Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Sep 1882, p. 1

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1 muons lIXNG. - mm m & Froekl(Loiion u nah ul main. "aim. pnru s cleanu- w l a ll 0 111101: I. pexiuu 1 mm-hm: h win-mo; limit-1;!- was a m made mg 195192" 01.0 any? "I or min-AB nl'meu Inn-van In m- u Uriabtr lull. pluw ukunonw nmneu mldrul 1| WITH HYPQPIWTES. - ._ 3.. m an Umul to the hum-I at tho anon Iha ume Vor lnkxuu emf: bu bun Olltudod In 51. luau up lo the 162.!) 0! Bepumbon HENHY ADE. Scent-n.1- V 31'. mac: m".llurnvn mp" w n . Lt": Compluu. non-Ia n1 nun ad- h WW? 1 $2.33: .m. $3.4. m Madman. a coal 32:2: tumwxam l M. iv w.m gnaw wnmmlwn can. a: 15-de Cali-pun Drum-m I!an I mquu.-d.uumndwado MM titanium-Inna (In! p-tlm uh! I1 can! Inmp do u 'plrht nounw ..._ --- _, r V tun-moi Imm- ; h 1 mm-hm: by chow mu mum 1" um 91 1 uuuncuon 00 so pa b0 0. A311 " Can-ha HIIRY not. For Id. by STRONG I SWEET I DELICIOUS' 5 or 101b., origins] pane. Maxie Pounds. 550. 5 lb Cuddmgz} , x..- .1 m A Clear; fcoAL __I_)EPOT; Agricultural and Arts Assoniation, r , mm by d! Danny-"'- Pr' 50 STROUD BROS" PI'TTNER EMILaum | Hum 4) a Re! l'pper Wu" an": Hullh Il ll. TO BE HELD AT KIIISTOI, r tall: to cum I Ho-on! u! the NIH! voua QYBI'III. u It. m". . "All. IINOBI'OI II din-gun Susutrimtiuu & Working Unahtias . my humlhl Lu. mu uu .......... .V v ,, Torwm, (HABLIB DBCBVJI'J-Idu. (from El]. ,_:.a .. - a-nllrd nrr '1 or on'lnuu, dl. lb. Cuddy 51. [(1 110m complexion : l dy 16!) Caddy. $4.50. sh-0'; - M u momma. mm {or Four alt-all l. W! mun-J um nun-In m m I BBATBD JMXJBIIm'I IpII- II on IIAL mom Nnoonnloliu-lit ( \ . . Sg Wmg, ad ennui" 31-, a q pg. .11 cum god m n u imam-d 5 wu-uu-n . We rupocuully roque our putom. when the)" uklorJACOBY'B SELF -' HHINING STOVE POL- f 1811, to m tho lbovo' Trude Mukil upon ch box they buy. and the followinl aunt! : .l. C. JACOB? & CO. v: -.____, I u m ganmuo truck. Mm Thin 0% I .n respon lo duh" it { Oct. . 1 u ... V.-. R in ilmuu nd of In! I columnar. . a rel}: Ion: [nu-on at (or JAL 5 13. $0 I Tack and in upuu euch I Urn-r.. (rnon nun.) . 219 New Compound. It: won- Harm! afnity to the BMW Apparatus and the Liver. ham-.1- - In: the dlssomu ale, allow [at almost Inst the (1.!!de . results ofnggesWon. m and the m I . Aka Zoposa m away day noauutyu 07917 house. a It not: (an we! spa In Bwousnau. Manna. ud- Iche, Sick Headache, Didn't A! IO! Euthanwmd on the Stomach. Heartbum, Pains in the 81d: And Back, Want oIArfetlto. Want 0! Enemy. Low 8p ta, Foul Eton- i sell. It Invigoth the Lint, out do: 011w sutpln: bun. manta the Bowls. and gin: tm to the whole system. I Cntthlswtuduhlt to you nag-mt md :91 .10 cent 83mm i 1MB MAGNIFIGENT NEW STEAMSHIP CntMMthuKI-n to you Dru M11 or a are be a lot 76 can, u an nu: new about It. (rial IMZIL) Myrtle Navy In MARKED ms OTHER Mum 1' NOTICE or REHUVAL .r; Vvvv WI will pu um than n 1m, noun cannot em W. when lhl dim l1" "VVVw 33:53.48. The! In mnlwfr huycuool 3.81 W I 0 i. mu. , '10., )h' n I '4- 'a M P. age Iron Quin-rt. ,, 1mm 71 U IION 1 Reward! _ .h- -M... "null-r my cute ORGAN? . "ARNIA, IIHII ILl'U 0I 'lllli l an Ihhvtv on Macon Hun-L I .d In on m- on ruslnluon and I can u my Inn: m can u ml. lugnuy Ola. In: lorqu No cl "Iv-nu _._A. nunl 7 56.; ulhma but): moml). Ind :80 qlwo Ian. v- , .nuw, w. ."V," .l. P ()ILDERSLEEVE. .x ()tm-a 4'2 Clarenoo St . Kingston. :_', UStiVQnan-h f 3 like will imam-d worthl v "on: LIITIIE V l lccommodluon for paalangers. .5...