Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Apr 1879, p. 4

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` in 50 ;'::.-.'.......... "4 Idhuu'" D-L-LJ- : 'uncxl1'I"I. Double and nun IIOW DID ; LILY 00.. it (I0 i.T?-;;-'-i`- f%*`-=`l f.`.'.'T.`.'4'a'.` n'.?c1`?Fr`&'fJB'.a'T{ rorornd to b Pt-donor Dunn In hhoonll rolo. nd It to It punk WM our hqbntuundmlhdfg -' - ll Ind no ofal1l`.r.n'0:1)o;m `z-.I`|.:vIu ITI|l0PIl) I IXII. nd IIVO full HI Inv gvodlontnwhou v |c.0Idolnpu- holvo It In 5 ProlMIlrolClwn|Ilry.Qcon'o(.'ol|ogo. `tug clan. 03$ Iloi a Ohuull Ilmro Pm! on 7- ' 9. ho ......a'7..'i'.{s.,.TL{'.c':i'?7:273>.\r.6oa.ZT POUND In u l..lIn-. . r 7 "nW'?. .. .s or 60 und 8 :>rl0ttlo. named nsoananma n U! POUND, In M lull:-In : "l Into ru-nlullv lxnnln Oil II lllll. BMIIPIC '-'3"I3-`."$'g'~u-Ian-mast-n-nor-eao.ro -:j.g...__~.-- For cum to n heal: 1 In: the Ru For Main 0 In-. uoulu ad Mun mnhenlt y 0 Joumurin Juld . Idol.- mg the Bowolo, purifying mood. hon Mu Dxsopun nynpcouu. I430: of Appomn. 81: ll nah. lunar or Donn nlomqndln Ihnlr ulu)n:`me ':Il:IOI-l`,P|:I"f!|`l.]||lIF||9;:_"A":`P-.` who. I. or on: Dpn union 1 mud give-I ML and Ranuvod Ii VITA LIT? to tho whole tutu 1 *Ii"& b'rALuLI:Y ma" ta an Inn Introduced q-I Best of glolnol u,._ ...n_._ nu-.. . , . _4 -\-._-1II---~ ()&nldfi< prompt! nnondosl .0. April ` '. Il|7l. lXX8:Z<.X>419:_991_Er*rl juolmm. new a x1;L1.x.} ] Gg11_d__T rank Brewery. When onnumlman the above. Trade Hulk. GEORGE B. STOCK. H Chm-uh St., l`oro`mo, Ont. coo:---1 anv- 3 In . L li'.I\:1l0Il .... _h in Inn -n-ulqr that A oIi1< ,sU00Es$. liT_"_'_E_"_'!` xwsxx-I [bit nos!` mrnuonii qualify.` Tr OIL Men In inch : Ixtn Oil. It ishn IIIITATION in Ippou mop. 9 Jun 2nd. UUNU, II IIHICIIIZ "l huomnmllyuunlnod I50 '1 Tonia Compound lmvlu I50 1' Onnoll. IIIIHCI. Jun-n Kouu. 15 I Opnnr. _H".'.'.':'.`.`-1. ' West PM Bates; POSTERS, PROGRAMMES Rm. uooutad Iinuly Ind promptly and ml woyu M tho day,-it in no wonder tho mud: and xdnlnn nu bu {cARDS._c11:cUI.A1:s-l `um. nuns or ALI. sun] The lion IlocoIIIlncIIduuon."` Mn and burn the Input and nu;-z vuwd : nnorlnout. (arr.Lso1>. cmcuuns 1] float: no on-uoontul Auul nllkhdnd lob] Typo llollduu I-mi Plain nd l`ue'a.Il.vlnI. duh-an who In their V King street, Kingston. I :'.:~.-.::':..*'- - ---......'v an type niituca th."..'..c IWHTGWORKI Illll OF HIE I-`0R,:HO l'BIa AND RESTAURANTS. dl ,--II II Uhif IIIII `|lI"EllVlI||,' t ::*. ':'..:".*;,.'t;.:...' ::..';:':.r. 4-..|.. ..... a-.. .a:.....u. 3...`; a. ....... . I A K. UM`! :z|Iu:. l."':rm:r ll Li 9 7 and mum. -,u .2. . up -. . on .um.~4 or ANY KIND Inn-u-ma by mod cum, TIIE "IICITISI IIIIG" DFEICE me not mama Id . '-`Z-`.'.,...`...'.: 3n 7 x.s1'1n munums, woon HY. BIKINNIR Luau` |x .'n..-I Thousands of limit of OH. `hivbiairuar 1 9d off bv UN- : BORUPULOUS ; .....,,.......... ._ ...........,, _ ........., unrulion Oom-I 1. . (Ll--vol WEE: that me Court to! IDDHMH kl K ulluhip bdhold M! Ilundvy,`-our-0001: M MIy;"`IlNl` o .I.