Hung to (nor the scheme. Mr. W.'l`. (hbbud aid that In In: ntintiod Ioumthinu had to be done, tu= Improve the business of tho town, and; eopooinllyulho K. I P. R. R. in on-., duvoring to up the tndo of the buck ` townnhipn. He thought there nu no quutlonbl in paying After I time,u busi- non MIIIO dovolopod. Mr. A. L. Mordon thouuhl it In baiauoo 0! Inc unounl required. Mr. Roe said if it be found that the iron ore of the buck oountry in 0! then` kind rdpreuutod n luocoulul induotry, can] be established And the road mule to pay in bringing thin product to the mu-ht. - M. A Ilnhinil -nnI.i ha ninnnmi in man mnrkot. Mr. A. McNeil would be planned to IE0 the rnilrmd built, and would do every lhing to fnvor the scheme. llu vuue Invvuluu. Mr. W. 5'. William: eeid the: every one agreed thet this told In A neoeuily un- der the circnmetenoee. He named never el netmw page nilweye which werepey- in, end reed An oxtreol eating the! B rand of 2 font nuege hed been built. end equipped (or 85,000 per mile,end proved very euooouful. He though! each e road to 'l`eunmrth via Oulabrouk and Euler- prlea could be built; (bet they could gut. e ler e grant from the Government end woul have no dillieulty in ruining the balance of the unount required. 1 Mr, Rm nid if it be found `"9 Be it therefore Resolved, tbet tbie meet- ing deeme it edvieeble to take immediate etepeto build e Reilroed lmm lepnneo to 'l`unwortl1, end to web other point! u ineybo heteelter decided upon. Mr. Hooper etet tliet in the luck county e lerge mm in ol mineul wealth ley undeveloped, and by building this rued it Illl bring Iheee neturel roeourcee into req,uinition, inenulechirere Illl eiert up, -nd the whnle of the county will be beiietitted. Tlie qiieetiou erieoe, {will the coed pay 7" He line: it would pey every men, indirectly, doubly the em uint iuveeied. II, Q] B -IlII.'____ __:.I. A.L_A . _ _ _ _ A ..- tnngwn upuuuua or rum: in uillurul, tibcr, And other products, which no to 3 guns axiom HIIIIJQII, qn nooouuc us! than lacing no ndequuo man: 0! bring- ing tho some to inn-ht; sud whorou, the nlloy ul thq Nlpnneo River, and its tribulation, abound with good Inter pow- ers, many of which are 3: yet unemploy- ?1UJIDW#".Z'-Uj IIVII` Iinwliouol 0 ulliay In: that town to Hubugh, vnllold. Thou nu ugood ntunJaooo,u:d tho Erpnu aye dologuu Ion pruuil {nan Clark`: Mills, Nov- lnlith. 0` *5` ""`_!- butyn. 0GIO,pIl'll at tho county. 'l`ho_ y nod tho toquioition on which ho hon oollod tho uoodng, oud in- ntod diocuuioo on tho ofotior. vile .tlImat!; .1:9go.ow.~_ro9, . ..n..,.- roqunnd ot th_o plioont lino to ptooorvo tho man not bnoioou of that town,` Mr. I. Hoopor, M.t'., sold it won his pinion tlut tho oohon propoood ought :0 Inn boon oomnoudo; you: ago. H- mond tho following roooluuon 1 \ ll/hm... n.. ........t.. ;. n.. ..... .1 oh. ] Iuuvwu IIIC Ivuuwu|' luuuluuuu `x Whonaa the country in the nu-of the County of Lanna: sud Addington, And. ndjmoul Oountiol, nbuundn in mlnonl Iulth, forum: of pine, And olhot ulna- blo timber ; Ami vWIIaru. it in "ideal. tbs! to hrin: nnitl IILIIJI inln mark-L And to be AM Vwrurau. I: ll onuonl. mu. w bring said wonllh into main. And In be 9! my ultu no the Province of Ontario, that ooloniuhon fond: Ihbiild 50 built \l...oI....-A . -_.l .-Iu-..-. A nnnnl nur- III` IUIII Ur uvvu -cu.--.-. larceny In that sums] viuu uto nu- de: h lilo! Jourdan viththoounol Ih H thing the ounplniouohip In limo! Dalia udibnon! Au o`l'ory can t: would be alnply inooupcnblo and hudhlo. CI IAIAIII PIOHJ MIX A EIIILI _ 0}: crank; the lat inking dlholaiponpooplguuttho con- nflunliunnl A nail-an lun- ILA: human in blurmv.-.s:d_.:_ 99 yhorga-L9 an-t 9 ? {Ion ol {E0 Wi '* dtngtun iupuuouod of rum: in nnmnln, timbar. and mm: nrodunu. to HI.` IIJIUIIIK`|UlI IUHII IHDIIIII DC Ullllll gm 4 n. , - ..`. .'i"-"- III IIII-WAY llVIlo 7 A nus Ili III nuuuuuuun uquw `Inna, pm- Ibocnlllol 501`:-ry Ihndud to data: In loci! Oxford lull Sophnbor. npoir withou lab; to I(on&.ud than light ddo by ink with noun, M. whilon canny, huh joint nun ol Tory sad Ilhhy npuoncy in on. Loan] Homo. On the quodou ol tho Pu-bin Bill, I-it Hanan lot, the Saturday nig _nAxI_- :_ 004 `Pu Anucu luv.-A| old nth! vru|o|holovYa~llbu|ocoopldb Auction Kn`. it: ICON lib! dnnunburnanlhn 13. duh Iloull Ulnuugun. Iuluuuu on no Hun olooonom. new! In-4-01 by the Decision Oovornuolt, Inn has nnonnnuud adv-at hi: will. CMWINVC. I JIIIIOC TI II ICC Iithtopuvncnthu boon nal-oi. Tina canton at tho Dominion palm Ln. dun hon: nh.L_ by ill Donmou uonrnuou. I nponnuuod ad--at ol ween on uuurauy Inc an noonnlu Md Ohm luhonn won dlouimd. All nidhhvo bun Iblotnctn and tail-plutnu'I npullf hing I by Oaunrvulnn. Aiunov clerk in the Govnnnn Dm|mAu.-`l'ho dio- nhul manic In spin boiu nuihnod. In tho eonotnotion chop the Board ol hath Suurduy Inc all noohnla unl than Inhmun Ion (Hg TrIIgv_'ITp-I: 70 day ) Toronto, Feb. 3lh.