STAIIIRIIQ DIII. I' \I- Iillh Pour Medals and any. nun mm 1!! can! BKATLD JADO'YI .I'OUI ml Ill 0N3 YIAI. GAUI'INH . N mm. m ash-age " mama... I 0| '1 5% isnmwm Health is Wealth no: mm.) to New Compound. m wot i 60ml afnity to the Dixon!" Apparatus and the Liver, induct In: the dumb: as. (our! lng' almost tutu the M msnlta Dyspepsia, (aduuupn. ! urnn. l In: almost mummy um mu 1 clung}?! Won. 1 and the TOR nuku| Zapasn u "my day mutton! nary house. It act: man and a In; Billeusnass, asthma. ud- who. Sick Headache, Dmtnu I! tor Eating, Wind on m Steam ! Hanrtbum. Pain: In tho a! 1 Heartburn. Pain: 0 81d; Back, Want olAlgfatl a. Wut o] Snazzy, Low Sp ts, Foul Ston- Iclz. It invigoth tho Lint. cu- ' dos anal! surplus baa update: 1 the Bowls, nd rim {on to m , w)- n In pntsm. ' no Bowman um whole system. Cut an: out A dhmctmn & Working Qualities Cutthboutudtmn to ll D tud tSIOcantBA-p 1 on 3:39 bot o for 76 can", nunmorabont It. !. Writ!!!" I Iarriage License Office. INUNE" Mm GENUINE 1| Liver Complaint. 0qu m nun-cue, Ion. mm at (vivac- IO. cmnm. cure ux Weu'l You a worn; when an :Hruxinm m III-idly with. The} ua pun-I1 \caabbk. and m m) to guvo utlilullnn St (M. 143 hou- mmuming an Pilh. mu Ivor by .11 "mum. Mnn ol maul elf-II sld Inn- 'Y"' -'v** *7 Wk will p the shove mind In any cut of romp-mm. 0min; m Ila-nacho, W10". (kn-um urn-u... ...__.- .. um The unnuiu on" JOHN r1331 3 00.. Chicago n4 Tomato. hon NW! N M I) 0 up J. Wllgol'i 0" mung-mu. ...- ,...r....v _. , , Pin-.15 a}. .n mama. Mun IMA- mum MJOHN ivong (an mm. . AIJJ. 3038s DIPIMTOY m hm (mum,m.m minimal- jun .lwwn;-Ibyput,mouypd I. Hm dye. for MI - Mindanao! CnWledht;Cll~m; umummnmmnmuu mw;;u Hamlin Wlu;-lh~. W [or ooh-l Hugh. IIL;w-lw Mn,h;00-pluion rum-Luau... mmmmmuzwm aaul'hmuhhum HHDJLRWIIGIH M'hi wWWMIh-WW mu m In baht. W mama-am . whole system. { Cutthboutudtmu to ll nmmgt and mat a 10 cent MIA. run, a VW. m M du w. ,.-,x u! , mm mam HIM- I. uni-mm. m 0: WTMW Inn mzuJ $09-53?! ' .I. I. HILDIIRSLEBVIL nun ossTROYER. 7Al,,1'll()N !\ [111?" I'LIVG OF THE ost mmuyuam I maul nth: l u. mmnr dnv maultyll I 7' a o and 10. a M..r.:..:,.a'a...... | is in innit-Ind minc I! MARKED King-ton, 0m. Orders by mull M regnlu prim. W7 J. WILSON, Dru It. Bureauor w Hunt]! & mun). . N I In at . Illuhllll. (MIL Burma :9 h ! ma am (to. F'nnl Stamp . hr in tho nod un- gold-- (13.. I Sun. In! obey: it mun-n I: And lb II unit hollow till.- i play- ma]. do Mob 5. prelude o! the h I. farmers given an aunt upon them. ul'ru'l'T n wan Ill Hllcll n Hummiuu uurw um nu, not. npnnt, on the ground. However. it prostrawd aeveml tents and (lemolmlxml n. tabernacle in which was a 1' wulnnn. aevernl Indians in full wnr paint. and various curiositiva. l'pon these le wet Gunman tluppml and it wns renllv lmlicr. uus to notice them emcrgu nlhl men about in tl.e storm. They found rnluge in an xuljaining restaurunnb. The show- mun pontpuned the performance until the tent. was Ire-eroded. .AnI-lxl'u nlu A anlNTMFNT, I'll-Tml' Cr Illr. Ina-n. ltpto B Inn. the weather was ue. but. LLa lowuriug clouds predicted another storm and soon it. came. The clouds Hwel-t cross the Imam-mu. but. the wind in Hllcil a direction that, it fury mm . __ n. . ..l llnmnunr i0 A VERY smunun UIBArrlllnlmnnl. Just as the min begun to descend B " Battery band arrived, and all the proli- mininricn luul been arranged for the in allgurnl of the Exhibition. but they Were not curried out. and [or a good mason the Hmmurnlilo tliu Minister of Agricul ture did not turn up. About 3 o'clock atalegrmu in sand to have buun been received by )lr.