Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Apr 1879, p. 3

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nah-I than Inquuud V u-Q--a.-nu UOIIOIII 0on|lcnou.-lun spin below you.; I have him u and tonight oqqlnot st 0560! Oouuoblo, And lnnnuro you wiI :41 that 1 hp don nqtlllg but W duty. (Ionbnu. [ In born and brought up In IMO town, and I III frond dhilllllldi 'nl. hi In town yet, and I know you II uphold mo when I that the Ohio! Countable ha nooodod ` unload! to-night. It ' not lot Ir. Innlull or In Ranch!` todioulo to the ICDIII Uuuio nll to who tho] no to lot it. All to ask in our rah" :5 Iron and independent dlinmd Port Hang. la. la. auumot ron nope. 60., In. In tho mocnlillo the Hull hsd booomo llllod with I yelling and looting crowd, but at the request ol Councillor Hagar ::n thuxnrz retired to the muck or, I they I: intend `J unit uy M the doe? Suhuquomy Councillor Hugo!-nu, who III uird till uioihctduln to out no ontonatl anion. Ind (ha mania nhul In: M... om uounrac-tn to In ontotiasl povou, L honrldn nlud lot Mm Ilobo to his odnlron u Iollouz n..n...-.. I-.. ...L.. |.-l-_. _,.. nun cnx, which n! omnnnud from a buck yard on thoothor side of John It-oat. The crowd npponrod I0 be in uympntby with the tn-ups, 3nd {or I time the rooult of the Icrimmngo uolnod doubtful; but at Jlngth shoots were hesrd down the street, An-l noon Ipponrod Councillor Hngonnnn on the mono. Ohoor aor ohoor not tho All`, at the crowd bohnlu that help was nut. The now famous Christopher at nnoo domnndod tho door: to he opened, And muting with A rofuul they wore tod with I RHDW II 0' IIYFPII llllll bunt open` The Constables ware than J an 1: rum: Iron and man Hope. 80., In. mounting the Hull hnd nngormcn` (lont|omon,-Wo have Innmblod hot! to no I moral entertainment, and we nd the door: of thin Hull cloud spun`. u; but It have oponod than. and you can now on: nnnnd nu ma ncrlnrmnnm. mu Io nuo oponon uum. oua npnnd ID! the porlnrmunoo. Gout eInon,no no not: can run thin lhnn I III lhnl Eh: Chin! Unnnhhln Inn nuown or l01'l'I)l Imus I And olhor mine]: from some mnghu in- nido the Hull. Chief Mu-Ilnll not tn on in the which:-I, whilo I docouod on wound itulf lovingly around the neck of Constable Gunblo. The gunniiunl lind- in thonnlvon routed, wore obllgod to :1 ow the uciud crowd to pan upomru, more especially Qltorliuoning to the ful- lowing nddrun dolivorod by Councillor qormnn` (IonI|amIn.-Wo Invn nnmhlnrl ham '1:1s:..Ti:%* * **L'1:"`**":.`: 5%:T-4%--.7. pun: oooup y r. u re uty: louculon In April. Apply to nu PIOORAIII. however, wee eufoientto create gr-eve doubt: as to the truth ol the menngerl repreeentetione, and nooordingly in the evening the Chief-Comteble and A re- inforced your 0! pnlioe guarded the door: of the Elell end rtetioned themselves on the etape to he the crowd beck. Long before eight o'c ock the main Itreetl rur- rounding the Hell were completely lllled with e surging and excited crowd of men And boys, eager (or Inn end reedy fore light. When the menegere of the troupe ` epproeehed end demanded the opening ` of the door: they were refined end driven beck by the police. War then waged J ercely, end emong other thing: the guardian: of the peace wire pelted with 1 one or two 1 t qnpl nun nuns IAI mos: luualoul could not can exoepuon, - And that they had paid for the `null in Advance. A pernn| of run rnomunnu. puca. rue mnnqxern upmnod nu: ma Fa hon Oompnn bed fallen to piece: while in Montren the other week, and that this com ny nu oounpoud of the moat respect: lo members, who propoeed to give I moral burleeque, to which the moat futidioun oould not take exoeption, thov neid "com place. named company produced the burlesque of `Our Uabiea beforea large audience, altogether of men and boys, in the ,uaie Hall hue on Saturday evening. A few week: ago one of the moat immoral ahowa perhapa that ever diagraoeui an community waa given in the name Hail by the" Mdle Faclton Folly 'l`roupe-a very` aimilar name- and no great was the ` indignation of our oitiaena that the authorities were freely cenaured for not interfering and arreating the whole cr--wd 1 for indecent conduct. Whether or not ' thia cuulle could have been legally puram I ed may he a queation; however, the I preaent viaitora on their entry into town on Saturday urn believed by many, in~ E eluding the Mayor and the Police ulcera, l to be part and parcel, if not the whole of, I the name company who were here before, and almost immediately proceeded to take atepa to prevent the ehuw taking The explained that the 1 Oomnanv had fallen to niece: u an ugonaoa by Mr. U. M. null, and unanimaunly carried. ` was-had!