Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jun 1885, p. 2

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Ouu hum." Fl ! IIBIU OD -HIIIG `Jill s "It In: n grnd old llnhiouml ntrect panda. with two bends. plenty of hur- Iel Ind chnriotn. clowns. donkeys. ngs, ailding eleghnnte. camels nml spotted eqninee. he streets were crowded. Altogether the ion In sntlslnc` tarry. Like the pnrnde the show was 0! the old lnnhioned Iund. except that there were two borne rings instead a! one. The performance is exceeding ly good. The equestrian: are excellent. the ncrobatn no good n9 ever visited the ` city,the tnpexc performance Ill thrill- ing, end the nriel bicycle tricks were grant. Beside: the unuel perlormnncen there ere n number 0! specialists 0! great merit-the strong men. the trick ponies nndelepbnnt. the Japanese juv- gler. the contortionletn. etc. The circus lhnotnaelnbornte an I-'orepnngh'z. but it poeeeune individnnl members as good on the best. The menuzerie 1: not lnrge. but there no some ver ne ape- cimens of the nnimnl Irinncfow. nnd theynll look in good condition. Alto- gether Robbin: given ngood show. worth the money. as good probably as will visit Cnnndn this you." oo- --_._ The Toronto Nan, the late younger bunch ol the .|lu:I, than mbukcs me at Inch upon Robbins` circus. which up- penn here on J uneinh. "II In A an-nnd Md tnnhinnml urn-4-I Illlilfllfl 1| IQ] DUI IJCKIII won-Iingotdorintwodnyn. An nppuuot jokohulodtooonnider nhlotroublotothomphindt thouum bupBanol_nh. Ajngwu plncodoa Iunldnndm-Ichnnnnitinnnnloha ooahined llqnul while in reality is con- hined only nnplo syrup. Still the van- nl munifut. not having maple syrup on it. tho vtal is liable to u ne ol I511) sad the uphill DIV Inllor criminal pro- urntinn. It in nu! that the craft. will `I Hi W-In XIV IIIIIC Crlllllll PI`! Iecnuon. II II and that the craft mil be Ieixod and tied up. Capt. Mcownn has evidently coughs I lunar. ---- O9 AI opinion D Ilcgnrd to the Iolnblns I ...._:a.-.. hut: r..n-..., `C- F: Ichr. Ldonier. bound lot Brock- villo with coal, III struck by I squall Ia: Auburn [shad ycdudny. u -inn been In Iuokon. The captain .Donnn|lyhuntnnodtotho oitynllcniingiho unmet Cuv ol Owen sound. out Mnolnpiconx. Ho ol thojob wuiu hnlhnglhoico Iothotbooonld roach Ibo propeller. Whoulno I to tho shunotholloutcdhun bad berm -..I.&....._rI_. i. 9-`)... IoDInonClIylot|Io\hItumo. Tholiinn Bdlnnknlur lat trip I) Iihj an Wdhnv nan In _4 ?"Q un.Iuuuqnu.u-niec--ncu -6 `WT AIL` .~ IIIDI _ jnj KDI- A SALUJX BAR RUl1Hl'Il). ryl -Ir": _,"`... ;"Iuo [0-uwuouunu-.3-u-I-010"" L llnglltnn ordluuonu. NEW BOOKS!] A \ER\' CLOSE ('.\l.l.. A tativ IBE.u.Ls1in\\ pruovomunn um ohlinnto oust. I A no upoonrm or nounsotrn rnospnorlud Emulnon, taken wlu-never the cough in troublesome. will roli -vs the patient. sud, pt-auvondin. willoool 3 euro in thunon qua. Cough: um Colds thni we so froqnontly And which nooftcn pron Ihquodt sown foruhu-vutoloonium ' .Ihoald hnvn imunndnghu And ll: lidlnnnz Illa WIIIOII $0158 P707`! IIIQIQUI for I hnrvul of oonnun , should have `immodnto And m A to upoonfnl of Robinson : Phosphoriud I couch in -j:---0-0 Dr. A. Luehnnce 51 leading French drug. gist ol Montreal II I. During my holndny trade. the new [)0 me. the "Lotus 01 the Nile" In: much called tor, the result as I found of the Indie: who Ind and in. talking so much about 1H0 their friends. I never low I perlume the! uoemd so plane every everybody noeeotunlly. twenty-mree. , Hsnlnu says he will return to Ann- tnlm in eighteen months. end that pro- bably take Gllldllll`, Teemer and Ron with him, they to uaiet him in making up n font-cued crew to row the cruel: Austnliua tour lot a purse of tl0.(IX) or 020,000. On the present trip he clenred 830311), and received presents worth 030111) more. He nukes 3 propocituon to row Teemer noes of one. two three. four. end ve miles each. It 0111]) nude [or each nca. or one three mile race for OM11), on any course in the United States or Canadu. P0lID.