)lo otuu II g-uunuo. Bu: Iii. Oroocn. lullmund only by 3 PuthnhhlnInvestmanH FUR SLLEFIUM'REAL PUBLIC00116". I l i V-__ I On account orlhc [nale ollhe late Hon. 8. 0. ion-y and Anal-"v Wilson. Esq. BE VYEE Tho halibut. mun-a by tho Ileana" g! :09 Eng!!!) @7911}; by moan. 91 3 l. MONDAY. 31.! JCLY. IN CENTRAL CANADA 'Illtl WIT. W ROBINSON & SON. POI "DURING A CooksFend Iorlonl willing xmnx Charges The New Hat Storey! Comer Pnnou Ind Bncot mun. King-ton. J wd George Enron. Pctnborough. up v 8 - I I Enor Fruit Salt. Bond anpe Frun lSalt. Tarmms Seltzer Aperieut. Lamp~ lauqh's Pyretic Salim. Fellown Com ound Syrup of Hypopbonphim. Wyello's gcef Iron and Wine. Hydrolaiue. Mur- ny and Lanmnu'a Flondn Wnter. Neatla's- Mxlk Food. Kidge's Food. lmperinl Gran I um. The Roy-l Food and Du Burry's Re I ulenla Arabids Food. Johnson's Snrsnpa rillu. tc All Frech No 01d Stock, ..... . .......-.,.. [3' Bponi-l attention In wring And forwuding I n ...I on "n. Om}- I Chap swam .1; mun-n to: sue um; JoteJury u SWAN], Lydia hum who: born Ed) (Width. '1: IVII. .11. $th010. on: [Letty a: nun DIV Good- MPH. QM )an it. full pmohuea. Cull and IBook - Binding} Muuc bound on ma morn-I nouco. Putn- vnued on with Pine! And Price [All I .. ~.. . v . Inn . nun aura-n u. n: nuuu-uu . _ u... . .., ptndor lo qua-In Culver-y and mud Im- zryhcglne. omco- Mun-t Bqnm. mm. o . mmwuu-L_ . A. IIIIOIDI. mum-nous.- Own! 0 jun]. r \ I. I l. .Icll... .1. A pn-p-nd to mun everything In an mu 0! i iFlrsf-cllu Han- mm.1 srnAw HATS; Fresh Supply: W] {Bur Closing Sale ! uuu -.~u..vu vannun. t I; Plnncu- Emu. may oppomu City Hotel I u v 7 MILLS BROS. ! - l Buuutnl wamhu mud. mmmmvmu I I turned). Old rm". Colorgdw ml 1 wmthl_ A -__--l [Death to the Busy Buzzing Plyf I muumu INSECT POWDER! | Muatbenold w nuke room for heavyf I A non: commit! For Ilunnng. llshmg. Travel IIIII and especially wrvlruhlr for lnmplnu 0m hum I! ! I \ A" no: an be mu]. uou Iy u ncupful in/E HNEST FLA V0350. Use LYMAN'B Concen- l OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Don 0N SECURE A BARGAIN. Received To-day. W. T. C. BETIIEL. trated Extract of Hl'.\l' " \ unnr ' mum-on .umw an. Luv INSECT I \\ DER GLN! mam POWDER 012w ! CITY HAT STORE. run I'Llf'll wuuuvu'nuu- I COFFEE. to ifelebrated 403. and 500 [KINGSTON & mam an f ENDEBB will! rec-1nd by the Kingston a Pembrou Ruhr- Compm; until noon 0! the FIFTEENIH DA AUUU: hEXVTJor lo! DAY AUUUBT hEXT. tor gnjma tht hi you! {mm point About ball a mu. uonh 01 1b- )hdnwnh Run, to I pom: m 11:11.: nonhuly that-9mm : the from - point nun mile! tron: 1d Hlnrw the Juncuon wilh tho Cum-dun meme BIL. allhor ll Reqfnw {bl (Judith; Ysclc allhoi Boufnw V111. at It a rain! (our mu nonm-fly than from, In any )0 deforminad --,~ 7 r :,w;.. I. m .III -' L... w M .I- um"? (I ma aw-NMJm" ..: pw-uluruIA-llnw tum r".