H. & W. J. CROTHEBS I 53m:an swnm Conlocuonory t Blmn IWorka an :m an. lulud. me I mbbad than 7 a I m I you on an! ! mnnll' (ran M ul T, McAuleys I VEloctric Applimcu m sent on 30 Day:' man. To MEI III, mum: IIR (Ill), DIIILm. 1.4 nu. 1YIIII are warring (may)! i l' IPAUII. DINI'III'. duh" m {_ mm: [In noun. 0! [hm-min. ..~|enhlm 3nd no" vidnmu to! Mr pllrnn a: up... in: mulu Hug." Ibo. win-an dur- I: nee- mu hm 7m would ruin-u nu Inuhh-nl to conuqu lieu vau- upn the n! tunnduv M nah mouth. Win. {rum a n uqu anon , Hydonhnm, from lp.n. ladle l "X. Unkul and u I. buy mo bolt PWUduoct 'rom lbw unllar, we no rened 1.0 mm out I .'|Juu'e Amclolu BKEAB, JAKES & PASTRY. We In still n Ihu old uund Wallimon Ht. ORGANIST AND TEACHER .4]. 'n-u uu-u - ~- -. wri v r I Nhrrm'a ()udo d. hm; pandas-m in: paan "undia- Ibo huh. name. And random Prim mm. III-p- ! up I'm: Jun - ('ulllornlu I'curn. l nlllonlln Im-o. Illlf .Vlrlonu. Ill-nuns. Fem-hog, flu-"Mm and Tanned-s. AnlelMn DULY. urr- anon IUUUHL 'ANU nr ll-T\l Electric 30 Day:' his]. in Ill mu VA VIIIIII IIR all). E tationer y [ ~ _ ! K0? Sl'TIIIumJan' um i l) m Kim. sad if m 1" .m-wcnnum-whomnlwmm Own-wmdeuL _ _I___________- HEADQUARTERS lake um opponnuu to notify our Old I ustnmm And the nu Hg Kanprnliylghinl BREAD. J. CROTHERS v ilnnm Confocal":on F. a. main. uI-Eiiroii a l-Irucc'lnu Bread and (Ika l qudmct mller. propuoq VloA Lgrrrnggu STAIIIRIIO. IDAILI IA I-IIIS " eon-ulna. = We rap-adult? nqnhn our parent. I on o antler JACOBYS HEX);- HIHNING STOVE POL 1811. to I00 tho nbovo Trude Hutu upon such box they buy. mud the following umcun '. .l. C. JACOB! A (:0. Thin only In the mac smelt. la n rmponihlo (lulu k n. Oct. 2]. up HAVE BEEN AWAIDID I aim: UNTED J A003"! 81'". POI-III IN ONE "MIL CAWION! N neonatal a mom I an] nun-iv- IIIO. ] WSW . . a -f~ Four Medals I W: uu'v. vs-u AlAlnID m 031- mars-w.- nol am; m Now Compound. m '0. 10ml unity to the Dubai" Apparatus and the Mm; mama In: the dissolrln: ulna, nun- nz? 32"5 "WM" res o y: a l. n on nd the 20115155 Ll'l. nub. Zopcsa u: ovary day was!!! Dvery house. It acts (on And I 11 | Bwonsness, ostlmau. ud- Iolze, 810k Headache, Butt! A! tor Eating. Wind on the manual Heartburn, Pain: In the Hide All Back. Want 01A auto. Wat 0! Energy, Law 8p , loll Ston- zcb. tnlruorzabtg. 1.17.15 on on a sum 0. ml- the Bombs, and an: m. to the .ana system um Bowls, and whole system. (.nt this out A system. 1 Guam: outuduhn to I'll D t Agd 8:30;?28323 m a a r can mmnznelzhborlbont It. on large battle In: 76 can hununuzhborabont Construction & Working unlitioso {in}; at nlcVuh'u) or [050000, Wnkoiulneu. Kenn! Duprenuou nilenmg 0! tbs Brnmeaultlug In Inmnuy sud lgsdmggo numyogsrngddonh n.1,; losdmno numyocsrnddonh. Prelumnrv Old Age. Bureaus, Loco! Power In either m x, lnvoluntuy Lou-u Ipdpfrugu- Minn hue month 5 trummnt. On. dolhr - burl, or m hams for an dollsnnom by mull pn Id nn rPCoipt of pricel We cannula Ii! [ea In cure any can. With uch 0rd" n- caivk-d by us [or six hazel. wcompanm with nve dollars, we will lend the pun:me our wnusu gum-men to refund 2 a monoy tho traument dnal not can: I annulus ICAU'JION 11 Ii mnnunn larriage License Office- Mum: magi; GENUINE 1| WE V: :II pu- the show nun! [or any on o! Lqu Conn-Mum. y I. Blel Hood-rho. lame-anon. may. or (unlo- w ' nnnm rum mn- m'u Vegan. [Aver Pills. when lho Aura-haul In amen: cornle um. Tm, Ira punly Vol-Ma, and In: (u vvul aflcl on. a I: Count. basal gmlun:ng Pillu. Eu. 10:13; by s! 