tho tumu- YI- ("Mn-dink, ill b Im-dim! A Legal DI.CIIIy. La lid League um. -~uo-.~ Vice llogul Scare. - _.-o.O-- A Wo-a- Uhol ___ A Serious Blot. L. 18.A'Ihe Camus 1. with the Mir uia .m n I mnnn ho Omelva I'm 0.1mm Tho Pen-id. h- :35 mil. d tho North-n Pails In. ldo bl but dochroJ in- .lolld plant] in Hom'n Auylum. A Dunk-r in l. nvnou. Ion. uhot shteo Inn-d pun-n In lmwn Asylum. A Quint in luv-won. Ion. an-o :00 who nidui In. melon patch. 000 m. t d la. Ir. Miler. ol hrunmnh. .\ s n nvod manning with hm blood ll. I:'. u very In nmul. and u pmw uker unruly. I: do.- Ioo look u Well now an n mll tomorrow. being an mod ulnar n.- lon warn-y. Some viulon tbmk tlw bulltlmgn M. anon l.- ' Th0 m 10'! doodle {mm cheluru u Hui on Fridny and Sunni-y. uni N0 in tho vicinity of Baku. It in mud-Inn how nmdlv sud mun. 3, at am mum-nos rmumu Tholmt hundred um I turned omintho cu- shops I Ind now work hu begun on I of mule mu .1 vans. >- K-O Warn- 'Amnv A W. Th WM and cn-w ol llm 10m P160... naked o Fox I . got nhmn. . l 0! (law I. J VBHS. In. KM; Wile". Jersey City. Inn b... umbd. cblt d wil poin tho m drink by James . Men. In wile nod two duugmeru. The Helium an very sick but. recovering. Km had a grudge against Mn. Rodden. uotliuovmmtym m. anything npldly rheum- !) 8|. Jacob Ollniuhoa rluumninm. Tholnt [in Inn boa New York. Sept. litTho Fro. Cm! L'nion yesterday authorized tho Com- mittee to correspond wich tho mnyorn of citiu 1nd towns {or the Erie Cunl out of Rochester. With a View a! tab- li-hing I bruch orgunintion to oo- 0 ate with the cent-u body. The ommitm wu further instruch to communicno with the political organir rations of New York Ind Brooklyn to bun what. nelp might be oxpoctod from them. Governor beymour bu declared himull hurtlly in iavour of :bolishing d1 toll: on the nails. McKeulnrt. Pa Sept. 19.-Jolm Mc- Louy charges 1". H. Cous'mwell. n mum. ber of the Methodist Church, with bung Ible but refusing to pay a dam. to the lormer. Mchry bu nppmmd to tho Church discipline for relm. The mat tax- will be tried below the pastor acting u judge. The new. In said to be with out precedent m the Amencan Church. The disciplme ol the Methodist Church uh forth to the cect that a member who onu and W1 not meet his uuucml obliguious is liable to expulsioul a4-.> llmv. Lindsay. Anglo-AmoriculColin Tusley. Pic- tol: J. l. Dmmmond. Ownabee; J. u 1-...1.. pm-.. loq Some Hutu-m too numuouu. that an en- lurgountolthe old one! wolhi hue unlworod without tho .ddniou of new on. but. man be remembered that the any only did wind. n In requested u. do by uh. dimwn. lhn. uh nn-ImII-(I the; Manitoba m: J. I. Talia. New York. Sept. 19 The lme (.1 cllartel'ed nteumboats. carrying, [muscu- gan between here and Poukeepsxc for 10 mm has llhlleuxled. It. 1:; stated ml in In not probably rename until the Son. of Columbm have Lheu owu boats. and a fund for the purchase of much boats will be raised by subscrlpmon Irom mem- bers of the Club. Lannhley. blgua. Cnv HOTIL.-RBV. l). A. 'lwomey, Controville ; R. L. McDonald. Ottawa; C.W. Tsylor. Thou. Snorey. Gauaanue ; Thou. ONoill, Adams, NY. ;A. Bradley ud wife. Bells' Corners ; W. Waugln.W. Gnhlll.TWOed ; D. MonomG. Graham Tweed ; Edward S. Jean. J.W. Monck P, Fullerton, Georg: Pun-M. Bollevu'. J. Thomson. Thea. Crowley. Panama", N,J.; Jun. Crawford. Ottawa. J Henry, Enrol. R. W. Kenning. Zack Hun. penny.Pembroke;Jas. Knight. RoulreW E. D. McDonald and wife. J. B. McDonl old And wife. Hillcrocbe; Samuel Wood, Allen Elliott. Brockville; R. M. Keiler. Spencervllle; R. B. Gibson. Oxford Mills; B. Cormack and Wife. Porth; Arch. McDonald. Alex. McIntosh. St. Andrews; J. W. Sproule. Ottawa; Daul. Fgngon, Westmeatll; Juu. Andaman. W. C. Holmes. West Winchester; Jno. Forth. Brockvillo. Forth. Brocknuo. Barnum. HouseA. W. G .mivla. Gann- noque; J. C. Brooman. 011nm: W. A.. Humilmn. Ottawa; Jax Iv Luck. Mrsv Mnild Luck and dam-1.1M. and An. drew Murray. Philadelplu. J. Benny- Pm Hep; B. 0. Post, MelviIle; Lili patina Open CompanyW. J. D111 sud Wile. B. A. Wilson. F. Carhah. 