wasnmq &: momma Ill? WHO "-79 In: Wm.WollI. J. Mussel, J. D. I-Ellis. ` u...;n. 1 n ua..|.. I. Ullllill. J. D. KIICIJ, lhllxella rent, The following were received on trial: D. Cummings, H. H. Cones. B. A.. Wm. .\lcMullen. Geo. F. Johnston. .\. (iatlev. A. Shields. P. Mcdregcr. L. .\l. ling hnd, B.A.. Emile Bran. Than nnnlnvnnnn than mlinnrnml JIIHXI, 0!. ll. I'AIll.H. IV . ll. 3 I Smith. J. B, Hicka, Eugene Pent. Thn fnlln-inn -are nu-nivml nn f.WF CIIIITCII 01 Ill!` l IIIIQI Bllleu The two yenn` probationers are . An A. Wuu. Chan. [-1. Bland. B. .\.; .l. S. Engleuon. Hanna: Cooliwe. W. .l.l-Lllin, Jun. Lnnnonr. A. A. Redlo.-y.C. I). Bald- win. H. A. Young. Those who have tnvelle-I one yet -_..- II ... lL'..II- I U H.....,. I-.. I Ipuuu Tho lollomngwero ulmn.be.l an Lbrec you probationers : Andrew Henderson. ` A. H. Visitor, I". IL Sproul. I . Crummy. R. C. llorncr,0nde Vien. fhos. A. Do- rion. W. Redgruves was given his shading and also I letter ol retirement. 1: he desired to enter the .\lelho-has Episcopal church of the l`m'v.ed states. The two Venn` urohntionen am An ...---on-uu uu . 1.`:-|I'\l-V The following young men were nJm:t- tod into lull connexion and orden-J to heordainodf M113. W. T. (vumerulle. Montreal; W. U. Handanon. Brocknlle: F. 6. Lou, Perth : and That). A. Dorian. ol the French dmrict. onhjne-I for lpocinl . The tnllnwinu were mllnilhml an thrpo `GK. IX none WIKEQ IEIIIVIOUY WI. more courteous. He took grentdelight in edueetina the eons from the name. (Cheert) lle reiterated his fnternel feeling lorthe Methodist Church, and -H no church hsd rneeileeted greater euhnm in the work o! the cross. in Inlssionnry enterprise end in higher edu atiod. Ho touched on college laden tron end pointed to the llnnl ecuon a..l Queen`: Fnivereity. In the .\letho-lust Church he noticed e diversity 0! opinion upon the subject. but this would not vent them from acting unitcdly. heir decision would be dctenmncd by two qeeetione. What is best for the country 1` What is beet for the church" And with theee II the pole stars they must be unbelievers in the pronm-cs ol Christ if they believed the decisnon would result otherwiee than good. l'h(~ Principel set down unid eppleur--. IKI T3 I1` I HIIII W IKE XIlllIl tho Iothodi lralod in him In: tho nppaIQuouI'Ihndnooivod!rom them. Not only were the non: of hymen ut- iending college. but the noun a! Motho~ Hoonlogixodthouoyoung `Hi -5 T u WII IIJOKU taboo hthoonlljh hulls. `lbue were no Itudatl 13% in weak. And none whose be riour wu ._.._.. ..u.-A.4.... ll- Q54`! nun.-0 .I-Ih.|.6 Ifll YEI DI. GIANT. Aboulaohlod. vhnPrincipul (Incl. Inivuduthophlluln. thooonlannou muoupiI.bowcd.ohcuIduddomnd- ad a quash. The Principal expand his nlnnn as (main Ir. Hoohr. 'lvENBIBh WILL BE l:lECEIVEII'bby the un- dcnigncd no to 6 P.ll. I0 AY. In JUIIK. for tho Iuonl. Ctrpenum. Tin-nllhl. nddlnee on King R:-lot. Plus und Ipoclllcoonl muybeseen at my oce. 'W. NIIWLANDB. 13.. - Architect. ml X K CIIIICT3 DBIWTH IIOCCI and! ' wwhvbon ullmnkind will Inthoedolthoohuch. Bordon-ad 04: AI: 1-Inna Inlnanlnin ntinlino Inn. K I32!!! 0! In mircll. no lvlwrzstl to the clone nhtiouhip existing bo- nus 'l and Viotun nniveniuu. g-4| - (link a Innr A (Ina nnntlnllnn Iii II-I Holt!-nnlvuiluu. Ind thntnnnrkoltheoonlldenoo Ah. Ilntlunii-An autumnal in Linn -n- Mun w'.ljTIIlICl Illlllll nudolnhmttnddnnoa Pueiallw u. fbotimowuctrmingwbcnlhuo vonldholodicuneo betwoen homo `-.I In.-'-- 1-H Chan all Innniintl -i" I WI.IV.lIII ua II . VI. f.lIlIl. lupus. and lav. W. Btitlou. Now- hlmvuoinhduduoouhuoo. lnnodviqlhovbitnu Ibo pnuiduu nllodonlaud aid: "Pcnm no to intnmlngg In thin anal-an-an HA1. [ Ionmngn ooxnmmon. 1 an-ugno-1 no to soon or WIDNIEDAY '1'!!! an P301. (or the seven! trades re- quired In tho croothno! that Bummcr Resi- dence: on Wolh Inhnd for E. Bnku, luq. n. um um nu:-rnm-moss may be soon 1: our moan-cl` III], 0.3.. l`.lJlO Dfllll. The conference then Adjourned. U-Iju-u-u-. giollowiluvuv ind scum (Tl: Iov|.'.l. Imuvnnr). I, 1&2:-, .1. Kings. 1. I-tllian. VI. anlunlqy -onalng soulon. Il XVI. JIIIIII UI'0'IIg 01 II: and scuamons. of none} you . S. nrns, Joe. A. W. ll. Spctlingv. N. I-Innann Pant V intho city. On Mondny Iltemoon Moat Worship- ful Grand Master Pu-khill (Sn remo Lodge) Gnnd Muster Johnlon. ( mud Lodge, Eutorn Ontu-io) and Gnnd Treasurer Andaman. (Eastern Onhrio). In the oven Silver City, New Mexico. My 30.- The Indians are rupidly lesviug this sec` tian. ell moving south, probably heading for `Black e. No new killings hove been repolrgg. Some 17 companies of troops are in the eld. Not one lndinn has been taken. The bodies of Colonel Phillila and tumily. murdered by the Apaches. hnve been brought in, all hor- ribly mutilnted. A deuvhter hed been bung alive bv 3 meet hook and struck on the heck of the bend. Mrs. Phillipa` eyes were gauged out. her ears and breast cut 011 . mu otherwise brutally meugled. The citizens are lnutio that such outrages can be perpetreted with- out check; Flu.