j'WfWJ' m. ' .mmly'm Milli-o" ginn- New Yotk. Sept Ill-The unplug: u! the Skinny Plum Ian-(my mdny smack in support 01 tho .ov men 01 the {allow working- a Rum lot thoromovnl o! the Sum. union. Inn mibloml mum-o Ila-overeat Account oi the Accident Very Little Varied. lngernoll. Um." Sept, ISL~13 factories oerod 5.225 hoer chm. 0n mount of this being we rst. day 01 the South Rulng uf Oxford Show. linkintend. was manifested In the rank. Fuc- tnrvmo-u grace-art]! willing 0 dude n liitle on what. they Ive been holding Lhmr uudu. Ind now olor their Iou u R Inc. to Illa. but oven has law must vnth no nape-so fro- bcyun, .. there seems to beta order: on the In". L... ('ullmgwood. Sept. 19.~-'lho schooner anthalu nrHu, which had been do; palrhed to the scene of the Asia. disallow. urrinul m purl here today at noon. with ugx ) mg 5!. half mumgivlug evidence that sumu of mo bodies of the dilated Anm 1 passengers were on board. which proved Lu be correct. She had on baud Lhtlto'lla of (apL Savage. First Mate MrliounlJ: Jun. Little. of HM)". Sta Murina; J. Mmallpiue. of Gore Bay. and an unknown. supposed Lu be that. of Mr. McDouqalL of the gang of shanty Inn" "cum. It ucwl not b. l he il I .A A'hinqan in n 1.1 M h 0. va \ork. Sept. ILLTho Free Usual l'muu )mtrrdly Inthurizenl the Com! mitten to correspond wall the mayorn nfritum and towns [or tlm Erie Uunl .m-l. of Rochester. with a View 0! tab. llslung 2| lmmch orgnulltion to co- operou WILll the central bully. The ('mmmlwo was further inutrnclod to ununnummto with the political omni- zalluus of New York And Brooklyn to Iran: what, m-lp might. be expected from them. Gmernor be monr hll declund himself heuruly in tour I Ilnolishing all bolls ou the chuAln. IIHII. .\lr. lnukiss was inwrviowed and his hbzttnuwuL Lurnm but. 14.10 from that nlnmly mm of mu, terrible disaster at. le Lunu of the accident. Thu steamer wm some It! or 20 miles from land. A Imny Hen. struck the boat. and tent. her over an her sulca Many jumped to the hurl imne dwk, The boats were out {mm Lln-lr duvst and u the Asia. went. dmul mere shoved UH. .m .Innht that Hm unner Aboukir 0nd surronudlnugrounas. many mum nre to come in. The man- of war AchiHm-I and gunboat Condor has sailed mthme this morning and will now be lllrhnrld u Abonkir. The forts there willlm occupied hy nilorn and marines. Alcngatlmrzzllllmmu from vnrionl parts hnve Hunk-submission Mt liufr-el-lhml. 'l'hu lnnliau cavalry leaves Cairo to day for Um purpnw. of escorting the: K'uylive from Aloxmnlrm to Cairo on Thnmdny. 'l'lm Ministry of the Interior will be Lmnuferrmi to (airo tomorrow. M litir,\|rnnr.|r AI I.R-l . ('uu'u hept l9.|L in reported that Alniellul l'uslm has nun-rendered I largo hwly of I'ngpLiuu infantry. with {our ImLLPI'IOS, supposed to be lrom Salihuich surrendered at. Tanmh w the Highland- .4: y munho uh um M u 110' 3 dumuu- .- up dint-ning." "9- t. ofn only I]. M D! Y!!! urn; [ [any (unuqu "at [has Mum . who! ohewbcn A" W um: Inn. by -Q.O I'hv .v\mn(-uul,nnnu| uImuL nu Hmw rmmm WIN] u ingln- mul Iluuhla berth. Huh I' I nil \hne mwupie-l. There m-w mum-n and children on board_ Two women occupied the same room \VILh Mm. Mnl'x'iull uml wr-ut into the hunt. with her, hut. Were Inst when Hm hum. wnu unmixed the rst. time. Tim romn occupied by Mr. 'lllkisa 3180 contained Munllugher and MLHenry , of Mudgu Buy. whose brother was lost uuthu anmuliu. The two Hem-ya am wc-ll knnwu lumber man One mmmn with bar four small children. ummuntherwith two have been mon' honed by Miss Morrison. Au nonru can be leunad 85 pas-angers went. on hmml IL (Yollingwood, 13 it ()wen Snuud, am] the crew (-ousiswd of about. :25 u told. i- ~k. -F __. Aluxnmlrin. Sept. 19,-From ten un muluy morning till lawiu Lbealwr llnnn [undies of infantry. cavalry and nrmllm \' hrwo continued to pour in Iron 0nd surroundinugrounds. Many um ln nnmn in, The HlUllh .3 'l'lu-y \m man MM lroopun Egypt Grlrelnlly Sub muung l0 Brill-h Alllhorny. han Mll- Jm Iudiu \ . ~ . .0. 7-- lugerull Theo-e ail-u. n shoved un. th- IN' no nlnuht that the upper m were unrrlml away and outed r Mu,- hnl Hunk. Tho mqu passen- 4 bod ow were washed uverbonrd bv wmm :15 Hwy mm-unulm'l to exhaus- or mjurn-x. until only ve were In l,lw lhlLIHIU bum. in which a Mr. 