- raw-uhme u MI A la- and "DIV" -" . ,7 7 _A.. Bo raw land-r: tor cu pontou. In ormuaoa an be obhlnod n thoCompnuy'l 0m. Kinsman. and .1 m. cunp 01 1h. Inca!an pcny on th- Hue of thy mon work. Tom" uinol per cent cub. on themanxhly "Mullen, Ind I. a hlltnco on comwubon The Company nuns. the nub: w nun In, or I huh. . (1E0. OSBORNE. Wu and tan may "new to m ('1'. talisman. Old man 3nd onu- bought .0 n... an In. I. Dunn Rm PIANU AMI) ORGAN TUNER. Mar/oi 0F REMOVAL! HAVE oponod..mm umu m I. an o- a onl Blofl. an )u-v w hum. And gull bu on and to m an old I .-t- man and, may Iona-um" hvot no name. Witty one-1o: mu Ila chum to man i I i Dry Hard Wood 1 I Best Value in Town 2 ( I New Shapes In BROWN. BLII). . S h 1, nnd GREEN 8! Low Priors. ;Received To-day t r. v {he Full Trude. something vorv uivu In: \ouna men lo {Mens and Boy's Stiff Hats l No-n' NIH-Ian In nun. Ill.l'l3.. quvmm" n- u. i I 1"." an: as! 0". Hum. mm mm." Duh, nun-h- ml OI htm mam m an ISO U PE)?! 'fImerlcan Fine Felt ".13.; FRESH Anmms I! 'JAS. GALLUWAYE Innuuu Apply to Then ticket. point It. hulk no! on ly mun-t uh: I: not-l can! of und but nasal! .u on: 'unol ro~ cioved during tho puiod oov by the ticket Covering MN: on. a! dent und m u wont indomnny in one of injury Pulil lot potiodn gnuor thnu 30 day- mnued It low nu; I .,,.. ., j Accident I lnnoou uent. nu! 0 Onmplll Bullmugs Tolmmuuymm: Ekprdcyupoold. l7w30dnyn M. . R. Orawford I: Go.. GEO: PEDLER, ACCIDENT TICKET STRO U D BROS., JAMES GALLOI'AI. OF NORTH AMERICA Dry Soft Wood! 0F OPR cheap (or Clllh! a no hm - RI: .. .n. u: 1) mad. Minute: n u PP-37 n3 Jell. I Johnna-0 January lion. 'u- I Im "not. All clumo nl nra rill l-Snxliuh m lauuhnn ( Apply In All clnimn settled by C111th In Mann-0d. THOIAI MILLN, Agent OFFICE~Cl|nno Brutowoh PM Olen Jnlv l VILLAGE WI. out) humuu I119! In: aup. Idlulniu Town HAIL Gland u bu" prion. without aunt, from .40 mun. u the cub-crib" in low. '0. 1m. lnlln-Inn lnl- Inn Mn and. acid Wm Num- FUTURE "nusum on! an. mm In use nun sud nun math-1 my coat Apply I) D. J. APP. DI the Imm- Johnna-0 Imam-cum w u- lm 7 mumbi "W and pub):- h pun] blunt-u- gmmwdo am rsaw-nu, Ind my! all :1 inch. 3:; mum. at .9 may; Run lower tmn Lay other Englhh one. doing human in Cnnsdl. Alllho running-rot thq WELL EQUIPPED. no of? and. Bake shop and Residence. sscunn-mn'isnnxs. {Life Insurance) [ LIFE assunmcs co. 1 hr the year rlmnng the son: of April, lml Applications . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.619 New A ssllranres . . . . ..,77J.606 Appllculloms Dcclmmj . . . . . . . . . . .. COR lnu- - nan fGANAIJA LIFE] MAHYSVILLE. WOLFE ISLAND. FOR SALE 0/? 