-uncut. um tleuminncutolgoldlubeenlhedeeth mu oiamuaa u..,ua.a.a end inlatunotl, hhnr lot it, lie, steel, eheu, n- Ildnultlor lt. BIICIIIC rental to thence een lillpplyl A eonuuua-In . dculalloveclu. '.l'iiaineIor|d'I inuoity, And the world`: Coil, nnd world : npbition, end the world : nennrd too. Bonln have nonnefor coin. Their coroneu are non coolly than gold or pnu; their robe in righteouoneug their food ll hill! And labor, and their urength in communion with the Unseen. Inn, Iniueking theninu ol lile,gueI utny After these golden deities, and than he oomee to grief. Lilo in not for pleuure, nor for pnlit, but for Ironhip. Honesty and oonncienee, health And nlture, nonli- neu nudvlove, nre nll better than gold.` Boy|,~get money-honeetly if you an 3 -btget nanny." The other `n the: of ` his own conduct : "Get all you can, an all you cm, and give all you can." The found method will degrade you;IlI'IinI nllmnnhood nod nobleneu out of you. The ma: method Iilldignily you, and 3'1 make you tooontrol money iultud of I becoming in nine. The lecturer tgok mi hie neat amid applause. Mr J Moi`.-Inn. 3.`. . nan` .n....|. II Ilv Illllu I!JlJIIUII- Mr. J. McFu-lune, ii) I non npeoch, moved I vote of thanh to the loqlurof. moved vote 0! thank! to the locluror. It an iagohdod by Mr. U. M. Mnodmi-` null. unnnimaullv I u"".|t'2pd3oInudooC.'IId J3 H000. It aunt ooouplod by Ir. Patric! ngty. Apply llll/II` FERGUSON. ii lat. ~--~ - 00 - grncuox POLL! mourn-1." ran mama M119. russnp. mm,%;a. mo. Iwpiy. on I--(hub Panama, lhhd 0'. Iol. Iddb T070. Jon toyo. 'nngIn` Vanna Q...L.. 01.. v- `Eula. Don wu hr. Unis WA! or. huh luluk 0hulV-Ul `I'D ,I Q ' , 0... ......, oz-4-&.Fn;.`:.'. Ohm Ill, Ir.--|lnry 0` am, John Tina Alton Bu W-. Icmdoo. U uln bunmlunuol Ill Horn (`Inna III to Ali--g I--... II... I__ win up by maul. I Tho Mayor uid ho had on oicial gxndnuniuon from thouo ornoc, but 0 Id not to I 5 Mo tho Oounall nnnmwnntor ryounod buolnou pcungnl tout Udjnnrn moat. On motion of AH. Danna uh. um...-.l pcnagm nun uunurn On noliun ol Md. Canon the (`annual than ndgonrnod until Wgdnggqq um II`. |.ne uulloe or me once. . The Mayor-BeloI'e putting thu reno- K lution nt in a eouuoe ol tgratiticanon ae ; Chief Megiatrete t. hen the renusrlu ' yhich here been made by the older men- ben of the Oouncil in l`U[Il d to the man- . net in ehnch the late Treaeurer lled hie otioe. H l nmellher aright I wee the Alderman who moved the reeolution ap~ pointing Ir. Ireland Chaberlaln -at any rule I tool: an active part In hie ap- pointment. l am eure every Alderman ehn waaa patty to that eppnintment_ me tell n en-ry indnnduel In NH: city, has reaeun to be eatleed and thenklul fur the way In which the city hae been eermd by the late Mr Ireland. I think nnne -4 the (lnnnrell Illl Ieel nthermae than utll , ed nth the manner n ehnch he per- (omod lull dv-tr . The notion iae then put and carried. Ald. Drrnnen alluded to the fact that he had received information tn `.he oect that the (lovemor General would nant ` the city uu the 29th, lay the corner alone 0! Queen`: Coll e In the 30th and ` epend the nut ay at the Mnhtary (`.-I loge, remaining In Kmgeton our Sun- day. He did nut know whether the Mayor had been nlicially inlormed ul the vim, but he augueeted that the reen- lution ol the laet meeting ehould be fol loved up by uthell. 1 The Hevnr eaid ha had an ..ut..A.l ?cE$%l$0wm nonnu. _ I . unynan. '" "' jo cL----.---o.. ~.q-.-__.. .. -_.___. . experiment. Ald. Mclntyre referred to the vuurteey which this resolution implied. During . 