| 2 ,_ ` a ' , Oouui} oi ~00 not on Monday, 96th of h _ 1` Jourshtrmu, Clark. I. BILIHIVIIK Agent. Kimul-nn. :iIh-%Al`iq 1.1 U3. .3.` _____ .n_._.. . an uaugv nmi_:s.a w~u'm msmpn, wm. [I-umumc mutant] Msss.smm:i&7mas[ 1`nJoIaIIu Dnnu-nu-vovuu lnn&vIh-I-fiofm-J mung ION roouuu oponnu. uh! ohupod lo Ll Dkhin No. 2; To J. I1. Pannier . ununn Mm-using lrnvn Tali`. HI! , 3 . to lhI.__l9tlI`, I879; TOPOCIC` Ike one~nomh'n nah.-IL`. dd nvninu u nihnn. __._. .` _g -%. ___. 01` `I'll IlFl`l'I%Ol lwtory ransom [fun for Calling` P.s.-l wall. ifnn-an -rymlvo the put-ch-r on uonuu ofliy mum free on ubugo 1 union. hm. Apply pcvrnuuully or by inner to .1 A, Kumu p.......`..;.. )1"FiEwHTi Inc Dan! Irlllol Inc. . u no wen-bl: Inn-L ill: I The Queen`: folkqo lanai. a no nan.-`Inn Iunumo Ionld. I TI: Ion: Weill. III fill! Fol MIN 0*?` L _ u.n__; n-..._.I l\_|. -..l_.o Ind ulmtenl for tho IIIMWD III: no rental for as lung! aha t to: All In-hluery In In 3 V9 ll 0: lmtory ginn for no Hug` -rymlvo Oh: TIIFZ undersigned otforo for Add llihlwot, Mu-lnlnurv and In Ibo` isbuvo buoInaaa,on veryomyt nhnymont, sad WI" rent. tlm promise:-, which an wall nluluod and nnhoted for hnahvu :1. I cur Indu- I875; "Io rotmmlvll Ice oM'IIoMh'n~ n|nry.l|O.. IN winding u wanna, E |- oi 00 I ` |:i)9IfIl?"I`l:c the which nluiuod slated for hunt na 3 van` Indu- last or mrt um ofnlrl. KINGSTON (Man and Steam Spine Kills British Whig Ofce Uoufnldalhax In nllpnnnof no any ud order: q xiokl Illrul. Vouoln Ilppol 0` It and Mason: In run. H shop uppmlte lolol way i. Blrolrntnvo Depot m-cimo utsmu o_r-won : Till PUBLIC WILL ALWAYS FIND good choice In All kind: of nm nnsr "mm. um l........o nn....I..4l 111.4 :- Inmndod ion 3 nnnll doduotum. ll not mad. Full mfgxrmntion 51:1 in brawl ! '| oI0l`Ilc lid III lunar: o plunge Iv given t 0 In to nooonnraocrrtluho to ho ogzuud dc! to be anal to this bonu. I-`or 'l`l-lam Aml mvlnninr Inunnnnoa an II I0! - ~~-rv r `Tr ` ' 4: an nun.-4 cum! I um-'-v a strong op;-oolwn. K""' 3' ~.'.."-33 "'"'" .,.".:.a $3.... m.a.a..?'&'2.`.: 1!]. has in uhnlim null if -v-vwvvv-cur vv C'Vi9 `J "` WY ` an urun vmu Au no MVQ Ii 1 '7"- Ponona wlllung In nah`! for their lnondlnu . .nJmLnPuuaaunr1mmmuLla:nnmdn.'l!|u _ okiu an good for one you and OM uncut ll Innmdod loan nnnll doductwn. (I not mad. mformntion n to nmlrn than dot bocnmlod III! home. In! my Iunhnr Inunnunou ply to H. B0 Lll, Onnonl $8. ro 1 , I 0 ITOUIBR 5 HARLEY, tn. Odlmlootofllroo Strut. Am-319...: mm Karol: Ilth. CnbIn-K|ugmm to l4iw~rg)oolor land: and Return, M24, Ql4).aIdIlU. lmarmodinve...... ........` toonxo vnsllnllfm . . . . . .. .......... city order: xicklj unit! Quannptnvn. Bnlluxm inll,` l,` .1. RETUIKN TICKETS. CnbIn-K|ngmm Livnryoolor landondorry od gown. fllU SIEAM M8358 noun ax rungs Iron: mutton: - Cuhin--Kangnum to Lnverpool or lnnondlrry 355.679 and 089. lntannulntn to Lnverpool. lnndndmy or Glugow. I46. Itoaruotobivo I Londondo , (Ila v, Qlnnnptnvntmfncxtllhd .' HI.` REGULAR PUBLICATIOYII wc';'v:d by Mr. Griuilnt the Auditorn` upon in 1078 be not adopted. luring both local taunt.-Ouod. 