Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 May 1879, p. 3

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roux nouns` At .1 per dospn, hm! 1 hut n ma `I'll Puncun Unumuu. .11. ----V-m - "V II- -Curvy`-, pun Mnnnmln mm unlna, and man My lmpvouihh agent cu uncaring the onunuy uoohlaq oulonon We holiuo that In Luna and on nu 70! "0 Vufllvr on baa MIMI n| tho Jun 5 armmifo.` gm `wk, ` GOLDEN LION GROCERY. unupyuu . the nine, lnnnnnnnuln nan-pl -.- Dunc Punor.-A for .1. yo -inn, an vuulutnl I potent right Iuhlulg lnlthilll paid I visit to J:-non "MIC, uul whon inch: vicinity:-I tho Unnmnonl dun, tho he-no` halal 0:9 our! on, In which Io In unwind. ("of 0 precipice, -Moth 75 loot in huqh. The noun 1 nut. to-On; lboinnihhlo null. slun- dnnodih uhiolo, point right and all. Thohorulntludodln the lap nln` Itomlmnvhkh phnobo loll to than button. The In donmyul. but . dunno lunar. an unlnn, ...I I r"*'- "` ' """ """"' Tho) no-mmond uhnt than (`umnnr tool npo_ to the (lemon! O--nuuiuoo upon Ilnndny Honing Itch nlinntu I out and ntlor noouury mutton. In: the pupoon ol unauining than ilovnn may will unonbla on In"-lay av ouilm u 7 30 o'clock at tho City Cunuoil nlliccc. Pu-wmm -AI-I. loving, Clnknul; /"1'! M.-It--I-in. F00, am!!!` I'M` Wllm ; (LM. \Vnlkinoon,J.O. Juno-. all nil) power in mid In their nnuhor. I-nu I|..n .. I u -- nu, ulna II`. '\.'\II. mu. ..~ -u. Uunnuuss nun MI'uu'.- Mal. Ponce, Uhunnnn; Alds. Hukm anal Mcl)orm--H; S.I*l. Hun-o,J.|| Mole-1|lo_ A. lmiugnl--II. II Nmull Dr Hnllivnn Imun (Yul l.`..t- LINl'|HlV`. - IIII Maura, \\'_ l'nIrlv, . |"auwI-L. J Ilull.-A mu. ll. Tnml . Ju. Mun, H \V, Irhnr, (Hun, Capt. Wlln-m, Wnllxnnu IVUWFYI KIIPI. IIUTUIIJ, JIIIIII |"ICl\)"JII'III Snmln` lhuwmu llm-M. Al-I Mclulym, Chnlrunn; Altln. Mclhnns, J. I (M-h\r- ||oova;J. Muclnlaat-m, R. T. \\'n||nun. \V` N. Mmgnya, J. lhclnululnl, (`. I". SmiUI,Ju Mumm, T. Driver, R (hr dinnr, J.h. Knrlnpntrlulx, Hem. Iinrnlunl, Ii. Wnldr--u. Luoul.-Uul. Ulnar, Lt.-l`u|. Irwin, and IA.-Col. Uuuv-n. FLU. Iun~o,.I.II nlou-1IIo_ A. lmlugnl--I II. Nmtnll, Drknllivnn. Imvut Col. Um tun, Lumt -Cul. Dull um, 11:3` Wnllmm. __B .A Ahuu.J'4 [ can or A-mull nnuvr. A n e wu.|.nu ~u.: .`.':I Vuuuuuvuu. I"):-:vmv.nInu.~4.-All. llnrty, Ohnirmun; :\ldI. Irving anal Uurmm, Mann. A. Tlnbmln. S. C. Md-`Ill, F. Slut, John Puwer|,J. Cnrruths-rs, R. Gage, (I. S. llubnrl, '|`. Driver, ll. Nuttnll, Jon. W. Power, IU. Luwudu, J. U. Junou, RX. Couuinean, W. Cuverahlo-, Liout. Drury. Hergl.-Mnjor Ulnrh, Lt.-Col. Cnmpbell. Lleut.-Cal. Stnubonlio, Lt.~CuI. Mount, and Mnjur Walker. . nu-u.-.nu.. ALI Il_l4 ._I..A.. n.|.uununmu. -- mu. M-slum Clllllll; Aldn. McCuurnnn, Drnlllll Rsddall; Mcun, ls`. \Vnm|.~4, R. W. B: lu-r, J. Waluun, R M. II-puny, JIM. ` |'uun~r, Capt. Horsey, J..!m Mul\ny,.lu Snnilh. Iluiusq - . u.. . RlI'|H"l'ION Coullll. ~- Ilin \Vonhip the Mnyur, Uhniuum; Ald. Dronnnu, Mater r-f (farunmnu-I: and the Honortl Committee. .nu nu . n. A|>|m.xss.-Hi| Wunhnp the Mayor, 8. Woods. WJI. Fuller, M. I-`lnnngnn and Judge Price-. 'D..........-...u l`....u.-u.--- lli- l\I....|.:.. A uul)-cninmiueo Clllplzl ul Alain. Urennnn, Mvli elvc-y, Ihrty, Penna; Lt. Cult. Canon and Slmubouziu, Menu. J. C. James, F. Shaw, S. \\'mdn, were Ip- puiuted In select. sub-mnuniucun and ru~ port within half An hour, I lunu quite inmlequnlo. They, however, wore pro- pnred with the fnllnwing nanmu, whioh they had nut lime to ruviao. Sumo re uretlul ouniuionn warn nude. umply ho- cnuuo the cnmnnitloo Ind llul tune to no viaolhe mum: u lira! nulunillod : .\cMruuvs warn tmulzirud from line! l'u||n:h`c|mo| Hum-d, lhu uatmnml nncu-~ liq-s, Hm U|zu|gr|nen_ Imnl nth:-r hmlwn. A water uxcnrnhm fur pnrluf n m tiny and I lint class l':\gllI.ln wurapr.-I -ml . but not nally acted upun. Iuuun Iprcmlly iuvitmi In Vlull IIu- Hr- pln:um' H-um-, 'l'lm gulmrlmtnrinl party will nllvml nurvnuo at St. George`: Umlhmlrnl un Snu- aluy. Uu Momlny morning they WI In-nvu fur Quuhu-3 direct by npecinl nlmuu- 'I`he of llm public In-Iialny munu up. The ax,-uuu M the Council In nulnmg Friday, the 30th, III plume of 'l'|mr||:ny was niunual Iumnunously npa luuvml. -4 I ruin`. - Thu Uaunluilleo decided up -n I Cilin . 