1878, when Mnyur. he said that ho had | been lnruught Into contect Almost daily with the lute Mr. lrelnnd, And he bore , teetimony to the unewerving rectitude end feithfulneu with which he dieclurged . the dutiee of hie nice. He held thet no i better reupect and sympathy could be ex reued then by the eppointinent of Mr. B`. lnlend en the utcouuor of his fnther, eepecielly when the Inn nu worthy to fill it, and out do it tn the acceplmicu uf tlm Council And Intilfnctiuu of the public` It was sometimes the cuuoin when one died to couirneiit upon hie good deed: and virtues eml vxoellenciee, end the impru- eion wu loft thlt the deceased wu not appreciated until after death. llut III reepect to the late Treasurer the feeling which his domino evoked wu evidence that hie exoellenciee end virtuu hnd been npprecieted for yearn. He joined moot heartily in Iupport of the reeolulion, and hoped it would be umnimoualy adopted. It would strengthen the luude of the young man, And encnurege him, to be no bucked lvy the Council in the dieclienzo ml the dutiee of hi: olloe. '1`)-n M.-.u-_.R-l..-. -...n:..... .i.., _-- 'A.ld. McKelvoy ~ AI far as my opinion in concerned if the Treauuror can get Along without An aniuunt he Ihuuld In In. The M|vol'--The Cnnnoil mu mum u: uong Iumoul uulunt he Ihuuld do Mnyor--The Council an mgka the experiment. Ald. Mnlnlvm rnfnn-ml in H... ..,....o..... oe I umuer mr llllllre cunnldenmun. The M17: r-l will ho|d,nI an executive nicqr, that if Mr. F. Ireland be appointed Treuurorit voids his appointment as as aillant, and there will be no uumtam until the Council malm Inch :5: App0ill!~ mont. ' Ald. Allen-If required. The M|_yor-h in far lhr Council to IIV. HIOIIUH. Ald. Kelvayulf Mr. F. Irolnnd be nppalnted there In no nnintamt; If it ll noceunry to nppuinl nn nuinlnnt it will be matter fur future cunnldennion. Thu Mum I--l will hnlrl nu nn A-.....n;.... :uu. LV|lJl\IlVU_z_`i) or .50. '"I'iTJf"Eii`o'T u'i1T`I{ Sif&BrToT_ Ilia` ' , motion of Aid. Dronnnu, which oulugized the virtue: of the late Treunrur. His integrity had never been duubted by my member of the Council. His long guvo non---w. he bring ; good oicinl, citmm and nuivhbour. Ho nympnthizod Wlih the lam: y of doceuod in their bereave- mem. und yet has quaationed if the nip- puiuunent oi Mr. Ireland`: can use nut. I mutter Ii-r consideration. A: far nu ho was concerned he would Ilka to have morn time 0.. look into I matter of suvh impmtmca, but Lt the same time as he umlornioud n majority were in fnvuur of the appoinlmsnt, and the ulnry mu xml, he Ihould other no dppmititnn to it. Cllraull if H16 ulnrv mwnrml .. V "VI... .0. -nu nu: IIIII was u1u'u, Aid. ukod the ulnry covered all tho nlutiu of tho oioel He made this thocondition at In: nuppurt, "Y the motlun. I: mrunnuivul Iuiubutlnnhq an... l...uh.u Iocurny. Ald. MoKelvey said the members of the Council knew thnt. Mr. F`. Ireland had Abilities which entitled him to the puli titm. He hound the mullun wouid he unmlxnouuly adopted. Ald. Snook-Which of the arm: in thin? ALI \..l(...)..-.. '!`|... -.... _ I . L,, | -it--- f:-; ' M"! 0-4 nun-I .9.-:::_:. IDIIIIIGI wmcn enuued mm the puni hopud Inullun would he umnimmuly adopted. Ald. Snook--\Vhinh nf uh. man. i. * nu mouon I'll unnnlmouuly cu-nod. Ald. Hoolny Ind Lrenolmion to oar. He moved, seconded by Ald Dronnnn. that Mr. F. Ireland be appomt ed Oily Treuurur 3: u ulary of 81,000 per nnnum, he to furnilh the neceoury security. MOKBIVGV llid [ha mnmhnn nf I mouu, uoomloa by Ald. Ilclielvoy, "Hut tho number: of this Council have learned rich unleignod regretof the " duth of Mr. Wliun Inlnnd, for I3 ` your the fuithlul Tn-uuror u! the Our- pontion, 1 mn whom to know Inn to ` raped, And that to tender to than Iiduu and (unity our sincere sympathy in their deep And unlookod (or uiionon, uni eomqondgem to the Iulohlul nolicntudo an all-iu Providence ; that u I token of ugud for the momnry of the goosufed we stand his funenl in I '_ I n mg Iulla and oonnnnod. A, . Aid. Danna nmnrhd that m coulo- . quonoo 0! (ho duth of the City Trouuror the Oohbo night mil with to do any business but that which related to tho shin ol Kr. Inland : huuly. He` moved, uooudod by Ald. Iiclielvey, "lht lhil Cuunail as '2!-. W.-.1. -2 I-_-sh-t mu Ald. _McKelvov--'I`ho one n In has beau mi-um for six years. Ald. Snuok~-Whnt II has angel Aid. Mcl{ulvo1--25 95-_`_Jo` _`AT:T"' ` ..'i'.