'lunlusx mul Miss Morrison. nl'u-I unnthur they Ilim.l.ho Ulptnm lg Lhu lust mm to give up the battle. M2 o'clock Lina survivors lauded. y \hn'kml About imll a mile up the |Ln|n| warp [mind on Lhn bomb by ludizmn 2m alwmly reported. uunu 'lmkes In about 17 years 0! Minn Mnrrlson Inuulyewnped brain -r. Hw us yet (:uuuetl to her room hm], _.-,____ Fro-c- lnu: I .Tlow'mrnl. sum-nan oiis. ._..-o A Inna-I strike. hr. nits-l m 0m 0M nim- .|. lllm' glint.th an at sough- rm (-0! ' \' _.__. web ma ops-Aswan. m EL. Iqt. IlNeuly .u and-Iqu- w 00 Mum: nave arrived. Bend-I, u n uui~ meted wee. unusual a... diluent: much-Luau in being W quietly but. thoroughly. .1 an the county Galen-{m u'fnvo they m been I by thin-chum ol "plank [or poli- heel Mon. There mm bank- yet rep-ed my delegation. and the "w_ an a! money an! other you' Ilium-u noun mum loun- dem. Then in no chem It pie-ell. in u titan-ion. It's more gm ol'L amp to give u to the m 01 we end" menu the dam: Wuhswonh'u dang-ta no new um I secret meeting. 8W. ept. W.-li is learned hue [row I go-od mama than Collector Rahal-moi. of New York. has been teler uphed woome torn by none 01 the lending supporwm o! Folger. For whet object. has not. been dude-ed. but it in imam-ted tlm Inn presence In. An important. effect on the banned-l annual. Another candi n [or no lluporuui UHW$ 0 WC WWII! mun. to gubomuonul honor has loomed up in the person of Congressmu Chalet 3 Skinner. Delegates are diwuil him u n Compromise cumhdnh. Then in movement. nfool. to push him prominent- ly lorwud. which mm to meet (Mot. De-oornllc Policy. Boston. Mum Sept. l9.The plut- lormudopted by the Slate Democratic Convention calls for A thorough .IMI lmmedinte reform of the tulle. "We call upon Lbugrens to reform the pre sent wnr taxes, no the hundreds end millions may not be needlessly extract ed [tom the earnings of the people. to be in tho Treunury IN Stipllltllnl tn the wicked and reckleu eppropriatlons (or extravagant publm business. and useless. wasteful river and harbour lulll. and demands that no truce \lmll be levied ou the noceumriee of Me. or upon the row material not prmluced in thin country The tari nlmuld he so judch onely edjuuted that ,. :nericen rouuuercu Ihsll be luntered, and above the American Inlmur Will be elevutetl and lmply rewunlul. We nirm that. all these results (mu-0t be fully reulnmnl by the present. turl, Dilluto- Ibe um uni. CM. Mn moo-llwa I AI Um. on W I'Iu the Ta tho MM W. 111;! In y. I... I. On In mu 0 [high a. MIMIan "4th 1621mm. M. mm: l IIH:Ixundo-1, mu _.____7_ The (Ms! M Various Telegrams on Various 'IIlllls. The llealnll-nt Ims lu'ceptml ".125- Iunlvx of the Nortlwru I'nmtic RH. Mr. Molnlln has lwuu (Inc-lured Ill sane and plucml Ill Morrmtowu Auylum. A Quaker Ill Imwsun, luwn, Hhul Lhrue men who ruulell hi3 lutuluu punch. Hue died. The passengers null crew of the yacht Princess. wreckml off Fox Island, gut share sale. There were I: lrule from ('lmleru At. Main on Frnlu) nun] Suturdny, 11nd 346 m the vicinity uf ostuu, rum m... |.....,l.~...l n .a p .m- Inlvn |mn Lime l-Illn. Sept. [Elirlow unleu 5.5L) bone factory I u I ; H50 boxes hm dairy IO g ll} ; on packages butter 15.. 0A sumnvthurnmolun man cm; ,uudMolcmnnd-A bWbywndlhciup . __ I... Hunter. 80H 3'. w Cl: \ l "I; WI'ILH IIIIVU general election in I ()mumition Muck rmlwny policy. Tim rmmrt uf l St. Louis. Sept_.z').-Argumrntn before theTari ComlumniouLlnmmumngfavor the maiuwnnnce of thr garment. duties pig loud and leml un- 'l'hcylnvorlw increm (lumen on mm lm and nheel zinc And favor onoonmgcmcm to the Gorghum winters by the lain minus 0! the present unit! on nugu. runway policy. The report. of the Trustuua of Lhu ute Liquor Dealers Association Lulu-$4 a gloomy vn-w of the spread of prolubi. Lion in the west. 'l)... gnu-h nvnhnnun in marked hv Lion m the we. The: stock exchange was marked by dullness generally. Buyers appeurml to be Indifferent and sellers did not seem inclined to make concession. \lm uun \Vuhm. .lnrqn-v (Inna Im inclined no make concession. Mrs. Kata \vntLl'H. Jersey City. lmn been arrested. churgul with pniouiug the tea drunk lw JHHHH Hmlnlun. his Wife and two laughter The victims are very sick but, rwuw-rlng. Kama had a. grudge against Mm. IMIth'll. Mr. David Wnlton, whn keepsn large Dublin. Sept. 21). ~l)euliy, Wooqlwanl. Brophy and Cullen. who were arrested on suspicion ner the murder of in- former Bailey, were rulcaud to .Iny. McUn'roy. Pmon and Carey. who were u'reswd altar the Senllo Pl a. murder wu Also relemd. The rem iuing snu- pocm. with the exwption of Hume who an be brought. to trial. will be apeedily diachuged. grudge Bgmlmn Mrs. nmuu-n. keepau livery stable on N. 