(iu). A. Kirkpatrick. M.P., to tlw effum, tlmt Han. Mr. lupu found it illipusnililu to attend. but tlm lanociutiun oiccra receive] nu noni- cation wlmtuvcr of tlio circumntaucv- They patiently awaited his arrival. nu l guueml disappointment was felt when he (nilod to keep his engagement, The address was useless, and the dinner w 7 .. I : ...- ll...) nnlu lmnu unmimll The address WM lmulcsu, nun um mum. ikowise. If wo lml only been notied." said u DIrucLur. we would lmvu been saved all this expense." Hon. 5. (3. Wood was on the ground for so. short time. but. he WH nut. asked to 0me Lin.- exhibitmnzin fact he would haw (la clined hml he been approached on the mnhjvct. There in hula likelihood of an inaugural taking place st. all. During the nlwruoou the bud rendered so veral flue unmical selections in the pa lace, nfurwanls upon the ground. The programme was an lollown '. "Human ,, , ,Humw .nluh alloy-hlnlomda . . . . . . . . . . . V , . . . .. . About. 5:30 oclock the visitor" began to disperse and the guns: closed nhoruy after six nrlock. The paying public botallmlprobnhly MED. Hancock's Inspirator m mu. unf DJ'UNUMKU. AlllJANnM Furs hold I; prom:an place in we Pnlnce. George Mills a U show gnodu ol the richest church". Suspended [mm the roof of the palms an numerous robes, which set oi his exhibit tdmiru- My. "in stock is valued 5! 081110. He bu.- twa ne one and with I Inner o! (urn. inc|mling two bad soul -1... tum Panim hmb son for Indian. gaimgrmsmmig. '9 Wm sou mks. two Pcniw nd a gauemu's out of tho nuns material. Ho hm the rmly so: 0! silver for Int on the Wilda ': lm who. cousin of muuk. ox. (Alt. hmr. bulfslo. anu- no" wolf 31K" Hudson Bay wall. He ud mink. Sqni ht] bown. u yad- long m m be non. Tho exhibit. of Hill-t Co. hound-l, a, evidence . -1 nnmrnl'il. Th1 In ltd MUN-IL 3f boom-1y nuance; at can riu. Thu indium} to be ' in an {at line. poo-HI the ' y a! Hill: Brou., ol KWd Pom. Their enr- urptmia 3W1. Thu good. use manly maxed nd 00min. 0" m I: II IWL Tm: pom. m, d 0! thin pk. JIM wall. black baa. Hudson Bay volt-unaton rebut A ma. silk nimkl. mad with Bib-r . I. "1". la."- .._- rhea-o . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , .. Um nflbn nme (Muck .. (mul- jolo....,. . annoe. '|Ie rompers. mmww' mr agricultural implc to set up. lull Um opportunity to (les- lannlunuwu-u-u. lu lumen D. A. Waddoll Inh- I good chow. He has an! ol double d .imzlo curriue lllrIOSI. gold und rubber 4 saddlm. colmrn MM Imruv manning. (iwrgoA. Rudd. ol Brookvio. tho u-xlnbnod some very ne apocimou at his handiwork. in double. single and tmun lull-neat Mr. Z. Provost. hu on View A stock of vlothes nuicubla fur then- cut .u-I ur