I Golden Lion Grocery: [3.8. June- Xinnu. KCJ. And Kr. Span- . . at. ' mankind-on. Pnbhc Set-ooh. ! Wm. Bantu. Public Schooll. 1m Raid. C IN Palm School. Lulu W; Lu: Schools. John I. short-ll. No. 10. Pun-bum. Lulu Stubby. KCJ. And Min Bane. 50pm: Wnagooer. Uluburmo School. Jm Wnt, bonsai. Institute. Wagoner. mun-urn. Noam. I, Jan. Wt, . w right. Pnbhc Sohoob. Than m thy mm undid... I , A,_--_._.. -r -hnm Inn Man IM Hue only mun uuw mm. nunw, nhle of taking Sir Charles Tuppe1r's "Jr-mm 1 1|! uoucgmw mun... a given m nlphnboticll x. Collin-by Sermon. 1 . lcCunmon. K.C.I. lid _ PORK ! PORK 2 Pomui . who burnodly left ,,,1 n--- II "II" u '- l whom In" bean me- ;LA A... :- m youth at uud am] from Chhrlcl v .u a... several THE BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY. JULY 21. 1882 w. n. chE & no.1 been wen be you. The Monroe] Guam. speaking ofthe shortage question. eeye: 'Vbet ilim. ertent in thet the gain shipped at In American port eluil be accounted for Without the bulk being broken ; and the simple method to accomplish this will be to require from the cepteln an m. davit that he delivered the grain an be got it, without bulk being broken on the [manage I! this is done the question of wattage me] be left to be deelt with between the ceptein end the eonsignee. Some such reguletion. we believe, will be at once Announced. and it ll one which will prove quite eatilfectory to the trade and e lumoient protection to the revenue." boon Haitian-e any. in Nppilcir m... and - luv-inn loam-l any; ' paws Slur 1W. "with 1mm 30 ' the mum-t waived by W Iran to Cut.- llauoolohllu Kin.- uan. ltw that Bloc-Indon- |Mun thou-hoi- hunt Mud prove-nob. M bulld- Min, in chart on tho w M lol- uul mum-umw. cum lam-chumotnmdntyboiu ohugod on the dock-1|! cargo but i! - urwhrdl prund she" the shorting. duty n rolnndod. A no of mutt from 039 We Indus. delivered II. thin port. ad found u b. In! thln Ibo doclu'od mount would only My duty on vb In hndod. when u King-ton duty on uhoruu would be charged. 'lhin It. 0! thing: wwh remodymu. The danger uiung Iron: tho protein In at lm is. "III. if American vac-all m bum! in Canavhnu ports the Amari- cuu any ho tompud w nuliue. Then would also be u tendency to nuke rues of height to Cuman pom hxgher mun to Amoncm, obviously a diudnnugo to shipper: by the St. Luvrenco route Hon. Muckonlio Bowel], Minisur o! Canto-I. promiud to remody the ant Ler some simo no. but no shops have been aka a; yet." IL_ 0.... 0....11. .mhina nftlm I)th o! I )lnch Iowa-ed You nu -I|... cl I Ll-Innrll Many of our oimzens bo-dey followed to the grove the remeiue o! the late E. H.110. en exemplary young bneineee man. He was induemoue in he occu petion u e confection: end trnit dealer and mm happy doneetio end busineee relation: entered upon when eeemed 1.0 be u long end comparatively olondleee future. Just. when uhe outlook was bngbn and most promising dieeue came. consumption. which. though skilfully attacked. proved incurable. Death. long anumpeted. at lent occurred. end out much aeteemcd friend's earthly cereer 3,: mL- 1:]. A! 0L- Ilannuanf "ouchOOMIOI runs a Iw'omm A (lo-.1 - 'DDCD BIDeIInCu unvqu nun-u, uuuu was ended. The life of the deceased was well Ipeut. In in only to be regretted that. his youtblul vigor was early check- ed. and his usefulness I0 uuddenly and ed. We tender to his hmin and friends our beet sympathy. trusting that it may mitigw their grief. inconeolnble u it seems at pruent. A l-nAmnrh kn: hum removed in the seems a: pro-nus. A landmark hes been removed in person 0! Thomas Boyle. whose real- dcaco in Kingston covers a period much longer than most. men are permitted to live. He will be remembered as le msrket scsvenger. the duty of which position he performed for mnny yeers with machine-like rognlerity. only cess- ing to boil when his eye light. failed him. He socnumlsted some little pro- perty. but undo In unwise disposition of it,-and in his lest days lacked the comforts which. ministered by kindly hands. Land to reconcile one to second childhood. One by one those who grew up with the city. who kept, pace with the development. 