`i"`|.u ronno, luddon, Bnook. The nunuuo ol the lat. rogulu mou- iug nuutd Md oonnnod. .. Aid. Dtmtnnn rnmn-Ind Nu: m 1-nun-_ I. H. No. 7. PITYHIUIOII. 1 1 Th mph: lusting of the Counenl l I III Clltd Io! Innlovonig mad (he lol- 'Pi`l llllben Inc pnunt: Maya: Ulldcnloou. Aldo:-non Allan, Ouuon, Dun-no. _l'oo, Gum, Gildouloon, HEW! HER. Kooan. MoCunnon, Ic- Gm. Kelntyrl, Hellenic, Oliver, Penn, Roddon, Shook. 9 Thl lnllllllx [J Han Inn. vnanl-r lllnnl. 00!! ll VAUGHN 'l'IIBACl-- lino none, print smoked. Run Ill). landlord um: nus Apply at nu Human Win Onion. A Lnownou or oonnouxv:-4rroun- nut at ll. 1. 1uu1p-i"u un- moulur. |.n.lo._l,_l'IOIlIrIo -uu uvyvu 0"` "'7" null I. Yovli. W05"- yunoon unnnimouuly carried. I. Hoolvu A.I Qnhati1m m CH ! isntnturasmctnvl LID `I'll Ill? VKLUI Ill TIAI, .,7.:....T`*" . a...,.om .:`.."'.f.'..` . Ipplyto ' ' TI! IODII on In In lay lnnumosmosl ; C. 0. Bacon, Spiced Roll Bacon, ` Ohoioe Pastryllour, Choice Familytlonr, Granulated Oatmeal Stilton cheese, Canadian Oheeoe, Dairy Butter, ho. Other flu Ilnoorla Ii Ht]. ?_ Fresh Macaroni, ; Fresh Vermeilla, ' Fresh Tomatoes, Fresh Sweet Corn, Fresh Green Peas, Spanish Olives, French Capers. Sugar Cured Hams, Long Clear Bacon, [The [axial Hnlidaysi Zv The Order Department contains an immense asnurtmeut of (loud: nf tho latest and moat fuhiumhle nylon. In Randy-Mada: the Stock in most. extuuuivmnl-olnu in style and qunlity, and at very mmlvruta pncol. Gent's Fnrninhinu Hood: of All du- nrnntimu nnd in men uriotv constantly on hand. style and qunhty, and mmwrule u eruption: and in great variety constantly THoMAs S2El.A.I.2Ei Princess Street.- THE LARGPF?-.P`9?_%T? -?*&n.3E3T Sm WEI |lA\'l IKEUIIVEI) A HPLENDII) A.\S()li'l`HENT Ol" ULOTIIBI. TWEED8 AND \\'.mu~d Uomlnn. which Iur Icyla. cl-Aral-my and nlwnpuou onunol. be equalled In the (`luv Wurnlell \`o-avin a in Chaolu. Dinzonnln. Diamond: and Figures. I-`lno Worsted Tl`0ll|\r- inns in ma the Inca! ow York and Pu-in stylus. I-`ine llrudoluclu and Doonklno. Flue Gun dim l wnedoln the oholoent pultarus arar mnunflwtnred. I-`inn nuorunnnt of Bootoh Twoodnl We are Lukln or-don: npldly for the Lhuvo (luxlg. hm] plruen roqulrlng really I Int-oluu uununnt or mm In I modern: prim will wlmwc call on in. WA bun hiigg hgrd |1 wor .|| wiuwrIunnufnumring A CHOICE ASSURl'Ml~2N`l` or (,`l.U'l`HlN(!. and rnrtuu mqumg . Humlv Maul (Tout. Paula or Vent will llml um: qllll in many ran an to order work, gn . \'er\` lurgu nnnurllnolll to select from -I*\'`_ VERY LOW PKIURS. `huloe uaorunont of Gun : Pant: Veal will llml uutn eqnnl gna wry -/N", of Gout ! Furniuhiug Uuoda. new and cheap` Jun! Rasoelyotl --THREE CA HIS AMERICAN l"lI.'l.'I` und I-`UK HATS. In be sold at prions that WIN ntnumh tho nloaoat. buyer. a N.B.-bool out fox rmc sum THAT amt).-I mun: l)ll-`I-`l4.'Rr;NT wus. Z. I IllVOS'l`, Much 1.-uh. Nxw Yuux Cmrun.-m S10lll. Bnoux Stun. Knmnma v-1 ` slur A mu Aluuvu Nxxr WEEK ... New YORK, ibruluc STORE. 9...`. 65-... 1.`.-. 1'\... t`....... `|l.-!.-A 6-..--- NOW IS YOUR TIME TO LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR YOUR SPRING SUITS, AT THE ! 3'O"J7l M.Imino our Hm:-k and get price: lnforo %|noluu urclnra for a nu: Ulnlhlng. We on now pro- pnrr-al to show onouf THE." LARGE81` AN I"lNl8'I` ST! ICK ever Immxhl to Kln noII.|Ilo to .. ,,,,1!CA!AI{'l'J2lA.,1 JILl'l1I]i.ElILAi`l_l!J1(l1lI1..\M1nlAlLH8luEJBLALL ` , ,_ um um nuvmmun mum nennn. uelmalnan mm mm ull um maponnullylnvlmd to Mil nil UIILIMLE BIIIFEBTIDNEII. _ . , ,1! CA !A1`{'l`J:l_lA. l JI'lL`Il`.l:T I l'_A4`Ll2..1)LlIl. Y!'1lnl(M.LH8lll E JN ... . . .... .... `.47 ....u- ..-.u.u --um. u.-uun nu u .1 In: umluulu. Wont! IIIV pnr 1 nno AN`) FIN EH1` Klnfll. all! ALL, W. Y. BOYD, lVI ez-chant Tgllor, !`orm~r Princess and Wellington Streets. A NEW AND HAND.\'l)ME STUCK OF SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TVVEED8 n sued lhln wank. Also u ue nuloolion ofGl1`.N'l`l.ElIl$N` FURNISHXNG 00008. Ilrludh u I ma Nuvnltion nftlm Gentleman: Ind ull mapontlully lnvimd all no ning 0 f TH ' A l"lNlI'{'I` [[`l Immxhnu lilngnon.|llo NEW %MGObiSl `Cheap Black Gros Grain Silks & coidred Silks .A.'I` S_ _1 FIRSTWARRIVAL: or OUR RECEN I LARGE PURCHASES IN TORONTO.