-vA urimll lub- bing nffrly ocounod on Hhorbourno Huoatl nnrtly that midnight. The victim: were I lather. momr nnd broth- or. Al twelve u'clock hmu Malone], 3| urn 0! no. um] I bvlalhyor. nu-Ind at in luthol-'0 Iluulo, md. slur entering the ynnl, hnld nu Ingry discnuinn with hi: lather about the company he had been keeping. Altar onuring the In-nu the dlncuulou In nnowod, and upon Ju. M||nnoy,nr..nnompdn In em huiu his remarks with I cum, u. Mlfouoy. jr,. draw 3 poclm knilo and ~ stabbed the old mm in the thigh, inioh ing ndup sud ugly wound. A yo-n broth attempted to interfere, and o, loo. roooivod I alight wound. The moth- or, nuhtng lornrd tn ah the tails iron the new nlnrhlod nan, pod It by We blndo nndud nun! ol nun nearly sound (rum tho hand. The nonum of tho lnmily nrmmd the neigh- born, but the uuultu vu not upcuood till only Nah morning. H0 in bro I`. bolero lino Inglutnh this naming, 3 no nnondod to the llth. ._._-__ I|l'IlI l)ll( I'O(.I I C0l.IlpI"'lI|IIQ 0|". WHO HIGH T0- jeclod it. Out. of 6,1!!! men aoclod L000 will strike. llum b......I.-.1 ......a..-..... L.-- .o.....I. j I-III-U saw, 1v -*-'--`*1 "`I"' dog.` dun, And many than in- uu, lhn would 50 and llulim" , A_ l_ AL-x_ _..A..-I -i--- -Q in Inm- Inn unu. light hundred engine:-rl hue struck. Ono thouun-I two hundred will ntriho In_n\nrI-n- Fear/u! .s laI:M;f;_A /fair A Falla- rr. Mother um! Jfrotlaer Wou mint, Pllllluly, IHCI Ullllllllaly (IIIPOTIQC IIIB riuten. A repolitmn of the riot is threatened, And it nus fn-nre| that the lunch would be made during the ight. Min utimntod lhll there are 3 000 strikers. l...n.l.... |.`.,n '7 u-..-..-I .......l..---. . uruu-rt. London, Feb. 7 -Savarnl employer: 1 the iron and engineering Ind:-I Inn poalp-mod for I work Action on the no- tion of reductiun, in the hope n! coming to An nrrnnuomum. with the men. Una rm ou-ed n comprwmine but the men re- ieclad it. ()nl. uf ll!) nmn nicual l.(M|U A mob of amkera invaded the dock: late thia aflerunon, and compelled (hole whu Ieru working to de-iaz. Th--y have done c0nsIdrr;xMo dmnaga to aevural veuola, eapociully the American achuouor (Jon, and aim disabled the landing atagea. The police charged the mob ra- poatedly, and ultimately diaporaod the renalitmn the riot in , \.--,. ....,,,..,,..., London, Feb. 7.-'_l`hu sailors and coal heaven of Liverpool have struck work And are today pursding the town sing- ; ing sud making other deuionstrstions. Much discomfort, anxiety sud ernbarrss- . smeut. is caused by the strike. The de- psrture of many vessels hss bean ilelsyed, trsde hss sntfered and business a-f almost all kinds has been either partially or wholly impeded. 'l`he strike wu Almost. l entirely unanticipated The men are sp- psruntly thoroughly united and they do clsre they will not return to work until their demsnds--whIch are really not very unressm\sble-sre complied with. The city to-dsy presented a curious scene. The stoppage of tnule left the streets full of idlers end as the sailors sud ousl hesv- . ers msrehed through the city singing nsuticslsongs intermixed with Illusions to their grisvssoes they were followed by lsrge crowds of men, the majority ul whom sppsrently sympsthised with the strikers. ` .n.. < u... u Strike o/'Sm'lur.wmul Coal Ham'- crs--mob lM'uhu'b(uu.`e.v. ngypn are exnggerneu. London, Feb. B.~lt. in muted-that ca`.- Ho WI not be slmughmroul an the qunyn if no diuue axial: uu the veuola, And Amalie-an shippers need not fear inlcif- ferenco with their bnainuu. koya, u town near Munonv. A frighlfulnioluwu prevail: uumng the Ruuinn troops at rhlrinlloplo. The Emperor Wulmuu will open the German Heichntng In person. Tin (hnnm Miuintrv hung nnnruved uermsu mncnung nn Tho (hruun Miumry hue of the proposal for an import corn and pntlle, mnkiug tha twenty nunrka per head and on h mark: each. n.........o...n..I.. |`..|. n..1 It III! in 0 sum of gratifying lnlolli-, gonna lo Hr. Tilloy and die Tot, why 0! the Tampa-not community gono- nlly to but tint Mr. E. King Doddu, the all-Dull: chlnpion of Ooh:-lo, In luau nninoouly noninthd by the Oollutnlioi Oonvonllon of the County ol None! for M.P.P., in tho cunning uliool. With no: like King Doddl In Puliluoul. liquor will alto, be king. In odor to Info Ii: slung and election IIN (pgnluhrly the |Mkr)lot Joey (Ilka. cl Inglnoll, who he fought so any dnnphu haul: had to hand ...z..a cm. ndnhnhh Ilannr night. And nnru amen. Cuuunntnlmplu, Feb. 8.-F'righlful nickneu prevail: among the Ruuian troops at Adnianopla. Berlin. Fab. 8 -Wurtembor:r donu- Lroopc Au: unupua. Berlin, ~Wnrtemborg depu- lion, by I Iota no {:5 against 22, have de- olinod Lu iuatnnut n..-.r (luvumment to nppuw the gnmdng MIL UL Petenbnrn. Feb. 8.-'I`ha ulnuue "I9 |Il|. Peternbnrg, Feb. plague hu lpplred at Wysnluke, a town near Mowmv. mm. a n.....,|.. ..,.'n .:..;.u.. Moscow. London. Feb. 8.-~Cam\dn will ri idly onlorco the pruhibitiun of imporutigh of American cattlo, nutwithutunding timin- uenlinl preuure brought in opposition to it. nu Iv. N. B. Dawning, paper manufacturer, huluiled. Linblhtlea, L'HU,(I()l). Uniru Kuvnt, Fnh 8,-'I'Im rnnnrln of nuluueu. nuumuea,,uuu. Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 8.-'l'he report: of tha famine and deaulutiun in Upper Egypt enggernteal. London. Prince Inuit N: Icon `in nported to In Tug dangerous y ill` pl his mothwi all s- Ian, at Chinlhunt. It (I laid that the I loco hulor WHO lime led an it- rogular and aiuipucd life. and but bun wholly ngudlou ol the udmnnitionl 9! his author, and of M, Rohhct and olhog dutod Adherent: of tho Impcrini fun}- lr-. . Tho nnorln Hut thu French oalalu 11- e`., ropom Hut the French Ichomo hid boon abandoned are contro- . .dn`-And-.-..-.-,. H*. -- -- -1`- joctnr, yutordny paid thn (lovo'l'nrnlnl. the caution money on tho oonoenifun, sad it , iqunlod the Cugnpwy no going shed with the onterpriu "I`h- m..|.o n-.. M.....:......- \vM.n...-I: .._..-.... ..... .,.....,,...., .. 5."... .....,... the The Ri -ht Rev Monuignnr Woodlock, who hu ong boon rector of Iha Catholic |,JnivoniIy :5 SL8 hen`: Gucn.Dublm, . hu been appoint Biahup of Ardngh. {Inc See Inning vwutod by the duth of Bilhop Conroy, who had hold'it nines 1871. Thin dioceuincludu neuly the whole ol county Longlvrd, the greater put ul Loitrim and portions of King : County, Wemneuh, Rouoonunon, Gun and sup. It elnbr|1.`IDlfuH.y=uni purishu, nnd hu uventrtwo churchu, one occlu- III llwli III III uncuuuuun unnu- noo Oonpony Inn at length taken I prldolljtop in dohtnining to wind up the Illln ol that unlortunolplnotltution. To inll! to niuauto it would lino boon to {Martha Envy rink of {nun loilul oouvnly juutillod by the slim pou- ullllticl ol noun. `Photo who ban iooloo Ionly by holding nook in this hopolono count: on `much ontlllod to public oynpotliy. but no fear tho hopo of I10! partially noon:-in; thou loan: by to-cloning lbo Company would novor lino boon naliud. Once the public cooldonoo is thoroughly nndmninod in no lunnnoo coupon]-re or lifo-ll in ' to noon: it. I l bonus. The plnguo hu I poured at Wyuo- koye, town unonv. friuhlfullioklnou nrauill among statue in Elullu--`Til Gor- num I art!--Cattle {unatte- Mnn-- Nnnnlnnn '1 Rnlynlu, - nu nu IovenIy-uvo cnurcm.-I, B0010- homo: uumsa wnm, sATuRuA`u: FEBRUARY 3.. gave. WI!!! I Dr I. -`I/IDIIOU J tlou~Npolem'a Rot-dry. rEEsH`I'_FI9u*BLE. ( Hy Telegraph.) It`..|. .' I`l... ..iIm TOR_O[T0. sungguu. E W VII I-IIIJVII III TIC Incl Inning Illuiboldu-I will aura with u in tho expansion 6! reg:-oi that AL- Iogulggn-A -an n--p lnhuulnnnal In (III: I Today) --A momr broth. B approved `I duty on a liner 1! I hone: tun lIE'OA1'N|:ll. 0! VIII nhloolllnnlnludhuy Anldol .j_A.___1_.._AA__-,_ -_L cg w----- ----w. w---....-_ -_--.3 .--.-u.-. Olodncodulmu-|ooI.hb. ll. Iif'OKIIO%- II III at an aunt. Adulnlu mo. "Hum tuna. IOOII. AVIW OIITLI-;i`l cu lounnudat 01 with nlooly hnhbod no-no udn-at ':'-%':`sn.u.'u`v."u$'.`h".. ":?....`.'`'`a'... null! burnout Iob.Ith SalnIU:ful&:aicyVA`d:Iil;. IT A:uL:i'"o' 's}iii"f`racroIv. PRINCESS BTRIIT. Ugh Ink W iaiilie "ml K. DALY. Pnoruoon or Inm. sud ' o houicr ofllldhun a ()1-nhutrn. Iuu v|~ unenu fur |Ill|vHI on the Vnolm. Violn, Bnno u.d any Brnu lnntrunnal. Innlo grunge-I fol any numbor of lutrnnonumlnd on-ring, Prince or Public hula nyplld will lulu on ruumhnblu term: on the uhortul notice. I`obI . IIIDIIBSSI V- yvvr Iuuuuuuuu nu uu- oily. and will fool I melancholy noun 0! nllollhucnowjolnoouiduoddud and duo with. o... V_...:1 I 3*2*atu9:5r2h*l R;_E:Es BROS] Illlhoournn (`on oauonnn. Twenty Flve can per IIOIIII. or IVOIIOIOII 70' on dollar. In n-pun:-r. up-u 4 v yuan. Funeral from his father : ruI:lan\o.ChM.|nnm urornou Uum.|n_v. At half put two. U`rmudn and Aoqullnuncva are N-quoatvd I0 uund. Nnpunoo pnponu plum copy u Inturdny, I-`u-In mu, Joseph I. (heaven, of Nnpnnoo, and W yanrn. Funnrnl l'|-um In. futlmri n-.i.I.-nu l'I...nI..u.. Ill run In Kin tum, (lo-day) Fob. Bth, Clphln Gordon . I-`inklo. aged li0yearn. The (non! wnl who place from hln lun roI|douce,on Monday nnornoou 3:3 o'clock. Frlandu And uoqlulnunoou um rupoolfnllv Invluul In Alum! 705 hi. puuun I . CITY (`.ou.wn. --leoIing :18 '.m. -()uuru.I,ow's Emergency at I,?~.0 -_ -......_._ _ |!`.x1'u:.-1-.--For persona uufforlug from exhuution of the power: u` the brain and nervous lyuom. fruvu lung and continued umly or leluhlllg, or in thus: can: 0! exbnultiun from which no mnny young men autfer, I Lnuu of nu better medl- cine fur roaburatmn to health than Fal- |ows' Compound Syrup (of Hypophor Dhitos. Ion \ phitoo. En: URI 1 II It Ilprviuluu In xu'nv- nun: the-Badman us not inn-oduood to thbl ,x;_ ,_.I .1 IA`! _ __-I-_`L-I- -.-- 1;, 4.:-9-- ~ The l.mlle.u l ruIIuu-iannemo 1 While protesting against all thu old wonhlon donlrices now in the uurket, ~l.ho Indian with one c-rnlenf-, have ndopv.- ed the .