qu Im. on A n.u Hid 6 pounJ pm.- uuauun uu- uuv "uvev -I-vI-u- . Aye. thats the rub. But you can go a Male further Ind and ask. IBy whet. rule m the exetupuon governed '? Why should a vessel unrrylug 30,000 or 40 000, or 50.000 bushels o! gruin not. hue e greater allowance for nbortege than one whose limit in only 15,000 bushels 1" Precmely. The Cenedlnn undo bee commenced to boom. but if the 1mprove- went. n to continue the Government nxuat interpou no berrier. I don't. mall to xcpudiam any debt. but. thx duty on shortage I dislike. It A. unfurand bud l, b..|_..I 1 l "0b. 1 don't understand 1!. That. exemption scheme is I sort 0! conun. drum to tho whole of us." I! it. is expedient. to overlook 3 short- age 0120 busholl,why should 21 bushels be declared dut'uble. no the one extra bushol but the whole amount '2" .n .. A. ,,,n nA ., ,__ A, unu-u n."- Ir-I- vuu- Ut couuo tho nutter Wu undo he Iubjoot of diwuuion. and hot. tooling no hot. wulhor mud. who situation most. uncomlorubly. Uuo Captain. very Lngry looking. asked I friend. unit". an um. lkinb .lmnt vln- lmm. Who'! nu Mon Thy-uh; I--- Ln... L..- Mg -1 Tho woude Cutout gimmmduyumhi bathtub bath. Al the... low. Jud-vital mall-dint may taller Inurknliljunwmoym HP! ! ;.__....l 1.. - m... nub-gaming mam. ! A, uwnnu.. -nnw unwuu. "Whu do you think shout Llnl busi- __ 0" m yum; m no In] uvuuuuu. 1.x: uvmuuu nu. i vessels tocu'ry wheat. to lower Cunn- e dmn ports is especially good. and when l at. Lhicago advanced on Friday to six I J cants a bushel to Kingston. at which l f gure everything available was taken. l SIX Cents a bushel on when to Kingsbou u and 91.40 per ton on coal Iron: Oswego 1 Lo Chicago are tho best rate. now pre- vu.lina Th. nnlv nnnrnh-nninn in thnt 1 AA) vulva-6v luv vu- usag- In". "'7' rnu I vmling. The only upprehenlion is that I t owners of many veluln now engaged in y the lumbar bminou will draw them 1 out. of that trmda 1nd put than: on lot , 'gmzn cargoes to Luke Ontario port-.l had thus can a doclme in carrynng I when. u was the one some weeks ago. 3 when the when reachod three cents I: _ bushel on corn to Bnnlo. l clutch! Glareis ! Glarets I A Citizen complains today of imposi- r tion on the market in the purchase all i butter which was not the weight it Wee I Inppoeed to be. Similar compleinte ! heve been heard before. The only remedy euggeeud ie the lodgment oil information with the Megietrete and the prosecution of the oending parties. , Few people are disposed to gure in the L Police Court, to undertake pereonal ex- ? pense in order to eliew the neceesuy for protection which should he pronded by our Aldermen ii they were progren- i live and thoughtful of the public inter- ? este. Why not make e deity merket of the ehemblee. heve loceted here e. emell ecale. and meke ite. rule thet ell the but- ter sold be weighed end the coet of it - compiled by e oorporetion ociel 7 In Belleville one never hem of ehonl weight end blun dered celculetione I0 l far on the enle a! butter 1e concerned : ' end whet Belleville bu, Kingeton 1 eho uld heve bed long ego. The n i pmvement would not involve 3 great ; nutley of {nude ; the benet .to the pub- ! i he would be incelceleble. I __ u ! It lorh uI plant. to uy thn lnr phy. who In an to ponihntiu-y from 5 ' Brockvillo for buglu'y, wn no! u [but Itonian. sad that b. city bu been an- h'uly honorod. 0n the Irrinl of tho {allow her. he mu rocogniuod u n old cloud-r. He was no: her. from SLVinv j out. do Full. (or an. winh inun. to ; u 7 _-J,_ __J L-) L--- ...n LDl lmi u. III". IUI mu vuuu "any. as: . u , commit murder. Ind had boon out but. than. nonmalnngunedslu yuni unto-co. 1".th ho one of .1303' Thudou I:an unt ho- a lava? - Pravim. A: a nut in Brahma} whonukodilbohaduyinome bonidbohopodfotloni-cy.ovinkg tbc he: tbs: mind tonyponnvidn- I I _-.|.-- a... Le. ....-.-h- i- l V -u..b_-v "n, ._.