vsnv oLLnniunv. ; uLLerea In a van, luuuvuu. Wm... He then won: over a. number of crimes he had committed, claiuung that. hm re- lamves had rst taught him to Heal ule that they drove bun downward. 11 they chad nor. urged him on he would buva been a better nun. Speakan of Home your! mu nu you w..- through the persuasion of {Handyhe sud be had been manned, and hde 1L1 not been that his ncousers were implxcw 1 Led he would have been sent to gaol. He ; ascupedfrom the Magistrates hon-0. went homc. and the case against him \ was droppt'd. I wish it had not been. for it would have boon better-for me today." ..nvL __ -L-_L _-_.. 5.:.l 0 EA vnn hnnvl Yutudny m I WIN "PM .A_.A..;.,- I..A - Inn-I inhin' nth " Haulaqu u what occurred P" u v HAL; __l. WI" 35 occurrou I No. Iconld not understand anything. ' I did not even hen the charge brought ': against. me owing to my deafness. 1 I could not. hear what the witnesses swore | w. When Mr. McGuire was talking so powerfully to the jury I could only catch a word here and there" \ xv L..__L..~ .. nannhvmllv Rnnf :n . I cuardnon's plm wun we mu luwuwvu got shooting bun. Be In lled with ; liquor and red with jealouly when he f K 5 did the deed. He wu also Intoxicated 1 b when Le took the hem Ind red the Hun). He dodu'od hint. he made a I true confession to the reporterl when r 1 in; was rst. gnolod. with the excepnon' i : uh. he did not uy he and the deed ' i omng to his witol paddy. _____._ __ .----on.-- 1 ing. unwpmv execution, cucumsmr Yunknu; azgned (um near. He thme who thoughts very peui N1 Spanking of the 0361100 {or which 1w wu to die be laid thus Ricnnrdwu Ir 1 I made him jodoul by a comch m 1 WDCIOD to hil wxh. Ho wont to R1- 1 2 l cuardaon's plm with the full uentlon 1 i ,: -l.;~olnn hm. u in lled I mammon 01 um uuwuw. . I 1 mom 1" You. I bnvorud t. good (Jul bir- 1 md there. the pun no important for me in my proton! condition. I lune read them u but I could; [can Spell nod 11: this wny I nuke cut Ln. word: 1nd understand what they You went to schools" Ya. long enough w b. 3 good school W. but. (how I did m loan; Idkiioomuhioou. I mad Io our! paw abound moytbe -~ r-LA- nuth ham-1h ground Lace Buntings, kw F" mun- "av: luv Hound tbo' roan. Tho I. plan Inn: to wheel mufn-ul'minbounhbom. \ wld mo tops: nu oil-win m. nova uh wonldhot. z.. 1". chord line: [lwq I huh boy. and I've hui motel Jami- imam Ehiiylbar w- I eon-L." , ..u__ an n.- t Inna hnn Inn A LA" INT-IVIB'. may: I What about your trial? Did you hear L . n--....-A 9" ecu-I. . \ ..a'dudo|gwm you 3.." ulna-d1} inow, .111-" aa- 5.34] but uh. nth-r I. nnum-unu-u-Wr w.u Iva-Mb on may [uni-IN Hymn-- radar-land viovithngvlnddm. IPKLLIU 1' "MIA 0-... "Have you md cab in the Team- II A Duns.- he had taken it.I n I,, A. .I L u UV! luv [than getting 1 don't m F-l w III:- iv. throw zncpieouwhiohl Mlptld che'od." :Ko bu Md .1! dumb-coo u. could on m an who. won} Ba um'cxpnod q lib b cumin. u Ir. he: Ind to I. u can. in. No doubt tin can wbt Ind boon in m pup-null a- thu mu might not no hiln. Sb. am him on her hum h uyinhu Ibo bu! bean m can 0! his mindudl. n and her plan u: Ihl Ind been. Howevor. he would 11k. was. lur Iguin Hewldno did not hop- Io .0. his 7 mother. This tumult lad him 0 upuk than: his (unily collocation. 'u ; mnther. very old. livu in Bodlord. not! his home. Hi: the! [no out dad {or N vem. Hi: mocha than with his brothu-in-hv. Ho aid he had but sil- ten. :11 of whom mid man and AJ L- ._1 La- Lnth-r null-Inna French Ginghams. Zephyr Ginghams. Len. ul or when m m a..." oroon. Ind In NH! N. W Inu'riod gull nuned Green. The who]. funi- ly lxko luv-elf." aid ho. named a: low Greens. I dont. like them now. but. I muq'ut hold spun. There in ['0 use. and (sinking hi3 linger on the Tanta- meun It says there that. we must. love do hud three brothen. -.,J a.-A_.. Anni-1 Hun our enemies." n | enemies." no ulu Hum: mum.