7.rnl' Concert. in tho Upenl Huuao, Hu- .H'l.. (Soon,-a": Sccluly having In gin; may I wil.h`lhoIr prnpnpdd mm in r.nm~-pumvu. . Friday muruing ulll be spa-M. In [Lu 1 riying Tif" thv1*1wf'nhvIIr nf" +,+nnvn`t {`-ull-`gr. mnl .\'uln|'u|a_v murnil-g at the Mnhury (`n||:-;_v,~. 'l'|m ufluruuuna am to I he (la-Vulml, pl`:-hzllnly, In Vinita lutlm Imhhu inallluu-mu. Thu l'rincoan Inn ` It the Roldan Lion Granary W ........m. ... ...u The druwgugqu` Ully Ill upuu c:\'clIlIIg. 'I` `nu-an-umu -nu-. ,--- vuu .4-Iv". nu u II.-tun-I cnr ul tho Unml "l`runk l:.u|wny. A K. `C . I . HR. lnCuu.ull\'u will he in -_r.m,li_ngu`I and draw lhu can at unce :8 lhu ;'M|r|wt lhtlo-ry by the hrmwln lino. Ad.- , dreuz-I will than ho prowutud mu :1 droo- mvml platlunu uuhin the llnuary. in viuw ul tho llwuumlu which lhu vu-la apnea in {mm M tho Ulty Ihll mil av- uununmdnte. Tho civlc guuuls will Ilmu Im ucurted lu tlmir ronduuco. Iuwtll. It mu fully uudernluml that tho lnny would nrrnu from (iluwn by thu n-gulmr uflurnuuu train-I the -_".nh, III A up.-rul ...-- ..r as... n.....a "|'-....1. I-..|..._.. umuer, and I luwul. . nun UVIIITI U lull V". IIQII UI UIIUII IIWTVVL The llnynr Ill named Churuun, and Mr. M. Fluugnn, lhu City Clerk nml time honored Secretary ml Inch ocsauuul, IM Again rrquoauod cu act. The Mnyur detailed all that had lm-`n .....| ~.......l .. ........-...._ 1|... I 9 7 I | . Thor van 3 fury Inrgb sluudusco yw urdny afternoon in the City` Council Chnmlnt, 5! the Gut. no-in; ol tho General CuInuiN.oo'{or the reception 9! Hi: Expollencyu the Uuvoruoroouonl , And Her lloyul Hi;-hues, the Prince Lnuioe. All cJnuu.mbatl-nynlly ulollcal their pleuuro II waning -lamun-un- 1 lion. The clergy of the city ucru n~pru- . ` noted by lully om Jhdl ul thou numbor. I "Pb... Ll _ . . . . - _ . . n . m -.I f`L.......-.. -...l 1 +'1'a1c Bamsn an us.- aw You on buy more pounds of Buyer (or one dollar et the Golden Lion Grocery than anywhere elee. ` W `Ill? mtniox. .......... ... ...... r u-nl `ml-I cumlulllvu III llw I gum-ml ( lul- I-- AM. Mv3Ku|vey. Mc(}|mrnnn_ Ill-.omnn. 0 Mnynr, Chairman; . J. K. Oliv-r, (I. S. Luclmn. R. Mmphoh . s.--m I u....u.. .:1:luWl. K. Hwpnafn . Spill, J. Muck|e~ ,Ju (l||InIny_ M _ W. (`L Craig, Jun. mlll will bu hehl |n llm Tlmn-Izny our Fnlulny - , nu -mun u. ml monulvey. Hr-mnnn, ` . Bnr- ` I,. \l'\ wmc ruvizsom. A MA-V `o. 1379. Ilq II Iluhhooru I u.- CDC ! W D. m ! , I-nwl Mn Ipm Ah--qt In CIR Q as hon choc no i main all Ila add u.a.u..Lm W .900! $ III mII|I'll, I`, jli I. thank! Inca-kahuna his .4 .5... L. 5.4 .. |........n. X KCC II KOCH I I XVII` r.u.n..uu. um: luupodu a. kinship Obohonlitubhon 5. [10 hit the eily. || Ihhl ho was Iuvul I04 about-I. the Dunno cm in lvoc nuts I" OM00. ad in which III III batons! on account 4! Nu `rut charity. Mu Id dinpuoiuun and Minor ouvnbltn q man No wont lurch mm g Ilrmga I IMI alcluo-I uvo-|'IMUIu lmu `holy that nun Inn bun a dark huqr \ urn-Ilnl I-nu; BM in tho h J dulmon have we unt utbobb ` god you the mutually Logan g Ilnn I-and Inn:-In-Ihn no in" ( I ICIMIONAIIDI 'I'KIIH- `none two In!-olnmunhloaohotl llonouavaplola w-ch av oonvouloneo INI lulu. muau.-cl on All Btu. nppmlh the new Park. A I "" ' nun scam, Inni |0Ih. Cunrnrl.--r. IIQIIX OIDIIIQCVIIIC `".|l' .)|lI. UV ` Almighty Uul and Hunt Inn` to the service an! the pour. At tho oluw | u! the muucrauum l"nHm' l.mm_r-I nun ` the hymn ul [nun u I nut hour-I bun sum it bvl-on. Ho know Ihnl Nu-ma mom line can oonooeruod In an arm` oi the poor; mun randy hunch to mu-ir c-r tn Hod`: huh ohldron. cums-guouuly luv roj-awed. Ilul while he pmuoul lum- hu wool Inc the hungry but be ntiutlul tho Iknod unul I and no! tall yuu (llontlulo tho ouuboutolhuu tn Mn, II hip--to (mu the pulpit, vent any more than nunlo-I. Ilia uruur uuhroughtn banluvith Bhutto v Ihwoodd. Int Ch Inn 0! A -nan gang A .l.