Brown, rising un Lu dig-my, I'v.'lI I'll gn Whull I'm ready." Hr-n 0l'duI`e1l0lIl.n0Vul':|l llul-:n, |".u.nlly he In on bu.-.i|u~n-1 illnl pronoun urn Juhuutnn with s aummnua. lundnnt Look up I\ spadu and told . nu-I ul ha I... IUI 09!- u the opening or the Ptnlicv Court nu. naming it In uccllpiud for some lime in tho hearing uf the chugo ol malt pnloirod by Mr. J. W. `Brawn `pins: :['_|,Ig_gnu J.-hqig-;n, lntgly burned my on Princes: otroil" TRb"?i'3 "e oomionblo ink-rut. Hr:-\vI.'I evidence Iurlo Iho -ue`. {hut he wont to Mr. Northnao:-o`: bakery to oerup I gnrnuhco summon. upen J.uh1i|tu n{ Atho moo! ,1 log of cumplsimnt nml,rh-fvndnuf them I violent luuguugulumu-.-A botwqeu thun- Bwuunyuho told Juhnut-vu (Iran. if he I 'nfiro,but the wrangle cmmuned, Ind Johnltun Ilruc-L at him Wlilhalpd. The witneu unnlml nil" lh blow, and I bhr him nhe_r a few uhxmoqu, In made 3 ruuh nt him. uh! Itrilsing him I huh (ntuut hm imghun II-um and knock- od him out n I the building. J-huzton ris- Inu-king, "I will muvulrr you." In crou Ollmlnlli-nu Mruwn mlnlxitrtl that he had been onlen-d out nf the haku-ry ud-ml: of lime: ounnre, and that ho (IL) lmd tuld J-'hIuluII lhI'llhD lmuus Int:-ly burned wuuld Inna been atznuimg If he hn.I not been in it. Johualnn :u1l(\-ll him if he (8.) axlllsenl hm: (J) of burning the building! Brown n|l~g,;.- l Ihtt In did not lwula with Juhnatun bufmu hu wu struck It with tho rpruh-. Mr. Jnhn- Ilon' wu called in la duh-Iwo. Us Ivu t)bjc-tied 1- hy lhn opposing ouunnel. but thu Mu,'|.-mmu ndlnitted 'hin evidence. llo sun] that liruwn And he had had mum ward: kl-ul. rent Ind uthur lhmgrs when Hruwu na- ollled hilu uf nut lmviug had .hulf the ._ 2 _.. I .... I uu-uu um. u. .... property for which I that the hunso Wnlll` hid he not lived m Brawn, Do you 1 burned llm Immu- uvured, "l in-ant would not have I hadn't been lheru." the door and uni;-ru I`: u|'II .... ..|.,... I`... . -..__,.__...__..___ Presentation ot a uoul I4-dll, coo _!ilNI) wwrs. J ms} t uvt (Ayn. l 5 npnn 4-I Inumluulizm n as man has I drnpulo: brutal way uf Imving Al...L ;_L .5 ...|...o .5..- ha -nu u..."-u "V -t .huH :11 lm uu insured, un.l null! |1:u~u'lu-an at.-unliltg it.|u-d m nu-nu in any (hut I um-Y" ui`nl Brunll mu 1': tn any lhll the huule mat vmun nlmtiug. nu lliinullc inrhnlger. I `I-"'19? '1. Gl|JOuI;!CIIO [info of Scotland, 75010: . ......... ....., ..... l;;ltHy, remarked, My." Hr-nvn WM a1, hu auid prucomlwl to .. .......n.u.. ll... `nun, \... uuuu: an ice but. wriuua 1-: Un- uf the uuudor uh!) Huuth. Into Ulwur u luv u-. E lhu Hutu nu |uu|vll5 If Mr. nu n~I.1l I Isl -|. nmde R I if you upvlud mt, and u in the winch Mr I . ruling .1 wucuponnou Inc vn-nu, nut: nu-ow. Ont pot Hunt-3 Novol- 000 In: 40. Danlnv. M): for (On. %%JVJg@3wig #316; 1"1{1L1_)%_&%:i. VJ%7%%1%a7O.% 350. Library and Oico-J. Abnm, I30. | The re. on was adopted After an hour'- ` dnscuasnnp. . | In IIY I _, M` ._ _____,.'_ ,__; .|__. unwuanuun. Mr. Wumlu moved In Mnona'u..~N. that the Board also no further action on the mutor ol the l'ouohorI' oortlostu. but It was lost, the Bond (hiring to put all ofiu luo ompluyou upon III oqunlily. AL. .....o..... nl Mu Ilnnngu Minn Smith onus:-n nun as. J Mr. Wnldrnn brought up I question he I has long ngiutod, moving that tho, [the ht of Much an hour and I hull of noon r--can be granted in the schools, and the A. B. C. clause: to borqulu-ly dumiucd `st lPn.m. and 3 pm). He nrgunl that the old rule of lot}; I.ourI uuriuetl the physical totho manual good; (Int the afternoon ozudiu would not drag no wurlly if they wore shorter. The chnngr propoud Ind b-on uoooulnl in many other place: in (hands. I.l...u-- LII-n lmuln "nrlni anal T Ill IIIIII vluvl |n-u'- Ill vuu-u-. Mourn. Allen, Woods. Horny sad 1'. C. Wilson oudonrd the motion and it 0| IlI IIIU Illupuuyvwu up-pu nu -uiu-nu . On mouuu 01 Mr. Honoy, Miu Smith wu ulo. tad [or the Appointment to Cut. raqm School. "V-'\w`FII unrzu nun: -vv--. Mr. Wood: movod (or Q npodnl eam- ` mines oonpoood ol the Ohainnn, In- niourl Tnudy. '1`. 0. Wilson. lrviug`u.d ` the mover, to choose one can book In ` nah aubjacl. {run Ilu iutholhlnl Ibt, and can only, Mun In sll o! the dry ucbool. Ho pointed out the just vu- lzinty ol book: In! In In Inn, smog twuln kinda of pununn, oonpolllag pmnu. at grunt npoun. so proud. I `haw us 0! book: wluunt a pupil lg 01- ohnngod tron on apgool Qo QIolh0t.