` [ IIIQIIIIW. OIIUCEIIYI I 1-`L;|.l|EN l.|IlN Merchant Tailor. Olothler and Dealer in Gentlemen`: PURNISBING GOODS. cess Street. ---------------- ..Near'ly opposite the City Hotel. soon! III llth. II\.II1|Ir.n nu... ......, nvrl fur Illu fur Eggter tit -1\'l\I\>o-\'llIlII\l ZIEIIIEI Brook Street. Pour Doors from_ Market Square. _ I HAVE RECEIVE!) HPLENDII) \\'m-nwd which nhunuuou o-mulled In lhn L%i:;_"r. ii--oi`: Tllll NA'llt`)NAL l'UL|(`l' MAKES NO DIFFERENCE IN PXICIH. Itml. mm: Hhlu an 1'17. '5. No. _ 14'.-A um arm. sun. 30.:-0. L00. II -.1 Empovl-ium if Fashion. ---16 CA.SIE}S---- ornnxn on-r gggrznnav. IIVTITI n 1' H'.n`|\ Urul (lruiu Fllkn Sll_`|0. HI), [I Puumu n kliu uioho-I (inn Umln bllh 1.25. L3). 73. 1%. 2.2. ). 3.50. I` mum`: Salk: no the ltumlnnl Good: of Pnnro. uglund and the United lulu. Bonn:-1'0 Hrou (lroln llkn 3.00` 2.30, 2,75. ' New l?olm1(lronGrui u llkq l,00.1.%, L35. ' llnndnomo Itvunln hulu Colored Bilhrtl), 1.00. [.25. Light Fllu-. Light iult. I :-rue. Tillonl and Light. (irov EUR: 900 lllu-In Saline nu on lhu lur `rum-nu... 25. 80,90, 1.60.11. Culomlsallm --ut uh am for Trhumlngl W. LII), l.2.'>. ID IIII I IIIDAIKY ns- -..|- -I_._lI.Il_ _ , - "'0 oonnu..un '97: Kn 7lV`I;rch;t~o|i'smi|;Wt||Ve City. 28 AZE5KA'"'"'e+ms 1 NE! 1` WIEEIK . rnun` Ann nlrnnn i...ui&.,m. -.4 ...-....._._.__. j- j' unlaunnnulhnup-an all as puuohn pin Id! and Idplluu nnplunuvuuurou _-3.1,-,. 1.. rnnvlial} S10lll, Srnmrr, Knwnron. ._.T...._.j_..___.j..T ' I. X. COIJEIINIAIT. Tm (iron Benefactor of tho Public, Orange Hall Building: T- Tt1'1=:'B_AL.717(:"15,- TTATTT the Illa Iur I rIluI.IIIIl[l II. LII), L20. It. WAl.l)I!0.V. Wilson !-1 ulldlngs. ;v-'--u-u----Iujjj 'nJnu|1Vl|hIflIlIRI`I'A`l'l$Il l_A_ND:S| Rowntree's Rock Cocoal [Durham Bum Hum!!! Inn Iolrwldo npitluol. And In tlunulol ht tub:-nly Inotnor Quality. In Ilnuc -Ange. Puddings. (`Illa Ida. N. P. hook-u unis. We as his only bonus in lulnrn Ontario who ban or can `cl than (Hobon. , Now Hoolu wclghad and dot amend : lornin Thought: for the ling`: orvonll` by lfrnnofn In! In llunrgnl I-`nah nnpplyo In llrunuyh Voynp. only 03.00. Inrl `l`IuIn`n Shh-bu only 500 The -00! In hnblo hook be In: over pl. out. n-unto`: locum for Yuan] Iomonlv ll `)5 Inn hnblo book he In: Young Ion_oIIy .| support Homa lndumu `fin is u Can Man puhkuuol Int, Ind wall [at up with m Iopun-I run Paper. Noe-hangs lu our print I Idhoounud. A HEAUTI FUL ASSURTHKNT ol Pang`: Euur (Yard: from In to lo; over W dllinll It In and nut]; nil mun deal III of I379. mham (`unhu from an In I .I-In. nml nylon. Pun C-r-I PFIIOIII. new nnd improved sad at who old poo---'K*. N. P. nu`! but In yet. `.!00unAl| pu-In no of fl. H CnrdI.IIl now. | .50 par puhza of 0. 50 I `Inc: oH0. yuurclnldran Gmgnpluv on norms: principle: by huyingone ol out Q `.9 !1`I\'F lN(JH(`} i:0BI:s u. & w. J. cnumms. Iolu Puntboouwllluu Ilchuhlb c-np.hIbuuhunIIn.noIoI|hl. pcy Grit. llhnd Ihnjnnjan-I jg. N. P. houou We Iona III 30! 3- VV \J Much `Nth. I87!` cums o_muI:u. nnlwr Lama now it` to Jun; W union-I Irthtlny (`motels from IN to I . new ululpn nml nylon. VVM- .IOHN3ON. '8 56. Punch [nut It. IOITIIAL. IOLI AGIIT. and I-1 I{lH`liI\ I`}I| T0-DAY. Iounwdvnn I not chad for S. worms. 7: `!`.Dlh IR70 ..n-ya algl-Ina COIII AND IECUBK BARGAINS uvljvv Plain or Fancy Painting _.4 4. --:-4n-. VIIIIIIIO ll OIL WATQ XI-OII. Ill AID CPU. iluilitf [Aim1?. NPYIII All IIAIOIIG II! Soul OAIIIA. nvnm A 1.171.: vrmcx or 8I[Il'I, Inblns. ten. 00.. &c.. (hind IIncoL`IrInhu.vonn but-nhoul hbpuulhnn ATOUI1`. rchblllllhplh. 1 D :AnaAa`1-I- A A`. AVIIO sold out my Inhoand nluld hgblouo [Input on tho Ouhoupnl all Acuuu doc no out to uubtl us our `hop uuotuod onhntdnhilll blah In the hand: 0! 0 Iollollor lat oolhul-I. Olen uvvr Old Ihld. YILII IIOIIY. Ilqnomlnnh Hal, IDI. Hiram gr nous? `g-uq'_rIcE. RICHMOND ls BOYDEN. III! PRICE! IS FORIEILYI All been I-ported before the In- rrcalvd 'l'All!'l` WM "0 ow-non. Ihv tum dooldod In um. rr A1` `l`|o lnrnal and choices! Stock In the CI". All of which bu boon In u! hon the but Iulon only. u R. I. believe: that by hoopla; I the qlllily if their Good: they wl ovumslly [he not! no ulflrunn In their mulomeri, who '1]! End low priced Good: Llu donut In tho old. A: Lhnhv hank 03 I01 A`WA'.l'II. 9 " on no bob-hand cm the ` Iithfuoory nhnuun ginu. N. IfuNElL. . I`... a. "0. 