6. Gen- nor.C. Cunpbell. A. Caldwell.E. Box nu. )lr. Gowun Mr. Radium", Mr. 0. Banier. Min Dndgeo. MIMI. Stanley. In. Kellogg. Misses Carhslu Huggins Ind Wilson; W. B. Carroll. Gmanoqno; R. Ddlinl sad wile. Paterson. NJ. ; A. I. (hunt-ll. Toronto: H. S. Scott. IL Dunn: um mm. ramson. mu. A. L. Gt-pboll. Toronto; Soon, Toronto; Jn. Babb. Linlsay: John Hurt". Lildny. Anh.AmnrimnColin Tunlev. Pic- b'ta. Pctcrsburg. Sept. 18,Tho allot.- 1ed berm of a year fur the umlubeuunce of a minor state siege in Sc. Petersburg and other town uxpircd on the o'Lb inst. It is believed that the siege 11] continue {or another year. Wlsnson HOTEL. Hernduu Opera 00.; 'I. J. Huinduu. Mrs. T. J. Horudon. J. H. lie-Lem. F. A. Lyon, W. Kophn- gar. E. Dny. J. J. Raing. Geo. E. Ondden, Helen Creuwick. Georgina Bell. Alice Newton. Little Louisa. :Jus. Bluko. Toronto ; N. Hughson, Sackctts Harbor; Miss Jennie Keller, Miss V. Uonklil, Wutertown ; H. Fox. Cape Vincent ; Johnston Beatty, Port Hope ; Mr. T. Phillips. Waterford :Thos. Beale. Linda. ;H. B Him-m Sun. 15.6. Ewing er. urdy, Hugh Hnbi), t'ulumbus. Ont. : W. E. WnrklanJ. Montreal ; lra Uomltock. Alexandria [my ; l". E. Prynlti. P. 0. ()Hnru. limwnvillo.N.Y.; John Adams. Winnipeg ; Mr. and Mm. Hamilton. Wutertown; A. M. Dewey, wife and daughter. l'ticu. N. Y. : Chas. Wltlol and daughtr. Syracuse ; K. (Y. Cook. R. D. Cook, Winnipeg, ; Wm. B. Brewster, H. A. Cull-ma. B. W. Burnett. and wife. London ; J. J. Johnson. Bath ; P. G. Brown and wife. West Winches- ter; 6. E. Ashley. Winnipeg. BunsnAuamvu.S. l. boule and two Indies. R. A. Sonln Rlil wile, Water- town ; M. S. Corrain. Calm Vincent : S. R. Gormuu. Muntrunl ; II. M. Allen. Port Hope ; R. Starke. (imlvrlcu :A. Norman. J. Goddard. Toronto ; Chus. Lorry, Omemee: W. h". Luko. .l. W. Smith. Oshawa; Ail. \Vatnnu. J. S. Black. Ayr; H. Morton and \va. Hastings : .1. Mc- Clllagh. Lovmiulu; Thru. McGurn. Mnrysville ; P, H. Rubbinx. 7an ix-rnf ; L Romev. Portage la Prairm, Mun. : Robt. B. Flirlmu'n. Toronto. at MiniH Allnn \lnn. l n varnnnn El}. LlwrPncu nounn. nucu. .uuu- tron]; W. hirhputnrk. 'lumuto; 'l'heo~ doro Briggs, Lhzmm-l (inuw: Thou, l-I. Hales, Gnuauoquo; H. (Ihnuh. Putts- burgh;(}eo. Collins and ml, PL. Pc~ ninsuls; Jas. )lclllnruy, Mulquetbe; A. W. Briggs. Waterwwn ; Sims Collins, Wolfe Island. 'nnnnn-r llnnun 7|) lumnrnn PPIHIZ Wolfe Island. nggnuor "(min 7|). ('muel'uu. Perth: David Young, (ilk-mule; J. W. Ihelpa, Bucket: liar or; Nunhuu Conley. To- ronto; Chas Grant. 'l'homhurv, Joel Lalnhley. Elgua. Cm BarthRom 'lwomev, .Hm alone. 0' I! ,ulu Thy (gait-v. I: III-07 do by In. dlmwn. Thou who pmpmcd the album. all um way did not nook Ior the lug. pumpkua. tho ue-l. when! and tho [Argon potatoes. but. pucked up npecnncm pmmnncuounly hum dbercm. lnrmn. They could Imvo Hva n tin exhibit Inter though :1 m nun up; Irent bow um could be. 'Ih...n......n1l;|nl I [ha bumxumu Ex- =!- IInI'I. .0- Iopt. m. I. who! \I , l. Dunn: of. 1b.. kin3' mind 01! not .: A. the m d hum- Swnuu, WI- lb! m xmmy Rn 2:31.77 v I! Inll .VIAIIIT __..r .0 --.~_- Free (inn-l Move-ell. o~.e~ -..__ Unpreced med Action in than. Yon. InnaCotton qmol u n In: v.-O The siege Col-Imam]. A Line suspended \ Ma u no doubt thou. um Dr Bur-aim Cm :- tho ouh- k. "magnum In. humus! {i "whim! M will padlndy can m dun-n All: Irwin tut u I. Um!" I. Picbon. . nfm uni"; upludo IH'. uanuugs . aL mt- Hdulu; ,H. Tr; orbngo Mun: Mum. co HowlH. Allen. Mou- lqmtru'k. "Lu .ml 1:.. p Tim I lml. I luvs .0 0...}. u 3 number 1 th3 one :3 Perth . nuth Msnnns: wsmms 1| Vlulors I. quuo- Dori-c Inhibition lll IIII halls Wrmu: Dab. Ltd'wu \iolonu. ., I I L- ....._L luau m In! :n ourm: a uugle Cant I m toncv. nporw-ulorrhm. ammo.- and n in. running from ullruhuu. 3411M. vou- datath int: nu mam-l m WI). Inn-nor luutudo. down-mu o1 npmla 5nd 'unouonnl ointment: u! Zhv Lamas nymm Fat-Io by drum-nor mm {m hymn] on roe-(wot the pnco 51-01) per .bLntlleloLm. Alum. JV u- I n. 4n:- Anal hu- KmAOnz. 51nd Rothwolls Bookstore. | EXHIBITIUNH mm AND STAPLE 1m {mans} \ We Ila-g w Solltll Your llspee Hon 0| "I0 Splendid Stock NORRfs' dE'C'J K ' {mm mm an some i O F F I C E. Druwxug your pnrncular altoutlon to the I I ..