-- -V. . It hu been userth that the Wellnnd Canal is n formidable competitor of the Erie Canal for the gnin trade, an] is taking more grain than the New York canals and mlroadn. The Montreal transporter-u declare this to be untrue. Tln y btute that the grnin trac through the Welland has relatively increased slightly this year compnred with the Erie. but that the trno by ouch canal is much less than lent year. "This," says Mr. A. D. ThompsonI manager of the M. T. Ca. in Montreal. "ll not due to the enlargement of the Welland. but to the increasing favor with which the cheupnela and convenience of the St. Lawrence route is meeting from China go and western grain shippers." A can-n". Awnhnna- Itntl Hut. :7... l by an. "yuLu-u 5...... .ulrrvtll- A western exchange sum tbnb ven- ue] owners on the lakes us now doing. a. more remuneramva business than for some Lune puss. nod. what in notlou gratilying. the outlook favors the belie! that. It is to continue. The demand for . n w nu:- lev- vo-J vulcw. We have been examining the Vessel! thlt have Irrivod here during the past few days from Chicago and Toledu, end are of the opinion that they hue been loaded far too deep. 'lhn deepening of the Welland Canal has led Cthth to lead their crnftq no that when they leave port there ls very little of their sides above water. This may be all right in fair weather. but the prevalent opinion amongst mariners who have made note of the matter in that in the full.during heavy welthm. there will be many dieneti-rs. Owners of vowels as well as insurance inspectors should IU vestigate the matter. 1. L__ L. ._ -n-,.l....l J. .L- \u-n__.) I Adrlundlinnhwmau.uym dqmvudmwud whil- hila in mmunbmmv. Show; WI 'nhtwoprhundlon- bane-modulus! 'udnwud. .rhobodvyu W m, an. II maul-K. Dunc. an. war- 3mm: vmudovchhutn. I AA , amounta. Tho ochr. N. P. Dowuoy picked up a cargo of 5.000 bu. pou st Whitby 1nd Port Hop. for Kmpm. Sh. unloaded at the Chime Forwarding Compouv'l dental-J1: Portsmouth, Ind wu short 400 buohola. P05! are worth 80 can u bnlhel. Tho uhr. D. Freeman unlo|d~ ed when n. the ulna elevator unmo- dituly that And on I. cargo of 10.000 bulhell bid 40 bushels over. The item in from tho Olwogo Palladium. There could easily be a mistake in the total quantity of a cugo picked up here And Lbero along the lake more. The Lolly mg was not very mount... 'A In... LA- -u-..i...na 3L- ...A......l.. uwwu nu u-ww u. w" .n .- ung- The lrlivlll u tho I. 1. Co- what no: Prop. Argyle. Toledo. (abused 7.000 bnnholl what. ; Ichr Hands, Tole-lo. 21.!!!) bushels who ; prop. St. Manna. from Tolodo And Duluth. hghunod 12.01) bun-bah that. and loft. with the haunt of bar 8011!) build: (or Manual. vnn PORK 3 PORK 2 The timbor o! It. Pour XoLmn brouqb to Engla- by an R. t P. RR. bu nun' put in crib: by tho Collin-by Batting Company. And the bulk of it lwwd for Quaboc in bow of 3 tax. 'Yk- .n;--I. -b .I._ II I (no- _|.-_t - CID VI.- l._",- The yum Mun, Arriud hm lac night with tho following gallon" M: Ir. J. Boa Cummings. of Manual. X. Tia-u}. E. B. Wilson Antl A In, Ind A.) m z The schn. Ann-h, hou'lolodo. Id '13. Beam. Chohoygu luv. u- nnd Mun Ills-d. Thy carried Mk nn nin- win-I- luv" u vuuu ADD-u. l on sud pin manly. Th. 'mht 3.5....- m Thanh. 10'0".- hat-rum! honOnvegowhhvml. vliohlhoil muhpuhnhcllmma a... Wu... a! In M. a [wound upo- m. 1-... Form-9 my, m,A-mn.ln..dm.lm.l Emma-mum Ith ImuAMLV-woudlmnu' :vullu tumultuous-1m M 3.- mandarin-limos: wnll mmanWha M ' MW! Mull-than hamlthme ml). I .Chtoundhmddly'u Amun- s durum-mm aim-u u. in. _hnnh Waer the organ: of neon-non become inactive by reason ofn. c0111 or other cause. the inammatory material should be removed and bealtbynctmn restored. I Ayer'u Pulls accomplish this quickly. lately and surely. Much serious-sick- l ness and suffering might be prevented by proluptlv correcting such damage mummwmch olwn develop into untied l dim-mm. Call Ind so. our ELECTRIC BELTS, We Ihow And upllin their worhux 'lth plenum I--- . -_-.