mean, 5 . . . . .. Lonnox .. . . . Lincoln . . . . . Lundun . . . . . . . . Mlttdlelax, N ...I Muldlooox, E . . Middlouex, W. J Monck .l MIukok|& Par` -.. .l..u...l I vluo. . . . Lwda, 8 11.....- Hllllllgl. \V'....ll NIB] lU'l lluron, S . . . . . .M Maj 128.- Huron, E.. ....M Ma; 169... Huron, W . . . .51 M13` 92. . Kant, E . . . . . . . M MI] 245. . `Kent, W . . . . . .0 Mnj 146 . Kingston . . . ....M Mnj 134.. Lnmbwn, E. . . .M Mai 182. . Inlnbton, W ...M Mlj 618.. Lnuuk. N ....0 Mnj 96... |olovlt|IonI|1olpI|n|noII ol In school. 3 lug ovuryphr: I 1 Italian h|boIunud- um`. ucquInldnl.gndhn :.~.--.:.-`rm. -.....'~ v--::: linden lahnul Howe lnlnml Portsmouth \Volfo Inlnud Storrifngtlxu Pitlaburuh Kingston ` 'w'4s;i5zI?s1 I)IIIlJ .N`l'(DRlJ.'_ uwrnu uornw Bwitutvillo . . . Wilton . . . . . . . Adu|phn|!6wn.. Oduu . . . . . . . 13 . 1' roaononoun loin nu! ` wIg'rn div'|n S.Fnd`uichbuIg,Hunburg " Town Hall UIIOIIO .. Amherst lnlnnj . -0.. `III con caoum-n uucru_4u.r utl , ' ' `' nun." xupuuo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Bub . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . .. Mill lluon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8IHuy........... Mount Pluuul ... . . . . . . . . rpeucuilh. Roblin . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.Frodoriokobun loun lull nnl`rn (liv'In uo.vuIu.-ox nnwuu 1876 um 1879. . , 1 Majority for Hnloy, 28. L'0l._) N11 ll.aI(.'l`l0l. IAJORl'l`ll'.'S. iv .sa.a.r .-an , 3 013110 810105. tenor of III; and [luck Sun Inrllol Mute. J nun 7I.!n, U El 09. . '.'.'o I151 113.. ..MM|j 76.. .M Mn; 713.. .M Maj 6.. ..M Mnj 147.. ..M Auolun. .. .MAoo|nI. .. 051-: 00 ..U nu] `ma... .." Maj 156.` .M .\|Ij 3N... M \4-alum... . _ _].)m.. _M .`\-clam ,..LVov. reproou. .0 ll ) '14l. -.0 MI] 279... ,,'P Mni )6. .....n1 MI) 13.. ....M M.) 36.2.. .M M01898 .....i) Maj 128.. .__O Acclaun . ...MMuj 8.. .. .0 Maj 255.. ...() Maj 91.. ....U Mnj 274.. .1u Maj 167 ...M Maj nu `. 4...l D ..M Acclam ...I ll Mm: 170 F `.111 Accu ..() Maj 11 M..i ..Iu nu) ma. ..0 Mnj 96.. .0 Mn; 169.. Lnxqx. hllllbill iiIiEsIi3u rayon ' ` AT wanm mwu mu no 60-6 13 1;: if, 1' mcln .U IA; '1' .I II! `N u n. on `J Barby. Boo. V . . . 12 at wmrs Diva 8103!, Pure, White Hellebore. ..u III] ..M Maj ..M Maj .Mll] M .u 51.; 193 ._M Mn 36:") ..uI In; 500 .. 0 MI) 65 .M M|jl400 ll Il-iIlIl\ 170 II 1879. . .-.4 41' wmlrs Dunn 8103: H Pure Paris Green. . 3.. M2 '-11 I17 Jppuau. nun-lcoooorp. decodes! on uu.7s:c. L. .5 0. pm. (For [Inn-l.ubu Linc.) Pnuor-It. Jun 7.-Abou| it o'clock lat light: I-kl mm nun-d ilnun, I lddutal tho`I`t-nnuhip ol Iduudubug. tunddcu Iilldbynlooupudn on Ilohlntd It. l.aInuIInI0\Iuu l.n...A L.a..... aL.|...I.....J Ih..-.n Innorpn-nu Inn-ugn nu u-um an III hotel In doon III ptonuunood, but the [whole nnuinod Innov- thn Irvin: ordeal. nlnlalin '1 IX FINE? IIQIIIIOII ad I 150 um; onlool. llnlovlolin uh-an rh Ian M um um lluqnuy we cut. ouuou an It @1001` convocuon. The court wo- nolbhd In guilty, and alto: depriv- Iin ol his civil tight: ornlonood him death. Th noomiun in to uluxluo OO In I/duo! thin durum-II. A t tunocpnnul thmugh hi: (run an the huol hh (loan omuounud. `: at Lrvwuuuvn unit. Bk. Puunborg. Juno 7.-1`ho trial u! Alouudu olouo yecunluy, fur the Mun unntnuion on April 4th IIII III: Mujnuy Nu Stu. ondod in that-air The V3 17:-a.Lia`1'gg gt;-xtish '1-I hm, _._.._.. _... _.._.._............_._.._........ u,....,;. 1 runny bridge nun are am the Ilrnlu-. Sir John Mubuunld Ivlurned tn the onpiul Ilua uunrning Gold Inc maxed war the citv vr-for onpuu um Iuurmng panned uver city ye-sh day and In! uinhl; nu tllllllrl to crop: npnrlod nltlmngh hmvy lrumn. oa- |lrv l'IIu||IuI 1: 141111,] Ottau. June 7. ~ The lmnul of `I50,- (lll, gnmocl tn the North Shara Railway Rood Compnny, by intact: Uuunty, but never nu], Ilu nu! yet lman nettled. Warden chonn hu junl. r-Iurnul [rum Ioolrul where he Cuulllllral vulh Hun. Ih. Llnnuno, o--unmnl fur the cv-unty. in nlnlion in ilm pron-o-clings to he tnkun boluro tho Supromn (`nun It MII be I"llIClIlbOf6d hll tho 1`uuI 1I IWIUW chl- lnillnhlod the cm, and mm it has been 'l`l.