-. Pym... Ya urn IIIHIHD Cnshmcres und n-II mnkvs soll Black a: (olorcd Dress mm. Inch Brocum-d smu st Selina. Black & ! olon-d Moire Aulique .MLMIumlorum WmJu, In: ml-Agni to: W.On: semi mm. Silks. len'u-vus In Bhu-k nnd II the THE Ionian & GOUITESS I, {Bunny's mnmn HUIISM , | Dress Materials. Exquisite Designs In French Ril'll Pringrs Iilllllb and (Drum Infill!- An l'nequallcd Slack lrouch Kid Gloves. THURSDAYS EVENT ! Cataraqul Driving Park, 'IIII'RNIDAI. SEPT. lslu Importers o! lirmah and w 1 Thu Royal Mxlituzy L'nllvgv Will Be cure. If possible. n portion of the mineral exlnlnL brought from Nuvn Scotm. A boulder of coal 2.200 lan (in): up eight yea-rs Lgo in especially dourle Sullll o! tho luiucmln shipped flnlll [Lnlmn twa Wofkl Ago haw: not y l rlrlinllv Dr Honeymnn regret. va nluluy nu nanny u! hll nont oren are :u the un-a mg pockell. Tba vrlnuhln (m-Lot bu plan-4| up n cullu'uou of gun an: the vxhlbillou grain-l, 'ln rhr r-rulmuty poruon :1 alone I um. lnlhh In Inuk ul. but. when the Doctor Unktwm u pute or one Ind prmvmh Ln vx unlm- \L llllCl L mrrannl. B L 09 all [IE-S EA_S_ ! Toron't8"""i8h}" "swim, Supt. IQ Kingston Bicycle Tuumament TIMOTHY HAY!| Dont forget [ha plume. 3.9:~ ID, A call w11| ohhgu ull hm- n! the luau! populu work: inl Robomon. Humhldt. mm. unlre sud Bude lenr'wo. mmnucnuy. The lymph and post. alum z the Secretary's oicu Mr. J R: the post, oce clerk. and hr: has buy tune of It When the mulls n GURNEY'S ST'OVEB R. & J. GARDINEB, 900 Bush (lenn While Old Fushiunalblq- hndvn 3;. MORRISON. VISITORS 12 NOW EXHIBIT. lug _\'uux rultlyuln| puuuuwn . Luw Prlcan. We are selling Water: will plan not. an I02 Princess Nlreet, VLLL'I Ol I'HE MINI-.KAL WI r 42.200 mo Snuw mm wk! haw: onoymnn regrets un 11 ockeu. :Lwl of ubillou Icu Lulu-nu nd Mp r )1 A LOW ONE. Prince Ilnet. me Impped wuh or without corn nlw New And Old m 1 lulu! nu. Cur-va .. wk. unable for pronoun. I in purchasing from M. ,. ,AA 1..-... any price. whlcb In invnnlbly \. fur the Icmmmodluou of Wurk Dom. anauuo Work. LL. l." limll. exui'inoul no 5m. 50 Ill Dm- Goodl. New All Wool 80: on. i6. 30.! and 000 Nov com-mole . m. u. n. w 23 um! 35 m. Wm wanna ta become . pact-li "minim: II the m0! Hubth m nu complicit! be: the lower part of New Yeti. IMO Mun-is o. eleclr-c lump In in an m mwnpupar olw. am. Who- m in program a you i a lull bolero the lighting I- ~ cane punk"! palatable. Mr. l-hlm-u In the pruidinu cum in the apply 0! illumination. which II 6|le lllppliol directly from [he works owned by tlm Edison (loupuny, or from mulunery In")le hy them to In lnnlual rmu who polar to own then proper source: ulwpply. Al own! ammuclndlug than. my building. in the urea bound- oal by 3pm. WI, Nuuu and Pearl not. If. nightly nglow WI! the non. study, mellow ud pleas-n: light. of inn-ducal". lump. ll. unexpected tlmt. m u abort um. olnctric molars inautd 01 sun. will be used It: the production of the coma: in all cam where great power in required. chm . Tmundocbtuhn pound-t unnu- Iho pin-I that u will!" l 15, 1.30. 1.50. 1.75 1 00. Penn'- Shun Fililh. 01. 150. , 1.. 2.50. 2.75. n 00. 150 Donn uum 70". 'I' A R n-nmxm But. nod C . awn-Lulu! Tum 14mm "in; ' 1 mm. In I" mdlhardmuv\ll-1. leggy an M Km for (Bau- unt. mluIOprmLimd-ud III 4. Ibo bummwuuwm col-num- cannulaun minim-Inn. A. luv-Av . "HUME". OHM rm. lluh . \ m Bomm Pnoul. no. 90. own. no. 1.75 1 on. Dn-mn'l RAH Fi-i-h II. 150.111). '2 3 lld 4 Buuonu .30. 75m OI W, 1.25 per pair. Sllk Hundkorehlofo. 50 Dounl Choice Stvlu. 50 Pmoob 0! New [VI-brings. Choic- SbAdaa. 0. 00. 75. 900 . .00. DAKQTA. MILLIVRH *& WEBSTER. moo: soon 70 Hand" Forks land & [mu Gum'y. New I'-'all Dry Goon. Glasgow Warehouse Carpet Waremoms. Corner of Prian A: Welliugwu Stroeu. I ll" umxw u' Ii I.- mu .0 much blunt. and "non blushed nod: Bum: nddl thing; Bnmh. as thou to Vb. 315. mnle com. mined mmm vote jumkd in ; moving caution-1y and noting lb no [11pr annuity occurred in come. quencoof their last Tho rumour. L ,_-._ .w-AIA- -nA nan-Inn: rill M..uhcln u KINGSTON EIIECTS EVERY MAN '10 Do Is DUTY FAIR WEEK! \ Dont bu behind the thuru in numbing. especmlly in the matter of donning A (STYLISH HATI BOSTON HAT 310ml HHUW ROOMS WI be opened [or tho mambo" o! :h. :omp-ny. 2 lulu". Tuoldny. Thundly Ind Baud-y u p.m. Prim. 50, 26c : Inna-o. :5, [he IHEBNDUN'S cum comm! uusuow WAlll-IIIOIMB. What. II to Ion-d n Inna-M .0 tBnglish and American Shapes! I Iluh Bu. .UIIU. uUHl \auuulunuviuuu E an: to the Caspian PM noloundmon. , J Lx'd .: an we work 0(a) dumut. and I b } :u .L the union n proi'ncod In all , r gum. had been mod n. No one can j m wuy no lingui- nnd hi: my My 1 {mama man a. damn o! u " ldyumiloo match-shun I _....L L|_.u- lunch nun-I HM ms. PINAFORE. 