nun-p rum" "W'- "" ' Mphhmhnem Lbu vi'o, Wu ooo Ian-dud I. k h. u a. nun than a _____.n -Mhm-u lll. taro-nu W LII W' dull III-on un- doubh um mount Jihn-Dn-i-d Mun-h.- Cl II Int. un- comm um mount 4 Ibo In: m d Quboc Ion In. but m -h n pi- hl Oh it Mll"v- n. all My M Inn'an cm In duo nth In I mvvunod um lnd I). all lady 0 1mm. 'Il- and by spvninod um and... Our nut-sun friend mod N. u- oohIOil an! In. eurod of ull her trouolu lvnm tIIA \lgrinnm Prnvincm Ind tho on no cum 0! all In uoumu From the Maritime Province: ml the Baum Shu- we Inv- nporu o! the udnnce ol the Army worm wutwnrd (iron. dun-ac to crop! has been (1qu by tho put. and wow in bured Aeoordiu a: La Minm it in probablo by we pom. and II lonreuA According Minn: in pmbsblo In More long elections for the Local .Houu will an plus in ve or an coun- u 0! Quebec. Vnudnnil. Jucquon Cation hvd and Ventures as among u.- 'mmi- In. vacuum. A Punk}. nibble. upon ducovar- in We be}: "'0. ag on pxiuto nudl near the lumber yesterday. Ibot and killed one 0! them named .\u drew Young. Than in are excitement among the drew \oung. Thurs in great ext-ibement among the people 0! Sandwich East over the sus- pected murder 0! an old colored preach- er utmad Munn. and hlB wiIo, who mylr toriounly diuvpeuml one night. in June lat. whcn their house mu burned down. 'm- rm. Wm...- Almuhnnun munin. IMO. wncu men [)0qu W! uuruuu uuwu. The Erie County Almshouse. contain in some hundreds of upon and lmtics. narrowly escupm destruction on Friday through an "M1an inmnw Impetus with tho gaumwhiuory. The poor fellow was huusuif almost, blown to owl. . _ \ullfl m. - w -. _I.,. Midnme A mlmlln Root the noted concen mum-1 or. being also :1 phllumh mgr-ml in mmumn um tested In nnnmnn mun, ILlHI n ma recently to the lllinm Stntu lnmten tiny. passing it law thus there m seerches into the most wuithy uml In- teresting cases among: tho pusonh. Several of them she Culn'crsml with and gave friendly word-l uf L'hnstx m mlvn-n Last Sunday she assist-ell ll] thc- ru-I mm- m the chapel of the prison over \\ lm h the Chaplain. Rev. Wm. J. Huilmigw, promdml. and besides making a low n- Lnnrhe to tho large cunvict :mlmm- of eleven hundred yrlunnurs. mung several sacred songs and hymns \N) eeotivel).slso giving mine nxuellunt poetical recjtntwns calculated to exert I. ood inuence. One was The Faith- ln Switahmun." and the other Some- body'I Mother." The prison oicere and uversl Indies who attended stated this to he the most impressive BeerCC ever held It the prison. About hall the people of the audience were moved to tears hy the eective eorts of Madame DeL'Annitnge. One interestinx leatnrs o! the exercises was the grutitude shun n to this lady by the prisoners when the Clmpllllu spoke to them about passing it vote of thanks to her. Bulore he couhl put the vote the hnndn were raised at the back part of the chapel and kept going up till all, even to the front. had exyressed themselves. some railing both hunde. The sight was that, of s grand wsve rolling up from the back of the large audience room." 88 the chaplain described it. Meetings were afterwards held in the hospital and in the woman's ward. at which this lady also sang sever- l :1 hymns. Muuame DcL'Arinitnge also I became so much interested in some of these convxcts that the has pledgud her I sell to visa them again. Thin in nrnlinlilv the ()an arisen in the ' l [mu nowo from Egypt m not Plllllll. ' but II. II notroouurlnguglnnll mum-)1 m o panic]: to [ollnw Hm buulbmlnwnl of .Uuudria by the Pller-l 21ml Hula". of And. ond oocb dJyn deny m per lormlug o Ionics which ls luevxtablu odd- to the uriououau ol the sltussinu. Anbi III thou lawn-03ml m his ruvnll oro impov'ul thou- opportunitv They or. dim oho erection of {articn on! ondbroootworkn, and strengthen log in ovory woy the puulmu they Imu- am in onuclpouon 0| ALL-wk by the lnhoh. About. 