-- W`..- 11....-.m ,'I`|... .....:..|.._A- -on----.,v- -~- ,` rsono Bun` sum. `.tufIu.`oto- ID?! K3 Elpuo. Tox.. May 30.-Tho residents | of the Socorro no gro ' grently nlnrmod for their ontlayin ininy sud ranching districts. Money ll! being mined to equip I. compnny of oowbovu to pm`; Iuo Uernnmonio. ......-.. , ...., ........-. ...... As Mr. Bnttner has `humid the stewnrtl-ahip of th(- Kingston Iii-ncml Hospital, which [iosition he held for over `.50 years. he is aboutto leave the city for Hamburg, Germany. and on Monday the directors of the hospital will present him with 3 gold medal; with Icslloped edges. and countersunk with maple look. In the center in a. raised dome bearing the monogram L. B." On the back is engraved the words: "Pre- sented by the governors of the Kings- ton Hospital to Mr. L. Buttaer as I alight recognition of his vnlunhle scr- vicea as steward of the city hospittl for over `. .(Iyeu.rs. Mav,l885." Thomednl is 18 cunt. and weighs two onncoa. Tho workmanship on the medal was done by Mr. W. Keely. Ind is only an- other speciinan of his superior nliil! M a jeweller. Brulnllues ol the Apuchou l'naIs cited- Bolna ol Tholr llorrlblo War . x .\ Halnlax paper publishes an inter- view with Robert. Manon. the well known cruninll lawyer. in regard to Adele. the favorite daughter of Victor Hugo. nowin tn Asylum. to whom hr leaven four Imllion fruacs. He says she became iulntnated with Lneut. Pints. of the 10th regimen. and Inn secretly muried whim. He nlterward repudiated her. but she followed his ra- giment to Hnlilnx.nnd slberwnrds to Bu'h_sdoes. declnnng Lhnt. he should never marry another woman while she llVOIl }XfI_\' 0| CODIlIIl IFIEDOH. 3 lion}. .\Iuc.. constables todny re- ! in Post (3. A. R. minute to the Cntbohc cemetones. in accordance with Father L`nddihy's orders. The members climbed over the fenomdecoruod the grnvoa sud retired. The decoruionn were subsequently destroyed. I uni- (VI-.. ..I.\......I I`-.. l'_....I. ......-.5-u ....`. ..........l-..._.~J av. -.v,v.. Louis Clay. elopod from Creek county West \'n.. on Thurldny with the daugh- ter olb`. C.Cnon. The pair arrived at Cbulcston 000 late to get: hcenao. They took a room It a hotel. but were arous` ednbout 11 o`clock by Coon uud wife, who made a ternblesconc III I compelled the young couple to got muriul on the spot. . I ll..l.l'..... ....-._ _..LI:..L._.. .... ..A,.... nu... .......`. --....,,_..... ., . . `\l ... ....... As 3 Denver. Kio Urnnde.freight train Ins entering tinnniuon. Colondo. lut. night it struck n torpedo. which exp|od~ ed and tore out the ruls and damaged the locomotive The torpedo I'M! evident. Iv intended for an incoming |lIHSl!ll2l'f tnin from lienvi-Lwhivli hnppeucd to he on bourlue. John J Phelps. sou u! the Hon. \\'nl- Hun '|ltc1' Phelps, of New Jersey. IH shout to start upcnn two yearn` crunso luound the world in 2: private yacht which be hu just had built at I cost 0! 0'.1.';,(llI. He WI be accompanied by 1 part)` 0! congennl friends. Mallard. .\l|.|n._ connmhlon t.o.dnv re- u. .5. V... .- .,......... _....,..-.~.. The illness 01 Lord Iudmoml l~'|Lzm|u- rice. Under-Secrehry lor Fun-rgn Anirs winch cnuvsos hiu Intention of resigmu-,;. IS directly nunbu vd to 0\('l work. Lam l"itzumurxco`nruthcr M "Jr Marquis ol l.'|ust|uwlJc. our (imm- nor (Eco:-ml. Last night llugh l)ought'rty.lae1l 14?. with sevenl other: boys met In an known boy In Chicago, and unused themselves by lmoclung of! lnshu nnrl ubnuing him. I he unknown boy stabbed null lulle-l lloxxgherly. No current. A - - I|-..-,._ uL A E--- I- l_....|.s J..C-. From Australia, On Exhibition in the HOW. Tho discus Iron: which Gen. (inn is alluring in ptognening. very ulowly but nutoly. Dr. Sands dunks thousa- cnl will has dune months. Dr. Shndy thinks he will hold out nix months. __. -1,`: I n, Detective Youllu um Mcblnckon. Un- hrio police tome. Irlvkil Little. IIIII Thou. Watson. who nhol I police- nnn in Toronto but November. There lnnhaaas nhnding rewudol 05(1) {or LIIIIEI capture. `FL- -_-_...._.I_.. `A--9-.. CA. A.`-`pal - ...,....... The surrounding country for uwonl ltllu from Bruo river. Tcx.. u entirely Iublnerpd. The nver instill rising Ind bu uhinod I height. unknown [or 40 yenn. The dnnger Io nll kinds 0! crops will Iggregluo fabulous Amounts. 'I'I... ;II_...... II` I _.I I. I....... I l.'.b....-.-u ln 3 druhn Turn-I M Uroonlburg. lly.. ydcdny. nun Lou muck but Ilothc-in-Int. John Dickanon. in the hudwilh temper`: udxe. mortglly in- jnnlg bun. Decoration Day in being very gout- dly observed in New York. The 7th Buont. while matching. was II I by Ocean] Urns from hiu win- FITWI, rl... III ntuuuy y.iIisn yutgdn ol (.hIray`n nuoood min. ngmd. bu Iopbow He hudiny . Iwclllhy cl nddont. cl nllv mmdnnul uuulvy swuunyoununousuu HWI. .'PI_.. III brutally murdcud nu.-an-dgv, n as nnnnnnnd hvnnnnhni llollb Onold. who cut laid! wills ill :6 Dumb : Souinrnllolhvilh. X. .I.. did lib Ddlilg. n.