- um- nn 115(3):: 3 .4. n U III'I'U-Inlla In. all I r... _ r. 0. Hum. I 'I'm--'---r 7 ' 1 Quabec for Liverpool on 30th A. number. 1991 IS MARKED Inlahxpu. 'rnrrlu neither cattle. sheep uor ## BAKING! POWDER. Quebec m! uv plumber. Steamship Lino, run-q".-. .. _,__, King-Lon, Ont. Ordare by mull u roculn price w J. wt!.80N,Dru gm, Rucculor to Heath & mun Kmpgont 1 .____'__..'-V AII'II III DALI. The vqou. whh h h hut-Ive loud MM an the an. . The dildo duh! don the mud Why does an old mm vs". . Bantu. bod-tad. ":0th. U nod ubhvithhoohindrw hnuvor tha gmdjn Lieu huddled Ind hnpd 3nd Oumblod I Mr- lnh "Md spun. I | l 0! n1] his rich..." the honour and Only min-radon. xlo r mum ; A bhukot. u bod {or in 01 any bad. F or 11 his life long puns. ' nd one. I own! hm they uy Hm km 5 Hunt. hue n lull." Bio rope: he and l In dye 0121 Much wind. "Hurry up "' h nd I own : nu. aw, .._. ...__ _ n ,, ' the ohm he I uhd. And who! in \ho rain. The old wife how: her stricken two { 0n tho door-Mao. vary wd worn und K!- I The old mu: linen About His plum. Taking 3 Int lurvoy 1 Loan In once more At the you burn door On the ampty mow sud tho \Lount oor All :he game of his lilo hnvo gone before, And why should he on. to It" th slow dxmuwlnte. broken talk. 'Ihuy look me" 1m and pm the 1m , 1 The wagon is gone tad they mun! wn I I A rude, and u w owm law She beam a parcel, 9 hits u pmk. I But whu do way no more. up the luck. i Mun-t tho mum looqu blank I "lil strung: ! the w on u comm; hsck, With itl mohnoho y freight. I .. And whnt m the d-n'sr nhnekmg onl " an hum-m. fer n mument ksep (be I lv~t. not w lwnly :18 Home Lllllln n. E0112! 101w. buL It 15 unit aumeuvely munwli. 1t. hes nu tho shores of a beunbiml buy. lurmml by Simone and Wolfu Islands on the south, Point Frmlr erick on the east. and the city and environs on the north and north-west. This buy Iolms the main channel by which the waters of Lake Ontario de- bouch into the majestic St. Lawrence cbut for miles is studded with scenery as chnrming now as it. was It midsum- I met. Thu ancient city, Incorporated in man 1M. I... thu annruached from I.Wbouhluuln A. Ill-OHM rd...- mfn tn on no 0v." 3 '1 In: Bucnem tin), .mv.,-....-.._ __, 1835. looks bunt when apprumhed ' the wear. With tho exception of Que- bec and Montreul it, is the mpo utroug~ I 1y fortied place 1!] Cunudu. With this (act. the warm. is at uncu impressed bv I a glance at the military Works. Fort Henry is numbed on a high paint over- looking the He. Lawrence on the mouth and we Gran Cntarqui on the west. Across the latter is a. long bridge. con- necting the city with the form. It was an important, structure when H. _.. . AAIID'IAN TOWN. ganmisr. smug. IIRIH'ISLIAL EXHIBITva i but is now ule principally by the resi- dents of the township of Pittsburg and the village of Burrieeld. is very much dilapidnted und doomed to demolition and removal further north to admit of increased lmrhonr necommodntion. Bo- low the fort. on B. promontory running into the St. Lawrence. is the Royal Military College. an institution which ought to be well known. since its nlfnirs have been given ii rsre publicity. So [It thore Lire hut thire buildings. Two of these were formerly