058'. Im: rommny u pronounced bv thl pnu sad publlc thu uent orgnuluunn In Amencn. 8pc- clslmen m M nuoduud bot-ten the nu by OPERA HOUSE ('boua Shndu. Ii. 20. '13 com... M Ph- Wnnl Ill-ah (Adam Sept 12 I GRAND EXHIBITION [French Millinery] lo. ANGLINS LILL!,P!!I.I5!E?.E5L9-W- ;--w st-m Wm - rv'rv wuldopion no" this the Americas. nho cal-ruin waging bu! Nu high! ram tot our (bun! Ind um Prune- lmiu. W. hop 05" mu banana-p1th cl mm In. m ad mm to 80 CHAN Vim I'm. 222-5 ('boua Stud. la. '10. '1! coal... in Pkg: Wool Black Caliban-.85.. u.u;.m.1s.lo. 906,. 00. I00 Dot. Now. Special Io: Pair Wook. Ohms. Sun. 191]]. Inur-Chuuo ch ovcning Hu- 1M , Mk2 And 1!:- m2 750. UK! Ina BC In new a: Oporl ame Inbou um than. Trio. Sun ucure! A. Mcluloy'l Mouton, Hep! m. STRONGER THAN EVER ne- Evening will be proumad "COLLEEN 84 WW." New Studu. all Reduced lot Fur Wat Sept. 5.; Amortnmnt of Fnll Styli-n munplewlhil CARPETS GEO. MILLS l: 00., TUESDAY ! [3051th II AT .IIWDRE. 5 Lungs} guy 1m. SHAWS Illok Sllkt. Coloml Sllh. Kld Olovu. The Conan-tin puny hue been ginn an opportunity to bring out the eight strong men 0! whose candidature m the bye election. the country bu heard no much. The nonunion III the Legm lnLure no South Bruce. South Essex. Ivleuguny. Went Hutmgs. Muskoku .Vurth Renhcw. Eaut Simcoe and South \Vuerloo. the Loo-l representatives of whu-h rmlguad to run for the House v! ('mumoua. six of them nuceessfully I'm: Torieu in bringing out great guns la 1-uur under the lmpreulou that they can v. m a majority perhnpo all of the seam 1.1Mruln don't think they c u and (Jluu n 1-,- _._..I pl... 9",. '|:\II'|n4.l New tern", ERIN SEPT EEM, will be pn a . ulhvaul comm Nsuuc-I winch. mnca the opening of the costumes, lld . yowurful CI. Wellington Shred. vr. as :thoy curry a _ m [MD A MINA. nut u III! ml-dlmdmtnl malt. In. an Um I: Icahn-and 2. _ Wit. Wilma I. U?! run purl!!- 0-0 . no hon n W'- rom uu Walk : divlhu Mun-.5 Inn ul bud. III mun. nth-u hnuuh. 'u "11;.M numb... Hum-1m. 0 but. .- taut M um" um: hum \ luau; in mono we . nun-hen. um ".4 Mun-I l nut-haul auxin, nu nu uh m.- pmpony m Dom. owned and uuum0| tn Mum: m. In. whip-Mm: um. um... quantum w w lI-l'm- l mun; groundb- and and... will u... -___L-__I_ L-L M m.)-l %Ab :aM (hum. manna; no nath In, an ugh ~Thn_ 3:. Thu hn boon - banana. land lul as "WI (Mod bum MI I Ind on mm mu u I oo- Im: o! u urn; mutual n all... llilldlnn. hit I num- Ind m bum lot! on huh luv-ll cum-w Binding. 'ur on: a 50 II. In hulh mF~~ Amullunu an! M! n 1 Hum .I m It humane-I mun-numb In nwr. Ilth . 'Ifnr huth yum Gill! 0' DAV) lthNkl. on w y I... No. an Arab luau. I 1W0 COTTAGE. WELL. llTlA'llth: d Dunning Non-u. (a mum mm but Alto u [y'- uqmbgw ul 3ng S. 0.! I... Ind A I. Huh a nun Dun-'- m. M Dunn. unqu- . [mu saw-um... u... mount-'MVIAlncubn 1M0. I'IUNI DWELLIMi M [huh I 'i .umh u wont. nll In on'vlluul wu unn. ho luau ud cum-llama- no ale. u. pod mph. Apoly 1 JAN! Kl'l! mu I w In!" In 0 Inc: It'll-IIIle cumm- lllulwly ItllUl' BIC DMIIIVUIJ VVI-v Ava~ 1w duubtuto tho nature of the accl- -luut. Bolt. were hunched. nd a brave . fforl. made to save the punngeru and row 50 great. was the storm whlch m-opt the bay that but on of them watched the ame. Scam malls their Htnpe from one source of dnuger to {um no better with [its buoys and Um cm-r continue that: are alpposwl [u oor soqu protection to life. Fhey mu the ionizing bin. wildly for .. luw momanta or miuuuu Ind then (1th appeared. tho couoloss thunder and r :al'lng hurricane being the last Mulludl l - reach than u the waves engnlphod anm The meteorological repurLs are nnw u safeguud Against dunner. but they are by no menu infallible, and last. woek seem to bus [inn little or no wnrumg of the le which proved so dm nutroul. The equinoctills are luw upon as. Ind it. will be welI it the)" paw Without further misfortune, The * \sin'u" 1m. with I but twu of those uu buard. is the sudden: evunt. o! the AW 0?! 