__A_ tin. ll-_.L.I ll--&-na- `HI IIIIYLTIIIY PUB 111}! VIIILII WILL BE OPINKD DURING THE SUMMER To :11 who may desire: CLASSIC TUITION n. on. Irina nl lmm-nmnnu. A Private looting ol 0n_ngomom A, :n-AJ,_,.,1.,-_,,,, In . nv . .\ llA.\l)Sl).\l|C l Kl'ISI"..\"l . Prince Aibort Victor. `olden |on.of thoPnncao(Ws!oI. In to bohllod to th bar. (aihu. V P. Barney. Woodlurn. I.D., shot and killed hi: brothir-in-luv And bib t1'v1:llv`o you old soI_nI.`bLnotbor loll 3 sq:-in wounded.` `audit in Id: Imus aid tho pnllaatilhlwilllolgdl lul `sand unmnnion. lo]. sun: "loll mun no uniu, nu . Rsehploue tniosneut. Beneuhdlr. Biol." "I left than." remnykod Ann- ..ElIIll render Armstrong. the Wont who :1-restnd Riel.1-eporta the followin moident as having occurred ier Rio was brought into the presence of General Middleton: "Here In Rial." said the scout. `The General urolo auddonlmend, looking ut Ri-I, mid: "Ynn mun be tired. Mr. \J.I-DJLhJnJ.n.\.a 4. \r - . _ ' _. Dnthokingol Instrumenta- Tutnoohunnuthoadthoorutlutcn tonthorrllh Ihl worhol the mutant Pl'0fQ- mnotcunu-vutoryolPui:. A Good Tldrlo land he grad b plying tot c'l\schoroM1:nnborv.: hool.y `V '3. BIILLY. lay 13:11. 49 Princes: BL, Kingston. WU] D6 mou E011! DBIOIB auuge lUCllIl'- son uni sjury of six, hall to be of French speech. The trail` will bacon- ductod with scrupulous llimaas. und no doubt a prisoner: will do ably de- ' land I IIUCFOQ Wllll 1 ! (end A -on -npnn insurgents. The government bl still under consi- deration the question of increuaod pay to the volunteers on active service so that their families left st home would receive some pelp. Rm'Iinn_ Mnv E8-The Lrmlrr uvs: receive pelp. Bugina, May 28.-The Ltmlrr says : "Riel and-all guilty ol the some oonco will be tried hard before J udge Riclnrd- nnn And n inrv of six. hnll to ha of llllll OK "ll IIIIFZIY III! l DIUIIUIOILI. It was mounted police guns that were used in the tight sgninnt Ponndmnker. The aavarnmant hm ordered nothing used In me ugui sguuu l"UllllQllllK6l'. The government has nothing tanner man 9 trial of Riel nnd other insurgents. Thn ummrnment. Ina still under conni~ This mounwd police has been increas- ed by 240 recmita. So hr 140 hAlf.hI-mad claims have been cu oy mu rectum-1. 50 hr 140 half-breed claims have been recognized by the Commission. The Indians charged with the murder KOCOKHIZBU Dy EH6 \/OIIIWIIIIOII. The Indians charged with murder of Frank Smut-hnvo been locked up. Tlm 'I`r.nt.h Rnvnln. "C" Infgntrv and OI I`l'3IIK Dull?`-DIVO DOBIJ IUCKUI Ill). The Tenth Royals. "C" Infantry and half of "AA" Battery are pt Blttloford. It was mountnd nolion guns that were \l'l'! PROPERTY. Put 0! not 10. North side Pin Huts. Unt loot. with dwclliu eohlufnuund knchuggoodnll an `ct:-mluya yud, vllh n_-nn r_nu;_-o_ud HIIIU. Christopher Robinson. Q.C., has been retained by the Dominion Government to prosecute Riel. UIUVCII IDCHOB. No photograph thin. has yet been pub- lishcd gives a correct idea of his appear- ance. Llu wous at present ll moustache end side and chin whiskers. none of them very long. His face is dark. but his moustache and whiskers no light. He does not look like I hull-breed. He was walking up and down, his legs fastened by means of a chain end his hands manacled with an `immense weight. Riel enjoys good health. The police ridicule tho ides of his being in- nun. U`). 15 Pl [1] move nchea. \',. ..I.,.a........ Winnipeg. .\lav `.`J.--Hc wns lonnd walking to and fro on a annll guns plot east. of the guard house. Ric-l looked up nervously M. the I intruder. betraying lcur. He were no cost. but a vest over a comman gray flannel shirt. His pants were of a brown color and well worn. Hm head was covered by: gray slouch ha.l..wi1.h the angles. not. sides. rolled nn. - ll 11 man nlmnt rm hunt. tun nr Ilia (ion!-rnl Apponrlln-cs-W'|II be Trlocl ll_v u .\lln-I Jury. IHBV IHOIIIG D0 D810 UIJUI HIT`-D01 Olllel. Wuliingtaon. D.C.. Mny `.'9.-0n re- ceipt of inlormntion to-dnv that Im- inont and Dnunis. Canulinn rebels. `uni been Inosted. the Sc-crotny of Wu instructed General Drum to inform (ico- ernl Schovld that the mihtuy lorcea hui no authority to arrest or dotun them. and that they musthe released. i-nrt Snnllimn Minn , Mnv `A0 --(}nn, IUUIIJ. lull IUII. ("Cy HIUIKDO ram-*0. fort Snelling, Minn. May `z9.-(}en. 'I`(-.rrv hasdiracwd the commander at Fort. Asainiboine to lischuge Glbriul Dumont an-I Micluwl Dumnin. The American troops hnd no rigm to hold him. St. Pnul. May `_".I. -(ienernl Terry re- ceived A tleepatch iron) Fort Assiuiboine announcing: Lhecu tom 0! Gabriel Du mont.nnd Michal: Domain. by Sergeant. Perkins and 5 privntoon the Mill; River trail. twenty or thirty miles north of the fort. A reply to the question. what disposition should be mule of the pri- soners. Oenernl Terry telegraphed thnt. thev should be held until further orders. \v..