-'Io shun Ioetlna in Post- punl ll WIDIIIIDAY. an JULY, ad villlnhln thocouxcn. crnxnIn.l8P.l. , Juan rnannnmu cspuineu ny we nev. n. u. lllornwu. A cricket match was pluyed on Hide.-an llnll grounds. (ntnwn. Thnredny. be- tween eleven members of the Senate and House of Commons and the government house eleven. The `Commons eleven went. liret. to the wicket: for 142 runs. The government house eleven scored 130. or twelve less than the score in the single innings of the Commons` team. His Excellency mnde the highest` score. twenty-three. Hnnlnn Ava he will return to Ann. r.I8l.l:I n |llJ5.r|U IOT U-K107 UILIJ IIIIHIJ. A strong English cricket eleven is ex- bed to visit. Amenu thin season And will plnv nntchoe in New York manual the Staten Inland Club. another against- the St. George's Club. and will then make a tour through New York Sale. and thence to -Philndelphin, and play the best. clubs there. The team will be cepuineul by the Rev. R. D. Thornton. A cricket match ens nlnved on 0.88 (`U CIUD IUIU IKXSUII. At Almontc the Pembroke club alv- fcnmd Ibo homo lacrosse team by thro.-1: goals to one. A Pnrth runner nnmed lfluk. wants goam no one. A Perth runner named Cluk. wants tomaken mile much with anyone nu I-Intern Untuio for |.30or Ilfl) uidt.-. A -5..-" l.`n..l.-h ...i..l:-t nhmnn m )- SIIIIIF ncnulnu r.vuuun-u---nu u - uuu -.--u Tour Ill: Propoolllon llaznilton bu um champion nmauur base ball club this season. no .Al.......on H... D.~.mI.n-nlzn nlul. .l.. CIIIIIUI IR IXIEPIBH. The l'aII Jlull Ijqzn/I. IKll.c24_ upon the highest authority. that the long standing question of dilleronce between l-2n_-land and Husail. concerning: the north west Afghan lrontier has been nally and satisfactorily settled. A denite agreement has been arrived at on questions of principle. The com- missioners will lortbwith commence to mark precisely the delimitation of the boundary. They are now on the Ipot. The Penjdeh incident will be relerreu to the King of Denmark. Arbitration will be conned to the interpretation of the covenant 01 March 10th. 4- IDO [nruel llmtfu. IIOWUVUT. IW II. The volunteers in the .\ionhWoeI hue been tendered An invihuun to st- tend the opening of the Susan : Fall: I: at the end of this month and the I of treatment. in Budo. but us they won`: urnve In ummsudu Inch n step in Igtinat. military regulations, the oor cannot be accepted. Tha I'ulI Jlull gums. nlnou I IIIIOITIIIIIOII Dlll0 PIIOIIC. Mollie Unbam .oolorxln numnc of the medial c'~llego hospital. Nuhvnlle. bu been urestml for poisoning the Inn- ron. two patients and n neato emplove. Mollie bud I grudge seminal. the young doctors and put unenic nn their load. The parties nuned. however. no it. Thu vnlnniners in lhn North-'nnI Wlll CTIIIIIII 0| 00$! Ill 2181373. Advice: from Puin cute.-u um cholen bu broken out in Francs-. and thus far this week two lual can no Musoillel In reported. Stronuona eolu hum been made to Keep the nutter secret. {suing that 3 punc would result. it the inlormation beonme public. Molina (irnhun .-alarm! nunnc 0! the PITEHI II'I"IllK`!ll|B|lI!. The manuscript writings of V: Hugo, will ll I00 volumes. The : rental 0! the volumes. which are nln nuiy lot circnlnuon. embrnco I pron And poetry. The other we will comint ol notes and letters. A.l-....- l....... h_..'. -o-o.... nI..o ab... \-A-nu-1.: ' Anuucumnnunmaum %nthd&Icl%lKinuInliotxoulAnu- ho bald as tho Oom- ca p on IIIBDAY. JUNE Ion. :3 I9 .I. Join! IINGEOIN. Bestiary-`I :-ruuru. Iixbn. Jung and. will lllllll LIIU IMLIL .\lr. (iloduone. reolving to an innit lion Ioconu.-at 1 near. {or \orkuniro In the gamers] election. wrncu tbn he sees no prospect. 