0h TI! 0 "on on (lunun must. lrvly occupied by Ion-n. [111mm .1 Wlnuu . Pu- ndo; .qunlmgnodhkly Apply to glow] mm and uvn llmnodlnoly Arnie; t :& WALKIM, or to D IEYE, I1 D TWO HHOPH In tho Aurhur [momma on tho Mutet Squum luum union, Applym Bkwll-ZN .4: MM Odom-l hum, aodrny'n lxmd o! lMoro-u. bloom 0! Youth. Inn:va rum. Rnth I Knlydon Putin: moon. III! M W. Tail-t Punk" 00 (ml "mun . lGHEAP ER 1 E: nur . Than the Cheapest l STROUD'S TEAS. TRY THEM. STROUD 3308., THE NEW HAT STORE M. 'lllh' PRINUA'US EPISODES. The Princess Louise has ihruigh more exciting episodes than h we fallen to the lot ol any one so dli . tinguimhed u herself and so prominent- ly identiel with the Goternmeut ui Csuniln. Two yearn sgo she uuurel nu nccnlent which caused her soon LIL L'l' to Luke a trip aboard. Cnuuimus pnssed 1 ill' the circumstances. and mum! With 4i: antisinction her return to Llll v wintrv but is low months Ago. Her pre Cit vuvaxe to British Cu'rubizi hag, imtll sttonileJ by two very u ,stle in. n lents. (ll by n rsilwsy collision sear . i in Francisco. which considemhly ~lmcki-d nod unnerved Her Royal High .mss. but did not injure her or my of 7 :ins unwilling. and .2 by the Line..- ml slintzsrmsn: v. we steamship ,5 ip m wu-cn the Vice rugl puty purpos z ,{retted her departure. em willy un- mine. 0m, he hun obtained ii Silver menei. iiie minerals were found by Mr. Charles while engaged in making the survey of Lin- l'uniuti, .1: ULqu Railway, [Lilli :- unlur tn ictuiii the collection intact le hm presented it to the Toronto Univer- alty. [here are specimens of high grmlu ore. containing 83 per cent. of phosphate. but!) ll its natural and umnui'ucturml ntzitt. Two other spot i- mam. um) porn white and the other comm. ~< : w the eect upon the ore rauw ivy as hematite deposit existing in us \lClUlLy. There is nlso n remdrk 3b.] tine spemnien from High Rock l-flupmldl} IIJlDB. A very vnlnsb ) slrtUlllmll ui' culminate of lune is see... nliuwiug the formation of phoephaie Ci VAlA mi black men :econglom- no} {iqu ihu TUWliu'illp ol Burgess. shown g lusci mime. pyreiiene. cubonute, nLI mi unl green phosphate ; and H pai- lect piiimphnta crystals. showing both lelmiunhlon. The] are nlsospevzmei of iron pyrite: lcund in the 171', A remsiiiebly ne gece - l black mica. plewnm by Mr. Hie .] l of Perllli Lo .\lri Charles. also (on i .l u. iinilm-rxnn " ..i no , AMERICAN & ENGLISH GUUDS cheap and Durable Goods 1 The New Hat more. I" ILL! BR09.. Our (Juno-on (tau ller Upon Getting the lies! AMI-thll'AN 0". when Ordermu Irmn nu. AIERIGIN GOAL OIL! American nal [Ill .- tract or rwrunn.rn mum um cue-phi": pm by um mrmuu mud-o- Id-ong- mm. 09mg)! Qty-1y m \ UlJIK (,Al'l'l Ah. Tho. ~60: n: lo nub. manor om null-w medium mv out: In mm. pron-Inu- Lu Imcll o Ill-nous. can do toil? Opt! mxourpI-n. from ly ht, 1M , In 0101mm. dun on In "-0 om. at mmwuummuu or u Inn; boon nule um put: :1: Innucll unountlnz u, .nmx mu ma mannl luvnlr dlL-y. Ill. nus "on bvlu-Iunl UV... mulled by skilful men. but she was hurt. and high. and. especially if light. uined leuhllyinngale. It IS en- tlent that. in the How, of whose sewnty me had ample evidence In the damage which vessels snlerod on Lake Ontario. u'm wns top heavy though wall lamb-d. ml Lust in the trough of tho 30:11. she . weaned too much. became unmanngo LII, alupped Witter. lled and sunk. For- lunutdly than are survivors who leave A AL, __A__.~ -L' 5\-~ ntulul srocxsi Hnou hp m Slump. me p?! ll Four wand! [00d Japuu T.\ '0 Cl Plvo pouudl Young Hyu n rur I. Unploodcuu-d m the anusll n nth. anormnu- lo u! our be u MILLS BROS. GENUINE 7 rll 1M 1'le at 0.4 Human um bluulrll um Inmu- m. Mush, 1'. 0. lo. n In: Emu. nan num- B ART lun loiuru m- u plv lo mu A 1.2V. wen muonhmsu. Jam! WW; _._.. -_a- an: new: uulu Iruu lexlnu um: ... Inch a propeller in gone down and Hran a hundred persons met, a wawry Have. The A8]! walconsidcrcxl nan urthy. and she was certainly mm- ..x...1 L- ..LHInl m... hm. nhn wnu mm A mydlbouhabmm hue maa-ad. Bo luv. the prvr facts To" LU. w. 