- _-_. _/ Recently in Toronto. at 75 Yonge 5L, over 50U phySicmns and sufferers Visited Dr. )1. Souvxelle. of Pain, and ex Aide Surgeon of the French army. using his wonderful instrument. the spiromater. for the cure of catsrrli. bronchitis. usLh. m5. and all throat and lung. diseases- The: Doctor or one of his surgeons from the International Throat and Lung In- stitute. 75 Yonge street, Toronto. or 18 Philips Square. Mmtresl. emcee in Can d4, will he at the City Hotel. Kingston. on July 313t.Aug. lat, 2nd. 8rd. 4th and ~5Lh.unr1 will have with him I. supply of 2 spiroznetcrs and medicmes. Physicians nnd suerers can trv it free. 1 m a- YOUBET {ifquunsvssxi mud lull] our new alum In the run; I 11111:. 1: ts wall known, 1! (he "on Are no: r. pony prouclod. In 111an one. u will ant-1|: Innugin the: ynrl. Than prone! your c "lulu FUAHMAU] . 1'0 rune.- Bf'l N B Modluinu obulnod u. Inf um. during I \ nu main. or on Sunduyi. Imam not. opou by 1 "Minn the you July 1') l r E in" jail aroma on 75401.net Now 5 Tm. comm! n o! In main-1 style: at tho town I 0. AND OI. 'IIIIJI .E'OII I'CllC-AIINH Dont I011". gunner CAMP/N6 SHIRTS: = Ina. in my nylo . . manna-hr LIL Caluuduvouonoybymm I 1'. an awe-I Pm and' III Who. 5: my m. i n . .vuuv --- 1 vv.' :ng 8m. 4 Minu'lno- Stud. Juiyl This morning the L nited Statue ConA nul. Col. Twnchell, was inform-d of the death of his agent, K 7 Dollar, at. Napuuee. and expressed his regret. at losing the assistance of one who had been a. most careful oiciai. Min Dellor had never committed an error in con- nection with his ucial dubiee. He had been agent, ac Naptmee fur runny years. his last appointment dating from 1878. i or since Napnnee was attached to the Kingston Couuuium Col. Twitchell had I intended to leave on Friday for his old home in Vermont. but his departure will be delayed unm u successor he: been appomned and instructed in to the mode of procedure. _ ....__.. i: TI ? PICN16 M ExuUstN} uuv u-y . 0n the ulnar Heros arrival here this ulteruoon our reporter had In \D' berviuv With Captain Craig relative to the above. He I much surprised to learn that. the impreaxiou hail gone abroad then there W&.\ A genuine race be tween the Veruue and Nero Ming to so many actideuLs having occurred nn the inland wears of Canada it. i4 Kink: hm uriuciplen to race the Hem when she in m lH'l reguler Lrlpn. The Hero was not. prepared fora rum: at the time. With proper luel Ilia keeps up 5Illn-i. of steam with ease. Wheu lmsuml by the VMI'UDR steam was running down from 45 to 40 lbs. The Vuruuu had just come OR the ilry dock With n perfectly clean and smooth bottom. and was watching her chance. prepared in every wuv. She is welcome to the glorication 0! her Idmirere under the Circumstances. W W uu.w w UJu. r I. ml. {or dub..tuoo.ulmzlt:.m Imam In] e A MN I: I m 0-- nd lenoheethe ute: "Ier per-one heveew no Mt opin- d lonthetehonldtheetee-ereero end Venneteny time neon-good true torerenethe vtt.VemneIoIldhe obliged to teke beeh wetet. A b. bruehee hed tehen piece prevloee to Ioedey night between the 0 blade. elweye melting in the Verunee (ever. but the Hero'e Inee neoelly hed eonae eueu. lechol eteenl. eto. About 3:90 o'oluee londey evening the Vetnne ten into Plcton for wood. on hertey tron ngemn. At thewherl ley the Hero reed, to etert. Pen-none inquiring ee to the time of eterting were informed the Venue would not leeve until the Hero throw 0! he: h'nee. The Hero heung put in her noel threw o8 her knee. She wee {olloe'ed by the Vexune. Ae eoon ee deep we: wee entered thoee : on the boet could plainly eee thet the Hero would go behind. Every one wee enxione. The emoke rolled out in co- lumne.end the eherp pole of the Venue gave wernlng to the Hero thet ehe wee I - heina penned by e long-winded op- ponent. When ehout one end e hell I milee [rom Plowe the Verune peeled the Hero. tehing the dock et Deeeronto ebout one mile eheed. The Heroe men formerly. when heeten. cleimed low eteem. but no euoh excnee oeu be mede now If she leaked Ito-my. wee notbe oeuee ehe hed no re. en the ame could be pleinly eeen et tileee e dletence olthroe lent ehove the smoke eteck The Heru'e men will egreo With other boetmen upon the hey. thet the Vernne )netly deeervee the title of Queen of the Bev, .