'OManlkclsuD. n It Vi- w gmlumng an Ml 10:: Bum-L; [mm 0! count chill and "nut am... The 4QIHMIIOMIDMM U! c 1-an aw. Chm tam mu mlm mm by mu] muggy . .... .-__. 3?}:an an 00. mum cam may add a .01.... Klan-Inn as! Hut An In! light at u a! (Tuthandu. lur (mil): 0! hi , C3111 m: mm... sun-Juana: to to II luv o! CM" "5 Bloom!" whim!!! "*u up for cold Ibb. Wm M .hvwmh:h'& 'dlw.'wmlhlw.uhm uumumg'ru'I-nh mmmn.u.wruu,lnod-C~I~ I wmnymmww'loum l duh nun: Ii! lots-i. In. w " $500893? autumn: ihdb'eii, Lo'alof Ind Spa-mu 11mm mumd In over exertion o!__1u bnln, .l. I. l-ILDEHSLEIIVI'Z. HAIR 0231301. LIVVYY 3035s DEPILATOIY mov- hm hon: u has, and. (I m that In- EACH PLIIi 0|" 'I'lm NOT/CE 0F REMOVAL ! 7 the m an. Inna-nu- v .IWUIOHM._IU]~AW" u... 0" ' ,.._'._. 1.. .0- 0..-. .1 m Par- m: I III!!- LI'II'III. IS MARKED d 'ennlon o! the n-er undulueuoo. Bub but non- h doling boa! w. J. WILSON, D It, 131mth to Hath & nun). King-Ion. on Order- by mull M mill-r prim. I} Coil. box 5 eunu. '0! count in)! Q: in Nut IOIGII'UI'L I Some (alk- bdhn in up! A pro-1m round on luau ' Ex rinnoo wha- m W - er my uh it (or what i 1. worth. Lu mm s dreamy-cyan! omwn (:mn' 1min tho the. u a "'ld' .. l lookod n him Ihl and I thought I In I lung. 1 t in his syn. An' 3 uuddon thouht come upon an ~ 'Twu nn tugs! chip in (linguist " Sol nacho don-my Ian-oh- An' .m. In... nv In! any dime. rue! don-I! m An' 3". him my I! n An' ho atop Inokm a. a u. A bin-in m n die nu. (In nu... .v boxes to w slevp. Mg. .ml :.. Am. hitnib P'ov'vosia. "IIUH L" |.Il\ IA.\| 1.. ...~ V , , ,, V nievp. paultrv. .lu, were hruught iu drum-.5 uud for a time every thing wa~ II chouu. but 10 painstaking Supt-nu wmleuta 24mm brought order out of It and tlll' u-xhibiturn were then allotted thou sluice. Boxes and bales lled up tin~ iutvriur (if the pahwe and mun-y per- 8 nun warn hmin nugngml in Nottiuu lheir L-utriun' it} the bust vomihlu porn tmn. livu'h section wan lith up mi the hast tzwtu u! the vxhihltor nugwmtv-l. Bclun- night hill iiinnyoi the diuplnys w rv ('umlviettnl and the uwuern of them vul'ylmppy. ln i-very uther huihling similar \mrk Wars 'luuu uud out of the confusion unluc harmony and neutucsn. The buildings, when all arranged for public inspection. wxll no doubt ho very attractive. The Superintendents mu! Secretarys ofces were both besieged with people who desired this, that and the other thing done for their wccuiuruo- dation. The staff were pushed to their utmost limit. Directors and members of Council wfrc found everywhere mak- ing things run as Hmoothly M possible. Rusturauut and amusement hootth were erected. Mr. John Metcnlfc ban the l t .1 - _..i..,...|.m.mo. nml \uqlvrday there was great uruvxty 1 nl. Hm t'ryqlul Palace. All Hutur-Inyl ulght, Sunday night and Monday Um] stream running to the Fair ground. wvm hnml wnh Lemma conveying huge |~.