0! the municipality sunk in ill health and dienppesr. Four generations have arisen since your old Boyle commenced the battle 0! lile in this city. and though he has gone in and out among them is All these years low know him end few may be disposed to silently dro p s Lear upon his now made grave -777.,Q.__...7_ Yesterday efternoon there wee eno- ther display of the ineicicnny of the Fire Department. The chief and his men were promptly on hand end anxious to do their work. but they were kept back by I terrible deley in getting the eppmtul to the scene 0! the re: The steamer Wee on head in Jery fair time, followed ebont ve minute: afterwards by the hook and ledder truck. but the hose cert did not errive et ell. in consequence of the distance from the re station 0! the bone which uenully drawe the out. The driver probnb ly we: I. fer ewey that he did not beer the bell. the wind blowing no I etronq thet the eonnd did not for e time reach him. ed the re been 01 serious character it would heve made greatI headway before the hoee errived. It is . about time the citizens impreeeed upon l the Council the nascent] e! heving the\ are honee reedy for my emergency ! They ehnnld not be ellowed ontei-ie the are limite. It in else necessary that e' lreel a! hose should be placed in the 3 upper part of the city. In fact it would I be better. were enginee ee well as bone up town. They can be run down hill much quicker the. they on be taken up .0 a While man. on Hail whim any In E Quk tho Comm"... on Fatwa-t & Gu , vb tho, undoing about u improve- menu recently law by tho Coun- _:u m- --_..a. nun-ml.- .43.; flu" Cl I'm-I, .uI-u-UI-I v, u was cu. Six uvoob an to 5. add (or? Hume};qu due no: men. They ham Ila-pl in. Dninn. ' were wboxod dummy-imam, m. work In I not but do... I ! Aud unoul bnuds 0! other Final; 50 rue- Lime Juno Iu quart.- nud pm". | Thcpoopkd a. manual a: Dr. I. Enamytonvmimptou. wonthoo|dm n'nkoouunon r;_-_n_._n n6...- 1.- .. .0. memummu A mi-i rmbhuhm [by-ll?! null il W upon Amm nu unwind. Ir. m: m not tic-im- d boil; I lumber. ag that ho Ind .11 ho could look an: in expo-din. u .750 (mated by tho County Council. How. mu mo dinonuion, Ir. hi: wu pluud in d). Comma... I rowlutionboing medal to tho clout ms the Commune hid moo-IN our the 0750 mud by a. Council. an: the Wad-n could lion. nuke dilpoci non of it. , ,u, A ___.._- -l .L- Juaninn Inn: on :0. Recently 3 meeting ol the Com-Moo was hold. when the Mnyor nnd Archi- tect wore appoinud to we slur the re- punn. MI. 11. Dnvidnon wu appointed by them In Superintendent of Bepnin. But. her. omplicntionu ulna. A few dny- ago the Wudon lent Mr. Robert Shannon! Glenburnin. to the city to nuponntond the repdn no hr n the county grunt wutobo nppliod. The Mnyor m vidbd. but. Mr. Stun-on wu inamed that noter mun wu ens-00d. had thnt ho wu not required. an Innus noun. After thin demonlvrntion o! onvic pow- er Mr. Shannan returned to the Warden and told whn bud tun-pink]. The Warden mu anrprined and annoyed. Wrmng to the Mayo: he chimed Lint the later had oversuppod his authori- ty. bevemloi the donuty Councillor- had been mtervxowed. And the grunt, In said, would bowichheld nnlou the con dmone agreed upon wen untried out- a justiable thing under the Wardon'l View of the circumstances. UADI H I EDIE-nun. The whole of thxs later troublo has III 3 nutshell. The Mayor. Ald. Irving. and other members of the Board of Man- agement or Executin Committee un. derstood that the Warden. ate. recent session of that body. agreed that the matter of conducting ropuin should be left to the Mayor and Architect. the county grant 0! 