'l`holldwInznuuu won ordoud and mid: `MP. W. DAV. nnhmnlur. In: on nuru. The Summer: n: ma C"Il0I,LUIO will `lull, Iron: llnllfu for `be Glyda n ur shout ovary Thnmlsy. lining nf Pnnnnaq from Khndnn : her return of April. 1'}... pm. `rue nwamlnn newlounnlulu wul Iuru HOW for 8:. uhlfl. lawfound 0'. Inn-:`and [Sch Apnl. lonvlu `II I J ' on return to mmsu on man `groin 31 of Ann]. IITIlllCl.K'UI\ ' Llvtniioou. mm. mm D Bolling non lava:-pool TIIIIIDAI : and horn Hnllfnx ovoryt UDAY. Bunntim . ..Snturdu. April Gt _ ` CaIpiAn.......... " 12` Ilnl HAIIIAI IIIIH HALIFAX. The Ruumahln Newloundlnnd will lburu Nawfonl `m MM: IRISH KIA`! II IILSOI PHI`: undersigned o-IY;a fhr Aulefhlhlto, [obit-'V,I, :6 ihuvo Pun!`-I FInI>n-5-; rorllguhs Pbnom wlnhmg for their lnopdnu chum Puuan1:Ar1.l1lcnmut..lnI.nn.mnI.'l1Ia I! an. in Iumln Polyauiaa, Pniuiau (Angina Caub Narucau,` Cupiauo . ' , Cinanian, Hihruiau V '53 lawman N. Hnoau ` " ` Iwcnnddouu Audion 1 china ....... I.......... On:-Id. II-J uunuu In a pg Ia lbau the no ml)` to any on ' hu; uvllhouunopnr AnnIhn.Io1Iud wm:.rAnan_;;oT5nonts4:s'rs-79 April 2nd, I879. L. "WIT. IIVIIUZ U-W. BTW Xv-IIIZ hriricu. Hr-avian, Nldlhn Eddiuiau Hrandl-`co, Canadian Pnlunninn. Frisian . ('4-inll ; __ __.V. ---V.--. yr..--., Largest Blocked Ilee II ltulen Ontario. I-1' -pool;-ondiiierryl. 01-cow IlZ`IlZ`lIIAX.IlAlLIII.I.L run mafia .1; I ,1- po on Ol vb It. vininn I rm-inn %ifTI if Eiiii. Iuid Ulugow. I46. nruo to Live!-mltdandondo .NI1,hd ,`!,` Anus %1."11IiT FOR LE. "nu my. Man: of Puugq from mutton: n.-K|nanmn In Lnu-rnnnl nr Innnm um anti Mum far M1_+;_A'r. nu-uuuluy In In; HIIIIIFIU J. 4. uncu lngplop, qt ` g.-I I um 8 of H . we onder. `ME- br ling` W223! H 7 U ' may 1': flvzzingg wag; _ Pldaer`F'onetiP' ` In-nun-no.-in ml1lA!II.. ' wood litallllo `mun wulnr. - loud by III . Rubltuon, that tho :::--.......; :-m:,:;m:*~ Movod by Ir. Gnu can Ila nth of :..*.:..'.-.':af..*::'a*.s:z`:.:.-..'x.:,:ir.2z On rid. v ' Minna. J an __ 1 pan a-`g-mpu-an n--omuup . non Ur to: In lfl-Ill , |J. w. snowu & cos| anowl cull)!!! at any nucleus: at II OIIFWW 3 Au. nun: Exniiii olbolnnlo and IMO. -..1- 'J'. R-EIJTB. urvld. J08 MINE. lav YoOk.8a|o Pnpdu -0) 1312 mm , kg` pl Lyman, Tgzooto, nl up: Ibo Dumlnlou. will `nun I h& on-bl out 1|,_ph. by tn -all Hold it ` ......'.-%.:v..!=-...*:;.r.-.r::.-=..+-..9 hvhlldhj N.('? Pcbumlb Wale Ill chum; Inmuhl. Isl Alba: I Kano? '.T:".'Ldy'&3:'.f.3'z7'.c'5 Wham in. aluminum In on umnhln mud n int I-Imnranr.-wn punt I'M` xld uh ~ t``5 e'~= mind to id I1 I`. -` polllld-IIODtI`I lot laws nvuug noon 7 of Ilmud In: Ilr, Ruhlnnnn. lhn Mn and muons all olntnnlona l-- ,%a .'z*':mP. ,... . .4 Inlnnh ihnnh lm. rib: cl tho ' ' ::wu1'u.'thuo" n. wmatot`?n-Wm nncthrnun hvmuhd. and much! nmcdndnndanhh Iron- .hT${mE?I$ rm-. vhhrkouoa Enurolnlly In X III ---. 33-'*.':f.5'..*"7......"`` T Susm la mbjoot. It movlenuu all omen: ` udntnorannllohntnaelonn. anlu.;qIIdy' mm nnv be nlhnl nn. lsllvcr W` Broueianl haul nut Llnnnlu In [ROI vkdy Ind nfoxomilngly lowprlcn Ivnrcm`-_ my aawsuvl Dutchmen! ` 0! tbs has Stuck: nclton harm:-tron. A mngulwnl . nf can or nlnnyu, Ienoo--mun Qua pound-hovtrt lot 1870; hung boon uutnmrcruno.