15.000lruop- hura been controd in Egypt. and these mu lu grunt oorvico U the" uhung cuudmun h no: aloud by lo fumed muchoa. and by tho pnvooiono Which cannot be Molded II coonoouon Inch dltmlt ml:ou u panic. The country. too. Is su geu- ' atoll] ofoad. there Is so much more dinnin- ond tho Aruba are so deant. o! throoto Oho oviniou gums ground that. woimpooduaa uonnct an be moot IhI unreal. Thooo whoswdy the aspect of Join ud oooume Elm position 01 , oounoollon hove pointed nut mm. clm [not dioulty in the ulmnenc 01 no Egyption qua-Lluu wuulll COUL now vmh we cluSe or What Alibi boo givon tho (llltJ mlu of 0 low uprising; thou patnou and W on go o Mop [armor and tall 8 tho. oh. pro-out outlook in uglv and um. Anbin loner to Mr. OMyod In no dolnery m oouo boxpliooblo woyi- emphatic club in w to 'hM. WM h Tell (ul ond upoch w the even: u! an unuck boils; mod. upon hm). Hc IUJ the out). would "mun pus-no nnul tircll open. a.- oll mmu would be erv' M. "I. WON, 0 tho Emopomln 'oold ho ol the more! 0! lm tollowan. I __J Ln-| .___IA 1... oLn-L SJ... self vmt them ugaln. This is probably the only prison world where as many as 1.500 convicts are allowed to go about. within the walls Ind attend to bheir work without wear- ing my manaolea or chains. At present only two are condemned to gummy con- uoment. The oicers seem 00 be as human as they can be and still be rm 3nd just. Tho convicts are remuhhlv we fad. having the best of men. venom. .hln nun-A mod wheat bread. coee. Pave-11:11 wool English some! H I .11 l nit-lud- Io orderm the but ' uh. in nutty ,Aho hi. .11 wool Hui. I ah M to order. It] nu- ) 010. I well fed. having the best 0! mean. venou- nblos. eggs. good bread, to: and other things necessarv to keep up their Itrongth [or Lhmr daily work. wool urgo lull 1 100 mu. Oil mm Shop. .._..... o4. Tho bum. in over, the big Ounn bu m; tho Tori.- now will please ling mum. and Mockridgg will mum gm; pwu"bum;" md no will buy 3n .11[ wool unto suit. i! you'll come to the. u"hum;" Ind no N suit. you'll wool '1 Lin]. Din-I 1lot Shov- any ll l l Tu (he Eduor of (hr Whig. Sin1t seems that Mr. Brown has taken exception to the accuracy of my statement about Samlilli. I think that I very little consiilerutlnn will be sutfr cienttonhow you that his assertions and reasoning are not very correct. In the rst lace the Prince of Wales was born in ovember. 1841. and therefore he was only 10 years of age 30 years ago. The statement that he was at the Cape 0! Good Hope at that age is absurd. as he was then. boy at school. Again the Prince was not the shipmate either of r. Brown or anyone else. for the reason that he never served on board the eet. He served as a soldier in the army. but never as a sailor. and there fore could not be shipmate to anyone. Then MLBrown asserts that because Bandilli sailed in the same ship with the Prince,also because he was tall, thin and lame is the one lldl. he could not been Iriehmnn. This reasoning is in my opinion inconsequential. I think it is more than probable that Irishman have sailed belore. some in the same ship with his Royal Highness. and also that Irishman have been known that were tall. thin and had lame miles. It does not matter three strum; to anyone Whether Sandilli was an Irishman or a I Mr. but [do not hope that the gene tlemsn who hails from the aristocratic locality of New (.uuit mil in future show a little more accuracy in his as sertions and a little more logical some men in his reasoning. Ynn rn trnll' Alb": Pokmu, a hackman employed by R. Briggl. wu Arrested last night on : warnnt worn out. by Clan Dunn. ah young womanservuu'v who came to thin city from Cnnmda about a year ago. She- l chun'es him With seduction under pm- ! mine of mnrriage Acting upon the ad vice o! the wanna) society to! the re 3 lomntion o! tnllen women she causal 9 l his men. A: the Recorder's ems... .mn .um lu- willlmmelll In. 3n.- W. natal nun-h,de Ibo ! IITDII. Pout-on I .anI I):- July 22, M JANDILLI'B LOUNTB Y s raasomug. Yours truly. w m- wmmgneu w - !. nd a". E. H. Stabbin- . mony.-Olwego Pd- I accords! I omco. hm wilhugneu ml an. HA HA subbin- {mu-u "- ot De L'Amngo u-r M1,! snllt' \nm . hropHL l mk. Imu mi oom- TH" Anion To! 9.10904: . lfrl I- III III-I "III.- on--'- lloch. PM It"... It. 81110)! nAKER PM A monk". IVIJI I Inn- Burk! Noamu a u. Hmhnu Bunkl u I. , Bunk o! Comment-1 n l 4. Ridnheu va Colw u 73} mumandating...)- a. l ._|_ - Our Chap Buk' I Thou-And: of New 3nd Blunt Navth l u [Indy udnood prion . I I'D-NIGHT \ \GARDINEB'S. New nud Elegum Design: 111 Corona. A Luge Complete. Cheap Stock Houory, A Rplendul Stock 0' Lisle and Silk Gloves. An l'ucqunlled Assortment 0! French Kid 7 j Gloves \ New Mmrn Sash Rxbbunu } Pale Blue Navy. Cream and other Now Shndel. \ REMEMBER! REMEHIII! n. a J. GARDNER... MI- I. Ill-Ivy \u um lvtlvuulu. i no! blood would ow through Egypt Im MUN In re- late-co ban hu RI. M In" boon 1':sz _-.