u (olloga Strut. Mm -' Th. Tud- hbonlly dult with. MIL b H. .4: W. J. CROTHERS a lmm Commune-n t Hutu BREAD. F. c.3179, KINGWIOA. 031 KingiBIW. CANADLCFEI DAY. SEPTEMBER 5. 71882. mm The Easloof to Use A: a gallon 04) be mad. u on ly u n cuprul' A HOME comrann! For Hunting. Fishing, Travel IIIII and especially mrvlcuhle for Pumping Out ana H, N0 TICE otoml .Il MONTREAL. September l4": to 23rd. Agricultural and Industrial. $25,000 In Promlums. Ira/7 THE Ham 3543on Use LYMANS Concen- trated Extract of COFFEE. 1 THE FINEST FLAVORED EXHIBITION! Railway rand Stonmbon Combnnin Exlubnon mu plane mu. entrie- u! euy M mblr, or Prue Lino. Bunk Form: 0! Entry Ind 31) Inlomnlion, I'pply to the underlined. GEO. LECsz. Joint 8 C. ITBVENSON.} scent-rial n m mm! Inn-I, Montml And SECURE YOUR BUILDKNOIuId column mm the deck. of Mutual... I. mm in um on b mean w LOIIDON GLOBE PA E 1001 lhlodllu BOD. [he um: and bun known upclomjngmug. u 'I'Ilul Much. 50in. ' Toronto lllp le. (lulu-rum: weld. u and l w. u,1'hm-ne. was. 1 When the Leaves Begin to Turn. \thz song] I C. A 'hile. Inc". I 'hcn the Luvs. Begin to Turn. [Waltz] C. I) , Blake. mole. - Woodland Echou. A. P, Wyn-n. 20cm. | Wuh me mull dllomun to when. Mindlu ad rates urn oomd by I mo and Companion ente ICICCII'IL (hf th Arlen-I. 5". Ever of'lhtwlwdui . twig. me n 5| Mm . lnlryQWd an r. 10cm FMry [And nu. Wnn-un. 10m. Unlop ol 1" Gen. Omit- . . lieu. (kt. LoouQuiok on . melt. Gems m.TJ.u .20... Girl HA! bind Me. Vlrhuom] Miller. 101'. Henvenwudl Much. bro, 100. Hold m Fm. huh-h sud Vlrlndons. (an Alml~ ' mm. . Ln: Hum J-II ll '500AL_1_)EPOT.1l JA- 8! .I'III'. 81. [Am "A". mono! I o 1 l Ibo "Mae. {-91 C. . Blake. Imus. on: P: I . 75% {and Ken: luck I x, Bum 'r .m [:21th h on not; Polka. J. um. bu. 333 335%}: Minimal-I'll l I {AIIWumng l l i 'l'- Itll LEY.E:GITOI. ONT. 3.3.; nu '1,B um um hauklou. H&M&- hoctor'u (hpr ' [JIM W Evvr of Theo [wii Evergreen WAR; W anukmmwmsm lm 11! mi I ' .4... I To Jun-nob. or II! other place i limp! "I'll. 1 "32" 13.... 1:..- Lu v bar I. b I in 0nd .-.n unto-n. ads from the BEST MOCHA AND JAVA. July 31. I. u um m. _.._ Lmu vull Mcnmnlote Ivory mun. Hedm an an principtl Railan Compllll _ BE WISE SHEEFLZ USIC PROgINGIAL L Kennndy I {mm m BULTIFSTDGK !Y0kuhama, Japan Tea! . . -. -wvu-y L. ruzmm-humoonl'o May Pickings ! ' loue 1L Amparls PREPARED BY Dr. J. 0. lyor l 00.. Lomll, lam. Iruual and Analytical Chemists For Sale Cheap a! Jan. KIIPP'O Bolling Establishmenl. Barneleld. "V YEN CEDAR PLEAKLWIE SKINS. we) 5 bullundlnndlomo. 110110 fool long. rrwn RdAIH m for niliu or winner '0 l D bulltnndhmdlomt1o? m not no... TWO BdATS. a: for ailing "winger ihlng boats \n. ma maimed ounin month And no. nuhlng No :nrxcau'xfkaaod mung: not an: Remember the plus. urea Cunnqm mu... .4 havnnd mum Common ( Remember the pure. won but rlq Bridge and Beyoud Manon! I JA 3. INAPP. I"- 0- VI lyil I lulu bun-II; nun-u, Chemists. Sold by all Drugghu And Dulen in Medicine In In. 1" HIKE. a mm. mm IM-naught. MIG- chant-MI In: kl bribe what-Hill's n M we partway! 