- 'l,.,. . ._..ool. erecuul. Mr. JOIID muwuuu mu mu entire control of the refreshments and bu has re-let, them to several parties who will do their best. to mam; Hm waan of the vmiwm. m. .,, ____- _|_-,.A 11"1117 an that ol the vmlwm. The gates were closed all day, so that. few except those on business gained atl- mmsiou. Today. everything it. is hoped- wull be in good shape and the crowds o vmibars can then havo a good idea of whtt tho show is like. u, , , Jo..- u... If mhnnu Hun-n wmn um snow IS mm. For uewupapur men. (1' whom there are many on the grounds. including Messrs. Cumpbell and Scott oftlm lilo/w, Pnkhurut and Robin. of the [Uni], L. \V. j Sauthwortli. of the Brockville {in-unhr, and representatives of the Wulu and Nrux. there was n little work to do yes- l benluy. The (VXiIlblbOlS were 000 busy botalk and the wares were not in poniv tion to be seen Lo almanac. However. I we were enabled to pull! up a few at | hiliits. mwulu 'rHL: ClniuAL PALACE. WITHIN 15 Lu: 51.x. runny-'4. 1 In the south out wing, near the 011- i trance. was the display ol Messrs. Foul I a. Sons, leather merchants ol bhis cityl ;\ They show harness and saddlors' lenth- ' or. shoe leather from ne to heavy? belting: and lime lemuher. polished sheep , skins. for saddlern' use. polished shoe ? undxother kinds, the leather nll boiugi cured and nlahed here. The hides and sud skim Irom which tha lasther is} manuhctureo wu bought in this vici i nitv. Messrs. Ford & Sana have been exhibiting at shows for the past twenty- 1 ve yearn and have taken a large num her of prizes. The rm him been In exixwucs over forty years. Then goal-1 .. u , ___.|.. ....\...o in Ontario, Onnlmci dnme-Oyod ommn Cnp up in unha- aid. "Plus mm no I (gunner. n'uor. Tor pcy (or I upper and bod !" .-.x,,,L. kor o! we nun unis goo la nd 1 ready mrkut in Ontario. Quebec 1 and the other Provinces. Beiide they ship great. quantities to Englsnd and Scotland. . .u_,.._ L 1",. hginn vnrv nn dil- Scotland. \.A. ('hown & Co.. hues very ne dil- plny. They show manufactured goods. conaiatmg ul hone nails. mixed paint. mmelled lanthem. whips, a ne mart. ment of malleable har-lwn re. topleuher I gnin measures, nkes. kc. Inhn \lnkn snows:wa 0! upper; glam; grisaamg. gTIll'l measures, l'nncn. an. John Mchny showsan uppers ' made in Englnnll from ne French nook. L 3 Wm. Pewak. of Monti-cal. shows hiu enterprm by exhibitulg numerous cricket lrnu. They no In" recommeud- i ed. m mm. mm. diplonnn und "0 'modnln nwnlded st diffvrr-nt Exhibitions. . n-d has the honour t ; M u I Ier the dir I wished Mama,- 0] m, Boan nigh ; . - IMM- Arthur Ind the Ina-in of Wuhan Mun-Ir m Ill-I m1." Anna-1' . ne- Prince Arthur and luth Lane. Governor (banal-AI of Cumin. bu olerqd a ne ballot connotation by | m [an] crickaten. .:__ u n lnkhl I... n In}! diu- up. H.C.Hubbell m . no}! as... phy of Mica-hm Lndcomico. Then, an duo very pecan-r looking pious 01 plan. Including 3 huge Egyptian cup and uncut. Hui 0a.: Wilde lived It , the time d Mm he would In": diq ' Wm vigorously mu be dean (gin-t tub-unwieldy do coon-outing him on Inuit-n ._-.u n- ' -c- .n-I! qun v- paww... _.v_r'_ m C. Ravi ha I cuckoo clock ism and he. won. Eur] [gush-cloak n c635 oom- , [maul cum-pain hon: ju-t PHI-d- ' unLA :----s:4.. :- - MIA..