- ...-n --....I......l ..n H... l`|...u.Ii_rn I .,.,....w. I Th men employed nu lh-Uhnmlioro nilwny bridge null the Itrnh-. Hit Jnhn MnnDunnld ndnrnad Upon Salovlcl (ha Iiu.-mun Nihi- Hal. Ununcu unnnum-r u 1- m. prnmuen In no I very bnllnm nlliur. To-morrow it in quite prolnhlo their Excellenciau will attend Divme Service at. the English Onlhodrul, Irhan the liinlmp of tho Dio- ouo will uiuinle, and st tho ulna limo hulul an urdinntluu service. (I'er Ilummiun Liur.) Quebec, Junu 7t.h.-Slmrlly after 3 o'clock youtenluy nlternunn His Excel- lency the Gnvernur General and II. R. 11. the Princeu Louise. nccmnpauiml by Maj. Dewintou, Uept. Ilnrburd, A.D.C. and Mia Muutullm, rinuud the Fine Art. Exhibition 3! the Skating llInk,which wee very line. They were much planed with whet they raw, and Illlllletlmlcly after viewing the oontonui they drove Ilrnigln. lo the Ianll Fnivoraiiy. They were not at the entrance by tho very Rev. Father Hamel, V. U.,Ile-zt.--r u! the llni~ vanity, end on the arrival of the dim tinguilhed ly the splendid band iii the Seminary p eyed the National Anthem" cud plnyed Approprlulu niru lhrullglmul, After which Rev. Mr. llum-l, nu lmhnlf of tho Cuum.-il.preeum.el llm Excellency with en mldreas In Frumrli, to which Ilia Excellency replied nleo in Froncln, alter Vllich they wow lhuwu lliruugli lhe In- Itilutinii And lel'l._nl ti p.In. lnrtho Citadel. The reception thin evuiniig by their E1- oulleuciee, to ho hold in the liegislntiina Council Chmubcr 9 promise: to be 1 nrv bnllnnl nlliur. To-mormw it Ifutlwagj Bmuntw IMsIro"l--Rrulgr lhdlclmm Strilu`--(`oIcl H wt. ul Ina Ilugruml um-|n_;; {rum H Rev. B. .u-rry, [msmr ui Church how, has I`:-relved n `Nihilist. Cum` urdvrlug lm preaching. The Ru.-sizm (`um ruooivod xx lllrvul-llluq |uV.lrr` The Iilmwnumr of HM Purl;/. umnmn. tobacco. Washington, D. (3 . Many 7.-~Uioinl inforuntion having boon received to the 0500! Hunt the plrsguo which existed In Southern Ruuin in now almost extinct, the regulation: iuuod March 3rd I879, impusing cc-rtuin reatr-rli--nu upon Im- portation of rags. UK` ,h:Ls Ir:-un rev-`ku`l. Ogdonnburg, N. Y.. 7 ~.\ uh-apmch from Wntzertmtn says Stephan l)u-xcaler. a wealthy hrmer in the `fuumlnp hf Horrinbl-rg,\n1uIlu went of lnvnillo County, died on 'l`huml.Ay. Ha: has been ill nll upring. his |\l`nlIIer' widow being hil nurse. She has been Amused ol poiloning him for his prulnerly, must 0! Ihioh he had lmlmthml Lu hur. An in non II being held. nnmv Uilv, Juno 7 Tim Univ uf HIIIHIEUIU I` .|Iu `\II \`.\I ynll New York, Jmm T, - A IVIII he held in Unnpur In uf the Um-lug fr: lbw, R .1.-rrv, nxumr In uou mung noun. oraey Uity, Juno 7 Elizabeth in sued lur $1 ,{U(l,(KJU. M ..._ \' .-|. l...... "' \ II no! neoeusry l0I' I30 00 use un- nuge and lookout :1 vileneu and cor- ruptiou penomlly. Other rancher-I no dumb dog: that cannot. rk. Benn pleeud them on the vuwh tower to keep uilent. They overlook the rich member who lean: to were: uueietvee or ndh liquor dealers in their -oongregnuon end re uny ll Jon at Muruuonn. They hnv'nt Any 1:! those in Ulblf church. They {enr their nlury uvilllbe luwored. Rum And tobacco were (win devils, but the npenker know of ministers who could gel. Along better without. prnyvr than go one day without tobnccu. w..|.;....o,... n I` M." 7 -.nm..a.I on man am on an on non: unnougn u in notnooonory for ' to be like Tul- mum and sank out 11 vilanun And nor- Dbl! O IIIIIO I In! -~, m.