7'0 LET. This am no u nun mu. Ion Lils-pong] ISL. dosh hoop It I. . I nummu I'wvu run 18. to no tho Ihovo Tndn lun- upon out: but on, buy. ad I. {allowing dawn ; , . - AnA_-' -. AA Tm tomnuy luv. pin-um In announcing Lheresun u Ito )ru bum on 10L thick n sum not All 880? hu .1] noon-m but! mp]. menu Mu bur-mud mu: not once ur Construction & Working Qualities an "III Dams! laden-M on. n we have noun " " z! " " ID 1 IL" I. AWARD. I'll Ulla- mm JAN." IIVI "loll. BI 0'- run. WI! 1! maidh mom lsisn .mmgm ~ It in knth the Liver. Cut this out, take it to a dealer in medicines. and ye at least one 76 cent bottlo of Zopeaa, and tell your neigh bor how It acts. It L3 Malrrxuned to cure Dy'lpepsu: and BH- humans. Dottlo cures. It not- dlrcctly n on the Stommh, leer.and lane. Changing. Conncllmr. Rez- Stow. Liver. and niche. Cloanlinc. Con-acting, Beg- nlntin , Zopr lvm energy and v In to the rah. Nerve, and Muscle. simply by work- ajg wuuttllersuipon u; Riga:- an gn ng act v y o thlvvl. Hut. thin nut tnkn it In An. # .rour nod-II and mm! . EA". ml A'AIDID Ill GILL LONDON AND LANCASHIRE J. '1. Wllb, Spa-ell] Agent Eunn 01mm, Kinnton. WM, McRORRIIC, U. A t/UA Ocnenl Agent Esmrn Onunofomboro. J, T WRITE ASSURANCE COMPANY. TFSUII HI .0 NEW BUSINESS FIB!) INSURANCE. ...- -v~--. T--- . I. C. JACOIY C 00. For III.- 1346 for 380.! 0 . m my nun-u. Iggy-xi u! g III-r no rm; $390,000 1 UUHIE. Loo-l out N0. 1:; Km; POWDER. uymonwspbhunlau Ibo M30 004W. mumntuo halo mum-Minn. NW ' do; Adda-l. w mm. IN MI in Dr. ann'l Hum-nub .3 W 31ml!" bythrir use MMNOI'M mlm' nod 0:. hard. by! I AM tho Inll rand-val "If-AM M _. _.- _._ _._ Thorn Would be hula if any nob- during the hot nwnthn 01' July sad that. Ifovory one would his Dr. Cm'l M0- mwh And Con-tipuion Bin-n, u all, pravent and cum I durum! d Cb Iwmnch sud bowehu. 8014 {I by. W n 50 ocul- by all druuilh. E.WO. m-nL. - ' .--o.-O_ A Bunu hub found on thou-W of I Southern chm. bu. until! Ii. 3 mun ulniun a! Dr. Vn Bum. W ans 0 the 3mm bl 0'. .0 N mining humunny. Dr. VII M'l Kidney Cure In wknowlodpd I" tho world over :5 tbs only do remedy lot kidney would? Your mil! hu it. muaux vary It; Coup wmwh nun h" hook-i- n. (In ligand-arm anus-Jul U] "Ir" w mum. hat-ha 1031 [mm drownod' pnnnndcntl blur-n bout-I we-nu by JIM Nth-WW puma!- Ions in llr'n .1 by. m E.Ww.sgnt. --. o.. Pun Dnm' Puulnuuw-Iu club no Almost mlununooun lot-ding rolicf from 1.113 mm: mums: ptin. I! M5 the Irnnt-d ur inuuvu pan. "Ind p"- rut lnd quiet tn Lhu nueror. n in um: web, anooplol (mod. and "cry on nhould hue H. mm tham. or what. my can ul their huuh on It In the M II n h- Pita-Md. x. 3.. but now a! wuss-Ia. l. I. writ: "mnmdbuwrl W Biminm bail, for "MM! and u s 1. kn not all I. mtbovbohllll Kym boa-n innlul for two 1... but 0:. MI ham and but. ' Cz-rrmgm, and 113m nem p190. cam! lw