- JUN-WI cmer was 1 Thu ipvuou is . Douay. wnuu mu. nub "uh I ulnitim. Harm-u. cuulu, luv. a __ .L..... .m... John. R. Rnthnbury. ouolxlnpmI luau $313an when in ocroll [wt work. Inn A ury commendsth dw pluy. It includes 5 clock. when. piczunfmu. sud mwy odler thing! 0! n ulellcm clurwmr. The goodn no muchiua undo. .1 4. s- - Mann. n! hm!- mu:an m. Min Um Inn A tlispny o! hund- myle trot work. MM! we really be Hove it. cunnot be cellpawa A {no in nude no delicately that I per-on would have u: look nice before Keeling M it could lieduue by haul. Bruckn- of unique clulizn. plcture fumes. and 1 ve o'clock to. able. mule out 01 no wood. oomplm the display. COLLECTION or sumo-mu. P. E.& W. E. Wud hue lheir do- lunrt two hauled call in I prominent. plum. Thi- monluo-ity in thinly I ' 1n cm'rn mam 'llm(lyde Woolen Mills, of Lunark, owned by Boyd. Oaldwnll a (0 allows (unmliau tweed: of excellent pnernq. They have 43 designs. 'lhese twawlu are made from foreign woulu. The Ml llmq u mpmity for (NO yards per day. .. n'mnf. 'M hands The r-" "'" *W" - curiosity. D. Nichol, R. Varuoy. 3nd (3. l have hue cum 0! mtivo wtnotl I All the mica Ire mph-outed. v N, ,L___ ___- mos-III I wnou. ll [1. Muonv. Alylum gurdener. in endentlyquiw an entomologist. H9 .113 a vuut Collection of insects. .. c n An ,1, A,AL:L:._ __ --.A-b ll VHHDCUIIWVIUH Ul luwvuu. Mrs. J. C. Cluk oxhibiu An unort- mum. of [and paian pomdLin. She is ' rvndently tn ulepl. at. the art. I m: mum Mr. A, Sutherland has a cupilnl ex hibit uf boots and shoes. He Inn been an mlntxwr at. many plavem iurln'iing H mm of the world's fairs. and Inna mm! Interesting show of medals and diplo mus. The Work now at the Palms m ur-lumry custom work Besides hootn um] shown 1m him a one of ladies' weur wutvrw. III the ()tuws exhibition). he llma entries of kip dressing and Bart Inn's Hacking. uraul new A MIIuluJ'L .unn .n..- .. u. . .. . The lhorley arm! and Cattle Food (mupgmy of Hamilton have a good dw- plny of their manufactures. This year they give .600 in prizes for the heat stock [a] on the srtncle thev furnish. and on the ground there are {our ani- umlu which haw. under them condi- tions, taken prizes at the Toronto Ex- hibition The Durham herd. from the (inelph Experimental Farm. was lud I.... n... Arm'u ma 'llmv (In not m've Innelpn IAxperuueuuu rum, no u. all the rms food. They do not give prizes at. the Provincial Exhibition be- ...Lmn Mm" nnrn tn in no name illlill lapumuy nu um nlua ,m. a... [and employs about 71') Immis. The I rm have been in businesu for 16 years I'llzu. ul- um I IUVlllbu-I gun, ..... UV r mso when thev 0110er to do so some yum-x ngn they were not encouraged by the Directors for the reason that the labor had not a. knowledge 0! the mentu uf thc gUOIlH. vuumm 51mm: nus. VKIUUN llllln ll Inn. The Hum. Brother. of the Vinegar Wurks. show vinegar in bottles and ('IUsOB. in Imperial. cider. malt, pickling and white Wine. u n,_.