\'()7.UD()N'l` in the one thing noedfnl to insure the integrity of the oath and I frnggrnntbreuln . _ _ _-.g-%_._ l|IL1Z,l)l.ll IHOITCCI. -'l`ho (luzrltc says: we umlerltnnd ill not intention of Govormnout to ask for I vote Inward: sanding Canulinn exhibits to be held at Sydney, New South Wales. n-mu. The luluter packer: in Non South in- land to havu an. Act. intrmlllhsd at the coming Iouion ol the Dominion Pulls- mont [0 dene the time It which lobster catching and packing almll ceue. -Several puwerful tugs left. Queens- tnwn hut night tr meet the dnubled Izeamar (Joins. The lubnhues of Mullurky .1; Co. are $2a ;.';_tIIo of which $l33,00 no direct. url $122,000 Indirect. ..'I`hn (.'u:-IIu nnI!u~ wn unnlnrnlunul iln an ax reupocuveny mr escn mason. The army of painter: nnd whitowuherl are ntill holding the fort Al. the Pulit- mont buildingu, and will have Ill they can do to finish in tune for the opening. --- one (`omlensell for t-I;.'- Whig" Read- 412-- mu morning. The irropreauible prufuuor uf cuutt etiquette, Mr. Fanning, ill` the Ruuoll Hume, nnd`nnnouuc'ea himllsll prepnrad to gnvelunauns to lndios Ind gontlamon at $2 respectively fnr each lonaon. The nrmv of mintern And whitowuherl oougcen 0! me Uu.a\vn male: uouogo. Mrl. Sayt-Sidmlonn dined at Ridouu Hull yentarday, and left. for Montreal thin morning. Thu irrnnruuuihln nrufnnlnr nf nuurf. \..,, .m._,..._,,.. . .,-....,., Ottawa, Fob. 8.--l:ii: Excellono nnd H.R.ll. were again I! the Opufl uuu Ixut night, the ncmnion being the nnuunl 00l_|C6l`t of the Ottawa Imdiel Collogo. M... .u....uL.\'i.l.I...... .Ii..-,| .9 RM... I VIIIIIIXIUINI II, 3 lvlnvvuu In UIIU mid dhlnnefaioouout Mr. Plumb- nool duos-ol Niopn-thou nun III dlllood by defeat, in yo: to under- [0150 ordul cl onuinntlon on tho unto: thugs. and may not ollutgo undid. His Hand: Ipllld do call to Iuppuu that jnbiluionn until his plb annual nan. Inn In-n Imnnl nnl rlinnnlnd ."U`fl'fI`t`I'l" , guest: 0! the evening u-arcoly uttrsctoq greater attention than did I lndy yurin 3 living butle M In urn'unent pot, an provonlotl lroln Ilrnyinu "by n alight gold chain attached to the inn-ct`: lmdy. Brooklyn, NY. , Feb. 21,- lleeohornyn tllaiputting on of mourning in an un- clirinlinn. expamive and useleu omtmn. All my life [have been nlruggling Against thew dnwnwud view: of dellll. All lliinuzn cumidarod, I would rather die lhnn live." 3: U ! '7'! NF! I = Now Yul, Fob. 7.-.GoI'Itn'ot Iohir I an Inn dincud Dr. Lot, of Om-null! University, loprneood In Staten Island wd King: County, md invudqou the nllgod cattle: diuuo. .. V...|.- 2.. n_I--.-..._ ' -1...I wu onu-goo umn con-pmng lo unnulo sink. unied in the mix of tho` Govern- ment ' Field, Morris t Fonor, that he recs vod 81,000 {or each can ol silk - -':1n1:'in&; ntT`IK!illti' -HMc - "'I1I:uigbIt' Univ - loctor Donut: got 0160. " no recelna u,uUu mt each oi suit In tho Vnndorbt III] on: Dr. nv nu oa camu queue. _ | J! X9? .. felt &-l-an-nee. the nu chug with con-pix-{nu to smuggle nick. hutiod in the mix of tin` (Ion:-n. work And necunu ncn. New York, Feb. 8.-T|sotuu Lord,|r . 84, died only this morning. He muriod Mn. Hich, Doc'r. Int. 1677, than 48. Ho pocuuod more tlun 82,300,000. Alter hi: mnrriua to Mn. lliah hin. no pocuuoa Lnnn I',SilN,lAIJ.' hi: marriage Mn. llioh hi: ohildran unda niduilu lu prove him in- uno. The manor ondod In 1 compro- min. Vwe-lteanl l an-anage--Etiquette --Opmung 0/ I'm-llumeul. -$-- Iootor IJQIIIOI got I100. , Vsndorht till out Dr. Gray testified Nut he didn't cuniidot I lain to be rich` 1 noouury indication nl Inunily, upoeinlly if the patient wont to work and becuno rich. Hui Vnrh Huh R -ThnvnAn [maul If uuu. ` , Nu Turk, Fab. 8.-'-`flu Ijunduu Would mom that me the reception ro- W Xwj I-Ct }IIuIIIwuI unun Illl yu- noulouuhnboou hoard sud dilpoudl -3 `V `|uJ .na.a...v\a Iululhoourlna ouloollonou. wuugmnos. Enmvnv CLAY, hI.D., Pnguvuh, N.S. FOR SALE. rs.w.a~:.*:.: J:.':_._';_' J. I, IIIKSI . u lint? caZ.`%......' --um A Nbc")`rua:|nl-- Oath Duuu. AT THE `BAZLAEU nil/uI"`gsn7cuEi'.`: 0 A5 D7 ; "(nu Tea;-5 Today) 1-` V;-H, '15. 7, -(}nqnnn'ho Io$7S1Lcn|ms. Iogjn. '--" (Hy Trlcjrqpll Twduy.) .. l`..|. H , IL. I4`-lmll-.. VIII CHIN`. ._ . . _ ...,,_,_A- If If H I A I) I'.'b S. I. W. LIIDIIWII I Iu.uuua..u..n. gpuq-I I. I. IOII v-- ~-5;- udfrnyn. j IPII-Ill. .- .4... an. Z W * `(WW I choduuuttlngcuhjduiplo. I-W-:9-..::z:"m :EORBETY'S. _ Ell If IEOOI. Ikluhlo it an I Inna. , ll IIAIIY-IA Ilolhut In an- :Idv|..InIal:I I10: and .ui O I PU III COOK of all In tycoon and In pad mint. annually to lute III Int hat Ill]: 1'nos.-s'nI.n, Harclunt TI.or,C1oth.ier ADI: KAI` I- IVXIVU I HIST.` IIZUIIL IAk1'lN`8 IQLOCI. corner of Prison: um Iontnul Input. w. I-. nu. Fab. lll. To uvo daisy oilfpooplo will-plan -sh nppolntnonta. All lm-at-man and Qehonl Tauqlmrn will 7--'-vu -u-- uv-u -n u_n-rv nu un- pnuius.Whunoo|od Io'l'iHo_It pusounyupuuoluoonu dined at. hdlgnotbllqth dultrd in vould noonudlothnnllou-Muollto ho puf In tho Pruqnlgl chair, null lulu pn- Whlluhh in vuryyumabiu to `.!.'-!|=-v-.-s!f_.i _9* . nnnnolnnn --- nppolmncui-. All Clot yuan snd 8o|Iool1'ucbern will noolvonll rsldlaoons. In A ufluu In tuvi ....-.- ..f Duh`... .