- To Suit Everybody. [w _L()WDEN & co. .. Ant 1:- 1h. D Annth ll Inn: in n A...- c unt - In In. .1 Union-m to... full; III-II. W. REE its 73 700., 1... A .l_ M-Mu Ian. Vbbkuv H "'*u I Cull around Ind no our prim. l wm u m mine. of hu gummer Stock of Dr. Goods. Paranoia. 30. at l 7- _._'.. m Suuoun sad Chap; Ibo! lode Dommslut. (a- ...._ an. . A Good Solid Bub-tum] Trunh; Well honed. Ind Nnocly I'm-d Up. M Lawn Thu: Ever n } lmmouu Reductionl in our Made Boots and I Shoeg. closing out our Summer Stock at ASLONISHXNGLY LOW PRICES r- n x ,,z A A..- -m--- lHAIISES LOCKEITFS. JV dIU w -'-v' [ Vin-ea uad 5:de from 500 to IO Thu only One Prsoa bqot Ind Ibo: in in Kinsman. ll usas & LOCKWI'I'. r I P Jun-u KINGSTON. BILLZVXLLI um nmou J _. . -. , My- _-. -,_ gm j-I'AKEN A TUMBLB EARMSTRONGS In. damn-d ht m FENCE KID BU'lTON 3001's 1! BALL! ! ASTONISBISG. inf. W rim-c [noel nu lino-ed 3.0!, only M I n. r. LIMIT-OI Jun. .. $0. 6 Gen am. Punk. Ml Prinon. w. In. RICHARDSON 4. we--- . -Ww. - ; Greatly Reducec Julv.7. THE CHEAPEST line .1 runs cw" non in thin City on boo-u a at on 90:51)!qu Pm Inna hoary. Erma on your Pwtuua a! in Ibo- anod Cheap and in the landing Btyhn. Paganism ham In on b nan . um English sad Nev Yorkm just introduced into a. rhea; '8! M- m W Our Hawaiian-mall! bin-I. Marlyn-1mm ; lune-tor the flue. II! Open House Block. m it W's Helir it... a 7-Day In" April 0. John-coir. .' IOO Waterproof eroulun. Cmmmn'. Waterproof Circulars ohoap. Sula Honierv cheap It, Wnldronn. All Cum.on Hooiery chap It. Wlldron'n. CHEAP SALE AT WALDRONS 6 ieou Eog-nlh'onch Dreu Good: snlv \ able or nouide or street wou- In I Ihc new coloranclumnz the new abides of Brunei. Terra \oun Rodi. New Umnn. Prime. Navyn. Plum. Garnet and Mnroona nud trenm. Spa S - on] line of vay Flnnnoh nimble for bath n; purposel. Ln Udlmd tank- wc are showing IA BARGAIN Hume". call at. u. Nit-Pauls and you wu'l let .Ilb gnlns In every Deparlmem. Goods sold at your own price In the next on! weeks. Special in}: Good: for the Early Fall Tmlo I __.A\T.__ W, {ELF-$1.? EJASTFJJEOYS Hun just remived n large shipment U! IIIII- All 'ool (Jornw-Il III-I'll. having been purchased early in tho rum-mu u! 1'5 'wr vent leu hlu Mauls! Mb price: We In commence our nal grout ule u! Mlunkeu ou 'lbundny In". I. .. ul-.,|...._ bun. mu. I...n ....i 'In'n' -dl -0... . .--.-- .J i EitiadiFyarih fEWEk yuuuu "u w... Uumlucuuu uul uuu you n... u. mmmw. w. an... a... Lveryona requiring Blnnketn {or the oomnug Full lud Wuqu 1n can! 5 Inns; 0! 01 or 92 on every pair u! [ll-"ken. purvhmwd at noun/Ins A llldnliln'llO- 61.3.5131: N G- SAL n'i UUI .Hvo, HosiHy. 1 Gloves, 5 Dress Goods, ; and Prints. Markod Down] Down I?! IN PLAIN CHECKS AND POLHA DO'ID. RICHMOND & BOYDEN huh. I benullhfl nuleollnu v! tho nbove M Which in, M) cl ulng out u very clone prices IIIIIIMONM I: non-l. SATEES & @1319: g; CLOTHS .nu nun-u... . _-_.- l fBOWES EVISrgrONE'FTE -r.' Be. In Announce the Clean Inle ol' the Be-nnnu u M In.- nler Itncll. Runnsnu 0! Drug Goodl to b. cloud out. "girdle-u of out Rammnu of Print- to ho ole-rad out :- nrdlu of out. Lu. Trimmod Pinto]: m b. clone ouI nan-die. of out All Killinnry Good: to b. cloned out W d 0. n-__4 A..- n-__ AI. __J -A. -____.A_- _. srnnoniumnnr I... A __-__- ml.