-vn nnnotlllhrnld IGAGE BROS-al 0' W I'."'..'9?'?. *::: :`.`.:; .:';::.:'.'.'.':."" burn. ` n An . 13.... VI. ]uNnnRTLxxJ ouncr rrlnoou alydulnu Inn . CAIIIMII FACTORY. 37 King sum. We nu ulniull our STOVE TIN PER C NT Ull .UlQI 1: Ln HI . A13:-gs L301` NA.| ul.,8 l?.:nlg chug: ' I I IHX.-.._I2<.:9:I1Jal I ton:i3cir n_n;on';ou. run. reona.=_r" 00's! lay I9. |l7c DI. Illa`! NI! Dlloovnv lor Con- ......n... Eh-A. am can; Ans-n. run ma omcnrwr mm mm` HALL, PAR[.()URuul C00`!-E smvss. ` lbopoonuunul -bud hr nmuuothn -Tm ' ""d"" W,lth hr pprtqlqh, volt; eonn| non ya man llnlrvdrcoo glovo. Iuhu angle! his lluorvolr Ooothll ?u in the wofl wllh warming oven and I 0 Ira. Eluliu my Btovpa hula; clarion ` [WM iUN_15.T%.1 Pl ERIE! "I|Ioplyuunbudu " Call and no t.haCm.wn Jewel llovortiblo Hun ma AID PABLO. HCATYHG UNWVI, "" "'*s.:".:::`.:L.'::;:.% `wt. .1? W Crawling lllory Book \ SMWO. W,l I: III rol:; in t?Pr `u 4 on Jo! pothhlp COOUJII Blown V Inna. u-.__._-_.____._-v.-- mu, Hill and Fair; nlyu, nnyonoi. Mandxby In-. Rabi oocutdtd by Mr.(IuIn,IInIiolo in mm: to niadhow 1 IN; -I . `G ' In US North" "n'hadb,; ` uu i`!$or.'&l. On nmt nn nl Mr. nvcuclt. rhnus Doc 17 The . ' ante-K Iivrr; M.-..19 _ u." `. tlliunllllactlono %.` {|l| loiIhnu:lvIn lo ilutlnlol gbcolhnp Add illlugo with Hlinh. ` lI'MH0l Air. Wmlunkon npodnlly ol dug bul- nou. Ilemor I50 plum-- Onllnndooo li lunch and pi-no baht Canadian Stove Depot. NA. 2: _n...m maul. y rnnonln nuadedwlidt Manna: on-un moat ma woop AND mu. Ewan cu, an { V.:_.;__,__ _ M unnowouun, UIVIAI mu OHIIYI DI lllq ovor |llIlIl null mc-ding oi mm the you and Iullad II ldllmuz You, Mean. Robin- (inn and Fm; nnyn, Hnyoobk. Mnvadxln Ir. ll.abinnn.uco|dod by `Ila! Ialuilalv IAIVVV I No. 21.. I Su-oq.V Oct. 8:'h,18f8u I. .4. O l.V.4I.IIA.L.4L` cabinet maker a;.;;.7;.;_.:.. u |n. wilt: . me iib} No! on ll-ll. _.......-_ . . . mu. 15 on 1. wfnuown 5 oh. lulu was lump-uouurny Iwbinwn. that Oh: pomiun ol Ipchnriuh I David and other: he laid out until nut Innnlina nl thmllnnnl. I Ew|::I*|I`t:'larInoho. L-t'!!s"ii;-'-'-- nu_m1~smcIn .._.._.-.-s--.-- 035" IPIOIPIO IIDIGII o-.nn.annn_ 1 nnnn cg... ...... ' I ' ll -Ilulooulovuuvulon 3I1'a.': ` EL :22? 53": " ..h'.-'5:-I" Inaunugiiu Igtvduumwt; Iuboribodcn ...... ...c2 V Toullnven `I-`nu-I wnnl I9 .u l`mnlln`6uu............ :00 W Iandolnv &!a|iu(.`nuul|.... . [I . . ....%'...u.. h in u-upon u.'u1'..uana:-.'L'.'.'.a. n.u:.uua..a3' `fm*`*m""ai2n` rd! an Iormn :- Ollll ('0Iup.|IIv. THIS COIPANY bu been dolls. bullion [I lntblodolor 55 yous nod Ila hound the 1 Mia uondouoo by Wroupl QIGI llhcmlur V lnmoncufoveryjlntl 0 aim. ( Iouliln pollvv [den usnonnnd In dopoaltu $50,000 mb tho ovarnmaut at turn. Polfcies am written at (In: Agency sud ' Iivouralslo at any other llnl. EtnaInsurancoGo y., or mum-`ouv, comm. ' llnpllal and S lfpllll . .oa2.m` Luau puldlnn unt. .5.oo.ooo paid hr Ila TIN` 0 and Inlet lone- II Oil. AUIIICY KBTABDISHKU IN CANADA I I8! I. Unlhnlusd llnhllitv ol nllthllnol holders. and Luge loom-vc Fundo. Moaloruo nae: of premium. 