0! has acceptance of the m- rihuon being made continent Inn: hi: present nrrnuvzements. The mnnnncrim. wnlimen \'|('l.or E `III! III. l lfl lll. Whoa Foniinnnd Wunl wu nrnigu-.1 It New York rostonhy on 1 change 0! stealing H,. (lI,llI) worth 0! securities (mm the Muine Notional Band he plea! ml not guilty. and the use was post poned lllll the IJLIL Mr, Hlmlnlnnp mnlvina m an innn Um no ucuruu ulruuuu Inc nanny. The sun Bond ol I-2-inouioo bu notied thotrnucoooluie Virgina Nor Ind uool. counted. at Pdenburu at their ruin! lrozu omen (or having dnwn 03.3 1` than luv nllnn lot their services" In tho Cinnabar ol Dqnlin yesterday Silvu. )liniIhrolJuuioo. nilowu good pmspocl that Phillnpinn lint! would be included in the trouy 0! com- Inotco with the Fnilod snug. II.'L.._ L`A..Ii..-_.I B.'.-.I -_. -Dvnu-Inanl Th: Prison: of Walt: in oodcnvoring so brim: than 3 mootiw ol Ibo Prison ulwuloouodtho Cu: at Copeohnguo. Tho Princen hope: permanent pace II" be secured through the mating. Th. Run Ran:-I nl I-'.:lnnnl.nn Inn mQI-`V-CI' Au innndapdnuounnllhn din- onvondlhl npunnlhn Iobunld. ol Jnnonvilln. lll.. nhntl 040.0!) VIIIIOVIIOIIIOW W SKY" II Ihoonh-Won that unniulhu in .1dun.otn&nndluquilthoyhadpnu- than `PL- D-3-4..- Al Wnlgn in A-.I-g-noi-u IX (RIO! DIBZ lI|lI. puunox I M tho nut-ootingol tho liivcity 8}b.ilTu'oI|o. Dr. Daniel Wihtl I -ill _..-tn nllnu -lntlnnln -nrvnnn in 'l!B.IlIIl'$Io. UK. IT "III Iwilluontonllow infant: snug: unm-l.h.I'nn than an-immg i Tlanufacfng u. 3;i.'.' 3.,...""'{ .7 ?.."."." II- a uauuuun. -nu lcludhnlli nauwnu-`a udcuud Inna Icahn In `lusty Il insuuiuucblnon. `FLA `min: I-Inznnln -Ij n has blcuulbun `C II BIT. 1'f.oII&Ib|o'IP5'13 - -uj-cu: b yin- nin--uh: THE DA`il.\ Ill lawman munann \' Ictor nonncu was 15 nun noon pnvnuuy 1 fa-modlron:0nucuunInHhoAmnu-` Afghqnintnn. Abdul-nhuann Klan. bqonmudued by his amt. It in tlnttho murder took place in when the Amour was tnvallhg. hgtA3onbKln.n. deposed A , \ be hit account. The npu-I " V muol:axci_tauqnt.' . Lcndon.Jnna6..--`The manic-d Ameerhdonhtod in olloinl the Had no to: Y Shh din-nu oaalrntho uncut. Buns hdhn tqu-lhqlhck johHq' .~ ' V 4 -.__ p.g raP ril- `tho Amoor ol Afthnnlataa Sold to llavn Fallon at tho llanda of III: Iatnnu. London. Jnna 6.-Daapatuhoa {mm Bombay and Calcutta state that it is currently reported in both these oitiea that the Amos: of Alghaniahn had bqen assassinated by _mombegn oi his unite lwhil: tnvelgaa I: lfcioertsils Tlgaso 3: patc mean a ecu aenaatlon, . :a|:5:,!Ipbod to ill ommala' in g I! aaoartain at once wbothorthoro in any truth in -nnnrfn , been compmmuou. - London. J nno 6.-Tho oompromis re- quires Lord Coleridge to give Adams 6.01) on the occasion of the Inner`: marringe to Coleridge`: daughter. Mil- dl-ad. d An A1-ou lot Danagos for atander-Adama us the umi.Iuu~ ol z-gum 0 London. June .}.--ln the Adams-Cw lundge case Mr. Adams complained ol Justice .\lsnisty's conduct while presid- ing over the trial of the action for libel which Mr. Adams lsst veer brought syaiust .\lr. Bernard Coleridge, son of the Lord Chief J usticc. lor writing let- ters defamatory of him (Adams) to Miss Colt-ridge. for the express purpose of ilissuading her from marrying him. The summing up oi Justice Manisty, .\lr. Adams i-Jnteuded. was prejudicial. "Justice Mauisty told the iury." eon- tiuued Mr. Adams. "that I could not subsist unaided : that I had no home loi- Miss Mildred Coleridge. Thank God] L have a happy home. if I have nota gor- , geous one. and I trust that my home will ' be equally happy [or Miss Mildred. Justice Mariisty all but implied in his summing up that l wasa swindlei-. Ber- nard Coleridge. in that case. did not dare to enter the witness box to attempt tojustily the attacks he made upon his sister and myself in his letters to Miss Mildred." Mr. Adams concluded bv asking the Court to quash the judgment nl Justice Mauisty. who reversed the jury's verdict and dismissed the csse with costs to the plaintiff. Attorney- Ueneral James replied to Mr. Adams by dwellingatlength upon the lqial as pects of the ease. ii the question of privi'leged\eommnni:ions and upon the rights and duties ol parents and broth- ers in warning a daughter and a sister against taking steps which they believe to be imprudent or danpprons. Judg- ment will be delivered to-day. Landon. Jnlsa 8.-lI is renoriad Ill 1 mun: vnu be uouveuu Io-any. London,-Juno 0.