|.a...m... n n u... -m n.. ..._ Inglis. The following involidu. ntnrnod from sulntoon hospital. Incoming toloooo Jaw : Mute: cook. P. J. Rania. l0|h Roynln. Toronto. rhounotiun; Carport! John Bellinghm-at,do.: Private J. Cook. Collingwoou. "U" School lnlnntrv. yon- uhot in tho um ; Prints Edwnrl Morris. Toronto. "C" school. gunshot in the arm, PI-Into W. Rintdl. Winni pill): Bnttolion.rhonmot1'Im; Privnto I I-Erickson, Winnipeghh Bnttlhon. gun- shot in the loft shoulder; Ttoopc Moo- Neill. Birtu. Boultods Mounted Inton- try; Privnto J. Lone. Toronto. lab Roynlo. gnnnhot in the hand ; Pnvote A. Sconlle. Toronw, 10th Royals. gunshot wound nu upper um ; Prints U. Smith. BrigLwn, wth Butt. ocold on the leg. Tho I the foregoing whose home: no In 0 no leave by this evening : trim {or the mat. l`I-n-I.yn'n 1`-Angina \` \l' '1` II... An DIIIIII I1! AVUIIII DIII$X'K VIII. Gnu uupnno iuexpoobdhoront the Iudbn nlusaot Dnmout by the Audi can Authorities. lunyoltbo innlidod nhunina vol- unteer: hue curiouiuel from Buooho m Fin: Crook. Amonpt. than no `I re . Iownl budget which rem made has nholl. made ol whim uilk and bouts in the centre. lndin ud- dlol. Ind nccpy of the Bible. Cnlwk {XXII Bnlhlinn, (`Al-ntnnl vnu mu. nu... -...... -nu gnmon; good liable. Also glam ddod P13083309 wultgncud._For ntIIIlvtoW.ll.GODW .101 Plnostuol. nnunnn. nym- (XIX, IIIII ICCP OI [DO DIDIC. Coyt.WilkoI. noun Bclhlion. Corpus! Turner and Privo Tub. nun mtpo. returned on lone Iron tho [run In! night. Th: 'nlln-il|n invalid`. lain:-In-(I I-nun IUK III!!! (35.9. Clarke's Crossing. N.\\'.T.. May `..I`J.--- Vetornarv Surgeon Ducnn. of Ottawa. Ins arrived from Moose Jaw. en route (row the front. He wcompnmes Mid- dleton from here. probably At the begin- nmg ol the week. The work of trnnalor ring supplies to the west side of the river progresses rnpndly. One hundred and fty tons have gone ovgr. In con- nection vnth the volunteering for short service in the North West An order [tom headquarters. today. tor-bid: bank or government clerks joining the force. Xlll illllllll "III ullw lBIt5:l|.ndNorth Bukuohtwunrivcn. (II-nut nun-nu: in nungnt-I In... .1 1|.- ,; xv l'.f'=`a`z=~'== ""'-'=-| Ajj hp w/Nos}/5 /mm BLOCK. n n u m n h Q ~ Q T D `rpm pll IUU llllgllf. HUI: HIUUH. [U113] p is a man about five feet. ten or nnlunn MAY 80. ..'-.:'.-.'s*..;'.:'.';-......-- " M W Tluhnonl will lnvo.hotluu-undonu, noel o'clock Ilnup. Juan gguayu-mg... wjlo of R. .1. 1...,g.m'u, 7 , Alnvurvllv-0. gun, a I-`lour-roooipta. 400 bbls: aulu reported ., 000. Mzrket quiet. and prions nuohwged. ; Quotations:-1 It.ante 4.75`: 6.00; superior 1 exit: 4.60 3 4.45; ours suporng 4.60: 4.65: spring. extn 4.50 I 4.55 ; superne 4.25 I 4.35 ; strong bnkora 4.50 I 6.25 nine" ; 4.10 I 4.20; middling: 8.76 3 3.85; }:ollArdn | 8.50 I 3.00 ; Onurio bugs 2.00 1. 1.35 : City bags 2.10 I 2.6:: (or strong balsa: Grun-whont. rod yintor 0.90: white 0.95; spring. 0.93 to 0.95. Corn 600 to 61 ; Pouw I081. Oahu 37 to 38. Barley 50 to 56. Rye '-'1 to 720. Ostmoul 4.50 to 4.56. Oormnonl 2,90to3.00. Provisiona- Bnttor, Gramo . 0 to 009. Pork-l4 75 O0 16,95. LI Ito 9(o. B|oon-ll to lie. H|m|--ll; to 110. 0haoCO-7! to 8} BImor-6 to l . _ . "For I long umel have wanted thet. ; queen of perfumee.!or the hsndkerohief ! "Locus of the Nile." pleaxe tell me how I cen get it. Thus writes A. M. Grunge from sway off in Bntesville Arkansas. When ` it I! oonuderod thet. the Lotus yhns not been edvemaedin the states it must in- deed be I wonderful `fvertume to have be- oome known no In o . ' . .` . r\-n n. uvuuw -uv-vu Irv .-u V... ' I An earthquake was falt at Gibraltar ; yesterday. v . .,,, W , -;..; A TH) BUGOY. 5&1! S. hutwut. Coughs and Colds tlnu we so frequenll)` neglecmsnd which so often prove the seeds town for 1 hnrvest 0! consumption. should have immodute and through treatment. I A toupooulul of Robinson's Phosphorized ' Hmuluon. taken whenever the oough is ! troublesome. will relieve the pntmut. mid. ; penoverodin. will effect a cure in the most * obatiunto ones. _ ._,.....___.- u Tue steamer Algerian will be the first steamer of (rho Royal Mail Line I to leave Montreal for the west. ; She will start on .\londay. leach tho city on Tucsdny.and proceed westward i on the same evening. She will return , to Kingston on Tuesday on route to ` Mgntreol. - .-_ 7 ,, _, We conurutnlnte Mr. Donald Mclutyre on the stand he took at the bar examina- tions lntclv held st Toronto. 'I`hirty- I two candidate offered themselves but only_ninotoen survived the onleal. and of these Mr. Mclutvm stood first. Ate subsequent special examination, for honors.Mr. Mclntyre alone was success- ful and received his call to the but "with honors." As he had also taken rsti place at his intermediate oxsminstious ` he was lWll d9\l the gold medal of the Law Society. the highest distinction within the reach of successful students. 1 ..%_...4_- The Finance Committee took no ac tion on the request lo; lurther help to the families at those witlv the Midland Battalion. The Mayor has been ad-I viled that there would be in change in the companies doing garrimn duty at the fort. that the force to he lllktll would contain numerous married men. A letter was sent to the commandant. asking that a call be made for volnn tears and especially for men whose lamp ` lies would not become a burden to tho ` city. The committee approved of the ` ma_vor s action. The estimates [or streets and schools not being on hand the tn.