| MIA _-....- h. u. .n-..l" 'Josnru mmu, ---|. __4 --._n nI... : .1- Still C0! nu'I - 11m. Newest Deugni Luce (,ullnrh. Hnuxlsorne Linen Collnru New Style: Frhngl. GRAND DISPLAY. N Spanish Lnro Scarfn New Pom: Grenade Luce Self. Pale Blue, Pmk. Ecru Lloo Scull. I mun. 1 (1A RDINEBI. AT A DINEII. A'l GARDINERI. A'I GAKDINEHS. u m m "- uw Ii..- lah-Iplgnhomd Holy Wu. hum We! dictum. The nbol WWW! in All hllun: donulm Iii-Wham. perl trial. at! 0 animal! mun mo. Au" -J --....'-..n 1:, Sir nnmal Our Chup 6.1. ! nnrl To-nght To-mgm To-mgm To-NIM u'v 22.Cottcn quiet n In igA._ v 23rd. Mildred Mnanf In J! Mr Wm HONDIOH. 1r" Still Conunuu. Our Chap 8d. | PRINTS. PRINTS. PRINTS. ham-um. nun-m Nudnmutbm 3'. v. Alldurum Prim-u "be. mum u [03. Inna-o w-nuu mn prim would no Ill! line. All of cur Mandamus (umbm In dru- nlyl v n. .hinlnn mmhr n no Choice ufh twainnu, ----. null!- 1"! ii-o nmnwhtw Muir-w &&w 5'. WRW " _AA-__ l-I- .l-,, D um Coo-(Jud a, noun-)- hr Id: uly Bononho Poor Ii mum n mum m. ; luau-mud mum-am tom-unv- aluminium-mn- . 1....- t- IL. m v... . .-. ... 7..-" (Nth-*- Ilc. arm. I" Mucod lo! hum-mu Hum. run .11 nn-ru uy III luv yummy-q lull.- And Runabout Comp-mu um non mu plum ll. onulu u can, H mm. a Pnu mm. In! Yormu o! Inky and .u I We up w n undontnod. GIOJJCLIRE, ; John LCJTIVIIWI. W 1 n. mmlm Inna-1' out n. It. pm Mood to be. Ample pound: and mumncnm hunldlnli {or Ibo cluplu 0! Lu. Mark, Maunluzuuod Ar- uclu. unculloul Impl-womo sud Inc-many tn monon MONTREAL. I September mute 23rd. lgrlcultml if! Industrial. [825,000 [anromlumm nu 13n- on nnd gnu 'blch duo tho I:th- uou 3111b. rramnlno In Ivory dent! Educ nun m aloud by All lb! whopo plan all. {THE ANNUAL Pic-mo ST. 05030;} soc/Err, 0I KINGSToN. EX'H'i'i'IjIONf _nr-\n'! A ! Chaifove vv uvauavl... I'w -v.-. - Pnrtloulnrl tn: pronmmo'l hut Tux-u u popuhr Wicca A. LIRICHEUX. POSTPONED lsmnungunsmu. m DANGER CF [IE/.4 1' nnnnxvm AMETEST. LAWRBNBE I Toronto ' Flour Storo. VIEDNESDA". .ll'l" 26th In". ,, .-.-- msL-A. -- READ PRICE LIST. FLOUR! July NORRIS & 00. mm: as common. ----.v--n -'-.-.'I Mull on) be obulvfod on board. Faro fur the round trip onlv 60 cu For nexu- applv It A GL'NN a 9'0"!) Whnrf G Lva H J (HEVOLIN Bil, Lino. Md. mm of hm, Wu" l (boa-t, old Au mum. ol baud .- It bond: of our ('urnmul nml oumul l living dulv Whulmlod vary low at tho Handout-u _-A._A-u_.. MORRISON. F a. MAXWELL. White Common! BACON. Illl'll IVIIII Phovmam. L C. .T'VIHWF, : mm 16 R. can "not. loan-.1 ' Hug" (und Hun u mh lop norm. in on I mru " downhill-mu A w a... limbo-nu... nu cam III I ,- u ma-un-T. I ,1 if: naynin I. loam. h M the I dun I Ind-um. _ IQIGGXLI. -vl INVI- unru- ' , NI Ibo an ma uni- \l'-.. umcw'wwm' bula-1W"- Tho-tubin- (Ki-00"?" .A. -u... g. n..- duh-n. a Why-n by mm un'lu'rrmu a. m inn-0.1mm" at (um m. m u ha- | badm- and m in mm 0. WI. In hul on both and: II H m j! 0! cq nu; Mn-mg NIG- buudm not. on bum unwan- Oul vol up- In. yum at Appucnnu mu m" the my uny mm. J&' m wWJEEFGdiR'w' '_ (5.4.; II! Ild 'I In M: II! MI An. ad lam MW. am i: nun. Hum W Th. COM N nlnnu u-o u an... DIN. In" hum loo-ch lwnn h M! to WNNKIU. & ILDIR, .d 1 n. In. moon. IMO! um; I... lulu old NI tuba! :wa-mdmau m ,3 n "M. IIIIMINn . Put lu.lluu .wn .v uquInMDAVID lVNNINOH m, nu u .v . ..y lac. No.1 Ami lam I M. normals, WILL 8l1l'A1'liu;$m1-v 3| mn. louqu Nmnu. mm: nu-t M A All numbqu 'lnIu In I 1' I. In JAR J \Vl'l I. [of all. on [w HEAD. Ru! mu Aunt. hug-m Emma. I'lu I... and outbuilding. no nl pod up". Apply in JANE! NEaml l mu 5. ;M. m 55 I014 It By lleIll : u may, Ila. Inn rot tumult" no you." a: Mn. 0! In A C. In W J : ucrcnuou. Alcth {AUCTION sun man. nsmn. VV 'll INNI bwsme uov H.510 II. on Willi-m mm. thou Clan Hue-Loon tuning ll room: human-t- Dmllun Im Mum. dc .npply lo BAWDEN .! MALHAR. m Km: Burnt p_ _._._____ri ' by! in about. MOI mmmbwb'wu mH-locwmdomtl 4 AL L1..__ -_..n_- _ _...__A D THE OFFICE! on tlunnva OtA'llpld by our: llnuon a non-ins) vqn Immodluuly App Hour: "mu gvzu M1 WALKE WALKIM. ur to DIRHLIBVH. lNDEBl-s will he rectum-1 1:1 1h- under-I'D at! up 00 noon on Tutu-y. 2.5m IIII.. 1-... vunmn' A (H.1er wuri tumnwl IL l qrwuy cu"- .n--.. I lay the rulnun And (Huer wuri tr,qu mum. con-Mn lmpravnmnu m Hm I Pdm And other landma- on lha Ekbt , Ill-nil M the L]!