Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Sep 1882, p. 3

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NEW VALENCIA RAISINS! Murray will be recelveu \Vlux lulu. w- grltnlauon by their nuvnernm lrirmls in Kinglzon and elsewhere, The cerc~ mony occurred last evening at the bnde's homemndar the most auspicious cxrcnmr stances. Many lneuds u! the young people witnessed the nuptials. sealed by Rev. 1". McGnnig. Chalmers Church. end nbeequenlly entered heumly into the lubivinien ol the Occamnn The bride ves the reciplenL of mnlmrnuq beautiful presents. wlnch WI Imlunln- odly be pnzerl. coming. as they 10. from cried and true friends. Thu mum. ing'n exprvss train can1m] Ill-2 lmmny couple Westward. Tbev wdi mm, m. .an... an." in the West nml Nmuam Ing's expn'ss mun.- nun-u. rioun cities in the Falls before returning m Kings! hope the wedding in but tlm n life long lmppmeaa. Yesterday voting occurred 1n the vi]- lage of Relfrew on the bytlaw grunting a bonus 0! 03.000 und exemptmu from uxntion {or 20 years to the Kingston & Ponbroko RR. on commie: that. a con nacho- of it um. mo CPR took place in the villnga. The by-luw was carried by n mnjontv of eight. The money bonus will be used in erecting u station. 0! course when we Jam-nun mll be - 2. _ .....n.. rm nmcllltiOlL and )BICHUH mu w mule in n mutter fox speculation noun [aw in Reufrew would give con- sidenblo to know The when will. however. be inside the mrpox'atlnn. Ind min: Ire expected tn be running from Kingston 1.0 Ronfrew by the (ml of 1883- ,--g 7 The sun yacht Emma. Robert. Puke)! Idewild. w ; .L- m--. m. Tunan (wqu n -- llOIId tho nut uu Tuesday aim-moan. lulck I rock at. the head of Friendly ldwd. Iur Aloxsndrin Bay. by which 3 hole was nude in bar bottom. She wu ml uhoro at. u muddy point whcre Ibo Illod nnd unk. She wxll be ruined nnd nptirod u once. (3|me Cuthbort. mll ml the. cm Ail... in the Royal Canadian 3an To- mu Yacht. Clubs rnces on Thuraxlny. | Fridny Ind Sunni. Dow Clans will nil the Emma. which has been pm. in _._J _L-M w an... mw Th. High School opened on Monng hot with n vary smll Itmndnncc. But our] dny brings in more scholars, und in. WI 1m :ho nun-dues this at- will In the largest the school hm: l_-AA I Apia love! show, under the If 1 lie-sum P. u. 5.5mm. School of! at phat. will be held on Wednesdlv. 5 mL Printwul b. Minded mg -.ho M) compo}.in ol the dbool 1 u. out. diaphy a bnridnd plum - | l- and's-inn u outcry-nun y'iu be a. continua of: choice ulorol oi -__x_ 4...;.. min: and speech. - \ v > GOLDEN LION GROCERY. l W Build 1- Hymn I J 'm.my. 3 to, I... [copuudmlf .o BOB-1 lIy-llw Pun-v. .. _. m u Ann-um lay. _ __...-.. ,. bymtn- Non-u. g . gum-nu. tw- nut-- Iy. min. To- Eyck ad _.ll|lmn-l-nh' belonging to no! while cruising ur I 7 n-.. i... -hmh U vaux uv. 7 7 v has been uppumtml no new dnocese.comprm- | of Durlmm. Vlctoriu. Nortbumberlaud. no r vicamte of Northern Ingswu Illu nuwvv-v , commencing on I. t of the marringn of I at and rum Bellal I r_ w. n. loin: & cm} mu. steamer Rathe- 3y wu an}!!!ed some of those u ynwrdny will 71H]! BRl'l'lIl "la. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. n. mm. H. {mustnm We nngurv of H mum: x rr-quvrltm I. ...|.... In Tm, . . llsrtles -l'| uv- '- l 33:05:58.1 yon-ion Comp" (or ole- ud nor-go puma-u. Ir. Eilbock. on tho "no"! go! Ibo Coupon]. ans-pd hr. long glotleof the prepay. nd noon-in It i uvonl month: m beau elk-min sl- l-u ~:--- A_-lmm hu bun-noted the city. um III-v "'""'l mu. Amman-bulbs Irv-V ,. ._L___-n.4lmm kl sad and our. III w- w www.- od mullet. A ponion o! u rst. 11:: is dCVoM to the one. Here duo is located the Corliuonailo. whom pow. or. by which thoolouwr will be worked The boiler in in supuno I adjoining building of brick. The boilcr Wu bum. u the (Jun-din Engino nd Locomotive Works and in 0! the In ironMm bottom in nude 01 colInd bu Itood a water ten 01130 lbs. A run of stone. which hu just been put in. i cap-bio o! grinding BO bulb. ol cornmeal per hour. or 00 bulb. of chopped food. This will be u grout convonionoo m I. lumen ()1 the noighborhooiwho have. heretofore. I Lad to go to Brewer'l or Kinguton Mill: u- um I. Now a tumor cnu bring m. month- no non-n nun-u. ..7 Isl-Lion. AI div-hr ha been greeted Ind and out. in tho melt npprov. I r 7 - A Minn of n rst ll. had no In nruw-n - w w... --_ .h. , [or their (cod. Now I [Inner m I his grnin to market Ind take the meal or {adder back with him, Th5 stones are from Gray. at Toronto. aul are l 7 a - Imam. mlmore. who Urey. ox luluuuu. ..... .. v m chugo o! It. Wlllism Gilmore. acts u engineer Lad minor. 