'lwelflh RLIUUL. Phlln delphm, used Ht Jacob 01] W1! huppont results on a vullmlnlu lmruu, wlnch upraman ltlelf by slipping. The Tnnmlm Exhibition wax a meat nver. The claim um [um lrgml that M the Lieutenant. (Ian-MIva :wm-nt mm gun-n to the Emermn .\ N-u'Lh \Vuauru RR. Cos charter: Muy. IHHI, the lu-riml for the Government to vet. it has elapsed, and It. cmmut. now In dmaolv- ad. 0d. Mr. William Keruwmnu. jr.. Manager of the Bristol aml Wth at ElglnuJ Loan Company. to MIRH Jeanie Ritlout. Ind Mr. Edward Putt/er, Mnnager of the Ontario Bunk, uh Portage la lruilio. Man, to Mimi Louise Ritlout. twin daughters of the limo Mr, 'l'hon. Rulunt. of London, Unl... wure nurriell yester- duy. I VII, In. I uwly. ltd II. 'Il Ill-[1101 ms. .IDTM. I 1: n'}% wot. uplsndu not. In Yul In w(onno qum u u n m =-- .I."-. OI bot. IMV IL. I". M I I Dmn'mn n! I r hell by ullppulg. The Toronto Exhibitiu success. The gnu; n-uui to.28.588.84. 'l'lne tum nl mun-m... nl'n yupmel to 015,000.51. I lit: all sources um rxln-r IAIN) all HUIIILN 0.00). un Ll iwmuu. Sir Henry (low 150 from Hummerth that blaring vexuol. Inn-u, mu Ind was subsequently She oated until Supt. and nailed HOlILleHtWL mm ..m.......- \Vurfnn m Iuman m. nib. nmo' nah-r. by 9:1! luv!- u. Milan 3th can and nailed HOlILlantld. The steamer Wurton (-"u urrivm] from Byug lulct. limb night. nml reports the nding of the bully nf olw. Sparks, lrom UVug lulct. hush mng Mlhl reports the nding bully Rom. Sparks. Provincial Lulu! Survuvor of Ottawa. 88 Wuuhausllcue. 'I'he hwa lmul u lifo prewrver ou uud mm puckml up in the nver. Llrwl 30 lel. u. mu m- .p, w. puMu' to nd them 'I'ha wnur nupply u u llml Cu Ilumrexl. ('uruplmut vs H mmhv by; 4-! Um exhllnun'n llml, my Luv] 14 u. take their ock Ln Iw Mum I, Hun-nuwuuleul. hml vmler Lzu'Ln Lu: llw water {.0 Lines various uxhnlnznru 'I'Iunrn u... Imminent In Lhu In; M tho m 0! lab. may. I Illabunk. an Ibo mu: In. I; In J mum A, anr. to II- quo A I mdw P. Boll: Ind nose-u! am J In-W" "ninth-Mlle... -A 1, LO..." HON-V MAIKII. conihisermnms. Helen-m ol Muller". lurll' Discussion 0- (throu- Maria. (a m-cu Issued 1m 1 Newfoundland. 'lln- k the (mvermuen Lu uibiLiun great rouuiplm amounted tubal receipts from renal tn ruuuh ubuuL Booth Lelvurnplm mt. le ArrLic e-x II. 111' woux. I'mvmul Mu! Pun ('ulhnruo. Um unu- AF Lymnn'u \"mualnh lbw-nary : prpuc Cure will to. Illd um ll sand-cum: lot A tin-aw uf lh ll mu" (all a; run. out I hum [he .yalrm. cum Dy.pqnu. Lr plulntu. ma. punk-mud Mud, mkr )nu look the ptcuuu u! Iw luppmun ._.._...: _ IUI: ICU Aug. Ill: driven ashore. and uninjured \vnsmms! wsmms u Winn-rs w lungs- Doria mlnosuo- um and Boliugll's nookmn,| A lull Dingth Intent mull wurhin Robertson. Numhuldt. Franklin. I u : 1: I .l,______ thug Death. Work Donn. lMiu View"... Julianne W And bouh unable [or presents. Pun-l olce hm fur the locolmmxhuou o! ringers. Rowulls Bookstoro.| VISITORS Exmmmu! unnsm mnme Hanan Prim Mun. i 1 n nunnh mu mane-3 hu MM'IWI umuluul lhll 'I" pouln'el) cure dunno-n All your drug: (or u M \I 1- Ila-g In Sour" qur Inspw' on I Ilu- lth-mild Sloth lFANGY AND STAPLE 1m {mum jqum & countess! Blm'k A Iolnrrd lira-Ms Rm. II'II rm-lulu] Slllu a Malina. BIm-k A I Ion-1| Morn- hulqnw Vrlu-lm-m in IIIm-k and all Ilw lxulum-rdw qul all makes sol] Don't lurgel. the plsoe. Dress Materials. -o--o.o~ In ( W lwully lunlmu Mountain- [H wrun' Dv Thommz' Eivctnc (NH 3. 05 has: hr Rhea} mm-m levmv 'lnh'l I Am Inni l-Iqulniu- lh-smns In lrc-ncll Ill'c'll l-ringc-s, (mm In! Orna- Toronto Flour Moro, inunsnn s EVENT ! 3 F999 i. .9 Es. 3 Cataraqul Driving Park, 'IIIIYRSIDA I'. SEPT. llsl.. lu I'm-qnnllmt Mock Iru-II Kingston Bicycle Tournament M. MORRISON. 8cm. 0. I HUI Ill! I [nutmont on name nut Iu (ml GU RN EY'S STOVEB 200 Bligh. llt-un mun" luau. u uuluuuu. r - nun-nu Bulum sud W kWh-u. R. & J. GARDNER, up slmdoa III \"E N0\! ICIIIBI'I Vlmun will plan- noel. nu I09 I'rhu-Iw- A LOW ONE. nummlu Um [owl Wuum run In IND. munilu urn-M. unnlulv 1 Hm exhibitors were gruntl) m, The Evangelical Ahmuw u-ur of the stove billl'JLH". ll rlmwd by K McKay m Tutu oIernhuuun a! tract v. I be \ nu Hu| run-nun.