used for other than ['LlquLEUHIl purposes. Tho gynins. nium i: located in what was in the past but a storehouse ', the outlet barracks in the vents woue ii naval station. The educutionnl block is the only new struc ture. and iii ii iuiwuit'icent pile, possess ing the striking chiiriicteristicn of mo- dern architecture. Other buildings are projected. and in time thev may come. but there seems to be no iinmedinto (lis- position to nilil to capital account and to hasten schemes which promise to in crease the annual expenditure. now about IMHO). Both the ion. and the Military Collage are open to the public. The classes are being organized tor it new term and some interruption may be conned by a rush of visitors. but the Commandnnt will do whet he can to popularize the institution. and he will contribute boat to that end by import ing all the iiilormation possible to cull- ers rind enquire rs. PUBLIC BUILDISGH. RAILWAYI. As the visitor nliglits from the pos- senger steamer he obtains an nnoh- tructod view ol the City Hall. occupy- ing the entire black between Brock nna Market streets on the north end son th, facing the water on Ontario street Ride. and having to the went a speciomi The. hall. of ne cnt stone. ..--nn l ni than and uteniiiveyJ not a on the west of the Village of :oru- month, is Rochwooil Asylum, once it Dominion property. now owned bv the Provmce. which pumhuod it st s cost of about "0.000. Within ve years it has been greatly improved, and in iitthiu moment being enlarged by the erection oi several isolated cottages in which it h, pmposed to treat pecuiiitr types ol innanity. The ounds adjoining the uylum. as well as those of the PL'ulLeu tier-y us well kept and worthy o! s Visit. A return to tho cityie now commenced. The VlISlLOI' lb advised to walk (or drive if convenient) slong the water front. The street curs do not cover this route. hut traverse Livingstone Avenue and l'nmn Street. Immediately alter leaving the penitentiary. to the right. lien Al. wnigton. at present the home of J. A Allen. hmumr. formerly the residence of Enron De Longueuil. and before him of Lorxl Sydonhnm. Noxt come the residence of Mrs. Barrow and the melt lmiisr ol Mr. J. McMillnn. Both can uitiitsd ii portion of the lll. June- Mortons ostnu. K. Wu once King- stons loading citizen. lived us become his wealth and station. snd msnsgsd what fornleng period VII the largest distillery and brewery in America. It consumed 200W bushels of grain (in~ Dually. employed over 100 men. end furnished the mstorinl with which tn in. about 1.300 csttle per your. The uplllt un'il beer inwul-wtory hsve long FIIICO been silent. and he who gured eo prominently in moiety and Plrlmmel. lives hutin memory. Upon these pie "1.36! were mineral springs. of the Wuer of which mnuy drunk. end which Were considered at so greet ulna hr nudist iml purposes that en mlysiu wen made published r object at Unnmna auwnrd. end a two. A. nah-ohon height! north mm m, water square. The hall. stole. I ongmally coal (0.000. and Its size 1 Would seem in advance of the cityu rc~ qmremeucs. So H. m ; but. it. WM bmlLl M. n time when Kingston's futurelooked very bright. when bare it. In behowd the seat. of (ioernmunc wumd bc locum. pd. and whr-n bhc penl-le Wunmd In their Iblic erections than Hm I: would no. I lr'"'-V . - : cord with the aatxcxpawd