076;) gomg towards paymg for them, as they would largely exceed that gure. It is evident. by the Wudonn later notions. thot ho had- not the 33m. under-nding u the city members a: to 3. qu dupoution of the matter, or of his consent to delegntiug power to the city omciall. The docu- mentary evidencol certainly Insulin the Warden, the resolutions oxpreumg the county's desire throughout thot be shoulgi have sole control. Tll insulin-Lu: w". However the any representative. ha" adopted the proper businou plln oI hnvmg the repair: conducted, under on. mynagemcnt and in thorough ooncort. 17.... on. ins/Ii.- tn nrmmnd with 11min Auuu dilultylnu'nuh cot! mmmmWEx- auwiua. m tho eon-u Con-o innit-d "sound- tho "Pi" moon-id hluobnndingndinr _......._... .1 .41. a: nun! th- "manual- vwnv Conny Wad. ILJ. I. Find: dunkpovnrdupudiumm. A. - nah-Ann... Ii-, Ib- u lnl UJIUCH hluu uucnu lwl m... .. i ltd lot of FAMILY PORK. Cut up m Ii ., _, -L--.. myunscmuuu nun AU u..v.-_ --_--__, For two bodies to proceed with repairs independently would be u pocnlinr eight Yet the county 18 pursuing only a new ml courue in seeking to give its pen-ow age in its own men. arr! A AlTTIlMlNI'. 35:3 I an: lhunln . As the Warden clearlydoen not assent to the city a arrangement than) can be no object. In {otcmg the matter ngninst his will. Mr. R. Dnviduon is In excel- lent workman. one who has done the public good service an repairer of Cata- mqui Bridge. and would do tho city or county justice. but hi! appointment by the Mayor in opposition to tho Warden to spend I county grant, which the IAnniu way-Ann nnnlv onntrnll. which L0 speuu I count, Kinny, I'uluu u... County Warden solely controls. the city does not hold mud which may not be expended at all if dicultiu con: tinuo. is useless. It places the city at I disadvantage, because the county can at length say with force that thocity want. to control everything. The city had better let the county go its own way. and make the best of tho aitustion, Tl "There is another petty I unbble st Kingston over the Provincial xhibitiou. The 'urden of the county threaten to withhold the county grant to the fur unless he be Illowed to sup-rintond the permanent repairl to the buildings. If the local managers of the show think that by these Conltnntly recurring exhi- bitions of ill-tamper they are furthering the claims of Kingnwn to future exhibi- tions, thay are grievcusly mistaken." This in from the Mail. Ind sppuently I'll-U1 UU IIAvn. l l gnevcusly nusuxen. I This is sppsrently the second trouble will excite us much talk sll over the Province us the rst did. It in s strange thing thnt local public men cannot see shut everytowu 1n Ontario is on the alert. constantly for a pick at Kingston. and yet. these re- presentatives crenae mountains of trou- ble our, of molehills. producing unneees- { snry and magnied wandnln. {or the 3 enemies of Kingston's claim: to feed on. A little more of a sincere regard '{or the citys fair maze and success, 'nnd less pemnnl poeitiveneee, would I nnswef both city end county bower st. : the pretenl time. , . 1 Although it in not denitely knovn Ybere when the military camp [or tho district will be held ye: Scpuubor llth : is likely to be chmn. u sever-l o! the bxtmhous 1n the western pm 0! the hsmct have baon notied to be ready {or service on that dsw. The opinion ii : thnngsmn mll h. um nm of the: A--- 1..- -45... n' m. (ii-trial Inn IDr SGI'VIW uu run. was... ...v -r._.