-nurer could not present his bud- get. Action regarding the school grant wasdelerred until the decision oi the School lloard upon the Collegiat In- stitute communication was known. PX OI `U6 UIIIYEII Company will laid up. ___._... ._.: uunu. ll wuino rumemouruu sum. thin was done temporarily lutonuomf andaoonunlanilhor w-aa ted to: ooqniro into tho result. 1' connin- Iitnor--a ncrnherol tho Civil Service- nnwtod that no good was done by the abolition oltho dnemnnd accordingly ` they In-ru agnin put on this oeuon. ` The nlvppon claim. however. that while oomprutann with New York an! other - Atlantic portn inoo keen that those dues are unmcicnt. to turn the Lido of export from thilport. The following gures will Ihow the ilindvnntaue under which Iontrcalio lnhtrirug: lhtos for When! from Chicago to Bualo. 15c ; Bualo to New Yol'k,8i.total.5}. Haws {or wheat from Chimgo toliinpton. 5c; Kinunton ; tolontrul. `Ii ; total. 71. Inter [or own: Chicago to Bualo. llc; Bualo to , New \'orlr.3.' :total. 41. Kate: lor corn 1 from Chicago to Kingston. 45 : Kings` ton to Monuenl, `Ale; total. 7c. Thns ` Ita pears that lrom Chicago to New Yor the nte In `.;c less lor when and ` `.l;c. lens for corn then from Chicago to B New York. Hot in addition on the pauaae across lakes from and to KiQn- . ton. there is murine insurance to be paid on the cargoes which is not necessary on ` the Now lork route. the canal com ponies being common carriers. The abolition of the rates here would not make up the dierence. bu`. would he a benetto that dogma. The canal dues are fc. the harbor duets `,c. and [onward- on jOlD0d luv. you and lowered their rains lc. thus making it: per hmhul. which II a considerable saving. Th; uluinninnnnrl .1.-..i.. Lrndn RM!-.lll wmcn CODIl(lel'ID|8 inning. The shipping and griiiu Imdc soeiu unnninionn in declaring tbs: unless our canals are nude free. the carrying trade from we went to the taeaboud VII the St. liunnnoo route will be lost to Cumi- dn us It ptuent the Canadian route CID- not compete with that Vin Erie nnnl Bnnlo. It is iiuwd lbni nnlesii the go vcrniiient. moves in the mutter the bar pen of the onuenl Triiiisportiiliou l`l\Innnl'|I' -ill Iniil nn IXCQX IIII. The quecuoo oi ounlud bother -In h ngnin being Agitated ` than nnlnhnn of [Jun C(l'lI hxchumo Illlll ounqnaiuuamnuu Ilooungol the nalnben 0! She Can I-lxchnngo and Board ol Trulmu well u of All inasmu- ed in shipping. is called (or Saturday morning to discuss tho pnunt niuntiou I sad to momonnliso the government II j to the udvinbility 0! than oi the cur ; ll duos. It will ho romombotod um. old- --. Jun. Innnnnrnrili lgul. -gaunt. . or our Imma;oo Stock of Now, Fresh and squouuc Dry Goods, comprisin, nf `M uhinln fan Van-Ink: ...I l"L1aj.@nf ha nwngllgai BIDIOOI Ind hum mull; |hwIthonIbou'd.lnuhvon- nnbohunhhod on helniuhlofunmnnunlhlnvrih. its lot more on. In- u. uuvuuuw wu II I I I I UIWIT T. "V`Vuuu' IMMENSE 3AXI WE" EVERY "DEPARTMENT x GRAN D. I;\I.ucURAL,s&ALT+?E WALSH&% STEAOY S. lactose. loch Vonulho E-100:3!-- Ibnndlnnlhlppon llnnlh-ppod. Stock of Gloves, Hosie. Gods ;nd vC;);sets and Embroideriea FREE CKLNKAKLVJ TA Ililrl) OF. Flrnl ol lho lluyal Ilnll Lino. Ihngnlon lo llm Prnnl. .. .. .. uux GRAND SALE I-113!-;0;d with ciliiortable both! when Ihuubnhwdnduh. Enqutre|tNo.E0u- unied. ALSIEI (Sc S'I'E_A_C"Y' Monronl. Mny 30 nLl.A-. -..l.~- -.-.4-6..A IIZU Urvn uu LVUW, I'll of Gooth, which for ` We ask Particular Attouthn to our Y0l.J'.N!:!_:"I PIIVII Iobuytl IMI m '`P...' In: no Qaloono. Iny nun. ' ' mu OI-159 _IBN`I loglu ` Olulnnu. ` _ W _ : MONDAY EVENING. llrr I.\':| l`..) at 7:!) ` o'clock nhup. and every mombcns umettly 1 reqnoated to be in attendance. Hy onler` * - nu. uwuss. . In Kingston, may 30th, Wm. Frederick : Hnrold. aged ll month-I 5 zhye, only ` IOIJ of Thomas Harold. i In Kingston. Mny 30th..Stanley Alexnn ` er, son of the late Dr. James A. Siva- wright. of New Westminster, B.C.. aged 8 yours. Tho funarsl will have the residence of his Gnudmotl-er, Mrs. Alexander. No 306 Brock Street, on Mondny nfwrnoon It lnl!-put two o'clock Friends sud no- qunintnnoe are roepootfully invited to I nnend. I In Klngeuomon Snturdny. Mny,30th. rt- ! rude, aged 3 years. duugliter of er! Free. Fnnenl will lenve the fsmily residence. 8') Division Street. tomorrow sllernoon at: 4 o'clock. Friends And uqnuntonoos ire respectfully invited to attend. ; OAS [CY AND BYRNES, Mny wth. .......... ......_._ .__ -,,,, non. Pun um Sncrlrxcnnoxs my be soon st our oloo. The lowest or my hinder not nooeuu-y no canted. _____ _ _____ Men's Furnishings Always on H_and| BOTTOM PRICES! J. RICHMOND & CO. I'III I IDIA.I`rIl -u-4u-.1- -.- 4:------xv -v u. u. u..