-. One is in the United Sum. one in the l Township 0! Bedford. the other wu drowned in Back Lnko Ii: you: 330. x'cnxu's munnnxon. Whnt about McCuhle? They uy you put. him out of the way." Dul you lieu thnt in the noun room '9 Who told you about in lean who my solemn pledge below God nnd man that llinnw nothing about. McCukle'e dis- upgenmnce. [know no more about. him than you do yonreeu. Some three or [our week: titer hl diuppeannoe from the Inland n inn named Ran-but took away the household enacts. I bud no place in which to live, sud honing thu: another mm was going to live there I thought "whoever get-I there nut in the best fellow." Iwenc nnd wok poun- emu. The only thing I got in the shan- ty was a reaping cudJe. I did not. see McCaskie for three years before he dis~ appeared I stayed in that house from I aumm... m unaar making time, when I ' appeared 1 stayeu in mu llUqu .. l... SUlelr to sugar melting moved to Erastus Unon'e on the may shore. About ve years ego I leeseil from Ebeneler Davis the propertyl lived at lestabout ten sures of land. Time is a bed lot of people around Buck Lake and no one knows it betler tliun lilo. From the time I went to the hike the people hated use. Why? Beoiuse Iwoull not be led or drove by them. When sny mischief was done I was llenyB charged With it. rightly or wrongly it mattered not." Slimming ol certain residents he said. tliev are the worst crew that God ever suered on the {see 01 the earth." He believed that after he wee dead the people would pitch upon his brother iinJ endeavor to get him out of the i my. "You just wait end see if whutl say dont come true." he observed. ' He Wished to thunk his spiritual ed- ? visers for coming to see him, sud also the Sisters 0! Mercv for their kind visits. PREPARED To run lie Kenn. Yes. lteel that I'm prepared. I be- ' here." he added cheerfully. that when i I die I shall go to heaven. and for that r0150 I have no leer of death. When- at the thought of dying. I would like to live :1 little longer. but I will probably 'be in ii better situation. Out of the World I shall be out of the wsy. (with a I shall be out o! the mouths ol a Sign.) people and out of theirugers. Then . they cannot say I did so and so." He L l i . ~ seemed to be perfectly resigned to his late. He admitted the juutice of his a . l j sentence and hoped to have is heppv re. lease from earth. "Im happy and I hope I m bound {or heaven." rm... inhu'vlsw here ceased, and With E: 1. ever iinyoue speaks to me I fret it little . bound tor heaven. The interview here a ehnke of the hand and e "good bye" we left him. The bolt shot beck in the lock and the condemned View}: was again left alone with his thoughts. l Dunng the interview he wee calm and I compoael. Not a solitary tau dimmed i llls' eyes. His story was told in a menu e tlmt rlenrly demonstrated hiscondition. There's no use, "he sald,"telllng 81M1H9~ hood now for I would only be humng myself when llfe is so shortlyto be taken ,laway I have told you the truth and nothng but the truth," Oh: wnll of hm werd are Beve- I'nun but me Lruw, prou the walls of ml mattoes. such as I Am the Way-the 1 Truth and the Life." Vnnkoughnet hue lunerly spent a very peaceful time, end on Sunday fully realized the: the: was l his last Lord's Day on earth. He en:- 1 lously awaited the appearance of blE Liplrlml advisers. The chief of which 15 Rev. Mr. Jolhe, who hue been con atantly with lmn since hieincncernzmn. 7,- -_...-"~n The Govarnment w~day notied the person: interoubedlthn I. roprieve would not be granted to Vankongbnet. B. will. thereiore, be hung tomorrow morning between 8 and 9 o'clock. All i arrmgoments have been mad. for the which will be u primary cnrcumsmncas wl ndmit. '5 Ln -_I_ on! ro. I lurnusvn nu. -_.V.__ v.~-V_- V . n Yunkvuuhnet 13 still calm and re and lully realizes that. dumb lsl has been viaitod lac-aux bv r are endeavoring 13 poini bu Llll0llglll no a brighter world. He isl pennant. Hi. sormw is meet-i mnan Of nunvu. This torennoh Guam.,Youkoughnot 1 Mrs. ankonlmol (who condemiud mans mother) 1nd in. Duling. I. ncuzhbor. hid an inuniow n the anal I wm. Lhe felon. It In: 5 mo aocungl scone Learning tho: the alum-veg wan iuyhe city 9. Wlla reporwd hunted} t n m up Tue poor old mother. over TJ wears crane. wan dmsod in black. ' """ "A M *- im Id. Vnn- mg. [c , of age. mu mum u.- mm.