>VOVOI' New York, J . - T. - Wuu. Su 01-mo- fodonto Ioldnor ui Surkvilla, Miulnippi, died in the huupitnl here this task from A wound received in the sunny 1'. yuan n, Aomolimu be-foru (ha bAulo II. F on Dunollnon. Bell who mu than A young- Inun 0! About 20 yun at Age, Ill I'l'Vill in A Miuiuippi regiment, And received A bulk} wound. The ball iuentorimz hiA body puud lhxuugh the skin of the Abdomen, ontond tho thigh And romAiu- ed thou. Boll come from New York tot Ann-hum-I nlnl-tninht nun Frinndn Inn 1 on thou. lieu lmul not lOI I I01 tulhluut 1 fortnight nan. Friond: for- Indod Iholblllinh home. Hg- Vnu-E Jnnn 7 _Ihuw Mp Riddl- IINIOC llnullllnl none. New York,JIlno 7.-R.ov. Mr. Biddle, in tail Iddnnl to Parlor Wilton. who In lat night inlhllod At the Fun! United Pnubytu-inn Church aid: Minister: ` must know the power of sin md in effect and hi: hours although it in not noon-Ari fnr him to ho likn TAI- . nun 20.1;-\(;o--'-ll`oI;ud..Jia4o-' orid be -Plague -800- poolod Poluung (Per Douoiniou Lian ) I'1.a__ ......'I D-.. I I ll--1....` `I w nzvun-nu-In uny- n.uoio.`Juu7._n.v, J. J`f.Barriaon` . Iuuhclodu 3 pa! Biohop 0! thin dioouoont one o'c Mk this morning, in- uoul 0! Bishop Mocluuky, depend Non Yurk. Juue 7.--$onu can 0! 1 Jun 7th. Ibul ol Illnhop llculuuky. depend 11.. Y9:-k, June 7.--Sonu of ulnll-pux no reported to the Bond 0! , Hullh within vlhu put `)4 houn. Pimmnn Int dv [rum Cnsuun. PL. no- ullll Iluun vino pub '59 noun. Pigeon; lot y Cwuuu, Pm, yer tordny e! home no quickly that than than 73: not rvrr-r.I'dly hkqg. Tho] hunt A mils 1 mi In-wornr. DO DUI I- but mile N.- vml. .l . own i_a'_nInc. (Per Duniumu Linc.) .A--L..... I-..` '7 TL- ---`jo- VEIv_L5t37 rns_c_on. 0.9 onm. A005?- fA`VI:t_m_un, ._..._... .. ....-oo}..-~.._..._... GLEIIBAL P_lT|lAI8. avuvy 5ulI_l_l. luv] , lu.-WOVOI -I. ..III.. Ila.-...i....i I 'u'--rr-gal Cnfy I lo-tulle` H:vln- tlol foupny. loyal I In all Inn-an blue of Stunner-I. in-I-pol-n M, is` ------------ o_..._... TIIE LIIEIIAL VICTORY- W XVC T TC $- 2 -vououuu puilld bunt In uuu.....m.-on-`nun-mam `IIui&lAl|huu,'nlhInnnhhu alumni I-an Iuipblul uvlhib. UIit;QIuh_-llaohhnulntudu -H `V. -ngml. Andud [The larquis and Princass.| [Hamlet-son s,[ English Megezmes Received. others. dollar. lme NEW cHu`noH.{ '11`, S. fur sale at Serluoun by Uinhop Cnrnun, tlm Ron. Ferguson, 'l`l'.un. Woblter, A. I274- pit, (dited by Rev. A. B. Aultin. J. R. Jncqllea, D.D.; Wm. Burnett, C.S. Eulman, Dr. Pllchur, W. Blair, A. J an 7th. I new vowme or sermons Buy I Fun at llondoroolii -UIIIJAI. Mlnlnu of the Y. I ('.A.. At their Rnoms ll 8 pm. - I 101* mam R"s0ii`S| Fine Phnu-graph: at Homlomufl. .agad I16 yearn. At \Vec.-duport. N. Y., ml the `.22 thur ntevenmll. in the '3'.N.l1 year formerly a rhnident of Nupuwe. T1 ... up! A. Q-`n At Blhy.'on Jpne 4'h.(i. M. Be-emnn. uf the Napnunnl Bu-t~`rr,lo I.0\IreltA only dnugluter of Wm On Mnv 29th. the Rev. W `V. Weeae In At 3\\'ilzerville, on Junta ` aged 516 \Vec:du|.)0!`l. Y.,un tl Fine Auort-on! II Henderson : Al Ilounlain of Samuel A||e-n. Wm Bdtar. Richmond. On MI the `V. M in A. Bmwnnun of Richmond. At Dunn on Juno 4th.R L Hclliwellnl the I-` Bmwnnun of llichmnnd. At Onawgnn Juno Hclliwe|l.ol Dominion Bank. Nnpanee to Miss Wllwn. of that citv. Dominion 1 city. L._.. Oiweao. Juno 7. I-`lour unchamzed-No. l opling at 5.7 ; nuubor 5,71 ) tn 0,00; white Iintor 0,00 '0 0,26;doublo X at 6.26 Cu 6.50. What uhudy--u|u of 9(I)0nnle It l,(B to 1.12 No. I ubituuto hold us l,lb to 1.10. Corn |:nohnnged-wulorlI 40; mm 43. Hulay quiut- exlrn bright At 80; No 1 dual. 73 0075; No `.5 do It 68 to 70. Rye unchanged. Cumuueul. bnlwd 18; unbollotl l'1'.50por (nil. I"eed- H for Ihurll; 15 hr uh:,mulTu.. 7} pet lb. run 1.1.2000 u,uu scoot-mg onuu; nun llo pen lb; cheque 60 to 7 ; Anhu --pou 3,55; purl: 5.60 105.7. Seed- tiuwthy 1,90 per 45lbI. Qluver 7_ to iu nine `4, to 4,315; spring our: 4,05 to 4.15 ; Vdoljvorod IWIIIIWKI. ' QIIUIIIIDIII If`: ior 4.85 to 4.70; nln old at 4.45 to 1.50; `fancy Inn an capo!