'r. c, IEllllilll. It Prmcuu und Bum! Emma. mev' And (Morn fit-root, Pulrrlmmuuh I! ilVli US A CALL. N. C. P080N & 60.. Misti-d Drum-l nal two ~c. uuiyfmo Ch, Maul. I illlJ ARRIVINH. ' I till! I {blamqm'l mm mi. uuru Juno-mu. n, I... vs", ~......... . .mss. no w u puzy l vi La 1120! the Pacic provmce of mu :rqt Danna-on. Thor. cgn be. no ubc Lb. mono-yawn: commmucuxon I .A.. .- .|.- 0-50-... 5-14 _-\n ) I van "()l,'l CAPITA '1. Tim. ~dcllnnn to mum [Huggins Prince troe! ail! Zhiiish .Hmrum uuu u blllu- ullc, \4 -. -.... "I..- .n mlldler until the two polltlcul when but their strength at, the polls iu. UppOniLion have formulate! Lhcll huurm. but. it In a ungainer weak arm. am! not hkely to lm! mucu hum \len me people. I is unnecessary to whee the abuie 01 t e CUDHEFV'lALlVJn. muse ML Mow and his wlleugur, In) dmposod to hold olce. The mrm wrs o! the Onmrio Government are um oncoming men. they are not. selling Lm whhc trulu for lthy lucte, us 301118 }: umcmns bnvo been known to do, and 1 xx; because of Hill that the people are mp090d to sustain them. Their re- ;lccuou is beyond a. doubt Public feeling in math: burrowed by he news from the Georgian Bay m l l , , ,,~An4_ L . . a A .. Ann, "ml A TERRIBLE DISASTER. VMy a I! .3 cl um m W and in 8: AMI; lath. lain mu. in tho ell-ll. nan-I hr repreaeutation 0! m bad old! present Alter the opening unioe the humans protruded. n..- Inn... Ian-tin d Imhirn willnlunnd rhtuad Wool-mm m! rota. "In- In}. bun-cum hump-huh. I'w'awmdnnum. ll-cod Dr. D113 meum Em " ' Vumc BIL?! u Emu: Annua- on. I Londouden). Sept 18. - wow trulforthiydlyiwnn( mou'wu nhot bynprooeuJoouyungu who u: amend rm. norm ' , x... . (,hgnm.Connty Donegll. 'hll. mt- wumy Mum-Wham- "mg mommuon 0! male. Thyr in! W! a m m can mar Wu mud. (mu shove. -.o' khan-d... . A _ _ Myhnmdhnw. """' V. .L. nun a... '0- 1'5. 11... , Wnlm WINIll: ,5 RM. Joh- lavrio. ol Lneuhit . Sootllnd. being ml. In: invited to [In nut. in the Pmbory 1a,; .L__|._ .J H.- ML-.." nan: .Inu. ndchup Mn and ham- lmp mum on m ecu-mo m In in hm. Thu Yner BIL! Ca. w m , : wilt-and Bu," up wllorhiydmm( ovoid. .hommmnmm Jag. I mI-IiII mu! nuhmd. nndh-thul unnu - ll Rub In luv - lv-vjI" The unk! of "In Presbytery were nowhere] to Mr. B. W. lam. Superin- (lvu! u! the K. a P. RR. hr mating plumes no nun-lent: and newborn of the Presbytery nu ordu to any on mm mman work in the distri through nhicu the Inn. was. The Prabywry . . ..J..I IA- ohh. nn'vu'lm n it. II For n: mam! um the knot Knodv . go to the New York Clothing Ston where you mil dirty! nd Engli- 56th um warned I in the 11m. dwgns. A15.) Elghsh. Scotch and Cm din moods. an warm to woo. from. Remomber we gumbo 3 km clnu In. MIC Kl! llu' l. I mu 1-"... w.) fwd-s glam-(III (or Iii II it II a very great. wilt-Ice in wrin; on the: Immdon work. A .K' LFNIII'IIII- .\Ir Auuuu Selim m uppoilmd to labor as M.) ordained mugionnry in Glen- mlu and Harrownmith n. n nlnry of 1.3m. He will b. exuniuod on the 17:). u! Uctuln-r in the church it Huron- uuith. and on tha evening of the name [my ordumed. The 80'. 0. Shore mll preach the sermon; Rev. Mr. MchIig 'ulIlru-m the minister. Ind Rev. T. S "L uubers the people. . MAIIAU 'mh-A-I Kev. Mr. Wilson withdnw his motion uncut Sabbath obnrnnoo. u some of the rem-mus that led to it did not now . \.~L l'hu releronce mtotbo volun m-r bands playing on the swmh.) Iiuumw work In don. 3nd at ve ntl'wk the Presbytery Idonde hum I i 1 | luau-m... I coiuuul, i.| M cauwd 1 ne :1 :[rxclllmll the CHnmLa and Tu ' (le Llinr lulu nnuu-y .lwlllcl D; 0,0 Cutenonsn, up: "I in , and u very exzenmvoly.nnd with {ho mo : o remuhu: 11006- In dytpepou m.) m I I 1 a." n}. ~51! than u dot-agome 01 IL; i lzvor .1 kxdneyl" .Xtrr Lin: .ubcn Lamas. Huuw Mmiit Furmgn 31H Frruch EVM wn. \\'1.luws' all Mr \' mug, college. luu Aunt-Inhlv F lies I luululk and rronunac was one u! Llu- features of the show. The .V. 1/ Hum Npeaks of It: On the ground oor nt le main buxldmg there is a wry {my collection 0! phonpbate of lmw aml :Ls umuuftctures exhibited 1y Mr. 1). (j. lhnrler. (LE. and for wing: huqobunuml silver medal. The .....n...l, \vnl'n (numl hv Mr lfhnrlnn yuan-I in 7.. fun m l [up ntkmlnm. I d. u any A. than min um lumen .13 I It tho liming ('mmty Fur. b0 chill. mu Jul. coming m. Lu: w nlv :- In (in pro-m that by av it will In In prect urdm Th. 11" m Boyne. Hunt-pin, ..