- M will! 7 tun bone 0' on 3' H W l I IE BUILDING Now anupiod by tho Bun-u WKxo l'o "anon on Bopumbcr I Apply .1 Ibo pubnu on on}... HOUSE Iu Ucwmr or novemu wuh Ili ~odroolm. and yard Audi-on lmumnnly 1' Box 7." July M [350 BOSTON HIT STORE. W' vunwv- 1'0le m w W stir-idly bu conned lad-u- mum-museum MM The linu m mm anal cum. ad M than-c000 mlomhuht. Marni-mat doom u i-pouabimy. _ 15. m! mmhMbyth-Solu. col-II (mu-y. umhplmmdl and... MIN [no formal n W. ,,. _:n. L-J -u._ 9 (him. Ml. ITOCKS WHEAT i July I k," an I M In 1 u in w m a... noun; chm mm: INN: DWILLINH u Illa (i I' h .Ih ll mun. .II In umllum con I . I... duo In rod m. ADI NESBIT l. To oogynnotons. all. Thu! .00.: no: Ann MWNNU. M) on Dev I 99. __________.___._-. W0 OI THREE HPLHNDIU BOOHSnn-n nu Baton Mu Illuro Enquu at ()5!) (LL! a 00.. Wollll'km nmu OIO. MILLS I: 00. M 'lill Il Im In vuvu "- whitaldm-Ihuhnibb warmth-.7: $20 g M058 1'0 BOSTON HA'I S'IOII II. SELF BUNPHHMINB HATS Juct Rooolvod AT '1' H F. For Salon d . m dmhtmmu' I"??? m, In W INCREASE l'OlJll ('Al'l'l'Al l I. 'AI. nv mm (OI II. Alli! III- lm - vut truth-dam nt. Coin. b AL-A:._. _hmhhhb loun Whuu Ap Iv In NALKIM. k (' . MA wmrEo. Wellington Street; idmw 1- lum. In." ivIJ. Wellmgm Stu-o! mum 3. 1010mm. may mum- an. 0m Dul'm.'bln II hood-pd - In: M to: I... A Winn Um puhunlmun "cur-301mm | "nd Kilauea. and we an. out to pm- pm a Notary at tho {oniIuMJ here. u n connibnion to tho found the ma unit-6J0 Inn nd by an pu any of knopr w ha ohm-0d. in- uoruu have the much more upon do- htll of u voym ol an oh] French and Enhoh pone." than upon their doinxp II bho lrl-lnug yolk! Ind Iona. Thar. VII not. tonne. in history of u: kind. blnoo the prdoronco nloubt- l Y-UWVUB Elnun. )1:on Welkem. of the Militia Deput- menl. n Otters. bu. however. $0ng Imple nu with any obeenu links In ngnuon'l mum hiewty. eouaht from among the elmeet hurried records of the Government. Hie encou- in wing 00!. the plum and binary ol the lnLentlent'e Pelece It Quebec. 0! which he bu propered en interning View In wL-il u litenry sketch. bee been ning- ly mkucwledaed in the pron. end tlm lr eon dolorch eqnnl ukuowlwlg munt. enpecinlly u: this any end din-men The Government. we no (led to learn. look {nonreny upon the eoru to bunld up the qumentnry 1:15th of old Cen mln. and therefore. the Hon. M. Caron Inn been [ruined vim Mljot Wnlkemn nuccuns III thin inlunoe. Mr. Doualua l-Lrvumer. of m. Depenxnent of Agrlcnl turn. II also much encouraged in his lulwurluul delving Into the archives at Hill We trust that. nut. only wnll .,, _u-.__.. nu-menu...) ml ULLIWI. "a Iaqu w... lulv v...) Lm-so tWU gentleman Investigate nlll further. but 9.130 be induced w publish In summary of their work. that. u. may um be main loaned to the pxgeon hole: 3nd I). nnlly forgotten by the next. genmtion. p-u nun nun Inll l-l uLu. v5.1: tunn. I \lnjor deom nds tint. Fort Fron- tenac wu n! duignod by L&Sulle and the bonnet do Gout-cellos. Ind then but. by Can do Frontenac o! Palisades. m. A1AA___ -A I)--. _.\..p-.....\ Imu- rlusluun. Tho Soignorv of Fort. Frontenac. fnur longuu dong tho {rout 0! lm lnlm 1m eluding islands.) hall a league in dopth. wan granted to M. do LaSnlle on condi- t on of robuildmg we fort. n LMn _____ A- ham:Ilnolmf...p uw.-1 I." '"" "- r'w m.-l~onuulumnonom and u. *- than: in tho (um. _I-- n on m lawn-um"| luv w... I L'mler Governor Domville the for: was 1 lmudonod w the Iroquois in 1689. 1 "FL- I--. _. .mlmilt luv Fwnnknnnn In 1 l'muuuuou w hu' Mug-Aun- Au va. The lot: wu rebuilt by Frontenac m 1306. About 1720 u wooden gallery was built maid. to communicate from one button to Moth-r. The plntforms of le button were hid on modern piles) 1nd the curtains loopholod {or musketry. No 111111th or tome. 'rlm nun-{gnu Ind fort. in Annual. 175R. uswexu. In 1789. me barracks for ndditnonnl troops wu built. of logl in the curtains I of lha old fort (thonnrdl of stone; wnh abockndo onclouuro. About the uum tune n wow Or poan bridge {or the use of the Adminlty. moron the month t o! w. Ore-t Ununqui from this point. I Ind been erected. hone. the name Tote ' du Pun" Baruch ; ' A ,4. AU put-pel- UK pun-cc. The unison and {ort in August. 