__ ,7 Nut. nguon the; camp. Tue aoat: of median-m hue , nll declared that n m duinblo' phceconldnotbom Innoce- .ven1enoomhohldhm.both form! I . L 4-. n 1......44-0 manning mad. vemenoocnoonmuow.mwxw,u Eudbenlt. Abunhlanpingpoond I :mhuluM'eimwm hit. The pm-choc otthomiliwy ton- tad dbl] 2 5.30, togach with at 0011-30 ad. 1L-.__. a -- -n-" in d Ill-uh m-l abacus. 800! VIII! It W uuI Buurywonld In 0 null nail-l Amen in the line of instruction. Thou, g g imnhuwm on... hm ban and their unapon wouwud would our {nor-that an bringinng mop-E M '1 an... M...- on m th- New Goods 'nonml in. army-3mm uw..-, here. I! Wanda-tom my amp. honvor. It nut do Ming :towudn thuoud. A mt would 50 7 A__4___ oh .6" m 'Vm: Ilf'IrII' lou- (Jo-p. III wan-t. U. "WI, I liw "Ir Saki-this you thou luv. bun n- nnrhbly few moide upon the his... The noun pump: of the Wrecking Company bu. not yet. been and. .90.... 1-- nnint in tin harhnr llltl unnpuly u." mu. u- I... am. lunar- wore quiet. in the IIIer lut night. The India; wait." Md many time of it. but. one at them. waiting to: tho unmet F. B. Mtxwoll. lmt Murat {or the night 1"... _.--__.. tumAM... ml; llIi-n IUI' ELIE HIKIIII The noun" Conntbinn took down the river to-dly we Bron-lay puny from Detroit. 'lon pulluu on. won crowdod'with pan-cup" u hr M King. _...- IWII- Tho Manner Ontuio in ovidontly do in A ne trtdo on tho Ridoan. She wu recently so heuin Indou that her knel :oucbod th ' bed of the canal. Sh. had be be pnmdly unloadod bolora sh. owed. ll 1 _.A u - h... I'V-_-u-.~n- h.- The Mad ya the to; Conquoror bu frozen to Simcoo street whuf. Slm hn been lying there for tho put ten days. and in all probability will be there {or another benwuting for n rdt that. in growing somewhere uwny North. Th. nohn Rummy-in and North Star [revving nuluuwuulvnwny Aunuu- The scbn. Enurprilo and North have cleared for Charlotte sud Outage. respectively. with lath. posts Ind has. The sclnrs. W. J Suell and Eureka have bmn chartered to curry cargoes of Ike same maternal to American ports. Mourn.1thbun & Soul Ire the alnp- pets. The The steamer F. B. Maxwall dld not nrrive lust. evening. and for a very good reason. The Company. nding that the but! was not being pntronuod u u.- pecwd by the citizens. dooidod to aban- doned her trips betweon Clayton and _ this any. She will, how-var. [nuke her Tuenday excursion to Brookvillo. A sum. mm m. nxnmnr Calm nrriVId Corsets, Hosiery. Gloves. Dress Goods. and Prints. i nenaey OXCUIIIOD w vrwnvuw. About noon the ntumer Celm arrived here from Chicago end discharged 7,500 bushels of when. She then proceeded on to Montreal, where she will unload the balance of her cargo of wheat and deckloed of our. She left Chicago on the 14th lust, anJ experienced excellent Weather throughout the trip. She bed meny passengers. including L. L. Bond. exiMuyor olChicego, end wile; Mr. and Mn. Volney Cnderhill, Mrs. end Miss Ayers, J. G. Giles. Chicago 1 F. C. Dean. Three Rivers. Ohio : L. W. and Mrs. Weber. and H. L. Hodge. Cleveland ; Mien Lizzie Roberts. Princeton. 111.; Mine Chlrbonnell. Shel-bucks, Que; George and E. E. Conn. Paula. and Joe. Fisher. Kingston. Before separating here the peaeengara presented the Captain with en address. expreseive of their eppre cintion of the eorte put forth by him (George Melcolmwn) C. H. Taylor, pur- eer. and other omcere of the boot to en tertein them on the voyage down. The most wondertm curnuv- remune- o! the preeent dny, 0 those thet come from Germany or It lent originnte there. The moat recent prepsretion pleoed upon the market In the country, is the Gun GmnN vaxomuron, which hne never been known to fail ih curing n single one of im Romney. upermetorrhtu. weakness And nll iwuws resulting from self-Abuse. In nor. was delullty inability, mantel anxiety. lnnunor. lessuuda. depression of eplrite end {unctlonel derangr ments of the nervoul nyltem. For sale by druggiltu.ur sent (me by max] on receipt of the price, 31.00 per box or an boxes for .500, Addreu J. 0. King. Sole Agent for Kingston. Ont. Send [or cn'rulnr, 'lal: HON J, Lyman Bulklay, M D.. of New York Sly! : I have used Dr. Wan '5 Compound Elixir of Phosphnel Ind Cnlmaya largely in my prnoum for two vents. 