-ul I-`OB Tllll P`l(}'l'UllI! lloousu he In Inullng Inc also: Photon Cheaper than uvy Anlu In the city. ._- lrnoroanarnsai nu own DI;A_I`l'III'l' ulhha .- |--nn n-uncut of Goods 0! I0 . `7 'l"h'I0ll. I-50. 55 TKCKOM. INN Ramnh Punt mm Iouoyordor, HI mar ed letter, I dnfl or uprsu. Fall In of druvln nhlinhal In Loulnvillo Courier J nr nullnd` an York Harald. and nnuod to I" llnhet. holders. For tickets And hformnlon uldnu UOIIOIIIALTI Dlnnulnrzon Co. or l`.J C()lIl!`.Bh`0II). 8oo'y,Conr hhlour unl Bulldlnxmlnulnvlllo. Ly. Fob Ilh. I871 HIO IIPBII UI'IWl|I[: I Pu|u.......OID,NID`lNPnu|ol l(I),.l0.MM I PriIo........ 10.000 3015-1000 10.0% I. 5.1!!` GMPHIMSIO 12.000 I0 Pri:el.000o'ohl0,000 l_000 " I0 l0.000 '20 PriIoI500oanI|0,N0 9 Print! till) ouch. Approxlmat In Prison 2,700 9 Print: `."Jll 6Al`II. " I,PI)0 54 Prison Hllnu-IL " " {Ill T111:-'i\pQ IN man l)l8TRlBU`l'l~:D. TI()I{ETS ()NLY Road tho followln uttnotlu list of P1-hen for the Arch Drnwing: I D.|.. , mmmmnmo.-......mIm lmjll) I:'`lVlI III IJUICIIII .!'HIwa.!!h.:DJ!!W.vE,'E9.:yI By mthority of the (Jmnmonwonlth of Ken- mcky. Dnwing and Details under aupor` vmun of romlnouc omuno of Ken- cuu y. III um any at Loullvllh. n Hand-Ir. Hun:-In Slat. I579. CI, tub I: uhvonblo clout upon ii: an- dugul (qr the ant august. Fab. Olll. On Iondny, larch 3IsI, I879. No Bcnling! No Postponement! rulzu run I! run. uznnnnn ndss's, Princess Street, Ifnh lI'."I OPPOSITE l`.l"l`V lln'l`I.`l. lulu cbglnnodlglnrunnnoo catholic I Ioeielln cl` Ila city. In All of no rind: oi the Conlornu cl Ian: I 'IlflI`I' DI DlII._ ITHE REV. J. r. LEumn,| lsiimlny Evening. I-`eb.! 23n9(l.l I All` Iould cull tho Ituntion ol than who no in need of those Good: to CALL And I . manor rum. Thoynn amp and putty. II. llughcodlounotwoptunnl tho jllpuu oi the "Oourt below" In` the sum of lb ojoulon ma immig- ndou. Hointnlgno iuoid.tooury as Colh lupus. Conn. up. Justin Cult, In lolindug judgment, oxpnnucl Ll` gm-Q -In--n-n hhnl Ihgnn ntnl n :unniI|_ DUHJTLIZ Canada Tlnrro Hundred Years 150; In llulonrlro nl lnrtyrl. rllll PAID I.` IULL. $112.-00 IN (FARM l)lR`l`RlI!UTED. llnpnnllolcd Inc-ecu of tho Popular Inwlnu. c+EN"'1'*1.5:n'ia:N's IILL'I GALLERY an 413-; -s---3-----onnr Eb mm. 0112.400 Whola 1\.-km. .9. Half Tirkaln. OI. Ti.-nu. 0.50. Tickou. 0100 Feb 8, 1879. IN 8'1`. HABTS CATHEDRAL. `III, II IuIvUnu' ;uu-vuv, vaytvu-In MI an p|nnn_IlnO,IImb III 3 pouibll- : It} at mad hon nu ma. doohlon. Should Ur. Raglan act upon the hint tin oppuontly dunno. iutondovi for bin to dnunly Isoph III: pcnoml reputation will In vlndlnugl by I nnoval ol the 3...: .u.n_..i.x... .....a `ll. pI....I._ ORAIND DISTIIIUTION III III I `I II ll KI: DWI?` lUI' Ill TI clue:-I II the City. %"'""u;:%+:`:%tuu?-ii-:*: A.Ln_j., Ross . IOIC 8! Hal and l: f--nl Fun. TI08. IIAIJ. Prhnnlinol `nun wan` IIOIWED A nw wt or VIIIT Ipeury and Wool! V Tirkll. CI. rv order. Ingmar JY 82' uoprosm: cmr Hon-:1. looxrnowronxnirl ____{,_...-....__.:_-._..._.- G UA RD] A N Assuranoe Company .0 LUIIMDI. l.l(ll.All'I. `nu uqupuy nuance to man tuning: a` r.....`-- *1; *::.-:;-:..'*':.:.1.-:.-*.:: turns mi 5: nnunuubu-pl Dyan, and 00-Day . T. W. lllnhnll, Inn I. lnnnht. Brltuh Anortou out-um: Can 1 lune nil uni luau Von-nln. Llolrbl I or _ shy tho trip. nu-nth, new or put 53;'Jn.....a by the at Ibolnuuu love omnho ovutrouuotounrunl `l\|n uuupuy nuance lo luau buildings .'u.....' "`i`"$`2`. .`:.."{.."'.`1'.1."aL.'2..:? Whole-nlonuloull. db .7. B.IlJI2D'8.: DIOIOI MIDI -n--M" ~.-mam` !_`!.!, !!!Tl1Q'IIII'Z' Iatcnhhloolhduontill plum ant- nplnhlh-utbtol I80 1! Past- An.4I.I.._ -43. 11...-1.....- A.....|__ `HARD U5` l)lllE(.'l`UIl (loo. Percival Iklmll. Kloplionnov Polar Paterson, .. Do my Gonrnu-` I. ll.I|thrfo|. . an 'I Cnyloyi n... I). llnrpnbm H I fhnllnn an W Allan Tim: Inna: u)`. TIUTI'KKllx The Hon (loo W AlluI.ThoI Mint. Hula Lllil Roblnaol. Hartmnd (loo Boyd Inn lulu than Wnllovud ha . 1'. .mrhn.Il. uumnn WI. WID'|l|H',I, XXV`-.Ill|l I970 I'D, H Wh.`IOI .1`. .l|ln~hn.|l, gurus; 00:1 Imam nail nnl chum Van-In lhnlrhnl ._---g BRITISH AUIBICA Insurance Company ~- -c 87 King Strogl. \V0 In telling All our RTUVICH TEN PICK (TENT ('l|IIA PHH Ilum uuy In-uuu In tho aliy. A In]! a-lm~|| nl (`VT NAILU lur Inlnrhohp. Nuv `Jlh [Hal], Parlour and Book Stun] |co1u_3_E_'_1_'1' gs; co s..[ ls-1-01713 8'1] - V Notice. our 10 Loan hrnnnluu nxyhvu. Anvutl-or Mesa-rvulr (`n0Hn|: Slow. and In tho ' only low portable R:-no-rxuir (`ooklmz Htuvn In the world with wnrunrm 1H`t`lI under the re. "U? T: `IX JFIIIIC "TI pllhuialnltullo in pIuxl_l_y cotn,'nIu`HuyAnoiu Io'I:L'I'il- Ilil, In CAI-, In. kYW`.`\`| With urge pnrmhla plnninlm-9 (`upp(!I' Honor vnlr; rnmblnn Innra ilnpurlullt It-nlllmn than IIIYUIJIOI` Mom-rvulr (`ml-Ing Slmm. and tho nnlv um-tabla (`ookhux ltxuuino my Stow; bofurn buying ellcwhoro 3 WM- ESUNN, PRINOB88 STREET. In. Iln. I Cirownlng Glory Woml (`hols Stow. \.I ilh Inn-an nnrinhln -.ln....I.a;.l ...u.-nun D..-`- HALL AND I ANl4UR IIICATINU HT()Vl_ the most Ilu-oeanll Ntnvn aohl. I3,` Eva-ry Btano gllurnnvned. Alno tho jravzgsiraviaj Jaiicetq`1ontr etms}] (Tall and am tlu-.