1759. u m well known. lumndered to nnl liuxhsh force of 8,000 men under Col Bradstreet. who crossd the Inks from I Oswego. l. Inna oh- haw-nah. lnr mldtmnnl u l .suu U.|lw-I In conuquonco of pruducmg Ununu are northwnrd m lHlJ '30 Um x-H furl l l was detach-bod. and. A new barracks- | h It, m We loclllty nearly m the Ihape l they now "And in. A town in the east . A, A .A- L...L ,J numb. 'mey HOW luluu In- a ww-n Ill uuu can. butlou. two none- high. of rubble i muoan wu and u I muume. ulm1 removal in 1882. I {ll full-I Innuv-a The ucon quortan M. tho 'l'ete du [but were built m 1819 20. when 3 tom 1 pantry lodging home mus made (or the { troops in the Plum d'Armel, whom the ugh house now stands. In a prnba l bthty those tomponny barracks were In handsome u the bulldiug winch adorn- tbu spot by the grace of the! oxtv corporation Iixty yam later The Tut. du Pout Bndua '58 completed. an 1 1: now Itoudl. Ill 1991. And chlngod the brrack boundon conuidonbly I . .0... .L- 1.41;... _- _ l.._:_.. nu. U Arrucl Wuuuu III UUIIIUUl-un i in 1881 tho building now facing tho K. a P. turn tabla. Onuno Stroot, was built, And in 1837-88. under the impetus given 1.0 loynl Ipirit. by ha rebellion. wcin ruined tho building adjoining tfit' B irrock Sires! slip and that facing NoLle I wood vud. the old Indium burlli ground b0ng Mun nu 5 one for the lab- Lcr. It may not. hon beau I grout n cnloge. hbwovor. for tho rooting place 0! the day no] lino boon on neglected and m lrooly dooooroud no lho English Church Buriol Ground on Urdnnnce ll Ia-du. It would bo o minor oocnloge now to No ho lotto: (or tho Inn 0! n public buildin'. i ___ A__ ___-.- ___--- l l-I Uh" 'U.) I IVE. l l The (on u it existed pnor to 18301 wu . oqnsro. win: cornor butxoul ; _ thrown out. nob "do being 87 yards V long. A stock-do hull mood the (on: nation. jomin at tho on! odauol the ' 3 butionl. Ono OWN-mod thou: the i E cum at tho bunch. another ' you Dunk Nye-d Hopn'n m. mamas. n... dmnnd' the (cunt u the hand on Ohmic meet. one". tho MM. 90 M the hu- nch oqlu. a l.- Ibo 0mm] "not. at why. Tho clout qunen I to! you.) enough! We dds. looking w- 4 . -A_.l L--. .o-A n-a .L- --n-- I... v tl paid" up. W. on. m". yu- ?ud mmlhcolm bu- bot. tho amiss-non. in Mel? .umm.m.mupmudammga gPhcod'Armudthoguudhm' nnd gunman-tin Manning gt'mnqdloy.udhd Idol-u:th Inlmdmhmhnnl- m rum harm cu- m m m C)qu who no pun-II hum-03w! [he Icth Whine. um bemoan uni-dummy I- w on w MM." roman do _n __.|_J'.u-_ nnolnr 'l'ml dll {Ilmmt-l_'mnlci gatmndMN-Ih-thm mm-mwuoum NWIWOWUWM gunman-ulna! no-in) ,I-nlnl .- H wuvrUu "fr-"W "null IMHMWM. u i! lbw.Mmhmuw. .L_-l_nhh-hnh-J l which; - ril 41-qu a 3-31- msm-wuwa-m d..- M kh- Df All hi1 null-m w. nub 0M5. hi 0H! IVs-1.11., it'll-Hum? 1. in arme cause-1,1 oboehhyyanu'W'! Humkol. um n.- m Ion "a": , A A n__x|;._'- um I-" mum: - 'w - Dud lnu onnln-ma'uoon VIN cdhd. not that sent-0d bud 1" ton plainly man In I W mp 01 undo by Colon! Bou- chouo in 1m. 1 .am AA-.. -_.I_-i-L nus. cucu- In nun. In I new huh-ink m. and 1 Apr! Punt PM Maul nun. and Fort 3m '- mud andch u: hm. Nuy Boy win would BMW by. in bilhonor. equnl homage boing [JAM w the no ulmmutnton. A I cup-av o! in. U" have she ll- .Iur-u- u my. Uni an" Ola-m This morning "I. Polieo Conn pvt man the nppunnoa o! l bundling nnutntumou I'qu tho 10 wt of the bhml Hoddoss of Juniu '1!" Palm: Mmmlnus took the bench at. 101.6 ...--.. -...l 01.. u-n \lninr mnn 1m OI Um nunv- ~--~~. -7- [chubby-n.- ol "an" poaul' M d kid {It beyond u." limit-KIM one. We hope the rum ll you untrue. T here u: not w w our tho qua-lion- Ihbr Initial: noun. 01 the land in tho M-W-t ha been dupouod of. and tho Gonna. must. surely call 3 W H 'hich u laptpony pOUtICaI yam. .llxtgmuuw Luu- uuv w..-" ... .K, ,_, aclock. 1nd the Sun. Mnjnt rang up this crimindl. The policemen came in wnh :l connan 0! intuit. um nutprin- ' ed u..- (Ioun null-mum. The luder mu a little fellow. lure footed. cropped lu-ml. null bearing under bin an n tint. :luan Brubmn lieu. In lino Mme {our more hula chlpl, who ton] mu wuuld not. equal Ill-t. of Hi- Wonliip in the chair, They were shown into the doll Dd when mud being inviublo Lu um ulldienco. The Hui-true ox- prussed hi1 surprise n lacing the "gang'- Dzmd numb. the Inge-t oi the puny. nu tlw lint one called to Iocount. Ha mm charged with stealing (owls from .