0- the rst. Eat In a Cnrdwoll oonvoyor. run-in; from the door at. which the grain will be 19 1 hvered. a. dink-co of some 60 It. to the hopper Into which the grain is dump- ad and than elevuud. The buckets an un- Ilattor are 12 Inches wide and la! Aurlma npmt in the bolt. When in opemtmn It i WI elevate H.000 bushc n of grain pm- hour. and wlun it. reaches the dome, 50 V {out from the ground It goes lutnu lrum hence It. is distributed to the Various bma. by nuns of n brake and dial Insuipu.m.ed by the weigher. There are tau bins II the second at. having a cupumy of 50.000 bushels. In delivanug Llne grain [or shipment, it runs rst, through spounaintothe hovper. m elevat- 1 NJ L- "Mm" nmnt deposited into grain [or Inlpmem, w luun u... ml and by another spout deposited Into the hold of the vessel at the dock The weighiuu apparatus is It. the top 0!. Lbs elevator. and the grain is diuchurgod by {'10 lb. drafts. In the elevator is a patent. blowor by which all foreign sub- thnces will he removed. The improve- ments altogether are very complete, and cost. $5,000 1.. nm mnin trade Will $5,000 Competition in tho gmi Lhm year be very keen. and queue farmers can rely upon receivmg the highest prices for their grain, It wiil not, be uecessuv for them t. 0 go to .\ . .-..., ___ -_ mum"... to dmuose 11 trade will in cons r wiil be necessary In: wen. u v V .- Buth, Milllmven or annnou to dmpose of their crops hereafter. Mr. Eilbeck's chic! buyer will be Mr. F. W. Wukeford. of Bullersea.woll known throughout the county. u_ E.I|.A-Ir nMh-nnu nhosnhM/e I Mr. Ellbeck pllOthBOI phosphate as wall as 31111:. Since he entered the business be has purchased upwards of 500 tons of the former. and has paid as high as 016.26 per ton for some of the numeral. The K. t P. RR. Company Will have a track alongside the wnrchouue so that cars can be loaded or unlondcd 11: quick time. nimnn. And lots of other g Iro uul oquAlh-d In The excursion of the Knights of the Golden cleaver to Ogdensburg yesterday was a great success. (10.3.3 a butcher expreenes it. "n Sabbath School event could not have been more quietly con- ducted." The start trem KingstonInn mude at as early hour. but the delight- ful breeze made every one feel wuhelul. jelly and full of 111.. Dancing was kept up unceneingly on the tripe both up and down the river. The scenery amongst the Islands were. of course, nu perh and much admired. Brochville was touched at 12 o'clock. and an hour after. wards the 200 excursionista stepped upon Amerloen soil at Ogdenuhurg. The place was lively. Bunting was display- erl on every street. There were seven or eight other excursions to the town. the fair and horse races at which were the main attraction. After a stay of ve hours the Kingswniene boarded the steamer for home. arriving here at 1 oclock this morning. The Knights were estertmned very hospitany by the bra- thren of the burg, to whom they re- Ullucx uni-Av -- turn thanks. I .__ Rerontly there was held in Clayton a meeting of the trnsweu of Prospect Park. at. which 1!. was voted increase the capital stools from 010, l to 660.00 and tu put. up in time for the next sea son's humus e hotel about 300 feet long. and coating with in. wceesorik-h about. 050.000. The hotel in to be put on the highest. point. of land on the rst hill. 801w: higher than the water. The plot 0! ground oil which it will be local- el is oval. being Ibont 400 it. one way and 200 the other. There will he a drive- way around the hotel. The veranda) ul the house will commend e View el about. 50 miles of the river. The shores of the established point; of interest on the river ue rock-bound. but the hills e1 Prospect. Perk ere o! cleeli mvel. with which e fine beech wee coenrucwl wo yam ego. extending ell elong the water from. , _.