__ m ,1 H". Inmlinn lnnn- I nnu wmw vnuc. Mr. Power one of tho lending Cana- dmn vewsel builders. exhibits a number of models. emnnwing that of s schooner -1 .ant Gun rat-Ira}. or models. emunwnug yuan u: n Wuvvuvl y.xcht.coutre board yacht. tug rocket, ocean ships, and Hummer Canadienno, built. by him while at. Quebec for the lCnnndiau Government. Like Mr. Su- {lerlnud he has won diplomas and L A I).......... -nA Dinilmlnl. mud haul mm Imam M I) by A. QIIIOM 7-774__ A. Inuuu u, ullu u...... ... uw- (Junndiau Ipnzea at the Permian and Philadel- lnhiau Exhibitions. To muiners his [ show pouscc special interest. I unadulan Hum m Hum-mu. 1 nummmun mu: m rUlnnuu Mesarn. Uibbnrd & Son make splendid exhibit. of furniture. They have a bed- room and two parlour gotta of run Imerit. The rst is made 0! Ocnldinn walnut, trimmed with n French produc- 4 Lion; one o! the pnrlonr sets in covered 4 with lucketclle. trimmed with crimson plush bauda. The other not. is now 0! \ n... "Inn" nnnnlur lhl no two (0698 p|usll Datum. 1Q. ku nun-n vav v. : Lhu most popular state; bioceo ; are of the sauna ptttom. 1118 nuclei |H_L|.. mam! mum-ma with Imma- ox we llulu yum-nu. ...u n... arr highly curved, covered with pump- Ved ilk. crimson plush. trimmed with I win puiug. The whole is very expen- I me. being made at the ne materid j that. can be procured. Th0 good: wer .. ,.:......n l .m 01.. work. N-mn-l. that. no prucuruu. 1.." w... "on, nmuufnchured u the works. Nip)... whence goods Are sent. :11 over tho coun- try. The bed-room not in uluod t $300; the parlour not It 0200; moth a: 00. The Gibburda expect, tradin- pmm of the Inrmture before the axon. of A nut. and fancy pigs!) in igully hudsomo. the Fur. i Mr. W. M. Dreunsn in the only only: exhibith of furniture. H-a hat: 5 collec- ; Lion that. Kingston need not. be hun- ed 01. 11'qu purlnr win of black It!- Besides there mm two bedroom sot-o! Walnut..with marble topped Hands; 5 ldeboud. book can. mimic nck. eight. fancy otwmnns. nix npocimons o! willow 3 ware. two iaucy my chsin. A recap. Lion cbnir. an inlaid table, two hncy ;m=nt,rc tables nd n my a! t covuring {or parlor sim- in nw Iilluld pilmh. .\ (may re Icroeu aka. the i eye 01 Ill lb; Indian. i immu- col! lxlurtnn. Near the (onnmn Mr. N. l . Poison. ' drum-L. unke- w excellent him of ifumsmn Pniula- Con Eur-cm. The nrnugoaunt of the uticb comin- ' ly uhown 7 much um. II. in only Ebro. yum: linen Mr. Poison undertook to in- trodnc'e'tbe tick In tho public. and now it by; an immense n10 in the Unit. 9.1 Suw- nnrl Cut-(h. Such in tho 7 LN; a... n. .nrnln cm he rum: v. '- Fmr. . - nv In M": Illlv-IVI --u "awH 7. R. \unoy 3130': son. worm l A] um (mum. own a. mu Amenun demand [or u uclo M be - 441;-.. mm In: in mun- 17.. demunu w. u... .- .~... _ _. hu abut-ml 5 story lot ' "W" *n -" Mime lawn. "a at canon-um - m... .. ._ {Mauro in u: Idjwent town. -- mn Inn-n. an! I: m laymen you... .w .. ,vortieun I!!!) Input. M hat you spent. in prinm' ink botweon an Ind 95M. luonol IADI m. I upecimmol 13mm. Im mum H)in..81in..l manna IOinllidt. autopion cinch. u, 4 m uoimu mum. 1m. pugs- on live stock v!!! M. a u Secrch Moon-ulc- Mr ,mo. 11W - u. , urn -L E6319 4.. --_~ V Nichol I nd birda.l Enough of this in I... In I. M will boo-oat Mala, 1M. inure-sod in the m cl Uh. hoviaoo. Them in claim. mp. b, wmcu in man-ma uh upeoiun o! mum! and 0.. When the diuphy in comp}... u I! in one ofng: mporuna. It in to b "gutted thn New Brunswick and Q..