\lx. 'illnun Allison. Ho and he helped lllliy Bennett. and George Paterson tu uln- Lllelu He elocood. through his luLlIer. Lu be tried by the Mun-Me. Th1: came was adjourned until to-mor rum. nu. wuou "our Haorgv Patterson. rather A nhar next. moan hm. hl band could I. be am-u nbuvo the mil. He had w n l-m-k II) unlor cu talk who the I Lm- hergt Major M be bent do ln-ur what us mud. n _. . .. [unkn-O .Illnuun "Yarns." mm: the reply m I very m {anule vane. that quiverod for a mo- uent and then Msnmod I. bolder tone. He said he was Ibout ton yuan of age. Hm parents were not: in court. He then told the wholu story 0! their de- M 12 c...;.;. n'ur DQIIu Rn. Llwu WIu nu. wumu uwn, u: uu-u \lv' prudatious Jim Smith and Billy Beu- He. helped to steal Mr. Alliaon'n fowll. uml please, Mr. they run out. with them undex their coats. On the Huh 0! July they stole oun null smld it. to 111% Strut.- Iurd for 200. , I, _.AI\~\ \ A . n A nau')" H. 0M2 guhuu vs. On Saturday they took two other. fowla.oue of which wunold to Mrs. Strut.- lord. the other gwen to Mrs. Patterson, who turned it Into pot-pie. A wordy dispumuon occurred between the two lads. Patterson contondlng that Jim Buuuetz wrung the hons neck, while. Jun smith mud Mrs Patter-on cut 1m bCul o Anyway 1: Wu: kxlled and In. I" "we at n- hlnu I-plk-II Ono Anon". IUIU 1U!" I "What 4l1d you do wwb the money " i Here Jun Smith said : "We divided I 1:. each 5c." n c.....-.1...v Hun: um]. um nth- LEAKSLDU 1U III. I The bullevueaded boy bn and "Please sun Bllly Bennett taught Jim Smith to steal his own hens and we took Oman. How often did you Itch] before '?" "Please. air. I never stole before; Kol- beck'a hens came in our ylrd. and I please. mr I took one. but. 1 gave n. | but I . 1 , ,, u-..._.l... Ann L"... cull. Tb. nppoarm at such youtth ol- {en lon m C can ban and some lur- l pme, and then won those who doulud tbl: the lad. could no guilty cl unof- {cocci wth Which they. hi7. boon churned. A poboomdn who no" i wLerec-f be Ipnh. dedu- thnt the i city it xnlutud with you; thin". und an: nic- | in pot to their mmnd Iboy' doulop into I m WI. So dab! nu nun-m: may ' mu mop mo WWW... w r. *- ! 0! sun. 0! than pl. I. III u. w- llu uuu, .. .. co m of humor. A malady nub W; the people must hue W Iliad. u light to. pomuble. Th3! m which I great. outcry In b... M ill 3. nighbounng Republic but. M. Our Govermnuut m n oopyi in my mpocta U! the Repubhr mldhhtfution Let uun- 1011": the I unmplool the other un U... numou I question. 1517 Leonard lumt law new Ihuhll huh and In nnnemanunly hugh' uni tut In ultcmuun Ill Llu- pultlu mme in no denimble. Hc would plow, mm to :1 rrdnctmu u! tun 00- one. Inn for two mumdcmhum (1) 0m. to Mlhpl. nu mrt. l1; policy of IN Oppenhuu. :url "Jr urun {OI-Gd Minty. in the eh-uL ul rlmngc '0 3pm thou whose :uure ure being lled by m pronomCu-amm urmugn mouh. But a umhmhon nf the Utrl want an plwo manor or later l in, IIUIBL a nun. Dnvu-nunu I Hem-gm lnutermu was next charged whateleth a fowl from Alex Horne. H1124 fowl was tho onu proluced m t'unll Putternon said. "1 took the' hm. hm. plquo su. Jim Smith was i Lher IL appears that. the boys Wure mum that. Mr, Allison had missed the {nwl stolen on Suurdny. and Jim Smnb nmd that Geo. Patterson stole the one from Mr, Homes to give to Mr. Alli-on In lion 0! the one be had lost. The Dan I W , A \l- U... ._L.\ ll] Pu UL DUO Uu' MU Maw Ill-n I In: nun v7.1a turned uvur to Mr. Horne. who luuglnugly lair. the Court. with it in his arm. George was sent below untll to . marrow. while Jim Smith lwu take a home. to be returned in the morning bv In: father: NAILL uni-.r l l on Sitnrdny Mrs, Patrick Fanning. : whu lire: on Alice street. attended a | l-l' n- u an an. hinernl. During her nbsauce her house was entered and 025 taken. The police were notied wd last ovoning $bree young boys mono our 10 you: of Age) were charged with the burglnry. PM~ rick Doug heny. with u very youthful appearanca. said to did not take the money. McCabo took it, but the prison. or was a long. Thomas Ranch (Without 4 {:Lhu or .4 irerl said Mchbe took the mom-y. w an )icCabe decinred he did meted toabe tried by the Mngwtmce. and tho cm win be new I w-worrow. MoCnbo wd Daugherty were Allonod theirlibony. the lube" becoming mpou Iihlo {or murmppug. [unemhm Ranch VII "tuned lath. n01. nun... coll. DUCK 1! appears tlm. on Saturday live boys were concerned In the than One of them was Pattersons brother "U0: 5 n lxctle woo tellow." sum Put Luann House. sir. be only comes up to there on Inv. and he placed Ins hand opposite Ina breast. Ho certainly would be u midget .11 crime, The result was that Patterson 3 one wu adjourned uuhl tourorro y HLLLLM: llll nun; gnu-L sharp Ind. xL hardly . bathrow our of Z c down to ur Have mu u fuher'? queued thel m BRITISH Willa. MONDAY. JULY 24. m2. 