__n_. --_e- II'UHII- p."m . pm... a... the boot to shore in n meromny sum! --' of time. Faring nut wank 1 3 Wm 3"" Sam-hip could mhom m be"! mm amp", inmd ' a'Im a '" bow of the noun! warm: up w uch nut you w it- !Illut extant. A nu rocky shore up! ovgmhin ludod 'I Im! md handsomely Oqllippd M mo. a 0' y m." ! mu bobuih or bought during the win: --- ~ Lu: nd nut uno- Mon the my '""' l ibum Kingsto- nd Alan-duh Buy p.01. ow bu b... mug] a: 1: is dashed M u new be dad! , agnomioutolshomitoang-L . . . ....u- .1 min. mun .0 Hum-um on the GUI December. It "lawns-II- "WWW-n 'beam.apb|o of Myrna mun nmum m Igud. add mums mm- mth a hoot. Tho Gen-pay 4..-...) _uA-- .515- tin: 'hu. urn-pd connection with the g Grad Tmnt RE. In an: people cu: i hudut'lmoclolhulinm. mmmmuwmhmdnm. an. uni-3.113- mo.iiiboliavod. 1 cub-ind. s not populate-n. It ; mainlyiuu d Ibo nut Mn .AA-d-A. Add: ialn if... Irv nun urn-U. . Mon! and: at luau! Prlcu I I mum-humpe- I-. 1 I J... nuu. whet-p- Bu. '1'. W. Johny. *(hboltu. aid the China- vhu album, 0 Cu- hn-eo M {at nun-NM in [in-u. nine. mo Inc Oman] Cochran. of m Church determined tin III. mt union 01th.: body should ho hold in Kin.- pulpI. Anor Ibo m of It. all DI. Mu nut! tho m iii- munbenvmvudthodhhll- l _..__ _.L....._. you. . Bel Dr. Dot:qu said an tho Uon- 1 {aouahulthon'ghtto ho hon oath] decmon of tho Spocisl Calumet \ which was mined b no emu-30m. 1 qnutiou. Romanian wu .m- by the Maple! nuthomiu of their in- abimyw socomnoduo the do! The 25qu Comm"... uncut unal- mouly quad to have Emmo- In tho next place of muting A doing-u Did the Comn'meo _...n moan? Rc'v Dr. Dough-Tho Commit. did not me. but land commutation With each other by loner. In order to bring all. members a! the Committee to- gether n. say Ipooic plnce it would neon-luau an upon-o of tbout 0800. The members 0! ho Commune livod 'Irnngbout tho Dominion from New- . .. Alam] Ln Brninh Columbia. and lhu-l lL mu; next to impouible to bring them together, He took legal advice about. the matter, und Judge Jones informed - .l . mi--- mm. -nthinu tn vitimn lence. her Ur. Elliott. Chairman of the King-bu district, said that he receiveil nu Intirnution let the Conference would Law llllu to accommodate the members of the (lunernl Conference. The city of Hamilton Wished to receive the Con- forence but the Kingston brethren did no. nuclllw to receive the Conference. Tlinrv was nothing said concerning the inubiliq of the city of Kingston to re- ceive the Conference. He was sorry that the queetin hed been branched, and hoped that nothing further would be will on the subject. Rev. Dr. Jeers slid it was a con-tr tutional question. and if it WIS not brought upit might involve the Confer- ence in serious trouble. He wished the Conference to take some action to make their future proceedings legal. Balloting for the Presidency then be u. and was as follows: Fllbl. bullet~Dr. You: . 1; Dr. Nel- les. 2; Dr. McMurrey. 6; r. Jeen. 7; Dr. l-llliott. 41; Dr. Douglas. 26; Dr. Sutherland. 26; Dr. Rice. 18; Dr. WlL l Ifnnm IH llamn. on. Thu President. announced that. since 150 delegnws were present. 79 votes must be cast for I candidate before he could be declared elected. Second ballot-Dr. Ryckmnn. 1 : Dr. Jeera, 1 : Dr. Elliott, 2; Dr. Douglas, 2; Dr. Sutherland. 29; Dr. Rice. 36; Dr. Williams, 66. 1mm] haunt-ant. JeeraJ; Dr. El- lo Tmubie to Show Themil 66. Thml bnllokDr. Joera. 1', lion, 2; Dr. Douglas 3; Dr. luud, 29; Dr. Williams, 66. Fourth ballotDr. Jeera. Sutherland. 6; Dr. Williamu.4 BL... 7.1 nice.v7o'."' 7' The contest. uow anWOd down to I choice between Dr. Ric. and Dr Wil- l.-.nn hung. [he fth ballot. resulbed as follows: Ruv. Dr. Rice. 80; Rev. Dr. Williams, nu 66. Rev. Dr. Douglas announced that Dr. Samuel R100 was elected Presidnt. 01 the Conference. Tue Cantata-co then proceeded to ballot furn. Secretary. and on the third ballot, Rev. Dr. A. Sutherland. of the Toronto Conference. was elected to the posmou, 'th Rav. Dr. Ryckmun a. close swam]. in uh. Anmrmiued to elect s. cc- IL was determined andent. and on the rst. ballot. Rev. Dr. hams was elecmd. ,_.... We reproduce on the fourth page of 1:51.1in an article from the Witnru dehurlphlve of the escape of three pun- onnrs. one of whom was .1. H. Flnnnigan. a. very noted criminal. whose trial for forgery was appointed for yesterday. One afternoon in July last High Consta- ble. Bissunnetto arrived here Iron Mon- treul. Next morning he went to the Peni~ tentiary and met Flannigln. on his diu- inissul after