-- o-Il- In... d.- (nm 1.! Jun-an Hut Dr. Smith presented the homo miss: vn iclmi-L. There was no particular po' it worthy of publication. Certain elds convenient. to Kings! n .iil in \Iippl .1 hv Queen's Call .2 Ali-\ihlliily Ausuciation. viz.: Hinch l~ hl'nukc. Mississippi. Wolfe Island. Ca i ilmi. 'l'uuiwm'th. (ousecon and Den 0- .. i I Il"\'|ll(. Mnlmse and St. Colombo were erect ml mm vacant. vongregutions. I An unlnmed missionary for North mun-44. at n. salary of .900. will :e :ulvorLi-sed for. A grant. of .8 will re Asked per Sabbath from tho Home M 9- mm ('ulumiueo. 'l'he grunts for nrp- plemcntod vougregntionu and whale Luiuua were revised; Grants from 8160 Ln 2'!) ml! be Inked from the Home \lINSlUn ('omulilbee for the supplement wl ruugregutionn. and from 02 to H lor lulwmu stations. The next meeting of tho lrmbytery will be bold M. Belle \ 111v un Monday. becombor ISLE. The lresbywrv then adjourned, Princxpul Grunt. as Convener of l m (ienfrul Assembly Committee on Te u. purulitiea Expenses. gave a. smtomc-nt on the subject and moved that lie Presbytery sympathise with the obj :t uni [mi 2, that a contribution he mu la in every congregation within the Pri u~ hytcry anunls it. so that the brethi ~n pvl'suuully involved may he ralieved - (in-inn. The expenses. it is nnd r \LHO'L total 91.6). lr \ (ulleue lumlRev. H. Gracav. Assembly FundRev. M. Leiahm -u. 'l'lm lllply of minerals at the Town 0 lmiuatrml l-Ixhlbltlon from the coum lea pt Immrk and Frontenac was one :- .x. l_..D--_n Al Hm uln- Thn U. :l [Ilka l 0' Plbliml. ._.< [HES . nm- Muniun FundDr. T. G. Smxl |. mun )llamuu Fund-Prim. Grunt. wuch Evangehzuiou FundA. Wll- 1 LM} and Kidney Troublu.) A n MH- n--..\_ -g... nl \- 'h application was road from the ; 151nm] congregation asking that U Hyhmd be continued as mm- .N 0' But. There u not" a. Client! "We". not an s lav-vhfm pm ' m I. v nan: obi-nun. : Presbytery re-usomblod at 7:30 \. ws' um] Orphans' Flud R v. mu 1 Ln. an gunu. mug \nre appointed to 10 :k .crcsLs of the various chm b THE BRITISH Willa. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER [9. i061. . n Wk. 5 . 19-w1'he 11'... .Jmn'aznl nu. on W In: DIHABMIO 0 "II: II... I'IIGCBE-IIC 4 1.."- I n ma. nun-ml.- K o." ran-mar limo-t Ar-M for BmNIIIVO any to be nub-m4. Culcunykm. IO.-l'ho India 00'- orumem. non-co the inn. 0! Inn 01 upmmo rupouh! moot sh. ulna-c 01 m Indinnoon' nun Esp. Alenndrilapt. 8.0no the pn- :_ AI.- Ihn; man-AL- - ol the loan conunrn; ul 1-. pt. ucipaton in Ibo Juno manna-n w lunged why. [Ha upon-M than boats and troopl Inn bunorde to mun; Aulll~t Abdalhh Phlhl. who hltthi-Wwmm E .xmaauy-Wbiluawv bum 3nd troop- nve noon menu to move ugmnst Abdnllnh Pull. it still holding Dunigtu. Tho min IO!- vwc on ne rmlroul Mimi! Cairo sud Aluxuu-lnn lave been rammed. All the gunman will be occupied by the Enu- lllh. Illll IJINu THE IDITI. BOLD... Inl'. luull. Pun. Said. Sept. leiTho Commando: o! the Damiano also hold: tho [orb ol [)Iblm and (ihennleh. Tho 60w of Port. 5nd sent. tn Anb w the tubal Commander on Friday, but. the muscl- gar has not returned. .-u\\ ru-rmu fn m AIAHMNID.! London. Sept. ll.-Buvy ood. (o- Lo bud , Vanni: Iud Tyrol. gig-93.3): 13m n-bmmod. Yam in sin inundued. seven-u been dmoli . No loss of lib. _....o- l urn LA I nun Iv Du unuv.-'. Constantinople. Sept. 18.-I is be- huch that the Anglo-Tubal: nihury convention w1ll be Ibudonod. A IEABURAIILI I'luhl. Alexandria. Sept. 18.An oioor who surrendered explains tlnt Anbl left I. beat. soldiers at Kafr-eLDwmbeulu ho lbuught. the move on lsmuiliu In I lune mud that the real attack would b. on anr~ol~Dwu. The Sultan recoanK hadqommumcation with Anbi thro Dannie-Lu. It. is believed man 0 remqumce of the Commnndor of Hut plume originates from Stumbonl. A uvcn IUEPHSID Pu". The city 0! Trent uubmuxoa. um in also inundnaed. Seven! brill. .Smnlidwl. No loan 1.. have A luuu uvnxmo-u .n-... Alexandria. bept. 18.This morning the mmvea uound Kufx Zayat furiously attacked a train conunning British lol- dwru uml some Egyptmn oicen