-. and appeared to b0 17 ad. koughqen'n brother broke down uvenl tunes while sh. inhomo- w. Whgn: they anwud tho all as. men- bruoed bin moMpId aid b0 - _-'_ _;.:-.a... .. m "a. h. aJther um told hill tbazithc did no! lag: his 'iblbo would hang him to an Punt.- ' The convex-anion to curl! onunid ~- "-4 "- Luna-I ducting ' P300900 'JJfIII n -,, . .Wagmm! _ uni to mb mun UM gum. In? mural Kin! Ibo. nub-lug! a Odo non: Au- VJuv-A-wY much QB. '4 7 _ 1'- A... I gnu: mu m ..,.....- _..V, ,, 'ay. T9 George the who! I". I b.1333 mu. toning bin w ning his cmldreu- Ho up (up hi- W'olu ol le 0mm wand to bun by the Swan 0! Jon}: H! w told Vim .thutl'ndbun'gid d Inn arc-adv oldbomgndthuoqndouhdm u had Bonk-dub aid. P'uwm_ In 1., no tang mm.wuumwl ummmudwnmm a. ukudhistr'undlmtohu uh. wu mummi- Bil wan-down. In mmmwmdlbdu nukonhwbhd- m toldum nah washout-bum ._._ LAM _--|-x_1.. Aha .h. but! nu Incl upon nun-cu. Some upple ud m and: Vu- koughnot Ind in In. all ho ve n his broth: to be plund. [Mb-y grow the tree- will b. in min-moo at him. The condemns! nun told hill-other tint tomorrow in his I. dny. Ho AA: 1 L- __ 5----..) __A AI... h. phi. www.mdmhhv. _:n __. __.._.'n .l thin H_ I'm, m ' Hui "munUvw into um. M m Uh. hid never thought oh- m M hill PF 5-. -...). - l...- rh. m nun Alli-I never walls can run as... 3... to: uni: aha. Them In: quay nmukod an: In could not. expect bot- ur luck when when wan to msny NIL tied Into on. bail]. Tho Mother thought. how-v". um i nun brings In luck upon bimull. Rm... .ml. .ml man. man: Vnn. In. Io-mormw 'II [Ill I". 0-,. u. uid he was pupcnd ud am he did not. fret. much. IA | ,j L,A., _:l AL-b F_LAnkn-0- nub II I I-uuu. It had been aid thu Vukoughnotl daughter MAXIM wn vim him when he that. Rmbudnon. but he denied this. ll mm his luteuuon to put Rachlrdwn In the Ilka After the dud wu done. but he did not. wum. to go no him Ind on . thiswconntlot Rncbu'dson nmninwhm be was. Be an when he was my on Sundav night. his wife And daughur r went to and apples. When this part of his story wn told he broke down. ' He uid he Wiihd he had his lilo: u: live ._ I. __..|J I... _--.. A;l-unh HARDY & IURRAYS. 1'18 Illu uc Wlluuu nu u-Iu lu- .uc w uw over ugam. It would be very diamnt. Ha gave his red hundkorchlol to his mother and IbO gue bar's to him in [IQUJFIL The closing scams In harrowmg. His hm words to hu mother and brother were: God bless you." Mother and son embraced. tad Ibo. wuping. prayed that God would be good whim. The lock choked and the poor hmily. winh turn streaming from their eyes. parted for the hut. t-ime on thin Iide o! the grave. 'm ..... Mn. JI-nintt hm thn mm The report. in disjointed. but the two when aeeu.were I0 ueoud ch. but lib- Lle mfonmmon. u to what was amid. could be gathered. The brother does not. mm be will use Ehjm again al- though he "Lije wining him m." This morning a mum named William O'Neil. while intoxicated. tempted to destroy his lile. He wnndored along the [Allwily crack until he mulled Switts wlmrl.where he threw himself prostrnh before the cars that were being shunted by the pilot. engine. Hll purpose and luuger were quickly debecwl by Mr J mm Coyle. who rushed to his rescue_ ind pullel him out. of the way. Liner on the foolish man was conveyed to the police bLJLlOD. He Will be deuined uu- til remsou returns and he becomes able to cure lot himself. Here are some more of tho mnnv hum dreda of the leadinlpeople in the Domin- ion of CMldu, who ave been cured of Cm Lurrh. Bronchitu. Asthma; and Lung D1:- eue by Dr Souvielleu ipirometer Ind in- strument. which waveya medicinnl prnp -r- Lieu dtrect to the seat 0! the diseuo. Rand audjudge for yourself : ">uVGrM of my tmmly and friends have i yourself of my (mnxly . been cured of brouohms, aims. sud ca- tarrh by uuug the spiromstor." John P. Wheisn. Msungir of nho Pout and True Wil- wa. Montreal. Mr. 0, Hill, Montreal. on- mrrh and bronchitis. Mr. Du Bouoharville. of the Indmu Department. Otluvm. ootnrrh of manv yearn ; now cured. Mr. Goo Agar. Ottawa, ouarrh and lung disooses; cured. Mrs Smith. London. wife 0! Median] Dewe- uve. cured of ostsrrh. Goo. Msguire. Korea- to. 48'} Adclmde Sc. Wu: ; dsughter ourrd of album. Geo Wilhs. Exotur. Ont. rs. tmrh sud bronchitis. J. D. Armstrong. 