serving a long period of imprisonment, and iii-rusted him on a charge wnich promised to quickly re- turn him to the same institution. He bud some years boforo been engaged in asxvinlllo by which a. Catholic clergvv man of Montreal suerod heavily. He made a misuse of the lutter'n co dsnce um. no he. and got away with IL 13111;: sum of mnnoymhich be spent ll riotous liVing. Subsequently he was trapped and punished for another o'enca. and then angemants were [nude {or his prosacntmn for the more serious crime. Sinzc his removal from her. he has hml 'mnaidornblo time in which to muture h liiq plans for escape. and in it he had t the uni-Lance of two men who seem to it have been an shrewd and skillful in him l \ l u mam-w I The Brockville Moder. in writin; of the mxlzury camp now stumbled there. 3 ya: "The very Hot-like conduct 0! - tho Cnpmn o! the thinner Piotr-pout. ' upon which tb- Gmnoqle troops nr- ' nvod. was the subject 0! much (Mor- - able comment st webs-do of tho-- can. The very [W0 load which the ' carried. comprising men, homo sud heuvy nely, wu marred from in incrediny than V J -3- Farina chi I. M nu '0 self. new bin-boon . a)? amino)! sh. mica! Vamp. I in Ema-ton on If} 'u hupod that 3 good viow my be htd. 1nd yet. mn locking min thou1 h _- :. ll-alumni anti-n)" Nona-l; mm & mum's}; Ind yet. m |l urn-nu. l- w.-- unkind-duodthninolly'Woyun'; inuuuuu clan sky ho M o- 90' 11' Magnum. Tho W603" --------t in mind It. Oupmul. lug! u- gun' mmtm n ) .AAL- Inner, luuuuu'w Uvuv- .u.-._.,_ .hut. there was nothing to vitiuw roceodings of the present. Confer- h-Id d O Aunnn-hLI- , --m m-nmn. 79 anoa a... In. Wm" 4 put-d Calm!- AA-calm] Service. I 0-.- .. "-I mm Iva-I'm, mogul-9W f wawuhh mhqtlb ll WOO" nurbe- Illt II I" N0". umahhhM mim Will I Wm Wham mm want-vouch- 0:0 shit-Wha- chit would ban brunch Him MOE m"! Inn:th ln- Melon. how wmmrmuuuuu. Thu-om ,, _-.;-_. .44 n- by Illa-I. HupL 4. 'mullllw'u tu- location Wupbvuny. Tho brunt-"bun Ida um of the Toronto Exhibition uni m Jinn-aha it. but not an lulu Inn bun an d] nationality. b 50" LA _ k-_ "4:--. -dm h. up. than bull not H] outlaws. w. u..- haulavidonnodminpoOmgm 4,, __.| __ .L- __|.|;.. -n. ..ni-lnnnnd in nee .00! em we in puns-5 un up. end eoebepebliceteeninedin rem-Mm a. ehov. lupin I not. however. inking sen ill-elem me em expected 01 It An one gentlene- nmuked to e repel-In. We beve't po- pnler nee et the heed 0! she eleir. Our leyor opened the hell by men-p. in; to snow hie enehority. end the public becemo dieguted end loet whet little intend they did teke in ehe wetter. The equebble he: been e die- gmce end millortnne so limbo." The eetn'ne by the citieeu m enell in num- ber, end not one hell 0! our neuuliw- tutu-e end when intend to meke , exhibib. They evideeely heeed um ell the leurels ere to be oerried ol by . ioreigners. The epeehy menifeeted by tho peeplu le oerteinly very dieoonrea- mg. 1. Win-n nn-l (unninuhem ere lug. has". Cliawn an] Cunningham 0\ ucnug a proper spirit. in connection ViLh the Exhibition. They in" |r~ ranged in show a largo quantity of the goods made by them. They do this at n pecuniary loan. but. be] tint. it, would be a shame were they to omit. any set Vice contributing to the Fair's success. The show is one in which all Kingston inns should be deeply intern-90d. It, Is 3 manor of regret tint. more of our citi- 79,119 are not imbued with ii similar feeling. u,...., .J um uvinhi' at Hm anuubo Yet-Hug. Manny of the ulnbits at the Toronto lixlulnuun are dosunod for the Proviu and show at nguwu. Iml u special tram will be provided tor the accommo- J Li ,: nu... wuhina tn bring their un-u w... -v dution of Y. oods here. The New says the Grits may expect an exceedingly hot campaigns defeat. Not if the delegation to the Toronto Tory Convention is composed ol the greatest man of the party can produce. In Toronto they may be noisy. but they WI credte un alarm since they are after ll known to be u. tolerably harm- leis lot. llwy lmvo scarcely cooled since the Dominion ght. when they did their level best. talked large. bet all the ,, AL- :1 ....... .-nt nnnlJ nv-nr-A their level Dean. Imusuu Ilsa. Iluunu mu.