all Hm vessels of the naval Iqutdm. ' wbnch vi be manned by the NullIdo- Kalle, urn hung got. ready n hLlthlf for servlce in tho out,ka I Egypt. ()murs have been (unite: providibp a large number of nun-n. squadron curbs (or both inluuynlld onvnlr '. These wLAl b0 warmth, npecinf lighL transport. column. nd b. of I. character Huiublo for Moi In I: sandy country. The sub-hath] gm- ml sunle Waggon: luv. boon pro- nounced to ho L00 huvy. And I. I light. (up, furngn. and othor tummy curcn uvmlubln ure being brought out. and Will be mml In the forthcoming ' cmnpmgn for mule draught. With lb. Olglfl ul currymg Lin-out. 2.000 not. at the mullst. hum harneu in notes! Woolwioh Duckyru'd are born; nlhred to t mules. o! whxch animlll EU! Mn- juaty - Government. has I vary lug. stock, but]: ur. the Modibornlmn luv our; 3nd In the Indian Em. 'A ' [urge number of specially oontnokd puck saddles, uu either lidoof which baggage can be nlunl, nnd tho umr pounder guns. curring nnd ammuni- tion mounmd. nro being pnuhod npidly forward. The mule armament hool- Itructenl thh .nuuh nicely ch no Ili- um! mu have Locnrrv moro mum poundl. Mu- 400 pound gun being 13:40 In mu puts tor this purpow, and ucrowed together when trusted for I. The light mega trul- u Woolth ur- unnl in now ready [or nor-vice. London. July 20 I HUI 530m. .__.. Thu Batman. E 21px. d Pittaold. N. 3.. but now of W I, l grit.- - "inn-mu! thill [Adah eqmpmenbu le ISO my I'UI'WIUIIU hogpimh, hum ut the hu- elm. along the limo ol communloctlao. the trout; wlnlss. the bearer compul- whose duty in is to convey the woqndofl from battle under re. are being rt ldly organlnd. me litters. which WI bu carried by males. being pm In largo qu \Dlltiu. The (Somali-ml Conn. WP: ullu yuaerday actively om- plnvel In prupunug appliances for Illa bakeli -. and bumlyenel. Tboeqlipmontl Inr tlm lour eld compumu o! Royall} glueurs. luclmlmg amoro- for continuum brnlgen by .Lln- pontoon troop. ad that trumllxug omlcn ol the wlegnph "092 are helm; uvd up With the his" Improvemenu. whim. orders {or the lip- ply of I; [urge quantity 0! W polo. and eld wuo have boon given. Two seven pounder hntmriu. on. of 9' lb. gum am! one of 400 lb. gnu. c'mplvlb. wnh nmmunmon. are nearly may a the Royal Annual. Wool'inh, In! tho mule mm:me nervxce. wbllu dial-17.. number of Gulllug gun! on unvoll and ham eld pleou. cam . Im H n... vunqaln of the nan! mum. " prepurutlous or the moment an on! urn already completed. The Ind surgery Waggon! hnvo DOC-m up \vnh the neceme bun-nus: drugs nnd medical contort... VT) '_ mum wood nal-inn Ind' Hum.) 4w nah! hospnnls 1 acre Will use no I re nerve ammunition column. togaohur wnbh Hn- naoeuwxy number 0! night... army vuwnlury uuruoonn. mm? - . h. hco au.l punt oco amplo