1 pqnmhlq-HII Ion- Koc- ll gamma column [In wax u I Dutch to [M (I... may .u', at nub In... a Jun-noun. mi [syn-n My , I mth-lbm . in... nu-um. mun-m unto-d vuhiopd-vovuuo- .. I r f Covering mom out o! don!) Ind .15 I wank indemnin in one of injury. Tho-I W prot the holds: not an IV cums: injuri- vhilo m wind course 0! sun! hm man I olhcr Iu'ual ro- cm-ml during the period oovo 5! i. u'kul. * Aocidant 5 I or In, other place i A Glut igmloxion 1 ACCIDENT TICKET snuulmuo. HENRY HIDE. l gunman-uncultiva- or NORTH ERICK In - 'J--" u . Il'h f. duo-:0] Lug-punk nu Po om Wolhnwla Mm: Bush! A. hm.- "ll-,1! nda. 55c. 5 !b Caddy, 215. M b. CU d y, $215. Clddy. um. Owing to the IMum-su ml the season the time for lung enlnus has been exuuded In I, CIA-Ion up to the llh u! Hepwmbor. RE N KY \VADE. Search". (BAND D UMINION } AND | 37th PHUVINUIAL BXHIBITIUN 78th to 23rdgtember, 7882 i {Health i Wealth! nn-JKHcheu. lull lmn. It HORBL 5 NAKDWME HOUIE. Now {or the FEATHER!!!) DONGBTERS. An other ne nuonmen: of anlnned Bird Cagn- Jull rocmvm u HQBSEYS HARDWARE 1101181}, n ---.. -._4,-. and Fu'npnhiuu Hardins [or Ina umm Ill-om! Drama Mu. or counter! am and mm:- sum- The cumuo mwuuclund only by JOHN C, WEST ('0, Chem sad Taronm. Fm md pukm :on. D? mu; would on roomm at mum! lump 50L M W, 1.,WILSON'J qu . / nu Kiln-um. manna locum-Ital"! ~. A. Ill-0m ,7, , -~_, L4 IRON BED STEADS! All sum, Hll'. rc-rch'z-d m um: In! the rush 01 urnlvuyaulnlhwn u! tnandl dunnu fur mm, sdiimirs rm Wm LEAD !' And Ina boat mlq unnl colarl [or tmyvlonl the the appaunucruf Dwellingl and IWIM (or (II: uma. Y WE will pu the Ibo" nwu [or any cut of Lint ('omplunl. Dy" mi-n, lcl Hudlcba, Indlguliou, ("onnliyuzv .x m oivuou 0 annual can with Well n \ m: b'u L v than [ha Almhm They are puro'y ' [in Injunction. muuminu an Pall Dmniu Mm | Four Moduli I Dunn-o: IIAVI an: Awnnln u onus. ; mun uoom mu nun m, " 0N): nu CAUTION! SH -. ON counter III moril ill - we no man-m uh. E & lit. .11 oth- good thing. . il in inland by wouth Slows, Rance: & ratesl :Prv . 1 I :mkgammzn UVII --- or mum Duca'nuux you as TH! MEL Ir Bpocul Ivnlmn to wing And lonnnlln Book- v-rnntod to upon Indy. Hunk bound on an m none. ' the Liver. l Cm; this out, take it to any dealer in medicines, and got at least; one 74') cent botlloot Zopesa, and tell your neighbor how it. acts. It 1% warranmd to cure Dy'tpepsia and Bu- thinness. ' "muggi Ind . shin! hm.- vandal: MMHPMUII I _ C U L 'I 'U' R IL III} [N mun mummy. This only I. an mum. m snoouupouihk dale hop n. a. 21. Ir . I. xix-lilw MIMI: gun. I If! OIOIIJQIhoh-n ol mu; Imh contaminate-I a low rug. (or H mu. clam: a; n- um Iu'v 0:" " -'- In ' '"r rMJ-qz ,W, t. ,-., "-7.. mm. M. r. . 0 run.- N. "In" N!- LII. mun. -. nutzcuadm I: '1'- "... nus 1-113-179- 7' aulumu STOVE run. ' ml. to no tho nbovo' Molukiuupon each box M buv. mad the following Wan : J. C. JACO-l' & CO. (I'IJ' II- 7. . 1mm but! Iona.