3. W0 (`Wild BOO I-IN nu would :.f.`.3?.'..."""...........'$.'....`T.'1`2..`.. 12 K30 `WW "ill for an tlonunhtk. #55`-iehixi}ia:9-lnsuranc% gm nun on`. I 1 {Q 55 dlutluantvooxnvofy mug`: lu'v`In;l?I?t:::o; hml pure ('Iovorn- R man . Hula; noon , gaunt by I largo nud mlnant I unmlmrof is Illuototn w roplruou till city u the non nrlhumsnl at Ontario, have wryguncplauum in nootwluu to no ruquou. uml llolwtul ploclp myull to do all n uypowor to ndrnuuo the but lmcruntn nl I` uuuny man can. my power t 3 m he an the oklnn lnvlnl 0 KN1`l.ICIEN,- u..-A.. . ._ . Fob I7! II. 1875!. cuannnai vfj To the Eh-ctoru of the (my all ` Ilnutou. boldorn. huge Fundo. odoruorne-of unluu an . A nixm 1 I077. Atom. I ur. nit. noun pnyuu In pnluuu 0! Mr. Jan. B. Pnwloy and other! In (tuned, and that ylall No. W 50 II- Iootmdod by` II? Far, am an .;.muu{ ot Duh] uncle wsllasdmn nus R ovdoty I1}. bhuo out-no wait. I ' &.VI'v&'r u 4-uni, nhnnllhw nnui. on Fuv Fun. I . moo tutor I in . WV` 'IIIIId.fT1`vlng`r`I zmmla 9 pm I} otho Pmvuwo. (Ins udvnnmunl ' ofio city. nmlnpc-chlIv_In lb vnllnoor my ' Mluw vurinocn. II. IIOBIISOI. Hl....-o ... N..- I . |u*u uh-clan She;-on l"..`.l.u?.".`a'...? maul ouvnn ohhn. llovloldltlllllst I #111 HIBe`I|br- ouvun oftboolty In I for days. I In! I; lulu unto poaluon ou that I n I'- douq.uni win slut! In. It on Igwsho unulntornnl nun I bu. Your obntlku norunt, JLIBU '0 II'I'l}LIaI'Iu Klnpron. Rent. `:3. I878 Aulbe ltlnuiou fur the la-cal laualgm will his law wllhm I (at l||IlIlhl.il|OIl0 Down at III cunt Km:-con !MU !|!`.!k|b I!-IA-`und,i-hhlptlbn-Inna Lianne! nunusuiw .nu..u.....n Kluxumu. Nuv I-'1 ms. mllllottllllitl ITO vOu|n`;r::fa"`"' M". mI'llIIadvoIAtIo|id 39: I an I nun:-.n, - H via; ,uau~d b has _|no:uqI number may Elwlaolyn I'OuI'OaoI`| CITY 0!` KINGSTON. TDOIOIGWIIII llllll IMTHYOC Ill` Md: '.l`oP.W. 1:3` polblnutur, loo % 2 : ,'..`.'..H .?.".% .f..";`.........';z':.'.`f'3.:".;*. Company. ol London. - `O I-` LONDON. ENGLAND. 3:- Illtllllylod |Ill.I I ll hue the honor to be. Your obnnllon JAIBB I. Il'l`l)Al fills} Ah I! LIFE IU [Mu orponaytotluullnn ' Id -Inn-ooulovu unto Iflunnyunooudnona nnr-' En-uunuln Ill I."lI`.'. Ihuauu out (ya :.~.:.-~:.-.:-uzmw JAM Eh` SWIFT, Agent. Uurlod. - Moved by -an-5 In. Ili Inn nu-- ndntnml havin- KIKKPA I ACOM. K .:.E.'-':.:'"-::'.'-7'.n-"::"'p..'l'.'.'.'.. H -1-] nun R _.`.!'._!'..`.5 ----- jvlxnndliltlv-and Porter VII II C III IAIIIO. `CAI Q Inn ulna In Good: cl Cuuu nun- fnoun. KIWI` AND IIAID FELT IIATN and IIILI IIAYI. my own nnnhotaro. I j |_ __a.._ ..__ _. __|_ -_ .L_ |-___. Oluk Bron` Ev York Olly, John l.Btouon&0o..Ph1ln.dolphn I I OHBIBTTS LONi)0N, Also in line American felt Huts, ls?!ur!%.[n4'!'9zl I In tho uityoomprhlng `he very lnlul fmm iar rump puvpulugpcoauuuuuauui 3;',',,":`_ ` '"=!.