- ..... -L... auuunnno. n 1 lhobodoloalioulorll .In-i_.JtL....-.i..J... Ill, Ulll tn thgir soul: .Mi.\n.i 1|: |?T".`2Tu.A|. .~xIni:I.~":' A Futlwr 'I'wulu-y, Inn: a Lulu nu-r in the nuns vim-.g:m| null: Fnuhr} I,uu|ll|l'd, pr:-ache-I the fn.u-rnl aarmun, n lzmk for i Ivhnh he wnl acnrrely Iillml, in (`mIM*- qm-m-uni illm-an "Hm lusslu-Lu loulxng ly H the full-ntlllg etfect " ".\Inl if llum draw nut. lh_v mul lo the) Ilungry. and unify lho rfzclenl null; then nhull thy light rims in ubwurily, and thy dnrhlwu be an the noun day. An] the bum almllguide thee cunlinu- n|ly, um] uliuly my gun] in dnmght, mnl nu.-Lu [At thy bum-a; and thou ahnll bu I lilm n wnlo.-ro~l gnnlc-u. and him a spring of walara. whose waters full nut " 3 ' The Rx-quiom mun omumoncod At nine ` o'clock, the Hilhop ullicintiug, uainuul by ' Very Rev. Vicar (lunornl Furn-Ily, and Father Sum, nl VTmy_ N.\'. Fulhor { 0'(`.u.Imr, nl AlsnuJrin_ mm the (`lth branl; Rev. Father (inulhic-r. `of \\'II- Iinnlnl->w':I, Ilmwull, qul lhsv lhtlwr May I Wnllinugl, ml: legend, The ca-Iahnlinn 1 of Hm nhna Wu an-lemn and nl-(`ling I Th ohuirnnng with unusual fvrvunr uml ( feeling, Ind hell Act and u/m\'mm-tn. scanned tu iucroano Um inn]-rm-nnivmmu nfJ IV the nccuinn - .,... ul Thll murninu I lnrgounmher of clergy - an-llanly auomblod in 8!. Mary`: 0:- - ~ tlwdnl, to participate in the funeral uh- luguiaa ol the late Father lauuunrd. The I clericnlgenllumou in utundnnce ecu! r -odd I the fullnwing, he-nlu-I the lucnl prionu . Very Rev. Fulln-r Fnrrelly, v.u., Balle- nllo; Ruv. Father: Swift, Tray, NJ ; Mt-Carlhy, Brock ville; Mnclmy, Tyondim r 3.30; U'Cummr, Alumdrin; Mud. Mor- rinburg; lEnuthier,)\ ill`unntuwri; Edward Murrny, Kemptvillog Chuhu Murray- Cornwall; Stanton, Wutport; Twonnsy, Controvillo; O'Donnell, Pr:-ncntt; Kc-ilty, Tnludu; Mcwnllinmu, Rliltnn; Spun, Wullo Inland; Cum:--lly,|Cumden; Mc- Duriough, Nnplnee; Cney, (Luumoquo; Dounmch. Brewer : Milln; Hugnn, Emily; w.I.I., r..mu; Fuzpalriclt, Ilnngerford; Kelly, Forth. an n . I) Thnhnobooch! I/Iuanuuooia Inu- dtlon: MIT lens I! I'll UAIIII 0! ill LA- lllrnrlnrunn n.nnl;nn, This Nb of mortal month, In lmu oulnubof the Ilfo clyuhn. Whoa pun! II cull Daub. "A muv mm is a Penny Earned." dtlon ; Tl-in 0' bun nlnnbof um Ilfg 1-Iv Thonii mu oi .;w_.u. In the mag". And nurulngo Int Ibohud. _. _ urea gum-u, and mm :4 ` Isaiah l.\`Il, Ill, Tlinium onsnqmu. Iuumlaauon DIAIKI II hwnu `ha IAl='ohu|l 4 Van Inn --l. u `luau - u \/"IOIC" u n,` ny-snug. :1 Thu FIMIIIIIMOIII In u-oduou-I in g u wr-Lulu. Incl tho I--lluwmg an Inn I1 Aral " at Euminon lppulnhd by the Ilumnul ' I Uunlu ronru. ;| luv. u. J..|muu._ M Ln n,, M..... II ` M117. W.Jnchon, Kingston; J. Allen. M A Il....n...I. It II-_.l...J I|_._L...|.- ; wt uu-C. FIVE l.0'l . 0: Albert and Nolan: Strut}. wall [sand and nulldlhnyolu conch I uuuhu-ofnboloo apple Inn. Apply to R. W. NI8|ll`l'l'. Jn` I879. Bu-rlo luau. Nauru (`yd lztkv/I47)IA>B`l.i~"I".ll.l'la'I`:-'l_1n_o;o`3;; Int-ohm nu! clnnoholl llonnu. mulch- r - IIIIODIIIL`. (H lulu . hi II`-mrth Ynu'- um 13...: ..u. 'l(\\'nl-nun]Iunluula-1 Put II nul Ill ) I A;-ul--goum,(l-'mIur,) L-raw, (Whau-3)). (hlunplnyucm (llnu-ll-m an-I Sta-at.) Duel; lum nl Moth-ulul. Church --I (`nu t ch. The cuulndnhu no Thar-I \'ur--W. It. \'.mu.;, Wnltm I -vurlh Var -~S. Kllury, (hvnrnlnll, nud 1` ll C-ouluy, II A_, No-burg. 1'}... ... .._.... . I . ug' - _... -._,l -1- I iifvsn T0-DAV _' ', |lm|`.gn|||y, (nun! ) ' Thlrel \nr Eng-nu ul llm \\'.nlmu'n luatlurqn Part I . Hal: ` Ulu-uh, Ilulury ul Rel:-runl A (Fat llnlury --I Mothoulmu. (mm Ithot--nv. (Whuolp. ' Then 1 (W30.-nu": Iunlllulro n nl A....I....-n.... ;|.`..s... \ I urn.-. Ooh Icnat. I KIM-Loo. but-I Winn Q Ihalt. I `I Ion gunk: hit: I and (min: ue Ihulon (lad OIL II: In: {Hun Dlmnrund Indian! and II: . `lvltoutik Ions. idol Oval. Io $, Iluuvla Una. uoublo too Iotlov haul Icnllnglathgul Nu bvuhddoul g Mud. hlvcon Iydouhn and Inn`) '0 cu.-nun--cg, no. an-n. mm long, I A.,H.D , Uluvo. Bl?`l.llll0 Illa In Us Housman-In ol Avbnbu Anna lithium. Mano Hath Dwell In 11 ad 71. 