- boc as not represented In non). way. but than tho hth in now luvnngih Provincid Exhibition at Mahmud am .1: tuition la n. I ll tile in. in quit. 5M. .00 I will be one of tho non! radii M- lntnouu ever held in CM u 0 mule exhibit. will mam "in 6.. ol the utmng paint: at tho dun. Wlut in true of We ii duh. of house. sheep and plan. TL- ..-ul- In... 0].. (In-Ink h .1. Ml\ F. wind I \mly uor- III a BI: A Flu-u I (don nn Prune- 8100!. um! I" clad :n a. an onl nut-up," 33;! u mwy um. nun-p ulu yup. Tho on. from the GW tun on hibiwl u Toronto. but anind in nd oondnion. Ind they mm min um lune mlmiruion hen they was .066- ed in Toronto. 1 n ,..l I..." n-.._. .51 Mr. Stone's ml bull Ra- 0! which u long now an rooonily (Iva. u lunch Idmiro-l H9 in ulnd I! .9.- M lhu Ill-apluy of gmiun cull rook pro- nnmq t'\('0'0llll],:l'v well. III EN h heat 'lhr) Rr loaned In one of GM hmIsL plums on the grounds. 'IL... Hnwnru inn in Mm qnmn huildi-n nmsl. lmuen uu ulv run-tun. Ih oworu. too. in tho same building make nn unpohiug sImWJDtI the exhibit. In most complete. Our ciLIIOlII make this dmplnv, nhley the Nicola, MI. M. Flanagan. Sheri Ferguson Ind others, uud bouhul lruILn mmpunu ullplly. The Bulk- nmkas trips w Kingston from Clayton during the Provincial PAir, Fur. The pressure upon the hotels will prolmhly reach its height on 'l'hundly. wlmzln In grungera' day. Normans electric bolt. is on exhibi- tion It, llh been for yours before the pubhc. and ILH lmpularlty in In evldoncu 0! in merit nwl value. 5...... 1 w Mun & Cnlwhn took merit. nml value. Mesurn, J. W. Mann A Co..who took ve rst. prmm M. the Toronto Exhibi- uon. show a full hue of ambition It. the Exhibition. Gunman-m Huh. nml his nuuisi nls. Exhlbmou. Secretary Wade and his assist ms. are the [may men. but they have ung- wpll syutelmzml and make npid hood- wny with tlnmr work. 'llm evening bhe Minister! Of the boon-uni. rummumwd a. MMWAN' matummi Mull: Wyn-nu. 50" a jodp-ashmnndmdh wmmlumvutduaM-I don. mummwm um: tho passablqu- J id! b n... -umulnl nun-Inll.- [M h. I. III I u- unu- pr'uu'nmopo. !. inch. fl! ya. I ADA.- IRA-III. ,vlfOI AFAX CITAXT .0. one-onu- D .- on... 0' Mann nean 8 C... q ..I x n; .'.x l'rnmcu Ma [Luann \W Mr. 1). Nlool names we to no from with l2 Ayrshire cutie, the condition and Ippocnnco of which in continly most creditable. .. n . 'v ,, 1,-) -_._. A_.L;..|. IUUIW UIQHIIWUII. Mr. Benton": "urefonl emu. which have [31er I... IIve prim nu Mrs. Jonoa Jenn-w. nuc'miing O LN? hull. are ix-serving of a cml monon. .~. rlvnnl nun WIUI work. llm (waning Dominion and Provincial Govmmeutl willuinu M guests of Diroclorl of the Provincial Show at the Windwr :EOML The Kingston a Pembroke RR. Con- puny carry passenuvru for (air It ro- iluced runes. They are ning win: all the railway and steamboat. com niu conuccmng With Kingston have t ready _ intimated. 