- money the Government. could advance and thexr friends lend them. and on the .50le June~want home wnh more heads and lean pockets. We hope the Prin- cess street orgnn is not to be again de- ceived. It. would be a terrible atictiou if the mountain laboured and brought: forth another mouse. Here are some more of tho 111.th11!)- drads of the leadingpeoplo in tho Domin- ion of Canada, who have been curd 0! Can tarrh. Bronchitis. Aablunn. 3nd Lung Dia- ease by DL Souvielles Spiromeur and in. strument, which conveys madioinnl proper. ties direct to (he seat of the disease. Read undjudge {or youml! : "Several of my family lld friend: but been cuted of bronchitis. utnmn, and an. tarrh by using the S iromotor." John P. Whe'mn. Man-cor of s 0 Pan and True Wu- ymuA Montreal. Mr. G. Hill. Montreal. os- A llenvy Mellon .__ V ,-_r_'.__. All the People ol I-e lJc-Illlol 0! Cu!- nro Concerned. Man-cor of who Post and true wu- ncu. Montreal. Hill, mrrb and brouahltu. Mr. D. Bouchornlle, of the lullmu Department. Othwm ontarrh of many years ; now cured. Mr. Geo. Agar. Ottawa. caturrb and lung diseases -, cured. Mrs. Smith. London, wife of Medical Dem ma, curozl of caturrh. Goo. Magulreloronr no, 482 Adelaide St. West ; duughter cured of Asthma. Geo Willis. Exetcr. Ont. ca- tarrh and branching. J. D. Armstrong. 186 Youae street, Toronto. caurrh Ind catnrrhal deafness. Thom Teller. 12 Me- linds Street, Toronto. asthma; curedr Mr. Bunj. A. Drake. St. Crbnn Btu-eel, Mon treul, (or many years Iuariua from brou~ china and Asthlu. , now cured. Mm Hm nn less surprising cure 0! Mrs. china and asthma. now oureu. Alan Lhe un lurpnaing Benoit. 1H Cathedral street. duughtnr of Mn. David Perrnult. who auered from Asthma and branching for over eight yarn and. who is now perfectly cured. Mm Adamant]. of Bellovilla. cured of brou who perfectly cured. MrsAAdamson. chitin. and her sister outed of bronchitss l and lung diwuc, I havu no hesltstion in Buying Dr. Sou- I have ying vielleu wxll cure ontnrrh nnd bronohxtll. SpIrometer John C. Homing. Editor of Poet and True Wilma, Montreal. Thn .Muni. nnmwum to convince lbw aid Montreal. The above in sumoleut public of the manta of the 8 humour. The mnrument will be expre to my address. (7. m- wntA eucloniml lump, w M. instrument be expremedto adore". Cull or into, enclosing stamp, to Souvielle. Aide-Surgeon of ha French Army. 13 Phlllip'l Square. Monroalhere phvmcinus And Iu'arnn nun trv it (roe. M iglTING 1 1. null lll III. "an-J.- vv_ .7.. ___V All the mnurinll new for thin bountiful u: are to be lound M "Tu. Fla-many " An Mm Inge uloned noel opened. New Water Colon. Nuw Tube Colon. lshor my tud Porculnln Pnlonu, Bound and Flu Hog Emir Brushes. Saw Rod Subla, Eolly Omunonu Cnnvu,011 Ikozchmg Pnpor. Gold an. do. lhnu am. I uploniudly IIIOIM "outs-po- cinlly In colurl. All who punt Ibould com .ni nu lijm many lu rum: w..- ,_... WILSON. rnnmm And Onchn. m BUUKS {I llr-I M (In- M-aum. llIn-rl Im- pormtlon. \um Landing [or | AD' In ,. ,lo an Medical Putnam. Id all Who- I! II, Conga. "THE PAlslMtY: N "In. um NIL-Ringing bell If Hmnhop I. and a you cm 391 wbn modicum you ub. Sept. L __________-- _AT_ w. REEVES ea 00.. THIBESXPHTING -..--.n AA! I l-- "l Us IVsv Ch-mm 5nd Optician. {Sunrowvr to Heath dz HunnL PHABIACY. I'sv knuc- v u _mnn nu- u: nhOll clo- i n. luuuv uv 1 v'" I a guest, 4 than hon Prim SN. Aug. 1|. Emu-911mm) mmo-aammulynt boom; ' Mince-n... Mull ui ~ WW, 7 l u t rnnntm v 1!) l l Mimi, u Ham Food, u m mom-n baud upon lat-uh fut. 'CID- n ing-nu P104. Ail-us. 10.. d m. -I-.- I -- r - an I L. llama. Islam luau. m. Prim. am In D pawn. in y L JJ-Judni -- '- WA'IEB COLORS 0!! (ML. ,d, _. A. .LA- Hutu 7 r Newly Mndu And m \plul TH I BE! 1" In Tu: SHIRTS. COLLAR. .un# 1 DB prunuru nu uuc mama-n... f tbuse wishing to bring their W \V unn up Wu ufgwbo- h u). l! u . WW HIM". P. 3" . u..- . lnthoouynnnlowpou r" nDDlID I. I In tho any n n" low prion w. REEVES a; 00., - nu A.._ n4--... an... _,-._ WALSH an BTBAOY _-II.I. urn! 'Io-l. A" w u _.._____, __ wVlll. CPI! 'Io-l. Al' 40 PACKAGESJ'M Dr Good: and Gourd Wink! M m an much low u but noun. handful anu ud In- M All" 05.D.9u. 01.01. mm Cloth. tho munddunllov York... vido. 01 per yud. I W Cloth. l' yuan mu. um m u .- onutyluolo' an All Wool Dn- Ooodn hon: ISJOJAMJAMIKI. nut nu M for 01.. told Minn at 01.76. Baum} M - - g "A--.- Sept. L 0m- Mock at School School Regal-lira. wu'- "WIIv RICHMOND 8: BO YDEN _ ... A- L._ 4. 