186 Ynuga Street. Toronto, oslsrrh and catarrhnl deafness. Thomas Tellurr 12 Me liuthI Street. Toronto. Asthma; cured, Mr. Benj. A. Drake, St. Urbsn Street, Mou- Heal. for many yesrs snortna from bron- ohius snd asthma, ; now curod. Alan u nn loss sumrilinn euro 0! Mn- cutsd. Also the no loss surprising Benoit. 114 Ssthodrsl strut. dough: of Mrs. David Pen-salt. who Island from asthma. snd brouchius for over eight yssrs. and who is now perfectly our. M mAdsmsou. of Bellovillo. cured of bran perfectly our. Mrn.Adnmsou. Bollovillo. china, nd her liner ourod o! bronchntus andlung dinene_ Hmve no heslntion In nymg Dr. dou- I hlve no ying Dou- vielle'a wxll cure cstarrh and brouohma. prrometer John C. I: lamina. Editor of Post and True Wxtrum. Montreal. 'rbm nhnun i. an'mmut to convmca the Montreal. The above is suiowut publlc of the menu! of me Spuometor, The msrrument will be expressed to any address Call or wnte. enclosing stamp. to M. Souwelle, ex Aide-Surgeon of thn French Army. 13 PhIHip' Square. Mantras]. Phy. menus and auerers nsu try it (me. dam-g I bbd Honnmyl thtqa 1 - nu - xx... .- mm A Call a! HEATH a ulfhs 0L0 STAND and (at some Parthwick Mineral Water. The nest tome and man coon dnnk L0 be {ound 2- m. any lhlo h n dun, ha ha uy our Bods Waur \s u auud In over! Tr I! A nme lot of EngH-h (Indy uu o cued. Borrhwluk ml by lb. burel or gulun. waxy- body should knp h m 1):: bouu 7 - - _ L.- - A n I I WIT ngsoN KB duals.- obuinod n any time dunnl the umhL or on sundsya, who}: not open, by 1 manna Ih. bun. Jun. 19. utth mum: l _ - l The Now [it's Furnishing Stu: (Buooouor to In: a Gun) 'TEE PEARXACY. 1M Prue.- not. geciaujno z} Klag Strut. A door: {tom Print;- SLreex. u..m John Honduran 3: 0- .._._K,7 _ PH SPHAIINE xi ' , __________ unlit: m yawn nu- mu gnus 3k. Mao gun-v0. loan- it! Mun-anus..." mum. yank-Ia. ha no" .wmmm aunt-51m sauna-M human-mm hush-Mm uubmmmuna amok Tryst Ibownhuumui mummy-auto nu" mm . l LLVVA .45---. __ us twosoaarcn "Instill. -_ L-n IA... novel '0! r! 650 per p \ other clu KW; LUWDEN A: Con _.1 u..- uh. Mira-tit] pun uuu aw vv-v m" - mat . bWh'h-I. ,1"?! my. ram-g W. REEVES 5; b0., A lie-pt Dulclda. Youn Lndiu' Jouxm. (0 Bo" uh w Evory Month Fundyjhnul In Chnnnnu In. Quiver ' Tumble Bar C-uchmwno 01 Ar]. ITumL. Jncl W ,WAI-SH I STEAYO'. ,_ n_- _ n__ -a --l-, Great Dress Boode Sale. ..___.)0. ... _. _ -__.__,__A_ -.__._. loves a Icon-w. Im: an or-ouu Good. 00-0-00. lo-IOIIOW. Exuooraiury lupin- in Blah ud Our Shot 0! Silk Sui- Colond Baud-p. Nu'u Vow-p. Nun's ad Umbullu to b. M It Cloth. Ino- Bum Luv. lul'uu. prion. . 00803... Black and Colour! Ouh- l Indium you um. .mwnm mom ndBIuk Gm- Ord- Silks. Fuhioublo;ud Chap Om. all u 35mm; 2;" B'IEEESW ' om Nnm- Qnmt mum-in t.an Wild Hal-l \hnks, Vgiises & Satchels , _ __ __.._m___-_._.._ Good. Solid Bubuumd Trunk; Wall hand. an! Nicely Lows: Thu Eur n Vulnu nd Sushi: from t King-ton HAINES SnLOOKEII-rs. L _|.. n. 0...... Mr And It- nn-n in IN THIS MORNING The demud for oar Ludyu l SPBNOBEORUMLBY _.._ In... u-_l |The People Appreciate Merit- 140W rquI uuu uvuu Vuvw u... .u-.._ Sutherland's Boot and Shoo Home Popular. Ladlu' French KM Button loot- u a! worm In 50. LMIOI' Ca" do u .835; 0! #5 lein' Ucuuluo Glove do, n .75; u w 1qu ulna. qu'lnluuon do. n In and u NEW Floor diVIV-clot'hthinoleum. pnlwrnl in the best mend for durnbility. June 87. Elm-um M umy Ymui In: of G: Bnum ' I an. full. Excellent Value and Variety! -.._.]x_._ FINE WOOL SHAWLS June 13. W'hlte Oyen Work Munlln, 'hilo Striped Zhrne Mushn, Wluto Check Munliu, Wlm -I,awu~s Jluen Mull Muslin. Jacono: Mrslm. wass Bwk 1! v F Muslm, ludm Mullin. Loam-1e Cambrian. to sun Hun Lord Muhnl, Piquul Bnlluutu, \ Embn I . w :1. Ihowmg d Splendid Maortmant of I . ;_ Tn..." Brunch Woolund Union, 5nd moaned on bulurdny I} FOR CHEAP OARPETS & LACE CURTAIN T WALDRONS. 00 dot. Newlnnc Haliery. low noes. Children'n Finer lelel Bllck Silk on. .125 In 11.50. chup. (.hildren'l F Ludiu Blwk Lille Hose, 600. 