- l-L-_ .l- -r.h- ll_____ - A. n.. -_.._ W" ,,1 __ , ,, ,, Come o-o.Co-e All. and yet Banal-u II Kingston. July 19. BOOTS AND SHOES. DOWN ! DOWN I DOWN! White Quilts, Table Linens, Golden low for 0m. Dry Goods and Illlhory! .___. ._._._ Closing Bargains .IV.__V. A- ROSS r R. MOFAUL, Anon-uncut Lark. Prices Low. uu lnuun-mu. nu. IKOWIIS A BIONETTB'I. 204 l'rlum-sn htrvct. npposlw the Windsor EMMA .-_)o(.-_ F. X. COUSINEAU I: 00. SPIINCII & CBUILBYI. is? ad 184 Princes. Mmel. appeal. On, 300. A. slTIIEBLAlD. l02 Prim-van blroel, nut to 70 8h. ~. oLn Imnznuas!g All xlk Umbrellu ohup at Wuldron'o. Fancy Dress! Goodl It grail] "ducal Drlaenl flael l Alfb'ammer Goodn "(land in pd... ue mum of all Vbe new color- It phooo full, 1 {mu 5 m we lv-u nan Lho hm good: won olI'ered tor [n-fu 2 Saw Rub) r (' mulam tor Luna-um! cw dren In .I: mzunluni rl lowu prim thno'Of. When )uu . qu.re My Good. dont {ml to all and we the New 000:.- I! the ow that IIIIIIJVI of") I: nor-In. Table Napkins, and Sheeting: . WALDRON. INS. Prices. 180 Print. SM i 'I. u had ' awe-I w IIOOI'I MEI-g HWSEKBWSH July 19. and.) II Ion. Juury m Inc. x51 an to low. ham to Inn, In 1 30': Ju Io Jun-.1 M '01 mm to Jun. I 3.: MN laud. tn ocumb gaunt-31"; h J Jan. wk l Wad: annual-mo. 1M1: Inca-mm" um M mm. but opt-III". min-s.th l It! KEEP COOL! And unous hruudl of Other ('hrets u. v v,,, M ,,A.,_I_A_.. pounds Lola! imam I... lirunnmlwl Very [2ng nrlghl Iran"- . ....A_. BARGAINS LITERATURE. Abe Gumnn LL u \ He did In! u! FAMILY PC A~Jl7 ,1; AA.L,. I M. I.llhtll In Qunrls. null-c " M. JuIIen ' Lion Gm! er]; I Low Prices: PORKH ; DEATH H Nuns, W. :Clrm .xt' Lu: Cuuutv Court of i LlLw)! Leunox uml Adximgn 5L \Lvs L'uuml. M11 one of the m a: rmp \Lo-l cmlena of ( dwl than: quJenly yestercl 15 cuppou to buva been I 5 mm lung .liscue. Dccu wed . 60 you 0! one. . Pmnm:z.\11u Unsta- ' mudu'r m Jubn H v' nrrlsou h nghbnro was \ Kl by u-l Wu "lb: wwl by .\ll' Mm: , u pl ~;- '- .~ cr 2 Bucluug . v .I..-n-' Hm rm ' Exrnsxos huntTho at. R. P. Flower 13 how wnth 1. plenum-e puny ! (mm the Thousand Inlandn.-Tlno atr. . John Thurne made he: rst appearance I It lxingstuu [Lia Henson with an excur- 0 on pmrry 1mm Clayton and Round 13' i Ill'l." About 40'u10uk the tr. Giplyl unved M}. an cxcuuion of Masons! nu IJWIJr-ll'l an Lou- | HP U \ ,uu can 1 1. mac {rum my reliable drug- gmt. u Lm\ of .\I ncka Msguehc Medium. winch mu! nnu lunv ve dose: ; thin i0 cheaper thznu any other mums:- medicine told. Ind wiule n. m cheaper our drug gnu gay n. is the Deal. and givo inu- (ur'uuu m 3 cases Head tho udvertiua mm: m another column. - v-7.. . from the (ugul )lOXCAL.Mr l'rondell. the band- 1 wave: of "8" battery. bu written I 3' another 17.11:. In mlr in'Lu Sinus ' du Luftnd in (lo-hch to the India. { whooDW'sducmluyeu-umgq nu gonad mo bnbor In lb.) ncmily o! the QIOIII'I I'lnu-l. enjoying the bound In! wenher had the delightful mute 0! ch. had, ! The ulse u on the prognmuim for to- ,,:,_,A__A N I .o<> ~4 : FILH knelt[n this county tho '1 nppke crop mu b. Iago. Thou will he : low plan: 01 ohorrin. That. will be a i modunte supply at curl-nu Goon- < hm.-- _.s.|..-b..uul.n [1mm IIN uluurllon nlwnvu fur It'll- .lblc buyers. beau , modarue Iupply u: nuso. v...- bornu wshbotbnndant 11mm Inna tum contain-a. moi-punt! with show-n. than will be u Ibu- hacqubcrriu a mum iSuxwmmModMIu I m Aucuicml'ban who {or m couumpfamsg lilo m | i would man we urn. d tho OI i Emmi bin bdon pining their a. use. than. Tho plan cl m imam oqniuhlc. udun lads. hf gcooducud wanna-nu b lb: ,,,- u___;.. ;- .h-JJ 1%.! gm compla- m u u-vuu. nu ; "ml mm. o! mCoup-yh-onll. J. u. Kahuna. but inn... .. yum... UL... .