- an... n... v lru'ma We are owlhng THE ' purlluulnr altauuun Lot - I- urn unl||lnl 0H lg Wori. .Lln In- Ilmh. I \V hue 0M VISITORS -'Ofll EXHIBITION Not All Wool W. I. III. I. m we How Costume Clothl. IM. l5. I? It 25 Ian] 35 cents. "hole. Shula. l6. . 3! nah. 50 Plan Wool lilul (ulnuonm 35. 00. 5. L. W. 75. N. 9064 ll). [15. 1..1450, L75. 21M. Pun-on'n Bum Finn-h. 01.25 I 50. Ml). 2.88. 9.60. 2.75. 2200. 0 Dan 'lhnuuu' I'Lkrtno U", n mu 1 um-n '0! mo. Md] III unolkmv I... In: 'n" I M. Bone-I Prioul. 30. We..|l(l).l.10. 1.30.1.w, [.75. 31". IAm-In'l Ann Finn-h II 515 I5 21) 2, 3 nd 4 Buttons. 50. 750.. Ol 00. 1.25 per pgir. In full In all It Now Full Dry Goods. gun I. was an. Au.- IdlllaUVAY a lm (my: Putt. page: In mac-Mum NW Ila-L .u ca... ohom Ila-Lao rah. not. 0' tin Mod Ivor Vncy. In." no n! lung-cy- farm din Cu w u w [of mm. mun-t. ah: a All rpm We mu he min-aw In aha Illa-u- 1 I: law: man-In In I. ~- who I III 'o'lhll mount an: let mm ' AAA- INA dll'lfll)l TIM Mfurkslgpdlnanum'. Who" will In: luuud m inuouu Bloch oIInLIIhuuun ( u-Inulu'nlly. Itm uduum ubtsuow 'AIKI-LIICDISIL no } in. Na. lsll Dre-I oods. Not All Wool W, H. M. :5 mad )0 Na. lnnhunn (lnthl Ill. I5. I7 I) CARPETS y. SHAWS Glasgow Warehouse Carpet Waremoms. HBBNDN'S COMEDY cummnl KINGSTON l-IIIICTS I III!" MAN 10 DO Ill Dll'l' I-AIIK \VEISK! (mpm' | u | | x 10mm HOUSE] \STYLISH HAT] BOSTON HAT STDE !English and American Shapes! '- ml IIWI moo l 0" maul-In ley m m. uuh Khan-Inn. I Sept 12 A GRIND EXHIBIIION French Millinery 'Hum-9!.9?!.5.9-'v- 60 Donna Choioo Htvlu. {>0 hem 0! New Ulaurinml, Uholoo mm... m m 75 um um lc. ANGLINS j C 1T3: ALL loo Don. New. Spoon] [or Fnir Week. Cllk Handkorohloh. M' 1m. Ill'll'l m "guru! ll Opr- Hnugo pilhou! nu; I New Shdor, ull Reducd for Fair We up mm W1. I mnlv "My Ind M l ....nnm In! ML l this Evening will be prounud DAKQTA. WW!L.LZF- Sept. Hi. 'mr of Princess a Wellington Strut GEO. MILLS I: 00., COLLEEN BA WIJ. " TUESDAY ! IIONI0N II AT S'IIDRI-Z. Ladigs spy 1m. Black Silks. minim. uuu mu. they mu Lht- urgent. pumpkin. the ml llm Irga [mt-nth h nwcunon- pmmlncummiy h Immn. Tth mull-l Inno- ..L..|..1 lmr mound: II. m l Golmd Silks. Kld Olav. I'd-w 30:1". umnl of Full Hula (:muplutu Ill! law luaurm 1000 . .00. huh-Yer. an my oqrry A be upoou (or the Wellington Stream. I nuvthmu. "OHMIMWU c Pun Tait-uncut. W- I-un .- Ws MN on wwmawmu huu-J new-0| to-Ilmlu'nlly. 'lhu [Autograph uud post. am the Socreury'u o'lco. .\lr. . le [mt oice L:|Mk.1nnll Iue Inuuy Lune 0' iv. when the um haul-.5: duct-rt! . I (cl-l mum-r In no count m Nan and M We". Bikini-adv." Mu \ ldcii We. hum lot. on but Hood ml upon an AI-Hw vI-I uh. M u my me. qQ..I 5'... mph- quwon at IIAVIII III. Inns; in Iowa; lump on wall IIW'thuI.m-u Iu km. 1. M erhu patient... UkNlNHAI. on Iho |-|\|Il| III Hound. h tum-n. llnvl uxl I No OO'l'lAul. WILL BITUAIHD, soy" cl MI bent Allonl number n! Tum. L. n [91933.2- [43"] 1f uu. Inna J um: V in i. 'nhll mom-.3 In turn umrun an. h. loam uni ombullmu u u. nlw In good up". Apply to Mum NR MIT'I lull. I cut-. M Mluulu Dull MI; nun-m nhu-m u M mdtmw AIM .uiluk and n Hub-u ; urm- .Iu AW OPIlClh. TI. OFFICES on (lunuw Mu occupied by loo-n. lirmuu .t \Hm Hogdqlvqnj Illqu nah, App!) L 0.1-- [1' 00 lb. WIIITUBM o! I vvluo Mu In... truck Im I. z .7 . up... )I k! mu: I! "urtiuh um mm;va 'rvund 1. u mint tr. 1:: I um: I .5. mm primal-n w. I, u hum. an. LA occan Dy Hm. nnuuu a In all] Elvin hum-dumb, Al! I wn wunncu, no u. M; Di Jail-IVE. I mntlv lull cl | vellum my Ml. l mum (MI, _.....L.n 1m mo. null In .lp-p..-- T! olsluumc 3mm: "mum mum I- mu; It FIR? 7". 'r' llul minlllll MARTIN I." Imam. nu IUNIM 001' II?" MN :1 Km Maul, um I Bum. w. i. Whom-u 'nu mu m I. vac-u, I'M a II uu- a unlo -....-. at... run-.- Inna. III-I- OI Diocl- "I'M. ail-II gs-cm luau. gum-u. Im Al'lo ul N 1 ml uhol mun: 193.1..." Jul \s I'mw: gnu-u mans-us mum-- Llll INNI DWRLLIMI .n Um (I 1. Ian. with ll noun. .11 In lulloult'un NORRIS a; (30:5 "NATE Wm B BULLPJTIIG 0 F F I C E. Than the Cheapest! STROU D'S TEAS. TRY THEM. STROUD 8308.. Coma null Elimina Ibo Wde-w lur Imw lrim-u. For line [mun-rial null Hm lMuut gmxlu. w. Lu um New York Clothing Slow. whrlv yuu will always nd English 'rgu. hm! wurxw-I gmnlu In tho laws: dungnn, ulna lInglmh, \Nyu'h unn (uln ulmu medp. 2(1) panorm tu til-um: 1mm Remember wo guurnnwr .n nd. I... m King 6mm. 4 (loan how Prim-um Sm: l. -Il If) JUST nEdEIVEn BENTS' FURNISHINE HUUSB l 55 Dozen Brnrvu. imerican [1021,1011 0n!