4-..... n..- Inv-l-hln mm: mun 90m 'vFv... . ._ __-,, , wyh MESS 00008 ! 63538 00008 ! BOWES an BISSONEI'IE .\-_un m-I mm; IMniAn-l NA- Chnma Dream Mllll'llll A! 10. l. 15. I). 5 DU VV 81 90 vav_ -_ 01m Tl]! WEEK My! N01! Chome Dre Mntonnll I! 10, I, 15. N. :5 st. 300 3A Wool Blnok Cnhmem. 380 to .1. Spoon! mention il roqunkd hour 80' Lmo of En" Haw And Fmo All Wool Black Cnnbmere u 490 worth we ;Nov lotto Sllkn And Suin- in amount nude- n 750 ; Blue Blnok Volvotunu. But Pill-b ad ut p119 300 h I] ; Iw liposuy Carpets. u w and *0 -. Vow Union Curpcu. Mt. JPENED OUT TO-DAYIUO New German .tZ-unulau m4 Nauru. illndlomcly Trun- umd, 1! n vuv low prion. Goods Alwnys shown with plenuure u. tho Na! Dry Good. Store of BOVISS & BISSONE'ITB, A. n v , _. ., A. A|._ n7:...l-..- nu-I For [Adios 300 .nd Shoes, the only poll-d: that Will No! Crack 0! Pool 0 Leather. Bhrtleul New Blushing for Goullemen'n Boots. French Polls. I. per Bottle. . H. nun. a.. I nln. um nllllnn Ilnnll In int T'nmNcumgmvveweteen 1 I II- I" '.__-_-- - ' The boat Velveteen recently produced in the MANCHNIL' {natured tbnt no amount of fnouou of le plalu surface or of 0 folds cnn disturb the pile or cuuao it to becnme duh-olive in my all tholnmt colors (tom 25c. to ".25 per yard. Only M a u-alll- Aim THE B Affpcno u 1 hull!!! Uri 'I'I " Iv- uuw - .---.-v v.. v--- 100 pmra White Bhude from 02,26 to 51 50 par peur (nlightly soiled) Hm best, value m the city. All Dre. Good! oeriug 10 per cent. undur original oust. White and Grey Comma at whole-Ale prices. Every dewnpunu of Flnuual and Cotton Hhiru Ind Shining: reduood (0 cost. A few Pnrnsoln left which wnl be sold M. n are ncricu. Table Liuonl. Napkins. Sheetingnr Pillow CottJnI, Iuweln nud 'l'owollinu u at whok- sale prices. In he: every clnssol Goods in the estabhahxuent will be offered It prim to suit the closest buyers. IS'ALL SALES FOR CASH ONLY. A..._ on HENDEBSUNS BUUKbTURE. 6 TE E 5T Lb'N D o N I )wlv v- Sept. 6. JOK'" For one week, previnuu to Mr. Bpeuoe's lea viug for tht Market. we will ou 10 donn Hummer HM: n th following prices : __ .. . .A .. u ., n. __,n _. Sept. 2. __._.- 7d,, , , Cale Beaded Posumontiere Trimmings. I Club of Beaded Ornaments. Roll Black Maltese Llceu. Bltck Bpnmnh Lnoe. Cream Spanish Laces. 4 Cases New French Dru: Goodl. All Now Colon Bountiful Soft Wool Goods. rot-i] u Montreal wholanle prim. ll. WALDRONU. " 'Ilul'n III" In... . you""w, WI a w}. I -_(. ll Kiugumu. Aug. 80. ARMSTRONG-8 11W 30" WPW" DUUJ; on cnvm u Lv-A-\.a - Largest Stack And most perfect ning Goodn. Our KID BU BOOT at. $1 75 is 3.11 Leather. and the Best. Value in the City I). r. Auns'rnona'l. The most papal-r BOOT a; 82 _____ 7. 1 "E J- -11 Honk. Aug. 15. OIL-BAR]: ALn: wm Ml] the BAlsnoo of his summer stock of 13!...a Goods. Parasols. .ans- n I-AA---A'I Hud-_ lmmj 357.35; Good. Solid, Subauutnl Trunk-z We lronod. Ind NIoely Fiod Up. Prion ' Lower Thu: Eva: It UUU aw. DU; : Greatly Eireduoneaw iirioes. Julv 7. HApgEg; _& LOCKE'I'TS. u._- __' Vglile. um Suzhou lrom 600 I008. Tboonly One Price Boot And She: Mom in WW a mum a Lon-Kurt. . KINGQTON. BELLEVILLE AND TRENTON un w. 1... maAnro w'n Ale, MC Dgwun Ale. Inban'l Ala, Gina Aug. 22. THE CHEAPEST [in a! FRAMES "or Icon in this City on baton u do Old established Picture Prune Fuzwry. Bring 09 your Pictures AM ha. um: aned Choopud in u hauling Styles. Furnwhod Stun :lea m be mu a nun Englilh Ind New York Mutu- just. introduoed law the "hot. vary bun. In] dung... 0n: PM in running full blut. Come only wd nu:qu your turn. _-- 1-.. I-A_~_ -_--_ .- PREPARE FOR THE FAIR. Aug. 184 m IVnuvu I. v - nmsmuammumnmmu mm: In! mm mqu nun unu. manna" mu, (nu-unmmm I'- 'l ID-I II. ORGAN!" AID TEACHE- 4.. teen. t drum-nu. swat. !_m "m buck-mans! 1-3. (Zuni you-5' July7. fiurnm bu clan-u on ll" 1 muzan an "In Ir. Cuoy M "la '1" u I. (0- *rliri : ___._A I.- v..v- -7 V Summer Drona Goods and Printu cheaper than ever a: IPRNfIn. A [yr-wing Boa. q Ar Th. ":4de sigh. offFashlon" any. : u. mr- - - - lune-Der the M. 1 Open House Bloc. Prince-- It, Won't rla-ro Prune a Im lIone 9, a. UI 11113 \\ [Jun .11 Inn~- Bankruptgtoro, No. II4 Prlncon Strut. nuWLAA, r_-__ an m: . a; tin .n. .mn [aliulnlv unilnrh Hm haul DRB'S'iNG . n___ . -_ I.-- SHOE STORE I ,,,,1,_. A..:_A IMUI- A-... 