Hh. I leulu IlU-III UIr-Il-"lu In um Hm the aunt-whine noctuon in u buy loom. Em ml in In. cumin Ind gaudy m m to Do found the mull-ctqu o! C. W. Willmmn Mus-Kunming Gummy. Mon- tml. (sewn in nunlur) and good {or y kind I work. Adjoilil thin in the Siagur nowiug mmhino. The menu oocupiod by than in duo lady trim-0d. nd than no nix machinon in man opontwn. Mr W Sin-"king. nf anbum. llll III- [ uni" o anon. I Mr. . Simpkius. of Newborn, omer oluu at curios. Vil.. knitting muchiuas. Mm ribbon sud one plnin and inch World Star knit. used in Hm nrmllmhiol 0| nun." silo-l hot... I nud is Inch world an: nqum mo in the production 0| lull. unnulluAlnf-ll. ' ' good chow. He has on. OK mm a l single currlage gold trimmull; a sol. of working lmrnoss : Mlldlm. calls and lmrsv blankets. um...- A "mm M Hrnckvillo. A Ilu'nldanvv- wuuvn- sun. In the palnce II a great. collocation o! uowlties. placed on exhibition to into rent and Mid to the attractions of tho L...- Purina lab I... two Quad: mink. on auto! grub nd and tin... u Manuel tell. an: and In: hu- nnmnI-h ILA Inn-u Mural 0! ME I! ll oomph tho loam-lay lint. lli-Iun uAr-lI-l nllAI house. .lcm-llorv is euberml by uuotlior cu Lon-prising American rm. Patent. medicines are shown by (lea. t'. Briggs & Son-1. cl Hamilton. wlm nlno nhow tho shroung ol llmll' SLni (-vliiuut liy Huupeudiug u l|U\ ul hLullus L0 in pii'l 01pm! joiuml by it. The Leg Ind Arm ('umpnuy, of To. rniiw, show wlml. they can do to mom. [he ueceumlien 01 unmou humanity, The J. H Stone Muuuhccuriug L'uiu puny. u! Humiltnn. [mm uu uLer'Liu- Cullt'ULiUll 0' cages. 'Ilie Rawhoue Uolupnuy. l'ornum. au- Li'y of skulmu. gnu iiupluuwunu ou rie-.24. l)r. ('anIs COULI'llIIILI' n Cul'lUlL), u .lnp HUN 3 winu hum". It has n [leu'v lu the was ofJolm Henderson: a l'u.. which contains books, stationery. uuvclLu-s. ow. 'lhe Aylinor Cunning Company have u largo (-nlluction of canan lrniL. veg.) unblm and other edibluu. They lmvu qu silver medals Ethan M. the Indus mnl Exhibition Company, Toronto. Mlsn Forgnaun shown very ne ncrull work- n large and beautiful RILIHL'H Mnel of black and Wlllt wumln. She has an inknbnnd ol ascrnctivo design and other articles inunifuscing artistic wurk. Min. and Min; Richardson have u. vary choice display of lmir wurli. The Hamilton Cotton Cumlmny have the largest. collection of mn'ilncturel on the ground, viz.. ynrnu. dnnunn (plain mul fancy) cottenules and cotton warps. A ....u .un umnl I'M unnhsi ADA! Rel-7.03. :nrou Muwu'lu' u chi-nu ,.- unw- nl m Ilium l 0... r x ..r w- I'm-emu Nu. hnxou (UIIUN Ann ugh-an uvvu... The Duudnu cotton mills send a vmt cullucbion of checked shirtings. They um as good looking and as durable us the favoured Oxford grudes. 'I')m 4H...- 'l'uv ruL of Murehonso. The (Men 'luv rm. of odds & (0. have an unsortluoub of quc-IH, very chuicu. Willimu Parks- and Sons. of SI. John. NJL. show cotton yurux. Immury, col.