l... mm ,..o. ... Ilngllnr III [110 INN) CIIURIII DIIICB lDUUo -During the four \\ Iuuipeg market. has been declared from 3310 ha: been ukun u wqtghinu and mruuring foes. --Now with brealha. Ulllyll, IEO Dtlll I0 UIIIICI. H10 Auditor, ju lndh. --Scull-Ian: cuucinuu to male wo- every bunuuy. --A thoughtful invalid took I outt. ulong with him from Unntun to Florida, nnd his body was mourn I in it --The Duke of Edi-ah r1 .1 t. be me- Inn ma way was ruvurvv u --Tbe Duko r24 none at the golden wm`1...; che Emperor of Gaxnmny. -A vuunu lndv of may me nmparnr ox uammny. -A young Indy of prepoueauing ap- poarunou was ncnvulr engaged all day on l'hurad:|y last, at iowmanville, taking nmvrs In the luv. jun, luau. --Scull-pnx nulxo pro [roll I! Outta, sud Ila health (Input- uunl an either very dilator, or indiloh cut. , LnuBouhy tine (north task nlnn Inn on Inmlih. null: III: thick. Hum. ouo. rucnol no a uuure. --`Hold the Fort.` was played by the band 0! the beuioged in Ekuwe, Zululand, Sunday. ' -A thouszhtful invalid took oullir. culrgu 0! I onnlunu-, u Bnckenltlm nunulny. ._.'l`Ia Iflhh Ron] 0 XI. IJHIDIIIII I-IIOO IIDOfIII l03K rho Inn on loam ,|udIu the thick- lud auto! vac Town whulo K52.-um. `I'M Ooupoullon I: am- outhdunula buhuunnn Bu glununly. `I'M Swank Schools --AviInt-DIODE you; and :n-dnhhhnannhloollnd-l|.'nQ- But. whether one dwell: in the city` or lives In um muutry. um plan He nlmnld follow. when women tho hot weather lfho In nu.-In-lhle nmu- In to try to umnorvmo gs-ad wluper Am] loop Inn an mm! an In; mun. " -.'V. Y. Lu`tIuN' nelou. --The fruit crop in the vent, will be In light. one. Pancho: hilure. Fort. was nlnved bv Thus um my wnuld resort. to" the country Auul have M: dnnotnullhru behind. Whilu um runuu vumld Me tome city For rout. forhotll body And mind, Elwln lhiuluuu than in the tmhamon Balm! he nlmll certainly llml. \ I-`mun my mnoln who lawn in tho 04-unlry, Wlm wlahoa I.lusulI_y lo me`. "I'm musty," he wrmu. of this farming- UI {nlvorung coualuutly. "Out hero the heat `in up mph-e. And though we an um-r Ibo Iuma. lmmru you the wind`: not suloieut 'l'n nmku n |~en|'ol.nMe lurmlu; Sol (lnnk I'M run down ugum cit To [mass M low days I! my one. And at this morning the poiuunn he moved a loner m we I-`mm my unuln I.lusulI_v I walk through the ur'~au ofllut city Wham the human throng: pm: by, `I'M pnvemouu an bnruini with four 'l'Imy we caught fmm um umry sly. Audfl long for the nhmlowy wuodluulo Anal the alloys that near their Inc. I long fur the rorfnnml hn-mu `Hut over I. 0 lnnallulu Maw. Fur mo clout, old sprung in the valley Whom the onulout wnusn ow. For aha fold salary in the ulAulowu_ And um linden lune tun luv. [gang gritish awnig; I UN`-`tun HHUIQ1, _Ti{l'ns1>.~L `is:\7xN1Na, JUNE 12. -Gnuhoppon luv. appeared In Min-' mloll. )' 13141, I [tn `IWII Cllll ea-an In-9-`A CURREN Y. NO. 137 w In it n .3 L be pre- \...; <-.clu|)rAtiun pf nv, ' can. Y._.L-.Iyar Buckloru Anion mm. The Bat Salvo in thy world lor Cuu, Bruiaon, Sums. Uloon, Salt Rheum, `Putter, Chi pod Htlldl` Ohilblniun, Onrm, And pl`) kind: of sin: oruptium. Thin Salvo in gun-nntud to give potlect utisfnction in every an at many rc- fnndod. l'rioa26 Ocnh per box. I*'n< sale by J. O. Kinu. Killbl. l |u:a Eowu.u.