1171 DTI ' v --- v- ~-'~ * i ' i 'v- - vu-ku uv -uw' "w'. I mm un- lmru MM '0' W0 m. w! mm m um but an; Iguana hit-nun well u Ibo Idea Du an. mince-lb g... m am"? um 7?WWmm, 100 LADIES" RUBBER CIRCULARB AT .15 IE. 9 Bugqu in Ladios Id Bullon Boon III ' "IEWeoAL mu. ANISl TBACIIEI ' Low priced Boot 6; Shoe Store, 109 Princess Street. non to 70 Eton. John "mama '3 0- BOSS .44 .001: 11133.13 ! h.._-lnl SUTHERLA'N Ds No. 6 Gore Stream. Perth. -- FOR THH WICEK AT THE- II'I'IIJ .U'IWO 1 .13", In. Go. I Tl! mumc WIQMIMMWIH W110. larch-L Boon mlmnyon lama- I!!! [-3 u DI HVIDI I n. I)! Princess SthL. Oppoulte the Windwr Howl. F. X. COUBIIIAU & 0. Walsh & Btu-.037. rah-mu mu camper Jun ever m. SPENfE a CIIUMLBYI. 132 Ind 184 Prluoelm Htreec, npponite City Hotel. luau-nan: M W "F kl )ulu. um} an R. McFaulo. m. ' Barrack 8: Ontario 05., than! (or nun...- -_. ._. DICE-OI. O DUI-II. 70 .mw rml Munllll uuonu lull mum.- u wlmleuule pl we. 2,} 110mm Urn-mu Wuol uvi- lot boulul Ind evaumg wean Lhtlp. Alk Im. u II II lwwwwuuln oreumg in liming. ol nu m... " '1 m hml III 141 Princeu Strut, King-tan m In: Haulan In nuuusu u- y wnv To be hm] m 180 Primal Sum. I All Wool Front] W Ila-3 In! L In the oily. Wool [Huck Tho Golden Llon Grocery- a following )lauufnclurarq ""7 (omplele . 'A Mob!" Splhug 800. l ol School Iloolu and PQIIIIIIS. I- u l'cunl. Anthmolmzfv [ gouii And pr - .k.. mt. In Copy Bool- u Huron Sugar Cum] mun uswm nanmuas :l Hun Hem-u n (uh h m Hmf Hun-L 1 Ooldon Llon Grocery. Drona Quinn 3: l ('nlhumrrs from 76 Truman: SUM! I | Bonkluplll Boob 11. \u a .\ll', Hus-5 A l r. n In Our style nu u. I (Boost-pth I Lulu... and the ., 7"_- M. H! \I\ll1\~. Tl]. Lunl Bishop 0! Nu: um l4.\\v'~. Lhn city today for Am- llr-lHL l- Lo mlmmmber the rite of Uvullrlnulmu Lo marrow morning at St. Jaluun' ('llurch. 0n Sundnv morning at 10W) lu- mll hold in sinmlur service at Trinm' Church. Wolfe Island. NEW SCOTCH MARMALADE' wao h (munsavnu. Yosterdny a kingstonmu got Into a row at. Ogden-- .ivvlrg nn-l wnw ruptured by tho police. He w ulmrwnrd! brought. before the I: murder uml ned .12 and costs. We Mlplztu i the acmns any person from this 1 my who cannot behave himul! in | nBuLher place deserves to be punished. ___. FOUND nu BULLET.Auuuu - y... aud 1. hulf ago a. nephew of Bishop Clenry wan accidentally shot in the face. The bulluwu not. found until a few days ago. when it In: discovered muklng ms \Hy downward alongside the nose. 'lhn LIP ol the bullet had jusnp- pwu-ml :llmvu- the gum of the mouth. hr Im-lrm sucoosnfully removed the i l.. .l. 1qu not Without apnnful operation. RL'suua 05' TI! Wou.Tho Napanee Bram way that both the Toronto Ind unmx-a and the Ontario and Quebec Rmnlwuvs are being pushed rupidly lor- wnnl through the northern township: 0! Leuuox county. Thu contractors n. rocunu two mummom bonding honsu nbout. ten miles north at Erinvillo. which will be capable of weomnodntmg one thousand people. Run) 'lmm..Tho reconth ll- uuell mm! at the Urnnd Trunk Freight. Department lomos rates to Mound and intermediate points nominally ul- Ithnnged 'lhe Kingston and Franco Intcs nlonc am hlghest. of the list. Rtil {rouulltuxn mn {ro'u Toronto to the nu lrrlmntluned points are as follows: an Torontn Lu Belleville. 206. I . to Kingston. 22c. ; Hana-0 F'l' H- r pul luurr m man. the noun UW .- - Imuan Ha wall rennin putatoho - . lu...-..). ._<.__.-..._ l rm i. (uentYnurday uni-u. L lu- rmnvldeuce nu noted III a joint . mgmry Ric. Mr. J. Yule mind 3 the Dummy Regulnnhip o! the Con-3 : IO aka I dcopor uhlre in the In. nent of the Unlan Lion (hoary. Ind Mr A. Lemeoux twinned the gun. ' you. in the my olco no mop! 3 loan. (no pain In loath-m h Co's. .- _ . hm.ng Thy have boon no In lpor lmrrrl; a... n.. Drum ____...o.__.. [innitAbout L n -..., n nnnhAIl n! 'lu nu I the least. of St. Ennrcbuu. Enuu-hm u! luwrnuu was a sub deacon of tho Roman ('athnlic Church. H. mm: ium Hun] early in the foul-l. oen turf. and bmuue Bishop of Urlunn, jwhuh unit) bl held {Of twenty l II. n M that he was pointed out n I m. porsol [or the 081m of bishop by n ' .Iovn .lllglllu on his haul. uymbolicd ul hm dot-ignqu for th. one. by the y Hulv U'uosl. Ho died LD. 340, { .lnu L Golden Lion Grocery. HI!) lln\- .; , i wlmln ho ho] and I \ M ( lighting on I hll 1 : Holy Ho (1 ' mo cny on:- w my. - ._.