- u... tvuw_ whom the rmlwuv )uucuou scheme . Ail be discuuhed. Tho Precidont uul buporintanrlem of m. road will be prawn; m the Interest 0! the Company. II. n hoped that a daemon will be ruch- ,ll YACHT Accmln.A| the yochc Hobo, owned by Major Faxrtlongh. mu turn- mg the um. wwer. shortly other noon. her l4)me broke and Ibo nurly mp~ _ 5116:]. She Wu running In the mo. due .m} In tho St. Georges Society. -JI, nu-l... A rmmm Rznounuu m: James any ruluuuunhq r hm grandfut) er NIH: |_ _Hvx a. .1. anon. The yachts in the third class race had mer not. gone far from Channel Grove when m Island.'_Th r. In unfortunkxcn uccnlcnl occurred let m put uveral nx LhcmuuL of the way. The yum Ben" Dunn wua puslmq u!) sail u Pu 1. I And gninmg on the othvts when u squall ll.w.\bout (Jiplvl'uuck I'M" a woke Iglnud' and H, D cum mu-5 bu bow muuuller water. She lled and m I (I in! then burned over on her side. The crew ~- (cried ontlor help. Fisher's vacht Amelia. Intnu V. Dctlor,j could not. turn back. McCurkell. how- luwf Cuunol LhaCoun~ sevur. succeeded in getting bxck and Mr uu.1Adxllngton.Uniled picking up the new. who rm mung: mm of oldest. and unconcernucllv upon the upturned (Tull. 1 ~: \ toll Nmpunee, I The saved men were: F. W ull'. .\1. l l yesterdly. Death Noyland. Thos. Wade. A. Blctonvxlle. o! ulnpawl cannod by this city. and Mr. Compton. of 'loronto. m.- Jim: .56. was then! I McCorkell's boat. was put. our. of the l , .....- Ln ohn .nmdnno 'l'lm lilFlthPd' Zxrusxox 'xrmu - RLLAHVEH. Today In um; um cousma of the late Chulu mm. assassin of Presldent Guold, n-u , H Anna Hm, \Ir (i A Kirkput' .\l P, rammed veatorday from oh: Hn was much pleased with r the no Province. The HI; Hm. i I. Mun-,3 pughml ahead a:IL.- ,f1..r----mxh-npurvlay Four w. n. lcRAE & Go.j l Luu Lu}. Aug] "Luv u.n.u..wu (,Hm steamer John Thorn. One mm from St. Luuu; another {cw York State. The aunt wu y a reuduut of Ontario. 7 0..-..Vv , 3.31st mannaAlter the ubn v hultnrm in ~ Tl n-lutives. ll. wwl Mackintosh. I ~ ~ur u: Buckmgham. Ho (tl'lllng the property. And "u. .u: exceileut mine of u Lama (ound upon 1:. The - 1mm; developed 7_.... , \ '1. ~.\ mend, wbuhns arouta. pays Rev. Mr. Jol- L 500. ELM! iu the Queen he has married ve cou- hrue fummls. nnl chris- ircav Hm record in King- Lu.) muriagls. especislly. ll . \nn Runourum ~\lrl Fan- rclnuunuhxp with Each .Ier ulso declun i nnl ulclpl. lhelnd for '1 In. augment. given us numbed With the po 1mm hm! ground. for up. _.. n. (men. and Imllu. lured Ih Maxwell. he um: found Jig wlrauglod .cknllo Iynu' J-.. , the lumen Luvu "yupA .. .. u, ...., 1 I U ' men by the accxdenh The drenched I I crow o! the yacht. Balm Duuuu came to the any. and tho tug Mixer was des- pncchod to pick up the yacht. which wab dnlting towu'ds Garden Island. In vluy a young mm Ill a sun boat. which carried a large sml surmd on a tour. Ho got. as {hr as Pom: Frederick- 08 which the rough water and puffy wind uput his {mil craft. The Maui wan orouing tbs channel at the time Ind u once beaded fur the upturned but; but before she rearhml it the uilor hld auccoerled in righting it. He will adjusted his sail and nLartedo as though nothing nnununl hid transpired. For lbout. three minutes he was con- ceded from new and many on the stea- mer thought. he was drowned. thought that the Miler was R. K. Wing. his; who puud Kingston on route to Ottn- Jar. nun um! wan rnlnrninl: The eumes were: Bella Donna. F. W n it Euon. nu , _.,A.._ :_ AL...L New Goods U Wu Illuhxvvu vu lvuw .v v'v vs oomo duvs ago and was returning; to u Thouund Inlands. v This cartoon I M unwed George! Flo won: with some wmpnnions toj n I Cunnqu Bridg {or A swim. The boy; Indra-0d And )umped in. Fleu went; down no to rise tgnm. The unfanl 3 I. Incident. occurred at 33) o'clock. 3 body wu recound by his data- d bunt. 'ho livu u 74 Colbono' all it unpluyod n Dunba'o duh-u uhblnhmm. The lmle boy i m Id .bou 19 yous. ' l'he wind WM mqu favurglnlu {m the Usrold Ind she plowglml through the wstar III speedy rue. She displayed a Vut expanse of canvass. She ruuudr odtho Ihoal tower about; 1:10 o'clock. long the minutes m Lulinch of the Hobo. The Luck to Cunleu Isllull an: madam the same orrlur. the hlylvl pining an her cnmpamtm. The Gareld pulled the shoal town on tho smut-Jud roundabout. 