- .no I." - II. II- Agricultural and Arts Association, $09 8933!? TO BE HELD AT KIIOSTOI, r .molo. Mont bl. duh" hon n. I Kingston, Out. Orders by [null A! maul prion. n W3 got-[fa v01 mm, mm no unclly unwind with. y Vououhln. Had an" 1an to I. an I! Coma. Lu bnlu, 'alll, coma. For n o by .11 run III-h IV manual}: 1 n n- A! WILL YOU "All I lI-l \s v Aime-q A sermon was preached by the Rev- Mr. Jerey on Sunday evening. August 27th, on the parable oi the rich iniui whom Uod pronounced a tool on account of not combining godliness with his love of gain. The sornion eur riaed a. nun: l her ex his congregation. t nmacked 01 a philosophy which in not in hlh favour With church oonlereuoes. nioi-e particu< larly Methodist Uonlnrenceu. The rev. gentleman evidently does not tie him- self down to the dictum of "the higher ecclesiastical power." He began by ; lil"~Ll'lLLlu his doctrine by means of II pcnholder. Holding; it up. he asked : "In that a penholder ?" Then eepurating the pen from the stalk. he Inked con earning each. In that ii penholder 1" Ne! Because a penholder for to be a penholdor must be complete in all its parts. Dropping that thought a minute he remarked that when God created man he created him out of dust. the protein being : Firat dnat, than n. being. and then a being with a soul called i man. A man without a soul is not a ninu. in the same sense that a penholilr-r Isl not a. penlmlder when its parts are no united. According to the rev. gentle- man's line of argument we concluded that he believed that Uml was ii lorcc, omnipresent and permeating all crew tiun. God, he said. mm in wood. iind also in the light of the lulup. but grown in the lamp than in the wood to the er tent to which the activities of the light were greater than the activities of the wood. God was also in man ; he is gianter in a similar way in man than in the light. Man in himsell is the grand- est. greatest and most noblc of Gods WJIkB. The lnr-remhing intellect of our age is mnn'elloul ; the invention of the telephone and telegraph Inlhli have been things which put the angels in amaze. But. alter all. with his nature-man in. as God says n lool. A man in complete- ness iupresenu a union 0! human may turn With dinne natnre. Justus a pin 24ka and a pen are not a penhuldcr until put together and joined. The soul iii the conscience. the soul is of Girl It in a terrible thing. no matter how intnl~ ligent, wealthy and renpectahie a inuu may be to not listen to the voice of the hulll. A soulless godleaa mun iii a foul. The state or condition of being without ii soul. without the divine nature, is hell llell tire is the absence of God. eoul Ul coneczence. if you do not listen to tie proniptiiign ol the soul. God may take it away. just as he said to the rich Inn: "'1 hon lool. this night shall thv nonl be dcwn l ! But atrughtwuy your (Lou bagln to grow glummer ! I At. thoughts of their vim nut wmter In I lOWI. (\ouuononI null- hon nghly clean dud and vrclorly IM , A _ Edactinp Qualities i ; M Loan "to for! ll." 'lI-e -" Think- .nIIII-I lI-l Imwhll DI.- n~ just he an! to me ncu Inn: "'1 huu tool, this night thy requiusd of him." We are not told this mun died, hm God Look bin soul from him. This condition in be. In hit upening romlrkn the rev. gentlemu did not. diutmctly adnlce evolution u the proccna oi IDIII'O rut-mg from dual to compioce man. but. as be and tho word 'prooesa' Ind mind three distinct sun. on. w. Ihrred that he believes in evo utionurv development an I mode of creuhion, and that. when wind d- vancod to u eel-min lugs in ch. develop- ment process God break,th into him "um" breath at lifc." or soul. If we and DtelbhOd mw nun "ghc" breath of life. 