Q00 prepurutious of the medical m nrr almmiv oomuleted. drugs nnd medxcal canton... Lenny. wood ooringl ind ' om eqmpmenbu nre ulna ready forth! his hosnimlq. elm. urlllngvnwnh. w B. GOIIWDOH to Egypt The ex! nil-bot of MI Io hedrnwn [rum tho Kodiumdnpw other fnrvmu nuuoua bu not. ya: "um plrml. but II has become known lb the quota to he sent from Eugluhd i'uM' CODthl M MAUI men. compo-ed um lows; Slx n-mmenh of an! . r one butmlluns of infantry, I _.,_ terms of Artillery. four hold coupon of Royal Engineers. eight commit-3 the: Commnsanrlu and Tulip." I. one companv of Lho Ordnul m Corps. With a mudICIl at. .M\M benrurmmpnumv. in chug. of twelve eld hosth There will tho be IDI'VR ammunition column. hmhur Inry-uu urlv'rv-"I.v Preplmhoni won going on yum " av. the \tu'loui mmu d nunth mg eumhluhuonu. u any corp-Ltd nVrr 2.5.01) luau in. Mn to urouenl [or In" ~00- at I ll. Ulcld Pmr-IhI-~ no lode Inf-leg. DYEINO WORKS. Thu: good-by.0u; we m Min" grown: [ grovnng And what) spin more-nod: can We mny bnvo othor not. My n A vqun of your dovom. m. Andmmghdoudhnuohpu 1 auto umplol - u . You gnu our Guam ' in For hotlod. an. V. H , 'Smonnyou: 0114' W. l AI muddy .1me v uh you mu.- "\.-: r one I Thurman-claw . nu.th in yum. you In... Inan it Rap'onm an u m up mm umnld A eutmnun-onu. any oorpqlq our 2.5.4. in. to "Wheat urmngvnwnh. w b. J!!! M ' 16 Egvm m. 5010" our and H..." V " a 3.3900?" runny dad-rubs uh.m Kym Minibume hIOA-iuh. n 1 !:;' - Imommmmhh- um. . . -- Madam-urn!" Bdmmmd I. _ r U ?V\.K~, - bu'vo an I. in . 1.... And that tho nu th- in. nimonl I I Lima-0h om -r.o (1;. j ""9 m! am you w iii-3'3 II A: - A . _ Yuan-o. drink .50 Mi- vim. , _ .VICKIZLVIIY & BIRCH. um... Km .1 hamhnvl Ir. 1.. w w . x mm ~ . "3W. I rah-uw '0 ... "awwu m- u. k, A7I) _, l,..., g lot "In! lithium. NI hM'O ouur upon n youth your Boom WM?! ll umpld u Ru. and LONDO LETTER. why-(luv (vmmWJ u... on .m....~- .1- --;_- a._ -M WM- We" D. rompoooa MW Hm"!- urold oonpun ugly! oomMiM I nuport 0&1. ll ml NJ e ll solnmn. Huber 019W... zoom. llm m. odich o on! i. ~ nun "Elam-IN Al I'IIB IAIAAI. uwuu-u um, r, W. D. McLAKILN. 56 Call. StrooL Mn: 1---. ||Imrll|i A): Illh _ I JAMES 8! PT. COOKS FRIEND , w _ cumin .1. , . ' J. Ins:- PM W. lunc- IMB IQ 4 I.- It I Lilli. -M A", TBUDHNE ;.95 and 97 Princess 8099!, :WBNITUREH Puma-n rcuremplnmu Boun- rurnuhm will 9." mm r \' bv mum; "on WESLEYAN i P. [3.19 RE E5? 5' 1"2011 Fad-bud lad [ma an... bummurmablwwmum Bad ham \dlq mm yhucm I gunman-mo!qu 1 uahmnuwinu V A For the Best and Cheapest Shut Iron E ----. EAGHN'PS, READ THIS!' [ALWng COLLEGEi - I.- 0".