- Curipd. `Ill nnltj (`wing Sc. soi.oo1-Mn. Uegg, dwell-` inn: and wnpnl. Frontennc Sc||n0|~-Ml`n. Bower, do. W nlliunuvilla School -- Mn. Roynold|_ tan recon nu uhoIlahod., and the noon fOu0Il dud from )2 o'clock till 1:11) o'clock. ' Uummittee, upon due enquiry, reported urlu nun any n-u--u-u. The Com ittee on Teeeherl, Oleere end Salerioe reported, through the Oheir- men, on the matter of epplioetione for extuneiun certilicetel again referred to them, that Mine! Keyee end Usivideon had received them withoutthelurtlier nctiuu e nlicited from the Boerd. The Committee therelure recommend_ed that eimiler favor be granted to eiich of the farmer deeerving leisohere ee ehell Apply fur it, and whom the City luepector cen eincerely recommend. but not neoereerily for employment under the Boerd. Fol` nppuintuient. to the vecency In Oietere- . .,..i Schiml teeehing ma, they enbmiteed the name: ofllr. Thou. H. McGnrl end Mm Lizzie Smith, the temporery occu- punt el. the nlery voted to Mine Devid- hail, the importer to melw trenelere of l.l'lIClll`l"I in Ihet eehnol if (lelirehle. The the feithfulneee of the verlone eeretekere uf echools, end reported them for re-ep- puintuuent et the old eeleriee, with e no iniuel change in one one only : Queen St. Schoul-OeoI`ao Booth. .110. elllhlllln St. Schoul~-Mre. Clerk, 0110. Wellington St. School-Mre. Arneil, huuee, Iveter, Wood and '20. - I Ceteraqui School - George Ah! well`, RN) lot lllio. Pill! S1130! Ilsa Unltod Hutu for Ibo. Lllowahi Notch, 7 thick double Voll. Jail. 31:: IL | ed: Pupils on r..|l. .l,O; avenge nt- undnneo, L828, 0! 09 put out. Tun- oion. 16; Indian his 8 than, and about ! 1: hit an. ' I 11.- n....; ..n........| .1 4.... .\.|...A. 3 ? ` I I m` E *1 T TUTTI gdutubcuovluolctallotl-eon and utoopulhhhlluuluwuhict.` `Anus:-an-Iutguluomo-Iona. luhrluadg-nooutdIhonoI.d|nH\ ahvutotrlblydn, hit had run uhlaq cold donllouqlmw `uluuahnldhuunldnqndbu '.....-...u.....n...J.|.'.-Lu, AL '|XIQCI'CID1j|1I-qiuxuv nauIoIHuuo|I|IlIl'_$&. Al. nu-unuaoqopeuouqu-on lmtiuhulinlh u-an am Oh: ulhoivcio nun ulo who Iocllllobln 1_A4.l_;l...II Inn `H-nnnlnd I-Q |ou`t,l tn--I Ila to ulna DI uuuguu nu uu u, uuunus - Ilnl-uvv vu Va, T.3l.34 to the credit of the Board, with two yeIuu' in-uranoea paid for in advance. Tho Hunrd has only one building tlubons turu to meat. to clear off every liability. .\.............. .u.. .....:n-.: uu Ilnu yuuru uuuln I. The Umuunilloo of Wllliauuvillo School, lhrnugll Mr. Irving, reported in favor uf interior changes, not to exceed 821 in cont.--l uuad. I'u1 Anvlm. The [Chairumn "reported the clqne of the Board : and the city : mncinl you-_ There wu 8 not luring of $23 on the |....A....o -5 Imu I.....;.... . |..l.m.. at 1 _ ll|l'Il'I WI! 3 Inn Iqvlu` Ill '00 uu uu: budget of 1878, leaving I bnlnnoo of 81,- -*.| '11 4.. 0}... .....Ho .J uh. Rnnnl Aluwonn I povolu, '1 WHO! uoumo um. 07 kt 04. `I III Rosanna, 2 voln., 500. Info ol Starling, 000 (or 360. o Wnotlvklouln, I3 able volt , cloth, an - uuuuu an u\ "I, . After I nliuonuion, the miller, upon motion of Dr. Fee. nu toferrod to tho Cnmmiueen of Queen Street. And Cn- tnrlqni SchuolI.;uintly, with the Impac- (or, to emluvor to rcliove the crowding by exchingu to Cutnnqui School. or 00 Johnson Street School. In an Itnled that none of the uthor school: were pack- ed like Queen Street's. ` rm... n........;..... ..t w.n:........;n.. .62..t.,.,.I Mr. Wnldrou Ipnko of crowding chil- dren into them ulna room: n n Ipocioa of rened cruelty. Ah... - .h'.m-.-in.. IL. nnnIIAI Innnll CIIIIII, lliuu` Iurbu tut lllll. Mr. Tandy, Ohnirman of the School, also utltml that Miu Crawford`: depart- man! was over Illppllod lrith |chulArI,nud that tholwo clnn rmum were miurnbly small and inluicient. IL, In no, L, 1 ._._.u__ -|_:| luv |vlUW|lI7|l u--no In I`Ilwvu -.--unp- Soho!-I ngnin cnmo up undvr I communi- cuion from tho Haul Touhor, Mr. Moc- ` calla, naming forth the holy . u- vr-...u.. m..;....... ..I u.. 1-1..|.....I IIIUIIIIII PIIIIII. I Another very partuulu duty A! thin uuvm of Hwy: Uni loft to the nuns oynlnitleu, with full power to not. ya--cu. On motion ol Dr. Foo the utllrnoulfa ,L nL.n __..L,,,, I'll . ltvllll IIIUVIU nu upon School: Illd School Propouy coluidut Ibo ulriubility "of! doing .om.- ling to menu; }l__u {want in the mid- _l(|lI|lI|OI nunilintionnq He urged that sumo oeuu-Ll onmiustion lot :11 of the schools, such I one on Iduld attract the public, might bi hold. The goud Iotk dons in tho public school! in not lul- ciemly oprud bolou the pooplo. Tho IIUIIU III III Pllllllll IVIIIIUII V-I NV! ...... .... .......a II III! Iluyin The Maui I,J)_oqrId plum dd--ck. ICU Ij W ljv - I `T7 -II: Pout. Cluiruu; Hutu. Allen, `Indy, 1`. O. Wihfvn, Wnldrou, Itviu, Woods. Johnson, Honey And Poo. Ixnutpnoll. ..._... u.A.....I. -..a n.I.....I Puuunoli m -II?6:VlIlII,U] mini. CIUIH, yuan Iur Rirhch-rigs uu Bold, mom! MM, 2 vols. It [or 81.50.` Chains` 0 ul Ono-nphy. manor- ou um uufcuu. Inn cull. -noun` I Inn 1!. AII_ Pin nevus nun-In oi `I'll |.'l.vIIIIIIl Ibllvuuu. To crowded late of Queen Street .!.|. ...I -..-... --..... .... .._4l-- . .........u.nl_ route a Tho ommiml iufornmtiun rs-gnrdmg thin imlilutiuu in very-bnaf. l)urmu the your there wrru 8| inuuleu, :13 being nil] in Iouidenco At the time the repurt fur the your can Iubmi ed. The income lot Ihoyonr unount to Ul,`l07 84, um! tho upoluliluro on noooum 0! Innim.on- meo wu 31,544.48. The collective day at tho hunnlu wu 13,120 duyu, than on- titliug the orphnnnuo In guvormnonl u- Ihunoc fur l8T1Ho the ntonl. of 8111!