*"`b.?' ll _ 1 I_., In, Ii_L:_-,_ _-.._..J-.I L- fcunx galnurs. I T llnponnd (or thin ammo I Tndo--tho layout Ind Iuout utunlou Ilool o! J WAT(.'HE8,al overv DOI(`f||l- I lion. nuluhlo for nllolimutu, from 21021!) guinen. (Shro- ! nogrnplnhronolueteru, Key ` Ian |A1l`Dl`I, Pronontatihn. Ra-~ ' ` punters. Railway (iunrrl-. Fol ' dun nnd Worhm~n'nWut4-lmu | M` onrnnlrmutln. i Ppr 8.B.8u`d1nign and Herman. ,. , . V - ~ - -- ~-_. v 7 -v-r-'~-~-~- ~'--v-~---- --- ---Iuluup IIIDK ` Wm`. Dk" & _ '5 "" "V Nu". NW (man .ARTl!`l'IC k!lI`J.llill Lmcxni In Um no ohla; nnd w|II`il'IlFll'l\v[ll4"IMI 4`>;|(l:lr.Wu:Il'Q"h N xwuoduu ma. ".00 0". Noon.` n.o enlgnul in mm hu-Innis. Ring: um! I Mind "gr. ..,.,,,uu., an_\ style If furmlun-; also no: of lnijolilvfie u lugofl nuvtslllen I'orPro5entu. Mmlu ` I|Io'm'mru uf an, (3 pt, ` aololy In Ila:-nun l~`r<-In .'u. u. .-tlmrdiulugubhad ` -larohnlr. ulnippern u ul Wholaule Buyers um I nwIuH,v iunlml lnnrv nu-ndinu tlair olnuvluro. to obtain lrulu llm Iuwllmwrv I -an lllnllrulud('MnI(mIIa-nnfwllfhol (`lmlnm Jewellrv. ilvar uul Kloctro Plnmwlak-h urn mm! mm t`u~o,un . I-|\ are Ibo Jinoul `nlmfll. but. u an-Notion an bo mmla I`!-mu Hm lurgo-at nlurlt in Um wm-In ' Urdu nhoukl be on t dir -I to the Innufnc.-mr_v, Ludnulo Hill. 9 B `NsuN's AMI HLETS an Tl Iu:I~.`1` CLOCKS, \u'I`cIIIs`.s 0100 I I't4K1` uni JEWELLERY lent Pol! Fret`. Wntchoa In-nt min In, Pt It puts oM|'io world. ` ` }L U l)()N, l`l..4l| fl : IIIJ JEN} of tha I QTI1 MAKE YOUR SELECTION .R.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Hut. the xmpmz or nuumm Maharajah of Burdwan, and to Several Indlsn Prinou. I PRIZIC M l`;')1\lJS"ll()Nl)()N r)l7Bl.l N A N I) PARIS 1;: I ggngoms j BIN 80108 1 BIIIOFI Watch and Clock Malkot [ TO THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY. . "~. 74 I Va-"\J.L. `L land by Mr. llobinron, ueondad by Mr. Fair. aunt: pnyun on pvdtiau Mr. Jun. Paulo! E8838 WEBER I C0 In uxnmuming thou Innuou t H: W hi` I I uumuou of the Canadian nubile to ma not thus :r in: D2! Old I by Gontloumn ouuuuml for tholr mu! tulnut tlvnlr I no: have boon uu I the: nu Prilu. Thane lnntrununa were not mule for the Exlnlblon. but him: from 8' gal. hohq fnlr ropruanuuon of H109: Plano; Thin lhuulul be u pn-of to Unuudlnnu -It Clllldl can [I done IM Plum: M the but unpoa-ml lualruhmntl. - 3'! ICE LIST on nppllnaclnu. Hot HH877. f J. w. BENSON, T?T_A__I_ _ In one - -,_ - Have Been Awarded by the Indy-uallonal Jm`-y a! bio Wortdm Iblr. Imilcldelphia, on their Plano: : r (1 `F ' '5'" i .*[r1-"".:e:.v- -uaannuruuuun fllnprnnuutlln. 3 Ann 25 OLD B0__l\1D STREET. DIRECT Tv Q`! T iano - Porto Ix IN( I S 1`().'$ ()N'1`A:RI('), OEN TENNIALi .A%v3v"ARbs.. _:._-.j..__ (`.I.\RK WIHGHT, Wrllinpon , __ _ , ,, A____T/_____4{__(____N______,_________,:;2_2:L4 sll.VI.`R M:2w.I.. 'rm; m:n,u.:0r` HONOR. AND l)lPl.()MA or Mmuf orlu. STEAM FACTORY AND CITY SIIHW ll()OM.\` I`! A 'I""S T'T"`I'I` 'I v . . - 'EBE'E:v. gnu... *lI_...L- .._, - .. _ ._____.