600, 700 Curdmal Hon, 8 Ind 750. Lsdiol' Blwk Cotton Hose, lull HenvyGrey and Bro nnhod, 30c. 85c Ind '80. Ltdioa' Ngvy, Heavy Rubbed Sock: Pink, Cnrdmnl, Gurnet. Msroon. Silk. the lhlu to wear u Eon. I139. Ludiu' Plnin Btown, Nny, ' Hon, 20c. 250. 300. l Ind Clrdind n low rice-A Lsdiu' Funcy . WALDRUN'H in 1.1 Sulpod Ha... 20o. . I00. 00 3nd 600. | My And Che-pool! I- WAI. _____.___.__-~.- mcnuoun a swims hmjm received mil new Ind mach. mineral in qunlitiea o! the lbOVe goodn. whxch they ow ocndamtly m _-._) I..- 3..--kilirn lashing Sum-on and Che-v It Inn: 04:106. Prue-II Smut (up... On. Ooldon Lion Orooory'j Prbiiion Daparlmahlt A? Assortment ox uupqn- l m Tnpuu'y. Brussels. Wool and 5 ma. plum E-lnl on Clolln. muting his neck in min dcplrlmaut nu Macaw h: M , any. I I 1 THE Ubbrnal um: 01 r an. .1 v' I OH established Picture Frumo Factory. 1":an Cheap wd In the Leading Styles . me English and ew Yorlf' palm jun, n Iul deugpl. Our Futon ll roomnu fuli I v Ilene-bar the flue. 9|! 0: 1 Blthurdmn Pmun Franc & I 1 1 EGOAL DEPOT; l . 1m. "CHI". 3 3.1.. manhunt. us 03703 i . l FOR BOATING AND EVENING WEAR; ALSO Clemn lal'e or We Trimmed Pam-ol- nl Con moo. SECURE ONE AT Kingston. Jun. 12. FANCY WOOL SHAVVLS! Juno 28. 1 \v1 THE CHEAPEST line of FRAMES ever~ men in this City on. ho...- a. 1m mm-km Plctnlc Bring: on yqu quru h". Clucii'utn Cumu runh' Fun mad FRENCH KID BUTTON BOOTS XS ALLY ASTONISHINO. I Perfect Hum French KM lino-ed luu only M I). F. ABM-T30 0". >& No. 15 Gore Strut. Perth. m Prince- 8m. 'npton x. COU9SiNEAU 8:. co. SPECIAL SALE neut- ood- " In! this I .__.o... 6 EST thin CI" noun III-o yuur Pwtnru bl shin ad Leading Styles, Funnnlmbl Sunni Dov d New puma: mtrrrlncnd my; the nrkot. .11 W t room blhaw Ugma early uni-nu. yol: m Opera llaupe Block. lg. n Gs-n More April Q. .. 3101;523:1st )R. 15561531714. Low Prion Ind Solid Good hue mud. u w "~7__ I 500 to 8 The only One Pnoo Boo! at! It. a; t. u.qu : w- Argmv Cowbe Al-"till FOB EVENING WEAR. -. '- _..... _, I UUIHEBLNDS, [08 PrlllOOIl ICIPQL on uvvv..._ - . 1H. Princes- Stmn. opposite :0 Wild! Ho W TAPEI'IHY, BKITISEIJ. WOOL k llON 132 um] UM fnuooau Strut. upped City va v V7,, :. .150: wudt Lndiu' Pom-lo Gnu! hull I! ; worth sond lulhrr, Goml .11 loud I luv do ; vol- n: at 96p" pur. Auymin| 1n ":0 Boot Ind had up- no onn b0 found A! a lumen: Munhns. Lenm .Tsrlounn, Gram Ingwn. m an r\ \nrn [y of nylo And price; my m lglnun Humvmdeneu And humans smvncs. nun, lucxumnu 3 ne ock 0! Evil Book Hunts, Embroidery and Inwronl to numb. HEO'INI', out:-':?:::;:Carpets ROSS: ll UNI-ll a Locus". KINGSTON, BELLEYKL AND m. __ Roldan: - ~ r ' (wmmmu I Human Louvion Society mum 15th a \A' Bandit! . Htri Hon ; uh Pluu, nvy Brown .ll Silk C101. Childm'l Heavy Grey Brown Hm u 10' pdo. Sock- {or bowl. 311 sin-Jun 1 thing \ell. Lodnl' Bul I50. 400 Did 500 .' WALDRUN'Bi-tho p1. lor- M v.- I a. A Chum-t Home". g: roam cum 1 LDEIPCII mu 1 WALDIION. Wale-'- Wnbou ~- 180 Prinz-I w. .DIION. III mil-.11 no) E "And Sword Ind NV Frundly mm! Conan and Artisan Chanson} Punt v Com um Ann-1 Chukka: 9 Papa Childfu Con Chl'u Oil all Omaha'- Funud lb-ID W Ink. Tum Ml! nun- 3mm Woman " Bull a! op All II! You Band (or Shy Interline Channel. Pulpu (or )hy Panama Ju-rnl (or Icy , v Jilan may..nt 4245!! [mun nun- noun 3W0. ,A ___ [.qu mg ml. non: max. \V. H. Iu'\l2 At (70. A - x We at?" f): His 10) Barrel: 0! Mcus Pork. 76 1 rel-s Funny Pork. 20.000 lbs- ' 550011. 54 .I Cmg Curod than. 200 bbls' y Fundy 1": mt. 3W Bags BAkon Flour. 100 ' bblu. 0| unal. 50 bbln. Corumul. 10 bblu erulu 9d When, 60 Dury Chm. we hub Mud: Bun-x. I .- vyuvl u. -u mporud by q n. Hm.) ;nd other! who will uh them- a some qum sud owl lpul mu l.e or -y the then of Luis Uuhr... J morythmg they mlmu mocjnmh .... .9 H Nuns Veilings. LQNDOV EVGLAND m ah Funny \hgn'smo ' man \I uhlv W001 Llamas. a 1861:. 2 hhd. 60 cue: Hen l ' , , _...- ._ 1 Dan I forget Lo mgm. n the Victoria MullIce cream. ezruwbcrnel Ind the [pluumu and 1m; P. W. U. W In Md 0! 33.. Pm Cnurch. Ticket.- only 1) com... for Horn Dummy Suoh n ur- j vxu. A2 now m progres- u: Rev. anor 5 )p! w. t. lunch on Walt. Idtnd. There i c m1. Clergy lu auendunco. including .dg. 1' bun-Hy. o! Belxevnlle "A.kl ' [-v vu- -v V Xllu1)'n WLIH W (.1 was .