- 1InIoIIu-r- dlm My llpml calling the liq-nu A NllillltAh 0". when (Duh-rum Irom In. IIEBIGIN 00M. OIL! W. Reeves& 00., 'I'O "g m nut-v" -'- "m0 IAIIII' 71003 A IMIM' " a x W' sumva but;de most amt- nA-AMUCWN. WHEAT srocxsf Unplanodmm d .n Hm unmln u Hm nuurumul Mule 01 um 6W1 GENUILFE smo Cumulum u -u u: ; m Pnnu n IIIM.W|1IP|O ('1 y u... l-n- I0 Tmomomnu. mots" TO 'LET. Bloom 0' Youth. lanolin Yum. Howl-nd'u Knlydoru. Par-Inn Bloom. "9, -~ .0 HI. T. (' Wollx. lhmnul Mu! Dmggut Pun - Nurthn-r t llul Dy. prpuc Ion. Hm hm: o! mlmlmuuu the Nnud. ll human Iron) Lhc Lnar (om- xlnmtu. punaum' nml In] .ke \nu lwunh Aud 7......00-0 wUV- -' m... an "I! dun will och!" m. m A W Inn, of Ibo Ml:in III M. a a. goal. I. but the F'W "Jnslnrgmuyu. ~.. n..... _ In. W. 'l. (3 DIET" Ill). IVE I'M INQEFAW AlliA rum Ina. mm u plot-nu, mm on u.- lm m than (man u. Upon: Put N. C. POLSON & 00.. WE EEIJ. ONLY WANTED. YOU" 1 Thou - llullnll :(AII'IA l. mm In nah nme Alexandria. H n... I...- I )rugwuln u. Tall! u no dnuht hunt, I nvnn Kulnay Cun- tn the muh h b" lmre wan (h'lblflellt m uncut. 'I'uwds). '1 a not. (:nlupnnuu uh. .Xhlbllul' unempqu \ umlu le {owl WuuM run . -u .n-mnl Inmlnlv kiwi man. .u. M.) vu... 11 l i nod-v. aoat-It tun. PW- Ilium uni-luv yum-u lh-I-Iill'( nu. but luu (nu-nu I 'l'hn-v Hmlwnnul 'NHl .und the nvur wnn full nu: nll points. -7 r -o morning In": lm Inou u: n. , a Mind. And a prim ulnar Moo- nol look .- well now a. narrow. being very mod Ilka hay-ulna! Furl. to mill, wnuug .. but plokwl n]: .' hum InereuH . ......|.. n Hun-I I had him m at: x heval'm v agnmwl. ml. lllrlult i ml [or noon IN land I [an Inn! Mum Ink..." I'U IUHU II I II. was pur Hmnm The 1cm me umu J. Runtou in bus quo n Huh nrrnc, Lu ku In lulu nuoLlu l A x rmuu wplt 1 ul uh U'DOI .nlney h Is. m it an I IN lulu! 0M. 3, ow. were in program a yen-ad I half blow the lighting I-.~ unopdlyyruticnble. Mr. Ell.le h I]. pro-Him: genim in the supply ul Main. winch m mtllcr snpplie-l nd-I'm the wall owned by [M " Edilnll Company. or [roux mullincry " upphod by them to iuhvialunl rms .5 .mlu m 0-" than "rum-r source); \- |V v, Q n 5 Thu Cannon-Live pnrty have been 9an In opportunity to bring out. HI" | night uttong men at whowcauduiuture m llu- hye elections. Hm C(HIDII) has heunl | a much. Tim vucuucie in the Legit. ! Intum un- Suuth Hrum. nuLh I-lnsex. (ilengury. West Hastings. Muukokn. Narth Rt-nfmw. Hut 91mm: and South Waterloo. the Lot-ll reprrsunlalwen ul ; thh unsigned to run fur tho- Iluu-w n! m- ..l Ihnlll nunm-nnhllh 1 m "no-ine- tn moral 'Molatiollltho WM Imus-u | weal-plight! tun. m Ihe Ion-r part. at KUVd _L-. Aha-unl- ul clock-c "WI". ll, DWI-l - - ~ 7 r , who War [.0 mm their [mun-r . ulwpply. At shown! timomxclmllug ' me. my buildinfn in the urea bound 0-] by 8pm. WI] . anm MM. Pearl an. no nightly nglow wuh the win. My, mellow nod pluauut hum. u! hounds-com. hunpa. It unexpected that. m I nhort time. electric "mum; iunmd of non, mll be uw-I nu the production uf the current. in all cw when) grunt. v: tutuu... w... __ 1 I "151*! in required. 'l'ho Prilwens Loume has pzwsod 1hr mgh more exciting epinodeu than lune {nllon to the lot. of any one no IR tingmalml as heme" nml u promuan Iy Identied with the Guvcrmnent of Canada. Two yearn ugu Him. suffuml an ncvnlent which cnnmd hm- won M- ter tn Me a trip nhoanl Lunmlmm ruurocwl her depnrtum. cqmcinlly un .lor (ho tenmmsunuoa. nut! haiku! with grub Intlsfrtion her return In um c umtrv but n few months Mu. "rl prv u-nL voyage to British ('ulumbm Inn been :xuunnletl by two verv nnuhle in c: Ian. qh by a nilwny (-nlllsinu ulmr nan Mai-m. uhich mnnidornhly uhoclml nnd unnerved Her Rnan High mm. hut did not injure herm nnv u! the nae-dun. wd ID by thu throw tuna-J hath-mum" o! the Lemmhip Ipuu Much the vice regal puny purpns cl to and lor the Pncic pmvinre u! um mm Deminon. Thom can he nn Jonm the nnnmymnun commummtmu sent to the (npuin had l0 'IJUINllllun. than. man the work ohm llnrmint. and um the solution it. pmlnced mu all that. hulboen ninwl It. So one can we why le Marquis nuJ his royal lady mould under no (ii-pleasure of the Iva-mm- Honda. ill than has been so much HIM." no much venom bruthui undue! Ruini- ulddl thin Hnuuh. um than when the Inn-Hen: com mined mm. In jesuul m mod-(annual, and noting am no uni-"v ml.) mind in man. qmd um: Meet. The tumour. however pound].