-T|uold Poninoulu Coumy has once morn ndound her mmo. Mr. Striker hu Again nnhd the Reform banner to victory, and {or tho third or Iounh time Mr. Olnpp in I I0- Ioutod upirnnt. The moon: ol Mr. Mc- Ounlg in the He lnnbu cloution nlooul high the hope: 0 tho Oomornliuo, and they amend the Into contest. curtain at n majority ol not lou Nun 150. Bonn] nenbon ol tho party expressed their wlllingnou to nah almost any unuum nl nmuoy on tho malt ol tho polling Int. Thursday, and nook} the idea that than VII tho but podbllity of Mr. man : Inch. I"iuu|ly.oiglu.`luon held him up olosr of the our, Mod cord: About lm legs, dragged him back into his call, and tied his sum over 3 ohsir. Ho lop: bithrly Ind exclaimed: `It : not manly to cook my life no vonpfully. I In I better mu: dun any of you, but have to give up to the crowd and die like I dog. on tho ncauld Blnn nhowod I terrible luv, but was nnlly emboldened I ma. with liquor. 'nmroany, um noun} use was mitt]: "A-u`; nnnnnginn V, " to charge bnyonoln indoors. The order) were ubuyod on man came rushing and touring furwud Io within four feet of the mar door. Jul. at this juncture deputy uhori Walker, who in njugo ,,)Wwurlul mun, oluglt Bhn uouuem. ock. semen` Rioaxi took hold ot one log And the otlur doputieu Aided in throwing him to tho oor. When drugged hack to lhl coll door he` threw his leg: und urml out IO u not In be pulhod through the door. The thrill` ordered him to be bound, And Another severe utrugglo emued, In which the jailer wu bruiued on the um: by the man`: Itich. I`S....llu .u'ahr.`\nnn Isnlrl him un nlnnr IRON IIIO IOU! In DC III Strihr Iunooodilg. " .P." Ill mod by Mr. Ilcuig an I Ion: to [in his protqanpondu|" um, but the elwon had onniud the elephant. and than` mu nlmnd that Ila thought 01 eION0l'I nu onuuuu In uopauu. um tho" oholl Cd Int II M I I.Ln"AI'|InnI. 'Wn on:Iu|.h|Aro their win menu in: may snug no unlunl. We tau-Olly 3h. Sailor on H: oplndll vhtory.-0n- (aria. GAGE 31:03., .1:.`.""` nnnving nun out or me way. Then like a tiger, the prisunor bounded for the door of the cell, lmuokinu tho ulergynun down n he mulled along, nml running put the jailar, who clinched at man : cunt. Blan rushed thmugh tho d-nor, hitting llil Ian aide I heavy blow ugninu the iron door lumo which uni him spinning into the gun] room, but he icnnwdiniely rocuvensd and run to the door leading into the kitchen. nm! for the roar exit sud nuirny opening into tho yard. The deputy Ilnnn were in nn adioiuinu room. Ind. thonilh curtlcd. mo yqra. `mo deputy menu: were III adjoining room, sud, though nurtlod, they puruuod at unoo,whiIe Liout. Martin gave order! to the military guard, oonu mining of II) um Ju. R. McDoumnn and prlvnwq A. Lefniver and J. B. Thru, jr., who wore uuuding on the map: charge bnyonou indoon. The on-den ubuvod --j-O..