7-7.. _. . A. tuna. movement bu bw-u mule by - lqubhunu ol the L mud sum to lid shout I roductlou in lnxntion TO. .M Iona] ll thrown mm the T...... .-;I than u- ur. (LI 1- a Almm J, I" Llhmhaud ak. '5 a: g... hunched to m II? Aw punched-Jaw um Aw v hum. . m .8! Im. Anti m In: two hunt-d r guu- mount-d on 70th but... Huhsllnaud Kdr-d-dwn. swarm than].- than IIan England new with n In lorry thanund troop. Ibo will noel Vidal Bull Bu. It in m an: Ind nuthme media-lme to hum-on boning-ad beau. would In. in. pnmud. A mum! unno- y-cuy. ht tho m h In tho OWE-unwound.- npol Maid-non. Thou-m vn|| be ended out by Egpuu. Lrll 'lol All I. .LADII'OII. Imndon. July M. -Anbi Pub. wrot- u... lnlluwmg IQ Mr. GM. 5 law = duyu befch the bum MI 0M~ l alone did not rocem is until nut nu bombardmaul : ILOUB mu [10 bombardment .- ult... Lnn._ A DU"! unruuwul. I "The Kolll command- nl to min i! war :- urged W In. Hue. Enu- luml may last mud M tho I! (II ' ulna tires In E win My. Eup- tumu from Al anti... control WI I cum. sud propony of Europa: will be comm-cued. anal: dumyod And tho Jelmd be preached in Syr'u. Alibi Ind India. Tun rst Now which nal-ml umkeu Egypt m can blood to ow through the breadth o! All. und Africa. the realmum'bnmv [or which will be on Lb bud ul Euglund. Egypt. in mu remly to he (cut zrxeudu of England, sud she may keep her mud to Egypt. but she must. Leap within limits and her junmhcnoul lelly England may rut. mun-d tint. we are determined to die for um rnllntrv -......u.... v: unau- I rules. Alexandria. July M.~'l'he Sixth: Rxcs marched to occupy Rumloh thil morrmg Some alumni-hing in now proceeding. The 35th Infuutry have uw-u ordmetl to support the Sixtiotb. The bulk of Arubl'u mfantxy in reported to [m contemth It Dunieltu. the Hoop-s uL Kr-cldwar bung chiey aran-v um! cavalry Inspector Cldmr uul. utthn- nurvey. has unvod [mm the Intermr and reports the total (area 01rdle at nearly 1001!. H. ya u vnluuhur cumer regiment is turmmg Lu ulek Alexnudnu. Anbi'l trunt fell hmk lust. (we)qu to the other do of Hamish thus forming the lbOVB muuLmuod uperatlon on the British. I, ...... ...,_,. - t 01A: be concenu troops Km cu of thr- nu an 0! rclmlu Lu all; from. an]... AI unduly l-Ulllli DISCONTIIUED- I Mexumlrm. July zitThe ghting is mmmug. The cmuulitles are msigm- cum. 1 he Bnush troops have rennu'm ed Au occupation of Rumleh. Two of the Ilepululmn uppumtud by the Not- bles 1mm mun; They report that Ambi is lean-mug w deapuwh troop. from Indin to Egypt. Hu sent. a rain- Iurcemuut at 9,000 to Cairo. bun-ulvlv "Inn null- annua- Alenndrm. July 24.-Tbo Rxes and mouuwd mummy uccnpned Bamlebleuly Hus morning. 'Ihrv atatioued one Hutliug um] um: eld gun at the bridge uwrtlm mum]. The auuuyu cavalry gullupud bravely along the mllmg at. 85) yards range. but ed Mu volley bemg red. After 5 short than they reuppeued with two guns with which they opened the xneectuully on the Hrllliulu who took to onvnr AL 9 u'nlock Dr. Shine. a hung hghz m the Fe. liul armistwvn ol the Lle States. hughl many M. O'Donovuu Roman}. bout as. ho had Anbi Boy urn work- ing in court. Shin. an be In one cl so. who ilndod Canada ; that he .11 ,ruey npeuea me lneuecwuuy on we . Brunt. who took to cover. Al. 0 o'clock the ceased, but the enemy was oxpccted to appear wth remfoncemantl Urowlher. one of the English Engineers reported to have been massacred at TuLllLLll. has urrned here. The Corn maudcr of the tart at Abuuklr. though ' ylug a ag of truce, refused to allow any Euglmhmuu to enter the 'ort. He is probably really holding the fort in lthu IlltullNTy of AruhL Arnbl occuuieu way. u noun I man cu: m- 8: Idth in. ooh-I. fought a. us pruunmy reuuy nonnng me mu m thu lututvab