60 Brook Shoot. Kingston. ` FOB Till SPRING TRADE. which enables than utoruaorly us show lucumvifsfn H-no now mound lmm sh Ingllah annulu- lunn n ll nook of NEW CARPETS n 1l '3Ai ' MT Sheldon & Davis [MI T ' J . E]. ROSES, NEWEST STOCK ! no long on their In Stock bold: om. All who Ill not 5! uopho-I should lose no UIIIO In meant: that they nuuln Mural: 18th. So lhu nll desirous ul porch:-ing can of In'xiiiun"' nnpnwva. "'. WITHOUT DEILAY, I havsllyluqadma Prices! 4 rxrxwxcs o1T~'?;'6o'B's BELOW cosr. wjsmng tuniE;iie%qm1stock. SELLING OUT I AS I AM UIVINU UP BUSINESS SELLING OUT ! SELLING OUT ! who ulnuly uopho-I nlonkl loo: near! 01.50! Qty nquln J . T.` ANGLIN. IBAHHINS Cull and one our Na .d-- . . \ All Acoountl mun be pud nl. --um`. iiii%n;Ar1 A l6llE IL I am: and ram; mug: 4 ._._.'_A..__ __ -__., uovns 131: mm: Gullah Breakfast. Black Tea, SECURE GREAT u-u-v ----- .v' 1. J. uuoziis a on. arms HARDWARE April h. ll ALL IT! IILI`CI-. JAMES BEDDEN, AND INQUIBI PRICED. a nu. Duty and human! buck and oIIO.Iov ooonphd bvlncbown PRINCESS STREET. O.A.SIEI Princess Street `(thou-e lnplo syrup. roltlgmlli I Ell Illa! noun lo. us: Cluuoo am, j by Ir. bdvud Boy- : Ihllnol gudtlloydau. Pon- I lay. Anlv In mun mm Iuvl|2.llII' ._...._._.r...._..._...:. nes: to as LET.` .._.___ ......_.._.._._._.... ....-..__..... sc_ _T'r:s; -- - ` -- flloltnolllohlgida I no lay. Applyto -r n;xnns, 1'3 ,... -_- . F0? 88IOo UN. on Minors and Nah BLVD!!! h isnclln. |ououhohod.on :WfhLA to I A lltll oo..-o.uu-sosmkc W, D. IIORDOII I. 3. PHIPPIN. `I . (2. WIIJON. -i Earn-A|u'uIo'c|ut chain- lquuludln and Jullpl Inn) Iuhouldluhodhyluulourly K12: -mull-1 OL4L-Lggkg-3.`. IV SIVI I1 l$-l \!lIV'IiIII nhuiubunonhghndnnlouip uh llthblhtnlndthonno cl .K|tuIhhl_,IIoolnndI|guor- vhocl Iuqyulus, will twat _ TU '17. Ihf Linda. &dnou-- jjumthnlhnmuui -j-r--v~_-_. ` BAVIII. -'|`Io Strut Rdllvq ion! ' which run urea the loo yesterday Ill noouod tubo nhbnllt had A narrow unspoilt: I". In thy channel buuon Into Inland light bolus and Simeon Inland It huh II, nod could Inn boon drowning had not Ir.A. Brig: not out 5-] :In-AL-an Knn I-. Lin Lgllnn I-nl IIIVW-I" -3 `IN `I . In III`. 7"` TI utbdoluohulwl bib Inllmlopt Ih Alon nl cabana us nnaloud III DIIYIII UIIVIVI-`Q IVIIIII It 500 uodoto Oudlu Pulhnou am. Io wlpno Ound honvothlnpuhl Oonnuout `Ln-IJ -n L-A-g-g I;-I.-4| -.I II....&- Tu Wmn Qua-rnon.--hm nok,uo- ootding to :5. 060.: ou-In local nun. hunter [In tho opinion that tho wagon ol Ia.-haw: won on tho riu. On Br unds night In an inluruod am In [I'D an emphatic castration to In: owl ` boliol and theory by ndulng the wagon olouhhol bl: uotluun lb pot cont. Thu`: ptououon lot you. ZVUVRIIII W. a luhhlo uutpulo. P|uoluI..- Mr. 1". Cooper, agent for the McDowell Conpny in in tho. oily inking unugonontn for the nppunuoo 0! tin! company in "Engaged." tho Intent burlesque conody, which in ro~ ooiving ouch patronage in Now York and Boston. Tlucmipnny willbo has on April 23rd and 94th. Mr. 000. F. Ron Illl ho tho an porlornor on such _....l...._ III. Tuwlvn Monv.-Mr. William Teylor ehoved In thie morning I note which purported to be signed by him, pl-omieing to do certain thing: It the ex- piretio'n ol three months. It in unnecer eerytoeey thet Mr. Teylor signed no note that he know: of. but thet e lreud ol none kind he been etteupted. The lawyer: doe : eeem inclined to ply him the .2,(Il0 they eey they got [or him. __.an-.._ Tl An.mu:uIIxr.-The City Coun- oil In: owning vary properly decided to Adjourn in consequence of the duth ol the Only Tnuurer, and nrnngemontu Ion undo to Attend Mr. IrolInd'I func- nl today in I body. The only item of budlfon tnnllokd III the appointment ol Mr. F. Inland to tho plnoo I0 [unant- nbly vmnud by the death of hi: lather. Bnu-nun. Smu.u.