3nd in my Judgment borois no puch tor two years. my Judgment than is pre union 0! the kind than can compare wit It. With foodie mam": women of whom we have I0 many. 3nd in one: con- valescing from prostrate dines-u. I should hardly know how to get Along without. it. In dyspepsia. it. sols like a chumJun {not m my of the long list of exhnusLive dun. cues il in the remedy. in of the long mt < ones. remedy. Pnoreegopnevm ! N088; Bibbl 78.1113 78. A- NEW Hartman! of BLUE RKOIE Ind A GREEN SPECTM'LESnnd EYE (ILAHHEH to nun uverybndy. lednn Ana Lndlu can be mud with out now alum. In the tong lun- M"V 3 w Cl" And do. our ELECTRIC BELTH We Ihow und "pl-in th-u' warllnl with plauurc. II. I Ill. BAQ| I nurncnon unwav- fur u-n- IIDIQ bunt-n. V'- VI U'I_'V'l-l (Sumo-or $0 Bath a Gun). 'THE PHARMACY] m Pnpuo Ono-t NilMedicine. obuinod u uy um. durum tho mun. or on Sunday; whoa no: anon h)- rimuna Lb. boxL July 19. ______.--- Imomhiglmt. mmnvmuw remedies a nu: nrnmnt dnv. no 1 explnm worunl mm puuuru w. J. WILSON [Guam-In! m Hnth . unam-ltlml. umuuu'o'hbuum nu-mums; Ana-mag m EMU! u i I. u. uy Hm]; 'o mutate-um In. Con. an! In. urn-m hymn. m "I null/1'0 D A") W5 b". Jun opened all: Hanna! of Fell , TIOI. count-u? o! I lb. lust Myle- ul the Ion-om I00! .80 Qllt I In" .BRI'OII PCaLCIAIINH. Don't for." . m In. your order lav on. at out lmguummmmm. | mm 1 3i LOWDEN & 00.. mum-WWW. t _____.--- " T. Ito. logic-l Pm and -__- ,_ n. ___ n...-..._ YOUBETI ! magnum hm tool. I W 'lloumnbu-d mambo-.1931":- an M. m. m. d Donal. In... To an" annuals; v pm lvw-v _ _ -_n-____v 77 Illth. h .07 em. W. REE yul'IEd 13171:. id'irniivadr my uni Oman. cul line of Navy MI nun-No tor purpocaa. In Word! rub '0 m chewing. I 500 Special In! Hood: for the Early Fall Trad. ___AT__- WALSH 3 ,. r... "1.1 nun..- ooh-nu urn-fully "BOWES 86 BISSONE'I'I'E _.Alll OFFERIVG" 100 Wnurproof Ciroulnn. Chlldren'l Wnurproot Circultrl ohnp. Sill Home" ohup at Wnldron'u All Cotton Emory chap n Wnldron'l. [BARGAIN III-ten. call I! u. McPaulI n [IIIIIIII ovary Dunn-lent Goodu sold 1 the non In wool. 'hon [coda I'a ulvnu mm FEE SALEM WALDRONS meenu Roan-non- m our Ready Made Boot. and. 811055.19; out our Summer Stock .1 ASX'ONISHINGLY LOW PM! Call nrmml nd to. on: prion. A IIIIIIIEIILL-n TAKEN A TUMBLB July 13, Juuy Ix. WHIB an MOI! Kld Ola". W 9:!"- pdr. worth Laue- 6 Bunn- hunch Kid Glove. Mr. worth I. _ __V_ 1.3 ecu Bloc-n! llronch Drona Hood: lull nblo ur non-ids orr "not wer In ._H _l_hn nu} WI no the ELI-nod x B-Nll} AND EXDURSIUN: HUlTSEKBWBRSj July 21. Ttunks, ValEgiE-Silchols 0005' raxauuuuz wwr Greatly Reduced Prices. Julv 7. Good. Solid Sub-tum Trunking { LLRL .LV .llv v-v 7 anim Ind Sow.de from 500 to 36; Th. only One Price Boot 1 King-um. ll \INE! a l AINES 86 LOCKE'I'T'Q- ..u.. m... In... Float And Bho: Haul. In The demand (or Kingston. July 10. Lady'o Perfect tho bulden L10 oerl (or a .. . ,. nnnnv onnu , Pneos Ill'id below 00.! m order I. BOOTS AND SHOES. DOWN I DOWN I DOWN! srnxonzonumnnr June I. us And 114 Princ- tun. await-Oh] M. V A. July MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. June It. h-hv**-' v_ Give Sweeping Reductions I DOWN THEY GO! ) Ladies Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, PURE LIN EN, at 12*c., worth 180. They are selling fast. John Hondom I: 0- FANCY WOOL SHAVVLS! 03 BOATING AND IVIXING WEAR; ALSO cm Id. a lace PIP-"II II out Illa. SECURE on: n ' - c. ' J Hutton Roam Jonah!" Ind. Incl-l Ilrgalns In Kld Olovu. _n_...... Hum of his Summer Stock of Dr... Goods. Parasols. soon M .