-It is reported shut the"Adamn-Coleridge nlnnder cue hu [man nnmnlmmij`. ` ' me Auamu-uoaenu; been compromised. Lnndnn. Jnna 6.- uuu III unit unnrgu. Inn on In y hope to build I delencevhich will throw the odinn ol the rebellion on the fur- men And Ghoee Liberal: who were con- lmuslly crying out Axlinu the wrong: of the .\'orth-West. Thin will Add adv dmonnl bitterness to the content. And it is expected the: when it come: up in the House them will he wilder time: than hue been won umce the overthrow of the Connerrntive party in 1873. II will probably be brought up u an unendr men: to the motion to go into supply as soon as the ducunion of the euiuntel in resumed. O- uunwn -1 I-C uucuui uuvuru . Uttnwn, June .'i.-Tbo lino ol deletion which will he alien up by the govern- ment when it II cnlloil to book lot the North-West troubles in becoming np- punnt. There will be 3 direct nnd determined eort mule to and-llo the responsibility ol tbo rebellion on the white nottlen ol the Prince Albert dis- trict. Ihonro mostly l`lII,Il|ll indirect- ly upon the Libnrnl pnrtv ol Cnnndn. It seems that last lull. this people of tbnt district signed 1 requisition to ltiol, uking him to And lec- tnrn than on the nl that Luna won on use wrong: 01 we North-Won in gooenl and the Moth in particular. which is an founda- tion 11! lhnir elm:-an; nnd nn n. that IlJlQ.`fllJl'l'&-IOII [III lIlIll. Riel bu -om. wont to SL Bolulnoe. for bu brother to go out west. 10! hi: vnlo sud children. u may no in and van) . and In answer Joseph Rae] nod . "null alarm-I ycntenhy morning. ON MOND AY And see the Slqallest and Hnndsomest Pom` Prus- TON in the Dominion. IJICVBI IIVUK. Archbubop `Tube has resolved gcuce tron: Cold Luke 01 the Indian mid on the ll:)dIon'n Bay notes. Tin No of the Catholic muuoauv. Pore Lqd. nun thmuened. but the reunion: lndnuu Inlcrlonod on In: behalf. IN`! I... -._o ......_l A- un I.l.._.l-_. TUXIIII-. The belie! in exymnud by the [lad um`: Buy ulthofltlu 81388 Icll and tboaunr Vhlh prioooon union by 8:; lieun PUIIML. have been rolcnnednnd allowed to no DC. In Lncrono. by the beaver nu-r. I -.I.I..-L...._ 'l`-..L- L-.. -..._I-.J L_A_lI. (E NDICZ HIV`. Than no minty hauho! Indium II lumohs. all (at whom have rununod puouble and loyal throughout Ibo puns: Nu'Iuh~Weut uoohlu. notwilh unloading lhcclcu pot lonhby onu- urinolkielwnnciusbcnmpuhtho rebellion. ' 'rn.- 5.4:... ;- -..-_....; L. n... u_.a .{-oao.-.; A lllY JIUIIKD LQl$INL IIOK, It. urn} nail AFC I:-D dnulolrdnbjbhohhblh third:-ulcnochot nalhqia wbolnhon nit. Pew`: noun. nabllnnlolhirh Lang -n-auI-algal 21'. l'ml8l 8l}AllBIlEBWlllllS o-u. Wohnaudupua fhnltlhn-nndnll 0HABl0I MiBIlI- y. at A. P. Whit- Ajh I `n-:in_ nxina-omonlun-n-;h.Bn;hIl-aux:-.1 "?'a. on` . Juno. Vii. fw 1,176 . HUI Iuu uu_uvu -.---N , ' __:. 0orn-Indv ' Ilkl 011$ 1 0- "" N `SATURDAY, JUII . mo the wax- ' - 0 non. Yud. n my nolnl. with whmgb 4'3_`_ . Educ on. `tho own:-_Illl l|lOI_nI'0'0ll- ;:u.n; n,_,_ g I vorvudmyehumn. wmaolumu` nun 77. I munqxuouunu ` . ,.. lhu.Iaunt:(hInn`IIhIlIl. uwpoou hilt- I'Inrn._mndv:nln'0.I):No.Iw$- :.*---. A. Juno 3 n|o|l.000;'now whito 5 lII|'0;d ISO 1.04. i baton. Wheat--Red.I1nter. 0.93 I 0.9! : white. 0.93 to 0.94; ' 3. 0.93 n 0.94. n-n..5II . 6.1!); nponor nun: 5.60 3 1.1; nun nu- pornno4.60n4.65:Iptinoxtn450:4.55;' In o4.2su.s5;mongbnou4.5o.l 5. ;uo no 3 mo; middling: 3.75 s 3.35; ` Iplkldl 5.503 3.60:0nt1rio hug: 2.00 I `|.35;`0ity hp. 110 3 1.50 (or strong} I \._L._- -upuuuu-. can... \I' F|onr-RecoipLI. l.0`0 br_ln.; nlogre-jv ported, 5m brls. lnrht qmet. Ind pnoal 5 unchanged Qnohtiou:-Pntona 4.75 to 6.1!); npior axtn." 4.00 4.45: 083?! _..A... A an- ARK--urinanvtrn 150: 455- K!I(XlIh7'l. _Byo_-|o'I;&IIId07IhbnnIl. BaooII--uu to 11. Bunn-!l to le. 0houno-5 to Sic. Bnet--TpI .16 to l80:,M.. 15 to 18. Intnm. 12 to 14. Uotn-M lo we. Pcu-79 to son. (hh-36 to 37. -6000 60:. Ryo--73 lo 750. Oalmeul - 4.60 to 4 cl). ' Uotnmod-3.1!) to 3.25. . Pom-k-l4.1I)io 14.50. Lud-9}. no loo. Buon-l0} to lie. Hn.mn--ll Klngnlon -W_ool In rlol . Wool H arrmng m small quar.x.nes and scllmg at from I56 to 10 per l`.