- mr pru-r Iron $I.00 to SI 75. `I00 I'1nlu::~sI:o slllll'I`!I at 50c. worth 751-. An immense va.ri-ety7of Men and Boys` Summer Un- derwear. 300 Boys Jersey Su1t.s from 81.50 to $5.00. SIPIEI NOE & (JII.'U'JIII-E"? 134 PRINCESS STRE ET. \I.. u 00...] 'NE\\ FASHIUNABLE CLOTHING HOUSE, CASEY In BYRNES. I02 Princess Sf. Whoru yoa will nd I beuuulul Huge of Spring And Summer suiungs of the latest de- ` signs any to order in tint olua style :6 V 7 izt. .r;-_'-:.': .s.-hr sums-I nun II. on. 16. 90. Gene`! C3~IlIlPIl|It8IOVPl'l'$. Uonw Onhlncoliinl uIlPsnhn boslhiouu. Gb'35C'&VO-lCI!GI*tChQ. Prieu. lIb.(I,h'0o%.IotIno. Cunonul-`I Silkodl. 0353' Gems. buy your Underwear ll WALlIIo!'l and are your "'" 3.. v|nu:.:Dn.o1Ir. Mu 30th %BA|{GA|NS in GENTS FURNISHINGS ecptoa. PJWEB a Bull`. Aroma Goldnlhllmk. Iuy mm.- SPEN GE 65 CRUMLETS no FRIZSITII Rl:I.'.\`l"l'A SHIRTS lo In cleared out at 75:. reg: a_-...ul At... an OK Ma y 18th. Mn)` 22nd. May 30th. ems mnslulls mu mcT REGULAR MBBTINE. h d Sgnsouhlv ' ' ` .... o...,...........,. .,::::.';`:.:::' mg :1` Inch: -tnn$1\"lv.it\l-lI\A-u;- JAIES RIGI-IIOND & CO. JUST RECEIVED Golden Idol: Block. HA] Nth. ..__1_.____. English Fioor Oil Cloth, Superior Patterns. Linoleum with Border ; Stair Oil Cloth. Also Carpets, Curtains, Cornice Poles, etc. FOR 8493- cu-.. _u,I,u'-Ih191IuIn'.'.'.f"I` In Shine or Cullen. Cua or Tie. They make the Best. Display. You purchase there. end they will tn` To make you bright Ind guy. The Genie from (u and near declare Their rioes suit the times. Their 0 sale New. their Prices fur. And then they unite the dimes. gztonr lulu-codton byoo1nmUnolIIoq'l'O- ma c(727fPAnY will panda gt the Drill Shed MONDAY. J UNI-1 . In, M 9 a.m.. Ind pro- . coed to Port Henry. B ordar. '.I. 3. BKINNER. `D courgy onnsw By order. .1. B. BKINNER. (hnhil 102 PRINCESS STREET. FOR 8lo.`.oI[_lu_lnIoIt nuungquaglotau l"roI|a0olIrIuoIlI!' , Ithfpt _ ..4 __._'\_ _._:-4-.-a----_n.g_....__ FIRST Moniei harms unnrggy. ammo mum. , A. 3., `in! ID:.._.\ sue III vzsrnnr; DAVID BIOWN. ` ~ Dt Kllliunt ' May Nth. ` (ion In: ni nuns. mum on lortulao ll interest. Further uniculan be hndtrom W H. SULLIVAN. Plaintilfn lloitor; JOHN Ic- IIABON. Defend: nfu Sollcltnr; And on nppliaw "on Io nid Agctjpnou. plnintirl Solicitor. and dull 19: the nnuln~ an at tho pun-mun monoy to I e nlnlnufa Solicitor within I) day: after the data of Sale. or, at the option of the purchuar A nation of the pnmhno money up be agreed upon may re- xntensl. maybe had from W. H. UB8l'AN'l` TO THE ORDER of tho Judge of un aid Court. made in thin cause. and mornbn of ,AJ).1m.lhuaw1lIhou. ';:.a.,..'. para. .*.;':;`;;.=:':,.*.m."" . .t 12 o'clock Noon, by J. E. Hutohooon. Ancuongr, at his A-vcuonnoonu. in the Cit` ot Klnaton, the Land and situate in \'ilI1unlvillo. on tho North Kids Prinoou Strut, npruun oecugiod by ALFRED BLAKILY having 1 muthotnhcgnndoxmndinzhncknom Prlnoeu sumac '00- the End Conoodon Road. on thppnmhu than is nwwostoroy hung Dweumx llouno and Stable. 3 Blnnghhtlloue and in Woodahod. The huildimn no 1:: good npn r. frxmu or ALE--T110 pnrchuor alull 5! the tune ol 8:]: pay down 1 deposit of 0101!) (or avegy .ueu.oo of the urchuoo money, to tbs plunufl Solicitor. an Kingston. Kl! Nth. GENERAL fmznxa. VIIIILI VL IUIIIII. )UB8l'AN`l` (of u_:o nit] (Donn. nndq Qnilunag. dine: Walls uunu m: a. nun, 3-4. Pun an Brzcmcnuoxs mny ones. _ . ,,___..________A i_'I'l IrI:`.WCol'N'l'Y COURT OF THE COUl`l`\' or I-`mntouno, in the matter of putiuion, Wnlnh vs Walsh. (Hmntocukmmnup ` ; u-In aonlunnicuuu. yuan. Reu Bdpruoulstln. County 0! Pmnlennc. run;--2 Iawutot HI! gods: not nooeul-Ill! I000!"-Gd WEB & DON. Architects. n.I.a.. Iulnn Illausi, AV EH1. `I-' T. ` `T Tuuv--U-by ('30! lDlDON,ING.) W N AINOWOE 30 K fidbll (`I B sad that the in W 8 MUSIC to I or hlio mama: hulnonhln from Dr. nnott, A 0l'FIUl-Pcn-:1 : Block Brock at In % hr`-OAIDI. - 00113 as BOAEDING, TO CONTRACTORS, I --- `XIV HOG SKIN BADDLE AND BRIDLE will be told vary cheap. Apggy s_I_hin .___ TO CONTRACTORS. -T0 CONTRACTORS. _"_I.TT7EE-W()"I5EI),-" _.___. Open A.hernoons--2 to 5 o'clock. " Evenings-7 to 10 o'clock. ..nnmox-l0c.; children under 8 you-3. M-pticc. May 23nd 'fi'o CONTRACTOR? ,n on TWO anxrrnnmu no nonun- nodnhd comfortable nhnhwdiduh. Enquire nt No.30! XIV BRIDLE vlllbo ycry Ap 1y 5: this no. 1311. .-F01} `L'_- ' lvwvu -cw - --_ __ PRINCESS STREET. R}: SALE, E` FOR SALE. LOST. MUI 0- % mu wloaouaulg IIIIII IIIIDON. ING.) we also oxpenmmre would gt intod out tint the my 28. and should Inn` onuuawu bean amount noun n was: up. rue re- solution In: In On` molionoftho , tooonourln-.Bhko n-Iv-J Cnm Elan jam: foo h J-Inv My KFIIIVNI. 