`).- an ML- n.._......... ......p. 4|.-n I... ..... A Iynopnnn of the nperntmns of `V--..-. orphanage during the year via: rutlllllnll" hon. It haul H a!l 7| Inmnt-n. In the commancemeul[of the year lhrru wen: :t'..'. null belure Ihh Sc-pl. 15%| m-are wens nrl< mined, while II In olliel 30 wan: vhs changed and two died, leaving .'I'.0 III rom- donne. The receipt: nn-I exp;-Iuimn-0 no included Inlh theme n! the llouuo uf Provinlmnco relngr, nnd canlml well he uhown u-pnrnhl) The uullectiva penud 0! the children In 113,405 dnya, fur Iluch l`mvmcinl and lo the e\la-nl nf Illvvvn -xv. an .4 . .... turn! .309 I5 Ill paid. The Ilnpectur puin out the necouily nf unlnug Ihu urph up outircly Iopnnte fr-um tho rt-lugs. IIIIIIIDI nu :0: Ir IV Ivuu vnuu... `v3 7.....- 40. The lmpocmr r_c[ on: that he saw thirty-Nu childtou (all girl: except two) who were being well cared for, all clnn, neat and hnllhy in nppaonnov. The room: kept fur urpbnnngv porpuou acre clan ud nicely hip; H. douirpd tho orphan uylmu to be upnntod In-m the I..a.'..f|xI - ll ,uu.. unln, uuuu vi: nun ln r-ruins $:H4I.('4 AaH..\-.u'n|m-nt nid for 1879. The luspuctur (lure nu` appear tu have been enuruly latnllivl with an Iulpectiun (mule -n the `Jlir-I nf March, but In-purl for an 1-npruvenmml by nchango ol m|, whirl: Hnpru\`|:- nnl nu cnkcu place. III Iiyvlp In u-w uurrvu noel pooplo can IPI gouchud in Hull ltnlll , __ Au... [and `u Ooh: I Opal: Foam am A. ll Inust he xx grunt nzilinhwtinii In lhnru who one interested in the anccu-as uf the Orphiunigea to run! tho favourable rewr- elioeu which nnbnuulu to lliulu by Mr Lungmuir, who is, by t-x[mrIelIl`\!, the uiunt competent judge of the Handing uni tlliciuncy uf such plncvw The ()rphaun' Home cuntnim-ll during the year just ended M! umny as 61 Chlililell, 115 of whom wero mlniittud within: Ihe lwolvo immtlm. Pun during; the sauna pvfilrd of time 1.`: wo'l`d nlan dlachulged, which left 18 In rmulence at the times the rupurl wan nu-dc. The ro~ venue of the H-uno wu $9,U88.`.`J, in cllliiing the Uuvornment grunt, nm] the uponditure was $8,P35.Gl, in which was included It mum of 96,000 depooilml at inlorent. The nggregam ru-aide-ncu was l7,U3'.! days, thus entitling the iuatilu A. .. .. .. ...;... 'unl`.4 .. ll .-.. vvwv-- .u -..._ .-V---~-_. . "`A uktntory iunpootion of tho , of Industry III nude on the 23rd -` Illa I {ound 30 can and 20 In-man rniclonu. luv sll then porbonn. nml _ Ihom. I an I wpplnn, bywiboh the load up pug-ohm-(I u to uhvd. instead out I 0-lulu number nl oluuud at n Ind ulo. " ouo In only in hit order. 0 mp`: dqnnitoriu, although no; nil] `M1. VOW Onroly Inching In W at balsa: Ill! Mme , at In purl-opt Ibo can urllsi u i hdhluuulmn thoilouool vi- dunqvou pm at noon In mm III HIIUX Ill I"l1lVl< III In cup In ban on.- has 050 snot dornitory. . Ills uupl IUI an un- vulod -agar dot-103; With tho II 'n '0 mad. Ian: b to all an nonuni- nlln an-uni. Tn anlv Ink 5| CNIII dly land. `he only want Nat hob-an um ennui no braking = DIlfU-Iw wt ow --u --- um.-v--. lyugnpl. Tuouly Mable)` Iobnda squad ya "9 gym In no that than no gptuound? onhddilionotuouor IQ udlwtba. no not only dud Io Ionic h Vulcan nouns our- 'bu I but such: ul tulip nial Ih Ilnntun lloooluli. I nu... Anv ...._,- .... ...... .. . . `-._, 5...`. order l.|Iru-ugh:-ut, llm wnmun'u l-;::ul- nunt bulng purlicularly mat and nuly. u\'ll|s( rugnrd to the cruwulo-d atalo of the building and its structural unanim- blrxusnin BOIIIB runpecla, tho mnnugurn of lho iuntiluliml wan eulitlc.-xl'tu tho grmlonl. eredit for the manner in which it is lwpt. The he-Is were nunlur tlmn those in nuy uther plIl)llu uluuuy undrlr hiaimupactlun. Nearly all tlw uld wumun were pl`0Vld6dUW;lI.lI lu-do uulu of ft-anther: collected by llm Sn-tern. The numlmr of innmtea in reaidullce was Kati, a law of whom lud been mllnitted from tho l'r:v\'- inco of Qnelmc. 'l'l|u l"bg_IEll`l' \\`.'l:i mall Illtl neatly luxpt, nlrrclim; all the infur mntiou required by the Clmrily Anl A45 7?"7' n'u"uTi'ui&':uu-n.'" "Elm anlylul _ longish Iouduuuonuhuvam Apcqnr-I-what I-6-II OM30 II-on ` nub-r 5... .3. can annual also-an at It, Inuaunuuuhoamsuunuunq. umouium ..s.'t.u........ .0-4-0'-'-I-'0`-"I`-"t at-{us-J vugbuualw ; n-III! -1.!!!-h,II-M:-!-.-anus. hip!` u-.,l.-Iluuhhrll nothing to may but wunlzs of tiun. Ho any: he found It I ..-.l.... :I.- .|.,...L nl... -..... Aunwnnce mr 1:1,.)-u unya, av. .: cant: per thy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Snppluluuuury aid, `.3 camp per dny............ . . The nggregaus any i` the mine n! all the inmate: Wu equal to [ELM] dnya, or an avenge of `:l2 dlya [or each inumle. The Guvernuwn: allowance to Hm Home . .. ..--u. n u .1 fur the you 1879, buod upon ||u-nu 2llH9I,hWul.|l(l be an follmn: Allowance fur l9,3-ll days, at I: cant: nur (lav . . 8967 0.3 s nu: cnlruuusuuw wan. Fooclulsll kinds .. .. .. Dlnthiug sud furnishing, , . . Sslsries and wages. . . .1 ..