position OI mo - municipality nubaaqucrtly. From the do'me of the hall the city can be noon :0 I the boat. gdnnmga. It. is nther com- { | Wu, ham. 1! lb. visitor dong Onurio ' , the proud! Spam. nonhwud he will touch the Tew 'l in Pom. Bunch. the gum" of "B" ' Bunny nd Rnyd Selma! d Onunory. the Luther of which hm tninod so any i for commnndl in the (sn-uiinn mlitin. I in the Mme! 4 .5 m. won 01' the King-ton & Pemlnoku Railny. By ' I mp should be am over this I the '3, to". u would be fond vary inure- j in The liv- is li'ptbo'eii I you-ire. , ['31. vipuld Iguana varyI 01:53?- I mm V m a ing. 0 me th: I a, will mu w. u mam in indooumction by . 09'. y w! neg-03:0 ing-'15- lurk-41.2: ' 32:3 $330013! kg? Mum W1! 5' I u but! u it V ' mo. wan-hung in ymb of the 3 thmmumx-mubmuni E how-T c ibe pmpr 01 th; gyndw-w. . broom taught: unshipo , . . ' arm-mo; W. Old. 010. m- bm" PM '0' . > m nd Ronlrow. And shady up: l 'P."" 'm m nwtiumbenmgim at we 31': 5 dub a" "M D" V "i. oclydn the Ind-v . 3 ' I wwmotw. mum-sag coo-J W1; '7 59'! try are wild. mod. oven month: in ' m m" ' 'W w P I, theirqu Pnnbabukurichninlwma w . addith s 'eum?;f:i d a mm! r his "on way o no.- M "idmwm I d m alwlbyilcvulhdm. 31. In; Lb. M 1M a. INUSIU. WA: 1 v" by r n: om. tnwunhiD " u. ml- nmunl ; ipnlly by the reel- 91d, Jed north _...-;ln1'nn Rn. ALLILIUU oiuL a north-west. :bunnal )nwno th ,t rpomled whed ion ost xlvressetl mks. of the from 1. city in ram-mu strong lled ticus. e The W Lential rusulel surrnu grape: uomic or the dnclm plies L Domil lnln: "n mum-nu um- Y31 nu 311 [5 T "0 m 1" 1' u "5 1 D :r "mu-mm A 100. wlmm. .l . l Taking the In. car At the most [ventral point. the lurk oquue. the traveller now go.- weuvu-d. At the ' ' corner of King ud 01mm strut. he [Mnst the Custom Hone. which cost 10,000. At the corners of King and leliom street! an the Mmhunta' Bank nd the But of Mantra]. facing 'lnmh other. A few black: further on :ud cue passes & umber of hudme 1-: 1mm resillenool, the newest sud nest being than of Dr. Horsey. Mr. R. Kent. Mm. lliucle. Ind Mr. hum. ox-Muvor and pupnetor of the Wulu. The oars makes n semrcirole of the mrk. a plot. of ftcuu ucreu. well elnulml and iu~ rromiug in Vopulnritp This was the 8 gm of the Government to the city. lu the lusturw pllt it w used an an ar- n llllely [mmth ground, uud many are the lr-xcxtiug ovauu sand to have Luke. place \ mmn n W' hy Th 0W. The on mino- m being lip-h"! donlopod. and of Mt prodngt ' none two wu_m shipped weekly H: i nu uncha- puma to m Ana-i- ,cmndoudtonghndbyuuclou of E the meal 0! unanion. -_- -nl- Inn-I'll z we no. u. _v.-....-_V 3 in I'll! lomwno. l f u m mum pnoooodo um unth my nil or font. at if he com to the my by the Gnnd Trnk Raulwuy. to annual mlu a sigh. vol works. in. operntva. and the cotton ml h portal 4 running order ud mum on the Ihoro g of the Gun 01mm: or to We north- ! out. the Cu Worn. only mud but. an oomph on pain: on men Ind mews provido. T50 long Ipu bowoon the depot sud tho any in not ninuhble tor anything In. it: "tragic-Ii look. IIIMJMW bu boonnoun- umnnlnlilthtmol. ochyngo Lmnu connect/ed Iltu Nun Ilunnusuruwlm nu Justice. Lake the City Hall. it. u; u-u- quucLed of limestone and cost. about 0100.000 (9301100.; A few years ugo n ma dosmnyed bv ru. but was prompt- 1v rebunln. ud 13 now as good as ever; I m sunm respect: it