\'m* bus. Chptlm Saxio Lu an, g: 11.8 sullooner J. L. Benson, wmu nus amved at. Gurden hind with ,1..her from Lake Superwndochuh mu he has not. seen Thomas Cough unco his dlmculty with him. 3nd hl Lne on 01' a new row It. Toledo in I [uhnCatmu Brock: bu not ban 1:: n m: mm Lm mummy:i ,_______._.-- . ,-- .__..___ #4 _ A Rnan Gun: Ihe Dun-on. Unnd Haven 3 Mnlwauku RB. Co. lmv. nsumd a lumlhlet, showing um: 7. M... Lav-n:an tha Eut d hIVL named 1wlDlHlEL nuuwnu w-.. n-nmer route bemoan the But ud , .\' uh Enst. Judged by the warning: .nd tbelcuer press the scenery dong ;tne hue must be very; pretty Ind ox- Lc ~le21; mien-mg. "Mr. T. TIndy mm. m the Gene! Pu- .cH Lnuvu " A ll L \. Du NV-W ,~.w, !__...__7,,,, Dunno?! (unitJudge Price proud. without a bony rem m1 .-.'. me Duwxon Conn wdny. Than I pocket. pa alluoler un uncut; cue- upon tho dock-t. nob up to this tum. b: M3010 0! Much rewind in verdicu lot , of the police revolver 3 mg plamhs. wiihochcu In album floating no won: or L od Imro were "um inclusion snu- ' my gun: night we _ mu! v.0 b0 hard. Th. m 3 o! yurglnn iwmamwms dmzhmwomucn: cuy. Non 0| tho um- III-ad nvdv- 'Ihilllotmauon ( ,dulugounount. kn n my a, nu: ' ' rptdd by brick ad 81 Walnut: you 'J'n.On Sum-d .1. lm; ulLUIamuthu L0 Cap: Vmconl. 7 Un: "Lune-r Maud ere saved with .11.|LLH.L: at. Leu The Maud In the J-y thumur ruunmg out. 0! Kingston [mu MLM. the dellmiel o! lec uuon , __,._.. -, __ lummnnrs AnuvmuNotwilhuundc 131th Inf-4e numva vf 1mmigrantl who nvc urnvwl [he demuud for help zon- m we livery \lav Hm. Iarxnera Ipply r 4. Goal wages gm uered by . g me gmug .3 9231.0 055 per ....;. luring the harvest. The Haunt .\..4:' .3 915) per your. bond and wubf v i A Cut. Shun-:11}. tum an, r ' in wlnoh Mn. campus was lm ' In hard by the Polio. MW it -. qxtxcr phantom from bod: mmumg .Auex EHu-l - uv wu- n m m urn-manta may! oh. man. -r Mr? J k: humbly. Mn. CNN in ' __IOT:IIllllo. _] me up... man by I. M Tho Winona the big Gum: bu ' 0; the goods-And remind M. M- '~;Im T I. mu pl a Thgdjozwdm Ind top-ka hiya". .u I x I I 'm 1 ht lee t. pawn ambush-hm . ay. d "-0 mu M! u u m. Tm mu botanic i am. 5me .boutgbgudh 1 uuL Luu he qu.cul) h h ..u x.l\. mm tlw .ge ii per 5 iuukuded. S 77.,7; pxc-uw of m: Andrew's (.bnrch .,uuu.m11 be held nu Duwnon'l Lu lhvllJW Juuu 23m. 'l'xckeu Drona ken. Bur. luv- Foun- c) n Ln; 4!. 1130, 3 Incl 8:45 Ind elm-p n A Luna uvuv ,' provxded. or Tuwa.-'lhm morning ilmr, Lu mm urrcated yes. n I we: wurrunt. appeared be- am, In: Magistrate udputu- nx hr 3 wmk, at the end 01 .u t 1% expected that Auzultus r my, He promised to lens :14 hula one! 1n pace sud con EncartaTho City Min- 1 Lu: uever Knaw I man who gummL m apmbuul megl, 2L 54w mm, LUIL Vukuugn- .L m: quasi, grayed lemmg 3 mm \u') we ywpuredlux . I. lug. Lue nuuat specimen _ ._ .n :.. mun-Ln. A ULJVU ltd. hula m.....~.. .XHXUCIUL Ialdnd. It is over 1 and Dual: gum remark- .1 plump. Tue rye Wu grown ml Aitxuudel bupbenoon. has 1: euly 011G. ._ _.-._.._ m "I It I!" m '5' Aux-(my nimble WWW-3 dumnrownm rhea n loo- 10'; nomw. It. R Clawla. o! :u o Globe'nnporwti- d 11.1: Ipmimg A low boldly: in u city, Sue-en lomsle ermznu: Mmeuic I In lo I). u we Emignnl on tumor- II-U- nr'w" wed-anna- u sow-I Pb 1'" m 11-bit. munch hula:- A -4- -1.... ..In.hln mxnvBIW- . m morning, 7 TN Eagle Foundry pr. perty V) be sold tun-marrow n 1 oclock at Hume- m'l anon moan. .. - n,_,n AA (1..-... mil." U! ml!" u Brmw American noun. Cups. Tube. law: o! "B Buury of Dominion Artillery. hp been appointed by the DJminion Unemmeu: I Lml paid. at the Suns wk... . L-w m .m 1.11.6 law 1215 u mu". 7 busy V ( thum. ,. m'l anon (Jul. Powell. 0! Ottawa. and Mr. n! In. Kym. of Montreal. are gonna It the Brit): American Hotel. A... 1-.. L..., .J --|L Rn.er When I (cw :1: ms L; La tboirpunu by tuna; L u upoudoutsMo pockets us: dlrgo numibze chuua. u- "Ann-u Wnyln {A~rp wu-wuv v..-... 7- "7", Th. morcbuups um um bnlion of Domxumu Dn- n triumph The ("mm c huge last. eveumq AL...1 .... --n....