'have rnghzly inf-ed. it. might be re- marked that Rev. Hr. Joroy in gain in accord with the most ndnucod think cm on this loint. - : nun. ' When :1] on b. Ind without. spending l . dime. , Haw plus-uh) live on nah run: And 1 n barrios. Pro ;, oldourhuod butter and out light and um. IFroouuotduhon-I. tho um uni the 1 l wherriu Of "not country cousin: who [in on lbs firm ! The plain oauIm-y con-mu. the unoulurod 001131111. I How dear no the "no! country ooumua In a summer! Bow [mgr-at the mudow roux-mic Ihn l I The theatre. concert. thn loolure, the mow) Expmdnd in tickets ! The thought gives a quulm ; Th1: sequel 0! summer In not quite no funu) Why donl thn sweet coumm Iuluulu rm than farm ? their farm 7 \ The bmwn-vxugod comunn. the grant awk- i ward cousins. u-lv The survey 0! atom [or the new Tny Cm! bu bec- procoedilu (or the Luv: month.an will. we undonmd. ho campleud next month. The can! route mu mninlv uuliu the mun] coum compleud but noun. '1 no can rouw mu mainly n! the Tny Nut. dam macho!!! only when noon" to on ad hands no uh'orul the Immune. Tho noun. in somewhat our 13 miles long, Ind the can! in expend to be than: mu miles. hon Bondp'l Buy." On. ---u For". (- th W. m Bondp'l my." . vors Perry. on the I. Penh. in W 0M wu mud woo mthcwork. but iti- probnhle at. 150,000 will be required to complete work. [HI um thn-ndn- m m ad deepeningr 0 HM room will b. cdlod {at this Ml. . ,1: [Iran I had nun. And 0' tho brown oouuu who u on I I the hm ; The pin] county Quinn. nu unculth [ I cumin. I The sweet counuy cousin lob. no. thuy [ A I "mun ? f u 3 mm. 7 . How burly to lue u the noun.- time, : And png ouch hard it] too costly pl... _..r...__. punch. aha-ambu- u kid" duo-0' thaw ' To in!" v m. we .0 only my. hint. Val m5 Kuhn Can I! m. and than M 3 re] 4 you ammo! Ind dictum All l mu hive it. re) :1 m lain! I ' 1 ' Dunn's W Illa-n II. b m aouivono- sud reunion, it u~ . I um. I 'Whun brick- huo grown hot And whoa mambo by donna Fig] body with anguish nd hu- with our 3 I Tho ("on um dd- ud the out. I indium bun-u. chin. The uhmrumy milk which the Indy I ind nah-I. ' I!" but. Ibo binnu the no." coun- Iry m I Wholdqhyndnu-thqhbdnw l um. ward cnunmu, The clodhupper coualns Ihould suy 0n thelr (Inn. [m um um Q column. The "no! country oculqu who In: on the llrm, m. Tho and country cousin- vho lin an the 1mm. bun-u. The input. hon turmoil to quit And calm. [ gailggrm magi A B'IABTLING SERMON. 1. rich. any had in... km] n'An th- hr I'll? III- U mun: l'l-c 1-1 vllll. .~ 7 ' (Port Hum.) .. *_..-..L-.J 716. :10 lown. L'hlp ' Smith. who was hung It New Han-u. (101111.. on hut. Tun-day. had hit rmnmlm honored by a mmmoth 1I~ nornl The mun-anion mu I. mile ud A half long. mum person composing I it, they Imvu right. unvmlwuoell. Philadelphia In 200 youl old. and it. \wnLu ull mo warm to know it. The bi- wnlrnn: .1 wielmmon, the principd fu- rum 0! Int-h [H to b. I urn-d military and clvic [mum]. on the 27th of 00lo- beu. pmmmm L0 be a great. uocou. Prof. J Theodor" is soon to Vllk arrow the (Mnunoo river. jun below the upper falls at Rochantcr. on I tight r010. hand down. No has shoot by which a (mu walk like u y. the poutdou OI hi! body being immaterial. The ination m Inn nwn the Province. Tm- imuu I'nmu cnra upon the Chi- ugn and N011}. \Vonbern Railroad hmo connpicnomlv written nclms chair bill: of {are : Nu orduru from the nu lint lled whilv I'JFNlllg through the SM of Iowa. 1~l'L.