of Ambl. Arabl occupies nu extended hue from Muraotxu to Abouklr. H13 force 15 estimated at 7,~ 5L0 The rst sklrmish lasted about an hour. One or two English were hit. Several Egyptians were seen to fall. Arnbi is nuts: advancing. __ __..._..,_ Tn mum: mum at Nuns-0 ask-nomad to quiet-wish child oomochbum tundra. Ivory Winslow he: dawn:de M.utboymtbuhln m 7. AI Hath l Gnn'l dd Moucbun. NB July 24.A large number of cues of polsoning have oc- curred here from using prepared corn bBef The locul butchers put. up but in large cases. It. in corned and cooked. Tho cans are not sold_ but customers are nupplied with whatquuntity they require In \vzum weather. 10 nave cooklnu. Lunuv l (Dbl I) I... m. I... ff. 0' I Cl C Ar-o vanilla-not. The most interesting race that. bu ever mkrn place on Lake Ontario came u on Saturday, at Toronto. being the Ruyul CanadmnYncln Club sweep-ulna The follow-m1 yachts entered. Alum Aileeu.Uriole. Coquette.\ervo. Brunette, and Madcap. The mm It mule n 10:80 am. The Aileen. nailed by Ctpt. anhbert.went to the communal-Elia. the land chrongbout the entire not. It. mud the winning buoyncwo o'clock. The Oriole came in as 1.x and tho You. At 7A8. whicbmith thotim tune-en, the Vem took wand money. and um Oriole uved bar ontnnoo I... This nee prove; me superiority of ynchtl d the deep dnughl cutter clan. The Aileen is human tbomodo! of them And in now no doubt the tuna! fro-h at cull do. 'Iupyutu wluu Wunuquuuuu. we, nap... Iu w:er weather, to save cooking. many persons use this. On Saturday and Sunday a large number of persons were sexzed mm wanna-g and symptoms of poxsoniug. The simllunty of the symp toms led the doctor to make enquiries. and the trouble was traced to the beef. Une party after being relieved. and not. behevmg in the beehheon took moth- r-r .lnqn ulul hm! n nnrrnw n-nnnn with I (T .mse mm mm a narrow escape wnu [ms hfe, 'l'herv uw no deutha. but. a great many mass are reported. There are over twenty poisoned patients. Sev and were taken I in church on Sunday from this cause. 'u M and Ionhnced to death In! Inch; "lulu In pardoned b7 Pum- dnil John-on: an he would bo one ul 10. M 0 to Egypt. and tight. wth Lnbl. but tho. he wanna nothing Ln lo 'lth m'l CIOWd becmmo [In v l A I0 MEXICO. Be My! *vlzuv ll u I" Ir'uhmcn ought no hang all men llke Roan. Ilihny do more lmrm than gaod w Inland. Shine I: correct. O'Dono- VIII lbo'od what a crane he was on tho coat-Ion o! In: vlslt to Toronto. I. jumped oi the tnln before It much- 0d Ibo depot sad when an Mka Ins undo upon Ibo hall in which he lectur od- be and. I cowardly escapv For one Who in continunlly looking lor gore ho manta-ta n judicious cure of himself. B. will b. brlve when he can brag m pol-{act uduy ; and he mll conuuuo LO doulop unborn. nobomes lo: the sum Minion of 3mm until the servant glrln NM contribution to lug funds. AI .0:- u ho is thrown upon his own mount- we will in: In. 0! hun. The HOMO! b QM. the Amoncan Govern- lIOl 0 M app-on him. They must, "and hi- t terribly llill'lXHBr-Ilal- low 3 | LILLaml. July '24..\lr. Ankwxch de- cline-l to accept the contract for the Qua-l). c lllrlvor improvements. hnving been Hmppalubod in getting the necess- ary g-lwnt. the next lowest tender ll blmL of Laxkm & Connolly. lbont .150.- 000, or 050.000 in exceu of Alkwith I. Thut of anbh a Moore. 13 next. About. O'ZSOJJOO. Another Cabinet Council ll boqu held here 50-day LOIMHH. .lnlv :34,-PnrneH and ether Hmue Rulr Mnuxlwrs of Parliament have forum] a L'nmmltt to organize a public moveman m lrelnml, with a View to Counlaructing the operanions of the Land Corpomuou. Dunn. has conunud to cooperate In the scheme which he dil' cussed at. the lorthcommg Conference of he Land Lcaqucra in Paris. ['gc of Poisoned MIII. lg 11: the Deer wean (00K Anom- nnd hurl narrow escape wnb Thkl'u' um no deaths. The Toronto Reg-II. ivw . Declining Tender. no amum idem-II on V-I-l'be-n. l ll taunt-nu win-r. I An 0th I. robber Ins. sen used to x month in Cum: Pmon MJI. v y. Tho not nuke! mu much 0W My dun on Saturdny. A (all u Mu at. plus baton a. cadet Ibo-nth. Tho man-Haw 0mm. Ill-n humm- Mn- douhlo [bu-mount I." I "Fm in J Vmu:._ womb, h gunman! thou xi nah-h... u Madam: .mupm Than-corianan Melange-y. Fuuicmu' jinn! Muvhuhilgdnp! ,mmwmmma' tho 1 b IM u an. 4....- nnm. W.