1118 11003 WGIII IDIO D0lll~ miweeqln " inordottaovotethe Inn roqn . Mr. Caron. in moving! the resolution. aid that the 97(X),(XX) already voted win all expended. Mr. Blake. while ocing no objection to the grant. thought that nomaostinpte of the oxpondntnro should bogivon. Ho dnonoinladout that tha ma-nndvn nnuvvuuvu - nu www-Iv- I like that the better. WI-I FEW!!! IIOQVGI IIOIII EDD l1UVBl'- } nor-General. ukinpilfor a vote of 0 mil- Iinn nllnru Int 0. A NnrI.Iu-:'nnf. av- not-uenorumsxm torn vow ox mu- liou `dollar: {or t. o North-Went ex- penea in addition to the 8709.!!!) allu- dy gpnted. The House went into oom- miweeolnuniilylnordortovotothe UIIIIIV UU UUIII9 VII? VIII! DUKE! IIICIIKCVII _ Perhsps Sir John wi_llstu'_t now and brine down the papers, which he says he can, to establish his perlect m- noeence. The sooner he does something In... AI....L Al... I...Ls.._ L\l \0\I_a.1 an-.u--w._ -_-... DIR! wn.:..:5i'n_ncIwxn `erra- dadcnad .Il . '1'! mm. for ua: nuon'},'Fumxuu'.runnn`. and Glulca work roqulnd in tho construction at `hm Bunk onus on Dlvuion sum. for lunlcln . Phuu: cuionnunybouaut any alien - W. Ii! -IWLANDS. .13., In lath. Amhuoct. .l.'DwUl00t IIIIIOIIIICOI III I m 0% wuyesterday recdvod from the Gover- nm-Genarnl. asking for A Von: of I mil. HIVB IBIHIIIIGKI Iyllo The government, therefore. is guilty of injustice. crowned with negligence. In other words. Sir John Mscdonsld end his colleagues are guilty of the re- bellion gnd All it has cut in money. tears And blood. It will be in vain for their friends to grow furious over this uhnrge. Csnsds is as disgusted with their tnnsports of rage when convicted of wrong doing as it is weary of them and their disastrous rule. Heretofore they have been plunder-ers only; now.` es nsuslly happens to the professional robber in the end. they ere murderers sewell. They may not like the word. but it is the only one which suits their use, and it is the one with which for all time to come they will stand brsnded." `l)..-I.--tn Oh. `Alum u-HI .L.-b -.a\- `nil wmcn WIS BOOOICIQG I81 OI lllclhlllg bu!) half-breeds to revolt. [In] the dealt justly with the half breeds Rie never would have been called in. Hnd they prumptly suppressed Riel. even with all . their grievances the hell breeds would have remained loynl. The government. therefore. is izuiltv nemic uena. "Whenwe have come lull to realize this. we shell have attain a clearer understanding ol the misery which this wretched nnir has brought upon the Dominion; and we shall bethe better prepared to censure as they deserve the unscrupulous political knsves to whom it is all attributable. At the door of Sir John Macdoneld and his fellow corv ruptionists and incapebles lies all the blame. To zeir cruel negligence. to their unjust dealings with the ignonnt md week, is due the embittered feelings of the half-breeds on which Riel so successfully wrought. To their neglect of the repeated warnings both ol friends and opponents is due the opportunity which was accorded Riel of inciting the half-hrnndn tn rnvnlt. Hm] tlmv dmlt wvuu. nv-u um Vvtv-u\Aa- nun... . The ties of nection are never strong- er than in the heats of our simple. nu- tive people. The wives. mothers. ms- ters. who moaned over their dead at Batoche beyond doubt snened pangs as keen as those which nre rocking the bosom: of their gentler born eastern sis- ters at the remembrance of their own heroic deed. Illllhnn-ya have AA:-tn luIIu tn ronlivn A .s-FROM: I.VDlC'T.llI.'1\ '1. The Dominion government is gener- ally regarded as culpable for a great deal of the blundering which brought about the late rebellion. Good Conserva- tives admit there has been something wrong about the Interior Department and they desire to see all the facts bmught out. The Manitoba Fr" I'M" wasrather mild in its criticism until the trouble appeared to be all over. and than it broke out in an indictment the most powerful and direct we have yet seen. Note its concluding lines: u'I`t_- A:.... -t _-_a.'-._ ._..,_ _.._..... -L_.\-... yvu--u -unp-uuuur---v-n-:- Why don't they emignw 7" the engines one: any. hmigruo to when ? `lo n__.A-0 l.l.._ _L`....4I IA :- A- _..._.I III-uu win : .u...6---u vv wuonu . av Canada? How nbsurdil in to regard A-Ilinulhonlodnmping ground (or I-lnropds Inrpllll FED. `lb: Pnnhnru nu. .- .-.II `I :- l4.sI--J --_...r.. .. .....,.... ,.....__... Crofhnuouwolloinl eethevcenponihlv bein Ceneale ilnot provided with some means with which to begin lilo. Of the pennilees kind this country hes enough. end no (er en the Crolters go they do not deeire re- moved. On the contrery they desire to spend their life upon their netive beeth. They do not understand proleeeionel egitetion. But once they eenyed ec- tion celculeted to make the emergency of their case known. They rebelled. end the military were celled out to re- etorethe puhlic peeoe. They mey try the eeots of another violent outburst. but it is to he hoped not. Violence can-' not improve the eituetion, end yet with- out eome elenmng proeeeding they cen see little pro Ipect 01 e betterment 01 their ciraumstencee. Yerilv they ere e herd pressed people. and their petienoe deserves e richer rewerd then it her nuns wn.L Bl RICEIVID by the` E T unda-Iulud Iwto 6P.I. of TBUBBDAY THE 4111 DAY OF JUNE. tortho arocu: of I nolldanoo on t.`-0 owns: o(_wil_l.