- F_A'I__AAA l,,~|-AAQ l R. MOFAUL, W .. 31034313901: No. 6 Core Street. Perth. oar FRENCH KID BUTTON BOOTS I! ALLY ' ASTUNISUING. Hula; French In! limoan Boon only M. n r. ABJIH'I'ICOIG'I. .. . n,__ m... on. m prim.- mu. m ,OLII IAGIIIIES! - BOSS ' -. All OFFER! NG ~ Iopmnc lunl unmw-m nun..." BUWES & BISSONETT"3 $04 Pnouu Street. oppoum 3:0 Wind-ct I F. X. COUSINEAU & 00. r to clear out their Spring and Summer Stool. RIC" NI 0 I) C BOYDBN- uh; Well lrnued. Ind Nicely Fined Up. Prion Lower Thu: Ever :0. IA IN THEIR7 A. SUTIIEBLAND. 103 Princess all-ct. Inn to 70 Euro. . and you VIII nth-r- 0001 at your own price In W. in. a 10' 0 NP w" .5... [an mun-h . I '- (Hm-m u 0 .old 9n 0th.:- mu 0!! '. w (mun! Now Dun Dlmou w \ nth-m: or before t New Luer a mum for Mo- nod CID drou 1n ' 11 um nnd l [om-pm lh-n our. 'houyu nquu-oDyO don'thlootll i and no nu New Good- n m Now more want a IT mimi- In. ; q All Silk Umbrellas chap st Wsldronn. Funny Dre Goodl 5: mil, MM mines. lluuy m". um. -- ..._-., _- riaon. Al Summer Goods roduood In W. lim- rung at nl lhu now colon u pr My Irnm .5 ma): la- shnu tho Ln. "- INB! Lotlhu". KINGFTUN, BELLEVILLB AND TIMOI. ll. WALDBON. A BsTuonur. m Shoot. W 180mm. July 20 ; nnd 'Ilooit Inll-g pound: Loaf Sugar Ior! llrnnnlnlnd I 1mm our. Jun" mun, l. mm 00:: In Io Juno. m1 tit-OJ Wonk can M Jan M m Pwnlv M In count-Bun mm W. MIAA Dumbo: El. GOLDEN LION GROCERY _ _ _ ,/ ~. kahuna. m ml M saga Undo MM. is. (h.- Golden Llon Grocery! BARGAINS '--Il' lair-l nu Ornnumled "fry llrlulu um." lull-um Elem-III LITERATURE. p SI. thnu In Qunru. Hedi": ' SI. Jullen Low Prlcos guru- on I. M 10.. View cnckeL nulchls this ml, but. one of much importance occnn on Au gust. am. when the Kingston Clnb wnll be [MN-9d summit the (w x-lmn 'ngnn. of which Mum, (' F Smith 3nd A. Jones a members. .Vuw {WannaA new omen and Su~ pe-nuunulnun's reudeuoo bu bun anot- ed at tho Robertanlla Irou Nine. to replna: that. destroyed some months :30. ML Euler. the uaw Superintendent. II well llkad by Li! men. 131le has prov r1 ecicut .mA cupblo ofcer. hnvalh _A .0 .o r~ Puma; (Your ~-'Iwo drunk. Applied and were annealed to the extent 0! 0'] or 10 day- In gwl. On. ol the men tell I! maqu uu King um. und cm hil had bmlly. bhmd roaming from the wound rum Ilmnlg hle clutbmg nnd um of tho pol;ccma.u whu took him I prr I .-..,~,.__, Wan)! TH Loren-Mr. J. 3. Halo". ofk'apuuw; hns cuterodn suit m Chun- cery ugmnsr. .\[r. U. E. Asblay. to recover the monav he puld for Whiumouth lot..- hunl u an offset, .\1r Ashley thrown: )lr. Huleu wnh In ICUOD (or {31 gr rest. Mr. Alhloy bu authorized his pwyora to '10 as he suyl. '1 ._ hkua . {bun-VII. Mmu.-Av. the Luna mme the Ib-ft has been Iunk down 140 (art. and on of cxccllent. qullity and m 1qu .Iumdanco has been taken out 1 nu vcm m ex'nuding. And that. .s over) xudxcntiou that. nu qunutitiu o! om wxll mmo out. of the mine. The May mum us also being we developod A sepurnt gang of men In uugnged in open 1 A (Laluu'lnx --Yoaer-lay King:le i .u nmod by n CHIIOUI pslr, brothon' | uue u wme fallow About. 5 11,. H in. In i hmght. Lha other only M foot. high. per l (My formed good bmly and had. but. Inga and arm! varv shark 'lne two Inoka uhke auJ In! the whisker: clxppol In the uuuo style. All tboy walked urnunll tbev wars the Iubjocu of much crihcxnn. v. -~-\ lu- bullmugs. (mun Mun: ' chnnge. m lptumu ux yuuuluu w-- my. in one instance a captain out. loooe nl Port Dulhouuo on the night 01 Jun; 18th and by piling on blnhkcu. quilts. 7 I ____ -..-.x .nph nl punt-l hnfo l Pnuoc SlAlllA venom u-l chnnge. in npcdnnn o! patriotic much. A M..