`. Fuel, light sml clesnlug... Ropsus, ordinary and um glu. Other expenses. . .. .. . olaaatu . . . . . . . . . . . . . Income from property. . . .. Hnbnciplioun, donntium. aux. From uthur iomcou. ..... . . . .. Th ropun of the lnapoclar in nut that -...n nA4\n" nan nnnnu-inn II. in ...w...- ..... ......., .. ...... .......... The receipt. were. From` Province of Untu-in... '31 From inmua in part payment 0!-hand Toqlnj to clean our condensation of ` the sandal fvptl of Inspector Lnngnir, and we ladpu our radon hue been sum, Cindy iuloreuod in our public'u - tiona to poruna what In: oool. on some V 'W'6"\'l'F'f5`i$fi]$Ii'r.""Pt1I~l'u3Ito-at-Joaasis. _ ;donoo clniuu lint notice} in this inn-. In it during tho p_|_at you {here were ill iulmtol.` of whom were on-taro-I M V `belonging to the city. 53 n gaming fmm other couniic-I, and 8 unigrmtn. Tim inoouo Ind outlhy in lhul Iuxnhmvized: `PL- -..-;.i.n- ---- I , . Of H e Tutnl (l..v'L nid fur I879, The expenditure in: :-.....: ..I .u |.;...|. WuI:olnwo;`7J:;;I|;lA:I;tiy, Iiy Juli: Klu- ngh uoond'h (L25 [or we. 8 ha ISUILLA 203. b E mm at no won, 7 ' Plqggal W; by Young. 750 In: .2. `l\o|pgfI1,l.I'lIIiI?`Oh,'ounlntty. 76 ! t 500 Antnniaoun N|v' lion. Applied lla- ohnia, Much no Oonnruotion, Ao- nunnd~Inntd Anmnomv. Uh- null Illlllltw 0!-baud . In!-mnu (I-at cnunmzs nu on-uzuyurzs. r`-In an -u- .-...'__..-. A Maury in 2:1.-d -` I 20 Iona. V I `ll In h the undo 0! oh: -I.L.L uh- I...-.I -in nun-nhnn.-ll nn nu. ,_ Ii`/ .. ive M H..\'m'nIm-nt .ve ctinn -purl lumu-0.1, |-v-I .u um um...-. I. pointed y urplmn- _.A.. I - ,... 4!... ....l..... uuyvuuu w --uv w-an npprocinto. It `in purlnr has .$`. ,lI:H 1-H] 6967 0:. 442 3: 343 57 1,292 44 MN. Nlgltlhulo. by Wu Johullon, M.! ., 600 In 60. mu Spa: at the World, me I. N. Ont on 00 liuudmnl rowan-I ll! ariiuu n-vu nu- : Iluly. It In Iuunud Iosmyptlltil who nvn vnlulhk 5| H11 DMD: dot-Mod Iuovnmn an Inn plan! grotto: y Iuuthnl nochudtn nlly Il`klN>I|0dIN.| VIM-Mvoflnuoduootl. In um lull Kn-Pnrntlon ofCod Liver (Ml on in mm wlu.- , rrnnhlly. fnltiflll uad p-r much nod. will rare`: full to p loo In .- them n Irtnl. They (in nlnul lmnuduu rolls! and II min II the Igdluu euro. Inlet?-CIIAII . M notououbd la in am. huh 1.` u ammuiuutl -ounonuin. In 1 ill ulrugghu mntndulon 3! La nu per box. :___-o-oo....__:- A Mum: m. Ion:--Thonlonallln that an nonlrvbuto no Ilol to mold! tho bountiful In-I do us. to I-pun in onollog mule mm Al that luluinlalo u up: 'I Iundmnl Pnwdnn and Anita Ihou unit. by any POIIIII lunch uoalmtllruro` [III to use nu lrcnollnlul nnnltl. l"rp00trPto|o|_v II) J. H llohlnvon, Phu-manual Olmnm. I`. Julm N. lhnml lurlnh In Drnggiuu and (I:-um-nlbmulorn. l`r|oeIl.00 pol-bottle-; Ail lmuloa fur O-5.00. - ooo---- Q` For over twenty your! Bryn . Pu|- mt-mo Wnfan have mnlnulnod Ihlr mun llon (ur curing ' in. cold: and pulua mun dinocuon. Thou ortluuunlwnh my! the nympluuo oi Mlh, or uv of Hm pulmunurynoIIp`dItI.IhI|Il nu: n In They [in ulna! Inna bu pqgludluqn `I ma nnmpnuy. 'I`m)zL J. Sums, Jonlnl Pfonnlu, J u mus Anom. ,~- Wu. II`. MILLIN, luwnt & Glun, Attorney:-at Lav. Thn umnlhly drllingn of the Com,-any null take plum nn their reopootiu Ualei, with Gum. Iiauumqnrd and Early nun. `rin- lrllding .-ur grand semi-nnnml who not. M. A. Dwn-nut, l`nuidm.t. wt 5. '3... fl- -CUYUT--- _-..- mm min uuzoi. commute: n-I Inward huh, p upplh. If Iuhonblo talus. I-cu 58:04. Iquolvo Iva nuuy-mt-u-I-nnhulo. Iol an un- no-_.u, noun uh-u-nun been wort ma-vhuu-5.5`-.a-A at Its puma. nvl uudk0u|uh null and Duplic- `lllli thyntutdducml I all an luluinbh up: `- 1uuld|!|nI| Poznnuuadbtnu M . In. 1 pt 0 v .?:`.. .....`:f. are u..`'. .'. mu. 11 um thy nlvun hop 9! to had In mu uorgm we not con. Philip Auumun. 000 for (On. 0 nod 11 who rut Ind G (noon I0. oquggnloohlulon. wdlh .a-3% Ts lint!!! 0% KIIIOIOJIJO Inf '1- lpnn In`: Anal. IL75 Int Cl 5. cfbifessl A I/lllllln Nuw l)ul.nNn, Jun. 31. 1879. '|'|m acuun nf the Leulnlnuro, repealing the clmru-rollho lmuiuinng Sula Lottery ('un1[nuny, does not dispute of lhe quea- (Inn. The right: of the Company will be tea`.-=4! in the regular course of lauul pro r`--..ln.uv, nv--1 r---tlnlmg but the tinhl do- .~-nmu of the Supreme Courtnl the United Huuvu can entnblilh the locality of the ram of the charter ur the vealed right: I the Suns. Wm! nu-uy mm-uu -nun - V.-,.......... `.- :ur.m-I him. For 28 you-I he had workod ahunt tha mull. and had been uocuntomed tu an that which led to hu death. uvuuus, lulu lanvu nu: wvlvuun .... ...... ._. vulrinq shaft, and Wu making sumo re pain whnlu the machinery in in I,noliun. Thvru vuu u nail prnjnoting nnd Iome hlmtn un the shaft, and his cluthing name" hww wuulnt on these, and in an inutnni` hu wns swinging around the shaft, hi- hotly striking against as putition nu vin- l.