-Eloolricity bu three properties, iigh:. nu--sngth and mo- tion. Thin in I ulnilo to the (allowing : Tho Blolud Trinity in oompoud of the Fn|lIcr,8on and Holy Ghoul. To the Int. pour in attributed, to the second strength, Mid tn the third love. The soul of Inn bu that power: will. mem- ory, Ind undonhndlng TOT ' VIII GRID. NI I.Uh|.o allot-sud Hobo:-llltoou. wall Iouou udmouun-l.t|u,uhuonaIn - ----'~-'~---':-av.-."..:.-..[ Tu Bumn0nvm.-A nun .4... --J. A- g-gll-- D..-_.--A `L-- Com-uu|x1.-An an nviduncn u! the W110`: popularity we cm only quot tho remark 0! n lady who dropped unto our oloo yutordny. Sha hnd, on ncoount of tho timoqdincontinuod iubouuwo wash Ago, but yeuetdny lhe cum: in Ind uid, "Sgnd the papa: on spin, to cannot do without it." And then: are mm] uthon who My the lama. -_._...-...____ MUll(.`Al.TIlA'l`.-()ur reader: nhuuhl non thoconcert lot which the Oddfol. law: are perfecting arnngemontl. The Inn cunt oi tho kind wu I grout Iuooou, and the coming entertniumont will be worthy ol the lulled support which In appreciative public can lL`(`l`(l it. lien the data in Inind--the `lint. _mn;.uusm.|u;.uuuu_.u.u1_- Tami void or not-ion: ruulu. _ Cmmcn lhrrlns.-Another Out-l uidu-"hu wrlttun 1 communication; to thin pnper, for which we hnn not `the Ipaoo to-dry. There seem: to be Is con- lronrlinl healing thing which we hop. ...-- nub Ln nnuilllhn lust nnn4LnnInnuI II'IlVII'IIII IXIIIII YIIIIJK WIIIUII WI IIUVI #JnA;.nt1lhaIn!h1D8_.lzuL.lB2.Q|A!m .!;. -..A .n.i.I 1.0 nnninnn an-uh- Bonn n_LAn.-Ju:|uo|, who can a witness naninu Phmnix, tho nun unu- od It Stntlord IOIIIO timo Iinoo, for oounurloiting, bu boon unnotho King- uou Ponjuntinry for [out nun And: lull, it the late uniuo hold st Bump- > Pun.--'Ioduuo to lush nonthnp- (:11 to southerly winds, gonoully clue to gunner realm. . mu gag gram: aim, , oauxrnm :3; am, Guns-I5. C . - Ra:--W-W - ---- c - -~ I I bl on Na stunt `I'M-1.3:! f on. one . u OIQ. Plou ol nln-cation. with 1 Nude Iouluclull-solo Iaunlpnubo oxhu on u um am... on! r DKNI: uuvnum Odin U0: Bloch. Ijmuu lb. llfl jxrz-.2, :1..~~_.-_s.~-~ --=-.~ -- ~z---1- IDWLII WIINBIIIIST. `Ballot I Outta . G. VV. AN DREVVB. Iimlnt `tailor-. ajuuonr avma. APRIL 3. Ti." wrru 0. W. nmnuwn. I gruuur 1-411.03. ` wauhn u. A , Rn&wnnufsTvsm yotungo no an`: i`r`uvn vwuvlrr. |g'.I-2'..'.,',.?.'-,J';"'a..'.'.".F`1.'.'.'.E'-.' IIIIUQG U IIIIIY AID 07 IAVI. ylavohhodhuul, In bonnulyhv klhuudllullb par 01 pl. It conuhoI0uionlaaodu0o0osl. II uldughndonbo nluon Ilhl -nunllynnuuudohoubjoatlint -ouqiuatthdugbd. lnlhon lou-lluh on put-pp: gun gal-Hj-kg Hal-lnL._A._ III! K j III 37% I 1171'! II" `it! Hwtdiylolboloynan Ilonwo ` ollonlund into on. 5-owgnoa II-lbalnllu bouu-Illiobcti Iva touchd- vulllpdtlpnonuvllo ooouhoo dunk. hm hm unpubnhoa wuliho 104 `Okla puma: Ion 90; Iron I j Irv Ill"! 0-! frj VI Iuau. odhnunud Ibo povullld lion 0! Iomndlnduwohnubr nNoolllb|nduuluioI.lIlhgtornol opumuba "'IoIpo9C\y unuin at tholotqoolol the window. 1\opuuI-Hanoi um-icy -umn|,I. scmonu-scum. Ponyhlll L. I AJ-.-n. I. A. 0...... uh... I-an . 7." "V ' ,_.._._ IILITII PAIR-TWO ITOHI HOUIIS I It punt! hdb I . lmmzn Lav inn Uuiuu Iv yr Iuuauvu yv I null , Vlo ploodo-{with u jndp sad with Ornuwoll for pardon, but in vain. All ` preparation: lunho uocutioo won nude. lid I" Iilitod the ugnnl boll. Tho union, old Old dad, than hhnooll upon tho rupo. hm no I0||lIJ in bond. Tho ` young lady Ind olilnbod the bolfry utur. caught that tongue u! the ball, nnd hnld its! tho rink ol hot lilo. Tbodnlukl anon append ho lwl ring the curfew. Cronvoll use and donondod why the boll had not boot: hang. `I'M Indy met him, and Alhlnla-duh: hll Brim-U, nhnunul hm ` Anllcnod has nl-I hum! with tho It hul won 'l`oIIld bout with nddn pity, I. lb with Hy = "anrlow udnmuonbovoth pl-Ono! gold. I.l-Jl--nan-4| AL` -.4-n-A-A -6: J :::&*:_';=.=-.___,'=g;:;'._~.-.*=..;:::`.:: ......... .. .,-.....-, ..... .. .......,. _..