-ix Hluck and prvcol luaforn pumhnsiugz. Z S1-v'ul ultanliun uivon to Ht-ntingnl llwallingn an-I Puhliv Huilclln I with Steam. or Hot` Mr. \Vo Innlm n um-oin Ir 0! Llnn hnli lhmllingn an-| Puhliv Huihlin with Sham. spa-oin t_r ol than bnni nus. Hmnlu-r tho place- Canadian Stove De \ot. . No. 2| Brock Street. Get sch. I878. l`Iu-y Iiunrnnlec Every) hovel they sell to give sallslnctlon. I s-1-:ov::s,| FUR WOOD AND LUAL. Which tlmy oor M LOW RRICEH. -ur- cooking, Parlour ____I Thnlownul or nny Tender ulnnll notbo no- peunrily Iecemod. urn I IAII II.ll.`I nun Wll.l.lAl|l IRELAND. Sc-cruury. Qunn'n Collegr. Queen`: Collage, Klmuluu. I-`ubrunry HI. min; McKelvey & B1rch mws NOW or`: HAND. Large and We.l`l_ Seectemstuckl Oldul Charters} Cu-ugmdlau (knpcny. vvv---u -vw vcu- vuuuvvu w-.puu-u, in gulpdu his Iron` any blade in the .....x... ' nu... ......4..I .. nu... u.- ._ ___,,,,.. Upon I the to he nuloot 11 by Um Tnuuoo, according la llm `nhllul and upmilivatlonl de- Ealml It the LoIn n(~ulluu llnll, Quoelfl llago, Kingston. I-`or Hm due fulllmmn. of the Contract- uwnrily utiufnwlory to lhe llmml ol Trunleeo `will be requirtvl. lI\L,.I.__,n __ ,-.. mm... L n__.|, _. IALED `I I`HDER8, l`|ll'llNl to tho III- douignod, will be m-eivad :1 Inc olqo, In the (my ol lung:-mu. unnl lsaturtlny. the 22ml I-'1-bruary,| AT vmim. 8:-punk ll-mlara will be rwuivod lurih Iurpenluu. Mnnonn. l'huu\n~I`n, |'I|uuhII GM and usmn Iv`ill~.ra. Tinllulllm. slums, Imu.(Hizing maul l'niu1org' work. n , .1 2 . mu . , .., .. ,._, . |C0LLEGE 3U'1<;'3!`33l FIRE Minne I"UK'-TIIFZ (`Hl'IA|'ES'l` AND BEHT |D ()l'lfl(.`It - ~ - `l`0R(,`l'I`U Church HtmM.(.`M-an nH?onr1 It uvun vvuuvv \/VIUUIIZ ,0 LOIDOI. KIOIAID. uinuuuu nu zn_gu:.%giii:gu aims; mluul the Co Eollogo, Kingston. >.JIhII.IIr|,, _Tf5`TEs "."1. T T} FUR WOUD AND uu.u., I-`OR QUlI!`.NV'8 L'( I[.l.E(l R, :...a>-n-..:..:.._. r Ihu emotion and ooulnpleln of Ill. IWIVT. A It. lnvnogonl `K2; Han IATUIDAY I710; II'B. I, ll. U 1*` ':'r"uu?uno'.:,f"` I1. sooksatnducoa Prices HEN L -; Lovely Icollnuhl Vnlcouun lnnthruoonutolhmonollun nun. liooauohloulut 10., llcnd Io. F line | IVALENTINES umuln noun 0| um: ago aw Hpukliu Wnvu, by Wynn Nb jluypkeo post {no on roooiplol u nrloo. rury man aclouncn Tho him. On: II Home --nun; Woodland Echoes-by Wyuunn Sound the Load ZiInbI'ol-by Wsdo Halo in the Anna ol Jun do Jotuulgp the Golden do Tho Angel : song by Dlnin ltrunnluni lind- Tho Ilonuoldi Snug Ohoron Chiuin Boll: ol luau Ago Hnulnlin Nun. bi Wvun dlrootonol tho Badman: Innu- _,, n,___.- |____- -A I-.._AL 1-].-- _ n-uuuamuuuuuyuom 1.4 .4 ch...--nnllnlnn-damn-id Liulo Juk Horn, singing nod:-ill: No Fniry Voices Nocturne, by lsh 900 Summer Rain Dfupl, do 20 Whiaporilu Won: do lb Sulvor Echoes do Ill hlo Cypru Wnluu % Uncle Tum`: Cabin Qusdrillol lo Blue and White Pulh b The Song 0! tho Brook Morena 24% Fan, Cumin Song, by D--datoh No Wrock ol the Prinonu Alias. don. Ion` b Woddin Bolllnud Incl I00 Fairy 0 on Sciotlich lib Thu Link Onu Homo--|nn1 Nb HuI|rd'I Hnrmoninm Library, connin- ing Praludu, lntuludu. llolodlu, Slow Ilovemontl, to. NM. New Conoel-lint Book, Munio sud Worlln, all ccpiul plocu. lbc. Shard`: Cc-mic Annual fur I879, contain: 20 of the molt populnr comic Bongo, with neoompuninont. Shard : Dance Music for I879, contains l'..' choicn dnnce pioou. Shard`: Annual 1-! Chriuy Kinurol Song: for I879. with sunny ollon, Grandfather`: Clock. Aubulnuu, Pun!` Old Trunp, Eileen : Anuwu, Drifting with tho do, do. 300. Sheet Music Received: New Music Books. Complete, in clur In-go typo 150. AT HENDERSON '8 lsankes Songs and Solos. I N0. 3, \vm1'Mus1c_3o... AT HEN DERSON '8 Mathematical Instrumnntsl 1-`ms ASUORTMENT, A um; zroury. H-min lllhnlnnn .11 M AT EENDER8ON'8 Iiy Eminont English and Amorioan Soho- Iarn of various dononinntionn, with numomun high clan Illustra- liom, Mn , Plum and Outs, ol. 1, con- mm Mnllhew, Mark and Luke. Edited by ` Dr. Sohn . Price 06. npoonpxulwry 0| ringlnud. I vol., oom- pleto It `I Suppliu 0! 00%); Books, Exoniu Booh, Spelling B nnlu, lo., #0., I" It the loved. pricel. ' nouvuurs rnuuoopmo Son La Toiu, nuthuciud. ` auuammr. 1`m.n.1- um Duortod -r Vnllnuo. Such : Milton. ' R nu\n.'- {`.lu.-.:.| .. noun lllllull. Romeo : Chominlry. Modem Eng bnd-H6|bory Primor. Swinlotfl Lnngn Loam: --Unmpbolli and `Miller : moon. ' Edith Thompson : History o! Englnud. Lgddall and Some`: Crook Lexicon. Bupljuh Diutioniria-sll Iindn. Epoch Hiuoiy 0! England, 3 volt, 60 com: oh. Epoohjllintory of England. I voI., nlete ll. ``""" New Popular Comlnonlnry on the New Testament :- mu Junior! 84 Virgil! Ecloguu. | I ! I I H new odmon. - Momma`: Inuliah Composition. I Abbot`: How to Fun. uduool to 756. [Ann Hooho, by Jonnoohou. Authoriud Soaveunk Philuoophio Son La Toiu, . ,, ' 1 V Motrin` ltugli-ta Grammar undutohu, edition. Mo llqnorginnt, _ .5.