- ud new, will h--- -_._L._.;.. -th. .. mhlnl Sun-nutm- tho but lenkl church. WhalJW mm w I w wvI .M" w". uh m I w. hop. um, I'mblhwuthhhncuof u I... m at! "turn w the mph-I'M! neckintormhlodnno m i I lublu: feeling in again lmrruwwl by the new from the Georgian Bay Ill hlm'll a propeller h gone uowu uml I'Parly a hundred perlous mum u mun grave The Asia was CUUNl(lIl'((l rum Worthy and she wan ('urminly rum lumuded by ukillnl men, but. shes WHH shun and high. Ind. eupecmlly ll light. mined lumfullyinugnlel It. IN MI l. . - H II __ ,.r...| mu-um; I. W lu-u-l w rwrw willdoplm man than the Amoricum. who enm- nothing but the high-at _ , _ -. 1.. . n...- lh-ml .1 rap-alarm WOO-cum] .L. m. la-h W. hon. unmm M. 1). Mr. lawlor. ol Dunnomh. N .s' rum-l this II"! his blood In vary u u mmlv. do. no! luau-Aura: "nun-nu u. .. h... dent that in the How. of whom! m-vernty wrs lmd ample nvulece m the (luluugn \ which vemlu nulered on Lake! Unturm. ~1llu wss top heavy though well lomlml. ml thlt in the trough hi the next alu- rareeuod too much, becanm nuluuuugt- Illa. slupped wuter. lled and HLhk. For ["011le there are uurvivum who lumc u) doubt nu tu tlm Imturu of thn m-u lv-ut. Boats were hunched. and u bruw {Tort made to Have the pmnungom uud 'vew So great wan the storm Whh'h wrch the bay that but one of them l'x-achetl tho shore. Semen mmha Lhclr mmpo from one source of laugur to x:m- no better With his buoys and tin- uthI-r cuntnvaucen thauru unppum-l mailer win. protection to life. They. mu tho foammg bullomi wildly for u Yaw moment or minutes and than dn .tpprall. the ceaseless thunder ulul r-mrmghnrrluaho being the hut mumh Lu rourh than u the waves (-ngnlplml them, The meteornlugu-ul rolmxts are now a mfuguu'd against hunter. but they are by no means illalhhle. uml last week mom to have given little or no wnrniugol the 3110 which proved swim nutrouu. 'lha oquinoctinln are nmv upon an. and It will be Well II tlu-y pun without [urthor misfortune. 'l'ho " I... mnl. .II hnl. lwn n! Mum PIN! Wluuuuu IUI UU'I luIBIVIu I I n 1 v. . "Aniu'n" loss. with I bub two 0! thaw on bound. in the saddest evnut of Lhn ail! Qtitipll Whig. [Illa IhLYIIL'b'N hl'ldl'l'lz't A 1 ERR/ELM [IISAn'l'ER qwngI-M so 1 [any In ml 11..-..- an. 0' lmn'u )l'.\n l . hivh ul mm- I my. for lumh plied 29 . I 1 u vvntuhlu |Il':l.lllL ower. 0 KPl'Linn in u bruml r-xpnuue 0 Hum: (:UUHLI'). til-n mlle lruu (mt :Ily nl HIP WUBL IL is l U! le I'ullnmn (ur (ompu Huer [ha-1r lnmmnuth work Illth'PI'H of terrace houmr o mmtructmn. HUllomeClV lu-L lnulllmgs, public squares vunlura and docket] With o uva l-ronnl anllwnll IiglILoul gt :0. styllah uml mmleru uppea lln' Lrnvuller llllhllllg by ('null Larry th-rm The CM !'\Il'l'll( 2| NUVUIlKULy nvu :n'lneru'y and yet. prutlvuL rating lulu.er we allowed to nu-l no building can go up, rlmn-h. nntul le plnun are The IIIIU m a popular one, Llnv lmudrml or Lwn ul tine lf vourw nf Ilmtloll to mouth lur home there. The pu uw-r HUI tuna-- Inu III-It M " Amanda... m C. mm (1-. mdtyd 8th tun. hammi-n II nanny. linu w- .w.. . It WI tomorrow. IL In. mm]. Sumo viuim milk Hus building;- an. "animal loo humans. that an en~ lnruumonlolw old om would tun: nunwered Ilthout no whlniun of new um, hunt. Ill! be rmoembored that Um uty only did what It. Inu- requmu-vl 1 u; du by tho mm. . mac Ihu prcpuonl um MamLul...7 nut. lhu they lnl nut nut-L lw um tum... nnlnnklll. uent. when , Imp. BLW-w w: immanent-I you. I! yum: in no Do-iniou during II. Flt Wu The Canal: South"! All Credit Vllloy cm as clean. handsome and eomurt- nhlo. sad the Wu: nun to move all, with shah-I youth will-bl. [ms-9 nun-im- clock-like ruL'lllu'iLy. Wmtorul uncle-O you! all". pnr: nerving reguluity. Wuwrn nummclma Von cram [or my mum maiden nu ugrwulturul clullonciea. mud not. Ian: [0? in well minimal! Incl well Imus;st runways. The and. Woman: huer ncoutiuouul reputation I: being we Imt built. line in me north. just M um rand 'l'muk Ind the blue 0! cx~ mm.ch conutrucon. n... Au-v nu vun uful. nun l'lTY or n! Hum-,1 described the nilwny linull lmlure. the napping ple m to be noted . Detroit in truly I line city. well hml mil, with an ilnponing banim centre, I unmet net in I mmmoth clqur nl beautiful IVOIIIIOI Ind bloc! nl prlvntt: runulenoeu. The evidence! 