0u.Ior~1..lIu-and In-Lookou-5 Vnualluunan Alta-luau. I I In...- pm: , vv .a-A;-vuu, nlnpunlg J. Anon. N. R . uni!-ll`. W. ulotil. Plbluio, U (1:-null}, Urunbyz. Mcltolcluo. Al- }Iuuulo; `V. "I". Munlrnl; J. Ilhu. U. I)., Hr-nkliul; D. Luau. M A . Innuul;J. I. Hagar. I.A` It--apt vnllo; V. U. Wdllouo. ll`->qI.I -in; W. b. I -L.-I.AA..`I. Mt [ML-. -...l I III M... vuuv. r. u. vv II-$-o, u-nlu -II. "- o. nncuu..eu.m. John; and J. w. up...` IA... II A an nu--- ` uuu. um um Juu:Ilu:AlI-In, nloy nu III-* |'uI[rclIunann| Itofluv ul Sermons, -u--I 1 (Hal '|'~ulnnn~nt IIIII-.ry_ (h'mIIh'- ) } 3';-x`~III-I Y--ar Hlo;(u-om ui MAUI:-Iv an-I Juhn, \\'|l.oou'| Imutulun, Pan ll. Jlnlury ul lhochordt, (Ku|r|I,) Nalurnl 3 ? llmu un. l"llulu-v'- (|"u'uv) (shown-.1 Hhnlnnr l\\ hand: \ uumu | ` Ml`. T1rgy:\rl, J . |'., of Redford, that Mo- _ Hrngnr ha! been lined by him 84' uml cnau m ouch of tho 3- how cnnrs f--r ullnug without I luco-nnv. Au Mr. Lingo could nut pr-we MI . T:\,';\_;nrl'.~) writing. Ind thorn In no mulmc.-e to prove me conicnto to be gmnnvm, Mr. MnKun docliuod to rocmvu |.HlwUu u; ur n xuvuuuuua nuuu . n. ulpr-cinlly In it nppouod the nun:-as hm] been issued by III . Tnggl upon In- lurnuuiun laid by 3 friend an! Mcllugufg and nfmr ho hml been served with the Imnm--Inn paid Ly Ur. Mcliim, the 84': I..... ...nl...n...I I. II. 'I` ..... _-n I l.,. .u......--u- |v-In 1. |-|. |I]|:l\I|||. Inc Qu linu mllictnl by Mr. Tnggut being Ilw umalle-at amr-um. umlor the By-luv. Mr M:-Kun re-aervml his decision ml he could \'L`nlI!l||l. -nth the Clx-rig (If tha P61Ct\. Mr. Inngv prmllwcd I pnpvr, which In mid he lu.ul received [rum Mcflregor, and which pl-|';`.rtml to bo- n rorliliclle hum ` ,HrI`-gnr nul n. n4! 3 u. .x....|. AA 4 I... .. a:q`my.g; rif '."u'a='.u...n .,,_. 9:-:_ 5- "-"s'3"-3`... .-..b...., um. nu, .nuru:-uruuus I-u Iuluu In the bvlltwnluluco and uucouing -.I..-nu.|.. nf thu Io-cum! fur the puur, warn nrel!-`I In tho ayes, an-I many aub- hod inllright. With I hula variation Cowper`: -nun uny be lisp-ul by en-h wlmirr-r -If the law Fuher lm.-cur`! . Wh rt [mum-ful _lnuu1 I once uujuynl 3 Iluw nwurl. loin meruury -till! Iluw nmmury Hull hr hu leh nu Itching vui-I The world can Inner Ml. rnoun_g_wvoiIn:T * April lo. nudu of tlm c lengm.-; and I .AI `|\,. L .. -yu--u. During the dolivery of the urupou lho eumlfon 1-! many in tho oongnguion III ulonrly manifest. All `were nttoulim And ha'um9l vi I1 melagnchuly heart: In Ur `Mn-I munliun winch Fntlmr Twuhuy carer! u-T" Inn milmtarinl (`HI- |.... ... . , I 1. 1 .. Iv Iva. 'v- -bu. he in saying in on `big monom. Yu gll luau It 00"-vyui have been dam; is {or dine lays. Mo uh lot yuur puynu pnyol-L II: at: you all ~-to pry wuhout ooumg,Lu if then in my cum upon hi: coal in may ho tripod uuy, that Almighty God may gnu him the outlan- lug rent of Ihlch u prophet lnhsh Ipenlu. H....;.... .1... .l .|:._.... ..t u.- _-_,_,._ KL ul amtu-dnyoounquyouull on In ho. HUI oloqvuut the pram! Thong bugmlul nod eloquout bio, unnou` in lilo none can an buutllul and eloquent II that which be opcnhto II to-day. I Am nun it in nlnmnnnn on loll rm: II was Ilucn DI Iplllllo II l0'Cl]. nunoouuq 00 loll you thin All II bol Inn hni Inn. mnlelorunl nmmuun. ...--. ..-v uuruuu u- ` I mnwcr had been inucd In Me- `umw English (haun- n,AmhIuotn-.Uoogng-hy. Mn-lnrn Hlltnry. -9-- amonl, 'l'haul--gy. (\\ an- uh, an ru-[v I`'r|u`o \ I. 0. Iol. I um umlcluug un Prluoonn urn: lonuuly umnpioul h_y luau. In-dnnnoll. E. India IlI1o||W (Mina. Plum uf dlmrulcvvsn. wl lrh will has much: In unit ulnlnl-la INmuI.,In;u' no oumlnul on nppllulluu at u mllnu -of BAWDINI IAUHAR. nhhn Linn Illnnl. uu-.-. un- nlu Iuul-s J I OOIAI mu ALDO OOVIIID To Swambdata Vessel Owners i Ann nnmmnsu. ~ I The Royal Canadian IIIUILIOI OOIPANY lIlll.l.H .