-... -. n can rely on tho Iowan no. `$.58! Tl-3:`. f Jflill I. IIANLEV. FHIIIVSWIIAIIF. I mm mm Es'l`AlH.llIllll nx1u ESTABLISHED I749. _:::. And by Hikmsinl Appnluhucnin in ULOCll8-fq rlfhurchu. Tur- ' :1 la. ur Publiclllullulillp, Dln. 5 iuporl)rIwIng kmnu Lihrgry, . Curr-Iqa Clauruh, hull, or bop. lion-pomnl Cnlendnn. ha AR`rla1'Ic kuhllll (furr- luanqntahauaqla In. tho Government oils: on thund road. til" torcoinhip Oouncil ol Pgm-nub it I-ruuluuunlql , , AIIIIQOC-llonilhlug A an woom tumor In loPubltnholovt11'b'%i\I;m'."~ A1 ouuuAuuuauhI' Ill IAIID II Ajj.k_I- 1'asout- oz Iudmndt -4 Wu": 09093`! I` cAl4D4.l7l1'ID _l_f_g_`mAIv mm (Q W `in mm Ilmlgnu uh R. cmi:d a. co. out-or uncanny, -'---ma Alf) DIV, *-v-..-:.-..-: -z.t:%!2n:= f `, , i . v "rllolli WANTINH LAO GU and cu-you OIOJIOC I U thin old nu] nllnhlo MIQIIHIHDIIO. thoyml bu undo to look oquul U081 huull nub. ud all Nndl GUI-3 u be mentioned CLEANED AID mlsiglnlhhucuuhuduth ` nol 75 [Ad the o:-I- or.`-T31 -'.'?:q':'.?a.'y'."' '~"" ,3. monraouxll I nolloo ' orau Irony lfooc wdibnillkiteibo in the Fn-at raw. 1abIvmI-htbll- 13. in caudal h`;luor, hihl I 'l.:\': l % 'ovEmc 1'oLI\-Imf. it: *"'i3"t.TIi; Rm t-In-a. am. Noelloo. Hull of nuppllyg to ` - v f Ll: Court. .':::.::'.:.".::;.:'.u..:...........::! .':2Il.'i,'.'..'., '1": 'nT"'nL:1u."'., (.`|-ounuud Do! I I11: lfuluuri, Amt !. a moat uoonp Gull; , tn, Nu-lloou Lat-IHIIA. Kinn And I Hula. now Jrzwnznnnv, of {hi H I I. d 0 IKI .1333... N: Mil: aanognna I, l)Iou.lnmlluI "r~ 773-- Imuw cum,- . noun 0] -r. III. Gt-an WM` ::'r:=i.*. ~ Fnut anal Blhnlila Inf I3. WEI IIWOC T IIIVI i~":."...`-'s'5lEi`.':`~"n:`'$al...`.`. d11j`Ih4:n1hlh an 1: (rod. Inulrutivucu-on tho Icon htioolnlr. ` A oonnuohntbm III no-4iu`d . :.-...._.~-:.*u.~.'-'.:-.-n ! P. IlB.= l-i- VIHIIU ID! Iuuiou Ihoulllnu snow, on Forty Fm: hunk-!umvi~~b~lunt-ad. x ..`..'`'` ..c u"`L"r'c`2 ,`f..'u HL'.i;.L`.".`][ Of` bmv um 07 Iothon be Ink; unnl L5 J33tta`~3 `. ..'l' ldllmu 2 You. IDIICOUII @531 MCI`! 0| rd. until P Ponn-uuh.bo.-annuIHv-- hi Vbll lo oI~niu 1 or an hue ...._I.n.I- .....4l L. in mm? E ,5, 7?` [)0 my our- Iyu, e do--win ink! ,' 1870: huh: 1?` :l_ _09#_'_)_ _~l!_II Wynn: I0lIU"l,,_ or anIoInlI':lFIo |oI ~t:Ih qputhalv W0 could nol AH --rd lllnl would Judith`-nan-it `nun unhn DA [Of rIum..u..u... --vv u-u-- I W A 3*.'` .'. :.;'`.`: {'0 I. _ 1_ . m_ Ml). ` ` :5 pm. mu?` ' no II Mb" 2;.` gm "I I . I0: mm . ` Eohlghon .... z:&0u.m. : 0 0 o . . . . I! ll." . {,".',,',. a..?'."h'?a ........ .. -.~.au.. ...'. t 1". lhlnmnud Iuhun-loud ` an Frags. (Jlmou 3:30 1 n '. udlklla-'l`n 4;: nnllhhnhu. Oloun 7 ;.n 1 .':u1i.. . jjj ""*._.h "W ."'8....". .`.`- .".".'."..`!.".'u.. ....... _I pa. ~uu._`ua . mini V m.din;i. llldl. No ' Anton. lloununh. ._ Plot qua lbtvb. cu. ullurhud PIC]. 0 VID Ullhl I|lu~ Ildn. Iluhnmun. Oahu. Dulnh Oahu OI T man. 83 John, at (E: haul; can Pu-so Rim..- Home Onion gmlllod on nll lune; Ovdor ooon I0uIAdI',tIolYnuod Kl om, Prune Vii lnbll Dd Nawlouno ad and thus Dumdh noolnl -In Ibo nnhuom ol .. ' .C. . .. `-h p.I|. l0:00 p.m. '6 ' d........ 2:.` jun. l:50 p.n. ' ....,...... mm. IOLOO u.:u [oh _RmI5.....7:00|.m. ruoopm. hammonth 7:00 n.m. anon ,. Iu. BArP|o|l.......... `.'