|up__a9_d__Vy_c_l- Thozalobc nnnonncen thnt I ll 1 nu vextnrdnv mndvnd {mm Lhn Gnvm-. an-no-u wuv uuuvvv. vy ---v---nu-nv~ hllludinq. the ooodntioatowhidntho 0ld|uIhsnI>euldnod.willIIQnl with IOIIO demon ol Ililtactiontb hioonoorilgtlnmwhichinnovbdon tholmparinlconnou. ltiaintudod toherunodhbloin chnnctor. but it Ippunlohnvo lnllon fu I.boI1oln- ption. Thocmftun Inlet udly oawnountolthoirinnciuayollnnd. `FL-.. 3..-..--2.4! -.... .-..._.I .4--l-4|. UII-Iaulonnuuununuuuxuu-atoll, In:-o hoydom:ndeduonground,oonhnd- inqthlnlwybdn righnoitnndthnl touon couldnot countenance thalam- inginuigudsho keepingoliuanho huh oi Iununlc lnndladn. vhila thoyud thnirahildru nluoduno ___ L-) J 'L.J -_ .._I2 j._.-'L_ ANOIHER row or L'1:Ew1'. *0 "l2uIIWUflli$l;| -ycr Hnuoou-ionity.pdnp,lotitdoa |ook_n ilhinoouviotiooininpmlnhlo. and Ihodilpodliulot hitcun my in Ilyovcnt III-ingnlioulngnvopolicnll "CT? pvt:-u-u -oi-U-u- au-nluoduuhntonpuudvH1II- $0.3:-ohgntvlolut-n-u-no hyhlIO*ioou|linuhII|uu- Itollhuoonaption. Bushwha- Icithhwonvovulhh-I&.ld ogcvetunoutdollnsuurldngll bolrbulunltodono. Anhrlld II&llhounnoC gtnlnblouhhllut -ct. Whuulnudulcvuttolhouo -lhovlnloldlouitdownuhnnd hovuntiudmud Iinoull Iowlnhuboon uoonlolvlo IIo|oIuqInrtonn.ndpot|bodnn-ko hln.WhuIhnllwodowi|hhin?Knqa L1... __ _ _____:A_ _._.4I __ l._ {I 4.... TIC-hdi hnhllyppunhuulvio quads. "WhuhllnInvi&lIhl?" Anlhhndly woodufulwhlulivn dqhb pnniln. Ionoli ---I nuulnnnninn In-n--u-Juli K-. t`t_5g:*Zr**E*.~:~;_ ru:Tc;:;7;'I?s:-1}I_LL Thoma clue how. by much nod enro- _I ___.I.__ AL- ___J.A:-_ A- -L:-I. AL- vr'un'i'-I-':':"nA'v o1F3t'I'2zi-:.'b'm :'o aroctiu: owns: ol Wmlun and Wu!- luxjton Stuck. In this city, for Dr. W. Render Ion. - nu`- _-_. .... ..--.. .9 mn- Ordlnulon :3 B1. Pun`: church. ()n Sunday, J ans 7. Ln ordination oer- vico. conducted by the Binho of On- tuio. ml] be performed in t. l sul'a Church at 11 3. In. V The sermon will be prencbed by Rev. Mr. Daylfin, ugh. dance; of Dulaz, South Amos. Two R. T. ms. ' Kings` tonpoal oioo" and A. G. Gjean. dmggiht, Bcllovilla, mu. Inmdninalna nirmnnanl dmamn: Mr, nnaA.u.u_uu Ill.1lgglli,bOll8Vllla Wlllx 'boold|inedu[')6tInAnoutdeaeous;' Mr. G. J. schlyr. of Non Scotin. - ludeucon; Ind Bow. Jmuggwml Ilnn-nlnu-I1. and Qlmdmnm, nf Hnnt-` Thkiyqinr 130:9! thirty-uvon who` vgtup tuttho an onmiootfons in `-Khm ham Izod. , W-Illp HI-"FIE III UXIIIIIIIIIOIII II` BovI.0.B.l'hndu-u uda-.J. Eld- guu Iupabush school hA lo-not-lywohulaoau. oomeuennon. It WI-I moved by Rev. Wm. Jsclmon. seconded by Rev. Lexoy Hooker. "That this conference he heard with plenum-e the infonnntion presented by Rev. Dre. Nelle: and Bnnnsh, and we express grstillostnon st the continued prosper- ity of the nnivenity. and this confer- ence is still in seconi with the tradition- nl policy of Methodiem. that higheredm cation should be pernvnted with Chris- tmn principle." Dr. Nnllnc thnnluul the nsnlm-nun. Inv- pnnulpw." Dr. Nelle: thanked the conference [or his reception. no ruuuurueu were never l)Btl'.el'. Rev. Dr. Burwnnh imimated that there were 151 students, in arts in at.- tendnnce and nbout60in theology. The nnnnnlinoome ottho college was some |22,(IX). The stuff consisted ol nine pg-ofugors, at I. Lnat convocntion 1015 degrees were conferred. Victoria Col- lege has nilintod with two medical nchooIs.in Toronto and Montreal. two theological hnlls. end A preparatory col- ego at Bellevillo. He outlined the ducntion scheme nnd gave the con- ditions gnwhich the board of regents bed adopted the scheme. viz. compensa. tiou for removal. nnnntinnn -nw-in --I.._.I L- ._,, I . IIOII Ill! IUIIIUVII. Queatnona were` n_akod by lnembefg of the conference. ehcnting futthar imam... tion concerning the college and the gen. onl educational and nnnncisl enact of oonloderltion. II. --n Innwnol In: an III__ I__|,_,__ KIUUDU Ul KAJIIIIIIUIIS. Rev. Dr. Nellcs. Principal ol Victoria University. reviewed the federation scheme. expressing his condence in it, but that no decision would be reached before the meeting of the (ieneral Confer- ence in 1886. He intimated that the federation negotiations were still pend ing and that the government has been giving great encouragement towards as final settlement. If Victoria l'nirersity wnsto bomaintainod. separately, new and commodionn buildings c0Stlll|( 81(1).- (IJO or Sl50.I0. would be required.` and the present endowment of 9`.'.O0.0UU would have to be doubled. while in pro- per library and stat? of prolessors would be required. In the present condition of the college the attendancent it and its resources were never better. Rnv_ Dr. Hnrwaah imn...i...I AI.-A Aftaer the used devotional services it. `Is moved thnt the resolution passed. concerning the action 0! the Senate to- wu-d the Scott Act. be uresentod as 3 memorinl. signed by the President and Secretuv of the Conference. to the House of Commons. II.... II. \'..II.... D.:....;..,.I -1 :- IIENDIBS WILL BI RECEIVED the un- tl WID EDA?` '1' !!! }'ll0X..__tor h_o_ --~ -__.__.. n..x