~:z,(:A m u u-2.4] ` Wllllllli COIFICTIOIIIO. l [Biscuit Mallfsl Isl April. ICC. ...... _-. (H. & w. J. caumum ouculnod tm uppllonlluu $50 mm (lololon Linn Illook. . :2:-to 1-pun-V uuwuu-vv COIPAII. lib at Hull: laid: at have-I X J P HIIJDIIIIEIIVK, `int Inguoq. at All. (` 7. (lllallIIl.IK\'I. I M M Iugab-O. Input. lib Anal. I O Anchor mm lmmoa all llu- Nnvo-liwuufllnu u-mu-u ll:-ullnmo-u mm and all ur-- H-upon-lhIl|\' Om-ilul In mall nun exumiun uur Marl: .uu| gm prlrun Imluru phu-rug unlnru fur 83.:-my lflmlmm. We urn nnw pru- pnrwl In nlmv mun--I HIE LANG l*.H l` A ND b`(N|1`,s |` 5]`: )('[u gym brought so Kingntuu. ulna lu lll|Al(ANl'l'.I'..\ |'|sRH~.(,l` l"|l' AND (IUUD W()nKIAN5lIIP IN ALL CAHICH W. Y. BOYD, Merchant Tailor. dorm-r !'r!!:crxs and We-Illngum stroets. .:__._.----q-n--.-u---u:-s MA NINE INS]/Iu AN(,'I'.' PAINTING. GLAzING.}US=B THE`-' AND PAIER HANGING. I A NEW AND H.~\Nl).\'H.\l 1'1 STUCK UP SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEI n nmml Ilna I'M-It Aha: no {inn palm-Jmlu 0| lH*.N'l`l.lCM r N)! I`|IRN|_q|||N() (IUOD8. iurlnulmg u I lluf Nnvo~lumu_nfIIu: | l I`A\ll.. \I1 I l White. Uilhlnl mnl RI`;'al"l| Sllirll, Hnat ll xskn. Silk D Ilonuouml Tlm-ml Ilmm-u_\ . Dent`: amxl Mm-I nmkon n- I amllru vs It.-ly ; Hill: ll.un|k\ n-|uu1`n, nu;-I.-u Ii-I uunrlu Lmlio-n` 'I"mn and lhmdlowrn IN-I}-. -Iupa-rh. 'lugo-l.|mI' will: .1 Hilk lhnlvn-Ilsa. Vnluun. .\n- .1-lug Ilm |-out Sun-I in the -um-I. Nu lmuhlu Iuulluvl (Inn-in - ., _, .;. ` ' F Avnuv 1*.-nnrou1-um: BRICK nw 1.3% LING. with carrhuzo Inuun nttnoloshon ` Alla-ml nbmnl, will In nolol or lot. AP! to VANl)lWA'|'Kls II. B '8, (M|m-lIu|l.arhoNI,v-out I `um umlalmg Priuoonn luau. lmliol I I A?! re-ru~I\'c-cl lulnpriuu Impur` mg:-Ilu-r with u -plmullnl |Iu lho Iinnnmnn IlldI'0I4|v\'1`l|lIH\' rml gt!l|vrIl|_\`. and Ivy pullw alluul mu u~flhu|r|>.nI`uI1.u'I` ml In [luv [.11 I. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Thus. Seale,Merchnt Tailor, Lrlnal. MVIIIO IIIAIHN cw men rr uncut noun-r unis nport. Nu lmulrlu K lug-Ion. April lm-k ul M-.w l`.ar|n-ls. (NI Clollm in ilhml In xuhcl Allwric-ml (~mm-Ilnln,_- now). also his splumllcl ntm-k 0| Wlntlt Ilulmln,-:-. ALEX- % Boss ladies if ypu wa?1t_t`-qhg`v_t;_yu_u{Htiuse Lnhk I-l\lI- 4` A Klllualnll, M:I_\` ` .-T-13-; NIAKTIIIC PAIK-'l'W()R`l`0Nll2 mm W on Wulliu Gun II. It pnoonl oooupbd by In I In and .Ioog`ur.Knq. Pouuobu In In my. Applyw ._ D. B. PHIPPIU. .} larch `Koch. II79. Br1i'ss3`lsH airidw Tistry Ciirpets. `Cheap. AT!` 'VK7'.A.I.JD.'R:C)l"S- lb PIIPAIIII 70 lI`I`Il'l' `II I\I:\' -9! I I \J\Il "" nouanr vur TE! uu run: sun In ronoxro. Which will be oorod to the Public 5% Prion much lower - A than regular valuo. April `Jli. jin- BAKERS, opauen our nus somatic 8 CASES DRY GOOD Illf A`? TE ! LA?! IBIIAIII uni-n Ii -nnnu-A U Mny Slh. ll. Ouuinonto arrive in a. fewvdayg. . -----no----r- `lhpour lfnrpob. new Patterns. 1'0 70. 7-5. HI` NI~V "|:lA\fllIl llrunuvla (fun-la. 5 I"runu-, l`lu- Air New l`nu-run Ksdmiuntt-r (':u'p-LA T--. `'0. (1. [KW llmnclwnm I Itt~rm`.` Pl WooI`(?urpv~n| 7. `J0. 3' l`n~n Pntuwun Dutch 3 -cu "A- NPAI {lon\'_\' Uuiuu Curglulq .5. 50. (Ila lleuury "Mup Unrptah. |. . 1!). 2. : No. lflmup l4p|uu| Mann, Cow: `MI: and llanrlh Ru;-n 1|) Pnlru New I):-auxnu Noni: Loon Ifunlun, (Thnup. Thu Ulullpt-ll lam Curuln out-ohnul 4 yd: lam: Oil.-'10. lie-I `nu nnd Mnrnelltm Whlh Qrnltn. our: value. `Do: at Cown. l'hnw (`m-org, Column! Tllvlu ('I Limm Crumb Clollu. all vuzou 1-ll--up I) Ilrnllnnnnnu I-1:-_-_n, -n__.n_nn HI CLIHUIJ. nus. r-nnnum on um wall uuo oi Kin] Blunt. lnul ooouplul by J. Uumsron, 8:! koour. nu the tuna Rummy Coiluqn ` Apply to x. COUSINEAU & 00., an Inn Emporium of Fashion. (` V. 'In'|.'`o""I. Anal 1| lmuhnn ID. Iihl. 1.` -{N . I ?1,N\ N. 13 \ `, la?!` `Moe. CALL }wo'ssr;' .u L H! `HUI ..*`\ I .'l`[ I`)-N`. I Qlnirln Run! n ulsnln Hilh lhu-i >Hh-IIH1-Innln I l"IIrIn-ulmu_vu. which unnlml. lm A-14-ullml II| In In NH ll'0Iu H: I-mm-rnua ymlronam wall :9 III puhhv l.lu- mum: ul Inn rlmlmln-ru. hupos tn have I emnl`Inun.~.- , \:l|IIll1Il| I hum \ I'llll. hlllvll uruum umuu. Ill Illmc I'll.-an A II. wu.Inw_N. Wilson's Buildings. 'i`lll P|\HslC.