__ puma. bush-oat. Thy ' lsithlnl. con-icon! ad up an. ad will be missed by the public. Yo: .L #2.. LIbu ml]. DI M MonumW. T. N'Og'l no new... spoon have ml nd undo I add- ment om Mt lm i; tip- ptiu- which Norris M '9..- 5......- under}!!! input-h- an I. ll 0. . S. @6101 *Ih. n kuin minty Indulth '. p) 35$! All! it The lads] III-M M Noni: sud Spoon won cull-k '~ .m-in-di nu. \mmux. Marlue IOWA wu I ll. '\nl'.lvnn.n. .. ( very dulll The pro .1 r. -x .n h. I I..AA.. um... . n. r a to Prescott. T __7 r H 7__.._- 4].: limp Mum-Isa 'lhe ser- 1 the ramp ground Continues. unverqmus an: reported The \wll prulmhlv continue over .Iutln. 1th another great. day [ml not. by tho worshipper: but l Meats, Meats \k|.l\Al.K. .uunuo .vaw ry llrup. Leltw. from aghtnned (VAX) bllhela of when waded to Montrul. Savors! ~a light. are 10 port. The dock hnva made very littlo this ow Fauna. - Jndgo Pm- hu 0 lb. city. He [my been on- holdiug Dnviuon Courts It 5. Tunworth and Newbnrg. I . , ,_. _- n- .m-llnnl Pun (Jlmlmern' (.bunzh A. eve M31155 Bella Murl'uv ~ pmnouu! her vnlh n ham-l l ape-mud Khan Muruy for r mum. you: anuluwl III the mug Iu lhl~ uluvn rdilo. Nu [0 l Ul.l.l.llru Aunu v- u relnruml to thn Royal Mili- ;e The ntudeutn of Queeux g m Luna mnl thrcvi Matri- uummumm bequ this month. I | _... 0L- -.-.."-_ -m* Mlle...- mull D] In! [nun-u. nv- m. will W00 I'll! null nu" run... I were the sin-Ilsa nrgnu u....- nun"... work shout the n. can od- cu m; moon-ll rr awn l1 {.0 shady 3wa It. , __ I mod Jill-Indra layman]: unn- not vane-chal- nag-tn- have been com-mud and is no on ditmha unto-nil. no. Mm A 7 , -A1|-I. _- _.J . Pm nil-I. 1 I [hr-Hus! Ham Hm l.--v- - Mini-U d rMnny of H3 ,_ Dnvml Mil; ' ILJ. W. rroswn nus nan"... ._., m [or the Kingston and Newborn _.__n 1.. I-.. _-.._. munnlnnninl on "they wu two 1:: mnunn. It. A. Ellio. have of Buurd, in A did. for an represenhou d MWin le Provincial I I an. , Tho luonic Lodge 3'. Novhpro In" I In pinned in their lodge room In handqu black Iulnm. chain a I on i nu Iuv . ... mhMym. 1.. Ad. W. Wampum doliury in worm. will. May 0! the business men are wedded to their boxes. and prelerto any their own mml-i u- 191--..) "pi-uh! mman removing I thin nan-q. v Tho engin- nd haiku u tho 3*, Cant-y- mill in mud todI! 75 . m also mnlinn. u- A IIlina nn-vl n! Blind-i. 1'5 uni-"look :- all uni-y! dhlny. rush ta.- naval-0| Mwuuulmunonummw thin m. o..- ..-;... a has." n n- Bod-1 Inll own man-1 It. Edward Wright mme I "nun I will next wrung {rum No'm to 0.0. on the line of [he Klug- Iton . Pembroke lerond, I'nu Gunman on Hm ny Rhonda-burg wdny bydxm 126 potions. '30 won down the river mll will this animal. v u. -_-..;-A. n Anllvorv wmzL'u 0' 38 mas: ALES 1 ms ! w "Ar-mm" capou unnan In Koyes ways a .leal uf mo Changed hmged m \\ mmpeg uuxl Eu son on the result 0! Llu- Klugal-m n- tion. Qums a few Mumwlm Tum-h \\ II llttle um prcVI uni" m Uh I . dc. this ovum. Lu} ovonilg 3 dehvery wuguun of )9 Golden Lion grocery. connug an Contact. with movnug cars at. the (out of Johnson street ind m bmk wheel-1 broken into splinters. The horsu anti dnvor u m. .1! un han ornor Hanan rum 5 [Au .7. Ir. U. Rose formerly n! Hand now of Duluh. in In the (m friaudl, He will remun fur :_ "7 LL- .-.....-..nmru;mv| Lu The vitizem of Sm an Idered a puhlm roaepuun ,, .A_.,....l ....| Inn mum I'lulllr Ill! vv n n . . v _ _ v, , Mr. John Larruthers Mm In: t. cadet. sailed from [.Ivergool 0 unit] Inc {or ngaton. He will hone nbout the 15th 1mm -- u:||:-... Ditnkh: Chlnf .lus lone locum luv IUle .. .., Ii! Willism Ritchie. Clucf Justn'e [If the Supreme Court of (Hqun. was yawn-day swam in at (N.ku us Ad mini-tutor of the Government durxug the Lbuuce of the Uovernor-Ueum-ul. n:,L_ 1...... I. I'm-n ummmtml we Bounce u. Iluu VVH. Bishop Jan b rst. Bishop of the a ing the countiea Du Potorboro and North gather with the vicaral Cunldu. .A_.u.L...\ R F In Ulnlau. Captknhan. R F... lnstrumm an Engineering at. the Ray |l .\ College. Kingston. has been m to take chuge of the nnml Iii-A 'loronbu. having Satay-Mum fulltune to look utter Llw m nngomonta of the display. W The announcement In Mr. John G. Coupcr 3 will be received may nuvnernl : Hana-um and elsewhere, GOLDEN LION GROCERY.

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