2:45 o'clock. u louglmmuce In advance at the Hubs, and pncmcally the mnncr o! the uca. bunug acci- dcnt. Fur Thml Clues: Sml Bous. Hut: .111): Three hunts must comm-La, I ~Lbampion Fug 311105 cash Um Iidenn'n Fri 23. (nnran (rnm Imnv nf'f {hunnml h Imam 3 En zn. Course. from buoy 01f Channel drove wlmrf to Shoal Tower. {.1 huzy 06 Portsmouth. to buoy 03 u u-U: suio of Simcoe Island to Snan 'Iow'm'. thence to starting pomn at Ctmuuol Grave. 1 Sum 11:30 am. . u , v n:_LA_ Im kid minim of Col. non) Int-bat and ocon an bud of "B" M will pity on ann'u Wharf this . mil; math permitting) commu- a I o'clock. The {allow it tho ; _)4 - 3'3 0 am Jun. . ram "65". is; o... WVJJM Innlud . 1me GI L1... i m h. 'mmn in VI, In. day. lunlus uuu. Messrs. Curtm. mum n oxproued readiness for L M. the signal oulv Curt: u started The Emma hle whilo deristvo chcen m gentlemauly crow of mu action of the (:ruw of [Mn cemiuly meat muguhr Upon the pxu-mc groou the owner uf the ytcht Laura ubjuL-ted to tho liar knee. The Emmas owucr urged adher- ence to tho course uni wudntxom as nd. wub winch Cupt. 0:er vus per {only Included. The SucuLy a Lommll. m aloud to uhoneu the race provuied I. o! the yachtsmvu cu: ugrecable. but. Cuptmu Cums obychul m the rules :1 published had to be wlhcmd to. Mr. Roboluou. must of L|.e \urm Laura. then said he wuulJ nu: Mill. but yPL he Wu nohcned to do so l'bulmore Major Fulttlongh Merci to make the Llnrd but. wll Khu race. bunny A thorough IPOI'LIIDID Hm L-mL had a \lltblhtl topmut. and was far (rum lu-mg lu rncmg trim. IT THE GOLDEN LION GROOEIY. b The lollowmg chhh met a: therm' lul Urovo rendezvous: The Guteld. Clpl. Cums; Emma. Cmpt. Guard ; Linn. Capt. Babel-mu; Rum Gray. Cnpt. Cummmgs. of Montreal; and Capt Fu'rwloughu yum. Tun race bemg for Kingston boats tlm Katie Gray could not compote. I.) her urewa' regret, an my overhnulod ma Luum bu easily on the run acrou an to give them norm for I content. I . Ina. valuexl st .5. (JournemSmt lmm buoy o Chuml Grov- whuf. uence to shot] tower. to buoy o Pormuoum. w u buoy 08 W North ude of Suucoe Ilium, to tho you". to Porllmoulh. to buoy o! Nam: udo n! Szmcoe. w Ihoul tow- or. ad from skoulduwer to starting in in won: a! Channel Grove. shout mu... Inc. no he aomruod by tho min of the Hoyt] Cuudmn hum Club, nu- v.1'llv our" I ILL-l us... Open to All bou- oumed in mm. PriseTho Stat-urge] SOCiyl Chun- pion Cop. Thm boa- must run. If I you. onuu uconJ pnu Inn be swan; Ina. Vuluexl 08. 0mm man". lmm hnov Chuml IO. M's Quanta-u: mu inn-bun. Timon-Mm wu good. In! hvoriog . hm turn out. 5 The alumna!" It Chanel Grove won : may. at which more Anon We not. only Ruby the yum nos. tannin (um con-men unnl to-morro' 713 men nu. I m Society-chum- pion Cop. Gum-3qu thence ohool North ads ntoul use: to int Iron: Grove. oan Cnu :dmn Club YHI Y\CLIT RACE The ymLu cherm Gurus; Capt. Oord: Copt. mi coo-Ide My. nd a do MLiV-mmdmmh smug-mun... m cud-Wauhdm 0:01 on!" .mi-xummmm if! inpoudhlmauhuonilam. taupe-k nildlyud outlook thupto. unity.whkh. uou hm pay Th '10 lab: Th he. and f Son. Thi obunu. hub..- urooa udlomot'ln- enough to bring judmn upon the Go- vernment ud All that in. Ildl' It in mi. bottom. 0- [May "on! the ea-"hing iupoon tbdny Mon wor- unloulod. tho oohn. Euner uld I a. Cumming. both tron Chicqo- Tho formu run 40 both-ll Ihon 3nd tho later 88. [Jada u rule. to which n rouqu undo Illusion. both Iould have amped duty upc- thoir deciencies bud they been undo: Emile-ch. but. the century being the on. the whole uhormgo In. xed. M the rate 0! 15. per bubol the whr. Emonki had no pay an nunucipohd moon: 0! 