is considerably un- proud. I vI-rruln 'l'll. PIIXTIXTIAIY. residence of cut stone. VlIHlNO 'l'lll 'lllKDl IlA-I- By continuing the street railway the penitentiary is reached. and ninemntlm of the new comers vnn: the prison. It is situated in the village of Portsmouthpn the shore of the lake. at. thoembouuhure of the St. Lawrence two miles distant. the Cinv Hill. It. in aconsidcreble itself. or rather I; citadel. being surrounded with high walla of the ntrougesb musonry. and the urea being wwh workshops. dormitories, of~ tices. etc of the most suhutnntml stone. Warden'n residence fronts mum]. Lentiary. It is a. llrgo and comm ions which. With its surrounding gudou. greenhouse. and grnperieu represents the labour of the convicts. The most, engrossing feature prison is the lock Work. con- ducted by Mr. L. B. Spencer. who iup~ plies the general hardware trade of the Dominion, and who makes not only locks. but. knobs. sash lusts. pulleys. bI-wkotn. ornamented roof creating-mud many other things. He employs about 150 Conncbs. Nonau puvnz PBOPEBHBI. Half 3 mile further up the front. road. Village of Ports- L. lxnnn umnlv lmDrOVld. {lulu-Jun lm an noon no un- pmvomunin thudimuol, hr.- chug. for dishonor Ila bun uppmnc since .5. mAHi-h-Inni of the low inhuman. Muonn new of the UOUXL nous, mu 2 lnokmg the tarickut Held and park. and y anked by LheUnoland Registry Ohcb. Ihem are in Canada few such Immu- connected With the mlunmstrat-un . m..."- Lm th cm upon it. As the cm' nlnwly movln up liurrie street. on an inaline. the stranger bus u out. of the Court. Hounn. over 1 1...... HmvrinLul. Held park. \ anm nve u urn-If ream A ' r J M- J \inMillnn. 1 ;im&iv1ty among up 1 u not n J \ ..nn- ill-an men-u In mu mun-aw. m. .- --......- 'thobotkr I mum-mo of the luv #1363315 lake. and w .J Nu. "i911 in: to remove {hon gnu the Mr. run wluch cull whim him; "um ' um- odwbopumwent. in. I a (mum .nd Anion a! menu mu no wry ed to In pormmlk Q Q 0mm Annnnd Amen "a! gamma 1 haw. h..- lulk um. ' ul thu All: Ina Axum luncheon! not I! nv I] [unbu- luuy l! nip-M flu. hob-in! Io hug-an mil be priced in Mia it. Thu Inn}. 0.12 mdl D0. )0 0" duh-an mu he rho-col w lam-a is. Tho post 0500 and. upon the ner 0! Wellington all 0w man. u nbom the mu 0! an m House. and no About Win The and am will km 3 you convenience. The uno In I m 1877. 338 runs hum UK 0]" any on Princun nu! to I 'w of the Panama-1y hambu- nun. uh. .prluipd no. at 1|! sud Muir tribath "I b In milas. Eight Cll'l Ill u ol 1] minute. tron: ouch I. ' The unwise. which E man over unmn -_ w- . ' wand. a.) do u m man. runn- zzz' 33:er -5). nan-d in: nun. 1| h ECHO Io huh 5 undo by tho I: I It. m d Williunonll. u in vat-r Ilia ad 1011on an dug}; p 0.. Ion Incas I'll m w" Mun-Mummih hogdslmu nd- inuouud a. uni w ~ holidly musu-mduuuv nut. lpmldmmw mun-0|. on . u - temporal-y chnmckr. inb- ' hr than that the h. winch I) .hhn Inu- nour van M W...- kmon in no {u- u the u: ed. There muy, nova CO. ln~ numcnency for u warm. but N in Impod not. The hull->th an the Human Amunm. W 0L Ghana and King streets. th. BUM". Guano street. the City md Windsor. 0! Prince n'mnl. 