-lino 3,90 In 3,95; strung baker : 4,40 In` 4.60; line 3.30 to 3,35; middling: 3.1!) tn 515; pollsnil 9.00 to 2.80; Ugpor Oun- mln blgl per 100 2,10 02.15; city big! 2.25 to 2.2!); onlnoal. Or.- min. quiet at 4,20 to 4,25; corn meal at 2 50. Corn II 45 in bond. Canad- puu, npliug helm] M. abort 80. Out: held at 31 to 31f. utter, not 12 to N; I7 to 18 cnunery. Lard 9 to 9} for tuba. Put`: 13.26 to 14.00 woo:-ding '>nud; bun llo om lb: chemo 69 to 714:: Amha- Phutngrnpln of the new M. E. Church NOT SEAS OI COMING. This ulognlltly buund u-- - lanai. Jun Flbur nooiptl l,8N bhla. ulna ID bbla ol aopcinr gun at 4.66. ` Inrht dull and unchanged. Quotations not Inn Innnrior 4.65 to 4.70 : nu-n Thu Methodist EpiIC;)[\lll Church |'ul- Ill un ll 013330 0! ml lollovlulntohll dds whooluhnnuu HENDERSON S Every Mnnth. Bow Bella. Boy`: Own Paper, (Fresh and Spiry.) bundun Journal. Sunday at Home. Landau Society. Chamber : Jourunl. Tenmotlnco Chruuiolo, &c., ho. BIRTHDAY CARDS. jonusn. ricutj IAl II`l`. PRINCESS srnnr. .( urd, Dr. Aylnworlh Bookstore- Wnth two portrgitu. J ------ooo ~ 1 ~- uwlno -Ausin. ls'l<.`.'ll I .\ I) Iv.`lf.'. nunmnn. I View. MI! 27lh.1ll|u wife I. of twin dsughturn. Bl |('l'll . `n}u:n. . wurk conning D. True]- sud many Price ouo T...;.. dumb .4 :...:..a rap. UIIIII IICIOOI Inlthl au'moum'u-nuuuo"""""' Hlkhilbl . lhnfunucrh-a.ooQIydyIo. l.....-=-,--.....,- ?::::.-."-~ -- --| .3 1! oilul soon. "All In any than-aua,rId g. nquuod to gun: thunk: sand 1 . "" ml rnnunou, um I . IE9. n-II ll VIIIJUII lll`l`I'll0noltloOou\.1(?uor! ad (luau-nlloulua olthofuao In I VIII JUII IITTIICIOCCIO (XUIU COIN (loans! Icahn M the has for [Lg County 0! Proulclu. Ill! is hold M Ito com Bull. Kllntbl. 0| vu---it L`0l1NI`Y"00l1R'l`A;lD unus- Im. snsslous. If you want a. K Choice Fresh Pound of Dairy Butter, 3. Dozen of Fresh Eggs, 2:. Sugar Cured Ham, 'a. Barrel of best Family FLOUR. a. choice a nd cheap. pound of Tea. and more Sugar for one} Dollar than in any : other Store, I lam: lcumul has has us to CI E0. run 0! ii. I :1. cl lhunnulnnl nunolv. h 1.u*'. not , lln. NEW BOOK STORE I com: DOWN] IHSCEIVEI) l)All.\' AT THE F(I8Il HAR- l(E'I`. |I`0(l)'I` 0!-' HI-ROCK SI`. halt! on MONDAY I-IV SONG). Juno VUI. u E o'clock, Al tlm lhnnu . tn u-uunidur tlnu-x- podloney ornanlun Party. and make news ury nrnngounnnu, if ll ha approved. J. D. lIl83U_NNl1"l l'J. warn: nan, TROUT, mcxuu L, `A mxz, A BLACK nus, 11' Y. I. (?|nrl-Hum MONDAY EV 3'1-lock. , HATFIELD. NI. nnznczas'._u:I vn.+:n_m r..r unit. 0 Ill tn good ecualuion. Apply at [Ma `IVIIDJY. JUII 10th, June 7th. TO BUSINESS. GO TO THE WU Im-ITIP IX ill! Huk,anlonnu|Ienuu,ypoolhiapm- gulnn. `nhhthnpdnou ol duh W. R. lcltll & 00. A 83.11:: Alb at-L-:l!AID.5V-Ibo mu. . .. wu. mvm. `I'M Cheap Ill-char. Prlnoeu BL. Kin;-ton s. woops. -- GINEKAL MFIS PING of Ihdl Km Iatnll .' Y. I. (Tlnri-nun Annootutiun val lu- I nu MDNIIAY I\'IC.\'lNH. Juno HI. AK Tron ink and Li. nln,ifIII1n approved. I|l8UNNI1"I ' Eco. [um um. runncmvi V (hilt MI tub-n-I:nltua prounloa and unity lulu. tho 0-nunlln nlmv nfdulivunlol Ihopullul solo Iuluu, Hnl In IA P 3|. nun... A-nd-.n ..l Hire. L "'3-ai'.:.".,'.`,',."&n't... A I .. A Inns and Pr-0-{table lust- I %B%:igi3m "1: RICHMOND &. BOYDEN S REAL IRISH POPLIN Ul Nil`. ta hat-h_y [iron that [>4-rno.l|I III In: IIIOI tor Iocln mm-r Immuunn. uul how l'ur um i In-I-in; , npruuliu - -Im-u. luwno, (nun 1. Ind yard--I.-.vI||`iw~ rhur ml an-nnlinu In mull! run. 41 um of Ivlur w- uunvwuuu I-pIuIuI than uuuus, "What I II P `IN: qua npodnon ul Innwn---nnhgnhln A. lhnuhl W I aims, at! not though Ila nodhn ol puI.yhdin. is hlhuolnnluhlorol nliqiou. Thguodluholnohponoug am. up at all Induction mun 1. utyuoohoputoqnuthnlnuyeuo. Ildtlopunloplulon puno than: -ouldbptht mud Iitbthopolitioal nutnlltyouhdcpooidonudlhnuul pa-lkiul conplniou at this-Iuh to unhwspudlho -Main-Iohll to glnolunutoinncdhunnthnol I oul um-ruling In tuna rum M um any he obulno-| Al. Ibo I`.-m,.u) `n m'.