-ully as to nrrunt the nuenliun I Mr. l\1e\`;.b-, .Ihu proprietor of tbs unw mill, who him the mschinury ntupped. Whcn his olnplnyorn and fellow wnrltumn came to his uul, Music wu jugt dying, giving hut an moan when reloued from the nlnll. Much (high bones wan) broken, [hare III a !u'I'lHHl l(`|\l|I Ivumu]. Ind the left fool. mm Lu-Ily bruised when l phyuiciam ex- : Li.` L`..- ma u...-. I... hul |-nnplr-ll I:'I\' uni.-._y Iullu all: `N nun ..-u. -- lM`ll|l1iL`l in (Ina Church. After 3 renl gwui ten Dr. Diipuis was called lu th 1'imll" nml brictiy ad-lreued the meeting. 'l`|u-n inilnwed in quick Inccc-anion I lull]: um! due-ti by Mn.-R. Tandy and Mi . K-ya, with nccouipuniinont1,Mr. (Irene. u n~:i-iing, a mug by Min Leonard, ud- dr-rn by Rcv. Mr. Slrutwli, of Odeua, nuII_( mid duel! by Mu. lt. Tandy and Miss Keys, in reading by Mr. (3. Mea- Iuwn, sung by Min Leonard, reading by Mr. tlrmvea, nnd mug by Mrs. R. Tim dy, ucazuxupuiiicd by Mia Greenwood. `I In-. du|iw,,v|itfnl and prulitnble meeting was .-I-u.-:1 at IU u'c|-vck, the audience joining .. IfI4\.I -_.... Al... lL._.... ' I. , ....I.. 1.. _z. _ lu ya.-ale-I~.|:1y'a edition we noted the :u'c:iIm:|. at Port. Hope, by which Mr. .l.un--a Mums lust his lifu. To day, by nu-mu of line Gublc, fuller pnrticularn are In hand. The unfortunate man, it seems, haul taken the ncroeu off the ra- I - ,I `A _...I ...._ .....l.i.... ....u.. -A. \.-v.y.u nu .u nu-n.-, uuu u...-.-mu.-. J-.. 5 huurlxly in singing `God uvu tho Queen. 'l'|u- Primitive Mothodinl ('hurch M Uullinsby hell their annual nnireu mid c-sncert. lgm evening. Six IIaiglia,cnu- I.-Lining about 00 purwnl from Kingston, tut-K xsdvuuln-49 of a free drive. A clear in:..mIi;.-ht and d: lighlful nlaighing nu-Iled Uw nlmmly large audience that had u- . ...i.l.l :.. il... 1VI......l. Ah... - ....-l ..__.r oO9-:-- TU (!(IN8U|ll TlVES.-1'ho prodnoli I .. rmmulv Ihnl nun he truly be said to In .a Annwauca Int 11' ,\u.1 any I buy, at be pordny.................88 (Hm-fourth of the receipt: in lid of umiutenunco mhnr than the (iuvernumlxt UlmlIl...\ . . '. . . . . I Ac .- I493 Illtl DOIIGIII 0| _IlI0 FAITIIPOHI, III)- . morons illustration, O2 2' for 31.25. The Luna and we Book, on at?! 3175. Lil: uni Tina: M Dr. R, Hun-nu. Il.0 '3 `G, 7 3"`. U,-mu -E, ,v-_.-.-.-- av.-.=..-3;;-_.~-a . ouch inmate. The Home would t no mllitled to remain, under the pruvi|iunn_ .1` AI... l`.Ixs-`Li : ALI Ann 43:. l..Il..-in... -n -muuuu w Ivvvuvu, -.m... ....c ,............._ of the Clnarifytlid Ant, then lullulving up pruprintim: '. Allnwnuce for 17,033 day any, 105.`. new :hv_.., , ___ _ ,_ , _ ` _3.-3| 85 Sslnren and wage: . . . . . . . .. llvpaxra, ordinary And unwr- IIIUIIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v-,vv- vl S_'!:I;,g_9xpqudjturog y_n_curruI in lIllinIAil_|~ ing the lluu'R}]?he `:;';~&|;|_-_ n - `UNI; viz: , Food ufnll kindu. .. .540 36 Clullmng, lurnilure and {uninh- iuu .. .........` I33 78 And the mug: Iron Ihiolnlpy hadn- rived, no u lulluu:- Frau the Phviuoo ol Ontario (Including my-plonutu`y~. grunt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I13 (I) From iluuslan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I18 99 hllereu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `.96 (3 Subscription, donntiona, etc. . 346 99 All other Iuurooo. J . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5| Fuol, light Mid a: nu`, . mu -nu.-u unu- `iugn ........,. juuing. . . 1|. V-,vvv The culloctiye any of All th imnntaa 1.]. ;.5'I..s Ila; 5..-; iilillilnil I? a PHOSFOIONE 1 'r..n..| mu`: Aid to? l819.. l`|u- lamw Hr. Iusnle. CDO. - - Home and Synnuogumol the Modern Jew .1 9` I0! .14 ~ - Woman of Ohrmhnit , by Kn :- fuoomrh Sm-lnl At folllmbr. '|'f..' uIIMl any 4. i nsnIoN` _.:-4mT THE MIIISCIUBEII. WIHIIINH 1'0 REDUCE HIS PRESENT STUCK A8 .. nmnh n umnlblu In order M nu.-sin rmun fnr lulu llorhu luooa Iulonn. will for than A Special Reduction at 10 nor that on all Urdmtorlothing. at NOW II! THE TIME TO LEAVE YOUR UBDIR8 POI ODOTHIIU. IIIII If WlI1(lUAlAN'l'l| A PIIPICT I'll . `Q CIIURH, ION. UOIIIIPUGKIOII, A00 quu_odcr~Intd Autonomy, Uh- Iiury #0.. $0 (or 90 each. Datum Lam nun H_i|I Intitudu, SI 5010! ll 20. 01111100 : Hiutory of England, 02 25 fur .l 75- 0..lIInn' Hinlnrv M the Britinh Imoile. P.r|j,m9m meet: on the 13th incl , wlmn Dutien on. Oottnm will be Adnnood from 7 1-2 to It : per oenl. 13* SAVE MONEY by buying this month I your: wpply ol b Cotton Gnodl, u may never -- Ill be Mid main at present pncu ,1!` For pinion- Ln-: Ana hunt` LUCK) `W000. II I Inn we hand bills. 1WW1imm ed? Piice .A'I` W` ALDRON S. Pm]: out When: Ion-Incl. lmh Inolu, Z_,_I. 1-J.I--I_ Ralf blpla Whitesh. Isl! bbl: Iulmon `bolt. -'i?'s}Tu-u" ~r- BET-?P"N~I ..__ _.-_.... ,.__ __.-__ ounu fll `noon. Inn-In '. Um! no Kt-kt ,,__-A n.n_._- nch! 4.. AL. ,Aou:'lolnuoWIIlhut|o m on m-tijjmn my ? F.X.Cuusineau&Eo'sGrealSaleoftnttunGoods COMMENOEB T0-MORROW. MIDI IIKDOII, On In 960. ' ' I0 1.. lull ..n?"'.m.' ' Inland in 1872. ducrihod bytho mam..