-.'\mh|- mlm -u. hnnn :1 NA- 1t. Ihu luruvnt locomotive "or built bu boo- Completed uh luwrnol. N.J.. for the Coulml lw-ic road, and twenty- Iunr mole WI b0 constricted. Their weight wnll lu- sixty two ton all. Ild Lhoy Imvu mglm th-ivinlwboell. M..1;..1..1..;.... m 9.00 vml nld.lud m In! own The Rev. Sylvuuus Raymond, who preaches m Globe. Mum. deal-no blunt- ly that the IICIOhO In divorce in It Mule m not due Lu greaur llxity in IO hum-i. but nu enormous incrom of wick cduenu among the peopIo. and be hold! that the remrdy mun! be (alld in l.- lmprowment m Lhoir morals. An nth.an wan made on Sillle $0 wm h.- lhtlllxl. 0n Mnnduy last. two men want ilk Mm jawellery More kept. b I. LOI' prrnnco. of Montreal, an while the Clerk was Spt-nkiug to one of them. tho mhor took up .201) worth 0! good: lld bolted. 'IIm .lnm..n.l Hun. Dnnhnnn nub-HI DOILN. The nlt'mund Lhwb Quebec's nub-y lrom Um Dominion 'l'reuur It. I). incrmmwl m mmmrud by the ouraal do Owl/n, the Qrmlivlru. the Caurnn, ad in fun. Lhn whole of the French pull of Lhn Prnvinnn. lnlrflIHUl I fill] 0m who] the Province. Tm. Hun... w Lhoxr morals. An attempt wan made on Sund- numsainam Hummnm. the Spud-II in- hU'l of Fmanco. Ho remind I puk- nga from Bun-010nm. and whilo II: sunpnclunn wprq uougo w the wuvontn. grout caution nu . and the nnapivionn proved correct. Th0 package unlimilml dyunmiu. 'l'vm Phlluh'lbhl volition-l In Ill n (he rapurL was circulated In an herb lmLor Smith hid boo- III by Sun Jomplm on the train coming from ndvmocmln: convention I! Winn-n- port. bu Mu: town grievod um "- I not Josephs. Whoa the oorroct Iow- cmuc tlmt Ju-mplm had boo- Ikot bV Lllwl Smith the other In" of the In llanHMWI thm, IL wu not. Smith. 02 1..." u... [lunar Wild. can hi- ______ J I I'lA-I. I.... ..-.I.. um."an (Ir-dun! Vuu Yum thing. lulmmuwl um not. 3mm. Aanpe MM Uncut Wild. won hi. mlintiu nun, with "tho We... 0 I. maiden." but bring pond to Ml kg m n In}; ium chair. a uni! WI. II to in good enough to h I hill. of winannul u but 0! aims. I. VII. VII old and um cigurl wen u unkn- Ink; bu bu uumlu-d. drunk and mm until midnight. "Some on. who ottm of Hip men-y oompcny I. army of upeu uncut.de w in II W mouphcm of hmoke. .yl unhiUd- plli 'Ivmuv. mu-ted )0 mm. mckml Luann. in being I. h" Halt/v lmudw It. has been diacourod tint may cultlu nuu hogl. nluugburod il CUWO for shipment, to New York. I." oovmd with fe-Lorous sures. An in'utigOIiOI will In.- institutoxl. {\n \ no fun. m... -.-l in... dyunmiu. Th0 Phlluh'lphl politicinll llpmly eukwnmd by tho Mord. "When Circulubd tblt RD- Imrt Lulu HmILh shot by Burenn denoy Cure 1- an my I remedy um. Icich bu mumud um mu painly m H din-um, Ask your W loch. m prwv. uwmu to we almost BOW ul- lure of the furnign hop . It N ('ultulm that; I. u... A.l-n null our" Inln u.