- ;.. An i'n-Inl" u mnuin mt. 18th. and ny pumg ou mun-cu. gum... and every cum mch cl cunvu befol'ol the good old Tory wind. which 31": (1mm tho lnkz. mamgod to m intol ngamn m time to vote for Dr. Sulli- mm. nan' felt happy over the nutter. I Thu 1: the only man to know of Ihnt. his (oh. happy over the dole. Probr , My ho Lad no money be! on the malt. _.-* I I Dr. And Mm Neil-o- m wading, m. summer us St. Fay. nu Quebec. ' IL u n on... a mnv In" Kury family may rely ou me hot that if Bug". no mld she-p mwnll Tau. Co!- to. Ind I other (in cm mo. :5 33. Roy. w- Vina-Io. 1 Mr. 3. 9. mp9 ad mil] 5. Mon 4051th noun-t gum or Cold Spring; Wolh Mud. - t mam-4...! nal in now u Glut Bay. : 'Cnpe Brown: J. a. Law. u:- nun-g. Sapu'inundat. n Pitt-ton. PL; ad D. 331:. o! Baden bland. .0 Salad- ' 7; - run-hm E l 1 mmaonmjmbo-WE m mum-.wbnkoo'nm pay; Put Autism. Tho out '1 ollhomioouwptwan manna m m {M run-.1 mums-1c Tbmm' "u, lam muymvmhm ": mAnm-h-Jlm'mhh 4..an admin-avian; I. u, (on: n but adding Juan-.3 A L__. Mug-d M ! mm I m "'1" 'Qggnmw polzc Sold Spun. on. man. Principd Om: in now Buy. '--_. n_m- J. 3. law. the lining Ii. CAP! Bocn.A great. many pt- :1) Lb Sumrdq afternoon trips to Mp0. whwh urn very cheap. jut lung (cough. and decnlodly plot the Maud wxll. we presume. II the passengers she can carry ___.._.-.____ _. .r Jmuvu EXLL'kIlO).-Th To- ,ul Nugam Falls oxcmlion oc- | Augmt 8th The train loave- ou at 1'2 05 pm. and arrivu in _ A. '1 .. 'llm Inn. On annntn mmbzt 1 place t HL 1 Ju P.u.|v. uuu -lllv-I . n. 7 p m. The (arc to Toronto (A I74 only Oil-.00. ngan F'Illl n 95 la. The tuck-u no good by Any rusulur Lrun up to tho ow to uke \wur prl'll'l buv your Bug-n {mm \M _.-oo v m Ico'k nun-n. nu. UI'J mun w: uv nu Dumber. The Udmymy wdl uqu full \ud no doubt quxto man Will be omployod by V __~ I surf: RunBrandon. 8.3.. mm a city it. h oloctod m -l \I.L..m-n run In! Lb. IIIR' D ('ILy II. III v-wu - -- und Aldermen. One 0! who --f the Conncnl is Mr. 1.. M. .g r A. 1. main .I. TUI'IIIUI 3 LV-. '1-.- unmxsuun marcbnu. Ho Kingston m 1858. w" one pmueers. and nmongw tho i c conxlence In tho future . by erecting tubuuntnl | (rr v'lhu Kingston bonu awarded the vA ,,,,,I-._ .l. Thero hue been a uml. bl :uu .- vv a. nun u.- \ 13m can; {or the .v- 0,. in. l..- m. Owing to n prevnonu ougqement the hind will play nu ma Park tomorrow in- 0 la In\'. n. Win. ._...._.A. 1.... Hm Ian-or In unxunuulw Bmkvnlla'n cinc Imhdn) the Nb of Anna. on {thnch uccuiou It. smar- hu the Wharton: Firemen. "Mud. n ,, u-A__; . _ _ _ -Aa r-O-rn -||l qu mu u. .uu...- .g..- Ind 6 pound plocan rho-p IND! m "nurwwn ruuxucu. 'llckm {or Wmnipog Ind return wdl boon 10 {tom the 11!, of A "glut. to be. am: It Folgcr J Hnnluy'~x A ~ - ._.-Am_ -.... nu- than Iron: um: a \nluuuw nmnu u. um]... .. The Borlm New dechues thu the )lil should b0 the only place {euved in my city. Hows Lb. Alderman Mar lulyro ? 1m. Inn-h Inlhnlip Hunvoloul. L'mon dun lulu-y ucnnxou. A Ml! In: ply-a; n.. M (In. DAA|II 1| up." w" .u--. ... r..._, , tho M 0M was," 00 totbc Cnpo on the )hu-l to nor- m. The nil in nnvmmuug. Lynn Lvou by: upon our Hula. no | MIN: won. the but specian o! l A; new on [u my, 3; Pnul'u Church ucursxon down [.116 river wok plum Lb}: them-non. The rum: uniurtuunw u,,,.,,, 4, L.|;A-., .|.- A. ..l at It ralgor a unuwy n This lnu been I hwrnblu yo." {or tho Cumin Lin-{.10. uni It. will be 't-xccodmg- ly troublewmo nu the gum. Tim-m... Irnlyllnl mmruvcr. Montreal. I, troulnlewmo III LIN! ufllll. Thoma Ireland. engraver. formerly of Kingocnn. has had stolen from him a valuable cane of samples, an , n.,|:_ \'_._. 4--....u 0L4 Ihn mil uuyn The Inst: Catholic Bonovoluuc L'mon Cund. in preparing {or m: comb nu- ulul CODVOHUDD m nguw xed for Animal. Sch. 1 n..- ,.|.