- ul an Lnnun limu. I2 for CI. _ GREAT AUO;Oi SALE TO BE HELD ON ALL MARKET DAYS Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays` at half-put two o'clock in the afternoons, and 7:30 in the ovoningn. Ff` BEAR IN MINl)-T|HRE IS TO HF`. NO RESERVE. Tlao(]o.ds will bo Iul-I At your own prion. KQTIOE. 'I`Ine ru Hale 1-olnmem-cs on 'I`hunuluy, the MI: Inn.. and to continue ..., nhnntn MEI lho ulna-It In tllnnnnpll n'. '|`ne nru -Vale ('0IIIInenI'I:.~| on I nurnuuy, nu: Iuu luau. an as above IIH the Mock In disposed all. [? N.l!.--PRlVATE RALE8 HELD D.-\ll.Y Alli UBUAL. AN[J'REW,KEYS. ` P. H A uni innnnr F, " 1=oi=T"7 AT3Fu%-EJ.;`i vvnun nun ---u... u...... .. Hundrodn of Ilennmutn. Ilorrnohon, U. Yard undo, l`2c per yard. A very lino Uuuou at 10:: per yard. `A fan Bl'|"FAL() RUBES Iulluu hmd In be cleared out ` pr AT lyl' >31` PRICE. `ix ' ____:__.._:- .--upauan 1 t 5. . Street, f\DDt`\(!I'I[` [WI I $20,000 Worth of Dry Goods tor he Sold without Rasarva 19- H53-Tire` SALE ` I8 NOW GOING ON LT AL;::x*n.- n.oss s. IDl{I'}~%H GMIII-1, .VIAN`I`l;l} and DIILLINEIIY DEPARTMENTS wun-H Ann .~1`ll.l. VHELI. AUSORTID. All we ask nfm puhlm In Lu mama and I136 uur 3l.u.;k III!` the ring! and was furl .: fur I,l|Hnnc~|ven ff UNI . | |(l(`E A$K!tl) AND NO LES?! TAKE. . Country Morunutn would do wall to give In .a stall nu wo Ira snlhn,.; () Imnh luau tlmu mnvllnnturlvlt . prlam. u DMNAUGIJTON & O0. me my pm. Thu Blood at Jumaoc for 20.; Oman`: Bnblo Dictionary. 60a for 450. ltoulgcdl l ulunI"lBoo|t oi Praia, II for ALL WINTER. (lU`.)l)-S BEING SOLD FROM '25 T0 40 PER CENT: UNDER. , l(l~2GUl.All PRICES. Spoolnl Attention I: called to the r IIUIIFI PIITIIIIIIIIIKI III IIIII Wllnlu inc hull. sale to -onunum-.c on Saturday. uh JIIIIlII')'. n_ml,'o c.munuo.'IIntIl me seen: or February. Jan. 1 Jvlothlnmclotins. lilsgonuls. Worsted Castings. ffoodn. Hunts -v-`------.....~..._.a...u;.ap_._..;.;..`._r.E=nnnlnlnLIDJ l`nn1 ll`. nun` - -uvu ....-. Heavy All-Wool T\wml|l 4IIllp,|.2. lh-at A||~Wonl 'l'w~od Punk. C160. Jilnck Due Pxsntl, 32 D0. Dung:-nnl Puma. $3. 'l`wea.| Vest: 81 And upurdp. Pun Jwkotul Iran: I? to W00. l\n:rnnnln from 3.00 [0 It `. on .53., I! n.n.n-nu ow mam: PLUG _ .._rr- ,_ _ __ _ _ _ I RECEIVED 'ro-DAY McNAUGHTON_&_CO S Feb 6.1879. Jan `2nd, I379. Ill- Llni and Lesson; of _tlIo Pnltinrohu, nnrnnn illnntnlinnn, I`) 25 in! II 25. Chomp Fancy Drops H-omII-n|| reduced Cheap Black Wm-I Cuhmerm A! (>00, 600 Mid 75;-.: Chomp All Wuul Colored Culnmcres st (100, (Mic gm] 70, Nnp Clulh, Heuur CIot.h--reducod. Whilo Rlunko.-Ia at: Grant Ilargnin Chap Scarlet Flmnch. Chup While Mid Grey Flunnelu. Fancy Flnnmaln and Um un I-`lnnno||-roduood. U to WAl.DRON'S Inr Cheap Whit-o Cancun. (lo to WALl)RUN'H for Cheap Shcatin ha tn \\ ALl)l{UN'S fur Cheap Hnuu lmminhingn. II`: Hlllssultluult WIHIIINU IU NILUUUII nus I'nIsl3N'l' BIUUK In nmnh u pmnlblu or:|elI;:vxu%:n:tI\;v'-`nn `wag lupoa ullonl. for the Made Cornor .l I`IlIc0aI and Wellington Streets. Clothing 5 Tiiuidsf t2hjeapj`tInthinTg Inn ornntn m`xums'rof1; " _____A_____ _____, n.nMt:i'aTTBtIR` Lst `Clearing sale TIC Illll Mid Ill! liol, '2 `I0 I01` I1 '10. Lilo ma `rim: 0! Dr. R. Bum, 01.50 - I... II` ' " It'll-G: IIIJ IOU I'V- nrlg IOU. . I lfnlfll. I. 1|. I/IIIISIAVIIIIII. The Great U.-nohclur ol the Public, Onngo Hull Buildings. jun!" In `MIMI; I Jnolsou |I'0lII `'1 W IWUU. Owrcuuu from 03.00 $6 50. All-wool Ttood Coltl, `L50 lo .0. Dinguml Conn 85 to IT .50. All Wool Tweed from (be `.0 Cl par yd." All mm] Disuguntl and Wuntml Continua 82,00 par ynrd. All Wool Hlnclt do.. at IL00 per yard worth Ql,b{l [ha and C: II all rice; Gena urniuhin at hull what they can. .._;_-._;_.. n;I. I _____ u -n.I'n..n ...llnn-|-nnll OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL. mu"-1: ;;Il:l;-I-1-9-K.`-IIVlbo|'n lulldlngs. 1 BIB` PRICE L151` -r Dual TV?! can AH Ill!!! [HnuseFuLisngEunds lot '1`. Skipton . Wqmub of my Pilgrimage, 750 In: 500. HIu\Innmx(I`n 'I`r|nmnh nl Ifnhh. 60:: In! ' . IN AITICIPATIIIN 0' AI IIOIIAII ()7 Canon` Baths. '0 have noun! tin cabin at louse lulluloodl. W W '-Q--`-m Iggy" uuovunnuuluuoua nun -mu-.iI ..m:-:.'r- % - Iu~uuIhoaIII-.uuuIlooon-I AlA0-A -1 dfoih '.'-'3-`:Lu..':.."` "" '='--"-=7-=-=;'f'*** vmuuomu. 6; .335. uu..u:.,3..-n`... Ihlh Ouhnn. jhn :11. an Ilnna ""n."1".a1'.:E""""' M at 1-do-1b.u var: n-vnnhg-1-XLQAI `-101! III I hill Ilhll IIlI`|VllIl!l|II'l'IK l|l'l. \ MoNAUGl! l'0N QORNIII Knot Pnuuvns Brynn. I . X. COUSINIAU. Hha Public. Onmm Hall Buil `I woodu, Gen? Iunlshlnju ~ `mu I0! aw. Blnokvoodh Triumph 0! Faith, 00 lot 45:2. n:lAH`II8~ l Illagolllu. I I I Inlcd HARTY, I I F ..r.mnnn I nu, I-`cannon : Blank. _ II. '0 U Il Collllgi, 0londo;n'u Putornl Oman 1 lo:-00o. U '1'n; In on. wodd, 450 for 30.. Bad}: Intuit Tun, Put 2. 75o tux- UOIII pt! Hint-I novoI- u 00: on. Q8 rb,~ lo In: 409. Philin Anumms. 000 40: $6. llnviolf 'l'l:ouiiMi lot Inning` Hours, 751! ur 500 zoo. Oil-iuthll Tninlag. 3 Book (or Pu-onll II` TCOOOIOOO. 