- Lun warps. shirtings, &c. The dinplny shows that, tho muulwturers iu (hub l'roviuce are not: belnud those ufUn- curio. Mum... k (in , of (hmlnh. have kuit. favoured Uxtorcl grutles. I McUrne k 00.. of Guelph. Led goods in profusion and yarns, espe- Mully made [or nmuuhwtnrers. The lvportel was shown yarn upun 510 Line that, a pound would IUBMIIIB 30 mihm. This is probably the nl'Ht yarn cvm' pun Ill (humid: and mu simply drawn uutiuurder to see to what neness II cuuld be reduced. I'ho delicate thread is hkc n phmuum wire. an'l II made of ('uumliuu wool. Jnu. Fisher exhibits porter. pale ale, Mn. the product of his Portsmouth lmnwnrv, nun. um lrlwuuv v. ..... lm'wnry. Hurt. Bros. Ull Lunar. of lictou. hINHV u nicn urmy of ower pots. vmwx, wutrr lLern. ac. They look well. Mr. Simon ()borndur'or has I capital collection of clunru, Lehman and (figur- ul.Lx-:4. He has maul: the 91mm: ulluLuul to In. very nttrlctivu. - ....~ ununu AMI-n MANN , I he mouthing effect of music was cVI- douwd in tho [mince yesterday. The rum drove the band inside. and it gun- nnml-roun nelecmoua. They had not u luonolmly. however. for the pianos were ummpnluwi by expert musicians. Megan. (L M. Weber t (Jo. have con- mdorublu npucu taken up by their ontrim. 'I'Iwy nhuw a cabinet 'lld lulu. quillloly carved. end having a latent Improvemenm. ll; very much resembles u. Huyiuwuy in upmuance. but. is not aver half nu costly. It. in remlrhhle [or its extraordinary powar sud nwect- ..n....l umn, hm: been admired by all but. ll! not. it nnu 0' Lone, has by municlnun vi-jting the palm. and pro- nounced the hth piano on exhibition. It, is le hugeul. upright. nude in Cum Ill. The sumo rm exhihit several uLhcr uprightn 0! excellent lune. lllll null touch. All the pines u.- iu rune. wood omen. Mr. Wm. Cunningham. urganixt. ul (Ilialmern (,hurch,mll por- furm on them during thu weak. Stevenson 4: (.10'14 lunnun um ulonguulo. They have n lnrgu grand BqIIIe valued at 07m, two uprignu. ouch-c} Ind the other pluin. l'hc uprighu m ulqu at. 0650 each. The exhibit. is I. line can. .vlr. U..Uroogguu in the musician in anluucu. n w Karn. of Woodstock; Ihowu. l. W. Kara, Woodstock; through their Kilgawn- out. ve organs. parlor nu] church. halo Ire vnrv hand-om. sud the ultra by this org-mi. nu] church. I'm-o In very handme rm damn-mm their pow-tit}. 'n... mm. 0! R. lchowslI. of their pow-tn}. The exhibit. at Kinmwn, conninil ol one squire ilno. from Wing. Sol. New "1011:. J; oc- taves. This pin-o his the um reector nacho-t. in .tbo u 19. I gnu impromolt. Ho Ilsa exhuma- one nqmuo pino Iron: um {salary a! Human b 00.. Toronto. In organ he shov- on each of {our (Cum elm-en; I Medal mun-ops con IIVIII: "Lemma VI V. ISIQX'IIQMMU Inca-nu! h- md w m..- rtwmhww f Mgaldouo. anon-dorm - on. English III :ur. There are upmmolas Ind eye glnnnes. I le Pubblo kind. from I New York TII CA?! W'- .'n.. uhibihd m M *- Ii nun. minim-ddly- 1 also. 3 In; 11.. . Curtis coutx-Iluutm .. a mu: In. uv gill hill new ol rodu. In": two of keys. I'm-nod coup|or. and m non: IIOdGI M (allege lms. Ilnulnu. Thu 1"qu In-rally dull with mu 8h nmnd couplor. um ; .- .nd mu man. with 1&0; 9" model I, 0' m; tog: "1 'tal-m llw No. of Salon. In '9 I nice timc indinrimi mm. but llml in on onthuuou. mama to hvo Ibo-O than lab-6 pain.- ul calla-co. 