\I on the want Aldo or Kin b]J.Uumu'on, koogor. Rollin: Coiluun laid! on hid: : - or nu ! I "If!!! l$ h-:1`: jllld I 7:-vhu 3:4-wt no I 1nuvnn.Ihunu. Ihu uh-o pupal nun-i . fn'n.t-vs ,l|ooIfohI.ItIH my unynr I-can-I Inna. I I unnu- Yam bun. nal. o Izif L51 Iv. ,,......-..-.;. ::..':l......... ...`3'..'I.'."!'..`..'.".5"..`3 `."`c'r'n"? ulhudnlhu hi-boll no nucleon: Ila Sh |oI.. bud glvln ya-any than lulu-not out It clan .J ,0":-r cupuhnl $1 . ' Iinl` I lID-3'I,` At an olmuou tn boil In you Conny Iuhms uul lat-Ibo lluqlahdlbu nudldnla for r was and blunt` I; rtmo-I -pun III can hours In 1--I. It an alarm! to n-about no In tho IFI hr uu-ac I Ipd - all no .34 an nonunion D `ball the Arulng Mm sunny in yuuollu. U1 uh not uonurvn slaw Iomanh (val DI knot of ulna:-Ir no-I. and u-cllmho of tho pubic upon!- 31"` lvmolclnnn lulnoouh vs-rule tbdu {and oqnnluolubo `treat I on pnuolh um- ! 04-. ' A bus! 0' (bid hi-boll `union .173 runs: than Ind-Iul mun. n ml-on . mzu1'|.nnu.- A4 :I._ -|- To the Elomora oho llontonl Division o!_ frontcmc IOIIIP. II c. w. ANDREWS. ' ' T Nnvrn Hemp 2 wm not lnjum the Flu-at lnbrlc. Wlollrnu Ilw ltlollu-n! I IOIOH In: 1103-00. hunt D It CMLVII Ultdu. Iv IJUI. To Make Washing Easy. ulna) . h'mIl.t'|l Mllll Fur: Lin Tw mh_ Nmrgt-.1, \\ .- mn I-`urni-uIuin;_vu. which lm I'l'|`"IiIl I mm.-as ma In-dent Wu:-.r. Th mEEikH - Ind u|nvu_ Hill Snark and Len In nu-ul . Ifuhlnu Iml Alhluliu lhuwur-I. In .1 line llnnuf lhnlwhor (Junta-_ Lgillgq he Out) to clmunn lrmn Cull uuzl In You an lay on D080! of ,l|!=r'umnm| (hum l.Vnu|n\vuur. E ` kid G|nvm_ uml Lu ll . Ifulhlnu nml Alhhcliu Draw: Han-u Imlmr I lm xl I-Inn lad: :81 `l'.iI6i`. WM. HAY, I'IIIwaII'1I Wr-us|nur.- I . cuiifn. 1," 150!` Ill VAUHIIN --.nl noun. gudou nacho-I. lion OI hudkrd nun: Inn. Awly Itu II Wlm unruun. _ [ rm: mono mm. on `wolunjion `u untzhll : -l nlr.iui'| `nlll. lions I 0 ll. { A " umnfai uswmmm Ilrrh ISIII. on not WA-rn., % " V"-%-`.:.':.-1-.-' .:.'.*::::.'-...-* -*- -- ' W! lluhfulorx nroooujlvon. ' N.`Ma,-NEIL, ,. No 66 Brook Hunt. Ila I ma :9. mm . i _ Anti! 19.1379. gun}; 5! sum AIIIBIST ISLAND my. an ll. cIElL ,f*;;_~j Alllellings `and Public lluildingsI`f:_'E. i.?n`_?_ : V N Ilia. gsl ' at can uvu on. ; I I huupuhloo mess ro pa;_n. .k I-:'o;. Sale. ` ITI an Alhnn --ul I.l.. ornlouol IIAWDIH & HACHAI. ran: IIIIII. Ions loll! A NKWLAND .J.L_.A 4hMuJa r App}! { WILLMII `ALLI . Wnlllnnon Strum ll.l.lAll `ALLEN. We-lllnzton sum. - r o-- -._...3._..__ , W: uI'cKuriug S j0h_ lot ol the linen lignnllty ol` Josephine two-button kid I 0 gglovuu Mann per pair. sold obo- {ldlgsyhom u u.3a.-s. Human: & Box, $UW `IK"-IF`l `IT UUTX M (Ma; Ouvan-nigh n!- I`O-o. Thy unhulq nu` alt. Tuvhonbpluuullhooddohib lug. Ihnlhdoldtbll. Ulnnulvlilpldhudl gllihunnq Whulubhdthotnuwllhnlhon-` nlouhnodny ipdo |oIboPn- , own. uluuy yin than: M. ` Ilhyvlho N-cl uuthgrlld ugh Iwmnol uvial. -- Tho nun! nuuqdlho IduuioaBookIyo!Inu otIOItu|oIll|Iio bold in the lethal olool, (Mata, an July IIMI, 3|. and Aqua In. 4. W0-luuduy the Inga loot : lingual Allan h In hm-Io by Ir. Il Wan, I.A., Kluptun. on Fridq than uillhoupnponud lnlupno at Tendon in Trolulq en I0-Hltilli Puph. by Ir.\V.J. Sum scrip, Ilnpt-an Inch! Uchuul. :- 'l`|n(l|.n-nun lxrunumt.--ln Goo. I. Nothing, 1! N:-uh Adnmn, Hum, 650 uhv-Ilodgod mumlnotnror 0! sho- glyoorlna which upludo-J st Blmford, In no-Iqniujho mun whq l in you: Iinoo punlunoul I pmpoy M the (hand Tail! Dopot, Id (Io baking and Ihipo last I ll: uplmlu, but In puvoutod hon In doing by an injunction Iron Ibo Ooultd Chantry. -- 9359 A... Union Wmu.-Fur the put couple of ch]: the member: of the Hnilolf Union hut been hoping: uulohlul eye uqmn the vocal: which were Iusdod nth salt for Chicnun, Mu] tho Cnpuiul 0! which ICU not inclined to pay ugulnti-.n Inga. II par day. Ono no! list Ocpluiun Iubailhd to-day, huvuvor, Ind paid the cap; The othan urn olpoolod to lnl low Iuil. -- .s.._4. -- ooo A Cmuouln. Mn. Bhnnnglun nut Ill Int Olllllillllill thin morning I `natu- ral curiuuity, whiah III nl. the very name than 0 very Iuuutnnl thing, Lo. which dm which III Alnn IIIOII hnluhod but Iuenumbod In Ill duly death. It Ind lhruo logs, and I foul with uvon clnn. The utiok united our vmmlonuant. Tho Donluolity Iill be Itufful fut par- msnont pnoornlinn. .. _,..... Tm: Vlcxl-luulu. Co|u:n.t.