000 [or 400. Thu Dining 'l nanhnr_ haina lha nnurdnd nnouruuun 1 8 n .01 Dr. iltoo Hid u. ' Tnp mung 'I`o_nonor, nemg lllo tooorded nyin of Juuirht. `(be for 50. Ihohruu ll : Watch from the Well iyrinr, '1 tot 60-). hp hon . Ill-Ln- nl pn'nnnA II lun- Wi|no| n Scan Prints" 30a. for 90 lrooilornlnlou no Anhooh. n Hlsrlnry of ti! Early Church, by Dyhn, 32.25 lug `L60. nlII'II'l` Dutch lhlurmnlinn. ILFJO for ` ` WI)` u I013)`. Vnfynvvnum of Emily Pnyon, 99 'lqt0& ,- . int-.|Co.`n Dal} Devotion for Childron, M 950. . ` The ' _ qQ'l`|lu_utl, by Vonublu, UNICEF. 900 Iriilnrnnnlnn M Antioch. I Hhlnr W5? !"'lf\isdbook'Imu 0 1. 1 o 0 oognp y ion-'.l.50. ` - I-E&.L no! tho19IIblatury, . v '1' lo`: nil PE usual Modiuti nu finolu 1.20. ' . 0 ' nu. a_:.uonmg, " '- A.-I -Qsveeeo-U9 . "ha uni Ibforo. ah "oc:: .nun1r'a'-nu..u.:ni`a fu_ . . ' [A `" "' H J0"! 3130 N A..."A`:"`.!..u`."":;...u-.'..,"'z...u:`. ,'....... - ~ ngbbou b{'0.H Chuck. J`: nl Ht l`nnl Ant] nl-1 mac I 1... ' , . au' "nu: I-I'.'u1 5u`a...~3'3i'.I'.`.." rm _ H In: E III ` W53 : Koala, '1'Ju1"I 'voau,oIou., .'|`IIOu\ovn, lknld, Dovcunu,l ullnu, and Imus Iultnvu-3, by Bulnr Iqon, we lor So nch. The ultannod hail). 00 for 40. BCKQK SI tr airs ~= - THIIII Ilium` unto!` or the mlunn Mun sill" III, ofc manna Innnlonndin. I0 vol 0 ma '1' lot 3|`. |p2-'9 V ` nu lof Il.'lU. . E Ebfildorh Ohriuisu Voioo 0! Duo- ; Ubl`, .1 '03 300. l\"I'Il ab Funilv I-`nun. Don `on until. lloln, lavlmul no than 0.1! 45 each. ' and ovlulfl ol 88. I'm] an I3. . ag ILOII. Dutch Reformation, 11,50 for Ml tcunoli, Duo Int 5019. Jhjno Tqwhor, being the noordo-.d wing of Juan: Chin. 750 for IDIOT $0111. |Vo _ m Hum hull , 7 5] Blank, cloth, `L25 for QT I'`I'U VOICDH III II". Iwouo, U for I - live Yuuol Pu cg, I0o'!ur25c tlulttontolholaio II. l'_l.Douin, I115 for 75. 1| lot we. ol Ppleutigo, 01 lot IIDIJOIIIII at IIIIII. .1316-lot co. PIIIQHH UM ammu- Il. II Nina 3|. ' and, sun lot 1. III Allan! Wail Cl In. - Ilounoholl kalfullu _??__._.g.~___.__ Twnrru or Jln.v.-Hr. Ed. Outer, Q.C.. hu rendered an account qduu Montreal. unounlinu hr .900, for prola- Iimul union on the llth and llth of July Inn, in connection with the Orange dzlturbonou at that timo. The Finance Committee In" onlorod tho uooounl to be paid. Mr. Carter in lnboming uudur the itnproolion tint hi: advice was the mongol pnvonlinq bluodnhad, And that CWO in ohup far the job. Tu um sun.--m-. w'.IIim"*f.`y. Int showed no this warning 3 lognl Coon pout which but boon urvod upon him as tho pllinlil in Ihu oolobnud `rule: can. Tho action now hinges upoli the pqnon 0! tin |2,(lI) gin}: by I juJg -on .1 .11: In Jones in his favour. II It. 'hy|or it not was handed out the all In will he juotilod in hula; the um. mm 9! my. .'m.c. Bonn 9: than gentry on trying to rob the _-- .1 Id. -uungu I j -_._- .. .._ Tun Mlunnv Cnu.eo:.-l.i-ut.-Uol. Meckenzie, of"Berrie, thne write: to the Mail: "To lnrnieh .1 Iupply of qualied olcen the Military Cullege et Kingeu-n in npeleu. l dun't believe the! one of chemo eeclnu will ever enter the Inilitie, except on the null`; eml it may ere to receive these eppninlmenin over the heed: ol old end qnehlied reginenlel oicen, I ehonld like to know whet ll- dnoemonle there ere fur good men lo en- ter of rennin in the force." Onuo or run: Pu.un.-|ln. Boon- ddou us still nnloriu Iron Q cold uh: uh nod In Kingotont NI {bu mouth proportion ol tho Oity lull ION loch that :50 III hupud h [In that wyl In Iullovilk the III ouupolbd to ooh. has the Ontario noalut be angry Dunn yd nnnpchlly luouil. Win `Clo Ontario up that Ibo sull- nnuynbl hid the Iolovillo Op-n out hot Iouday night no a hug an n-nnnnlnln and QHIXIG nu ol hi: -ouy. Tm: (}r.osnm | IBl'0l.I13lUK.-Lul evening Lhu Lilipuliuu gave their clon- in; pol-(urmunco, and tho homo nu very good. 'l`hu ontortainluont sun A: munc- Iin And in noooptnblo u on the pre- viunl evening, when it undo its nnrlt. Thu uutinee in the gfturnoun wu a grant nuooeu. Thu owning the company ap- posrin Brllovillo, hnving taken their departure by the only morning tnin going west. - .ao>o .._ A Srnouu Oor4nws1=.~-In nlrong con- trut with the impulsive lemlencuu (if some people in Nnpnuea we have only to note tlul tlw lklloville Town Council ' hu d cided to oppuu the revival of a $50,000 bonua by-law, which Ivu nullied by the Grand Junction Rnilrond lnlllnu to mu! in roquiremunln. 1!. Lake: A hup ol monay toput u nilroml in running nhnpo. _-r._..1..?_ A BAD Euu.-A young nun mined A. F. Wright, who but been living with I Hi Palmer for some limo u lnir hul- bnml, st Bellovillo and oluwhoro, liul nuddonly-duurtod her and mun-in-I uno- lhor. `Al Dotruil. llau ruined girl met the wedding patty, and Ind the cruel, hith- lou lmsbnnd arrested. But ha in" ro- Ieuod on bail, And that will probably bo .I. . _...I ..l` Al... ..--- ' Mas. Cu.nwnn.L'o Columns. - The muliosl critic ulna: the Gluba to tank for dulatibing Mn. Caldwell`: voice :1 one ol `oumidenblu cmnp|n.' Ann mutter of hot tho oompun in in above tho nvorigo, nnd if it be in only cunnidnnblo we should like to hours vucalint who can reach I much higlnar now. Our contemporary any take thin hint to itself. II!