'l'ho nebula. hich nu not. nnmomu. chin In much nun tum u the Shorthom, Iml tha kidding all!!!)th in thin all- in Mr. Sui-nu! Guelph. Ha ha ll hodllduan to him colum- Mr. Bo . of mygtnu. Then we roach the 1 MI. unnum- roon. Thou. of the lm."no~h."bf laliugeou. ud (Tunis. of Dun-gt. clgim special union. 0! ANN there an- mnly sun-ion. We moabnod Ir. Nicol annue of tho-o dourvi ol prominence on moon of his loul - minus. Mom-rs. 0: t Son. 01h). . n-;,...x. prominence on moon 0! ma luau wu- lions. any Son. W. also uhnw muny Avnhinn. including the cow which took Int menu! It} the To- ronto Exhibition. Hr. BOOM. who n-cuuuy imported some very ue Uth wm'u. nuke: the ammo obeit hvm that. he did at. Toronto. Hi. In! dlolmck. diutinguiahod by n peon- Iim' hand nrnuud the body. in 'hd luirm! bv every stock fnncier. hut uIYhia animals. pura luv-d. are vol! soth of. 'lu MN. Ilunnu, Hrochnllo, I! have bl mle Iefurnul. She hu do bell. do vm') heat on tap do urih" in Jenayu uncl that iu auvlug a great deal. Mih too ulvvn milk which prodnoou 8|! per rem. u! cmmn. while a mum. Flom of St, I'vu-r'n' huu [urnilhad milk {rum which var l6 Ilm n! butter have been nun-In m u wuok, In Mrn. Jonan hon! m hull. Rivul.' a brother 0! 'Flon of St. uni name very nu mutants. were launch n the lad Iihl blNou. m lI'hort. hon: w kl? number. I very ' a 1* *' - eluding Ibo-o mom in land: Min. I" In huh "E- eluding Ibo-o by lurk Min. of lon; (hot. of B I llld n. 1.! Rnlnm 'llm hull- MI Iu'n llllllh I l l I'etrry- \I.. ' ' iuhlnuyu [w H (lungllwil W|Hl IIIH VlaIL. llo 'slu'ciully (uiuinuinlml thu wn' in which Limugrivulturiuts wmu [milling Hm-tho improvement. 0! tlu-ir hll'li He \VlHllOtl Mm same amount otuui-ialy was dinplnyud II) the Eastern 'lownsliips, lu lll'lll the poolilo of his Province tn iiiipruva ilmir stock he has ourml in "WV (ll his animal-4 for brooding purpomm ircuci Cqu. yeti'uw mun have the uuuar prints to iici-tiptliin ouir. Ho has upwardg Ul um: hundred hum! of outth M. Hui .Ullblul lixliilntioni in hard West lligliliunl cattle connint of about ilrly. Ha him only [our here. A lill'l lwwlll present, to tho Onbario Expo iumnz .1 Fur). and it ia' thc- intention in Iiiu'n Lliu hrvc-l rusmul- with the Durham. Mr. Whitulil,\vIuHmH soon such it cmnu. WIVth will incromutlie quality of tlw bod uml atrougtlion its constitutiou-u \Vimk point, in Durlmm cattle. It. will um. IOllucn the aim of the DUI/lint!" hrvud. 'lliu lieu! of Highlou cattle will lnlllgu [many inure per pound in London iimrkol tliun that of any other griule. The Durlmm milk from tho lixhori .,.. u... m such n hufurt'. -- w-.-.--v_'-' r... up. a Ln mil-no on I. u...| 'IIm MuL iullmi Anuun (mule. {rum \ir. Whitliuiti'n farm. liongoxuonLQuu . :Lruwurthyof hpecinl nttuntluu. 'l'hiq gamut-mun has upwnrdH 01 60 hand on Llw gruuud Ha lmx iumlo Ili nd. visit In [Tl-Imr ('uluuiu. an In: call: Ontario. illhiMMyN ho delighted with his visit. lln nuluuiu'l" munnuunlml Hm \A'DIV in grade. The Durham anLlu Expori Inuuml qu'ln wxll probably be Bohnly [IlluLlOIl ln-fore le Fair in over. Several well known 'lomnm butchers an de- nirtuu u! HCCIII'IIIL: than: (or Chriltmu beef. II'II |" In uLI-N IN H-IIF shad-I, ' '5'. 