'llu. \lulntnim 1-(hiliit continual! '50 red up Mr. Ii. \nruey axlubitn picklen, IIIOO uud bomml fruitn mmptlnu dilplny. Thn RL-Hn nmknn trim to Kingston intimabml. Thu Mammalij Mhilrit continues prove very Manchu-Jud many bsve Imuu xurpriaed at tho magnication of iL 'IIm unmm-n will be preserved, r0- Nurpl'Hed Um umgumconoo 0! n. The grnmm-n Jrewrvod, curnml Ll) Winnipeg. um put in bhu InllulIlIl murwum. Thu 51.. lmwro'uce Steamboat. Com- pnuy wnll put on an extra boat on the (,npe \iuz-eut mum in order to woomluo data the trafc during the present. week. A large number of {maple from New York Maw we uxpccun to visit. the city. Sun-n fear was felt um morn'uu lat uxpcctml b0 vnm the any. Some {ear morning the ruin should penetrate tho main building. and injum the exhibit..." One. who Inul $2,000 worth of goods oxhibit- ad and he WM givan no gunnnm ngniust a loss or injury. Tho lm'VLlu tnuruuumub will Mk0 loss Injury. Tho lmyL lo plum on Thurmlny afternoon 3% 3130 u'rlnuk. Thaw urn three neon. (t) l two mile (lash. prize a mednl Ind NI) ; (an n milodush. gold moth] 3nd 060 g (8) mile. (me far a. prizes 0. .20 and MO. u. v... o Imrulnn, n! '1 mono how-shin. Lh Lin! l\l|llHWl u LII. lurxc bread. her of plum 1nd the lame lue ul trial Exhibition. 'l'hn lhrscwr mum-mu nouns. trml bxnlmuuu. The [Museum the Wuhtl Fur have made nrrm enu for I chemo light, on Weduomiuy mud Thur-19' "an. mgu. IIm liginnu um nixwen in numb. IIHIV mm m be equal to the lull 9 Did- ugu. le in now. way are equal Inn a Iuy. ssvurnl Imus bum]: WI [Airy lullslt. and the palm, with in gorge-on coutvutn wl uppou' kl "II enchanted viulun. any wily! The Lonnluncl'u am boun'l In put. on sin or ant, iu the nth-mp1, 'IDdu MAI-n mL u..~ Norman Pembuou UM. III we Bud-lulu, This uftern mu m stallion Condlnv. uwmetl I) Mr. Mot- zlon. at ,Pnucc h-lwmd pant . Wu gored by n bull 'ungiug to hip. H. B. Mtbbun (1 mm. Wblh ill I. Crynbal Pnlace (rauntln. Tho ban. 0! the animul (sutured Lha Miami the hip. Inmcung an neg would. which received the Immediate (cation 0! 050 Veterinary nurueon. The bone " pur- chased from Mr. M. W. Baum. III? (L'm-un and mind [oi breeding DOW. Mr. M. w. lMlllmul , l Chicugo. and uned brooding rpom. .\Ir. Whiteld, of Rougemon . 9MB. . . m I- -. oh. nml um.) [or urooumg Irv-SW. tubes. hone exhibit 0! male u the aroma exhibition t-nllml forth lb- histam- monduioi. on being all 0. my to prawn! arm a! hm III MM bulb to the Model Farm, u (in. ph FM , quad mido no. grog-wig" an shard. got. one o t on a, nu hand-m Smmh terriers gt union gel. on tug-u unn- gv looking Scotch union um. m 00mm! W G The a"! uyn it. in more than I 5...: . .Ald mod]! "I. 50 "II Mad unn m that . gold medal My, hillle We Toronto Ami-h In the M nmunoa of his exhibit. Seven! new {autumn of the WI. axhibitiou should not to new. 0 ofthb out import- WM]!- -r...a 3.. :1. Huh. um m bu IL!) 1' ttm 1:. Mr. I), .lomm nhewu a good modal of I swam yacht. The ('itiznna are now thorougny uh rml m. MI. l.\mh makes I good exhibit of . .9 .94.: n M: prize nun. w.- Fun- wilt be under! {or tho tad any: 0| abject- pl inherent In! M to farming mmmnnihu. TI. MOD 0,! no B the wood 01) huh-at (and lot the beat. any. [crop sgd munwnilg the $1 .L ...\_......a.... hill I- 'AIJlltVI nl \VAIIKE. ..|,\|.'\~ Hvklvln .n .l. L, ,uu: Hand lot We bent. . crop uni u nail. the computation wind pundit! am: living wim- homo. Similu primal-'- ut (no-hum: -mm~~"- We. annulu- In.me , ogHoto-uy-oo uwMIIw 10. Mr. Fenthcrumn. n! '1 ore-to tow-Ilia . Linn rdubxwr of a nale! oI'Euu, ' L_ L. M s.....,..: u. rd-d .1 Annm- mum of line lot 0! but, a lle can-Mal Ilium quw md both swoop-talus- Io . I. .1: ..o the Toronto Inan ul both swoop-nim- lo: .n the Toronto Inan- quL h '. lg 99! 