`u~. J. WILSIIN. Spnngless Truss l'I'I'1|I! I`I}lRS. 0'! HA TUIHLI Y, "Inna . ,, . :...u- .....u Wall pm LI (1 IIT H I IADl*1H Alma u complete Ma--I-tnuexlnt (Hum-9 fvr (lIllvnwn'a wear in Medium and Uni: Shades at In! ll` Nnpunoov (fulnpholl llonm. June I`: nmul l In-anon -(?it,v llulal. June! I I. 1:. Mu! lt-. Bmokvi|lo--l. lair:-mm Ilnll. Jlllm I7 Mr ll '|`hrau Hutluna - I`;-.-rl and \\'mu., Nu Ihullvnn --In high! h'ha-In.-9 l{.o.~c-pti--n or l'Ivo.-mug \\ :-ar. I w lIU'l'\}Ill\lN vm vuut um mnuwmg I o pluwn: Pi:-ton-Coamopolihu Hole), June I0 and ltin nothing abort oi downright min- npuooutntlon for the Iood Tory organ to any list tin result of the Kingston election In an Intentional condemnation ol tin Iowa Iinhtry on the part of the doctors. Wollonough in the New mute that it in not on tho Illogod dovnaritn of III Ministry that Mr. Met.:allo'I mnjority In obtained. The nuooouful omdhluto hinull admits the (lovorn- _ hunt to be lnirly donning 4-! the public aontlulonoo,nd had tho olootion mmod un ' tho quulton of ohoioo botwoon tho ex- r iltillj HOIM Iinintry and the upccted ' Onbiuot Ihhl Ilr. Ilondith hnpod to M called upon to tech the pooplo of King- Itou IOIH Inn you with the not o! the country tll tho oupport of tha Mount uinuuoa. TIM hot in that personal I-In, uiunpnunhuu apiuat Ir. Iohhlon `bad all non of Itch or!" vote imports! into tlr coolant and mpunnlnp ly nlnqd u toutunp tron him may at out In. lumbar`! lornu lrioodn uwl Ilptl. In addition tolll IN: than upoalvoyqool of tlonott oublnhing on-Ipttatnld hi on the Tory aide. llutnlthnllq r uouontu-y ro- nuothldltndlol Khptou wlahow .. 45.1- _.-A ........h..h- u.-o alt- Cntannqui Wan! . . .Tneuluy.. Pnmhenu W'I5nl.\\'on;nuuIuy.. Ontario WIN .... 'l`hura|ny. . Hldrnu Ward . . . . . . ..'|"ru|uy.. t. Lnwnmm Wu1I..lmuluy. J Sydunlum Ward . . 'l`umlay` .1 Vicu-rip Wu-cl . ,\\'~dmoaIuy, J French Kid Gloves; wr: HAVE orfzln 'ro-mu` AN mvomn or rmmca KID tmovns IN Four liultnua-- In high! Mo.--I Dank hlmlc-a. ' And will take up um uppnalu of II..- Wnnh ll I|n' uuw lumr an Iullom Dn TueSday. 10th`Juna.inst. (>1`l('lip batch; nu u! Ilw (`mm Iiumnu will huh No On` nilluug fut in; nppuln 3.-aim-I llw Au-ounwn! ul City for the pr-wul y-u_r_ R` &..J. GARDINER Klngotun. Juno `Jud. l87:|. Water Works Notice. K Illgslvu. I! '. .'d. VUX WIW ltwl wul uuuw on their an opportunity that an oliuullonolty in Int on-and to .41.-- g-.0 -maul (In-n-nnagnl II] order of the Court... , H H. .....-... .... uml yin: baryuinlv In I'll` Y1 961.91 CITY OF KINGSTON. `, This-n, Fm-r VV()R.'I`II III pnlo I'nnk_ Erin, r l`|' 1|.-no rung, l`.`l"(l, )-'xuIlnInn:L|ulv .\`|I;u{I`:I for . o '.n.. Iunlr iudn lnun::.\ f|jUWXvI| - -ug u. Ida: and pad (lonnnouc. V` --...-o-1.__:. L III I\ Ml - in Li;-hi, Mr. Ex-Mayor Molntyre was a much , braver man on Thursday evening Inst 9 tlmu he wsa at the close of his own con- , test with Mr. Gilderaleeru when, it will 1 be remembered, he went home to hide L himsall as adeieatod candidate. On that . occasion he was unearthed and brought H to the light by his supporters, when his . narrow suooeas was discovered by tho nal 1 count or the ballots. In his jubilation , harangua on Thursday evening Mr. Mo- , lntyrn was ore abusive than usual, which, in his can. is saying a good deal. With that swagger on which he rests his ` uratorieal reputation, be psndorcd and , appealed to the lowaat instincts of the crowd bolero him in his abuse of all and sundry political opponents. lnsntl'erabl conceit and nnpartinenoe prompted a coarla attaok on `Sir Dick Cartwright, an he termed the ex-Finance Minister, and ` whom he designated as a foul mouthed politician, a phrase which the speaker uiiglit much more appropriately have applied to himself. To show up Mr. Mclntyl-0's ignorance in its true light it is only nocieasar-y to ahilt the boot to the other leg. How would any Liberal speaker, for example, be stigmatized by the frothy Tory organ if, in s pllbilc speech, he should dare to characterize the Tory Chieftain an `the foul mouthed .: Jack Maodonald !' and yet just such lan- guage would only be to parallel tlint. of our model ax-Mayor. Mr. Mclnlyi-e`s premature and blatant boasting that the Ifowat Government had been awept from power was soon rabnhd by the intelli- gonna of the sweeping victory for Rolorm Ilia impartinant insults to his opponent, ,| _ I I 4 2..