~n inn. (largo summze cudugu. It Hoary Wade, :ia:reury of the PIOVinoil Fair Annotation. unwed m ducity HHS aileruoou on busmuaa In connection me we F hlbltwn. MLA ___-L..-...' .. .. my. im Hm cPln the lute election. Thry can roconcllml to their dried. 1.00.1. Itill in n [IWLIOUS um [.00. 1| In In I lltMJLlUua umu . Don't forget to-mgm at. [he Vnownn Hui-ice cream. struwbemes and the Ipbndnd band 14m P. W. (J Rlel m ud of St. Pnul'a Church. TICkeLS only 10 Some of the merchanLa are front.) caused about. the street mummy In: notied an Alderman that. n. W111 1 him pleasure to voLe agmm tho pres Wud members next Jnuuurv. -__ A 1 nun, .. unnmlint wuu manners urn. annual v. Rev. A. M. Phillipa, a MuLhoJisz di vino. 1nd his bride. hum 5:. Thou). lll'IVOd here yesterday afternoon. They I. by the and summer um. morning {or Montreal .. n,,_ , ,2 l'l'-L\. n__-..-: 3...; nnmh cents. _ Rev, Father Suonl has. during the ' In: two years, plucUl uwr 5'1 orphan children. sent. out from Lwcrywul, 1:: good homes In Lindsay and DEIRbeUI" MMA 10! Montreal. LUCK and Webb. arrested here some time ago. have been counctel of rob- binl Laeh Chillas store. They have no! yet been sentencud, Wllson wus bailed out some Lune 3g) and faded to put in an appearance at. [he Lrnl. 1... nnhnnnar Flum (IorveLh has been Winn MIC pm. In I"! uppuurduc: u Luu LIIAA. The wbuoner Flu Corveth taken 03 the Wnya at. Eden. She has bun thoroughly repaued. havmg re- ceived new bulwark-I. suuuclleons. rig ,_ ____.- -_.A .....:. mm m nunnlv yuan-u "u "an... .1 u . . v . v _ _ . _ V 7V The lumen will roan: l :llemty chrlps with some ouriosnty. Tue lormer ware notied that. SMurdQ's .uu'llot. Would be hold on Friday. and now come; (I. obnnge back to rst. pruuaplci. We dull now probably Luve "LNJ 5m]:- dny'u markets." A mud damnnahnhinhin 1min] QOLDGD Llvu lav" mung... w. ag. masts and suds. She 1s mcely punud tad looks quite Imudsome. Th. Inrmprl will rmnr ] theva ChLDL-I uh, I Ill-Inuit. A grind demonstratiou'is being gocbeu upJor Dominion Day at. C Huuul Grove. The procee ls mil be .luwml w the Home of Providence. A syn: 1 Cyu mince are wotkmg bu] Lu msku all armngamonu mummy. uul .ts there will bone other pxc-mc on mm: (19.3." nlugo attendance is uuzicxptiei The large ponets nnl progmmmus will be distributed lo-morruw 7,- 7 .- _.,-_ Youtuday we announced that. Capt. Coonl, o! the barge Anuxe Crmxg. bud 1 been robbed of 040. and that be had 1 com. to the my to get. a warrant. issued for the arrest. of Ins cook. whom be ac- cused of the their. 11-3 was reierred to It. Scroder. Portsmouth. but failmg to nd him quickly returned to the any Iuboritles. plsced m the hunda of Police Oicer H James Nesbnt. who performed :hc ser vice requxred of lnm Nth ulmcmy um] antislacnpn He went nhrect LO Col~ llnlby and interrogated Lhc suspected woman. Anme Rule. of Port Dmllmusie, who denied that she bud hka the money. :ltbough her Chlltl Huh] she had thrown the vest.1u the pocket: of winch It wu. out. of [Le cubm window into the IIMI'. Rather than nublull to arrest. however. Ind the Andigmty winch such I thing mean. she stLshe was wxllmg .. N... um and Hm rm ~ nmnn-ed. DJ! A warmuc wus 15.5qu and l l __ I Report! duller as to the amount, of H l slum 1.1310: the Lima of the Merchants. 0 Bulk on Sum" lay mght. The Very l nucnnblc history of ma Yr! .1; thus told' In the evemxu :er men were 1 ~. I00!) :0 stump: an "nirth :1 {up {huk 1 l (min the tea: put the o: bu.iJ.;g. recent. |I "1) round by Mr. Fnzcr. we (urmer {I t mm. The pohcu were [untied and t V to w the full Impornwce of the occas~ ( . i ion by pissing a nu A upon the 1115mm ea. Upon m. temru to his quucersl " 0! lb. Bunk ckerkmbusr Cure the baud ' Mil in n night. the pohce Informed huh '7 d the supposed danger. Add advised hm \ queaeg mu 1: Was not (a (or him or _" k in Bulk xmerescs tlut he synonld be 3- : rc'oimr. H3 1H4 lel r. a iu'uwut prance m. 0': but he obtuqu oua ru- V police revolvers and wentw bed a. nding worn: L0 cnmer thus an I. 7 when mm: were no i m ! widen! 90mins. He dd 351: Ask s... 1.. nnlim mucmm ud . slept wandly. g uhrect Lot ( catch wow new uuu me Vnnkonghnet le undoubtedly deaf. :u , Anme eunuch an the reporter in queationiug U1 hen him baa to speak in every loud voxce. 