-Uliu I": van, -uu u the end of the cue. A Louu L01`.--`-M. I country unqual- inu 3 non of young men nude the aven- ing Iumwlut lively, npd |dJod lmlu Ioonu which were not on $hI projrunmu. , And which were lI.`lI'cB]] utpoohd. Tho, juinod in the singing, |nd- in one pincer gun nuoh nrinjionl to the chem: u uved to make the whole thing most ri- dieuluuu. >,. llouu or lluuunv.--Thu .m`moo.. tho nnnu.'. muting of tho Dnreotun of Illa Home 0! Industry in hnld hi Ilu Council Chamber, Ibo ruulc 0! which in unknown to un It tho hour we write. but we: hope the unggution of Onin" Il have boon produonvc ol benet. Loloou Oouuuu. -M I moetipg of thin ` body lutoveniuptho Bnlnric-5' Coumittoo I the Oounoll undo coma swooping ro- uuiolu in the ninth: ol the Ohio oni- Q1911 , I anus] qr uvurn hing olookd tlunby. ----.34 lb uutallowql . Kn: null `CLnf.-Now tint Ibo Iidanlh up cloned (by tho that non than by maul Ugom`) to hop Ha po- lio. will curt Iiouulnu and no that nhoqnuhthu oi Chg 'huumu|' in.tuuub -A__ A A _Il....._J 7, , llutloury or |13Io|.u`npu-uiglro. ctr? Alb 7!0llI'!.~ V treat: a. nu tap at cask loo. ` ------o-3-o----- Plouuxmn.--l'nuh mlwbk couch- , 4,4,, _:_A` _...I_ _l..g.J.. _...- nuunr nun. I'll ! 7. .. tit:-:r1~- % ohm Ilmnnououou clock It In- 1,nu in` `non. by oath. ii,;oT.} 4 :-:0`! aux oqeun, Ipuljng. A I-II--um cm on no I-ti-nu-. ' ` to 75.. lntboootlhunl npndituro lat" nu canning you the Ontario Gonna on in III-hlktllh anauglnho Iddoglln 0-ungnllh Indnnd Lulu. th- n-uh-uavuymuqquaqm i1`JVIl|I_H|IIC,Ii&|ItH- Inluuihnhhbp. an inn boon. hulunpulpl `#3. Oh Ivuqh i Id ul l\Ill.Ivuu- -To butcher n u horaol. Mcauso mm I with mother, in a \ nnngo. And you. that. is J done at Nnpnnoo. "`-.. ..l`R.....-- .J H... IIUIIU II n upnuuu. --Two oiourn of. tho Hnul 0-: mar 3!-LII ol the Militia Duparhm-nv. lmvu hm] their uluies aldckotl one-third lino J the junior lurk: in the same llulmrtnm-nt III! boon (lslpenw-I with. `BL. ...l:o...- ..l Hm '|`m~w c-mum in -nuu u--u-nu. u -. hu nlrouly hul Lwn `vidonuy name mm-I Dmm (lrxmmll I -A party nl yum-_; gnnvl.-I trip {rum 'l`|-eutun to Uvll\:\ :11 in an hour And I half in i n n m_:.,| ,u I..- .._-; In III uulu sun as mu. ... .- --Consul 'l`witchull has v Hot: for An ofciml rep srt ol Corporal Schner by Ju ol Kingston. 41".. Knlnhnr - nnnn . W IJIIII I-I..| UlIIU'l \1I| - --Tho editor of the Tory organ in [rally excl-cind lhuul. Lhu expense of the Ontario Logillnlnru tn the cuuntry, Ditch upouo in increxuml by the slum union: 0! the llouuo. How much of it dud In pay? .Ill.. _l.Jmin l)I|iulnI'l nllnniunl to I): Luv uuuu null . --The lmldur agitation may be M hula unplonunl but it In in the interest an| Iuluty of the city. ---The Cunnoil Cnmmin a nil Salaries nwetimvn. Pheru is IIOC Ill pg ! -Min Jolh-in Quiglcyi Allmiunl the young man (union) with tho light. luir In the Open Ilmuo lust oveluingmu the mate: 0! oomidernblo morrimenl IIIII Jolmio is I capital character nong- u-nuuu uuu uwuw -uu . s.-....v...u.._,. UL Norlhmuro tuntlliexl, nluihutun; Mn-alt lo the mumrauce of I} Tho Ilmgiuratu Iuprunumlml the principal: in tho nllinr, mlslingi cuoufJ`hnatnn nlinoul $0, from conviction there 1: ml uppcul. `I 70- 0u"ll|l' Hill 0! tho Britinh Empire, Mm. gal` nu. Eula Bu. - Dr. Cnn|plu=|!_ tho elnlnrnt pllhilf. physician of Tnr-mt--, Wodunduy. ' ,"l`h- |)..|in.. l`..uu-I n-In an vv run--um . --The Pnlicn (`ourt was an up)! this nmrning fur lh.-. 90 ml of tho cmmnunily. , 'l'|.- I...lA-. -..h..Ii.... n...u I` Iluuuu ......... .. -Doan (lrmunll In: Roinafurd that Im mu: which ha in an mnluu - r "H Ghjutlul Hz.` J. In Thompson, ' ol 'I`u|'oIlo, vu gnllnntly ruoued {mm dronnjng in the My by Mr. W. D. An- pnurutlon pr-vmphd Mr. 'l`Iu-mpoon lo nah uqultlpn about Auulron with I VH1 to nurug him u mun suitable , nuanouv-Ho gallon! o-mdnol. A000!-I Ilillhu M In lwl raqcuul no la-In thin dun. A looling M m-uuum lnr bl: " uu;u._ii.}..:.:.n.:u .. u. . mango! II: I-WI cinpntl-IiI&IHU`.W'0 "*1. Wbh up! 1161 . an- .n .x....A_An LIL Ah` W-"iI. UIII I on cur-vu '(u-vv- ...... all in 0 uamunieuinn with u mny ivllg imbibe` M gallant route on ha could Ind. and hug: then obtained nub-. mwrm puvobuiv-3 3 gull modal_Io ` -no-A' I LAX. npqnnnunr P, llldllil II"' Nlr piilvnuiulg u `um lllvt-I.Iv M ltd! pram-vet. Mr. Androu duly npolnd the modal on Sunday ovu ml is justly proud cl to uh. Ibb` ll. ftp add $5 U`! III `WC! In W. ll.` In. Ihulmonupuu -I `*`nUfQnd'Oo'&Ib\vnITa|. v .,I I3 HUI: INS. Tania, l`=h=. I070.` ` Onlhunuulonpnud um}! Mu` puma, -touaua.u..u, hum- luluuvd `fanned by the muudu ~!hI'.D. hduuuhtonlmid to in bowdlg. o. w. name: .35. .u- . --nu. Inland In 157?, auction by mo manor of tho [nu-ufo Hour, 82 for II. and In lnluhmnln, illunnud, 01.00 '0? `I. llnlnrnv lhn [lam nl oollnnd. 751! for