~ The lanncu .-ur not anxious to sell at these gures and the buyers 1! ? hkemsc not desirous of purchasing at such low gures. Wholesale sales being very `slow ETIIIICT - - -: w ----, Ionllvho lnyddnu CLASSIC TUITION lhltlad Iuuuh. `l1II&u0Illthotuou.InGlutIutuI. jvll Ooiqkgcljln juglhdtr 31 now turning (Nil 2 nfavy maIu:_ qunluv of oenngs as a rule very good Ganuzoque. jnne 5lh.- ans .1 small attendance at the Board Two or three burers present, but no oficrs were nude with any expecuxnun that they would be an c led 5 In L} cl: vre lhehnghesl pm;-< o ed. -`vrw. 55: :1 sq: (Thtcazn. June '- 11. : latgely local, though 1! brought Ill .1 guod man) 0: always dzvs afler a harp ` .v-. 5. jun`. - -. logi N-pl loo] Juno. sli 3 Jul)- -`7'1- `Si 11 $43 (Thlcazn, us nmpncucable at me moment New Yotk. jnno (- -II I! behaved that , the movement III 51. Paul. both here and m London. is mainly controlled by the \\ uers- hocr and Cammacl party. and that n has has: India; on both mks of the xxolnt 1 between the no market: It was mmoted _ Iasl evcnnng Ihal a prelunnnary mortgage ul Igsoonu exist: on lenmnal property 0! lhr W. 3.. and Omaha & \\r'cstem CKIIIPIIIICS. winch is i covered by lbe bond issue \--.. \'._1. Inn. A , I-.-nuns nl lhr SI. Ileclnulgol rulluylnc cannula rucmc R R . n :suod.ul|eodIo Iunhcvcotn I. -ham m xulrood B11181 as II :9 e tho and Trunk null null the ctnoeuon. Sn Henry Tylas not here was chn-y to arrnp a plan to nvud lbc trouble which bx broken cal. and It was n-[Ind at the hatch last mghl that Sn Henry hzd cabl-I Iu London llul. outing in lhl general de mmalnzatlnu 8 height Ind passenger bust- neu. he hrlives that a restoration ol rates , unpnchrable al the momenl , lhc movement ua Paul. Nu Yuri, anznzb. ;t:l;n at the hotels hangs: "man-mung.-cu. nub -hicliohrnu: `an-lilo ini ` man: It .1-hovu nhrphyatohtochdunnglho put ollhnIuni.hudanqlbepm lfIKulI.l n"-yuniud Iunneuumlolhnpporif olbuovnlpaualuen |lr.WhnInha:baeu` duiqvarylnltlqladvhalelotpaisnbull. in `naval its run!!! ollm puchaanf y one way Inuutad. on (hoods lb WauoIu-(.`nn-ncl Ito buy! hill! dadq lb nhhonnshdwndthqmvcndlatanu` Ihoday wheatheruom hacanehsnsh.` Thccumngolralcllrylhr Canadian Pacific R l(,u.s uutull ladlo lunhcrmtnoh (n: O 'nM&.l -_ I Hllj FINANCE -counmaVmW Lon-1on. Junn L ` .n`> xv 5.-.| [W A Illa-hn.J-nun. BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! l.er--'11:I,. to 11.12 xrgua-un".'4.-1-tor CAI-B! WILL CONTINUE DUBING TED IITEI NORTH 0 JUN`. lCuo Dark 8otoa\Iu. worth l7c., for I . :- Fnncy Sateen: onlv lc. Fancy cans. worth wt. for 24. 400 pct. Dark Fancy Prints, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10. Stripe Prints, with Figuruto Match. Check Prinu, Dutch Blues, Regatta, Mourning Prints, Rod and Black Prints. IE .RI:3T'I'SI `PRINTS 1 . 4: p m) -( Ills no.3. . ui Ii: 17: AJLSIEI St STEACY gnou 2;3:;,.. *`=;*:%;:. 3:121! C xg FY A V D w I ` n nu (met: J ` A_ V J] _ L K thew .11 ~ , -nrx 1-rvx-r\~r:n1-A nun nrnv-.--.-pa... 0451 ` next. to rnnoeas Israel. lue ugnn o 27 ` isffmm the noxth. and Mr.Bell thinks its 3:; ` excellence will aid him considerably 0 g: in taking good photognpbu. A uoo-I . lo 41; l light is: great essential. This room In :3 V lurnishcd witbnll neoessuv nppu-stun. 1., ,3, lAn elegant new set of back grounds 5 -mi hsve been procured. Tlieso were pur- 6 75 r chased in New York (mm Sevey. The Q-as--p-.'---._-- . The CORNER Bookstore. 1___ AAI. I nnve been procure. Aueau were pur- Iai .7 ? Sevey. ` room In one at the Ingest in the city. To-day Mr. Bell placed at the door lead- ; mg to his gallery I veryne show-cue. T- He is now read) yo furnish rat-clnas 3 ;_ _ photographs to cuuoners. pm. 82?: On Thursday. W. P. Bell. pho2.o- grapber. moved his phobognphic Ippli Incas, etc.. from Martin's block to the new gallery built for him by Dr. Brown on Princes: street. The stairs lead I0 M ' lrom Princess street to a potion: the ; furniture of which is ologun. It. in rich- ly cnrpeted and hung with photographs I 0 46 I 0! all sizes and descriptions. Adjoining 0 this apartment is the operating room 0 45 1 next. to Prinoem utreet. The light on 33? nan i-`C.