'ALIF'I -" .mxl \n MM: qrns's usn'unll'v lawnmo- will. no doubt. be impacted In mun". The College was inoorpoMh l8. and (or n luugthv um modal! Quitt- ed m the edumuond work of ooulr try. It Look greater prominence. haw- nvur. wlwn Dr. (ix-wt was urpoinwd lnnclpulA He had been no loonur in stand than he agitated {or new build- Iugu mud an incrmuod endow-Ion. He has m-curml bum. The new block. nostqu $50.01. In Lhagnttko! the citizens. and n hummun piece 0! nrchmmure it Is 'llw institution in 11mm on no west Hl of NW city, thu lth being hmmlud by L'mon. Alch uni Stun .Lrwm. l'hc l'nucnpala and Prolog- wl r. Hank-urea cummnud I Illfe View 0! Luku (mun-Io mud the lurmnndinc mun- Lry. In the reur II tbs old Quail! Col- lege. now occupmd by the 001103. of l'hyaxcmm and Surgeons, which is :1! Hum] wnh Hunt-"'11. Adminng in Um the cit. chum 'llu-mntilulmn MM! 51110 E F .~' lib Vi Quan' 00111 i: mtml wth Queen's. Adjoining i nk .m-mnm-v mmnvnd hither n \u and burgouus, n uIL'u In Inu' Uhaervutnrv. ramovod hither yunr nun tron Llw Park at th upeuu of the Cullegu. lv. :oummn noun yer! uh. able luauumouts. The nomad College Regxupc-Im been closed {or muuv )mns. It in I. gram! building. running ulmout. from Johnston 0 Brock strvcu. and huvmg oa-Wide never m! up... n: land. Bi-hn Ulurv wxll oa-mmme never ml tu'll of land. Bilbo, Glut! WI take steps to reopen zhoinutitution now that. hm scheme tor the renew} ol the diocesan debt. over 020.000. has been entirely Hucccns'ul. Of bunk ugencien there are {our in the Cityma Mcrclmnn and Manual. 1|- ready referred to; (.ho Federal. Goldru Liuu Block. norm 01 Clarence and Welr lmgtou nth-0L5 ; and Hm Bunk ol Britilh Noth Alnericn in the south and of the reuuy ruwrmu w . y corner : am L Gay Mall. Street. The lnmoe 01 mo nun-m n: m kce Mug 1le leCaLhelh'nl. St. George] Cut. Jodral damn from 1825. whenltu sub- amntml prnpurlill urnaa M In Expo! of 4.0m, partly mud by tho Govern. mom. PAI'Lly by the cougregution. In 184001 n-lmur wns improved. It "Andi on the corner of hum and Jobnuon St... undeuvmn 1n running a! many dinin- gumhed otcnrs and anthems. iuoludlug Hume 0! the lum Lord Sydenm. tuba bc-sc [rum 1 Klugswn gvgr J . The noment of Lhe chllrvhen in the Swedish Epmcnpn, uu Brunk Strut. whlnh in very ullmclmc Among the oldest in the Sydunhnm Street. Mubhndmt. Ubnroh. and at nun promuaced the mom. orna- muntul ul unulms. [L cont about $35,000; .Lsmgnn. $2.01!). its lwlls. 51.000. The Opera Hmnm i on Prince Street. and n m such an the cations take a pruie IIL h. In Lobe occupud all next week by the Her-don Company. In the nlmeum- of Hreciul public trio Mona the places 0! amummlnttho Upon: House and City Hallchum ___. ._._ ..,.....l...~ Mons um [um nrnvn hunulul. I001). ' Thou uovor W W mm M .m lu- u mhn halal-I prove popular. Fumlly. a word as to the nature a! the couuiry h) v1 ch Kingston '13 fringod. A grew, pun! .K was former] oomph mmvaly unproductive. part1 tom den . mnu-ulsivuunu. nnd partly mm .wut ul cuml llchlunA communication. Both dumbmkq huvo been overcome. Whtt - M x- .,.:u L. A. in our running section now I: will beds- moanruuul In um diaplny mode by no human. at, the Exhibition. [hug-ton WI put on her baht. bib Ind t It ont weak. and 1! lm men not pro 0 king the fault. ml] not be hers. ___.._ .. ML ( . W. Hamill)" IM/lth Menuhin: 8.0., wnu-H: "DrI 'Ihomnz' Elmno Oil m the beat mudncmo I ever used (or Rheu- nuhmn. Nurly every winter I Am Ind up with Khlmuwhum. Ind I have "mod nurly every kxnd u! madmino wi'houl rotting any benet. unhI I uud Dr. , .