.30p|n. ||.L'>pIu Iuhun-lon-hos. Wedneu (.'|mou3:m p m; urlvc "~ ' ' ud lkllo-'l`neu|ly. {nun 0louu7;.m.; nrrwo pl. luonn louo-1hgdnyu. 'l'huruh_v- and uo ya. Juana IoII|o-`hnadny|.'l'huruhn Inn Chan 5: 3:3): u-I-In at Ilzb am. 2`: it nlsllnn ~ -41 pl. t , 1-! ounce. 1 Ibo. Avery Thlrdlov mooning . Xuoh nor}-I outm- sum. was Capo PIelI0'........... V I-lonnoo. ` '~ Ionnhould ho mnllod lull` an haur pnviou to tho time of lasing um . gi . PImLI!!uk;BL1l. 9 !_.mn$_ Vrggy |_I_d fixing] Camplnign, gm! ill |'Ioh@_ and Ptinu. 1 gmgsrioiffosr omen mum: Ill. omen. nuuvnno jmldu .`I'.I. II- . . , . 'l'I.|II|It-onoottgmgt. mm Inbnln ., duh ' "'l"`hMIm!ndol hr ' IINI you will booouvlnood uni It in fur Iuuar-. hrmo lllll yuan plum-I. llnlneuu um! in homes! npp||III0l'I um nuns mmpaud with then. Thomfom do not 0 I oouuon or inhrlor plate: at the sum or Ian! prim: ASK I-08 in I an . n R: I `and lush: nn anoint AL I (llwuurvn nnnllnn Tho nu Iorl A! the mm at only ournblarp atom. at Camus! `x-In lhpcllonn. Widely ind fnvonbly ow! nmug pifyolnn an I (nut llnpmvununl. on tho unlimry porous plum-. ADE. ACE IIIVIIIQIH ul lulu nus:-. qlgun n v 5- ` " `Ho Ifhhlo Illhlll Al the ordinary pomun plum an In ti amok llouued nu ma 1, can--&n|ootu|. ' II. #050 Union `mound ull lousy Otdor log: I Ouudu. the Unuod Kingdom. Illlllll. yuu I870 I 5'`? I C 8 - :::-u.....--.- -'.+..-1: all ii 3.`. Io'nN'ful`_:': . hhL Annnnlunnnmnnlnhnnn I nun vI cannon uncle pquouu-4| oqul Inulvlly "Wu vlomloro eoutlon I buyer: :I lit to Flute! to you um Ihn word-` _ _ ll cannot}; 5 l|ml,-lhut each A. `Int! 04- -0 IN a~: mu V 1 I I If prcnouliou uupmui. J ajl` nlllr III OIIAG-ill!-` Price uoenu. .4;t - _ `liyolfll lhlln vonhhu Iilullau at Burton: , at '.-..`r..".1.". .'."..`.':t In luau-uh-I-r pus I--,-on`-C-I-eh-o iffffilld I 3| IIOIJIO Oil u l.'l?I.|=:Iy.`e(l::I:f|lI': Ilw kilo nquoul-4| oquu ~-u-- The mall I In: ` Conlou CITY FIB!-' ALA RH. a 3 . lou drulou In notation In choir dul- hp kllhn no 5 for who an no: A hut in ma II. lulu Inn , an tape to n M irulm M tin can or plain; Elm II- lng tho Innuno I. I0 pm, uvIuu..._.,._._.... 9:099... Iunpdoo. obi Golds. Adlm, nmntiughnny tour. cm. in chin ugh baldaziru aloud to . If n an all. dllndh cl hnlu. humid: uni 99.; , ul 1 43:3! .445 1 amvnr Till BEST.- ..I.|--_.IInnn -I ILA n-Jh.;-- -- and no as gum... 1 I :|np'BanI bounon 1:0 LII. I Ward. :1`: Church. nl Ind. HIII IIZI Q iii _ . nu: Ilu douhq IIIII ' ditootl float in mun. A bathe! Begin`: Dyv3'hpt uhou_boIO}Iuf I060 foriulud `mo um pdnduuurhunlohsuo, a large doo~ `n hill, and pr death, b an un no you nvorud to u nlningj nnjun nuhnn. I-3 luau: my 'lbout_ Ky '31 OIDDOIO 0Oi~ 1 Iouolfi Copeluo ll. hlnoly cllllnlnl . You . 7.31.: 3 III . u- E4553 I 11 5.-n . Unn 1:3) mm. 2-.11 n m. 4:!!! p.m. mo min 1:00 p.|n. 7:30 p.lII II the hell I run. It I--=--&--5-12-+59} XXU Q CT ! dnrfnl, an yo:nr dnuiu':n|l Iallyom. (Ionian Uynlp in not add in every town and silky thu continent. bmuplu IMIIQ Dllgmo. zi Iilt. 75-

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