-4-um tho nnnth and Mr Rn" thinlzn it: IIKI. IIIIU KARI. UHUIDI III! .umon_n. .' jj lm Iii` 1 mil, M luc'r|oTsALE, ~ `Vinny : hath Buns. lnht Sqme. __o'._ I . 1rmNx1.IN?3os. & 00., I n-nnun-u-n-n n llnfll Al-n QIHCVIIII " ' UKLJI HI`;n`G!AIfllnQ0VIIAlD rnmmv " unn,unnnn.n,n.1caomuun. .1.` Edit. v aaouvu-an vv vvu NEW msnIuNIxtiLE cL 6THIN; HOUSE, I BEIOVID B'ACK_1'0 THE OLD STAND.` ' This morning n Ind, 16 years of age. if numed J obn Roche. son of engine _ , driver June: Roche.oI the U.'l`.R.. Ins ( | Incidentally shot by mother lad Inmed ;lChu. Barge. Ibont_tho ulna nae. -o' .. 3 Tlnnl-Tsday, June Ll , at I 2 o clock ,` NOOII. A rum: noun: um 1-wo Acnns OF LAND. a nasal on Jouph Stud. nos: lonnulno wlLh,goodonthouIoI.nn1lIo I goodfmlttnuuhowtpu-Iyaltohnlarkziy WI. IIIRIMY. III IIIIIHTIIY I'll TI}! VIIIJI WHLBIOPINID DURING THE SUMMER -- -u _g. _.... .I..a.... I oscapou DY jumping our 01 I wlnuow. ` Corsets to-night. lmmlkerchlefu to- night. bnces and Lies to-night at Hardy & .\lurray's. nu. mrno. soon: lino ulna nan. Last night the wife of J. Wonoh sud } his four children were burned to death 1 in bed It Bu-rie._ out. Mr. Wonch 1 oscapod bv jumping out of 3 window. Comets to-ninht. W1 Knnpton. June In. The Apartment: as! W. \|'.n I-..rn|.|..n I Men s Furnishings Always on Hand! BOTTOM PRICES! A NEW Pll(|T()liRAl il GALLERY. Where yoa win [incl 3 beautiful nngeol Hpring nnd summer mining of the luendo L sign: nude to order in tint dun style nu D E 150 luau. more of those Famous Colored Drum Muslim. Handsome Puuma and Fun! (`Jul -(hly 10. Ill] worth 12. White Drx Munlinn. 50. srincess Street] t-_._..-.a.-_-.-.4.V -I-'J.|-U .1. - They are curd IOI In.-plug Ibo LARGEST. I"llliQ`I' all CIIIIAPBIT llorl II the Cll]. SPEN CE 6% CRUMLEYS J an: 6th. BOWES & BISONETTE 1%-Ir'Irc!r'w au-u -wa ` spartan 1 onunmnni mer 3, will during June and July offer Special inducements to purchasers. See their White Stri Muslin at 5c, worth 8c. their Fanc Mus he reduced to 10, 12; and 15c. V See their C Pnttern Sateen: at l2{c. Thesune good: ' wereoold list your at 25c. L` ' See their Small Checked Sateens at l2c., worth 15c. their Dress Goods at 7, R, 10, l2c. All reduced._ W See their Heavy Blaa-k Gms Grain Silk at 65c, worth 90c. See their Black Satin .\[er\`e|caux, $l.00, worth $l.25 Sm: their ('u|ured Satin Merveleaux, 81,25, worth 3|.60. ' Being dete ned to cleer out every yard of Bum- 1 7 4 `DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS. BIG BAIBG-.A.IK'S j l\'?_ .\lny l8t.h. llnsivry, Gloves. (`onsets and Straw Hats, To-morrow `Ir innu- CASH AND_N_Q HARD TiiviEsT I1 J um smlmsn. CASEY & IYRNES. I02 Prlncoss St. no WI. IURRIY. Jt. Auc Z3 WI 3 QYUI -Small Satoens ' Dress l2c. reduood.__ - ' - 81,25, worth LIILLINERY.l __ -; n._ ,, _ , - -_.-.-.- 102 PRINCESS STREET. ..g V. ., -J\JLI TC ` DAY OPPOSITE WINDSOR HOTEL I'II1nh el grove-enl Ie $.03! GALIJOGAY Is to the loan. What everybody can n be true. and everybody 0&1! that CALLOWAPI New 1: uncut md Tielguto W.RIlVII' h hue n lu-go A-onncdto I95 . 6'i="IfJ5ETREsT Ila! 2111. ` $ 0unnnt rkl.KOk ' . cumnrh ALI: WORK GUAPANTIID. WT Jom=.s,', conIEaiE;T67- PLAIN all IIRILIEITAL I'I.lS`l'llll' J.` n. IzA"'r':".-:Ici'I`iiv's, IA! XIII. Omvmila Vinny: Ham]. .206 PRINCE"SS STREET. `tn-zr`. snnrrs. mucus. GLOVIB. uxntn ` want. I'm. GREATLY nlnvolo Cone and [ex 1 IIIIIII. GET YOUR l'}ZL'l' HATS l!l!HlTS' PIIIIISIIIIGS $ 0unont woruu. lnhonlnlu. and no` pairlnzcunanlloonuad outcunqoouluy. punus vununl 1100:: III! mug: ggg 12:-npjjg _ pot files! are second to any I check], cnlnndseelheu. '1'. HKIELEY, A can ,. i`"8'9;r`99I,i'=:I..