15. Uh-hu- m with I... Mull-on." mm of which. howh min-h don cloth my ny, II. M. yanking up in an nuth Miami. in M. Th mm ll m. 1 building "A! die hub 01' am being lug. a. & exhibits, M It. I - Iignod amul- I. h. I loading mum in N 1 menu! Fun. H h bl m. u -' W rallied in nuqu upbHM um Toronto apart. Thom warm how (my. shun.- Mice-MM. md the shop. dhioh Ian Ian-link II m ham!- 'lhvroinun vxwumvo show of uwiuo. no (axwumvo let. nu we! intimated yel- aerdny. unicit-uc mum wan not. providod for them, and a number 0! new poun hml Lu lm constructed. One of tho Imuhuu exluluturs in Mr. John Howvr. (luolph. whom Borknhirou. Yurlmlnimn. Essex and Huock hmmlu urolnvnuruhlv noticed by those Intur call l in nuuh collection. Thaw nwnuo wr. Allow" n1. tha'l'oronto oxhihiuou, ILu mute. huru they were detained an unrcnmnnl-lu tune. uuoring in come .luunce. Death fulluwoll the removal at two valuable unimsll#one, upon which lu- had taken a special prim. It. 'loruannml another hum won that its lulivury lmlu H18 Lrnin. Our Pituhuru l'riuml. lluuh McUnughm-ty. Ihowl n. lklll lxmr which ought to Luke I; In '7. -. ()me 01 we haul. diuplayn o! Berk "hm-- xx mudn by J. H. Home" a Dru. ol Edmuntnn, uomu o! whoa. animals are ol Llullh mlmm nizc. hut yut nymutrl- (ml in huilll. 'l'lm mum rlu nhmw npu rum-nu 0! Poland l'hilm and Al lmnch It Hun cxlnlnl. :1 hard of Hamill". in Hm lrc-mling of which grout care has hm-n ...m-.-iuml nmuL. Emil Meyer. Munngar at tho Butlo branch of the J. M, Brunswick i. Hulk. 1 'lunlmnv umnnfnulurnr 0' bi"de um] 'llu- lunlieu' liplny m one of the nest. {or umnv ymru. A lady. who in A judge u! [nncv work. uyu that N'I I) never beheld-ll bout-r exhibit. in thin deput- L....l "u'nr Muniumr M Hm Bunlo WWMOMIIMWH Company, maunhutumru ol mmuu um .mduhlas. arrived may. but. nding Hunt. he could nut macuro IIpr I no wxlnhmun Ion lnr Montrenl. He locum! a nilvur medal M. the Indultrill Exhilli. tion Ill-4m hiu exhibit. Stave-MI now (Mun-u o! the present uxhilntio'n hhould not. be overlooked. Hut-01 the numb import-m in net an uuuucml in prize HM. Mun. premium wiH Ik' nwnr had [or (Jam ball Mly ou nulxjortn u! interns". an" ulvanugo to fanning muummit'um. Two prison, onn a! 02m mm! the uncoml M!) has been of [oral (of tho best canny-pa growing crops 1m! maulhiuiug the [utility (pl tlm mil. the competition being re ntricted to prnctical man living within Mm Province. Simillt prim 0 Mar ad [or my on tho Imam. it. u. alignment. and mmndiugu, than any. to be rmtricwl to 2.5 page wruuu onlv on mm uide. Tho winnnn 0! than will be Innoan on Wodnouluy. of Um J. M, Hrunnmuk a name nmunhutumru nmxlmhl. Ind. but The Royal Military (2.: mu m. can. if pooliblo. I portion 0! amoral uhth brought (rum Nov. 80-06.. A boulder 0! con] cull) "mid- up night. ynn tea in uocidlyaluwal. Hume o! the mincnll ahippul In. AMI-x t-n 1-min- m Inn .nnl. Milli" L the mint-h alum! lu- I-ollux two wonk- m but. opt . 71!- Dr. Holoymsn roach Ila. y an many a! In. In. oral no in a num- il W The VWO mum III-poked up toolbou'un apti- o- thoeshibia nth. To ll adhuy Know I not Inch-Ita- look at. I that: I. Doctm" autumn. Pm. ,- Hr cums-A prmln to gut-inn ll intu- \IIU'I'VHW m 'l'lm am has 11 NH. DTUIHOI' n prim Mlimul. hit-1439M. of R0 .u. 