- The Mu}- nr inform: us that Mr. W. Marlin u gcnorunnly phcocl II lho disposal ul NI Roceptiun Omnmiiteu the Uperu Iluulo, lot the Cancun which it in pnupoood to tender tho (inventor-Gonornl on Sutur- day owning, 3| inn. This in am not lnr which Mr. Martin deserve: Iho [ub- llo llnnh. vululllulll My suu run-uwv nnuu-nu, Ivv notice um I`l.(lJ0 ha: been pluvidcd fur lho Kingston Miliury School Ind [oni- oatiunn; U880 fur the purchase of Bab- cock ulinguidwra (or the Iuvonl Poni- Iominriu: sud 91,1110 for ropain on the Ri-Jen Cnnll. ~-v-o- --~ l'um.u: WoIum.-ln tho nnppIemen- tnry ea1.inutoI,_|nidbefore the llumu o-I Conumum by the Fimnco Minister, we .....:... AL..A nu nun I..- |...... .......;.I..I I...- linhor. f{csl|llITE|I.E|u:e&f68S| " Juunuul. or Anmu-uL1'uuIs." -- Thi. uwrniug we received ulnuthur Mnulrcul olndldnlo fur juurnnlmic lu-nun, bo- iug the uoond now venture of Hunt or- der Iron llu oommurciul motropulia within 1 weak. The Jmlrnal in Illuu tntod, pl-Actiml and thoroughly Oun- diou. Mr. El.` A. Ihsruud ullm pub- I'.I._.. In OunIuva- Iuoouhud _-LaL.._-__a-L_._.A_AA VInn nnA ?Ll}IALu.-Tho remlinl ol Whit Fnlhqr Lminu-I were lo-ft m the Ollrcll hut night, whorl G :- whon they wnopunv.-yed [mm It :1. During the evening great number: of potions vinitod the Uutlnsdrn|,uul muurn- ` fully viewed all tlut in at present mortal ol the departed Ohriltinn. The utmnul respect ha hunuhuwn the deoouod. - ------ 01$ --- FIT !!! lwuwvvu -uv-nu-, -nu. ......._ hither to ounlull Dr. Yntu who Inn llll ropuhtion H aim; I I illlul and omi- ` MM physio.-inn. It in and the puy nllnborodlouno fourteen, who were pri~ Ieribad for in turn, and nllgiven on- oonngomoul by the medical uoumollur. _.___.1-c____ ` A (lq9y__I1Iu:nr.-1'ho thutrloul pu- ' lurguzoo uivoI>aFI-lliollovilh lul night by n the lunujionun Q0-pony, lot (In Inna! of Rev. Fntl er Duifffhnroh, Mnrumn, ? wu ugrcgl. Bnnncinl nuccou, tho nooiph ........unn. A-pm " | WIDUIII II 'l.|r|ll Prinuu Strut. _.__ I Pmuu Counf.- l'ho Iqouut In 3 ybluk today. It in good to Inn I pcuolul Mt]. but it don not inctouo the city cl Provisions on, ghclountdngcuhprlnaplo. mlllbofonndlllkindn . A: W. I. `oonnolra Gnu?! Prinooult. oappddhbhd jg. In llyjn 1iIN|I5JOIIIdvoo- Ir-wilt-In-Iyodvuub mum. oi an-lquhopggl 5.4. U! `III. Udkhoudm: bthltdoou. In splendid cm: a loving out I... -ofho Tncnul-u mam no gain` in an OIOQ [JVHNOD I-of lineman-II, Ind Km`- Iluli. hm. Tllr P-vlu-0 Mnnnlrnla Ihv-M 1 Ilh-Quinton! I nomuul In In!` Io]- log I out, no uh induce the 4`-My (,!.-um dl tn uh awn steps In mule Ibo quo- oluo uh ohdho In lo cut in me mm.-J A. AL- n... .4.L- a|___ uguunuu u. n. \.uI-uuunvu, I-I nnpnuur, bu I-out Acting u ngunt fur hm Urum- pnlnlho pain bcmm-no in that migh- huthuod; T. 0. Duh, Iuignev. The hlll H Illribnhnl to Mu-loo 31-oeulu fan. 7* ._v ..--,~.. ...-- ..v.r......!. -A I30. nl Iluwh mm! hn boon inuwd squirm l.. A. Uuawnllml, ul Nnpuuoo, L`- L... ...H.... -- -..-..n I... 1..- 11...... - - - - ~ - ~ --V _._-.-- 77 .-...... - Jnlm Bury, moonlly nnnlvllrocl to thrco your: in the I'ouItutinry Iur unl- in; twuroul (mm I `armour an M..':al|i- tn], wrivotl hen yell-Ihlny in uhnrgo of Charm our Vu-mg. Winnipeg "III! iomu `.\ ymmq ill: has Kiugllnn, tho dual nut Mu. Winnipeg Inter, tout tun nuwh wloialuvy yntonlly. Ila Dill rlphln how it nu to the Maya: thin mommy. vu|uuun. 1-, |-urvv-ul. uuu duct thirty orohu at lent. -MourI. H. W. and Fro-I. I"--Ivar taro In-Ilohalu-n In-day nu then! return [rum Ianihnl-x|. Thay VII I: want Agnin in lbulll n month. - Never Ill 5 oily In mmninmnn an 3 Iulnjoat an Kmgltun in nu lho cuuuug ro- oopllun. My pl`!O0`l1!llI"( nu cnuld pru- .I..u mm. man... .A 1-..: ' -Tho Nmvhuru Rrporfrr lulkn quite cum, to than Napalm .\'I.m.I.:r.l Hm -..I. --Broclcnllo II n'ur1.-: ulion lhnd on-uni--u the 300: imhut. pr-nun the lli 0 than lr'.'