- hn-nvn thi- ]t ('JlHulm Una 'n. Um "I. poal othue wnll turn who I. unlit, this ymu'umnplm of 01,173,). This malt. m uttribumd to the exponpro o! the Shr Halt/v lmmln. lo |nnn In... .liunn-Ard LAG Inn-- Nbd'ibd the rune-tau. mckrd Lu!qu being to Use-w drunk, But the who did I* - unrleto. [or Hwy know th m hl lumnlv luuhl III". I. m LhI-y um BIO w n! lmully touhl put the wick uu-h-t tho ulna and yot hop hi. on hull nu clear as I balk? Tau: I! no doubt About, Kidnoy Cure in u O}, roan-Av Hull um BAKING gowns. u culls lul 10,UUU Loni 01 05001. Thr Duchess of Conuunght. who Im- boeu haying at Buckinahun Pnlwo. il now proceeding to. Sooulnd. whom. she muy probwhly vilit Ill It! OI. Una ol' the Suntan hon! h-dlnihrl Hue 'Irohllly VIII OI. (Duo the Sun-atom: hotel WWI-ikrl hst mmla over 05(1) in ti and 100! during Hm season. He can d lot hI'O eul'nOIl half as much I) uwmg wool A hup-rnlsmm Unei annuity old-I than he '1 uluul HOAX (run his 95- Itl'e yuvld on amount of the gran raise privv. uwiuu to the mimost to! (Al- Inrnnflhn 'nrninn Inn. m If lsmrrgnhdroi5mdtb Dd. u . 'n 0% V baobtdnad thud adv, about mum In the cm country. A one your old child of P. J. Onlhmo. cmy hill [)0th at. llnmilwn, wu Ital.- on 'lnmduv luv the lather! mm ill-luv. and tukon to Denver. Colorado. [hm nf 0L. nl-ln:i and. '1.- \ra. u-n uan [0 non r. Lolomo. 0m- of the large. order: for b .- lunldmg stool n the inch for t o hndL-o over the th of Form. Soolnd. It. calls lul 450(1) Loni 013100]. Thu Hunhnun nf nun-nlh. -Ln Im- A marten) Olt'rl. Mr. A. Z Pull-or. of the post no. dopnrtmonl. ()l'l. bu com il fu- I very lurga fortune by the duth of I r.- hmvn in the old country. .n vom- child of P. J. Cnlhml. 0am. Now am the out. counting :| competitive wnr Ire mil 0 Other 1:, in thought more will hAn'u "chm monopolies. Th. Kilo of Hallmd in not. Abov- lrr swam-mun Mi mnnoponn. The King of Holland in not. qbon try- in); his own potatoes. which in the ier. moo between him nd tho .6 a wook American clerk. A I Dal-n-.- .J DL n... .M Pl on 00 um. A vordioc 0! wind, nun-hr ha been returned by u:- Connor. juv a To- ronto Agni-II Juno. 3' b . when un- der mat for hid-l kio hm wife to death. ' r N. n... .L- ..... _A- -_ mu..- .. l Inca a I Ram: MM duh d" a! London mulq Ibo 5 dad! at ' non an "0411). Vinniponmh oominue to do n Ion-hm. 1)... A MM ano- M in mung-ad. Mr. T. W. mum. Q.C.. 0! law. died unddolly on u I} or ou but. leaphulm on Hon 1, thou-noon. Eighty-u" . Swit- council with 6 ask And 2.030 (and: inunm. Tho would: in SAW hum. It in mid shut the rec-im- ol ch. wouln u am now. ltin romp a. Glace-unlit" hallm- will holly an. in no... 0! In nu. Io-ad- O. The Shamrock: Mvo mph! an shale-go of the Im-m. Mid nu um and: for tho cimpiouhip in to uh { plnoo on tho SIM. A verdict of will-L null- hn han- w run-u will u I of an nun-or. ban. for N I m tuna. at. at a l'Iitod 8b... Inn-r -_ AL- - Sadly I'- in Mu. mh'r"i!" . 4": KW Tut-mammmn w'luuuwl b dank all of malt II-m, rum: 'iIDIhHI Mn Maj.- IBM-IIHICW Ola-h. . Thou In v.3 I d n: ninth-[y . ' 0.! I ' d X N" Moxie. I. Inn-(huh. Thmdh-ddn-nhl- 3:11.111. II "-105 3.091! u in, in I .W Li. manna. ('DITO mm mt-(ht \ yrs-I.