0! womlth uml taste I." IM to be grout-r her tlmu ill Iuy city of oquid popnln- tum nu tlm continent. ma 1; quietmle awl renement in the ways ol tlw peov pl. my nmkv proud two nations. (or the unternnugliug of Canadian With them la the innuor horn in extonsivo. The vnrtuuu ol hoth mom; team to be onnceu- tr it-~| m the Detroiter of to dny. While .L mmL lieu national regret thlt wmniiy n! tlm Dominiou'u nous have left her it in at mudactiou to lay that theil industry timlq thrln prosperity here u in ovary nlln 1 live quarter of tho went. The *lon u! llntroit. next to the imposing Mty Hull. With Its still more importing Luun 1' new. xm- the gran points of mr LI:I--~L 'l'he-ro are really mammoth on Lahl-hnu-ntn mntniniug vu'ietiea and IllIIILILH'H til goods qll surprising tu almmu-u Ill plncel ol 10.0 people. or .un inkling. iuvuusiderable number Up 1.. mull) A. cheap-cu is I chm-Lu m mtu- ul them ntores Visitors m Ipt to lmll ug: mth presents for their Hintern uhl [in n mmiun laud the nuntn. PVC m thorough couunupt a! the cuntomn Itll unmle pix lm we rule 0: a... sun'- cuuomr. Every [an of It: cum- w d. mcki nude uwlui. uni in W, no 0 ammulumbumghmly. h . tau" cut-mi ll. mlrigomm tho but Lita. no. 01 m. may-hum". dl ml, jqndtoAn-oottcol (or winter [p-city. Iillbluaunul,1'lwmp| i. Troop!- uoo o! tho-ark." in ash ammonia-0d with m MmiLPa'm IL wm mght tnp from Detroit to (IM . um hut Lhu umple of one only riner |~ llllll'LlIllH In it l'rll', and 50 (Way IMM.\ Lint ;. view uf mle miles of cuuuuy - u wh-l :tl-lwlllt'l' {or u Pulmur llnnw Im-aldnnt. though Much I: pre-limmury h ~mxn-Iv mmdml. the waiter wxll ul- y krr'lr yuu long enough tn uduut I an unlr'nllm growth of uppetlte. 'I'hv [.mun-vl unntlcmen at hotnl tnhles might ha rhuugwi UK for lmlf the number ut girl \vmtarn With advantage But that ulxty Imlea n! cunntry wan nu IuClCnH lug lnmppomtmeut. At rst then; \vvrc |.||LL_\1KIIIHCKIMH uud lino strips of Inn-l. whmu good crupn seamed to have hH-n gathered and when waving Cnrbld lnummml 2| nupplameutnl harvest 0! un uwuu urdm. But there Were not vimhlc tu-He QVILIPIJCOQ of weulth we are apt tu l'uIJJuH up in our exnggemtod idmm 01 1h:- mest rm tho possesaion of Its unle- ..m..h.nl lurmur The; fine farm |I()\'t'.~4 0. In Illl Vllrlll A lll lmm luO Water 'nrku hxlrru c411 Jon. bring mum: the compu- ol the eye tall I;- gmgntmn u! lat-ulnar, home. {or the mule ul the Waste") hurl" ,Al. on. slung:th house Hailed. tint ol Alnom j l 1 null. Ila-n hail-u Inn- n .l H.- unugnu-r non-o Hum. mu 0! Arno-I I (I. . mule wan hing lulled o! n the mu 0! four per minus. lld dinpond 0! m4 mpnully. on-ry We of skin- mug. cnwng. elm-sing And [nah-g keeping lame vnth the no of "next- lCuhoMl Even I. the m.- m lln- llst n! rnnls. uvt-r :IIIII uVllll'l'? wvn- nln-Juy Illsmllml in Llua ntyhnh m1 .nnuwrymue of whom womlc-n is llml prmhgy of memory. the colored at l 'ul ml. II, Lln- door 0! tho dining lmll, who known a ll umn's but from ulnuug n luuudrol. The (lmml Pacic in tha- imlel of tho "nabol-s. u it I'll! uv prrsucl va 'ux. tumuan therebv tho 1.15m; lulmrwn sod milwnymon: wlnla 1hr Palmer when in the general travellan public and commercial man. with I wide sprinkling of Jews. The 111.:an Innis sud tho nbboin mum wmo upnnlulng 0! Jews. The unis nbbuoiru upnxi Hm eyes 0! the dwells In Inn cuhm. TI (out. wenneu in trnvullmu Ihmugh Ll": momma-m o! In connin- ml m Um var-ll A sign. lrom the '.-!r 'anu (-4111 mm ,nlnn. hrina Im-unn um common III me n can Hwy .lu my that it. costs so much to bury up an; vuLmncc Into the citv for u mil- mml that chrmly enough capital m 1mm NNIDIIy {mh plates and upnkcm (or llu- l'\LrIl~inl|. 