-. _- -__L-.:_n.. ..-i...L_.s a... III IJIIIII FIOIZ WIIV I-IIIIIUIH III III! unonithu of politlul diocuuhm. .. ..)..coo4`. ,. , ._ .... ....,.......... ......... .. .... ..".........., Ihuu I I-9 junta olnplnlioully robnkod by Ilw gum) menu of thou rupootnblo mon in both pnrliol tho boliovp in the decent -...-..iH.. 1.! ...\Ihl:..I .N...n...i ... -uvuu vuv Inn;-nu vu uuu -nu, Iluuvu nun- ` nur Mad in-,to units with him in n ' kl-and unnlt on the_ Untnrio citadel which he correctly regarded as thi politioulibnltnr of the Dominion. Nobly Ind unmimounly they renpuudod l to the call; lierooly and dhnporntely the Tory forool throw tlulnulvou sgnimt the citndol. But all in vain. The invincible Libonla from within, ullying out under the humor 0! good Government, in a gal- lant sortie ngninnt the enemy, utterly routed their uuilnnu um] ruined the time ! The runlt oi the attack ha: been the decimation of the Tory battnlium and the humilintion ot the vain old Gen- onliuimo whoa plum and purposes have no nigmlly come to grist. The great Mwplunon bitu the dust while the Liberal Itupdnrd ntill proudly out: our the Reform oitndel of tho_ l n:mier I Province of the Dominion. Iuuuuvu U Jun] Ilvuyiu ll|I Iuuuvu nu- Jdicc nu um um pluu mo:am.;n,,. 1 Hi: pnnphlouering nrdnmoo wu ngnin brought into play. He Iummuuod Iu MI lid Ibo men from |;0tlun wlmm there he had phood in power, and sounded Aloud the toosin to the Tory hmu from u... Art!` In. In uniln .-in}. him 4.. . Ivu Ian Iulv lllll uuyuvuunu, sun u. nuu alga this political Wu-wick sud putty tin;-nah: In that to complete the work ol Tory ratontign the citadel of Ontario) nut ho wrntoil [tom the Lil- nlgnrllaon and Iurulur be oonnumuy manned by Tory troops. Hi: iuued _hin . .Ia.1 um um m. ..|.... ..w..-.n....|.. uuuuuuu, run: up: uluunvuanu auuuu loll on (In 11th optombor, 1878. An `E... GL1. n-I`I|nn| |II..-lab ...A .....o.. -..... on public Aquha upon lupndm -.gMn mul and [Hannah CH: unaIIn- nl oq Oodo plilctndir Hugh Alhn lltlotolll lot the Pacic Rsilvny oun- mu up :5 . Puilo scum c.un.s nu udgndud And ovmumod on the MI! 300., 1873. It In the boosubo this ` Qolloqu `voila thanvh tho old Ssugun Divinion and `loullod hi: pamphlet * mmuy qiiuz an m. Liberal Gov- crunont. that tho llaolxonzio Miuiutry l.II.u- IL- 11!}. nAnDAn.'n-b l'.'Q And ll-UIUII, IIO. IIIIIQ II) III U. I. vuu, *iW $1, 0' Nip `Ontario; Cindi? umoiu Ibo Dgwiniqn Tory triumph each! In nnulod ithu stab or non- pluof `I`Io;iu_r fory pouphlotoc bu. pow nprdhhducinytohotodirocz tliothn and [all 0! gwlitlul dynutleu. In In, olaouuo, buuuohouuuuod on .un.A. nl `inJnnnl|llnln'l' than Hm I VII It Ku- phnon, -so. nwnuo an U._l. om, " .n. n. nu mtnnv-gppmam. ` -_--.~- ... ....... . ~-- VA A noon mmcum. ` I? W Wu I Iylaoilv cl Cllohll JI4.-A 5-... .1 Li. nu... pun In. n-nun nluuplru sauna. Thu following full mural in the Addlngton election: lino Ilnn II. DIIOFNI Mull Il1'l'[.llD-Dl- llnvln lnlnnn u|.o|ry IIDI unuu uuuuuu uuuu-mu-u, andvllnkulqollsllli wcllnlp nigh -....- n.-LII; nun-ding nnn II: -again: The followin are the conumnonciu gninod b the orlnon In the recon! Ontario efeocmnn, and the nunu of thou winuin the auto: Nor: Runfruw--Mr. Murray. North Lsnnrk-Mr. Caldwell. South Lnnuk~-Mr. Loco. Ruuol|-MI'. Morgsn. North Vicl.oriu-Mr. Pools. But Pourhoro-Mr. Blourd. n....n. nlnbin_ M. n....a-.. Tomato. I: . 