&;;W in Opposite wnmor Iohl. Brock street to `; Nos. 174 & 176 ONTARIO ST. I Between the g Ila: Removed Iron the Pool of I Allan Line Agency, [Ticket Office 1.min;' IDTDILAQ on was xer wrirrl: ` BnnunndTiaIguto W.RIlVII' II van have n In-nu n-nu-Inn-Ala. emu TRUNK ' IEIE)_'Z_['_}_LS- ant `="=`LowAra| OUT zjr .-u.n`i ..'.'.`L.a""`...... IT'E=.:,.i- IXOI `T033 GOOIDI UI1 -Inch. CARD Nocm jjw J. I.IU`l'C31l. RESALE. \lIIUlIIl.I.n WAHIZBKI II C .1131! KIHGEOII. Soc !-TI` lama` ' . .TH-URSDAY, JUNE llth, .A-_.n....AlI-.I.-n--1-1nlI;u--- UL- %:...--;....| sun 91,`; 1' pulwulliuqnluloni went up, and I tthe mun clgeotfqg qpnnted. bu warp ' ' The pugyieoviawodthow buthought wuoming it- t o dnuder" wuanhdsgrpvu allowed" `:0 Attho hunch 3 union oc- Bell 1-eluted ex- filllli lllullimll, nu `U0 song`: being ulsptod to, the same tune. Ezlidbolt time Wlllllnhil um: ind our- ` 3 pocket lxdkarchief. People laughed ll dervilhes passed dong: Happy Bull Cooper earned a biglhck. Al the proeomon passed the police nhtignauhont went and Ian wu checfnllv chmkad. hntthn I116 AIIIIY 1]] 1'81. 11 lllll 0018!! 01110813. their gm-nsoya Insured with ndver-` hoementp. (I About. while I score of army banners were nvod slolt by u many entries. The cadet. who had been sent to no] for tooting a horn. was Ilobbomd ovunnd nal]? hoisted Inn on `us um chair. Two mamvith lnkhg 3 Grid! De-onstrnuon Oval-__|.`ade't Boll`: lhlenno Iran the County Gbol. At 11 o'clock to-day Cadet Bell vns released from gnol. Ho Ina greeted by the Army in red. A half dozen oicen. thnhv an:-nunvn nlnnhnud ant}. nwnr * Kingston`: interests are so inseparable from theproeperity of the St. Lawrence route. that it may well be alarmed at thenew revelation. Theee forwarding companion have heenmpreaonted as its great helpers. yet we nd them endea- voring to build themselves up at the `expense of the city and the country alike. It was not forsnch inimicnl pur- poaee that they were granted lree taxe- tion. The citizens my well exclnim Save us from our friend: or those who . ought to been: friends`. on other then election or tax day. I ------may-.. .. na--Je -n..-......-.. -V anmedtobea tact. The journal men- tioned ha: pointed out the danger of uuehaoombination to the trade by the St. Lawrence route. already so gxatly underthehidbytho Erie eanalrouteaa to be almost deluded ol trnc in grain hnmthe west. The very thought or annnraneeof a pool. amounting virtu` ally to a single monopoly. creates dis- truetin andadreadolaroute already hr lmln popular among foreign ahip- petnand vessel men. There is no ob- ject in pool nicnopoliea other than to lull o competition and thus stimulate prices. and thiameans in this particular case at this time irreparable injury to the Oandian route. upon the improve- ment of which so many tens of millions ol Canadian money have been spent. The cheaprateson the Erie canal are explained by the competition aorded hyahost ol small carriers; Canada`: hope. therefore. is not in a big monopoly. but in a divided and competitive trade. I'he pool will do the oountrv injury even day it lasts. In time its encroach- ment: will draw out an opposition of course. but meanwhile the country suf- A J UBILAXT SALVA'l'l0.\ ARI Y. unu no can; anvuuuvun ~.u-u vu -nun I that tho two gnin fuwuding ampu- niuurryina on opcstionu in Knnpton no pooling tl.-ir moeiph-|tLnds un- eonhtdictod. It may. tbenelon. be u- -n-...) 0.. L. - l._A TL- .`-..---I -`-- .1 I.(I4'AL I.\'Jl'Rl'. At this writing tho statement publish- ed in the Ilontnnl Star of 'I'hundny- oL-A LL- 5_. 1:- 1.1.3:-.. ......... ---.1 `uncut: u-u..u-nu. nu nu. ofthecuuabohuupounod. llIl.'TLOoI:_8lL' m.1ImugI_mnnrsm un v: --u 5v-v--u.-.-- rug... Mr. Blnh in tho nblest pohticinnnnd stltunnn in Uunds. and the Libornl: no grltclnl thlt he should make so many personal sacrices in the interest -l AL. ._..._ L. L`. ___._...I iv Katya-jujl:-U-zinc-u:-v-` uh hon-Cy uduinsion. Both mall. :..A :_ AL_:_ _._..A:_. -|..-. 5.455. It-"`I-.l"""' " "-' lv"""- --'-'- in public lilo. will continue in the 1 I_Qn- -I..'-I. 0|..- -4- W and I - In-up--o u-nu. nun can-u--no -- --u .u Intionowhioh they now hold. and I-o--. 