06. vbnlo am at tho Ichr. Cumming: mu 36.70. Thou In no dodgmg payment :- elm-m pop." could not be aboun- od until tho china 0! .ho Cnlmm' De- pmmont In {ally mud. "an... n... no: A". \ u light. with u: Mont. Th- Im 03. mutt. mm I It '1. yet a 6. ant fur . inchLy Lhe chr-l : u-J Fmrtlough in her anchor. 131; BRITISH mum. wannasuu. JULY 2: 1882 uAnnv' & mumps,1 Cupuuu. us But puny-In . S. 8. Bad And J. Will-mi. of Fulton. 1 - Mt. bicyclists, who I. Kingston on : f Mona-y {or Menu-l. urind in Brock- vll-lo n 6 o'clock. They compluned _tbn&horotdwnvy rough. D. By order of mam-90. through ' m. Col.me D.A.O..thb Ila-dqm- anotmmmm in has re- mni ho- )dhvio. Lt. 001. Mar? Hoot-uniting sh It Won. than 1 them In. M tho ouc- . n-u - , A, A .LA UulHIUu DU Illa-DUI]. III MW w an; . Lieut. Dawnon. Coldstroam Guards, of tho Vice Regal :3 bus been onlered $0 joid his regimen; in England imme- } dubely. | 1w... Inn... D...kn.n. Innan Sui I ILruw. - | Rev. l-athor Kiolty. of Innilmora. has presented Mr. Georg. HLUisrd. M. P. win: a polished obony can win: chased gold head. It wu votod to him At a , pic-me. ! l r Amhih-hl Fnrhnn l- nhnnt tn : plC'UlU. Mr. Archibnld Forbes u nbout to E marry um Lain Mains. the daughter a! 700nm! Menus. of Wuhington. Mn. 3 Forben cream ho Atlantic 10! his boir- i g on in the Autumn. n In, I,|I:-_ __1)-_ :- 'l- _____ - .'._ l OBI Ill sue IlllI-I-II. Rev. Mr. Jollilo raid.- in Toronto in i I unnu which cut 0&me preaches I inncbnrch ulnod n 010111). The odioo! f bu boon crowd-d lilo. Mr. Jolho'u oc- cupuiol o! the pulpit. R R Band) And] Willud nl rnlfnl 1 Wlll EPPBDI I I'll 'lung ulun'. Ovel fty porsons leIt. Ottawa by the V steamer "prny." on the Masonic ex curaiou to Kingston. at noon to day. I .-_.. rum--- rum-9.-.... annnh mum]. I The Kingston Pro-bytery meets in 5L Andrew'I Had] on September 18th ; the name any upon which the Dominion 1 Exhibition opens. I Tl. erhuilln Rnttnlinn 17.3 In?" I The Brockville Butt-lion Band will hue an sxcunion to lingual: shortly. I They com. here by the Cundun Chau- nel and return by the Amuicnn. The Ganauoqno Reform Association and the Butery Band went to : Brockvillo yaourdny in the Iteamer; Ma xwell. They had I very enjoyable; tnp. } M. Eli-gm] Qilu'l nl u 3""an Rm I nxmmwm open. I IIIIP- Mr. Edwnrd sum, of tho Front, Road, I Pitt-burg. bu a eld of full when what: 11) some plus. in 6 foot. in height. Evi- j dently this will be I gust your for i I -.-.._ IIHU ~nu Ul UKHBIA. The freight on gnin from Kingston to l Montreal bu sduncod to R cents per [ busheL n n v a ,,,,A_ .1LAD_A_AL_A, lJolm Hondunh & mi LUD UI Align-U. Ihe Kingston Units-armed Encampment go to Waterwwn on the 16th. They will appear in their elegant dross. n--- m... an... I." mm... Lu Hm ' rn.u..u.-. V. l-B\ In any... lieu Csnsdisus slii} when ur barley Lo L'uu l'nited States duty is only asked I upon [but delivered from the vessel The bill of lsding or clurnncs papers, sre not taken as s guide in pro- ference to the csrticnto o! the Super- visor. Tho wheat and buley going to the Americln ports is entered for home consumption, not let forsan shipment as in the one o! the gain tmnlhipped burs. The short-.30 lnd duty question is becoming I. gnu one, sud unless it is urmn god, as was tho duty on dsmagcd grain some t imo :30. than is probability of the Csnndisn trule being injnrod. Brockvillo bu m civic holiday on the 4111 of August. TL- 1_-;-L4. -.. nn;n 6-,. VGaarnn on UUSIIUI. ML E. G. JamyJate of the Brautford Tab-gram. has accepted 5 position on the Barrie Galena. ' . u ,j ,u ,A- __AAL|_ .- UNIV] 1 Vania. V Sir John Mudouald was unable to. receive visitors yesterday account of in disposition. TL--- ....'II I..- kn..- n--. in {hum-mom. .u ulnpunluuu. There will be horse races in Kingston on Tuesday and Wodnosday. 29th and 30th of August. rL _ r.':_---_ IY-:l---A l..-.m..mm.r me-mI-WI- w tiondldrilhd n It. Ci!on 930 31,. ano-Ic Arm-[aunt oi III-- 0! Local Ind lie-ml lawman(Mir II... I. Io-d-hm w ,vo- civilian- Golden Llon Grocery