'ITIXC lllllllllll. Ill-Ifld. linugemmut. nu , mxhnhitur in nearly ovary c mm. H nut c-qmvmm on the merits mmlq. huvmg done an nlready. -Iwm-,: HUN: 3 Nlmk an Kinga mu- nu'or In-{ore men. They In! [,0 him (lull. Im should Como N1 Inn uninmln. and an Ila '.u|-Ll'illllbt\ nu lurguly to Hm 0' the Hlluw. Ilia iflllnlhl mi. n ..o|.|n|l| In. I uni-v F IIIHL INLIIILIUU. 'Ilhl VII'V ow Mr. Whiu'vhl in rnyz'lrl lm muh- (HPIMV NIL-Ignllu-I s unt. been noon in this city BAKING POWDER. mini. um oor huh (vn um... um b ml In? :11 I Am- U; a! nun V LAN, Hum .45 n Iv'v suuonnimu Buuxs. " M118.qu hm. IIOOVIIMIII'AI'II\ ,H. \ ~, n,.. n' I.. O [EJIIN'IK Iun Ill-m I o... u-I Klan!- -=-- BOA-7.0.. mun-r In. 0- FRIEND MRS. JONES. n. In... mung an:th L All cl Ibo M I . I V V... m at Womb I4"! to 23rd lgrlulhnl and Mum-l. 825,000 In Promlum. ELL/OTT'S DiNTR/FICE 1| EXHIBITION! t V ; Barrack I: Ontarlo Sim, TOOTH Luam's PERFuuzs x. liiI'HIlm I! rd! H!!- C. T. K 9. J; MATT u In! my "mu- m m In! uni-humb- M- VOL LL. mm mim'n 11m 81m Quintana Wml cum M: In. 5.41m .u 3... 5.. a... M nun-u. . u Mean mu. RICKIAM End. Mord M hunt. ML w uid-nde Humans no rusrmmms u Burgh 3L IIqu lag-us. .4] mindIlla- ""W' m will.qu "I um: L. __|_.4 'FAKE "OTIS; l0 \ IZIIK" 'IICI \L PROVINallL NORRIS & 00.. MONTREAL. POWDER Ind. w , l a... dw-vMh Ink. In] Ihu hmn .Iou-rlptlou M nullv ml [mud on Hm cor- ciiks mom lam HAT 3m. IAIEH UALUD A! altnhuh-n his am 0 on. thm fur tn the low [mom [or which ha luv-Ila hm good. lhmdm hlllg I Im? aumk ln- 'lnmu In ("Ier all (he Latsst Styles in Hats, LIFE ASSURANCE Co. il'if'IIIS,uran.l Bells Tan & Freckle Lolion 8T. LAWRENCE WHAHIT wumunnm mm . lAll Descriptions of Goa! (MAL Ill A Clear Complexion ! J. [1J- W.J.CRU1HFJLS mlmcmm [Wont In... ' } COOKS ' [LIES (MLUM Av mnhum h an- Mnh hr l... the mu v-.- _---_-_. _ or lvv mummy: nun: on ~ In nu:me \ ' mummmm. WHNMW!" Walnut-Dom Pow-I -mth In: .I'PAIMMIVII m an: I. out W WISE I.UNIm_\ \VIO hm hm. ,' Ill!!! INN IRVGII. .l A... H... .y:.. ..m le HENRY WADE. JAMES KWIII BREAD. V r U I :j___B_I.ndIn' /.\' unwr nu l A W -7... KlNGSiON. dXNADA. WEDEDAYL onprmm'o. 1882. li( )'|. ulnflclluh . -rm n...l |lln|r0tllln | will nd Ayors Ginny Factual] . Wynn nu urn-tn? AM)I.1'\'HII I - v , F0 mum: 0' Tmf AID LUNOI. HL'CH AlOOUO... MOI. OOPINO COUOI. mourns. 1m AND LUNBUINION. Books. THE new I-IAT srona| St ationer y T. McAuleys Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Days' Inn. 10 um um. mum on mmi 1(flln IN Inuan (mm)! (In I llll lulu. wuuu un "Vrlln Inurinf from Nllvoun l: [mu \rnurY. wt or Nun: Fu w \mwu 'IAKiruI-N and all u-urw \I-n _ _...m.... n... Am MILLS BROS. I'ruvniulm and Stu-kl on our rurlmm . \ u-Ma aura "on" In use and ImAII nnnslnu. All 0! full pulicnluu, I. l. rad-II kjgypll'. Inch-nu. I71 & WI L- ulla .17!de m; ' CARD of? '_IfI-IANK8 I) It. IPAIID. .IRIIII. Mm to L. ank the undo-u nl llumvmmh, mn-ulum sud their vklumu m I nuan- nw- ny-on hm mm" "In. w than nil-aw dur mg Um In: no yum lo "(I-[4| I I): mm n