13] -L..- |..._- -iII- L... 5.`..- u--o-- ---.--- -..., -vw ..._.. --.- .--V future will Ihow bow Iilly have boot: the and: of the government pron. ll- hI_I... :- 51.- _I.l..A ..-l.A;--- --A u:-u -wv---u-- -u u.-. - 3;. nunmmmumaxpcau; of his mnyftic-do in tho Cannon, _.- _.: L. L-- _.:'A..I AI...;.-II.d.--g `i luv u--v-u-Iv--u- nlIleoql'noyIonphoolr.B|ah hthlukdipol lhohihunl putty. Nothiug-aunbuuni auto unsound. It. Iovltlnlpinodfullou I pay |nk,nnulnn]:ian uddcladad wbil righh; Ilduheudof III Tbvuitdllan. 0.11" to 0th- nhuuinu tho -an-an ion-uh uuupinunwmana-1 of -pun. uu `rho,-nuigunsnviut-nun -II.4.J ....-_-g... A- 1.1..` H. RI-Ln Inuurnlbl nlhpll Inqnllhluludhln I-Zappa: pnlii Iiuvillhnulitcdwith duqoouoarml hdquIhIp.udl.hcyh|nbooo hjH M NIH j j - -u-- y'- jbhvnnujtupu Ekvbinlh bpblluqi puthnnu in n i31hIbulI.&IhInudM iiuhglluuuvcbulolb & 'l Iioythoh&I&-lb hvoluuucduhvodnpsulul cl &"""'l|F'Q0&u-o hnlb lhnudouxuu rah -human-u--uh-nu. Anllyu !L!!_"_"'_"_!`!._ I W} -llII I-IIII, I Illllllllllllllll-I -I ll o'clock: Thu otdilntion natmonmill be ~ rain! 51 lhollcv. W. Y. Duykin. L.D.,lAbArohIliIhopo(lbodioooIo Spill. Thoallovinggcndouunwillbe ordained: < 'l`hoPlnIIllIiDc|oonito-It.R. I`. mu! ;Ur.A.L.(_}eon.BLa- 3 0' 1 ` 4 . `l'|oIav|,lonlI.8oun_hInoto. II`-dbl-1 and A- 1" IIInnn_nl vlngv-n. 4 The Lord Bishop o! Ontario will hold a I pun] oniinuion In 8:. Paul's Church u no-narrow. .loI1Ii,ng pnyor will be said ' int 9:!) o'clock ; the sermon. ordination nania and holymommnnion at 11 o'clock: '1'ho5udlnlon u-nnnlinrl hi IQ Riv. w, V_ nnwiin at. A. non. _ Range Oioer--Lt.-Abrams. 47th Bum. Weekly pnctlee commenwa the lint week in July. .lIB"urel' ` MIJOT hlllg, YIYIDEIIOI 3d ' `hwy District. Council-Mnjot McGill. R.M.C. ;Cu t. Rutherford. "B" Battery; Major Bni `e. C1pI.Byrne. 4751: Bath: Cnph. Gallo- my and Murray. .1-uh P.W.(). Ries; Luut. A. Slnchnn. retired list; Lient. Dtanmn. Kinmton Field Bntutery; Surat. Hume. 14th P.W.0. Bills: and IJIBIIIIIII. Iungnon new battery; W. Hume. Nth P.W.0. Ries undl P _ A. Hm-n. Last evening the Kin ston Rie Auc- ciation held their ennua meeting, elect: ing the {allowing ollieera : l reeidcnt--Lt.-Col. KB"! 14! l`. .(). RE A. ' Ill TC 0055103 ILIOIU VIII Ulu IOU] Ill. bnndy. rye. etc. A tin box. which was on Mr. Elmer's business desk. did not ea- cupo their attention nnd thinking the cash was kept in it they opened it. They found only a few book and papexs. which they did not wnm. A box oi cimn And I H5 moo:-schnmn pipe were lllb picked up. The police are working up the cue. I A C: nl Gang ol 'IlnIevoo-'lhey `Into Old llolland. Tom Glo. Brandy, ripen, Etc. /rye lull in the burglary business hu been broken. During last night. the reag- door of Mr. T. l'Zl|ner a saloon, Princess attest. wns lowed. at lent. the fan light an smashed. And through the aperture thieves cnwled. The bar was vinited, the bottles enmiaed, and those con- hining the best liquors stowed awny. In the bottles them Inn Old Tom gm. In-nndv_ rvn. am. A tin box. which win auuaen iens. causing me neimel. to come o. It was iour minutes beforu he came to the surface. and then he was very much exhnusted. The pressure of the Inter on the tynpnnum of one of his ears forced it in mud produced den!- neu. The other ear is also affected. The captain had an operation periorm- ed on his ear in Toronto. and he thinks he will recover hin hcarm-,5 in I short time. ,,,i,_ - - _,._ _ (apt. `Ion Donnolly Nan-..wly ILM-upon DI-vwnlng While II III Water. Capt. T. Donnelly while working Al. the steamer City of Owen Sound. ve weeks ago. nanowly escaped drowning. He was under the etc-nmer in I living dress. when the mun, who held the life line lntaned to his helmet. pave it a sudden jerk. causing the helmet. lo r-nmn n, It in lnnr minnn-u lmlnrn mu. . Tmunrex-- Mnjor King. Pnymutor Id Militant District. Vice-Presndont- Sir Riclmnl Curt- rrinht ` ttry-A. D. Cartwright. 47th F- NISBI*LT S,|

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