|.I1m nuoaamumarocayl Iuuuu ul K mgnlnn.` -NbIIh|rh hu bloumod out full on tho Inrluot. - The farlmvrn throughout. Mmit-ulna no hnrd It work needing. ml .......,... IUIIIV um. been :1 cuinpi-mniw lTuutu-I, and than l Qvitimns til the act mil nhmit. lu sign nine when Nhufei turned up. l`hu' manna In lhu remit of II previous nvcicloiit, lu- ninmlnod nnolher hurl. mnung tho Imring machinery, and in being iranlml this cause of inlauity had hem: li_ncm'ureJ, um] I romulyhoing appllmi tho l)ul.chnuui in re- turnod tu ronaun just in limo Lu produce the dead of tho farm, and hocnnio the millimmirc Ihsi. Skinner mu. Thu whole piece has 5 tandeiwy In gin) pruinim-m*e to Mr. and Mn. (Min Monro.) whom p8IiIll'l_l`|l|l|(`t9 was linished thrullglluut. The Dutch iwcmul nnd dim-an Wlllizuiimm, and mlnner were pcrlucllylrawn,nml the tang: Anal dances of Mrs. Williiunu-n were warmly npplnildcul. Tluere mo hnih humour nun! pnilion, nnd [hey urn placed in touching contrast. The heart iuuzida merry one uminelnt, and tho non. Ilia af- fecting ucone brings ten`: to the you, and tho uyinpathy nf tho undioucu in in- Ierininghad with Iho I`;-iuud udmuan! the porlurmen. Mrs. Wiihniulun in voru til:-, in very voraciuul in mine parln, and bucnmon lavourile [mm the nut- ...... .,......... .. . -......,.. .... ., lhu pruwnillug xunlnlinu mu] fun-r nl uodny, and |mvm,I n-xpe-riuuunlml up--n `Lu `Hill |";|ruI,' struck ml Mu] lmc:um- u nillinnaire. Thu duud uf {hi}: plum `hufel hml hid undor a hr,_j_rk Ill `llm nhl Ianrlh 4-I his humus; vihilu STtinncr tlndnxgllt In im-I nlulen and (lA.`IL(t|yl`ll H, mud n `w n his umnmlvu in) wt nhuut um-mug .4... u:...:..| L..- .I......|...... .....| .n.. --Buul.iI'nl MQKLFI-at ! -Arthur P. Devlin lmn gunn L4) Eur: 1..-nu-uni; D1I`IlU' nu: nmnnux \Il uumu ul Inn-cl um-I, .ml llw an uch to bntde. Tulluwing Hrs llwro in n luprerululntiuu uf Iullilnry lifv, lln- d'I||in;g of lhe :urk' Mtfd roquml Ivamg maulu excrmlnlu,-Iy tnumug by Hm blumlariuu ulupnduy ul lho Dutchman. There in: lung iutrrvnl, q ippnrem. lapse of time, during which Qua Int in ended and 11 cumrmle uf lhu J .n.n,, , n I ; rau'f.-r lhr pugmunluf n Iunrlgngu hold ] him Uh Ihv uhl` Dutchumlfl liulc hmno. n the dilumum Duncan h'kimu~r lllg:-,I- Ill iuIua-~lhnc Ht-uh-I should go in- tend ul him In Um wen (ur which Skin- :-r mu drnlu--L The Dundluunn duelin- cul l.ug- fur lmrclmso mum-y at tiru, but the want of fund: Inc] the .} pmmiw uf 1| ruhvuo M (In! umrl pge, nu-I Itlnu nluml of the "Hull! ` l'urIn"(un which Sh-nfel In-I had his r) cruuunl l|iv'm `to accept. Tl-an than iii ll;-I purl-lug an-ms, llnu leaving of hmno ..I l......| ....| n.,. .......|. ... I...n.l.. ! u u: v.u:v up .,... ..... .. .......... ...... .. lent Dulohmmn gavu I Id tn the lusliuf Llnt ha I: ucnn Skinner hml but - Hrocluillo Rn--rule ' `Thuy luvs |rin"l.imo st tha Ummml IL...-I . tmlwm at :1. mars % -mhvct oiif T p[IL'Ill1; ll-f:I onu noun. / ._. 'n.WIllianuou donned the lugs `two which granted them `III the at Home Inc WWIM. whoa they ` (rod in the uooodmgly nninhful md ugluhly comedy ul `Struck 01). It has I add thltjin dnllt iowidtout I $1.5 ha --... ...Il.A...| l......,I.o:... I..- `Jill UK`! WC-5.); UT?-U KWIFIIUIIK C , hit wouoo uullclont lonndatiou for hunch:-building, for which the sun of ' Company are such uvident ndopu. o Itory can be euily explnincd. `John hdfvl (Hr. Williamson) in a happy ` utchuun, not lazy, but dinlikiuu lnboc, Ind while enjoying the love 9! hi: AlYoc- ` ionuo but mischievous Liuio (Min note), he Iuddenly hooumol invulvod in rnnblo, Deacon Skinner `(Mn Sinclair) nun; Ihrt-almu--I thr-u.g;': lm In Vycr up ` .z_. .. ...n 7?.-.....T.. v ... ...u -..--u | to K iu,;ntun 5-..; ..... H INII WA!-"l`.'4. I-hl lumrlll. I In-r dnughlor. and 4 II...` II.. UL. .u - u.-u lmmn, Hm` Mrs. Shel *wnrII tn hc-r lmsbnl um, mu. u uuv ... um 1 such ovuhmcu Ipl a hut] hem: Lilh-(I. tn-un carried uwnyx -. uuv--u. lmsbnnd LN nnu lxrlvl. ro- IIE NLLAI AID I0 GT8.

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