- o! Inn-I. lulu-(hoo- a ('u run .4 [ma Ind Prmrng m [mg-Inn l Jun- I luau.- W- ilmaL ; fKELVIJ' & BIRCH. ' Mann, King-ton. ml lhv ul . zonuuo u. up \ - mum-A I. t I A n, In. Hurloun L um I IN rumou- ml. 0am. JUN.) InluI uu Imlu m. nu. COOKS ' FRIEND memo Nomi: . uuuwu um, .y, W. D. MCI.AIBN. Power 1 'ICIIII' and A'ulm I n... I-n Inn-nan. I I LI-Il "mm in I .wmu. Wummunn m. Mu or cuunm promptly ans 0: ouduurn a! steam ruqmm III] II | ll Intended to kn ll rum .- nud huwluru mu) um) be u no 00 gnu wlvsnlnun ll uhnn both In Ill . .(i lL\ll.\. RISES BRO... NuL Cunt in; New Hot store. MILLS 8808.. Dry Hard Wood! AMERICAN & ENGLISH 900ml lgReceived To-day I ZERO AND QUEEN FOR SALE CHI! lie-n \nlcw in Town! ow'rnh, am! Bub FDIC. \\'uo,Ammoun Ben-Huh! OH]. 31079! nml Tlu'm Agood mm H). How. lnltorm 8nd. (or In]. cheap It I scum". I [cod Iilivigod Groami John Ilnmrr'u Hardware Ila-00 I numb-n .mrm'mr in A No'l Ir WI!" ' Svluq-Imn .m Hm h? man | u ml! :wh nil Ibo "mm es en" 0 at from th- bliomna mutm Purim-IL on Full RM 5 W... menmn i Tam N1. mu m open to uldunuuu am; H ant-scum 1 mi Ro- In. a I THE mun Ono . an an! runwx o- rqn mute-hum to mm mm W {Imuwzmmnng I mammmmm ~ -~{ EPIDEMIQ And If nu; fund 0' IrruM lill WI oln sumo ouch-um. II I... but .1 Punors Hancock's Inspirator m 'ru- utmr EruNOMItAL AI'I'LHV l-. { "EBBTa W ' a. M " " Wotan-um v noun unit-c non-II In? ha a. nail-Du 7 V ' Ron-0' u PIIRCIMI nun I'. Apt] bl. _____--- u proved an. m nu can. an m ruult- have In non IOmlllnhla m uroqu REF RIOERATORS. lD (KAISER, Pun". "III, (Noll Putty. CI Pink. FOI!CO_'HO.A|II.I|OIIJI R. crawford I: 60., Comm 0! Prinom "4 Km; Sun, VOLILI. My known a. um I mall. ur l'mweu mu! Bigot Struts. mug-ton. Iud lleutga Huwl, Peterhoronab. : Io Inllfonllu I'rarc, (nlllor-m Plums. Waler Molonc I I lion-mu. Poncho-I. (hrrrles and Toll-mac's. ADDI"I\A) nnv v I BLOOD TONIO. -A- - . ._ b... u. huh... "I'IIJ. AHIKIVING. momma bu". RJIHLLY'B ml. nut 11": noun. Dry Soft Wood! Inn Iowan-um rrw'nuu No Al_r.n|_ F112: Emulsion] cheap for (Tn I'll Cnblnet Maker and l'ndorlnlu-r. BooksFendE at moo-criminanud nu the-Mud we Douumun Fuurnla annulled L "'11". locum-l - hm chum Broad lud (nko Baht. and u we buy the hon FLOUR dim! (tom Iho mlller, we us up!!! 1.0 mm out c We. Amok ln BREAK CAKES & PASTRY. Wemumn the old laud Wellinon 3L H. W. J.(11U'l'Hbb King-um 5mm Confaolloulry I Woth Jan. I) / a... wok-u win w a. [on 1008411.. 3 i. _.o'_ ! llll. . Ilnlllllll. (3.12. _n _mn Ma rig-.- on Q!" III. Com In" Uta-Iv. emu Kaila "own 550 than on REP? bro-ply untied 'a. ad- - l I95 and 97 Princess Street, 5 German [inn Al hour. It 11 noun, THOMA RONA! 5011AYS'TR1AI: FA ?_DEL_? m I "marl: wound ' I MM UM Jam d lionth ama- m . mum-1.. than on | nd ILA lunnfnlly man ' lloctc Appliance! are sent on JO Uayi' mal. 10 HEN ONLY, YOU OR OLD, Tun mg luau-Km; [mun Km 1-. PRELJIV, i-FY. BRAVME, Aug. II OIOANlEI' AID 'l'liullsn ~01 Jqu MIUMI Ihnl [loctc Appliuc'?! scnf EU Days' Mai. ' II IIV Vllu I mn ND (Auuz'ax FURNITURE i wa once (or lllunmw l Xnnuvhlm I: w. ,-\ Hm "HAL! I! 09.,IAMHM1. II N. W. M. BRENNAN lncnm Dunn; Tablas. wan-g 0.! had Queen Anne Din-n. 'IKINCIBB "REIT...