'l'omnto,W . Victoria. N. . . Vlotonn, I4 . . . Waterloo. N . Wnhrlo-1, H . Welland . . . .. Wellington. E Welllnghon, C Wellington. V Woutworth. I Wuutworth 3 hurt N. ihuuwuqmoo-qauuh LI....--A- Uxfonl, N Uxfonl.S. . (`val . . .. . . |'n1-th. N . . Proatkm. ...... ...... Pnnnn Eda-urdtrlker .. Bonfrew. N....Iurruy Bonn-ow, B. . .Honuu|d ltnnwll ..... . . . Morgnu Shuooo. I ............ . . land. 11:. . . .. NONhIunbel'- hind. W . . . I'anh, N Paula. H . Petelbom, E .` Pulerbnru W Ii.ld|mox,W. . W Iouoh . out . .1 ! luuokn Ind Pu-rv`d....Il N-vrl'oIl.N ....i`I Norfolk, 8 Northumheh lulu]. M: _ _ . . . . H NOIUIIQ.` Kuhhr. .. n..I.h.h houduu . o . . . Ihldlusex, N. . llddlnwx. I.. Ii.mIuuax.W, , The vary Apologltrwitla which cousin clotgnon thoaaulvu doc-od it noon-M7 to not-Ipuy their Tury vote on Thurs- dny, that they was `today on party gnundo, III note In ho conducted {balk at ihollof which they can that coal-nidljuhucd. Ololl dumb tho consult; nhldln hvouobuluu la pus `pm Mon pnaaph "then In soypuhioah libhon which party Li ...A-- nu` .n|-n- -Inll hnnllnlnnlnl. nnwonn. . . . . Irtqvlllo. . . .. Konnboom. . . Ilinohinbrot-L. I ...- .5. In-.. I'\I'|lIII..... I alnoIIIoI.. .. n..u....n I-`runtemw . lnuggrry (lruuvlllu, 5 . (Imy. N Oulobhoill. ........ Nopuuo Hillm... . Oontnvillo. Indnnnainn l)urh3I.L. ` Elgm, I1} . nmgnu, w.. Euex. N-. Luodn N. Gren- nlle.N ......4 Load: 6:. Gran vllln. . . . ..` ITURYISII UUIPIETELY BEUSHED ll A WEAK OPPOSITION. Mownt Government 1`:-led mid sustained. nus rournoro-Mr. manta. Bnnlh Unlu-io-Mr. Dryden. Eat 8nmoon--Mr. Oook. N onh Iliddluu - III-. Wale-n. Wont Wollinglon -- Mr. MoKhn. Card nll -- M r. Rubinoon. II my jlil ll ll-IIIIII Ilium you; 56.0011 and ulna shoal! buuuinuod, --J -hl.|n -Lg-IA a...` nu` gnlgln -I-H Iumbwu. W. .l u.rdoe . . Lanurk.N . . .l.`nldwull . Lnnnrh. B ....lAoa.... 0 0 IMAJOIIITY COIPAIJSONBI Mnjority in Mlnhtry 98- REFORM (RULE I Strength of the Minitry! ms DISTRICT Lcnons.| Iajou-My luv Dumb. 4).: Kant, F. Knt,W ... Kin |lou.... _.- More complete roturna than yesterday it was poasibio to obtain make more manifest and pronounced than over the glorious Libural victory of the (uh of June. Wlulo it is tohorcgruttod that tho oity oi Kingston. redeemed iaat Sep- tumbor [min ire aorfduin to the Tory` Chieftain iuiiuaoll, did not use constitu- ency participate in this magnicent tri- uniph oi the Liberal party,'lt is a source at intenee satisfaction to the seven hun- dred and titty men who, in this city. on 'l`hum|uy,relused again to how the knee to the Tory Bsal,that the principles to which they luyally adhered were vindicated by a vast majority of the people oi Ontario. The 'l`ory opposition to the good Government oi Oliver Monet was indeed routed horee. foot and artillery. The Government enjoyed in the lsst_ Parlia- Inent a good sale working majority. That majority he been doubled by the result oi rnunaay. worlr. Indeed of s lljwll lty cl 1') to 15 the Ministry will hereafter be sustained by a majority of nearly thirty in a House of 88 members. The Rail itsell concedes a majority of twenty- eight. Last September, gulled to the very eyes by the specious National Policy trend. the people oi Ontario went for Sir John Maodonald and his party by an On- tario vote of two to one. Now this tre- Iltendous lead has not only been overtaken, but reversed, tor, reverting to its normal Liberal condltlon,the Province has gone Relorna by a similar dispropor- tion. 'IiIu.,.thirde of the new Ontario Legislature will support the Hunt- Fraaer Ministry, while the remaining freq one-Ihiul must sit tor the whole Parliament in the hopeless shades of Upe position. What a tremendous tell is this from the'l`ory hopes ct three short days ago I Then, of nothing future could also be more positively condent, than were our Tory friends at bringing the Ontario Government into harmony with that ol the Dominion l The collapse has been terrible and we cordially tender our com- anissrations to the defeat"! Tories as we do our oongratulationa to the country on the result of the 6th at June which has nobly stoned for the blunder of the l7th .1 ins Huts.