-. : um II in mu 0! arm I" an 1 whb-onu Mum. luv-tum. undo to! and. on Sn: nuns... man '11! .01 uncut . "nun! pvt up. A ' p: r In hm." umbe- a u an D twill O I! on T s icGIIleY. ID m - luau. 7 7 . idir-ess'SDOTT-a 00.. Itomire; -"I' -'-'1 II L IL'IO. "N'IAIKIO. \"Illlh- ownlITI IC'IIIIKII LISOQ. mm 1 .v z I.m| vn' ! ulnua m lbs Donxi'ol gnock Button his. Us! | 8! LAWREKCE W1IARF.KINOS'IUDA you nu u i 'l'. noAl'uzl'. luau-on. Oll'.{ W. M. DRENNAN VOL LI. SHEEFSI USIC I 9| BRENNAN tau-Ru Cu Mm! All Duorlptlons of Coal mg to the gun- I) mg wln HUBSBYS HARDWARE Emmi {A POSITIVE cunE : IGoal Oil Stoves! REILLYS u'llooL ron Tm: nous. m IIIO LID QC!!! '0. ML! CHE I 1 John Iu-ors Iludm I!qu I rmuumluna .Hunyuv'm I run. Sold by All mumps and [Iv-slab ID \ ' Julyh. ' m Inwan [hey cum 1: everybody. I mean: Moe Ir. J. c. Iyor 00., Lowell. Massu ppm-Iln-I and \nnhhvm | Allew' [I A IAVORXTE VHTH THr. Hm Ills UPTHC Damn: \ ,. wall alumni. Hm ray [0 Ink-s : and hem. re mmer harmless PRFI\ lyors cathartic pans, POI: all the purpuses IIFRIOERATORS. [ID can: man 011.. Oh- Pulmhtl nub. mu nub fonv'cAWLn, Angnql 1 0401 9 3'\ WM: .8909 s museum 5, a [SAQEA'EQTR'I [LA] HENRY WADE. Milk and Cream} KINGSION. QANADA. WEDEBDAYFQL 26. [882. LA._.-.___ the anion and but known to wane men. M Human: L the lane groom-l tut Ln London. Inada by 'V M CAIIL B, ELECTEALIAS,LU.\- hon, MANAGER DOHINION TELEGRAPH OM PAN Y. Ind duo during the womb of Aunnsl INSURANCE L'ULJJI nmuxua. IIHI uuw - Insure Eforniwb'u "0 Irected Mr \E. r N H 883. when Ammo-on II and. by lbll lomplny or thou unbound unnu One or two good nusblo on tuned. Apply to J, Blonulnl. H loom r'xhaam L'ompln] that sumoan unnu Damn. A The Luge-t. Chap. sud be Stock Boom, Hallway & Decorative Papa CITY Pm SHOP .\ H 4A good "rm; 0! WELL PUMP! o! the nmu Imprnvod kin I In on hum. FELT 00qu mo done on nu mun nonco. | J snouxsmnz Home Md HI . 0mm , Uhnn. Piper E n. KAI-om Mn] In Window Shula Pun: dqno tn mg ban HI shun-n l pr ni. KAI-omhhu Intf done the bu than. I when mud n m nun. au-u- Powcr Clea-lug and 1 And SECUREYOUR BUXLDLNDS And contents mm the ease" of Hzth :0 vrovalanl m nus cuumn, bv enruu men-n t 0 LONDON (mum mum COP nuumumu mm. of "ICKBII N... I der and subjoct 10 1.113 p lqws now In force In It law: thin bell-U for the term Mum: you from the m Monday in August next to the 11m Mond in August. 1883. the Urst unmodduy being chine. end the last exclusive. - The [union to oxpreu. in word: at lengl the sum of mane to be given for theleue n gach Market. to bevudnreed "'lendcrsfor AT IQO'CLOCK NOON. tom You!!!) to lease the Market Fee-Ind We mung Charges of I I: i. oollooume un- subiocl movinions o! (in [3v- 10m or xluasroug y MARKET TOLLB. \LAI [D And wpmle Ind-n wt be raceir In ed at In. City Clork'l Chloe, cu, Hull, an I PAPER HANGINBS. uubwbcb mm m. of .0070 En.- co Ill u hu Jun Half. MONTREAL. on WE DNBIDAY. A170 [7"! DID. NORRIsasoo. alum I.