- ile poeeeeeor the oepecity to en- eble him to euil hlluelf of the edventegee the Oollege eorde. Wealth Ie powerleee to produce breine. Leetiy, whet ie the relation nl money to love ? AI thin ie the higheet ul ell earthly thing: eo the power ol money ie the leebleet here. Love beeutiee end bleeeee is: ob- ject. without money and without price. He related An incident in Cromwell`: line. A eoldier veeoondemued tn be exeonled "e! the ringing at the curfew." He wee engaged to be Inerried to a lady, -In nlnulnd Vuilh the indie end Iilh nil Ill! 0]) II III ulu gluevuu luu uses Feitgthings ere `pTiBlic'"dTin'ere,""TF6' cooking end plenty of it. Medellin` Flesh`: highest srnbition is e tine llouse,'h grend cerrisge, elegent furniture, tine grounds, end e liushend for each of her deughters. Solicit the judgment of Hon. Peal Plie- hle, the pcliticien, end ebove honesty, end Inenlinese, end truth, he estinietee plece end power. To eccept the judg- ment of my of thus persons than money is supreme, [or it cen procure their requirements in ebnndsnoo. Ask some wise old men--sorne old men of ex- perience--ebout the highest things in life, end he will in ell probsbility en- swer, heelth, intsllectuel devellpment, end reciprocel love. Heelth ll one of the beet things, heeeuse it is at once the con- dition of lebor, independence. end pies- sure. Men wss designed for lsbor, hut heslth is necsesery to vuu-lr. (live the sick men everything, And l-.-eve him his snerings, end he will feel the: hell the world is lost to him. lntellectusl devel- I opment is one of the best things, hecsuse u it is the director of strength, the econi- rnieer o! supply, end the modsretor of I pleesore. As to reciprucel love, it hides lsnlts end magnies virtues; it mekes for itself s heeutilul world out (if the most unprornising meteriele end secures ' the best service thet eerth can give. ' Whst, then, is the reletion of money to these things I end wen All ll uvrmi or in rows: l In reletion to heelth. it csn pey for doctors end medicine when e men is sick, but it eennot heel the disorders oi sto- nrsch, end hrein, end nerve, which ere often the direct result of luxurious living. or the outcome ol overwork, which the greed of pleesure or gein so often 0, induce. Then whet cen money do for intellectuel culturel lt cen buy bot ks, " end ell the best helps to study, but thnt isits extreme limit in thet direction. It U, een endow s College, but it csnnot give th ;.- ..,......-- n.. .........'n.. On ...- J1 unu ,vIIu' Ill-II WIIII uu vvuuuuvnu `I'll emu nus or uni In tho unintolligablo jargon of hi: ninet- od space]: you my catch nomothiug about `Ho IIlI,' `noggin and `wnooc. Ho re- min ed on of Addison`: uying, `Nature bu lomotimu mndo A fool; but I cux-,_ comb in nlwnyn of a nun : own mnking.` Ask the opinion of the glutton. and his r.:.:*;r.T "..T.T.I. ;'." '7: ` nvuuvl IIIIIK III! I Alvin. ulusvv-noun . Thou, Ihll an the Illghut, the but tbingnol lilo! Auk tho lady of fuhioc, and tho Ii" all you 0!`-`jewel: And dreu, ol bulls and portion, of buux And irt tionl. The girl ol tho period may be ur- nunentnl, but not useful. She in a poor judge of the highont thing: of Mo. Auk l the young man what ho consider: ' 1 1-: IIIIIID AIIII nl IIIQI ]Iq-u-I. nun XII wuv uuupuuu w-nu illoolhh, and, ohll moo, nedatojn * unlohod. M the outut the speaker de- Ind his poduon. Bi wodth he did not mean the ordimty income of dsily labor, Ihothor of brain or mnaclo. By Ivooh ` In meant houdod money, nook: And tell hots, undtlnnotonoh no utoutu to ` under lnboc tor a living unnooouu-y. 1 `PI... -1.. ... oh. |uI..I...o nu. hunt I tho ulghthot blah hutowod upon min. Whik it widen his responsibilities it also video: No pout '0! uululmi` sud on- joynul. The ma who wulth in lnnll-In .-.4! Al -1! -... nggah In In I'Cj$ Cilvuiln 9-I I--uv.-. my links In thouldnu from the Rev. WI. Juhou oxlu than subject. lg:-. EH. Dhhon. K.A., Ill nppqintod Ohnirnnb. and Illa dovodoul ouniul ho inun- duud the quiet. The lcotoitr nnuhd Hut tho highen china olunh |ro_||Ion the price ol uoooy. Ho wunoc throw punch: xnn -:5-at -nnn_ \v..I.|. in nu: (J ..._-a.._.. con nu 3 A'n5.m u..5'5sf..' .3.'; .11.: -r om-onu|.mn.n. Izivvuuquuuupuuunuuuu nnHd.hIIuoonnoHIoY.l.0.A. I.`-A._ A- AL- -jJ_... lg... AL. I)`. W- '- W ludclouhr A 11-..: _,, , uuuy. uUlI--II. Q VS I'D UK bmun I_ rand otiulupnuo olyou. You but to and no on: due to nprounl youutboolidl Iongiutld Huntl- up mud to do my duty. You ull not no A Int-dun, nunloln, and It the -'3'! I I A n-II on tho won: lilo (T. Oonm.lryJ.Cnnoron. Saloon ... O I Iallvqy Calnpnny I _ , ,

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