-.5. PIIIOI IIIAIU. I. 8 Ludlnw .... .. I,C CIII-Io.... ... I. W Molm ... . ADDlMHOIo '.lspn.g.}'ff..'. .LIvingut.ono . ..l-'iold . o ..l'nn.un .` .. Dryden . ..l1u `.mu nnl._)'un . ulxmnl .... !.t`Hn nnR1T1sh wma.%s.rum'.. Inns 7., 1879. MI) T79`, DIWIIUG IUI ICC`! ul lul Uophnhlt. I!-I II! II:--lb.-0:09-5-ul-~ Isl. ptld. um GonnI"ol -g Ixfuc Yuk. In punt In Adult. vi- kb. Jon (ru lbutuioa La...) hula. I-y '.'.-I|lnuqn| In 5000 Jno 1.--lad pan? II In In hubs. ht--lJhdu Inc I-- ... w ".'.}....,...` . hoax a'.""'" puhlouo Cl: '32! |-_ -'.|!: '.'!:-2 mguxloou nuuamoun. nu round n'c|>nr`nu`:`o:|dhoIh':E:tIioI. But to -n o nu animos- riurn':.lotnd ytho boulu olslunn pub. 0h,Kn! cone Ioonndaudlunthu than: I set) 0h.uhur.uyDr. Ila-vhkud ml Umnlunr. wyur. Itc- how thunk-yum canyon -...._..____. no ndghhuc who had but unity ulng Du. HIIIIOI'l Bun- Oogrw PILI-I, to would, like `King liipt, look Iunduloun. All but and nnnnnn` Could bib I-union. But _._%.._._,_._.._: Tu Alriceu King, who lleteuetl lo the white meu'e eloty ol travelling upon en ioe bound river, wee lnoredulmle. H--w could molt thing: bel It wee ell e lie. But H the: oeme ebony ruler bed vieihd our country in the cold weather, he would lnve eeen many I guy, dueling teem of enluele III-sting huge Ilelghe, lull ol lnppy people. he slid eel nllee new the lumen Inlet. le led. Wiener ; be our aerulnl eeeeon lot oeoot nope 1 end Imuaou. Tine ere none eldhne dmton In ourlenole villegee who 4 let nnnnlnilhennonilnntonv-u-lnlhn. end : YufI.l. .. York, W.. ram . . . . . . . . . . Perth, N... .. . . Perth, 8. ... . . Peterburu, E. 4 . . Petarboro, W. . . Pruoolt . . . . . Prince KJnrd.. Ranfruw, N .. . Ronlrow, S. . . Rmull . . . . . . . . Simooo, 8., . .. slulco, E . . . . .. Suuouo, N . . . . . . Stormont... ...l Torontn, lC.... . .1 Toronto, w......1 Victoria. N. ....l Victoria. 8. . ....l Wuurloo, N... .l Wnterlm-, B. . .| Wol|md...... . ...} Wellington, 18...! Wolllnumn, U. .l wllillgluln, `V. .( Wonl.worth,N...I Womworth, 8. .I York, N . . . . . . .I Y:-tk.E. . . ... ..I Vm-k, W, 4 _, ...l Muakonaz rar- ry So\uul.... .M M.) `.257. Norlulk, N . . . .M Aoonuu . Norfolk, 8 .0 Aoolnm. . . Northumb'ld,E M Mnj H10. . No:-t.huxnb'ld,W M Maj 23.. OuI.ariu,_N. Maj 185.. Ontario, 3. . . ..0 MI) 131)..` 0uAvu...... . . . `M Maj 52. Uxlord, N. . . ..M Aoclun. .. Oxford, 8 . . . . . .M Mnj 260.. Paul .M Maj 203. . N.......M Mnj 149.. M Maj 182... I)..A..-l...-. (I II..' IR`? In snnising contract with the sciatic oslvsvsguiossqrl - our loan! oonumpornry. - on tho uslill of tho dirty` olootion in ill Inodosi comment on the gensrnl ronull throughout tho province. The lolur Irtioia in ovidohlly than most pitiful tis- luo of limping spoiugic-I and ndlniuionl which it Ivu poiaiblo {or tho Tory scribe ` to psrpotnto upon psper. For example It rolorsitn on. Mr. Mount boing `rg\_a_t `ad in End! Toronto, whorou he mine I wvilhinn of boating ox-Lioutonsnt (iov- ` ' lornor Motrin in_ I oonstitudnoy which . nu Hoplonibor roturnsd I Tory candidate to the Dmuinion Psrlisment by over 900 majority ! Altlui um. time that 0 was that pushing Mr. Morris so liar , Mr. ` Mi-rut: wu `routing hi: own proper opn ` ponsnt in North Uxiord to th.-. tune of ' 1,404, uujoi-uy, ! Wiist nonsense to talk I at ' L the pleasure it gave Mr. Mon-is lo 1 best. Mr. Mowsi. undo!` circumstances ' `like them. We can eufly undorltsnd ' tbs: Mr. Morris wss'pluued,' but it | mu not bocume he luul rontod Mr. ` Mona: by n microscopic mnjority, but ' bocauu ho himself had unnngod to get 1 `into the "null! At all, crop ihougli it I HUI`, like his lesdor used to get elected ` for Kingston, by me very skin of his ' teeth. .---___.._..._A "-603.