1 Even then Vnnkonghnet would ask vest. 1n "What did you lay?" and the question 1" Itwu. had to be repented. in A leader key. 1T He id he did not beer the sentence and only knew whet it was after he re nthiug SLAMLshe turned to the .01, He wished us to 1 h to pay MO and the cog , lucun-ed, unxl any that he was thankful, very thankful, when tme was done pruceengs were: tour. McGuire (or the endmvoare made L d1 untinued. Shortly utterwmwi :hetuw Lo mnro hm acquittal. He was also r, on Which the perils: sextet]. Mt Col'une- I thnnkful to those who signed the peti 9 by for the west. Ne hm. is enmled to non, king the Government for 11 com- crodit {or the experhtm: uni dxplomncy mutation of m. sentence. Which chuacterued 1m dlnchu'ge of oenoa ! duty 1 made him jenlonl rL- | H Imam OI nguun. nu ulu uu- '- z b: palm protoctwn slept soundly. i l Isth- ilbnnuon o! Indunno'ua barg- 01unth is v.11 r paid aqua: an in. aid. nut tho random. and an All tidal "ll Wad by oohd mnwury uld iron > the windowa. So salt bonnnu u .0 ho had 1 'w- . 7,- i'mos 7... A Work Quickly Prrlormcd. In 1'! n5 '3'- v ,1 nrl LheClty rl, - A,........- mun-n HPALIUU I VJ. , y. day lclpncell mamas I ,- present. llmuaie, slmu sun >1 --Wm I ) I 1ch I c Yummy unmou- u w." urn. lent-tin bud - ul manic. Vukouahuu. The rst mlcy.mm a hug. bunch oi by ood onmde tho inner corridor. and that mdinl tha order [or mi-ion. nIlookod the big ' padlock. and W um wnlked' -ln-m ch. Im-d corridor to Wu-d Golden Llon Grocery lwug ill. "will nu-nu w " No.4.lnsidoolwbioh mauwnml ~ I-_|_:_.. I- --| --n Th. no. i. mutual wuwn mun w wv- w- - prieoner. looking pole end wen. The bolt- in the lock epic clicked. end till: 3 push the h-lv greyed doc: opened. the journellet entered. end stood face to face mth the arbour. whoee life [mugs by e slender throed. Venkoughmt hull been sitting near I cleen scrubbed Ll ble. but he eroee when the reporter on hand, and paced up and down the ward Hm nppeeranoe he not changed greatly. although his skin bed become as white es en lnfent'e. end around his eyes the eah wu swollen end lunmed. no doubt the result of much weeping. His board has grown toe conddenhle length and was perfectly blwk.melu'ug the ooutrut betwacn it end his white skin very marked. He wee dressed in pnsou garb. the garments in which he was ar y rusted having been taken home by lns wxfe. Hm feet were encased nu shoes. out It the eldee and down the lronl m order to meke them eeey. ..-_ nn-uvun .u Iva-Avrnn' I _v rmovann um A mr'lll 1! non "no In u .1 up It unmm Ill urlmulu My .1- 'How ue won? and how are you w tum dong?" were the rst queuxc asked. L... _-.\I.. .IT'... auer 115. = 0b. w his reply. "Im along very well. Im hnppy. seem to drend death." rru , -,,__\_-_ ..___-l....l ply-no cum W urulnu uunuu. . The turnkey lemuked that the re- porter [Md come to take any statements he wmbed to make. .n. n I... . n L _...L;.... L. anh- me." reputu we pruunor. Together aha two walked :3 Lhexhle and sat down undo by side. Upon the table were Vnnkoughnets but. and red and whxte bundkerchioLIud an open Iestamant, with the coma: of a 1m turned down at the 12:11 chap. 0! St. John. in w'mcb Jesus foretold hm death and culled uraesclv for a. confession of tank. H5 said he spent his tune m singing and spelling out. the verses m the Tnswmenb. lie was daily vmted by the m1ninters,)r.Jack.CiLy Mussionary. and be Sister- of Mercy. All that. troubled b'un WM the thought of death. He did not hape tor a rcpriuvo. nu.-- MA mm .u cnnr till! 119! ?" l Dc wmuau LU {Ll-16. "Well. 1'11 tell bun anything he ask: me." replied the prison. 1---AL..-.. 0)". run uulknd t3 Lhel'nhle ue ma non nope nor 3 nylluvv. When did you see your wile last '2" we asked. ... ,A1___ _.--I.- g..- uk-n Y nuw nuou. About {our wuka qonvhon I saw her here with my little babe. Do you know if I had non: ueu my wue I! Wuuhi not be here to-dny. It. was her domgs that pit:ch me in this pxeseut. pomuon. It, was allber Inuit. auJ her bronhers," were Vunkonglmec'a words. uLLered in a very lorrowful Lone. n .I.-- ._-..u non- 1. nnmhnr of nrirns PUB THE WAMBATHBM