#- n.l h in. mild Thoma" rm-uu Vnndarn for me, I for my tneudn." 07 .11 NH: I! that onh in hair In many dunno in [be most diul/rmin. To unat- en. we can only uy. uh Dr. VIII um'l Kidney Cut: u once. and than obtain I relief you one! nd chewing". lilt- hue n. ' W .lyq Unwn and colds The fast, but t in tho world in Dr Im-tabla Bun" upenu . aplel rdul n W Plocunl n hr And undo mu D1. Von Buron'u Kidney Cure not only idnodw relieve: .u kidney My ht '5 Cl not. mth w uh- w} da- w, will ulna-Ml: nun cw ho ' . the In"! the 1.- Air Bauer. Bold u 0 out .11 drum-n. #4.... Tuu is no (hum shout. tint Dr. Vln 9.....I.ndm Cum i- an only jun} momma 3mm r y in hair I kidncy ..... a. nu, mom. Tohuuoy W (a and Meow-l. mu old rem-- wus lihxxr, tar nu cum of cough: IA. l lllLL'lunA (.Uuwuulwku- wkq nurtinn now mc 01!. h. hm tuna I. and 1 WI DIME" sunk LjlABUSIHcD M, unnamnrln' l...l In :1 III u I! .ur. smug; 1, WE- nmnA u. 006 PIII-u u ole-on Ib- nlmhmn O 0 i Sopcombov l4! to 23rd l [Agricultural and Industrial. EXHIBITION! gSloves, Ranges & Grates. HARDWARE muss. nrnl SlrML 110 "ll-l advI'm u nun-lacy uoqvouu nu! M a Yuan-1 nu upm- .Min Tvulhpuuul vi LI. v, ; gout-ma mum mum 2 "\Al I Ric-MI unit Al- mouth-urn" nooMN iwtn l1.w amt M An ll -.-v #iwa comm ll \BI'WAHH HUUHK Iur 1h Ff {THHKKD BONGBTERH An r nng umrmwut of Jspumed Bird Cages ween u| at ';.....m.n Visit-1"" M '3 NORRIS a; 00.. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, WIS! . Mum hm thiu .. on um~,.s1-m.5-. m1: AnlAmem wmmuu dlhod- _ UHF 7m nd the heal dun-rullnn n lwnl conunqu on hand un lbn rm WICDN'IIIIIAIu I: red In duml M\|III'1 u. mum ,ml FAnry In both Illa anvo 1 {nun npkwlilena I Ilmhllty. 1 saw nur Kingston cuomcn tho whulnnsle prim Plugs [in u- lnr wmrwlvm A. 24. mun. Du I null V! n on O FOR THE P/C-N/C SEASON Ir. J. 0. Am I Oo..l The Easiest to Use Al I [Allan (mu ha undo m . Use THE FINEST FLAVORED ll HOME COMFORT. For Hunting. IIshmg. I'rnu-I III and osprriully u-n Iruhlo for Pumping 0m 1..- 1r lNBURACE (U x .m mluxe an ' wbrw ONEJIEggH 3IJ".~_~L v by w Company ru . Onororrlwn wwl w ml Undo from tho BEST MOCHA AND IIlbl- I. w "" .A. humpu- ,A..v.w.u:A-~fd:: o I .J 1" _ 4- I- 1-h- '7 F08 PURIFVIIG THE BLOOD. a r unbound 18:3. um I. w. [my (he new Ib- Imllor. no Ire grey"! It. Ann-lo In Blu \ . A}; 'I u! will M an old and WISE E. a W.J.Clu)1uznn [Inca-m M Conbcuonory Q mun | Jon. I , an. an V Book - Binding} 0' EWIY DESCRIPTION IKIBE UN w"- 0' DIBCBLPTIOS ' fl Panama m In nun. Md lonumu Dool- M a one truly lode boom! on tho Ihmo not". rpm- run-d on with PM J m" but I. ml. Mam-'an- ,e LYMAN'S lecen trated Extract of COFFEE, L uh um npponunny m noun mu Inu - Cnuomcn mad the pal-lu- xenon ' um I I" cor-and n quwlun hm .n (Ah I tnd buy the lwu'.tlnl dlmcl tumult-Inn... .. 1 vim-m mate aim-v - l 0.. ml. i 1. ____________. onuunmo w. J. cmmzns n m Bile [Emma ..__.... v-1...er god lav Ersaparilla ! :rulll 9n: DI nnn .Lovull, Hm" Kluxnmm. Fm'bgimmau is; 1882. 5H" INTI. III! III lasting Mucus. all. "vi-"I "" I'm" 9 nk... VII 0 .9 Punarfs I MENTAL ANXIETY. | GENERAL DEBLLIM Y. IMPOVEBISHED BLOOD. .Sc icod Liver on :i ,Yukhhama. Japan Ted]! May Pickings ! lm PRNCEHS STREET Also a: Onuu 5nd oured. Ham 2. .__-- (Msumgel 3th (a 23rd88ptembor, 188.9% u. .- Il 'ITNIIII EMI'LDIoN 10 HALH\\' -

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