1M. :nlunu [.0 bullnl station hnuwu. Nut only n right. of way. but. A (nty ('uuucil as Well. has tube purolmn ml ,nul lluLII rmumulities Mu nlmlr m t'humgn. \cL twgntynnix gram. railway vnmpuuulu, Imuul the nancial laumpmm. .uhl urn ~2|rh um] all .luiuu an llllnltlmt II lII'l' nf Um {RN 1' tuanl Lnunn of hm wasnmug fm-nlues It. the depot M whuh iLi mgu. Hut ne HMLIIIH- in l m no nuance U a l- n. -mmlv (uh nlnl. plv lmL '. llm nmu who sets out to ml u Lrncu ul um any a great res 0! scarce ten years .130 wall It (In-u Hully discouraged alter u .lay u \mlk. unless he know the L'lu (mun nl ulvl. fun then he will IlGlAWL a I A_. mm. m Ru-Ll h. prznrm OPCpriug u 1n 0! at, uuin \Illl]L{ mules from the great. manly the domain ('ru' (ompuny and 1m works. coutmlm lunulrwls houmm of Itle own Hnudgome civic and mur- green with vunlul lc-ckml owmu. uvmn glvu Pullnmu LyllNll appearance. and 11' winlles lm Car Company over the ('IL) Nu lutoxi 2mm; lm vended. not own .1 are uppruvml. 'Ilm judged by rmillunmm m meet, the (lenmml honwu population is ..-...- mun :s "g lul.'f PJIIJCR .- [U\I [JVUIVU [60L lull. WHICH PJHIL ml~a Mull elds. toll balm; (If the uronl, Hull. the nearer tn ('thllgl vorqn- the (uuucry. lucrezuiug the u that u (inrdun (My should gm 5!, Lln-rv. 21ml nmkiug it xmll Inqu n n! vulture hecuuuu 01 its mn' hug: 'I'hv trmellm' Ketch u lun- va urban mnqnent. in a view of )I'l- IunuiLg )llcllgun AI Lnum handsome cnrn hm] mug would cundoum Input it. in hnlbed In (hL tine nmhum are not by any 3 1m the Weak They v Hm! it pants .m mm-h Ln Imn' II'wIrI Inn-Ion..- est. um posasalou m um mm L farmer. The how :4 nl-hngs. the new. (unused. and Lhr lwhlu ol Mm fuvaurml Hectiunu ul m were missing. whllo the math :m Ieutituw of mucmhuu as th- u..- nunmher III the frth cur Wllh :v. The stunted unlm. rarely ummL um [,WUIVN feat high, which shirt. Ali tiiilli. the ..n u .I 'In. nnurul' On l'lunuuln THE BRITISH wmu. WEDNESDAY. 515911531331: :0, 555:. Inlll)l. 'l nay COIN u-w exhibit [Mar though u how thu OOHIII M. n... mnnd (In! I" Um unm aqueduct! in Imam to nd no my men willing to conduct it Every Imp: 'ur ch ubi- illwuockyudt in Walla-Ir ml. ll wanna. now! ho w hm II m nuufhimgo is u m1 (at phat. H'xmluy {Ho-ll" i. m M mn-I h-uu um m pan. and a. n ...|._... ;. n. h- 1...: in about..." and mm (1).. an I tnlouu is to b M h woo. third Mun-ssh. stud-m I blununtlighl The churches held on illuminan invitations. but, We m nlmpl manned to elbow than: with It [running nupmlunce. A night at I pr! 4 gwl i- onic-go in mm. and m in L uw'l dru- sud "calm-h no not inn-I II M I In unnu- .- ! no ....;.n ml. n. grids. II.- M Itu. u a wumlll'u um suu "calm-n uu Inn uhle napkin. 1t.- muuan . mm bud-ulna ad in ood nylo. like uhle lupus. u- ruln.lu.ndmo good a '10. an uni-nan o- the put: both unlou Hybnythsuho gunk sex living: on WM Avenue Inn hint-y u wall A: wealth uni Inc houwn. But we mined I nigh} ol It. A lump re occurred In the morning upon Sums not. in in most ulublo section. uml within an hour 3 nix not" block ww gutted. The In bripdo did not uuwuinh ntrnngon with in M or celerity. but. it in n wolloqnippol. well dmclpline-l force. and undo-MI! saved lunch property at time. Two of Chmo's undoubted Inca-I! nan-ml much property um um. Two ChWO'I Inca. are in nmmuwtb water work! Ild chain rmlwny. The format in Working On MutlnlJl'LIull L Int. Ind I. IW 'lhe [armor ll wot-mg tan Kutll.l(tlull l. lint. the III. cum MO nut oul B novelty but in If ficu-ut and w tm c. Three or [out can now run linked together. A tu- 0 horses coulil drag only one at under a... uhl synu-m. and um. It. All poms of sun-h cruelty as only a ntmt cu- lmrm u know. The Wag-tn pre- wrvutio mans Immunity effected by tliia elllm chum lmumotiou an never be male up. The gures "9 too expanded. This building in which all Chicago JIINL mm is taking an intomt in the l'..nml of Trade block. to occupy a I. upmto near the druid Pmic Hoke uul Nmk lam.an Depot. and to be 3 great Llnuu in architectural Mylo and propor- thlllh. in] well M in money consuming. a... W Tmpmheingsontwl'hhhmni Agni-u m trouble dummm Hum Iulguuvrul vurJhL of HA" numLc-ru nl ('umuin Is mt "Myrllo .\u\'_\' 1 the H Int. Iolwrou they havoevor used. There um lu- In! Inmukn- npua [hm pom! fur It In pmqu by Hun ungvhla muluuw. The Inigo llaumud lot HM. tnlmun nhuwu It to ho (um. nd the chum-Lu at the In lunuxl given further proof ll hr unver lawn a! mo IPIIIIOdiC- Mud up ouo month uni down the null. It tun bean I sunbude lull cuunllully incroamng dam-ad. 'I'ho Hanan-am! quality 01 lho tobacco men-tn (or this} w