under the uuprvnswu that. Ambi won 3 grant battle In Cairo and that. the Main con Lumed Home of the demand enemy. A valley from the soldwra dispersed the nulzullnuu. sentence. uuea taibod by 13w. Allin-Luv . Wv---v- Aloxandnu. aepL. 19.The gmmon uLAbnumr marched out. last evening. The eumu regiment. wnh arms moved eusthnrl to 10m Abedelluh Push. M Dnmlcnm. lue resL of the garrison. tin: or all thousand. arrived at. Kahli- Uwur 4L noon, xnsurmeu. and the men (llsmlsmui to thew homes. The ofcers were it-mined. In one place the mob unmanned the windows of some inhabi- t... .nnmmumd nnnn thn new: Pun-nua- [burnt-Boo- J- H. p0,. not Ind-a 0-31 "'4"! "' thorn- . .c a. Douhu mum- wu .hyed'nenmuem- W I , __ Dublin. Sept. 18.In the one of PI- trick execuuon for murdu' n [.37an has been xed for Fridsd. legal dimcultv bu mun. it being - legal-shut Judge Lunch. in paling failed in me phnuology pu- mihul n- Inn, mum;th we Windows 01 some quuur hunts who llllimluuced upon the news tron; Tcl~el~KebiL l 118 HOUSEHOI [sent Lo Egypt. In In hallnvml Borrleutnwn. N.J.. Sept. 18.Tho base hall club of Trenton played a game hore tlm afternoon with the club of tbxs citv. ()anMern accompanying tho Trntous miscd a hop Several of the partv were seriously beaten with {enco- lrmh. apxl base ball bats were freely 111w]. Some of the Trencoumus were knocko-l nnt. nnd several started {or home on font. W I Waterbury. (201111.. Sept. 18-The lTreauurer of the Irish National Land j League 11. Lo-morrow. cable to Trea- Inrpr Egan at Paris 620.0) the con- trhnciona from May In to date. Roa- mond and Sexton. members of Paulin- } mam, are coming to Amenca in October to speak in the interest 01 the Lund l League. ____+. \ curred in Lombudy. Venou- sun Im. 0! Trent is bun-god. 4. -I.. ;......A.u-d Squall bruin- haw. Will be sent to Eugmud. Sulcmna HOV, who is supposed to have lustlgnted Lhu Lxurumgol Alexandria. has been cupturell. Thrnnuhnun the cumnaitlu the EKVDt' been cupturell. Throughout. the campaign Egypt. nuns had a complete system of spies in Alexandria and Ismailia. The future of the army seems to be [letillt'li upon. It will be at, once dia- bamled, and the Uouucd of Ministers are preparing a decree to that, effect. . .vv'nnlrVhrn nonnnn! n A UL unnnunn rnunanur. . V Alexandria. Sepn. lviAlnlctba Psalm, ommauder0mml);un'ouu.bas request- ed nn uiitm Lu 1w sun. to inform him of recent Hunts. This is considered as torushmiuwmg Un' ~urrender of Do (,1 Lame llllll l'l'll]Cl."S uuumu. Luv Cuptmn revolved an anonymous note. Stating that. the steamer would be blown up by torpedoes as soon as the Vice (-wa parties were on board. The (uptmn mm much frightened. and applied to the Captain of the Revenue Cutter Ru:th Rush. The latter. ac- companiod by marines. inspected tba Camus. but. found nothing suspicions. However the Rmh accmnpnnjed th. Camus fur qulte a. distance out. any more In II we uuucu mt! mu 01-: prrlect In total Ml Ibo (Inn 0! JIIIION Hut am. on d an pltleunu WW]- la it. exhibit Ind mum on the more -I Tub-coo Cruk. 1m- a... a... a. nknn M the hu- Egypt. 1!. m believed here that Arabi Pasha Will be England. Hulnlnr|h Rnr win. in nnnnmmd to run.n1 u'. strokes. At, the burn um Eyck mm m uonr (uurtmy'a buoy that ('nlll'LneyStuppwl. and Ten Eyck turned lm-ml. Un tlm rst lmlf mile of the re- turn Courtney Hpurtod and soon took the leml again. A unit) from the nish Courtney was a length ahead. He and 'len Eyck pulled :1 hard thirty strokes Imr mlnute. \ slight breeze sprang up, l to 4:30 o'clock. when It calmon down uomewhm. bun the course remained r )ugh. 'lhrue thousand people were ureseut, and the river was full of steam- bmts 1mm all points. __ V ##4-.__.__ huu l-rahcinco, Supt. has sailed for Victoria v .1 l um uml Prmrtm evening Ill Poplar H: F.ka aull (:lulwy made. (unl'lneyat At, the quzntm mule lmllfu. length. mth l beluml Teu Eyck. strokes to the min: nu-n. \ . I'lhllln - -7o-O-- (Tom-Hwy Dolmus 'l'cn myck. NOTES AND autumn. The Household Cavalry will be noon ull" Ln Rurnt r-Wn floods II Buns-d. I l Tum Cruz. The I. in Man of the hu- rluck. In W. And hon-I no Iuh u d Ind W sud corned duly 'I My cannot be non carefully Mum I d u. 1-..!" M Innnumlh.