-ul--I in tlnfnnl Hmftnansoms scuoog Illlolfl hlllgll 0 15030! `MHlot'| mil '1 E:-In-nnn AT IlEllIIE|I80H'5. Jane Eyre! . ,RECE1 vE1`) l`i%lNOE8 smut-A. AT HEN DERBOWC JOIN Hninnnson, Pfinocn Strut. . I00 10 Illa Iy uonuun Jotnhuno-l 'Wd|, IOU.` Hi It. Benin, with n* Aa { :'.'..r% InnIuln.ulnunnnol'lr-not LlI|.I..lI.llI Ian` ahiuhqhduudl . `ll `husband. `You'll in : um I "3 Ir.Booai_c-initial `W Iiuuczuu -an-u yu-nu-v-, `Riv.-you Ward llocubm llov. Hoary Wu-II . cl nmuyu. out; In baht: bulk in lhludo Hall. I: Bonre mead IDI mm with Ill nunldnudlubvnuupo. Who .L. _.|.n_A..l..L.-all-n mnmhk Q [3 nl [III Ivunulgl uumg to 50 India!` V `Oi, It. lloootm nplud voonly, u u an win In`! uh huh nut in loo- QIIUIIIDOI Ir. Donner, Inna no Inland Ila ha, with Iuulleotnl enn- vduon. Bo and. `An you going hnlhnlndnlh thh uonlm (Join: to `An y In tho IOIIIN this tuning? A. |.-nun!` `ID, ll. Honour nplllu runny, II I In Ii`: 8.010 Iuhhntod . I M m_` Iovgwoogugto ..-_ lollallolallo (a..'..J.Ta...a.,..; OM kiln Henry Wad Beecher wool. down to Boston to lawn. In the after- noon to vent Inlouhubonhopol gnu baud ulnncnt coho uhnd. Tho India: an n nnnlom Iiulo [allow who Ooloold lullnncnl In no IIIVOO. `I'M MIDI III I Ion: Iitllo fellow oulcudnod r. Beecher, vhilo ho n_;;._..| LI. 1... -hL I-Lgnnnlnnl an-n_ 110" ` `(logical harbor unkind, ' . Wnrdllooobor ll . H 32:: lung... . nl Ennllvnf .('1..a..3 oi Illllll mayor Iullnwcn ll Oiuor. -Hon. II. Wood undo I point in MI speech in NM Olhriu blur. who in points! on tint tho lacuna ol uluiu had boon undo to Coulotntivot, and that oonnoqlulnly they cnuld not MOI boon undo an n can of rounding political union. but holluu of die work done. which deurvod Iaighor ru- nunontiun . `C 30 `I. OICINICT. -A ngulur trim nlu duel in boing (on M about the In Rovonur colloc- to ip. The Imnbor of lluntnd up li- cnh, st Othuu. for tlu oleo, in on tn innumorslrlm, And each mu: bu his friends. --An [Id at Ooaurutivo pnpor till ho III at Ottawa at an only day. Grout dhudduouon uiuu among curl sin inuouhl Oonurntivu with thp nun- gonont of tho pnuul. Gunrnnout organ, II which Knot Kukintoeh in editor. I Iona. -'I`ho luau rumor rounding the Spnhnbip is that Mr. Oooiburn nu tn ho Bpulor (or one your, llld than retire to the Bench and In wounded by "Mr. Bluwlntt, and that III. Muoduuglll will ho luvitqd to I nut in the Cabinet -1110 Civil Sorvioo employees have ro- odnd 3 unit: that any prunun brought to but my of them upon Iininhn, to ruin air uluioo, mny cm! in unlimited loan 0! nhunoo being grunt- od to tho oondu. ._A nnanlnv h-inn-nlnp nlnnl in hninn mo unpu. -Only I80 invitation: have ban in- nuod for toll! muho uoc of tho Bon- nh Oiolnbor lot out Thlmdny. A well known I. P. In: bun trying to got. :30 lo! his wile, but ha been ro~ II . uu oowou um um: nouany. --Tho Government steamer Noftern Light In: been hid up at Goorgetown lino. 13th Juauuy, mails and unen- gon {or Print Edwud hlsnd going by the Gaps. -Onlv Iolnoul 0! | vary Ionro Iy . -1: the Ingillnluro of Eiennilobn un Inondlnnt III moved to the Addrou, sad the Govormnont wu sustained by I vote of M to 9 in I hill House. __A Ilnllnuln Hanna -nnnnn nnmul won or u to 1: III I mu nouns. -A Bollovillo young woman nunod Nicholson, that uhndin church Sun- du night, wuulud wit innmntion of tho bowel: and did Monday. --'l`ho "3"-nu 1 N. r. unn. -110 outtlo nut to England by the Iuullor Ontario Inn been Ilmghtorod at Lin:-pool, sud tho dilouo hu been pro- nounood of '5 vary unro ty --ln lln Inrillnlum of ennimln An --Mr. Bunting denies that he hu ION I Ml Inhroutln tho Mail. Bull in reported at Wuh- I lnnton to be still. in Ounudn. -munngcnon or me nppouumom. or Lord Dulorin at British Aubuudor to St. Pgurgbnnl bu boon conrmed. ,, --The Oouurntivu of Pool have nom- mud W. A. HoCulla to oontut the county in their interest It tho `forthcom- ing loonl ohotion. -l`hu oi: iron nroduoern hnvo inur- -'UIuIII` nun II TIPOYIIII II : VVIIll' lngton boltill. --0wingto Bonner Shad being nu iluolvont ho will shunt himself froml Ihn Bonn: this union. __'I`||A IIInn n AI nnnunnnv urn "II UCIIIIC III IXIIOII. --The Hlldcolfl Buy Company are psying Ii llluhui mty cent: for good clean that at Winnipeg, Mun. --IntAllinnm of thn nnnointmanf. of v` urwupu so-up ..-w --~ ulunhuquh-huohvw-I-a h9bOdB3&I.I|o`l'cqc|cucn jII$o'nqyboulIu- A-an-sjj in him- mg Ioou uocuon. ' producers viowod r. Tilloy, to nd ont. wlnt heiu ing to do lot their intarut under the . P. In-IE. 7 WI Ill I UiII.l ll' ingo`!'ory Inoouhot to tho Luioloturo. Tllonoooo of Rofol-morn, no will odmil, ooro dupod into ooying on `union to tho Tory proyor (or pour in '67 out! '78. but on thoroughly hon llloy boon updocoivod `` tho: tboto in now prooiouo mu. dongn of , I npolilion of tho `loll. If it woro poo- oibio for tllo proocliod linlo orioo now otortod by tho Ontario Oppooilion ogoinot tho Mum Miniury to bo rovnrdod with I onooooo Inch no ouondod tho moro ploooiblo protootion cry at tho Dominion olootiono Io would just on noon [nil Mr. lorodith for Promior no any other mom- bol ol tho Loonl Tory party. A: thin io out of tho qnooiion, howovor, we wioh him tho next but thing--on indenite halo of ooo no Louior of HO! Moja- i.y'o Loynl Oppooitiqi in tho Loooi Legio- lnlnnn ? a. UV out HCIII Dull uIuuu|'vI-an Obdo inhlluflounnu of An impottult Iuulpy hilly, Lnvopilhd `by the solution ol Ilr._ Meredith an loader al u Ho Ind I much hot- bf right to it than tho Ianltobqn inhu- lot who angina mum It. But with tllh null honor Middleton and the Dispatch mm my utino-1. It may be true, as our oonunponry said, that uu.u.... n... ....