-*-'-*-C 1! than who Inn pour Mod that mulled pnpunuoa lotooldo. cough, Imunm-. ulhn. an than. 000.. umuuna l'I!lIIIAl mun, Inn on nootvoth Indian ollhuuy thou- udu who have unndully and It. they unll bouqwluly. II In on ol the oldatundlnuhnown hula ht li.-ni-un. Pnnnnh in: All nlnnlxl 1| huuunou. noun, . lhouufu PIROIAI. Baum, sun but p.-An Ln innings: of tin -an thon- OICQIIIIICIIEII IT Douiuou. Funk lionnhporlmtlo. Punun.Prondo\uI. dldnlou, 3.0-6: The -hanging of John Blnn At St. Chu- leo, Mo., Fridny, !or the murder of his brother-in-luv, was preceded by an ax- clting episode, I may-I noouunt 0! which mu furnished by hlogn . In his cell he seemed to have lost cl his strength, and In crying ` bitterly. Dr. John- advised the administering ofa drink of whiukey to nerve tho IIIIII up for thu terrible ordeal. The phynicinn took a drum of the liquor in I glut int) the mall and gun) it to man. The jsdlu Itoppod inside the cell and left than door open. lilnn groue from his test and looked around the cell, which wu 3 high room, ten foot equate, and suddenly ntruok thu doctor on une Ihoulder with his nk, thus nhnving him out 0! the Than him A than-. nrisunor m`Ul Wifjijg HUI mun u-. tho handfuls no.-mo: at tho 0nnI0nuuIHoOul.oIDIud- an. Inn Int. nhl Is. now kzlnn III Ilulvllllllluuyou unnu- .lnYcct. nlulhhnovkrou lI=p.uI N I M. b cuboid by K`: Gnnlnhnl. out. sud I0. it ll oooorvou. nu um Sultan the right to place gnrrisom in the lhllunn. Like tho Sultan, honour, nu do not oonuideritol iout to uuilour- when at prouut ol in right, which the unborn oi tho not [antic policy have It other timol dock to be. uuutinl. Moot nuvuro II the diuppoiutmant which in {salt concerning the virtual relultn ul tho an. In regard to the numbor of troop: required to guard the new fron- tier, it in remembered than some month: ago `we were told thlt 5,000 men on tho new frontier will be equal to 50,000 on the old frontier. Now `it is admitted that we cnnunt hold the new frontier without I larger lurco tlmn wu requisite upou tho old lrontisr. One very com- potont critio entlunka the cost ol guml~ in; the pun: and mnintuiuing order among tho hill tribe! It 5.'9,5(X),(l) I yell . and the whole coat of our new Pulltiun And relation in regard to Alghjanutnn At notleuthe 3,000,000 nyur lot the non tan yours. .......-,-..v-,...-i._.. , IT] DUI III-IIIll III III THUG hunuc. Tho u nuance nub ho lnndodbvonoi ooblhu. The .3. nngouuntinbothonun hp uluion, cp Rudguxglby. It in known that `our diploqnuo Qnguzononu with Bani: nu dgnd Itduubslul if In mild man may at of Afghanistan iithout alfording uni: I cause I}! complaint or I duwah ouo oumplu-. We do Ill_lIOI the panes. taking them'|nd,hn|d'II|r-rahum by force hum hull mbeg. `W0 hucuu light In place British uni-hub It Cuxdnhnr Ind Moral. And It in obootvod, ha [ha nun... M... .-i..In tn nlnnn nnrrinonl unaunon,uat|:M Iona: must atrulgclyin An 'I`nrkiclI0onv'cIthu and Ibo`l`nu of Bulk. Juan: Inghnd obtains! roan usuuingc pun unioouonud Iohuld lhuplano nrmutonutol Ihosulun, uithlboxupudhillly at lI\lIdn1|o- count: ulmmud pmdu. nu. ouhulu at she hunt the Koonm, Bibi, ua-I . I l P0500 ` Q nngnmnlvn lnIho"InI'-W ' dminlu rujuon uuoyo. - run an doonoxl nob:-uytotho lornubn oltboodonlilc humus. Tho onrnlu ho '_...., T ..,...