| I..M..I I. A \I ll wlthn v lulgna. Arbhnr Toomoy. Napwoe. bu been shmg around Cape Vincent. He is understood 1 have lull. (or ChiClgo. u-v-....b.l;.. \nnunnn nimraad with tor meugo. Mohughhu. Napanee. charged with dragging Mrs. C. A. Coruelimud robbing hot husband of 035.11 been Committed KEEP GDGL ! \ clams! Blank! claret: Ii IDI' Ll'lll. The wue ones. Judging from the par- ponmuular pnnmon oi the crescent of the moon. product wet. weather for bar- velt. Let us seer Simultaneously With the Advent of narrow-gauge trousers the people: are telling of n great. increase in the number a! Ipmdles in the country. ' u... nrr-v Mm nunaanra of the Auxuu mu. Our old (and E. A. 51,11. mu: troupe of 80. has opened 1' season four weeks in Llw Musical Pavilhun Wiumpeg. A-nLn- 1,mmnv ahn lmrrlmllv 1! OK lpluuma lu uuu UUUULI}. Menu-I. Murrly. tho umuagors Bauer Line of steamshnps. Montreal. luv. received a. telegram from England totbo oect than than sbxp. the Lake Xsnitoba. which is at. present lymg M, Livorpool. WI probably be used for War "amputation purposes to the East. TL- 11-..---m. a- hunt tn rmnn Inullpurlnuvu yulvvauu .u nu, ._.__- Tho Government, are about to recon do: their decinion to bulld the Murrav Cunl. The wny they arranged the amp to! baton election was dnsasuou to J. 8. Mchaig. Prince Edward county. The Government believed 119 was stronger than ho usually is. TL... \Y- Vn-h lurwmr v-li- Mm world canny-civieEuny lull-0N" Hilda 1 mm m m ago-61w" I _1_ L-u|,_ ___-_..MA.. I tau no Icnuuuy II- Ibo New York Clupprr Lelia the world tint Ibo colobmud ounman of Klug- Iwn. Clutch. Mr Ed. Tricket. says: u. L._A l..__2 a. Tunnk. n4 .. unrn and I500. Ulnll. .Il'. nu. anneu. guys. I hue found SLJucobs Ox] 3 sure and cumin cure for rheumatism, etc." We hue placed the matter xu DctcctnO Sulliuua bade. If we have such a person hare we ought to know u. "and don't you forgot. 1b." Hon. Mr. Lynch has been aw Attorney General of Quebec. | \l----- u-n-u \[nnnrd nnd l I nwulu-y ucuw.-. v. .__y. Megan. Henry Mooen 1 Living-tun. u. have un-n Iipog. MnlnrAnnn-rgl Lnnnl W Ilm. Ksjor-Goncnl Lunnl wdl Englnnd on Thunduy non. hon shout. August. sh or 7th. u . l h. t .|... Diu.v In N THE IOLDEI LION GROCERY. non loom. nuuuuuu- u. u... ('apt. Lee. H! the Privy t'ouucll De putment. has fallen htll Lu KHDHI by tho death u! hm uncle In Toronto Hun. Mr. (hapleuu slates lhuL there II no mm. :u the rumor that he 19 uborLly to enter the Dominmu Cabinet. 1m- mungm. (ham-ml and Prmcess quruy to cute: uuv .V...... The (iovernot General and I: Louise Visit British Columbm umber. and roman: there tux weokx. .. 1. Ln. .Lm Inudm- ..v H Mr Marodlcb. the lender of th Opposition. bo-dav had an mu m n savers] memborg 0! the Duunnm BHNDEDL n,, l l-I._-..n. hon knun an ernmeut. Dr. L. (Jinnaan has been nppomLod In extmiuer in operative dnuustry iu connoohon with the Royal College a! Dental Surgery for Canada, A _ 1\.__... n.n'\l\l unuuha n' \h I). Donm aurgery Im Lnunua, An Ottawa paper speaks! of Mr. D. B. Woodwonh. ALP an the next represen- tative of Non Scotin in the Cubmec, u: ! the only man from that. Province u l- .J 1,... Ch l'hnrlnn Tnnner's plans. A991 place. At the Reform Couvenlmu ut. Pom broke. yesterday afternoon. Thou. Mur- ny. who resigned hm neat ID the Local x Loginlnure to oppou Peter Wlnw. MP. (or North Renfrew. was nominated for 'I the ucmcy and accepted. l 1 Th. following candidates were no .eouful u m. recent examinnman for onmnce to the Colleg'mbe lnslitulo. l A__-__ __.. .d-nn III nlllhnhtitjl ;Tho nuns. are won ordor: 1 Bob on Agnew. Publw Schools. ' Thom-s Bower. No 10. leburg. l mohul Brennan. Chi-mun Brothers [ Schools. Jsmu Coclxnne. Publlc Schools. Xsbol Cmy, [Lulu/1 R R3. Jenme Fowl-3r. Pubhc Saloon Anhnr Funnel. Publlc Schools. l Omhlle Faber. Portsmouth School. ! Edna Hondemu. P'lblxc Schools. Lilli. Irving. Public Schools. , Chuk- Wbons. Public Schools. ; A 130:. Colluuby Schools. W J. Juluuon's !