9 - ' In... I . mm" 015 iim ill! prim." ~' It" It- a... -.- unil- alu- Fug} a..- I u. .Imtnn I mm :A- _nl "I-Ull lm--.-V ._, ..._u I . . m m I. )Hmunh m w 0 out: 1n: n... ...,........qum fnnmtail Immune m..- .r V . rvu-mdntmolIWI-u. l 0". m... In _I . mm Aw- w- IRA-"Uh rnu Al'AXHJITAHT 0! nluu TBACIIIG IIID'IGCI PATII _..., - nu. \xv u rllll In. A largo-d Opualno-d " In C1,! 3| 8 \TI. 1 nun-"vurwv LninlnnmovGI- w DULY. BEES 3309-. Man ("I MRS. JONES. l V Vlic .2 Lima. Ron. bu 3. [mum un lh ma. Shuuklnn. Cult Shun. Root 1 ("DY An ! Ru-l 'UYWhill hm. unuhl I nnce Inll [mi . V FORD I: SONS. ELL/OTT'S new TR/F/CE .r 1 Barrack I: Ontario Sim, IEXVHIBITION phallic! l4"! to 28rd. lgrlcdhul and Mutual. 825.000 In Promlmnn. $TOOTH .lrumw- ., ampCOMM MI, w {jot-WWW .ul yuku DIUM , _4_4__I_--h-h* E(Bahimqui Tannuy, maul-annual 8h hm} .nd run [gm-g. la VOL Ll. RICK. mo, Spud. Mm. at Pith. Wu. 1m Panel. n4 nu Menuh- at DIM n, Inan ht ugh Ilyi immmanrnmm w. a O mummy.- unhatuulI-nll Pu- - "'-t&5"""" 4-1.3 ATE. 0-. tom-o . n my nun-n. norm _u M "r all. HH. l'l'uLll" Ill und lha bu! AloutrlpLIou of mum(1)Ilu)l| on [mud on m. cot TL! [HATE (bud Shim-O. n mum-nouns!"- Hutu-l v.31 "Haul"! cu: h- w-mi mouth-m5" - 1. 1 1 Mill. i 'umu'rms 3119111388. FIIIIIIIL BITS. I iWcoAL mm. raid-nail you I! b. gnu. BRICK. ux. V gnd an I M: lLI'ERS AND lUXTHACWRS u hrotl m . lulu Nun. m Hum loan-Lhhhlo Hid". Top. u sud s an Imus. Wuod (All. ('0' nml (Mm-.0 Cd! lid. Boning nu: Dasha. molt; _ I0 \ I) \II PROVINQIAL NORRIS 8: 00.. KINGSTON. - ONT. W. 'I. (X BE'I'II BIRS MONTREAL. I.-.\uu.._-__._v main; Chum-t. 134 Prince 3:. POWDER IIll \I. U mus an H; .u which to In- hm good; 3 [My stuck ha lnllnn m [is ad Bays Bud IGI'I'Y HAT mam Ind-t prim which cum. K. in now showing 3 mm for tho Full Trude, Am] m "to no anon! sud vnlue him ll. HYMANS ()IIJ) n._u.. _._.o n" {\rul\ u. uuu -- u .uun .. con Street. next! LIFE ASSURANCE cm} 37th PnuvmciKL EXHIBITIUN Lam Styles {Msurancei 18th to 23rd September. 7882 Dwain, Cm. King A Brock Eunm, hm Inch 2:: Ow1uutothelnem-q --t [1..- 1m taking chum. |m~< Iv... A Clear Complexion: Agricultural and Arts Assomatmn, . NOIMNS mm 3111.1 Insmmmn 1; A-v--u mo" I All [AXES UALLU 1 nu .- mm In lu le 7" Tm Um undy 5d Um. 'i m' N 10.1.1 b w""' "o I-l. ml: m. ._-----_V_ (I own mm EAST, T011031 smut-Ind - - - II? It: L nth-at M Ill. aunt-I I- II- In. nu-1m 1- HM! tui- "l. \IIQI. nu I . "wrung: In D. Dunn-um nu 2 loan :2 LONDUV \,\l) |.\.\" TO BE HELD AT KINGSTON, III! R I-IICIZ \Sl'll \NII-Z. . a... mum. .. mu. m 1' HAND IHDNIIR I0\ HENRY WADE. h.. ' a n at ' W! A annua- In In: .rruuol FOR SALE. Oboks Ftiend; uu-r u. n Orange J mum Inspection line You WI nd "l"l l| on l)|- and Soft Felts 3H! Apr} 0km Pochnll -.uu.. no urn-urn! Ann l.l \ILH l I'U [HEEL-.9 0' TIIOA'I' A Ll'NUl. arm! A: canon. comm wnoonxu 1 comes. muclml. ullA f AND muwmlon PREPAIID BY 0!. .I. c. In! 1 00., Mali. lam. Pact.qu tnd Andyucll Chamluu, mm! by .u Drul Ind Did. u: lpdxclu: Jun I-l umer protocllol ulocl. m sud tho it Mr thn "moun- nuddon nth. iBooks.