- ` -a--`. 4*.A.A.i*`....4 ~ 1; ...; .-., a. III ,ICUl.BOCiA-l%A0`7. r W- ,...-`._..-__,-.=. nng tor mu mo. Insulin mmuu, :-w% ' ____n__'. It... man, on and Juv Prho 1 . -TI. Klliirn I - 01'?! M II! IEAIILIIS. rlnoou lure ' v 9 % 0 .,-Uudu tho Guy Hatch Any 4. nllhnnlo CO Ill)`. ` '3 30! on Iowa. I-unu I cum: Data:-nun: Tannery ' Kuwnol. . . , . . on-nxo. Jqxsrzms H. OMRK, ll.D., D_.D.8.,_1..u.:s., , ` Imlar. mount luv ark con... of ummq. an`--Wemnqwn mung! by: gun trhm mm a maxi; Inn to blllil A-`L. II : I` "UK-AI Ill . Ilwu our-p . ~.....____......_.... .............................._._.. . l.u., n_.u.s.,_1.,us.,l . mtufuarr. _ __ IIII man`-gal: mm ID 5 n. so I allowed on dammit!- oao-uonqy mlunad on the nl run or 0557 Pmputy. For CQIJ II II OKIIIIICI II "innii 3. sons: >1-natal T588 i WAITING MOI CUBTAIDII ` hounnd than Io luau Igrdhlb T01 Iuuvuwwun ......--ca--.-._.-0-"""" no mu: sum. 'IIlIl An.o.n.nI.L|I. J I` Pdlllflnil OITAIIB _..._.._...:._---- .4-ul mount-as ..,..u anunumd. Ppl _ urns: a `menus. mm at A`l l'0l!lI!l-A1`-LAW Ila . luau Publlo-- LWM ,____ ha 'I`oI-at-vh AI` 031! Iklnl. I00!!! I lurk .lnAB'l'H[II. Mlillt. Inqulhnu rdouhdu luau 0 of All pnnhuiqg elnowhon. Howe and Inn hinting. Gaining, Glnlnt. hpu Hun tn; Knlaomtnln um Window Binds u; long on tho but nylo. shon- ut and nth: Iowan man. If. ION n.... no, inhuman Prlnmll Quon him to hup V o c that all non! no our`utou-k`ancl pnooi "01:: punhulqg elnowhon. Pun Banning`. _ W|_ndqw w `W : ' OIVICI-W . "'..`.``. .'.`3:... ILIJIGTOI I. DO ...B.I. Iulunn too--KIIIIMII. -AT `HID- OITY PAINT SHOP BAGOI` 8'1`. AVDIG taken Iuyuol Into pntnonhlp ondhelnu about to make ahnhnn onunnhn` vs Irilllnll for an Inn two nollhuu iolagatook of Room P. 1-. Win- dow linden. In; and logo at can Mina. ' _ T`H`N_[L1VE rW Fast Horses & Slyilsh Cauiagns luxury much Tm for telling. l .8.-.l wall. I naoau nry,glvo the pumlsu:-r one month of my um free on charge In nub: blln. Apply personally or by lower to J. A. KABCH frne Largest, G-h:;pogt and Best . Stock of ROOM. HALLVVAY -`AlD- Mans iitonueas, than Street. 9 Ito Iultlouua sio Lttaohod. Aull. ' HI undersigned ole:-an for Inallluuv Ind good-wm In bluluumn vary any turn: at pnymout. and will rent thanmuiau. whloh are well nuanced and ulapud for tha lnuluvu at nun moder- wo rental far A long or abort unu ofyonn. All luohlnery lain good working under. lath- muons man P.S.wl naous_nry,glv_u the vEcq&411iV.E..EAPER'I " New BAKERY Lnd Bamnygant Boom! fuel will OIII an n- qnmd by For uh st :3 t|wKll0I'|`0N BEIWIIBY . ' PHILIP BAJUI. Il_._I. llol. IEO KIIGSTIII Gotten and steam Spica [ills --rs-~. CVAT171 of fun I? ilfotnnhn apply to ` Ill. Mt BOPYIIG AID snumulc 3! Soul OLIIM. .._.- Till IIUBIUBIBIB but quantity ol B \ IR FELT. porlootly n proof. and upoehlly Adopted to oovenng notion Ind mum plpu. ___-.nn\l naunm _nv on. Imus oownl. nmumm-u.. T04 8teo.mbgg_t_-:0wners.r 42:3,! 8'P"7@955`"5? VOL." XLVII. xx and xxx Aka nd Porter `IIUIIIYIITCI AT nnson__A_m.I an is L-I-E3I=.-_I"c__ B-E-E-RI an mam TIJIII