-. :.....m...u . p.-...;... IIUU, -I vlu VUIICIIIFIIIT, lulu, -mu! Iiddlcnu has never larnhhod I Prulniur Iot0Iur|oot the Dominion. All eon- oot-I In: M: ;a_g md um London will nun In:-nigh an Ontario Pnniiir nt __._ __A- __ |-____ .u._..___x_.....1..__u..__._ """|"|~!1* 9-`db.-liehtlfw 6ItIIenIneIotookeuepIeub`IIlu- eerlieechtnepyl-elec-an -eeldeey Ante to tbeeleveune at It. M Ie|bePuuenhIpol the eeugeeeuleleedoee. Wellneneedeat qlenelebovceo reuoceendexueuely lhploheeeeonthgeocy. The magi. Io uonlly aenein-n_o loheppen (Int |Ie(eiuen"oee eud H indulge their `lhylriudeh deleeive enciaipuioneol II. nun.--can eed intelligence -I Ilhlllgegg? -A, ,`-.,.J..LA-J A- snout 0! III! pronoun uunrnnoul org: I Chill Mayor fl -l-Ion. mood no nun vnuu u vnnmpog, nun. --lnuIligcnoo ol the nppointmenc of Ian! Dulorin Britinh Anbuudor salmon-3 onmiuuus. in am: "nu." .._ II, `I inn Io vyvwuuuqww-u " T1 otl `l`|o'xv.uounhl. Avcbdllmhu vuhuduul also lanrlna-n|uInuohnImn.uu the Ir. wagon and an an nppunu Io aonvinood ol the nooupiq cat I uiliuy, sud nllthu undid no to sppolul 5 continue to Indigo Ibo nutter, and ionondnooudolh ll. Dalton. Iho appolatuoll C 3 Oonniuu to nab tho 3o....""'.".'."u"n.n....a"'f';'.a"?.`."5'.?`.z': -...L .n....4. .. 0.. AL... -.- noon] unlnlhb DIIII nu uunoou. Ir. Dubai all (hut the Co--Iuoo nnun olnuvlohd on lama! .5, 1.400000] um um LEW 'hryduuun:'-u lot lnvunk. Illa Iohonoo Ioon u pnuum. Kr. Hnydon, 0! Clark`: llillo, II he then In the oohono was feasible cm. H; right it the Inghlunn would grunt nnuonabla houua tho mud onuld In cull] built AI CHI {Night bill: from Nspuuo to`O E : Hill: would amount to the (nuns! on About 04,000 ` pot nuns. And In Ill only on sunny ` pint other! II Inc in; I bony 1 cu uhtoul nu to-non. 801 tholght thuood Iouldh cull] bum. . Ir. Donnioon duo favored thuohouo. 1 `I'M notion In curried unanlnour 1 1 ct. In-.W. I`. llnllhopodovory elm-I would 50133410 to bring about tho nlintion ul Ihc Iohonu pnuiblo. ll:-_ H:-don. ol Clark`: Hills. uid I! they In that xupnu II |II urnou. Ir. Thonn Soon, 0! Ilowburgh, up in {not ol I railway wliothor it paid or not. It will pay ovary Inn in tho county by the increase In the ulwo ol property. The K. I. I . could nut Llu In tho blui- nou at proton: required of them, and and In did not no why I road through thin county would not pay on wall, unit would not out on much In bl.lIltlI[. Ho thought the route upgdlod not too hr Int. no oonoornod. Mr R00 uoondod the resolution. nnd uid he did not know 0! I honor route. A: Yurkor mm Ill 5 p|P0r mill, At New- burgh mother, at Oluk I Mills nnothrr rapor mill III being built. at Yulmr I up upoh hotury nu iunzronliun, nnd othor induuriu and p not: ol the section through which the mud pun: would fuminh I wry oumidnrsblo bun- nou for the mud. Mr. Milan 0uon.ol Nowba In, thought tlu poopll cl Ii: village woud jnin in tho undertaking with lust! Ind hand if they that lhpnuoo in in amen. Ilr. Tho-n Soon. Nowburnh. 'l`|mwor(h, lc. Judging from whnl. he know 0! tha route, ho thought it In an oxooptionnlly good out no In u out of construction oonou-nod. ll. Rn. nuunnrlul u I-annlul.inn_ And mumly. Mr. A. L. Mordon moved. ucundod by Mr. A. H. Roe, thlt this meolirg in of the opinion um tho route of the pro- nilroud nhould be u lollon: Sure nt Nnpnnoo and run on the North undo of the Nupouoo Riur to Nnpanoe Milln, Yu-hr, Oulobrook, Moscow, Eniorpriu, Tnmworth, Ic. I...a..:..- 1...... -|..o 1.. Imam nl um beams uovuopoa. Mr. A. L. thought purely a nutter of uinanco or uon-oxu- unoo, nnd il they were not alive to their interest: now tho] would uulfer irrepar- nblo dnnngen. lt. III not I question of whether it would pay or not, but I qua- tion oflifo or death. Ho thought the mineral rumu-cu of the tour tuwmhipa could bo dnvelopod into A pnyina com- mcninl induuty. Tho county requires a nilrond, and Chi Ioonor I move in nude in tho nutter tho ballot. ll. (`inn I.-an Innlml lnvnnhli nnnn In the nutter uu honor. Mr. Chu. Lune looked favorably upon the onurpriu, He believed 'l`unnorth would not lung be tho terminus of the roud,u the obstruction: to curying it lunhor north would man be overcome. .'l`L- .-....l..Iinn -mu thnu pm-I-ind nnnnl-. HIYIVIII 007$ WOIIIC IUOII DC OVCVDUIXIC. - The resolution wu thou carried unam- mumly. by ` y. K.W|bon ldtblnll Ippundto nu:und nl lb`: nan-`uh: nl I nilwu. `l'IXI'|q|I5VUIUlIuq)II- hour dlhnppondupouool the lhuulnuhunol `thooltuol 00-- Ihlail ullbnnpnih loco! .-I.